Smart Lock 51
Smart Lock 51
Smart Lock 51
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Under the Guidance of
Assistant Professor
record of bonafide work carried out by me and the results embodied in this
dissertation have not been reproduced or copied from any source. The results
embodied in this dissertation have not been submitted to any other University or
I would like to thank Mr. M. SAGAR, Assistant professor & Head of the
Department CSE (Artificial Intelligence& Machine Learning), for giving
support throughout the period of my study in SIIET. I am grateful for his valuable
suggestions and guidance during the execution of this technical seminar report.
I also thank my parents and friends who aided me in completion of the technical
seminar report.
Smart door lock could focus on its key features, such as enhanced security
through biometric authentication and remote access via smartphone apps. It may also
mention convenience aspects like automated entry and the integration of advanced
technologies to redefine traditional door locking systems. The abstract highlights the
convenience of remote control via mobile applications, enabling users to monitor and
manage access to their homes. Additionally, it touches upon the potential energy
efficiency and the overall paradigm shift in traditional door lock mechanisms,
contributing to a smarter and more secure living environment. Today’s world is a smart
world we live in and Smart Phones have a major contribution in it. A smart phone is
now a very common device that everyone carries with them all the time. Smart phones
have enabled us to perform various tasks while using a single device. Considering this
phenomenon we can exploit the idea of remote-controlling a door with the help of a
smart phone. Physical keys and a lock are the basic requirements for a door. However
managing these keys has become cumbersome. To overcome this, we present a solution
which is a smart and a secure way of remote-controlling the door using a smart phone.
A smart lock is a new line in home security, and along with the likes of Amazon’s Alexa
and Google Home, it’s the next step towards creating the smart homes of the future. Put
simply, it’s an electronic lock that can be locked or unlocked remotely using your
smartphone or by using your fingerprint. Removing the need for physical keys, which
can be easily lost or forgotten, smart locks secure your home with a biometric system.
The expected outcome of this project is to make a smart door lock using Arduino and
ESP32 module and a camera integrated with ESP32 to wirelessly operate the door lock
and also to integrate fingerprint sensor to unlock the door lock. The door lock will get
power from 12 Volt DC supply. The door lock is wirelessly controlled by Blynk
application. This is smart and costeffective approach to make a smart door lock system.
This progress report contains the block diagram and working principle of the smart door
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
2.2 Advantage 4
2.3 Disadvantage 4
tamper alerts to notify users of any 8.Audit Trail:
suspicious activity. Many smart locks maintain an audit
4.Customizable Access: trail or log of access history. This
Users have the ability to grant feature allows users to review who
temporary access to others. This is entered the premises and at what times.
useful for scenarios such as allowing 9. Battery Operation:
guests to enter for a specific period or Smart locks are typically powered
providing access to service providers. by batteries, and some models include
5.Integration with Smart Home low-battery indicators. In case of power
7.Geofencing: 2.2Advantages:
Certain smart locks leverage 1.Convenience:
geofencing technology to automatically Smart door locks provide keyless
trigger actions based on the user's entry options, making it convenient for
location. For example, the door may users to unlock doors using methods
unlock when the user approaches their such as PIN codes, biometrics, or
home. smartphone apps.
2.Remote Access: 6.Audit Trails:
Users can control and monitor their Smart locks often maintain a log or
door locks remotely through mobile audit trail of access history, enabling
apps, allowing them to lock or unlock users to review who entered and at what
doors from anywhere, providing times, adding an extra layer of security.
flexibility and security. 2.3. Disadvantages:
3.Customizable Access: 1.Reliance on Power and
Smart locks offer features like
temporary access codes, making it easy
Smart locks require power, often
to grant access to guests, service
from batteries, and may be temporarily
providers, or other temporary visitors
unusable during power outages.
without the need for physical keys.
Connectivity issues can also impact
4. Integration with Smart Home functionality.
Systems: 2.Initial Cost:
Many smart door locks integrate Smart door locks are generally
seamlessly with broader smart home more expensive upfront compared to
ecosystems, allowing users to traditional locks, and installation may
synchronize their locks with other smart require professional assistance, adding
devices for a comprehensive home to the initial cost.
automation experience.
3.Compatibility Issues:
5.Enhanced Security Features: Some smart locks may have
Biometric authentication, compatibility issues with certain door
encryption protocols, and advanced types or existing hardware, potentially
access controls contribute to increased requiring additional modifications
security compared to traditional locks. during installation.
4. Security Concerns:
While smart locks offer advanced
security features, they are not immune
to cybersecurity threats. Vulnerabilities features and settings of smart locks,
in software or communication protocols leading to a learning curve.
could potentially be exploited. 6.Risk of Malfunction:
5.Learning Curve: As electronic devices, smart locks
Users unfamiliar with technology are susceptible to malfunctions or
may find it challenging to adapt to the technical issues, which could result in
temporary lockouts or other problems.
7.Lockly Secure Pro Smart
Lockly's smart locks focus on
advanced security features, such as a
patented keypad with randomized
numbers for secure PIN entry. They
often support fingerprint recognition
and mobile app control.
LCD: When integrated into a smart door lock
The LCD (Liquid Crystal system, the Arduino Uno serves as the
Display) in a smart door lock serves as brain, controlling various aspects of the
an intuitive and user-friendly interface, lock's functionality. Connected to
providing valuable information and sensors such as fingerprint modules or
enhancing the overall interaction keypads, the Arduino Uno processes
experience. Typically integrated into the user inputs and triggers the locking
lock's design, the LCD displays essential mechanism accordingly. Additionally, it
details such as access status, battery facilitates communication with other
levels, and user prompts. Users can components, such as LCD displays for
navigate through menus and settings, user interfaces or communication
entering PIN codes or viewing access modules for remote access. With the
logs directly on the display. The flexibility of Arduino programming,
LCD is a key component for developers can implement sophisticated
programming and configuring the smart algorithms for tasks like biometric
lock, allowing users to personalize recognition and access control. The
settings and manage access permissions Arduino Uno's open-source nature
easily. In some models, the display may enables customization and adaptation to
also showcase additional information, specific requirements, making it an ideal
such as date and time, adding practical choice for DIY smart door lock projects.
functionality. The clear and concise Overall, the Arduino Uno plays a crucial
information presented on the LCD role in the development of intelligent
contributes to the accessibility and and customizable door lock systems,
usability of the smart door lock, making combining accessibility with the power
it a central element in the seamless to innovate in the realm of smart home
integration of technology and security at security.
the point of entry. POWER SUPPLY:
ARDUINO UNO: The 5V power supply is a
The Arduino Uno serves as a fundamental component of a smart door
pivotal component in the development lock, providing the necessary energy to
of a smart door lock, providing a ensure the continuous and reliable
versatile and accessible platform for operation of the electronic components.
creating innovative security solutions. Typically, smart door locks are designed
to operate on a low-voltage system, with the microcontroller signals the relay to
5V serving as a standard power activate, allowing the lowvoltage
requirement. This voltage is commonly circuitry to control the highervoltage
supplied by a dedicated power adapter components of the lock. This seamless
or, in some cases, batteries. The 5V coordination ensures the secure and
power supply is crucial for energizing efficient operation of the door lock,
microcontrollers, communication enabling features like keyless entry or
modules, sensors, and any other remote access. The relay plays a pivotal
electronic components within the smart role in converting electronic signals into
door lock system. It ensures the mechanical actions, ensuring the
responsiveness of the lock, enabling synchronized and reliable performance
features such as keyless entry, remote of a smart door lock system.
access, and biometric authentication. SOLOENIOD LOCK:
The choice of a 5V power supply aligns The solenoid lock is a fundamental
with the need for efficiency and safety in component in the architecture of a smart
smart door lock designs, providing the door lock, responsible for converting
necessary electrical energy to support electrical signals into mechanical
the seamless integration of technology actions to control access. Acting as an
and security in modern access control electromechanical device, the solenoid
systems. consists of a coil that, when energized,
RELAY: generates a magnetic field, causing a
The relay in a smart door lock plunger or lever to move. In a smart door
system acts as a crucial intermediary, lock system, the solenoid is strategically
facilitating communication between the integrated with the locking mechanism,
electronic components and the physical enabling secure and responsive locking
locking mechanism. Essentially, a relay and unlocking. When a user successfully
is an electromagnetic switch that authenticates, such as entering a correct
enables the microcontroller or processor PIN code or utilizing a smartphone app,
to control high-power devices, such as the microcontroller sends a signal to the
the motorized locking mechanism in a solenoid, which, in turn, engages or
door lock. When a user initiates an disengages the locking mechanism.
action, such as unlocking the door This instantaneous conversion of
through a PIN code or smartphone app, electrical energy into mechanical force
ensures quick and precise control over
the door's physical security. The
solenoid lock, therefore, plays a pivotal
role in the seamless and efficient
operation of a smart door lock,
contributing to the overall reliability and
responsiveness of the access control
Smart door locks have various guests, eliminating the need for physical
applications, offering convenience, keys and enabling easy check-in/check-
security, and enhanced control over out procedures.
access. Some common applications 5. Smart Homes Integration:
include: Smart door locks can be part of a
1. Residential Security: larger smart home ecosystem. They can
Smart door locks provide integrate with home automation
homeowners with convenient and secure systems, allowing users to control locks
access control. Users can lock and alongside other devices such as lights,
unlock doors remotely, monitor access, thermostats, and security cameras.
and receive notifications of any. 6.Office Buildings and
Suspicious activity.
Corporate Spaces:
2.Comercial and business:
In corporate environments, smart
Businesses can use smart door locks to
door locks enhance security by offering
control access to offices, meeting
keyless entry options, access logs, and
rooms, or secure areas. Access
the ability to remotely manage access
permissions can be managed easily, and
for employees and contractors.
the system can log entry and exit times.
7.Remote Access and
3.Rental Properties:
Landlords can use smart door locks Monitoring:
for rental properties to simplify key Users can remotely monitor and
management. Access codes or digital control their smart door locks through
keys can be issued to tenants for the mobile apps. This allows for real-time
Caregivers or family members can locks allows for temporary access for
remotely check if doors are locked and Delivery personnel.
provide access when needed without the 15.Smart Cities:
need for physical keys. As part of smart city initiatives,
9.Vacation Rentals: electronic access control systems,
Property owners can remotely including smart door locks, contribute to
manage access for guests, providing overall security and efficiency.
temporary codes or electronic keys, 16. Events and Venues:
streamlining check-ins and checkouts. Smart locks can be used to control
10. Commercial Spaces: access to event spaces or venues,
Smart locks enhance security in ensuring that only authorized
offices and businesses. Access can be individuals can enter. Access control
controlled for employees and monitored can be tailored for different users.
for security purposes. 17. Healthcare Facilities:
11.Schools and Educational In healthcare settings, smart locks
Smart locks can be used to secure areas, ensuring the security of medical
and users can grant access to service administrators to manage and monitor
20. Smart Cars and Garages:
Integrated with smart home systems,
some smart locks can be used to secure
garages or control access to connected
8.Predictive Analytics: information directly in the us er's field of
Advanced analytics could be view.
employed to predict and prevent
security breaches. For example, the
system might detect unusual patterns of
access or potential security threats.