MCML Qahsed Part Developed by Reverse Engineering Evaluation Sop
MCML Qahsed Part Developed by Reverse Engineering Evaluation Sop
MCML Qahsed Part Developed by Reverse Engineering Evaluation Sop
Reverse Engineering
Inspection and
CAD vs CKD Part
Vibration durability
According to the requirements of 3.5 in GB18296-2001, No fuel tank Leakage is allowed O O - - O -
Air tightness (Leakage Test)
2 Immerse the fuel tank assembly in the water tank, the height of the upper surface from the water surfaceis not less than 100mm, and the pressure of ( 22 ± 1)
kPa is passed into the fuel tank and kept in the water for 30s , no leakage is allowed phenomenon (G2). O O - - O -
1) KPa is passed into the fuel tank and kept in the water for 30s. no leakage is allowed Phenomenon
3 Pressure resistance
According to the requirements of 3.6 in GB I8296- 2001, Leakage and cracking are not allowed but deformation is allowed. O O - - O -
Turnover performance / Flip Test
According to the reequirements of 5.9 in ECE R34, dripping oil is allowed but not more than 30gm/min (G5) O O - - O -
5 Impurities/ litre of capacity are not more than 0 mg by mass ( Z101) O O - - O -
Refueling Performance
6 After the first gun jump , the filling amount in controlled within the error range of the ratted volume the fuel should not spray outward during the filling process
and when the gun jumps & there is no frequent gun jumping during the process (Z102)
O O - - - -
The Permanent Logo should be molded of the fuel tank and the logo should include the company logo (Company logo ) CCAP Logo , Changan registered
9 Trademark ( Changan) supplier Code , Part Number ,Model Number, batch number , etc. using the font Times new Roman , Height 5, other requirement should Detail tag attached during supply
meet the requirement of Q/JD 2486" changan auto part marking regulations . The lpcation of the CCAP logo is shown in the figure.
O - - O O -
10 The material used must meet the reqquirment of GB / T 30512 Requremnets for prohibited substances in auto mobile and SY-HB-15: The Limits and
Measurment Method of Prohibited substences in changan< EU> regulation
PD will confirm from desingner & mail
to QAHSE O - - O O -
11 Performances that are not seprately spicified un the drawing should meet : CTS -08.01.01-B3-2016 " Technicla specification for fuel tank Assemblt (Metal )" PD will asked to designer O - - O O -
12 When spraying , the surface of fuel pump mounting seat needs to be covered , and no paint dust is required. O - - O O -
14 The test item, test method and test frequency of this part are subjet to latest fuel tank assymbly DV / PV / IPT test list published in PDM. Set the Frequency of All Test O - - O O -
15 Spot welding Quality Requirements - O - - O -
16 Leakage Test after SEAM Welding - - - - O -
17 Projection Welding Test - - - - O -
18 Chisel Test - - - - O -
19 SEAM Welding Penetration Test - - - - O -
20 Coating Scratches Test - - - O O -
21 Coating Thickness Test - - - O O -
22 Paint Hardness Test ( Pencil test) - - - O O -
23 Ventilatory Test - - - - O -
Test Given @ Testing Facility@ Test Name (Items List) Remarks
Dwg CIC List Other MCML Procon Other
Vibration Durability
According to the requirements of 3.5 in GB18296-2001, No fuel tank Leakage is allowed O O - - O -
Pressure Resistance
According to the requirements of 3.6 in GB I8296- 2001, Leakage and cracking are not allowed but deformation is allowed. O O - - O -
Refueling Performance
6 After the first gun jump , the filling amount in controlled within the error range of the ratted volume the fuel should not spray O O - O - -
outward during the filling process and when the gun jumps & there is no frequent gun jumping during the process (Z102)
The Permanent Logo should be molded of the fuel tank and the logo should include the company logo (Company logo ) CCAP
Logo , Changan registered Trademark ( Changan) supplier Code , Part Number ,Model Number, batch number , etc. using the font Detail tag attached during
Times new Roman , Height 5, other requirement should meet the requirement of Q/JD 2486" changan auto part marking supply O - - O O -
regulations . The location of the CCAP logo is shown in the figure.
The material used must meet the requirement of GB / T 30512 Requirements for prohibited substances in auto mobile and SY-HB- PD will confirm from
15: The Limits and Measurement Method of Prohibited substances in changan< EU> regulation designer & mail to QAHSE O - - O O -
Performances that are not separately specified un the drawing should meet : CTS -08.01.01-B3-2016 " Technical specification for PD will asked to designer
fuel tank Assembly (Metal )" O - - O O -
12 When spraying , the surface of fuel pump mounting seat needs to be covered , and no paint dust is required. O - - O O -
1 Vibration Durability - O
3 Pressure Resistance - O
5 Cleanliness - O
6 Refueling Performance O -
9 Appearance O O
12 Appearance
Fuel Pump Mounting Seat Needs to Be Covered O O
13 3D Dimensions - -
14 Testing Frequency O O