Microstructure and Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Sintered Steels

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constant before and after rolling in which the Apparatus for non-destructive find the best one for

ructive find the best one for prediction of changes in

roll gap is divided into a feed zone and a com- evaluation of green compacts by conductivity relative to changes in process
paction zone is considered with regard to fac- electrical resistivity conditions. Properties were studied to establish
tors, powder characteristics and process condi- a relationship between conductivity, pore mor-
G.Bogdanou et al. (Worcester Polytechnic Inst., USA.) phology, porosity and mechanical behaviour. It
tions, influencing the properties of the rolled
Measurement Science and Technology, Vol 11, No 2,
metal. is reported that conductivity can be used, non-
2000, 157-166.
destructively, for prediction of properties. Fe,
A novel apparatus, based on use of electri-
Fe-0.8%C and Fe-0.7%C-lS%Mo were used
Sintering cal resistivity, for non-destructive testing of
in the study.
green compacts is described. Direct current is
Simulation of anisotropy in sintering injected into the part and an array of spring-
due to prior compaction loaded contacts detects the distribution of Dynamic properties of
potential in the sample. This is used to detect injection-moulded nickel-carbon
A.Zaualiangos,D.Bouuard. (Inst. National Polytechnique
de Grenoble, France.) Int. I. PowderMet&, Vol36, No the presence of flaws. The method and the low alloy steel
7, 2000, 58-65. testing algorithm are described and results dis-
H.Miura et al. (Kumamoto University Kumamoto,
It is noted that anisotropic sintering can cussed. The technique was validated against Japan.) .J.Jaean Sec. Powder/Powder Metall., Vol47, No
be attributed to morphology of pores formed samples with flaws made from dielectric mate- 12, 2000, 1267-1271. InJapanese.
during pressing. A two-dimensional simula- rials inserted. Impact and fatigue properties of injection
tion to support this concept, using finite ele- moulded Fe-2%Ni-0.7%C were investigated
ments for compaction and finite differences Impact characteristics and Samples were solvent and thermally debound
for surface grain boundary sintering is mechanical alloying and residual C was accurately controlled to
described. It is deduced that, for clean pow- 0.7% during processing. The dynamic proper-
G.Mulas et al. (University ofSassan’,Sassati, Italy.) Int.
ders, anisotropy in neck size results in greater ties are superior to conventional PM steels due
J. Non-Equill. Process., Vol 11, No 3, 2000, 235-269.
to finer and more spheroidal pore structures.
shrinkage in the transverse direction than in An experimental method for evaluation of
the direction of compaction. The anisotropy impact frequency and velocity of impacting
can be reversed if the compaction pressure is balls during mechanical alloying in vibrating Molybdenum
high enough to disrupt the surface oxide and shaking mills is described. A time lag
films at locations normal to compaction parameter is deduced for the times when the Diffusion in molybdenum-tantalum
direction. This results in enhanced diffusion. vial reaches the end of its displacement and system
There was agreement between simulation when the ball strikes the end face. Impact
F.Guillemot et al. (National Inst. for Applied Sciences,
and experiment. velocity can be calculated. This allows oper- Rennes , France .) lnt J. Refract. Metals/Hard Mater., Vol
ating conditions to be established. 19, No 3, 2001, 183-189.
Mechanical alloying of Ni-Ti was investigat- in Mo-Ta was investigated at 1500
Magnetic sintering of ferromagnetic Diffusion
ed. Fractions of amorphous alloy and rates of to 1900°C. Inter-diffusion coefficients were
powder compacts
reaction were determined. It is suggested that found to be weakly dependent on composition.
T.Watanabe et al. (Tohoku University, Send& Japan.) there is a common amorphisation path for Temperature dependence leads to Arhenius
Mater. Trans., JIM., Vol41, No 8, 2000, 991-999. mechanical alloying. parameters consistent with published values
It is reported that carbonyl Fe and Co pow-
and a vacancy mechanism. Diffusion coeffi-
ders had been sintered in a magnetic field to Influence of induced anisotropy in cients for MO into Ta and Ta into MO were
control microstructure. It is shown that for Fe, consistent with inter-diffusion with some
powder materials
densification and grain growth are enhanced anomalous behaviour.
by the magnetic field in ferro- and para-mag- N.Bontcheua et al. (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria.) Int. J. Mech. Sciences, Vol 42, No 3,
netic states. Increased field strength increased Simulation of deformation texture in
2000, 593-615.
den&cation. The effects seemed most signifi-
Development of anisotropy in compaction cold rolled molybdenum sheet
cant in the intermediate stages of sintering.
and during plastic deformation of porous sin-
Phenomena are attributed to the magnetic P.uan Houtte, Y.S.Liu. (Jiao Tong University Shanghai,
tered materials is discussed and a mechanical China.) Int. J. Refract. Metals/Hard Mater., Vol 19, No
field providing a driving force for grain bound-
model, taking anisotropy into account, is pro- 3,2001, 209-216.
ary migration. Magnetic field suppressed densi-
posed. Finite element analysis and numerical An attempt to apply the Taylor-Bishop-Hill
fication of Co. simulation of compaction and forging were car- theory to design of sheet rolling of MO is
ried out to assess the effects of anisotropy on described. Factors in straight-rolled and cross-
Fundamentals density distribution and final part shape. rolled MO were determined experimentally and
simulated by full constrains and relaxed con-
Powder-based rapid prototyping strains models. It is reported that the pancake
techniques - limitations and
Iron and steel
version of the relaxed constrains model allows
opportunities Microstructure and electrical the better prediction of rolling texture.

R.M.German et al. (Pennsylvania State University,

conductivity and mechanical
USA.) PM Science/Technology Briefs, Vol2, No 4,2000, properties of sintered steels Nickel
18-20. H.Danninger et al. (University of Technology, Vienna,
Methods of rapid prototyping are discussed Austria.) Powder Metall., No 143, No 3, 2000, 219.
Nano-indentation of nano-crystalline
with reference to use of selective laser sintering 227. inconel powder
and slurry casting. Issues of shape complexity, The role of microstructure on mechanical E.J.La~ernia et al. (University of Ca&mia, Irvine,
surface finish and dimensional precision properties was investigated by means of electri- USA.) PM Science/Technology Briefs, Vol2, No 5, 2000,
attainable are considered in order to recqgnise cal conductivity and fractography to assess de- 5-9.
applications to be avoided and potential niche lubrication. with effects of process conditions Investigations of synthesis, by high-energy
areas which can be exploited. taken into account. Models were evaluated to cryogenic milling, and characterisation, by a

www.metal-powder.net MPR April 2002 39

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