Kunci Bahasa Inggris 11 Gasal Merdeka

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Kunci Jawaban

Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma

Semester Gasal (Kurikulum Merdeka)

Chapter 1 Task 4
Digital Literacies and My Identities 1. Increased job satisfaction and employee engagement.
2. 36% thought AI would improve their skills, while 20% said it
LISTENING would improve their relationships in the workplace.
Task 1 3. They feel intimidated.
Teacher’s policy. 4. Because they are constantly changing, especially those
related to computing, communication, education, or research.
Task 2 5. The negative aspect of digitization is that some professions
Teacher’s policy. may disappear if they do not adapt to the new technological
Task 3
Listening script: Task 5
In business, several advantages, including increased job Listening script:
satisfaction and employee engagement (1), can be achieved by Digital Safety and Its Importance
providing educational training on digital literacy. Incorporating The importance of Internet safety in between a variety
new skills in the implementation of different technological tools of information, personal data, and property protection is really
will allow them to reach their goals more quickly and with more important. Internet safety is more important for users while
outstanding (2) results. accessing (1) online banking services and shopping.
Highlighting the importance of training staff in digital literacy, Global computer networks provide us various communication
(3) the 2019 Oracle and Future Workplace study of 8,000 managers and information exchange facilities. In which big to small users of
in 10 countries found that 36% thought AI would improve their skills, the internet cheated on the internet. Cyber and computer crime is
while 20% said it would improve their relationships in the workplace. increasing today. Around the world, the use of the internet in our
New technologies are often intimidating (4) when introduced, daily life is increased (2).
but people are generally open to learning. Business leaders must The use of the web in online bill payment, shopping, payment
demonstrate the importance of digital literacy for their employees services, internet banking, mobile banking, and now digital
and continuous training in the workplace. wallets look convincing (3) for users. That’s why the internet is a
It will help them understand that digital literacy can improve good source for hackers, thieves, and pickers too to collect any
their performance and productivity, increase their general confidential (4) information from any country. So, these are the
knowledge and gain a greater sense of empathy (5) towards their reasons for the importance of internet security today around the
colleagues in other departments, making collaboration between globe.
them more effective. Internet technology impacted our lives since its inception (5).
In many professions, the constant (6) recycling of information It’s important for every citizen of the country to use the internet
is necessary because they are constantly changing, especially safely and securely without leaking private information. Today you
those related to computing, communication, education, or can see various cybercrime (6) and about the people cheated on the
research. Obtaining digital skills will favor job placement for internet. Even big companies, banking, government websites are
unemployed workers, and increase growth opportunities (7) for hacked and information is leaked very often. So, you can analyze
active professionals. (7) the importance of Internet security for the common people of
The negative aspect of digitization (8) is that some professions India and other countries.
may disappear if they do not adapt to the new technological Internet safety is important to secure online transactions and
circumstances. For this reason, digital literacy is essential (9) to while using digital wallets in mobiles. Especially kids, teenagers,
incorporate the professions that are emerging in this era, which and less computer and internet literate people cheated more on
will facilitate the adaptation of people in any organizational field. the Internet. It’s really important for parents to check that aren’t
In short, digital literacy is marking a before and after in the they falling into trap (8) of harmful activities online.
professional world. Most millennials were aware of technological Generally, the internet does not harm us until we choose
changes growing up, but the youngest people were already born to react to suspicious content and websites. The first reason for
incorporating digitalization naturally. Both generations choose internet harm is when you don’t know what you’re doing. The
mostly technological professions that allow them to acquire (10) second reason when other force or entice you to react or click
a fast and promising labor insertion. on links such as attractive ads, infected software download, and
Furthermore, mastering these new tools will make young messages.
people more productive and efficient. But as a result of this, many If digital wallet users or net banking user is not familiar with
jobs of trades will lose value because digital is what sells the most, the malicious entities (9) present online then it will create a high
and soon it will be the only thing that does. risk to lose money and personal data. Even it’s not a guarantee
that you’re money in digital wallets and bank account is safe after
installing anti-hacking, antivirus apps, and firewall integration (10).
But awareness about cybercriminal, internet security, and safety
knowledge helps us to prevent malicious activities on the internet.

Semester Gasal
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma (Kurikulum Merdeka) 1
Cybercriminals can be kids, teenagers, professionals, and Skill Test
big companies. They use fake IP addresses, email accounts, 1. It’s overrated.
and social media profiles to track people. They change their IP 2. People spend too much time worrying about internet.
addresses to another country. Also, they steal private information 3. They will fall prey to scams and cyberbullying.
when people carelessly share it with unknown people or on social 4. Yes, he does.
media networks, reply to fake emails, and many more. 5. But technology is so integrated into our lives now.

Task 6 Project Task

1. Free information exchange. Teacher’s policy.
2. Because nowadays internet is used for transaction.
3. Yes, they are. Competence Test Chapter 1
4. No, it doesn’t. A. Multiple Choice
5. When it comes to the suspicious link. 1. a. I agree
2. c. Sasa totally cannot accept Chika’s opinion
Task 7 3. b. What about the food taste?
Teacher’s policy. 4. b. I think we should finish the task before the deadline.
5. d. Government must take part in solving environmental
Task 8 problem.
Teacher’s policy. 6. a. Having a trusted ID in the internet.
7. d. Having a trusted ID.
SPEAKING 8. a. Is mandatory for Telecom Operators to identify their
Task 1 customers as mandated by Bundesnetzagentur.
Teacher’s policy. 9. a. Simple present tense.
10. c. promote
Task 2 11. d. large
Teacher’s policy. 12. a. They must adapt to digital tools.
13. e. assumptions
14. a. using digital tools as efficient as possible
READING 15. a. Digital literacy is important in education.
Task 1 16. b. B disagrees with A.
Teacher’s policy. 17. b. That sounds good.
18. a. agreement
Task 2 19. a. I agree
1. T 20. d. I don't think
2. T
3. T B. Essay
4. T 1. Because it’s one of the most secure place.
5. F 2. They can know how to secure their identity.
3. It protects people from things deemed illegal in the internet.
Task 3 4. Federal Trade Comission.
Teacher’s policy. 5. Software that updates automatically.

VIEWING Remedial
Task 1 1. Educating people about the protection of digital identity.
Teacher’s policy. 2. Four levels.
3. Two.
Task 2 4. All people.
Teacher’s policy. 5. They will protect their identity.

WRITING Enrichment
Task 1 Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.
Chapter 2
Student Activity Love Your Environment
Task 2 Task 1
Teacher’s policy. Listening script:
1. Students do well on tests if they are prepared beforehand.
PRESENTING Some students are anxious.
Teacher’s policy. 2. A research paper on environmental problems received an
award. I wrote the paper.
Student Activity 3. My driveway is in front of my house. I park four cars there.
4. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people make
things. It began in England.

2 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma (Kurikulum Merdeka)

Semester Gasal
5. Recently, a large airplane had a serious accident. It was 3. T
carrying too many passengers. 4. T
Answer: 5. F
1. Some students who are anxious do well on tests if they are
prepared beforehand. Task 3
2. A research paper on environmental problems which I wrote Teacher’s policy.
received an award.
3. My driveway which I park four cars is in front of my house. READING
4. The Industrial Revolution which began in England changed Task 1
the way people make things. Teacher’s policy.
5. Recently, a large airplane which carrying too many
passengers had a serious accident. Task 2
Teacher’s policy.
Task 2
Listening script: Task 3
Hey, kids, have you ever considered (1) all the different ways Teacher’s policy.
that food goes to waste? Sure, some of us throw the food we don’t
finish in the trash or in compost (2) heaps in our backyards, but Task 4
food that could otherwise go to hungry people gets lost in many 1. Leeds.
other places, as well. In this edition of McKinsey for Kids, we’ll 2. The recycling activity is done on-street.
walk you (and maybe your parents and teachers, too) through 3. 186 recycling points.
the life cycle of food from farm to landfill (3) and through some of 4. Veolia.
the ways that McKinsey and others are trying to help reduce food 5. To introduce leeds and its waste management.
waste so that more people can fill their bellies.
As you eat, you tell your parents about your day and tune Task 5
out when they tell you about theirs. It’s a nice meal, cabbage aside Teacher’s policy.
(4). When you’re cleaning up, whatever you don’t finish goes into
the trash or the compost heap. WRITING
Task 1
The relatively (5) small amounts of food we throw away
Teacher’s policy.
after a meal isn’t necessarily that big of a deal on its own. And
composting is good for the earth, so that’s a positive use of food
Task 2
waste. But think about how it adds up if the people at the house
1. which
next door, down the street, at restaurants and grocery stores in
2. who
your town, and all around the world are doing it, too. Globally, a
3. which
stunning 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted (6) every year an
4. which
amount equal to the weight of 217 million elephants.
5. which
That’s a lot of food going to waste. And the food that 6. whom
households (7) and businesses throw out are only part of a bigger 7. which was
challenge. Chew on this: the United Nations Food and Agriculture 8. whose
Organization estimates that roughly (8) one-third of the food that’s 9. whose
produced worldwide never gets eaten. But it doesn’t have to be 10. who
that way something McKinsey has learned through its work with
companies, food banks, and communities around the globe. Here’s Task 3
some food for thought on how to do better Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy. Teacher’s policy.
Task 4 Student Activity
1. Food waste.
2. Educate people about food waste.
3. They will make a food waste. Skill Test
4. 1,3 billion tons. 1. The text tells us about Surakarta.
5. Food waste that is used as a composting. 2. The city is known for its cuisine, culture, and architecture.
3. Waste separation at the source, composting and the use of
Task 5 eco friendly materials.
Teacher’s policy. 4. Turning organic waste into nutrient rich soil for gardening.
5. Reducing the amount of waste.
Task 1
Competence Test Chapter 2
Teacher’s policy.
A. Multiple Choice
Task 2 1. b. whom
1. T 2. a. who
2. F 3. a. who

Semester Gasal
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma (Kurikulum Merdeka) 3
4. c. whose 4. 2.885.471 contents.
5. b. whom 5. People of Indonesia.
6. a. which 6. A partnership.
7. c. whose 7. Canada
8. b. where 8. Global Head diversified infrastructure at BlackRock.
9. b. in which 9. E360S provides critical, non discretionary services that
10. b. where generates resilient cash flows, supported by contract with
11. a. Singapore. inflation escalators.
12. c. It’s convenient. 10. To give an information about the partnership.
13. a. (1), (2), and (3)
14. e. MEWR and NEA. Chapter 3
15. d. They will be able to know the importance of recycling. Healthy Life for a Healthy Future
16. a. Ireland. LISTENING
17. a. To prevent carbon from entering the earth. Task 1
18. a. Over fifteen years. Listening script:
19. b. resolved
20. c. the new machine Moderators
One of the electronic devices whose development is quite
B. Essay rapid (1) in the current technological era is the cell phone. Mobile
1. Because of the upgrade in Visy’s recycling facility. phones have many positive impacts (2) on human life. What do
2. In 2008. you think about this statement?
3. Parul Sood is General Manager of Waste Solution. Affirmations
4. He is excited. I agree with this opinion because it is undeniable that
5. Eight weeks. cellphones in the current era help a lot in people’s activities.
For example, in the world of education, mobile phones can be
Remedial used to access (3) knowledge relevant to subjects.
Teacher’s policy. In addition (4), only with cell phones can parents provide
interesting learning methods to children. Another benefit, it
Enrichment facilitates communication with other people who are far away
Teacher’s policy. without having to meet in person.
Mid Semester Test However, in fact, mobile phones that should have a positive
impact still don’t provide (5) maximum benefits. Most of them
A. Multiple Choice actually have a bad impact, such as being used by children to
1. d. digital Literacy is something expensive in Indonesia access inappropriate (6) shows.
2. d, four Instead of being used to find useful information that
3. c. Moderate digital literacy. supports learning in schools, it’s the other way around.
4. d. fourth Meanwhile (7), in terms of communication, it tends to bring
5. a Improve their digital literacy. those who are far closer and distance those who are near.
6. a. Fake news cannot be stopped by digital literacy. Affirmations
7. b. two Regarding this, it depends on each user. For adults, they
8. a. clarify the definition of digital literacy should already understand (8) their own responsibilities in using
9. c. the researchers cell phones wisely.
10. e. conclusion As for teenagers and children, parental supervision is
11. c. which necessary so that they are not abused. There needs to be
12. e. whose restrictions (9) on the use of mobile phones for children so that
13 a. which the negative impact can be minimized (10).
14. c. who
15. e. who Task 2
16. a. that 1. The benefit and harm of using a cellphone.
17. c. whose 2. To access knowledge.
18. c. that 3. They will use it for bad things.
19. a. which 4. Making a restriction.
20. b. whom 5. Debate.
21. a. To give what’s fact and what’s hoax.
22 a. Critically interpret what they see online. Task 3
23. d. four Teacher’s policy.
24. e. California SPEAKING
25. a. Simple present tense. Task 1
Teacher’s policy.
B. Essay
1. The Ministry of Communication’s spokeperson. Task 2
2. High level of digital literacy. 1. As the source of energy.
3. The ministry continues to improve the community’s digital 2. Healthy food.
literacy through the Digital Literacy National Movement. 3. 4 arguments.

4 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma (Kurikulum Merdeka)

Semester Gasal
4. All people. Remedial
5. To provide an argument about the importance of healthy 1. Cheating during the test.
foods. 2. By employing a harsh punishment.
3. It’s like taking something without permission.
Task 3 4. Three arguments.
Teacher’s policy. 5. Students must apply a harsh punishment.

READING Enrichment
Task 1 Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.
Final Semester Test
Task 2
Teacher’s policy. A. Multiple Choice
1. a. A clause that modifies the subject of the sentence.
Viewing 2. e. None of the above.
Teacher’s policy. 3. a. Cat.
4. a. What, when, and where.
WRITING 5. e. To modify the subject of the sentence.
Teacher’s policy. 6. a. The cat that scratched me was black.
7. d. Which.
Presenting 8. a. To modify the subject of the sentence.
Teacher’s policy. 9. c. Which.
10. e. The house where I grew up is now for sale.
Student Activity 11. d. The importance of digital literacy skills for teachers.
12. c. Because they are basic skills.
13. b. It has made teachers more effective.
Skill Test 14. e. Teachers with more digital literacy will foster better
1. Nutrition and physical exercise. digital citizenship in students.
2. If we eat healthy foods, we will be healthy and vice versa. 15. b. Seven.
3. Healthy eating is the consumption of the products that 16. b. It helps teachers write better lesson plans.
provide our organism with the required microelements and 17. c. It extends beyond the classroom and is important for
vitamins. job candidates as well.
4. The food that’s full of nutrition. 18. d. The ability to use digital devices safely, responsibly,
5. Train them constantly. and effectively.
19. c. It makes students more effective.
Competence Test Chapter 3 20. e. To foster a strong sense of digital citizenship in
A. Multiple Choice students.
1. a. Sleep. 21. c. The impact of a high-fat diet on parasitic worm
2. e. Eight hours. infections.
3. a. (1), (2), and (3) 22. e. 1 billion
4. d. We will have a sleep debt. 23. c. Large intestine.
5. a. differ 24. b. T-helper 2 cells.
6. a. Mental health. 25. d. ST2
7. c. Three.
8. b. prone to human trafficking
B. Essay
9. a. Simple present tense.
1. The source of energy.
10. a. crazy people
2. Complex and simple carbohydrate.
11. e. The rate of people in school.
12. a. making education to many people 3. Our body breaks them down into glucose, which is then
13. d. four transported to our cells to be used as energy.
14. e. Teaching skills needed to get a job 4. Carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy and
15. a. To show the arguments about the importance of school. balanced diet.
16. e. American should learn to use public transportation. 5. Analytical exposition.
’17. b. banning the use of cars 6. The writer hopes that people will aware of the importance of
18. c. Suggesting Americans the ways to use public carbohydrate.
transportation. 7. There are three arguments.
19. b. Stating the proposals. 8. Simple present tense.
20. d. Entrance. 9. Yes, he/she does.
10. Yes, it is.
B. Essay
1. The importance of seatbelt.
2. Head injury.
3. The traffic is different.
4. Seat belts are not stylish.
5. Analytical exposition.

Semester Gasal
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sma/Ma (Kurikulum Merdeka) 5

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