Step by Step Procedure That How I Resolve Given Task Pytorh
Step by Step Procedure That How I Resolve Given Task Pytorh
Step by Step Procedure That How I Resolve Given Task Pytorh
Some of those philosophers and scientists have also been interested in finding out
how to make an artificial brain - that is, use a machine to mimic the functionality of
the brain.
the filter.
The stride tells us how the kernel jumps over the input image. If the stride is
1, it slides pixel by pixel. If it's two, it jumps one pixel. It jumps two with a
stride of 3, and so on.
The padding tells us what happens when the kernels/filters don't fit, for
example because the input image has a width and height that do not match
with the combination of kernel size and stride.
Depending on the backend you're using Keras with, the channels (each image
has image channels, e.g. 3 channels with Red-Green-Blue or RGB) are in
the first dimension or the last. Hence, the data format represents whether it's
a channels first or channels last approach. With recent versions of Keras, which
support TensorFlow only, this is no longer a concern.
If you're using dilated convolutions, the dilation rate can be specified as well.
The activation function to which the linear output of the Conv2D layer is fed
to make it nonlinear can be specified too.
A bias value can be added to each layer in order to scale the learnt function
vertically. This possibly improves training results. It can be configured here,
especially if you don't want to use biases. By default, it's enabled.
The initializer for the kernels, the biases can be configured too, as well
as regularizers and constraints.
Activation Function
RelU- the main advantage of using the ReLU function over other
activation functions is that it does not activate all the neurons at the
same time.
Convolutional layer
Pooling layer
Convolutional layer
This layer is the first layer that is used to extract the various features
from the input images. In this layer, We use a filter or Kernel
method to extract features from the input image.
Pooling layer
The primary aim of this layer is to decrease the size of the convolved
feature map to reduce computational costs. This is performed by
decreasing the connections between layers and independently
operating on each feature map. Depending upon the method used,
there are several types of Pooling operations. We have Max pooling
and average pooling.
Fully-connected layer
The Fully Connected (FC) layer consists of the weights and biases
along with the neurons and is used to connect the neurons between
two different layers. These layers are usually placed before the
output layer and form the last few layers of a CNN Architecture.