Thief Gold Walkthru
Thief Gold Walkthru
Thief Gold Walkthru
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Return to Thief Gold (PC) FAQs & Guides
"Ye shall not rob from the house I have built, or commit any theft or
unrighteousness, lest ye be struck down and driven into the earth forthwith,
and the land of the heathen consume you."
-- The Book of the Stone
"The paths of thief and god are worn as one in the earth."
"Woe be to him that defies the tree, for he shall be cast out into the world
through the veils of pain and fire."
Table of Contents
Section 1: The Latest From Taffer
1.1: Personal Notes Regarding The Next Release
1.2: Small Tribute To Looking Glass Studios
Section 2: Updates Since Last Release
Section 3: Opening Notes Regarding This FAQ
3.1: Thief: The Dark Project Gold
3.1.1: Patches Available
3.2: Reading This FAQ
3.3: The Walkthroughs
3.4: Headers
3.5: Best Times
3.6: Contacting the Author
3.6.1: Contact Through Email
3.6.2: Contact Through ICQ Unauthorized Adding on ICQ
3.6.3: Thief FAQ Mailing Lists Bounced Emails
3.7: Experimentation
3.8: Mission Objectives
3.8.1: Changing Objectives
3.9: Recommended Purchases
3.10: Just What The Heck Is A Taffer Anyway?
3.10.1: The True Meaning Of "Taffer"
3.11: Victoria vs. Viktoria
3.12: Other FAQs By The Author
3.13: Thief II: The Metal Age
Section 4: Game Notes
4.1: Patrols
4.2: Bloodstains and Bodies
4.3: Doors
4.4: Water
4.5: Hard Surfaces
4.6: Compass
4.7: Jumping and Mantling
4.8: Leaning
4.9: Enemies
4.9.1: Human Guards
4.9.2: Spiders
4.9.3: Fly Swarms
4.9.4: Zombies
4.9.5: Burricks
4.9.6: Flaming Spirits
4.9.7: Hammer Haunts
4.9.8: Craymen
4.9.9: Hammer Spirits
4.9.10: Mages
4.9.11: Fire Elementals
4.9.12: Monkeymen
4.9.13: Insect-Beasts
4.9.14: Frogs
4.9.15: The Trickster
4.9.16: Sleepers
4.9.17: Non-Combatants
4.9.18: Chests
4.10: Arsenal
4.10.1: Sword
4.10.2: Blackjack
4.10.3: Broadhead Arrows
4.10.4: Water Arrows
4.10.5: Fire Arrows
4.10.6: Moss Arrows
4.10.7: Gas Arrows
4.10.8: Rope Arrows
4.10.9: Noisemaker Arrows
4.10.10: Flash Bombs
4.10.11: Explosive Mines
4.10.12: Gas Mines
4.10.13: Potions
4.11: Cheats
Section 5: A Keeper's Training (Training Mission)
5.1: Introduction
5.2: Objectives
5.3: Before The Mission
5.4: Walkthrough
Section 6: Lord Bafford's Manor (Mission 1)
6.1: Introduction
6.2: Objectives: Normal
6.3: Objectives: Hard
6.4: Objectives: Expert
6.5: Simplified Objectives
6.6: Before The Mission
6.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
6.8: Walkthrough
Section 7: Break From Cragscleft Prison (Mission 2)
7.1: Introduction
7.2: Objectives: Normal
7.3: Objectives: Hard
7.4: Objectives: Expert
7.5: Simplified Objectives
7.6: Before The Mission
7.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
7.8: Walkthrough
Section 8: Down In The Bonehoard (Mission 3)
8.1: Introduction
8.2: Objectives: Normal
8.3: Objectives: Hard
8.4: Objectives: Expert
8.5: Simplified Objectives
8.6: Before The Mission
8.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
8.8: Walkthrough
Section 9: Assassins (Mission 4)
9.1: Introduction
9.2: Objectives: Normal and Hard
9.3: Objectives: Expert
9.4: Simplified Objectives
9.5: Before The Mission
9.6: Notes Regarding This Mission
9.7: Walkthrough
Section 10: Thieves' Guild (Mission 5)
10.1: Introduction
10.2: Objectives: Normal
10.3: Objectives: Hard
10.4: Objectives: Expert
10.5: Simplified Objectives
10.6: Before The Mission
10.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
10.8: Walkthrough
Section 11: The Sword (Mission 6)
11.1: Introduction
11.2: Objectives: Normal and Hard
11.3: Objectives: Expert
11.4: Simplified Objectives
11.5: Before The Mission
11.6: Notes Regarding This Mission
11.7: Walkthrough
Section 12: Cutscene - "The Job"
Section 13: The Haunted Cathedral (Mission 7)
13.1: Introduction
13.2: Objectives: Normal
13.3: Objectives: Hard
13.4: Objectives: Expert
13.5: Simplified Objectives
13.6: Before The Mission
13.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
13.8: Walkthrough
Section 14: The Mage Towers (Mission 8)
14.1: Introduction
14.2: Objectives: Normal
14.3: Objectives: Hard
14.4: Objectives: Expert
14.5: Simplified Objectives
14.6: Before The Mission
14.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
14.8: Walkthrough
Section 15: The Lost City (Mission 9)
15.1: Introduction
15.2: Objectives: Normal
15.3: Objectives: Hard and Expert
15.4: Simplified Objectives
15.5: Before The Mission
15.6: Notes Regarding This Mission
15.7: Walkthrough
Section 16: Song Of The Caverns (Mission 10)
16.1: Introduction
16.2: Objectives: Normal and Hard
16.3: Objectives: Expert
16.4: Simplified Objectives
16.5: Before The Mission
16.6: Notes Regarding This Mission
16.7: Walkthrough
Section 17: Undercover (Mission 11)
17.1: Introduction
17.2: Objectives: Normal
17.3: Objectives: Hard
17.4: Objectives: Expert
17.5: Simplified Objectives
17.6: Before The Mission
17.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
17.8: Walkthrough
Section 18: Return To The Cathedral (Mission 12)
18.1: Introduction
18.2: Objectives
18.3: Before the Mission
18.4: Notes Regarding This Mission
18.5: Walkthrough
Section 19: Cutscene - "Payment"
Section 20: Escape! (Mission 13)
20.1: Introduction
20.2: Objectives: Normal
20.3: Objectives: Hard
20.4: Objectives: Expert
20.5: Simplified Objectives
20.6: Before The Mission
20.7: Notes Regarding This Mission
20.8: Walkthrough
Section 21: Strange Bedfellows (Mission 14)
21.1: Introduction
21.2: Objectives
21.3: Simplified Objectives
21.4: Before the Mission
21.5: Notes Regarding This Mission
21.6: Walkthrough
Section 22: Into The Maw Of Chaos (Mission 15)
22.1: Introduction
22.2: Objectives: Normal and Hard
22.3: Objectives: Expert
22.4: Simplified Objectives
22.5: Before The Mission
22.6: Notes Regarding This Mission
22.7: Walkthrough
Section 23: Cutscene - "Revelations"
Section 24: Blooper Reel (Mission 16 - Secret Mission)
24.1: Introduction
24.2: Objectives
24.3: Simplified Objectives
24.4: Before the Mission
24.5: Notes Regarding This Mission
24.6: Walkthrough
Section 25: Input From Other Thieves
Section 26: Thief Sites on the Internet
Section 27: Thief II
Section 28: Version History
Section 29: Disclaimer
Section 30: Endnotes and Copyright Notice
Why taffer-six? Well, first of all, underscores are not allowed on my server
(can you believe that?). And "taffer" was already taken. I didn't want to
simply move to the next logical handle (taffer2), and changing to something
like "garrett" or "taffer-garrett" seemed somehow inappropriate. I finally
decided on "taffer-six" as a sort of homage to a great television show from the
late sixties called "The Prisoner", starring Patrick McGoohan. A man who once
worked as a spy of some sort is kidnapped by forces unknown and then placed in
a surreal community, called simply "The Village". He spends episode after
episode trying to either escape, or to find the person in charge of things. The
main character was only referred to as "Number Six". It was a fantastic show
that sadly lasted only about seventeen episodes. I love it and wish I had the
episodes on tape. :(
By now, everyone probably has heard the news that Looking Glass Studios has
closed its doors permanently. I now have a link with a very thorough, in-depth
and unbiased explanation of what happened. For the story, go to:
"Through The Looking Glass", the friends of taffers everywhere, has a petition
online to try to get one of Looking Glass Studios' nearly-finished projects
finished. "Jane's Attack Squadron" has had about 2-and-a-half years work put
into it and is nearly finished. My theory is this...if enough people sign,
perhaps they will get to be able to finish it. And if they can finish it, then
who knows what else may be possible. Other projects that got shelved may be
able to be finished. I realize its a very small chance, but I believe in
The petitions appears to still be up and active. When I went checked earlier,
they had 5,278 signatures. Way to go!
PvP, an online comic strip that did a small run of Thief related comics about
mid-June 2000, set aside about 75% of their usual strip one day to pay tribute
to Looking Glass Studios. In the final "tribute panel", they quoted from Lewis
Carroll (who wrote "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", and "Through The Looking
Glass", which was the namesake of Looking Glass Studios). I would like to do
the same myself, with a few quotations from sources close to my heart, which I
feel aptly describe both the company that gave us these wonderful games, and
how we feel about both the company and their games. Firstly though, here's the
quotation that PvP used (from the first Alice book, "Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland"), which is quite lovely and fitting:
"Oh, I've had such a curious dream!" said Alice. And she told her sister, as
well as she could remember them...and, when she had finished, her sister kissed
her, and said, "It was a curious dream, dear, certainly; but now run in to your
tea: it's getting late." So Alice got up and ran off, thinking while she ran,
as well as she might, what a wonderful dream it had been.
The original PvP comic which contained this quote can be located at:
The first quotation I would like to cite is a different Alice quotation, from
the second Alice book, "Through The Looking Glass":
"How would you like to live in Looking-glass House, Kitty?...but oh, Kitty! now
we come to the passage. You can just see a little peep of the passage in
Looking-glass House, if you leave the door of our drawing-room wide open: and
it's very like our passage as far as you can see, only you know it may be quite
different on beyond. Oh, Kitty, how nice it would be if we could only get
through into Looking-glass House! I'm sure it's got, oh! such beautiful things
in it! Let's pretend there's a way of getting through into it, somehow, Kitty.
Let's pretend the glass has got all soft like gauze, so that we can get
through. Why, it's turning into a sort of mist now, I declare! It'll be easy
enough to get through --"...In another moment Alice was through the looking
Such it was with the games produced by Looking Glass Studios. They opened up
their worlds to us, and they were filled with oh! such beautiful things! And
for a little while, we were able to pretend we were a part of that world.
Another quotation, this one from the final episode of the longest-running
science-fiction television series of all time, and one of my favourites as
well, Doctor Who. The episode was, ironically enough, called "Survival", and
these are the final words spoken:
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning. Where the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere
there's danger...somewhere there's injustice...and somewhere else the tea's
getting cold! Come on Ace, we've got work to do!"
Finally, the last quotation, which I think really says it all. It's paraphrased
from memory, from my favourite original Star Trek episode, "Balance of Terror",
said by my favourite character, Doctor McCoy:
Here's to you, Looking Glass Studios. In an industry that constantly puts out
trash and dross, you shone through and provided us with our few small nuggets
of gold. You were truly one of a kind, and I fear that, as Shakespeare's Hamlet
felt about his recently deceased father, I shall never look upon your like
again. :(
This FAQ finally covers the entire game at the moment. There is one more
release planned, which will basically fix up any grammar and spelling mistakes,
fix up some tweaking, and generally just improve the overall content on a small
scale. The next release will probably not occur until the first release of the
Thief II FAQ, so that I can include a section to point you towards it.
Those who have been following this FAQ will have received the original first
six missions (Lord Bafford's Manor, Break from Cragscleft Prison, Down in the
Bonehoard, Assassins, The Sword, and The Haunted Cathedral) while I was still
playing my original copy. Now that I no longer have the original, all missions
which come after "The Haunted Cathedral" will be done solely from the Thief
Gold game. I have replayed all the previous missions, and noted any differences
I spotted between the two games in the appropriate sections. However, once you
hit Mission Eight ("The Mage Towers"), there will be no further notes on
differences...everything will be pure Thief Gold.
From this point on, any references to "Thief Gold" refer specifically to that
game. References simply to "Thief" will most likely be a generic reference
which can apply to either the original or the Gold release. Any references that
are specific to the original will be so noted, probably with "Original Thief".
NOTE: Thief Gold does have higher recommended system requirements than the
original game. There had been a few points while playing on my old computer
where I noticed some "slowdown".
There is a patch file (of sorts) available for DromED, the editor that comes
with Thief Gold for making your own missions. It's a very small zip file (about
7k in total), and contains some missing Schema files. Apparently, without these
two files "reload_schemas" crashes DromEd with an error about a non-existent
When I type up the FAQ, I use the WordPad program which came with Windows 95. I
have the View/Options set to "Wrap to ruler". Then I type merrily away, without
having to worry about hitting the "Enter" key. Unfortunately, when the document
is later viewed in certain other programs, it prints the entire line of text
until the end, sometimes continuing off the screen (as described above).
If you are having this problem viewing the FAQ, then I suggest you do one of
two things:
1) Use WordPad to view it, with the View/Options set to "Wrap to
2) Go to and download the FAQ from there.
Apparently (and I don't know how), when the webmaster puts the FAQ up on his
site, this problem of lines not wrapping disappears.
The most expedient path means the fastest way through the mission while still
keeping numbers one and three in mind. Most missions have several "sidetrek"
areas, where there is nothing for you to do or to acquire. However, a lot of
these areas are just plain interesting...the designers have put a lot of time,
effort, and planning into some of these, and it would be a shame for you to
miss it all. So I suggest that when you are using the walkthrough, if you come
across a "sidetrek" area, save your game, and go and investigate it. A lot of
times, it is well worth your time. (Note: The Complete Loot Walkthrough webpage
noted in Section 26: Thief Sites on the Internet, contains information on these
various sidetrek areas. If you are interested, I recommend visiting the
The SAFEST method of doing something is not always the fastest way. There are
some areas where there is a more risky way of doing something, but doing so is
faster. Sometimes it's not just a matter of risk, but of timing as well, since
a lot of the guards patrol. So if you've been wondering why you can't beat my
best times no matter HOW closely you follow the walkthroughs...well, that's
your answer. (See Section 3.5: Best Times, for more details.)
3.4: Headers
The beginning of each mission's walkthrough will have a list of "headers".
These are distrubuted throughout each walkthrough, in an effort to make it
easier for people to find a certain section that they are looking for.
Note that these headers are NOT always entirely accurate. A good example of
this is the headers for "Song of the Caverns" (Mission 10). When you read the
section marked "Ground Floor", you will note there is a small side-trip to the
2nd level. And the section marked "2nd Level" has a side-trip to the third
level! While I considered breaking these parts up with new headers, I also
wanted to keep them to as low a number as possible, to avoid cluttering up the
walkthrough needlessly. Hence, sometimes you will find situations such as the
one just described.
Other than that, I hope you all like the new headers! Enjoy! :)
All best times recorded are for Thief Gold. In every case, I was able to beat
my best times from the original game whilst playing the new one.
For those who may be interested, I've collected all my best times here:
Note: The Total Campaign Time does not reflect all of my best times. It is just
what my campaign finished at, and sometimes I did not get a best time on a
mission for the campaign.
Please note the new email address. It was changed early morning on July 9th,
2000. My apologies to anyone who has attempted to email me at the previous
address since then.
Why taffer-six? Well, first of all, underscores are not allowed on my server
(can you believe that?). And "taffer" was already taken. I didn't want to
simply move to the next logical handle (taffer2), and changing to something
like "garrett" or "taffer-garrett" seemed somehow inappropriate. I finally
decided on "taffer-six" as a sort of homage to a great television show from the
late sixties called "The Prisoner", starring Patrick McGoohan. A man who once
worked as a spy of some sort is kidnapped by forces unknown and then placed in
a surreal community, called simply "The Village". He spends episode after
episode trying to either escape, or to find the person in charge of things. The
main character was only referred to as "Number Six". It was a fantastic show
that sadly lasted only about seventeen episodes. I love it and wish I had the
episodes on tape. :(
I have received several emails since posting this FAQ...thank you for your kind
words and your input, everyone! I do read all your emails, and I try to reply
to every one of them. Sometimes I am unable to reply, simply due to the great
number I receive, time constraints, and any number of other. However, any
questions sent to me that are already answered in this FAQ will be ignored.
Note that the same rules for email apply to ICQ as well. Also, if you have a
lengthy amount of information to send me, I would appreciate it if you would do
so using email.
Please Note: I do not use the "Chat" mode on ICQ. I only use the messaging
feature. My ICQ settings are currently set up to automatically decline any chat
WARNING! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT add me to your contact list WITHOUT receiving
my authorization first! Several people appear to think it's a real laugh to do
this. Well, the first time someone did that to me, they erased my hard drive.
So consider this your first and only warning: Do NOT add me in this
manner...request authorization like everyone else. ANYONE who adds me without
requesting my authorization will IMMEDIATELY get placed on my ignore list. I
will not even bother reading any messages that person may have sent. (This may
seem harsh...but if you had had YOUR hard drive erased, I'm sure you would
understand completely.)
Anyone currently on the mailing list will stay on the mailing list, and
automatically defaults to the "Zipped" list. However, from now on, anyone who
is NOT already on a mailing list who wishes to be put on one will have to tell
me which one they wish to be on. One list of people will receive a zipped email
attachment of the FAQ (the "Zipped" list), as has been the practice in the
past. The other list of people (the "Notify" list) will only be receiving an
email stating that the FAQ has been sent up to (and ONLY to ...anyone else posting the FAQ does not necessarily have the
most up to date version, but I always send the latest release to the address
given above!). Anyone requesting to be put on a mailing list without stating
which one will default to the "Notify" list.
Please note that this does not mean that the FAQ has been POSTED there
yet...only that I have sent it up to BE posted. There may sometimes be a delay
in the posting.
Anyone currenly on the "Zipped" list who would like to be switched over to the
"Notify" list will have to send me an email stating so. Likewise, if you want
to be removed from either mailing list, you'll need to send me an email stating
Anyone who is put on one of my mailing lists will also be put on a similar
mailing list (either "Zipped" or "Notify") for the Thief II FAQ, if and when it
comes out. (For more details, see Section 3.13: Thief II: The Metal Age FAQ.)
I have no intention of now or ever selling or giving out these email addresses
to anyone, nor will they be used by me for advertising or "spamming". It is
simply to get the FAQ out to those who are waiting for it.
What's my point? Oh yes...from this point on, anyone who's email account
bounces back to me will be removed from the mailing list. Seems fair, since
they aren't getting the attachment anyways.
3.7: Experimentation
Occasionally, I will note an area where some more experimentation could be
done. In some cases, circumstances did not permit further experimentation (for
one reason or another), and some experiments were thought of in hindsight, long
after I was past the point of no return for that area. If anyone cares to
experiment in the noted areas, I would be interested in hearing the results.
The Simplified Objectives contain the mission objectives as viewed from within
the mission. They are less verbose, and more to the point than the wordy
objectives given before the mission begins. Although the only ones shown are
from the Expert level, you should be able to pick out which ones apply to your
game if you are playing on Normal or Hard instead.
Note that my recommended purchases are not always what is NECESSARY to complete
the mission. In some cases, it will make the mission easier for you, in others
it may simply be that there is NOTHING to buy to help you, but what I've
recommended is (in my opinion) the best you can do.
3.10: Just What The Heck Is A Taffer Anyway?
This is a question I am sure many Thief fans have asked countless times. I
received a few emails regarding this, and here is what I've derived from them:
There is a Mother Goose nursery rhyme that contains the line(s), "Taffy was a
Welshman, Taffy was a thief". "Taffy" is a slang name for a Welshman.
Someone wrote in to suggest that "Taffer" was merely a censoring word, that
could be replaced with any appropriate expletive. (Or perhaps more likely, a
sort of "medieval cuss-word", as he put it.)
I've been informed that in Suffolk, England, there is a verb, "to taff", which
means "to spit". So a Taffer would be a Spitter.
Apparently there is some point in the game (which I have either missed or not
yet gotten to), where a Hammerite makes reference to the fact that "Taffer" and
"Trickster" are synonymous.
If anyone can clarify, expand, or suggest another meaning, please contact me! I
seem to recall having once seen a definition online (on a message board
somewhere) that made much more sense.
"I got this one from PC Accelerator. They interviewed Steve Pearsall,
project designer of Thief. The question, "What is a Taffer and where did it
come from?" The Answer, "One of our level designers, Laura Baldwin, made it up.
Taffer was meant to be a slang word that meant a common criminal, but has
evolved into meaning any sort of low life." So basically it is a fictitious
word. Hey, maybe it will become real if we use it enough."
So there you have it. I'll bet the people over at Looking Glass Studios have
been having a nice chuckle watching everyone go crazy and coming up with these
(admittedly inventive) possible meanings/origins of a word they made up! :)
Be sure you all use this word everyday! I want to see it in the next edition of
Webster's Dictionary! :)
The character known as "Viktoria" in the game has had some (albeit minor)
debate on the spelling of her name. Most often, I have seen people spelling it
with a "k", and less commonly I see it spelled with a "c".
In your first mission (Lord Bafford's Manor), there is a scroll in the library
where someone has reported to Lord Bafford that he has been unable to find any
information regarding a woman named "Victoria". They spell it with a "c".
I was just fine with this, up until playing the new Mission Five in Thief Gold,
"Thieves' Guild". In there you find a ledger belonging to one of the thieves,
and there it is spelled with a "k".
So now we have conflict in the game. Damn. I was so sure it was "Victoria,"
thanks to Lord Bafford. Now it seems some upstart taffer has messed with my
It seems that in almost every other place her name is mentioned in the game
(and perhaps all other places), her name is spelled "Viktoria". So, despite my
preference for "Victoria", I have conceded, and renamed her "Viktoria"
throughout this FAQ.
Other ideas have filtered in from those kind enough to share their insights
with me. Someone has suggested that the man referred to in "Lord Bafford's
Manor" could find no trace of her BECAUSE he was spelling her name wrong!
Another person has suggested that the name Victoria was possibly ORIGINALLY
spelled with a "k", and over time got changed over to a "c". I've heard about
this theory of "consonental drift" before, and find it a completely plausible
The Thief II FAQ is out, and currently covers the first two missions of the
The other FAQ I am working on is a Companion Guide to Thief II, which will
contain (should I keep it up) the text of every document, scroll, parchment,
plaque, letter, report, announcement and palimpsest that I have been able to
find in the game. It is not necessary for either playing Thief II or for using
its FAQ, it is simply included as a "bonus supplement".
I know a lot of people out there are going to be buying it up as soon as they
can. I also know that some of you are going to write in to me asking for help,
or wanting to tell me something about the game.
I cannot stress that enough...DON'T! I've made mention in this FAQ that I do
not play a game's sequel until I finish the original game first. That means
that while you're playing Thief II, I'm still playing Thief Gold.
And I absolutely HATE it when someone tells me something that spoils a surprise
for me.
That being said, do NOT send me emails of any sort regarding Thief II. If I am
reading an email, and come across any indication that there is something
regarding Thief II in it (even in the message header!), the email will be
promptly deleted, unread.
Section 4: Game Notes
4.1: Patrols
Some areas have guards (of one sort or another) moving around in them, and
sometimes moving from one area to another. This makes it difficult to say for
sure when a certain task you may be told to perform should be done, as it is
unlikely that you will arrive at the area at the exact same time during the
mission that I did. In these areas, it's a good idea to save your game. (This
will be noted at the proper areas.)
A note of macabre interest, regarding the various corpses of people you will
find and/or create. If you pick them up, then drop them again, their heads will
be at unnatural angles (probably indicating that their necks are broken), or
sometimes their heads just disappear!
Any bloodstains you leave behind that you don't clean up yourself seem to
disappear over time. I guess they "soak" into the carpet, stone, ground, etc..
4.3: Doors
This FAQ also assumes that you will know enough to try to open doors before
walking through them, and to close them behind you. (An open door can also be a
telltale sign to patrols that something is amiss...namely, you.)
Note that in this walkthrough, most of the time when I refer to a door, there
is an actual, physical door. If there is not, the opening is generally referred
to as a doorway, or an archway.
4.4: Water
Water is loud when you splash around in it. This occurs when you try to swim
quickly, or jump into the water. Try not to do it too often. Swim slowly (using
your WALK key). Also note that, while you can swim carrying someone you have to
rescue (ie: Basso in Mission Two), on the missions where you are told not to
kill anyone, you cannot dump bodies in the water to "hide" them. They drown,
and that counts as you killing them. (If they follow you into the water and
drown however, that does not count against you...that's just idiots trying to
swim while wearing armour.)
An important note regarding your weapons and water: if the water is deep
enough, even if you are simply wading (ie: walking, not swimming), you will
still be unable to use most of your weapons.
When the water is deep enough, you can dive underwater. This is useful for
finding underwater passages, searching the bottom of a lake for treasures, and
possibly even for hiding from enemies. You do have a limited supply of air
however (represented by a "bubble bar" in the lower right of the screen), and
when that runs out, you'll start to take damage. You'll take three hit points
of damage, get a small reprieve (you get a few bubbles added to your bubble
bar), and then take another three hits. This will continue until you surface,
take a Breath Potion, or die.
On a final note, whatever you do, do NOT try to swim in lava. It's not water.
You'll die. Instantly.
4.6: Compass
You have a compass in your inventory. Most of the time in this FAQ, I will
attempt to give you instructions without needing to resort to referring to the
compass. For example, I will say something like "On your left, as you face the
idol," or "Turn so the door is to your back." From time to time, however, it
may be necessary for me to refer to compass directions.
After the sixth or seventh consecutive jump, assuming the timing is right for
jumping, you can apparently kill Garrett by hitting a wall at that speed!
Interestingly enough, I've discovered that once you've died, you can hit the
jump key, and Garrett will jump right back up. You can then spend the remainder
of your "death" (the screen fading out) walking around as if you're still
alive. I didn't do this around anyone, so I don't know if people still react to
you or not in this Zombie state. :)
It is important to note that some objects are just a touch too high to mantle
up onto in this manner. In these cases, you have to do a running jump/mantle
manouevre. Basically, you step back from the object, then run towards it and
jump before you reach it. Do not release the jump button, and when Garrett
strikes the object, he will grab onto it and mantle up.
4.8: Leaning
Leaning is a very important part of your pilfering profession. Leaning around a
corner will allow you, for example, to look into a brightly lit room while
still remaining unseen. In some cases, it will allow you to knock out a
patrolling guard when he walks by, when you can't move up behind him because of
the hard floor surface.
There are three types of leanings you can do. There is the left lean, the right
lean, and the forward lean. While I don't recall seeing the forward lean
documented in the manual, it does exist. Go to the main menu and choose
Options, then Controls, then Customize Controls. Move to the bottom of the list
and you'll find the key combination to do a forward lean. (The default is
Alt+Shift+W.) The forward lean can be very useful for picking pockets or
knocking out guards when there's an obstruction in the way, such as a small
4.9: Enemies
"Enemies" is a general term used to describe anyone or anything you might
encounter during the game that would make your pilfering expeditions more
dangerous, either by attacking you or by raising the alarm and alerting others
to your presence. Not all "enemies" can attack you, but all are against your
best interests.
You face off against a number of different types of enemies. Here is some basic
information on the ones I've encountered so far. Note that the names I've given
to some of them are NOT necessarily official. They are just what I've called
them when I've had no official name to give them.
These guys fall easily to your Blackjack attacks, so long as they aren't
expecting it. If they are looking around searching for you, you can sometimes
manage to club them, but it doesn't always work. In these circumstances, your
best bet is to lean forward to knock them out. They don't seem to see you as
well then. Also, light plays an important role. The more of you that can be
seen (ie: check your light-indicator!), the harder it is to successfully put
the guards to sleep.
Most of the time, these guys are armed with some sort of hand-to-hand weapon (a
sword or hammer). Occasionally, one will have a bow instead (and don't think
that they can only fire Broadheads at you!). The guys in red, however, are
Priests and spell casters. Also, there is one type that doesn't seem to fight
at all, he just calls for help. He is the one in gray.
Occasionally, these guys will have a key, purse, or other item on their belt
that you can either lift off (ie: pick their pocket), or grab after you've
knocked them out. I prefer the pickpocket method.
NOTE: One time, I knocked out a guard, and because another was coming, picked
up the body and ran BEFORE getting the purse off him. After dropping the body,
however, the purse was gone. :( This, however, was while playing the original
Thief game. In Thief Gold, I have picked up bodies, then dropped them and been
able to get the loot from their waistband.
I have been informed now that sometimes in Thief Gold, this problem still
occurs. One suggested method of avoiding this is to knock out the victim, and
pick his pocket AS HE'S FALLING. This apparently works, and you still get the
credit for picking the pocket.
4.9.2: Spiders
First Appearance: Small Spider - Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor);
Large Spider - Mission Two (Break from Cragscleft Priosn); Red Spider - Mission
Fourteen (Strange Bedfellows)
Spiders come in three varieties: small and annoying, large and annoying, and
large, red and VERY annoying.
The small ones are annoying, and that's about it. They can bite you for a bit
of damage, but not much. They die easily too...a single Broadhead Arrow usually
does the trick. These things are VERY difficult to kill using your Sword. I
suggest using Broadhead Arrows whenever possible. (It's not that they are
particularly resistant to your's just that they are so small and
move so fast that you usually can't HIT them!)
The larger ones are a different matter. While unsuspecting, a single Broadhead
Arrow or a single sideswipe with your Sword will kill it. If it knows you're
there though, then it takes about five sideswipes to kill it, or at least three
Broadheads. Their bite does more damage than the smaller ones. Also, they
sometimes jump. I can't recall having ever seen the smaller ones jump, but
these big boys do. This doesn't seem to be for any sort of damage-dealing or
increased-movement just gets them out of the way of your Sword.
They are susceptible to your Gas Arrows and Gas Mines as well, and a Flash Bomb
seems to paralyze them temporarily.
The last type of Spider is similar in size to the larger ones, but is red. And
it's attacks are far more dangerous. It has two attacks. The first is a web
attack, which pins your arms to your sides so you cannot use a weapon. In this
respect, it is much like the "crushing vines" attack of the Earth Mages (see
section 4.9.10, below) except that it doesn't appear to damage you. You need to
"use" yourself (that means right-click) to break through the webs. Their other
attack method is usually reserved for after you're helpless. They fire some
sort of venomous energy at you, which damages you. About your only hope of
defeating these creatures is to either take them down while they are still
unaware of you, or plant a Mine nearby and lead them over it. These Spiders are
slightly toughter than their similarly-sized cousins, but a single Broadhead
will still take down an unaware one.
All types of Spider move very quickly, and are nearly impossible to get away
from simply by backing away.
Interestingly enough, I've actually seen the larger versions BLOCK sideswipes
from the Sword!
I find Spiders more annoying than a real threat. Personally, whenever I know I
need to get by one that can't be dealth with by a single Broadhead Arrow, I
tend to use a Gas Arrow instead. (But that's just me.)
These are not really dangerous, just annoying. Fly Swarms find a corpse (or
sometimes a Corpse-Zombie) and hover over it. They don't move, they just swarm
around the body. Occasionally, you may find a Swarm where there is no body, but
they still don't move. Moving through a Swarm subjects yourself to their bites,
which do not always strike. You take minimal damage from a Swarm bite. (Note:
When you find a Zombie with a Fly Swarm surrounding it, the swarm DOES move,
but it sticks with the Zombie.)
To disperse a Fly Swarm, shoot a Fire Arrow into it (although personally I feel
this is a waste of a good Fire Arrow). Note also that you can disperse a Swarm
from around a Zombie simply by hitting it with a Water Arrow.
A word of caution: when a Fly Swarm disperses, if you are too close to it, you
may take some damage.
4.9.4: Zombies
First Appearance: Mission Two (Break from Cragscleft Prison)
I hate Zombies. Don't ask why, I don't really have a rational explanation. But
when I'm playing the game, and Zombies start getting involved, my interest
level tends to drop dramatically. (I also can't play the game after dark when
playing a Zombie mission. Yeah, I know...I'm a wimp.)
"Sleeping" Zombies are pretty much indistinguishable from corpses, until you
get close enough to one to awaken it. When you do, it makes a noise, and you
have a brief amount of time (variable, sometimes maybe as much as 2 seconds) to
react before it stands up and moves to attack. (Throughout this FAQ, a corpse
that can "become" a Zombie is referred to as a Corpse-Zombie.)
Once awake, you can't destroy them by conventional means. Hacking them with
your Sword will make them drop, only to stand right back up again. Broadhead
Arrows are a little better, as when you cause them to drop with these, they
don't always stand up again unless you are close enough to "awaken" them.
However, Zombies are very SLOW. You can run circles around them. If you run
away from them, they will pursue, but not for long. (This will become evident
when you do Mission 3, "Down in the Bonehoard".)
Note that ANY human corpse can be a Zombie, not just the gray, decaying ones. I
believe that mission 3 ("Down in the Bonehoard") even has a headless Zombie, so
don't ever assume that a corpse is just a corpse!
Weapons that are useful against Zombies include Fire Arrows, Holy Water Arrows
(your Water Arrows dipped in Holy Water), Flash Bombs, and Explosive Mines.
With regards to the Fire Arrows, I've noted that, if you shoot the Zombie from
behind, it takes only one Fire Arrow to destroy it. If they see it coming
though, it usually takes two...although I am told that a Fire Arrow to the
"gut" will take them out whether they are aware of you or not.
4.9.5: Burricks
First Appearance: Mission Three (Down in the Bonehoard)
These are big lizards with VERY bad morning breath. Best to avoid them if
possible. Engaging in melee with them is NOT a good idea, especially if there
is more than one around...while you cut into one, the other ones back off and
breathe at you. If you want/need to take them out, your Broadhead Arrows are
your best bet. How quickly they die seems to depend on where your Arrows hit,
and whether or not they are surprised. The average seems to be about 5 or so to
fell one of these beasts, although I have managed to bring them down with only
two (I have done this twice now). On one occasion, I somehow succeeded in
slaying one using a single Broadhead Arrow!
Melee CAN be done successfully with Burricks. First of all, it's best if there
is only one around. Then you can get close enough so that the beast cannot
breathe on you, and you can hack merrily away at it. (Although they do tend to
run away once the damage starts to get serious. They whimper too. <g>) The BEST
way to deal with a lone Burrick is to take it by right up behind
it and slice downwards with your Sword. If you do it right, you've just done a
backstab, and killed the critter with one blow!
Note that Burricks HATE Zombies, and will attack them in preference to you. If
you can get Zombies and Burricks engaged in combat together, you can sit back
and watch as half your problems are taken care of. Since the Zombies cannot be
destroyed by the Burricks though, you always know which side will come out the
victor. (NOTE: A friend of mine told me about this hint...I have not tested it
myself, so don't hold me to it!)
I've also seen Burricks fight against Fire Elementals. However, I am unsure as
to which of the two combatants started the fight. Also, it appears that
Burricks can extinguish a Fire Elemental! (See the note regarding this in
Section 4.9.11: Fire Elementals.)
Flash Bombs will blind these creatures, and they will be knocked out by either
a Gas Arrow or a Gas Mine. If you try to use Explosive Mines against Burricks,
you should be aware that one Mine is NOT enough to kill a Burrick!
This creature is new to Thief Gold. Undead spirits whose bodies are afire. They
appear like Hammerite Priests, except that they are burning. My encounters with
them so far indicate that they must close to melee with you...they don't appear
to have a missile attack.
Fire Arrows are useless against these creatures, and it appears that Explosive
Mines are equally useless. I've been told that you can "destroy" them with your
Sword, but it takes a lot of damage (about 5 or 6 overhead swings). Water
Arrows do damage seems that four Water Arrows will destroy it. If you
use Holy Water Arrows, then two seem to suffice (although one time it took
three). Broadhead Arrows appear to damage and eventually "destroy" them,
although it took a lot of Arrows when I tried. (Under the circumstances though,
I am not sure that all of my shots struck home.) I have not tried Flash Bombs
or any other weapon against them as of yet.
Once this creature is sufficiently damaged, it will run away, leaving behind a
Fire Arrow. It runs and disappears, sometimes through a solid wall. However, he
reappears again shortly to resume his patrol.
I have been told that this monster is, in fact, undestroyable. It was put into
the missions where Fire Arrows are required for something (such as the Fire
Arrow puzzle in the Bonehoard). They were apparently introduced so that players
who used up all the Fire Arrows before getting to the point where they were
needed would not have to restart the mission from the beginning.
These undead are the animated remains of Hammerite Guards, and they retain
their swordsmanship skills beyond the grave. They are VERY good swordsmen, and
they are also extremely fast runners...impossible to outrun. As with Hammer
Spirits, Flash Bombs and Explosive Mines work well with them (two Flash Bombs
take one out, and one Mine will do the same). I believe one Fire Arrow is
sufficient to take them down (it was in "Down in the Bonehoard", but on a later
mission it took two). I have not yet tried Holy Water Arrows against them.
NOTE: Anyone who has seen previous versions of this FAQ may recall that I used
to call these creatures "Restless Dead". While I like that name for them,
Mission 12 (Return to the Cathedral) calls them "Hammer Haunts". Since it was
said within the game, I guess it's official. So, I changed their name
throughout the FAQ.
4.9.8: Craymen
First Appearance: Mission Seven (The Haunted Cathedral)
There are two versions of this creature. The common beige variety, and the
tougher blue variety. (The blue one only makes an appearance in the final
mission, "Into The Maw Of Chaos".)
Picture a humanoid Crayfish, and that's pretty much what a Crayman looks like.
If you catch the beige version by surprise, a single Broadhead will fell one of
these crustacean monstrosities. Otherwise, it takes about five Broadheads. Two
Fire Arrows also seem to do the trick against these guys.
Melee with a Crayman (either version) can be interesting. They can survive at
least two downswings, and their claws can be used to parry your attacks just
like you use your Sword to block. Note that Flash Bombs will blind them, and
that you can knock them out with your Blackjack. Unfortunately, you cannot pick
up their bodies. They are also susceptible to Gas Arrows.
Blue Craymen are much more difficult to kill. Even when they are completely
unsuspecting, a single Broadhead is not'll need at least three
more shots after the first one to kill this variety. If you go up against them
with your Sword, it takes more hits to kill the blue than it does the beige. It
takes about four downstrokes to kill an aware one. They are also more deadly in
combat. I've seen one take me down from full health to death with a single
If you somehow manage to get these creatures into deep water, you should know
that they don't drown.
These creatures are the undead spirits of Hammerite Priests. They look like the
Hammerite Priests, except that they are semi-transparent. They hurl ghostly
skulls at you, sometimes as many as three at a time. If you can catch one by
surprise, I've found the quickest way to dispatch one is to sneak up behind
them and deliver a downswing swordstroke. After that, a single sidestroke with
your Sword causes them to disappear in a puff of smoke. If you can't take them
by surprise, however, they are difficult to destroy. In one battle, I hit one
with three downswings, and it still took a couple of sideswings to finish the
job. In melee, constant side-to-side slashing seems to keep them from casting
their spells at you. An interesting note is that they do NOT appear to be very
good shots when they are not at close range.
Flash Bombs and Explosive Mines are also useful against them, although I have
seen one survive TWO Mine explosions. Using Fire Arrows, I have not been able
to destroy one with less than three Arrows. The only one I've destroyed with
Holy Water Arrows took SIX before it dissipated.
4.9.10: Mages
First Appearance: Mission Eight (The Mage Towers)
Mages are, as their name implies, magic-wielding foes. There are four different
types of Mages, one for each element: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Each type of Mage has a spell attack they use on you, and each one is relevant
to that Mage's area of study:
Fire Mages: These shoot fire at you, much like the Hammerite Priest does.
Nothing special about this.
Air Mages: They wield some sort of a hard-hitting air-attack. It comes at you
like a missile, which you can try to dodge. The only problem with that is that,
if it misses you, it starts looking for you, and keeps going until it either
hits you or "pops" out of existence! (I am assuming these are small Air
Elementals which the Air Mages are summoning attack you, and that they
disappear when the spell duration expires.)
Earth Mages: A curious attack, but effective. They cast a spell that surrounds
you with vines, which constrict until you die. This can be devastating, as the
spell does not wear off. However, every time you "attack" (press the left mouse
button) while covered by the capricious creepers, it weakens them, until they
are gone.
Water Mages: While you don't encounter any of these inside the Water Tower
itself, there are some Mages wandering around which wield an attack that makes
me believe they are Water Mages. Their attack is a piercing bolt of ice
projected at you.
It is also prudent to note that each Mage is immune to the element that they
study. Fire Mages cannot be harmed by Fire Arrows. Air Mages are immune to the
effects of Gas Arrows. I'm not sure how an Earth Mage would be made immune to
Moss Arrows, or a Water Mage to Water Arrows, though. (I am also assuming that
Fire and Air mages cannot be harmed by Explosive Mines or Gas Mines,
Something else I've noticed. When I've failed to club Mages in the darkness,
they sometimes will "plant" some sort of a light device, which illuminates a
small area around it! These devices also seem to be colour-coded to the Mages
area of study...I've seen a Fire Mage plant an orange one, and a Water Mage
plant a blue one.
Aside from the above, they are just like any other human foes: easy to
blackjack, and subject to the same attacks and damage from you as the others.
Floating balls of fire that roam around. They do have a "front" and a "back"
side, although it is sometimes difficult to tell which is which. They have a
trail which follows behind them (sort of like a comet), which will indicate
their back side (no pun intended). If you approach one of them from the back,
it will not see you. Thus it is possible for you to sneak past them.
Their method of combat is simple. They hurl small fireballs (smaller Fire
Elementals perhaps?) at their target. I am unsure of the damage that they do,
but when I was struck by one, I had only four hit points left, and it killed
Obviously, don't even THINK about using Fire Arrows against will just
alerts them to your presence. The best weapon you have against these
pyrotechnic terrors is your Water Arrows. A single Water Arrow will extinguish
the Elemental for good.
Fire Elementals will fight against other creatures. I've personally only seen
them fight against Burricks. Saved me the trouble of dealing with the overgrown
iguanas! (Although I am not sure which one of the two instigated the
confrontation.) Although I have not witnessed it directly, Burricks ARE capable
of extinguishing Fire Elementals...I was sitting listening to them fight it
out, and when the fight was over, went to deal with the two Elementals, only to
find that one was now missing!
I've been told that a single Broadhead Arrow is also enough to take down one of
these creatures. However, I've personally put THREE into a single Elemental and
only enraged the thing.
I've also been told that your Sword is also good against them, although you
tend to take a lot of damage before dispatching the fiery devil.
Gas Arrows CAN be used to extinguish Fire Elementals. However, it takes more
than a single shot to dispatch them. In my experiments, I was unable to
dissipate one without expending at least THREE Gas Arrows.
4.9.12: Monkeymen
First Appearance: Mission Thirteen (Escape!)
These guys are humanoid, but appear to be simian in nature. At first I was
going to call these guys Ratmen, because of their tails. However, I got a good
look at the face and feet of one which I knocked out, and realized that they
resembled apes more than rats. But since apes don't have tails like that, they
had to be monkeys.
The Monkeymen move pretty quickly, and each carries a sword. They are pretty
lethal swordsmen...I've seen one do three strikes in quick succession.
Despite their frightening appearance and swordsmanship, they are not that
difficult to deal with. A single Broadhead Arrow will bring down an
unsuspecting Monkeyman, while it takes about three for one that is on his
guard. Your Sword is also a good weapon against them. One downswing, followed
by two quick sideswings, will bring them down. (A single downswing is
sufficient for an unsuspecting one.) I've noticed that if you hit one with a
downswing, you can usually get the two sideswings in before the creature has a
chance to recover. Also, your Blackjack will knock them out.
These creatures are susceptible to Gas Arrows and Gas Mines as well, and are
also blinded by Flash Bombs. An Explosive Mine will also take one down, whether
it's on its guard or not.
4.9.13: Insect-Beasts
First Appearance: Mission Thirteen (Escape!)
They have a very interesting attack mode. They shoot Fly Swarms out of their
mouths! If you watch them do this from a distance, you'll see multiple Swarms
come out at the same time, in different directions. The Swarm will eventually
stop its forward motion, and remain stationary, just like a regular Fly Swarm,
and then it will disperse after a while.
These creatures can be knocked out with your Blackjack, but are very tough to
kill. Your Sword and Broadhead Arrows need to connect several times before they
will fall. Even Fire Arrows are not very effective against them. I shot an
unsuspecting Insect-Beast with a Fire Arrow once, and it wasn't enough to kill
it! Another time, I made TWO direct hits against one that was looking for me,
and even THAT wasn't enough! (Interesting note: They bleed green blood.)
Gas Arrows and Gas Mines work well against Insect-Beasts, and Flash Bombs will
blind them.
A final word of caution about these creatures. Whether you knock them out or
kill them, you cannot hide their bodies...for some reason, you are not
permitted to carry them. This can make it very difficult for you in those areas
when there are multiple enemies to deal with.
4.9.14: Frogs
First Appearance: Mission Thirteen (Escape!)
Yes, Frogs. Your regular, small, hopping, croaking Frogs. Sounds harmless,
right? Oh, did I forget to mention that they explode?
These Frogs hop around looking for you, and when their body hits yours, it
explodes, doing damage to you.
About the only way to keep these things from hurting you is to kill them before
they get near. I haven't done much experimentation with the various weapons
against these creatures. A single Broadhead will kill a Frog, whether he's
aware of you yet or not. However, when it dies, it explodes, so it will alert
nearby creatures that you're in the area. It appears that an exploding Frog
will also damage anyone close to it, including other Frogs. This sets up a nice
chain reaction if you have enough of them close to each other.
One time I tried a Sword attack...I think it connected, and killed the beast,
but I'm not entirely sure. However, using your Sword against these Frogs is
asking for trouble, as the resulting explosion will still damage you.
A "patrolling" Frog that is unaware of you is very difficult to hit with your
arrows, as it hops merrily, almost never pausing. However, if you attract its
attention without letting it know where you are, it will pause. Once it does
that, it becomes a sitting target.
The final enemy you must defeat, and he's not very accomodating. Broadhead
Arrows don't seem to touch him, Fire Arrows don't bother him...I've hit him
with five and he didn't even flinch! And although he is unaffected by Gas
Arrows, he also seems oblivious to them. I hit him with one and he didn't even
stop to look for me. Your Sword and Blackjack likewise seem to pass right
through him.
I've also seen him throw a web on you, like the Red Spiders do, or similar to
the Earth Mages "Crushing Vines" attack. The Woodsie Lord's webs are at a
strength of 10 however, not 5 like the other two.
4.9.16: Sleepers
First Appearance: Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor)
Sleepers are what I call the people who are asleep when you find them. They are
not dangerous while asleep, and if killing is allowed during the mission, a
single Broadhead Arrow deals with them. Don't get too close to one of them,
however, or else they will wake up and either attack you (if the are capable of
doing so), or run away screaming (if they are Non-Combatants). In the latter
case, there is a chance that the alarm will be raised. Unless there is a good
reason to get near them (such as a chest at the foot of their bed), I suggest
you just steer clear of them altogether.
I should mention that, in some rare instances, I have been able to sneak up to
a Sleeper and blackjack them. When this happens, they stand right up as if you
had awakened them, then fall down unconscious.
4.9.17: Non-Combatants
First Appearance: Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor)
This category includes anyone that doesn't fight against you in the game:
Servants, Civilians, Prisoners, etc. They are weak, falling easily to just
about any attack.
In most cases with other human opponents, once they are alert to you, they are
difficult to blackjack. This is not necessarily true of the Non-Combatants. In
most cases, they can be running right towards you, screaming for help, with you
in bright light, and you can knock them senseless. Some, however, will still
not fall, although they are rare.
4.9.18: Chests
First Appearance: Secret Mission (Mission Sixteen - Blooper Reel)
Yes, Chests. These are the the same as any chest you normally encounter in the
game...the sort where you open it to find items, or in some cases pick the lock
before opening it. There are a few differences here though. You can never open
these chests, and they are alive.
They can't attack you. Or at the very least, they can't damage you. They
certainly try to attack you though. They are tough to kill, and sound like
4.10: Arsenal
While your chosen lifestyle usually involves you hiding from foes rather than
fighting, it is sometimes necessary to make use of some of your weapons...and
some have more uses than the obvious.
Note that you are more easily seen if you have a weapon drawn than if you are
empty-handed (except for the Blackjack and, after mission six, your Sword).
Also, having a weapon out (except the Blackjack) can slow you down. So if you
are in a hurry, put your weapons away!
A word about your bow. Whenever you nock an arrow and pull back, after a short
wait your vision will "zoom in" and you'll be able to see much farther much
clearer. This can be handy if you ever need to see great distances. Nock an
arrow, pull back, and when you've seen all you wish to see, disarm the bow. The
default disarm key is the tilde (~).
4.10.1: Sword
First Appearance: Training Mission or Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor)
Your basic hack-n-slash weapon. Your Sword does either a left cut, a right cut,
or an overhead smashing blow. To get the smashing blow, you need to hold your
attack button without releasing it for a short time. While it takes longer to
deliver, it does more damage than the simple cuts. Also, if your enemy is not
expecting an attack (ie: he doesn't know you're there), the Sword delivers more
damage than standard (usually killing with one blow).
Your Sword is also good for cutting down banners, tapestries, or other types of
wall-hangings that may hide secret areas behind them.
If you are trying to hide in the shadows, having your Sword drawn will make you
easier to spot. However, if you put your weapon in the Block position, it seems
to lessen your visibility somewhat.
NOTE: After Mission 6 (The Sword), your regular Sword is replaced with
"Constantine's Sword". I've noticed that you can have this weapon drawn and
still remain fully hidden in darkness, without needing to "block".
4.10.2: Blackjack
First Appearance: Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor)
There's not much about the Blackjack that isn't obvious. It's got a short
reach, so you have to be pretty close to use it effectively. Interestingly
enough, when you knock out your victims, if you examine their faces, their eyes
are wide open. Curious that....
While most other weapons make you more visible, having this one at the ready
does not affect your visibility.
Two things worth noting about this weapon. First, it IS possible to kill
someone with it. If they know you're there and are attacking you, a few solid
clouts with this does send them to the Builder. Also, sometimes Non-Combatants
(ie: Servants, Prisoners, etc.) are so weak that a single blow from this weapon
kills them, even if you were just going for a knock-out.
Another interesting thing. If you knock someone out while you are in the middle
of a jump, when you look at your stats screen later, you will have an
additional entry for the number of "airborne" knockouts. :)
Sometimes there is a problem with knocking out a person, and picking up the
body BEFORE getting any goodies (like a purse or key) off of their belt. When
you drop the body and look, the item sometimes disappears. One method of
avoiding this (assuming you are in a hurry for some reason) is to knock your
victim out and then pick his pocket before he hits the ground. You will get the
item and, apparently, the credit for picking his pocket as well.
NOTE: Previously, this section noted that you had to hit a creature on the head
in order to induce sleep. This is what was said in the manual (page 16, about
halfway down). This is, in fact, not true. Someone emailed me saying that
everytime he uses his Blackjack on someone's ass, they fall. I tried it, and
it's true. (Although I prefer to think you are whacking them in the kidneys,
stunning them.) Apparently, this sort of a knockout counts as an "Airborne
Knockout". :)
One final word, which should be obvious: Don't try to knock out the undead.
Their use as a weapon is obvious. These weapons, like your Sword, do much more
damage to your enemies when they are not expecting your attack (usually killing
human enemies with one shot).
You may think these weapons are useless on missions where you can't kill
anyone, but that's not entirely true. They are great "distractions". Fire one
off against a nearby wall, and you attract the attention of nearby enemies. And
if you're hiding in shadows, instead of raising the alarm, they (usually) look
around for you. Lead your enemies into an ambush, and blackjack them. :)
Note that if you fire your Broadhead Arrows into soft surfaces, you can
sometimes retrieve them! (I'm afraid your target's body does not count as a
soft surface.)
Sometimes you can collect Broadheads that were shot at you and missed, if they
land in soft surfaces. I have been told that Garrett cannot carry more than 90
Broadhead Arrows, but I have not verified this.
Oddly enough, I've been told that these are effective against Fire Elementals
as well as your more mundane foes.
4.10.4: Water Arrows
First Appearance: Mission One (Lord Bafford's Manor)
Very useful for putting out unwanted torches, and also for cleaning up any
bloodstains you leave behind. If you find a Holy Water font, or use a vial of
Holy Water, you turn your mundane Water Arrows into Holy Water Arrows...very
useful against Zombies and other undead monsters. When trying to destroy
Zombies with these, it takes a minimum of two arrows to destroy one. In groups
however, nearby Zombies can take "splash damage". Note that it only takes one
Holy Water Arrow to dispatch a Corpse-Zombie (while it's still "feigning
death"). Water Arrows will also extinguish Fire Elementals.
A note regarding Holy Water Arrows: Someone has written in to tell me that if
you turn your Water Arrows into Holy Water Arrows, then change weapons before
your timer on them runs out, the timer will freeze, so that when you go back to
your Water Arrows, they will STILL be Holy Water Arrows, with as much time left
as you had remaining before you switched weapons! (Alas, now someone ELSE has
written to tell me that this is not the case. I'm going to have to start
verifying some of the items that come in to me....)
As an interesting side note, Water Arrows are ignored by human enemies when
fired at them. I've fired a Water Arrow right in the face of a Hammerite, and
he didn't even flinch!
These little beauties are devastating. They can destroy a Zombie with a single
shot (and he DOESN'T come back to life), although sometimes it takes two. Some
human guards which normally take several Broadhead Arrows to bring down will
sometimes fall with a single Fire Arrow. They can also be shot into a Fly
Swarm, dispersing them (burning them?). They are also useful for relighting
torches, should you decide you need a little more light in your life.
If your Fire Arrow detonates too close to you, you will take some damage, so be
If you are hiding in the shadows, arming a Fire Arrow will brighten your area a
bit, making you more noticeable.
A word about trajectory: When you fire most arrows, you need to take gravity
into account. That is, once the arrow leaves your bow, it starts to fall,
losing altitude. You need to aim high if you're aiming at a target that's a
long way off. This is NOT true with the Fire Arrows. It's like a mini-rocket.
Aim, fire, and it keeps going IN A STRAIGHT LINE, until it strikes something.
Keep this in mind when using them.
Firing Moss Arrows at items, people, or even the walls or ceiling, will cause
the initial clump of moss to fall to the ground at that point, and then the
remaining moss will shoot out.
It is important to note that the moss from one of these arrows covers an entire
square area, even though some patches may look "bare" in this area. These bare
patches are still considered "mossed", and you can walk silently on them.
These are very nice to have on those levels where you can't kill anyone. It
allows you to knock out someone (or sometimes a few someones) at a distance. If
you use one of these in a crowd, there is a radius effect which knocks out the
primary target as well as those in the immediate vicinity. (I have personally
witnessed a single Gas Arrow take down three Burricks.)
While you won't be knocked unconscious if your Gas Arrow "detonates" too close
to you, you will take some damage from the shattering glass.
Trajectory with Gas Arrows is the same as with Fire Arrows: they keep going in
a straight line, never falling, until they hit something.
Like Fire Arrows, if you only pull back on your bowstring briefly, the arrow
will travel much more slowly. (And I assume that you can chase it and hit
yourself with it, like the Fire Arrows.)
Very handy items, if you happen to have no way into or out of an area, and
there is a wooden (or similarly "soft") surface neraby. Fire one of these, and
you have instant access.
A word of caution: While these arrows are very useful to you in many
situations, it should be pointed out that there is a maximum length to the
rope. You could shoot a Rope Arrow at a ceiling very high up, and watch with
dismay as the rope tumbles down to stop several feet higher than your highest
Note that these arrows are re-usable. Once you've finished with the rope,
retrieve the Arrow.
A useful manouevre for any Thief is what I call a "jump-n-snatch" manouevre.
Basically, when you are ready to abandon your rope, position yourself in some
way to that your Rope Arrow is highlighted, then jump off the rope AT THE SAME
TIME THAT YOU GRAB THE ARROW! This retrieves your Rope Arrow for re-use later,
and accomplishes your goal of getting to where you wanted to go. (In some
cases, it is enough to just hang on the rope and grab the arrow, allow yourself
to fall.)
WARNING! Do not face a wall, standing directly against it, then look straight
up and fire one of these into a secure material! Yes, it will stick, but the
rope will be too close to the wall, and you will be unable to use it!
These devices are quite useful against undead monsters. A Zombie takes about
two of these to take him out permanently. They are useful against other types
of undead as well. Note that they work best against Flash Bomb
damages all nearby undead!
The damage a Flash Bomb does seems to be dependent upon its proximity to the
target or targets. It appears to do more damage to someone the closer it lands
to them. That being said, it should be obvious that you want a group of undead
to cluster together before throwing one of these at them.
A word of caution: If you use these against Zombies, sometimes they explode,
and sometimes they just fall to the ground. If a Zombie simply falls, it is not
out of action, it's just a Corpse-Zombie now. Approaching it will wake it up
again. (In cases like this, another Flash Bomb usually dismembers the
fiend...although you are free to use other methods to permanently disable these
These devices also appear to blind Burricks for a short period of time.
Although both the game and the manual call these items simply "Mines", I refer
to them as "Explosive Mines" throughout this FAQ, to differentiate them from
their non-lethal cousins, "Gas Mines".
These Mines are small, and sometimes hard to see when they are lying around
waiting to be picked up (or set off). These items are also useful against
undead creatures.
A note about setting Mines: Don't use the right mouse button like you do to
(for example) throw a Flash Bomb. Instead, use your "Drop" key (the default
drop key is the letter "R"). It will fall at your feet. Otherwise, if you use
the right mouse button, you tend to "throw" it a distance from yourself, and it
bounces and slides around for a short time before finally stopping and arming
itself. A word of caution: Once you've set a Mine, you CAN trigger it yourself.
Another interesting point about Mines. If there is one set, you can trigger
them without going near. I've fired Broadhead Arrows at them and had them go
off, although you have to actually HIT the Mine...the motion of the arrow
flying by is not sufficient to alert the Mine's motion detectors. Note that the
Mine has to be that's just lying there without being set will not be
triggered in this manner. Also, another Mine exploding nearby can set off a
Mine...they can be knocked back, and you can start a chain reaction this way!
One final note regarding Explosive Mines: if one goes off near an unlit torch,
it can ignite the torch.
A Gas Mine is like a Gas Arrow, as far as effect is concened. When trod upon,
they release the same knockout gas as the Gas Arrow, putting the victim to
sleep. Also like the Gas Arrow, it has an area effect, so if several persons
are nearby when it goes off, more than one will likely fall asleep.
4.10.13: Potions
First Appearance: Healing Potion - Training Mission or Mission One (Lord
Bafford's Manor); Breath Potion - Mission Six (The Sword); Speed Potion -
Mission Two (Break From Cragscleft Prison); Holy Water - Mission Two (Break
From Cragscleft Prison)
There are four types of potions you can get in the game, although one is not
strictly a potion.
Healing Potion: Exactly what it sounds like. When you quaff this potion, you
will start to regain health points. It heals you a total of four health points
(or up to your maximum, whichever is the lower value). It is not an immediate
effect (it doesn't take too long, it just doesn't happen immediately)
will regain these points slowly, one by one.
Breath Potion: This is extremely useful when you have a long underwater journey
to take. If you're supply of air is running low, drink this potion down
(actually it's just a bottle of air, but why quibble?) and you'll have a
replenished air supply. No matter how low your air supply is when you take
this, it is always restored to the maximum, so I suggest you wait until your
current supply is nearly depleted before using this, to gain the maximum
Speed Potion: Another rather obvious one. You swallow this potion, and you are
granted a temporary burst of speed. You can run faster and, as a result, jump
farther. It doesn't last very long, so be sure you really want to use it before
you do. I am not sure if your combat skills are enhanced by this potion or not.
Holy Water: This is the "potion that is not a potion". You dip your Water
Arrows into this vial to turn them into Holy Water Arrows. At least, that's
what you're supposed to do. In game terms, all you do is "use" it the same way
you would any other potion. Your Water Arrows become Holy Water Arrows for 30
seconds, and they are now lethal missiles when discharged against undead
4.11: Cheats
What? You want to CHEAT?? You want to deprive yourself of the experience of
playing and winning this game on your own??? WHY?!?!?!
The following cheats are known. I have personally verified all of them,
although I have not tried the trainer.
To skip the current mission and move on to the next one, press
To start a new game at a mission other than Lord Bafford's Manor, put the line
"starting_mission X" in your dark.cfg file, where X is the mission number you
wish to start at.
For extra money, add the line "cash_bonus x" to your dark.cfg file., where x is
an integer. That value will be added to your loot total for loadout purposes
(the before-mission screen where you buy equipment is the loadout screen).
NOTE: I tried setting x to 5000, and was given 0 gold. I tried setting it to
2000, and was given 2000. Anyone have any comments on this?
This next one isn't really a cheat, per se. In your dark.cfg file, you�ll see
the following lines:
Changing the 110 to a 90 shrinks the size of the gem and health shields and
gives you more visible area on the screen.
NOTE: Regarding the last one (vismeter_zoom and hpbar_zoom). When I went to
experiment with this in Thief Gold, the values for these two variables were not
110, they were 60. I do not know why. Perhaps this is affected by the
resolution you are playing the game at, or perhaps they made a change in the
conversion to Thief Gold. However, when I changed the 60 to a 30, the size of
my shield's and gem INCREASED. Changing these values to 110 DECREASED their
Secret Mission: Use a text editor to edit the game's user.cfg file, found in
the Thief Gold root directory. Add the lines:
starting_mission 16
With that done, run Thief Gold, start a new mission, and Skip Training. This
will launch the secret Bloopers mission. (If you don't skip the training, then
afterwards you'll be playing Lord Bafford's Manor.)
Trainer: There is apparently a Trainer program you can download online for
Thief Gold. I am not sure if it also runs with Thief or not. This program (I am
told) will give you a lot of gold to purchase items with, and will also give
you a limited form of immortality. You can download the trainer program here:
Note: I have played this particular "mission" on all three difficulties, and
the only difference I know of is the Secret Area: It is only available on the
Expert setting.
5.1: Introduction
"The essence of balance is detachment. To embrace a cause, to grow fond or
spiteful, is to lose one's balance, after which, no action can be trusted. Our
burden is not for the dependent of spirit."
-- Mayar, Third Keeper
I was a kid. No parents, no home. Running messages and picking pockets to keep
my ribs from meeting my spine. One night I saw a man...folks just passed him by
like he wasn't there. I thought he must have something valuable, so I snuck up
on him and made a grab.
"That's not for you."
"Please, sir, I'm hungry. Don't tell the Hammers, I promise..."
"What is your name, boy?"
"You have talent, lad."
"Let go of me, old man!"
"To see a Keeper is not an easy thing. Especially one who does not wish to be
seen. We have a need for those as gifted as yourself. If you've grown tired of
how you live, then follow me, and we will show you a different way."
"Leave me alone!"
"As you wish."
I caught up with him just before he vanished into the crowd. It was the
beginning of a very long education....
5.2: Objectives
Your objectives for this mission do not change based on your difficulty level.
You start this mission with nothing but your shadowy clothing, and no
opportunity to purchase anything.
5.4: Walkthrough
A walkthrough is not really necessary for this mission...your Instructor will
walk you through it himself. Instead, I will point out a few things of
* A. The Dark Room *
This is the room where you have to make it to the other side without being
seen. It is not actually necessary to wait for your Instructor to stop speaking
before beginning this section. If you stand on the bottom step, you can
successfully jump over the short wall keeping you from entering the room. Jump
off to the right, where it is darkest. Otherwise, you'll land in the light and
be seen immediately.
* B. The Quiet Room *
This is the room where you have to make it to the other side without being
heard. Again, it is not necessary to wait for your Instructor. Jump over the
barrier, but this time jump to the left (while not actually necessary, jumping
to the left will keep you from having to turn and backtrack, thus allowing you
to shave some time off your final clock score). Note that it is much more
difficult to successfully jump here then in the Dark Room.
When you get near the end of the room, instead of turning right to avoid the
metal grating, try jumping over it and landing on the stairs. They are
carpeted, and you can manage this without attracting your Instructor's
* C. The Sparring Room *
This is the room with the targets, the dummy, and the sparring area. Try to
pick up your Sword first, then your bow, so that the bow is readied
automatically. (Not only will you not have to ready it, but having your Sword
out slows your movements.) Move down to the targets, and shoot off an arrow.
Then, turn right around, draw your Sword, and attack the dummy. You will have
to keep attacking it until you have successfully connected with a left swing, a
right swing, and an overhead swing. (If you're interested in taking another
second or two off of your final clock score, try approaching the dummy with an
overhead swing at the ready.) Once this is done, you will spar with a guard.
(Note that in this combat, you cannot kill the guard, nor can he injure you.)
Once you've sparred a bit, you can leave the circle, and pick up the items off
the table. (Note that, even though your Instructor tells you to pick up ALL the
items, it is not can simply pick up the key alone and proceed
from there.)
This part was a bit tricky for me, when I was trying to get through with the
shortest time possible. I would spar for a bit, then go to the table, but the
items were not there. Go back and spar, check the table again. Someone emailed
me and told me that the items will not appear until you have hit the guard a
minimum of five times with your Sword. I have confirmed this. So go find the
guard as soon as possible and whack him five times to minimize your time. (I
shaved about 40 seconds off my best time this way!)
NOTE: Although unnecessary, you CAN get into the target range area. Simply walk
along the wall which parallels the stairscase, aim yourself at the target area,
run and jump. You should land in the grassy area with no trouble. In here, you
can pick up your arrows that you've shot.
* D. The Basketball Court *
This is a "secret" area. Once you have finished sparring with the guard, go to
the table and pick up the key. Then, follow the guard out (or run past him)
before the exit is blocked off. You may need to fire an arrow at the guard to
slow him down in order to do this. Keep going until you come to a door. Unlock
it with your key, and you will find the basketball court. Try shooting the ball
through a basket. As far as I know, you don't get anything for doing so, but
it's a fun diversion. :)
Also, in the far corner is a bedroll. Pick it up and examine it, and you will
get to read some of the quotations overheard while the game was being
programmed ("Quotes from the Dark Team during the development of Thief: The
Dark Project"). Some of it is quite amusing. :)
Note that it is not necessary to get to this area. There are no bonuses that
affect the game whatsoever, as far as I can tell.
* E. The Mantle Room *
This "room" is outdoors. Once you've done your running jump across the gap over
the river, you have to pull yourself up (mantle) onto a block. In this room,
you can manage to get yourself onto the roof. At the end of the path you are
walking on, instead of falling, jump forward and LAND on the red beam which the
rope descends from. From here, take a running jump, and you'll land on the
roof. The only problem is, you can't stay fall off in a few
There is no reason to do this, other than for your own personal edification. It
contributes nothing to your game that I know of. Note that the same method can
be used in the other rope-room (the jump-across-the-gap room) to get on the
roof there.
* F. The Treasure Room *
This is the room beyond the red door. After entering, you will hear yourself
(Garrett) thinking about your (his) plans. Run down to the end of the hall, and
you will find a table with a golden vase on it. Pick it up. (50, Treasure
Count: 50.) It will give you another 50 gold pieces with which to purchase
items for the next (first) mission.
Game Bug: You are supposed to start the next (first) mission with 300 gold, or
350 if you picked up the vase. HOWEVER, if you do this little trick, you can
start with more. Save your game just before the end of the training mission.
Now, finish the mission, but instead of continuing, reload and finish again.
Each time you do this, the game apparently adds 300 (or 350, if you grabbed the
vase) to the total amount you had PREVIOUSLY. So, go in, grab the vase, and you
start with 350. Reload, go in, grab the vase, and instead of starting with 350,
you get 350 ADDED to the previous 350...700. Reload again, you start with
1,050. Keep doing this as much as you feel like it. (Note that to purchase all
the items available for the next mission, you only need to have 1,200.)
6.1: Introduction
"The most promising acolyte left us, not out of the lesser folly of sentiment,
but the greater folly of anger. His heart was clouded, and his balance was
lost, but his abilities were unmatched. Even then, we knew to watch him most
-- Keeper Annals
I have a simple job planned for this evening. Break into a guarded mansion,
steal another fat nobleman's priceless trinket, and leave quietly. Lord Bafford
is out of town, and rumour has it that the captain of his house guard went with
him, as a bodyguard. The time is ripe for a bit of burglary.
The front gate of Lord Bafford's manor is always guarded, and the main street
is far too exposed. But Cutty tells me there's a better way in...around to the
side, more out of the way. One guard, and likely no witnesses to...complicate
No point in waiting. I have Cutty's old sketches of the place, and everyone
who's going to be asleep inside already is. It's time to begin....
Starting Gear:
1 Sword
1 Blackjack
36 Broadhead Arrows
8 Water Arrows
1 Healing Potion
Since it is entirely possible to finish this mission using nothing but your
Blackjack and a Flash Bomb (or your Blackjack and four or five Water Arrows),
you can get away with buying NOTHING. You start with everything you need
(except Flash Bombs, which you find inside the Manor). Since you can't kill
anyone, you will not be getting into any fights, so buying Healing Potions is
useless, unless you plan to submerge yourself for too long under water, or
stick around when the Spiders are biting you. (Also, you find one almost
immediately after entering the Manor.) However, if you wish to spend your money
(remember, it doesn't carry over to the next mission), you may want to spend it
on Water Arrows, to maximize your chances of hiding in certain areas.
At the top level of the Manor, there are two entrances into a garden area, with
stairs up to some stone walkways. On this upper level, there are banners
hanging in the corners. If you follow this walkthrough, then you want to enter
the garden from the entrance on the OPPOSITE side from where you come into this
level (ie: you climb the stairs after clubbing a guard, enter the hallway, and
turn left...on your right is a garden want the other one). Climb
the stairs, and there should be a banner facing you. Ignore it, turn right
around, and move to the banner at the far end. Whip out your Sword and cut this
banner down to reveal a secret passage. Follow it to the end, and you will find
yourself in the room just outside the throne room, with the lone guard standing
there. From here, you can jump down and club him with your Blackjack (a
difficult procedure). I do NOT recommend this method however, as doing so can
attract the patrolling guards outside this room, unless you've dealt with them
already. And without Rope Arrows, you will have to leave the room into the
hallway where the guards patrol, with them still moving about!
When playing Thief Gold, I discovered that using the secret entrance mentioned
above, I could take out all the torches in the room below, then fall down onto
the carpet and not be noticed. I do not know if this also works in the original
Thief or not.
6.8: Walkthrough
A. Outside the Manor
B. Beneath the Manor
C. 1st Level of the Manor
D. 2nd Level of the Manor
E. 3rd Level of the Manor
F. Escaping from the Manor
* A. Outside the Manor *
You start off facing the house you plan to burgle. However, this entrance is
guarded too well for you to attempt entry. Turn to your right, until you are
facing down the street, and move ahead. Ignore your first turning to the
left...continue on ahead. Follow this path for a while. Pass by the, just past the lamppost, the street starts to rise. Once you are on
the rise, turn to your left, and you'll see a little alcove. Hidden inside this
alcove are some arrows: 12 Broadheads and 4 Water Arrows (you will have to look
down or back up to see the Water Arrows). [NOTE: You can probably ignore these
arrows...I find that I get through the entire mission with only using at most 5
Water Arrows, and none of the Broadheads.]
[NOTE: At some point around here, a servant will come walking down the street.
Hide from him, or don't, or blackjack him if you like. I have never found that
doing ANYTHING with this particular individual changes the game.]
Continue up the street. Shortly you will find a sewer entrance. Climb down the
ladder into the sewer. Move forward, and take the first right. When you reach
the four-way junction, continue straight ahead. There will be a left-hand turn.
Once you've taken that turn, stop before reaching the next intersection (which
is just ahead). Turn right, and you'll see a door. Go through it, turn to the
right. There is a lever in the wall here. Go up to it and pull it. Turn around,
but before you leave, look down and search the floor. Someone dropped some
treasure here for you. Pick it up, it's worth 200 to you (Treasure Count: 200).
Now, leave the way you came.
Once out in the sewer again, turn right and proceed ahead. Now, turn right, and
follow this tunnel. Climb up this ladder, and exit the sewers.
Turn left once you're out. This is the way you want to go, but be
careful....there is a patrolling guard in the area as well as the drunken lout
attempting to sing. (You'll want to start walking here, if you've been running
up until now.) Sneak behind Sinatra, and filch the key from his belt. Turn
around, and use the key on this door to unlock it. Go through, and you're in
the wellhouse. Jump up onto the edge, and then dive in.
* B. Beneath the Manor *
Once you surface, turn to face the direction that the water flow is moving you
in. Move forward (you can still run), until you enter a circular room with
water dripping down. Turn to your left, nearly 180 degrees, and swim down to
the opening below. Swim through the tunnel, then surface. You're in a small
pool with some floating barrels. Turn until you see a chest guarded by some
Spiders. Now, turn again, and climb out of the pool on a side with no Spiders
on it. Look down, then run over to the chest. Open it, get the ring out of it
(100, Treasure Count: 300), and then get back in the water fast before the
Spiders start attacking. Once in the pool, swim back out the way you came.
[Note: You can kill these Spiders without penalty. Broadheads work best,
although after killing some of them, the others start coming after you, and you
pretty much have to rely on your Sword, which is hard to use against them.
Alternatively, I've been told that by standing on the sloping side of the area,
and jumping up and down, you can lure the Spiders into drowning themselves. All
in all, if you're after the best possible time, the run-through-them method is
Back in the circular room with dripping water, continue following the flow
until you see a climbable area on your right (quite a ways down the tunnel). It
will be better lit than the other areas down here. Climb into the room with the
barrels, and you've entered Lord Bafford's basement. Go through the door. (I'd
start walking now if I were you.)
* C. 1st Level of the Manor *
Once you open the door, there is a chest partway across the room, almost
directly ahead. It contains a healing potion. Once you have that, turn left,
and head towards the exit. Uh oh! Voices! Hug the wall, and listen until the
guards move away.
After about two seconds, ease yourself out of the exit by moving sideways, and
sneak forward after the guard ahead (the other guard will not be able to see
your cross the lighted area). Once you're close enough, use your Blackjack
against his skull. [Note: Since this area is pretty dark, you SHOULD be able to
leave the body here without anyone noticing it.] Now, move forward, turn right
up ahead, and follow this passage into the Manor proper.
You should now be walking on carpet. Turn left, and walk forward, towards a
lighted archway you can see up ahead. You will hear your footsteps become quite
loud as you walk over some metal grating, but it appears that no one can hear
you when you do so.
[If you find that someone DOES hear you (although it has not happened to me),
try the following instead: Instead of turning left upon entering this room,
head towards the doorway that has a lit torch in it. Once you go through it,
turn to your left, and move through the exit you see ahead.]
Just inside this corridor is a chest. Inside you'll find two Flash Bombs. Now,
turn left, and head down this corridor to the stairs, and take the stairs all
the way to the top.
* D. 2nd Level of the Manor *
At the top, you should see an exit. However, in this room, directly across from
the exit, are two more chests for you. One is flat on the floor, the other
propped against the wall. Open the propped one to find a stack of coins (5,
Treasure Count: 305). Ignore the other one, it contains a vase that makes a
LOUD noise when you drop it. Turn around and exit the room. Then turn right,
and move forward, past the first hallway on your right, past the room with
sleeping beauty, and turn at the next right. At the end of this hallway, you
can turn either left or right. Take the right, and enter the dead end.
Turn to your left, and there's a door to the kitchen here. Enter, and you
should see some shelves in front of you. On the top one is a golden vase (100,
Treasure Count: 405). Be careful in here! There is a servant preparing a meal.
Leave the way you came.
Once you're back out through the door, turn right and follow the corridor all
the way, and turn right. As before, this should end at a darkened area with a
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is a patrol area. There is a guard SOMEWHERE behind this
door, walking his rounds. We want to give to him the gift of slumber.
Open the door. With luck, your timing will be such that he is just ahead of
you, walking away. (If he's walking towards you, he may just see you and
attack....I hope you saved your game!) If he's not there, then wait for him.
You'll see him before he sees you. Once you see him coming around the corner
ahead, wait for him to approach and turn around. As long as you are hidden in
the shadows, you will not need to shut the door while you wait. Once he's
turned, sneak up behind him and send him to dreamland. Now, go forward into the
next room, turn left, and take the SECOND left you should lead into a
carpeted area. Head down to the end of this area just BEFORE the doorway. This
is where we wait for the next guard. (You may want to save here, too.)
If you're feeling daring, you can peer around the corner and watch for him.
Note that it is possible to position yourself so that when the guard makes his
turn, you catch just a glimpse of him. (Be careful here...there's a servant
that sometimes walks through this area.) The guard you're waiting for will be
coming through the door directly across from you. When it opens, jump back, and
wait. Listen to his footsteps. Once they start receding, you can sneak out, and
bruise this guard's ego with your Blackjack. (Alternatively, instead of relying
on your ears, which I find is not always accurate, turn around and head back so
you're looking out of the room from the entrance you came in from. This way,
you'll see the guard walking away from you, and you can sneak up on him then.)
Okay, I'm a bit turned around here now, and you might be too. So use your
compass. You want to be in the room where you KO'd the last guard, and you want
to head west. At the end of this room you should find a set of stairs leading
up into a small, circular room. Take them. In this room on a bookshelf is
another gold vase (100, Treasure Count: 505).
Ignore the other set of stairs. Turn around and go out the way you came. Once
you're back in the other room, you should see two metal doors: one across from
you, and one in the wall to your left. Go through the left one. In this room,
turn to your right, and at the end there will be a bench, with a goblet sitting
on it. Take the goblet. (15, Treasure Count: 520). Leave the room the way you
came, and now head through the other metal door you noted previously. (You may
wish to save your game again, to avoid the roaming servant.)
Head to the other exit of this room, but before you reach it, turn to the right
and examine the items on the shelf...there are two you are interested in. A
gold plate (50, Treasure Count: 570) and a gold carafe (50, Treasure Count:
620). Now, leave through the new exit, and you will find yourself in another
large room like the patrolled one before.
There is a door in the wall to your left. Go through it, and head down to the
end. On a table to your left, you will find a stack of coins (12, Treasure
Count: 632).
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is another patrol area, and it could get interesting here.
Leave this room the way you came in. In large room your in now, you should see
an exit on your left with some stairs. Take this. Before getting to the top of
these stairs though, stop. Pull out your bow and extinguish the torch with a
water arrow. Now, enter the room, hugging the right wall, until you come to the
opening with the stairs leading up. Wait here. (Be sure you are waiting on the
RIGHT hand side (as you're facing the staircase)....while I've successfully
done this on the left hand side, it only worked once.) Eventually, a guard will
come down the stairs. Consider him Blackjack practice.
Once the guard is unconscious, head to the opposite end of the room, between
two tables, where you'll find a chest. Inside is a bottle of wine (50, Treasure
Count: 682).
Note: If you're fast enough, you MIGHT be able to knock the guard above out
without extinguishing the torch first. (I have done so once.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! You may want to start saving your game at regular intervals
now, if you haven't already. The uppermost floor here is patrolled, in several
* E. 3rd Level of the Manor *
Go up the staircase, then turn right and go down the smaller stairs into a
hallway. Turn left, and go through door at the end into the library.
In here there are a few items of interest, but most can be ignored. The one
that you are interested in is on a table against the wall, the furthest one
from where you entered (200, Treasure Count: 882). Now, go through the door
opposite the one you entered, and be ready for some fancy legerdemain.
[NOTE: In the library, you can find a scroll which is a report to Lord Bafford
from one of his underlings. It mentions that the person was unable to find any
information regarding someone named Victoria. This is probably a reference to
Viktoria, whom you will meet later in the game.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! In this hallway, there are two Captains patrolling. If you see
one approaching, just wait...he can't see you. As he gets closer, he'll turn
and go down another corrider. Watch him...when he turns again, that's about the
time the next guard enters this hallway at the far end. NOW is when you want to
Move forward, towards the lighted doorway, and hide in the shadows to one side.
Now wait. When this Captain comes through, remove the key from his belt. Now
wait. The second one will be coming along shortly. Remove the key from HIS
belt. Wait again. When the next one (actually the first Captain who's key you
lifted) comes around, club him. After you've hidden the body (be quick about
it!) return to your hiding spot, and take out the second returning Captain when
he returns.
[NOTE: If you want to speed things up a bit, and don't care about picking
pockets, you can simply club these two the first time through, then get their
keys while they're unconscious. But I like to be thorough. :) ]
Okay, time for some more pilfering. Turn back the way you may have
noted a door in the wall as you came down here. Open it, and step inside.
Against the left hand wall is a table, upon which sits a bracelet (125,
Treasure Count: 1007), and four stacks of coins (12, 12, 12, 12, Treasure
Count: 1019, 1031, 1043, 1055). Now, leave this room.
Remember when you watched the first guard approach, then turn? Well, you want
to go down that corridor now. When you reach the end, turn left, and stop when
you come to two doorways, one on either side of you. Take the one on the right.
This is a fairly long trip with a few turns, but no choices. So just continue
on down until you come to a doorway through which you can see a tile floor.
Move into that room. Turn to your right, and you should see a key on the wall.
Grab it. Now look down, and open the chest at your feet. You should find a
bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 1105). There's also a book on the table if
you'd like to peruse it, but it's not necessary. Leave the way you came, taking
that long journey back.
At the top, enter the corridor again, but go through the next door into the
bathing room. Move around the bath (either side, it doesn't matter), and exit
the room through the door opposite the one you entered. Across from you, you
should see a small, circular area at the bottom of a few steps, with two doors.
Enter that area.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Open one of the doors (you will need one of the keys you picked
from the wandering guards). It doesn't matter which door you open. Sneak
inside, and look into the next room. There is a lone Captain on guard in there.
From your position here, use water arrows to take out two of the torches. Now,
leave the way you came, and go through the other door you DIDN'T go through the
first time. Take out the remaining two torches with two more water arrows. Now
that the room is in darkness, sneak up behind the Captain. The floor is
alternatively carpet and tile, so he may hear you a couple of times. Just wait
until he stops looking for you before continuing. Once you're close enough to
him, lift the key from his belt. You should also be close enough, or just
about, to use your Blackjack on him. Do so. [NOTE: One time, for some reason, I
could not get close enough to blackjack him. He always heard me and called for
help. If that happens to you, wait until he's facing off to the side, and throw
a flashbomb there. Then you can send him off to sleep with your Blackjack.
Alternatively, leaning may also bring you within range to club him.]
[NOTE: An alternative method to the above is, instead of using water arrows to
douse the flames, just throw a flashbomb into the room. Be sure he's looking
toward you when you do it. While he's disoriented, run up and club him. While
faster, and uses fewer arrows, you don't get the "honourable mention" of
picking his pocket.]
With the Captain properly dispatched, go through the door he was guarding. To
the left, on a shelf, is the object of your quest: Lord Bafford's prized
jeweled scepter. Liberate it.
Go back to the circular room with the two doors, and climb up the steps back
into the corridor. Turn left, and move forward until you find a door on your
left. Go through it. Inside, to your right, is a table against the wall. In the
centre of this table you should find two bottles of wine (50, 50, Treasure
Count: 1155, 1205). Now leave the room, turn left, and go forward until you
find the door on your right. Go through it.
In this room, there is a door directly opposite the one you entered. To your
left, against the wall that contains that door, is a shelving unit with a
candle on top. Go there, and you will find what is probably the hardest
treasure to find on this mission: a ring (100, Treasure Count: 1305).
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another patrol area. Sometimes when you open this door, there
is a guard right outside.
Open the door, and if you don't see the guard, wait until you do. If he is
moving away from you, sneak up behnd him and club him. If he starts moving
towards you, close the door. Save your game at that point, and try opening the
door periodically to see if he's turned around yet. When he does, put him to
Once the guard is taken care of, move down this hallway. Take the first left
(stairs flanked by statues). On the table in this room you will find another
gold vase (100, Treasure Count: 1405). Turn around, and go back down the stairs
you entered by. Turn left, follow the corridor to the end, then turn right.
Walk forward until you find the first opening on the left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a guard past this opening that patrols between two
rooms. Once he's out of sight, enter the room, turn left, and take the stairs
up. Work your way around the debris to a chest at the far side. Inside you'll
find a stack of coins (12, Treasure Count: 1417). Go down the stairs, watching
out for the guard, and exit the way you came in.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Turn left, head down the hallway. Ignore the first opening on
your left. Go instead to the second one. This is like the previous room, with a
guard patrolling. When he's out of sight, enter the room, and climb the stairs
on the right. Up here are some bunkbeds, with a chest for each. You want the
far chest on your right hand side. It holds another stack of coins (12,
Treasure Count: 1429). Go down the stairs, watching out for the guard, and exit
the way you entered.
* F. Escaping from the Manor *
In the hallway you've just entered, turn left. Move forward, and take the right
turn. Continue forward until you can turn left, and then do so. Up these
stairs, turn left, and go down the flight of stairs here. (These are the ones
you entered the upper level by.) In the room at the bottom, turn left, go down
the stairs into the large room below, and turn left again.
Enter the first room on your left here. There are two paths to take
goes back into the manor again, the other leads out. If you can see it, you
want to head towards a lever in the wall, right next to a torch. Pull the
lever, then continue on in the same direction. The lever has opened an exit to
the street. Once you're on the street, you've completed all your tasks.
7.1: Introduction
"Before death came, the liars were made to feast upon the hands of the thieves,
and the thieves were made to ingest the tongues of their liar brothers, and we
praised the Master Builder for his judgements."
-- The Hammer Book of Tenets
I went to Cutty's place to deliver the scepter, but Cutty wasn't there. He'd
been arrested by the Hammerites. Apparently they didn't approve of his
occupation, and I doubt they approve of mine. So hopefully they'll never catch
sight of me when I break him out of their prison. Which is what I'm going to
They're holding Cutty in a mining complex carved out of a quarry. The quarry's
flooded, but the Hammers still work the top level mines, and have converted
part of the complex into a penitentiary for those who..."violate" their tenets.
An associate of mine was confined there, and has provided me with a map. It
would be difficult to get in by way of the main gate, but there is another
option. The mines break the surface of a hill south of the quarry. I'll drop
into the mines and head for the prison, which will be found somewhere uphill
and to the north. The Hammers don't venture into these lower mine levels
because they're reputed to be haunted.
I'd rather not have to do this job, but Cutty's a reliable fence, and I don't
appreciate the Hammerites abducting him. And he owes me money for the Bafford
NOTE: The objective of "Don't Kill Anyone" only seems to apply to humans (ie:
Hammerites, Prisoners, etc.). It does NOT apply to Spiders or Zombies.
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to steal from Lord Bafford's Manor.
(Maximum possible: 1429.)
Starting Gear:
20 Broadhead Arrows
5 Water Arrows
1 Noisemaker Arrow
NOTE: I do not know why your Sword and Blackjack are not shown under the
"Starting Gear" for this mission. Fear not, you DO have them both.
The Hot Tip is gives you information that you will eventually find
on your own during the mission. The Tip, while nice to know, is also useless to
you, because I'm going to tell you what BOTH of them say anyways! :)
Tip: Word on the street is that the Hammers are eager to take back the top
level of the haunted mines, because there's a specially-blessed holy water font
Hot Tip: According to Dikket, a "heretic" who was recently let out of
Cragscleft, Cutty's being held in cell block four.
For this mission, you will almost certainly want at least one Moss Arrow
(although you can find some in the mines). Depending on how you handle the
Zombies on this mission, you may also want to buy more Water Arrows. If,
instead of destroying the Zombies, you plan to run past them, perhaps a Speed
Potion or two would be in order.
Previously, I had stated here that the final pickpocket-able guard had been
found. Apparently, I was mistaken. Someone wrote to me and told me that one of
the two guards near an alternate entrance (a staircase which connected to both
the mines and the pools of water) had a Healing Potion which can be lifted.
While this is true, someone else has also written in stating that this potion
is only there on the Hard difficulty level, not the Expert. So we are still
looking for one last pocket to pick. :(
A note regarding your stats at the end of the mission: When I completed the
mission, I had the following confusing stats shown:
After some experimentation, I concluded that the one enemy it says I "killed"
was the rotating sensor in one of the guardrooms!
At one point in the mines, where there are Zombies roaming around, there is a
corpse lying on the floor in one of the passages. I have stated in the
walkthrough that this is NOT a Corpse-Zombie. I have had at least one person
write in and tell me that it is, in fact, a Hammer Haunt corpse, which animates
and attacks you. From personal experience, I have found that this is simply a
corpse. I have even picked it up on occasion (although that was in the Original
Thief, and not Thief Gold). However, I have moved close to and past this corpse
several times in Thief Gold, most notably when finishing the mission carrying
Basso, and have never had it animate. I am not sure what circumstances are
required to get it to do so.
7.8: Walkthrough
A. The Mines, Lower Level
B. The Mines, Upper Level
C. The Factory Level
D. Prison Level, Looking for Cutty
E. Prison Level, Looking for Basso
F. Prison Level, Looking for Issyt
G. The Barracks Level
H. To Find the Missing Evidence
I. Escaping the Mines
* A. The Mines, Lower Level *
You start facing an entrance into the mines that is below the waterline. Enter
the water, and head for the tunnel. Once you are completely submerged, stop,
look down, and move towards the floor. You will find a diamond there (35,
Treasure Count: 35). Fix your view so you are looking forward again, and push
on ahead. The tunnel turns to the right, and you will need to look down again
to continue on your way. From here on, follow the tunnel until you emerge from
the water into a dark mine area. Ahead of you, you should see a small swarm of
flies in a dimly lit area. Move forward, towards the flies (which you will now
see are circling over a corpse).
There are two ways that you can proceed here. The first way is suggested to you
only if you're interested in obtaining a few more Moss Arrows. If you are not
interested in that, then skip down to the paragraph that starts "Head towards
the corpse...".
Get on the track to the left of the corpse, and move forward. Take the first
left you come to. Follow this path all the way, until you can go either left or
right. Turn right, and you should be facing a large hole with some sort of an
elevator platform in it. Move want to get to the edge of the
hole, but not fall the entire way. Standing on this semi-ledge, looking down,
you should see a Spider. From up here, you can take aim with your bow and
skewer him with a single shot. (Save your game if you like to preserve your
arrows, just in case your first shot miss...I usually need three or so before I
get the aim right.) Once the Spider is dead, fix your view ahead again. Hop
onto the platform. There is a box with buttons on it right in front of you.
Push the bottom button, and the lift will take you down to where the Spider
was. Turn until you are facing a tunnel that goes downwards. Follow it to the
end, where you will find 2 Moss Arrows. Turn around, go back to the platform,
get on, and push the second button from the bottom. This will take you back up
to the previous level.
Once the lift has stopped, turn so that the box is directly behind you. Facing
the track, move forward, and jump so you are back on solid ground again. Now,
move forward and take the left turn. Follow this tunnel until you can turn
either left or right. Turn right, and move forward. You should now be back in
the entrance area with the flies and corpse.
Head towards the corpse, but take the tunnel to the right of it. Move past the
crate, and underneath the next lamp, look down. On the ground you should find a
silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 85) and a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count:
185). Now, continue moving forward, and you will come to a rise. Continue until
you top the rise. You should find yourself on some tracks, at a crossroads.
Turn to your right, and move forward into the next room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! That's a Corpse-Zombie on the floor, but will not awaken if you
don't get too close. To your right is an opening in the wall. Hug the wall
until you can get into the opening. Once in, follow the tunnel, and you will
come to a room with three corpses in it. Again, be of them is a
Corpse-Zombie. To your left you should see a lighted area above. This is where
you want to go. Hug the wall, moving forward (the funny-looking corpse dead
ahead is NOT the Corpse-Zombie). Once you're at the end, hold down the spacebar
to climb up onto the ledge. Now, ahead, you will see an area straight ahead,
and one to your left. It is to the left that you want to go. Jump up, move
forward, until you are in this area.
Long way down, isn't it? But you need to get across, and the bridge is out.
Turn to the left, and you should see a room of sorts, and a ledge. You want to
jump onto this ledge. Once you've done that, move carefully into the room.
There's a big hole here, so be careful.
Looking across the hole, you should see a silver nugget. Leap across the hole
to get it (you may want to slide over to an area where the whole is not quite
so wide). (50, Treasure Count: 235.) Then, turn around, facing the direction
you just came. There is a large square hole in the wall, next to the entrance
you used to get here. Jump across to his opening, and pull yourself up into it.
Turn to the right, and move forward, so that you are standing on another
portion of the bridge.
SAVE YOUR GAME! I've taken the plunge here on more than one occassion. You want
to jump up onto one of the rails. As you face across to the other side of what
was once a bridge, it is the left rail you want. (NOTE: You want the rail on
the section you are currently on, NOT the one across from you!) Face the rail
you want, then back up until the other rail blocks your progress. Then, move
forward, and jump onto the rail. Now, turn to your left, and climb up onto the
outcropping. Move forward, and the ground will start to rise up.
* B. The Mines, Upper Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is a patrol area of Zombies! There are at least four
Zombies roaming this area. You can do this area a number of ways:
1: You can sneak through the area, hiding when you need to. While this will
probably take less time, it is not recommended, as you will have to come back
this way later, and you will not be in much of a condition to run, hide, jump,
etc. while being chased by Zombies.
2: From the position where you are, run forward, past the hole (we'll come back
to the hole), and take the first left. This area is an old church, and there is
a Holy Water Font here.
3: If you can lure the Zombies into the water area, and can get the Zombies to
follow you INTO the water, about halfway across the distance, they collapse and
die. I don't know why this is. (When I did this, I was playing version 1.14.
Apparently, it was a bug, and has been fixed in the upgraded versions.) If you
want to try this method, to get to the water area from the church, do the
following: head down the hall leaving the church, then turn right. In the
elevator room, turn left, and follow this passage until you can turn left. Take
this left turn, and follow the tunnel, and take the first right. This passage
will end in a small underground lake.
My method of choice is #2, and that is the one I am describing here.
[Note: In the tunnel directly opposite the hole in the floor, there is a corpse
lying on the ground. It is NOT a Corpse-Zombie. However, see the note in "Notes
Regarding This Mission", above.]
Run forward, past the hole in the floor (we'll get to the hole again later),
and take the first left. If you attract the attention of a Zombie along the
way, so much the better, let him follow you. (And if you take the left and find
a Zombie in the corridor ahead, just run past him.) You will find yourself in a
church. In the left hand side of the room, in the furthest corner area, is a
holy water font. Use it, and it will turn all of your Water Arrows into Holy
Water Arrows, but only for 30 seconds. You can use these to destroy the Zombies
(each Zombie requires 2 Holy Water Arrows to destroy it). Once you have lured
all of the Zombies in and dealt with them, you should be free to explore the
area more completely.
Directly underneath the Holy Water Font is a bottle of Holy Water. Pick it up.
Now, on the same side of the room as the font, but in the other corner area,
you can find a single Water Arrow (this is in front of the fallen font). Also
in this room, directly across from the entrance, you will find a candlestick
(50, Treasure Count: 285) and a golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 360). Turn
around now, and leave the church. At the end of the hall, turn right, back into
the room with the hole in the floor (where you entered the Zombie area from).
This hole in the floor is the elevator shaft. Go over to the box that you
should be able to see, and press the top button to call up the elevator. (You
will have to get close to the box, and then lean over to hit the button without
falling down the shaft.) While the elevator comes up, turn to the left, and
walk down this hall to the end (where there is a cart underneath a lamp). Turn
left here. Walk down this hall, but hug the wall...when you get close enough,
the skeleton there will shoot his skull at you. Follow this track to the end,
then turn left, and walk forward. You should see a latter up ahead. Climb up
the ladder, and then jump off to the area on the right. Move through the
opening you see ahead, and look down. Take the gold nugget (100, Treasure
Count: 460) and the silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 510). Turn around, and
leave the way you came in. You will have to drop down to the ground from here.
Once you're back on the floor level, turn right and move into this area. Turn
left, and you now have two choices. You can either enter the factory from one
of two ways. If you take the left path, you will have to deal with two guards
before climbing the stairs into the factory. This also puts you in a more
difficult position (I think) with one of the other guards. Instead, I suggest
the right hand path.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You may need to reload after this point. Turn right. Use your
holy water to make Holy Water Arrows, and shoot the Corpse-Zombie while it's
still lying there. Turn right, and walk forward until you find a door on the
lefthand wall. Turn to face it.
[NOTE: Destroying the Corpse-Zombie like this draws the attention of some
Hammerites in another nearby section and, if he's close enough, may also draw
the attention of the Hammerite patrolling behind this door.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is a patrol area. There is a Hammerite behind this door,
and he can be annoying. Open the door, and move inside, keeping in the shadows.
If he is in this room already, then he's most likely spotted you. Reload, and
wait for him to leave.
It is very difficult to sneak up and blackjack this Hammerite while he's in the
same room with you. Instead, wait until he's left, then move over near the exit
he took, and wait. He will come back shortly, and when he pokes his ugly hammer
through into the room, club him.
Once he's down, continue on, following the path until it ends at a ladder.
Climb up it, then jump off to the right. There should be an elevator box in
here. Push the lower button, wait for the elevator, then climb on and push the
top button. The elevator will take you up to the factory level.
* C. The Factory Level *
Get off the elevator and go through the door up ahead. Turn left, down the
stairs, and you're in a room where you can keep going straight, or turn left.
Take the left turn, but be careful. Although you are walking above the
Hammerites working below, if you make too much noise or leave the shadows, they
can spot you! Walk forward, and continue straight on until you can go straight
no further. Turn right here, and again walk forward until you cannot anymore.
Turn right again. Walk forward, staying in the shadows, to the end of the
walkway. You should now be at a dead-end on the catwalk, the only way to go
being a stairway down to your right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be very tricky. You should still be facing
forward (the direction you were moving), so the staircase should be on your
right. Move forward and jump up onto the railing in front of you. Once there,
look straight down to the floor far beneath you, and shoot a Moss Arrow there.
Once the time is appropriate (ie: no guards looking in your direction, no one
directly beneath you, etc.), FALL down onto the moss (FALL, do not JUMP!). If
you did not change your facing at all, you should be facing the direction you
want to go. Move forward, turn left, and follow the path to the top of some
[Note: Although I have yet to try it, it seems that perhaps using your
Noisemaker Arrow here to clear the Hammerites out of the room below you might
be an excellent way to accomplish your goal.]
Hide in the shadows, and sneak over to the exit ACROSS from the two Hammerites,
and listen to their conversation! AHA! Cutty is in cell block four! Once they
are done chatting, one of them will turn, and head out the exit you are near.
As he passes, lift the key from his belt (you may need to follow him for a
little in order to get close enough). Once you have the key, club him. Now,
return to the other room. While the second Hammerite's back is turned, sneak up
to him. Lift the key from his belt, then use your Blackjack on him. Even though
he's in the next room, your Blackjack will reach him. Now that the Hammer's are
all asleep, turn around and move through the exit directly opposite from you.
(This will be the exit where you were hiding, listening to the Hammers'
[Note: If you stick to the shadows, it's possible to do this part without
knocking out either Hammerite, although lifting a key from one of them is
helpful. You can avoid the stationary one by sticking to the shadows. The other
one will move back and forth on a long patrol. Someone told me that he saw him
in the entrance to cell blocks 3 & 4, and also back chatting away with his
friend on the way back out.]
* D. Prison Level, Looking for Cutty *
Follow the hallway you're in, up some stairs, and you will come to a sign. Cell
blocks 3 and 4 to the left, 1 and 2 to the right. Well, we know that Cutty's in
cell block four, so turn left. Follow this hall, and you will come to an
opening in the right hand wall, across from which it a torch. Douse the torch
with a Water Arrow.
SAVE YOUR GAME! While this part is relatively easy, if it goes wrong you don't
have to start again from too far back.
You may have noticed some sort of a rotating light on the ceiling in this room.
It is some sort of sensor. It seems that, as long as you are hidden (ie: in the
shadows), you can move freely about with no penalty. However, once you move
into the light, the sensor spots you, and the alarm sounds. Best to avoid that
if at all possible. Fortunately, these sensors have a weakness. Shoot it with a
Broadhead, and you disable it! Do so now.
Uh-oh...the sensor may be disabled, but that guard isn't! He'll come out of the
small room and start hunting for you. Once his back is turned, sneak up on him,
lift the key off his belt, and then wish him a good-night's sleep with your
Across from the opening you used to enter this room is an exit. Move forward,
climb the stairs, and follow the sign towards cell block four. Follow this
hallway, and you will come to an area with an opening in the wall to your
right, and a closed door across from you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is a Patrol Area! There are at least three guards that
patrol around the prison level, moving between cell blocks and between the
upper and lower levels. When you get an opportunity to remove one of these
guards from their patrol routes, do so. Note that one of these patrolling
Hammerites has a key you can pickpocket. [As far as I can tell, these
patrolling guards are unique to Thief Gold.]
Sneak into the opening on your right...this is cell block four. Across from you
and up on the next level, you can see a Hammerite that occasionally is looking
in your direction. So sneak through this room by sticking to the shadows. As
you sneak through, you may want to note the cell numbers. Cutty is in cell six.
But you can't get to him just yet.
Once you're through the room, follow the hallway and stairs up to level two. At
the top of the stairs, turn left, and then stop just before the next left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are going to need to sneak through here. Take the left, but
go slowly. Watch the Hammerite at the far end. When his back is turned, move
forward, and stop in the next shadowy area. He may hear you, so once you're
safe, wait for him to stop looking for you again. He will eventually turn
around again, and you'll be able to move forward. Keep moving until you are
safely out of his view.
Now, press yourself against the wall, FACING the wall, so that you can lean to
the right, and lift the key off of the Hammerite's belt. Once you have it, turn
to your left, and move forward. You should only go a few steps before you hit
the wall. Now turn to your right, not quite 180 degrees. You should see a
locking mechanism on the wall light up. You will need to use one of your keys
to unlock (and open automatically) the door on your left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Sometimes when you open this door, the Hammerite is looking in
your direction. You need him to be looking away.
Open the door, then rush in behind the Hammerite and club him. Once that is
done, turn to face the wall opposite the door. Hmmm...a bunch of levers.
Highlight the lever at the bottom of the leftmost column, and use it. This will
open Cutty's cell door. Now turn around and leave this room (the door has
probably closed again...use your key to open it). Make your way back down to
the first floor, and as soon as you enter the cell area, turn to your left, and
go into Cutty's cell.
Cutty's not doing so well, is he? Not only can he not pay you, but it looks
like he's not going to make it out of here alive. Just before he dies though,
he will impart some information to you which will lead to your next mission.
1. Sneak through the mines and factory to the Hammer prison. (This one
should be checked).
2. Locate and release Cutty. (This one will have a mark in the box,
indicating its irrelevance.)
3. Locate and release Basso the Boxman.
4. Locate Issyt the Beggar and get your lucky hand of glory back.
5. Find the evidence locker and retrieve Felix's map.
6. Loot the complex for valuables. Need 1,000 total loot.
7. Escape from the prison with Basso the Boxman.
8. Don't kill anyone! ]
* E. Prison Level, Looking for Basso *
Leave Cutty's cell, turn left, and move out of the cell block. Turn left, and
follow this passage, and continue straight on past the sign (Cell Block 3, Cell
Block 4). Keep going until you reach an area like before, with an opening into
the cell block (this time on your left), and a door directly across from you.
Welcome to cell block three.
Enter the cell block. Once again, move through the room, keeping to the
shadows, and make your way up to the second level. (If you are interested, look
at the cell numbers...Basso in is cell four.) At the top of the stairs, turn to
your right, and move forward, stopping before you reach the next right.
NOTE: The following section (the two paragraphs enclosed between square
brackets) is for players of the original Thief. While playing Thief Gold, I did
not have two Hammerites to deal with here, only the only in the guardroom.
[ SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a bit of a problem here. Two Hammerites to deal with
instead of one. The first is in an alcove up ahead, to the left. Fortunately,
with patience, he can be dealth with.
If you are fortunate, he will be facing away from you, in which case you can
deal with him normally. Usually, however, he is facing in your direction, and
does NOT turn around. (I have only ever found him facing away once.) In order
to take care of him, you will need to move PAST him. See that sliver of shadow
on the ground in front of him. You have to sneak THROUGH that, into the deep
shadows beyond, before you can club him with your Blackjack. Be sure to crouch
down while you move through, to maximize your chances. Once you've taken care
of laughing boy, you can work on freeing Basso. ]
SAVE YOUR GAME! To free Basso, do this part just like you did to free
Cutty...sneak, wait, sneak, get the key, open the door, and club the Hammerite.
Note: The prisoner at the end of the hall (closest to the guard) will panic
when he sees you, and start calling for help. Ignore him...the Hammerites seem
Point of Interest: If you look in the book in this cell block, not only will
you see that Basso is in cell four, but Dikket WAS in cell one, released when
he recanted and informed. (Dikket was the man mentioned in the Hot Tip above.)
Kudo's to the Thief team for this little bit of continuity! :)
To open the door to Basso's cell, activate the middle lever in the centre row.
Then work your way back down to the first level. Basso's cell is number
four...the second one on your left as you re-enter the cell block.
* F. Prison Level, Looking for Issyt *
Leave the cell, and turn left. Move forward, out of the room, and turn left
again. You should be facing a door. Drop Basso here (he'll be fine, don't
worry), and unlock this door with one of your keys (the locking mechanism in on
the wall on your right). Enter the room, and move through the door directly
across from you. (Again, the locking mechanism is on the wall to your right.)
Welcome to cell block one.
[ NOTE: Once again, we have a difference between Thief and Thief Gold. The
original Thief had a stationary guard in this room. If you're playing the
original, then move up behind the Hammerite, and lift the key from his belt,
then club him. Once that is done, move through the door mentioned above and
continue with the walkthrough. ]
The first turn on your left leads into the cell block. Once again, you will
need to sneak through, hiding in shadows. Unlike the other cell blocks, this
one has a second exit, leading to the barracks. Ignore that for now. Once
you've moved past the cells, take the first left, and make your way up to the
second level. At the top of the stairs, turn left, and move forward. The first
left is the way you want to go.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is another of those move forward, hide, steal the key,
open the door areas. Do this part exactly like before. Once you have the
Hammerite unconscious, turn to the levers on the wall. Issyt is in cell nine.
The lever to open this cell is the second one from the bottom, on the right
hand side. Once activated, leave the room, turn left, and enter the second cell
on the right.
Poor Issyt. Looks like the Hammerites were too much for him. Look down at the
body. One of the hands attached to the skeleton is your Lucky Hand of Glory.
Grab it, and then work your way back down to the first level. Stop when you
come to the sign pointing the way you came, saying "Level Two".
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part CAN be tricky, depending on how you want to do it.
Move forward, and turn left, and you should see the sign pointing to the
Barracks. Follow the sign, but stop before entering the room. There is a
Hammerite Priest in this room. Pull out your bow, and douse the torch at the
far end of the room. Once the room is in darkness, you have two options. 1)
Sneak up on the Hammerite and blackjack him. This is DIFFICULT. You have to
move close to him, but not within blackjack range (once you're close enough to
blackjack him, he sees you). Once you are close, LEAN OVER and strike him down.
2) Arm a Broadhead Arrow, and shoot it towards the far end of the room. The
noise distracts the Hammerite, and he moves TOWARDS THE NOISE. While he's
poking around for you over there, now you can sneak up on him and blackjack
him. Once he's taken care of, take the stairs ahead all the way to the top.
* G. The Barracks Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next area is a patrol area. There are two Hammerites
wandering about up here. At the top of the stairs, turn left, and then take the
next left.You should now be in a semi-opulent room, and Garrett is making a
comment about how they spend their money. Directly across from you is a stained
glass window. There is a passageway on either wall, ahead of you, and this is
where the first patrolling Hammerite will come through. He doesn't turn towards
you, he just keeps walking straight, so it's pretty easy to knock him out. Once
he's asleep, turn back to the entrance you came in, and move to the left side
as you face it (staying in the room!), and wait.
[NOTE: In the original Thief game, the guard you just knocked out was carrying
a Healing Potion which you could pick off his belt. In Thief Gold, this has
apparently been removed.]
Another Hammerite will be patrolling the hallway you came in from. Wait for
him, and when he passes...well, I'm sure you know by now what to do. :)
Once he's out, move into that hallway, turn left, and follow the corridor until
you come to a door on the right. Enter, and open the chest. You'll find a small
pouch of gold (100, Treasure Count: 610). Now, leave, and return to the
semi-opulent room.
[NOTE: For those who are interested. Instead of returning right away, turn
right, and keep going to the next door. Inside you'll find another chest, with
10 Broadhead Arrows inside. Leave that room, turn right, then take the next
left into the dining room. Across the room is the door to the kitchen. Inside,
you will find a Water Arrow on the righthand counter. Once you've done that,
work your way back to the semi-opulent room.]
Standing in the entrance to this room, facing the stained-glass window, you
should see ahead some sort of table on either side of you. On top of each one
is a golden hammer. Take them (75, 75, Treasure Count: 685, 760). On the ledge
just beneath the stained-glass window is a pair of candlesticks. Take both of
them as well (50, 50, Treasure Count: 810, 860). Turn to your right, and move
out of the room. At the end of this short hall, on your right, is a stairway
going up. Take it. Take it all the way up, and continue on ahead until you come
to a left-right turning, with a Hammer insignia on the wall in front of you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Hammerite patrolling nearby, and you don't want him
to hear you! Turn left, and go through the door ahead on your right. You should
now be in some sort of a study, with a large hammer on the desk in front of
you. As soon as you enter the room, go through the door on your right. Follow
the passage until you come to a door on the right. Go through it. Now, turn
left, and move forward, but do not go around the corner. Instead, try to
position yourself so that, without leaning, you are looking partway around the
corner. Wait here, until you see the Hammerite turn around. Once he does, you
can sneak up behind him, get the key from his belt, and blackjack him.
Now, return to the study (the room with the hammer on the desk). Once you've
entered the room, move forward, and turn left. At the end of this small area,
on the wall to your left, is a safe. The key you just got from the guard
outside will open it. Inside you will find a diamond and a crown (100, 125,
Treasure Count: 960, 1085). Now, leave this room through the other door.
[Note: In one bookcase in this room, you can pick up a scroll and read the
story about a man named Nammon who made off with some items from the evidence
box. This explains WHY you didn't find what you were looking for there, but
other than that, there's nothing special about it. It is also interesting to
note that in Cell Block 2, the only one you don't need to enter, the book lists
Nammon as one of the prisoners, and that he died under questioning.]
Back in the hall now, move to the other end, and go through the door on your
left. Upon entering, turn to your right. You should see ahead of you a banner
to your left, and another safe to your right. Open the safe using the same key
you used for the previous one, and you will find another diamond and a tiara
(100, 200, Treasure Count: 1185, 1385). Now, go over to the banner that you saw
beside the safe. Take out your Sword, and cut it down. Beyond is a secret
drinking room. Move into it. On a table to your left you will find three
bottles of wine (50, 50, 50, Treasure Count: 1435, 1485, 1535). That's
everything from up here, so leave the room, and make your way back down to the
bottom of the stairs. Once there, continue straight ahead, turn right, and
enter the large room ahead, but stay in the shadows.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You should be on the other side of the stained-glass window.
Across from it are some stairs leading up to another room. Inside, you should
be able to overhear two men speaking. (NOTE: If you moved close enough to the
stained-glass window when you picked up the candlesticks, you may have
triggered their conversation already, and won't hear it now.)
Hide in the shadows. There is a treasure inside the room with the two men, but
you can't get in without at least one of them spotting you. Stand near the
staircase leading into that room, and jump. When you land, the noise will
attract their attention, and they will come looking. When one of them is close
enough, you can blackjack him. Then you can work more freely on the other one.
Note that one of them has a key that you can pickpocket from him. If they stop
looking for you, simply jump again to remind them of their duty.
[NOTE: The above can get very tedious, as it can take a long time to finish.
The treasure inside is not worth all that much, and if you don't mind having a
slightly less-than-perfect score, you can ignore this entire area.]
[Another NOTE: One time, I was very fortunate...jumping brought them out, and I
was able to club the Priest almost immediately. The gray Hammerite went back
inside, and had his back turned. I was able to sneak up behind him inside the
room and blackjack him.]
Once the two Hammerites have been disposed of, go up the stairs and on the
table you'll find another golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 1610). You're now
finished on this level, so it's time to return for Basso.
* H. To Find the Missing Evidence *
Go back downstairs the way you came up, through the cell block, and turn right.
Go through this door (unlock it with your key), and then go through the door
directly ahead of you in the next room (again, use your key). You should now be
just outside of cell block three, where you dropped Basso. Look around on the
ground until you find him, and pick him up. Then, continue on forward. When you
reach the sign showing which way to go for cell blocks three and four, turn to
the left and go down the stairs.
In the room at the bottom of the stairs, drop Basso near the closed door, then
continue through the room, but don't exit it. At the end of the room, turn
left, and move forward. There is a hole in the wall in front of you. To get
through, crouch and then move forward. Once through, go down the stairs to the
water level.
Move forward, wading through the water, until you have to turn to the left.
Turn, and move forward to the end, and up onto the dry area. This is a small
shelter of some sort, and there is a dead thief here. There are a number of
items to take here (you may need to move the body out of the way first),
including Felix's note. Apparently this is Nammon, the guy who stole from the
evidence locker. Also, you'll find a stack of copper coins (5, 1615), a stack
of gold coins (25, 1640), and four stacks of silver coins (12, 12, 12, 12,
Treasure Count: 1652, 1664, 1676, 1688). There are also 3 Water Arrows and 4
Moss Arrows.
* I. Escaping the Mines *
Time to get Basso again. Go back through the water and up the stairs, and
crouch to go through the hole again. Now, go to the closed door, and open it
(you should not need to use your key). Then pick up Basso, go through the door,
and jump into the water. Follow the current until the flow drops you into a
pool of water. (While following the current, try to keep your facing in the
direction you're going.) Once you've landed in the pool, head through the
tunnel directly ahead (assuming you've kept your facing as suggested). You'll
be in another pool area. Directly across from where you entered is a tunnel to
another cave, but this one is underwater. Dive, and follow the tunnel. When you
emerge, come up for some air. Again, directly across from where you enter is
another underwater tunnel. Once you've got your air supply full, dive and
follow the new tunnel. This time, you'll exit into a pool with a ledge at the
far end.
Climbing onto the ledge can be tricky here, since you've got Basso with you. On
the right hand side of the ledge, you should be able to find a sort of "crease"
in the rock, where two edges meet. Aim yourself for this, and press forward.
Once you're on the ledge, enter the tunnel and follow it back into the mines.
Take the first left you come to, and then the next right. Ahead, you should be
able to see the lift which you called up earlier. Move forward, and get on the
lift. Drop Basso (make sure he's on the lift with you!), turn to face the call
button box, and push the second button from the top. The lift will take you
Once you stop moving, pick up Basso again, and look around. Once you find a
direction you can move in, do so (you may need to jump off the lift first).
Keep following this tunnel all the way...there are no choices to make (you can
even climb down the ladder you find while carrying Basso). Once you emerge into
the daylight, you will be overlooking the area where you first started the
mission. Congratulations! You've rescued Basso from the Hammerite prison!
8.1: Introduction
"...And the manfools piled rocks on rocks and raised a treesie roof, hammers
saws tear the skin of goodsie wood... ...and laughs at the Woodsie Lord. ...And
when learns the Lord of this, He sends His beastesses to the manfools... ...who
attacks and hammers saws their useless fleshes, and build him a house of they
rotting skins."
-- Unattributed Trickster song
I was pissed at Cutty for a good while after the...prison debacle. But hey, you
can't blame him for what the Hammers did to him. So I decided to go after that
horn Felix talked about. Not like I had a whole lot of choice, really...the
rent is due...and my landlord's even tougher than the Hammers.
The map's pretty specific about where the entrance is. Too bad it's not as
clear about where the HORN is. Felix did some scrounging before he left, and
his notes say the horn is in the tomb of some nobles...the Quintus family.
Guess I'll just have to explore.
Felix, always helpful, also said that the catacombs are supposed to be haunted.
Think I'll go make some inquiries about where a "heretic" like me can get some
holy water. Always go prepared....
While the objective of 2000 in loot may seem a bit daunting, what you HAVEN'T
been told is that both the Mystic's Soul and the Mystic's Heart contribute to
your final Treasure Count (a total of 1500).
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to steal from Cragscleft Prison. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
1 Sword
1 Blackjack
50 Broadhead Arrows
12 Water Arrows
8 Rope Arrows
3 Healing Potions
3 Holy Water
It is unnecessary to purchase any Rope Arrows, as your eight will be more than
enough to finish this mission. (Likewise, I didn't need to use any Noisemaker
Arrows either.) If you plan on destroying the undead that you come across (as
opposed to simply running around them), then buy up all the Holy Water and the
Water Arrows. Although you start with three already, an extra Healing Potion or
two may not be a bad idea either.
There are a few areas of this mission where you can find the remains of the
members of Felix's doomed expedition. Beside each is a notebook which you can
read. These are interesting, but most of the time you will not find them if you
follow this walkthrough...they are scattered about in other areas. If you want
to find them, you'll have to do some exploring on your own.
There is a secondary objective in this mission that you can perform, if you
choose to. Scattered throughout the Halls of Echoing Repose will be some golden
bones you can find. While they don't count towards treasure, if you find them
all and place them all in a specific coffin, you are rewarded with more Holy
Water, Fire Arrows, etc.. While this walkthrough will not attempt to complete
this (as it is unnecessary to complete the mission), it will be noted where
these bones can be found and where to bury them. [NOTE: I have not tried this
objective in Thief Gold yet...I do not know if the effect is different or not.]
Once I completed this mission, my stats screen showed: "Innocents Killed: None,
and Others Killed: 1". I presume that the one it thinks I killed was the
Flaming Spirit, as the only other things I "killed" were Zombies.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have had innumerable people write in asking me this question,
so I felt I had better include the information here. If you are playing this
mission on a difficulty setting OTHER THAN EXPERT, then you will not need to
find "The Mystic's Heart", and if you are playing on Normal, you will not need
to find "The Mystic's Soul". If you try to go to the area where one of these
gems is kept, and you don't have the mission objective to find it, THAT AREA IS
SEALED OFF! You cannot get into these areas unless you need to to complete the
8.8: Walkthrough
A. Entering the Bonehoard
B. The Tombs, Upper Level
C. The Tombs, Middle Level
D. The Tombs, Lower Level
E. The Tunnels
F. The Halls of Echoing Repose
G. Obtaining the Mystic's Soul
H. Obtaining the Horn of Quintus
I. Tomb Robbing
J. Obtaining the Mystic's Heart
K. Leaving the Bonehoard
* A. Entering the Bonehoard *
You start facing the entrance into the Bonehoard. There is a Corpse-Zombie
lying on the ground in front of the entrance. Above it and to the left, you
should see a faint light (not the light from the lantern...above and to the
left of that). You want to get up there. Turn left to face the hill, and RUN
(walking won't work) to climb the hill, and make your way over to the dimly lit
area. It's a crypt. On the floor to the right of the bier is a goblet (15,
Treasure Count: 15). Now turn, leave this room, and make your way onto the
stone "roof" you can see ahead. Once you're on top, turn right (facing the
Corpse-Zombie), and let yourself drop down, turn 180 degrees, and move forward
into the Bonehoard.
Directly across from you, across a large hole with some planks across it, you
should see a rope hanging down into the room below you, and beyond that,
another room through a hole in the wall. Ignore the rope, and move into the
next room.
Yes, it's a long way down. However, the ceiling just above you is made of wood.
Shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling, then use the rope to descend into the room
below. The rope does not reach the floor, but don't worry, the fall is not far
enough to damage you.
* B. The Tombs, Upper Level *
Once you've landed, turn so that your back is to the wall with the ugly faces
on it. You now have a choice. The apparent exit to the far right is nothing
more than a dark alcove. The exit to the room is to the far left. However,
going straight ahead between to two pillars will take you quite quickly into a
dead-end room, but on the floor at the far end (in the rubble area, behind the
"ALARUS" sign) is a healing potion. Considering the problems you'll be facing,
I recommend grabbing it. Now, go back to the room you just left, and turn
right, and then take the right-hand turn ahead. You should now be facing a
stairway up.
[For those of you who want to get a few more water arrows for this mission (and
that's probably not a bad idea), this next part is for you. If you'd rather
just press on, skip the next paragraph.]
Turn left, and follow this dark passage up some stairs, until you are on a
ledge overlooking the first room, with the three ledges, the rope, and the
Zombie. Turn right, facing the south wall, and crouch. See that hole in the
wall? Beyond it is a chest. Open it, and you'll get 8 Water Arrows. Now, turn
around, and take the same passage back down to the other set of stairs.
Take these stairs up, and follow the passage. Ignore the first turning on your
left...while it leads to a holy water font, you really don't need it. Once you
enter the next room, with a set of stairs and some coffins set into the wall
ahead, turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a trap here that you'll want to avoid. Look over at the
far end of the room, near the coffins. A section of the floor is slightly
recessed. It's a pressure plate. Stepping on it will set off the trap, and
you'll be riddled with arrows. Unfortunately, there is a golden vase guarded by
that trap. There are two ways to avoid this trap. Either walk onto it when
you're crouched down, stand after the arrows have fired, look up and grab the
vase, and then move off. Alternatively, walk AROUND the pressure plate, and
when you're close enough, jump up, and grab the vase before you come down again
(100, Treasure Count: 115).
Once you've got the vase, take the stairs out of the room. (Note: if you used
the crouch method to avoid the trap, be sure you move OFF the plate before
heading towards the stairs...otherwise, you may set the trap off again and turn
yourself into swiss cheese.)
In the next room, stop as soon as you've entered. That corpse ahead is another
Corpse-Zombie. Turn to your left, and you'll see a rope descending from the
ceiling. Grab it, and climb down. At the bottom, turn left, and move into the
next room.
* C. The Tombs, Middle Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! That's another Corpse-Zombie you can see. Ahead of you, to the
left of the Corpse-Zombie (past the passage to your left) is a hole in the
wall. Inside it is a chest, containing a treasure. You can either use your holy
water to make some Holy Water Arrows to take out the Zombie (a waste, in my
opinion), or you can run up, grab the treasure, and run out of the room with
the Zombie following you (I have not been able to do this without waking him
up). Pick your method, and grab the small diamond from the chest (100, Treasure
Count: 215). Leave this room from the same entrance you used, and push forward
into the room with the pool. Dive into the pool, and swim forward (ignore the
turning to the right), and when you surface, turn 180 degrees and pull yourself
out of the water.
Hmm...those two chests look tempting don't they? And unguarded, too. That
should be your first clue there's more here than meets the eye. Each one of
these chests in trapped. Once opened, an arrow shoots out from just beneath the
chest, directly ahead of it. So, when you open these chests, be sure you're not
standing directly in front. The left chest holds a Speed potion, and the right
one contains 6 Fire Arrows.
Turn around, move past the pool, and turn right. Yes, that is a long drop down,
but someone has kindly provided you with a ladder to climb safely. Once you've
reached the bottom of the ladder, MOVE forward've stepped on a
pressure plate, releasing a boulder from above. If you're still standing there
when it hits...well, you get the idea.
* D. The Tombs, Lower Level *
Ahead of you is a tunnel leading to the right. Take it. When you reach the red
tunnel area, turn right, and then left. Ahead you should see an opening back
into gray tunnels.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Burrick patrolling in the tunnel ahead. You can do
this one of two ways...the fast way and the safe way. The safe way involves you
staying here, and firing Arrows at the Burrick as he passes by, until you've
killed him. As you do this though, he will be breathing his deadly gas at you,
so you may have to crouch in the low area with the boulders from time to time.
The fast method is to watch, and when he's moved out of your sight to your
RIGHT, jump down into the tunnel.
Whichever method you use, after you're in the tunnel, turn left, and go through
the hole in the wall ahead. Once you're down in the next tunnel, turn right,
move forward, and let yourself fall down into the water below. (This part can
be tricky, as once you fall into the next tunnel, it gets a little
disorienting. Just fall, turn right until you see a way to go forward, and do
so. If you wind up in a gray cavern with roaming Burricks, you went the wrong
Once you've come back to the surface of the water, turn right slightly, and you
should see an opening in the cave wall. Move towards it, and climb out of the
water when you reach it. Head up the stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! See all those recessed floor panels? Each one is a pressure
plate that shoots an arrow out towards whomever happens to be standing on the
plate. In this case, that's you. To avoid an untimely demise, crouch as you
walk through this room, and the arrows will fly over your head instead of
through your heart. Move towards the lighted area with the corpse on the floor.
Don't worry, he's not a Corpse-Zombie this time. [Note: One time while doing
this room, I somehow got hit by an arrow while still crouched. This was a one
time occurrance that I have not been able to repeat.]
In this small room, there is another trap. Right in front of the ledge with the
Fire Arrows on it is another pressure plate. You can get close enough to the
ledge to grab the Arrows without setting off the trap (there are six Fire
Arrows in all). [If you want to do it the hard way, crouch, and WALK (don't
run) forward onto the plate. The arrow will fly past you. Then you can stand up
and take the Arrows from the ledge. Note that, in order for this to work
properly, you have to crouch and walk DIRECTLY towards the ledge, ie: not on an
angle. To play it safe, you may want to inch forward until you hear the trap
spring, then wait for the arrow to fly before proceeding.]
On the floor next to the body is a small purse (100, Treasure Count: 315).
There is also a papyrus which, if you read, will give you a clue regarding how
to obtain the Mystic's Soul.
Turn around, and leave the way you came (don't forget to crouch). Back in the
water room, at the far end across from you, you should see another tunnel. Swim
over there, and pull yourself up.
* E. The Tunnels *
Follow these tunnels (you can run safely here) until you reach the end, where
you are overlooking a gray cavern filled with roaming Burricks. [Note: In the
tunnels leading up to this point, there is never any choice of which direction
to go, although in one point you need to pull yourself up into the next
tunnel.] Take a look around. Note that when you enter the cavern, you can go
left, or you can go right slightly, where the tunnel then turns to head in the
direction you are (currently) facing. That is the area you will want.
SAVE YOUR GAME! These Burricks do not like trespassers. Drop down into the
cavern, turn right, then left. Just after making this turn, turn to your right
and there will be a hole in the wall. Enter it, turn left, and follow the
tunnel to the crossroads. Turn left, and follow this tunnel as far as you can.
(Note: At one point, you may think you're at a dead end. Look up and to your
left, and you should see the passage continuing.)
This is a spot where Thief differs from Thief Gold. If you're playing Thief,
you should come to a T-Section, with the two other tunnels being somewhat dark.
Turn to your right, but don't go forward. Instead, look down, and inch forward
somewhat, until you find the uncut diamond (50, Treasure Count: 365). If you
are playing Thief Gold, then the tunnel will eventually dead-end, near the
remains of another unfortunate adventurer. Near his skull you'll find the uncut
diamond (50, Treasure Count: 365).
Now, make your way back to those crossroads (there should be no problem, as
there were no other turns you could take on your way here), and turn right.
Follow the tunnel until you've returned to the opening which leads back into
the Burrick caves.
SAVE YOUR GAME! While you should have no trouble bypassing the Burricks here,
it's best to be safe. Exit the tunnel you are currently in. While you could
probably take any of the three possible passages here, for the sake of this
walkthrough, take the left's darker, and you can possibly hide if
you need to. Follow this passage as far as you can, hugging the left wall. When
you cannot move forward anymore, turn to the right. See that lighted tunnel up
near the ceiling? That's where you want to go. Press forward, hugging the left
wall again, and you should climb the wall at the same time. Soon, you'll get
the mouth of the tunnel. Pull yourself up into it. [Note: Alternatively, there
is a rope hanging from the ceiling that you can grab and climb up, then jump
into the tunnel mouth. Whichever method you prefer, use it.]
Move forward, following the tunnel until it opens into another white-gray
underground cavern, with a rope hanging down at the mouth of your tunnel. Hop
down onto the ledge below, turn left, and follow the ledge all the way over to
the red tunnel you can see. Climb into that tunnel, and follow it up.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to enter what is referred to on your map as the
"Halls of Echoing Repose". This area is heavily populated with Zombies, and
they patrol the area. You may want to take a few of them out to make this area
a little more bearable. [Note that, if you are doing this part of the mission
simply by avoiding the Zombies, then you may have to move very fast. This is a
good way to get yourself turned around and disoriented. Whenever you find a
chance to stop for a moment, if you've made any progress whatsoever, I suggest
saving your game.]
* F. The Halls of Echoing Repose *
When you climb out of the tunnel into the Halls of Echoing Repose, Garrett will
make a comment about "tombs with piped-in music". That's the Horn of Quintus
you're hearing. Move straight ahead, so that the large pillar in the centre of
the room passes by on your left. Ahead, you should see a stack of alcoves
flanked by an exit on either side. Take the right hand one. Move forward,
ignoring the hallway to your right, and instead enter the room ahead on your
right. There should be a few Corpse-Zombies lying on the floor, in front of a
small ramp with a jewelled urn at the top. Grab it (100, Treasure Count: 465),
and leave. [Deal with the Corpse-Zombies as you see fit. I usually destroy two
as they lie there, using Holy Water Arrows. Note that this room contains one of
the golden bones mentioned previously.]
[NOTE: The above room is an ideal ambush point. When I played the last time
(using Thief Gold), I sat in here and just pumped Zombies full of Holy Water
Arrows as they came in the door. Took out about ten or so.]
Exit the room, and turn right. Hug the right wall, until you find a shadowy
alcove on the left side of the hall. Go into that area, and you'll find a door.
Open it, and go in. The two corpses on the floor are Corpse-Zombies. Directly
across from the door is an alcove which contains a gold vase (100, Treasure
Count: 565). (You'll have to move at least one boulder, and crouch to get into
the alcove.)
Leave the room the way you came in, and turn right. Head down this corridor,
until you can see (ahead and to the right slightly) a white stonework "wall".
Head towards that area. Once you're there, turn left and move forward (the
white "wall" should be on your right). Note that at just about this point is
another of those golden bones. Once you've passed the "wall", turn right and
move forward (again, the "wall" should be on your right). On the wall on your
left, up above your head-level, you should see some sort of engraving. There's
a ledge there with another uncut diamond (50, Treasure Count: 615). Keep moving
ahead, and go through the passage on the leftmost side of the wall ahead.
[Note: The white "wall" is a sort of guard rail for a staircase leading down.
At the bottom is a hole leading into a flooded area. If you go down here, and
follow the water into the next chamber, you'll find another golden bone
floating in the water.]
Keep following this passage until you find a turn in the right hand wall. Go
in. You should be looking at a room with no floor, and a walkway across. Go
across the walkway, but be's trapped in the centre. Jump across
the depression in the centre to avoid setting off the trap. Behold, a ladder!
Take the ladder all the way to the top, and turn to your right. Grab the vase
(50, Treasure Count: 665).
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is a bit tricky. While still on the ladder (make sure
you're as far up as you can get), turn to face the bier opposite the one which
had the treasure on it. Hop onto it (jump while holding the WALK button, not
the RUN button). Now, ahead and down somewhat you should see an opening in the
wall, that you could never reach if you were beneath it. Now that you are above
it though, run and jump towards it, and you should land safely in the opening.
[This is really tricky. The secret is to not run right to the edge and jump.
Try jumping from about the centre of the coffin you're standing on.]
[NOTE: At least one person has said that the jump I just described is very
difficult to accomplish, and suggested re-writing the walkthrough for this
level to include a different way to get there. I tested this jump, and except
for one or two fumbles, I was able to make the jump time and time again with no
difficulty, so I've decided to leave it as is. Comments?]
Directly ahead of you is a passageway. Move down there, and when you come near
the end you'll see a chamber with a hammer-shaped light on the floor. DO NOT
ENTER THE LIGHT! The lighted floor sections are pressure plates, which cause
some sort of acid to rain down on you. Instead, move off to either the right or
the left side of the light. On either side, is a recessed coffin, with a skull
sitting on top. Behind each skull is a golden goblet (15, 15, Treasure Count:
680, 695). Also, at the end of the room is another small chamber. Inside is
another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 710).
[NOTE: At the far end of this room, flanking the entrance to the far chamber,
are two ladders descending into the room below. Down in that room you will find
the last two golden bones, plus a holy water font. Also in this room is the
coffin where you "bury" the bones. Drop each one into the coffin (they will
disappear), and when all five are put in, six areas around the coffin light up,
highlighting your rewards for putting this poor soul to rest.] Leave the way
you came in, and turn right.
* G. Obtaining the Mystic's Soul *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Thief Gold has made this portion more difficult with a new
monster! (If you are playing the original Thief, ignore everything regarding
the Flaming Spirit. The rest of the puzzle is the same.)
Follow this passage until you can turn right again, and do so. Inside the room
ahead, far off, you should see what appears to be someone on fire moving
around. This is a Flaming Spirit. Take him out (using either Water or Holy
Water Arrows), then move forward (pick up the Fire Arrow he leaves behind, if
you are so inclined). Ignore the heavy breathing you hear from some nearby
Zombies...they are trapped at the moment and cannot reach you. In the centre of
the room ahead, on the floor, is some sort of locking mechanism. Try though you
might, you cannot unlock it. Also in the room, are five doors, which you cannot
open. There are also five unlit torches on the walls.
Move forward, very close to the locking mechanism. Now, pull out your Fire
Arrows, and light each torch above the doors. This will open the locking
mechanism, revealing a well of water. It also unlocks the five doors, releasing
five Zombies into the room. Dive into the well, and swim to the other end. When
you surface, climb out of the water.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This room is heavily trapped. Arrows will be shooting out of
the stairs, and purple energy out of other holes around the room, so this must
be done carefully. Move forward, until you are between the first two opposite
pillars. Move either left or right, so you are lined up with the EDGE of the
stairs (not the stairs themselves...the "banisters", if you like). Now, run
forward, jump and land on the banister. You might hear some activity behind you
as the traps are going off, although sometimes you can manage this without
hitting the pressure plate. Move to the top of the banister, towards the
pedestal. Before you get any bright ideas though, look down. Hmmm...a skull.
Remember "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? Pick up the skull. Now, place it on the
pedestal, in the recessed area with the gem. Once it's there, you can pick up
The Mystic's Soul (500, Treasure Count: 1210). When you pick it up, there
should be no activity whatsoever...the skull is weighing down the trap trigger.
Congratulations, Indiana! If you misplaced the skull, well...aren't you glad
you saved your game? (It can be a little tricky to place the skull properly.)
[NOTE: For those playing the original Thief game, it has been suggested to me
that balancing the skull on the pedestal is not exactly necessary. You should
be able to just grab the gem while standing on the left side of the stairs (NOT
on the stairs proper, but the "railing" area. (I am assuming that this is the
left side of the stairs as you face the pedestal.) This doesn't appear to be
possible anymore in Thief Gold, however. They've redesigned the staircase so
you can't reach the gem while on the railing.]
Those traps are still active, so if you want to get out with your prize, work
your way back down the same way you got up. Head back to the hole in the ground
that you used to enter this room. See that ladder above the waterhole? Get on
that, climb up, and move forward in the resulting tunnel until you find another
SAVE YOUR GAME! Thief Gold players have an additional problem to deal with
here. If you're playing the original Thief, skip down to the next paragraph.
That Flaming Spirit that you dealt with earlier is back, and on patrol. I have
only done this part once myself, and as soon as I got off the ladder I RAN for
the exit...he never caught me. However, it MAY be possible for him to do so. If
so, keep watch while you're on the ladder as he moves around down there, and
when you think he is sufficiently far enough away to give you your chance at
escape, take it. We now return you to our regularly scheduled walkthrough....
* H. Obtaining the Horn of Quintus *
Grab onto that ladder, and move down. Before jumping off the ladder, make sure
you are facing the wall that the ladder is attached to. Jump off, and you'll
fall back down into the entryway before the "well room". Those Zombies are
still roaming, but fortunately, you are facing the way out, so as soon as your
feet hit the ground, move forward and out of the room. Turn left when you exit,
and keep going straight, ignoring any turns, until you find a long wooden ramp.
Turn right onto the ramp, and move forward through the tunnel it connects to.
At the end, be sure you're still running and jump across that abyss. Turn left,
climb the stairs, go through that doorway, and climb to the top of the ramp.
SAVE YOUR GAME! I don't know WHAT those purple balls of energy are, but they
can kill. Turn to your left, and follow this ledge (being wary of the purple
energy). About halfway across, stop and turn to your right. Aha! Once it's safe
to cross the path of the shooting energy, move into this room. Take the first
right, move forward, and then turn right into a natural cavern.
You've just entered an area with quite a few Burricks in it. However, the sound
of the Horn of Quintus has lulled them into peace, and you can move through
here without worry (unless you attack one). So, move forward, then turn left.
At the bottom of this tunnel is a chamber. Through the one exit you can see
some Burricks. Through the other, nothing. Take the second one (it's on your
right). Move through that opening, then turn left when the opportunity presents
itself. Move forward from there into a dark cavern, and turn right. You should
see two Burricks guarding the passage there. Move between and behind them. You
should now see, to your right, a passage that does NOT look natural. Move
through there, and you'll be in a room with statues and coffins.
Move ahead, and turn left. Once you've entered the next room, Garrett will make
a comment like, "Good thing I'm not afraid of heights." As his comment
suggests, you have to climb here. From the entrace, you should be able to see,
to your left, a ladder. Go there, climb up, and get off at the next level. Now,
move around the walkway to the opposite end of the chamber, and you should soon
find another ladder going up. Climb up and get off at the next level. While
facing AWAY from the ladder you just got off of, turn to your right, and move
around the walkway to not quite the opposite end. Again, you'll find another
ladder. This one is rather difficult to see, so look carefully. Climb up.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This ladder is a little tricky to disembark correctly. You want
to face towards the right (as you're looking at the centre of the room). Jump
off, then move around until you come to an opening in the pillar in the centre
of the room. Move inside, jump across and grab the ladder. Climb up to the top.
Once you climb off the ladder, move forward. Garrett will remark that you've
found the Horn. Grab it.
Oh dear. That haunting music stopped. I wonder why? Turn around, move forward,
and work your way around the pillar until you are at the opposite end from the
one you climbed up. Jump forward off the pillar and land on the ledge below.
Turn around, and walk of the ledge to another below on the left (if your back
is against the wall). Once more, walk off, and land on the walkway below. You
should be near the ladder that brought you up here. Get on it, and work your
way down back to the ground floor the same way you got up. Once down there,
take the tunnel back out, and through the room with the coffins, which opens
onto the Burrick caverns.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Uh-oh...something seems to have agitated them. Since you've
grabbed the Horn, it is no longer playing its soothing song, and the Burricks
are just a wee bit upset about this. Get out the same way you came
through the two Burricks, turn left, then right, then climb the tunnel to your
left, turn right, then turn left, then left again. That should take you back to
the room with the shooting purple energy.
Don't hang around sightseeing...those Burricks just may be following you. Work
your way back to the top of the ramp, then down it. In the next room, follow
the stairwell all the way around, and go through the exit.
* I. Tomb Robbing *
Move forward until you can't anymore, and turn left. Move out onto the catwalk,
stopping where it joins another walkway. Turn so you are exactly facing the
ledge you see across from you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If this doesn't work, you're one dead Thief. You have to time
this just right. Run and jump across to the ledge. You won't land on it, so
you'll have to pull yourself up onto it.
[NOTE: If you are having difficulty making this jump, try drinking the Speed
potion that you picked up earlier in the mission. It will make your jump easier
to accomplish.]
Once you're on solid ground again, move forward into the burial chamber, move
past the first set of alcoves. At the second set, turn to your left, and in
this burial alcove you will find another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 1225).
That's all that's in here, so turn around, climb up, and head back out onto the
ledge. Turn right, and move as far forward as you can. Then, turn left, line
yourself up with the walkway below and move forward, falling onto it (RUN,
don't walk).
Turn right, and move down this corridor. Be careful, as there is a trap that
you will want to avoid. Keep moving until you find an opening to your left.
From out of this opening, you should see small fireballs hitting the wall
opposite the entrance. Well, you need to go in there, so wait until a fireball
smacks the wall, then push forward into the room, keeping to the right of the
fireball stream once you're in. Move towards the wall opposite the entrance,
and you'll see a hold in the floor, with a ladder sticking out.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part isn't really dangerous, just annoying if you do it at
the wrong time. You want to climb down the ladder into the room below. There is
a Corpse-Zombie in the centre of the room. Once you are down, turn around so
that the ladder you just descended is to your back. You want to head for the
ladder that leads up the wall on your left. At the top of this ladder, turn
left, and grab the golden cup (25, Treasure Count: 1250). Climb back down, and
back up the ladder you originally used to get down here. Turn left, and jump
onto the bier at the top of the ladder. Then, turn to face the interior of the
room, and pull yourself up.
Once again, you have to get past that fireball trap. Wait for the right moment,
then move through the doorway, and turn left. When you get to the ramp that
leads down, turn left (AWAY from the ramp, facing the wall). Be careful, as
there is a Corpse-Zombie nearby. There is a ladder here. Climb it all the way
to the top.
* J. Obtaining the Mystic's Heart *
Once there, turn all the way around, and jump into the next room. Move around
the hole in the floor to the opposite end, where you'll find an exit. Move
through here, and follow this hall to the next chamber.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Burrick on guard in the next room, and you have to
either get past it, or kill it. To get past, take either the left or the right
path, it doesn't matter which, and move up the ramp, and down the next one into
the next room. At the far end (directly across from the Burrick) is another
doorway. Move through it, to the end.
[NOTE: While moving around the ramps to get past Mister Morning Breath, you
don't need to sneak...I was able to run the entire way without attracting
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is very tricky, and a wrong step could be your last.
You may want to save your game a couple of times through this. You have to work
your way down to the room below, without falling, and without getting killed by
those purple energy streams. Move across the top beam to the centre, then step
off on your left side (be careful, there are purple streams shooting along its
length). Move to the end of that beam, and hop off the side (to your left) onto
the ledge below. Turn so your back is to the want to jump over to
the beam on your right now. Once you've done that, move to its centre, and hop
down onto the beam below (again, be careful of the purple streams!). Move to
the centre, hop down to the next beam, and move off of it and onto the floor.
You should be close enough now to do so with no damage, or minimal damage. Turn
to the exit, and leave the room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a warning plaque on the ground before entering this
next room: "He upon whom the gaze of the Guardians falls, he shall be
destroyed." This room is filled with statues and pillars. The statues are the
Guardians. If your path crosses the gaze of one of these statues, you're fried.
Move into the room, and turn right. Go past the first statue, and pass the
first pillar with it being on your right. Move across to the next pillar you
see, walking around it with it being on your left. You should now be in a
slightly darker area, with two statues nearby, and directly ahead and to your
left another pillar. Walk forward, and hug that next pillar, keeping it on your
right. Hug the next one as well, this time keeping it on your left. Hug this
last pillar, keeping it on your right. Now that you're past all the Guardians,
move forward to the door to the next room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! As soon as you set foot in the next room, a bright light
appears in the centre, and another guardian appears (a Hammer Haunt). At the
opposite end of the room, past the guardian, is a chest containing the Mystic's
Heart, beyond which is a teleporter.
You can handle this section in one of four ways. I find that the first way is
the fastest and simplest:
1) Run into the room. When the guardian appears, just ignore him. Run right
past him, and as you pass the chest (DON'T stop!), grab the Mystic's Heart.
Keep running into the teleporter. The guardian will not follow you. (This
method takes me about 10 seconds.)
2) The long way. As soon as the light comes on, rush over to one of the dark
sides of the room, crouch, and wait for him to stop looking for you. Sneak
quietly around to the other side of the room, pausing occasionally to wait
while he looks around for you. (This method takes me about 4 minutes.)
3) The intermediate way. Before stepping into the room, arm your Sword. Prepare
for a smashing blow as you step into the room, then run forward and deliver it.
After that, it should only take two sideswings to deal with this guardian
permanently. (This method takes me about 20 seconds.)
4) If you can trigger the Guardian WITHOUT alerting him a single Fire Arrow
shot will destroy him. (This method also takes me about 20 seconds.)
After using your method of choice, move to the box at the end of the room, and
open it to get the Mystic's Heart (1000, Treasure Count: 2250). Move into the
teleporter behind the chest, and you'll be teleported back to the start of this
area, up at the top with the shooting purple streams.
* K. Leaving the Bonehoard *
Turn so you are facing away from the room with the streams. Move to the end of
the hall. In the next chamber, you need to sneak by the Burrick again. Do so in
the same way as you did before. Once you reach the other exit, use it, and find
the ladder that brought you up here. You need to climb back down again. Once
you're at the bottom of the ladder, turn left (if you're facing the ladder),
and head down this passage again. You'll need to time yourself to avoid the
fireball again. Once you are past it, follow the path into the next room, then
cross to the opposite end of the chamber. Climb the ramp up, and turn right.
Follow this path to the foot of another ramp. Climb this ramp up, and enter the
room at the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be tricky and deadly. You need to get into the
pit at the bottom. You can either fall in, or use a Rope Arrow to create a more
subtle entrance. However, if you use a Rope Arrow, make sure you do NOT make it
too close to the north end of the pit.
Once you are in the pit, turn to face the... okay, turn to face the face. Move
to either the left or the right side of it, and then move forward. The eyes in
the face are diamonds. Once you are close enough, you can grab one of the eyes
(you may need to LEAN over to do so) (100, Treasure Count: 2350). Then, move
AWAY from the face, and once the fireworks have stopped, move to the other
side, and repeat (100, Treasure Count: 2450). [For those of you who like
completeness, behind the pillar directly across from the face is a chest
containing 4 more Rope Arrows.] Once you have the eyes, climb back out of the
pit (use your Rope Arrow now if you didn't use it to climb down). [Once more,
for those who like completeness, remember that your Rope Arrows are
Once you are out of the pit, leave the room the way you came in. Climb down the
ramp. At the foot of the ramp is a passageway. Go through it. Follow it as far
as you can. When you get to the point where you can either go right or move
forward a few more feet and THEN turn right, take the first right. (I hope that
made sense!) At the end of that hall (you should be facing a barrel in front of
an opening in the wall), turn left. See that hold near the floor in the left
wall? Crouch down and go in there. Follow this passage all the way to the end.
Exit out onto the top of the Bonehoard. Congratulations! You're a successful
grave robber!
9.1: Introduction
"The ancient corruption was again contained. To do more would have upset the
balance, but we knew to remain ever vigilant lest it resurface. Neither the
Hammers nor the pagans could be trusted not to meddle."
-- Keeper Annals
I had some money to spare after disposing of the Horn, so it seemed time to
invest in some new..."tools". Farkus is one of the few merchants willing to
risk selling to an idependent like me, and his prices are steep...but the other
choice is to let one of the so-called "City Wardens" give me orders...AND take
a cut of my profits. They'd been after me for years to join one of their
stables, but I'm not interested. Maybe they'll get the idea and give up. More
likely they'll just ramp up the threats. Nothing I can't handle if I'm careful.
AND lucky. And my luck seems to have finally turned for the better....
NOTE: Your mission objectives will be changing VERY fast once you start the
Starting Gear:
40 Broadhead Arrows
4 Water Arrows
2 Moss Arrows
1 Set of Lock Picks
1 Lockpicking Instructions
NOTE: Once again, your Sword and Blackjack are not shown under the "Starting
Gear" for this mission. However, you DO have them both.
Fire Arrows and Broadhead Arrows are pretty much useless in this mission, since
you can't kill anyone. Since your supply of Water Arrows starts so small, you
should buy a few more, to take care of any torches that will reveal your
presence inside. Also, at the start of your mission you will have an
opportunity to pick up a few items (see below) check what you will be
getting and decide what you'll need then.
REMEMBER: Despite what your mission objectives tell you at the start of the
mission, you will NOT be entering the Hammer Temple, but home of a man named
Ramirez. Prepare for THAT.
While you are working through this mission, there are a lot of guards you may
encounter. While the walkthrough does not specify when to take any out, feel
free to do so at your discretion. In some cases (such as leaping onto the
roof), you may want to make sure no nearby patrols can hear you by removing the
patrol. Inside, many of the guards (and at least one servant) have keys you can
If the guards become aware of you during your mission, then you get another
mission objective: Get back to your own area of the city. I have seen this
once, and when you leave the mansion area, the streets are crawling with
Ramirez' men. You need to work your way through the streets back to the section
labelled "Home Turf" on your city map. This section is detailed at the end of
the walkthrough (section G).
The first time I went through this mission, it took me over an hour. Why?
Because I like to be thorough the first time through...I took out every guard I
could outside the house, so I could have free run if I needed to. But when I
came back OUT of the house, there were new guards posted (they looked something
like thieves), in slightly different areas. Since no alarm was raised, I can
only assume that at some point in the game there is a "changing of the guard".
Also, one of these new guards was positioned in a spot as to make the exit from
the manor that I propose very difficult. As noted above, my best time is just
over fifteen minutes...I assume that this "changing of the guard" takes place
at a specified time like half an hour or one hour into the mission. (As an
interesting tidbit, while exploring the grounds with the new guards in
position, I noted that one of them was practically standing on the body of a
guard I had hidden in shadows!) (All of this was noted while playing the
original Thief game.)
There seem to be several differences between the original Thief and Thief Gold
with this mission's guards...both in number, location, and where and when they
patrol. For this reason, most references in this walkthrough to such things are
either left out, or refer to Thief Gold if they are mentioned.
Finally, someone has sent me an email with yet another possible entrance into
Ramirez' mansion. It's a rather long and detailed way of getting in, so I am
not going to go into it all here, but starts off like this: Stand outside the
entrance to the mansion, facing it, and turn right. Shoot a rope arrow at the
window of the house and climb up onto the mansion wall. (The window is wooden,
the wall is not, even if it looks like wood.) Jump down into the area to the
right (when facing the mansion) and climb the ladder on the other side....
I have not tried this method myself yet. And while this may be an alternate
method of entering, it's more dangerous (it involves gettings past Archers who
are aware of you) and time consuming than the others.
9.7: Walkthrough
A. Follow the Leader
B. Outside the Mansion
C. The Mansion, Upper Floor
D. The Mansion, Ground Floor
E. The Mansion, Basement
F. Escaping the Mansion
G. Going Home
* A. Follow the Leader *
You start off in Farkus' store, having just purchased your new lock picks. As
soon as you take a step though, and arrow comes slicing through the window and
puts an end to Farkus's mercantile days. If you stop and listen, you'll hear
the two assassins discussing the murder. That arrow was meant for you! How
1. Loot the Hammer Temple for at least 1,000. (This one will have a
mark in the box, indicating its irrelevance.)
2. Trail the thugs who just tried to assassinate you, without being
3. Don't kill anyone. ]
[NOTE: Be VERY CAREFUL when picking up the items in the store. The first few
times I did it, I was in such a rush I accidentally set off one of the flash
bombs, alerting the assassins to my presence and prematurely ending the
You have to do this quickly, so the assassins don't get too far ahead and you
lose their trail! [Note: I suggest that you do this WHILE they are discussing
their sloppy handiwork. It saves time. Alternatively, if you are not that
concerned with getting the best possible time, you can come back here and pick
up the items AFTER you have followed the Assassins to their lair.]
Exit the shop, and turn right. Try to stick to the shadows as you move. Move
forward, past the first turning on your left, and take the next left. Keep
going, until you come to a point where You can move on or through a lighted
archway. Continue forward.
At this point, if not before, you should have the assassins in sight. Since you
have to follow them, I'm not going to walk you through their route back.
Instead, I'll point out some highlights. [Note that it would be wise to save
your game a few times as you follow them.] You should be aware of something
I've noticed. Anytime you save or load a game in during this game of "follow
the leader", it seems that the assassins want to stop and check behind them. It
doesn't always happen, but it does seem to happen a lot.
1: The lighted archway (mentioned above). At this point, no matter how careful
you've been, the assassins stop for a moment to make sure no one is following
2: The metal bridge. You have two choices here. Use a Moss Arrow to cover the
sound you make crossing, or wait until they are too far ahead to hear you.
[Note: After crossing the bridge, the assassins turn left. ONCE, I saw them
turn right. I didn't get a chance to follow them, as they heard me cross the
bridge.] Once past the bridge and out of sight, they appear to pause and check
to see if anyone is following again.
If your assassins turn left, continue with number 3. If they turn right, jump
down to number 7. (Note: for those trying to get best times, it seems that the
left route is the faster of the two.)
3: Stone ramp. For some reason, they can hear you at this point. Hang back, and
wait for them to turn.
4: The wooden bridge. Sometimes, they hear you here, either on the bridge
itself, or on the metal steps leading up to it. Tread softly. Also, their path
at this point puts them in a position to see you if you're not either close
behind them or far behind. Either stay close, or hang back.
6: Ramp with three overhead lights (not streetlamps). Sometimes (again, I don't
know why they do or don't) the assassins stop at the top to check behind them.
At this point, jump down to number 10 below.
7: Crates. When you reach a corner with some crates stacked nearby, stop, and
lean out to watch. This is another point where the assassins will turn to make
sure they aren't being followed.
9. Barrel. Shortly after number 8 above, you'll pass a barrel on your left, and
the assassins will be turning right ahead. Sometimes, they turn around to look
behind them there. Once you pass this point, your path becomes the same as if
the assassins turned to the left at the metal bridge. Jump back to number 3.
10: The Ramirez Mansion. This is where your journey ends. As Garrett is talking
to himself about what to do, one of the assassins turns to take a last look
1. Trail the thugs who just tried to assassinate you, without being
detected. (This one should be checked).
2. Time to show Ramirez who the real criminal mastermind is. Break into
his mansion and take what he values most -- his wealth. The purse
from his belt should make the point.
3. Loot the mansion for valuables. You need at least 2,000 worth.
4. Locate his prized silver fire-poker. It's worth quite a bit.
5. Get out of the mansion.
6. Don't kill anyone.]
ADDITIONAL FEATURES: On other routes that the Assassins can take, you may note
the following:
11: Long metal ramp. If the Assassins move down a long metal ramp, DO NOT
FOLLOW THEM DOWN IT! Instead, walk along the left and fire a Moss Arrow down at
the base of the ramp. Then drop onto the moss, and continue.
It is also interesting to note that, if you take the second route, you seem to
run into more pedestrians than on the first route.
Once the last assassin as gone inside the mansion, move up to the entrance, and
listen to the conversation the guards are having. Hmm...I wonder if that has
anything to do with you?
* B. Outside the Mansion *
In the original game, one of the guards comes back very quickly, and you'll be
able to club him with your Blackjack. [Note: There is a dark area across and to
the left of the mansion (as you face away from it), which you can hide bodies
in.] In Thief Gold however, it sometimes takes the guard about two minutes to
You can either go forward into the mansion through the main entrance (careful,
there's a guard right inside that might be facing your way!), or down one of
the gravel paths, left or right, onto the mansion grounds. While any of these
directions will get you inside, my preferred way is going left. So, go left,
being sure to walk carefully on the gravel path (use a Moss Arrow if you need
to...there's a guard on a walkway right above you!).
[NOTE: A third route into the grounds is available. If you go around the
mansion on the outside, you will eventually find a sewer/waterway system. You
can apparently push against the flow under the wall and pull yourself up onto
the grounds inside. I've tried this myself and been unable to accomplish it,
but I'm told that it can be done.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! The entire outer grounds area is a Patrol Area. Move forward
onto the grass, and turn left. Stay in the shadows. Move all the way to the
end, and turn right. You should see a guard walking away from you, and a very
large shadowy area. Move into that area, and stay there. There should be a
guard walking towards this area very soon, if he's not already. (If you've seen
him before this point, you weren't moving fast enough, and were probably seen
by him.) Knock him out, grab his body, and move forward. There's a narrow space
between the outer wall and the mansion up ahead, with a door in the outer wall.
You'll need to pick the lock to get in, but don't worry, you have time. Once
you get the door open, go inside. It's safe to hide the body in here. There is
also a flash bomb and two mines on the floor near the ladder. Climb up the
ladder. Once at the top, turn right. You should be looking out a "window" at a
low roof portion of the mansion.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You might be heard when you try this. Jump out the window and
land on the roof portion. Turn left, and mantle up onto the balcony. Go inside.
Congratulations, you've made it into the mansion proper!
* C. The Mansion, Upper Floor *
Immediately upon entering, turn to your right, and go through the door there.
Nice bathroom, isn't it? Plenty of stuff for a taffer like you. Unfortunately,
to get everything in here you're going to have to mantle up onto the left
ledge. (You can lean forward to get the last treasure on the right ledge.)
Start collecting treasures. You will get the following: four Golden
Candlesticks (50, 50, 50, 50, Treasure Count: 50, 100, 150, 200), two fancy
goblets (15, 15, Treasure Count: 215, 230), a bottle of fine wine (50, Treasure
Count: 280), and a jewelled bracelet (125, Treasure Count: 405). Hop out of the
tub, and go back into the main bedroom.
Okay, time to pick up some more loot. In front of the fireplace, pick up two
more bottles of wine (50, 50, Treasure Count: 455, 505), two gold goblets (25,
25, Treasure Count: 530, 555), and a golden dinner plate (50, Treasure Count:
605). Now, see the bed? Go over to the far side, and there will be a chest
against the wall. If you like, go ahead and pick the lock on the chest. All
that is inside is a key to the basement, which you won't need (you can pick
that lock, too). However, look straight down onto the carpet. It may be
difficult to see, but there is a ring on the floor here (100, Treasure Count:
705). Now, turn back and go to the fireplace again. Look up on the mantle, and
grab the vase (100, Treasure Count: 805). Put out the fire with a Water Arrow,
crouch down, and move into the fireplace. First, turn right, and look down.
Someone carelessly dropped a diamond in here (100, Treasure Count: 905). Turn
around 180 degrees, and look up (if you're still crouched). Pull the lever, and
a secret door to your right will open. Move through (you need to be crouched to
fit through), and almost immediately to your right, on the wall, is Ramirez'
prized silver fire-poker (200, Treasure Count: 1105). Move forward, and turn
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's possible for you to be overheard in here. Walk forward,
and open the chest to get a small sack of gold (100, Treasure Count: 1205). Now
work your way back through the fireplace into Ramirez' bedroom again, turn to
the right, and move over to the door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This door opens into a small, dark hallway, and there is a
guard out there (sometimes two guards!) patrolling the main hallway. If a guard
is nearby and sees or hears you, you'll be glad you saved. If you get the
chance, take care of them. [Note: Each has a key on his belt you can
pickpocket, if you like.] Also tread slowly up hear, as there are windows that
open into a courtyard outside, where two guards can hear you.
Move to the end of this small dark hallway, and turn right. Go into the first
door on your right (you'll need to pick the lock). Take the vase off of the
fireplace mantle (50, Treasure Count: 1255), and leave the room. Turn right in
the hallway, and enter the next room on your right (again, pick the lock).
Take the ring off of the table in the far corner (100, Treasure Count: 1355),
and the golden vase off of the fireplace mantle (100, Treasure Count: 1455).
Leave the room, turn right, and take the next LEFT turn.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're walking through an area now where there is a guard below
you. That large opening to your right opens down onto the main entrance. Hug
the left wall (if you want to feel safer, crouch, but it's not necessary), and
walk all the way down to the end of this hall. Stop before entering the next
hallway though. Move forward slightly until you can open the door across the
hall from you. Open it, and rush into the next room. There are two servants
down the hall a ways, and they may see you if you dally in the hallway.
Turn left in this room, and go over to the other door. Open it. Now turn left,
and lean out into the hallway. You should see the two servants. Shoot a Water
Arrow at the torch behind them. Once the coast is clear, open the door across
the hall from you, and move in.
[Note: For those of you that like completeness, when you turn left after
opening the second door in the room above, you'll see a chest on the ground.
Pick the lock, and you'll get a speed potion.]
Time to add to your collection of Ramirez Originals. Turn to your right, and
grab everything in sight: two bottles of wine (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1505,
1555), two golden goblets (25, 25, Treasure Count: 1580, 1605), a golden dinner
plate (50, Treasure Count: 1655), and five more fancy goblets (15, 15, 15, 15,
15, Treasure Count: 1670, 1685, 1700, 1715, 1730).
While you are helping yourself to Ramirez' best, listen to the conversation
that the servants in the hall are having...hmmm, so Ramirez is in the basement,
is he?
[Note: On more than one occassion (in the original Thief game), the door to the
room where you just picked up all that treasure just disappeared. I couldn't
see it, and there was no way to close it. I don't know why this happened.]
Once the servants have ended their conversation and you can hear the their
footsteps, enter the hall again and turn left. Go through the door directly
You may wish to move carefully through this room...the floor makes your
footsteps particularly loud. As soon as you've entered, turn left, then take
the first right, then left again. Turn left and climb the stairs. Once
upstairs, move all the way down to the desk at the end, and take the two golden
candlesticks (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1780, 1830). Then turn left (as you're
facing the desk), and move into the shadowy alcove ahead. Turn right, look
down, and pick the lock on this chest to get another ring (100, Treasure Count:
1930). Make your way back down the stairs, turn right, then left, then left
Move forward a step or two. You should now be in the library, facing a pair of
double doors, with a roaring fireplace to your right. Turn to your right, and
to the right of the fireplace you should see a dark area surrounded on three
sides by bookshelves. Enter that area, and face the wall of books on the same
wall as the fireplace (if I've confused you, use your's the
southern bookcase). Look around until one of the books is will
be on the third shelf from the top, second shelf over, first book. Pull on the
book, and you'll open another secret door. Turn right, and move forward...go
through the secret door you've opened, and move to the end of the passage,
where you'll find a ladder leading down.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are a few guards at the bottom of this ladder. Sit here
and listen for a bit...they're talking about the men who tried to assassinate
you tonight. (You may need to jump onto the ladder in front of you before they
start their conversation.) Once they leave (listen until you hear the door
close behind them), climb down the ladder.
* D. The Mansion, Ground Floor *
With the ladder at your back, move ahead into the next room. If you want to
open the chest, go ahead. It contains two flash bombs, which you won't need.
The gold on the table, however, is a different story. Take all six stacks of
coins (25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, Treasure Count: 1955, 1980, 2005, 2030, 2055,
2080). Turn left, move forward, and turn left again. Open the chest in front of
you to get another stack of gold coins (25, Treasure Count: 2105). Turn left.
You should be able to see two doors, one in the wall opposite you, and one in
the wall to your right. Head for the one opposite you. (Just for information's
sake, the two guards you heard talking left through the other door.)
[NOTE: Apparently, it is possible to get into the room below with the guards
still in it, without them noticing you. Someone wrote to me saying they
accidentally fell off the ladder into the room, and the guards never noticed at
all! I myself fell halfway down the ladder before stopping, and had a clear
view of the two, and one of them could not fail to see me...but did!]
SAVE YOUR GAME! The hallway you are about to enter is a patrol area. If
necessary, deal with any guards you come across appropriately. [Note that some
of them have keys you can lift off their belts.]
Go through the door, step out into the hall, and turn right. Step into the next
hall, and turn right again. Go through the first door on your left. On the
table on the right side of the room you'll find a necklace (200, Treasure Count
2305). Beside the table is another door. Go through it, and turn right. Ahead
of you is another door. Head for it, but before going through it, turn right,
and pick up the bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 2355) and the golden goblet
(25, Treasure Count: 2380).
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going back into the hallway, which is still a patrol
Go through the door, turn left, and go through the door directly ahead of you
(pick the lock). Turn right, and then left. Follow this hall to the end, where
you'll find a door on the left. Unlock the door (either pick the lock, or use a
Courtyard Key), and go through it into the basement.
* E. The Mansion, Basement *
In the room at the bottom of the stairs, turn right, and follow the hall until
you can turn left. Do so, and then take the very first left, directly in front
of you. Follow this corridor all the way to the end, ignoring the turning to
the right, and you'll be stopped by a door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Pick this lock (or, if you have it, use the Basement key), go
through the door, and then turn left. You want to go into the first left turn,
but be careful about it. Crouch, hide in shadows, edge forward slightly.
This is Ramirez himself. You can either knock him out and take the purse off
his belt, or lift it off and then knock him out. Either way the result is the
same (250, Treasure Count: 2630).
[Note: If Ramirez pulled the bell-pull, wait around in the shadows. A servant
is coming to leave a tray for him. Either take him out when you get the chance,
or simply let him go through...he will put the tray down and leave. Also, I've
been told that if the alarm has been sounded, there will be a guard in this
room with Ramirez. Apparently, you can blackjack him and pick up the body
before Ramirez turns around to see.]
On the table in the dark area, there are 6 Water Arrows and 4 Moss Arrows. On a
shelf opposite from the bellpull you'll find two stacks of gold coins (25, 25,
Treasure Count: 2655, 2680). On the shelf at the back of the room is a speed
potion, a flash bomb, and a key. The key is needed to open the two chests in
this room...their locks cannot be picked. You can ignore the chest on the only contains some documents of Ramirez'. The chest on the back
counter, however, holds another stack of gold coins (25, Treasure Count: 2705).
* F. Escaping the Mansion *
Okay Garrett, time for you to leave! Exit the room the way you came in, turn
right, and go through the first door on your right. (Note: The hallway beyond
this door is quite long, and sometimes I have seen a guard in it. I don't know
why, but usually he's not there.) Follow this hallway all the way to the end,
and turn right, and immediately turn right again. Move forward into the next
room, turn left, and climb the stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're entering the ground floor again, and the halls are still
patrol areas. Go through the door, turn right, and at the end of the hall turn
right again. Go through the door on your left, and then go through the next
door on your left. You should now be back in the guard room with the ladder.
Take the ladder up, and follow the passage back to the library. Once there turn
left, move forward until you have a set of double doors on your right. Turn and
face them.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You might accidentally attract some attention outside. You need
to pick the lock on one of these doors (either one, your choice). Once that is
done, go through it.
From here, you can end the mission one of two ways:
1) The safe way. Turn left, and hop onto the roofing you see ahead of you. Turn
right, so you're facing a door across a gap. Look down, and you'll see a ladder
beneath the door. Line yourself up with the ladder, move forward until you
fall, and catch the ladder. Climb the ladder down to the water level (once you
reach it, you won't be able to go any down any further), then jump off the
ladder into the water (don't're so close, you won't make a big
splash). Swim under the water, following the current. Turn left up ahead, and
let the current flush you out the rest of the way.
2) The fast way. Turn slightly to the right, then run and jump OVER the
balcony. You should land (with quite a splash) in the water below. Follow the
current, turning left up ahead, and let it flush you out the rest of the way.
(This method runs the risk of attracting the guards' attention.)
[NOTE: One time while using method two, as I was falling through the air
towards the water, I saw a guard just turning the corner. Somehow, he failed to
notice me at all! The splash didn't attract his attention, nor did my body
flying through the air!]
Congratulations! You've shown Ramirez who the REAL criminal mastermind is!
* G. Going Home *
Or have you? If you somehow drew attention to yourself, then the guards are on
alert. Getting out of the mansion grounds isn't now must make your
way home, and the streets are crawling with guards looking for you.
1. Trail the thugs who just tried to assassinate you, without being
2. Time to show Ramirez who the real criminal mastermind is. Break into
his mansion and take what he values most -- his wealth. The purse
from his belt should make the point.
3. Loot the mansion for valuables. You need at least 2,000 worth.
4. Locate his prized silver fire-poker. It's worth quite a bit.
5. Get out of the mansion.
6. Head for the safety of your neighborhood.
7. Don't kill anyone.
On your way back home, you will encounter several guards. You can hide from
them, knock them out, or if you prefer, simply run past them. Your Flash Bombs
may come in handy at this stage of the mission. You may want to save your game
a couple of times during this part.
So, from your soggy position in the sewer, you should have your back to the
slope you rode down to this point. Turn left. Move forward, pushing against the
current, and turn right when you get the chance. Move forward, out from
underneath the pier, and the turn left. You should be facing a ladder. Move
over to it, and climb out of the water and onto the dock.
Turn right, and move forward. When you can go forward no more, turn right
again. Move down the ramp. Careful of the metal stairs at the bottom. When you
reach the bottom, turn left. Move forward, down this street and into the next
one. Then turn right, and move through the archway ahead.
Move down this street all the way. You will soon come to a streetlamp. Across
from you, you may notice a door (or doorway). It's the entrance to Farkus'
Turn left, and move forward to the end of this street. Turn left, move forward,
turn right move forward, and turn left. Move forward and then turn right.
You should now be facing into the "metal bridge" area you found when following
the assassins earlier. Move into the area, continuing forward past the bridge
(keep in on your left). There's a door ahead. Go through it.
Inside, turn right and move down the stairs, following them to the bottom. Then
turn right and move through this area until you come to a small bridge across
the water. Move across the bridge and through the archway you can see across
Move forward, and turn right. Ahead, you can either turn left up a slope, or
continue forward through a doorway. Move through the doorway, and turn right.
Follow these stairs all the way to the bottom, and then turn left.
[Note: At this point, I have never encountered any guards past the stairs down
you just took.]
In the street ahed, you should be able to see a wooden ramp leading upwards.
Move forward and go up that ramp. Then turn right, and move forward. At the
bottom of the ramp, turn left. Move forward until you have to turn left, then
do so. Move forward again through the archway, and when you emerge from the
small tunnel, stop.
10.1: Introduction
"In the beginning we lived as thieves, Stealing fur and fang of beasts for
survival. Then came the Builder who brought us the Hammer, And with it we
forged a new way of life. To reject the Hammer is to denounce the Builder."
-- The Hammer Book of Tenets
I was going to pay Lord Randall and his vase collection a visit, but the
Downwind Thieves' Guild beat me to the score. Word is that they haven't divvied
the booty yet. Apparently their leaders...Donal and Rueben...are arguing over
the prized sapphire vase. Sounds like they could use a third party to settle
their disagreement. Since I'm no mediator, I'll just steal the vase from them.
They'll be so busy blaming each other no one will suspect an outsider.
The Downwinders run a gambling den called the "Overlord's Fancy," which
operates under a nearby restaurant. The guild's hideout is beneath the casino.
I have a rough map of the complex I got from..."sources" from the inside. Once
I'm in the "Overlord's Fancy" I'll have to search for the secret entrance to
the hideout. Have to be careful...the Downwinder's know me all too well. If
they catch sight of me they'll KNOW who took the vase. Assuming they don't just
kill me for trespassing.
Finding the vase may prove difficult, since I have no idea where it is. Should
be a hot topic of conversation among the Downwinders. Maybe I'll be lucky
enough to overhear where they're stashing it. Time to make a living....
Once again, this is another mission where some of your mission objectives (in
particular, the vase and the bracelet) contribute to your loot total. The vase
adds 500, and the bracelet adds 75.
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to acquire from Ramirez. (Maximum: 2705.)
Starting Gear:
1 Sword
1 Blackjack
30 Broadhead Arrows
7 Water Arrows
2 Moss Arrows
3 Rope Arrows
1 Set of Lockpicks
Once again, this mission requires that you kill no one, so Broadhead and Fire
Arrows are useless to you on this level, as are Mines. You also start with
enough Rope Arrows to complete the mission successfully (I can only recall
using a single one!), so purchasing more is unnecessary. And with Healing
Potions scattered about all over the place, your money is best spent elsewhere.
You will be dousing a LOT of torches, so buy up all the Water Arrows. A Flash
Bomb or two might also prove useful. A Noisemaker Arrow will definitely come in
handy later. Speed Potions...I've yet to find a real use for them. A couple of
extra Moss Arrows may prove useful to you, but I found I didn't require any.
"Space is BIG. I mean, REALLY BIG! You just won't believe how vastly, hugely,
mind-bogglingly big it is! I mean, you may think it's a long way down the
street to the chemist, but that's just PEANUTS to space!"
That's how I feel about this mission. Big. Huge. Sometimes confusing, and
sometimes DEFINITELY frustrating. And a LOT of FUN!
The treasures on this level are, for the most part, very small in value, so
there are a LOT of them, and sometimes hidden quite well. (I suppose that that
can be said for ANY mission in Thief, but for some reason I particularly
noticed it here.) Be aware that a few of the treasures you find are purses
which you have to take off of someone's belt.
There are a LOT of people in this level which you need to knock out. (My first
time through, when I finished I had a total of 69 knockouts!) In some areas, I
have found people stationed close together, nearly side by side, but which you
are able to knock out one by one without alerting the others. I do not know why
this works, but it does. It shocked the heck out of me at first. Other areas
are patrolled with such frequency that you sometimes have very little time to
do much with the guards. You have to time it so that you can take one out and
have enough time to hide the evidence before the next one approaches. I've been
spotted on more than one occassion. Thank the Builder for saved games! There
are so many people moving between areas that you can pretty much consider this
entire level a Patrol Area, so save your game often. There are also a lot of
pockets to pick...18 in total.
There are machines scattered about the sewer/waterway areas, with lever
attachments. Some of these open portals and doorways that I've been able to
find. Some, I have not found the correspondingly numbered panels that they
(presumably) operate. #48 has me especially baffled...if it exists, I want to
find that portal! :)
The most difficult part of this mission I had was finding Lord Randall's
bracelet. I eventually had to contact Looking Glass themselves and ask them
where they had put it! :(
10.8: Walkthrough
A. Getting Inside the Restaurant
B. Inside the Restaurant
C. The Overlord's Fancy Casino
D. The Thieves' Guild, First Living Area
E. The Tunnels, Part One
F. The Thieves' Guild, Second Living Area
G. Obtaining Lord Randall's Bracelet
H. Rueben's House, First Level
I. Rueben's House, Second Level (Part One)
J. Rueben's House, Third Level
K. Rueben's House, Second Level (Part Two)
L. Leaving Rueben's House
M. The Tunnels, Part Two
N. Entering Donal's House
O. Donal's House, First Level
P. Donal's House, Second Level
Q. Donal's House, Third Level
R. Leaving Donal's House
* A. Getting Inside the Restaurant *
You'll start the mission around the corner from the front entrance of the
restaraunt. You should also see someone standing there. Move into the shadows
to avoid being seen, and listen to their conversation. You can lean over if you
would like to see them as well as hear them, but be careful...if you're
spotted, they come after you.
After their amusing conversation (they really are breeding them from the
shallow end of the gene pool, aren't they?), one of two things will happen:
either all three of them will go inside, or two of them will go inside, and the
third will patrol around outside. In either case, once you are no longer in
danger of being spotted, move forward to the spot where they were chatting, and
turn left. Move down this street, and continue following it until you have the
choice of either continuing forward (you should see a blue sign beyong a barrel
ahead), or turning right. Turn right, and move forward. Once you hit the wall,
turn right. You want to go through this door, but you'll have to pick the lock.
[NOTE: At some point, you may notice a guard (of the regular type you found in
Lord Bafford's) wandering around outside. Unless you threaten him, he pretty
much leaves you alone.]
* B. Inside the Restaurant *
Once you're inside, move over to the only other exit from this room. If you
look inside, you'll see a servant preparing food. You may also see a guard
patrolling between this room and the next. You'll want to knock out both of
them. Take out the servant first.
See that fireplace directly across from where you entered? To the left of it
(as you face it) is a nice dark patch, ideal for hiding bodies, and for waiting
for that guard to come back on his rounds.
On the other side of the fireplace is an exit leading into the next room.
There's another patrolling guard moving between the next room and the one after
that. If you're lucky, you'll get to him so you can see him with his back up and club him. If you can't see him though, that means he's in
the next room, but will be coming in soon. Move into the room, and sidestep to
your left. You will find yourself in a darkened corner beside the fireplace,
safe from being seen. Then you can watch for the guard to turn, and club him at
your leisure.
Now that this level is clear of guards, move into the next room, across from
the fireplace in this room. Upon entering, turn right. Aha! Your first bit of
loot! Not much granted, but it's something. Pick up the two stacks of copper
coins (5, 5, Treasure Count: 5, 10), and open the box to get some silver coins
(15, Treasure Count: 25). Also grab the key on the table.
Turn right around, and move through the exit across the room from you. Turn
right, and unlock the door you find using the key you just picked up. Go up
these stairs, but wait until you enter the next room. There is someone moving
around up here between rooms, and this is one of them. If you don't hear any
nearby footsteps, then it is probably safe to move into the next room. Once you
do, hide in one of the shadowy areas and wait. Once he comes into your area,
make sure he doesn't leave again.
Now, turn to face the two doors on the opposite wall. You want to the one on
the left. Go through it. This next room has two chests you can open. The first
one holds only a Rope Arrow. The other one though (the one closest to the
Sleeper) holds some gold coins (25, Treasure Count: 50). Gather your findings,
and move through the door at the other end of the room (be careful not to wake
up the Sleeper!)
In the next room, there are two Broadhead Arrows lying on the ground
immediately to your right upon entering (you will have to move around the door,
or close it, to get to them). If you want them, take them. Across from the door
you just came through you will see a what looks like a well in near the wall.
This is your access to the casino below. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling
above it, then grab on and climb down!
* C. The Overlord's Fancy Casino *
Move out and to the right. Near the fireplace, you should see two
ahead, and one to the left. You want to be over there. Move ahead, and go
through the opening, but do not go into the hallway! There is a patrolling
guard you want to take out. Stay here near the entrance to the hall, and wait
for him. You may need to crouch to make sure he avoids seeing you. If you've
got the time, you may want to lean out and shoot a Water Arrow at the torch
you'll be able to see.
Once you've clubbed the guard, turn around and head back the way you came. Go
all the way down to the end of the hall, and move through the door you'll find
on the right. Ignore the opening on your right for now, just keep moving until
you reach the first door on your right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The guard in here is sometimes facing your direction, and when
you open the door he blows the whistle on you. Open the door, and move in
behind the guard. Take the key from his belt, then knock him out. Once he's
unconscious, you can move forward to the window ahead (opposite the door). On
the table on the other side, you can pick up two stacks of copper coins (5, 5,
Treasure Count: 55, 60). This might also be a good time to use a Water Arrow on
that torch far ahead and to your right. Now turn around and leave the way you
came in. Turn left, and move into the room through the opening on your left.
Immediately to your right you should find a stack of silver coins on the table
(12, Treasure Count: 72).
Turn again so that that table is again on your right. Move ahead, and you
should soon come to a sort of guardrail. Turn left, and move forward towards
the next room. Before going in there though, shoot a Water Arrow at that torch
down the hall.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If this part doesn't work the way you want it to, things might
get messy. With the torches out, the next room is in relative darkness. There
are four people to deal with. We'll take care of two now, and the other two
Move forward until you are standing behind the man at the table. Knock him out.
Leave his body where it falls...instead, turn and run back the way you came in,
but stop at the intersection between this room and the previous one. The woman
who was at the table with the man should have discovered his body, and started
running. But, she's running THIS way, and you've just blocked her escape. Turn
around, and when she's close enough, give her a whack with your Blackjack.
(Okay all you dirty-minded people...that is NOT what I meant!)
[NOTE: Sometimes it is easier to finish the other two guards off now, instead
of waiting until later. If you'd rather take the remaining two out now, skip
the next seven paragraphs to find how to take them out now, then come back up
Once the two non-combatants are taken care of, you can move into the room and
take the four stacks of coins off the table: three copper and one gold (5, 5,
5, 25, Treasure Count: 77, 83, 87, 112). Then turn right. See that light that
keeps flickering off and on? Well, you want to go through that area. Wait until
the light is out, then RUN through it, and turn right. Keep moving until you
are out of the light's radius, but stop before entering the next area. Shoot a
Water Arrow at the torch ahead of you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's possible you may be seen here. Move into the next room,
but don't go too far. Once you're in a bit, turn around...there's a torch
behind you to your right. Shoot a Water Arrow at it.
Once all the light's are out in this area, you've got other problems...there
are four more people to deal with in this room, but they aren't as easy to
handle as the last two were! Before we tackle them though, turn around again,
so your back is to the entrance you came in from. There's a roulette table up
ahead, with a stack of silver coins on it (12, Treasure Count: 124).
SAVE YOUR GAME! You may need to do this part several times before you get
things the way you want them. While you're standing at the far end of this
room, shoot a Noisemaker Arrow down the hall towards the crowd. Everyone will
start searching for you. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, knock
someone out. Note that the two guards that search for you have keys you can
lift. Eventually, everyone may stop looking for you before you can knock
everyone out. If so, just get their attention again and continue as before
until everyone's taken care of. (Remember, your Noisemaker Arrows are
Once you've got this section all to yourself, move to the table in front of the
"window", and take the two stacks of copper coins off it (5, 5, Treasure Count:
129, 134). Then open the door to the guardroom with your Casino Key. Inside,
you will find shelves on either side. To the left, you'll find a Healing Potion
on the top shelf, and two Water Arrows on the bottom shelf. To the right is a
purse on the top shelf (50, Treasure Count: 184).
Exit this guardroom, and turn left. Go through the archway ahead, then stop. On
the shelf to your right you will find two Water Arrows. Now continue ahead,
turn right and move forward. Once you reach a doorway on your right (across
from a fireplace), turn right through the doorway, and continue forward through
this first room, stopping at the intersection leading into the next one.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is described under IDEAL CONDITIONS. If the two
guards from this area were attracted by your activities on the other side of
the room though, things may not be ideal. If the guards have left their
customary posts, you may need to improvise this part a bit.
Move forward into this room, staying in the shadows. The flickering light at
the far end is still flickering, so wait until it's dark, then move through
that area quickly, turning left. You should be in front of a metal door. Crouch
down, making sure you're in shadows. Use your Casino Key on the door to open
in. Move in very carefully. You will be in full light, but the guards won't see
you. Move behind the first one, lift the key from his belt, then stand up and
knock him out. Crouch again, and repeat this process on the second guard.
Once these two are asleep, turn around. You should now be facing a door with
iron bars protecting it. Use your Casino Key to raise the bars, and then use it
again to open the door. Move through the door might be heard.
Congratulations! You've made it into the Downwind Thieves' Guild!
[NOTE: There is another way down, this is just my preferred method. Back in the
casino, if you spin the roulette wheel on the table where you found the coins,
a secret door will open up, leading down to an area further along this
walkthrough. I will note the area when we come to it.]
* D. The Thieves' Guild, First Living Area *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This doesn't always work. At the end of the tunnel, stop and
listen to the conversation the two thieves are having. You can (sometimes)
douse that torch as they are talking, then move forward slowly (while
crouched), and get the purse from the one guy's (the non-guard) belt (25,
Treasure Count: 209). Once the two are finished, they will go their separate
ways. Follow the guard to the left. He's got a key on his belt you can lift.
Knock him out (preferably in the dark tunnel you move through). After he's
sleeping, move ahead out of this tunnel and into the next room, but stay in the
shadows. There's another guard patrolling. Once he's got his back turned to
you, move in behind him, grab the Healing Potion from his belt, then knock him
If you want to put the fire out in the fireplace to do this, go ahead, but it's
not necessary. Behind the fire is a secret panel (you may need to crouch to do
this). Open it, and grab the golden goblet you find inside (50, Treasure Count:
259). Then turn so that the fireplace is on your left, and move into the next
room, but stop almost immediately inside. Turn left. Sneak behind that guy,
lift his purse (100, Treasure Count: 359), and knock him out. Then grab the
stack of silver coins on the table (15, Treasure Count: 374), and the jeweled
vase and the fancy goblet from the bookcase shelf near the table (20, 15,
Treasure Count: 394, 409). Also in this room, on the other bookshelf, is a
scroll you can read. It tells you of a way between the two feuding guild
halves: the number 47 is your clue. Doesn't mean much yet, but it will later. I
recommend you also grab the two Water Arrows in the chest.
Exit this room the way you came in. Once out, turn left, move forward, turn
left again, move forward, then turn right. Move ahead until you come out of the
tunnel. Then turn right and move forward a little. Once you've got the opening
to your right, turn, move in, and look down near the fireplace. Grab that
silver nugget (25, Treasure Count: 434).
Turn right around. Move forward, directly across the room towards a small
shelving unit, upon which sits a Speed Potion. Grab it if you like. Turn left,
and move ahead through the opening in the wall. Walk forward carefully, across
the room. Shortly, you'll reach a doorway in the wall on your righthand side.
Move up to it, but stay on this side of it. Crouch, and wait for a guard to
come through. (Watch your light close to the doorway and you're
visible to him!) He'll turn around real quick and head back again, so grab his
purse as soon as you can (25, Treasure Count: 459). If you feel more
comfortable leaving no witnesses, knock him out. In either case, once the coast
is clear, turn right around and head for the door you came in through.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two men that patrol through this next area, so you'll
need to be careful! Now, move through the door ahead of you, and immediately
turn left. Move ahead into the next room, hugging the wall to your left, and
move all the way forward until you are standing beneath that lamp. Now, turn
right, but don't move forward. Now we wait. Eventually, there will be two men
who come through. Keep waiting after the first man comes through, until the
second one appears. Once he comes in, make sure that first man can't see you,
then move in behind him (the second man) and knock him out. Then go after the
first man, and club him. [Note: When you first entered this area from the
casino, if you did not pick the purse from the man's belt, it will be on one of
these two gentlemen...the one who is not a guard.]
Okay, now that both men are sleeping peacefully, turn your attention to the
banner in this room. (If you had to leave the room to club either of these men,
return there now.) Pull out your Sword, and cut down the banner. Behind it
you'll find a Healing Potion and a diamond (25, Treasure Count: 484). [Note:
It's important to take out those two patrollers before cutting down the banner.
Otherwise, they notice it.] Also, if you are interested, behind you you'll find
a single Broadhead Arrow on the rug.
SAVE YOUR GAME! While unlikely, you could be noticed here. Now, remember the
doorway that those two men came into this room from when you were hiding under
that lamp? You want to go through that doorway and immediately turn to your
left. Walk forward, hugging the left wall. Do not go into the next room though.
Once you're near the doorway, turn to your right, and crouch. You should see
some treasure highlighted in a hole in the wall. If you don't, move your view
around a little until you do. There are two stacks of copper coins in there (5,
5, Treasure Count: 489, 494). Also, if you are interested, you can lean into
the next room and open the chest. Inside it you'll find three Moss Arrows. Turn
around so you're facing the way you came, and move forward, staying in the
shadows. Stop before you go to far. Then turn left, but don't move forward.
Lean over to the right, so that you can see down into the next room. (If you
can't do it, you didn't move forward enough...or you're still crouched.)
Soon, a woman will come into the next room, head in your direction, then turn
around. Once she turns, you run down there and put her to sleep. Now that you
are in this room, continue ahead, keeping the pit to your right. Once you are
able to turn right, do so (do not go through the archway ahead just yet...we'll
get there soon enough). Ahead you should see a small ramp leading into a
well-lit room. Go into that room.
Directly ahead you should see some sort of stone shelves. Move forward, and on
the bottom shelf you'll be able to grab a fancy goblet (15, Treasure Count:
509). Now turn left, and move through the archway you see on your right.
Immediately upon moving through it, turn right again. The bottom shelf on this
side contains a Broadhead Arrow and two Water Arrows, plus a scroll of no
importance. The top shelf contains a Noisemaker Arrow and a Fire Arrow. Take
any of these you wish, although you'll probably only need the Water Arrows. At
the far end of the room (the opposite side from which you came in), look down
in the shadows near the wall with the shelves, and you'll find another fancy
goblet lying on the floor (15, Treasure Count: 524). Now move through the
archway next to the goblet you just found. In the next room (the one you just
left actually), leave through the door in the wall you're facing. (This would
be the one you originally came through.) Keep moving forward in the next room,
and turn right when you can. Turn right again, and head down this ramp. When
you're at the bottom, get into the shadows, and turn left.
* E. The Tunnels, Part One *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another area where you could be found out, albeit not likely,
if you're careful. Move cautiously into the next room. There's a guard at the
far end, but like the idiot he tries to be, he's facing the wrong way. (Who
guards a room like this???) Sneak up behind him. You can club him or not, as
you see fit, but I recommend it. On the floor next to him is a purse (20,
Treasure Count: 544). Once you've got that, turn around and leave this room the
way you came in. Keep walking forward. In the next room, keep going past the
hallway up that small ramp on your left, and move through the shadowy opening
ahead. Go through this small, narrow hallway into the shadowy room ahead.
Loud in here, isn't it? Move ahead to the far side of the room, and you'll find
a large machine with six levers on it. Written above these levers are the
numbers 37 and 38, and each one has three corresponding levers. Operate the
leftmost lever under number 38. You should hear a loud CLANG! behind you.
Ignore it, and operate the leftmost lever under number 37. You should hear the
sound of a door sliding open. Now turn around, and move forward. Don't leave
the room, but turn left, and you should see a small ramp leading down and to
the left. Follow the ramp into the next room. You'll find another Fire Arrow on
the floor, and next to it two stacks of silver coins (10, 10, Treasure Count:
554, 564). Leave this room the way you came in. Once you're at the top of the
ramp, turn until you see the exit you originally used to enter this room, and
go through it.
Ahead, you should see a large iron door which was once closed is now open.
Ignore's for much later. Instead turn right so you're facing down the
long hallway, where you can see a guard at the end, and possibly (if you're far
enough to the one side) a lit torch.
[Incidentally, I was able to take that torch out from in this room, with the
floor grating about even with me on the left. It was a fantastic shot, if I do
say so myself. :) ]
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two guards at the end of this hall, and sometimes
they spot you if you aren't careful enough. Move forward down this corridor,
hugging the right wall. Keep going until you can move right. Sidestep to the
right, and douse the torch with a Water Arrow. Then, sticking to the shadows,
move in behind the two thieves as they talk about Donal and Rueben. Their
conversation should give you some more information about where the vase is, as
well as some interesting bits about the turmoil the guild is currently
undergoing. Lift the purse off the one thief's belt while they're chatting (10,
Treasure Count: 574). Then head back into the shadows, and wait for them to
finish their conversation. When they do, one will head into your dark area.
Knock him out. The other one will be heading into a room beside this one, but
emerge again quite soon, and then move down a corridor which you can look down
from this room. If you were fast enough with the first thief, you should be
able to run down there and knock the other guy out before he turns around. If
not, just wait for him here...he'll move back into the room next door, then
come out and move down the corridor again. Club him then if you have to wait.
If you want to go into the room down the hall from here, you'll find an
Explosive Mine and a Flash Bomb on the floor near the wagon. There's also a
parchment on the floor near the back, a letter to another thief about paying
tribute to the heads of the Guild. You shouldn't need to go in this room,
If you go into the room beside the one where the two thieves were talking
(where the second thief made part of his patrol), you'll find two Moss Arrows
on a shelf, and a ramp leading up to a door. Pulling the lever opens the door,
and leads back into the casino. (This is the door that opens when you spin the
roulette wheel in the casino.) Again, you should not need to go into this room,
it is merely mentioned for the sake of completeness.
So, now that those two thieves are sleeping peacefully, time to move on.
Directly across from the door leading into the room where the second thief did
part of his patrol is a ramp leading up. Take it to the top, but don't move out
just yet.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You don't want to be spotted. Peek out, and see if there's a
guard coming in your direction. If there is, just wait for him to turn...if
he's far enough away, he'll turn down a side corridor partway down the hall. If
he's closer, he'll turn to your right quite close to you. Note that this guard
has a Healing Potion you can lift from his belt.
If you saw the guard and he turned while close to you, then now you can just
emerge and club him. If this is not the case however, then slip into the room,
and immediately turn left. You should be facing a corner. Get into that corner,
and hide in the shadows there, and wait. Eventually, the guard mentioned above
will make his appearance. When he does, take him out.
While all this is going on, you should have heard and/or seen another guard
patrolling. This one, you want to get far at the other end. Facing down the
corridor where the guard was approaching you from, once the second guard turns
so he can't see you, race down the corridor, and take the same turn he did.
Then move up behind him and say nighty-night.
[Alternatively, if you are feeling daring, you can try this: when he turns the
corner so that he is walking away from you on the level below, drop down behind
him and club him. While I've tried this several times, I was only ever
successful once.]
That taken care of, continue down this hall, and you'll come to a door in the
left-hand wall. Go through it, turn right, and open the door at the end of this
short hall. But don't go through it yet.
* F. The Thieves' Guild, Second Living Area *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, someone's roaming around that might see you. Move
through the door (don't close this one). There will be a room on your left,
which you can ignore...there are two chests in it, but one is empty, and the
other contains only two Moss Arrows. The room on your immediate right is the
one you have to be careful of. There is a patrolling servant that sometimes
moves into that room. You can watch from behind the open door. If he does go
into that room, then wait until he turns around, then run up behind him and
knock him out.
If the servant does not go into that room (I have no idea why he sometimes does
and sometimes doesn't, it just is that way), you may have to go into the room
BEYOND that one, and knock him out. From the first room (not the one with the
door, the one with the rug) you can knock out the fire in the fireplace and the
torch on the wall in the next room in order to improve your chances of
remaining undetected.
Once the servant is taken care of, the room with the rug contains an Explosive
Mine at the foot of the bed, if you want it. From this room, move into the room
with the fireplace mentioned above. Move towards the fireplace, and then go
through the opening you'll see ahead on your right. Another bedroom, but see
that shelf on the wall to your left? If you jump up, you'll be able to see (and
grab) another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 599).
Turn around and leave the room. In the next room, you should be able to see two
separate exits on your left. Move to the far one, but do not go through the
SAVE YOUR GAME! This has to be done a certain way in order for it to work
properly. Inch your way through the archway very slowly, but don't actually go
through. You are trying to trigger the conversation between two thieve's at the
other end of this hallway. Once they start talking, back up a bit. Then turn so
you are facing in the direction that the thieves are in, lean out, and shoot a
Water Arrow at the torch. Once it's out, whip out your Blackjack and move up
closer to the two men.
While they are still talking, knock out the one closest to you. For some
reason, the other thief does not find this odd...he just acts as if the
conversation is over. Move in behind him and knock him out as well.
[NOTE: If you want to listen to the conversation, it's about the Bafford job
you pulled earlier on in your career. :) ]
Now that the coast is clear, move across the room towards the door on the wall
opposite the entrance you came in from. Open the door, and move into the next
room, turning left immediately, and moving down to the end of the room. Turn
right, and move forward to the end of the shelves. Look down, and on the bottom
shelf you'll find a golden candlestick (50, Treasure Count: 649). Turn and face
the way you came, and move forward to the end, and turn left. Move forward
through the archway ahead of you, and move past the first shelving unit on your
left. Turn left, and move forward to the door ahead of you. Don't open the
door. Instead, turn right, and look at the top shelf to find a necklace (50,
Treasure Count: 699). Turn so your back is to the door, and move forward. Turn
right, move through the archway ahead, and up to the door ahead on the left
wall, and move through it. Immediately turn right, move through the archway
then turn left and move through the door ahead of you. Turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This area can be tricky, and there are a couple of guards to
worry about. Move through the doorway you can see ahead, and turn left. Move
forward and get into the corner, and turn right. Use your Water Arrows on the
two torches you can see in this hallway. Now move forward, hugging the left
wall, until a door in that wall lights up. Open it, and lean over to see when
the guard walks by. Once he does, move in behind him and knock him out.
Move into the room and turn right. A little ways down, there is a chest against
the left-hand wall. Pick the lock to get silver nugget (50, Treasure Count:
749). You can pick the lock on the other chest if you want, but it only
contains an Explosive Mine.
Continue down to the end of the room. There is a door in the right hand wall.
Be sure you are not standing in view when you open it. There is a guard in here
with a very short patrol. You will need to knock him out. Edge over a bit so
you can see the end of his patrol. Watch it for a while to time your shot, then
run up behind him and knock him out. You may want to lean over and take out the
two torches in the next room to maximize your odds.
Crouch down, and open the door ahead of you. Sneak your way into the room,
pausing any time the woman thinks she hears you. Despite the way things look,
you can sneak right up behind her and pick her pocket (30, Treasure Count:
779). There are also two chests in the room, which you can ignore. The one on
the left (as you face them) has a Healing Potion. The other has a Flash Bomb.
* G. Obtaining Lord Randall's Bracelet *
Leave the way you came in. In the next room, near the far wall there is a
sliding half-door on the wall to your left. Open it, then move forward and turn
left. Move into the hallway ahead, and go to the end. When you enter the next
room, turn right and move through the dark doorway you see. Move into the
lighted area, and turn right again. Go down that ramp you see. At the bottom,
look at the left of the wall opposite the ramp, and you should see a small
metal covering. Move over to it, and open it. Crouch, move through it, and go
down the ramp into the sewers. Turn right, and move forward. Ignore all
turnings, just keep going forward until you have reached a large metal portal.
SAVE YOUR GAME! While I've never alerted the guards with this, best to play it
safe. Open the portal, and move through it. Turn right, and move forward, up
the ramp ahead. Stop when you reach the top, and try to stay in the shadows.
Turn left so you can see a door. There is a guard that patrols in this area,
and he moves through that door. Wait for him, and when he shows up (either
coming out of the door or moving to it), get him.
Move forward. If the guard opened the door and it is still open, close it. Now
turn right. Move down to the end of the hall, and open the door on your left.
Move carefully into this room, and knock out the big guy standing by the
firepit. Once that is done, turn your attention to the table. The document on
it is just a threat to Rueben's number one man, and the box is empty. But
underneath the table you'll find a stack of gold coins (25, Treasure Count:
804). You need to be quiet in here, as there is another guard just outside the
other door in here. Walk around the firepit (keeping it on your left) and move
to the bookshelves. Just below the centre of the bookshelf, there is a hollow
between the books. Look there, and you'll find a key.
Now turn around and examine the firepit. Move around it so that, as you face
it, the bookshelves are on your left. A metal grate should highlight. Open it,
and inside you'll find Lord Randall's bracelet (75, Treasure Count: 879).
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is a little bit tricky. Leave this room from the
door you came in through. Once in the hall, turn right and move forward a bit,
then turn left and walk up the ramp, but don't enter the hall. Stay here in the
shadows. There is a patrolling guard out there. If he's near, you may hear his
footsteps rather loudly. Lean around and see if you can spot him...he patrols
the whole area outside this hall, so he may not be near.
You probably noticed the guard standing on a small porch, with two torches lit
up for him. Well, you're going to need to take those torches out. However, if
that patrolling guard is near them when you do, he will be alerted to your
presence and start looking for you. So if the guard is nowhere near the
torches, its safe to extinguish them. If he is, wait.
You need to take out the patrolling guard, and the torches. Do them in
whichever order is most expedient to you. The best way to take out the patrol
is to wait for him to walk by, then move in behind him. The other guard may see
you, so you may need to pause while he decides it was nothing. Try to knock the
guard out when he is behind the wall, so the other guard can't see him.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It would be a shame to fumble now. Once the guard and the
torches are taken care of, head towards the porch. You should be on the walkway
to the left of the porch, as you face it, hugging the left wall, for maximum
cover. When you are able to turn right and move onto the porch, do so
cautiously, and once you're close enough to club the guard, do so. Then turn to
the door, and unlock it with the House Key you just found. Move inside.
* H. Rueben's House, First Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! A couple of servants are sometimes on patrol in the next room.
The wall that you're facing has a door on the right. Open it, and from in here
you will be able to knock out the torch on the inner wall to your right. This
will put most of the next room in shadows, enough for you to walk in. You can
then put out the torch on the opposite wall from the previous one, if you wish,
although it is probably unnecessary.
The two servants will wander around in this room, the hallway beyond, and
another room (which we won't get to, as there is nothing worthwhile in there).
When you get the chance, knock them both out. Assuming you are still in the
large room where you extinguished the torches, then go forward into the hallway
(the entrance is directly opposite the way you entered this room), turn left,
and move down this hall to the end. Turn right and move to the end of this
This is a cell area. In the far cell on the left (as you face with your back to
the entrance you used) is a large Spider. You don't have to worry about it, as
it can't get to you. There is an opening in the wall opposite the entrance you
used, but it is also useless to you. That room only contains an Explosive Mine
(which, if you are feeling violent, will do wonders to that trapped Spider).
What you want is the door directly opposite the Spider's cell. Go through the
door and up the stairs. Enter the next room cautiously, and stay in the
* I. Rueben's House, Second Level (Part One) *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two guards who will patrol into this room. Take out
the fire in the fireplace to give you more shadows to work with. (You can lean
over and just hit the inside of the fireplace with a Water Arrow...the splash
will do the rest.) There is a secret panel inside the fireplace. If you open
it, you will find another fire burning in the opposite fireplace. Opening the
panel while the other fire is lit does NOT increase the illumination in this
room, but putting out the other fire will improve your cover in this room.
Now wait for the guards. I have seen them come in nearly together, so that you
cannot blackjack them immediately. But most of the time, just wait and one will
come in. Take him out, wait for the other, and knock him out as well.
There are three exits in this room (not counting the portal in the fireplace).
Turn so that the exits are all in on your left, another ahead, the
last to your right. Move forward and go through the exit on the left. Turn
right once you're inside, and move to the end of the room. On the floor near
the makeshift bed you'll find a stack of copper coins (5, Treasure Count: 884).
Now leave this room the way you came in, and turn left into the next room. Near
the makeshift bed in here you'll find another golden goblet (25, Treasure
Count: 909). Leave the way you came in. Keep walking forward, and turn left
when you can. In the next room, turn right and move ahead, turning left again
through the doorway there. Ahead of you is a fireplace, beside which is an
entrance to a kitchen area. Don't go forward just yet...we'll come back here
later. Instead, turn right again, and move over to the bookcase in the corner.
Look at the top shelf, and a book should highlight. This is a switch to
activate a secret door. Do so, then turn right again and go up the stairs that
have now been revealed to you.
* J. Rueben's House, Third Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Things can get very tricky up here. At the top of the stairs,
move through the doorway. To your right will be two sleeping guards. If you
want to, you can ignore the two chests in the room. The closest one contains a
Flash Bomb, and the other a Healing Potion. Turn your attention to the two
doors in the room. There's one directly across from you, and another in the
wall to your left. The latter is the one we want.
Move to the door, and open it carefully. There is a guard who's patrol takes
him very close to this door. Move out into the hall, and stay in the shadows.
Wait for the guard to come around, then club him. (Lift the Healing Potion from
his belt if you can.)
From this point, you should be able to see a large gap in the floor. Directly
across from you, across that gap, is a hallway. In the far corner of the room
is another door. There are two more guards you want to take care of, and they
have the same patrol. Unfortunately, they also usually patrol close together,
so you have to generally wait for the first one to pass and take out the second
one first. They will come out that door I mentioned, and then move towards the
hallway across from you, head down it, and disappear through a door. Also, each
one carries a key you can lift. Another cautionary note...there are two guards
on the level below who patrol around, and they may hear you up here, or even
see you through the gap in the floor. Exercise caution!
Once these two guards are taken care of, turn your attention to the door they
both came through to get in here. Move through it, and inside on a table you'll
find a gilded vase (25, Treasure Count: 934).
There are two exits from this room. Go through the one opposite the door you
entered by. In this new room, you'll find another fancy goblet on a table (15,
Treasure Count: 949). Leave through the only other exit in this room. Across
the hall you'll see a pair of double doors. Move through them.
Across from the door you entered by are two other doors. This room also
contains a few tables. On the table on the far right side of the room (as you
face the two other exits) are two golden goblets (25, 25, Treasure Count: 974,
999). Now turn to the exit directly opposite from the way you came in. Use one
of the keys that you lifted from the guards up here, and go inside. Directly
across from the entrance in a small table, underneath which is another key.
(You can ignore this, you don't need it.) The far corner of the room contains a
ledger you can read, and another Healing Potion.
The real treasure in this room is behind a secret panel. Beside the door you
used to enter this room is a small picture. Face it. Two panels over to the
right is the secret compartment, inside which is a gold nugget (60, Treasure
Count: 1059), a silver nugget (25, Treasure Count: 1084), and a box containing
a safe key. This is what you will need to get to Lord Randall's vase.
There is another exit from this room. Open the door and move inside. Careful,
the floor is tile in here! Immediately turn left, and on one of the tiers to
the bathtub is a bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 1134).
You can either leave the way you came, or turn right and unlock the door ahead
(use the same key as you used to get into the room with the secret panel). Once
you are in the large room with four tables again, leave it via the double
doors. In the hallway beyond, turn right, and continue forward until you enter
the room with the large gap in the floor again. Turn left, move forward as far
as you can, then turn right and move forward. You will see some double-doors
ahead. Go through them into the library, and continue forward. At the end turn
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, this can be tricky. There are two guards patrolling
the area you're about to enter. If you can see or hear either of them, then you
may want to wait until they are gone before doing this bit.
* K. Rueben's House, Second Level (Part Two) *
Go down the ramp ahead, and at the bottom turn right. On a long table in this
room are three candlesticks. The one in the centre is a golden candlestick (50,
Treasure Count: 1184).
There is a door in this room. Turn to face it. Now, sidestep over to the left
side of the room, and wait for the guards. If you position yourself right,
you'll be able to see a doorway far off through the archway you entered, in the
direction you're facing. This is the door the guards will come through. Watch
for them there, then get ready.
These guards, like the ones above, sometimes travel together. If this is the
case here, you will need to let the first one go by, and deal with the second
one first.
The guard will enter this room using the same archway you did. If you are
hugging the left wall (as you face the door ahead), you can actually be quite
close to the archway and not be seen. When you get the opportunity, club him.
(You may need to follow him into the next room to do so.) Note that one of
these guards has a Healing Potion you can filch.
Once the two roaming guards are taken care of, you should have free reign to
move about, at least for a while. Now, from the position where you were waiting
for the two guards to come in, you want to turn left through the archway that
you originally entered here from, then turn right immediately. Go through the
door you see at the far end. In the next room is a door in the left hand wall.
Open it, and go through it. Again, you may want to be's another
tile floor.
Upon entering, make a half-turn (about 45 degrees) to the left, and head for
the table in the centre of the left hand wall. There is another golden
candlestick on it (50, Treasure Count: 1234). Then turn around so you are
facing a door directly opposite this table. Go through it. Directly across from
the door you just entered by is a torch. To the right of the torch is a table,
containing two fancy goblets (10, 10, Treasure Count: 1244, 1254) and a bottle
wine (50, Treasure Count: 1304). Directly opposite the table is another,
containing a gilded vase (25, Treasure Count: 1329).
To the left of this table (as you face it) is another door. Go through it, turn
left, and go through the door ahead. This new room contains nothing but two underneath the table closest the door you entered, and one on the
shelving unit opposite your entrance. Beside that shelving unit is another
door. Go through it, into the night air.
See that large banner on the wall to your left? Well, almost directly opposite
it is a door that you want to go through. In the next room, turn about 45
degrees right, angling for the opposite corner of the room, and go through the
door there. Once through, you should see light spilling in through an archway
on the opposite wall. Go through that archway. Then turn right, and go through
the door ahead into a bathroom.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Although it's never happened to me, you just may be noticed
here. Turn left, and open the door. The room beyond is part of another guard's
patrol. If he's not in here, then there are two torches near the other door
which you may want to douse before he arrives. When he comes, knock him out.
From the point which you entered the room, turn either left or right. In both
cases, you'll find a stack of copper coins (5, 5, Treasure Count: 1334, 1339)
Then at the far end of the room, directly opposite the door you entered by, is
a chest. Pick the lock and you'll find some silver coins (12, Treasure Count:
Now turn to the door which the guard used to enter this room, and go through
it. Continue straight ahead until there is a door on your right. Go through it,
turn right, and go through the door ahead. Inside, turn left, and open the box
underneath the desk to get a jewelled bracelet (60, Treasure Count: 1411). Turn
around, go forward, turn right, go forward, turn left, and move back into the
hallway. Turn right. Take out the two torches in the next hallway with your
Water Arrows, and move ahead. If you like, you can pick the lock on the next
door, but there are only two Water Arrows in that room, on a shelf. Personally,
I ignore that room, and continue ahead. Hug the right wall as you move forward.
Pick the lock on the next door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's possible that the servant in the kitchen will see you as
you enter this room. Once the lock is picked, move into the room, and turn
right. On the shelf ahead is a small diamond (80, Treasure Count: 1491). If you
like, on the opposite shelf is a Fire Arrow.
* L. Leaving Rueben's House *
Leave the room the way you came in, turn left, and head down the corridor.
Ignore the first right turn (which leads into the kitchen), and try to be quick
about it to avoid being seen. Take the next right, and move forward. In the
next room, head for the exit in the wall opposite you. (If you left the secret
door open earlier, you will see two exits...take the one on the right.) Turn
right, move forward, turn left, and move into the next room. At the far end
there is an exit on the left wall. Take it, and go down the stairs. At the
bottom, go out the door and immediately turn left. Go through the exit in the
wall you are facing, turn left, and move forward. Ignore the first opening on
your right, and go through the second one. Move forward through the exit ahead,
and in the next room go through the exit you can see. You should now be back
outside of the house.
* M. The Tunnels, Part Two *
Turn right, and move off the porch. Then turn left, move forward, and take the
first right. Move down this small ramp, and at the foot, turn left. Turn left
again, then right, and move down this long ramp. At the bottom you should see a
large grating...if you didn't close it when you were here before, it should
still be open. If it's not, open it and move into're back in the
Turn right, and move straight ahead. Ignore the first right. Keep moving
forward. When you can either go forward or turn left, take the turn. Keep
following the tunnel, and you'll come to a small ramp leading out of the water.
At the top, turn right and open the sewer grating. Open it, and move'll splash down into a small pool of water. Turn right, and mantle
up onto dry land again. Move forward, turn left, and move up the ramp. At the
top, go through the door to your right. Keep moving forward until you have to
turn, and turn right. Move forward again, moving through the archway on your
left. When you come across a door (either open or closed, depending on what you
did earlier), turn left and move through it.
Once in the next room, turn about 45 degrees to the left, and move forward.
When you find the hallway, enter it and move down it. At the end, turn right,
move into the next hallway, turn left, and move through the door (either open
or closed again) you see at the end of the hall. Turn left, and move through
the door (open or closed). Keep moving forward in the new room, until you reach
the end, and turn right. Again, move forward to the end, then turn left. Move
forward, turn left, and move down the ramp. At the bottom, turn right. Move
forward, turn left, then turn right, and move forward down this long hallway,
until you enter the room with a large open sewer grate in it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You will encounter at least one nasty in here. Move into the
room past the grate. Then move to the opposite corner of this room, and go
through the opening you find there. In this new room, again move through the
exit in the opposite corner of the room. (Note: There is a grate in the ceiling
in this room. Just beneath it you will find another Explosive Mine.)
When you can choose to turn either left or right, turn right. It is about now
that you will start having to worry about the nasties. There are two Spiders
down here (not big ones like the one in Rueben's, just small ones...but still
nasty). If you are lucky, then at some point before you arrive the two Spiders
down here will have had a bit of a scuffle, and there will be only one left.
(You'll find the corpse of the other one.) This scenario is the most common I
have found. I suggest you catch this last Spider when it is moving away from
you down the corridor. Shoot it with a Broadhead Arrow. Alternatively, if
you've picked up a Mine, you might want to launch it into the critter's path.
This, however, might alert others to your presence in the sewers.
Move down this tunnel, until you have to make a turn. Turn left. On the floor
in this small chamber you'll find a Water Arrow and a small diamond (50,
Treasure Count: 1541). Now turn around, and move down the tunnel. Turn left at
the junction. At the next turn (you won't have a choice, the tunnel will just
turn) you will find another Water Arrow and a Moss Arrow on the ground...grab
them if you want. Then continue down this tunnel until it ends.
* N. Entering Donal's House *
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you do this just right, you will have no problems. Open the
hatchway on your right, and move through it. Move forward through the opening
ahead, and then immediately turn left. It may be difficult to see, but there's
a ladder there. Take the ladder up. By now you have probably triggered the
conversation between two nearby guards. We want to finish this part before they
finish talking, if possible. When you get off the ladder, fall into the water.
Turn right, and move forward until you can turn right again. Once you have,
dive, and swim for the pipehole you will now see. Swimm through the tunnels
down here until you can go no further and must surface (don't'll
have plenty of air to do this in one swim). Climb out of the water, and you
will see two machines in front of you, one for #47 and another for #48. Operate
#47, then turn around, dive back into the water, and swim through the tunnels
again until you are back in the large pool you started in. Surface, and turn
left so you are facing a brick wall you can mantle up on. Do so, then turn
right. Walk forward, and get on the wood plankings that form a makeshift
bridge. Now, see the window to your right? You need to jump through it. Do so.
[NOTE: Across from this window, if you look, you'll see two more windows, close
together, lit up. This is where there is a patrolling guard, one of the talkers
mentioned above. The windowsill on the right (as you face it from this window)
contains a Fire Arrow, a Water Arrow, and a Moss Arrow.]
Turn left, and follow this short, curving corridor until you can turn left
again, and do so. Move forward a little, then turn right. You should be facing
a pool of water, with a tunnel almost directly ahead of you. Jump into the
water, and follow the tunnel. At the top turn left (your only choice). Garrett
will talk about finding a "back door". Look on the right hand wall for an
opening, with a barred door protecting it. Open the door (as you would any
other door).
* O. Donal's House, First Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Due to the proximity of the guards in this area, you may goof
up the first time trying this. Move through the door you just opened, and stop.
You'll be at the bottom of a small ramp, and you should hear voices. Instead of
climbing up the ramp, turn left, and mantle up into the darkness. You've just
entered the lower level of Donal's home. Now arrange yourself in the darkness
so you'll be close enough to whack someone when he walks by. Wait for the two
thieves to finish their amusing conversation. One of them will come walking by
you soon. Unfortunately, you aren't close enough to whack him in the darkness,
so you'll have to move out into the open slightly to do so when he passes.
You'll have to be quick though. There's a guard down the hall that can see down
the hallway (somewhat). Once you've taken care of this guy, turn so you are
facing the ramp you decided not to climb, and move forward into the room where
the two were chatting. Hug the left wall as you do so...the guard down the hall
can't really see you that well then.
In this room, turn left. Ah, another corridor! Instead of moving down it
though, move over to the right and wait. The other thief that was doing the
chatting will be coming back shortly. When he does, club him. Then move into
the corridor he came down, and go through a door you'll find on the right. In
this room is a chest at the foot of the bed, which only contains an Explosive
Mine. However, if you hop onto the bed, and look between the wall and its long
side, you'll find another golden nugget (50, Treasure Count: 1591). Leave the
way you came in, turn right, and take the left turn ahead. Move forward, and at
the top of the ramp, turn right. Move ahead and take the left turn right in
front of you. Move ahead, and when you reach the end go through the door on
your left. Move through this dark room and go through the door at the opposite
end. Turn right, and pick the lock on this door. Inside, you'll find two
chests. The first one (to the left of the door) is empty. The second one
contains a necklace (50, Treasure Count: 1641). Leave the room, turn right and
move back into the room you used to get here. Move through the door at the end,
and continue ahead until you have to turn right. Take the ramp up and stop at
the top.
[NOTE: Before you entered the dark room, there was another door at the end of
the corridor. Inside, if you would like, are three chests. Two are empty, but
the one closest to the door contains a Speed Potion.]
* P. Donal's House, Second Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another patrolling guard is around here somewhere. If you can't
hear him walking around inside, then you may have enough time to rush in and
knock out that serving girl. If you're caught while doing so however...well,
aren't you glad you just saved?
Once the serving girl is taken care of, return to the point just outside the
room and wait. Once the guard comes around, sneak up behind him and put him to
Across from the entrance you used is a sink containing two golden goblets (25,
25, Treasure Count: 1666, 1691). Now, move over to the door which the guard
used to enter this room, and go through it. Move down this small hallway, turn
right, and move through the door you see across the hall (be careful...the
floor in the hall is tile!). On a table across from you is a gilded vase (50,
Treasure Count: 1741). Once you have that, turn left, and move through the door
SAVE YOUR GAME! It is very possible to get caught doing this next part. In the
next room, open the double doors across from you. Inside is a guard standing in
the middle of a tile floor. You have to sneak up on him. Before you knock him
out, be sure to pick his pocket (50, Treasure Count: 1791). Once he's sleeping
peacefully, move over to the table opposite the doors you entered by, and grab
the golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 1891). Leave the room the way you came,
and turn right. Across the tiled hallway you will see another carpeted area.
Move over to it (jump over the tile if you don't want to make any noise), and
turn left. Move over to the stairs you see and climb up them, but stop before
moving out into the hallway above.
* Q. Donal's House, Third Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two guards who patrol up here. Wait here in the
shadows, and watch. Knock them out as they come by. Sometimes, they patrol very
close to each other. If it sounds like there are more than one set of footsteps
approaching, wait for the first one to go by, knock out the second one, then go
get the first one.
You should now have the upper level all to yourself. From the top of the stairs
(if you're not there now, go back and orient yourself so they are to your
back), move forward and go through the door on your left. You are in Donal's
"Banner Room". Whip out your Sword, and chop down the large blue banner you can
see from the doorway. You've exposed Donal's safe. Use the Safe Key which you
purloined from Rueben's to open it, and grab Lord Randall's Sapphire Vase (500,
Treasure Count: 2391).
To the right of the safe is a red banner. Cut it down and get the golden goblet
from within (200, Treasure Count: 2591). Turn around, and move forward to the
far end of the room. Turn right, and move through the door ahead on your left.
In this room, there is a small shelving unit to your left, upon which sits a
golden nugget. Take it (100, 2691), then turn around and move through the door
directly opposite the shelves. Grab the Front Door Key from the table (the book
is simply a ledger detailing the thieves' activities of late), and continue
forward. Go through the door on your right, and turn left immediately. Move
down this hall, and go through the door on your left. Just inside, on your
immediate left, is a gilded vase (25, Treasure Count: 2716).
* R. Leaving Donal's House *
Leave the room the way you entered. In the hall, turn right, and move forward,
taking the left turn at the end. Move forward, and turn left at the end. Move
down these stairs. At the bottom, turn left, and move towards the door ahead.
Unlock it with the Front Door Key you grabbed upstairs, and move outside.
Congratulations! You've pulled off a caper against the Downwind Thieves' Guild!
Note: In the original game, the Maximum Possible Treasure on this level was
only 2636. Treasures which are unique to Thief Gold are indicated as such.
11.1: Introduction
"Builds your roofs of dead wood. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your
dreams of dead thoughts. Comes crying laughing singing back to life, takes what
you steal, and pulls the skins from your dead bones shrieking."
-- Clay tablet in an abandoned Trickster temple
I was contacted by a woman named Viktoria. She claims to represent a client who
was impressed by the way I took care of Ramirez, and now wants me to steal
something for him. The target is a magical sword, owned by a nobleman and
collector named Constantine. Little is known about Constantine except that he
is an eccentric new face in this city, and mostly keeps to himself. Viktoria
says the sword will probably be on display, but it will be well protected by
guards and security systems. She also mentioned that the guards are tough and
organized, and the mansion is confusing to navigate in.
The house was constructed recently, so I've had to piece together my own map,
from observation and hearsay. Sounds like the place is a bit of a maze. I guess
if you're rich enough you can build any sort of madhouse to live in.
This is going to be a challenging job, but it will pay better than the last few
I've taken. As usual, the front entrance is heavily guarded, but I've managed
to find another way in. 'Course once I've picked up the sword I'll still have
to worry about getting back out....
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to acquire from the Downwinders. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
25 Broadhead Arrows
4 Water Arrows
4 Fire Arrows
2 Moss Arrows
3 Rope Arrows
3 Noisemaker Arrows
2 Flash Bombs
1 Set of Lockpicks
NOTE: I do not know why your Sword and Blackjack are not shown under the
"Starting Gear" for this mission, but you DO start with them.
Ignore the Broadheads, the Fire Arrows, and the can't kill anyone,
so they are all but useless. On the other hand, you will find plenty of torches
to douse, and you'll need to, so stock up on Water Arrows. Likewise, Moss
Arrows will be a great asset in this mission. Recall that your Rope Arrows are
RE-USABLE! One you've finished using one, collect it so you can use it again.
There are no areas where you will NOT be able to collect your spent arrow, so
you don't need to waste your money there. Flash Bombs are noisy, and
unnecessary in this mission. Finally, healing potions won't be needed unless
you fall prey to some of the traps in Constantine's mansion...and this
walkthrough is to help you AVOID those traps! However, there is nothing else to
spend your money on, and you never know what might happen, so go ahead and buy
one or two.
Be aware that some of the treasures you find are purses on the belts of guards.
There are four in total...three worth 100 each, and a fourth worth 50.
Also, the place can be somewhat disorienting...some areas of the house look
like a cross between Alice in Wonderland and Winchester Mansion. (For those
unfamiliar with Winchester Mansion, check out and
Take note that there are some strange, mystical traps on this level. You may
notice some sort of protrusion coming out of a wall with a strange symbol on
it. If you examine it too closely, the symbol will "fly out at you", and the
trap will be set off.
Also note that the locations of the guards as noted in this walkthrough may
very well be dependent on timing. For example, in one instance, I opened a door
and there was a guard RIGHT THERE. I was able to pick his pocket and club him
immediately, and it was just luck I was in the right place at the right time.
If something doesn't work for you, and you find an alternate method, I would
very much appreciate hearing about it.
This mission is the first time you really have to deal with a lot of
unavoidable hard surfaces. For help on getting through those areas, look at
Section 4.5 above.
11.7: Walkthrough
A. Outside the Mansion
B. The Mansion, First Level, Part One
C. The Mansion, Second Level
D. The Mansion, First Level, Part Two
E. The Mansion, Garden Area
F. Gulliver's Area
G. Alice's Area
H. The Mansion, Third Level
I. Obtaining The Sword
J. Escaping the Mansion
* A. Outside the Mansion *
You start this mission over the wall, inside the grounds of Constantine's
mansion. Before going into the mansion itself, however, turn right, and move
forward. The spot you want to hide in is in the shadow of the balcony above,
where you can see the gate and a stone walkway. Wait in these shadows, and
listen to the guards' conversation for a moment. Shortly after that, one of
them will come into your view. Watch him, he'll walk towards your area, though
not too close at first. When he turns around to head back, he'll be close
enough. He's got a purse on his belt (100, Treasure Count: 100). Once you've
lifted it, knock him out QUICK...he's good at spotting you. Even if he starts
to give some sort of shout, you should be able to take him out with your
Blackjack. [Note: For those of you who are uninterested in the honourable
mention of picking pockets, you can try to knock him out BEFORE getting the may be less risky.]
[An alternative is to wait in the shadows ACROSS from the balcony instead of
beneath. You'll have to watch the guard's turns though, as he doesn't come near'll need to watch to know when to move in on him.]
Once you've got this guard safely tucked away, return to where you started, and
go in the other direction (the one you started facing in). Move forward until
you are in the next shadowy area. Now, turn to face the mansion, and look up.
See that small wooden area up above? Shoot a Rope Arrow at it (try to get it as
close to the outer edge [i.e.: edge furthest from the house] as you can). Then
climb up. Jump off onto the balcony to your left. [Note: You may find it easier
to jump off on the ledge beside the balcony, and then turn left and
jumping/mantling up onto the balcony itself.]
[A note regarding this entry into the mansion. For some reason, once the Rope
Arrow is lodged in the beams above, I sometimes have great difficulty in
getting myself on the rope to climb up if I'm facing the house. I assume this
has something to do with the slope you run up. Instead, try moving up to the
top of the slope, and THEN turning and jumping onto the rope. I find this much
[To retrieve your Rope Arrow, climb up onto the balcony's ledge, look up so
you're facing the arrow, and jump straight up (NOT forward!). The arrow should
highlight, at which point you can grab it. However, you will also be exiting
the house from this point later. If you wish to leave the Rope Arrow in place
to make an easier egress, then do so.]
Move over to the balcony doors, open, and enter. Immediately to your left will
be some bunk beds. Beside the closest one, on the ground, are three stacks of
silver coins (12, 12, 12, Treasure Count: 112, 124, 136). The door immediately
across from the one you entered by is locked, and cannot be picked. Move to the
right (as you are facing said door), into the next small area. There's a hole
in the floor, with a ladder. Make your way down to the next level.
* B. The Mansion, First Level, Part One *
Once down, turn left (as you're facing the ladder), and go through the opening
ahead. Turn right, and you should be facing a door. [Note: There are some
wooden alcoves along the left side of this room, as you face down it with the
door to your right. In the furthest one is a Flash Bomb, and the one beside it
has an Explosive Mine on the floor.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is where things start to get interesting and dangerous.
The door in front of you opens onto a hallway with some patrolling guards. The
hallway's floors are hard tile (very loud), and are carpetted at intervals, but
not enough to make your job easy. Also, the guards like to go in and out of the
rooms. [Note: This room you are currently in is not part of any guard's patrol,
so it is a good place to hide bodies.]
Open the door in front of you, and if it is safe to do so, move through the
door across the hall. (If it's not safe, wait for it to be safe.) Move to the
second pillar in this room, and look down. Pick the lock on the safe and inside
you'll find a Healing Potion and a gold plate (50, Treasure Count: 186). Turn,
and move to the other exit from this room (the one you didn't use.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! You might be seen here. Open the door, and wait for the guard
to walk by. You may want to stand a bit back to minimize the chance of him
seeing you. Once he walks by, in either direction, move out, lift the key from
his belt, and knock him out. [Note: A Moss Arrow on the tile floor just near
the door might prove helpful.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another risky bit here. In the hall where you sent that guard
to sleep, turn so you are facing west. Move to the end of the hall, and turn
right. Watch down this hall (try staying out of sight and leaning into it for
maximum protection against being seen). You should soon see a guard come out of
one of the doors down the hall, come towards you, then exit the hall through a
different door. Once he has left the hall, move onto the carpet, then run down
this hall, jumping over the tile sections so that you land on the carpet. When
you reach the fourth door on your right, move through it.
You have very little time at this point, as that patrolling guard will be
coming in here through the doorway on the right side of the room. You may have
time to douse a torch if you wish. When the guard approaches, keep the column
in this room between the two of you, so that he can't see you. Once he's in a
position for you to knock him out, sneak up behind him, lift his purse (50,
Treasure Count: 236) and put him to sleep. Also in this room, on the wall
opposite the doorway, you will find a gold-gilded vase on one of the counters
(50, Treasure Count: 286).
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another tricky part here. Move into the doorway which the
guard entered this room through. In the next room, there will be a torch
burning on the right-hand wall. Douse it. (Note that you will have to walk on
some tile to do this part, so tread carefully.)
At the far end of the room (from where you are), a patrolling guard will walk
into the room, up to the door on his end, turn around, and walk back out. When
it is safe to do so, move over to the end of the room. On your way there, note
the candlesticks on the table. The one in the centre is a golden candlestick
(50, Treasure Count: 336). When you reach door where the guard makes his turn,
crouch and wait for him. Make sure that you are crouching on carpet. When he
comes close enough, lift the key off his belt, and after he's turned, move
forward and then club him. (Note that if you are waiting for the guard while
crouching on tile, when you move forward to club him, he will most likely hear
you...the tiniest move seems to alert him to your presence.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be dangerous for you, if there is a guard in the
wrong position. Move over to the table where you grabbed the candlestick, and
jump up onto it. At about the centre of the table, look up. A door in the
ceiling? Why not? Open it, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling above. Climb
up the rope into the next room.
* C. The Mansion, Second Level *
There is a single guard on this level, and he patrols through this room. If
he's in here and didn't notice your activities, then keep yourself low on the
rope until he's past seeing, then disengage from the rope, run up behind him,
and knock him out.
If the guard is NOT in here however, he's on patrol, which will bring him
through here eventually. You may want to douse the torches in here. There are
five total exits from this room...the door in the floor you came through, a
secret door in the ceiling, two doorways, and one regualr door. With your back
to the regular door, the two doorways are ahead of you and to your right. The
guard's patrol brings him into this room through the door ahead, and he exits
from the one on your right. When you get the opportunity, take this guard out,
and you'll have (more or less) free reign on the second level.
Once you're ready to proceed, take your Rope Arrow out of the ceiling. On the
table in this room is a gilded vase (50, Treasure Count: 386). Once you've
taken that, look over to the left side of the ceiling (with the table to your
back). A secret door in the ceiling? Why not? Open it, and shoot another Rope
Arrow up into the next room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part presents some risk again. Climb up into the next
room. Be careful where you hop off the rope, as several of the tiles on the
floor here are pressure plates, which set off a shooting face (although it
appears that only the one face takes offense...the one on the right, as you
face them). The chest on the left (with the face to your back) contains a
diamond (100, Treasure Count: 486), and the one on the right holds a ring (100,
Treasure Count: 586). There is also a Land Mine at on the floor between the two
Turn around, grab your Rope Arrow (you may need to jump up to do so), and let
yourself fall back down to the next level. In the room below, move over to the
only normal door. Open it, but do not move through it yet. It's trapped. When
the trap is sprung, a purple energy ball will shoot over to the doorway. Once
it dissipates, move into the room, and look to your left. Beneath that face
carving is a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count: 686). Once you've grabbed it,
turn around and leave through the door you came in. In the next room, leave
through the doorway on the right side of the room. Across a large expanse of
tile floor, you will see a greenish room with a torch burning in it. That's
where we want to go. So head over there.
Inside the room, turn to your left. Another face carving, set into a sloping
wall. There is a treasure sitting on top of the carving. Climb up the wall (you
will need to run up it to do this), and grab the silver nugget (50, Treasure
Count: 736).
SAVE YOUR GAME! Some more danger here. Move towards the door opposite the face,
but do NOT stand in front of it. Open the door. The face behind you will shoot
out a single purple energy ball, and you'll also be able to see three blasting
past you in the hallway beyond the door. Once those three have gone by, move
into the hall and turn left. Once you hit the tiled floor, turn right, move up
the ramp and into the next room. A couple of repeating energy traps should be
going off.
SAVE YOUR GAME! These energy blasts hurt! Move towards the chest in the
corner...upon entry, turn left, and time it so you can move past the energy
blasts. Then turn towards the chest, and move as close as you can. You can open
it without getting hit by the blasts, but you'll have to pick the lock. Inside
is a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 836). Now, leave the room (timing the energy
blasts again), go down then ramp, and turn left back into the hallway.
[Note: While you are performing the above procedure, you may hear a guard
calling out to you. This is one of the ones on the lower level, and you
shouldn't worry about it.]
Back in the hallway, move forward past two sets of double-doors on your left.
(If you hear the sound of energy balls shooting, move over to the side of the
hallway and wait for three of them to pass've managed to trigger the
trap again.) Stop at the next door on your right (it will be the last door in
this hall on that side). Turn, pick the lock, and go inside.
You should see a bed at the other end of the room. On the wall to the right of
it is another face on the wall. Move towards it, but stay on the right side of
the face (as you face it), and not to close. Then, inch your way forward until
you can grab the two rough diamonds (50, 50, Treasure Count: 886, 936). (The
trap should go off when you've got the diamonds within reach, ie: one of them
is highlighted).
At this point, the game differs slightly between the Original Thief and Thief
Gold. If you are playing the original game, then turn around, and move past the
bed (keeping it on your right). Then turn right, and move up onto the dais that
the bed rests upon. Look at the ground here, carefully. Hidden in the pattern
on the carpet is a key. Once you've got the key, leave this room the way you
came in, returning to the hallway.
If you're playing Thief Gold however, they've moved the key on you. There is
another door in this room. From the face on the wall, turn 180 degrees, and it
will be in the far wall on the left side. Go through it, turn right, and the
key will be on the table. (There is a papyrus on the floor beneath the table,
which you can ignore.) Once you have it, leave this room the way you came in,
move forwards through the next room, and turn right, leaving the room and
returning to the hallway.
The game is now the same for both versions. Back in the hallway, turn right.
Move forward, and go through the next door on your left. Ignore the door in the
room across from you, it just opens onto a wall section with a face carved into
it. Turn right. There are two tables in front of you. On the left table you'll
find two goblets (15, 15, Treasure Count: 951, 966). One is slightly hidden
behind the potted plant, so move far back into the room to get to it. On the
right table is another papyrus, which you can also ignore.
Leave the room, turning left in the hallway. Move forward and enter the next
room on your left (this will be the last room in this hallway). It should be
fairly dark with a roaring fireplace. This next part can be done with the fire
still roaring, but a Water Arrow would not be remiss. Face the fireplace,
crouch, and move into the fireplace (stick to the left side). Once you're in
the back of the fireplace, turn left, and pull yourself up onto the ledge back
there. Grab the gold nugget (100, Treasure Count: 1066). Now, make your way
back out of the fireplace.
In the corner to your left, you should now see a chest. This chest is
trapped...when you open it, the faces in the walls shoot purple energy balls
out of their mouths at you. So, face the chest at an angle, stay back, and open
it. You should avoid the traps, and get another gold nuggest (100, Treasure
Count: 1166). Go back out into the hall, and turn right.
[Note: While unnecessary to do this, you may feel you need another Healing
Potion. If so, when you are out in the hall, turn left instead of right, then
turn right at the corner. Go down this hall and take the first left, into a
dark guardroom. There are two chests in here, both locked. The one on the left
contains a Healing Potion, the one on the right contains a deer's leg. Be
careful moving down the hallway, as there is an opening down to the first
level, and a guard can hear you moving about up here in this area. When you're
done, make your way back to just outside the fireplace room.]
Move down the hall again, stopping at the first set of double doors. Open them.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to re-enter the first level, which still has a
couple of guards here and there.
* D. The Mansion, First Level, Part Two *
Move down the stairs in the next room, but stop before the first turn. You want
to move so you're in a position to see down the stairs and through the archway
at the bottom into a tiled hallway with a rug. There is a spot just near the
torch in the wall where you are completely hidden. While you wait, you might
want to shoot a Moss Arrow at the tile floor between the wooden one and the
rug. It may be necessary to move across that section.
Eventually, a guard will walk past. He will either come through the room with
the wooden floor beneath and turn into the hallway, or he will be in the
hallway, moving either to the left or the right. If he's moving towards the
right, he'll turn and enter the room with the wooden flooring, then make a turn
moving away from you. No matter which way he's moving, once you can move
without him spotting you, move in, pick his pocket (a key), and knock him out.
With that guard taken care of, this section of the mansion is clear, except for
one other. He's not too close, so for now, you don't need to worry about the
tile. Across the hall from the stairs is a door. Open it, and step into a bar.
Move behind the bar itself. On the far shelf (at the end of the bar, as you
move down it), you'll find two bottles of wine (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1216,
1266). Now, turn around, so you are facing the bar, and look'll find
a secret panel in the bar. Open it, and collect the three golden goblets (25,
25, 25, Treasure Count: 1291, 1316, 1341). You may have to do a bit of hunting
for them, but they're there. Once you've got them, move back to the door you
used before, and go into the hallway. Turn right, and go through the first door
you come to on your left. Once inside, turn right, and go pick up the vase off
the table (100, Treasure Count: 1441). Go back into the hall, turn left, and go
through the first door on your right. Pick up the two goblets from the
coffin-shaped table (15, 15, Treasure Count: 1456, 1471).
[There is one more guard in the mansion proper on this level, and he's close.
While unnecessary, if you wish to do this part, here's how: SAVE YOUR GAME!
Now, there is another door in this room besides the one you entered through.
Open it, and move carefully into the hall. See the doorway across from you,
leading into a room with cavern-like walls? You want to go in there. Before you
do though, you may want to use a Water Arrow to put out the torch. Once you've
done that, you can enter the short hall, and take the turn on your right. Don't
be too anxious...that guard is VERY close. It's also possible to douse the one
in the room with the guard, but the torch is in a difficult spot. As you face
the small stairway down, it is on the same wall as the staircase, on the left.
You have to angle yourself and lean so you can just see the bottom of the
torch, then shoot a Water Arrow near it. Splash damage does the rest. Now, see
the guard walking his patrol down there? It's not a very large patrol, so
you'll have to time your move just right. When you've got it, go down there and
send him to bed. The chest holds another Healing Potion. Then turn around, go
up the stairs and turn left, moving into the hallway. If you want another Fire
Arrow, turn left, and move forward until you have the fire-fountain on your
right. There's a Fire Arrow in the fire. Now head back the way you came, and
return to the room with the coffin-shaped table.]
Leave this room the way you came in (if you did the extra bit above, then leave
this room from the other door.) Once you're back in the hallway, turn left, and
follow the corridor. Keep moving forward until you come to an opening on your
right with wooden flooring (this is the room across from the bar). Turn into
there, and then turn left almost immediately. Move forward to the tile floor,
and stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Hard tile will give you away every time. Sneak into the
hallway, turn right, and move forward, turning left at the corner. (Before you
do take that left turn, you may want to consider using a Water Arrow on that
torch in the corner, and perhaps a couple of Moss Arrows on the tile.) You
should see a grassy area ahead. There is a guard patrolling through there, so
tread carefully.
* E. The Mansion, Garden Area *
NOTE: This next part is described under ideal conditions. However, that may not
be the case. Read a bit ahead if you normally do not, to find out what to do in
other situations.
As soon as you hit grass, turn slightly to the left and move into the dark
patch ahead, just to the left of the canal. This is a very good place to hide,
both for yourself and anybody you put to sleep. Turn around so that you are
facing the opening you came through, and wait. Soon, you'll see a guard
approaching from an area to the left. Wait until he's turned around, then run
up behind him, lift the purse off his belt (100, Treasure Count: 1571), and
knock him out. (If you needed to put out the torch because a guard was noticing
you, this will be the same guard.)
If, however, after waiting for a while, no guard shows, then you have the
"less-than-ideal" condition. Remember when you were upstairs, and you could
hear a guard downstairs searching for you? Well, it was the guy you're waiting
for now. If he hasn't shown, it means that you managed to stop his patrol. He's
standing motionless in another room. Go and find him. When you do, I'm afraid
you'll have to move in behind him and take him out, probably adding a good
minute or more to your time. I tried making him move again with Noisemaker
Arrows and other means, but then I was unable to knock him out...he just kept
[Note: In any of the rooms with water, if you look into it, you may spot a
Water Arrow at the bottom. If you like, once all the guards are taken care of
you can swim around these waterways collecting them.]
Once the guard is taken care of, this section of the garden will be clear of
guards. Move to the entrance you used to come into the garden, and move past it
(keeping it on your right). Turn right at the next opening, and move across
through the next room, into an odd looking room with water floating near the
ceiling. Move to the end of the room, and turn left. Hidden in a small patch of
dark here are two stacks of gold coins (25, 25, Treasure Count: 1596, 1621).
Now, move to stand beneath the water.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be a little bit tricky. Look up, through the
water. Shoot a Rope Arrow up and through the water, grabbing a hold of the
wooden area above. Climb up into the next room. On a table in this room is a
golden-gilded vase (50, Treasure Count: 1671).
[Note: If you look up, you'll see the wooden beams in this room all meet in the
centre. If you use a Rope Arrow to get up there, in the centre you'll find a
Moss Arrow, a Fire Arrow, and a Water Arrow.]
Once you've grabbed everything you intend to get, go back to the water and grab
the rope dangling down into it. While holding the rope, retrieve the Rope Arrow
attached to it. You should fall into the water, which will slow your descent
slightly, and you'll land again in the room below.
Once down there, exit the room. In the next room, take the first path on the
right. Take it until you can see the gilded vase, and grab it (50, Treasure
Count: 1721). Now, turn left, move forward, and take the exit on the right.
Move through the next room, into a nursery of sorts (a plant nursery). Move to
the end of the room opposite from the doorway, and turn left. Take the stairs
This door is locked, and cannot be picked. However, the key you picked up
upstairs will unlock it. Move through the door, and follow the path. At the
first T-junction, turn right (left is a dead end). At the next T-junction,
turn either left or right, it doesn't matter. Move until you come to an opening
(on your right or left, depending on which side you followed), and move in.
There should be a chair and a couple of tables in this room. Pick up the bottle
of wine (50, Treasure Count: 1771) and the goblet (15, Treasure Count: 1786)
off of the one table. Look underneath that table, and you'll find a papyrus.
Get it, and read it. This is the incriminating evidence against Constantine
you've been looking for. (If you'd like, you can read throught the book of
magic on the next table as well.) That's all you need down here, so leave this
area the way you came in. Once you're back at the top of the stairway, turn
right, and leave the nursery.
In the next room, turn right, and you should see a door. It's locked. You can
pick this lock if you like, or use one of the keys you pilfered from the guards
earlier. Inside, on the floor on the right, you'll find two golden vases (100,
100, Treasure Count: 1886, 1986). Exit this room, turn left, and move into the
grassy area.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are still three guards on patrol down here, and this next
manouevre will put you in a position to be sighted by two of them. If you are,
just reload your game, and wait a little before trying it.
Turn left, and move forward. Move past the large pool/canal in the next room,
and continue into the room beyond, where there is a well. Turn right, and move
forward, keeping to the right. Take the next right down a small slope, into an
indoor garden style room.
In this room, you may want to move quietly and crouched, as you need to move
into position to whack a guard. Turn left, and move over the bridge ahead. Then
turn right, and move into the archway ahead, but don't go all the way through.
In this archway, you can position yourself so you are completely hidden. Now,
wait for the guard to walk past you, then sneak out, grab his purse (100,
Treasure Count: 2086), and whack him.
Facing the waterway in this room, there should be an exit in the wall on your
left. Go through it.
[Note: In this room, the overhang has a Moss Arrow on top of it. To get it,
move to the opposite end of the room {directly opposite from the door you
entered), turn around, jump, and mantle up onto the overhang. Grab the Moss
Arrow, then fall back down to floor level.]
There is another in this room, to your left. Go through it, turn right, and at
the T-junction, turn right again. Follow this passage until you can turn left.
Do so, and move forward, stopping in front of the flower on the ground in front
of you.
This is the most insidiously hidden treasure I've encountered (with the ring on
the carpet in "Assassins" a close second). Look down at the plant. The stamen
is a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count: 2186).
[NOTE: If you move just a little further from this point and turn left, you'll
find a tunnel with a glowing mushroom at the end. If you try to pick this
mushroom up, it disappears from the ground, and the lights go out in here, but
it does not appear in your inventory. Does anyone know what this is all about?]
[If you want to get another Moss Arrow, then from this plant, move forward and
take the very first left. Continue down this tunnel until you can't move
forward anymore. Turn right, then turn left, and then take the next right. At
the end of this darkened tunnel you'll find a Moss Arrow on the ground. In
Thief Gold, it is partially hidden beneath a plant. I cannot remember if it was
also hidden like that in the original game. Work your way back to the
intersection plant you de-flowered.]
Turn right around, and move forward. Turn right, push forward, and take the
next left. Move forward and take the next left again. You will be facing the
room with the overhang. Enter it, and the leave it through the other exit. In
this room (the one where you whacked the guard), make a half turn to the right,
and move past the stump in the centre. Ahead you should see an exit (the one
you originally used to come in here). Move through it into the next room. From
the entrance, move straight across to the other side of the room, past the
Turn left and look down. See that canal? Dive in, then turn right. Push forward
(you'll be swimming against the current), and surface for air when you can.
When you do, you should still be in a dark enclosed area, so no one can see
you, with another room up ahead.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's quite easy for you to be caught here, if you time this
wrong. Swim forward into the next room. On the right you will see a wooden
staircase. (At this point, if you look down, you should be able to get another
Water Arrow.) Turn right to face the staircase, and pull yourself up. Climb up
the stairs, and push forward, following the corridor until you come to a set of
doors. Use the key you found upstairs on this door to unlock it. Then move into
the room, and go all the way down to the other end. Pick up the four golden
goblets on the altar (25, 25, 25, 25, Treasure Count: 2211, 2236, 2261, 2286).
(Ignore the door on the right side of the's lock cannot be picked,
and there is no key for it.) Leave the room the way you came in, follow the
tunnel back to the stairs.
[NOTE: This walkthrough is leaving out a small area on the ground floor. It
contains a few items that you might like, but nothing that you need. If you
wish to explore, there are a total of two guards left, one with a key on his
belt. The items you can find are a Flash Bomb (on a shelf in a large room with
grass), an Explosive Mine (same room, opposite shelf), a Moss Arrow (atop a
strange ramp-like structure that leads nowhere), a Water Arrow (in the room
with a tile well), and a Fire Arrow (in a torch-like niche in a hallway). You
can get to these areas by jumping from the stairs over the canal, and going
down the passage immediately ahead. You'll need to take out one of those two
guards in that hall, however.]
DOES NOT EXIST IN THE ORIGINAL GAME! Original Thief players should do the
following instead:
[Stay hidden in the shadows up here. Look around the corner, and take out that
torch you see. Then wait for the guard to come by. Once he leaves again, move
down the stairs, jump over the canal, and move into the corridor. Turn left,
move up behind the guard, and whack him. Then move forward again. Turn right,
and move forward slight. Don't leave this little alcove, and stay in the
shadows. Wait for the next guard to come by, and when his patrol takes him past
you, move in, lift the key from his belt, and knock him out. In the wall
directly across from the alcove you waited in are two exits. Take the one on
the right (as you face it), move forward, turn right again, and move down to
the end. Turn right, and move into the room you see ahead, with a door in the
ceiling. Open the door. Now, move to the wall which has the torch on it, and
turn so your back is to it. Now look up. There is a stained glass window on the
ceiling in the room above. You want to shoot a Rope Arrow in the red area just
beneath it. When you do, grab the rope, climb up, and jump off in the new room.
Turn around and look for an exit. When you find it, crouch and move through it.
At the far end of the room, you'll find a golden candlestick (50, Treasure
START AGAIN HERE!", at the beginning of Section H.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, if you time it wrong, you're caught. Move down the
stairs and jump across the canal. Move just past the pillars, and turn right.
Look at the side of the pillar that faces away from the water, and you will
find a switch hidden in the carven face. Operate the switch. Then turn so
you're facing the canal, and dive in again. Turn left, and move through into
the tunnel, stopping before the sloping passage downwards that you can see.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you're low on health at this point, you might want to
consider taking a Healing Potion. You've got some swimming to do, against a
strong current. While it is possible to make the trip without running out of
air, you cut it very close.
Turn so you're facing the downwards passage mentioned above, take a deep
breath, and dive. Follow the passage as best you can, turn right inside the red
passage, and move forward. Follow this passage, and you'll come to a spot where
you have to go straight down. Do so.
It's a bit hard to orient down here. While you are travelling downwards, check
your compass. You want it to show north pointing to the left side of the
screen. When it does, orient your view so you can swim forwards again, and swim
underneath the wall ahead. As soon as you have done so, surface for some more
* F. Gulliver's Area *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Phew! Okay, turn so you are facing in the only direction you
can go in (while still breathing, that is), and push forward. Follow this
tunnel to a waterfall, and drop down. There is a guard that will be patrolling
in this section, but its unlikely he'll be in a position to see or hear you at
this point. Keep your eyes peeled for him, and when you find him, lift the
Healing Potion off his belt, and knock him out.
A note about this guard: This is not your average, everyday guard. This guard
was apparently bitten by the same radioactive spider that turned Peter Parker
into Spider-Man. One time this guard caught me, and I tried running for him. He
climbed the bloody walls! But I digress....
With the waterfall to your back, move forward, down the pathway into a very
small town setting. Feel like Gulliver yet? In here, turn left, and head for
the stone wall you see. Mantle up, and dive into the water. Ahead, you should
see what looks like a sewer drain. Enter it. Follow the tunnel into a room
where you have to dive, and do so. Once you're down, swim into the underwater
tunnel, and move down it. When it ends, turn yourself upwards and swim up into
the air. (Don't ask me what that golden ring is, I haven't the faintest idea.)
* G. Alice's Area *
What's this? First Gulliver, now Alice? You're currently swimming around in a
giant sink. Position yourself so that you're facing west. Now swim over to the
edge, and pull yourself up.
NOTE: This bizarre area has three guards in it, two of which patrol in this
area. (The third is stationary, and he's standing on the table in front of the
couch.) However, they patrol a very large area here. If there's one nearby (you
can see movement on the carpetted area below), you may want to wait before
leaving the sink area. If not...then proceed.
This room is a veritable stockpile of weaponry. I'm not going to give specific
directions on how to get all the items in here, but here is an inventory of
what I've been able to find:
1 Rope Arrow - Stuck upright in the rug near the tub of water.
3 Rope Arrows - Stuck into a giant pincushion, top left shelf
4 Fire Arrows - Matchheads in giant matchbox, top right shelf
3 Water Arrows - In the tub of water (NOT the sink!)
2 Moss Arrows - Disguised as mould on the cheese
2 Water Arrows - Inkwell on the desk
1 Speed Potion - Mousetrap
3 Noisemaker Arrows - In the chest
2 Rope Arrows - In the chest
2 Moss Arrows - On the bed
[Note: The two Moss Arrows on the bed are not alone...there are some Spiders up
there as well!]
SAVE YOUR GAME! This manouevre can be difficult, and if you don't do it
correctly it will cost you your life. Turn left, and move to the corner of the
sink. Look down, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the leg of the table. Don't shoot
it too high, aim low. Then, run off of the edge you're standing on. Don't jump,
just fall. If you positioned the Rope Arrow correctly, it will break your fall
for you, and you won't take any damage. And if you aimed low enough, you'll be
able to retrieve it as well. :)
Now turn right. Move towards the table sitting in front of the couch. When you
get close, shoot a Rope Arrow into the table, near the left leg. Climb up, and
mantle onto the coffee table. (Note: The stationary guard is on this table, but
he's at the other end.) Turn left, and jump across the gap to the couch. Move
forward to the back end of the couch, and drop down (if you do it properly, you
won't take any damage...but if you do take damage, it's only a single point).
Turn right, move forward, and grab the two coins (10, 10, Treasure Count: 2296,
2306). Now turn around, and move forward to the die that someone lost down
here. Hop onto it, turn left, and mantle up. Mantle up again to get back on top
of the couch. Move forward until you're at the front edge of the couch.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Doing this wrong will hurt! Look down, and you should see your
Rope Arrow. Run off the edge of the couch towards the rope, just like last
time. The rope will slow your fall enough for you to land safely (and possibly
retrieve your arrow as well).
Now, turn so your back is to the table, and move forward. When the couch has
passed by on your right, turn right and move to the end of the couch. Turn
right again, and move down near to the end of the couch again.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Patrol area again. Same two guards. If they are on the other
side of the couch from you, that's great. If not, and you can see them, then
wait for them to pass. If you can't see them, then you may have a LOOOOONG
wait. You can try chancing it though. If you happen to cross their path in the
dark shadowy area you will pass through, they shouldn't see you.
Turn left, and move forward until you are able to turn left again. After doing
so, move forward a little, and turn left again. Move forward to the end of this
dark area, and turn right. Move forward all the way to the end, and turn right.
Move forward to the end, and you'll find an exit in the wall that looks like a
mousehole. Go inside.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Doing this wrong could mean a nasty fall. Look up. You will
need to shoot your Rope Arrows into the ledges one by one. Shoot a Rope Arrow
into the ledge, climb up, then turn around, shoot another into the next ledge,
etc. It will take a total of three Rope Arrows (but you can retrieve each one
once you're no longer using the rope).
When you've reached the top, turn so the wall is on your left, and move
forward. To your left will be an opening. Move into it, and follow this tunnel
until you reach a tiled area. You will see a red button on the wall. Push it to
open the exit. Move onto the tile, and turn so your back is to the button. Move
forward towards the exit. Before jumping out though, look down, and grab the
golden candlestick (50, Treasure Count: 2356). Now move into the next room,
falling into it.
* H. The Mansion, Third Level *
[Note: From this point on, there will be a slight discrepency in the Treasure
Count between Thief Gold and the original game. This FAQ is keeping track of
treasure using Thief Gold. Original Thief players will have a treasure count of
20 less from this point on.]
Now look up at the hole in the ceiling. Although it is hard to see, there is a
table on its side up in the next room. You want to shoot a Rope Arrow into the
table (its a narrow target, but quite easy to hit). Once you've done that,
climb up into that room, and hop off the rope.
My goodness...the whole ROOM is on its side! Retrieve your arrow if you like,
then look around for the only other exit in the room. Move over to the pillar
beneath it, and mantle onto it (jumping onto it causes problems). Then mantle
up through the window, and move forward through this room and into the next.
You should see a door ahead and on your left, where you can see red through it.
Move over there, and go through it. In this small area, you will be able to see
tile floor ahead. Move up to it, but don't step on it. Now look slightly to
your left. There's a sort of cave-like opening. You can do a running jump
across the tile and land on the grass. Do so.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The guards get very numerous hereabouts. Follow this grassy
tunnel up, and you'll soon find a vine dangling down. From here, you should be
able to see up into a hallway, with some torches burning. Position yourself so
that you can take out the torches from down here. As you're facing the hole,
you want to take out two to the left, and one to the right. Now climb up
through the hole. Don't use the vine to do so, just scramble up the incline.
Careful, you're back on tile floor again!
If you've been saving up your Moss Arrows, this would be a good place to start
using them. If you made the recommended purchases at the start of this mission,
that should give you about 10 Moss Arrows, which should be enough for here.
Whether you use them or not though, start creeping forward. A guard will come
through eventually. Knock him out. Move past the first opening on your right,
and take out the next torch ahead. A little further along, the passage forks.
Take out both torches brightening the halls, one down each fork.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a guard which patrols down each fork. The one down the
left-hand fork moves into this intersection. What you want to do is move in
behind that guard after he turns, and club him. However, you don't want the
guard down the other fork to see you do it. Your best bet is to wait a second
or two after this guard has moved back down his fork before rushing in and
putting him to sleep.
Move forward a little. See that vine dangling down? Grab onto it, and climb up
a ways. From here, you have two holes you can jump to. If you're still facing
the direction you were when moving down the hall, the hole you want is on your
right. Jump into it, and follow this tunnel until it ends, emptying onto a
tiled hallway. Enter the hallway, turn right, and move forward. Ahead, you'll
see a small ramp. Climb up the ramp into the next room, and turn left.
You should be looking down a tunnel that looks like it comes right out of a
funhouse. Follow that tunnel to the end. Step onto the grass, and move forward.
Ignore the turning on your right, and take the left turn ahead. You should be
standing on a stone walkway in outer space. Move to the the end of it, and look
down at the walkway. There is a diamond there (100, Treasure Count: 2456). Now,
turn left, and across a gap, you should see another stone walkway. Run and jump
the gap to land on it. On the first step is a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count:
2556). Now run forward into the grassy area. At the end of the tunnel, turn
left, crouch, and move into the tiled hallway. Immediately, turn right, and
follow this tunnel up as far as you can. It will take you back to the hanging
vine. Jump onto the vine, and drop back down into the corridor below. Turn
left, and move down to the intersection ahead, but don't enter it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another guard to take out now. Make sure you're hidden well,
and lean out to watch when the guard patrolling the other fork is coming and
going. Moss Arrows will really help you here, so take the opportunity to use
one or two on the tile ahead. When the guard comes up the ramp, he will almost
immediately turn around and head back down. Move in behind him now and knock
him out.
At the top of the ramp in question, turn right (as you face down it). Take out
the torch ahead, and move into this small hallway. Turn left, and take out the
torch down the hall. Move forward, but don't actually enter the next hallway.
There are two guards down there.
SAVE YOUR GAME! These two guards, while stationary now, will start a patrol
once you sneak almost out into their corridor. When they start talking, sneak
back into your dark hallway. You want to be positioned near the hall where the
two guards are chatting. Once they start their patrol, the first guard will
come around the corner. Blackjack him (you may need to wait for him to actually
start walking down your corridor). Just leave him where he falls, and
wait...the second guard is close behind. Give him the same treatment.
Now, move forward into the corridor they came from, and turn right. Move ahead,
and take the first right.
* I. Obtaining The Sword *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be dangerous if you screw it up. If you have any
Healing Potions and your health is low, you may want to take one now.
Once you are just inside this room, move over to the left. Stay in the shadows.
Look up. Ah, the object of your quest!
This part is a little hard to describe, but I'll do my best. The sword is
suspended above, and the construct which it hangs over is in something of a
circular "room". At the base of this (the part which is closest to this room)
is what appears to be a band of metal running around the circle. But above it,
the material is soft enough for you to shoot a Rope Arrow into. That's what the
plan is. Also, note the pattern the lights make on the floor around the
Move forward, but stick to the left of the room. Turn about 45 degrees to the
right. You want to be in a position so that when you're facing this direction,
your view is exactly across the second shaft of light. Now look up at the area
you want to shoot into. Basically, if you don't change your facing, you will
just have to look up and shoot your Rope Arrow into the area just above the
metal band.
[I hope that was not too confusing for anyone. If anyone can provide a better
description for this, by all means, please let me know!]
Keeping to the shadows, make your way over to the rope. Get on it, and climb
up. Note that a lot of the time, you will be in shadows.
At this point, it doesn't really matter if the guards see you or not. However,
you should know that there are three of them patrolling around the room you're
in, and at least one has a bow. [Also, at least one of them has a Healing
Potion you can lift off his belt.]
Move high up onto the rope, and turn around. You will now need to jump off the
rope and land on one of those thin rails around the sword. Then turn and grab
the sword. [Note: If you jump and fail to land on the rail, try to grab the
sword anyways...sometimes you will succeed, and the fall may not kill you.]
* J. Escaping the Mansion *
Now fall down into the circular construct. After you've landed, crouch, turn to
face north, and walk off the platform you landed on. Move out the doorway
ahead, and turn left. Move down this hall, and fall through the hole ahead.
From here there will be about three passages you can follow. Head down the one
where you can see tile floor beyond. At the bottom of the slope (at the edge of
the tile), turn slightly left, and move forward through the doorway onto wooden
flooring. (You may want to jump across the tile.) Push forward into the next
room, turn left, move forward a bit and take the next right, move forward, and
then turn left. Move into the green area. Follow this pathway as far as you can
(there aren't any real deviations), and you'll come to a long slope downwards,
covered in tile. Move down to the bottom, staying on the left side of the
Once you're at the bottom, turn left. Move ahead until you reach a four-way
junction. Turn right, and move into that open doorway you see ahead.
[Note: If you're interested, follow this hall instead until it ends at a door.
Go through it and in the next room, in a dark corner to the right of the bed
you'll find a Water Arrow. Read the book on the table if you like, then go
through the door opposite the one you entered. Look down into the bathtub, grab
the Water Arrow at the bottom, and then work your way back to the open doorway
mentioned above, and move inside the next room.]
Inside this upside-down room are two Fly Swarms. Attached to the ceiling
between them is a chest.
Move to the right side of the room, and walk forward, until you can angle
yourself so you are facing the chest BETWEEN the two swarms. Look up towards
the chest, and edge yourself forward until you can open it. Doing so drops a
diamond on the floor. Grab it (you may need to edge forward a bit more to do
so, and/or crouch, but you can still do it without getting bitten by the
Swarms) (100, Treasure Count: 2656). Now, turn so you're facing away from the
door you entered by. Open this new door. Run through the Swarm and into the
hall beyond.
There are now two ways you can do this. See that hole in the floor ahead?
1) You can leap across it, unlock the first door on your right, and move
through the open door ahead in the next room, then leap off the balcony and
onto the grounds below. This will HURT though, and you may not survive it.
2) Fall through the hole in the floor, and continue down the corridor. Follow
it, taking the left at the end, and continue moving forward, until you have a
large opening on your right. Turn into that opening, and run out onto the
Exit the place using whichever method you prefer. Congratulations! You've
proven yourself to be an exemplary Thief!
[Scene: View of the city. View pans downwards towards the window to Garrett's
apartment, a lamp flickering on the windowsill. View then moves inwards, still
focused on the lamp. There is soft knocking on the door. When no reply comes,
it repeats.]
Viktoria: "Garrett? It's Viktoria. I trust you made it back alive? You've done
well, Garrett. Come with me, and bring the sword."
[As she speaks, the scene pans to the right, to show Garrett, face hidden,
holding the Sword. View continues towards the closed door, then stops.]
Viktoria: "There is someone you have to meet. It's time for the payment you've
been promised."
[As she speaks, Garrett moves into the view and opens the door. A woman is
silhouetted in the light from the hallway.]
Garrett: "Yes."
[Scene changes. View pans down past a stained glass window depicting a hanging
man, then past a rafter with vines twined around it. The view settles on
Garrett, lounging in a chair before a fireplace, Viktoria and another man
standing in front of him, all shown as silhouettes.]
Man: "I've been watching you, Mister Garrett. So closely, in fact, that I'm
afraid I'd forgotten we haven't actually met yet. I am...Constantine."
[As he speaks, the view changes to the wall behind him, which has what appear
to be cave drawing on it, depicting both people and animals running in the same
direction. It is unclear if the animals are chasing the people or simply
running as well. The sound of a drink being poured is heard, as well as that of
a fly buzzing around. The view settles on the face of the stranger, an elderly,
balding man, who smiles and offers Garrett a drink.]
Garrett: "All this time I thought you were going to pay me."
Constantine: "Would it surprise you to know that it was I who hired you to
steal my own sword?"
[As he speaks, the view changes to the table, where Constantine places the
bottle. A few drops of the liquor fall to the table, green in colour, and
Constantine: "Yes. You were being tested. Do you understand? And I must say,
you more than live up to your reputation. You are quite an extraordinary
[As he speaks, the view moves forward towards Garrett slightly, then changes to
the floor, focused on one of the legs of Garrett's chair. There are small vines
growing out of the floor, beginning to twine around the chair leg. Garrett
moves his leg just as the vines reach it. The view then returns to the
silhouettes of all three of them.]
[He gestures towards a mantle behind him. The view switches to that mantle.]
Constantine: "But there are some...items, that are not available for purchase.
They must be acquired using other means. In this case the item in question
would be best acquired by thieving. Not simple I need an artist.
Like yourself."
[As he speaks, the view moves slowly down the mantle, which displays several
odd and curious objects, one of which appears to be a shrunken head. The wall
behind these objects seems to have more "cave drawings" on it, but cannot be
made out. Strangely, the sound of a pig can be heard. The view settles on an
object at the end, which shows the reflection of both Garrett's and
Constantine's silhouettes.]
Constantine: "It is the gemstone called The Eye, for it's unusual..."
[She turns her eyes towards Garrett. Then the view returns to the three
Constantine: "Yes. Kept hidden in the sealed cathedral deep inside the halls of
the scum Hammerites. Oh, but forgive me. You are, possibly...friendly...with
the Order of the Hammer?"
[The view moves to Garrett, still lounging, with Constantine still only a
partial silhouette. The view moves slowly towards the right.]
Constantine: "Marvelous. Viktoria can fill you in on all the particulars. And
Mister Garrett...the sword. Keep it."
[As he speaks, Garrett stands, and the two of them shake hands. The view
changes to the table where Constantine spilled some drops of liquor. The view
focuses on these drops.]
Constantine: "You have earned it. But also...I believe you'll find it useful in
your quest...."
[Some small growth, like grass, appears to have sprouted from these drops.
Soon, the same growth appears in the other drops, and grow quickly. Then
thicker growth, like small branches, are shown growing out of them as well. The
scene then fades to black.]
13.1: Introduction
"Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet
'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did
doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph,
and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum."
-- Collected letters of the smith-in-exile
The Eye that Constantine wants is in the abandoned cathedral of the Hammerites.
The cathedral is located in the section of the city that was deserted years
ago, after some kind of catastrophe. I've heard stories of the incident...most
are wild rumours about hordes of zombies and raging fires. Now that part of the
city is walled one's allowed to go in. Not that many people would dare
to in the first place.
Maps of the area are easy to attics, and old trunks...but, like all
of them, the one I've got is over fifty years old. I'll make my way through the
ruins to the Hammerite cathedral, and find a way inside. Once I get inside the
cathedral, I'll have to locate The Eye.
Something tells me that this is not going to be easy. But for the amount I'm
getting paid...I'm willing to take some serious risks....
Starting Gear:
1 Constantine's Sword
50 Broadhead Arrows
5 Water Arrows
4 Fire Arrows
5 Rope Arrows
5 Noisemaker Arrows
3 Flash Bombs
2 Holy Waters
1 Set of Lock Picks
1 Pair of Coins
NOTE: Once again, your Blackjack is not shown under the "Starting Gear" for
this mission. However, you DO have it in your possession.
"Those who fight undead fall into two groups -- the resourceful, and the slain.
The well-prepared knight will arm himself well with holy water. However, a more
convenient tactic, as well as one much less taxing on the purse, is to take
advantage of the zombie's antipathy for all living creatures, and look for
other convenient targets to divert a pursuer.
-- excerpt from the Journals of Morgan, declared anathema by the
You start with 5 Rope Arrows, and there is no place on this level you will be
using one where you cannot retrieve it, so don't bother buying anymore. Moss
Arrows and Noisemaker Arrows are likewise (in my opinion) a waste of money
here. Concentrate on buying undead-harming equipment: Water Arrows, Fire
Arrows, Flash Bombs, Mines, and Holy Water. Flash Bombs are scattered about on
this level, as are a few Holy Waters and Explosive Mines. While Fire Arrows are
also plentiful, they are also very NICE! Try to buy all you can. Also, be sure
to pick up a few more Water ARE going against Zombies, and the
five you start with won't go far.
While the undead can be annoying, they are fortunately few and far between
(except for one area, noted in the walkthrough). Basically, any time you come
across one, kill it. (Aren't they dead already? Apparently not....) While this
is a must when dealing with Hammer Haunts and Hammer Spirits, with Zombies it
just makes your travels a little easier when you don't have to watch out for
these shuffling creatures. When you do take them out though, try not to use
your Flash Bombs unless there's a group of them...they are wonderful little
multi-target weapons! This walkthrough ignores (for the most part) patrolling
monsters that will get in your way, assuming you will take care of them as you
see fit.
It should be noted that this walkthrough is done in a manner so that you can
get as much ammunition to use against your undead adversaries as possible.
Whereas in other missions I have stated something like: "For those who like
completeness, if you go this way you'll find these things...", this mission's
walkthrough does not do it that way. If you are doing this mission without
destroying every Zombie that crosses your path (ie: running from them), then
many of these areas could be bypassed. Read ahead a bit to find these areas
that you might want to skip. However, do be sure to pick up at least two
Explosive Mines on your travels.
Due to the nature of the undead on this level, until you've cleaned an area
out, consider EVERY area a patrol area! Aside from Zombies, there are also at
least two Hammer Spirits that are walking around the level and, in some areas,
Burricks, so be careful! I suggest saving your game whenever you've made some
Near the end of the mission, there are two Hammer Spirits you'll need to deal
with. I find the easiest way is with Fire Arrows. Try to save about six for
NOTE: This mission contains a lot of areas in darkness. This can be alleviated
by operating the various generators scattered on the level. When you are in a
darkened area, this walkthrough will take you to the generator as soon as
possible, to make the area easier to deal with. (For example, in one area, you
need to shoot a Rope Arrow into some beams overhead, which are nearly
impossible to see with the lights off.) Some have argued that this makes it
harder to hide from the undead, but I find that the mission is much easier when
you destroy them instead of hiding from them.
13.8: Walkthrough
A. The City, Starting Area
B. Beneath the City
C. The City, Cathedral Street Area
D. The Waterway
E. Getting the Serpentyle Torc
F. The Watchman's Grave
G. The City, Burrick Area
H. Finding the Cathedral
I. The Keeper's Grotto
J. The Keeper's Library
* A. The City, Starting Area *
You will start off just over the wall inside the ruins. Immediately in front of
you is a scroll. You can ignore is simply giving you information on how
to turn the lights on in the darkened areas. We'll take care of this section
right away. Move through the opening on your left, and turn right. Directly
ahead is a generator. Operate it, and the lights in this part of the ruins will
turn on. Move back outside, and turn left.
Move forward, over the pile of leaves. Once over, turn right, and you'll see
another pile (actually an extension of the same one). Move forward and go over
it as well. Turn right, and move over THIS pile as well. Then, crouch and look
under the fallen tower, and you will see a golden plate hidden there (50,
Treasure Count: 50). Now, turn around, and go back over the last two leaf piles
you climbed.
Turn right, and move forward, until you can see a door to your right. Pick the
lock on this door, then go through. Immediately on the floor in front of you
there will be 12 Broadhead Arrows (which you can take or leave, as you see
fit). Turn left, move forward, and climb partway up this area, then turn around
so you're looking both down into the room you were just in, and in the room
above that one. Jump foward, and mantle up into the new room. There are two
chests in here. The first one contains two Flash Bombs. The second one is
locked, and contains two Explosive Mines. Once you've gotten the goodies, work
your way back down and out the door you came in.
Once you're back outside, move forward, past the street lamp you can see ahead.
When you come to the intersection, turn left. Turn right at the first
opportunity, and move forward until you have to turn either left or right. Turn
right, and follow this path to an upwards-sloping ramp. Take the ramp up, and
continue forward (you'll move past another upwards-sloping ramp to your left)
until you cannot move forward anymore. Turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only are you currently in a Zombie patrol area, but there's
a Burrick nearby as well. (If you're lucky, you'll get to see the Burrick scrap
it out with a Zombie. <g>)
Move forward, and you should see a small pillar ahead after a short while. On
the right side of this pillar should be a light, and a fallen street sign for
"de Perrin" street. Move forward to the LEFT of that pillar. (You're now
entering the area with the Burrick.)
Straight ahead and slightly to your left, you should now be able to see the
generator for this area. Move over to it and shed some light on your situation.
Now turn left (facing down a somewhat long walkway) and move forward. You'll
hear running water soon, and see a couple of holes in the wall you're moving
towards. Now, turn right when you're able to, and move towards that machine you
see. Jump onto it, then turn left, and jump onto the ledge on the wall (you'll
have to mantle up). Once you're on the ledge, turn left, and walk along it
until you reach the lever. Pull it down, then turn right around. If you're fast
enough, you should be able to watch the door up above finish opening.
Walk over to the end of the ledge, just underneath that door. AHA! A ladder!
Climb the ladder up into the room you've just opened. Inside, you'll find two
Fire Arrows, two Water arrows, and a Breath Potion. Now, climb back down the
ladder, and hop back to the ground. Head back the way you came, turning right
to go back to the area with the two ramps. Once there, turn right and go up the
ramp. At the top, turn right and move forward. Turn left, and move forward. To
your left should be an entranceway into what's left of a house. Go into it, and
ahead you will see a door. Pick the lock.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a live mine waiting on the other side of this door! Go
carefully into the room. On the floor by the bed you will find 3 Noisemaker
Arrows and 3 Flash Bombs. The chest closest to the bed holds 3 Explosive Mines
and the other chest has 3 Rope Arrows.
[NOTE: One time, I tried an experiment. I led a Zombie into this room so that
the live Mine on the floor would take him out. Apparently, this particular mine
is tuned to ignore undead...the Zombie walked right over it without triggering
Leave this room the way you came in, and keep walking forward through an
archway, and you should see a small incline ahead, leading up to a door. Pick
the lock on that door, and go inside this building. At the far end is a chest
containing another Breath Potion. Standing in front of the chest (with your
back to the entrance to this building), turn left and move towards a niche in
the wall. It contains 3 Fire Arrows. Now, leave the building the way you came
As you exit, you should see ahead of you two large piles of leaves. They meet
at the back of the wall in the centre, in a sort of "dip". Move up to the dip,
and look down at the leaves. Hidden here is a tiara (125, Treasure Count: 175).
Once you've got that, go back to the ramp that brought you up here, and take it
down. Across from the foot of this ramp is an old, upturned wagon. Move towards
it, and to your left you should find an entranceway into a dark room. Go
inside, look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow at the beams overhead. Climb up and hop
off at the next level.
Up here, take the only exit down a small hallway. At the end, you'll find a
golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 275). On the floor in the same room you'll
also find a Noisemaker Arrow. There's nothing else up here, so, go back to the
hole you climbed up, and go back down.
Back at ground level, leave this room, and go down the ramp ahead. Move
straight ahead, to the left of the building. Past the building, you'll have to
turn right. Move forward, and almost immediately turn left again. Move forward
until you can do so no longer, and turn left. Move forward until you come to a
door. Pick the lock, and go through.
In this room, climb the fallen beam up to the platform (you'll probably have to
run and jump over the lip at the top). Up on this platform, turn right, and
look down to get a ornate vase which has fallen on its side (50, Treasure
Count: 325). Turn back so you are facing away from the beam you climbed, and
move forward to the end of the platform. Look down and to your right, and you
will find a Healing Potion. Go back to the fallen beam and climb down to the
room below. There is an exit to your right. Go through it into the next room,
which has a large hole in the ground.
Ignore the hole for now. Cross the room and go through the doorway across from
the one you entered. Turn left, move forward, turn left again, and enter this
enclosed room. Move all the way to the back, on top of that small pile of
leaves. Now, look up at the beam above, and you'll find a goblet resting there
(15, Treasure Count: 340).
Work your way back to the room with the hold in the floor. Move across to the
exit you originally entered this room from, but don't go through. Instead, turn
right, and move forward into the corner. Turn right again (so you have a wall
to your back and your left), and look up. See that broken beam? Shoot a Rope
Arrow into it. Climb up as high as you can. Once you've done that, fix your
view so you're looking straight again, then turn so you're back is to the beam
your arrow is in. Jump towards that very small beam (actually another part of
this broken one) and mantle up onto it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Beam-hopping can be monotonous if you have to do it over and
over again. Turn right around, and jump over to the beam your arrow is in. Then
turn left, look down, and you'll find a golden goblet on a window ledge (25,
Treasure Count: 365).
Turn around. You should now see two more long beams up here. The furthest one
(the one that looks like it's on an angle) holds another treasure, but we have
to hop over there to find it. So, hop onto the beam next to yours, and then hop
onto the final beam. Turn left, and work your way down the beam to the end.
Look down, and you'll find a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 465).
From up here on the beam, you can look down into the hole. There's a Crayman
down there, and this is an ideal vantage to shoot some Broadheads into him.
After four hits, he'll take off down the tunnel. (If you're fast enough, you
can get a fifth arrow into him and kill him right here.)
[NOTE: In Thief Gold, it seemed to take about six arrows to kill the Crayman.
Did they make these guys more powerful in Thief Gold, or was I just sloppy with
my arrows?]
* B. Beneath the City *
Drop down to the floor, and from there drop into the hole. Move down the tunnel
from here, turn right when you get the chance, and move forward into an old
storage room filled with barrels. Move to the end of this room, and turn left.
On the floor here are two more Water Arrows. Move back to the front of this
room, and take the exit on the right. Turn right when you can, and move into an
underground pool area.
There are a couple of items scattered in this room. Across the pool from you,
you should be able to see the remains of some poor guy. If you think of the
pool as a clock, with the remains at 12 o'clock, then you can find a Moss Arrow
at 3 o'clock, and another one at 9 o'clock. Amongst the fellow's remains you
will a small golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 540). Also, in the centre of
the pool are two more Water Arrows. Leave this grotto the way you entered, move
through the old storage room, and down the tunnel you followed to get here.
When you come to the decision point (left takes you back to where you shot at
the Crayman), turn right, and follow this tunnel. When you see a light coming
from an exit ahead, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Move into the room. If you didn't kill the Crayman with your
arrows, he's fled into this room. If you got four of your Broadheads into him,
then a single downward stroke with your Sword will do him in (quite possible, a
sidestroke will also work...I haven't tried myself). [Thief Gold users, see the
note above about the Crayman and arrows, about 3 paragraphs up.]
On the floor in this room you will find another golden goblet (25, Treasure
Count: 565). Move through the room and out the next exit, into a long tunnel.
Turn right and follow this tunnel straight ahead until you enter a large
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are Burricks nearby. I've never seen them this far from
the sewer, but that doesn't mean they don't come here. There are a total of
There are four treasures scattered about this room. Basically, there is one in
each "corner" of the room. From where you enter, in the left corner you'll find
another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 590), and in the right corner is a
purse (100, Treasure Count: 690). (The purse is difficult to see, but it's
On the floor in between the two large stone columns in the "centre" of the
room, you'll also find a Noisemaker Arrow, a Rope Arrow, and a key.
At the opposite end of the cave from where you entered, you'll find the
entrance to another tunnel. Right beside it on the floor to the left is a
goblet (15, Treasure Count: 705). Directly across from this opening on the far
side of the cave is a golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 805).
Gather all the items from this cave, then move to the new exit (with the goblet
beside the entrance).
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you didn't find the Burrick's there, you may find them here.
Move forward into the tunnel. There are a few holes in the side of the tunnel,
but they are nothing more than deep recesses. While they don't lead anywhere,
they are useful for hiding in if there are any Burricks to avoid. Keep
following the tunnel until it opens into a long cavern. If there are no
Burricks present, then move in. This cavern also has two of the hiding holes.
At the far end of the cavern, there's a hole that goes into the sewer system.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you meet the Burricks in the deeper sewers, it can be a can't use your weapons! Move into the sewers, and go to the wall
opposite and just to the right of the entrance (if you look up a touch, you'll
see an inoperative light on the wall). Look down. In the water by a grating,
you will find another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 820). Now, turn around, and
follow the water down the tunnel. Soon, you'll come to an incline with water
spilling down it. Climb up here, and at the top, turn right. The water ends at
another upwards incline. Climb up.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Any Burricks you haven't dealt with will be dealt with here!
Move forward, then turn right. Ahead, turn left down this dark tunnel. Once you
enter a sort of chamber, move to the centre of the chamber and stop. Turn
right. See that lamp in the wall? It may be difficult to see, but if you've
turned about 90 degrees, you should be facing it directly. Move over to it.
Now, jump straight up, and grab the gold plate on the ledge (50, Treasure
Count: 870). (This procedure is easier if you look down before you jump.)
Time to leave. Head back down the tunnel you came in from, and then turn right.
Move into the next chamber, and directly opposite you you should be able to see
a ladder. Hop on, climb up, and turn to the right. Activate the generator. Hop
off the ladder onto the steel platform (if you have any Moss Arrows, you may
want to quiet your landing). Now turn, and you should see a short hallway
ending at a small portcullis. Jump across the gap into that hallway.
* C. The City, Cathedral Street Area *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going back into Zombie patrol areas! There's a lever on
the wall which opens the portcullis. Operate it, and go through. Turn right,
and move forward into the street. Turn left, move forward. At the next left,
note the street sign saying you're on "Cathedral" street. Take the left, and
continue down this street until you come to a large hole in the wall to your
left. Go through, turn right, look down, and pick up the gilded vase (100,
Treasure Count: 970). Go back through the hole, turn right, and work your way
back to the street sign.
Move forward, back onto the street, and turn left. Move forward, to the door
that you will see in the wall to your left. Pick the lock and go inside. Climb
the fallen timber up to the next level. Once you're at the top, there is a
window to your right holding another gilded vase (100, Treasure Count: 1070).
For those of you who like completeness, turn around so your back is to the
window. On the far beam rests two Water Arrows that you can get by jumping and
mantling. Once you've retreived them, return to the window.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to make a tricky jump. Move yourself into the
window where you picked up the vase. Face the building across the street, then
do a quick run and jump across. DON'T LET GO OF THE JUMP BUTTON! The jump is
too big for you, but by holding the jump button, you'll grab the edge and
mantle up onto the top of the wall. Also, when you do the run, don't hold it
until the last moment and then want to press run and then jump
almost at the same time.
Look down. There's a gold plate resting in the rafters beneath. Aim yourself so
you can fall safely onto one of them, and grab the plate (50, Treasure Count:
1120). Then move across the rafters to the safer wooden floor ahead.
Ahead to your right is an exit from this room. Go through it. At the end of
this hall, drop down into the next room. Turn right, move forward, and fall to
the street below. Turn left, move forward, turn left again. Move forward,
through that tiny crack ahead. Once through, turn left. You should be in an
area with a lamp up on the wall, and some wooden beams. Move under the first
beam, so you hit the second. Now, turn right and look up. On a ledge you should
now be able to see a jewelled vase (50, Treasure Count: 1170).
Now turn right a little more, so you're facing into a fairly well-lit area with
a pile of leaves. Move forward. As you do, you should see a doorway just beyond
and to the left of the leaves. Go through that doorway. Almost immediately
inside, there will be a door on the left. Pick the lock and go inside. On the
right wall will be two niches. The one farthest from the door contains a
diamond (100, Treasure Count: 1270). Now exit the room, and move through the
doorway in the wall directly opposite this room. Once through, turn left, and
you should see a raised drawbridge, in front of which is a flow of water.
[Note: Several people have written to tell me about this drawbridge. If you
look through the "window" on the right, you will see a panel with two buttons
on it. Shooting a Broadhead Arrow at the lower button will apparently lower the
drawbridge so you can cross, if you wish to do so!]
* D. The Waterway *
Dive into the water. Follow the flow, and when you reach the corner ahead, turn
left. At the next corner, however, stop. Turn to your left (facing the wall),
and dive under. Go into this tunnel here, move to the end, turn right, push
forward just a little, and immediately surface for air.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can cause you a bit of damage if not done
correctly, and if you've taken any so far, that might kill you. Dive again, and
move forward. Take the left turn ahead, continue on, and take the next left as
well. Push forward to the dead end, and look down. Someone else tried to swim
here, and wasn't as smart as you. Pick up his purse (100, Treasure Count:
1370). You're probably running short on air by this point, so take a Breath
Potion. Now, turn 180 degrees, and press forward. (Note: On your way down this
tunnel, suspended in the water is a Moss Arrow, if you'd like to grab it.) Near
the end of this tunnel, turn left into another one, and surface. Try to surface
quietly and as far back as you can.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only do you not want to go through the Olympic Freestyle
again, but there's another Crayman nearby. Swim slowly into the next area. In
the middle of the pool there will be a stone "island" you can mantle up onto.
[NOTE: While playing the original Thief game, when I arrived here, the Crayman
was stationary. In Thief Gold, however, it has a small patrol area in this
There are a number of ways to deal with this situation. First, you can deal
with the Crayman from here. You could kill him using any method you prefer. He
can't reach you while you're on the island, so take your time and enjoy
yourself. :) Or, you could simply leave him alone. The next part can be done
without the Crayman ever being a danger to you.
You can jump to the edge of the pool to get to a larger space of land, but it's
not really necessary. Look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the beam above.
(Note: You have to shoot the arrow at the SIDE of a beam, NOT directly beneath
it!) Climb up, and mantle yourself up onto the beam. (You may need to jump from
this beam to another in order to do this.) Once you're standing safely on the
beam, look around you for a larger wooden platform and a doorway. Head for it,
and go through the doorway. Turn left, move forward, turn right, and move into
a small room. Turn right, and you'll see a door.
* E. Getting the Serpentyle Torc *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once you pick the lock on this door, you are going to be facing
a horde of Zombies (at least seven, if I recall correctly)! They may not all be
out there at the same time, but they are there. (The first time I did this, as
I opened the door, FIVE were waiting for me!) This is the perfect time to use
your Flash Bombs. NOTE: There is a bridge over some water to your left that you
cannot see right when you step out. There may be more Zombies hiding over that
way that you're not aware of, so be careful!
Pick the lock on the door, and deal with the Zombies as you see fit. Once
they're all scattered in pieces, move forward (your back should be to the door
you entered this area from) and turn left. Cross the bridge, and when you can
turn left again do so. Move down the hill until you come to a wall that you can
jump onto. Once you've done that, turn left, walk along the wall until you're
pressed up against the larger one, and mantle up. Turn right, and go across
this wall (you'll actually be walking on the lip of the drawbridge in the
middle!) towards the hole in the wall across from you. When you're able, jump
across into the hole. In here there is a locked door.
NOTE: At this point in both the original Thief game and in Thief Gold, the
sound on my game acted up here. Trying the door makes no noise, nor does trying
the wrong lockpick. Picking the lock is rather silent as well. If your game is
similar, don't panic when you don't hear sounds you're used to. Everything's
fine, you haven't done anything wrong.
Pick the lock. Move into and across the room, to an opening ahead. Drop down,
and drop down again, and again to the ground level. Move ahead, and you should
see some lights far down a long path. Go on up to the lights. They are outside
a large house.
Face the house, walk up the steps, and look down. Move the welcome mat to
reveal a small hole in the porch containing the key to the front door. (You may
have to crouch to get the key).
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is tricky, dangerous, and needs to be timed right.
There are two Hammer Haunts inside, but they are easy to take care of with a
couple of Explosive Mines. Unfortunately, they are patrolling, so you need to
get this done when they're away from you and can't see you.
Open the door. Directly inside there will be a door on your left, and a doorway
on your right. Move into the doorway, and plant a mine there. Quickly move back
to the front door, and plant a mine there as well. Now, move outside.
The first explosion will destroy the first Hammer Haunt, and bring the other
one looking. Be sure you're in his line of sight, so he'll see you and come
after you outside. Once he blows up, you'll have free reign of the house.
[NOTE: The above procedure was done before I realized how easy these creatures
are to destroy using Flash Bombs. If you've got enough of them to spare, then
by all means use them. (The procedure above was left in because I rather like
using it, even when I have enough Flash Bombs.)]
Move inside the house, and go through the door on your left (the key you found
under the mat works here too). Turn left. In the chest you'll find 2 Moss
Arrows. While you're in here, grab that vase on the table as well (50, Treasure
Count: 1420). Now exit this room through the door you entered, and head through
the doorway across from it (where you planted the first Mine). Once through,
turn left. Go over to the stairs (ramps, really), and climb the stairs all the
way to the top. At the top, turn left, and go into a very large bedroom.
Immediately to your left is a locked chest which contains a vial of Holy Water.
At the opposite end of the room, next to the bed, is another locked chest,
which contains the Serpentyle Torc (350, Treasure Count: 1770). That's all you
want from this house (all the levers you see in here just operate the lights),
so exit this room the way you came in, go down the stairs (ramps), turn left,
forward, turn right through the doorway, then turn left and go out the front
Back on leafy ground, turn right and head back the way you entered this area.
When you come to the wall, mantle up a couple of times (the first time you'll
have to do a running jump) and move through the hole in the wall. Walk through
this room and out the door at the far end.
* F. The Watchman's Grave *
SAVE YOUR GAME! To get down safely, you have to jump over to the thin wall that
contains the drawbridge. One small miscalculation and you'll either be in a
world of hurt, or swimming back the hard way.
Jump onto the wall with the drawbridge. Once you're safely on, move forward
some until you can jump safely from the wall onto the hill. Move forward, and
turn right. You should now be facing the bridge and the area where you met the
Zombie Horde. Cross the bridge, and move towards the doorway with the shining
light above it. The key you found in the Burrick cavern will open this
portcullis. Once it is raised, go inside, and operate the generator. Turn
around and exit the way you came in.
Once you're in the street again, turn left, move forward a bit, and then turn
left again. There's a doorway here. Move through it. Once inside, immediately
turn left, and look down. Open the chest to get another purse (100, Treasure
Count: 1870). Turn right again, facing the hole in the wall. Crouch and move
through that passage. You'll emerge in a room with two other passages leading
out (you've just entered through a fireplace!). Move into the room a bit, and
turn right. You should see a niche with an Explosive Mine in it. Take it, then
turn about 180 degrees and take the left passage. Inside, you'll find flights
of stairs. Take them all the way to the top. Once there, look up and shoot a
Rope Arrow into the ceiling. Climb up and hop off on the next level.
In the corner opposite the hole you just came up through is a Fire Arrow on the
floor. Once you've grabbed that, turn around to face the windows in here. You
want the one on the left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you make a mistake here, you fall down to the street. Do a
running jump out the window to land on the ledge across the street with the
door on it. Pick the lock on the door, and go inside. Follow the hall to
another door. Go through it. Balance yourself on the beam up here. Down below
there are two Spiders. Use your Broadheads from here to safely deal with them.
Once they are pincushions, jump across to the next beam, and then fall down
onto the sloping beam beyond that. Your fall should carry you off the beam onto
the ground, but if it doesn't, move forward so you fall to the ground.
The large structure in here is the Watchman's Grave. (If you don't believe me,
there's a tiny plaque at the base you can read that will confirm it.) Take out
your coins and put them in the dish on the Grave.
Now to leave. The fastest way out of this area is to shoot a Rope Arrow at the
beams above, climb up, mantle onto the beam, and go through the door. Keep
moving down the hall, and stop at the ledge outside.
* G. The City, Burrick Area *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another death-defying jump here. Look across the street at the
building to your right. There are two wooden rafters you can see. Aim a Rope
Arrow at the left one. Now, do a running jump across, and grab the rope on your
way down. Climb up, and turn to face the flat, dark, brink area to your left.
Jump onto that area. Here, turn to your right, and move forward. Look down to
get the gilded vase (100, Treasure Count: 1970). Now turn right around, and
move to the other end to pick up another 12 Broadhead Arrows.
Turn back so you are facing the rope, and jump onto it. We're going to abandon
this Rope Arrow. Climb all the way down to street level. Now, turn so you are
facing the doorway in the greenish wall. Go through it, turn left, and open the
chest to get a ring (100, Treasure Count: 2070).
Turn around, and move forward, taking the left turn ahead. Step into the next
room, and take the first right (almost immediately upon entering). Walk down
the passage to a hole in the floor.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about the enter a Spider Lair. While there's only one
Spider, and I've always found it in the same place, I'm not 100% sure it will
always be that way.
Drop down into the hole. Move through the opening in front of you, down to the
end. Turn left and hop onto the ladder there. Climb ALL the way up, then turn
right around, jump off the ladder, pull out your Broadhead Arrows, and wait.
Eventually, you should see a Spider crawling around ahead. When you do, deal
with it accordingly. Once that's done, move ahead through the hole ahead. Once
through, turn left and move to the end. Look down on the floor to find a
Healing Potion and a goblet (15, Treasure Count: 2085). Now turn around and
head back the way you came, past the hole you climbed in through, and search
the floor in the darker areas for another vase (50, Treasure Count: 2135). Now
turn around 180 degrees.
NOTE: At this point, if you go through the hole on your right, you will need to
pull yourself up onto street level again. Unfortunately, this is a patrol area
of Burricks (I've seen up to four at once!) and a Spider. This hole is,
however, ideal for throwing Mines and Flash Bombs in their area without
endangering yourself. Just remember that it takes more than one Mine to kill a
Burrick. (It might also be a good idea to attract the Burricks' attention, and
lead them to the Zombies instead of fighting them yourself...then the Zombies
can kill the Burricks for you!) Deal with the Burricks as you see fit.
NOTE: This next bit is, once more, a touch more difficult for Thief Gold
players than for those with the original game. The room mentioned below that
has the Rope Arrow and the ladder in it also has an occupant: a Flaming Spirit.
Otherwise, it is the same. Deal with him as you see fit.
Move through the hole on your left (you may need to jump), and move forward,
dropping down the hole ahead (you may catch on the ladder, and have to climb
the rest of the way down). Once at the bottom, turn and move into the next
room, and go across the room through the next doorway. Follow the tunnel to a
large room. On the floor in the far corner is a Rope Arrow. Now, turn to face
the ladder, and climb up into the next room, jumping off the ladder once you
reach the top.
Turn to face the closed door in this room, and go through it. Turn left, move
forward, turn right, move forward. Move past (probably OVER) the large pile of
leaves/grass/straw/whatever on your left, and go forward through a small crack.
You should now have a bridge on your left. Turn to face it, and walk about
halfway across it. Then turn to the right, and do a running jump into the
generator building ahead. Turn to the right, and operate the generator. Turn
right again, and do another running jump out of here, landing on the bridge
This next section is only if you're short on Fire Arrows or if you like to find
everything. On the bridge, turn left, and move forward. Ahead you should see a
small crate. Pick it up. Now, turn right and move back through the crack, and
over the refuse pile again. Turn left, and move forward, following the left
wall to its end. There, you want to place the crate you're carrying against the
wall. Jump up onto it, then mantle yourself up onto the wall. Now, turn to face
the building across from the wall, and jump over to the roof. Turn left again,
and mantle yourself up into the enclosed area. Turn left, move forward, and
pick up three Fire Arrows on the floor. (Read the book too, if you're
interested.) Make you're way back down to the ground level, then turn to face
away from the direction you entered this area in. You should see another door.
Pick the lock, and inside you'll find another Breath Potion. Now, exit this
tiny room the way you entered, and make your way back to the bridge.
* H. Finding the Cathedral *
On the bridge, make sure you are facing so that the generator room is on your
right. Move forward towards the lighted area ahead and to the left. Once
inside, move through the shallow pool and turn right. Go forward, and you'll
find a box. Pick the lock on it to find another ring (100, Treasure Count:
2235). Turn around and head back towards the shallow pool. On your way, turn
right and move through the opening in the wall. Directly ahead should be
another opening in a fallen building.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is usually at least one Burrick in this area, and one
time I saw two. Go through that opening (you will have to crouch). Turn left,
and in the far corner you will find another diamond (100, Treasure Count:
2335). Turn so you are facing up the slope, and climb it, all the way. Once
you're on natural ground again, move forward, go through the door ahead, and
turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're near the end, but there are still two Hammer Spirits to
deal with. I'm going to describe the method how I deal with them. If you have a
different method that works well for you, then by all means, use it.
Move forward through the hole ahead, and turn right. Walk up the street,
keeping to shadows when you can. As you walk, there will be a total of two
alcoves you can hide in on the right side. When the patrolling Hammer Spirit
gives you the opportunity, move into the second one (the one closest to him).
Hide in the darkest corner (this will be the one closest to the patrol). Ready
your Fire Arrows, and LEAN out, and wait. When the patrol comes back, wait
until he's stopped, then let loose with your Arrows. Three should take care of
the patrol. Once he's taken care of, you can shoot at the one above the
entranceway. Again, three will take care of it. Note that since you're leaning,
it's very easy to dodge in and out of hiding, which can be very useful here.
Once those two guards are taken care of, you should be able to move freely
about here. Exit your hiding place, and turn right. Move forward into the large
area, and turn right again. Move to the fallen streetlamp at the end, and
behind it you'll find another diamond (100, Treasure Count: 2435). Now, turn
around to face the Cathedral.
Move forward, into the Cathedral, and climb the stairs. Continue forward, until
you can go either left or right. Trying the Cathedral doors won't help. They're
sealed. There's a plaque above the door whiche reads:
"Warning: Great evil resides in this place, and it is no longer fit for men.
The doors are sealed, to protect us from that which lies within. Do not remain
Turn right, and move forward. Circle your way all the way around the Cathedral,
until you come to an area where you can mantle up onto a ledge. (Along the way,
study the'll find two Fire Arrows.)
Mantle up onto the ledge. Mantle up to the next ledge. Move over to the opening
here, and listen to what The Eye says:
"Comes a man to rescue me...poor man, the Keepers have sealed the door, and
only they know how to open them. Cross you the bridge to the grotto of the
Keeper Sentinel. Stand you on the pedestal...and illuminate the statue with
fire. Then can you discover...the secret of the Talisman."
Note: Inside the Cathedral you can see some undead wandering around. Leave them can't get inside the Cathedral yet, and any you destroy now will
not affect how many there are when you return here in "Return to the
NOTE: You do not have to hang around watching the spinning crown while The Eye
tells you what to do. You can start heading towards where it's telling you to
go AS it tells you, without penalty. :)
* I. The Keeper's Grotto *
Okay, climb back down to ground level, and circle all the way back to the
entrance. Leave the Cathedral, climb down the stairs, and at the bottom, turn
right. Move down the street, and at the end turn left and move through the hole
ahead. Go through the door ahead and to the right, and move forward to the
starting edge of the fallen building. Turn left, move forward, turn right, move
forward, and turn left and go through the hole in the wall. Turn right, move
forward, turn left, and move forward through the shallow pool of water and out
into the street. Turn right, and move forward, stopping at the foot of the
bridge. Look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the wooden structure above. Climb
the rope up, and jump in. Turn right, move to the end, and look down. Get the
necklace someone lost here (200, Treasure Count: 2635). Turn around and drop
back down to the bridge.
Move forward off the bridge, and turn right. You should see a stone bridge
leading into another area. Go in there, using a running jump to get across the
water (you'll have to mantle up onto the island). Stand on the metal structure
shaped like a keyhole, then turn to face the statue in the alcove on almost the
opposite side of the grotto from where you entered. Shoot a Fire Arrow AT THE
STATUE. The resulting explosion will light both torches on either side of it.
Now turn left, and you'll see a panel opening. Jump across (you shouldn't have
to mantle this time), and climb into the new opening.
* J. The Keeper's Library *
Turn left, and follow this tunnel into a new, open area. On the right side (as
you face the building), is a shattered statue. Pick up the two heaviest pieces
(ie: not the head), one at a time, and place them on the pedestal on the right.
This will open the door into the building. Then, jump onto the pedestal on the
left. This will open the portcullis into the new place. Face the opening, and
run into it. The portcullis will close behind you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This room is trapped. Look at the floor, and notice the oddly
outlined floor panels. They are weight-sensitive triggers. Stepping on them
releases arrows. There is a safe path, right down the middle between them. Go
that way, and down the stairs at the end. Turn right, and move forward to the
door ahead, being careful not to step on the weight-trigger in front of the
door (again, it's a large, conspicuous-looking tile).
Pick the lock on the door. Once it is opened, move into the room beyond. You
can step on the trigger at this point, as there is no danger to you. The
trigger causes the far wall (behind you) to move closer, eventually crushing
you if you haven't gotten into the next room yet.
In this room, turn left, climb the stairs, and go through the door ahead.
Inside, climb down the stair, get the key lying on the table, and get the
oddly-shaped device as well. (Read the books if you's not important
to the game, but it does reveal more about the game's story.)
Now turn around, and go back through the door. Move straight across the room,
to another door, and unlock it with the key you found in the previous room. Go
through the door.
On the table in this room is a book. First, look at the table. Then, read the
book. After you do, your mission objectives change again:
You may notice that everything that you need to do has been done.
Congratulations! You've discovered what you need to proceed to the next
14.1: Introduction
"From unknown origins they came
They live isolated beyond the city
The extent of their arcane power is unknown
We must be very cautious in dealing with them
Close observation must continue"
-- Keeper Xavier, Treatise on Mages
The Talisman of Earth is guarded by a foreign mages' sect known as the "Hand
Brotherhood". They reside in a compound of huge towers, where they practice
their arts of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The Talisman is likely kept in the
Earth tower...but there's little chance it'll be that simple. No doubt the
Talisman is heavily guarded and probably protected by magic. But mages love to
write everything down...I should "stumble" on something useful about their
precious trinket.
I bribed some servants to get me a map of the common grounds...the best I could
do since only the mages are allowed in the towers. I'll enter the courtyard
just outside the central keep entrance. Once inside I'll need to move quickly
to find the Talisman. I wouldn't last long in a fight against the mages....
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to find in the area around the Cathedral.
(Maximum: 2635.)
Starting Gear:
50 Broadhead Arrows
8 Water Arrows
1 Fire Arrow
4 Moss Arrows
1 Healing Potion
1 Set of Lock Picks
NOTE: Inexplicably, your Blackjack and your Sword are both absent once again
from your Starting Gear. You do have them during the mission, however.
Broadheads and Fire Arrows are useless to you, as you can't kill anyone.
Likewise for the Mines. The Breath Potions are unnecessary, as you never swim
underwater for a great length of time. While you might want to grab an extra
Healing Potion or two, there are a few scattered throughout the mission. You
will want at least one Rope Arrow, possibly more, although one is all that is
really "required".
Your money is best spent here on Moss Arrows and some Water Arrows. There are
several places to pick up Moss Arrows, but also lots of places to use them.
Likewise with the Water Arrows.
This is also another mission where there are a great many Patrol areas.
There is a room in this mission (which is not detailed in the walkthrough)
which I refer to as the Oracle Room. It's a small room with four statues inside
it. When you activate the statues, each one gives Garrett some advice. While
interesting and eerie, it does not seem important to the game at all.
There is another new element to the game introduced here: puzzles. While not
abundant (I believe there are only really two), they make the game a little
more interesting.
There are several Healing Potions scattered about. I suggest that you grab
every one that you can. There are several places within the Tower of Fire where
you can get seriously hurt!
There is one cryptic point at the end of the mission. When you find the exit
after completing all of your objectives, Garrett will say "Hmmm...This looks
like the way out. That'll come in useful later." What later is he referring to?
Does he plan to return here some day? Or did the programmers just miss
something? (My vote is the latter.)
A final note regarding this mission: It appears that some things change in this
mission each time you play it. For instance, the first time I played it, there
were two Fire Mages wandering around the lava pit in the upper level of the
Fire Tower...the third time, they were patrolling outside the lava. The first
time through, I found two Mages wandering around the lower level of the Air
Tower, the second time, only one...and the third time the second was back
again. The final guard in the mission was stationary the first time I played,
and on patrol the third. And one time while playing, there was an elevator in
the Air Tower that simply was not there the next time! Whether all of these
discrepencies are due to programming bugs or something else, you should note
that there may be times when you will encounter something different from what
this walkthrough says should be. This "bug" is probably the reason for it.
NOTE: I have been contacted by at least one other person who had a similar
problem in the Air Tower. She was missing an elevator platform. While her
missing platform was not the same as the one I had been missing, the result was
the same: she was unable to complete the mission.
To get around this, I suggest you do this: At the end of "The Haunted
Cathedral", after you get the victory conditions, SAVE YOUR GAME! Then leave
that saved game alone. If, when you play "The Mage Towers", you encounter a
problem which keeps you from finishing the mission, reload the saved game for
"The Haunted Cathedral". This forces the program to reset all the parameters
when you start "The Mage Towers" over, and it may just fix the problem. (It did
for me.) Note that you cannot simply load in a saved game from earlier within
this mission...the parameters appear to have already been set and saved there.
You must reload.
14.8: Walkthrough
A. Gaining Entry
B. The Keep, Part One
C. The Library
D. The Keep, Part Two
E. The Water Tower
F. The Earth Tower
G. The Air Tower
H. The Fire Tower
I. The Central Tower
J. The Keep, Part Three
K. The Tunnels Beneath the Keep
L. Escaping
* A. Gaining Entry *
You will start out in the open, rather exposed, in front of the entrance to the
Keep. Since the front door ahead is the obvious way in, we won't use it. Turn
right, and go through the door you see ahead. Once through, turn right and head
towards the darkened corner ahead. Stay here in the dark, and turn right around
so your back is to the corner.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Yes, it's rather early to do so, but better safe than sorry.
Very shortly after concealing yourself here, a Mage will walk by. Blackjack
him, then return to your corner. Wait a little longer, and another mage will
come by. Lift the key from his belt, and send him to sleep as well. Now, turn
so you are facing with the wall with the door in it to your left, and move
ahead. Keep moving forward, into the dark area. Ahead you will see an
illuminated patch of ground. As soon as you enter the light, turn right. Move
forward, and you'll notice the "wall" on your left getting lower and lower.
Once you can turn left, do so...turn right around while still moving forward,
and you should find yourself facing a stone staircase.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Although it is unlikely at this point, sometimes there are
guards that move through the next area. If you are caught here, then reload and
wait (in the darkness). (The guards will be discussed in further detail later.)
* B. The Keep, Part One *
Move to the top of the stairs, open the door, and move into the Keep. Turn
left. On the table ahead, you'll find a purse (100, Treasure Count: 100). Then
turn so you are facing away from the table, and take another stairway up. When
you reach the top of this portion, you'll have to make another 180 degree turn
and continue following it up. Do so, but stay hidden in the shadows. Stop when
you reach the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! See that guard standing down there? Well, you need to take him
out, but he never changes his facing. Move forward, hugging the right wall. The
shadows on that side extend far enough for you get past him unseen.
(Alternatively, just take out the torch behind him.) Then turn around, move in
behind him, and lift the key off his belt before knocking him out. When that's
done, turn to face the door he was guarding.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The room beyond this door is a major patrol area! Before
opening this door, you may want to douse the torch in this room, just in case.
Open the door. Before moving through though, turn left, then lean out the
doorway. Douse the torch immediately in front of you, sending the room beyond
in total darkness (or nearly so). Now, move into it.
With this room now dark, you will have more room to work to take out the
patrollers. You will see the following come through here:
Once you've dealt with the three above, there are two more to deal with. They
don't come in here though, but they come close.
With your back to the door which you entered by, turn left. Shoot a Water Arrow
at the torch in the next small room. Then wait. There are two guards who will
come in through a door into that room, walk to the end, then come back and
leave through the same door. When the first one comes in, move in and knock him
out. Then come back to this room, and wait for the second one. Repeat the
process on him. (Note: One of these is an archer, the other a swordsman. The
swordsman has another gold key to pickpocket.)
NOTE: Both of these guards have lengthy patrols...if you miss one, you'll have
a long wait before he returns.
Once the two guards are taken care of, move into that room down to the end. On
the table you find there is another purse (100, Treasure Count: 200). Turn
around, and exit this room the way you entered.
In this room, turn so you have the hall you just left on your left. Ahead, you
should see an opening into a much larger room. The wall right beside this
opening (on the right) has a door in it. Move through it, then move through the
door you find in the next room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to enter another patrol area, although you only
have a Servant to worry about...knock him out when you get the chance. Turn
left, and move through the door ahead. Turn right, move forward, and turn right
around the corner. Move through this door. Be careful! If you did not meet the
servant in this room, it is most likely he'll be in this hallway!
Move forward down this hallway until you have to turn right, then do so. Move
forward again, and once you've moved past the first to set of wooden supports,
turn right and move through the door in front of you. On the lower back shelf
in this room are three bottles of wine (50, 50, 50, Treasure Count: 250, 300,
350). There is nothing on the top shelf. Turn around and leave the way you came
in. Back in the hall, turn right, and follow this hall to the end.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to enter the Mage's Library. You guessed's
patrolled by Mages! Fortunately, only two of them. Take them out as soon as
you're able. (Note that one has a Healing Potion to pickpocket, the other has a
gold key.)
* C. The Library *
Turn left and go through the door in front of you (you'll need one of the
golden keys to open it, if you don't want to pick the lock). Note: immediately
across from this door is the Oracle Room mentioned in the notes above. Ignore
it, and turn right. Ahead you should see both a staircase leading up, and a
small hallway just to the left of it. Move down the hallway, and then turn
right when you're able. Move forward a bit and turn right again, and you'll be
facing down another staircase. Take out the torch at the bottom with a Water
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another Mage patrol area, again with two Mages. These ones have
empty pockets, however. Move down the stairs and turn right. Move into this
next room, and wait. This is the ideal spot to knock out the two Mages. When
they are no longer a concern, move forward out of this area, so you are facing
down yet another staircase, leading to a lower section of the library. (There
is nothing down there of interest to you, except the room on the right has a
Rope Arrow in it.) Turn right, and move forward until you can no longer do so.
You should be in a darkened area, with a table on your right. Look down at it,
and grab the golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 450).
[NOTE: If you want to get some more Water Arrows, there are two more in here.
Turn so your this table is to your back, and move to the end of the room where
you'll find another table. It has one of the Water Arrows. From the point where
you were facing down the staircase, if you turn left instead of right, you'll
find another table with a Water Arrow on it.]
Turn around and go back the way you came. When the staircase is on your right,
turn left and move through the area where you knocked out the Mages. Turn left,
and take the stairs back up. At the top, turn right around and move forward to
the area where you entered this room originally (with the Oracle Room
entrance). Again, turn right around, and move up the stairs.
At the top of these stairs, turn slightly left, and look at the bookshelf in
front of you. More precisely, look at the third book from the right on the
shelf at eye-level (when your view is centred). This book is a trigger for a
secret door. Activate it, and a portion of the wall to your right will open.
Move inside, and pick up the golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 475) and the
jewelled reading glasses (200, Treasure Count: 675). There's also another Water
Arrow on the table you can grab.
Now turn right around. The door to this room closes behind you shortly after
opening. If you are fast enough to grab everything you want before it closes,
then move through the opening while it's still open. If not, however, don't
panic...there's a lever to the left of the door which will open it again.
Activate it, and move back into the previous room.
Ahead and to your right, you should see a stone "circle". Move towards it, and
once you're there, turn so it is on your left. Across the gap on a small table
you should now be able to see a scroll. Move over to the table, pick up the
scroll, and read it. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Reading this scroll tells you how to
find the Talisman of Earth, and also fulfills one of your mission objectives!
You MUST read it...simply possessing it does not fulfill the mission objective!
Turn so that the stone circle is now on your right. Follow it until you have
the guardrail for the stairs down on your left. Ahead you will see a small
flight of steps leading up. Take them, and turn left.
[NOTE: Another Water Arrow can be had here. There is a small "hall" to the
right of the steps, at the end of which is a small shelving unit. The Water
Arrow is in that.]
* D. The Keep, Part Two *
SAVE YOUR GAME! The door you're about to open will put you in sight of a guard,
unless his back is turned. You may want to douse the torch beside you before
opening this door, to maximize your hiding area.
Open the door in front of you. That guard just ahead has another gold key to
pickpocket. Once you've done that, knock him out.
Across the room, directly opposite the door you just came through, you should
see another doorway, through which you can see another guard. We need to get
past him.
Turn to your left, and move into the darkened area next to the support pillar.
Now turn right, facing across the room again. Move forward to the other end. As
you pass between the two tables, you may want to grab the Healing Potion on the
one to your's near the end nearest you when you're by the pillar.
Once you've reached the far end, turn right, and edge your way closer to the
entrance to the guard's area.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You can be caught here if you do it while the guard is facing
your direction! Lean over so you can see into the guardroom, and douse the
torch inside with a Water Arrow. Then crouch and creep into the room. When
you're close enough to the guard (and he's facing away from you), knock him
out. Then continue forward, and grab the purse that's sitting on the table at
the end of the room (100, Treasure Count: 775).
[NOTE: Remember that last patrolling guard I mentioned earlier? Well, you are
presently in the guardroom which he stands outside of when NOT on his patrol,
so do the above with caution!]
Turn right around, and leave this room. Back in the large room, proceed forward
about halfway through, then turn left to face another door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This door opens into a room which will sometimes have up to
three patrolling guards in it. (These are the same guards mentioned earlier, at
the point where you first entered the Keep...see below for more information.)
Go through the door (you will either have to pick the lock, or use one of your
iron keys on it) and move forward, down the stairs ahead. Turn right at the
bottom and go down the next set of stairs. In the room at the bottom, across
from you will be a small table. Move over to it and grab the purse resting on
top of it (100, Treasure Count: 875).
SAVE YOUR GAME! If those patrolling guards have not shown up yet, you may just
open a door in their faces! You're also about to enter another Mage patrol
* E. The Water Tower *
Turn right around, so you're facing the stairs again. In the wall on your right
is a door. Go through it. Turn left, and go down the stairs.
There are also two other guards near the entrance to the Water Tower...when you
get close to them, you'll trigger their conversation, after which they also
start patrolling. Neither of these guards have anything to pickpocket.
There is a final guard positioned at a door which leads into another section of
the grounds. He never goes on a patrol.
Finally, there are two guards that patrol in this area, which have a very large
patrol route. These two are two of the guards that were mentioned just above,
and also when you first entered the Keep. Their patrol takes them through the
grounds around the Water Tower, and the Eart Tower. It also takes them inside
the Keep in the areas between the tower grounds (the two positions marked
"Stairs" on your first map). One of these has a key to pickpocket, the other
has nothing.
Okay, back to the game. When you have taken out the three original patrollers
(they all have their patrols near the staircase you came down, so you can stay
in that general area and just wait, if you wish), make your way back to the
staircase and stand with it to your back. From here, if you turn right, you
should be able to see the Water Tower straight ahead, with no obstructions (the
Water Tower is the blue building). You do NOT want to go that way. Instead,
move forward slightly (remember, back to the staircase!) and take the next
right hand turn. Follow this until you can no longer go straight, and turn
left. By now, you should be hearing the guards' conversation. Move ahead until
you are right up against the brick wall. Once you stop moving, you should be
sufficiently hidden to avoid notice. Turn left, and watch the two guards. Once
they're finished chatting, they will both turn to leave, moving away from you.
Move in on them at your leisure and knock them out. [NOTE: One of these two
will return here after he's patrolled, and just stand under the light...the
other's patrol takes him into the Earth Tower grounds. I have not followed his
patrol as of yet.]
Once the two guards protecting the Water Tower are dispatched, head back over
to the Water Tower, and climb up the stairs to the door. If you actually read
that scroll you picked up earlier, you will know that there was some sort of
accident recently in the Water Tower. As a result, the door is not protected
like the doors to the other towers, and it is empty of adversaries.
Open the door, and move in. Move forward straight across the flooded floor, to
the flow of water coming down some stairs. Climb these stairs all the way to
the top, and open the door you find there.
Take a deep breath, and move into the flooded room. Swim up, and when you
surface, turn so you are facing the island. Move towards it, and pull yourself
up. On this island there are two small spurts of water coming up through it.
Move to the one in the centre, and you'll find the Earth Key. Now, jump back
into the water, swim down, and go through the exit. Follow the stairs all the
way down, and move across the room once again, and exit the tower.
[NOTE: You can, if you feel so inclined, allow guards to see you and lead them
to the submerged room. They will follow you in, but won't swim up to get you.
They will shortly drown, and it won't count against you.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you haven't dispatched the two patrolling guards who move
between areas, you may come across them now. Move down the stairs and back onto
the grounds. Turn left, and move forward. When you can see the lamppost ahead,
move towards it. When you reach it, turn to the right. Ahead, you'll see
another part of the hedge-maze. Move forward and to the right, so that the
hedge will pass by on your left side. When you pass it, you'll be in the area
with the last guard in this section, standing by a door underneath a light.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only can you get caught by this guard, but this door is the
one the two wandering guards will come through! When this guard is not looking,
knock him out, then move through the door. Inside this room, turn right, and
move into the small enclosed space. The shelves on your left hold three stacks
of silver coins (12, 12, 12, Treasure Count: 887, 899, 911), and the ones on
your right hold five stacks (12, 12, 12, 12, 12, Treasure Count: 923, 935, 947,
959, 971). When you've grabbed all the treasure, turn so your back is to the
wall (with shelves on either side of you).
SAVE YOUR GAME! It is very possible to get caught here. Move forward, and open
the door on your right. Move through it (carefully...there is a guard on the
other side of this door!), and move forward and to your left, over into the
* F. The Earth Tower *
SAVE YOUR GAME! One obstacle overcome, but there are a few others in here.
Aside from the stationary guard you just passed, and the two patrolling guards
who move through the areas, there are also two Mages patrolling (both of whom
have keys to pickpocket).
This next part is dangerous due to the fact that you will be crossing well-lit
grounds. Keep facing your current should see a large building
made of some sort of stone ahead. (If you don't, move over slightly to the
left.) What you want to do is move towards it, and keep it on your right side.
Keep moving forwards until you see signs of the hedge maze again. When you do,
you should see (ahead of you) the hedge on the right, a stone "block" on the
left, and a space in between the two, through which you can see a stone wall.
(I apologize if this description is confusing...I'm afraid I can't think of a
better way to describe it though.) Move between the hedge and the block, then
turn left so you are facing the block. Aha! This is the entrance to the Earth
Tower. Move up the stairs, and use your Earth key to unlock this door. (You
have to use the key on the contraption beside the door, as opposed to the door
SAVE YOUR GAME! Unlike the Water Tower, this tower has Mages in it. There is
one patrolling the room just beyond this door. Move so you are just inside the is possible to position yourself in a small "crack" of shadow here so
that you are completely undetectable. Watch the Mage make his patrol, and when
he passes by heading to your right, move in behind him and put him to sleep. If
you'd like to pick up a couple of things, there is a table in the shadows of
the right side of the room (as you face in with your back to the door) which
has a Moss Arrow and a Healing Potion on it.
Almost directly across from the door you entered through is a staircase. Move
up the staircase all the way to the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is another Mage in the room through this door. You don't
want to open the door in his face. Open the door.
Impressive, isn't it? Beware of those large floating masses. If you're standing
beneath one when it descends...well, it won't be pretty. Also, while you work
in this room, be aware that there is a second mage on the next level, wandering
Look around for the Mage in here, and knock him out. Then, you'll need to find
platform to ride around on. I'm going to tell you how I do this...if you find
or prefer another way, then by all means use it (and tell me!).
SAVE YOUR GAME! Platform hopping can be dangerous, especially when there's a
Mage still at large in the room. If you are standing at the entrance you used
to come into this room, with your back to the door, turn left 90 degrees. While
facing this way, to your left you should see a platfrom that simply rises and
falls. When it is low enough for you to jump onto it (and you do have to JUMP
onto it), do so. When the platform rises high enough for you to jump off onto
the next level, do so.
SAVE YOUR GAME! I always find having to re-do platform hopping a pain in the
butt. First of all, find the other Mage that is wandering around up here, and
deal with him. Then, turn around until you can see what looks like a balcony,
high up on another level. (If you can't find it, that probably means you are
standing right underneath it!) While you could find the right platform to take
you up there, a much simpler way is to simply use a Rope Arrow. Move along this
small walkway (in either direction, it doesn't matter) until you are close to
the balcony. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling, climb up, and jump off.
Whichever side you have chosen, once you're on the balcony, do a little
exploring (if necessary) to find the staircase leading up. (Don't worry, it's
rather obvious.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! The room you are about to enter is part of a Mage's patrol.
Climb up the staircase, and turn left. If the Mage is not here, then move into
the small hallway you can see ahead, and stay in the dark areas. When the Mage
comes by, he'll either turn down this passage, or walk by it. In either case,
take him down. He's the only one on this level, so once he's dealt with, you
can roam freely.
Leave this hallway. You can turn either left or right. You want to turn left,
but if you want another Moss Arrow, then turn right, and follow the hall to the
end. You'll find one on the ground near a glowing mushroom. Then make your way
back and take the left passage. Follow this passage until you are standing at
the foot of a ramp.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another level, another patrol. Once again, there is only one
Mage on this level. At the top of the ramp, you will be able to look down a
small hall. You may not be able to discern this just yet, but the end of the
hall is a T-junction. If you wait here long enough, the Mage on this level will
walk by. Then you can move in and knock him out.
From the top of the ramp, move forward, into the next hall, and turn right. If
you want another Moss Arrow, there is one on the floor in the dark area just
ahead. Grab it or not, but from this point, move forward a touch, and turn
See that stairway? You want to go up it. However, if you want yet another Moss
Arrow, move past it into a room with some crates. There will be a Moss Arrow on
the floor, beside a glowing mushroom. Whether you go for the extra arrow or
not, move over to the staircase.
SAVE YOUR GAME! More Mages to deal with, two this time. Deal with them as you
come across them. Move up the stairs, then at the top, turn right around.
You'll see some light coming in through an opening ahead and to the right.
There is also another opening to your left. If you take the one ahead, it gives
you a better chance to deal with the two Mages. The one on the left is a faster
route, and gives you a better chance to avoid at least one of the Mages.
No matter which passage you take, follow it until you come to another one
branching off. Turn down this new passage. Follow it until you reach a room,
which has a table in it. On this table is another Moss Arrow. This room also
has another exit. Go through it, and follow the passage until you reach yet
another room, with another table, upon which is another Moss Arrow. This room
also has a ramp up to the next level.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The two Mages on the next level have patrols which put them
close together, leaving almost no time for body-hiding. Move up the ramp, and
immediately ahead on the next level you should see a small area where you can
hide in. Move into it, and turn right around. From here, you can lean out and
watch the two Mages when they come by, and move out to take care of them when
the opportunity presents itself. (Note that one of them carries a Healing
Potion you can pickpocket.)
Once they are taken care of, stand at the top of the ramp again, facing so it
is to your left. (Face so that you have the stone block to your left, not in
front of you.) Move forward until you are up against another stone block. Turn
right, move forward until this stone block is behind you, then turn left. You
should now be facing a stairway. Move forward, and climb the stairs all the way
to the top. Once there, turn left. Move towards the table. There is a Rope
Arrow on the table. Take it or leave it, then turn left again. Move to the end
of the room, and turn right. Move forward into the next room.
Lots of jumping and rope climbing ahead now. There are no more Mages to worry
about now, just some physical exertion. Note that, if you do not collect your
Rope Arrows after using them here, this section will take a total of four Rope
Arrows. This part of the walkthrough does not mention retrieving arrows, so if
you want to do so at your convenience. Whether you want to collect them all
again, or just leave them behind to get your best time a little better, be sure
that when you leave this area you still have at least'll need it
Look up to the ceiling, and shoot a Rope Arrow into it. Climb up your rope, and
fix your facing so you are looking at a hole in the wall.
This next section is only for those who want to find a few extras...those who
want to just go right on with the mission, skip the next paragraph.
There is a ledge to your left, and one to your right. There is a Moss Arrow on
the right ledge. On the other side of this ledge is another sunken room, within
which you will find another Rope Arrow. Across that room is another ledge
(you'll need to use another Rope Arrow to get to it), upon which is another
Moss Arrow. Ignore the opening in the sunken leads to a window where
you can see into another room, but you obtain nothing. When you've done all you
wish to do, go back to hanging on the rope from the first Rope Arrow you shot
in this area.
Facing the hole, jump into it. Once you land, take a look. Immediately in front
of you is a hole in the ground (within which you'll find a Rope Arrow, should
you wish to explore it). To the left of this hole is the path you wish to take.
From here, it is possible to simply jump over the hole and land there. Do so.
(Note: On the floor near where you land is another Moss Arrow.)
Once past the hole, turn so that it is to your right, and move ahead, then turn
right. Drop into the hole in front of you. Turn right, and move forward. (Note:
Once again, you'll find a Rope Arrow on the floor in this area.) Look up and
shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling above. Climb up, turn right, and jump off
the rope. Move forward, and turn right so you are facing another hole in the
ground. Drop through it.
In this room, you will find both a Rope Arrow and a Moss Arrow on the floor.
The chest holds the key to the Air Tower. Once you have what you came for, it's
back through the maze of ropes you've made, and out of the tower.
Stand under the hole you came down through, and shoot a Rope Arrow up through
it. Climb the rope, and jump off (be sure you're facing towards the opening,
and not a wall!). Turn left, and drop down into the hole. Turn left again, and
move forward. Shoot another Rope Arrow up at the ceiling, climb up the rope,
turn right, and jump off. Turn left, move forward, and turn left again. Once
again, you should be able to jump over this hole with no trouble. Do so, then
turn so the hole in the ground is to your back, and fall down into the room
Move forward through this room, and drop through the hole in floor in front of
you in the next room. (This is actually the staircase you took to come up
here.) Turn right around, and move forward and slightly right, moving between
those two blocks ahead. When you've passed them, keep moving forward, and
slightly left this time, so the block ahead passes on your right. When you've
passed it, turn right, and move down the ramp in front of you.
In this room, turn right, and move through the exit you see. Follow the
tunnels, and when you enter another room, the other exit is in the opposite
corner to the one you entered through. Go through the exit, and follow the
tunnel again. When you have a choice of which direction to go, turn left.
Follow the tunnel until you come to a room with a hole in the ground. This hole
is the top a staircase. Take the stairs down.
At the bottom of these stairs, turn right, move forward, turn left, and move
forward just a bit. Then turn left again, and move ahead, and go down the ramp
you will come to. At the bottom, move through the opening on your right and
follow the tunnel until you can turn right (there will be an alcove along the
tunnel on your right...that is NOT the turn I am referring to!). Turn right,
and move forward. In the next room, keep moving forward, and drop down onto the
stairs ahead.
Turn right, and take the stairs the rest of the way down. At the bottom of the
stairs, keep moving forward, falling down to the walkway below. (If there is a
floating island in your way, you can wait for it to pass before doing so.) Once
down on the walkway, you can either fall down into the large room below (and
taking a little damage doing so), or run around the walkway to the other end,
falling off onto the stone outcropping, then falling off that into the large
room below (and taking no damage). Whichever method you choose, once you are in
the large room, look around until you find the only exit from it. Go through
the exit, and follow the stairs all the way to the bottom. At the bottom, move
across the room to the door you can see ahead, at the top of a small flight of
steps. Stop before you go through the door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to leave the Earth Tower, and if there are any
patrols outside you didn't take care of, you may run into them now. If you
do...well, I'm sure you know what to do. :)
Go out the door, and down the stairs. Move forward, past the first hedge ahead,
and then turn right. Move forward a bit and turn left. Move forward nearly all
the way, turning right at the first opportunity. Move forward...there should
now be a "wall" on your left. These are the stairs leading back into the Keep.
Keep moving forward until you can turn left, and then do so, turning right
around. Climb up the stairs, open the door on your right, and move back into
the Keep.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Remember several times earlier I mentioned patrolling guards
moving through areas? Well, there's one archer. This guard moves
between the Air and Fire Tower areas, as well as the two "side" areas of the
Keep (the two areas marked "Stairs" on your main map). You're about to go into
his patrol area. (Note that he is carrying a key that you can pickpocket.)
Climb up the stairs, open the door on your right, and move back into the Keep.
Turn to your should be able to see another door, in the wall
opposite the one with the door you just used. Go through this new door. Turn
left, and move down the stairs. At the bottom, turn right, move forward a
touch, then turn right again and move forward, so that the stairs you just came
down are passing by on your right side. When you reach the wall, turn left
again, and move forward. You will eventually come to a door in the wall to your
right. Go thorugh it. Push forward through this new area (actually the area you
started the mission in!) all the way until you find another door directly
opposite the one you just used.
* G. The Air Tower *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another patrol area...not only the Archer mentioned above, but
two Mages (each one with a key to steal!). Open the door, and move through it.
Turn right, move forward, and take the first left ahead. Move forward as far as
you may need to turn slightly here and there to avoid hitting the
edges of things. When you are against the brownish rock wall, turn right, and
move forward until you can turn left. Do so, and turn left again. You should
now be facing the stairs leading to the Air Tower. Move up the stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is an Air Mage patrolling the room beyond. When you have
an opportune moment, rush in and knock him out.
Unlock the door (again, use the key on the device on the wall, not the door
itself). Move into the next room (after taking care of the Mage). With your
back to the door you entered, you should be looking across the room at a
stairway going up. Move forward, but about halfway across the room, turn left.
See that smoking thing on the table? Go grab it. It's your very first Gas
Arrow. DO NOT USE IT YET! You will need this for a certain area in the Fire
Tower, which I will point out at the appropriate time.
Now, go up the stairs you noted earlier. At the top is another door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You don't want to get caught when you open this door!
Open the door. The floor in the room beyond (and in most of the Tower!) is very
loud to walk on. There are also two Mages patrolling in here, one of which
sometimes patrols on the walkway above.
I have found that the best way to deal with these Mages (on your level)is to
enter the room, turn left, move forward until you can turn left again. Do so,
and move forward into a small crack where you can hide. Then shoot some Moss
Arrows on the ground down the path you just took, then crouch and wait. The
Mages' patrols will both eventually bring them here. When they walk by, knock
them out one by one. Note that sometimes, they walk very close to one another,
and it is more difficult to get them both without leaving the moss-covered
Once the Mages are dealt with, return to the door you entered here by. Turn so
it is to your right, then move forward. When you can turn right, do so, and
climb up the stairs ahead. At the top, turn left, and follow the walkway until
you are near an elevator-platform.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is another guard patrolling up on the next level. Hop
onto the elevator, and when you reach the next level, hop off.
When it takes you to the top, step off onto solid ground again. There's a lot
more platform hopping to do, I'm afraid. When the next platform comes by, get
on it. If it's taking you down, then you'll have a small wait ahead of you. If
it's taking you up however, look around until you find another area where you
can step off, and do so. Move into the next "room", and wait for the elevator
here. Get on it, and when it takes you down to the ground, get off. Look around
for the exit, and move through it into the next area.
When the platform in this room comes to the ground, hop on. In this area, it
will take you to two different spots where you can get off. Ignore the first
one, and get off at the second. Move forward into the next room, where you'll
find yet another elevator. When it's near enough to get on, do so, and ride it
to the bottom. Once there, get off, and move into the nook in this room, but
just step in close enough to avoid getting squashed should the lift you took
down here come back before you can leave.
Another elevator platform will come down here. When it does, get on it, and
ride it to the top. At the top, you will find yourself pushed off the elevator
by the sloped ceiling. Turn so you are facing the exit, and move through it.
Turn either left or right (it doesn't matter which), move forward, and when you
are able to turn, do so, and move forward.
Hmm....impressive scene, don't you think? How ARE you going to get to that
chest floating up there? Turn around until you find the ramp leading up. Take
it to the top, and turn either left or right. You are on a circular walkway
which runs the entire circumference of the chamber. See those two
telescope-like devices opposite each other? They are they key (pardon the pun)
to getting to the chest. Move around the walkway to one of them, and activate
it. It will lower it's top end to let you know you've done so. Now move around
to the other device, and activate it. Once both telescopes have been activated,
the chest will slowly sink down to the pedestal beneath it. Fall off of the
walkway and move over to the pedestal so that you are there when the chest
Unfortunately, this chest is locked, and you'll need to pick the lock. Start
with your triangular lockpick, and when that one finishes, switch to the other
one. Unfortunately, you will be unable to finish picking the lock before the
chest rudely rises again, out of your reach. Turn and climb the ramp, and move
about the walkway, repeating the process with the telescopes. Fall off again,
move over to the chest, and finish the job you started. When the second
lockpick is finished, you will be able to open the chest and get the Fire Key.
(You should be able to finish picking the lock before it rises up again, but if
not, just repeat the process again until you do manage it.)
With the Fire Key in your possession, it's time to leave. Turn until you are
facing the ramp. Move forward, and pass by the ramp, moving behind it. Turn,
and find the alcove you arrived in. Wait for the elevator to come up, and start
going down again, before you move forward. Once it has started down again, move
forward onto the platform, and wait for it to take you down. Once you arrive,
step off the elevator, and move into the next room. Wait for the elevator here,
jump on, and ride it up. Step off when you reach the level above.
Move forward into the next room, and wait for the elevator. When it comes by,
move onto it, and take it all the way down (again, ignore the alternate
landing). At the bottom, move into the next area, wait for the elevator to come
down, and jump onto it when it arrives. Take it to the top, and step off onto
the landing above. Move into the next room (are you sensing a pattern here?),
wait for the elevator, step onto it, and take it down. DO NOT TAKE IT ALL THE
WAY DOWN! Look for another landing not far down from the one you came in the
room on, and get off there. Move into the next room, wait for the elevator,
take it down to the bottom, and get off.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you didn't take care of the patrolling Mage here, you may
run into him. Turn around and look for the exit from this room, and take it.
Turn either left or right (left is recommended if the Mage is still patrolling)
and move ahead until you find the exit. Take the exit, and turn either left or
right (again, left is recommended if the Mage is still patrolling...or if he is
not, and you missed the Speed Potion earlier, you may want to turn right). When
you reach the hole in the floor with the rising and falling platform, hop onto
the platform and ride it down.
When you reach the next level, jump off the platform. Now, either fall off this
level down to the next, or work your way around to the staircase and take it
down. Either way, once you're on the lower level, turn and find the exit. Move
through it, take the stairs all the way down, then move across the room to the
door you see at the far side.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to leave the Air Tower, and if there are still
patrollers out on the grounds, you could meet them when you exit.
Move forward through the door, and go down the stairs. Turn right and move
forward a touch, then turn right about 45 degrees. Move forward, with the
brownish wall on your right, until there is a break in the hedge on the left.
Turn, and move forward through the break, and keep going until you reach the
brick wall far ahead. Turn right, and move ahead to the door in this wall.
* H. The Fire Tower *
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you didn't take care of the patrolling Archer yet, you may
find him beyond this door! Turn left and move through the door, and keep moving
forward until you come to another door. Move through it and turn left. Ahead to
the right, you should see a space between the hedge and another brownish wall.
Move forward, then turn right and move ahead through that space. Keep the
brownish wall on your left and you will soon come to a point where you can see
a glowing crystal on a wall ahead. Move towards that crystal. When you have it
on your right, turn right, and you'll see an opening with stairs leading up
into the Fire Tower. Climb these stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to enter the Fire Tower, and there is a patrolling
Mage in the room immediately beyond this door. Use your Fire Key to unlock the
door (once again, on the strange locking mechanism beside the door, not the
door itself). When the opportunity presents itself, move in and knock out the
Fire Mage on patrol in here.
With your back to the door you entered by, you should see another glowing
crystal in the wall ahead. To the left of this crystal (your left, not the
crystal's) is a stairway up. Follow these stairs all the way up.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only is there a patrolling Mage in the next room, but at
this point a few words of caution need to be said. The Fire Tower is DANGEROUS!
It is not only the Mages that you need to contend with. There are pools of
lava, as well as heat traps which alternate between hot and...well, and
not-so-hot (these will be referred to merely as "glowtraps" hereafter). The
glowtraps are timed, they are not activated by touching them, so you can walk
across them safely when they are "cold", and shooting them with a Water Arrow
disables them for a short while (about two or three cycles). All of these
things can prove hazardous to your health. You will probably need to imbibe a
few Healing Potions while in here. Finally, a lot of the flooring in this place
is metal grating, which will quickly call attention to yourself. You will
probably need many Moss Arrows in here as well.
Open the door, and move into the next room. There is a Fire Mage patrolling the
area. He does not, however, come to the "landing" where you are. He instead
patrols the upper level, and also patrols down here IN THE LAVA ITSELF! I've
found the best way to deal with him is to wait in one of the two corners which
extend into the lava, and when he walks by, club him. The areas are
sufficiently dark to hide you from his probing eyes. (Do not worry about
killing any of these Mages with the lava...conscious or not, the lava does not
hurt them, and they apparently cannot drown in it either.) Note that you can
also climb onto the railing here, but to do so you must NOT be pushed up right
against it. Move up against the railing, tap backwards a small step, then
mantle up.
Once the Mage is taken care of, you need to proceed upstairs. Do not even THINK
about trying to jump across the lava to the stairs descending into
it...although you will come very close, you will hit the lava and die
From the door where you entered this room, turn so the door is to your back,
then face left. Move forward, turn left again, and climb the stairs up. Watch
you don't fall off them at the top...the very top is just another stair, and
the drop leaves you in the lava. Turn left and you'll see another small
staircase leading up. Move forward so that it is on your right. Then turn LEFT,
and move to the edge of the landing. Look across, and you will see a sort of
walkway that you can get to from here. It's at about eye-level, so you'll need
to jump-grab-mantle up. Also note that there are two glowtraps on the floor you
need to hop onto. There is a space between the two of them which you should aim
for. To do so properly, you will need to be positioned approximately in the
right corner of this landing (with your back to the second set of stairs). You
may also want to Moss Arrow the floor ahead, as you could draw attention to
yourself when you pull yourself up onto the walkway.
Position yourself as described, and jump-mantle your way up/across. When you
are settled, you'll want to jump across the gap ahead and mantle up to the next
area. There's no glowtrap where you'll be landing, but again, you may want to
Moss Arrow the floor before leaping.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Mage who's patrol takes him close to your position
here. Once you are across the second gap, move forward across the glowtrap
ahead of you and turn left when you get the chance. Move forward slightly, turn
left again, and climb the stairs ahead into the next room.
The Mage just mentioned has a patrol which brings him to the top of these
stairs. I suggest waiting for him, and knocking him out when he arrives.
The exit from this room was rather difficult for me to find. If you stand so
that you are facing a torch in the opposite wall, and you can see the stairs
you took up here on your left, there will be four glowtraps which you can see.
If you think of them as #1, #2, #3, #4, with #1 being the furthest from you,
then proceed towards #2. When you have it on your right side, turn towards it,
and step across it and turn should then see the exit.
So, find the appropriate glowtrap, walk over it, then turn right. Move forward,
following the corridor straight ahead and being wary of the glowtraps on the
floor. Eventually you will come to a large room with metal arches and more
If you want to find everything, then directly across from the entrance you came
through is an exit, which leads to a small alcove. Inside is a chest which
contains a single Fire Arrow. You don't need this, but if you want it, there it
From the entrance you used, you should see the glowtraps ahead to the right.
You need to work your way through these to the other end of the room. There,
turn right and you'll see another exit, guarding by a glowtrap. When it is safe
to do so, move through the exit and turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You will be entering another patrol area in a moment! Take
these stairs up to the next level. In the large room at the top, find a spot in
the darkness to hide and wait. When the patrolling Mage comes in, make sure he
doesn't leave again.
There is another exit from this room directly opposite the way you came in.
Take that exit, then turn right and follow the hall. At one point you will find
an alcove which appears to hold a Fire Arrow on the floor. Pick it up if you is actually two Fire Arrows. A second alcove (near a point where
grating turns into stone floor) holds a box which is difficult to see. Inside
you will find another Healing Potion. Stop when you reach another set of stairs
going up.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another patrol area, and a difficult one to set up a proper
ambush in! Climb these stairs, and when you get near the top, crouch. There's a
sort of railing to your right, and when you're ducked you can't be seen. When
you're sure the patrolling Mages won't see you, stand up, and look around.
(Also, take note of the door'll be coming back to it later.)
The Mages are difficult to sneak up on due to all the metal grating in the
area. This is the point where I suggest you use your Gas Arrow. Take out one of
the Mages when he's down on the same level as you.
Now, from a point near the door exiting this room, turn so your back is to the
door. Move forward, keeping near the right "railing" near the stairs you took
up here. When you reach the end of the railing, you'll find a darkened alcove.
Perfect for hiding that body, and yourself. The other Mage's patrol comes by
here as well, so pepper the floor area nearby with Moss Arrows. Now hide and
wait. When he comes through, sneak up behind him and put him to sleep.
There should be a staircase leading up nearby. Take it up, and at the top, turn
right. Follow this catwalk all the way around the room, until you come to
another set of stairs going up. Take them, and then turn right around to find
another set going up. Take them up as well. Turn right, and you'll see that
there are a series of catwalks that all meet in the centre of the room. Move to
the centre part, and turn left. At the end of this catwalk is a door. Go
through it. Directly opposite you will be a set of stairs. Take these stairs
all the way to the top, then turn left.
This room is the final room, which contains the key you are searching for.
However, it's rather well protected. You have to cross that lava pool using the
walkway provided. However, two ends are missing, so you will need to jump onto
and off of it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! A slip here and it's goodbye Garrett. Move over to the walkway,
and hop onto it. Then walk across, jumping over the small gap in it.
The chest before you holds the key. It will take you a while to pick the lock,
and those glowtraps surrounding the pedestal are timed so that you cannot
safely pick the lock while standing in one place for two long. I suggest you
use a Water Arrow to deactivate one, then stand on it while you pick the lock.
Alternatively, you could just sidestep between glowtraps as they brighten and
Whichever method you choose, pick the lock on the chest (start with the square
lockpick), and open it to get the Treasure Key.
As Garrett says, "Time for the Talisman." So, turn around, and take the bridge
back to the other side. Turn left, move forward, and turn right around when you
get a chance to turn right. Take the stairs all the way down, and go through
the door ahead back into the room with the catwalks.
You can get back down one of two ways. Either follow the catwalks and stairs
until you are back on the ground again, or simply drop off the catwalks one
level at a time until you have to follow the catwalks and stairs down. Either
way, when you are finally down, turn so you are facing that door we noted
earlier. Move over to it.
* I. The Central Tower *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two guards on patrol beyond this door. There is a
lever on your left which operates this door. Do so. It will open facing a long
corridor. This is the best place to bushwhack the guards, if you can arrange
it. Take out the torches giving light, and wait for them to come through.
Once the guards are taken care of, move to the end of the corridor to the door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It starts getting dangerous again. Move through the door ahead,
and follow the hallway ahead to where it opens into a circular corridor. Turn
right. Note that you may want to douse the torches you come across, as there
are several more guards who come into this area on occassion.
Follow the hall until you come to a door on the lefthand side.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a single Mage patrolling beyond this door, and there
is a chance of opening the door on him. Open this door using one of your gold
keys. Before going through it however, you will want to spread some Moss Arrows
on the ground ahead, and take out the torch lighting the area. (To take out the
torch, move towards the door, then turn left, and lean right so you are leaning
into the room, and shoot your Water Arrow at it.)
With the area properly secured, step through, and wait for the Mage. When he
comes by, knock him out. Once he's sleeping peacefully, turn to find the stairs
leading up. Take them, and follow them all the way to the top. There, you'll
find a door. This door is locked, and you need the Treasure Key to open it.
[NOTE: This door has caused problems for more than one person. When you face
the door, back up from it so that you can also see the door frame on either
side. Then look to your right. One of those weird doohickey's that protect the
other towers should highlight. You need to use the key on THIS device, not the
door itself.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two Mages are in the next room. To unlock this door,
you need to use the Treasure Key on a device which is situated on a wall beside
the doorway. Back up from the door, and you should see it to the right. Use the
Treasure Key on it, and the door will open.
Step inside, and immediately turn left. While the Mages are talking, you should
be able to hide before they start their patrols. Move forward, then turn left.
Move forward a bit, and you'll see an alcove on your left which you can safely
hide in. Move into it, and wait. When the Mages come by, take them out one by
one. (It may be helpful to shoot a Moss Arrow at the ground inside the alcove,
so you can step out without worrying about making noise.)
Okay, with the Mages taken care of, let's get the Talisman of Earth. If you
have been examining the scrolls and parchments you found throughout this
mission, you will have come across this rhyme:
Around the outer edge of this circular room you will find eight Earth Talismans
("Eight old men up in a tower"). Only one of them is real ("Eight old men, only
one with power"). Trying to grab one of the fakes will result in a punch to the
face from the fake (taking away three of your health points)!
Return the door you entered this room from, and turn so your back is to it. Now
pull out your Sword. See that it is in your right hand? Turn left ("Turn away
from the hand with the sword"), and move around the room, counting off the
Talisman's you pass until you come to the seventh one ("Count seven and find
your reward").
Well, it's been a long time since you've gotten any treasure, so let's get
some. Return to the door you entered this room by. If you face the door and
back up, you will see a treasure on either side of it...on the left, a tall
gold vase (20, Treasure Count: 991), and on the right, a shorter one (20,
Treasure Count: 1011).
Now make your way around the room to the opposite side, and you'll find a
mantle which holds two slim gold vases (20, 20, Treasure Count: 1031, 1051),
and two golden idols (75, 75, Treasure Count: 1126, 1201).
That's all that's up here, I'm afraid. Work your way back to the door you came
in through, and go through it again. Take these stairs all the way down (past
the area you bushwhacked the Mage in). When you reach the bottom, pick the lock
on the door you find and go through it. Then turn left, and take the stairs
down one level. At the bottom, turn left.
* J. The Keep, Part Three *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This door you are facing opens onto a hallway where there are
three patrolling guards!
Open the door, and lean through it to see where the guards are. If the coast is
clear, then move in and take out the torches in the hall. Then, when the guards
come by, knock them out. Note that one of the has a purse you can pickpocket
(150, Treasure Count: 1351).
Once they are all slumbering, it's time to collect some more treasure. Return
to the door you came into this hall through. With it to your back, turn right,
and you'll see another door. You'll have to pick the lock on this one. Do so.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a slumbering guard in here, happily snoring away. If
you get too close to the bed, you'll wake him. Move into the room. Directly
across from the door is a table, upon which sits a gold nugget (100, Treasure
Count: 1451), a ledger, and the Medallion of St. Burringden (150, Treasure
Count: 1601). Now turn right, and open the chest on the floor to get a diamond
(200, Treasure Count: 1801). If you want to find other items for completeness,
there are two Water Arrows in a small shelving unit on the other side of the
desk. However, getting them may be difficult, as you may wake up the captain.
Leave the room the way you came in. Immediately outside the room, look up. See
that wooden rafter? Shoot a Rope Arrow into it, near the right side. Then climb
up the rope, and you will find yourself another gold nugget (100, Treasure
Count: 1901). Now climb down.
With your back to the door of the captain's quarters, turn right. Just
underneath this rafter is a door in the wall. This door can be opened with an
iron key. Inside is another sleeping guard, and two chests. The one beside the
bed has 6 Broadhead Arrows in it. The one at the foot of the bed has a stack of
gold coins (50, Treasure Count: 1951). You may want to use a Moss Arrow on the
floor in here before trying to go for the chests.
Leave the room the way you came in, and turn right. Partway down this hall you
will find another door on your right, which also requires an iron key to open.
Inside is another sleeper, again with two chests. With your back to the door,
the one on the left is empty, and the one on the right holds a purse (100,
Treasure Count: 2051). Again, a Moss Arrow may prove useful.
Turn around, and leave the way you came in. Directly across from this door is
another one. Move over to it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The person in this room is NOT asleep. You just may open the
door while she's looking at you.
There are two ways to deal with this woman. You can either rush right in and
club her...even if she sees you, it won't matter, since she's a servant-type
who will fall anyways. The other method is to use a Moss Arrow on the floor and
sneak over to her, then club her. (It may also be useful to knock out the torch
inside the room, if you can manage it.)
Open the door, and use whichever method you like. If you use the sneak method,
be sure to pick her pocket before clubbing her...she is carrying a purse (75,
Treasure Count: 2126). There's also a small shelving unit in here which holds a
golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 2151), and a chest which contains another
stack of gold coins (25, Treasure Count: 2176).
Turn around and leave the room the way you came in. In the hall, turn left.
Down the hall in the lighted section, you should see a set of double doors. On
either of the other walls you will also see a door. Move forward, and go
through the door on the left. Inside, on a table, you'll find yet another purse
(100, Treasure Count: 2276). Now turn around and leave the room the way you
came in.
In the hall, turn right and head back down the hall until you reach the end.
(Ignore those other two doors mentioned above...the rooms are empty.) At the
end of the hall, turn right, and go through the door in front of you. You'll be
on a landing between staircases, one going up, the other going down. Take the
stairs going down, and follow them all the way to the bottom. Once there,
continue forward to the end of the room, and turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to enter a patrol area. There are two guards that
move around these tunnels. Deal with them when you get the chance to. (Note
that each has a blue key to pickpocket.)
* K. The Tunnels Beneath the Keep *
Go through the door in front of you. Continue forward, and follow the corridor
a short ways. Soon, you will be able to see a section of the wall on your right
which is discoloured from the rest. When you reach it, turn to face it, and
"use" is a secret door. Move into the next room, and turn left.
At the far end of the room you should see two chests on the floor. The left one
contains a small diamond (100, Treasure Count: 2376), and the one on the right
holds a Water Arrow. The shelf on your right has two stacks of silver coins
(12, 12, Treasure Count: 2388, 2400) on it. Finally, the top shelf of this room
holds a silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 2450).
The silver nugget is not visible from the floor. There is an alcove off to the
side with a ladder going up to a small area above. From there, you can look
down on the shelf and see the nugget. You could even walk off of the landing
and land on the shelf itself to get the nugget. Also from up here, if you look
up you will find a secret door in the ceiling. It leads to the maze-area of the
outdoors near the Water Tower.
Leave this room the way you came in. Back in the tunnel, turn right and
continue to follow it until you can turn left, then do so. Move down this hall
until you come to two doors, directly opposite each other. Each one needs an
iron key to open. (Note: You should probably take out the torch in this
hallway, as this is the most likely spot to ambush the two patrolling guards.)
Go through the door on your left. Inside you'll find a Water Arrow on the table
near the door. On the shelves opposite the door you'll find another silver
nugget (50, Treasure Count: 2500), a stack of silver coins (12, Treasure Count:
2512), another purse (100, Treasure Count: 2612), and 10 Broadhead Arrows.
Leave the way you came in, and go through the door opposite this one. Inside
this room you will find a gold nugget on the table (100, Treasure Count: 2712)
and a purse on the shelves (100, Treasure Count: 2812).
* L. Escaping *
That's the lot. Time to leave. Turn around and leave the way you came in. In
the hall, turn right, and follow the tunnel to the next intersection, where you
should turn right again. Continue down the tunnel until you can turn left, then
do so. Move forward, go down the stairs, turn right, and move forward to the
end of the hall.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you haven't found the two guards down here yet, it is very
likely they are behind this door. (One time I had them coming out the same time
I was trying to go in!)
Turn right and open the door ahead of you (it requires one of the blue keys you
found on the patrollers...if you don't have one, pick the lock). Move into the
next room, turn left, and move to the end of the room. Turn right, and move
forward into the next room. Turn right again. The far wall should have a
darkened area. Move over to it and "use" it...another secret door! Move through
the door, and down the stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! One last guard to deal with. He patrols around the next area.
Keep out of his way, don't let him hear you, and you'll be fine.
There are two ways to handle this situation. The first is most likely the way
it was intended: Move into the next room, and turn left. Move past the pillar,
then turn right. Take the stairs in front of you all the way down. Turn right,
move forward a little, and turn right again. Move over to the water, and dive
The second method is the faster way...simply find a point where you can jump
into the water from up here, and do so.
Whichever method you use, once you're in the water turn in the only direction
you can follow it, and do so. You will soon find some iron bars blocking your
path. Move towards them. Congratulations! You've bested the Mages and stolen
the Talisman of Earth!
15.1: Introduction
"The knowledge of those who came before could neither be disseminated or
destroyed. Its power would be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands, but would
also insure against future cataclysm. At that time we chose to maintain it with
writings preserved in extant locations."
-- Keeper Annals
The Keepers have hidden the Talisman of Fire in a place they call "The Lost
City". Some kind of cataclysm buried the place underground ages ago. The
Keepers have sealed the access to the city: a cleft in the river bottom near
the east side. If the materials in the library are right, the strange stone I
found can be used to open that seal.
I've also got a's so old the edges crumble in my hands. It shows the
city...or at least how it was back then. I hope the old place hasn't changed
Starting Funds: Whatever you steal from the Mages of the Hand Brotherhood.
(Maximum: 2812.)
Starting Gear:
20 Broadhead Arrows
5 Water Arrows
1 Rope Arrow
1 Set of Lock Picks
1 Key
NOTE: Guess what? Once again, your Sword and Blackjack are not shown with your
starting gear, yet magically appear in your possession when the mission starts!
The key you start with is the stone object you took from the library in "The
Haunted Cathedral".
The Papyrus is described thusly: "An acquaintance will sell you a commission he
has to pick up some antiquities which you may be able to find around the Lost
City." Purchasing this item increases the total value of the treasure you can
find during this mission by 360. Those of you who rely heavily on your
purchases for each mission may want to buy this item so that you have that much
extra during the next mission. The walkthrough for this mission is done
reflecting the fact that you purchase this commission.
For those who choose NOT to purchase this, however, the Papyrus is reprinted
here for your edification:
"Sangar --
Let me know if you ever come across any good antiquities in your, ah,
explorations. I'd be particularly interested in any ritual headresses and
masks. The gold and enamel work from Cyric is increasingly rare, and I needn't
point out that if you ever found something dating back to the Precursors, I'd
make you a rich man.
-- Bram Gervaisius"
Strangely enough, purchasing this commission does NOT change the amount of loot
you need to advance to the next mission, only the total amount that you can
find during this one. Also, it does not seem to affect how many treasure items
you find, but only the value of these items. There are three masks you can
find, that are apparently worthless if you do not purchase the commission. Each
one is worth 120.
As far as purchasing Breath Potions is concerned, there is only one place where
you may need one, and it is near the beginning. You have a long underwater
tunnel to traverse. While I have been unable to move from one end to the other
unharmed, I have done so taking only 3 points of damage. If you don't mind
running around the mission lacking a few health points, then the Breath Potion
is probably a waste of money for you. If you like having all your health points
however, note that they are half the cost of a Healing Potion.
With all the Fire Elementals around, not to mention several places where you
will want darkness, a plethora of Water Arrows would certainly be prudent.
However, you will be able to pick up several during the mission, so I suggest
you only buy about fifteen. Also, at least one Gas Arrow, preferably two or
three. You may prefer Flash Bombs over Gas Arrows, as they're cheaper, but I
like the Gas Arrow's long-distance option. :) Also, there is only one Healing
Potion to be found on this mission. If you want any, buy them now. Finally,
there are one or two areas where Rope Arrows are essential...and a point early
on where you can lose one. If you're not confident with your "jump and grab"
ability, you may want to buy one or two extras.
NOTE: This walkthrough is assuming, for the most part, that you have made some
of the recommended purchases!
At various points in this mission, you'll find dark rooms that when you enter,
light up. There is a blue sensor device on the ceiling that detects your
presence. While this can be annoying, as it keeps you from hiding, it can also
be used by you to tell when others are moving in and out of rooms. Sometimes
you move between rooms that each have these sensors, but you can fool them by
standing in the doorway between the rooms. Then both sensors go dark, and
you're hidden. :)
The Keeper Medallions which you are supposed to retrieve are not, in fact, both
in the same location. You'll have to find both in order to get the credit for
the Mission Objective.
you are trying to extinguish Fire Elementals with them, and you miss one, I
highly suggest reloading your game. While you will probably NOT need all you
find and purchase, it is best not to tempt fate. The last thing you want is to
have to get past a Fire Elemental after you've run out of Water Arrows!
Likewise Rope Arrows. There is a point where you will want to have three Rope
Arrows to proceed. (Although one IS sufficient, the more you have the better.)
Just shortly before that point you will have the opportunity to pick up one,
and there is an area in the beginning where you can pick up another. However,
if you lose any of these, unless you have purchased extras, your progress will
be more difficult.
While playing this mission, I got a big surprise when the Mages became
involved...I was not expecting them. Quite a few of them are rather difficult
to blackjack. I was wracking my brains trying to figure this problem out when I
suddenly realized, "Hey! I'm allowed to kill!" Out came the Broadheads and
whatever other lethal items were in my arsenal, and a bloodbath ensued! It felt
good to kill something for a change. Hmmm...what does that say about me? :)
15.7: Walkthrough
A. The Starting City
B. Finding the Lost City
C. The Old Library
D. The Lost City, Burrick Areas
E. The Lost City, Elemental Areas
F. The Underground Tomb
G. Tunnels and Caverns, Part One
H. The Arena, Part One
I. Tunnels and Caverns, Part Two
J. Obtaining the Talisman
K. Leaving the Tower of Fire
L. The Arena, Part Two
M. Escaping the Lost City
* A. The Starting City *
You start off in your city, in a rather enclosed area...there are not many
options of where to go. Move forward, and follow the turn ahead. You'll come to
an area with a couple of options, but just keep moving forward. When you hit
the entrance to the water, stop, and turn left. Move forward, up that small
flight of stairs, and towards that wall ahead.
Turn so you are facing left, and look up. See the top part of the wall, with
the criss-cross pattern? You're Rope Arrow will stick in that. Aim high, and
somewhat close to the right. You'll need to jump off the rope and land on the
roof nearby which slopes away from you.
NOTE: There are two jumps from Rope Arrows in this small section. Try very hard
to retrieve your Arrows as you will want them later! (See the Notes
Regarding This Mission, above.)
When your arrow is secured, hop onto the rope, climb up, then turn right. You
want to jump off the rope now, and if possible, grab the arrow when you do so.
If you don't land properly, you may take some damage or, even worse, fall off
the wrong side and have to do it all over again.
Once you've landed on the proper side, take a look around. In one corner of
this small enclosed area is an old cart. Move over behind it, and on the ground
you'll find two Broadhead Arrows and another Rope Arrow. Take what you like.
Then move over to the stack of crates, and look behind them. Someone must use
this place for their own private drinking parties. Take the golden goblet (25,
Treasure Count: 25) and the gold plate (50, Treasure Count: 75).
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is rather tricky, and you can lose your Rope
Arrows here. Turn so the stack of crates is to your back, and look up. Again,
that criss-cross pattern will hold your Rope Arrow, but for some reason only
certain sections of it. The others will just break your arrow.
Look closely at the criss-cross pattern near the top. See a part over to your
right where the pattern looks a little off? That's the dividing line. Anything
that high to the right of that line will hold your arrow. Anything to the left
that high will break it.
Aim your arrow high again. When it's secure, climb the rope, turn right, and
jump off. Try to land on the roof below, sloping away from you, to minimize the
damage you take when you fall (I've been unable to do this part without taking
damage...anyone do it?). Also, try to get your arrow back again (with another
jump-n-snatch manouevre).
[Note: Someone has written in and told me that this part IS doable without
taking damamge. However, it involves using all three of your Rope Arrows, plus
taking time to stack the crates.]
* B. Finding the Lost City *
One you're safely on the other side, turn to face the wall you just jumped
across. To your right is a hole, with a ladder leading down into the water. Use
the ladder, and when you're underwater, turn around so the ladder is to your
back. Ahead to the left, you should see an odd design on the wall. This is the
seal you need to use the key on. Swim over to it, and use the seal.
When the wall has pushed in enough to allow you to swim past it, do so. Inside
this new tunnel, surface to replenish your air supply. Turn left, and move down
this tunnel. When you get to the point where you have to go underwater, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! As I've said before, this part is a long underwater trek, and
if you get lost down here, it could cost you your life.
Take a deep breath and dive. Follow the tunnel. It will eventually open up into
an area where you have to swim downwards to continue. Do so, swimming down past
that dark object (it looks sort of like an underwater shelf). Once past it, fix
your view forward again, and swim ahead. In the next area you'll see what
appears to be two pillar-like rock formations. Swim between them, and look
down. Another hole to swim through. Dive deeper and swim through it. Near the
bottom of this hole you'll see one side appears brighter than the others. Turn
that way and swim ahead. You'll finally see the point where you can surface. Do
so, and grab a lungful of that sweet air.
[NOTE: I am told that, if you swim between the two pillar-like rock formations
and look/swim upwards instead of downwards, there is a small pocket of air
there where you can catch your breath. Also, there is apparently another air
pocket if you look up just before diving down past the dark object I mention
above. I have also been told that it IS possible to swim the entire distance
without stopping, and emerge with full health. I have not yet verified any of
Figure out which way the current is pulling you. Then turn so you're facing
that direction, and hug the wall that is now on your right. The current will
soon pull you past that wall, where it turns into a sort of ledge. Turn to face
the ledge, and pull yourself up onto it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is a little dangerous. With your back to the
water, push forward and turn left. There are three Spiders on this ledge with
you, so move fast so they don't bite you! Move forward until you're near the
edge of a drop, then turn left again. Run forward and jump over the river,
landing in that hole you spotted.
You're not safe yet though, there's a Spider in here too! Move forward until
you exit the tunnel, and turn right. Move forward and down somewhat, turn right
again, and exit the small cavern. Turn left, keep hugging the wall on your
left, and move forward. Allow yourself to fall onto the ledge below.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're safe for now. No Spider will reach you here. However,
the ledge below you there should be two small Spiders roaming around. Pull out
your Broadhead Arrows, and kill them. There is a third Spider down there, a
larger one. Wait if you wish to and kill it with arrows. Or, if you don't wish
to wait, drop down onto the ledge below and turn left. You should see the
Spider now. Deal with it.
Once you've taken care of your arachnid problems, move into the tunnel the
larger Spider was in, and follow it to the end. When you exit, you can turn
either left or right...ignore the right passage. It's filled with more Spiders
and leads to a dead end.
Turn left and move forward. There will be an opening on your right, but just
ignore it and keep moving forward. (It may appear there's no tunnel there, but
there is, it's just dark.) Follow this tunnel until you are standing in front
of two sets of "sparks" shooting towards each other in the tunnel.
SAVE YOUR GAME! These sparks can hurt you. Wait for the spark activity to calm
down, then rush through the small area. Ahead, an opening to the right drops
into lava. There's another tunnel right across from it, to your left. Go into
that tunnel. It has a few turns, but no choices, so follow it until you reach
the end. (The end will be a paved area, obviously man-made.)
Move onto the paved area, and turn left (so the guard-rail is on your right).
Move forward, and turn left when you get the chance. Move forward again, and
soon you'll see an opening in the floor on your right.
* C. The Old Library *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You might meet a Burrick right away, which you would probably
rather avoid. Turn to face the hole, and drop down into the building. This was
once the library of the city. Depending on how you dropped down, your facing
might be different than mine was. Turn around until you can see the blue sensor
device in this room. Then turn so it is on your right. Ahead of you in this
direction is a doorway. Go through it. (Considering the rubble in the way, you
may have to duck to get through the door.)
Across from the entrance to this room are two windows, each containing two
drinking cups. The ones in the window on your left are the valuable ones, so go
grab them (15, 15, Treasure Count: 90, 105). Now turn and go back to the
entrance you used, stand in the doorway so the sensors go out, and wait.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time to take care of the Burrick wandering around up here.
Turn so you've got either room on your left or right, so you can lean out right
and look down the passage out of the next room. Eventually you will see a
Burrick come into view, approach the room, then turn and walk away. When
happens, jump out from this room (literally, you'll have to jump because of the
rubble), run up behind the Burrick, and surprise him with a downstroke of your
You probably needed to follow the Burrick through a couple of rooms before you
got him, but that's okay...he follows a path you wanted to take. Assuming you
are still facing the direction it was heading, keep moving forward through the
rooms, ignoring any side trips that you could make. Soon (if you haven't
already) you'll enter a room with lots of rubble, and the remains of a
campfire. You'll have to turn right in order to keep going, so do so, and leave
this room to enter another one filled with rubble. Turn right again, and go
through the door ahead.
SAVE YOUR GAME! While not dangerous, you'd like to do this part only once. You
should now be facing three "windows" or "slits" in the wall ahead, which look
down onto the room below. Move over to the rightmost window, and hop into it.
Look down, and you'll see the slanted top of some sort of support. Now wait,
and a patrolling Burrick will come by. After he passes through the room below,
fall down onto the support, then run up behind the creature and kill it.
If you used the alternate method, one you've finished move over to the
rightmost window and fall into the room below. If you used the method first
described, then backtrack to the room you fell down into. Move through the
doorway that the Burrick entered that room by, then turn right. Move forward
and take the stairs down. Turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be very dangerous, and if not done properly
can kill you. There are FOUR Burricks you will have to deal with here.
Move forward, dropping down to the room below. Move forward towards the doorway
ahead on your left, but stop before you get there. Then, turn right and lean
left so you can see into the next room. If there are no Burricks present, then
move into the room.
In this room, on either side of the door you entered by, are two recessed
areas. With your back to the door, you want the one on your right. Move over
into the recessed area, then turn so you're facing out into the room again, and
Eventually, a roaming Burrick will enter the area. He will enter the room, look
around, then leave. Wait until he's started to leave, then run up and kill him.
Then turn around and move out of the room through the way you came in, turn
left, and hide here. You'll want to lean out to keep an eye on the room, as now
three Burricks will enter to investigate.
[Note: Sometimes, they take a long time to come, and sometimes they don't seem
to come at all. It would therefore be a good idea to save your game after
you've killed the first and hidden yourself, so you can load the game in again
if they don't come. Unfortunately, sometimes they get REALLY stubborn and won't
come in at all. In that'll just have to hunt them down. :( ]
This is a good time to use one of your Gas Arrows. Try to aim it so it takes at
least two Burricks out at the same time. Three is even better. Take these
Burricks out as you see fit. (Note: Try not to use more than one Gas will probably want to use one or two later on.)
Once they are all taken care of, it is time for the reason you came down here.
From the doorway where you hid, move across the room, and turn left. Move
forward until you no longer can do so, then turn left and follow the corridor
to the end. Enter the room there, and inside you will find a diamond (50,
Treasure Count: 155), a necklace (175, Treasure Count: 330), and another
drinking cup (15, Treasure Count: 345).
Leave this room the way you came in, and turn right. Move forward as far as you
can, then turn right again. Move forward, past the openings on your left and
right, until you re-enter the main room. Turn right, move to the end and
through the door up the ramp. Turn left, move forward, and mantle up to the
next level. Turn left and move forward. When you can, turn left again. Move
into the next room, and turn left again.
Up the ramp ahead is an exit that appears to split in two. It does not matter
which way you go. Climb the ramp, take the turn of your choice, and follow it
around to another exit. Take the new exit into another room. You should now be
facing another doorway partially filled with rubble.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be fatal if you slip. Go through the out for the lava! Turn right and move forward. In the far corner
on your right you'll find another diamond (50, Treasure Count: 395). Then turn
right around and move forward, bypassing the doorway you used. Once you are
past the lava, hug the wall on your right, until you can look into another area
of the city. Move back a bit so you have to lean to look.
* D. The Lost City, Burrick Areas *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a wandering Burrick in there. Wait here for him to come
into sight. Watch him, and when he disappears to the left, quickly move
forward. You'll climb up a small incline. Move over to the left as far as you
can on that incline, and stop. You should be completely hidden in the shadows
now. Wait for the Burrick to come back (he went down a short deadend), and when
he does, kill him with a downswing.
Once the Burrick is dead, from the incline move forward past the turn it had
taken. Now turn to face the wall on your left. You want to mantle up, but you
have to move over near the right side before you can. Once you've mantled up,
turn right and look up. There's the tip of a Fire Arrow peeking over the edge.
Grab it if you want it. Then turn left, and move forward to the window you see
ahead. Look inside the next room on the ground, and you'll find a golden goblet
(25, Treasure Count: 420). Turn right around, and move forward, falling down to
the ground again. Turn left, move forward, then turn right. Move forward until
you are at the entrance you see ahead into the building on your right. (Not the
rubble-strewn entrance...the one past that.) Turn right and use the entrance.
Climb the stairs here, then turn right. Move forward, turn right again, move
forward, and turn left. In the next room, you should see a gold plate on the
ground. Move in and grab it (50, Treasure Count: 470). Then turn around, move
forward, turn right in the next room, move forward, turn left, move forward,
turn left again, and move down the stairs and exit the building.
[NOTE: If you want some more Fire Arrows, instead of turning right at the next
part, turn left. Move forward, and turn right when you see an incline moving
down in that direction. At the bottom of the incline, continue forward, moving
past the large building. When you emerge in an open area with a lava lake, turn
left. You are going to want to climb that steep incline. Move over to the base
of it, and turn so the lava is to your back. Move forward, all the way up, and
angle yourself slighlty so you move towards the right. You should then fall
onto the landing above. Turn right until you see a doorway, and go through it.
Inside this room, take the stairs down, and across that small pool of lava
you'll find three Fire Arrows. Turn around and climb the stairs again, then
leave this room through the only other exit. Turn left, and fall off the wall
and down the incline (keep moving forward as you fall.) When you stop falling,
turn right. Move forward, past the large building, up the incline, then turn
right. Move forward.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part you're going to be tricky. The next section has
three Burricks in is a patroller, the other two are stationary.
Turn right, move forward, then turn right again. Move forward into the next
section of the city. Up ahead, you will be able to see a corner where the
street bends. Move close to that, but not too close. A Burrick will be coming
by, and turning around. You want to be close enough to see it do so, but not so
close that it sees you. When it does turn around, move in behind and kill him.
[Note: Sometimes, the patroller is not here...he has been killed earlier by the
nearby Fire Elementals. If, after waiting a while, there are no signs of the
patrolling Burrick, assume he's dead, and continue on with the rest of the
You've just alerted the other two Burricks in the area, and they will be coming
to investigate. If you've moved past the corner, turn around and go back to it.
Turn left, and move forward. On your right, you should see a wall that looks
climbable. It is. Turn right, and mantle up. Then turn right around, and jump
across to the next building (you'll have to jump and then mantle up). Ahead of
you, you should see a series of rooftops, with one raised one at the end. Head
for it. When you reach it, mantle up to it. Turn left, and jump across to the
next building. Move forward, but instead of jumping this time, fall between the
When you land, turn right, move forward into the tunnel, then turn right again.
Move forward down this long tunnel, until it opens into a small chamber. At the
far end there's an opening to your left. Take that opening. Ahead of you,
you'll see an opening into another lava area. Move forward. The opening is
actually a broken wall. Move towards it, but stay in the shadows.
* E. The Lost City, Elemental Areas *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Beyond this opening are as many as three Fire Elementals on
patrol. (They are not all always there...I am not sure why.) You may have
already seen them on your approach. Stay in the shadows, and when you get the
chance, kill each one with a Water Arrow.
Once they are gone, move through the crack in the wall ahead, and stop. Turn
right. You want to mantle over that wall in front of you, but you have to run
and jump in order to do it.
When you're standing on the wall, jump forward off it onto the rubble across
the lava. Climb the rubble to the slope above.
There are three buildings on this slope that you can visit. The one you are
closest two has 11 Moss Arrows sitting just outside the entranceway on the
right (10 are clumped together in one, the last one is separate). Inside it is
a case of 10 Broadhead Arrows. The second building contains a necklace (150,
Treasure Count: 620). The third has a single Fire Arrow sitting in the doorway.
Grab whatever you want from here.
At the far end of this slope (the highest point), there is another building off
to the side. Move up the slope to that point, and turn left and move onto the
building's roof.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Unfortunately, you cannot return the way you came, so you have
to try getting back by this precarious path. You need to jump from here onto
the wall ahead, then jump off of the wall onto the ground on the other side. I
suggest you aim yourself at the pointed adornment on the wall which is closest
to the iron gate. My best successes here have always been aiming there, then
running and jumping, and as soon as I hit the wall, jumping again. You should
land on the other side, across the lava pool on a small outcropping of rock.
Once you've landed, turn so your back is to the iron gate. You should be able
to see a tunnel leading away. (If you just see a blank wall, shuffle over to
the left a bit.) Take this tunnel into another open area. Move into the area,
and move past the obelisk in the centre. There is a house with an entrance
here. Move past it, then turn right. You will see a hole in the wall ahead.
Move through it, then turn right and move down the incline. Stop before you
cross through the opening at the bottom.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next area can be dangerous. There's a huge pool of lava
nearby, with three Fire Elementals floating around looking for trouble. You're
going to take care of them now, but you won't reap any benefit from it until
much later in the game.
Move through the opening ahead, then turn left. Inch forward, but be
careful...the lip here is inclined, and may drop you into the lava.
The three Elementals in here come from different directions. If you are facing
out across the lava, then one will come towards you from between the two
buildings you see there. The other two will be coming from your right. Those
two are best taken care of by leaning out from here and shooting them down with
your Water Arrows. The solitary Elemental never really seems to come close
enough to get a really good shot, so you'll have to aim carefully to get it.
When you've extinguished the three, turn around, move forward, turn right, and
climb the incline again. Turn left, and move through the hole in the wall
again. Ahead of you, your path is split by a rock column. Turn down the right
path. Continue ahead, keeping to the wall on your right, until ahead of you you
see an opening through the wall that does not lead into lava. From here, you
should be able to make out another obelisk. Head for the obelisk, trying to
keep it between you and the room beyond it. Stop when you've reached it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The room beyond contains two Fire Elementals that you'll need
to deal with. Lean to the right, and when the coast is clear, sidestep right,
then move forward towards the opening into the next area. However, do NOT move
through the opening! Instead, move to the wall on the right of the opening.
From here, position yourself so you can lean out and shoot Water Arrows at the
When the two of them are gone, move into the area they were patrolling. See
those round, blue objects decorating the walls? They are gems. You'll want to
grab them all. Also note that, directly across from you is a doorway that's
blocked by rubble. On the floor in that doorway is another gem. Work your way
around the room collecting them all (there are a total of 22 on the wall, and
the one on the floor) (15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, Treasure Count: 635, 650, 665, 680, 695,
710, 725, 740, 755, 770, 785, 800, 815, 830, 845, 860, 875, 890, 905, 920, 935,
950, 965). You should be back at this entrance when you are finished. When you
reach that point, turn so your back is to it (the entrance).
If you want a few extra Fire Arrows, then turn left, and move through the exit
you can see in the wall ahead. (You should not be able to see both, but if you
can, then you want the leftmost.) In the next room turn left, move forward,
then turn right. Enter the next room, then immediately turn left. There's a
hole here that you need to crouch to get through. Do so. Follow the tunnel and
at the end, you'll find two more Fire Arrows. Grab them, then follow the tunnel
back. When you are standing up again, turn right, move into the next room, then
turn left, move forward, and take the first right. You will exit back into the
room with all those gems. Go back over to your original entrance to this room.
If you don't want the extra Fire Arrows, then turn right (those of you who got
them will already be facing this way). Move through the exit in the wall ahead.
(You shouldn't be able to see both of them, but if you can, you want the
rightmost opening.) In the next room, move forward towards the dais directly
ahead. Sitting on it you will find two masks (120, 120, Treasure Count: 1085,
1205). Once you've got them, turn right around. The entrance you used is built
into a step-type wall. Turn slightly to the right, and climb this wall (no
mantling is needed, just move forward). At the top allow yourself to fall
slightly onto the walkway, then turn right. Move forward through the opening
ahead, then turn right again. Move forward, and when you come to a break in the
wall on your left, move through it.
In this new area, turn left, and follow this tunnel all the way up. At the top,
turn left, and mantle up onto the paved area. Follow this new tunnel. When you
come to a room with a large square hole in the floor, just ignore it. It leads
back to the gem room. Just continue following the tunnel (it continues across
the room from you). It will eventually drop you into a circular room with a
normal dirt/ash floor again. Find the exit, and follow the tunnel. You will
emerge into a larger area, with another obelisk and some stone buildings. Keep
moving past these buildings, moving all the way to the end of this part. There
will be a break between the last two buildings that you can turn down. Instead
of doing that though, move past the break, then turn to face the last building.
Move up to it, and mantle up to the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You've got some jumping to do here, failure to do so properly
meaning you may become a crispy critter. Jump over to the next building, and
then the next. Turn left. Jump to the next building, and again to the next.
Turn right, and jump to the next building, and then to the next. Turn right
again. Jump across to the next building, then the next, then the next.
* F. The Underground Tomb *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to encounter your first Mage, and he can be
rather difficult. You should be able to see him from this building by now. The
next building you want to get to has a lower elevation than the one you're
standing on now, so you can just walk off this one and fall onto the next one
(keep walking though...if you just fall off and stop, you may fall into the
lava instead!). From this point on, you can just run off onto the next
buildings, as long as you don't stop!
Move over to the next building. Wait until the Mage ahead has his back to you,
then run across to the last building. Then walk off of it onto the ground
again. Move ahead to that small pile of don't even need to crouch
here, just stand by the rubble and you'll be hidden. When the Mage walks by
again, then blackjack him. (Or, if you prefer, backstab him.)
Once he's taken care of, there are a few items of interest scattered about. The
skeleton lying there has a purse still attached to it (70, Treasure Count:
1275). Also, if you look at the neck of the skeleton (where the skull SHOULD
be), you'll find the first of the two Keeper Medallions. There is also a Fire
Arrow and a Rope Arrow near the campfire. Finally, if you want some interesting
reading, there's a Keeper's Journal and a scroll on the ground.
When you've finished robbing the dead, turn to face the lava. There's a fallen
pillar within. If you look to the left, you'll see that there is something of
an inclined ledge running around the pit.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It is quite easy to misstep and fall into the lava here. Move
over to the ledge, and walk onto it. Circle around to the other side of the
pillar. There you will find a Gas Arrow, and a silver nugget (50, Treasure
Count: 1325). Then turn and make your way back to the start of the ledge, and
get back onto safer ground.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be tricky. Turn right. In the next chamber
there is a Fire Mage and an Air Mage talking to each other, at the far end of
the chamber. If you don't do anything to draw attention to yourself, you can
keep them ignorant of your presence.
Move forward. When you pass that first wall, turn left, and move down the
stairs. Then turn right. There are two burning braziers here. The one on your
right has a Fire Arrow in it. (You can get it without extinguishing the fire.)
Whether or not you retrieve the Fire Arrow, you will need to proceed down the
stairs here. When you are far enough down that you can see the burning torch on
the wall, take it out with a Water Arrow. Then crouch, hug one of the walls,
and move forward cautiously.
There is a Mage down here who will be approaching sometime soon. When he does,
wait for him to pass you, then turn and take care of him as you see fit.
When he's taken care of, turn back and continue down. When you reach the lava
pit, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can kill you. You have to cross that lava pit. Look
up, and you'll see three wooden beams spaced apart across the pit. You will
need Rope Arrows to cross many depends on you. If you only have one,
shoot at the centre beam. If you have two, shoot them into the closest and the
farthest beams. If you have three or more, shoot one into each beam. Then play
Tarzan, swinging from rope to rope, until you reach the other side. Be sure you
are not too high up the rope when you jump, otherwise you may find your
progress stopped by a beam, and you will fall to a fiery death. (Note: Do NOT
try to retrieve your Arrows as you leap from will need them here
again when you return.)
Once you are safely across, move into the next room, then turn left and move
into the corner. Then turn right, and move forward slowly. There is a hole in
the ground in the far corner, with a ladder going down. Make your way down.
Once down, turn so you are facing the only other direction you can go. There
are some torches lighting this hallway. You can get away with leaving them
burning, but you may want to take out the furthest one, just in case.
Proceed down the hall. When you reach the second torch, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a killer trap here. (At least, I think it's a killer. I
only had four hit points at this point, so it does at LEAST that much damage.)
In order to proceed through the next area, you will need to crouch. Move
forward into the next room (where you can see a body on the ground). A loud
clanging noise will let you know the trap has been sprung. Stay crouched
though...standing up while the "slapper" is still down will kill you as well.
Underneath the body in this room you'll find two Water Arrows. Also, in the far
right corner you will find a third.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are four Mages in the next area...two Fire, two Air.
First, move into the doorway, but don't enter the room. Stay here in the
shadows. Ahead of you, you'll see a Mage walking back and forth. Fortunately,
he's a Fire Mage, so you can use one your Gas Arrows on him. Note that you
could use Broadheads here, but you will alert the other Mages of your presence,
and you'll have to deal with them all at once. (If you have no more Gas Arrows,
read the note below.)
When he's out, move into the room, turn left, and move forward. Turn right,
move forward, and ignore that first exit. The second one is the one you want.
However, it contains an Air Mage.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You don't want to get caught here. Move into the shadows in the
[NOTE: If you don't have any Gas Arrows left, then you'll have to take out the
two torches in this room. While standing in the doorway, first turn left, lean
out right, and extinguish the torch. Then turn right again, and enter the room.
Stop just inside, turn right, and move forward. Turn left, and extinguish the
other torch you see. Then move forward until you are close to the other side,
but do not go past the last pillar...keep it in your sight. When the Mage walks
by, wait for him to turn and resume his patrol. Then walk behind him and club
him. Then move across the room to the other side, hide in the shadows at the
entrance. ]
Now, watch this Mage's patrol. When he moves by going from the right to the
left, passing just in front of the door, move into the room, and club him.
Inside this room is a stand with a strange object on it. Pick it up, and you'll
discover it is a lever. Now turn around, and leave this room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, you're taking on Mages. The last two are together.
From this point, you can see there is another, sunken area to this room. You
can also see, across from you in that area, another doorway. From here, move
down into the sunken area, and go into the doorway. The two Mages are in here,
nice and close together. Throw a Flash Bomb at them. While they are
disoriented, knock them out with your Blackjack.
Once these Mages are taken care of, there's nothing else to do but collect your
loot. In this room you'll find a tall urn (20, Treasure Count: 1345), a small
urn (20, Treasure Count: 1365), and a rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count:
1515). Now turn around and leave the way you came in.
Back in the sunken room, ignore the sarcophagus. Instead, move across the room
to the deep alcove, where you'll find a statuette (100, Treasure Count: 1615).
(Note that this room has two burning braziers, each with a Fire Arrow in it.)
That's it for down here. Turn away from the alcove, and move over to the stairs
leading up. Face them, and move forward. Go through the exit at the far end (be
sure you either crouch or RUN through...if you walk through, the "slammer" will
hit you). Keep moving forward, all the way to the ladder leading up. Climb the
ladder (you'll have to jump onto it), and keep moving forward until you hit a
wall. Turn left, move forward, and turn right when you get the chance.
SAVE YOUR GAME! No sense in taking unnecessary risks. Tarzan your way across
the lava pit again. Once you're across, move forward all the way, and when you
exit the tunnel, take the left stairway up. (Remember, there are still two
Mages in this area! Tread softly!)
At the top of the stairs, turn right, and move forward through the opening
ahead, leaving behind the Mage's area.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time to go building hopping again. Move across this area
towards the buildings that you came in on. There is one low enough for you to
run onto it. Then jump across to the next, then the next. Then leap up and
mantle your way to the top of the next one. From here, jump across to the next
building, then the next, then the next. Turn left, and jump across to the next
building. Then the next. Now you can simply walk off the edge of this building
and land on solid ground again.
* G. Tunnels and Caverns, Part One *
Once you've landed, turn left and move forward until you no longer can, then
turn right. Move to the end of the row of houses, and turn left. Move ahead
until you pass the obelisk, and turn right. Continue following the cavern, and
you will soon reach a tunnel (at the end of the cavern, to your left). Enter
it, and follow it as far as you can. When you reach the circular cavern, turn
left, and run up into the next tunnel (you don't need to mantle here). Follow
it as far as you can (remember, ignore that hole in the floor...just keep going
past it). When you come to an area where you have to drop down, do so. Then
turn right, and move forward. At the bottom of the incline, turn right and move
through the hole in the wall. Turn right, and move forward. Take the first left
you come to. When you do, just go a little forward, then stop. Turn left, and
jump ahead over the railing. Work your way down to the bottom, and turn right.
Move forward, and take the right turn when you can. Move forward into the next
From here, you should see an exit on the wall to your left. Move through it.
Move around the obelisk in the next room, and continue through it and through
the exit across from the one you used. Ahead you will see a man-made wall. Do
not go through the opening. Instead, turn left, and move forward up the incline
ahead. Turn left, and continue up the incline until you reach a tunnel. Follow
the tunnel until it opens onto another chamber with lava in it. Turn left, and
move forward, following this next tunnel. It will open into another area, this
time with a house directly across from you. Ignore it, and turn left.
[NOTE: There is a second house in this area, right next to the one in front of
you. If you go into this second house, you will find three more Fire Arrows.]
Move forward into the next area. Ignore the buildings, and keep following the
path. (Note: One of these buildings has an accessible roof, upon which you will
find two Water Arrows.)
Soon you will come to a cavern with a deep lava pit. Across this pit is a very
narrow stone bridge (natural, not man-made). You can cross one of two ways. The
bridge, or turn left and work your way around to the other side on a small
ledge. While the bridge is safe, and probably faster and safer, the ledge
contains four more Water Arrows.
However you choose to cross, do so. Move through the exit and continue along
the path. It will enter a cavern where you have to move around a lava pit, then
jump across it onto a "stepping stone" of sorts. Do so, then turn right, move
forward, and turn left. Move through the opening in front of you, then turn
left. Move forward, up the dark staircase. At the top, turn right. Move
forward, ignoring any turns until you can no longer do so, then turn right.
* H. The Arena, Part One *
[NOTE: You should at this point have one Gas Arrow left. You will be getting
another one. For the purpose of this walkthrough I am saving them for a later
point, to deal with two Burricks, if necessary. I have discovered, however,
that it may not be necessary to save them...the Burricks later don't appear to
be a problem. If anyone can shed more light on this (whether the Burricks never
are a problem or if I had a flukey game setup this time) please do so. In any
event, I will point out two instances nearby where using a Gas Arrow would be
beneficial, should you not want to save them. One of them is here.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! That was a long trip, and I'm sure you don't want to repeat it
any more than I do!
If you choose to use your Gas Arrow now, this is what you should do. From this
point, you should have a lava pit on your right, with a sort of protrusion that
looks man-made. Across from this protrusion is a doorway, with a slit
underneath it. Aim your Gas Arrow at the doorway. If you do it properly, the
Mage standing guard there will be knocked out.
Move forward. Soon you will find a doorway ahead of you. Move through it, and
turn right. Move through the next doorway, and turn left. Move forward and take
the first left. Move into the next room and turn left. Go over to the farthest
window slit, and resting there you will find a tiara (100, Treasure Count:
1715). Turn around and move forward, passing the exit on your right. In the
next room, directly ahead of you on the floor, you'll find a large urn (20,
Treasure Count: 1735), a small urn (20, Treasure Count: 1755), and a pointed
urn (20, Treasure Count: 1775). Now turn right and move forward, then turn left
and move forward. Move through the doorway across from yours. Inside this room,
immediately turn to your right and pick up another large urn (20, Treasure
Count: 1795) and two more small urns (20, 20, Treasure Count: 1815, 1835). Turn
left again, and move to the end of the room. Turn right, crouch, and move
through the small hole in the floor. Turn right, and move into the small room.
Go down the ladder through the hole in the floor. In this hidden chamber, pick
up three more pointed urns (20, 20, 20, Treasure Count: 1855, 1875, 1895), and
a rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2045). Open the chest to get a small
ring (50, Treasure Count: 2095). Climb back up the ladder to leave this room.
Once out, crouch and move through the hole in the wall. Turn left, and move
into the next room. Stand up again. Turn left, and move out into the hallway.
Turn left, and move forward. Go past the burning brazier ahead on your left,
and then move into the next room on your right. Inside, grab another large urn
(20, Treasure Count: 2115), two more small urns (20, 20, Treasure Count: 2135,
2155), and another rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2305).
Leave the room the way you came in, and turn left. Move all the way down this
hallway. When you enter a room that lights up, turn right and move forward and
down the stairs. When the stairs turn, turn to face the direction they continue
in, but don't go down them.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part needs to be handled carefully. There are two Mages
down Fire, and one Air. Also, there is an Earth Mage up top (unless
you Gassed him earlier) that can be alerted by your activities down here. Any
killing down here will alert him to your presence, as will using a Flash Bomb.
Unfortunately, this part cannot always be predicted accurately. The Air Mage
patrols, but does not always keep the same patrol. Sometimes he comes into the
room you are currently looking down into, and sometimes he doesn't. Therefore,
there are two methods of taking him out.
First, seed the floor below with Moss Arrows. Then, if the Air Mage comes
through, you can run up behind him and knock him out without alerting anyone.
Don't be worried if you have to come into view of the other Mage. He's standing
behind a burning brazier and can't see you through the smoke. (Note: Although
rare, he does sometimes see you, somehow. You may want to take him out with a
Gas Arrow. See below on how to get another.)
If the Air Mage doesn't come in, then you'll have to take him out at another
Whether he comes or not, move into the the room below. Move over to the other
exit, and peek around the corner. If the Air Mage is not there, then move into
the hall so the light in this room goes out. Once it does, shoot a Water Arrow
at the burning brazier. Then move into that room, using all the stealth at your
command, and knock out the Fire Mage. If the Air Mage was being stubborn, he'll
eventually come into this room briefly as well. When he does, knock him out as
This is some sort of machinery room. With the lights out now, you should be
able to see, somewhere behind where the Fire Mage was standing, a slot of some
sort. Find the lever you are carrying, and use it on the slot. It fits! Now,
operate the lever, and the machinery will start working. (Oddly though, there's
no sound.)
Turn around, and move forward down the hall. Before entering the room you
seeded with moss, turn left and crouch. Move foward and you'll pass through a
small hole in the wall. Turn left, and go examine the remains of some poor
fellow. Here you will find a Healing Potion, a Gas Arrow, and a Fire Arrow.
(Note: This is the last Gas Arrow. If you wish to use it now instead of saving
it for later, you can use it on the Fire Mage. It will knock him out AND put
out the Brazier. Of course, you'll need to sneak into this hole first to do
Leave this room the way you came in. Back in the hall, turn left and move into
the next room. Then turn right and exit the room, climbing the staircase all
the way to the top. At the top, turn right, and move forward, climbing those
stairs ahead. Then turn right and move forward.
SAVE YOUR GAME! One last Mage to deal with (unless you Gassed him earlier).
Move ahead down those stairs near you, turn left and move forward, turning left
again as soon as possible.
See that Mage at the end of the hall? Sneak up behind him and deal with him.
Then cross the bridge, jumping over the lip ahead. Move to the end of this
raised area. Climb over the rubble to the right, turning slightly to the right
as you do so. Walk along this small section. When you have to turn, turn left,
and move forward along another thin section. At the end, move up onto the more
stable brickwork.
* I. Tunnels and Caverns, Part Two *
Turn right, and move forward until you're past the lavaflow on your right. Then
drop down to the floor and continue forward until you have to turn, then turn
right and move down the stairs ahead. At the bottom turn left.
Move forward, and drop down onto a small ledge below. Then turn left and move
forward, mantling up when you reach the end. Move forward, turn right, move
forward again, and take the first right you come to. Follow these stairs all
the way down. At the bottom, turn right and move forward into the cavern ahead,
then turn left.
Ahead you should see another skeleton. Move towards it, but stop before the
broken wall before you. At the base of it is a Water Arrow. If you turn right
and move into the shadows, in a dark corner you'll find four more. Now go over
to the skeleton. Scattered about it you will find the second Keeper Medallion,
some more interesting reading, and three Rope Arrows. These last are over by
the natural rock wall. (If you are out of Rope Arrows, grab these. You'll need
at least one, possibly two.)
Once you're finished desecrating this man's final resting place, move past the
skeleton and into the next chamber. Turn right and move forward to the end,
where you will turn left. Follow this incline down and enter another cavern.
Move into this cavern. There are three buildings here, plus a rather large
statue. Face the statue. You want the building on your right, furthest from the
statue. Move into it, and look up through a hole in the ceiling. Shoot a Rope
Arrow into the rafter above (try to aim more towards the entrance to this
domicile, so the rope doesn't get in your way when you're jumping later).
Climb up the rope, and jump off onto the next level. (Leave the Rope Arrow here
for now, if you can. You'll need it again later.) Now look around until you
find another hole, this time in one of the walls. Run and jump through the
hole. You should now be standing on the roof of the other house on this side of
the cavern.
Keeping your back to the hole you just leaped through, and move forward. Look
down at the rock and rubble below, and the lava. You need to fall off here. Aim
for the rubble. When you land, follow this shelf all the way up to the next
building. Mantle up through the window, and jump across to what remains of the
floor on this level. When you land, mantle up through the window on this side
as well. (If you are feeling bold, you can actually try leaping from here to
the window across from you.) Move forward across this open stretch, and fall
down into the next room. (If your fall is stopped partway down, just move
forward to continue falling.)
* J. Obtaining the Talisman *
Move through the exit from this room. Across from you is a large building, with
an entrance on this side. (If you are wondering, this is the area where you
destroyed three Fire Elementals earlier.) Go forward throught the entrance.
Once inside, there will be a staircase ahead on your right. Take it up. At the
top, turn left, move forward, turn left again, and climb these stairs all the
way to the top. Ahead of you is another staircase, but unfortunately, it's
partially destroyed. Move towards it, but partway there stop and turn right.
You should be facing a window.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is treacherous. Jump into the window, then
cautiously step out onto the ledge. Turn left, and follow the ledge. Go past
the first two corners, and when you reach the third corner, move out onto it,
then turn to face left, and look up. You will see a window, and above it are
the protruding ends of three rafters. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the centre one.
Then move along the ledge to the rope, and jump onto it. Climb the rope up, and
jump in through the window.
Inside, turn left and move forward. Turn right, and move forward, turning right
into the next room. Ahead is the object of your quest: The Talisman of Fire.
Run up to it and grab it.
Turn around, and leave the room. Turn right, move forward, turn right again,
and move forward, allowing yourself to fall down to the next level. Then turn
right and move forward, towards the chest in the far corner. Beside the chest
on the floor is another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 2330). Turn left,
and pick up another rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2480). Now move
across the room towards the window, turning right when you reach it. Follow
these stairs all the way down. At the bottom, turn right, move forward, and
turn right, so you are facing down the last stairway.
* K. Leaving the Tower of Fire *
SAVE YOUR GAME! Although you don't know it yet, when you grabbed the Talisman
of Fire, it conjured up a few more Fire Elementals to make your departure that
much more enjoyable. Move down these stairs, all the way to the bottom, and
move towards the exit. Stay to one side, and lean out to watch for them.
There are two Fire Elementals now patrolling this area. It is possible to sneak
past them, but probably safer to wait and snuff them out.
When the coast is clear, move out of the tower, and go across to the opening in
the building ahead. Once inside, turn left, and mantle up. Then turn right, and
push forward until you climb a bit. Look up, make sure you're under the window
above, and mantle up again.
Once you're up, turn right and look around. Sometimes there's another Fire
Elemental waiting for you in this area. If so, take him out from here. If not,
thank The Builder and drop down to the area below.
Now, those two houses across from where you fell from. You need to get into the
leftmost one (as you face them). Move over to the doorway, position yourself
properly, and jump over the lave and inside. Inside, in the corner opposite the
doorway, are two silver nuggets (50, 50, Treasure Count: 2530, 2580). Once
you've gotten them, leave the building. (The lava can be tricky to avoid, but
it is possible.) One you are out, go into the other building.
If your Rope Arrow is not still here, shoot another one up. Climb up to the
next level, and jump off. Then turn to face the hole in the wall, and leap
across and through it. Now turn around so you are facing the hole. You need to
get up to the roof of that building. Sidestep right until you have a good piece
of wall in front of you (watch you don't fall back down!), and mantle up. Up
here you will find two Fire Arrows and a diamond (50, Treasure Count: 2630).
Once you have them, turn so your back is to the wall you mantled up, and walk
off the edge.
When you land, move forward up the incline ahead. Follow it all the way to the
top, then turn right. Move all the way through this passage, and turn left
through the opening ahead. Follow this cavern, turning right through the exit
ahead. Move forward onto the stairs, turn left, and climb these stairs all the
way up. At the top, turn left and move forward to the wall. Then turn left
again, and move forward, allowing yourself to fall onto the ledge below. Move
over so you are beneath the window, and mantle up.
Move forward, turn right, and climb the stairs to the top. Then turn left, and
move forward until you reach the lavaflow, then turn right and climb onto the
broken wall. Turn left, and move forward a short way, until you have an opening
in the cavern wall on your left.
Turn to face the opening, and jump across into it. Follow the tunnel to the
end. When you emerge into the new cavern, keep moving forward, climbing the
slope up as high as you can (keeping the manmade building on your right). At
the top, turn to face the building, and mantle up. There's a hole in the roof
here. Drop down through it.
* L. The Arena, Part Two *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You will need to pass through an area here where an elemental
can see you. Find the nearest exit from this room and take it. Then turn left,
and move forward until you enter another room. You should be able to look out
some windows and see the patrolling Elemental outside. Turn right (crouching
may help to avoid detection here) and move forward. Slightly past the first
brazier you will find a third mask on the the ground (120, Treasure Count:
2750). Continue forwards through this room. When you get to the other end, turn
right and move forward into the corridor.
Once in the corridor, continue forward, and take the first left. Move down this
hall until you have to turn. Turn left, and move forward into the next room. In
here you will find another large urn (20, Treasure Count: 2770), another small
urn (20, Treasure Count: 2790), and one more rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure
Count: 2940). Leave this room the way you came in. Move forward all the way
down the hall, then turn right into the next room. Here you can get yet another
large urn (20, Treasure Count: 2960), yet another small urn (20, Treasure
Count: 2980), and a tiara (125, Treasure Count: 3105). (The tiara is a little
difficult to spot. It is by the door.)
Leave this room, and turn left. Move forward and take the first left. Keep
pushing forward until you are in a room with a large hole in the floor with a
wooden beam across it. Jump into the hole down to the next level.
You should now be in the room where you went across the bridge guarded by a
Mage. Turn so your back is to the bridge, and move forward. Turn right when you
can, move forward, turn right again, and climb the stairs in front of you. Then
move forward again, through a doorway and down a set of stairs.
Turn left, and move forward. Keep moving forward until the burning brazier is
on your left. Then turn right, and move forward all the way to the end. Turn
right, move into the next room. Then turn left, and exit the room. Move forward
to the end, and turn left. Climb these stairs to the top, and then continue
forward as far as you can. Then turn left, and move down the stairs. Stop
before you get to the opening on your right.
* M. Escaping the Lost City *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's another Fire Elemental patrolling out there. Move over
to the door, then turn so you can lean out. When it comes by, extinguish it.
Once the Elemental is dealt with, move through the opening. Turn right and move
forward until you are in front of those stepping stones again. Turn left, and
run and jump across the stones to the other side. Follow this path until you
come back to the natural bridge across the lava pit.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once you cross this bridge, the next chamber holds another Fire
Elemental! Move across the bridge, and deal with the Elemental as soon as you
can. Once he's gone, move through this room, following the path until you have
to turn. Then turn right, move forward, then turn left, and move forward until
you're about the exit this dark tunnel for a brighter one.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Yet another Elemental is waiting for you here. Use the "lean
and shoot" method described thus far to deal with him, and then continue
forward, turning right when you can. Move forward, turn left, and follow this
tunnel until you emerge to an area where it slopes steeply and you can see
man-made structures again (most notably, a wall). Move down the slope so you
fall on this side of the wall, and move towards it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another Elemental is roaming through the areas you're about to
traverse. When you find it, destory it. Move to the opening in the wall, and go
through it. Move forward, passing the rock wall on your left. Keep moving
forward, turning now so the next rock wall passes on your right. You should now
be facing one of those obelisks. Move past it, then turn left. You should see a
tunnel ahead. Move forward through it, and you'll emerge near the iron gate you
found so long ago. Turn right, and move forward through the hole in the wall.
Keep moving forward, and follow this tunnel until it emerges back into the part
of the city with lots of buildings.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Okay, you have one more treasure to get, and it's in the
building across from you. We left it until now because sometimes, the last two
Burricks will draw the attention of the two (now three) Fire Elementals in the
next chamber, and duel it out. Usually, the Burricks lose. If, however, they
are still here...well, this is what we save the Gas Arrows for.
HOWEVER...usually when you jump down to the street, you do NOT attract their
attention. Let's hope it stays that way.
Ready your Gas Arrows, and jump down onto the street. If you hear Burricks
coming, turn right, draw back, and wait. When they come into view, let your
arrow fly. There are as many as two Burricks left, so get your second arrow
ready if you only fell the first one.
When you are able to, move into the building across the street, and pick up the
tiara (100, Treasure Count: 3205).
[NOTE: If you did NOT save your Gas Arrows, and the Burricks seem to be
noticing you, you can try this. Instead of jumping down to the street, turn
left, and mantle up. Then turn right, run, and jump across to the roof of the
building across the street. The noise should attract the Burricks' attention.
Turn right and jump to the next building, then move into that little corner and
hide. Soon, the Burricks should draw the Fire Elementals' attention, and a
battle will ensue. When the battle does start, it should be safe for you to
climb down and grab the treasure. If you would rather wait for the end of the
battle, it is possible the Burricks will win and come back. Or the Fire
Elementals will win and come here. (I have seen them roam these streets on
occassion.) Note that this does not ALWAYS cause an Elemental/Burrick battle.
If it doesn't, simply reload and try again. It should eventually work. Once
you've got the treasure, whether you wait or not, continue with the
Now exit this building the only way you can, and turn right. Follow the street
until you have to turn right again, and do so. Continue down the street until
you have to turn left, and do so. Move forward and take the first left. Keep
moving forward, and when you have to turn, turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! One last Fire Elemental to deal with. Move forward, keeping to
the right. When you reach the natural rock wall, lean out so you can see the
lava pool. When the Elemental comes into view, use your Water Arrow on him.
Once he's gone, move into the chamber, and stick close to the left wall. Follow
it around until you see a doorway to the right, then move over to it and go
through it. Inside, move forward through the archway. Now take the turn of your
choice, and follow it around to another exit. Move through that exit, and move
forward down the ramp in the next room until you have to turn. Turn left, and
move into the next room. Turn left again, and move into the next room. There
will be a staircase in this room. Take it up. At the top, turn right, and take
that staircase all the way up to the top.
At the top, turn left, and move forward until you have to turn, then turn
right. Move forward until you enter a rubble-strewn room. Look around at the
ceiling, and you'll find a hole in it. Work your way around the rubble until
you are under it. Mantle up onto the roof.
Turn and move around the hole you just climbed through. Turn so you are facing
across the roof towards a railing of sorts. Move forward, and turn right when
you can. Move forward, and when you see a passage ahead and to the right, move
into it. Follow this twisting, winding passage as far as you can, until it
emerges into a lava area. Turn right, and ahead you will see two jets of sparks
shooting towards each other across your intended path. Wait for the sparks to
calm down a bit, then push forward past them. Once past, continue following the
path. When you have a chance to turn right, do so, and continue forward until
you are standing on an outcropping overlooking an underground lake, with a
waterfall across from you. Congratulations! You've acquired the Talisman of
Fire, and plundered the Lost City!
16.1: Introduction
"Blindness is the manfools theys gathers up treasures and greeders themselves
on gold rocks and fetters
The Woodsie One wreaks thems with lilacs and nettles and gathers theys bones
for His porridge and feathers."
-- Text Unattributed, Sumac on Parchment
The Keepers stashed the Talisman of Water in a series of hidden caverns located
deep below the city. According to their map I'll find it in a shrine located in
the lowest cavern. I don't expect to run into anything too threatening other
than a few venemous spiders, however the map does contain this note: "Stand not
against us, lest you feel the sting of ignorance's barbs." Heh...sounds like
Keeper talk for "We've rigged the place".
An informant of mine, Giry, made a home for himself in these caverns after he
lost his job tending the ticket counter of a nearby opera house. He should know
these caverns better than anyone, so I'll pay him a visit, to see if he has any
useful information for me....
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to plunder from the Lost City. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
1 Constantine's Sword
1 Blackjack
10 Broadhead Arrows
6 Water Arrows
3 Moss Arrows
3 Rope Arrows
1 Healing Potion
1 Set of Lock Picks
If you went through the Lost City and found all possible treasure (and you
purchased the commission), then you are quite well set up for making purchases
A short distance into the mission, you will be getting new mission objectives
and be going to an area other than the caverns, so it is best for you to
prepare for that as well as your spelunking expedition.
Once you enter the new area (the Opera House), you will get the
all-too-familiar mission objective "Don't Kill Anyone"(tm). You really don't
have much to handle before you get to the Opera House, so your purchases of
lethal items should be limited. Ignore the Fire Arrow and the Explosive won't get your money's worth. In fact, down in the Caverns, you can
pretty much rely simply on Broadheads and your Sword. There's even a point
early on where you find MORE Broadheads, so I would suggest not buying any of
them either.
Don't buy any Healing Potions, unless you anticipate a hard time in the
Caverns. Once you arrive at the Opera House, there are several scattered about
the place. You have enough Rope Arrows to get you through the mission, so you
can skip purchasing them as well. If you find you can use them effectively, a
Noisemaker or two might be nice to have. As always, Water Arrows are a must,
although I generally finish the mission with quite a few left over. You will
also find a few places where you will want Moss Arrows. The Flash Bombs will
come in very handy, and those Gas Arrows are just plain NICE! :)
This mission does introduce you to one new element: you get your first Gas Mine
in this mission. (It's not available for purchase, you have to find it first.)
Although not as good as a Gas Arrow (in my opinion), it's still another
long-distance knock-out device, and you can never have too many of these!
Aside from the Gas Mine, there are no new features (like puzzles, traps, etc.)
or monsters introduced in this mission, so you can mentally lean back and
simply enjoy yourself. And there is a LOT to enjoy here. The designers went all
out on this one...the little incidental extras (such as conversations you
eavesdrop on, background items, etc.) are quite simply extraordinary. A
wonderful job all around!
There are a lot of hard surfaces you will have to walk on in this mission, and
also a lot of non-extinguishable lights to brighten things for you. On top of
that, there are a few places you can move into view of a person who is in a
different room (via "windows", basically holes in the walls). Bottom line here:
Be careful!
There are also a few secret areas (hidden passages, secret panels, etc.) to
look out for.
16.7: Walkthrough
A. The City
B. Beneath the City
C. The Opera House, Basement
D. The Opera House, Ground Floor
E. The Opera House, 2nd Floor
F. The Opera House, 3rd Floor
G. Escaping
* A. The City *
You start in a small section of the city. If you turn left and look up, you'll
be able to see a window with a guard silhouetted within. While completely
unnecessary for the mission, if you would like some extra arrows for your
arsenal you will find 6 on the floor in the room with the guard, and a single
Moss Arrow on the rooftop just outside the window. The guard also has a key to
pickpocket, so if you are going for the "honourable mention" of picking all
pockets, you'll need to pick his.
Note that your objectives state not to kill anyone you find IN THE CAVERNS.
This guard is killable, and you can do it from here with a single Broadhead
Arrow. (Ah, but then you don't get to pick his pocket....)
[NOTE: Someone has informed me that killing this guard is a BIG mistake. Later
in the mission your objectives will change, and you'll get one that says "Don't
kill anyone". If you've already killed this guard, then apparently the mission
ends almost immediately in failure at that point. Therefore, DON'T KILL THIS
Here's how you get up there. (Be careful, he's got good ears!) From your
starting position, turn so the guard is on your left. Move forward and mantle
up onto the wall in front of you. Then turn left, and you'll be facing a sort
of rounded piece of wall (it's actually an archway). You may need to step back
a bit for this to work. Run up and jump, mantling up onto the arch. Then move
forward so you're on the flat part of the arch (i.e.: no slope), and turn
right. You'll have to jump across to the ledge ahead, but I've never been able
to jump and mantle up, so be sure you land on the ledge itself. Once you're
there, move forward into the shadows, and wait for the guard to calm down. Then
turn left. Move forward, and when you reach the small gap jump across.
You should now be on a rooftop just outside the guardroom. Immediately to your
right, in one corner of the depressed area, you'll find the Moss Arrow. Now
move forward to the window and turn left so you are looking in. (Note: Instead,
you may want to turn left and face the WALL, then lean right to look in first.)
If you're picking the guard's pocket, lean forward and do so. If you want the
extra Broadheads, you'll have to enter the room to do so. You can do this one
of two ways. It is possible to jump in and blackjack him. Or, if you'd rather
take the less risky method, the key you took from him opens the door on the
street that leads into this building...if you prefer, you can climb up here
that way to blackjack him as well. (The key serves no other purpose in the game
that I've been able to determine.) However you get in, the arrows are lying on
the floor in the corner with a chunk of cheese. (Note: Sometimes this Archer
will shoot arrows at you down on the street, but instead they stick in the
wall. While very odd, it nonetheless can provide you with even more Broadheads
should you decide you want them. I was able to get an extra four out of the
Once you've got what you came for, work your way back down to street level by
whatever means takes your fancy. Remember that small wall you first mantled up
onto at the start? Well, make sure that you are on the opposite side of the
wall from the one you started this mission on. Find the double doors, and open
them, then stand in front of them and face them. (Skip the next
is for those who want to jump right into the caverns. Pick up the walkthrough
at the paragraph following.)
Now, for those of you who DON'T want anything to do with that guard...from your
starting position, move forward and mantle up onto the wall. Then move forward,
allowing yourself to fall off the wall. Turn left, and open the double doors
you see in the wall to your right. Move towards them, then turn to face them.
Move forward into the room ahead...there's metal grating for the floor, but you
don't have to worry about attracting attention just now. Directly in front of
you is a large round metal door (like the ones from the sewer areas in the
Downwind Thieves' Guild). Open it, and move forward, down the ramp to the
bottom. (Note: There is another large metal door in the same room with the
other, but you cannot open it.)
At the bottom, turn right. More metal grating, but still not a problem. Move
forward and jump into the well ahead. You may catch yourself on the ladder
descending into the well...if so, just climb down. If won't take any
* B. Beneath the City *
At the bottom of the well, turn around until you find a glowing mushroom
growing in the rocky floor. Move towards it, and you'll shortly spot a tunnel
leading away. Follow the tunnel to the curves ahead towards the right,
and opens into another tunnel with a burning torch on the wall opposite this
tunnel. Stop before you exit this tunnel into this new one.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two small Spiders nearby. Instead of entering the new
tunnel, turn to the right, and sidestep left until you can lean out and peer
down the new tunnel. You should see two Spiders cavorting at the end, near the
waterline. From here you can shoot them easily with your Broadhead Arrows.
(Alternatively, when the time comes, you can simply run right past them if you
When the Spiders are dealt with, move into the new tunnel. If you turn left,
you'll see what's left of your friend Giry. (Crouch down to get a good look at
his face...nice touch!) If you want a Healing Potion now, there is one among
poor Giry's personal affects.
When you've finished with Giry, turn so your back is to him, and move forward
down the slope. (NOTE: If you ignore Giry completely and just move down the
tunnel, make sure you hear Garrett make a comment about him. Otherwise, you've
missed your Mission Objective to locate Giry!) When you reach the water, move
into it, turn right, and move forward into the deep end. (If you reach the wall
without falling into the water, turn left and move forward a bit.)
If you didn't need to turn left to get into the deep end, do so now. Swim
forward, following the waterway. (Although it can be a little confusing, the
way is pretty obvious.) When you reach a point where you can continue forward
or turn left, you have a choice. If you turn left, partway through swim to the
bottom and you'll find a Water Arrow. Be careful though...there's some loose
masonry above that will try to land on your head! If you go for the arrow, turn
around and return to the junction, turning left.
[Note: The turn to the left can be difficult to spot. Just watch the water on
your left, and when it looks like it's not blocked by a wall anymore, that's
the turn.]
Whether you get the arrow or not, swim forward now, once again following the
tunnel. Eventually, you will spot a lit opening in the tunnel ahead, underneath
the water. Take this tunnel and follow it until it opens up into another
cavern. (Note: Along this new tunnel, there is another Water Arrow on the
When you emerge, continue forward, moving so the stone obstacle (just what DO
you call a merged stalactite/stalagmite anyways?) passes by on your left. Keep
going forward until you reach the far wall. By that time, you should be able to
see the way out of this room. Move forward and climb out of the water.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to enter the Craymen area. There are four of them
in this area. The first one can be dealt with quite easily.
Move forward until you spot a tunnel opening ahead on your left. Move up to it,
but stay on this side of it. Tthen turn left, and lean over so you can look
through. That Crayman you see is unaware of you. A single Broadhead Arrow
should take him down nicely. Unfortunately, doing so seems to alert the other
three that you're here.
There are no real strategies to use here against the other three, aside from
the obvious (hide in shadows, backstab, blackjack, etc.). Don't be afraid to
use your Broadhead Arrows to hit them from a distance. While there is one more
place where you can use them, it is easy to bypass the need to. Deal with the
remaining three Craymen as you see fit. Once you've done so, you're ready to
move on.
The directions I'm about to give to get to the next area start in the cavern
where you pulled yourself out of the water, facing so your back is to the
water. From that point, move forward, then take the first left. Move into the
chamber ahead, then turn right. Move forward, continuing until you enter
another chamber with a pool ahead and to your left. Move past the pool, and
turn left down the rocky tunnel. Continue until you come to the remains of
someone (probably one of the four Keepers mentioned on the map). Near to these
remains you'll find 4 Moss Arrows. To the left of these remains (straight ahead
as you come out of the tunnel) you'll find a hole, at the bottom of which is a
pool of water. Dive into this hole.
[NOTE: If you are concerned about either getting a good time or about
conserving your weapons, it is entirely possible to just run past all of the
Craymen in this area, and dive in the hole. It may be difficult, but it can be
done...I've gotten from the point of emerging from the water, to diving into
the hole, and to exiting the water, in about 30 seconds! {And I even picked up
the Moss Arrows along the way!)]
Once you are in the water, turn so you are facing the only accessible exit for
you. Dive underwater and swim through the exit. Ahead will be three tunnels you
can take.
If you want to find everything, then take the left tunnel. It will open into a
room with the remains of another Keeper. There's journal nearby, as well as a
Breath Potion, which you don't really need. The right tunnel dead-ends, but if
you need more air you can surface there to get some. The tunnel ahead is the
one you want. (If you go for the Breath Potion area, when you're done return
here, and turn to face down the centre tunnel.)
Move forward through the tunnel ahead. It shortly branches, one path leading
leftwards, the other towards the right. Keep moving forward, down the right
branch. This tunnel will eventually turn left, and ahead you will see what
looks like a smaller tunnel (the same tunnel you're in now, with sort of a
"lip" over it, making it smaller). Partway towards it, if you look up, you'll
find another passage leading up. It's a dead-end, but again, you can replenish
your air supply if you need to.
At this point, there are two ways you can go. Ahead where the tunnel has the
"lip" mentioned above, it branches...but not left and right. It's a sort of
"vertical branch", where you can take the upper or lower. Both lead to the same
place, however.
If you take the lower branch, follow the tunnel and it will eventually lead to
a chamber where you can surface. You'll hear the sound of a Crayman nearby, and
he will have spotted you. Look around to find him. Once you have, turn right
around and swim towards a ledge. Mantle up onto it. The Crayman cannot reach
you here, and you can merrily make a pincushion out of him.
If you take the upper branch, however, it quickly brings you to the surface.
(Once you surface, you may want to save your game.) Move quietly in this
area...move forwards out of the water and towards the chamber ahead. It is the
same chamber where the Crayman is, but this time you are on the same side as
it. Lean out and you should be able to bring him down with a single Broadhead.
Then when he's dealt with, turn so you are looking across the pool in here, and
jump across it to the ledge. (You will probably fall into the water...if so,
just mantle up onto the ledge.)
[NOTE: An alternative method to dealing with the Crayman is to trick him into
the room above, where there is a trap that can kill him. This is explained more
No matter which method you choose, you should now be on that ledge. (By now,
you should be able to hear some singing.) Look around on the floor until you
find a silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 50). Then face the pool, jump in
again, swim across, and pull yourself out.
On either side of the room is a staircase leading up. Both lead to the same
room, so turn either left or right, and take the staircase of your choice.
The room above is the one in which the Keeper's enshrined the Talisman of
Water. To get to the chest, you'll have to move across the room, and the floor
is one big trap. Moving across it will cause arrows to shoot out of the walls,
and even crouched they will sometimes strike you. The body in the centre of the
room has two Broadhead Arrows protruding from its body, which you can retrieve
(but I wouldn't bother, you won't need them). Also on the floor near the body
is a message from a Lady Valeria, regarding the Talisman of Water. (Note: It is
not only moving across the floor that triggers the trap. If you are in the
right spot, simply leaning will also cause the arrows to shoot out.)
All of that being said...don't bother with this room. The Talisman is no longer
here. Instead, directly across the room from the chest the Talisman used to be
in is another exit. Move through it. Follow this tunnel and you'll eventually
find another pool of water to dive into. Do so, and follow the tunnel until you
surface. When you do, you'll have to mantle up out of the water. It's kind of
tricky here...turn either left or right to do it.
When you're out of the water, turn so you are facing the cavern. Move into it,
and move through it, down the slope to the hut below, and the singing Hermit.
The Hermit is named Raoul. He will give you a rather long and semi-musical
story, explaining about Lady Valerius, the Opera House, and the Talisman. At
some point, he will offer you a map of the Opera House, and a key. (He will put
these on the ground for you to pick up.) Once he steps back, look upwards, and
you'll see a rope dangling from above. (For some reason, this rope disappears
when you're not looking upwards. I don't know reappears when you do
look upwards however.)
NOTE: You can speed this part up slightly. Once Raoul puts the map and key on
the ground, you really have no more use for him. Blackjack him, then grab the
items. (Unfortunately, if you want to move on quickly, you WILL have to
blackjack can't jump onto the rope while he's chatting with you, as
he is standing too close to it.)
Grab the items, then jump onto the rope and climb upwards. Near the top, your
mission objectives will change to the following:
Near the top, turn around until you find a tunnel leading away, then jump off
the rope into it. Follow this tunnel to the end, where it drops off into water
below, with a rope dangling into it. Take the rope down, then turn until you
find the other exit from this point. Take it, and follow this tunnel (now
obviously man-made) until you emerge into a larger area. Move forward until you
strike the "wall" ahead of you, and mantle up. Then turn left. Move forward and
take the right turn ahead. Move down this tunnel, and at the end drop down into
the next room. Turn left, facing a small hole in the wall ahead.
* C. The Opera House, Basement *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to enter the Opera House (as Garrett's comment
should hint at). You'll need to crouch here. Do so, and move forward through
the hole ahead of you, then straighten up. There's a large opening in the wall
on your right. Move through it.
[Note: The walkthrough is about to tell you to turn right. Instead of simply
turning right however, you may want to turn left. If you see a guard moving
away from you, you can quickly go and take him out now, if you prefer. Then
return to this position and continue with the walkthrough.]
In this hallway, turn right. Ahead you'll see where the hallway "bends", then
continues on the same direction. Move forward, around that bend, and continue
ahead to the end. Before reaching the end, use a Water Arrow on the torch up
[NOTE: On the way, you'll pass a door. It is locked, so you'll need to pick it
open. While completely unnecessary, there are some items in there you may want.
2 Fire Arrows, 3 Flash Bombs, and a Gas Mine. Gather up what you want, and then
continue with the walkthrough.]
There are actually two ways to do this next part. Since your game saved nearby,
you can decide which is the most expedient for you. [Note: There's a room which
is shared by two guards' patrol routes. Be quiet when you take any guards out
in that room...there's another nearby guard, but you should be safe from him.]
1) Instead of moving to the end of the corridor right now, wait for a
patrolling guard to come by ahead. When he does, wait until he leaves this
hallway, then walk up behind him and knock him out. There is also a nearby
servant who may be disturbed by your activities. Find him and knock him out as
well. Then return to the hallway where you doused the torch, turn left, and
wait for another guard to come around. He'll enter the hallway, quickly do an
about-face, and leave. When he does, move in behind him and knock him out.
2) Move down to the end of the hallway, keeping to the right. At the end, hide
yourself in the dark corner on your right, then turn left and watch the guards.
You may only see one right now...that's okay, the other is nearby. When you one
comes near enough, knock him out and hide his body here in the darkness with
you. Then you can either run up and knock the other one out, or wait for him to
come by and then knock him out.
[Note: The area where the servant patrols, mentioned in the first method above,
has a large furnace in it, with a fire burning in it. If you extinguish the
fire (it may take a couple of Water Arrows to do so), there's a ladder which
you can use to climb up to the next level.]
No matter which method you use, move so that you are just inside the room where
you could watch the two guards moving around. It should be long, with pillars,
and made of gray stonework. There should also be a staircase leading up on your
right, although you may not see it just yet.
Move forward across this room. At the far end, you should notice a dark area
across the exit. Move into this dark area, and hide in the shadows.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are currently looking into three hallways which cross your
view. In the second one, you will soon see a servant come into view on the
left, cross your view, and disappear to the right. When he does this, move up
behind him and take him out.
[Note: There is also another servant, who sometimes wanders through the first
hallway. I am not sure where he comes from. (I originally thought it was the
kitchen areas, but I was apparently wrong.) I believe he may also comes by this
way, although perhaps not far enough to see you if you move across his view.]
Once he's dealt with, continue forward, climbing up the ahead slope. At the
top, turn left, and move up the ramp ahead. At the top, turn left again. Move
down this hall, and about halfway down you'll find an alcove. Turn into the
alcove. Inside you'll find a crate, and on one side of the crate you'll find a
bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 100).
Leave the alcove. Turn left, and move to the end of the hall. Turn left again,
and move down the ramp ahead. At the bottom, turn left, and move down this ramp
as well. Keep moving forward until you have a choice of directions, then turn
left. Move ahead, through the next hall, and continue into the area with the
decorated stonework. At the end of the hall, turn left, and move forward until
you are at a dead-end. Look at the ground, and you'll find another wine bottle
(50, Treasure Count: 150).
Turn right around, move forward, and take the first right. Move forward,
through an archway and into the next hall. Turn right, move forward, and then
turn left. Move into the room ahead of you.
This is a wine room. The centre niche of the bottom row holds another bottle of
valuable wine (50, Treasure Count: 200). The rest are either empty or contain
worthless cheap wine.
Once you've taken the wine, turn around and leave the room. Turn left, and move
down this hallway. Take the LAST left turn you come to, and enter another wine
This time, it's the centre niche of the top row that holds the wine bottle you
want. Move forward, looking up at that niche. You should be able to see it
highlight from here. If you have trouble, there's a crate in this room which
you can move over here, hop onto, and then jump up again to look into this
niche. However you manage it, grab the wine bottle (50, Treasure Count: 250).
Then turn right around and leave the room. Turn right, and move forward. When
you reach an opening in the left wall, turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is still another servant you may need to contend with, as
well as a guard. Move forward, through the first hallway and into the second.
Then turn right. Move down this hall until it turns...this is another "bend".
Turn right. Move foward, then turn left.
Your best bet to get this guard is to move over to the archway ahead, and wait
for the guard to come through, then knock him out. (Note: He comes out of a
room ahead on the left. If you move over to that exit and look in, you'll see
some performers practicing their singing. There are two chests by each exit in
this room. The only one that contains anything worthwhile is at this exit, on
the left (as you face in) contains a Healing Potion.)
Once he's taken care of, return to the exit mentioned above (the fourth on the the first on your right). Turn down this hall, and follow it all the
way to the end. Then turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You want to go to the room at the far end. Unfortunately, there
is a guard in there who is very difficult to sneak up on. And there is a nearby
room with several people in it, so trying to draw him out or using a Flash Bomb
will alert the others. From here, try shooting one of your Gas Arrows into that
room. Aim just above and just to the left of the red barrel in that room. It
should knock the guard it. (If it doesn't...well, that's why you saved the
Move forward into that room. Turn left, and you'll see a panel on the wall to
your left. It operates a mechanical lift directly ahead. Step onto the lift,
and turn to face the panel.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This lift will take you to the next level. However, it is
entirely possible that it will bring you into the next room when there are
guards in it or nearby. You may want to have a Water Arrow ready to douse a
nearby torch or two, just in case. Press the upper button on the panel to bring
you to the next level, and turn left, so you're facing the direction you need
to when the lift stops.
* D. The Opera House, Ground Floor *
Douse the torch in front of you, then move forward slightly, and turn right.
Douse the next torch. This should create sufficient darkness for you to hide in
while in this part of this hallway. If you have the opportunity to take down
any patrolling guards while you're in here, do so. (I've only found one guard
who actually comes into this hallway, and he has a key to pickpocket.)
Once you're secure in this area, turn so you're facing down the corridor,
towards a closed door. Move forward, and move through the second door on your
right. Inside, turn left, and in the cubbyholes you'll find two gilded vases
(100, 100, Treasure Count: 350, 450). Leave the way you came in. On the wall in
front of you there should be another torch. Douse it, and turn right. Move over
to the door in front of you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going to try to take out another guard, which may be
right behind this door! Unlock the door with the key you took from the previous
guard. If the coast is clear beyond, shoot a Moss Arrow at the floor ahead, so
you can move from this area to the carpet without being heard. Now wait for the
guard to come by. When he does, wait for him to turn around, then move in
behind him, lift the key from his belt, and knock him out. (Note: You may have
a long wait for this guard, as his patrol is somewhat large.)
Once he's taken care of, move forward down the hall. Ignore the door on your
right (it's just an old storage room), and turn right at the corner. Ahead you
will see another door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be difficult to do, but it nets you two more
Gas Arrows. The room beyond the door ahead contains two guards. You need to
open the door, and throw in a Flash Bomb to blind both guards, then knock them
both out before they recover. Once that is accomplished, move around the room,
gathering the goodies from the tables. All told, there are 2 Gas Arrows, 6
Broadhead Arrows, a Healing Potion, and a Speed Potion. Take what you like,
then leave the room the way you came in.
[Note: The above can be very frustrating, as many times when I tried it, my
Flash Bomb only blinded one of the guards.]
In the hallway, turn right. Move forward, and go through the first door on your
left. Inside this room turn left. You'll see three golden plates lining the
wall on a shelf here. Pick them up (50, 50,50, Treasure Count: 500, 550, 600).
Then move to the shelf directly across from the door, and grab the vase (50,
Treasure Count: 650). Then turn right around and leave the room through the
door ahead.
Back in the hallway, turn left, and move forward to the door you can see down
the hall. Stop before you open it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next area can be highly dangerous, as there are several
nearby personages who may hear you on the tile floor. Open the door, and tread
carefully. Inside there are a series of alcoves (actually, ticket booths). Turn
left into the first one, sneak up on that servant, and blackjack him. Then turn
around, and move out of the alcove. Turn left, and move forward slightly. On
the right, the lower part of the wall has a depression in it. It's a safe. Open
the safe, and then open the box within to get the Opera House receipts (25,
Treasure Count: 675). (Note: There are actually two safes in here, but one is
empty. You want the one closest to the door you came in through.) Then turn
right and go back into the hallway. Turn right, and move forward. Turn right
again, facing the door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, you could be caught here. Open the door, and move
carefully (tile flooring again) into the next room. Ahead is a turning to the
left. Before taking it, lean out and see if the guard is anywhere near, or
approaching. When the coast is clear, take the turn, and move into the next
There is a large circle of light in this room. Stick to the shadows. Move to
the other side of the room, staying in the shadows. (Note that this room has a
carpet trim all along the edges, which is not as loud to walk on.
Unfortunately, your path along the carpet is blocked in some places.) Hide in
the shadows near the door. The guard will make his patrol back into this room.
Either as he enters or as he leaves, lean forward and put him to sleep.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Now that this guard is taken care of, you're going to take care
of a couple more. Leave through the exit this guard came through. Note the
fountain in the centre of the room...if you want to pick up a few more Water
Arrows, there are two within. Turn left, and go through the exit you see there.
(Note that this room has the same carpet trim along the edges that the last one
did.) Keep moving into the darker area ahead. If you hear a guard's footsteps,
you may want to wait, or perhaps use a Moss Arrow or two in this section. If
you wait, a guard will walk past your view, going left to right. You'll want to
take him out. The floor in here makes sneaking up on him difficult, so use
either Moss Arrows, or move across to the opposite side from the doorway you
came through, hiding in the shadows, and wait. When he comes by again, lean out
and knock him out.
You may be a bit turned around now...locate the doorway you entered this area
through. Turn left, and move up the ramp. Ahead and to the left is a doorway
you will want to go through. Be careful though, there's a guard patrolling
through the room, as well as two singers.
Move up to the doorway on the left, and lean over to look in. Listen for the
guard's footsteps. If you can hear them coming closer, then wait for his patrol
to take him close to you, then blackjack him. (You may need to lean forward to
do this.) (Note: He has a Speed Potion for you to pickpocket.)
Move into the doorway once he's taken care of. Now, the two singers at the far
end CAN be taken down with the Blackjack, but it is time-consuming, and
dangerous, considering you have to move into the light to do it. I suggest you
use one of your Gas Arrows to take them down. (Note: The woman has an item on
her belt for you to pickpocket...using your Gas Arrow will keep you from
getting all the pickpockets at the end.)
Once they're down, move in, and get the opera glasses from the woman's belt
(50, Treasure Count: 725). Now, there are two exits from this room. Find the
one you haven't used yet, and move through it.
This next room is a little strange. See that sunburst pattern on the wall to
your right? Move over to it, and "operate" the centre of the sunburst. Then
turn right around, and you'll see a secret door has opened. Move through the
secret door and into the room ahead with the desk. Grab the two gold
candlesticks off the desk (50, 50, Treasure Count: 775, 825). On the floor on
the far side of the room, beside the desk, is a rolled up tapestry (150,
Treasure Count: 975).
[Note: There is a tapestry hanging on the wall across from the entrance you
used to get in here. If you cut it down with your Sword, you will find a secret
tunnel which leads back down to the basement. It empties through the large
furnace mentioned previously.]
Leave this room the way you came in, and turn left. Move into the next room,
and turn left. Move over to the exit you can see, but stop before actually
moving into the next area.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is very dangerous! Ahead, you will see a ramp
leading down to your left, ahead of which is another way off to the left and a
way to the right across from that. Ahead of these two is another path to the
left. That last one is the one you want. However, crossing at this point will
put you in view of at least two guards.
Look at the floor near the centre left passage. You should note that it seems
to be a difference material. It is wooden, and makes less noise. The trick here
is to move over to that wooden flooring, then cross directly over to the next
point of wooden flooring. This minimizes your risk of being seen or heard.
So, move across to the wooden flooring, then move across to the next section of
wooden flooring. Once you've done that, turn around the corner here to your
left, trying to stay on the wood.
At this point, you will see a statue in the area ahead, above the ramp. There's
a treasure near the statue's base. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the wood, then climb
up and retrieve the gold nugget (100, Treasure Count: 1075). Climb back down to
the floor (don't jump or fall...there may be nearby servants who can hear you!)
Turn so you are facing the wall from which you moved to this spot, and move
back against the wall, onto the wood.
SAVE YOUR GAME! After doing that, you still need to get back around to the
other side. Turn left, so you are facing down the ramp you're on. Move forward
all the way to the top of the next ramp, and turn left. Move forward across the
tile floor to the next point where the floor becomes wood. Then move forward
and turn left. Move down this ramp, and at the bottom you'll find a doorway on
the right side of the hall. Move through that doorway. You should be back in
the room with the fountain.
Across the room from the door you just used is a statue. Move over to it and
look up at the statue's head. She's wearing a tiara (125, Treasure Count:
1200). Now turn left and move to the exit in that direction.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The danger here is being spotted by the servant across the hall
in the next room. You will want to move through the exit across from the one
you just used. Directly opposite that exit however is a servant, and she is
looking right in your direction. There are insufficient shadows for you to hide
from her by the door, so your best bet to dealing with her is, instead of
stealth, rush up to her and club her. You can jump across the ledge she is
standing behind, or go open the door to the right of the window (as you face
it), or wait for her to come running out in a panic.
However you choose to deal with her, once she is down, if you have not already
moved into her area via one of the methods described above, do so now. Inside
there is another door, which she was standing in front of. Open it, and move
into the next room.
Ah, more cubbyholes. Only one interests you this time. The lower one on the far
right (as you face them) contains a purse (100, Treasure Count: 1300). Once
you've got it, leave the way you came.
(Note: There is another exit from this room. If you take it, crouch, and look
to the left, you'll find a secret panel which leads to a series of ladders.
These will take you to a tunnel, which ends at a tapestry. Cut it down, and
you'll find yourself on the topmost floor of the Opera House.)
Back in the room where you clubbed the girl, move back into the hallway (either
through the door or through the window, your choice). Once there, turn right.
Move down the hall to where it turns to the right, but don't cross into that
area yet.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a guard who's patrol enters this next hallway. From
here, you can lean out and look down the hall. There is a carpet that runs down
the hall. The hall turns to the left (as you look down it.) What you want to do
is to shoot a Moss Arrow down the hall onto the floor, past the carpet, but so
the moss itself will also fall on the floor past your view down the next hall.
This should give you sufficient coverage so that you can walk on the moss all
the way (or very nearly all the way) up to the carpet in the hall beyond.
That being done, watch and wait for the guard. When he comes through, wait for
him to turn and move back into the next hall. Now comes the tricky part. You
want to jump from the carpet you are standing on to land on the one in the next
hall. Once that is accomplished, move down this hall, and when you reach your
moss, turn, sneak up on the guard, and knock him out. Don't forget to lift the
key from his belt also. (Note: If your moss did not quite make it to the next
carpet, you'll have to jump from the moss to the carpet.)
With this guard safely out of the way, move forward down the hall to the first
doorway on your right (ignore the one on your left). Through this doorway is a
food preparation room, with a servant making someone's dinner. Move into the
room and knock him out. Then, turn left. The table in front of you has two
golden goblets (25, 25, Treasure Count: 1325, 1350) and two golden plates (50,
50, Treasure Count: 1400, 1450). Turn left now, and leave the room the way you
came in.
Move down this hallway, turning right. Down this hall you will find a door on
your right, a doorway on your left, and a door in front of you at the hallway's
end. You want the door at the end. (Note: The door to the right leads to a room
with a fireplace, which has a secret area behind can use it to either
bypass the door at the end of the hall (not really necessary at all), or to go
back down to the basement into the kitchen area.)
Move down to the hallway's end. Unlock the door with one of the ornate keys
you've managed to acquire so far.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be tricky. What you are going to want to do
is this: Move through this door (now doorway) ahead, and in the hallway beyond
go into the first doorway on your right. Inside on the table is a treasure and
a Healing Potion. Unfortunately, there are also two singers having a
conversation. They are easy to knock out if you are fast enough. However, you
may prefer to sneak inside to get the items. Across from the doorway which
leads into that room is a torch. If you take it out with a Water Arrow, your
chances of sneaking are MUCH better.
Decide on your course of action. Then move ahead, taking out the torch if you
choose to, and go through the first doorway on your right. Either knock the
singers out or sneak into the room. On the table to the left of the doorway is
a Healing Potion and another tiara (125, Treasure Count: 1575). (Note: At the
back of this room is a secret door, which opens into a secret area. This is the
same area that the previous fireplace I mentioned leads to, and you can take
the ladder in this room down to the kitchen in the basement.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to embark upon another dangerous part of this
mission. Leave this room the way you came in, and turn right. Move all the way
down to the end of the hall, stopping just before the ramp leading up to the
In the next room, unless you took care of them both when you first arrived on
this level, there are a couple of patrolling guards. You should have taken care
of at least one when you first arrived on this level, so there is only one more
patrolling on the lower level of this room. Your best hope of taking care of
him is this: position yourself so you can see into the room. Inside the room,
on the wall to the left, is a torch. Take it out, then move into the room, turn
left, and move into the shadows (you should be near a ramp which leads to the
back end of the stage). Turn so you can see when a guard is approaching, and
knock him out when he does. (Note: There is also a guard patrolling on a metal
walkway above, and another stationary guard up there.)
When the coast is clear, turn so your back is to the stage area. Ahead you
should see a ladder. Move forward past it, and there will be another ladder
ahead. Turn to face the ladder (so you are between the ladder and the wall
nearby), and jump onto it. Climb the ladder upwards, stopping before your head
clears the walkway above, then turn right around. Jump off the ladder and onto
the landing. (Note: There is a sandbag near the edge that may inhibit your
jump.) Once you're on the landing, you should see an exit to your right. Move
through the exit.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Now that you're safely out of the guard's view, you won't want
to repeat all of that.
* E. The Opera House, 2nd Floor *
Down this hall are several doors. Move down the hall, and go through the second
door you find (you'll have to pick the lock). Move to the end of the room, and
turn right. Move forward and jump into the alcove ahead. Move forward, and at
the other side look down. There is another rolled up tapestry here (150,
Treasure Count: 1725). Now turn right around, and move back into the room you
just left, falling to the floor. Directly across from you are some candlesticks
on the mantle. Two of them are golden (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1775, 1825). Now
turn right, and move through the door ahead, back into the hallway.
Turn right, and move to the end of the hall. There is a door at the end, in the
wall on your left. Stop before getting to close to it. There is another guard
SAVE YOUR GAME! Open the door...make sure you do so so that when it opens you
cannot be seen by the guard within. Ready your Water Arrows, then lean over and
douse the torch behind the guard. Once that is done, crouch and move into the
room. When you are behind the guard, pick his pocket, and knock him out.
[Note: It may be easier for you to sneak into this room if you take out the
torch nearby in the hallway before you enter this room.]
Once he's out, turn and find the other door in this room. Unlock it with one of
your ornate keys.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The area you are about to enter in is treacherous...lots of
tile floor for you to announce yourself on. Fortunately, there are carpets laid
out on the floor, most of which are spaced close enough to make a running jump
from one to the other possible.
Move forward down this hallway. As soon as you reach the first lighted area,
turn left, and you will see a doorway through which is a small room. Move into
the room. BE QUIET! There are nearby guards who can hear you!
Directly ahead is a table upon which sits three goblets for you to take (15,
15, 15, Treasure Count: 1840, 1855, 1870). Now turn left and move around the
room. At the opposite end you'll find another table, this time sporting three
golden plates (50, 50, 50, Treasure Count: 1920, 1970, 2020). Now continue
around the room in the same direction, but stop about halway around.
Turn to face the central column in this room, and crouch. A secret panel should
highlight. Open it, and move into "the secret passage". Climb the stairs ahead
all the way to the top, where another secret panel will highlight. To open this
one, turn to the left (as you face the panel), and you'll find the keyhole. The
key that Raoul gave you down in the caverns opens this panel.
[Note: There are small holes in the walls from here, where you can shoot Gas
Arrows at the two guards guarding the room, if you like. However, it is quite
easy to simply blackjack them, and I recommend saving your Gas Arrows for the
top floor guards.]
Once the panel is open, move through it. Directly ahead is a bookcase. The
bottom left niche has a box. Open it and you'll get a blue key. Now turn left,
and move carefully through the doorway there.
The desk in front of you has a gold key on it, as well as a box. Open the box
to get a ring (100, Treasure Count: 2120), then get the key. If you didn't use
a Gas Arrow on the guard, knock him out now. Then continue forward.
Go past the set of double doors. In the next section of this room is another
guard. Knock him out if you haven't done so already. Use the blue key you just
recently found on the chest in front of you to unlock it, then open it to get
the Talisman of Water.
Continue around the room until you are back to the section with the secret
panel. Crouch and move through the panel, then follow the stairs to the bottom
again (stay crouched!). Exit this secret passage, then stand up, turn right,
and move around the room until you come to the exit again. Move through the
exit into the hall beyond.
Back in the hallway, turn left. Ahead, the corridor turns right. Follow the
turn. Ahead, you can turn either left or right. While you ultimately want to go
right, for now, turn left. (Note: Be careful...there is a guard who's patrol
takes him briefly into this corridor, and he might see you. This guard is to
the right instead of the left.)
After you turn left, ahead you'll see a section of the corridor is illuminated
from the right. There is a doorway there, and through it are two guards who can
see down here, so be careful. (I have never been seen by them at this point,
but I am assuming they can do so.)
Move forward past that opening on the right, and continue forward. You'll
shortly come to a door on your left. Move through it.
[Note: This door is one of the ones I've noticed is sometimes just a doorway.]
Inside this room, turn right and move through the doorway ahead into the next
room. At the far end of this room is a table on the right, which holds two more
golden goblets (25, 25, Treasure Count: 2145, 2170). For a change, the
fireplace in this room is just a fireplace.
Once you've got the treasures, turn around and leave this room the way you came
in. In the next room, go through the door on the wall to your left, and you'll
find yourself back in the hall. Turn right. You'll have to move through the
light ahead again (the guards in the area to the left are still there!). Move
down this hall as far as you can, staying on the carpet. When you reach the
end, make sure you're still hidden in the shadows.
SAVE YOUR GAME! That patrolling guard is still somewhere around here, and you
don't want him seeing you! Position yourself so that you can look down the
hallway ahead and to your left. If the guard is coming, then return to the
shadows, wait for him to come by and turn around again, then leap from your
carpet to the carpet in the next hall, and take him out.
Continue forward until you come to a hallway leading off to your right. Turn
down this hall and move to the end. There's an opera box here with someone
inside. Lean into the box, and lift the opera glasses from her belt (50,
Treasure Count: 2220). Then turn around and make your way back to the main hall
(the one fully carpeted in red). Once there, turn right, and move forward again
until you find another area off to your right. Move into this area, and into
the opera box, where there are two occupants, having a discussion. (If you
stick around and listen, the discussion is rather interesting.) Lean forward to
lift the purse from the man's belt (100, Treasure Count: 2320). Turn around and
leave, making your way back to the main hallway again. Turn right once again,
and move forward. Go past the next opening on your right (it just leads back to
the two having the conversation again), and then turn down the next hallway
leading off to your right. Move forward to the end. In this opera box, lean
forward to pickpocket the opera glasses from this woman as well (50, Treasure
Count: 2370). Turn around, and move back into the main hallway. Turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The next area has another patrolling guard in it, and his
patrol can take him to a point where he can see you here. Move forward to the
end of the carpeted hall you are in. To take out the guard in the next area, I
suggest using a Moss Arrow on the tile floor ahead. Then move into the shadows
to your left, lean out right, and wait. When the guard comes by, turns, and
departs, then move out into the hall, and knock him out.
You should now be facing down the hall which the guard patrolled. Move all the
way down this hall, carpet hopping as necessary, until you can go forward no
further. Then turn right. (You should be aware that you will be passing an
opening through which two guards can possibly see you.)
[Note: You will pass a hallway on your right, and then a doorway on the same
side. This doorway leads to a room with a fireplace, which has a secret area
beside it. It connects to the fireplace in the next room off the right of the
hallway you're currently following.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can draw some serious attention to yourself if
you're caught. Move forward, then turn left. Crouch, and move into this
well-lit section. Turn right, and move forward until you can turn left, then do
so. You should now be in a dark section. Sneak up on the man and woman ahead,
and pickpocket the man. For some reason, he has a necklace on his belt (200,
Treasure Count: 2570). (Note: Sometimes, it is necessary to knock these two out
so that they don't see you leave. They are quite easily dealt with using your
Blackjack.) Turn around, move forward, turn right, move forward, turn left
again, and move back into the hallway when you get the chance. Turn right and
move forward. Once you're back in the shadows, stand up again.
[Note: The section above has the added difficulty that there is at least one
guard whose patrol stometimes brings him into this room. Keep this in mind when
performing the above tasks.]
Turn left, and move down this hall again. Ignore the doorways again, and when
you reach a turn to the left down another hall, take it. Move forward, and turn
right when you can. Move forward, and when you reach the first wall-lamp (on
your right), turn left.
This door will require you to pick the lock. Do so, and move into the room
beyond. Inside, turn left and follow the room around until you find the
staircase in the centre column leading upwards. Enter the stairwell, and climb
the stairs to the top.
* F. The Opera House, 3rd Floor *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are three patrolling guards on this level, two of which
patrol nearby. One of them has a Healing Potion you can pickpocket. However,
following this walkthrough will avoid that guard.
When you exit the stairwell, there will be a door directly in front of you.
Pick the lock, and go through the door. One or two of the patrols may be
nearby, so tread carefully.
[Note: Up here, the most expedient method of dealing with the guards is your
Gas Arrows. If you think of the layout of the main areas of this level as a
square, then you enter in the lower left corner, a guard patrols along the left
edge, another along the top edge (he's the one with the Potion), and another
around the entire square. Keep this in mind when using your Gas Arrows.]
Move forward onto the carpet, and turn right. Move forward, and take the first
left. Continue forward, and take the first left again. Move down this hallway
until there are some stairs on your right. (Note: The guard who patrols the
left side of the square moves into this area, so be careful!)
Turn left, move forward, and grab the gilded vase (50, Treasure Count: 2620).
Then turn right around, and move forward down the stairs to another opera box.
Lean forward into the box, and steal the man's purse (100, Treasure Count:
2720). Turn around, and climb the stairs back to the top. Turn left, and move
forward back into the main hallway.
Turn left, and move forward. Ahead is a large tiled area. Use a Moss Arrow or
two (or three!) to soften your footsteps, and proceed forward. (Be wary...there
are two guards down a side passage to your right that may see you!) Try to stay
to the left side of the carpet, as there are some stationary guards up ahead
who may see you moving down this hallway. (Also, the guard who patrols the top
side of the square comes into this hall briefly).
When you find a turn to the left, take it. (I recommend jumping from one carpet
to the other, to avoid detection.) Move forward, and turn left when you get the
chance. Climb down these stairs to another opera box. There's no one it this
one, but someone has left some opera glasses on the ledge. Move forward and
grab them (50, Treasure Count: 2770). Then turn around, and climb the stairs to
the top again.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're almost finished now. Move forward, and re-enter the main
hall. (Once again, try jumping.) Turn right, and move down this hallway all the
way to the end. Once you reach the end, you should be able to see some stairs
leading up ahead and to your right. Move over there aand climb the stairs. Go
through the door and in the next room, continue forward onto the stairwell, and
take the stairs back down to the previous level.
Exit the stairwell, turn left, and move around the room. You will shortly find
the door leading out into the hall. Go through the door, and turn left. Follow
this corridor to the end, and turn right when it does. Move forward into the
darker area, keeping to the left, and ahead of you a door will highlight. Open
the door (use one of your jewelled keys).
Move through the open door, and turn left. Move forward until you come to a
door in the wall to your left. Pick the lock on this door.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two performers in here, but you should be able to get
through this without alerting them. Move into the room, and step onto the
carpet ahead. Once on the carpet, turn left. There is a safe in the wall ahead.
Use the gold key you picked up in the Talisman room to open the safe, then get
the silver flute (150, Treasure Count: 2920). Then turn left, and leave through
the open door ahead.
* G. Escaping *
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time to leave the Opera House. Turn left, and move all the
way down the hall. At the end is a doorway in front of you. Move through it,
and when the wall to your right opens up, turn right.
Being careful of nearby patrolling guards, jump from your spot here to the
ladder ahead of you, then climb down the ladder to the ground. Then turn right
around, and move forward into the next room, down the ramp ahead. Turn left,
and move forward all the way down the hall, and go through the door at the end.
Continue forward. When the corridor turns, follow it. Ignore all doors, until
the hallway ends. Then turn right, and move forward through the door ahead of
In this room, move forward, and turn left. Move into the next room, and then
turn right. Ahead of you you should see to large pillars. Move into the
darkness between them, and a pair of double doors will highlight.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Through this doors there are guards on patrol! Open these
doors, and move forward. Cross the room to the exit opposite the doors you just
came through. Move down the stairs ahead of you. Once you hit the street, you
may want to keep moving, just to avoid being caught or wounded. However, you
can simply stand there if you prefer, because the mission is over.
Congratulations! You've robbed the Opera House and acquired the Talisman of
17.1: Introduction
"Having pledged our honour as shield over Air, we must be mindful. Let it be
locked away and safe, but ever in view of the faithful. Future generations are
hostage to our care."
-- Hammerite Sermon of the Talisman
Getting the Talisman of Air will be an interesting challenge, but I'll need it
if I want to get "The Eye" for Constantine. It's well hidden inside the city's
Hammer I'll have to do some scouting around. Problem is the place
is fully active, day AND night...not even I could stay undetected for very
Well, they say that the best place to hide a letter is on the mantlepiece. With
that in mind I'll be going in by the front door...dressed as a Hammerite
Novice. That should be perfect since Novices aren't allowed to speak while on
the Temple grounds.
My contacts can get me a Novice's pass to get me through the gate. Once inside
I'll be free to take my time...explore the place thoroughly...and find the
Talisman. As long as I don't do anything violent...or get caught somewhere I
shouldn't be. Because as the new arrival I'll be the first person they suspect
if anything goes wrong....
NOTE: You may notice that Objective #4 reads "In addition to stealing the
TALISMANS...". I believe this is a holdover from the original Thief game, when
you had to steal both the Air and Earth Talismans from this mission. Ignore the
typo...there's only one Talisman to steal.
Starting Funds: Whatever you managed to purloin from the Opera House. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
16 Broadhead Arrows
6 Water Arrows
1 Gas Arrow
1 Flash Bomb
1 Scroll
NOTE: I noticed the cost of the Noisemaker Arrows here in the FAQ are 100 more
than in any other mission. Did I make a typo here, or are they really 350 for
this mission?
Yet again, your Sword and Blackjack are not shown on your Starting Equipment
list. Oddly enough, you seem to have them once the mission starts.
The scroll you are carrying is the Novice's Pass which you'll need to enter the
Hammerite Temple unmolested.
Since you are in disguise, stealth is not as important to you on this mission
as it has been on others, so Moss Arrows and Water Arrows can be kept to a
minimum. Fire Arrows and the Explosive Mine are a waste of your money, since
you cannot kill anyone. And for some reason, my Noisemaker Arrows fail to draw
any attention, so I consider them likewise useless.
What does that leave? Gas Arrows, Gas Mines, and Healing Potions. Get them. :)
You should note that once you take the Talisman of Air, the alarms will go off
and every Hammerite left standing will be searching for you. It is at times
like this that you may find you want some stealth equipment, or attention
getters such as Noisemaker Arrows. However, you should try to eliminate future
opposition by taking out as many guards as you can before this happens. Use
your own discretion on this matter.
Okay, enough ranting. This mission is still fun, and there are a few things to
point out. First of all, you're in disguise. That means you don't have to sneak
around the place like you normally do. (I must say, this took some getting used
to for me!)
The first thing you should remember is this: Whenever you have a chance to take
down a Hammerite, do so. You'll be glad you did later. Also remember that you
must hide the bodies or else patrolling Hammers will realize something's up,
and then your disguise is useless. Any time you take out a Hammerite and manage
to hide the body, I suggest you save your game.
Also, remember that you're supposed to be a Hammerite Novice. This means that
if you are caught someplace you are obviously not supposed to be (places marked
with a red, inverted hammer), your cover will be blown. If you are told you are
not supposed to be somewhere, and you continue to hang around, nearby
Hammerites will see through your disguise. If anyone sees you taking treasure
items, they'll denounce you. If anyone finds any treasure missing, they'll
raise the alarm. Finally, it is all right to equip your weapons, but don't
ready them. That is, you can have your Blackjack out, but don't raise your arm
to use it if anyone can see!
In most cases, this walkthrough will not tell you when or how to take your
enemies down. There are too many, too scattered, and they move around a lot. It
will tell you where ideal places are to hide bodies, however.
For the most part, treasures are obvious and easily found in this mission.
There are no tricks to finding them, except for the main treasure: The Talisman
of Air. This will be gone into in further detail at the appropriate point in
the walkthrough.
A couple of notes of caution: In a few places, you may find some switches
labelled "ON/OFF". Whatever you do, DON'T operate these switches until told to!
They are part of the timed puzzle, and operating one of them will set things in
motion...and once that's done, you can't stop it. Also, again in several
places, you may find small red buttons on the wall. DON'T PRESS THEM! They turn
the alarms on.
One final note: I've seen a couple of places on the Internet talking about this
mission, and in one particular one they mentioned gaining entry via the roof. I
have not tried this, nor do I think I will. I was so disappointed with this
mission, my basic attitude was "Get it done, get it over with, and move on".
17.8: Walkthrough
A. Gaining Entry
B. The Main Level
C. The Lower Level
D. The Crypt Level
E. The Puzzle
F. Obtaining the Talisman
G. Escaping the Temple
* A. Gaining Entry *
Once you've started the mission, move forward and follow the turn ahead of you.
Continue forward. Ahead there is a turnoff to the left. Ignore it, and keep
moving forward. Continue down this street, following the turns. You will soon
come to another area where you can either move forward or turn left. This time,
you want to turn left. Ahead you'll see a Hammer standing guard before the
Hammerite Temple. Move up to him, and he will ask to see your credentials. At
this point, look in your inventory for the scroll you started with, and read
it. This will convince the guard you are legitimate, and will call for the gate
to be opened. Once it's open, move on in.
* B. The Main Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is where things start to get interesting. Remember, to
decrease the number of Hammers looking for you later, take as many out as you
can BEFORE going for the Talisman. There are at least two patrollers on this
level, as well as a few stationary guards, and a couple who don't begin their
patrols until after you've overheard their conversations.
As you stand in this room with your back to the gate that you just passed
through, there are three other exits: one to your left, one to your right, and
one dead ahead (obscured by the "Hammer Shrine" in front of you). Either the
left or the right exits lead to rooms, with no other exits. Each one is empty
except for Hammerites. The left one has two, the right one has one. These rooms
are ideal for hiding bodies in.
[Note: There is a parchment on the wall to your left. It seems that your
handiwork has not gone unnoticed.]
Also note that the "Hammer Shrine" has a golden hammer resting on it. Get it
when it is safe to do so (75, Treasure Count: 75). Then leave the room via the
door across from the gate. (Note: This "entrance room" is also part of at least
one Hammerite's patrol route.)
Once you've gone through the door, move through the doorway ahead. In the next
room, continue forward about halfway towards some stairs which lead down.
(Note: The dark areas in this room are very nice for hiding bodies.) Turn
right, and move foward through the doorway you can see ahead. In this room,
directly in front of you is a table containing a book and a Papyrus. Pick up
the Papyrus. You'll need it later.
Turn right, and move to the end of the room. Turn left, and go through the door
ahead. Then turn left again, and move down to the door you can see ahead of
you. Stop before you open it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can go wrong easily. Open the door. There should
be two Hammerites talking in the next room. Move into the room and get behind
the one on your right (as you face them from the doorway). When the
conversation ends, one of them will leave the room. While he is still in the
room, knock out the one that didn't move, then run up and knock the patrolling
one out. All of this should be done within this room. If the other guard gets
out, there's a chance knocking him out will alert others.
Now turn your attention to the pedestals in the room. There are three. The one
in the centre contains the "First Hammer" you are supposed to get. Take it,
then turn left and move through the door ahead of you.
Directly ahead of you is another door. Move through it, then turn right. You
should be looking down a long room, with two Hammerites at the far end near an
SAVE YOUR GAME! The two Hammerites at the end of the room are near a treasure.
Unfortunately, they never leave this room. If you aim a Gas Arrow at the ground
between them however, you can knock them out. Likewise, the corner of the altar
that lies between them will also do. (You have to get the Gas Arrow between
them...they aren't close enough for you to aim at a single one.) One they're
unconscious, move to the altar they were near, and grab the golden hammer (75,
Treasure Count: 150).
[Another method to take them out, if you want to save a Gas Arrow: In the
centre aisle, plant a Gas Mine. Then go up and knock one of the Hammerites
unconscious with your Blackjack. The other will run down the aisle to raise the
alarm, and trigger the Mine.]
Turn right around, move to the end of the room, turn right, and move through
the door ahead. In the next room, move through the doorway in front of you,
into another room. Here, directly ahead of you, is a locked door. (Note the
inverted red hammer above it...this is the symbol used to warn Novices of where
they are not permitted.) Pick the lock on the door. (Note: One Hammer's patrol
takes him through this room, so be careful.) Then move into the room. On the
shelf ahead, if you turn left you'll find two bottles of fine wine (50, 50,
Treasure Count: 200, 250). You may also notice a chest at the far end of the
room. Ignore it. It contains instructions for you on how to get the Talisman,
but you need a key to open the chest, and you have this walkthrough to tell you
how to do it already. :)
The cage containing the Talisman can only be opened when the five locks have
been released; the lock-releases are placed in various locations about this
Temple. One resides with Brother Mason. One is behind the Skull of St. Yora.
One is in the kitchen, by the oven. One is behind the rack which loosens men's
tongues. One is behind the Keystone Tree. The locks must be released within the
span of five minutes; when all of the locks are released, the Talisman Cage can
be opened. Then, he who removes the Talisman must first recite the Prayer of
the Wallbuilder. ]
Turn and leave this room the way you came in. Move through the doorway ahead,
then turn right. Move forward, again going through the archway ahead. Continue
forward until you can turn left, then do so. See those stairs just ahead and to
the left? Move down the stairs.
* C. The Lower Level *
The two Hammerites nearby will have started a conversation. Once they have
finished, they will become patrollers. This will give you a total of three
patrollers (at the moment) on this level. It is important that you take these
three out BEFORE moving into the graveyard area (described below). There are
two more Hammers there who will become patrollers as well! There are several
rooms on this level which are ideal for hiding bodies in, as the Hammerites
never enter them. Unfortunately, they all have the sign of the inverted hammer,
so you can't let them see you go in or come out of them.
Now, you've just come down, and with your back to the stairs, turn right. Ahead
is a door, and to the left ahead of you is a doorway. The doorway leads to some
sort of training room, where you can turn right and enter a garden of sorts.
This area is ideal for knocking out the Hammerites, as they tend to come
through one at a time, and you can also hide the bodies against the far wall,
in the darkness.
When you are able to, move through the door ahead. In this room there is a
locked chest. You can pick the lock, or pick up the key on the table, and use
it to unlock it. Inside you'll find a purse (100, Treasure Count: 350). Turn
around and leave the way you came in. Back in the hall, turn left. Move forward
until you come to another door on your left. Move through it. In this room
you'll find a tiara on the top of the shelving unit (125, Treasure Count: 475),
and in the chest is another bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 525). Turn
around and leave the room the way you came in. In the hall, turn left once
again. This time, go past the door on your right. Once you are just past it,
turn right. You should see a "window" into the next room.
You are looking into the High Priest's quarters. If you can't see him inside,
just wait. He will eventually move into view. When he does, wait for him to go
into the next room (which you can look into from here). He will stop inside
this room for a short while. Now shoot him with your Gas Arrow. Then turn left,
move forward back to the door you passed, and go through it.
Inside this room there is a shelving unit directly opposite the door. On top of
this sits another bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 575). Now turn left, and
move down to the other end of the room. Open the chest and you'll find a
diamond (100, Treasure Count: 675). Now move through the doorway beside the
chest. On the table in here there sits another golden hammer (75, Treasure
Count: 750), yet another bottle of wine (50, Treasure Count: 800), and a key.
Once you have everything, turn right around and leave this room the way you
came in.
Across from you in the next room you, and slightly to the left, you will see a
stained glass window depicting a large hammer. Just beneath it is a pedestal,
upon which sits a real hammer. Get the'll need it. Once you have
it, turn left, and move forward. Once you reach the door up ahead, turn right
and move through it.
In the hall once again. Turn right, and move forward. You will come to another
door on your left. Ignore this one...there's nothing you need in this room.
[Note: If you choose not to ignore this door, there is another key on the table
within (identical to one you've already found), and a Healing Potion in the
chest on the floor. Grab what you want, then leave the room again. Back in the
hall, turn left.]
Continue forward, moving as far as you can, until you are stopped by a large
table. Upon this table sits three more bottles of wine (50, 50, 50, Treasure
Count: 850, 900, 950). Once you have all three, turn right, and move forward
into the next room.
There's nothing in this room to interest you. Ahead there is an exit to the
right. Move through it, and continue forward until you come to a door on your
left. Move through the door. In this room there is another shelving unit,
containing another identical key, and a golden goblet (25, Treasure Count:
975). Turn around and leave the way you came in. Back in the hall, turn left,
and move forward. When you come to another door on your left, move through it.
This room has a chest, which contains another purse (100, Treasure Count:
1075). There is nothing else of interest in this room, so turn around and leave
the way you entered.
Back in the hall, turn left. Move forward through the doorway ahead, then turn
SAVE YOUR GAME! When you move forward, you will trigger a conversation between
two more Hammerites, after which they become patrollers.
Move forward into the graveyard area. Directly ahead of you, you will see a
large structure. This is a grave marker. There are two in this room, another in
the next, and two more beyond that. Within each rests a golden vase.
First things first though. Move forward to the stone path, and turn left. Then
move forward through the archway ahead, and turn left. The two Hammerites
should be directly in front of you.
The best way to deal with these two is your Flash Bomb. Throw it, then knock
these two out. Then go around collecting the five gold vases (100, 100, 100,
100, 100, Treasure Count: 1175, 1275, 1375, 1475, 1575). Start with those
furthest from the entrance to the graveyard area, and work your way back into
that room.
Once you have them all, turn right around. You should now be facing the doorway
you originally used to enter the graveyard. Move forward, going through the
doorway. Move all the way down the length of this room, until you are past the
rail and can turn left, then do so. Move forward to the wall ahead of you, then
turn left again. Move forward, until you come to a set of stairs leading down.
Take the stairs down, and follow these stairs/corridors until you come to a
point where you have to choose a direction again. (It's quite a ways, and it
will get very dark before you have to stop.)
* D. The Crypt Level *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You should have stopped at the bottom of a ramp, where you can
go either left or right. There is a patrolling Hammerite in this area, plus one
other stationary one. The patroller comes by this way, and since it's nice and
dark here you may want to just wait for him to come by to deal with him.
[NOTE: I seem to recall the first time through this mission, there were TWO
patrollers and a stationary guard. The second time through however, there was
only one.]
With your back to the ramp that you used to come down here, turn right. Move
forward, and turn left. Move forward, and take the first right. Move forward to
the sloping floor ahead, and turn right. Ahead you should see the stationary
Hammerite mentioned above. You will need to get behind him and knock him out.
Once that is done, turn so you are facing the crypt he was standing in front
of. On top of it is a golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 1675). Now turn left,
and move forward. Turn left when you have to, and move forward, stopping in
front of the crypt on your right. Turn to face it, and grab the vase from atop
it as well (100, Treasure Count: 1775).
Turn right, move forward, turn right, move forward, and take the right turn
ahead. At the top of the slope, turn right and grab the golden vase on top of
this crypt (100, Treasure Count: 1875). Then turn left, and move forward.
Follow this tunnel until you can turn left. Do so, and move down this steep
At the bottom of the slope, just a little ahead of it is another crypt on your
right. This time, the golden vase is not on top of it, it is on the floor at
one end of it (the end closest to the slope). Turn to face the crypt, grab the
vase from the floor (100, Treasure Count: 1975), then turn left and move
forward again. Directly ahead of you is another crypt with a vase on top. Get
it (100, Treasure Count: 2075).
Turn left, move forward, and take the first right. Move down this tunnel to the
end, and turn right. Move forward, and take these stairs all the way to the
top. At the top, turn right, and move forward to the doorway you can see ahead
of you.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Just in case. There is a Hammerite who patrols in this next
area. If he's nearby (you can tell by the footsteps, then find him and club
him. If he's not, then I suggest you move into the hall and plant one of your
Gas Mines for him.
Once you've moved into the hall, turn right and move forward. Then turn left,
and move forward to the door you can see on your left. Unlock the door with the
key you took from the High Priest's chambers, and move inside. This is the
Hammerite's treasure room.
Move all the way to the end, and turn right. Ahead of you are three chests.
They contain two purses (100, 100, Treasure Count: 2175, 2275) and a diamond
(100, Treasure Count: 2375).
Ahead of you you will see several stacks of coins on the floor. Pick them all
up. There are a total of fifteen stacks of copper coins (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, Treasure Count: 2380, 2385, 2390, 2395, 2400, 2405,
2410, 2415, 2420, 2425, 2430, 2435, 2440, 2445, 2450), eight stacks of gold
coins (25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, Treasure Count: 2475, 2500, 2525, 2550,
2575, 2600, 2625, 2650), and eight stacks of silver coins (12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 12, 12, Treasure Count: 2662, 2674, 2686, 2698, 2710, 2722, 2734, 2746).
* E. The Puzzle *
Turn so your back is to the chests you opened a moment ago, and move forward to
the other end of the room. Turn left, move forward, and turn left again. Move
forward to the other side, and turn right so you're facing the wall.
Look at the wall, and you'll find a switch labeled "ON/OFF". This is the first
of five switches which must be operated in order to get to the Talisman of Air.
Once you flip the first one, you have five minutes within which to find and
flip the other four.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This way, if you screw up, you can start right back at the
beginning of the puzzle.
Operate Switch Number One. Then turn right and move forward to the other side
of the room. Turn right and move forward to the opposite end of the room, and
leave this room the way you came in.
Turn right, move forward, turn right, and move forward again, to the end of the
hall. Turn right again, and press forward until you come to a doorway in the
left wall. Move through it, then turn right. Shoot the sleeping Inquisitor with
a Gas Arrow, to make sure he stays asleep. Then turn right around and move to
the table ahead. Take the stack of silver coins from it (12, Treasure Count:
Turn right around, and move forward. Turn left when you can, and move forward
through the doorway ahead. In the next room, turn right, and move over to the
torture machine ahead. Look at the wall ahead, behind the machine. Switch
Number Two. Operate it.
Turn right around, and move forward. Move back through the doorway into the
Inquisitor's room again. Continue forward through the room and into the
hallway. Turn right, and move ahead. Go through the doorway ahead. Move to the
centre of the room, and turn left. Move through this doorway now, then turn
right. Move to the other side of the room (moving around objects as necessary),
and turn right. Take these stairs to the top.
[Note: The very large barrels in the room you just left are noteworthy, because
you seem to be able to move right through them!]
Turn right, and move forward. When you reach the first right turn, take it.
Move forward until you enter a large room. Continue forward towards the doorway
ahead, but turn left before you actually go through it. Then turn left, move
forward, and take the stairs ahead to your left up to the top.
At the top, turn left and move forward. Turn left again, and move forward
through the archway ahead. In the next room, move to the end, and then go
through the door/doorway (depending on whether you left it open or not) on your
Back in the Hammer's Reliquary. Find the pedestal with the skull on it, and
look behind it. Switch Number Three. Operate it, then turn so your back is to
the skull. Move forward through the door/doorway ahead. Turn left, run forward
and jump off the balcony into the garden below. Move forward to the opposite
wall. Turn left, look up, and move forward. Soon you will see Switch Number
Four. Operate it.
Once you've operated the switch, turn about 45 degrees to the left. Far ahead,
you should be able to just make out an exit from this area. Head towards it,
and when you reach it turn left. Move forward into the room ahead with the
wooden floor. Continue forward all the way through, and re-enter the graveyard
area. Move forward to the stone path, and turn left. Move ahead into the next
room, then the next, and turn right.
There are two grave markers in front of you. Enter the right one, and look
straight up. Switch Number Five. Operate it.
At this point, you will hear a noise. If it's a low moaning noise, you took too
long. Reload and try again. If it's a high whine, you've succeeded.
* F. Obtaining the Talisman *
Turn so you are facing out of the grave marker, and move forward onto the stone
path agan. Turn left, and move forward all the way to the end. Turn right, and
move forward back into the room with the wooden floor.
Move forward, and take the first right. Move forward and slightly to the right.
Continue forward until you are just outside the doorway into another room, then
turn right. Move forward, and take the left turn ahead. Continue following this
corridor, turning as necessary, until you come to a passage leading off to the
right. Take it.
Ahead of you is a large room. You should be able to see the Talisman of Air
from here. Move forward onto the hammer design on the floor. A bridge will
begin to extend from the other side towards you. When it reaches you, move
across it.
[Note: If the bridge does NOT extend to meet you, then you somehow missed
picking up the hammer in the High Priest's Chamber. Work your way back there to
pick it up, then return here.]
There are two alcoves in front of you. Enter the alcove on your left, and
operate the switch. Then turn around and exit the alcove, turn left, move
forward a bit, and turn left again.
The Talisman is no longer barred, but still cannot be yours. First search
through your inventory and find the Papyrus you picked up near the beginning of
this mission. Read it. (Note: Be sure that you are actually standing inside the
alcove when you do this. Also, be sure you are not looking at the Talisman when
you do this. If you are, the game will think you are trying to pick it up, and
it will hurt you.)
Once you've read the Wallbuilder's Prayer, you can safely grab the Talisman.
You may note that there are alarms going off now. They know you're here and
that you have the Talisman of Air. Time to leave.
* G. Escaping the Temple *
Turn around. Oh dear, the bridge has retracted! Drop down to the room below.
Ahead and to your left is the only exit...take it. Follow it, turning when it
does. When you reach a point where you can turn left or continue forward, do
the latter. When you reach the room with the metal floor, turn left, and move
through the doorway at the other end of the room.
[Note: You will be back in the Inquisitor's room. Most of this last bit is
following the same path you used when you came this way before.]
Move across this room and through the doorway ahead into the hall. Turn right,
and move forward, going through the doorway ahead and into the centre of the
room. Turn left, and go through the doorway ahead. Turn right and move to the
other end of the room (moving around objects as necessary again), then turn
right and follow these stairs to the top.
At the top, turn right, and move forward. Continue ahead until you can turn
right, then do so. Move forward down the hall until you enter a large room.
Continue towards the doorway ahead, but don't go through it. Turn left instead.
There will be some stairs ahead and to the left. Take them to the top.
At the top of the stairs, continue forward, moving through doorways until you
are back into the entrance room with the hammer shrine in the centre. Move
around the shrine, keeping it to your right (if you try to go the other way,
you will sometimes run into a Hammerite). Continue forward through the main
gate, and back onto the streets. Congratulations! You've desecrated the Hammer
Temple and acquired the Talisman of Air!
18.1: Introduction
"And he did say, "Shall we not use this power, as our enemies used it unto us?
Do we not carve their wild forests into our beams and boards? Do we not tame
their raging streams to carry our boats?" And in their youth and foolishness,
did his brothers say, "Yes, let us.""
-- Collected letters of the smith-in-exile
With the Talismans, I'll be able to break the wards on the Cathedral. It's time
for me to retrieve "The Eye" and bring it to Constantine.
Last time I was here, "The Eye" was inside, in PLAIN SIGHT on the main altar. I
just have to grab it, and leave. But that won't necessarily be easy if the
place is as...haunted as it looked before. So if things get tough, there is
another way out: throught the gate in the Cloister, behind the Cathedral.
The sooner this ordeal is over with, the better. When I get paid for this job,
I'm gonna retire in style....
18.2: Objectives
Your objectives for this mission do not change based on your difficulty level.
Starting Funds: Whatever you retrieved from the Hammerite Temple. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
20 Broadhead Arrows
2 Water Arrows
3 Moss Arrows
3 Rope Arrows
3 Noisemaker Arrows
1 Flash Bomb
1 Explosive Mine
1 Healing Potion
1 Speed Potion
4 Talismans
Not surprisingly, your Sword and Blackjack are once again not shown on your
Starting Gear list. Surprisingly however, you only get your Sword on this
mission. Your Blackjack must be in the shop getting repaired.
The four Talismans are, obviously, the Talismans you acquired during your last
four missions.
NOTE: I believe this is the only mission where my recommended purchases will
eat up all your funds!
There are many parts in this mission where it is hard to move around, due to
the nearness and/or number of undead. Some patrol, some are stationary. If you
are someone who likes to simply sneak past them unseen and unheard, there are
areas in this mission where that will not be possible. (Unless you don't mind
having less than the total loot possible...see the last paragraph of this
section for a note on that.)
One part of this mission that always makes me jump is that, if you leave doors
open, they will shortly close on their own.
A note about The seems to like to play games. Once you get it, it will
seal the front doors, forcing you to find another exit. There is a way around
this, detailed in the walkthrough below. (Note that I have not tried this is second-hand information!) If you do choose to get around
this problem, you will miss a lot of treasure, as well as the additional
problems put upon you by Brother Murus.
Who's Brother Murus? Oh, he's someone you'll meet during your adventures on
this mission. He'll be giving you some odd jobs to do for him. He'll tell you
to do one thing, you'll do it, then he'll tell you to do something else, etc..
This goes on for a while. Note that you can perform these tasks before he asks
you to, and therefore bypass a lot of backtracking.
Speaking of Brother Murus, the final task he gives you is to destroy every last
Hammer Haunt in the area. Therefore, if you meet one, don't just try sneaking
past. Destroy it. (The exception is in the main room of the Cathedral. Wait
until this walkthrough instructs you to destroy them before you do.)
After a certain point in this mission you will have a Blessed Holy Symbol. As
far as I can tell, it cannot be used in any way against the undead. Has anyone
successfully done so?
One things that you should be aware of, even though it is a spoiler for the
next mission. If you'd rather not know, then skip the rest of this
paragraph.... The next mission (Escape!) is unique, in that you are unable to
make purchases before the mission starts. So, if you want to improve your time
through this mission, you can ignore treasure items. You may not have noticed,
but this is one of the few missions where obtaining a certain amount of loot is
NOT an objective! (However, any loot you DO find during this mission, you will
also find in the next the mission following the next one you will have
loot from TWO missions to make purchases! Keep this in mind when making your
18.5: Walkthrough
A. Gaining Entry
B. The Cathedral
C. The Basement
D. Outside St. Yora's
E. Inside St. Yora's
F. The Cloister Area
G. St. Tennor's Factory
H. The Tunnels, Part One
I. St. Vale's Library
J. The Tunnels, Part Two
K. St. Jenel's
L. The Burial
M. Escaping
* A. Gaining Entry *
Welcome back. This time you start right at the Cathedral, facing the doors,
instead of having to work your way through the dead city again. If you want to
do some exploring around the outside of the Cathedral, go ahead. However,
there's nothing new aside from the fact that the window you saw "The Eye"
through is now sealed.
Step forward towards the doors. Notice those figures spaced around the
entrance? Each one has a symbol inscribed beneath it. These represent the
various Talismans. You need to place each Talisman into it's corresponding
socket. In order, from left to right, place them as follows: Air, Earth, Water,
Once you place the first Talisman, "The Eye" will speak to you again:
" are returned with the Talismans, you clever man. I did not think it
likely that you would succeed."
Continue placing the Talismans into their respective slots. Once finished, the
doors ahead will unlock and open. If you do not move quickly enough through
them, they will close again. Don't worry, you can simply open them again
Once past the first doors, you have a choice: Double-doors directly ahead, a
door to the left, and a door to the right.
[Note: To get around the problem of The Eye sealing these doors, once you have
them open place a ribcage and a skull (both found outside near the doors) by
the door just inside. This should keep them from closing again. Then once you
get The Eye, make your way back here and leave the Cathedral. Unfortunately,
this only appears to work in the original game...I've been informed that this
"bug" has been fixed in Thief Gold.]
* B. The Cathedral *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This is where the fun starts. You can probably hear the chains
rattling, the moans, chants, etc. by now. Get used to it. Also, most of the
floor in this place is hard tile, so tread lightly.
Ignore the doors in front of you. There are two Hammer Haunts in close
proximity, and there's no way you're getting past them without them knowing
about it. Instead, turn left and move through the door ahead. Be careful. There
is a patrolling Zombie who comes into the room beyond that door.
Once you're inside this room, turn left and look up. Nice windows. The ledge
below the one you're looking at holds a golden hammer. It's very difficult to
see, but it's there, over near the far left side of the ledge (75, Treasure
Count: 75). Now turn right around, and move through the door ahead. (Note: That
patrolling Zombie only comes into this room through the door ABOVE, unless he's
aware of you.)
In this next room, move down the hall until you come to a door on your left.
Pick the lock, and go inside. Turn left, and you'll see a gold candlestick on
the ground. Move forward and pick it up (50, Treasure Count: 125). Then turn
left, and you'll find another one on the table in front of you (50, Treasure
Count: 175). Then turn right around, so you are facing a ladder going up to the
next floor.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going to take out that Zombie patrol, but it has to be
done right. Jump onto the ladder, and climb up. Then, jump off the ladder, and
turn around until you find the door leading out from this room. Once you do,
move as far away from it as you can, and wait. Eventually, the Zombie will come
in here and see you. When he does, wait for him to come fully into the room,
AND for the door to close behind him. Then shoot him with a Fire Arrow. If you
do it this way, you should be able to accomplish it without alerting any others
to your presence.
Once the Zombie is taken care of, move through the door he came through, and
turn left. Move forward until you come to a door ahead. (Note: If you had
trouble finding the golden hammer earlier, turn right instead...the room
through the door in that direction is the upper part of the room with that
hammer, and it will be much easier to find from up here. Then return to this
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be tricky. Move through the door ahead,
using all the stealth at your command.
You are on the second level of the cathedral, with a large, wide open area in
the central part, looking down on the first floor. From here you can see a
Hammer Haunt, stationary, looking around occasionally. There are two more
nearby, but from here you can't see them. The room below also contains at least
three Zombies/Corpse-Zombies. Be aware that if any of them spot you, and can
get a bead on you, all of them will rush to an exit which will eventually lead
them up here! (This does not include the Corpse-Zombies...they will wake up
only when one of the Hammer Haunts receives damage, or you get too close to
With your back to the door you just came through, you want to get across to the
other end. Move forward, angling slightly left so you don't fall to the ground
below. Keep an eye on the floor below for signs that you've been detected. Note
that on the ground here, about halfway across, is a vase (50, Treasure Count:
225). Continue forward to the end, and you'll find a small flight of steps
leading up to a door. Move through the door, and in the next room turn left,
and move forward. Ahead to your right is another door. Move through it. It
leads to a spiral staircase.
Take the stairs up to the next level. At the top is another door. Go through
it. In the next room, you'll find lots of crates, and a chest beside them. Open
the chest to find a Moss Arrow.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is tricky. If it is done incorrectly, it could
make things difficult for you. If you stand with your back to the door you just
used, then you are facing the wall with the exit you want (there are three
total in this room). Turn left, move to the end of the room, then turn right.
Open the door ahead, but don't go through just yet. Turn right, and move
forward enough so that you can pick up one of the crates. Now turn around, and
move through the door. Careful, it opens onto a narrow beam.
Move out onto the beam, then stop. Turn about forty-five degrees to the left.
Now, throw the crate across the room, so it lands on the main floor. It will
attract the attention of the Hammer Haunts, and possibly a nearby Hammer Spirit
as well, but you'll need that crate later. Now, turn right so you are once
again facing down the beam you're standing on, and move forward. At the end,
move through the door ahead of you into the next room.
At the bottom of these steps is a locked chest. Pick the lock and open the
chest to get a ring (100, Treasure Count: 325). Once that is done, continue
through the room, and through the door at the other end.
The chest in this room is not locked, and contains a golden goblet (25,
Treasure Count: 350). Move to the other side of the room, and turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If the undead below are still searching for you, you don't want
them to find you! Move through the door ahead of you. Careful, it opens onto
another beam. Move down the beam and through the door on the other side. Then
turn left, and move through the door ahead.
Move forward through this room. To the right you'll see a large bell, as well
as a chest. Turn to face the chest, and open it to get two Water Arrows. Then
turn back so you're facing the direction you had been moving in.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, you're moving out into the open. Move through the
door ahead, and onto the wooden beam. Be careful of that patch of light shining
in the middle...anyone looking up as you move through it will see you, and the
Haunts will come running up here to take you out.
Move forward across the beam, picking up the diamond as you go (100, Treasure
Count: 450). At the far end, pick the lock on the door, and move into the next
Turn right. Don't panic...that's not a Corpse-Zombie, it's just a corpse. We'll
deal with it in a moment. For now, grab the vase on the table ahead (50,
Treasure Count: 500).
If the door to this room has closed behind you, then open it, and turn to the
corpse. This is the body of Brother Martello. Believe it or not, you'll need
it. Grab the body, and leave the room the way you came in.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If this doesn't work, you could be in a world of hurt. Move out
onto the beam a little ways, then stop. Turn left, and move forward, falling
off the beam and onto the landing below. This will put you back on the second
level. Drop Brother Martello here, then turn right around. There is a door just
ahead and to your right. Move over to it, pick the lock, and move into the next
room. Once you're inside, turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You've found The Eye. Move towards it as far as you are able.
It should start changing its appearance, and you'll notice the undead becoming
agitated. Lean forward and grab it, and now things will really start happening.
[Note: Here is what The Eye says when you grab it: "Well done, thief! But now
that you have obtained your prize...can you escape with your skin?"]
Turn right around and move back into the room. Turn right and move through the
door. On this ledge, move into the darkened area, and you will be safe from the
undead...they cannot reach you here, although they do seem to try to congregate
beneath you. It seems they are somewhat drawn to The Eye. Note that, shortly
after grabbing The Eye, a Hammer Spirit will come into the room below you, and
start throwing skulls at you. You want to take out as many of these undead as
possible, particularly the Haunts and Spirits. Use the Flash Bombs you have to
do the initial damage, and then the Fire Arrows to finish off the stragglers.
In particular, try to make sure you don't leave any Corpse-Zombies lying
around. (Note: Try to wait until AFTER the Hammer Spirit comes into the room,
so he can receive his fair share of the Flash Bombs.)
NOTE: Sometimes, your arsenal is not complete enough to do the will
leave some undead wandering around with no Flash Bombs or Fire Arrows. If all
that remains are Haunts and/or the Spirit, you can try to take them down with
Broadhead Arrows, but it will take a bit. If you find you have not done
sufficiently well in the room below, simply reload, grab The Eye again, and try
again. This part is rather difficult sometimes...after time and time of trying,
I've only been satisfied twice with the results. Also, be careful where you're
shooting those Fire Arrows...I've managed to destroy the crate you throw down
here on more than one occassion!
SAVE YOUR GAME! With the undead taken care of, you really don't want to repeat
that. Pick up the body of Brother Martello, then move forward, falling off the
ledge and into the room below. Drop the body, then find your crate and pick it
up. Then move back to the side of the room that you fell into. With your back
to the ledge you were on, turn left. Ahead is a door. Put the crate on the
floor, open the door, pick up the crate, and move into the room beyond the
Ahead to the left is another door. Put the crate down, and pick the lock on
this door. Once it's open, pick up the crate again and move into the room.
(This room is directly beneath the large bell you saw earlier.)
Drop the crate in the centre of the room. Then jump onto it. Turn so you are
facing a ledge above you, then jump over and mantle up into the room above.
Search around the one corner you will find a jeweled necklace (200,
Treasure Count: 700). Then fall back down into the room below. Turn so your
back is to the only door in here. On the floor against the wall you're facing,
you'll find a drinking cup (15, Treasure Count: 715). Turn right around, and
leave through the door ahead of you. Then turn right.
[Note: In this room, you can make your way back to the front entrance by
turning left, moving through the door ahead, then moving through the door ahead
and to your right in the next room. This puts you back into the first room
inside the Cathedral. However, The Eye, ever playful, has locked the doors on
you. Here is what it says: "Leaving so soon? I think that would be too easy.
These doors I sealed once have to find another way." Once you are
finished contemplating smashing The Eye on the stone floor, make your way back
to outside the room beneath the bell.]
Move forward through the door ahead, and turn left to face the large hammer
altar which The Eye once floated above. Move towards it, and when you reach it
turn right. Move forward, and when you find the door ahead move through it.
In the centre of this room is a fountain. It is NOT a Holy Water Font like you
may think. But drinking from it will restore some health to you (I'm not sure
how much). Drinking from it will seem to turn it off, but it will eventually
recharge itself.
Turn to face the only door in this room. If you look on the floor in the corner
to the right you'll find a vial of Holy Water. Now leave this room.
Back in the main chamber, search around until you find Brother Martello's body
again. Pick it up. Now turn once more to face the hammer altar. Move towards
it, turning left when you reach it this time. Move forward until you find the
door ahead, then drop the body, open the door, pick up the body, and move
through it.
In this room, move forward away from the door and drop the body on the ground.
Then continue forward until you can no longer do so, and turn right. Move
through the door ahead.
This is the spiral staircase again. Follow it all the way to the bottom,
stopping in front of the door you find.
* C. The Basement *
SAVE YOUR GAME! The area you are moving into is flooded. It's also patrolled by
a Hammer Spirit and two Zombies. Taking the Spirit out should be easy enough,
as long as you take him by surprise, and don't do it near the Zombies. For the
most part, the basement is square in design, and the undead seem to patrol in a
clockwise manner. Dodge them as necessary.
Open the door in front of you, and move into the next room. Stay in the shadows
as much as possible, and be careful when you move through the water. Cross from
this dry section to the next one you can see across from you. (You may want to
move around the pillars in this room, towards the right, to do this, to avoid
detection). Then continue forward until you hit water again. Then turn left.
Turn to your left, and on the shelf in front of you you'll find five stacks of
copper coins (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, Treasure Count: 720, 725, 730, 735, 740) and three
stacks of silver coins (12, 12, 12, Treasure Count: 752, 764, 776). Now turn
right around, and move over to the other shelf, upon which you'll find two
silver nuggets (50, 50, Treasure Count: 826, 876). Once you've collected all
the treasure, turn until you find the exit from this room, and move back down
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's pretty dark in the tunnel here, and turning the corner
ahead may bring you face to face with an undead creature. They don't appear to
patrol into this corridor, so you should be safe until they pass by.
When the passage forces you to make a turn, turn right. Follow this twisting
passage until it opens into a larger room. Ahead of you is some debris on the
floor. (You can make it out easily in the water.) Move until you are just past
this debris, and turn right. Move into this smaller section of the room.
[Note: Instead of turning right, if you turn left you'll see some barrels. On
the floor between the first two barrels you'll find 2 Water Arrows. Take them
if you wish, then move into the smaller section as instructed above.]
In this room, turn to your right. There is a small shelf there, which holds a
golden candlestick (50, Treasure Count: 926). Once you have it, turn right and
move back into the open area. Turn right again, and move forward. When you are
able to move into another small section on your right, do so, but carefully.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a pressure plate in the floor on this room. Stepping
on it will cause rubble to fall, damage to be dealt, and attract nearby undead.
The pressure plate is easy to see if you look down into the water. Move so you
are standing in front of it, then lean forward. There is a small hole in the
wall in front of you, which holds (among other things) another golden
candlestick (50, Treasure Count: 976). Once you have it, turn right around.
Ahead to your right is the exit you want. Move through it, onto dry land again.
Move forward, turning left when you have to. Continue forward, but almost
immediately turn right. There's a corridor branching off this one. Move down it
to the end, then turn right. Pick the lock on this door and move through it.
In this room, turn left. At the far end of the room is another corpse on the
floor. Again, don't's not a Corpse-Zombie. There are also benched on
either side of you. Look at the bench on your left, just ahead, and you'll find
some bottles. One of them is a bottle of fine wine (50, Treasure Count: 1026).
Now move down to the other side of the room where the corpse is. When you reach
it, turn right. More bottles, this time two of them being valuable (50, 50,
Treasure Count: 1076, 1126). Now, pick up the corpse...this is Brother Renault.
Turn right, and move back to the other side of the room. Turn right, drop the
corpse, open the door, pick up the corpse, and move through the door. Then turn
Move forward until you reach the next corridor, and turn right. Move forward
towards the next area, which is water-logged.
You want to get to the area on the right in this room. Moving into the centre
of the room could be risking detection, so you might want to move around the
pillar to the right. However you do it, when you reach the right side you'll
find a couple of steps leading up out of the water into a dark hall. Move into
the hall until you reach a door. Drop the corpse, open the door, pick up the
corpse, and move forward back into the spiral staircase area. Continue forward,
taking the stairs up until you find a door on your right. Drop the corpse, open
the door, pick up the corpse, and move into the next room.
This is the room where you dropped off the corpse of Brother Martello. Find
this corpse, and drop off the body of Brother Renault in about the same place.
Then turn left. Ahead, across a rather bright area, is a dark area, which you
should be able to make out another door in. Move forward towards this door. Try
to position yourself so you are completely hidden by the shadows.
[Note: Once you've stopped, if you turn right and look on the floor, you'll
find a book which you can read. It's not important to the mission, but it's
interesting. Read it if you wish, then turn back to face the door again.]
* D. Outside St. Yora's *
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's very easy to make a mistake here, and you really don't
want that. When you open this door, you will see what you will probably think
is a Hammer Spirit. It's's actually the "friendly" spirit of Brother
Murus. Don't do anything to hurt him...because quite frankly, you can't hurt
him, and you'll just alert others in the area to your presence. Also note that
this is a patrol area...there are a minimum of two Zombies, a Hammer Spirit,
and a Hammer Haunt that could be behind this door.
Open the door. Move forward until you reach the spirit of Brother Murus. He
will start talking to you, mistaking you for a new Hammerite. While he's
talking, you can continue on. Turn left and move down into the courtyard.
Immediately, turn left again, and move forward until you reach the wall. Then
turn right, and move forward. When you are able to turn left, do so, and move
into the shadows. Now you wait.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Moving to this spot can sometimes take a while, due to the
patrols which are in this area. Once you get here, saving your game prevents
you from having to go through it all again.
From this point, you can destroy both the Hammer Spirit and the Hammer Haunt
when they come by. Just wait for them to walk by, and use your Sword to
backstab them. (Remember, the Spirit will need one additional sideswing before
being destroyed.) Just be sure not to do it when another undead is too near, or
you'll be discovered.
[Note: If you face west from here, there's another small area to this
courtyard. At the bottom of a dip is a small well or pool, within which is
another Water Arrow you can grab. Do so if you wish, then return to the shadowy
area mentioned above.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! With both of these undead taken care of, you'd probably rather
they stay down. You should still be in, or very near to, the shadowy area
described above. Turn so you are facing north, and move forward until you can
turn right. Then do so, move forward towards a small set of steps you should
see ahead. Climb them onto the walkway.
Now, we've got a bit of backtracking to do. As you backtrack, remember the path
you'll need to make this trip at least once more. Also, you may have
to pause during this part, to avoid the undead. Turn right and move through the
door ahead. Move over to the corpses you dropped, pick one up, and move back
out onto the walkway you just left. Continue ahead...there's a bright light you
can see ahead to the right. Turn into this area, then turn left. You should now
be looking down a broken flight of steps, with Brother Murus at the bottom.
Lean forward over the steps, and drop the corpse so it falls all the way down
to where Brother Murus is waiting. Make sure the corpse falls all the way down.
Now go back, and fetch the other corpse you've been dragging around, and bring
it here as well, giving it the same treatment. (Note: When you drop the
corpses, be careful of the left side of the broken staircase. I think it's
trapped...I've been killed there several times for no apparent reason.)
Once the second corpse has fallen, turn right around, move forward, turn right,
and move forward back onto the walkway. Turn right this time, move forward a
bit, then turn left. Ahead, atthe end of the walkway, is a door leading into
St. Yora's. However, the two patrolling Zombies move in and out through this
way, so you may want to wait until the are both out before you go in. Down the
length of the walkway on the right is a ledge. If you jump onto the ledge and
duck, in most places you will be completely hidden.
When you're ready, move forward, open the door, and enter.
* E. Inside St. Yora's *
Once inside, there is a doorway you can go through in the wall to your left.
Move through it, down the hall, and turn into the first room on the right. Move
across the room to the other side, and at eye level you'll find a mantle with a
gilded vase on it (100, Treasure Count: 1226). Now turn left, and move through
the doorway ahead. In the hall, turn right and move forward. Go past the first
opening on your right, then turn right at the next. There should be a flight of
stairs up.
About halfway up these stairs is a dark area where you can hide, and still look
into the floor above. Move into this dark area, and stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are as many as three Zombies patrolling the upper floor
(although it is usually just two). You can use your Holy Water to make Holy
Water Arrows, and take them out if you wish...if you don't, moving around up
here can be very difficult. Unfortunately, doing so will alert the Zombies
below of your presence (yes, there are more). However, it is possible to
successfully complete this part without using up your Holy Water. This
walkthrough assumes that you are NOT using it.
Watch for the Zombies to go by, and when you are reasonably sure it's safe,
move up to the top of the stairs and turn right. Move forward, and take the
first right. Move through the hole in the wall ahead, and in the next room
continue forward, then turn left. Move forward, and go through the door ahead.
Continue forward through the hole in the wall ahead, then turn left. Ahead and
to your right is a chest on the ground. Move over to it. Note that if you move
against the wall which the chest rests against, you can find places where you
are totally hidden. Do so.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Now that you're somewhat safe, I'm sure you'd rather not have
to work your way back here again. The chest in this room is locked, and takes a
little while to open. Pick the lock, and inside the chest you'll find a Rosary.
(If any Zombies come by while you're doing this, move back into your dark
hiding spot.)
There is an exit from this room directly opposite the chest you found. When the
coast is clear, move through that exit, and turn right. Move forward, going
through the open area, and when you find a dooway on your right, stop. Turn
right to face it. It should be blocked off by rubble.
In the room you're looking into is a chest. You may also note that, if you're
standing back away from the door a bit, you are completely hidden. From this
spot, you can lean forward and open the chest. Inside is a purse (100, Treasure
Count: 1326). Also, if you turn slightly left and lean forward, there is a
chest in the adjacent room that you can open. It contains a worthless wooden
bowl, but if necessary you can throw it away from you, making enough noise to
distract the undead while you slip away.
Once you have the purse, turn right around. The wall across from you has a door
to your left and a doorway to your right. While both paths will eventually take
you to the same place, it's probably easiest to take the doorway on the right.
Do so, and in the next room turn left. Move ahead through the hole in the wall,
and turn right. Move forward to the other side of the room. At the doorway,
turn right, and move through the door ahead of you. Continue through this room,
and go through the hole in the wall at the other end.
This next room is an altar room of some time. Resting on the altar are three
Water Arrows.
From the hole in the wall you entered through, turn right, move forward, then
turn left. Move forward, and at the end turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you've alerted the Zombies below to your presence, this part
may prove difficult. If necessary, run around dodging Zombies to complete this
Move forward, then turn right. Move down these stairs to the room below. BE
CAREFUL! Ahead of you at the bottom of the stairs the ceiling has collapsed,
blocking passage into the next room. However, you can still see through it, and
so can the Zombies who may be patrolling beyond it.
At the bottom of the stairs, move forward, and turn right when you can. Move
forward a bit, then turn right. Move forward into the kitchen.
Immediately inside, turn left. Move forward to the other end of the room. There
is an old fireplace against the far wall. Look inside it to the left, and
you'll find a golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 1351). Now turn right around.
In the centre of the kitchen is an "island". From this point, you should see a
golden plate on the floor by this island. Move over and grab it (50, Treasure
Count: 1401).
Once you've gotten these two treasures, find the exit from this room and go
through it. Then turn right, and move forward into the next room.
[Note: There is a table in the centre of this room that has a Healing Potion
resting on it.]
Once you've got the plate, turn right around and move to the far end of the
room. This will bring you to the doorway you originally entered this room from.
Turn right and move forward out of this room, continuing into the next room.
Directly across from you on the far wall is a door. Move through the door.
* F. The Cloister Area *
Move down the stairs ahead of you. Don't worry about that apparition
ahead...that's Brother Murus again. When you reach the bottom of the stairs,
continue forward into the dark area, then stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If any of those Zombies decide to follow you, at least you'll
be hidden in the darkness. Now move forward until you trigger Brother Murus'
speech. He still thinks you're new acolyte. He'll talk to you for a while, and
offer to help you escape in exchange for helping him. At this point, your
mission objectives will change to the following:
What he asks you to do now is dependent upon what you have done so far. Here is
a list of everything he will ask you to do:
1. Find his Rosary Beads.
2. Get a Holy Symbol.
3. Get his Prayer Book.
4. Get his Candle.
5. Meet him in the graveyard to perform a burial ritual.
6. Bury the body of Brother Renault.
7. Bury the body of Brother Martello.
8. Destroy all of the remaining Hammer Haunts.
Quite a shopping list, isn't it? At this point, you already have his Rosary
Beads, so he will ask you to next to find a Holy Symbol. Alas, as he suggests,
you will need to make it.
[Note: I am unsure in which order he asks you for the Prayer Book and Candle.
This list comes from another source, and didn't specify, but did have at least
two items out of order.]
Okay, once you're finished listening to Brother Long-Winded, turn so your back
is to the stairs you just used. Ahead, just around the corner, you should be
able to see an exit into another area. Move through that exit, being VERY
careful to stay in the shadows.
This next area is a major patrol area. There is a Hammer Spirit, several
Zombies (at least two), and a total of four Hammer Haunts. Occasionally, this
area will be clear of undead for a short time. It is at one of those times you
should make your move.
From this point (the entrance to this area), you should see directly across
from you a doorway into another building. Just to the left of this, against
that building's wall, is a shadowy area you can hide in.
Once you've made it into this shadowy area, turn so that you have the wall on
your right. This part is a bit dangerous, so you may wish to save, if you made
it this far, before continuing. Move forward, and turn right when you're able.
Then push forward again, sticking to the right side of the passage. You'll
eventually run into another wall. Turn left and you'll see a gate. This is
where you want to be.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This spot is ideal for Hammer Haunt Hunting. They all tend to
come through this way sooner or later. As each one does, you can backstab them.
The Hammer Spirit also comes this way, as well as the Zombies. Ignore the
Zombies, at least for now, since they are slow and you can run around them
[Note: The last time I played this, only three Haunts came by. I had to hunt
the last one down myself. If he doesn't come by, look around and you'll
eventually find him. Although he may not be stuck in the same place in your
game as he was in mine, I found him stuck on the lift in St. Jenel's. Someone
has also told me that he can sometimes be found within the Cemetery.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! Now that all those undead are down, you'd rather not have to go
through all that again.
Turn so that the nearby gate is on your right, and move forward. Continue
forward as far as you can, until you eventually come to a door. This is the
door to the Tennor Factory. Go through the door.
[Note: It's possible that there are Zombies wandering around inside any of
these buildings. Other undead as well, if you didn't take care of them all
already. Proceed with caution.]
* G. St. Tennor's Factory *
Inside, turn right about 45 degrees, and move forward to the opposite corner.
Then turn left and move through the exit. In the hall beyond, turn left, move
forward, then turn right and move into the room ahead.
Interesting room, no? This is where you will make your Holy Symbol. On the wall
to your left is a shelf, on top of which sits three molds. Underneath the shelf
are three more molds. The one you want is on the floor, the one on the right
(as you face them). Pick it up.
Now turn to face the large cauldron. In front of it are two levels, and in
between these levers is a "grip" on the floor. Place the mold on the grip. Now
operate the lever on the left to close the mold, then the lever on the right to
tip the cauldron and pour molten metal into the mold. When the process is
completed, operate the left lever again to open the mold, then look inside it
to find your Holy Symbol. Take it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, something you won't want to repeat if you're caught
now. Turn around and leave the room the way you came, and turn left. Move down
this hallway into the next room. Directly ahead, almost right in front of you,
there should be another doorway. Move through the doorway, then turn right.
Move forward a bit, then turn left. Move into this large room, moving all the
way to the other side. You'll find a set of stairs there leading up. Take them
all the way to the top. Continue forward down this metal walkway. Soon it will
slope upwards and change to stonework flooring again. Ahead is a window, in
front of which is some sort of contraption. Move over to the contraption, and
on the floor behind it (against the wall) you'll find a silver nugget (50,
Treasure Count: 1501). Now turn right around. Move forward, then turn left.
Move forward. You'll shortly come to a doorway on your left. Go through it.
Inside you'll find two Fire Arrows on the floor to the left of the altar (as
you face it). Then turn until you can find the exit again, and leave this room.
Back in the hall, turn left and move forward as far as you can. Then turn
right. Ahead is a ramp leading up and to the right. Move onto the ramp, turn
right, and move forward. Turn left when you have to, and move forward until you
reach a wooden crate blocking your path. Pick it up. (Note: Be careful may be seen by any undead that happen to have wandered into the room
below.) Once you are carrying the crate, continue forward until this walkway
ends. Ahead of you is a sloping metal chute.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you screw this up, at least you won't have anything to
repeat. From your position here, jump over to land on the metal chute. (Note:
If any undead are nearby, they WILL hear you!) Then turn left, crouch, and move
forward to the end of the chute, dropping into the yard below. Once you're back
on the ground, drop the crate you are carrying here at the base of the chute.
With your back to the chute, turn left, and move forward until you are standing
in front of the workshed. Then turn left so you are facing the workshed, and
move BACKWARDS. When you are a reasonable distance back, run forward and jump,
mantling up to the roof. Here you'll find Brother Murus' Candle, and a purse
(100, Treasure Count: 1601). Grab them both.
Turn around, and move forward, falling down to the pavement below. Then turn
right, move forward until you have the chute on your right. Turn right, facing
the chute.
SAVE YOUR GAME! By far one of the most frustrating and time-consuming exercises
of the game. I thoroughly hate this part.
Jump onto the crate, then jump into the chute. You'll make a loud noise when
you do, and any nearby undead will hear you. Climb to the top of the chute,
then jump out to land on the floor in the lower room.
Turn so you are facing along the length of the room, and move forward to the
end. Turn right, move forward, turn left, and move forward through the doorway.
Then turn left. There's a metal plate on the ground. Move forward and stand on
[Note: If you find that jumping back up the chute is too difficult (and believe
me, I know it is!) there is another alternative, though it's slightly more
dangerous. Once you fall off the roof of the workshed, turn right and move
forward until you reach the wall. Then turn right, move forward, and jump on
the ladder. Climb the ladder to the top, then move forward and fall down to the
ground below. Move forward and turn right, then continue forward until you
reach the gate. Open it, and move forward back into the main Cloister area.
Almost immediately to your right will be the door back into the Tennor Factory.
Move through it. Turn about 45 degrees to the right, and move forward to the
opposite corner. Turn left and move forward into the hallway. Turn right, move
foward, then turn right again. The metal plate should be ahead of you. Move to
stand on it.]
Turn right, and you'll find a panel on the wall. Push the lower button, and the
metal plate you're standing on will start to take you downwards. Once the
platform stops moving, turn left.
* H. The Tunnels, Part One *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a Zombie roaming around down here. Move forward, then
turn left. Move forward and turn right. Move forward again, and take the first
left you come to. Enter the room ahead.
In front of you is a large mural on the opposite wall. Look at the top. Running
along the very top, above the gold trim, is a series of circles. The one on the
far right is a hidden button. In order to press it, turn right and move to the
top of the steps ahead. Then turn left to face the mural again. Move as close
as you can to it without falling off the steps, then lean forward. You will
then be able to press the button.
Once you've pressed it, turn left. The mural on the other wall has started to
move away from you. Once it's moved far enough for you to get around it, you
can move into the secret room beyond. In here you'll find a bench which holds a
vial of Holy Water, an Explosive Mine, and two Moss Arrows. A chest on the
floor holds four Water Arrows. Take what you like, then leave the room the way
you came in.
Back in the mural room, move forward, across the room and through the exit
opposite you. Continue forward, then turn left. Move forward until you find
another metal plate on the ground. Stand on it. Then turn to the right to find
the panel to operate this lift.
* I. St. Vale's Library *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You may get surprised at the top of this lift. Press the bottom
button, and the lift will take you to the top. Once there, turn right until you
find a small ramp leading upwards.
Move onto the ramp and climb it. Ahead to the left is an exit. To your right is
an altar. If you look down at the ground here, against the altar is a Healing
Potion. Take it, if you wish.
Move forward and turn left, moving through the exit and into the large library.
Continue forward until you find a table in the centre of the room. Jump onto
the table, then turn left. Run and jump, and mantle up onto the next level of
the library.
Turn left, and move forward until you find a book on the floor. Read this book.
It is the Book that Brother Murus wants you to find. After reading it, it will
appear in your inventory.
As long as the coast is clear, you should have no trouble leaving the library.
Continue forward, moving around the chair ahead, and drop off the edge back
onto the ground floor. Move forward through the exit ahead, and turn left. Move
forward, down the ramp, and turn right until you see the metal plate on the
floor. Move onto the metal plate, and turn right to find the panel which
operates the lift.
* J. The Tunnels, Part Two *
SAVE YOUR GAME! That wandering Zombie below may be nearby when you descend.
Press the lower button on the panel, and ride back down to the tunnels. Once
there, turn so you are looking down a long hall. Move forward down this hall,
until you can no longer go forward. Then turn right. Move forward, and take the
first left. Forward again until you no longer can, then turn right. Forward,
then left. Careful should hear the rattling chains of a nearby Hammer
Move forward into the dark area ahead, then turn right. There is a small
passage in front of you. Move forward, staying in the shadows, until you can
get a good view of the room beyond. There's a Hammer Haunt patrolling within
this room. Wait here until the Haunt comes close to you. He will turn around
and repeat his patrol, at which time you should move into the room behind him
and backstab him.
Continue forward, turning left when you're able. Move forward until you can
turn right, then do so. Move forward, turning right again when you can.
Continue forward. Partway down this aisle, turn left. The shelf here holds a
silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 1651). Turn right and continue moving down
the aisle. When you are able to turn left, do so, and move over to the chest on
the shelf at the end. Open it to get another vial of Holy Water. Just to the
left of the chest (as you face it) is another Healing Potion.
Turn right around, and move forward. Directly across from the chest is a shelf
which holds a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 1751). Once you have it, turn right
and move forward until you can turn left. Do so, move forward a bit, then turn
left again. Move forward down this aisle, and turn right when you're able. Move
forward a bit, turn right, and move forward until you reach a passage on your
left. Turn into this passage.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Remember, that roaming Zombie is still lurking about. Move
forward into the hallway ahead. Turn left.
[Note: If you want a few more Water Arrows, turn right. Move forward and you'll
find a lift platform which is already raised. Move forward so you can press the
lower button to bring the lift down, then move onto it, and press the button to
bring you up to the top. In this room you'll find a pool, which holds three
more Water Arrows. If you want them, grab them, then move back to the platform,
ride it down again, then move back down the hallway until you have the passage
on your left again.]
Move forward, and turn right when you have to. Move down this passage ahead,
and turn right when you're able to. Move forward until you no longer can, and
turn right again. Move forward, turning right once again when you can. Move
forward, stopping when you come to a metal plate on the floor. Turn right, jump
onto the ladder, and climb up. At the top, turn right and jump off the ladder
onto the floor. (Try to land as far to the right as possible.)
* K. St. Jenel's *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a Zombie nearby. You should be facing with a wall to
your right and an altar ahead. Move forward, keeping to the right, until you
hit the decorative tile floor around the altar. On the floor beside the altar
(on this side) are three Moss Arrows, if you want them.
Turn left, so the altar is ahead and to your right. Move forward to the door
you see ahead. Pick the lock on the door and move into the dark room beyond.
Climb the stairs immediately in front of you to the first landing (where the
stairs change direction). On the floor here you'll find a Moss Arrow and a Fire
Arrow. Now turn right, and move up the stairs, following them as you can. They
empty into a room that resembles a small, personal observatory.
At the top of the stairs, turn right. Ahead and to the right is a tub of water.
Move over to the tub, select your Holy Symbol, and place it within the water.
This will bless it. Retrieve the Holy Symbol, then turn right around and make
your way back to the stairs. Move down the stairs all the way to the bottom.
(Watch yourself! I misplaced step and you could get hurt!) At the bottom, go
through the door ahead.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Time to take out a Zombie or two, and this part can be a bit
tricky. Turn right. You will be facing a wall with several doors placed in it.
The one you want is the second one in from the left. Before you do anything
however, ready your Water Arrows, and get a Holy Water vial out. Then move over
right in front of the door, then quickly back away.
The Zombie inside has been alerted by your nearness, and come out to
investigate. Use the Holy Water, and destroy this Zombie with your Holy Water
Arrows. Once he's down, move into the alcove he just vacated, and look on the
floor to find a golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 1826). Turn right around and
move forward, exiting this alcove. Turn left, and move all the way down to the
far end, stepping onto the lift. On the wall directly ahead is a button.
SAVE YOUR GAME! After dealing with that Zombie, there's another one to deal
with in the next room. If you're fast enough, the Holy Water will last long
enough to destory it as well.
Press the button, and the lift will raise you to the ground level. As it rises,
turn left.
At the top, you will be facing a flight of steps slightly ahead, leading
downwards. There is also an opening to your left, which could have a wandering
undead or two within. Move forward, but when you reach the top of the stairs,
turn left and move onto the platform here. Move down it a ways, then turn
right, and move forward so you can see down into the room below. When you find
the Zombie, let loose with your Holy Water Arrows.
Once the way is clear, drop down into the room below. On the table in the
centre is a gilded vase (50, Treasure Count: 1876). Turn around until you can
see the chest in this room. Open it to get the cemetery Key.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're almost done now. Turn left, and move over to the stairs.
Turn right to face then, and climb them up to the top. Move forward, and turn
right at the lift. Move forward into this room. (Careful, if there are no
undead in here, they can come in through a door ahead!)
Within this room are two piles of bones. When you're able to turn left, do so,
move over to the pile directly ahead, and search the remains to find another
golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 1951).
Turn right until you are facing the doors in this room. Move towards
them...there should be one on your left and one on your right when you reach
them and face the corner. Move through the one on the right.
Inside this room, turn right and move all the way down to the other side. On
the shelving unit is a stack of gold coins (25, Treasure Count: 1976).
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to re-enter the Cloister area. Once you have the
coins, turn right around, move forward, and turn left. Move through the door
ahead back into the previous room.
* L. The Burial *
Immediately in this room, turn right, and open the door in front of you. Move
forward and you're back on the street in the main Cloister area. Dirctly across
from you is the entrance to the Cloister, where you dropped off the two corpses
earlier and had Brother Murus start to give you odd jobs.
Move forward through that archway. Brother Murus is back, and he'll
congratulate you, then tell you to meet him in the cemetery to perform "the
ritual of consecration".
Pick up the body of Brother Martello, then turn right around and move back into
the Cloister. Then turn left, and move forward until you come to a gate. Drop
the body, open the gate, pick up the body, and move forward. Continue down this
long street. Ahead you'll soon see a pair of gates leading to the cemetery.
Drop the corpse here, just outside the lit area in front of the gates.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are four Zombies within the cemetery, and the ritual you
need to perform is rather lengthy. You will probably need to take them all out
before beginning. Otherwise the ceremony may be rudely interrupted.
Unlock the gates of the cemetery. Then ready your Water Arrows and Holy Water.
Go inside, and you should be set upon shortly by some Zombies. Wait until you
are actually near a Zombie to use your Holy Water, to make it (effectively)
last longer for you. (With luck, you will still have two vials of Holy Water
left. You may need them both. If not, you may have to resort to using some Fire
Arrows or Mines to finish the last ones off.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! Now that they are all dealth with, you can continue with your
task. You'll need to find Brother Murus' grave. From the gates (with your back
to them), you can find it thusly:
Move forward, and slightly to the left. Ahead you'll see a doorway. Move
through it. Then turn right, and move forward, through the archway you'll find
ahead. The gravestone here marks the grave of Brother Murus. (Another dead
giveaway was probably the fact that his spirit is hovering nearby.)
Move close enough to Brother Murus to start him talking. Follow his
instructions: Wave the Rosary Beads over his grave, place the Candle on top of
the tombstone, read the prayer from the Prayer Book, then touch his tombstone
with the Blessed Holy Symbol.
At last, Brother Murus can rest. But not peacefully. He won't be satisfied
until you've buried his two friends, Brother Renault and Brother Martello.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're really in no real danger anymore, but why take chances?
Before putting the other two Brothers to rest, turn around so your back is to
Brother Murus' grave. Then turn slightly to the left. Move forward to the far
corner of this area. There is a tombstone there, and on the ground in front of
it is a golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 2051). Once you have it, turn right
around and move back to the grave of Brother Murus.
Turn right to face the archway you came through to get here. Move forward
through the archway, and continue forward until you can turn left. Do so, and
move through the archway ahead. Then turn slightly left, and move forward
towards the cemetery gates. Move through them.
Turn right, move forward, then turn left. Move down this street, and go through
the gate at the end. Continue forward past the door on your right, until you
come to the passage that leads out of the Cloister area. Turn right down that
passage, and move forward. When you reach the body of Brother Renault, pick him
Turn right around, and move forward back into the Cloister. Turn left, move
forward to the gate. Drop the body, open the gate, pick up the body, and
continue forward. You'll soon come back to the cemetery gates. Drop the body,
open the gate, pick up the body, and re-enter the Cemetery.
Within the Cemetery, turn right and move through the archway ahead. Continue
moving forward until you can see the spirit of Brother Murus. He will be
hovering near the grave which has been prepared for Brother Renault. Move over
to that grave, and drop Brother Renault into it. You'll then hear the ghostly
voice of Brother Renault thanking you. He'll also tell you about that secret
area in the tunnels which you've already found. Once he's finished his thanks,
move over to Brother Murus. He'll now ask you to bury Brother Martello.
Stand in front of the grave of Brother Renault, so you are facing the
tombstone, then turn right around. Move forward until you reach a tombstone
against the wall, and look at the ground. There's a golden hammer here (75,
Treasure Count: 2126). Now turn right, and move forward, going through the
archway ahead. Once you've done that, turn left and move through the Cemetery
gates again.
Out here is where you left the body of Brother Martello. Find it, pick it up,
and move back into the Cemetery. (If the gates close on you again, then drop
the body, open them, pick up the body, and then move into the Cemetery.)
Inside, move forward and slightly to the left. Ahead is an archway. Move
through it. When you do, you'll see Brother Murus floating near another open
grave. Move towards it, and drop Brother Martello into it.
Once that is done, one of two things will happen. Either Brother Murus will
present you with a key (it will float in the air, even after he leaves), or
he'll tell you to destroy the rest of the Hammer Haunts in the area. If you
haven't done so already, you'll have to hunt the rest down. When you do,
Brother Murus will be waiting for you by the Cemetery gates.
[Note: There are a total of nine Hammer Haunts in this mission. Three in the
Cathedral, one in the area of St. Yora's, four which patrol the Cloister area,
and one in the tunnels below.]
This walkthrough is assuming you have destroyed all the Haunts by this point.
So grab the key from Brother Murus, and turn right around. Move forward,
through the archway ahead. Then turn slightly left and move forward to the
Cemetery gates. Go through them.
* M. Escaping *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going to enter an area which is still patrolled shortly.
Turn right, move forward a bit, then turn left. Move down this long street,
going through the gate at the end. Continue forward into the main Cloister
area, until you find the passage on the right which originally led you into
this area. Turn right and move down this passage.
Turn left. You will be facing the broken steps where you dropped the bodies
long ago. Move against them, and mantle up (it may take some maneouvreing to
find the correct spot to do this from). Then move forward to the top of the
stairs, and turn right. Move forward into the next area (St. Yora's), and turn
Move forward and go through the door ahead. Continue into the room beyond, and
turn right when you're able. There will be a door ahead on the right. Move
through it into the stairwell, and take the stairs all the way to the top. Move
through the door you find there.
In this room, turn left and move forward. There is a door ahead on the left.
Unlock it with the key that Brother Murus gave you, and move inside.
On a shelf in this room, directly in front of you, is a large device. Pick it's an Explosive Charge. Just to the left of it are the instructions for
its use. Also on the shelf, to the right, is a Fire Arrow.
[NOTE: If you are going to take out any of the patrolling Zombies in St.
Yora's, be sure to have a Fire Arrow left over, otherwise you will not be able
to escape!]
Turn right around, and leave through the door you came in. Turn right, and move
forward. The door ahead on your right leads back to the stairwell. Open it, and
move into the stairwell. Take the stairs down, going past one door, and going
through the next one.
Turn left and move forward. When you can, turn left again. Move forward to the
door ahead.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Zombies patrol beyond this door! Move through the door.
Continue forward, and turn right when you get the chance. Move forward, turn
left, and move forward again, dropping down to the area below. Turn right and
move forward through the passage back into the Cloister area.
Ahead of you is the entrance to St. Jenel's. Look to the left of that, and
you'll see a passage leading out of this area. Move towards that passage, and
take it. (This is where I suggested you ambush Hammer Haunts earlier.) Turn
left at the end, and go through the gate. Then turn right.
Ahead of you you should see two large double doors. These are the doors to
escape the Cloister. Move up to them, and place the Explosive Charge against
them. Then move WAY back, and shoot a Fire Arrow at the Charge. The explosion
will knock the gates open. Then run through the gates. At this point, the Eye
will speak to you again:
"Now you have your precious Eye...what do you hope to do with me?"
[Smoke drifts onto the screen from the left. The sound of something burning
fiercely is heard. The smoke drifts to the right, until the source is visible:
The Eye. It drifts through the air, towards a pair of hands, which close around
it. The view changes to show Constantine's face. His eyes turn towards you, and
he smiles. The sound of a door closing is heard.]
[The Scene: The Temple/Altar room in Constantine's mansion. The view changes to
show the room. The sound of boots walking on wood is heard. The view slowly
shifts towards the right, towards Constantine. A silhouette is shown to be the
source of the walking noises, moving towards Constantine.]
Constantine: I can't tell you how pleased I am with you, Mister Garrett. I
simply can't find the words.
[View changes to show Garrett, his face hidden in shadows, holding what appears
to be a sword in its scabbard.]
[Viktoria enters our view on the left. Garrett shifts to the right, blocking
our view of Constantine.]
Garrett: Viktoria?
[View changes to a close up of Garrett's face, only his mouth not covered in
shadow. In the background, we can see some sort of plant life growing as we
[View changes to show Garrett from behind, silhouetted, both Constantine and
Viktoria standing in front of him, brightly illuminated.]
Garrett: What?!?
Constantine: Of course.
[Smoke rises from his shirt, the buttons snap, the material falls away, and
bloody sigils appear to form on his bare chest.]
[The view pans up to Constantine's face. Horns sprout from his head, and a
familiar middle eye design appears in blood on his forehead. He smiles
[View changes to Viktoria's chest, her clothes falling away to be replaced
quickly by rapidly growing vines.]
[View changes again, Viktoria from behind. Her clothes fall away, her
fingernails are now claws, and her skin is rapidly replaced with a wood-like
material. As she speaks the view moves up her body, more vines can be seen
growing to cover her body. The view settles on Garrett, seen over her
Viktoria: Bow to the Woodsie Lord, and offer up your flesheye so that his Eye
of Stone may see, Manfool!
[She flings her arm towards Garrett, thick vines and creepers shooting out,
[View changes to a side view, showing Garrett thrown against a pillar, the
vines and creepers pinning him against it. Plant growth continues to be seen on
Viktoria's body.]
Viktoria: Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems! And the Woodsie
Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
Trickster: Did you think those ancient phrases were mere words, Manfool? Look
at me!
[View changes to show Garrett's bloody eye in Viktoria's claws. She passes it
over to the Woodsie Lord's hand, dropping it in, then both hands withdraw.]
[As he talks, the view shows The Eye close up, the prongs opening wide to
accept Garrett's eye, which is slowly placed into them by the Woodsie Lord. The
prongs grab it eagerly, and The Eye starts to glow orange.]
Trickster: If you be hungry, then feed for I am the honeymaker, and the
[As he speaks, the view changes to a dead-on view of Garrett's eye within The
Eye, the orange light glowing through it. Blood appears to run down its sides,
and the prongs close around it.]
[Viktoria speaks, and the view changes to a fully-transformed Trickster,
holding up the completed Eye. He looks at it and smiles. Flies can be heard
buzzing nearby.]
[The Eye flashes, and the view changes to Garrett, trapped in vines, cowering
on the floor, only a hand and his remaining eye visible.]
Viktoria: Thems that calls themselves Builders and wielded up a hammers against
Trickster: My poor Mister Garrett, you will not live to SEE the sprawling glory
of it! Your sacrifice is not yet complete!
[View changes to a closeup of Garrett's eye and hand, shivering in fear. Vines
continue to grow, and the Trickster and Viktoria both walk past Garrett's
[View changes to show The Trickster in profile, Viktoria walking up behind him.
The Trickster raises his hand as he speaks, and brings it down, cutting a swath
of light through the air, which grows brighter.]
Trickster: Stands He then in the greens and festered Maw and speeds He out his
judgements upon the weeps and writhing manfools!
[View changes to show Garrett's eye and hand again, shivering. Lights flash
around him. The view changes to a closeup of Garrett's remaining eye, and we
can hear his scared breathing as lights continue to flash. His eye rolls
upwards, as if he's fainted, as vines twine and grow over it.]
20.1: Introduction
[Note: Anything placed between square brackets is not spoken is
my addition to describe what is happening.]
"Danced we in joys and triumphs. With us the Woodsie Lord danced the stringsie
foolsie man Rose the storms in shouty glee, the darkness in feary glooms, the
fires in happy greed. Danced we away, and fed the sad stringsie manfool to
their devourings for our thanks."
-- Final fragment of the "Notyets" manuscript
[No picture. The sound of a door opening. Distant voices, getting closer as
they speak.]
1st Keeper: This way?
2nd Keeper: Look here. Our path is true.
[View changes to show Garrett's vine-shrouded view. More footsteps, and Garrett
gasps. As the Keeper speaks to Garrett, we are shown images of him being freed
from the Trickster's vines.]
3rd Keeper: Since you left us, you've been a stone rolling downhill. Now you
must aim this remarkable momentum. It is past time for the balance to shift.
Garrett: [Sounding contemptful.] Keepers. Looks like I'd better get moving, or
whatever those things are will waste a perfectly good rescue....
NOTE: One of your objectives, "Get your stuff back", is for some reason not
shown during the mission.
Starting Funds: Whatever you retrieved from the Haunted Cathedral. (Maximum:
Starting Gear:
1 Constantine's Sword
Your Blackjack is not shown in your Starting Gear. This time however, it is
accurate. You start only with your Sword.
Despite what is shown in the cash box on this screen, you do not, in fact, have
any of your treasure on you. The Trickster has taken it from you.
When you start the mission, you are back in Constantine's mansion, in the altar
room. You've sustained some damage, I assume both from the removal of your eye
and the vines which were holding you. You are at about half your total health
Once you leave the starting room, you'll enter the "basement" area of
Constantine's mansion. It is a maze of caves and caverns, most of which will
lead you to the same areas through different paths.
Throughout the mission you'll find some fruits on the ground. These fruits,
when eaten, will restore two hit points to you. I suggest you get as many as
possible. You don't need to eat them right away, they can be saved for later
The upper levels are the first two floors of Constantine's mansion. You'll find
that a lot of areas are no longer accessible, due to the accelerated plant
growth (the third level is completely cut off now). Also, Constantine appears
to have done away with human guards, and now relies on his "creations" (the
Monkeymen and Insect-Beasts). Note: Try to save at least two Gas Arrows (when
you find them) for your final escape from the mansion.
Sparsely scattered throughout the caverns (mostly) are arrows for you to use.
When you find them, use them wisely and sparingly. The last thing you want is
to be stuck without a way of dealing with a problem.
A note regarding the Maximum Possible Treasure for this level. At one point,
you will find all the loot that the Trickster took from you from the previous
mission. If you found everything possible in "Return to the Cathedral", then
this total is 2126, and your maximum for THIS mission is 4106. If you did NOT
collect everything from the Cathedral, then these totals will be lowered
accordingly. The running Treasure Count for this walkthrough will assume you
DID collect everything...which makes this one treasure item the most valuable
one you find in the game! (Monetarily speaking, of course.)
NOTE: This level has a few areas where monsters can get stuck and can't move.
Therefore, this walkthrough may be a little "off" in some areas, where I had
monsters stuck and you don't, or you do and I didn't. There is also an area in
the caverns where there are two Fire Elementals roaming with a few other
monsters. Sometimes, by the time you arrive, the Elementals have already dealt
with some of those monsters.
20.8: Walkthrough
A. The Main Cavern
B. The Northern Caves
C. The Treehouses
D. The Southern Caves
E. The Mansion
* A. The Main Cavern *
You'll start in Constantine's altar room, facing the altar. Move forward and go
behind the altar. On the floor there are some of your belongings: your
Blackjack, three Noisemaker Arrows, and two Rope Arrows. Grab everything,
particularly the Rope Arrows. Then turn around and move back to the front of
the altar. Turn left. Remember that door from "The Sword"? It was locked and
you couldn't get through it. Well, it's now your only exit, so move through the
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's a little early for this, I know...but it's easy to get
caught from this point on.
Turn left, and move down the stairs ahead. At the bottom, you have two choices.
I prefer taking the lefthand staircase, so I suggest you do the same. Follow
these stairs all the way down. Then move forward (you may want to crouch here).
Move carefully, as there are three enemies nearby. When you are able to turn
left, do so. There's a ramp ahead and to the right. Move over to it, then turn
Note: There is an area close to the upper edge of the ramp, near the right
side, where you can stand in total darkness. It's a bit tricky to find, but
it's worth it if you wish to watch the the movements of your enemies below.
At the bottom of the ramp you can see a burning brazier. Just underneath it is
a spot where you can hide in complete darkness, even while standing. When the
coast is clear, move into it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Safe and sound...for the moment. Moving through this area are
two Monkeymen and an Insect-Beast. Due to the problems in hiding their bodies,
I suggest you leave the Insect-Beast until last.
If you turn so your back is to the brazier, you'll see two exits. The one to
your right is part of the patrol routes of the three creatures. The one on the
left, however, is a short dead-end. It is dark enough in there to hide
yourself, and bodies, if necessary. Note also that there is a Fire Arrow within
the brazier, and within easy reach on the ramp you just came down is a Moss
Wait around until you can safely take out your enemies, do so, and hide the
bodies when necessary. Once the area is clear, move into the main area of the
SAVE YOUR GAME! I know from experience that those three creatures can be
difficult to get.
Look up. That's a Gas Arrow you see up there. There's also a sizeable hole in
the wall that you can get into. Aim a Rope Arrow at the ceiling, and climb up
the rope that falls down. When you're positioned properly, jump into the hole
in the wall.
On the floor in this cubbyhole you'll find six Broadhead Arrows, two Gas Mines,
an Explosive Mine, two Noisemaker Arrows, and two Flash Bombs. Also, among the
remains of this poor fellow, you'll find a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count:
When you've collected everything, turn so you have the exit (the hole you
jumped through) on your right. Move forward until you are just shy of standing
against the wall. Then lean over to the right. From this position, you should
be able to grab the Gas Arrow (you may need to turn a bit before you can do
it). Then turn right, and jump out of the hole onto the rope still dangling
from the ceiling. Look up, grab your Rope Arrow, and fall to the ground.
You should still have your back to the wall which has the hole you just jumped
from, so turn right, and move forward to the brazier. You've still got those
two exits ahead. If you wish, go through the one on your right, and in the
centre of the room you'll find a fruit which will heal you by two points. Then
come back into this room. (If you would rather wait, you'll have another
opportunity later.)
Whether you get the fruit or not, move through the other exit ahead (the
leftmost one). Inside this niche, look up. There's a stone ceiling above with a
strange rock-like pattern crossing it. Don't be fooled...your Rope Arrows will
stick in that pattern. Shoot one into it, the climb up the rope, and jump off.
(If you need to turn around somewhat before you get on the rope, be sure when
you jump off you are facing a tunnel which turn to the right, and not a tunnel
which exits above the main chamber.)
* B. The Northern Caves *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are a couple of things here that may cause you to want to
Move forward through this tunnel, turning as it does. You will quickly come to
some "windows" on the right-hand side of the tunnel. Bypass the first
looks down into the room with the fruit mentioned above. The second window
looks down into a tunnel, which is part of the patrol route for a large Spider.
You may wish to sit here and wait for it, so you can shoot it with a Broadhead
Arrow. (Note: Sometimes, I've noticed that this Spider will get "stuck" on its
patrol. If it doesn't come by after a while, then that is probably the reason.)
Also, on the floor here is a Water Arrow.
Whether you take out the Spider now or not, continue down the tunnel. At the
very end you'll find a diamond on the floor in a corner (100, Treasure Count:
Now turn to face the window in this section. Move over to it, and walk through
it, so that you fall down into the room below. (You shouldn't take any damage
doing this.) Once down, turn left. How odd, a pool of water on the wall? Move
over to it and take the two Water Arrows from within. Then turn right around
and move forward, going through the exit ahead.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The Spider mentioned above may be nearby. There is an area
here, just past the exit you used, where you can be completely hidden in the
shadows. Then turn left so you're facing the wall, and lean right to look down
the tunnel there. The Spider should be there, or should be coming soon. When it
does, you can take it out with either your Broadheads or your Sword.
[Note: The other exit from this room, directly ahead as you entered, leads back
into the chamber with the fruit. If you haven't taken it yet, and wish to,
now's your chance. When you do, return to this room.]
Now move down the tunnel you were just peering down. You'll pass the remains of
several of the Spider's previous victims. Amongst the remains of the last one
in this tunnel, you'll find another gold nugget (100, Treasure Count: 300).
Follow this tunnel until it comes to an intersection. (Note that, on the floor
along the way, you'll be able to pick up another Water Arrow.)
[Note: From the point where the Water Arrow lays on the ground, you should be
able to see ahead somewhat. If the Spider mentioned above has been stuck, it
will be ahead of you. From here, you should be able to see it. Any time I found
it stuck here, I was able to more or less ignore it until I was ready to kill
it, as it was unable to free itself to come after me.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's another Spider nearby. Move into the intersection
ahead, and turn right. Directly ahead is a small cave with a Spider inside.
Deal with it as you see fit. Note that on the floor in that cave is a Water
Arrow, next to the glowing mushroom.
Turn right around, and move forward. Past the first intersection, you'll come
to another one, with a Moss Arrow on the ground nearby.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Yet another Spider to deal with. Turn left and move into the
tunnel, but not too far. Then lean over to the right. At the end of the tunnel
you should now see another cave, with another Spider. I've never been able to
sneak up on this one to use my Sword, so I suggest you shoot it with a
Continue forward down the tunnel and enter the Spider's cave. Then turn right
and move through the exit and down the tunnel. Turn left when it does, then
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be tricky, and deadly. Move forward down the
tunnel for as far as you can. You'll see that it turns to the right into
another chamber before you reach the end. DON'T GO IN THERE YET!
Find an area in the shadows where you can hide, and still look into the next
room. (Turn right to look into the room, if you haven't done so already.) There
are two Insect-Beasts in this room, as well as two Frogs. The Insect-Beasts are
patrolling (although one time I found one stuck in the masonry in the centre of
the room). Wait until their patrols bring them together, and use your Gas Arrow
on them.
Once they are taken care of, look forward. Directly across from you, near a
glowing mushroom, is a Frog. Shoot it with a Broadhead Arrow, and it will
explode. This may draw the other Frog into your line of sight (you'll probably
see it hop over). If it does, shoot it as well. If it doesn't, then you'll have
to move into the room to shoot it. It is most likely across the room in the far
left corner.
[Note: The ground in the next room is very soft. If you shoot any Broadhead
Arrows and miss, if they strike the ground then you will most likely be able to
retrieve them.]
Once the coast is clear in this room, look up until you find the treehouse.
There is a wooden platform running around the treehouse. Shoot your Rope Arrow
into the edge of the platform, then climb up and pull yourself onto it. Then
turn left and move around the treehouse until you find an entrance. Turn right
and go on inside.
Scattered about the room you'll find several items of interest (going
counterclockwise): an Explosive Mine, a Rope Arrow, three silver nuggets (50,
50, 50, Treasure Count: 350, 400, 450), a Flash Bomb, a Gas Arrow, and a book.
Make sure you read the book! It's the information you've been searching for
about what Constantine plans to do with the Eye.
Once you've collected everything you plan to, leave the treehouse the same way
you entered. Turn left, and move around the platform until you've passed two
glowing mushrooms. Then move straight forward to the edge of the platform, and
look down. You should see some sort of a stone shape below. Move forward and
fall off the platform onto this object below. Angle yourself so that you fall
on the right side (as you're looking down at it)...this will cause you to fall
onto the floor below on the right side of this structure.
Once you've landed, turn right. Move forward towards the exit you see ahead and
to the left. Move through it. Follow this tunnel, turning as it does, through
the Spider's cave you moved through earlier, until you reach the intersection
[Note: At this point, you can either go left or straight. Going left you'll
find another Spider. However, all you'll find in that direction is another Moss
Arrow, which I consider to be a waste of time, so it's only mentioned here as
an aside.]
Across the intersection directly ahead is another passage. Move into it, and
then turn left. Ahead the passage goes left or right. Move forward to just
before the turnings. You will want to go left. However, it leads directly into
a Spider's cave, and this is another one that seems to be difficult to
surprise. I suggest you lean out and shoot it with a Broadhead, if you are
Move into the cave (and deal with the Spider with your Sword, if you choose
to). On the floor in here is a Water Arrow, and a gold nugget (100, Treasure
Count: 550). Collect what you wish, then leave the cave the way you entered.
Move forward, and turn right. Move forward again, and take the first left. Move
forward a little...ahead, the floor stops at a small drop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to try something that can be very
Move forward and drop down into the tunnel ahead, then turn right. Don't move
forward, just wait...there's a Monkeyman in the next cavern. He'll see you, and
come rushing forward. When he closes for combat, kill him. (Remember, if you
strike first, with a downwards slash, you should be able to get two sidestrokes
in before he can recover, and you'll kill him.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! I know *I* hate having to kill something once I've already done
it! Turn right around. There's another pool of water in the wall on your left.
Move over to it, and take the four Water Arrows from within. Then turn right
around, so you're facing the cavern that the Monkeyman came out of. (Note: On
the floor where you dropped down there is a Moss Arrow, if you want another
Move forward into the next far as I've been able to tell, no other
creatures patrol into it. Once you reach the top of the gravel-like incline, if
you turn right you'll find another fruit just a little ways ahead.
With your back to the tunnel you just came through, you should be able to see
another sloping area ahead to the left. This leads down into the next area you
want to go into. However, directly across from it (ahead to your right) is a
Fire Arrow on the ground. Grab it if you wish.
* C. The Treehouses *
WARNING! This next area is HIGHLY dangerous! You will have as many as four
Monkeymen, an Insect-Beast, and two Fire Elementals to deal with! Possibly more
Monkeymen...I did find one later that was stuck.
Move over to the slope ahead. Turn and lean so you can look into the room. If
no one is about, then rush into the room. There are two torches burning in
here. Use your Water Arrows to take them out. CAUTION! Don't use too many! You
need to have enough to deal with the Fire Elementals!
Once the room is dark, all you need to do is to wait for creatures to come to
you, and deal with them one at a time. This can be somewhat
time-consuming...especially if they become aware of you. The upside of this is
that sometimes, the Fire Elementals will deal with the other creatures for you!
(Note: Sometimes, you will have to go looking for the Fire Elementals.)
While you're waiting, there are a couple of things you can do. From the opening
you entered this cavern from, if you turn left (as you stand with your back to
the opening) and move over to the wall you'll find a silver nugget on the
ground (50, Treasure Count: 600). On the other side of the room, if you look
up, you'll find another treehouse. You can shoot a Rope Arrow into the edge of
the platform running around it while you wait for everyone. (If you're feeling
particularly bold, you may even be able to raid it while you wait!)
When you're ready to raid the treehouse, climb up the rope (you did shoot that
Rope Arrow while you were waiting, didn't you?) and pull yourself onto the
platform. Turn left, and follow the platform around until you find an entrance
to the treehouse on your right. Move in.
Lying on the floor inside the treehouse you'll find: a Flash Bomb, two Gas
Mines, a Noisemaker Arrow, a Rope Arrow, and ten Broadhead Arrows. Grab what
you like, then leave the way you came in.
SAVE YOUR GAME! After knocking everyone out, you'd probably prefer not having
to repeat it. Move forward, and fall off the platform to the ground below. You
should land right in front of (or very nearly) an exit from this room. Turn to
the right and move forward through the tunnel into the next cavern. Watch
yourself...if you didn't get both Elementals yet, they'll be nearby.
From this point, you should see an exit across the room from you, and also one
ahead and to the left. If they are still around, one of the Fire Elementals is
most likely off in the cavern to the left. If both are still active, the second
one could be there as well, or possible in the cavern through the exit dead
I suggest you turn left, then sidestep to the right so that you can peer into
the cavern to the left. If you find an Elemental there, extinguish it. If the
other is nearby, this will alert it and it will come searching for you. Treat
it in the same manner. (If it doesn't come around, then that means it is
probably in the other cavern, now off to your right.)
Once the area is Elemental-free, move into that cavern on the right. There is
some strange design in the floor, with fires burning at points along it. There
are also three ledges, spaced around the room. Look up near the rightmost one
(as you face with your back to the entrance), and you'll see another Gas Arrow
floating up there. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling, climb up and grab it,
then return to the ground. Note that the fire burning nearest you at this point
has a Fire Arrow within, which you can grab if you like.
With your back still to the entrance to this cavern, the leftmost ledge
containes two Water Arrows. If you'd like, you can get're at a point
now where you still need about seven more. However, you DON'T need to climb
onto the ledge to get them. Simply stand beneath it, look up, and right-click
the should pick them up easily. (You may have to move your view
around a bit before you get both of them. It can be tricky, but it's easier
than using another Rope Arrow.)
That's all this cavern has to offer you. Turn around and leave it the way you
came in. Then turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! More Monkeymen to deal with. Ahead of you the tunnel exits into
another cavern with another treehouse. On the way there, there is another
tunnel branching off to the right, leading to an area with two Monkeymen. You
are going to want to rush past that tunnel and into the next cavern, without
the Monkeymen seeing you.
Rush into the cavern as described above. There may be a Monkeyman already in
here. (Possibly two...this is where I've noted one getting stuck before.) If
there isn't, then he'll come in via the exit with the ramp. Deal with combat is probably the best, although if he's not around yet, you
might be able to plant a mine. (Note that either a mine or combat MAY attract
the attention of the other two nearby Monkeymen.)
There are two fruits in this room for you if you want them, one in front of
each "exit" from this room, aside from the one you used. (The one "exit" is
really a cubbyhole.) Also, there is a Moss Arrow on the ground next to one of
the glowing mushrooms.
[NOTE: This next part can be ignored...the items in the treehouse above are not
necessary to finish the mission. If you are want to ignore it, skip down to the
next paragraph which advises you to save your game.]
Turn around so you're facing the treehouse in this room. Shoot a Rope Arrow
into the platform's edge, climb up the rope, and pull yourself up. Then turn
left and move around the platform until you find an entrance on your right.
Move into the treehouse.
Around the room you will find the following items: two Flash Bombs, a Gas Mine,
two Noisemaker Arrows, an Explosive Mine, and a book. The book is unimportant,
just some of Constantine's rantings. Once you've collected all the items you
plan to, turn and leave the way you came in. Move forward and fall off the
platform and onto the ground below.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The next part can be lethal. You've got two more Monkeymen to
deal with.
[Note: There is another section you could go to. If you go up the slope that
the Monkeyman came down (or would have come down, if he had been out of this
cavern when you came in), and then turn left, there is a somewhat large section
with three more Monkeymen and a couple of goodies that you don't really need.
If you would like to explore the area on your own, please do so.]
Leave this cavern the way you came in. Just ahead and to the left is a tunnel
branching off from this one. Going this way will lead you to the other two
Monkeymen. Unfortunately, their patrols and the lighting conditions here make
it difficult to knock them out and hide their bodies, so you may have to resort
to combat. I usually wait here for them to see me, then kill them with my
Sword. (Alternatively, if they happen to be close enough together, you could
use a Flash Bomb to blind them and then knock them out.)
Once the two Monkeymen are dealth with, move through the branching tunnel
ahead. At the very start of it, on the floor, you'll find a Water Arrow, and
just a litle further in, a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 700). Continue
forward, and when you reach the crossroads, turn left. Move forward, turn
right, and move up the gravel slope. Stop before you get to the very top,
* D. The Southern Caves *
SAVE YOUR GAME! The tunnel ahead which branches to the left leads towards the
extra area, with the three Monkeymen, mentioned above.
On the ground ahead is a Moss Arrow. Take it if you wish. Then move forward
until you enter another cave, this one with a gravel floor. Across from you on
the floor is a Fire Arrow.
Turn right and move down the tunnel ahead. Careful now, there are some Spiders
ahead. (Note: There is another Water Arrow on the ground here next to the
glowing mushroom.)
There are three Spiders to deal with immediately. Two are patrollers and the
third is not...unless it has been alerted and is looking for you. Your best bet
from this point is to watch up the slope until a Spider moves by, then shoot it
with a Broadhead.
Once that's done, move up the slope and turn right. Lean left, and you should
be able to shoot the stationary Spider in the cave ahead on the left. Then turn
around, move forward a bit, then turn right and lean left so you can look down
the slope here...wait for the third Spider and shoot it as well.
[Note: If they become alerted to your presence, then I suggest you use your
Flash Bombs against these creatures to paralyze them, and kill them before they
can move again.]
From this point, if you turn left, you'll see a Moss Arrow on the ground. If
you grab it, then turn right around after you've done so. If you don't, then
turn right.
You should see two caves ahead of you. Move forward and enter the one to your
left. (Note: If you didn't take care of all three Spiders, the stationary one
lairs in here.) In the far left corner of the cave is a gold nugget (100,
Treasure Count: 800). Turn around and leave the way you came in. Turn left, and
follow this tunnel all the way into the second cave. This cave has two features
of interest. There is a Water Arrow on the ground in a corner to the left, and
there is a hole in the floor ahead to the right.
Whether you pick up the Water Arrow or not, move forward and fall through the
hole. Once you land, turn around until you find the exit from this area. On the
floor near the exit you'll find a silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 850). Move
forward, and turn right. Move forward into the next cavern.
On your left you should see the remains of a skeletal arm on the floor. Move
over to it, and pick up the purse on the ground next to it (100, Treasure
Count: 950).
Turn so that the nearby wall is on your left. Ahead of you you will see another
one of those pools in the wall. Move over to it, and remove the two Water
Arrows from within. Then turn right around, move forward a touch, and turn
Ahead of you, you should see a slope leading into an octagonally-shaped tunnel.
Move forward, up the slope, and stop at the very top. Look up. Embedded in the
gray rock here are two silver nuggets (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1000, 1050).
[Note: Before you get to the slope, there's a passageway off to the right. If
you turn down that way, almost immediately in front of you is another Moss
Arrow. If you continue down this passage, you will eventually emerge into
another chamber. You can find another fruit and a Water Arrow in that chamber.]
Continue forward. Once you pass a tunnel leading off to the right, you should
stop and plant a Mine. Be sure you have already PASSED the tunnel to the right!
Once you've done that, continue forward and turn right. Move forward, and turn
left. Ahead is another cave, this time with a gaping hole in the floor. Move
into the room, and work your way around the edge of the hole to the exit at the
other side. At some point now, you will have alerted a Spider in the room
below, and it's probably on its way now to hunt you down. When you hear an
explosion, that will be the Mine you planted killing it. (Note: Sometimes, for
some reason, it doesn't come after you. I don't know why this is.)
Move forward up this slope, and stop when you are in the shadows. Make sure
you're fully hidden.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is one last Spider to deal with. Turn left and lean right
so you can look down the passage. If the Spider is not there, it will be coming
by. I suggest you use a Broadhead Arrow on the creature...wait until it's
approached you and then turned around to get the best shot.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Yes, already. You're almost out of Constantine's basement, but
you've got one more obstacle to get past...three more Monkeymen.
Move into the tunnel with the Spider's corpse, and continue down to the end.
Move don't want to draw any unwanted Monkeyman attention. When
the tunnel turns right, follow it. Ahead, you'll see a room with a metal floor.
That room is an endpoint for the Monkeymen's patrol routes.
You can take care of these three any way you like. My personal method of choice
is to move into the larger room with the metal floor, hide in the dark by the
door, and club them as they come through. Use whatever method you prefer.
Continue forward into the room with the metal floor, and turn left. Move
forward, into and through the next room, into a hallway. Move forward and turn
right, and move up the metal ramp here.
[Note: If, instead of turning right, you continue forward and turn left, you
will eventually reach the area where the other three Monkeymen, mentioned
previously, patrol. All you find down that way is another Moss Arrow and
another fruit.]
Move down this hall as far as you can, then turn right. Move forward, and turn
right again. There will be a door in front of you.
* E. The Mansion *
SAVE YOUR GAME! It gets tricky now. Move forward through the door ahead. You
will find yourself on some stairs moving upwards. Stop, and look up. There will
be two torches in the wall ahead (you may only be able to see one of them right
now...the other one is further to the left). Douse both torches with your Water
[Note: Including the two torches you were just told to douse, you are going to
need about 8 Water Arrows for this part of the mission.]
Once the torches are out, you can continue up the stairs hidden in darkness.
When you near the top, you may find some Monkeymen in the room above, marching
in a "stuck" position. Sometimes, there's more than one, and they can be hard
to blackjack when they're among the barrels (a barrelful of Monkeymen?), so you
may need to use one of your Gas Arrows to knock them out here.
If there are no Monkeymen around, then wait around...there are at least two
that will move through this area that you can knock out with ease. Also, at the
top of the stairs, if you turn left you'll see a doorway. You can wait within
this doorway for a third Monkeyman to pass by, and knock him out. You should be
aware, however, that you may sometimes have a long wait before he comes around.
When you've dealt with all three Monkeymen, return to the stairs, facing so
they are to your left. Move forward, keeping to the shadows as much as
possible. Ahead of you is a staircase leading up to the left, and a large
doorway to the right. Through the doorway is another area where a Monkeyman
patrols. Listen for a nearby door opening. If you hear it, then he's coming
around. (Note: I've never seen him come into this room, only pass it by.)
While you are in no danger of being seen by the Monkeyman, head for the stairs,
and climb them to the top. Hmm...the second level has been cut off from this
end. However, on the ground at the top of the stairs you'll find a gold nugget
(100, Treasure Count: 1150). Once you've acquired it, turn around.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If you time this next part wrong, bad things could happen to
you. Head back down the stairs. You want to move into the doorway ahead, but
not through it. (Note for a future pickup...there is a Moss Arrow on the carpet
ahead in the hall.) Turn left and lean out to the right. Down the hall, you
should be able to see a Frog. Take it out with a Broadhead Arrow. Once it's
dealt with, move back into the shadows of this room, and wait for the Monkeyman
patrol to come by again. When he does, run up behind him and knock him out.
[Note: I have sometimes seen this particular patroller take a very long time to
return. He sometimes seems to get his patrol mixed up and forget about coming
back here. If that happens, you will probably find him patrolling through the
dining room/bar area, described below.]
With him taken care of, move back to the large doorway you came through. Across
the hall and slightly to one side is a door. Move through it into the bar. Turn
right, move forward to the end of the room, then turn left. Move forward past
the bar. On the floor ahead of you is a drinking goblet (15, Treasure Count:
1165). Then turn left. There are several items for you to collect down this
way. The shelves behind the bar contain another goblet (15, Treasure Count:
1180), and two bottles of fine wine (50, 50, Treasure Count: 1230, 1280). On
the floor at the other end is a golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 1380). If you
look on the bar itself, you'll find another fruit.
SAVE YOUR GAME! If this next part is not done properly, you'll probably regret
it. Once you have all the treasures, move back to the end of the bar you
started at. Turn right, move forward, then turn right again. Move forward to
the end of the bar, then turn right. Move forward into the shadows.
In the room ahead, you should now see two torches burning. Extinguish both of
them. Then move carefully into that room. You will probably see two figures
standing nearby. The closest one is just a tree. The other one, however, is an
Insect-Beast. He is facing the wall where the torches were burning, and he
doesn't seem to ever change that facing, so sneak up behind him, and club him.
(I highly recommend you use at least one Moss Arrow on the floor, otherwise you
run a high risk of being heard.)
[Note: To expedite matters, if you don't mind having one less Gas Arrow for the
final showdown below, you can use one here instead of wasting all the time and
Arrows. However, try to have at least one left when you're finished with this
Once he's been knocked out, examine the floor near where he was standing
carefully. There is a purse lying there, which contains all the treasure you
obtained from the Hammerite Cathedral last mission (2126, Treasure Count:
Turn right around, so that your back is to the wall with the torches. Move up
the stairs to the second level of the mansion. When you reach the top of the
stairs, turn right around. Ahead are two archways leading into the next room.
Move forward, going through the rightmost one. (Note: Before doing that, if you
want, there is another fruit on the floor in the room to your right.)
In this room, grab the Gas Arrow floating before you. That's all you want from
this level, so leave the room the way you came, move forward until you pass by
the glowing mushroom on the floor ahead, then turn right around and move down
the stairs again.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another risky part coming up. Move forward to the end of the
room, and turn right. Move forward towards the next room, but don't enter it
just yet. When you're just about to enter it, turn right, lean left, and shoot
a Water Arrow at the torch burning brightly in here. Once it's out, turn left,
move into the dining room, and turn right.
At the opposite end of the room is a doorway. Move over to it, being careful to
stay in the shadows...otherwise, you might attract the attention of a nearby
Frog. You'll soon see a stationary Monkeyman in the next room. I've never been
able to take this one by surprise, so I suggest you use a Broadhead Arrow on
him, if possible. Once he's down, move through the doorway, and turn left.
Ahead is another doorway. Move through it as well, into the hallway.
[Note: In the kitchen, on the floor directly across from the doorway through
which you shot the Monkeyman, is another fruit.]
Across the hall and slightly to the right is another small, dead-end passage.
Move into it, and go to the far end. It can be difficult to manouevre around
the greenery here, but you'll get another diamond for your troubles (100,
Treasure Count: 3606).
Turn around and move back into the hallway. Ahead and slightly to the left is
the doorway back into the kitchen. Move through it. Once inside, turn left and
move through the doorway ahead back into the dining room. Turn right and move
forward, towards a door in the wall ahead. Instead of opening this door
however, turn right. Then crouch, and look under the table. There's another
diamond there. Go get it (100, Treasure Count: 3706). You may need to lean
forward to get it. Once it's yours, stand up again.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is a bit tricky. Turn so you are facing with the
dining room table on your left. Ahead and to the right is a doorway in the
wall. Now, run forward until you reach the doorway, but do not run TO the
doorway! Continue forward in a straight line, until the doorway in on your
Now turn to face the doorway, and move forward so you are just inside the
doorway. Now, ready your Broadhead Arrows. Turn left, and lean out right.
You'll see a glowing mushroom on the floor ahead, beside which is a Frog. Shoot
it dead.
That being taken care of, turn right and enter the hall. Ahead and slightly to
the right is another large doorway. Move into it. (Note: Be careful! There are
patrols which move nearby who may see you if you time this part wrong!)
Ahead of you are some stairs leading up. Follow them all the way to the top,
and you'll be rewarded with yet another diamond (100, Treasure Count: 3806).
There is also another fruit sitting on the ground here. Turn around and move
back down the stairs.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is highly risky, but I'm afraid there's no real
way around it. Watch out for Monkeymen as you do this part.
Move forward through the large doorway ahead, and turn right. Move forward down
this hall until you find a doorway on your right, and move through it. In this
room, turn left and move forward into the corner.
Now turn right around, and extinguish the torch burning in this room.
[NOTE: You may hear a nearby Insect-Beast looking around for you
shouldn't, but I've noticed sometimes that sneaking into this room and dousing
that torch is not always as silent as you may like it. If the Insect-Beast
comes into this room, then whip out your Blackjack and knock him out as soon as
he's within range. As long as you are still in that corner, you should be very
well hidden and have no trouble.]
Now turn left, and move quietly around that barrel in front of you. Once past
it, turn left. Extinguish the torch in the next room, and shoot a Moss Arrow on
the floor behind the Insect-Beast standing there. (If the Insect-Beast came out
looking for you, then he won't be standing there anymore, but the Water and
Moss Arrows are still a good idea.)
Once the moss has settled, move into the room behind the Insect-Beast (if he's
still there), and knock him out. Then look up. You'll notice a ladder, and a
torch burning in the room above. Douse that torch.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part isn't really all that risky, but why take chances?
Jump onto that ladder you saw, and climb up to the top. Once there, move off
the ladder. Turn right around, and move forward around the hole in the floor.
Behind the plant ahead of you, you'll find a gold nugget (100, Treasure Count:
Turn right. The room through that doorway is patrolled by a Monkeyman. The most
expeditious way to deal with him is to fire a Broadhead Arrow into his simian
form. Lacking that, your Blackjack will do as well. Deal with him however you
Move forward into that room (if you haven't already done so). There's a doorway
ahead to the right, blocked off by plantlife. On the floor near it is a silver
nugget (50, Treasure Count: 3956). Also, there is a torch burning on the wall
opposite the entrance you used. Beneath it is another silver nugget (50,
Treasure Count: 4006). Grab the treasures, then turn around and leave the room
the way you came in.
[NOTE: There is another exit from this room, which leads to the balcony. If you
are satisfied with your Treasure Count, then all you need to do is move onto
the balcony and get back down to ground level, and the mission will be over.
However, there is still another 100 in Treasure to get...if you're the
perfectionist I am, you'll want it.]
Back in the room with the ladder, move onto the ladder and climb down to the
room below. Turn around and leave through the only other exit.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time for the final showdown. Turn right, and move over to
the exit ahead. Stay in the shadows, and position yourself so that you can see
down the long hallway ahead.
[NOTE: In this room, behind you on your left, are some "cubbyholes", one of
which contains 6 Broadhead Arrows. If you're running low, you may want to grab
Down that hall you should be able to watch a few Monkeymen patrol, and you'll
also note two Insect-Beasts standing guard. What you don't see are some Frogs
which are also nearby.
Use your remaining Gas Arrows to knock out as many of the creatures as you can.
Be sure to get at least one Insect-Beast with each one. When that's done, deal
with the remaining Monkeymen however you see fit. Once they are all dealt with,
you can ready your Broadhead Arrows and move into the corridor.
Move down this hall, and whenever you find a Frog, shoot it. There will be
three of them.
While moving down the hall, go past the first exit on your right. When you
reach the second exit on your right, turn into it and move forward. When you
can turn right again, do so. Move down the stairs ahead, looking down at them
as you do so. You'll find another diamond resting on the steps (100, Treasure
Count: 4106).
Okay, that's everything. Turn right around. Move forward, turn left, move
forward, and turn left. Move down this hall and take the first left you come
to. Move through the doorway and out into the open. Congratulations! You've
escaped from the Trickster's clutches!
21.1: Introduction
"The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the
fire scorches it. When thy life is cleft and scorched, when death and despair
leap at thee, beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the
Builder for the trials that shape thee."
-- The Hammer Book of Tenets
This was NOT the way things were supposed to go. Constantine has the Eye...AND
my eye...and I doubt he has anything wholesome planned for it.
The Trickster is real after all. I don't think anyone but those crazy Hammers
really believed in the old gods.
Those crazy Hammers. You know, it wouldn't hurt to have a few dozen
heavily-armed fanatics on MY side just about now. If I drop by their temple and
explain things, maybe they'll be so distracted by the Trickster's return that
they'll forget to hold a grudge. And even if they don't...I know how to get out
of Cragscleft prison already....
21.2: Objectives
Your objectives for this mission do not change based on your difficulty level.
1. The Hammerites have been preaching about the Trickster for years.
Maybe they have some advice on how to deal with him for real. But
with all the trouble you've been to them lately, you'll have to
sneak in past their guards to talk to someone in charge.
2. The Hammers will never help you if you make the situation any worse.
Better stay out of any more fights with them.
Starting Funds: Whatever you collected while you were escaping from the
Trickster. (Maximum: 4106.)
Starting Gear:
5 Water Arrows
1 Moss Arrow
1 Gas Arrow
1 Flash Bomb
1 Set of Lockpicks
Surprise! Your Sword and Blackjack are once again missing from your Starting
Gear list. But (that's right!) you'll have them once the mission starts!
You're doing pretty well, monetarily speaking, for this mission...assuming you
got all the treasure from the previous two missions. As always, I suggest you
buy up all the Gas Arrows you can. For this mission, you will probably also
want the Moss Arrows and the Noisemakers too. Flash Bombs and Gas Mines might
help as well. Although not as necessary as on some missions, a few extra Water
Arrows might not hurt either. You may want to consider the Healing Potion as
well. Ignore the Speed Potion and the Rope Arrow, as they are useless to you.
2) You will soon get the mission objective "Don't kill any Hammers". When you
are in the tunnels beneath the Temple, be careful when doing things like
placing Mines or shooting Broadheads. There are a lot of bodies down there that
you may think are corpses but are, in fact, simply unconscious Hammerites. You
don't want to accidentally kill one of them and prematurely end your mission!
NOTE: This walkthrough is designed around the idea that you are AVOIDING
attacking the Insect-Beasts (you can probably get a better time that way), but
will still point out where they are, should you be as bloodthirsty as Garrett.
Don't worry about your lack of offensive will find plenty of
Broadhead Arrows throughout the mission. (I believe there are in excess of 60
lying around to be found by you.)
The Hammerite Temple is pretty much deserted, until you reach the new areas.
The first level has a Spider and an Insect-Beast, the second contains two
Monkeymen, two Spiders, and at least two Frogs (I'm not entirely sure how
many), and the basement is deserted. Once you've taken all of them out, you'll
have the free run of the Temple. (Note that I have seen at least one Frog hop
its way up to the first level!)
Throughout the Temple are some red buttons beside red lights. In "Undercover"
(as well as other Hammer missions, such as Cragscleft) these buttons would turn
on an alarm and summon reinforcements. While I did not try every button, those
that I did try in this mission were all non-functional.
There is one point where I suggest you have three Gas Arrows to make your job
much easier. Try to save them until the walkthrough suggests that you use one.
A word regarding the "Builder's Chisel" objective you will get later. No matter
how soon or late you get the chisel, it will not show in your mission
objectives unless you are near the Hammerites. Although your objective only
says to find it, you actually have to return it to them. And since you can't
drop it once you have it, this means you have to return to the Hammerites to
finish the mission.
A final note, which is something of a spoiler for the next mission, so don't
read this if you don't want to know. There is only 100 loot on this mission,
and it's all in one purse on the second level of the Temple. However, you will
have no opportunity to purchase items for the next mission, so finding this
treasure is not strictly necessary.
21.6: Walkthrough
A. The Hammerite Temple, First Floor
B. Collecting Items, Upstairs
C. Collecting Items, Downstairs
D. Leaving the Temple
E. The Tunnels Beneath the Temple
F. The Tunnels Beyond the Door
G. Returning the High Priest
* A. The Hammerite Temple, First Floor *
You will start this mission is the same spot you started "Undercover". Ahead of
you, however, is something new. A corpse in the street, surrounded by a Fly
Move forward past the body. Continue to follow the street, past more bodies,
until you can choose to turn left. Do so, and move forward towards the Hammer
Temple. It's taken an obvious turn for the worse since you were last here.
Next to the corpse out here is a quiver which contains 15 Broadhead Arrows.
(For some reason, after grabbing the arrows the quiver will remain, and still
indicate that it can be "used".) Grab them, then proceed into the Temple.
1. Sneak in to find the Hammer High Priest, and warn him about the
Trickster. (This one will have a mark in the box, indicating its
2. Investigate the situation, and locate the Hammerites.
3. Don't kill any Hammers.
There are three other exits from this room. The one to the left leads to a room
which has six Broadhead Arrows lying on the floor. The one to the right leads
to another room which also has six Broadheads on the floor, but also includes a
Flash Bomb. The final exit from here is directly across the room from the one
you came in, and this is the one you want to go deeper into the Temple.
Collect the gear you wish from either (or both) of the side rooms, then move
over to the door which leads into the Temple. Stand in the shadows so you are
SAVE YOUR GAME! Strictly a precaution at this point. Open the door ahead of
you. Lean forward if you have to. Directly through that door is another doorway
leading into the main room of this floor of the Temple, with stairs going down
to the second level. That room is part of the patrol route for an Insect-Beast
and a Red Spider. If you plan to take down the Insect-Beasts, then that's your
first one. CAUTION! If you decide NOT to kill the Insect-Beasts, be sure you
don't inadvertantly harm one later. Otherwise, you'll have to come all the way
back here to kill this one too!
Move forward through the door, and through the doorway immediately after that,
into the large dark room with the stairs leading down. Stop while you are still
hidden in the shadows.
[Note: Now you make your choice of what you wish to do. If you want to build up
your arsenal, then proceed with Section B. of this walkthrough. If all you want
to do is get the loot for this mission and then get on with things, then
proceed to Section C. (You will probably want to skip a bit that section, to
get to the part you want.) If, however, you want to simply get on with your
mission, skip right down to Section D.]
* B. Collecting Items, Upstairs *
To start collecting items up here, your best bet is to wait for the
Insect-Beast to be moving towards the right (as you face the stairs). (Or, if
you're going to kill the Insect-Beasts anyways, kill him now and you won't have
to worry about any waiting. As soon as you attack it, you'll get the "Destroy"
mission objective.) I also recommend waiting for the Red Spider to come by, so
you can take care of it as well. Shoot it with a Broadhead Arrow.
Once the Insect-Beast has passed by (or passed on, as the case may be), turn
left, and you should see a doorway. Move forward and go through the doorway.
Then turn left. Move forward to the other side of the room, moving around
debris as necessary. On the floor near the end, next to the bench, is a Healing
Potion. When you reach the other side of the room, turn right. Move through the
door ahead of you.
Move forward until the balcony ahead is on your left. Then turn left and look
down. Pick up the two Broadhead Arrows, then turn right and continue forward,
moving through the door into the next room. Be careful...this room is part of
the patrol route for the Red Spider. If you haven't killed it yet, you may
encounter it here.
Turn right, move forward, then turn left and move to the other end of the room.
Turn left again, and move through the doorway ahead. Turn left. On the floor
ahead you'll find another two Broadheads, and a Flash Bomb. Get what you wish,
then turn right around, move forward, turn right and move through the doorway
back into the remains of the library. Continue forward through the doorway
ahead. (Again, caution is advised...the Red Spider will probably be nearby, and
the Insect-Beast may be able to see you in this room.)
Move through the door ahead. Immediately turn right, and look on the floor to
find a Rope Arrow. Then turn left and move forward to the next door. You'll
have to pick the lock on this one. (Once again, be careful...beyond this door
is the Red Spider's patrol, and also the Insect-Beast may be able to see you.)
Once the door is unlocked, move through it, and through the doorway directly
past it. (This room is also part of the Red Spider's patrol route.) Turn right,
and move towards the doorway at the other end of the room. About halfway
through the room, turn right. See that large iron hammer on the floor. To the
left of it (as you face it now) is another two Broadheads. Once you have them,
turn left and move through the doorway ahead.
Move forward. On the floor near the fallen door ahead is another two Broadhead
Arrows. Once you reach the far side, turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! The room ahead is part of the Insect-Beast's patrol route. Move
into the room. Directly ahead is another doorway. You'll need to move around a
fallen bench to reach it. Scattered about the floor in this room are six
Broadhead Arrows. Take as many as you like, then move through that doorway
opposite the one you entered.
In this hall, move forward until you find a doorway to your right. Stop before
you reach it.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This doorway leads back into main room on this floor, and the
Insect-Beast could very likely see you as you re-enter.
Turn right, then lean left so you can look into the main room. When you are
satisfied that you can enter without being seen, then turn left, move forward,
and turn right. Move through the doorway into the main room, and stop while you
are still hidden in the shadows.
* C. Collecting Items, Downstairs *
Move forward down the stairs. Be careful, as there are two patrolling Monkeymen
who may notice you. Also, if you are trying to avoid killing the Insect-Beasts,
you may want to use a Moss Arrow or two on the stairs so it won't hear you
moving down or coming back up.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs, turn right. Move forward, and turn
right again as soon as you bypass the stairs. Move forward, hugging the wall to
the right, until you are hidden in shadows. Then turn left, and wait.
Eventually, both Monkeymen will come by here. When they do, take each one down
with a Broadhead. (Note: One may be patrolling the "garden" areas of the may have to shoot him through the doorway to your left. Also,
beware of any Frogs that may hop their way into this area.)
Once the Monkeymen are dealt with, your next immediate threat is a couple of
nearby Spiders. I find that the best way to deal with the first one is from
right here in the shadows. Jump straight up. When you land, you'll attract the
attention of the Spider, and it will come to investigate. When it does, you can
deal with it as you see fit. (Note: Since it is partially aware of you, it will
not die from a single Broadhead shot. Also, if it runs away from you, it tends
to run to the stairs, and gets stuck trying to climb them, making it a rather
easy target.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! One down, one to go. Turn so you are facing with the fallen
statue to your right. Move forward until it passes by, turn right, move
forward, then turn right again. Move forward into the hallway, and continue
forward until you reach a doorway on your right. Turn right and move through it
into the next room.
Across the room and to the left is another exit. Through there is the Red
Spider on this level. Also, beside that door is a chest, which contains two
Explosive Mines. Get the Mines if you wish, then deal with the Spider. Move
into the Spider's room, and on the floor you'll find another Healing Potion.
Leave this room the way you came in, then move through the doorway opposite you
to the left.
Back in the hall, turn right. Move forward, and stop when you reach a door on
your left. Pick the lock, and move through it into the next room.
Across the room from the door is a stand with a flowerpot on it. Move over to
it, and look at the floor in front of it. Someone's dropped a purse (100,
Treasure Count: 100). Turn around and leave the way you came in.
[NOTE: If all you came down here for was to find the loot, then you're done
now. Turn right, and move forward all the until you have a doorway on your
right. Turn left, move forward until the stairs are on your left, then turn
left and move up the stairs and back into the shadows of the main room on the
first level. Be careful of the Insect-Beast, if he's still around. Turn around
so you're facing the stairs again, then skip the rest of this section. Go down
to Section D: Leaving the Temple.]
Back in the hall, turn left. Move forward, and when you get the chance to, turn
left. Move forward, and go through the doorway ahead. Then turn left, and move
down the stairs. At the bottom, continue forward until you are touching the
barrel, then turn left. Move through the room and exit through the door in the
wall ahead. In the hallway, turn left, and move forward until you no longer
can, then turn right. Move forward, and take the first left you come to.
In this room, turn left. See that column ahead? Move forward until it passes by
you, then turn right and look at the floor behind the column. Pick up the
Healing Potion there. Then turn right, move forward, and take the exit on the
Back in the hallway, turn left and move forward. Enter the room ahead. Directly
across from you, on the floor, is a Flash Bomb. Grab it, then turn right and
move through the doorway ahead. As soon as you enter the next room, turn left
and move forward. Turn left again, and take the stairs ahead of you all the way
to the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's at least one Frog nearby. Turn left, and move forward.
Stop when you are just this side of a turn to the left. By now, you probably
have heard the Frog, because it has almost certainly heard you. Turn left so
you are facing the wall, then lean out to the right. The Frog is generally
sitting in the hall now, but usually just outside of a doorway. You may need to
sidestep right to find it. If it isn't there, wait for it. If you have to, try
jumping straight up to attract it's attention. Once it makes itself seen, shoot
it with a Broadhead.
Turn right, move forward, then turn left. Move forward down the hall, and turn
into the first room you find on the left. (Caution! Sometimes, there is a
second Frog in this room!)
This water room has three troughs in it. In the one opposite the doorway you'll
find a single Water Arrow. Grab it, then turn around and leave the way you came
Turn left, and move down the hall. When you come to a door on the right, pick
the lock and go on in. On the floor in this room you'll find an Explosive Mine
and twelve Broadhead Arrows. Also on the floor, underneath the workbench, is
another Healing Potion.
Turn and leave the room the way you came in. Back in the hall, turn left, and
move forward to the first door on your left. Pick the lock and go in. At the
end of the bed you'll find a Flash Bomb. Turn around and leave the room the way
you came in, and in the hall turn left. Move forward, and pick the lock on the
next door on your left. Move inside, and on the floor beside the table and the
bed you'll find another Explosive Mine.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're done down here now. Turn and leave this room the way you
came in. Back in the hall, continue forward until the stairs are on your right.
Then turn right and climb the stairs. (Be careful of the Insect-Beast, if he's
still alive.) At the top, move into the shadows ahead, then turn to face the
* D. Leaving the Temple *
This next part can be done one of two ways. You want to get to the Temple's
altar room. In the direction you are currently facing (towards the stairs),
there are also two small hallways leading in the same direction, one to your
right, the other to your left. At the end of each you have to turn to face a
door, then go through it and you'll be in the altar room. However, the hallway
to your right leads to a door that is locked, unless you've already collected
items up here. If so, then that way is fine to use. Otherwise, I suggest you go
Turn left, and move forward towards the archway ahead. Stop before you go
through it, then turn right. Move forward as far as you can, then turn right.
Move through this door (it may already be open). (Note: If you did not collect
items up here, then turning right at this point will give you a Rope Arrow, on
the floor.)
Turn left, and move forward to the broken altar at the end of the room. As you
pass the corpse near the centre, grab the ten arrows on the ground beside it.
When you reach the broken altar, you'll find a tunnel descending into an
underground area. Find the ladder, then fall into the hole so you catch it,
then descend to the bottom, and climb off the ladder.
* E. The Tunnels Beneath the Temple *
SAVE YOUR GAME! The rigours of the Temple are behind you, but these tunnels are
no picnic. Turn so your back is to the ladder. Directly ahead and to your left
is an exit. Move through it carefully.
This room has another exit opposite the one you just used. It leads to a smal
tunnel section, which is part of the patrol routes of four Monkeymen. Sometimes
one of these Monkeymen will enter this room as well, so be careful you aren't
seen by them. (Note: If you have any Mines, Explosive or Gas, then that tunnel
just beyond that exit ahead is an ideal place to plant them.) If you want some
more Broadheads, there are two on the floor hear near the entrance you used.
Move across this room and through the exit ahead. Turn right and follow this
tunnel until it opens into an area with a lit torch. If there are any Monkeymen
left to deal with, extinguishing this torch will provide you with an ideal
place for both blackjacking and hiding their bodies.
When you're ready to proceed, continue forward through this area until you come
to another tunnel exiting this one. Move into it carefully, and when you're
hidden in the shadows, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There are two Spiders nearby. Move carefully down this tunnel,
staying in the shadows. At the end, turn right so you are facing the wall, then
lean out left. Pull out your Broadhead Arrows, and drawback on the string.
There's a Spider in the room ahead, which you may not be able to see unless you
are in your "aiming" view. Once you've lined it up, shoot it dead.
That being done, turn left, move forward, then turn right and move (again
carefully) down the tunnel. Before you get too close to the room where you shot
the Spider, stop and lean left. There is a Red Spider in that room, and it is
still very much alive. If you can't see it yet, move forward a bit and try
again. Once you've found it, deal with it any way you like. I personally
recommend using a Gas Arrow on it.
Move into the Spiders' lair. There is an old bench in here. Look behind it on
the floor, to the left (as you face it with your back to the entrance), and
you'll find a Chisel. Grab it. You'll want it later.
Turn right around, and leave this cave the way you came in. Follow this tunnel
until it opens into a larger one, with a man-made wooden structure nearby (a
sort of railing). Move up against the railing, then turn right. Move forward
until you are past the railing, then turn left. Move forward, following the
railing until it stops. Turn left and move forward, then turn left and move
down the slope.
[Note: You will have passed a fire burning on your right...there is a Fire
Arrow in the centre if you would like to grab it.]
At the bottom of the slope, turn right and continue forward into a large room
with a very large pit in the centre.
SAVE YOUR GAME! It is quite possible to be noticed here, and that would just
not do at all. Turn left, and circle around the pit (crouch if necessary, to
avoid being seen by any creatuers below). Almost immediately you'll find a turn
to the right leading to a door. Ignore it for now, and continue circling. When
you find an exit on your right, take it.
[Note: While you could go around the pit either way, I've found that going this
way gives you a lower chance of being seen from below. Also, if you're mission
objectives include the Insect-Beast objective, one of them is at the bottom of
the pit.]
Just ahead to the left is a slope leading downwards. Take it, and at the bottom
turn left and take another, smaller slope downwards. At the bottom there, turn
SAVE YOUR GAME! You've made it this far, let's not blow it now. Ahead you
should see the entrances to two small chambers. The one ahead is a Fire
Chamber, and the central hearth holds two Fire Arrows. The one ahead and to the
right is an Earth Chamber, within which you can find two Moss Arrows held in a
small receptacle. Grab whatever you wish, but be careful going into the
chambers...there is a nearby patrolling Monkeyman that could see you.
Almost directly across from the entrance to the Fire Chamber is the way you
need to go. A wooden beam crosses the pit at that point, but also has a
Monkeyman patrolling along it. I suggest you position yourself so you can lean
out and watch his patrol safely. When he's moving away from you, then you will
want to move out onto the beam and proceed to the centre. There, it's dark
enough to hide you. Wait for the creature to return, then lean towards him and
knock him out. (Note: To avoid detection from the creatures below, you may want
to crouch as you move along the beam.)
[Note: From the centre of the beam, if you turn right and move into the area
across from you, you'll find a stairway down which will lead into the bottom of
the pit.]
With the Monkeyman disposed of, continue ahead across the beam, into a small
chamber. There are three other exits from this room. Ahead and to the right is
the Water Chamber, where you can find three Water Arrows at the bottom of the
well within. (There's also an air pocket at the bottom of the well.) Ahead and
to the left is the Air Chamber. Despite appearances to the contrary, there is a
solid "floor" you can walk on all around the chamber. In the centre you can
retrieve a single Gas Arrow. Finally, directly to your left is the exit you
need to use.
Collect the Gas Arrow and Water Arrows if you like. (If you don't have three
Gas Arrows right now, then I suggest getting this one for later.) When you've
done so, then move through the exit mentioned above, and take the spiral stairs
you find all the way down to the bottom.
At the bottom of these stairs is a bare, rocky room. Ahead and to the right is
a window carved from the rock, shaped like a hammer. Move over to it, and look
through. Aha! The missing Hammerites!
One of them will start speaking to you. Listen to his story. When he nears the
end, he'll give you a key and a map. Take them, then turn right and take the
stairs all the way to the top again.
[Note: You may need to move around a bit before you trigger the Hammer's
speech. Also, you may hear the sounds of battle while you chat with the him.
There are more Hammers nearby, trying to stay alive.]
1. Sneak in to find the Hammer High Priest, and warn him about the
Trickster. (This one will have a mark in the box, indicating its
2. Investigate the situation, and locate the Hammerites. (Checked.)
3. Find the Hammer High Priest.
4. Return the High Priest to the besieged Hammers.
5. Retrieve this "Builder's Chisel" the Hammerites seem to think is so
6. Don't kill any Hammers.
[Note: This Hammer takes his time telling you his story. Since you have to wait
before he presents you with the key and map, once he starts talking you can run
back up the stairs and grab the Gas Arrow, then get back down here before he is
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once more unto the breach, dear taffer. Move forward until you
find an exit on your right, then turn right and move through it. Cross the beam
(again, crouch to avoid detection, if necessary!) to the other side, and exit
the pit. Turn right, move forward, turn right, move forward, then turn left.
Climb the slop ahead, and turn right. Climb this other slope all the way to the
top, then turn right.
[Note: While crossing the pit, it is important not to be seen! You will be
coming back this way later, and I have seen the Monkeyman and Insect-Beast from
the pit below come up to the beams, and start patrolling there instead!]
SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, you can be seen from the pit below. Move forward
into the large cavern, and turn left. Move forward, circling around the room
again, until you come to a passage to the left. Turn to face down that short
passage, and you'll find a door.
* F. The Tunnels Beyond the Door *
SAVE YOUR GAME! The immediate area beyond this door is well lit, and you don't
want to be caught in it! Use the key the Hammerite gave you to open this door,
then move through it. Ahead is an archway. Beyond it to the left is where you
want to go, but it's also a patrol area for some Monkeymen. Try looking around
the corner to see if the coast is clear before going in.
Move through the archway ahead, then turn left. Move forward through the
doorway ahead and into the shadows. Take out that nearby torch with a Water
From this point on, you are going to pretty much be following this tunnel,
which is well lit. Whenever you come across a torch, douse it. Also, knockout
any Monkeymen who cross your path.
Move down this tunnel, turning as it does. Do not take any of the turnoffs. You
will soon find a tunnel leading down to your left. This tunnel will be opposite
a torch in the wall, and leads to a small dock in an underground river. Turn
left and move down this tunnel to the bottom. Then turn right, move forward,
turn right, and move down this sloping tunnel. DO NOT EXIT THE TUNNEL!
SAVE YOUR GAME! You have a cavern with three Monkeymen to deal with in it. In
the cave ahead, you should see a burning fire. Extinguish it. Then move down so
you are standing in the mouth of the tunnel. Turn right, and lean out to the
At this point, you should be looking into the Monkeymen cavern, with two of
them visible. This is what you've been saving your Gas Arrows for. Shoot down
the two of them. Then sidestep left, and move forward into their cavern to
shoot the third one down.
[If you don't have enough Gas Arrows to take them all down, then I suggest you
improvise, but do so carefully. There are other Monkeymen in nearby rooms that
could be attracted by falling Flash Bombs, or a swordfight.]
With all three Monkeymen sleeping peacefully, turn so your back is to the
entrance you used, and move forward. Directly ahead is the Hammer High Priest,
laying on some sort of plant-altar.
[Note: If you are killing off the Insect-Beasts, the fourth and final one is
nearby. Instead of going for the High Priest, from the entrance you used to
enter this cavern, stand with your back to the entrance. Far ahead to the left
you should see a mushroom glowing on the ground. Head for it, and you'll find
another exit from this room. Go through this exit. This room has two Monkeymen
around a fire. Deal with them. There is another exit from this room. From the
one you used, with your back to it, turn left and you should see it dead ahead.
Move through it into the next room. From here, you can go either through the
exit to your left or right. If you take the left, continue through the room and
turn right. Through another exit, you should see a fire burning in a fireplace.
That is the room with the Insect-Beast. If, on the other hand, you go right,
you'll see a Fly Swarm in the next room, by another exit. That exit also leads
to the room with the Insect-Beast. There are also some Monkeymen nearby as
well. Once you've dealt with the Insect-Beast, make your way back to the room
with the High-Priest, and move over to his body.]
* G. Returning the High Priest *
Pick up the High Priest's body, then then around so you are facing the entrance
you originally came in by. Move forward through this opening and leave this
In the next room, continue forward and take the first left turn you find.
Follow the slope up to the top, then turn left. Move forward, and turn left
again. Move up this second slope into the hallway above.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There could still be patrolling Monkeymen to deal with here.
Once you're in the hallway, turn right. Follow this hallway as far as you can,
ignoring any turnoffs. You should keep going until you find a lighted room
ahead. (If you've been knocking out torches as described earlier, this should
be easy to find.) When you find the illuminated room ahead, move forward
through the archway into it. Then turn right, and move forward into the next
room, and continue through the door in that room.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Back into the pit you go. Move forward up the slope ahead, then
turn right. Circle around the room, staying close to the wall, until you can
turn right.
Turn right, and move forward, then turn left. Move down the slope. At the
bottom, turn left again, and move down the smaller slope. Turn right.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're almost finished now, but you really don't want to be
caught here...carrying this High Priest really slows you down. Move forward
until you can turn left, then do so. Move forward a bit, then turn left again.
You want to move all the way across that wooden beam ahead. I suggest you
crouch to avoid being seen by the creatures below, unless you've already dealt
with them.
Crouched or otherwise, move forward and continue across the beam to the other
side. Turn left in the next chamber, and move through the archway ahead. Follow
these stairs all the way down. When you reach the bottom, move to stand in
front of the hammer-shaped window.
A note regarding my best time: The time listed is the time given at the end of
the mission. However, after swapping the Eye and returning to hiding, all that
was left to do was sit and watch as The Trickster finished the ritual, which
took over three minutes. My TRUE best time (in my opinion) is the time in which
I got back to hiding. According the the save game file, this time was 8
minutes, 11 seconds.
22.1: Introduction
"The weights in each pan of the balance had increased greatly. As he approached
his triumph, our foe had made himself vulnerable. We were unable to directly
influence, and could only watch and wait to see whether his pridefully chosen
pawn would prove his undoing."
-- Keeper Annals
Well...this is it. The Hammers say they've received word that Constantine's
descended into his realm, to perform a ritual with the Eye. The Hammers have
built me a booby-trapped, counterfeit Eye...if I can swap it for the real
thing, it should cause him some trouble...IF he doesn't notice me....
Starting Gear:
1 Constantine's Sword
1 Blackjack
20 Broadhead Arrows
1 Water Arrow
1 Fire Arrow
1 Moss Arrow
1 Gas Arrow
2 Rope Arrows
2 Noisemaker Arrows
1 Papyrus
1 Fake Eye
Items for Sale:
The Papyrus in your inventory for this mission is your instructions from the
Hammer High Priest. They read:
All we can offer you in aid are these crystals and this passage from one of our
oldest books:
"The Trickster's works, such as they are, are made from the unformed stuff of
the world, not the proper materials the Builder hath taught. Fire and water,
earth and air -- these are for the Trickster as brick and beam are to us. But,
like their master, they are flawed. His Maw is anchored by raw elements, and
therein lies its weakness. Destroy each of its anchors with its opposite, and
the Maw must then follow in their wake.""
You do not even get an opportunity to examine your items (ie: the purchases
screen) before you are dropped into the enter it right from the
mission objectives screen.
The instructions from the Hammers are somewhat cryptic, but in plain english,
they are saying that you will need to have a Water Arrow, Fire Arrow, Moss
Arrow, and Gas Arrow to close the portal. Therefore, never use your last one!
Otherwise, you'll be unable to complete your mission.
There are quite a few arrows of all varieties scattered about the place. I
believe you can find a total of about 10 of each element type (air, earth
(moss), fire, water). In addition to saving one of each of these, try to save
about four Moss Arrows for the finale. You may also want to save a few Gas
Arrows for the Spider caves, and some Water Arrows for the Fire Elementals.
I'll be suggesting that you save your game often in this mission, as there are
a number of places where it can be tricky to get through without attracting
In the first area of the mission, there is a constant stream of monsters coming
through the area (Insect-Beasts, Monkeymen, and the blue Craymen). Because of
this, and because different people do things quicker or slower than others, the
walkthrough cannot say things like "Wait here until the Crayman has passed by".
When working through that area, you'll have to rely on your own common sense
and instincts for when it's safe to move and when you should sit tight and
There is an area of the mission where you will find some bright blue crystals.
Do not get to close to these crystals. Touching them will damage you.
There is a long "underwater" section in this mission, which I have as yet been
unable to complete without losing some health points due to lack of air. Alas,
I've been unable to find a Breath Potion anywhere in this mission. Does anyone
know if there is one?
Be very stingy about giving up your health points. You will find NO Healing
Potions, and although there are seven of those "two point" fruits to be found,
some of them are difficult to get without losing health in the process!
A word regarding The Trickster. Don't try to fight him. You'll lose. Trust me.
When you find The Trickster at the end, he will be performing his ritual with
the Eye. I have once again been fortunate to have someone send me the text of
The Trickster's litany. For those who are interested, here it is:
"Vine grow and twine green and curl chokes and bind
Leaves unfurled thornsie spine tumble wall wreath and
Bine cover all leafsie mine call the vine call the
Green bringsie forth world be seen!
(As always, if anyone knows of or spots any errors in the above, please let me
22.7: Walkthrough
A. The Purple Caverns
B. The Natural Caverns
C. The Blue Crystal Caverns
D. The Waterway
E. The Tree
F. The Spider Caves
G. The Lava Tunnels
H. The Portal
I. The Trickster
* A. The Purple Caverns *
This section of the mission has three different types of areas that will be
used to describe it. There are the purple caves (which are a sort of side-road
through the area), the main walkway, or simply walkway (where the monsters
travel), and the "off to the side" area. This last one is (surprise, surprise)
off to the side of the main walkway, but is generally more shadowed and you can
therefore hide as monsters pass. Also, each purple cavern has only two
entrances, so when you go in, I'll usually just tell you to follow them until
you reach the exit.
As soon as you start this mission, rush forward into the tunnel ahead, and stop
inside the dark area, where you will be hidden. Almost immediately, an
Insect-Beast and a Monkeyman will come into sight. Wait here for them. If they
are far enough part so that the distress of one will not notify the other, then
knock them out. Otherwise, let them pass. If you let them pass, turn to watch
pass through the portal behind you. Once they've done so, turn so your back is
to the portal.
Continue forward, and when you emerge from the tunnel turn right. Move into the
purple cavern ahead. Just inside on the floor is a Gas Arrow. Once you've
grabbed it, move through this tunnel system, until you find the exit. Near that
exit will be another Gas Arrow on the floor. However, don't approach it just
SAVE YOUR GAME! This cavern exits back into the tunnel, and odds are good that
there's a parade nearby. Move over so you are hidden and can also lean out to
look. If there's no parade, or once it has gone by, you can move out somewhat
safely. But be alert. To the left of the exit is another Insect-Beast on guard
duty. (Also, grab that Gas Arrow before you leave.)
Exit the purple cave, and move forward. Ahead, move off to the side on the left
of the walkway. Once safely there, continue forward, following the main
walkway. You will shortly come to a rock formation which blocks your path,
trying to force you back onto the walkway.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Another nearby Insect-Beast standing guard. Face the rock
formation and move forward. You should just walk right over it, and then you'll
be able to see the Insect-Beast. Don't worry, you'll still be in shadows if you
stay to the left side. When you reach the top, you will be able to see a purple
cave to the left. Move into it, remembering to stay in the shadows. Grab the
Gas Arrow on the ground here. (Note: When you try to enter the purple cave, you
may fall rather loudly. This does not seem to attract the Insect-Beast's
attention, as long as you are walking, not running.)
You want to move through this purple cave section, but that Insect-Beast is
making matters difficult. Turn so you are facing the it, and when it looks away
from you, then you can turn and move through the lit patch ahead and into the
safety of the cavern.
Follow this cavern around to the other side. There will be another Gas Arrow
for you to grab along the way. When you reach the end, you should be facing
back out onto the main walkway, with the Insect-Beast you just bypassed ahead.
At this point, you can move forward slowly, and allow yourself to fall out of
the purple cavern and back onto the side area. You'll still be hidden in
SAVE YOUR GAME! Watch the Insect-Beast, and when he turns so his back is to the
main path, turn left and move forward. Stay on the rough gray stone to the side
of the main path until it drops you onto the main path, near the entrance of a
purple cavern ahead. Move forward towards the purple cavern, but don't go in it
just yet. Despite it's open appearance, there are a couple of spots right here
that are dark enough to hide in. Move into one of them, and stop.
You should still be facing with your back to the Insect-Beast you just passed.
Turn right. Ahead, quite a ways away, is another Insect-Beast standing guard.
If he seems quiet, then turn right again, and watch the one you just passed by.
If he seems quiet, then you've successfully gotten this far. (Also, make sure
any other nearby creatures haven't spotted you.)
SAVE YOUR GAME! Turn right around so you're facing the entrance to the purple
cavern again. There is not much darkness to hide in there, so this next part
can be a bit tricky. Move into the purple cavern, trying to stay as hidden as
possible. Follow the will turn right almost immediately, and you
can see that it opens up back onto the main path ahead. If there's any
creatures going by, wait for them to pass before risking moving forward through
the lit area.
When you do move forward, you'll drop down onto a purple ledge, half shrouded
in dark. In the lit portion to the right you'll find two more Gas Arrows for
you to grab. There's also a nearby Insect-Beast in that direction.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is risky. Turn to the right, and watch the
Insect-Beast standng guard there. (Beyond it, you should also be able to see
the entrance to the next set of purple caverns.) When he's not looking, turn
left and move forward off the ledge, and onto the side area of the path. Turn
right, and move forward until you're hidden in the shadows.
Once inside, turn left. Move forward a bit, and look on the ground to your left
to find another Gas Arrow. Once you've grabbed it, continue following this
cavern to the end. About halfway through you'll find another Gas Arrow on the
When you reach the end, you'll be looking out into a semi-dark, natural cavern.
Off to your left (you may not be able to see it until you move out) is the main
path. You won't be seeing it anymore.
Move forward and drop down into the cavern. Stay in the shadows and move
* B. The Natural Caverns *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be quite dangerous, as you may have to knock out
a few critters, and the only real hiding spot is right in their path!
Continue moving forward, following this tunnel. At the end it will turn right
into a larger cavern. Turn to look down that way. If there are no creatures
coming, then so far so good. If there are, then you have to decide what to do.
If there's only one, you can risk trying to blackjack it. If there's more than
one, you can either turn around and find a better hiding spot (back near the
last purple caverns you just left), or risk a closer one. Turn so the exit from
this tunnel is to your right. Directly ahead is some nice deep shadow, but you
have to cross a brightly lit area to get to it.
Once you have managed to get to this part with no creatures approaching (that
you can see), turn right and move forward into the next cavern. Follow the path
around to some stairs down. (If some creatures start coming your way while you
do this, there are a couple of hiding spots against the wall.) Before going
down the stairs, I suggest you hide in the shadows nearby and save your game,
just in case.
Take the first set of stairs down, then turn right and move forward down a
second flight of stairs. Immediately in the next room turn left and move
forward. Be careful now, there could me monsters nearby! (There are a couple of
dark spots to hide in in this area, if the need arises.)
When you reach the end, turn left and move out into the "open". (It's actually
just a really big cavern.) You'll be on some sort of a ledge with a long drop
into lava on most sides. If you look off the left edge (try simply leaning to
the left while looking straight ahead), you'll see a ledge beneath that you can
land on. Move onto that ledge.
Turn so that the ledge you just fell from is to your right, and move forward
off the ledge you're standing on. You'll land on another one. Move forward and
turn left, and move forward again (stay close to the wall on the left) so that
you fall of the ledge. You'll land on yet another one. Turn left and move
forward, down the slope ahead.
There are no real choices at this point, so just continue following the path
ahead until you are facing into the cavern of the blue crystals. (Also not
that, once you enter that sloping passage, you no longer have to worry about
"wandering monsters" anymore.)
[Note: After having gone through all that, I'm now going to tell you that it IS
possible to simply race through the entire preceding section, grabbing Gas
Arrows as you go, and make it to this point with all your health.]
* C. The Blue Crystal Caverns *
Ahead of you is the blue crystal caverns. Remember, don't touch any of the
crystals, or you'll take damage! This problem is further compounded by the fact
that the floor in these rooms is slippery, and you may find yourself sliding
into one by accident. Lastly, there are some Water Arrows scattered about this
cavern that you'll want to grab.
Move forward until you are standing at the top of a small (but steep) slope
leading down onto the ice. You should now be standing between two of the blue
crystal formations. Position yourself so that you are about halfway between
them. Then look out onto the ice, so that you can see all five of the
formations out there.
Now that you are positioned as described, I will tell you where the Water
Arrows are. I will refer to each crystal formation as a number. From your
position now, the leftmost formation is #1, and the rightmost is #5.
#1: There is a single Water Arrow on this side of the formation. Although
difficult, it is possible to pick it up while still on the slope, before going
onto the ice.
#3: There are two Water Arrows on this side of the formation. From your
position at the top of the slope, you should be able to make them out.
Although you probably can't see it from, you are also facing directly towards
the exit from this cavern. Once through there, there is another formation with
two Water Arrows beside it on the ice. There are also three Frogs hopping
around the area.
Before you leave this cavern, I highly recommend you pick up a minimum of three
more Water Arrows. You've got some Fire Elementals coming up shortly that
you'll have to deal with.
Move around the cavern, collecting all the Water Arrows that you like, and then
leave through the exit indicated above. Try to move into the shadows as quickly
as possible, before being sighted by the Frogs. ( your step on
the slippery ice!) Before you leave this larger cave, be sure you have all the
arrows you want. Once you leave, the slope will be too steep to come back.
SAVE YOUR GAME! To deal with the Frogs, do something to grab their attention.
While they're sitting around contemplating their navels, shoot them with
Broadhead Arrows. You'll then be free to move through the cave.
After the Frogs have been dealt with, move through their tunnels. You will
shortly come to the top of a very long, very steep slope, riddled with those
blue crystals.
[Note: Once again, you can simply run through this part with the Frogs instead
of taking the time to kill them.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! Line yourself up so that moving down the slope will not bring
you into contact with any of those annoying blue crystals. Move forward onto
the slope, and you'll soon start sliding very quickly. You can move side to
side (slightly) to avoid the crystals, if you miscalculated. When you near the
bottom, hold down on your "Walk Backwards" key, so that you won't run into any
of the crystals at the bottom. Quickley, turn right and move forward into the
SAVE YOUR GAME! Time to deal with some Fire Elementals. You should now be
looking into the Fire Elemental cavern. There are three of them floating around
in there. Position yourself so that you have a good view of the cavern, but are
still hidden. Then whip out your Water Arrows, and go to work.
Once the three of them have been turned into steam, move into their cavern.
Directly ahead of you there should be a growth of those blue crystals. Head
towards it. When you're very near it, you'll see beyond it a small ledge with
some Fire Arrows on it. Alas, this ledge is partway down towards a river of
lava. No matter. Run and jump across the river to the other side. Then, if you
want more Fire Arrows (this will pretty much depend on how you deal with
creatures you come across) turn around, crouch, look down, and grab them. There
are three in total.
Whether you get the arrows or not, turn so your back is to the lavaflow you
just jumped. From this point on, you can go either the safe way or the fast
The Safe Way: Turn right and move forward. Ahead is another formation of blue
crystals. Move past it into the opening which appears before you. Follow this
twisty path until you until you can either continue forward or turn left, then
The Fast Way: Instead of turning right, just move forward. There's a rather
large gap, with another ledge of Fire Arrows on the other side. Despite my
initial disbelief, I found that this gap is jumpable! So jump across to the
other side. (Naturally, you need to position yourself so the jump is as small
as possible.) I do suggest saving your game before trying this jump.
If you want the Fire Arrows and you took the safe way, then turn left and move
forward to the edge of the gap. If you took the fast way, then just turn
around. Look down, crouch, and grab all five. (You may need to move around a
bit to get them all.)
If you got the Fire Arrows, then turn around, move forward, and turn left. If
you jumped the large gap and didn't get the arrows, then just move forward and
turn left. If you took the safe way and didn't get the arrows, then don't do're already where you're supposed to be. :)
Move forward down this passageway, and when you've passed by both blue crystal
growths, turn right. Continue forward until you find yourself at the top of a
long drop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Despite appearances, you can survive this. Before you do
though, you should know two things:
1) You're in for something of a ride here. You'll be sliding your way through a
few of those blue crystal clusters. While it's not terribly difficult to
navigate to avoid them, you should be warned about them.
2) Immediately after going through the opening at the bottom of this room,
there is a non-slippery "ramp" of sorts to the right, which will lead to some
goodies, if you want them. Another Fire Arrow and four of those fruits which
heal you.
Move forward off the edge, and fall. (Try not to walk too far forward before
the fall, or the fall will damage you.) If you want the goodies mentioned
above, then aim yourself to the right so you can get onto the "ramp". Follow
the ramp until you can turn left or go straight. At the end of the left branch
is the Fire Arrow. At the end of the path straight ahead you'll find the
fruits. Once you have what you want, return to the ramp and step back onto the
Once the ice pulls you into the second cavern, you'll see the crystals all
around. Follow the path the ice is leading you along (not like there's much
choice), and avoid the crystals. Do NOT just let yourself be dragged'll die from the impact when you hit something (including the end of
the ride). It actually helps to hold down the "Run Forward" key (default W) to
control your slide. If you don't, then you don't seem to be able to turn
properly. Just remember to hit the "backwards" key (default X) before hitting
the bottom to avoid taking damage.
Once you do hit bottom, you should be looking into a cavern with a large, blue
crystal construct in the centre. Move into this cavern, but DO NOT TOUCH THE
CONSTRUCT! It is made of the same material as the blue crystal formations, and
will damage you.
On the opposite side of the cave from where you entered is a waterfall. Move
over to it and stand in front of it, facing it. appears to be falling
* D. The Waterway *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be very dangerous. Take a deep breath, and
jump into the waterfall.
For most of this part, the waterway's current will drag you along in the way
you want to go. Just follow it. There will be times when the current will
suddenly change direction, so you'll need to change your facing to see where
you're going. And if you find the current no longer pulls you, simply continue
in the direction you were going until it grabs you again.
At one point you will find a cave entrance on your right that, should you wish
to enter, you will need to pull yourself up into. Don't bother. There's nothing
in there to interest you.
There is a point where the river will take you UP again, then turn your
direction around. At that point, you may notice that the "top" of the water is
beneath you! Do NOT try to go that way for'll just fall back down
into the river below.
The upside-down river is a long underwater sojourn. At ONE point, there is the
chance to get air. As you follow the flow, you'll find an "opening" on the
left, covered with water (much like the "pools on the wall" in "Escape!"). If
you move through it, you will take in some much needed air. However, it opens
onto a narrow shelf, so don't move too far away from the entry back into the
waterway, or you'll fall.
[NOTE: While it is very difficult, I have on one occassion been able to make it
to this air pocket without taking damage.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! It was an arduous task to get this far...why repeat it? Once
you have the your air supply replenished turn right around and enter the
waterway again. Turn left and move forward until you are grabbed by the current
Soon, you'll find yourself in an "underwater cavern" of sorts, again with the
"top" of the water beneath you. Look down, and you'll see the blue crystal
construct near the waterfall that you bypassed earlier. You now need to aim
yourself directly above it, then move "up" out of the water so you will fall
into it. If you miscalculate and hit the construct, you'll take damage, but you
may LAND on it and be able to walk into the opening, falling as you should have
When you land in the water below, simply wait for the water flow to force you
up. Turn so you are facing the only direction you can go, then move forward and
climb out of the water.
* E. The Tree *
SAVE YOUR GAME! I highly doubt you'd appreciate repeating that underwater
nightmare. Move forward, following this tunnel, until you've entered a very
large cavern, with a very large tree in the centre. Be careful in here, as
there are three Monkeymen on patrol around the tree.
Turn right, and move around the cavern. Stick to the shadows when possible to
avoid being seen by the Monkeymen. Pass by the first "root" and continue
circling the tree. When you reach the second "root", move past it, then turn
left. Far ahead there is a glowing mushroom on the floor. It lies just beyond
the entrance into the tree. Be wary though...there are three Spiders in there
as well.
Move forward (still circling around the tree) until you enter an area of deep
shadow. This should be directly across from the entrance. Turn left and you
will be looking through it.
Past the entrance, you should see a large blue-green slope leading off to the
left. Beyong that, the ground should look much like the ground you're currently
standing on. And just beyond that, though it may be difficult to make out here,
is a ledge. That ledge is your target.
Your best bet is to simply rush in and ignore the Spiders. So move forward,
enter the tree, and make for that ledge. When you're close enough, jump up and
mantle yourself onto the top.
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're not in the clear yet. There's one more Spider to deal
with, and he's a Red Spider. However, before you do that, turn to the left and
look down. You'll find two Moss Arrows on the ledge you're standing on.
Now, remember those "fruits" mentioned before? Well, the last remaining three
are in this room, down there with the Spiders. Turn so that you're facing the
exit from this tree. There's one just below this ledge (near the glowing
mushroom), another is off to the left at the base of that sparkling
"waterfall", and the third is off to the right, against the edge of the tree
between two glowing mushrooms. Fortunately, the Spiders tend to cluster
together once you get up to this ledge, so a single Gas Arrow should do them
in. If you want the fruits, gas the Spiders and go get them, then return to
this ledge. (If you didn't take out all the Monkeymen patrolling outside the
tree, then they may see you in here, so be careful.)
Turn around until you find another ledge that you can mantle up onto, then do
so. Once you're on it, you should hear the other Spider. Turn right.
[NOTE: The Red Spider is on an upper ledge, and from here you should be able to
see it moving around occasionally. However, you never really have a "good" shot
at it unless it also has a good shot at you. I recommend you take this Spider
down with a Gas Arrow at your earliest convenience.]
Run forward and jump to the next ledge, mantling up onto it. Move forward and
you'll find another two Moss Arrows on the ground. Then turn right around. See
that sparkling "waterfall" thing? Well, believe it or not, it's a ladder of
sorts. Move forward, and jump onto it. Then start climbing upwards, until
you've passed by another ledge on your left. Stop, turn left, and jump onto
that ledge. Right near you on this ledge is another Moss Arrow. Now, follow
this ledge around as far as you can (picking up another Moss Arrow near the
end). Turn right so you are facing the outer edge of the tree. Jump forward and
mantle yourself up. Move forward to the top, until you exit onto a bridge.
[NOTE: An alternative to the above, if you've taken care of the Red Spider, is
to mantle up onto the Spider's ledge. There's another Moss Arrow there. Then
use a Rope Arrow in the ledge above, and climb up and pull yourself onto it.
Then you just have to jump/mantle through the opening and climb to the top,
until you exit onto a bridge.]
* F. The Spider Caves *
SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a plethora of arachnids to deal with here. Move
forward so that your vision is such that you can just see above floor level,
all the way down the hall. Then ready your Gas Arrows. Pull back on the
bowstring. There is a Red Spider standing guard far down this hall, and you
won't be able to see it without the bows "telescopic sight", and even then you
may need to see it move before you realize that you're looking at it. Once
you've located it, let fly your arrow and knock it out.
Proceed with caution through this small cave system. It's full of spiders, and
some of them are the nastier Red variety. Deal with each as you see fit,
remembering to keep one of each type of "Elemental Arrow" for later.
Move forward into the hall. Continue down it past the Spider you gassed, and
you'll come to a very small step ahead. Climb this step, then turn right.
Up ahead you should be able to make out a cavern. There's usually at least one
Spider there, so be careful. Move forward against the incline, and walk up into
the next cave.
Turn left, and move forward, again pressing against the incline and walking up
into the next cave. [NOTE: There can be a lot of Spiders in this cave,
sometimes as many as four!]
Once you're inside this next cave, turn right. You should be able to make out
the next exit. Move towards it, press against the incline and walk up into it.
Ahead you should see a sort of "sparkly bridge", much like the ladder you found
inside the giant tree. Move forward and walk right across it. It's perfectly
safe, and any remaining Spiders won't follow you.
[NOTE: The Spider Caves is another of those areas that you can just run right
through instead of taking the cautious path.]
SAVE YOUR GAME! I'd hate to have to crawl through that section again, and I'm
sure you would too. This next section is rather easy. You are now looking down
a long cavern, with some glowing gems on either side of the walkway. Aim
yourself down the centre of the walkway, and RUN. Don't stop until you've made
it all the way to the other side. (The only problem with this is that there is
sometimes a patrolling Monkeyman when you reach the other side.)
* G. The Lava Tunnels *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You are now looking into a cavern that has a large lava pool in
the centre. There is a walkway around it, but unfortunately you have to share
it with two patrolling Monkeymen. Take care of each of them as you come across
Move into the cavern, then turn left. Follow this ledge all the way around. At
the other side of the cavern, it will lead into another tunnel. Follow this
constantly rising tunnel into another cavern with a lava pool.
This room also has a ledge around it, however a portion is out, and you'll have
to jump. Move into the room, and continue forward. When you reach the gap, jump
it. Then continue following the ledge around the cavern. When you come to an
opening on your left, move through it.
Continue forward. It will soon become apparent you are in yet another lava pool
cavern. The ledge around lies ahead, so continue forward. When you reach it,
follow it all the way around. It will eventually lead you into another tunnel.
Enter it.
Move forward down this tunnel. It will eventually end in a short drop. Allow
yourself to fall down this drop, then turn left. Move forward, then turn right.
Continue following the tunnel ahead, turning as it turns, until you see it
opening into a larger cavern.
* H. The Portal *
SAVE YOUR GAME! In the cavern ahead lies the Portal you came to destroy. Move
into the cavern, and continue forward until you are hidden in the shadows
ahead. Then turn right.
Impressive, isn't it? Don't worry about the guards around the Portal...they
can't reach you here, except perhaps the Insect-Beast with its Fly Swarms.
You'll want to get as close as you can to fire your Water and Moss Arrows, due
to the trajectory problem. There is no such problem with the Fire and Gas
Arrows, however. I suggest you use your Fire Arrow first. It will illuminate
your area, making you easier to see, but the guards aren't looking for you yet.
(And watch that the guards don't move into your line of fire. If they do, don't
shoot until they are past it.)
The Portal is held together (or powered) by each of the four elements, one in
each corner. Here are the elements in each corner, moving clockwise from the
top left: Air, Fire, Earth, Water.
Remember: You must use the each element's OPPOSITE to shut down the portal. So,
again moving clockwise from the top left, use the following arrows: Moss,
Water, Air, Fire. If you happen to miss with your last "element" arrow...well,
that's what saved games are for. :)
Once you shoot the correct arrow at the proper corner (and it hits), that
corner's element will "disappear". When all four have gone, you've successfully
closed the Portal. Now, on to Constantine.
Continue moving around this ledge (don't go back the way you came, obviously),
and enter the tunnel you find. Follow it, and you'll soon find a "dead-end"
room, with three vines hanging from the ceiling. Pick your favourite vine, and
climb up. Once you're at the top, jump off onto the bit of land ahead. Move
forward, and you'll find two more vines dangling from the ceiling on the other
side. Grab onto one and climb down again. (I suggest using the rightmost vine,
just as a precaution against being seen.)
* I. The Trickster *
SAVE YOUR GAME! You're very near the end now. Turn around until you find the
only exit from this room. Lean out to the side and look through it. That's the
ritual room, and Constantine, The Trickster, The Woodsie Lord, is in there
right now, performing his ritual!
The Eye is on the centre pedestel. You need to run up to it when Constantine is
not looking, grab the Eye, and run back into the shadows. Unfortunately, The
Trickster has VERY good ears, so you'll need to pepper the path to the pedestal
with Moss Arrows. Constantine will move around from point to point within the
seven-pointed star, and perform a small part of the ritual at each point. He
spends a small amount of time at each one, so you should be able to do all this
in one go.
Well, go ahead and do it! When The Trickster is not looking your way, run up to
the edge of the ritual area, shoot Moss Arrows along the path to the Eye, run
up, and grab it. (Just grab it like any other will automatically
switch the fake Eye you are carrying for it.) When that's done, turn right
around and run back to your hiding place.
At this point, your mission objectives will have changed to the following:
Now all that is left is to turn around and watch Constantine finish his ritual.
(Note: I've tried going to a different area of the map (such as the Portal
room) while waiting for him to finish, and it seems that unless you are
actually nearby, he wont' finish it. So stick around and watch.)
When the Woodsie Lord goes over to the Eye in the centre, he will command it to
"Open for me!" Something will start happening, and you'll hear him scream "It
betrays Me!", right before it explodes in his face, killing him.
Congratulations! You've defeated the Trickster!
[The views pans upwards, revealing a sad-looking statue, one arm upraised,
holding a symbol in it's outstretched hand: A cross within a circle. In the
background, it is snowing gently.]
[The scene changes again, to show a man, his face shrouded, standing outside in
front a fire, his breath also showing. Behind him, some stairs lead up to a
walkway, upon which someone moves past towards the right.]
[The scene changes to show footprints in the snow. The view follows these
footprints, until it catches up with the silhouette of the one making them. The
view pans upwards to show this man, hooded, walking, some buildings shown in
the background. The wind blows a small snow flurry across the view, and the
sound of approaching footsteps is heard. The snow continues to fall gently.]
[Another silhouette enters the scene from the right, also hooded.]
[Garrett turns to face the Keeper. The scene changes to show the Keeper, face
illuminated except for the eyes, Garrett's silouetted back to us.]
Garrett: If you hadn't noticed, I just saved the world. Yourself included.
[Garrett turns away, moving off screen to the right, speaking as he does so.]
[The Keeper moves into the scene from the left, falling in step with Garrett.]
Keeper: Very well. I will speak my peace plainly. You have accomplished that
which was written, and've done it well. But there is no place for you
with us any longer. Yet you will have a great need of us, and soon.
[The scene changes to look through a window down onto the street, snow built up
on the ledge outside. The two figures walk on, leaving footprints in the
still-falling snow.]
[The scene changes to show the silhouettes of Garrett and the Keeper walking
side by side, in profile. The building has past, and they move past other,
unidentifiable shapes.]
Keeper: You cannot run from life as you did from us, Garrett.
[The picture changes to show a closer view of the two silhouettes, still in
profile, talking.]
Keeper: Listen...there is a book that you were not made aware of.
[The clock stops striking, indicating the time is midnight. The view changes to
show a close-up of Garrett's new eye...a mechanical device, which reflects the
nearby fire. It clicks and whirrs like a camera, and the pupil enlarges as the
eye moves to look at something. All of this happens as the Keeper continues
Keeper: I'm here to tell you that it would be WISE for you to read it now...if
you can still read hieroglyphs.
[The picture changes to show what Garrett was looking at..some sort of metal
working going on, red hot iron being worked upon.]
Garrett: I do try to forget, but you Keepers leave them everywhere for me.
[The scene changes. Both silhouettes in profile again, still walking to the
right, moving past a building, softly lit by the nearby iron workings.]
[The scene changes to show the two silhouettes from the front, from a distance.
A nearby rat scrounges in the snow. A window to the right shows a warm glow
from within. It appears that the snow has stopped falling.]
Garrett: Or their glyph warnings, or their messengers! Tell them I'm through!
Tell them it's OVER! Tell them Garrett is DONE!
[Garrett waves his hand to emphasize his point, then walks away from the
Keeper. The view then changes to show Garrett's silhouette from the back,
walking away into the city. The Keeper's voice comes from behind him.]
Keeper: I will tell them this: Nothing is changed. All is as it was written.
The Trickster is dead. Beware the dawn...of the Metal Age.
[The view pans upwards, showing the workings of the upper parts of the nearby
buildings, then to blackness.]
Note: Remember, all my best times for the missions are done with maximum
possible treasure for that mission. This mission is very easy to finish in a
much shorter time if you don't go for the treasure. (My personal best that way
is 10 seconds.)
24.1: Introduction
"Bla bla bla"
I have a simple job planned for this evening. Break into a guarded mansion,
steal another fat nobleman's priceless trinket, and leave quietly. Lord Bafford
is out of town, and rumour has it that the captain of his house guard went with
him, as a bodyguard. The time is ripe for a bit of burglary.
The front gate of Lord Bafford's manor is always guarded, and the main street
is far too exposed. But Cutty tells me there's a better way in...around to the
side, more out of the way. One guard, and likely no witnesses to...complicate
No point in waiting. I have Cutty's old sketches of the place, and everyone
who's going to be asleep inside already is. It's time to begin....
24.2: Objectives
Your objectives for this mission do not change based on your difficulty level.
1. Tour the level and see some of the things that cropped up as bugs
during production of Thief - and some others that existed only in
our rather twisted imaginations. When you've seen all you care to,
press the button in the main entrance.
Starting Gear:
1 Sword
1 Blackjack
36 Broadhead Arrows
8 Water Arrows
9 Healing Potions
Considering the comical nature of this mission, it's highly unlikely you'll
want to extinguish torches that often. If you must buy something, buy up the
Broadhead Arrows.
This mission is pretty straight forward. It uses a modified version of the map
for "Lord Bafford's Manor", so you should already be pretty familiar with the
terrain. I'll try to point out some of the highlights you'll find in this
In some areas you'll find some small plaques on the walls. Read these plaques
to get some interesting (and sometimes hilarious) information. I'll try to
point out the locations of all of these.
Some of the normal rules of the game don't apply for this mission. For example,
you can successfully use your blackjack on an enraged guard charging at you.
Your blackjack tends to makes corpses rather than unconscious bodies however.
Speaking of corpses, I've noticed that most of the time if you pick up a body,
regardless of who that body belonged to, the small image in the bottom centre
of the screen tends to show you carrying a captain.
Due to various circumstances, this walkthrough requires a bit of backtracking.
Sorry. :(
As always, if you find something in this mission that I missed, please let me
know about it. And above all, remember that this is a farcical mission...have
24.6: Walkthrough
A. Entering the Manor
B. The Second Floor
C. The First Floor
D. The City
* A. Entering the Manor *
As in the first mission, you'll start off facing the entrance to the manor.
Coming down the street towards you is a Burrick, with four Frogs in tow. They
make a nice Mother/babies parade, don't you think? :) (Incidentally, is it just
me, or does the wind sound like someone blowing into a microphone?)
Ignore these creatures, they are harmless. Move towards the entrance. Inside
the actual entrance in the wall there is a plaque on one side, which describes
the colour scheme you're seeing.
Move into the the entry area of the manor. The three guards here are pretty
rigid in their duties (sorry, couldn't resist). If you kill these guards, they
won't fall. They'll remain in their last position unless you pick up their
bodies. Once you drop their bodies however, they will sink into the ground down
to the waist, leaving the rest above ground (and upright).
Move up the stairs and into the manor proper. Directly across from you is a
button on the wall, with a plaque next to it. The plaques reads "DON'T PRESS
THIS BUTTON!" This is, of course, the button you press when you've seen enough
and are ready to quit the mission.
Ahead of you are two entrances. Move through the one on your right. If it
hasn't happened yet, this will attract the attention of an archer. However,
he's harmless. He shoots apples at you. (Sort of a William Tell reversal?) You
can pick these apples up and eat them if you like. There may also be another
guard here, which I refer to as a Ghost Guard. He's completely gray and
featureless...this is what happens when you forget to include the skin, I
guess. :)
Oh, by now you should see what I consider the highlight of this mission: The
Zombie Chorus Line. They will ignore you completely, no matter what you do.
(Incidentally, they bleed gray blood.) And yes, despite appearances, all of the
dancers are Zombies.
Look at the wall behind the Zombie Showghouls. There is a doorway behind them
which you want to take. Once you've found it, move through it. Move forward,
and at the end turn right. Follow these stairs to the top. At the top, continue
forward through the archway ahead and into the hallway beyond.
[Note: Sometimes, the Zombies manage to dance their way onto this staircase,
and on one occasion I found them dancing in a room upstairs! Also, when you
come back here later, you may find that the Zombies have stopped dancing and
are just standing around doing nothing.]
* B. The Second Floor *
Turn left, and move forward. Take the first right and move into the room.
There's a drunken party here, with only three revelers still conscious.
(Actually, the others are all corpses, but why quibble?) On the gaming table
are seventeen bottles of fine wine (50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, Treasure Count: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400,
450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850).
And now, the award for the worst case of overacting in a computer game goes to
these three drunken guards! Kill them, or knock them out. Go ahead, it's okay.
They will take a LONG time to die, but the eventually will fall. (Be warned
that when you attack the first one though, the others may stop partying and
attack you.)
[NOTE: Once they start spinning, they are technically considered "corpses" by
the game, and you can pick them up. If you do so, then drop then again quickly,
you will be able to watch them spin much faster for a short time.]
A lot of the corpses in this room, if looked at at the right angle, will
"change" into the bodies of more of the "Ghost Guards". Once you change your
angle of view though, they revert right back. (Incidentally, this is the only
other place I have encountered the Ghost Guard mentioned in the previous
section. Sometimes he's up here, sometimes he's downstairs.)
Turn around and exit this room the way you came in. Turn right, move forward,
turn left, and move forward all the way to the end. Open the door ahead of you,
then quickly move into the room and turn right. You will be able to watch the
door move back against the far wall and disappear into it.
Turn left, and move across the room to the next door. Move through it. Again,
if you turn right fast enough you'll see the door do it's disappearing act.
Once you've finished watching the door (if you chose to), turn around so that
the doorway you just went through is to your left.
Remember those Captains from Lord Bafford's? Well, they're still here,
patrolling this hallway. Wait for them here. Their weapons don't appear to be
very effective against you however. Also, when they die their bodies freeze in
their last position. Picking up and dropping their bodies will have the same
effect as those outside the manor. (Note: Grab their keys!)
Once the two are dealt with, turn so you are facing down the long hallway, and
move forward. You will very soon come to a door on your right. Turn right and
open the door. Interesting...someone is dining on Head of Burrick. :)
That's all that there is to find in that room, so turn left and continue down
the hall. Ahead are two doorways, one on either side of the hall, directly
across from each other. Go through the left doorway.
Be careful! There's a Burrick in here! I'm not really sure WHY there's a
Burrick in here, but it's here. (Note: One time, I found it drowned in the
bathtub.) This Burrick has a problem with it's breath only seems to
work properly every other breath. Also, it doesn't seem to run away. Once it
reaches the "whimper stage", it just seems to freeze in place, until you finish
the job.
Once the Burrick is taken care of turn around until you find the Fire Arrows
resting on the tub. Move over to them, and look beneath them. Just underneath
them, on the tub, is a plaque about them. Once you've read it, pick up the
arrows. Notice that the glow from the arrowheads stays on the tub? :)
[Note: I've never been able to get the Fire Arrows to behave the way the plaque
describes them.]
Turn and find the doorway you used to enter this room, and exit by it. In the
hall, turn left and move forward. There's a door on the right. Stop in front of
it, and turn to face it. There's a plaque on the wall to the left of the door.
I consider this a real treat. Open the door, and you'll see two Insect-Beasts
battling it out. One of them is the familiar design you are used to from the
later missions of the game. The other is completely new to you. It's the
original design that they apparently abandoned in favour of the familiar one.
As long as you leave them alone, these creatures seem to leave you
alone...although that is not ALWAYS the case. But unless you take action
against them, they pretty much stay in the room and antagonize each other. (If
you get hit by their Fly Swarms, don't forget you're carrying nine Healing
Potions.) There's nothing worth seeing in the room with them, so watch them as
long as you like, then close the door and turn left. Move forward until you
come to a door on your left. Move through the door into the library.
On the first table inside the library is another plaque. Once you've read it,
grab the Gas Arrows, and try them out. After you've "shot" one, you can grab it
again. (If only they were reusable in the game itself!)
There's one other item of interest in here. Turn so your back is to the wall
filled with books. You should see two banners across the room from you, a table
beneath each. The leftmost table has a scroll on it. Go ahead and read the
scroll. :)
Once you're finished here, turn and find the door OPPOSITE the one you came in
through. Go through this door. In the hallway, move forward until you can turn
left, then do so. (You may hear the sounds of nearby guards...just ignore it.)
You should now be in the garden. Turn right, and head up the stairs ahead. Turn
left, and continue up the stairs to the top. Turn left again, and move forward
until you reach the light fixture in the wall ahead.
On the railing to your left is a lever. Operate it, then look up right away.
You'll get a nice fireworks show. Operate the lever again, and you'll get
another one. The show alternates between using Fire Arrows and something
else...they explode like Gas Arrows, but dissipate like Water Arrows.
Once you've finished playing with your new toy, turn right around and move
forward. Turn left through the archway ahead. Move through the room and exit
via the tunnel ahead.
Turn left, and move forward. When you reach the banner at the end, whip out
your sword and chop it down. Move into the tunnel beyond. There's a plaque
directly ahead. Follow the directions if you like, then follow the tunnel. It
twists and turns like a twisty, turny thing, but you'll soon come to the end.
Before leaving the tunnel, stop.
SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a spot nearby where you can get stuck and be unable to
move. Move out of the tunnel and onto the beam ahead. Be careful, there's a
weird sort of slippery/gravity thing that wants to pull you off the beam.
Try to steady yourself on the beam, and shoot a Broadhead Arrow at the funny
guard down there. Funny guard? Yes...he looks likes a Captain but his sound
files have been swapped for a Burricks. He's easy to kill, but he also is very
timid, and tends to run out of the room as soon as he sees you.
When the coast is clear down there, turn so your back is to the entrances to
the secret tunnel you just used, then turn left and move forward. If you are
walking on a beam still, then sidestep off onto the landing below.
Once on the landing, turn right around, move forward and fall into the room
proper. seems that when old Bafford's away, the guards will play.
Someone's set this up to be a basketball court, complete with a basketball in
the centre. Go ahead, take a few shots. (Incidentally, if you take the
basketball with you to an area where there is water, it bobs and floats
nicely.) You'll probably hit the gongs several times while playing around. I
personally think it would have been a nice touch if the designers had put in a
few guards here playing basketball. :)
[Note: I do not know if there is anything special that happens if you get the
ball through one of the two basketball hoops in this room. I've never been able
to do it.]
When you've finished playing, turn to find the exit from here which leads to
the "Throne Room". Then move through it.
Yup the throne has been replaced by...well, a throne. :) As you face it,
there's a lever on the right side of it that you can operate to flush the
Hey, that's a pretty nice wanted poster above the throne, isn't it? Well, isn't
it? Hmmm...maybe not. Turn left a bit and you'll see a plaque on the wooden
pillar there. Read it to find the story behind the guy in the picture.
When you're done your business in here (sorry, couldn't resist <g>), turn
around and leave the way you came in. In the next room, ahead of you are two
paths you can take out of there. Take whichever one you want, it doesn't
matter. (Note: You may need one of your keys to open these doors.)
Move through the doorway of your choice, then turn (either left or right,
depending on which way you went) to face the door. Now, these doors act
peculiarly. Neither opens as a normal door should. One will fall forward into
the ground, and the other pivots on a lower corner into the wall. Open the door
ahead of you, and enjoy the bug. Then move forward into the next room.
Directly ahead of you is another's the other door that exits the room
you just left. Go ahead, open it to watch its wacky behaviour too.
Now turn until you find an exit at the top of some stairs, and take it. You're
back in the hallway again. Turn right, and move forward until you find a door
(either open or closed, depending on how you left it) on your left. When you
find it move through it. Move through the library again, and exit the door
opposite the one you entered. In the hallway, move all the way down to the end,
then turn left.
SAVE YOUR GAME! Why? This next part is just hilarious, in my opinion. Ahead
there's a doorway on your right. Move through it, then turn left.
Ahead of you, on the floor, is a guard. Yes, really. That little blot of colour
is a guard. They've somehow compressed him and wrapped him up. He's got a
higher pitched voice than the other guards do too, it's quite funny. If you
want to really laugh at this guy, climb the stairs in this room partway up, and
watch him try to follow you!
When you've had enough of watching the antics of this representative of the
Lollipop Guild, dispatch him. When he dies, he looks like he's trying to unwrap
himself. Alas, he doesn't succeed. I'm afraid you can't pick up his body
The only other item of interest in this room is the fire burning in the
fireplace. It's a Fire Elemental, but it doesn't attack you. In fact, it's
completely harmless. You can go into the fireplace with it and push against it,
and it does you no harm whatsoever!
SAVE YOUR GAME! Just in case. By now you have probably heard some nearby noises
that sound remarkably like the noises Craymen make. Well, those noises are
coming from the room above. Turn until you find the staircase in this room,
then move over to it, and climb it to the top.
Once there, turn left and survey the room. That is, if you aren't being
attacked yet. Those noises are NOT coming from Craymen. There are four Chests
in this room, and they are moving to attack you! Yes, know, those
things you've opened on so many occasions to get items out of. Well, they want
their revenge! And they can follow you down the stairs too!
They're tough to kill, but it can be done. I have never taken damage from them,
so I don't think they are capable of hurting you. Once they die, they sort of
sink partway into the floor. Alas, you can never open these chests to find out
what's inside them. Perhaps that's a good thing. :)
When you're finished playing around in here, take the staircase back down to
the room below. Turn right, move forward, and go through the opening on your
left that you'll find. Back in the hall, turn left, move forward, and turn
right as soon as you're able. Move forward, and take the next right. It should
lead to a short staircase leading into another room.
Holy telekinesis, Batman! What gives here? To find out, read the plaque on the
wall next to the burning torch. It's ahead and slightly to the right.
If you knock out or kill Cutty here, he will collapse like a regular person,
but remain floating. However, if you pick him up then drop him, his body acts
like anyone else's.
When you're finished playing with your old friend Cutty, turn until you find
another exit from this room (there's a torch burning beside it), and go through
it, taking the stairs down into the room below.
* C. The First Floor *
Turn left, and move through the exit you see there. Follow this tunnel to the
end, and enter the next room.
There are two guards in this room, both acting peculiarly. They take damage for
no reason whatsoever. At first, I thought this was because they were walking
into the torches...every time I saw them take damage, it seemed to coincide
with that. But a few times, I've seen it happen without cause.
The two guards will keep taking damage, occasionally running from the room to
escape the "Phantom Swordsman" (or whatever is killing them). Eventually, they
will return. And eventually, they do die from it. Watch the show, or dispatch
them yourselves if you're in a hurry.
Now, from the point which you entered this room from, turn so your back is to
the tunnel you used. Almost directly across from you is another door. Move
across the room and open it. It swings open real fast, doesn't it?
Enter the room. This is Bafford's art gallery. Take a moment to examine some of
the paintings. Not exactly on par with the Pre-Raphaelites, but not bad. :)
When you've finished being an art critic, move across the room to the other
side, and go through the door you'll find. Turn left and move down this long
hallway until you can turn left again, then do so.
SAVE YOUR GAME! This time, there's a good reason. Move forward into the next
room, which is the pool room. You will observe a single guard in this room,
wandering around at the bottom of the pool. Don't ask me how he keeps from
drowning, I never see him come up for air. You can dispatch him easily with a
few Broadheads.
Turn right, and move towards the torch in the wall ahead. When you get close
enough, you'll find a plaque on the wall next to it. Well, ALMOST on the wall.
If you position yourself the right way, you'll be able to look behind the
plaque and see that it's NOT attached to the wall. It's floating in mid-air.
After reading the plaque, you may be tempted to try swimming in the pool. This
is why you saved your game. Once you're in the pool, it's very difficult
sometimes to extricate yourself from it. Also, if you haven't dealt with the
guard yet, he'll kill you.
Once you're finished in this room, turn to find an exit opposite the one you
used to come in here, and move through it, continuing until you enter the next
room. Ahead and to the left are two exits from this hallway. Move throught the
rightmost one, then turn right. Move down the hall to find your next
surprise...another representative from the Lollipop Guild!
SAVE YOUR GAME! With this guy, you can have some fun. Wound him to the point
where he runs away, then follow him. He'll lead you down this hall, down the
next, and into a room with two Burricks just standing around. Ignore them
(although you may want to look around the room if you like, there's really
nothing to see aside from the Burricks). Eventually, the munchkin will lead you
out the main entrance to the manor, and move down the stairs. It's great fun
watching him trying to run back UP the stairs. When you've had enough, finish
him off, and watch his little body roll down the slope. :) Then reload your
game so you don't have to walk all the way back.
Go through the door ahead of you. Move all the way down the hall then turn
right. Move forward and take the second left. Continue forward and turn right.
Move forward until you find a doorway to the right, then stop. Turn left, and
read the plaque on the wall. Then turn around so you're looking into the room
through the doorway, and watch the Burricks kill themselves.
When you've had enough of that, turn left and move forward. Ignore the first
right turn, and take the second. You'll be in a room with two servants, one
male and one female.
All right everyone, sing with me... o/~ Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting... o/~ I
don't know why I find it so funny to watch these two attack you with their bare
hands, but I do. Don't let them keep it up for too long though, as they can
hurt you and eventually kill you. Deal with them when you've had enough, then
turn around and leave the way you came in. Turn left, move forward, then turn
left again. Move all the way down this hall, and turn right. Move forward, turn
left, and open the door ahead of you.
Welcome to the kitchen. Turn slightly to the left and you'll see the servant in
this room working on tonight's feast...stuffed Burrick. Move closer behind the
servant and you'll see he's not really all there. No, I don't mean he's
crazy...the graphics aren't quite right with him, and you can see through parts
of his body. Deal with him as you like.
You should now be facing across the room to another door. Move over to it, and
go through it. In this room, you should see a table with several bottles
stacked on it. Move over to the table, and start removing bottles from the
bottom, throwing each away as you grab it. Amazingly, the top row remains right
where it is even when the bottom row is completely removed. (And just why is it
that everytime I throw one of these bottles, it lands standing upright?)
Just for fun, throw all of the bottles into the corner of the room, then shoot
a Fire Arrow at them. If you survive it, it's quite a show. One time, I watched
a bottle spin up into the air, and land on the floor upside down! :)
Well, that's pretty much it. Turn around and find the only other exit from this
room, and go through the door. Then turn left, move forward, turn right, and
move all the way down this hall. Turn left, move forward, turn right, move
forward, then turn right again. Move forward back into the main hall, and turn
left. Ahead is an archway. Move forward through the archway, then immediately
turn right. Press the button on the wall beside the plaque.
* D. The City *
SAVE YOUR GAME! This last section is only for those who like to find everything
they can. Make your way back to the point where you used your sword to cut down
the banner that was hiding the secret tunnel leading to the basketball room
with the guard that sounded like a Burrick. (Does anyone else think that
sentence sounds like part of the song "I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A
Turn right so you are facing the "railing". Jump onto the railing. Then jump
forward and mantle up onto the roof ahead.
From this point, you can get down to the city streets any number of ways.
However, there is only one part with any real interest.
You should still be facing the direction you were when you mantled up onto the
wall. Move forward, allowing yourself to fall. Then move forward again, and
when you reach the roof's edge walk off of it as well. You are now on the
street below.
If you turn to your left here, you'll find the wellhouse from Lord Bafford's
Manor. There's no key for it this time, but if you want to get inside you can
chop the door down with your sword. Unfortunately, there's nothing in there.
Also to your left are two streetlamps. If you examine the farther one closely,
you'll notice that it is somehow being levitated a short distance off the
There's also a guard patrolling the streets in this section. As long as you
don't attack him, he will treat you as if you're just another bloke out for a
walk. Even with your Sword drawn, he won't react unless you attempt to use it.
Killing him will provide you with another overacted death scene.
All more thing to find, if you're still interested. From the
wellhouse, with your back to it, move forward until you can turn left, then do
so. Follow this winding street until you have to make a choice again. Turn
left, and follow the street again. When you come to the top of a slope in the
street, move down to the bottom of the slope, and turn right. You should be
looking into a niche. Within that niche (just like in Lord Bafford's Manor),
you'll find some arrows for your arsenal: twelve Broadheads and four Water
Alas, I'm afraid that once you leave the roof area of the manor, there's no way
to get back inside. That's why I suggested you save your game at the beginning
of this section. (You DID save your game, didn't you...?)
Anyone who has seen previous versions of this FAQ will note that this section
has undergone a change. Previously, I was listing each individual's advice
seperately here, and giving them the credit immediately following. There have
been many who have contributed so much, however, that it would be impossible to
continue maintaining this section in that manner.
If you send me any information that you feel might be included in this FAQ, to
save time please include the following information with your tidbit of
Hades ([email protected])
- Ability to run in the beginning of "Lord Bafford's Manor"
Hellion ([email protected])
- Disabling sensors in Cragscleft Prison
James Sterrett
- Provide an opening phrase I had missed for the FAQ's intro
- Secret Area in Training Mission only available at Expert level
- Answered "Healing Potion" experiment in the Training Mission
- Ability to kill Spiders in Lord Bafford's Manor on Expert level
- Drowning Zombies in Cragscleft won't work in the upgrade
(original game)
- Climbing-down-the-ladder experiment in Cragscleft
- Entering the prison level of Cragscleft without taking out the
first two guards
- How to blackjack the Hammerite Priest in the area past the
Barracks sign (Cragscleft)
- Information about the scroll in the study in Cragscleft
- Jumping in the Bonehoard without a Speed Potion
- Destroying the Guardian with a Fire Arrow in the Bonehoard
- Return to Farkus' shop after trailing the Assassins (Assassins)
- Alternate route via waterway into Ramirez' (Assassins)
- Prompted me to re-write several mission walkthroughs
Psonyk ([email protected])
- Revealed that Flash Bombs are weapons against undead
- Revealed you can blackjack Burricks
- Provided information on Hammer Spirits and Hammer Haunts
- Provided information on Mines
- Provided information on getting on the balcony and roof in the
Training Mission
- Revealed the secret passage in Lord Bafford's Manor
- Hint about drowning Spiders in Lord Bafford's Manor
- Using a skull unnecessary to get gem in the Bonehoard (original
- Run PAST the Guardian in the Bonehoard
- Showed Assassins take alternate routes (Assassins)
- How to bypass the long metal ramp in Assassins
- Falling off ladder doesn't alert the guards in Assassins
- Alert causes a guard to be with Ramirez in Assassins
Bastage ([email protected])
- Improved information on blackjacking humans
- Improved information on meleeing with Burricks
- Showed how to blackjack the first guard inside Lord Bafford's
Manor more expeditiously
Conskill ([email protected])
- Dispersing Fly Swarms from around Zombies with Water Arrows
Alex Powell
- Revealed that a guard in Cragscleft had a potion to pickpocket
(original game)
Prodigy^ ([email protected])
- Revealed Broadhead Arrows are effective against Fire Elementals
- Revealed you can outrun your Fire Arrows
- Provided further information regarding Moss Arrows
Kronir ([email protected])
- Sent the fixed dialogue for the second cutscene (Payment)
- Provided The Trickster's dialogue for the final ritual
Downsider ([email protected])
- "chain reaction" with Explosive Mines
NOTE: This information is sorely out of date and needs adding to. I have not
had the time to search the net for more sites, so if anyone out there can send
me any addresses they have, it would be greatly appreciated.
Looking Glass Studios' Home Page: One of the companies to bring us this amazing
piece of software. (Note: They have asked me to make it clear that they do NOT
do tech support for Thief...that is being handled by EIDOS. Unfortunately,
EIDOS has not gotten back to me about putting their web address in my FAQ, nor
about my problem with the game.)
The Mission Log: It's got a very nice format for what treasures you need to
find, and where they are located. VERY useful!
Game Forum: Contains several message boards regarding Thief, and a very large
one for Thief II as well! (Follow the links to get to the message board you
Thief II Facts and Rumours Page: Need I say more? :)
Complete-loot Walkthrough for Thief: The Dark Project: This site was put up by
a "fan" of my walkthrough, and described it to me as a sort of "companion
guide" for my walkthrough. I looked it over and I think it's great! (And, it's
actually helped ME out a time or two!)
Lytha's Thief Collection: I was thoroughly pleased when I discovered this gem
of a has everything an aspiring taffer could hope for! The Loot Lists
section alone is a gift from The Builder himself!
Aside from the fact that there is a Thief II, the happiest news I've heard is
that there are supposed to be few, if any, Zombies or undead-type creatures in
the game. Apparently, I am not the only one that dislikes our anti-social,
asthmatic friends. :)
There is now a downloadable demo online! I have not tried it myself yet, as the
demo is about 136 megs in size! The demo can be downloaded from this site:
The site has a couple of mirrors linked to it. (Note that, from what I hear,
this demo isn't even a's an alpha! Might be quite a few problems with
There is also, apparently, some sort of Thief II movie available for download
from the following site:,3,0-3738,00.html
Not all versions of this FAQ have been made available to the public. The only
versions to have ever been released are: 0.1, 1.1, 2.0, 3.6, 4.7, 7.5, 8.1,
9.0, 10.0, 10.8, 11.8, 12.8, 13.6, 15.0, 15.1, and 15.2.
1) I, Adam Gilchrist, the author of this FAQ, am not in any way liable for any
harm that anybody thinks came from reading this FAQ. Examples of this harm
include physical ones, such as getting mauled by someone who lost to you via a
technique found in this FAQ, and emotional ones, such as experiencing
humiliation upon the use or most likely misuse of yet another technique found
in this FAQ.
2) If this FAQ was accessed from a source other than, there is
a chance that it is not up to date. You must therefore attempt to access and
read the latest version of this FAQ first at the said web site before sending
in any comments, suggestions, and/or corrections. (This includes telling me
that such-and-such a website has an incomplete version. I am not responsible
for the content or any maintenaince on anyone else's website.)
4) You will not use even a single phrase, sentence, or concept found anywhere
in this FAQ on your own work, even if you expressed it in your own words,
without at the very least giving me, Adam Gilchrist, the author of this FAQ,
full credit for it. If you in any way incorporated even a very minute part of
the strategies found in this FAQ with your own in your work, then you must at
the very least give me partial credit for it.
5) Webmasters, web page contibutors, and all similar personnel wishing to post
this FAQ on any other website, you must read and abide by this disclaimer as
well as the copyright information provided at the end of this FAQ. Keeping this
FAQ as updated as it is at is preferable, though not required.
That's all until next time. Ignore what the guards and Hammers tell you, and
keep taffing!
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