Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder
Personality Disorder
• adaptation or creativity?
• my wellbeing or survival?
Eight Modalities of Personal Functioning
• Individuality, Independence
• Relationship, Attachment, Security
• Wellbeing, Pleasure
(according to Fiedler/Millon)
• Allowing and accepting pain, Melancholy
• Actively structuring life − Manipulation
• absence of symptoms/conflict
• Hippocrates 400BC
– Sanguine (vigorous)
– Melancholic (pessimistic)
– Choleric (hot-tempered)
– Phlegmatic (Calm)
• Aristotle
– Traits: courage, ambition, friendliness, etc
• Sheldon
– Endomorphic
– Mesomorphic
– Ectomorphic
Buddha Typology:
– Sensual
– Hateful
– Delude
– Arhats & Pratyekabudhhas
Approaches towards personality
• Two approaches:
Cardinal Trait = Dominant, has ability to describe all of the individual action
Central Trait = Outstanding characteristics
Secondary Traits = Least generalized characteristics
Psychodynamic Approach
• Summarization of the work of Freud, Post Freudians, and Neo
Personality consists of set of behaviors which are learned
Types of Personality Disorders
Why to study Personality Disorder?
• Major social, scientific, medical problem
• Tend to be
– less educated,
– sexual offenders,
– drug addicts, (70-90% have one PD)
– unemployed
– poorly adjusted in marital life
– Criminals (70-80%) – (Jordan, et al 1996, Arch Gen Psychiatry)
– Suicide and Homicide
– Prone for accidents
Why to study Personality Disorder?
• In psychiatry, 50% AXIS I comorbidity associated
as an adult,
Lenzenweger, et al.,
Arch Gen Psychiatry; 1997
Classification of personality disorder
• Difference between “normal” vs “Abnormal” relies largely on an
arbitrary cutoff point on the continuum between two extremes of a
↑Novelty Seeking
↑ Harm Avoidance
• Personality Disorder N.O.S.
– Like Mixed PD in ICD 10
– Appendix B Personality Disorders
• Psychodynamic Models
• Psychobiological Models
Psychodynamic Models
• People with PDs use immature and neurotic defenses
• “Neurotic Character” :
• “Character Neurosis”:
– Observed when an inflexible neurotic character trait interferes
with the healthy part of the personality.
– ( e.g., Hypermorality interfere with normative social
interaction as frustrating and undesirable)
Psychobiology of Personality Disorder
Personality develops through the interaction of heredity and environment
– reciprocal necessity of genetic endowment and environmental
Genetic difference account for 50% variance
25-30% non-shared environment
15-20% measurement error (Loehlin, 1992; large twin study)
• Jerome Kagan shows that certain children are irritable, fearful and
inhibited when confronted with new situation – the Behavioral
Inhibition Phenotype.
• These traits can be identified early and remains unaltered till latest 7
years when environment starts to shape temperament.
– Schizotaxia
4 Dissociable brain systems influencing Stimulus-
response Patterns underlying temperament
Brain System (related Principal Relevant stimuli Behavioral Response
personality dimension) neuromodulators
….associated features
• Excessive need to be self-sufficient and strong sense of
• Social anxiety that does not diminish with familiarity and that is
associated with paranoid fears
• Clinical Features
• Pervasive sense of grandiosity (in fantasy or in behavior), a need
for admiration, a lack of empathy, and chronic, intense envy
• Grandiose sense of self-importance and specialness
• Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
• Sense of entitlement
• Interpersonal exploitation, such as taking advantage of others to
achieve own needs
• Lack of empathy
• Excessive need for admiration and acclaim
• Intensive and chronic envy
• Arrogant and haughty attitude
…associated features
• Fragile self-esteem (which exclusively depends on external
admiration) with hypersensitivity to criticism
• Argumentative
• Criticizes authority
• Beliefs of worthlessness
• Pessimistic
• Guilt feelings
Personality Disorders: Assessment
• Whom to assess for PD
• Prevailing mood
• Character
• Attitude towards work/ responsibility, ability to take decisions,
methodological, meticulous or haphazard, rigid or flexible…
• Fantasy life
Temperament Character Inventory (TCI)
• Temperament Character Inventory (TCI) (Cloninger et al, 1993)
– TCI measures four major temperament dimensions (harm avoidance,
novelty seeking, reward dependence and persistence) and three
major character dimensions (self-directedness, cooperativeness and
• Each version contains 240 items and 3 validity items, requiring Year
6 reading level
Domains and Facets of the NEO PI-R
• Borderline PD
– SSRIs, atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine, and mood stabilizers
have been found useful in alleviating impulsive aggression.
– SSRIs for depression
– Mood stabilizers like lithium, valproic acid or lamotrigine for mood
– Lithium for suicidality
– One major study showed that many patients, as they entered their 30s,
began to improve significantly, and no longer met criteria for BPD
– 8% or 10% of the adolescents or young adults with BPD went on to
develop various forms of affective disorder (bipolar II, or unipolar
Personality Disorders-Treatment
• Histrionic PD
• There is need for limit-setting (in relation to the acting out),
confrontation (about the hidden meanings behind their emotional
displays), and emphasis on the need for regularity about
• Time-limited treatment approaches include brief and group