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Phase noise in externally injection-locked oscillator arrays, IEEE

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Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup: (1) impedance
Microwave Theory Tech 49 (2001), 442– 450.
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18. M. Kim, J.B. Hacker, E.A. Sovero, D.S. Deakin, and J.H. Hong, A
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Guided Wave Lett 9 (1999), 154 –156. 1.5°C and 95°C. Subsequently, ␧⬘(T) and ␧⬙(T) of pure water
19. L. Chiu, T.Y. Yum, Q. Xue and C.H. Chan, A low-conversion loss ring have been measured at 1.74 GHz [3] and 2.45 GHz [4, 5]. The
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© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. content between 0% and 3.5%, has been developed and tested in
[6] for tap water at industrial scientific medical (ISM) frequencies
2.45 GHz and 915 MHz. Also, in [7] both parameters ␧⬘(T) and
␧⬙(T) were measured at 915 MHz for 20 ⱕ T⬚C ⱕ 60. In
DIELECTRIC PERMITTIVITY AND LOSS microwave sterilization processing, packaged food products are
FACTOR OF TAP WATER AT 915 MHz exposed to sterilization temperatures T ⫽ 121⬚C–125°C for sev-
eral minutes. Data of complex dielectric constant of tap water for
Vyacheslav V. Komarov1 and Juming Tang2
Radio Engineering Dept.
temperature range 40 ⱕ T⬚C ⱕ 121 at 915 MHz are not available
Saratov State Technical University in the literature. The objective of this study was to determine
410054, Saratov dielectric properties of tap water at 915 MHz between 40°C and
Politekhnicheskaya 77, Russia 121°C.
Biological Systems Engineering Dept.
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6120 The measurement system utilized in this work included an Agilent
impedance/dielectric properties analyser, a customer-built mea-
Received 12 February 2004 surement cell, a thermometer, and a personal computer with cor-
responding software and coaxial cables (Fig. 1). The measurement
ABSTRACT: Real and imaginary parts of complex dielectric per- technique was based on a well-known open-end coaxial-probe
mittivity of hot tap water are measured at 915 MHz. The obtained method. A more detailed description of this experimental setup can
results are compared with theoretical and experimental data avail- be found in [8]. Some characteristics of fresh tap-water samples
able in the literature. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt used in this work are given in Table 1.
Technol Lett 42: 419 – 420, 2004; Published online in Wiley Inter-
Science (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.20322 3. RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS
Theoretical and experimental data of ␧⬘(T) and ␧⬙(T) for tap water
Key words: dielectric constant; experimental measurements; microwave
at 915 MHz are represented in Figure 2. As can be seen from this
figure, ␧⬘m (T) of tap water at 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz almost
completely coincide when 20 ⱕ T⬚C ⱕ 70. Also, ␧⬘e (T) ⬍
1. INTRODUCTION ␧⬘m (T) ⬍ ␧⬘t (T), where ␧⬘m (T) is the dependence measured in the
Dielectric properties of various media are among the most impor- present work (given that the results are the mean of three repli-
tant factors that influence the accuracy of mathematical modelling cates, with standard deviation not exceeding 1%); ␧⬘e (T) is the
of microwave systems. In computer-aided design (CAD) of mi- experimentally obtained dependence from [7]; ␧⬘t (T) is the theo-
crowave applicators, for example, it is necessary to know accurate retical model proposed in [6]. For ␧ ⬙m (T), the situation is vice
values of dielectric permittivity (␧⬘) and loss factor (␧⬙) of mate- versa: ␧ ⬙t (T) ⬍ ␧ ⬙m (T) ⬍ ␧ ⬙e (T). Extrapolation of ␧⬘m (T) and
rials. These parameters, in general, depend on temperature and
frequency. Simultaneous application of high-frequency electro-
TABLE 1 Properties of Tap Water (Pullman, WA)
magnetic (EM) fields and hot circulating water is a new technol-
ogy, which was recently proposed for microwave sterilization of Conductivity Hardness Fluoride Sulfate Sodium Iron
food at 915 MHz [1]. Such a combined approach improves the (␮S/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
uniformity of microwave treatment for packaged food. For a more
304–350 116–268 0.6–2.6 ⱕ28 23.4 ⬃ 48.7 0.2–1
accurate modelling of physical processes in those specially de-

MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 42, No. 5, September 5 2004 419
An open-end coaxial-probe method has been used for measuring
the complex dielectric permittivity of tap water as a function of
temperature (40 ⱕ T⬚C ⱕ 120) at 915 MHz. The obtained
experimental data have been implemented in the CAD of new
microwave technology for high-temperature processing of food.

1. S.K. Pathak, F. Liu, Y.Y. Wang, D. Guan, and J. Tang, FDTD charac-
terization of a horn waveguide applicator for microwave sterilization of
food at 915 MHz, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2002.
2. A. Von Hippel, Dielectric materials and applications, MIT Press, New
York, 1954.
3. J.B. Hasted, Aqueous dielectrics, Chapman and Hill, New York, 1973.
4. I.A. Rogov and S.V. Nekrutman, Microwave heating of food stuff,
Agropromizdat, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian).
5. R. Ratanadecho, K. Aoki, and M. Kahori, The characteristics of micro-
wave melting of frozen packed beds using a rectangular waveguide,
IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT-50 (2002), 1495–1502.
6. E. Eves and V.V. Yakovlev, Analysis of operating regimes of a high
power water load, J Microwave Power Electromagn Energy 37 (2002),
7. J.N. Ikediala, J.D. Hansen, J. Tang, S.R. Drake, and S. Wang, Devel-
opment of a saline water immersion technique with RF energy as a
postharvest treatment against colding moth in cherries, Postharvets Bio
Technol 24 (2002), 25–37.
8. Y. Wang, T.D. Wig, J. Tang, and L.M. Hallberg, Dielectric properties
of food relevant to RF and microwave pasteurization and sterilization,
J Food Eng 57 (2003), 257–268.

© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Figure 2 (a) Dielectric permittivity and (b) loss factor of tap water at
ISM frequencies: F–F–F–F experimental data obtained in the present
work at 915 MHz; EEEEE mathematical model [5] for water at 2.45 RATIO OF A MACH–ZEHNDER
GHz; ŒŒŒŒŒ mathematical model [6] for tap water at 915 MHz; INTERFEROMETER FILTER
䊐䊐䊐䊐䊐䊐 experimental results [7] for tap water at 915 MHz
Yonglin Huang,1 Xingfa Dong,1,2 Jie Li,2 and Xiaoyi Dong2
Department of Electronics
University of Science and Technology of Suzhou
Suzhou 215011, China
␧ ⬙m (T) for 20 ⱕ T⬚C ⱕ 40 has shown a good agreement with 2
Institute of Modern Optics
␧⬘t (T) and ␧ ⬙t (T). The loss factor ␧ ⬙m (T) is very weakly dependent Nankai University
upon temperature when T ⬎ 60⬚C. Both functions ␧⬘m (T) and Tianjin 300071, China
␧ ⬙m (T) may be approximated by analytical expressions obtained in
this work by means of the least-square method and polynomial Received 11 February 2004
interpolation, respectively given by
ABSTRACT: A novel structure of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer filter
is proposed and demonstrated. The interferometer is structured by add-
␧⬘m共T兲 ⫽ ⫺16.308 䡠 ln共T兲 ⫹ 133.75, R ⫽ 0.996,
ing an optical isolator to the two outputs of the conventional Mach–
Zehnder interferometer. The characteristic of the transmission spectrum
␧ ⬙m共T兲 ⫽ ⫺3.68 䡠 10⫺6 T3 ⫹ 1.03 䡠 10⫺3 䡠 T2 ⫺ 0.0947 䡠 T ⫹ 5.6, is studied theoretically and experimentally. The extinction ratio of the
novel interferometer filter is improved greatly in comparison with that of
R2 ⫽ 0.989 (2) a conventional Mach–Zehnder interferometer filter with the same pa-
rameters. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett
where R 2 is the regression coefficient. The obtained equations 42: 420 – 422, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.
have been employed in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.20323
model developed with the help of commercial code Quick-
Wave-3D (www.qwed.com.pl). The FDTD model was intended Key words: extinction ratio; Mach–Zehnder interferometer; optical iso-
lator; filter; WDM
for simulation of EM fields and S-parameters in a pilot scaled
microwave sterilization applicator on a rectangular waveguide
with operating frequency 915 MHz. The reflection-coefficient 1. INTRODUCTION
value predicted when using this model, S 11 ⫽ 0.329 for the case Since the transmission spectrum of a Mach–Zehnder interferom-
when the applicator is filled with tap water (T ⫽ 121⬚C) and two eter filter is characterized by a series of equally spaced transmis-
food samples (whey protein gel) are used, agrees well with exper- sion peaks in the wavelength domain, it has important applications
imental one of S 11 ⫽ 0.379. in optical-fiber WDM systems and optical sensing. These applica-

420 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 42, No. 5, September 5 2004

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