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40 Hours Adoration Prayers

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Help me now, O Jesus, by your mercy before I die to regain all the graces which by my folly I
have lost, spare me so that I may yet attain the perfection which would now be mine had I been
at all tines faithful, and also I beseech you repair the harm which by word and example I have
done to the souls of others. Jesus, the past can only be wiped away by your mercy. Spare me,
help me, strengthen me, Jesus, to make good my losses and the harm I have done in the past. “O
Heart of Love, I place all my trust in you, for though I fear all things from my weakness, I hope
all things from your mercies. “O Jesus, at all times be praise and thanksgiving for all you have
done for me. Accept my words of gratitude on behalf of so many who forget you and do not
appreciate you. For their neglect I wish to console thee by future loyalty to you. I call upon all
things in heaven and on earth to join with me in returning thanks to you, dearest Lord. Mary, my
Mother, St. Joseph, St. Patrick and my Patron Saint, help me to thank the Lord and to praise him
for his goodness.
What return shall I make to the Lord for all he has done for me? “O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament Divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment yours.


Heart of Jesus, give us all the graces
necessary for our state in life, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, give peace to our families
Heart of Jesus, comfort us in all our sorrows, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, be our protection during life,
and above all at the hour of our death, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, give your blessing to all our works, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, be merciful to sinners, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, make sinful souls holy, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, make holy souls more holy, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, bless the house where your
picture is exposed and honoured, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, give to priests the power of
changing the most sinful hearts, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, remember for ever the names
of those who make others love you, You have promised it, O Jesus.
Heart of Jesus, give those who receive Holy Communion on nine consecutive first Fridays, the
grace of final perseverance, so that they may not die as your enemies but strengthened by your
sacraments, may you be their sure protection at their last hour
R. You have promised it, O Jesus.
Almighty and Eternal God, father of all nations and peoples, look down, we beseech you, in your
bountiful mercy, your people of Nigeria, who now take our place among the nations of the
world, that our political freedom may, by your blessing, be an instrument whereby we may live
more worthily, in accordance with the liberty of the children of God.
Inspire our rulers to always legislate for our temporal good ever in harmony with the eternal
good for our which you have created us. Bountifully bestow your gift of faith o all our people.
Fortify us against the attacks of evil from within and from without, and make us wise to seek the
truth in all things and live honestly according to your commandments. Inflame our hearts in
supernatural charity, which will overcome dissensions, rivalries and resentments of tribe and
province, and draw all together into a union of rue brotherhood, which by your grace will bring
about that all may be one in you our common father.
Bless our nation that it may live in harmony with other nations. Enlighten and guide our rulers so
that they may worthily fulfill their mission, by helping all the citizens to achieve earthly well-
being, and by assisting them to reach their supernatural destiny of citizenship of the kingdom of
heaven for ever. Amen.


Most sweet Jesus, redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before your
altar. We are yours and yours we wish to be, but to be more surely united with you, behold each
one of us freely consecrates himself today to your most sacred heart.
Many indeed have never known you, many too despising our precepts, have rejected you. Have
mercy on them all most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your sacred heart. Be you King, O
Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you, but also of the prodigal children who
have abandoned you. Grant that they may quickly return to their father’s house lest they die of
wretchedness and hunger.
Be you king of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and
call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock
and one shepherd.
Grant, O lord, to your church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm, give peace and
order to all nations. And make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry. Praise to the
divine heart that wrought our salvation, to it be glory and honour forever. Amen.
Sacred heart of Jesus, thy Kingdom come (3x)


I,…(Mention your name) give myself and consecrate to the sacred heart of our Lord Jesus Christ,
my person and my life, my actions, pains and sufferings, so that I may be unwilling to make use
of any part of my being save to honour, love and glorify the Sacred Heart. This is my unchanging
purpose, namely to be all his, and to do all things for the love of him, at the same time
renouncing with all my heart whatever is displeasing to him.
I therefore take you, O Sacred Heart to be the only object of my love, the guardian of my life, my
assurance of salvation, the remedy of my weakness an inconstancy, the atonement for all the
faults of my life and my sure refuge at the hour of death.
Be then, O heart of goodness, my justification before God your Father, and turn away from me
the strokes of his righteous anger. O Heart of love, I put all my confidence in you, for I fear
everything from my own wickedness and frailty, but I hope for all things from your goodness
and bounty.
Do consume in me all that can displease you or resist your Holy will, let your pure love imprint
you so deeply upon my heart, that I shall nevermore be able to forger you or to be separated from
you, may I obtain from all your loving kindness the grace of having my name written in you, for
in you I desire to place all y happiness and all my glory, living and dying in bondage to you.


Humbly prostrate before you, O Jesus, I offer you, the deepest homage of my respect, veneration,
adoration and love.
I adore you, o sacred Heart of Jesus, destined from all eternity to be God’s masterpiece,
the marvel of his power, wisdom, and goodness.
I adore you, O Sacred heart of Jesus, Heart united in the fullness of time to the soul most
simple, most perfect, and most pleasing unto God for time and eternity.
I adore you, O sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart hypostatically united to the word of God and
through this union, invested with all his ineffable perfections, since the plenitude of the divinity
dwells in thee.
I adore you, o sacred heart of Jesus, heart in whom the father is well pleased, heart alone
capable to captivate the attention of the most high, to win his love, and to adore him in spirit and
in truth.
I adore you, o sacred heart of Jesus, heart created to burn unceasingly with the most pure
and most ardent flames and divine love, and to spread this sacred fire upon earth.
I adore you, O sacred Heart of Jesus, heart raised infinitely above all created things, heart
sanctified in an ineffable manner by the effusion of all heavenly gifts and animated with the most
pure, the most sublime and the most perfect sentiments, since nothing can be found in you that is
not worthy of the majesty of God.
I adore you, O sacred heart of Jesus, who alone, at each moment and through the least of
its afflictions contributions more to God’s glory than do all creatures together even by the holiest
and most perfect deeds during millions of centuries.
You, O Divine Heart, are united all the heavenly treasures. You are the inexhaustible
source of all good, the principle of all virtue, the throne of God’s greatness and the abode of
charity. You alone are the victim worthy of God’s justice, as you alone are capable of satisfying
and appeasing his anger. For all these reasons you are, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, most deserving
of the Eternal worship, veneration, and adoration of all men and angels.
O Jesus, my adorable saviour, these prerogatives of your divine heart should have been
known during your mortal life, but it is only in our day that they have been manifested and that
the cult of your sacred heart has become the object of a particular devotion in the church. You
have reserved for us this favour, O Jesus. Praise and thanksgiving be to you for having granted
us the inestimable privilege of entering more deeply into the sanctuary of our divine heart.
Deign, O sacred Heart of Jesus, to keep me among the number of our faithful adorers,
unworthy though I be, I acknowledge with joy and admiration your liberality and your greatness.
Would that I could render you the supreme homage which you deserves, but knowing that the
affections of my heart are as nothing, and wishing to make up of my misery, I offer you all the
honour and praise that will forever be rendered to you by al the saints and celestial spirit
especially the homage of the heart of your most holy Mother who alone is capable of honouring
and praising your worthily in as much as that is possible to a creature. Relying upon her merits, I
offer myself entirely to you, and I consecrate to your glory all that I have and all that I am
henceforth and forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Divine Heart, adorable heart, the most amiable of all hearts, to you
be glory, honour, and thanksgiving throughout the whole world, in the most perfect way, and by
all creatures, for time and for eternity. Amen.

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Kingdom come.

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