40 Hours Adoration Prayers
40 Hours Adoration Prayers
40 Hours Adoration Prayers
Help me now, O Jesus, by your mercy before I die to regain all the graces which by my folly I
have lost, spare me so that I may yet attain the perfection which would now be mine had I been
at all tines faithful, and also I beseech you repair the harm which by word and example I have
done to the souls of others. Jesus, the past can only be wiped away by your mercy. Spare me,
help me, strengthen me, Jesus, to make good my losses and the harm I have done in the past. “O
Heart of Love, I place all my trust in you, for though I fear all things from my weakness, I hope
all things from your mercies. “O Jesus, at all times be praise and thanksgiving for all you have
done for me. Accept my words of gratitude on behalf of so many who forget you and do not
appreciate you. For their neglect I wish to console thee by future loyalty to you. I call upon all
things in heaven and on earth to join with me in returning thanks to you, dearest Lord. Mary, my
Mother, St. Joseph, St. Patrick and my Patron Saint, help me to thank the Lord and to praise him
for his goodness.
What return shall I make to the Lord for all he has done for me? “O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament Divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment yours.