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Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg.


Available Online at www.ijcsmc.com

International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology

ISSN 2320–088X

IJCSMC, Vol. 8, Issue. 10, October 2019, pg.12 – 17


Mr. Amal Davies; 2Mr. A.Ganesan; 3Dr. V.Kavitha
PG Student, 2Associate Professor, 3Professor
PG and Research Department of Computer Applications, HINDUSTHAN COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE
Hindusthan gardens, behind navaindia, Coimbatore

ABSTRACT: This project “TRAVEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT” is used to automate all process of the
travel and tourism, which deals with creation, booking and confirmation and user details. The project is designed
HTML-PHP as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as backend which works in any browsers. The coding
language used HTML and PHP. Travel and tourism management system is used to book a tour from anywhere in
the world by a single dynamic website which will help the user to know all about the places and tour details in a
single website. The admin can add packages to the website from a certain travel agents and hotels by create a
tour page. Then the users can sign in and book each project, they can be confirmed by the admin in their manage
booking page. The user can see the confirmation in their my booking page. It is an easiest platform for all
travelers which can be easily booked and know the all details.
Keywords: Travel and tourism management, travel packages, tourism, package booking

Travel and tourism management system is used to book a tour from anywhere in the
world by a single dynamic website which will help the user to know all about the places and tour
details in a single website. The admin can add packages to the website from a certain travel
agents and hotels by create a tour page. Then the users can sign in and book each project, they
can be confirmed by the admin in their manage booking page. The user can see the confirmation
in their my booking page. It is a easiest platform for all travelers which can be easily booked and
know the all details. Tour Management system is a dynamic website for tourism business. It is
dynamic and responsive web design. It is also called travel technology solution for agencies &
tour operation. Nearly Everyone goes on a vacation for this ‘a Tourism management system’
would play a vital role in planning the perfect trip. The tourism management system allows the
© 2019, IJCSMC All Rights 1
Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17

user of the system access all the details such as location, events, etc. The main purpose is to help

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Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17

tourism companies to manage customer and hotels etc. The system can also be used for both
professional and business trips


In the existing system, each task is carried out manually and processing is also a
tedious job. In previous system travelers were maintaining time table details manually in pen
and paper, which was time taking and costly. The travelers is not able to achieve its need in time
and also the results may not accurate. Because of the manual maintenance there are number of
difficulties and drawbacks exist in the system. Some of them are

Drawbacks of the Existing System:

 Increased transaction leads to increased source document and hence maintenance
becomes difficult.
 If any admin, user entry is wrongly made then the maintenance becomes very difficult.


The proposed system is designed to be more efficient than the manual system. It
invokes all base tasks that are now carried out manually, such as the forms transactions and
reports which is added advantage. The proposed System is completely computer-based
application. Thousands of records can searched and displayed without taking any significant time

Advantages of the Proposed System:

 Gives accurate information
 Simplifies the manual work
 It minimizes the documentation related work
 Provides up to date information
 Friendly Environment by providing warning messages.
 travelers details can be provided
 booking confirmation notification

1. Admin authentication
This module is mainly based on admin. System will check the admin user name and
password for authentication. After the verification for authorization the admin can be able to
precede the process. All works are done under his control.
2. User Registration
This module covers the details about the registration of users which they can be register
by itself by adding data like name, password, email id and further details. After registration they
can be sign in by their username and password.

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Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17

3. Package Creation
The admin can create packages by creating package page which the type, price, details,
place details all the travel tour package details can be added here. Which it will be showed in
user homepage.
4. Package booking
In this module maintain the booking of travel packages by the user by selecting a various
packages with date and certain comments.
5. Booking confirmation/manage
Booking confirmation is the process of confirming the booked packages by the admin
that is booked by the user with date and comment. Also admin can manage the booking by
6. Issue ticket
Tickets can be issued for the user in the issue ticket page in the homepage of user the
certain booked packages only can be issued.


Input Design converts the user-oriented inputs to computer-based formats. Inaccurate
input data are the most common cause of errors in data processing. Error data entered by the data
operator can be controlled by the input design. The goal of designing input is to make the data
entry easy, logical and as free from errors as much as possible.
The proposed system is completely menu-driven. It is a powerful tool for interactive
design. It helps the user comprehend the range of alternatives available and also prevents them
from making an invalid selection. All entry screens are interactive in nature. It has been designed
taking into account all the constraints of the end-user.
Some other features included are:
 The form title clearly states the purpose of the form
 Adequate space is given for data entry
Data Validation is done for eliminating duplicate
Outputs are the most important and direct source of information to the customer and
management. Intelligent output design will improve the system's relationship with the user and
help in decision making. Outputs are used to make permanent hard copy of the results for later
consultation. The output generated by the system is often regarded as the criteria for evaluating
the performance of the system. The output design was based on the following factors.
 Usefulness determining the various outputs to be printed to the system user.
 Differentiating between the outputs to be displayed and those to be printed.
 The format for the presentation of the output.

For the proposed system, it is necessary that the output should be compatible with the existing
manual reports. The outputs have been formatted with this consideration in mind. The outputs
are obtained after all the phase, from the system can be displayed or can be produced in the hard

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Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17

copy. The hard copy is highly preferred since it can be used by the controller section for future
reference and it can be used for maintaining the record.

Figure 1: Login page for Admin Figure 2: Login page for Admin successful

Figure 3: Creating package Figure 4: Creating package successful

Figure5: manage booking approve or cancel Figure 6: manage booking approve or cancel

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Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17


Figure 7: user sign in Figure 8: user sign in successful

Figure 9: user package booking Figure 10: user package booking successful

Figure 11: user package booking history

This web application was successfully created and stored all the travel admin tourism
packages booking, creation managing and tour details into the database using this application.
The application was tested very well and the errors were properly debugged. Testing also
concluded that the performance of the system is satisfactory. All the necessary output is
generated. This system thus provides an easy way to automate all the functionalities of
consumption. If this application is implemented in few consumption, it will be helpful. Further
enhancements can be made to the project, so that the website functions in a very attractive and
useful manner than the present one. It is concluded that the application works well and satisfy the

© 2019, IJCSMC All Rights 6

Amal Davies et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.8 Issue.10, October- 2019, pg. 12-17

needs. The application is tested very well and errors are properly debugged. It also acts as the
sharing of files to the valuable resources.

1. www.msdn.microsoft.com
2. www.phpcity.com
3. ww.phpgurukul.com
4. www.myproject.com
5. www.way3html.com
6. w3schools.com

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