DeadAir Seasons
DeadAir Seasons
DeadAir Seasons
quickstart v1
Game design and texts: Luca Vanin, Federico Scattolin
Game system: Alberto Tronchi
Text and content coordinator: Enrico Pasotti
Italian Editing and revisions: Francesco Chiaradia, Enrico Pasotti, Tommaso De Benetti
English translation and editing: Tommaso De Benetti, Tebra Hansing
Illustrations: Samuele Zardinoni
Layout: Daniel Comerci
Music: Carlos Barragán
Playtest e acknowledgements: Luca Vanin, Federico Scattolin, Tommaso De Benetti, Fabrizio
Infusino, Giorgio Catenacci, Valerio Votadoro, Riccardo Vacirca, FUngo, Rockfenberg, badjem79,
sami09, Oznerol, Gianmarco, Francesco, Neverend45, Boz the writer, Minosse29, Glace, Fujin, dario
idk, TheLost, Nazeleternel, PhoenixWrites, Schnerfle, Loggia degli Irrealisti, Kaeri
Our ecosystem was dying. All of humanity’s hope lay in Panacea: a scientific miracle
that would repair the damage caused by centuries of hubris and neglect. Within a
few short years that wonderful little bacterium – which was designed to feed on the
pollutants we’d so carelessly dumped – was able to restore balance between human
and nature. The air was finally clear again, the lands fertile, the forests flourishing.
Perhaps it was the sheer bulk of pollution to ingest. Maybe it was a flaw in the design
of Panacea itself. Whatever the cause, humanity only had the briefest flight of hope
before careening to the very brink of extinction.
Panacea, created to be our savior, had become the Blight. And nature was devouring
all as it reclaimed the lands it had lost.
Dead Air: Seasons is about those who struggle storytelling its main cornerstone, already
to survive the Blight, even as cities crumble popularized by the previous The World
around them under the vast weight of Anvil games (Broken Tales as well as
vegetation and souls lost to corruption others not yet translated in English).
known simply as the Awakened wander in ‣ The rules for creating the game Region,
search of prey to infect. What few survivors the stage on which the Characters will
exist seek to find a place within this new move, allowing you to recreate a real or
world; unwelcome guests in this wild and fictitious geographical area.
sometimes alien landscape, threatened as ‣ The rules for creating the Community
much by monstrous horrors as by their and the Characters, the protagonists of
own kind. All the while knowing that at the adventures of Dead Air: Seasons .
any moment, without any warning, they
‣ An extensive chapter on the consequences
or anyone they love might be lost to the
of the contagion: the Awakened, humans
change: yet another emissary of the Blight.
hopelessly contaminated by the Blight;
the Chimeras, horribly infected animals;
In the Dead Air: Seasons Core Book, soon on and other threats deriving from the
Backerkit Crowdfunding, you will find: Blight such as Crimson Zones, Fungal
‣ The story of the Blight, as seen through Colonies or Abnormal Mycelia.
the eyes of the survivors. ‣ The rules on how to generate Crises, the
‣ An overview of the world of Dead Air: engine of each adventure, and how their
Seasons and how the constant threat of epilogue will affect the following Seasons
the Blight has forced humans to reinvent of the game.
‣ The complete rules of Monad Echo, a
streamlined game system which makes
Dead Air: Seasons is a narrative RPG where: ‣ Equipment and weapons only serve to
support the narrative. Combat is not
‣ The Characters are part of a Community a simulation but is designed to create
which must fight to survive in cinematic and narratively tense action
complex conditions, as dictated by the scenes.
circumstances surrounding them.
‣ The passage of time (Seasons)
determines moments of change (Crisis)
for the whole Community. Choices made
by the players in these moments of crisis
have a concrete effect on the world, on
the Community, and on the advance of
the Blight itself.
The Themes of
Dead Air: Seasons
Dead Air: Seasons is inspired by a series of hostile world that makes it difficult to trust
works in the post-apocalyptic/zombie each other. In this vein, we recommend
apocalypse genre. However, it does so movies like Contagion, 28 Days Later, 28
by keeping people’s stories central. In Weeks Later, Mad Max: Fury Road, and
addition, the game explores the theme of Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
ecology, the consequences of mankind’s
destruction of natural environments, and Nature demands a tribute: the
the ill-concealed hope that things can be trajectory towards which the real world
fixed without any sacrifice on our part. is moving already clearly indicates an
inescapable destiny: humanity can begin
Stories of people: works in this vein to act now or destroy its only home,
include The Last of Us Part I and II, Station suffering the devastating consequences,
11, and The Road. Here, the relationships perhaps leading to a new balance where
between communities of people, mentor humankind could play a new role. You
and pupil, parent and child are the can learn more about the dramatic
core of the story. These works explore repercussions our planet is facing by
human ingenuity in difficult situations reading excerpts from the IPCC reports
and the abysses into which we can fall on climate change, following Extinction
when primordial instincts such as anger, Rebellion activists, or looking for one of
revenge, or hunger guide us. the many documentaries on the subject,
such as Racing Extinction. To find the right
A world that has changed forever: narrative tones within these themes, you
governments have collapsed and can also turn to fictional works like the
nations are in disarray, people gather in manga, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
communities for safety. Some as small as or TV series and films such as Sweet Tooth,
only a handful of survivors, others large Children of Men, Annihilation, or The Girl
enough to form a small village. In this With All the Gifts.
scenario, all interactions are filtered by a
The World of
Dead Air: Seasons
All of this could have been avoided, but we were greedy. We thought cleaning the
world could be an easy fix, that we could do it all without ever giving up those lovely
little comforts we stripped the planet clean to create. As if it were as easy as spilling
a cup of coffee and simply ordering another. We were wrong, and we lost everything.
I don’t know how many years have passed since the Days of the Blight, when Nature
began to rebel, and Humankind's era ended. When every day is a fight to survive, to
see the sun rise again with your humanity intact, concepts like time get lost along
the way. Those years were long, full of chaos and blood, but the situation has slowly
stabilized. Survivors have banded together, supporting each other in the quest to
reclaim a place in this world. It’s not easy.
Nature has overtaken every corner of the planet. Cities still teem with life, but where
once the streets roared with the sounds of mighty engines, now only beasts roam.
Skyscrapers, towering tributes to man’s ingenuity, have crumbled beneath the
implacable fingers of climbing vines. Once majestic bridges twist and sag beneath
the colossal weight of plant life grown too fast for the metal to hold. And through the
corpses of our lost cities packs of Wanderers hunt, making every moment we spend
in the open a deadly risk. Every day is a challenge against nature. Against the Blight.
I want to hope that there is a future for mankind. I want to believe that people can
rebuild a new world and I look forward to the day when we can feel safe again. But
perhaps these are just the longings of one who has seen too much death, who misses
their home and wants to believe these faint glimmers of hope are real. Maybe this
is nothing more than a brief respite, the last breath of a dying civilization. Our last
The World
This doesn’t look like the same city I was born in.
few years after the apocalypse balance of an ecosystem eroded through
broke out, those few survivors who human presence.
managed to not fall victim to the
Blight hide in isolated or well-protected The geographical area where Characters’
places. Beyond the walls of these adventures come to life is known as the
Communities, nature has reclaimed the Region. This is more than just the setting
spaces it had once lost, reinvigorated by of the game, it is a living organism born
the effects of the Blight. Towns have been around the table and it grows following
engulfed by vegetation, monstrosities that the rules that you will find in the complete
had once been human stalk the streets, Core Book of Dead Air: Seasons. The Region
and beasts build their nests and dens reveals itself at the same time as the
in the luxurious corpses of homes that Characters explore it and changes with
once belonged to the world elite. In just the passage of the Seasons, following the
one decade, the Blight has transformed game events.
the face of every continent, shifting the
A place to call home.
he Community is the place that the the passage of time through the ways
Characters call home. It is their Characters strengthen their relationships
family, and the engine of most of their with its members and face the Crises
stories. Through a series of co-authoring threatening it.
mechanics, each Player will be able to
participate in community building and In this Quickstart, there will be room
bring into play the themes that are most only for a taste of the Nemes Community,
dear to them. Following the instructions in enough to conduct the Railway Scenario,
the Core Book of Dead Air: Seasons, Players which you find at the end of this document.
will decide together the salient aspects The complete Dead Air: Seasons materials
that characterize their Community: how will offer more detailed information on
big it is, what distinguishes it from other this specific Community and many more.
groups of survivors, what its relationship
is with the Blight, and above all, which
personalities animate it.
My past, for better or for worse, has made me who I am now.
he protagonists of Dead Air: Seasons are experiences, but as the game progresses,
the individual survivors who band the Characters will learn new things about
together to form a Community. The themselves, changing
game is about those who firsthand face like all things: with
dangerous situations in order to give their the Seasons.
companions a chance to escape any of the
many dangers of this new world. What
they are today is the sum of their past
It can always get worse.
n Dead Air: Seasons, Characters face and that players can bring
resolve Crises, events that threaten into play, representing the Goals they
the survival and well-being of their have achieved in the long struggle for
Community. How they resolve Crises has a survival. Failing a Crisis on the other hand
direct impact on both the Community and escalates the situation, and represents a
the Region: positively resolving a Crisis Defeat for the Community.
loosens the Blight’s grip on the world and
grants the Community specific Descriptors
n Dead Air: Seasons the passage of These Seasons are intended to act as long
time is an important element and is narrative arcs that can span one or more
represented by the succession of the years, at the end of which the Region,
Seasons. Focusing on Community and Community, and Characters will no longer
Crises, the narrative advances quickly: be what they used to be.
each time a Crisis is resolved, the Master of
the Blight evaluates the degree of success
achieved by the Characters and fills one
to four boxes on a special counter. Filling
all the boxes marks the end of a Season.
s a guideline for getting into the ‣ Vestiges of the previous world remind
Dead Air: Seasons setting, keep these humanity of what it has lost and makes
simple points in mind: it difficult for them to see what it has
‣ Nature is prosperous, wild, and has gained in return.
already taken over much of what ‣ The Community is not only a place to
humanity has built. return to but also the people who make
‣ The Awakened are everywhere, but it up. Bonds between Characters and
often the real danger is represented by with NPCs (Non-Player Characters) are
other people. fundamental.
Getting started
ne of the Players will have to assume Sheet. To play you will also need a dozen
the role of Master of the Blight common 6-sided dice, of three different
and read this Quickstart in full. If colors. Divide them into these quantities: 6
some things aren’t immediately clear, (Standard) + 3 (Advantage) + 3 (Drawback).
don’t worry – many questions will have Finally, some tokens, should you wish to
been answered before the end. The other use them for tracking the Soma points of
players will have to choose one of the five each Character.
pre-generated Characters and read their
Role T
he task of the Master of the Blight
(hereafter abbreviated also to MB)
is to manage the game, the story,
and all the NPCs that the Characters will
of the
encounter. Railway, the Dead Air: Seasons
Scenario that we have included in this
Quickstart, provides the MB with all
the information they need to carry on
the events. However, it is important to
remember that the Scenario is not written
in stone and must adapt to not only the
decisions of the Characters but also the
of the
storytelling strengths of the MB in moving
the many surrounding characters.
If you are the MB and you are running
a Scenario, after the opening Scene
follow this pattern:
1 . Ask the Characters where they want
to go and what they want to do.
ach Scenario develops through
2 . Contextualize the new Scene by a sequence of Scenes. A Scene
saying where it takes place, when, and represents a specific moment of
what is happening. the narration and is characterized by a
well-defined where, when, and an initial
3 . Briefly introduce the new Scene and
situation, which constitutes the ideal stage
leave the floor to the Characters.
on which the Characters move. It is up to
4 . During the Scene, if an action the MB to manage the Scenes and decide
is uncertain or you act with an when to end a Scene and move on to the
Opponent/Threat, call a Position next one.
or Defense Check. Then start over,
leaving the floor to the Characters.
of a
ach Survivor is unique in their own
way and has a different story to
tell. If you are a Player, look at your
to follow your instincts when the odds directions, but also for improving your
are not on your side, or to approach Characters through experience.
cautiously an aspect of the Blight you’ve
never seen before.
flaws in your Descriptors, you may mark ach adverse element of the Scenario
the box next to that Descriptor in order to can be defined as either an Opponent
gain XP (Experience Points). (i.e. a Non-Player Character managed
by the MB) or a Threat (a natural element,
Gifts are powerful skills or knowledge a Blight effect, or in general anything that
that allow you to do things that only a is not an NPC).
person trained or experienced in their Opponents and Threats are always
field can do. They can also be special characterized by some to all of the
resources (items or relationships) that you following attributes:
can use to your advantage. You can use
‣ Opposition Level (OL): the number of
them whenever the opportunity arises.
Successes to be reached or exceeded in
Position and Defense Checks. The OL is
Soma quantifies your inner strength. You
determined by the MB (see "ASSIGNING
can spend Soma to increase your chances
of succeeding in an action each time you
bring a Descriptor into play. ‣ Descriptor: a short sentence that
describes the Opponent or Threat.
Wounds are an indicator of your ability to The Descriptor is used to manage the
withstand injury and trauma, be it mental narration and to modify the OL by +1 if
or physical, and they also determine how the Character is taken by surprise or has
long you can stay in action before being no means to counter the Descriptor. If
knocked out or killed. the Character uses the Descriptor in his
favor, instead, the OL can be lowered by
Bonds with NPCs are primarily intended 1.
to provide narrative cues to the MB and to ‣ Wounds: indicates the number of
serve as a resource for the Characters, who Wounds that the Opponent can endure.
can use them to utilize NPCs for guidance, Only Opponents, as NPCs, have Wounds.
support, or other types of exchanges. ‣ Gifts: special abilities and powers. The
Bonds with other Characters serve instead Scenario lists those specific to Threats
to challenge group relationships. For the and Opponents. Feel free to also use
purpose of this Quickstart, use Bonds as them for elements created on the fly.
indications of how specific Characters
and NPCs stand with each other. In the
Core Book of Dead Air: Seasons, you’ll find
that exploring Bonds is not only useful
for evolving the story in interesting
The Position Check
When a Character takes any kind of action, the MB must ask:
Is the Character acting against an opposition Is the Character defending from an opposition
(Opponent/Threat) to carry out their action? (Opponent/Threat) that is acting against
If the answer is yes, then the MB calls a
Position Check. If the answer is yes, then the MB calls a
This applies whenever the active action of Defense Check.
the Character is hindered by the presence This applies to any moment where the
of an external element (for example character must react to a narrative
moving through dangerous terrain, or the action taken against them by the MB.
activation of an Opponent or Threat), and This is typically in the form of Threats or
when a possible Failure is interesting for Opponents actively working to prevent the
the purposes of the narrative. Character from getting what they want.
The MB never rolls the dice! The MB calls Position Checks when a Character acts and
the result is not obvious; they ask for a Defense Check when they act with Opponents
and Threats against a Character.
When a Position
or Defense Check
is called
The Master of the Blight
‣ Decides if and how to adjust the OL of the Opponent or Threat. The OL is the number
of Successes that the Character must reach or exceed in the Position and Defense
‣ Changes the OL by +/- 1 based on:
‣ The situation and the narrative position of Opponents and Character.
‣ The equipment (weapons, equipment, and the like) of those involved in the fight.
‣ The abilities of Opponents and Characters.
‣ Identifies the Attribute to be used in the Check based on the description of the action
provided by the Character.
The Character
‣ Checks if one of their Descriptors can help with the action: if so, the player explains
how and gets the chance to spend Soma points.
‣ Compares their Base Successes (equal to the Attribute in use) with the Opponent’s
or Threat’s OP. To get a positive Outcome, the Character must try to obtain a total of
Successes (given by the sum of Base Successes and Additional Successes) that can at
least equal the OP they are facing.
‣ Chooses the type of Outcome they are aiming for, modifying the goal value accordingly:
‣ Outcome with a Cost (Base Opposition Level).
‣ Standard Outcome (Opposition Level + 1).
‣ Outcome with an Increment (Opposition Level + 2).
‣ Resolves any Advantage or Drawback dice rolled. Advantage and Drawback Dice:
‣ Cancel each other out with a 1: 1 ratio.
‣ Are limited to a maximum of 3 dice in a single Check.
To get the ADDITIONAL SUCCESS needed:
‣ They can spend Soma from their ‣ They can decide to roll one or more
reserve to get 1 Additional Success for Standard Dice and hope to get an
each point invested, but only if they Additional Success for each die rolled.
brought a Descriptor into play. Dice are rolled all at once.
The standard Opposition Levels are:
Opposition Difficulty
Based on the result of the Position and If the Scene leads to a conflict, the MB
Defense Checks, a Cost or an Increment takes into account who has acted and
can be generated. Its nature is decided by does not make them act again until all
the MB: the participants in the conflict have had
the opportunity to intervene. This way to
‣ A Cost is a narrative disadvantage,
establish turns is called Exchange.
such as spending too much time or
consuming a resource in performing
the action. Alternatively, the Character
takes a Drawback dice (-1 Base Success) AUTOMATIC POSITIVE
on his next action or suffers 1 Wound.
‣ An Increment is some kind of narrative
advantage, such as spending less time It may happen that the sum of Base
to perform an action or getting into Successes + Additional Successes
a better position following an attack. reaches or exceeds the OL determined
Alternatively, the Character gains 1 by the MB. In this case, the action
Additional Success on their next action already has a positive Outcome. How
or that of an ally. good the Outcome is, is determined as
explained on page 21.
Suffering a Wound
hen suffering a Wound, as an effect affect what a Character can do and the OL
of a failed Defense Check or as a Cost of what it faces.
for one of their actions, the Player When they suffer their final Wound, the
must describe what form that damage Character is knocked out or killed. The
takes and then note it in the appropriate MB, based on the situation, will decide
space on their Sheet. Wounds narratively their fate.
and Awakening
n Dead Air: Seasons , death is not the Within a single Scene, a Character cannot
end. The Blight works tirelessly to suffer Contamination Points multiple
preserve its hosts, and every human times from the same Blight vector.
who dies returns to walk in the form of
Awakened within a short time. However, When a Character’s Contamination
the Awakening can also take hold while value exceeds the Point of No Return
the host is still alive, in the event that the (PNR), the Character becomes a Walker
spore amount of Blight inside their body Between Worlds (or simply Walker):
becomes excessive. their appearance changes and they can
Each Character has a Contamination manifest special powers related to the
score starting at 0 points. Each time the Blight, but risk mutating into an Awakened
Character is exposed to the Blight, their at any moment.
Contamination value increases, according
to the following guidelines: The standard value of the PNR is 10 (but
‣ 1 Contamination Point: suffering a can be modified by some Gifts).
Wound, inhaling/ingesting liquids or
gases full of spores, passing without The Core Book of Dead Air: Seasons will
protection in a place where many present the rules for Characters subject
Awakened are gathered. to this condition. For now, just know
that a Character who passes the PNR has
‣ 2 Contamination Points: moving within
time to complete one last Scene with a
a Crimson Zone or being exposed to the
heroic gesture (if they wish) before being
Crimson Wind without protection.
withdrawn from the game.
‣ 3 Contamination Points: walking inside
a Fungal Colony without protection.
uring their adventures, the Characters ‣ What if the Character cannot obtain
will have to collect information the information alone? Tell them who
relating to the environment in has it or how they can get it: this will
which they move, which is essential to generate a new Scene.
continue with the story. Not obtaining ‣ Getting the information doesn’t hinder
this information due to a failed Position the narrative but gives the Character
Check can lead to the story becoming stuck, an advantage? In this case, ask the
frustrating the Players. Player for a Position Check.
A New
Season is
about to
he rules you just read allow you
to play the Railway Scenario for
a preview of the full experience,
but this is just a taste of what Dead Air:
Seasons has to offer. Creating a Region
with its Sectors and conflicts, defining
the Community, establishing Bonds,
and seeing the evolution of Crises and
Seasons are all mechanics that shine in
the medium-long term, and therefore fall
outside the goals of this Quickstart. A new
season is about to begin… will you survive
Railway is an introductory Scenario, the and Slovenia. This paragraph will help you
first Act of a longer game campaign that contextualize places and events, but with
will be featured during the Backerkit the necessary changes, you can set Railway
Crowdfunding campaign of Dead Air: in another area of the world with more
Seasons. familiar characteristics.
of the
first to fall, becoming an inexhaustible
reservoir of Awakened. Near the mountain
ranges, cities morph into villages and
nature dominates the horizon, burying
destination and merchant port until a few
years ago. Further north one can find the
Trieste region.
The events of Railway take place in Istria, In the south, the plain is rich and luxuriant.
a small peninsula on the Adriatic whose In this vast territory, the Communities
territory is divided between Italy, Croatia, of survivors are few and far between.
Moving in this environment is often willing to risk.
dangerous, not only due to the presence of The Istrian region allows for great
the Awakened but also because the open adventures where wide wild spaces
ground and sparse cover is a favorite alternate with sites of urban ruins of the
hunting ground for marauders or raiders past era. Here the survivors, organized in
out for scouting. It used to be possible to Communities, compete for the territory
cross the peninsula from coast to coast in with Blight and looters. Not everyone,
a few hours by car; now it takes days, even however, will see the start of the next
weeks, to cover the distance depending Season.
on how many cut corners the traveler is
The diagram below is useful to keep track
of the evolution of the Scenes. You can use
weather conditions to mark the passage of
time and communicate haste, danger, or
moments of tranquility.
Railway Synopsis
for the MB
A ruthless paramilitary group has the paramilitary’s lead too great to catch
kidnapped Kisha, a young girl from the with the horses, the Characters are forced
Nemes Community, and is taking her to to turn to a broken down old steam engine
the city of Koper. The Characters pursue to reach Koper in time. The Characters
the kidnappers, not only to save their will need to recover the missing part for
companion but also because Kisha is the the engine, generating potentially terrible
only one capable of taming the “Mighty consequences, and from there begin their
Keeper,” the ferocious Chimera who journey in search of their lost companion...
follows the Community of Nemes. With
Master of the Blight: Raise the tension ‣ The Characters are armed. Players
until things are getting really bad and should describe how. They also have
only then introduce the cliffhanger (a heavy backpacks on their shoulders, full
landslide). of equipment they thought they could
Introduction to the hand, lower it when the Character can use
the situation to their advantage. If you are
Scene unsure, use the standard OL.
If you find it useful, you can also create
Your legs hurt and the air in your lungs a new Threat with a Descriptor and OL
is running out. It’s cold, it’s raining, and appropriate to the Scene (see examples
it’s dark. These are certainly not the
ideal conditions to escape from a group
of pursuers who are angry that you’ve
stolen a precious spare part, but there Rain and darkness: visibility is poor and
was nothing else you could do. Time was the ground is slippery, all actions where
short and diplomacy was going nowhere. the Character is not pausing long enough
However, this is not the time to think about to plan and adjust for these variables are
complex solutions because the barking of affected.
dogs is getting closer and closer. You just
have to focus on not getting caught and
how to get through a dark forest full of If all the Characters can move in the open
obstacles before their bullets hit you. What field without complications, then unless
do you do? they waste too much time, only a couple
of dogs reach them.
Master of the Blight: Based on the
Players’ narration, decide how to proceed.
There are only two realistic possibilities: Threats
keep running away or face pursuers.
A Threat is an existing situation that can
Make it clear that staying hidden in the
cause hindrance or Wounds. Typically this
greenery, with dogs on their heels, is not
is an adverse condition, an area under
a realistic prospect. Make it also clear that
surveillance, or a structural risk. A Threat
the Characters are on a mountainside,
can have Gifts that activate under specific
deep in the forest. There are no shelters,
conditions if the Characters fail a Defense
only rain, trees, mud, and the black
blanket of night. Wherever they go, they
will leave traces. Moving in the open
allows them to leave the pursuers behind
faster, but some lookout snipers stationed
Snipers in the Trees
in raised areas monitor the area well
and have been alerted. Conversely, the OL 5
forest underbrush shelters the characters Descriptor: We keep all enemies in the
from snipers but is slower to cross and open at gunpoint and shoot mercilessly.
protected by numerous hidden alarms.
Gift - If You Move You are Dead: When
they spot a target in the open field, snipers
Darkness and rain can hinder everyone’s
keep it at gunpoint with their sights. If the
actions depending on their recklessness.
Characters move out from the cover of the
Ask yourself: Is this action made more
forest brush and fail a Position Check, they
complex by darkness and pouring rain?
are immediately spotted. A sniper will
Is anyone using flashlights to light the
shoot at the first useful opportunity and as
way? Are they likely to slip by doing this?
long as the Character remains in the open
Depending on who is acting, raise or lower
field they will be considered “marked”,
the Position or Defense Check OL by 1.
suffering a Drawback Die in each Check.
Raise it when the enemy has the upper
Hidden Alarms Gift - Hunting Dogs: Dogs can attack twice
per Exchange. Dogs will always know
OL 5 where a Character they smell is, and will
Descriptor: Clusters of tin cans and junk be able to take them by surprise.
that make noise when touched.
Read the following:
The rain does not stop pouring down, you
Scene 2 - The Community
are soaked, tired and the end of this battle
is nowhere in sight. Suddenly you feel the
earth shake. Looking upwards you hear a
loud rumble getting closer and closer. The
In this Scene
This Scene is set between the evening
mountain is collapsing! There is no time to
of Day 1 and the early hours of Day 2,
get to safety.
approximately 24 hours before Scene 1.
Reset Soma, Wounds, and use of Gifts to
their starting levels. If a Gift can be used
Landslide once per Crisis, and was used in Scene
A piece of mountain that has detached 1, it should be considered used already.
due to excess rain and the non-existent Here we introduce some dynamics
maintenance of the area. related to the Community. In addition, the
Characters will be able to interact with the
OL 7
rest of the survivors and understand how
Descriptor: No one can escape, but anyone Bonds work. It is also the right occasion to
who has not found shelter will be hit harder. talk about Crises.
No Gift.
What the Characters Introduction to the
know Scene
‣ The Characters are found in the small Autumn has now tinged the leaves of the
station of Novaki, in the Pazin area, trees with ocher and red, a sign that winter
where they caught up with Celeste, is upon us. Today is a particularly hot and
sunny day, the right occasion for some to go
Leonardo, Stanislao, and Caterina,
to the nearby waterfalls to spend some time
whom you’ve met some time earlier.
relaxing and thus escape from the chores
‣ The new allies come from the Trieste of the Community. You are in what used to
region. They met at Camp 26, a settled be the Novaki train station together with
Community of survivors specializing as your allies from Trieste, waiting for the
a trading post, when their paths crossed. engine to be repaired after another group
of survivors attempted to steal the train.
‣ Celeste was a railway police woman The area is safe and those few Awakened
whose family was taken away by the you saw nearby have been eliminated and
Blight. their bodies buried safely underground.
‣ Leonardo was an engineering student Everyone here at the camp is busy with
with a passion for radio communications. something. It feels like one of those rare
moments of tranquility that the world of
‣ Stanislao was a railway worker and the Blight deceptively offers from time to
maintainer. He dreams of a world where time.
man and nature can live in harmony.
‣ Catherine was a pharmaceutical
Master of the Plague: Scenes involving
researcher who is now studying the
the Community are particularly important
Blight. She is never far from her dog,
for two reasons – first of all, because
they create that sense of belonging and
‣ While the Characters and the rest of the security that every survivor yearns for
caravans are protecting the train, some in an increasingly alien and dangerous
members of the Community have gone world; secondly because they allow you to
to the nearby Zarečki Krov waterfalls. strengthen the social dynamics between
That group is composed by: Tihomir, the members of the Community.
Kisha, Goran and Celeste.
something or the scents of the food being will be able to play them when their main
cooked. The more you can communicate Character is off Scene.
the concept that the Community is a place Here are some ideas you can use, feel free
worth protecting, the stronger the emotion to add more.
you can arouse during a Crisis.
The interpersonal relationships between Misha, Leonardo and Stanislao are
the Characters and the rest of the intent on repairing the damaged engine.
Community are not only intended to They are swearing out loud and having an
deepen the social dynamics but serve to animated discussion.
emotionally bind the Characters to the ‣ Questions for Misha: Misha’s latest puppet
rest of the survivors. Bonds can be used show moved you. Why?; You know a
as motivating elements during the course secret about Misha’s past, which one?
of the Crisis. The Core Book of the game
includes extended mechanics regarding ‣ Questions for Leonardo: What did
Bonds; for this demonstrative adventure, Leonardo tell you about his past as
just manage them narratively, letting the a student?; Once Leonardo picked up
Characters know more about the people a transmission with his radio, what
they spend most of their time with. Use information was he able to learn?
the Bonds section in the Sheets to give ‣ Questions for Stanislao: Why isn’t
Players ideas for interacting with other Stanislao so opposed to the Blight in your
Characters or NPCs, and outline even opinion?; Stanislao once told you about
those they don’t interact with, especially a strange train accident, which one and
the NPCs who have gone to the falls. At this why did he think it was suspicious?
stage, it is important to make it clear that
the Community is extensive and that there
is a network of relationships between all Nemes and Caterina are lighting a fire for
its members. dinner as the sun sets and Nobel wanders
around wagging his tail.
Before a Character starts a free ‣ Questions for Nemes: What did Nemes
conversation with one of the NPCs, ask tell you about his roots?; What, in your
them one of the suggested questions or opinion, has been the most difficult
improvise one, and let the Player tell you decision for Nemes since leading the
what they know about that NPC. In the full caravan?
Dead Air: Seasons Core Book, we’ll explain ‣ Questions for Caterina: Caterina studies
how these questions help you create
the Blight. What is she convinced she
Supporting NPCs collaboratively. Players
discovered?; Where did she find her dog
Nobel, and what does she say she saved by wrinkles. His spirit is still strong and
him from? always jovial.
Danica cradles Nada (the daughter she ‣ Tihomir is one of the earliest members
had with Goran) sitting on a chair in the and a pillar of the Community. Suffering
shade of the arbor of the old railway, while from Down’s Syndrome, he immediately
some sparrows play chasing each other on developed his connection with the
the eaves above her. Blight, becoming a Provectus (see page
37). Thanks to this, he obtained
‣ Questions for Danica: Danica told you superhuman strength and endurance.
some stories from her time as an actress,
Under the leadership of Nemes, he put
what did she tell you?; What was her
these extraordinary abilities in service
worst experience before meeting Goran,
of the needy. Always smiling and caring,
and how did she join the caravan?
Tihomir is a man with a heart of gold
and the most tenacious defender of his
Stevo draws in his notebook, immersed in family.
memories. The red setting sun stretches ‣ When civilization collapsed under
its shadow: lonely as always, Stevo almost the weight of the Blight, Stevo was
seems to disappear inside of it. a biologist from Zagreb engaged in
‣ Questions for Stevo: Why did Stevo fail research on the Istrian wildlife. After
to return to Zagreb joining the Nemes countless but unsuccessful attempts to
Community instead?; What did he tell return home, he joined the Community
you about his family? of Nemes. Mild-tempered, calm, soft and
silent, he’s destroyed by the sense of
guilt for having given up on reuniting
Feel free to come up with more questions with his family. Today he never misses
for the NPCs not listed here, based on their an opportunity to indulge in his vices in
descriptions. order to appease the demon that gnaws
at his soul.
After describing the different situations
‣ Kisha, like Tihomir, has been part of the
in the Community, ask Players what they
Nemes family from the very beginning.
want to do. The complete Dead Air: Seasons
The circumstances of her birth have
material includes all the details, Gifts and
marked the way she perceives the
Descriptors of the Nemes Community.
world: dealing with Kisha is not easy,
Some of these mechanics don’t come
she rarely speaks and when she does it’s
into play in this Quickstart, so feel free to
usually gibberish. Sometimes she stares
handle all narratively.
into space or acts as if she is talking to
ghosts. On these occasions only Tihomir
Some background information on the
or Nemes can calm her down. Many in
members of the Nemes Community:
the Community believe that her state
‣ Nemes is the leader of the caravan. of mind is closely related to the secret
He descends from a long dynasty of concerning her birth, but the head of the
nomads and is the last survivor of Community has always been reluctant
his old Community. No one questions to divulge the details.
his authority, and his decisions have
‣ Danica has always had a passion
so far always proved to be right and
for acting. Her dream of entering
convenient for everyone. Now over fifty,
the Academy of Dramatic Arts of the
Nemes is an old man with a face marked
University of Zagreb was about to
come true when everything changed Give everyone a moment in the spotlight,
because of the Blight. She is an outgoing play with other NPCs, make the Community
and creative individual with a strong a pleasant, dynamic and familiar place.
personality. Danica has witnessed some It is important to include in the
horrible things, but since she joined the conversation the NPCs who are not present
family her soul has calmed down. She in the Scene: Tihomir, Celeste, Goran and
has also found love in Goran. especially Kisha. An interesting way to do
‣ Goran was a young carpenter who this is by prompting another character to
worked in a small village near Opatija. tell an anecdote or rumor about them, or
When the apocalypse struck, Goran to recount a discussion they were involved
sought refuge with his family away in.
from the main cities. But the Blight
caught up with them, one after another,
leaving him as the only survivor. When
Manage Interactions
he joined the Community, Goran was a It is not always easy to play social
broken man. Nemes, along with others, interactions where some topics can be
gave him a reason to continue living intimate or unpleasant. As a MB, do not
force topics to continue if you can see that
despite everything.
there is embarrassment or discomfort
‣ Misha cleverly hides his past. Some from the Players. These scenes are
believe he was a man of arms but no one intended to instill a sense of attachment
can confirm it, given his reluctance to and loyalty towards the Community, so
talk about it. In his fifties, with a strong it’s important to create a comfortable
physique, a thick beard and small and environment around the table. The more
intelligent eyes, he is a hard worker who a Player will be at ease in social dynamics,
never says no. He helps the Community the easier it will be to conduct the Session
and create that cozy Community feeling
with a small puppet theater and loves
Players will want to protect.
to entertain children, towards whom he
has a strong protective instinct.
‣ Adam is Nemes’ right-hand man. He
comes from the city of Rijeka, where
End of the Scene
he was a man of power within the After giving the Characters time to interact
Community of soldiers that now controls with each other and with other members
those lands. His skills have often of the Community, read the following:
proved essential to the survival of the The sun has now set over the trees that
Community, but his extremely cautious surround the Novaki railway station.
approach aimed at avoiding any kind of The sky is filling up quickly with big dark
clouds and in the distance you can hear the
conflict is the result of a bloodstained
thunder of an impending storm. You can
past. hear the fire crackling, the chatter of your
‣ Dragan is a man as huge as he is mild companions and the shriek of a lonely owl
and peaceful. He spent most of his life watching you from afar. Adam and Nemes
isolated in the woods, relying only on converse at the edge of the fire: concern is
his own strength to survive. Today he is clear on their faces. You too feel the tension
an expert hunter who leads the caravan when you realize that Tihomir and the
others have not yet returned from the falls.
through the wilds, keeping it out of
Moments later you see a figure emerging
harm’s way. Dragan is a Provectus, from the surrounding forest.
like Tihomir, as reflected by his bright
green-rimmed irises.
Scene 3 - The Crisis Provectus are unique human beings,
capable of dominating the power of
the Blight, performing actions that are
nothing short of miraculous. Think of
In this Scene him as a special NPC.
Crises are the trigger for your adventures
in the world of Dead Air: Seasons. These are
events that threaten the survival of the
Community, important narrative junctions
that are not comparable to small routine
obstacles. A Crisis is always a cause for
tension and concern: failure to overcome
it could lead to dramatic consequences for
all survivors.
‣ The Triestines help Celeste, who is part
of their group.
The Zarečki Krov
‣ Stevo begins to move back and forth
in a nervous tic, babbling something
The falls are no more than a ten-minute
walk from base camp.
‣ Misha runs to the weapons wagon,
anticipating a possible battle. Read the following:
‣ The owl takes off across the field. Even though the moon shines high in the
‣ The forest itself becomes quieter as the sky, the crowns of the trees make it difficult
light from the bonfire begins to fade, to see clearly where you are walking. Away
making the shadows surrounding the from the fire, the autumn cold chills your
bones and your breath condenses in front of
characters even darker.
your face. Fortunately, the journey is short.
When you emerge from the treeline, what
Now ask the Characters what they want you see is a lake whose waters churn from
to do: talk to Tihomir or run to the falls the cascade of a waterfall about thirty feet
high. Here the moonlight allows you to see
in search of Goran and Kisha? If the
what happened clearly.
Characters stop to ask Tihomir more
than two questions, they will find Goran Scattered along your lake shore are a dozen
transformed into an Awakened in the corpses but no trace of Goran or Kisha. The
following section. signs of the recent struggle are clear on
their bodies and the nature of their injuries
can only lead back to Tihomir’s inhuman
strength: broken bones, shattered faces and
cracked chests as if a cannon had hit them
in full. The smell of blood spoils the air and
the first growths of the Blight are about to
sprout on these horribly disfigured bodies.
Your attention focuses on two distinct
cries: from the top of the waterfall, comes
a sound too hoarse to still be considered
a scream, accompanied by the wet grunts
you’ve grown all too familiar with: the
sound of the Awakened feeding; the other
sound, closer to a pained groan, comes
from deep in the woods, to the left of the
The Situation Classes of Awakened
‣ At the top of the waterfall is a survivor In the Core Book of Dead Air: Seasons you
from the group who attacked the will find out that Awakened are classified
Characters’ companions, but he won’t into various Classes that serve different
live much longer. Some Awakened are purposes in the Blight ecosystem. Each
dining on his body, which is already of these Classes contains one or more
deforming by the work of the Blight. If types of Opponent. If we had to establish
the Characters want to question him, a rough hierarchical order, from least to
most dangerous, the Classes are: Horde,
they must act quickly.
Reinforcements, Specialists, Predators,
‣ Goran is not visible among the corpses. Protectors, Mothers.
Perhaps the groan from the woods is
Awakened Horde Class - Wanderers
Master of the Blight: Wanderers are human subjects with a low
degree of mutation. Their original features
‣ At the top of the waterfall there are as are largely recognizable, although entire
many Awakened as there are Characters. portions of their body may be covered with
Some are the reanimated bodies of the fungal growths or plant extensions. They
assailants that Tihomir and the others tend to come together in herds, united
killed. perhaps by common memories. Wanderers
use sight and hearing to locate the target
‣ The waterfall emerges from a rocky and charge it. They are strong and fast,
wall. The ground above it is slippery but unfortunately they ignore any kind of
and the risk of falling is high. To get to environmental danger and it is therefore
the top, one needs to climb. relatively easy to outwit or trap them.
‣ Goran has crawled into the forest in OL 4
search of refuge. If the Characters have Descriptor: We are an unstoppable force
wasted time talking to Tihomir for too as a pack, but alone we show our weakness.
long, Goran will have already become
an Awakened. If not, they will find him Wounds: 1
dying, too exhausted and in pain to
crawl further. Gift - Horde: Used to hunting in groups,
Wanderers try to outnumber their prey.
‣ Ask the Characters if they head to the
If this happens, the target receives 1
top of the waterfall, into the woods first,
Drawback Die for all actions taken against
or if the party splits up.
and to defend from the pack.
When all the Awakened have been If the Characters have wasted too much
killed, the Characters will be able to talk time talking to Tihomir
to the survivor of the commando who The Characters arrived late: they will find
kidnapped Kisha. The man, however, will Goran lying face down. Behind him a trail
not be able to say much. All they will be of blood will be clearly visible. Goran has
able to discover amounts to: just turned into a Wanderer (refer to page
39), but from what they see when they
‣ His boss is called the “Ghost of Koper” find him the change is not immediately
and it’s to the city of Koper that they are obvious. Anyone who tries to rescue him
taking Kisha. will have to do a Defense Check or be
‣ Someone in her group heard of Kisha at
Camp 26 and they have been following
the Community of Nemes ever since. Master of the Blight: describe how the
old companion has his features deformed
‣ His companions have horses and know
by the Blight (a disarticulated jaw, semi-
the valleys, the Characters will never
transparent skin showing a tangle of
reach them in time.
purple capillaries...), and that before
attacking them he seems to hesitate, as if
Ask the Players what they want to do with he has a vague memory of his previous
the bodies of the other attackers. Sooner or life and is confused by the hostility
later they will turn into Awakened or give of his companions. Even the gurgles
birth to Abnormal Mycelia – a formless Goran emits seem to call their names...
pile of fungal outgrowths which spread Depending on how the Characters describe
the spores of the Blight into the air – and their relationship with Goran and his
contaminate the whole area. family, they may have to pass a Defense
Check before attacking him, paralyzed by
the tremendous discovery.
Regarding Goran:
If the characters rushed to the falls This ruthless turnaround will surely throw
the Community into despair, especially
When the Characters find him he will tell Danica.
them about how his group was attacked,
about the fight and how he fell from Close the Scene by returning to base camp.
the waterfall into the lake. When he
regained consciousness the battle was
already over and, feeling his wounds too
severe, dragged himself into the woods
away from the camp to await his fate.
Goran can be mortally wounded, but if
you find the possibility of him mutating
into an Awakened too ruthless, give the
Characters the chance to rescue him.
Talking to Tihomir preferred not to tell you anything about it,
but it is thanks to the girl that the “Mighty
The same information known by the Keeper” has allowed us to move safely in
attacker at the waterfall can also be these territories. Kisha has the power to
retrieved by talking to Tihomir, even if control that creature and now that she’s
the conversation is slow and confusing. gone I’m afraid the Keeper’s fury may fall
upon us. But that’s not the only thing that
His voice is weak and his words unclear
worries me: I’m terrified that Kisha would
due to the strain and injuries he sustained.
be sold and subjected to unspeakable
This is what he will tell as the bright green perversions. She doesn’t deserve it and
light in his eyes grows duller: we have to do everything we can to make
sure that doesn’t happen. They are headed
We were playing with water and everyone for Koper and are moving on horseback.
was laughing. Kisha was happy and laughed The situation does not look good. Adam,
more than anyone else. Goran said he was Dragan, do you think we could reach them?
coming back to camp when those men on
horseback came from behind the trees. One
snuck behind Goran, hit him in the head Master of the Blight: The Nemes
and he fell down the water. There were Community is stalked by a fearsome
many, so many. At least twenty. I fought like Chimera – creatures which are the fate
Adam taught me but I couldn’t stop them of animals that succumb to the Blight –
all. They took her. They took Kisha and fled. which often wreaks havoc among the
I tried to stop them but couldn’t. I’m sorry, Nemes survivors. For some reason, it also
I’m so sorry...
seems to protect the settlement from the
I was on the ground and couldn’t move, but
even if I couldn’t see anything I could hear most serious threats. This reason, known
them. Kisha was crying and screaming to some, is Kisha, who manages to keep
when one of them said to ride fast towards it at bay. Without Kisha, the Chimera is a
Koper, without stopping. He said that Kisha time bomb ready to detonate.
was a precious thing and that they would
sell her for a good price. He said their
leader would be happy with the spoils. But
Kisha is not spoils, Kisha is my friend. What Adam and Dragan know
Adam: Koper is surrounded by a vast
Tihomir, tired and exhausted from his forest, which over time has become a
wounds, will doze off shortly after and Crimson Zone, and is considered by
at that moment Nemes will appear, all to be a city fallen completely to the
summoning the Characters. Awakened, to the point that he did not
believe that there were any Communities
in the area. From what he has learned,
Nemes’ Order by personal observation or through
third party reports, the way in which
After the group returns from the falls and
the kidnappers have moved and their
Tihomir tells what happened, Nemes will
equipment indicates that they are highly
talk to all and then explain the situation in
trained individuals.
a worried tone:
Dragan: Horses are an insurmountable
advantage. It is impossible to reach
Kisha was kidnapped by someone prepared,
them on foot and the advantage gained
someone who was aiming for her. Kisha is
increases every day. The attackers will be
not only a dear girl from our community,
she is also our salvation. I would have in Koper within two to three days.
The intervention of the End of the Scene
Triestines Read out loud:
You load your gear over your shoulders. It
Triestines suggest that by using their train
is almost dawn now and there is no time
it would be possible for the rescuers to
to waste. Clouds struggle with the moon
travel to Koper much faster, but to do so to take control of the sky just as the warm
they need a new valve, something that light of the fire battles the darkness of the
cannot be built quickly. Fortunately, they night. As you walk away, even if you cannot
have heard that a Community not too clearly see the faces of your companions,
far from the station has what’s needed, you understand the anguish that weighs on
provided they are willing to barter. their shoulders, and yours. Your mind goes
longingly to the scent of hot food and the
cheerful noise of a group of companions
that rang in the camp just a few hours
Nemes’ decision earlier. A long walk awaits you.
Nemes orders Misha to find items worth
trading and deliver them into the hands
of the Characters.
Scene 4 - Awakening decided to hide here, away from everyone.
Unfortunately for them, the arrival of the
Characters will upset everything.
In this Scene
The Characters will find themselves faced What the Characters
with a choice: to go back to Kisha’s search
as soon as possible by abandoning Dimitri’s know
Community to its fate or to waste time ‣ They were swept away by the landslide
and fight for what is right. The purpose and lost consciousness.
of this Scene is to show that every action
‣ They don’t know how long it’s been.
of the Characters will have repercussions
not only on their Community but also ‣ They don’t know where they are.
on others. This Scene occurs after the
flashback ends and resumes from the
conclusion of Scene 1, a few hours after
the landslide.
Introduction to the
Master of the Blight: The bargaining When your eyes open, the first thing you see
for the valve Scene will not be played and are the lights of a few candles illuminating
can be left to the players’ imagination: we the ceiling of what appears to be a hut. A
know it went wrong, encourage them to moment later the pain sets in. You have
tell you why. probably lost consciousness as you were
dragged downstream by the stream of
earth, rock and trees that overwhelmed
The Characters have been overwhelmed you. The pain you feel is the reward for still
by the collapse of the mountain and now being alive.
awaken in a small Community of exiles.
Almost everyone in this remote settlement After the first moans the door opens and
is a “Walker Between Worlds,” a condition a figure enters. The dim light is enough
to see that the person is holding a pot. An
that occurs when an individual passes
amazing scent of soup fills the air. His body
their Point of No Return and the Blight is cloaked in layers of fabric, certainly not
begins to operate in their body. In this of industrial manufacture. Behind him a
state the subject is not yet Awakened and little girl, about Kisha’s age, peeps out.
retains all abilities, yet their fate is sealed. Memories of the first time you met your
Many decide to leave their Community kidnapped companion immediately come
of origin so as not to endanger it, but the to mind.
need to survive leads them to gather in
groups. Dimitri’s Community is precisely Master of the Blight: Ask each Character
one of these peculiar collectives. About to briefly describe this first encounter
ten individuals live here, all with a with Kisha, then read on.
unique story to tell. What unites them
is their particular condition and the
fear of neighboring Communities that Bringing you back from your thoughts, the
consider them too close to the Blight not voice of your host urges the girl to offer you
to be dangerous. For this reason they have soup. After placing a cup on the table in
front of you, she goes back and takes cover
behind the cloaked man.
The following are answers to the questions
the Characters will likely ask to Dimitri
Master of the Blight: your task here and Kristina:
is to put on display one ancestral side of
‣ Walkers are not contagious.
human society – fear of the other. Allow
the Characters to interact with their host ‣ The body of a Walker manifests the
Dimitri so that they figure out where they symptoms of the infection differently,
are and let them understand the peril depending on the triggering cause.
this Community is facing so that they can Not all become Walkers, some change
decide whether to help them. Here are directly, depending on the degree of
some ideas you can use: contagion.
‣ It is early morning, although here, at the
bottom of the valley, the light has yet to
‣ Dimitri belonged to a Community a shine through. The Characters have lost
few days’ walk south. When their camp quite a few hours.
was attacked by a Relentless (a type
‣ Dimitri knows the quickest way back
of Awakened capable of commanding
to the Community the Characters come
others) he fought for a long time, saving
from and has no qualms about revealing
his comrades. Due to his injuries, the
it, as long as the Characters promise not
contagion led him to “Walk Between
to talk about this place.
Worlds”. Those in his condition are
called “Walkers”. For the good of the
Community he had to say goodbye to his
children and his wife. The pursuers arrive
‣ Kristina, the little girl who accompanies
After talking to Dimitri and getting
Dimitri, doesn’t talk much. She was
back on their feet, the Characters are
found by some members of the
interrupted while still inside the hut. Read
Community in an old abandoned house.
the following:
Attracted by the screams, they arrived
in time to save Kristina from the attacks
A great noise from outside attracts your
of her own mother, now a Wanderer.
attention. The howling and barking of dogs
The wounds the little girl sustained
let you know that your pursuers are still
while trying to save herself were severe looking for you and now they have found
enough that the contagion turned her you. The room is illuminated by the blaze
into a Walker Between Worlds. Since of a flamethrower that rips the leaden sky.
then she has always been wary and The voice of one of those bastards chasing
guarded against strangers, but with the you booms as he shouts, “Dimitri, I know
care and affection of the Community she those vermins are hiding here! I’ve already
is making peace with her past. spared this cesspit once, but if you don’t
deliver them to us immediately I’ll set this
place on fire and I’ll make sure you burn.
Tell me where they are and maybe you will
escape with your lives!”
like it’s over for us and truth be told we the wind carries the screams of those poor
are tired of fighting against a world that people, echoing the sound of gunfire in the
does not want us. Don’t wait any longer. valley, while your pursuers look for you
Go and follow the directions I gave you (he in vain. You leave a broken Community
points to a trap door). I hope this really behind.
means something (he hands over the sack
containing what the Characters stole).
Master of the Blight: Explain that by
choosing not to help Dimitri, the Nemes
Community has lost a potential future
Opponents ally. The pursuers, too, could become a
The pursuers (double the amount of problem if they ever manage to track
Characters playing the Scenario) have down Nemes’ Community. We will explore
two objectives: recover the stolen goods this possibility in the material you will find
and capture the thieves. No matter what on the Backerkit Crowdfunding campaign.
the motivations are or the arguments the
Characters will use, the clash is inevitable
if they do not surrender spontaneously.
End of Scene - If the
Characters fight and
Armed Pursuers win the battle
See description on page 31. Read out loud:
It is never easy to end a life but these are
the rules of this new world. When you see
Dogs Dimitri emerge from cover with Kristina
in his arms, for a split second you mistake
See description on page 31.
them for Nemes and Kisha. You wasted
time but you gave these people who helped
you a chance. You will find out only in the
End of the Scene - If the future if this was the right choice.
Scene 5 - Coal-black but the rails have been unmaintained for
years. From the track you can observe the
What the Characters You recall the evening fire, the laughter of
your companions. Kisha’s presence feels
‣ With the piece recovered after so much Take a few extra moments to get them to
effort, the engine is set in motion and reflect on their relationship with Kisha as
they are now on their way to Koper. they exchange anecdotes about the little
However, they wasted at least one day. girl.
‣ The one carriage attached to the engine
needs further repairs but this is not a If you need ideas, have them answer one of
problem at the moment. these questions:
‣ In addition to the Characters, the Some months ago the Chimera attacked the
Triestines Celeste, Leonardo, Stanislao, camp but retreated quickly. Now you know
and Caterina are joining the trip. it was because of Kisha. What happened?;
Kisha clearly has a different sensitivity
‣ Hopefully, they will arrive in Koper by
towards the outside world, how do you
evening, perhaps in time to intercept
think she managed to transform it into her
the kidnappers.
strength?; a few days ago Kisha found a
notebook and a pen and drew something
that she then gave you. What was it?; it’s
Introduction to the not the first time someone from outside the
Nemes Community has tried to harm Kisha.
Scene What happened and when?
Read out loud:
The snorting of the engine is the background
to a landscape conquered by the fury of the
Blight, moving slowly outside the window.
The train is not as fast as you expected
Continue by reading the following: Master of the Blight: This choice has
The carriage door opens and the noise mainly repercussions on the later Acts,
of the engine grows louder, drawing your not included in this Quickstart. Make the
attention. Stanislao, with his face covered Players understand and inform them
with soot, enters the carriage. After pouring of the potential consequences of their
himself a glass of water he turns to you: “I decisions. Give them a few moments to
have bad news and very bad news. What do
decide, but keep the tension high. When
you want to hear first?”.
The bad news: we will have to make a the time comes Stanislao will ask what the
technical stop to fill the water tanks. The position of the Characters is. If they decide
operation will only last a few minutes and to split up, deploy a single Juggernaut, not
we will do it in a once rather populous city. two.
We are expecting some Awakened, but if we
are lucky there will be only a small pack.
The very bad news: if we want to get to One last note: regardless of their choice,
Koper, we will have to go through the forest when the Characters meet the Juggernaut,
that surrounds the city. This involves some place the body of one of Kisha’s kidnappers,
risks, in particular exposing ourselves to recently killed, nearby and clearly visible.
the contagion of the Crimson Zone and In this way they will know they are on the
running into very dangerous Awakened. right path to recover the child.
There are no other routes that will get
you there in time. The carriage may offer
protection against the Awakened, but not
against contagion. If we don’t want to Choice 1 - If the Characters
take this risk, you have to get off and find
respirators. There is not much time to think choose to go to the water
about it, you can help us with the water to
speed up the operation or you can retrieve
the protective equipment at the fire station. You know that the train has reached town
What do you want to do? the moment you begin to feel it slowing
down. Looking outside you see houses that
The Characters have two possibilities: have largely collapsed due to erosion from
the elements and the merciless creeping
fingers of climbing vegetation, however,
‣ Get off the train and go to the water tower there are still several buildings standing.
to operate the water spigot. Choosing Stanislao gazes thoughtfully at the tall
this option will allow the Triestines to tower that rises above the roofs. Opening
fill the train’s boiler, granting greater the door of the carriage, he turns to you:
autonomy, which will avoid dangerous “Here is what we will do: we will slow
slowdowns once inside the Crimson down to give you enough time to reach that
Zone. However, there will be no time to damned tower, you will get off the train and
cover the distance that separates you from
recover the respirators.
your target in the shortest possible time.
‣ Get off the train to visit the fire station Once there, climb to the top and manually
and look for equipment that will help operate the spigot arm. We will bring the
with the Crimson Zone. This option forces train to the right spot. You will have a few
the Triestines to spread themselves out minutes to open the valve of the tower tank:
between the water supply and the safety when it starts to fill the tender, run back
of the convoy, slowing down operations here. Easy peasy.
and creating a potential problem of
autonomy within the Crimson Zone.
Master of the Blight: drop various Reinforcement Class - Juggernaut -
scenic elements making up the path to the
One in the water tower
tower as you like. The only fixed point will
be the water tower the Characters have A Juggernaut is a patchwork creature
to climb. Start slowly, let them deal with made up of various Awakened from lower
the various situations gradually and try to Classes, their battered mutated bodies held
indulge the various descriptions they will together by a fungal cluster - located at
the head - which extends its offshoots to
provide you. Use the following opponents
hold haphazardly flung flesh and limb in
as you see fit:
place, modeling the grotesque parody of a
giant. The individual abilities of whatever
Opponents types of Awakened have been subsumed
into the mass that makes up a Juggernaut
disappear in order to give life to a basic and
Horde Class - Wanderers - Groups of unstoppable force of nature.
six OL 5
See description on page 39.
Descriptor: a cluster of bodies and fungal
mass. A slow and unstoppable colossus.
towards it. It’s time to
board a moving train! Make this an
exciting last feat by letting the Characters Place
know that more Wanderers are coming, a couple of packs
being summoned by the hustle and bustle. of Wanderers along the road at key
locations such as a bridge, square,
souvenir shop, etc. Eventually, after
Choice 2 - If the Characters a stretch on an unstable runway, the
Characters will find themselves in front
go to the fire station of their goal.
You know that the train has reached town Read the following passage:
the moment you begin to feel it slowing
down. Looking outside you see houses that The fire station is half collapsed under the
have largely collapsed due to erosion from weight of a massive tree that fell after a
the elements and the merciless creeping recent storm. In that breach, numerous
fingers of climbing vegetation, however, other plants have made their way inside
there are still several buildings standing. the building, further compromising the
Stanislao shows you an antenna, clearly integrity of the structure. There are
visible from where you are even if it seems numerous ways to enter but there are also
far away, perhaps on the other side of the traces of some Awakened.
city. “That’s the antenna of a fire station.
There, if we’re lucky, you should find what In the station, there are only two
we need to survive the Crimson Zone. We Wanderers trapped by the debris of the
will try to give you the time you need to collapsed structure. Describe the inside of
find the station and get back, but hurry up,
the building as unsafe and dark, despite
as soon as we’re done refueling we’ll start
moving so you will have to jump up on the the time of day. When the Characters have
run. Are you ready?” found what they are here for, a Juggernaut
will appear:
Master of the Blight: Crossing the city is The sound of a collapse precedes an
a good way to throw the Characters into inhuman scream. A moment later you hear
the heart of the world of Dead Air: Seasons . the heavy step of something approaching, a
Remind them that they are passing wall of the room explodes and a monstrous
through a place that no longer belongs to creature enters. It is as if several bodies have
man. Use the following ideas: fused together, a mass of deformed muscles
covered by an uncontrolled proliferation of
‣ The street lamps are wrapped in vines, crested fungi with a stone-like consistency.
the grass-covered streets are home to It doesn’t hesitate before charging with his
head down.
different varieties of flowers.
‣ The animals run away as you pass and
See page 48 for information on the
the doves fly away from their nests built
on the windows of uninhabited houses.
The Awakened are everywhere.
Whether they manage to eliminate the
‣ Some Wanderers move slowly through creature or flee to the meeting point, the
the streets, turning their gaze to the hot Characters will have to board the slow-
midday sun. moving train, which can prove to be a
considerable challenge if they have a
Juggernaut at their heels.
End of Scene draws your attention. You cannot believe
your eyes. Looking out the windows you
Getting on a train? Done! Still with your see a small group of horsemen, one rider
heart in your throat and struggling to is holding a small child that you notice
catch your breath you look back. A horde suddenly is clearly Kisha. Attracted by the
of Wanderers tries to catch up with you but sound of the train, you see her turn her
it’s too late, you’ve gained momentum and gaze towards you. It’s only a moment, but
the train is headed for your next stop. your eyes meet and you see recognition
dawn in her eyes. A smile brightens her tear
streaked face before she looks away. There
After a few hours, at the turn of the evening, is hope. You can do this.
the great Crimson Zone that surrounds
Koper stands out in front of you. As you
gaze with apprehension at the majestic
work of the Blight, the neigh of a horse
The Railway Scenario ends with our
heroes determined to save Kisha, who
miraculously has just crossed their
path. But things aren’t that simple – the
adventure has just begun for you and
your playgroup! Be sure to pledge in the
Backerkit Crowdfunding campaign to
get The Daughter of the Blight, a game
campaign for Dead Air: Seasons with the
extended version of this first Act, and
the two subsequent Acts completing
the Crisis. Find out what happens “in
the next episode,” explore the full game
mechanics, and support the making of
Dead Air: Seasons!
The Survivors
pure luck managed to interfere with the
situation and allow you to succeed.
Tomorrow’s world between the Government and the Vodomir
family, a group of criminals controlling all
No matter the price, and who has to pay it, the traffic in the city. When the situation
I will survive. became too dangerous she fled, helped
by her brother. Today Mei sees plenty
of opportunities in this new community
Gift - Observer: Once per Scene, you she lives in: traveling, discovering, and
can ask the MB a question about the restoring things considered lost forever
current situation which would represent gives her hope and makes her believe in the
something important that no one has future.
noticed but you. You receive 2 Advantage Step by step, humanity will take back the
world they have lost.
Dice for the first action you take using the
information you have received. (Savant / Athlete)
A foreigner in a country new to her, Mei’s
only friends were her books and her brother
Han. Though she would be the first to say
she was happier in their company, maybe
she loved getting into trouble – exploring,
experimenting, and fighting – because she
didn’t want to feel alone. During the time
of the Blight, years spent reading countless
books gave her the knowledge and skills
necessary to carve out a space of her own
in the city of Opatija. Despite her youth, she
was able to serve the needs of important
clients, allowing her to move with ease
its vulnerable points. If the object of your
studies falls within the range of your
knowledge, you also get 2 Advantage Dice ‣ Han is my brother, I love him but I’m no
on your next Position Check for it. longer a child. I can take care of myself.
‣ I like Neven’s energy, I don’t mind
thinking about a future with him...
Along the way ‣ I am linked to Danica by a sincere
affection: even if she has been through a
I am always full of energy and I move
like the wind. Some find my hyperactivity lot, she has never lost her smile and now
annoying. she has also found love!
out of your Opponent’s reach.
Today’s world
Han’s only dream has always been to be
With my toolset, I am always ready for any
quiet in his world, but that has never been
challenge. Not everything can be fixed with
Community Resources.
From an early age, he found himself having
to solve the problems of others, primarily
Gift - Quick Fix: If you take enough time, those caused by his sister Mei. Doubly so
you can spend 1 Soma to restart an engine during the past few years of chaos. Perhaps
this is why Vodomir, the leader of a criminal
or make temporary repairs to vehicles
group in Opatija, took a liking to him. Even
and metal structures, even without having
now, far from Opatija, he finds himself
the proper equipment or parts. The plunging into tubs of shit to turn off the tap.
repair lasts for the entire Scene or until Others may see him as a negative, cynical
the vehicle or structure suffers further person who sees problems everywhere, but
damage. Some types of damage, at the the truth is that Han just wants to be left
MB's discretion, may not be repairable. alone, even though he knows this will never
(Fighter / Criminal)
Tomorrow’s world
I am curious and insightful, but I hate when
something is hidden from me.
Yesterday’s World
Martial arts have made me a skilled fighter
but I prefer peace and quiet.
Gift - Curious: Once per Scene you can
ask a specific question about a place, a
historical event, or a Community. The
Gift - Violent Strike: If you get an
Outcome with Increment during a melee,
MB will answer with one or more useful
you can spend the Increment to force
pieces of information.
the Opponent back a few steps in the
direction of your choice, putting you out
of their reach. This is also true for nearby I have learned to appreciate the quiet
allies. Alternatively, you can prevent the moments before the storm.
Opponent from using a Gift that you know
about in their next action. Gift - Meditative: At the end of a Scene
in which you have not been involved in
stressful actions, you can recover 1 Soma.
Along the way
I know how to make myself invisible and
get things done. Maybe that’s why the worst
jobs are always passed off to me.
‣ Ugh. Mei, my beloved sister. How
Gift - Phantom: Once per Session you can ‣ Konstantin and I are very similar and I
pass through a guarded location (such as a
get along well with him. Helping others
checkpoint, gate, or open area controlled
can cost them their life.
by lookouts) without being seen. You can
also use this Gift to break into a building ‣ I envy how carefree Tihomir is: like
or guarded location, but only if you have me, he too takes care of his family, yet
been there before. Alternatively, you can it doesn’t seem to be a burden for him.
make a group of pursuers lose track of
you if you move into an environment that Soma: 7 / PNR: 10 / Attributes (BODY / REACTION
provides cover or diversion. / MIND / PRESENCE / DETERMINATION): 4/4/2/2/3
Today’s world
I will always have my family’s back even
when they do stupid things, like helping
other survivors.
Tomorrow’s world
Although I struggle to let my guard down,
Elena Gift - Always Ready: Once per scene
receive a +1 to Mind or Reaction when
either acting in response to a sudden
Elena’s life was perfect. She was young,
threat or reacting in the first exchange of
beautiful, and rich, but then it all fell apart
an armed conflict.
when the Blight took everything away from
her, leaving her alone at the mercy of the
world. She learned the hard way that in this
new world the strongest take it all. It is a
lesson that has scarred her body and spirit.
Today’s world
Whenever she tried to find a way to struggle I am the voice and the face of the Community.
back to her feet, there was always someone Sometimes I act cruelly, but only for the
there pushing her back to the ground. Into good of the Community.
the mud. That is, until Adam took her under
his wing. Adam taught her to fight, to move,
to exploit the instincts and weaknesses of Gift - Block and Throw Off Balance:
others. Now, Elena is a prominent member When you score an Outcome with
of the Nemes Community and the marks on Increment on a Position or Defense Check
her skin remind her every day that only the while fighting barehanded, in addition to
strongest survive. any normal consequences of the action
(Manipulator / Fighter) you may also seize your Opponent in a
grapple hold. As long as you hold them in
Yesterday’s World
As a girl, I used my charm to manipulate
others and that made me a cynic and a
your grapple, the target can only try to free
themselves, and all Position Checks made
against them by your teammates will have
1 Advantage Die. Alternatively you can
throw your Opponent to the ground. As a boy, Konstantin had only one passion:
historical reenactments of the Middle Ages.
Never, in all those hours of immersion and
‣ I appreciate Han’s pragmatic way of
thinking. I wish he wouldn’t be so
detached and cold with us.
‣ Neven is a good guy, but very busy.
Better this way, someone has to do the
most boring jobs.
‣ Kisha reminds me of what I could be if I
hadn’t met Adam. No one will hurt her.
Yesterday’s World Tomorrow’s world
The long sword is my favorite weapon I will engrave my name in the history of this
and the reason I’m famous; unfortunately, era but to do so I have to face noteworthy
my excessive specialization makes me opponents.
incapable of taking advantage of modern
Gift - Praise Hunter: Receive 2 XP
if during a Crisis you have obtained
Gift - Tip and Edge: If you use a blade someone’s approval or recognition for
in combat, once per Scene you get 1 your work. This Gift activates a maximum
Advantage Die on a Position Check against of once per Crisis, and the XP gained are
one or more opponents in melee. redeemed upon its resolution.
Today’s world
I am always on the front line so that no one
else has to risk themselves for me. When
I’m under stress, I act on impulse and
without thinking.
Archetype: Expert / Savant
Neven has always been shy and a victim of his own uncertainties. Maybe that’s why
he didn’t have the courage to be a doctor and instead became a veterinary student.
This constant state of insecurity has led him to do whatever it takes to survive,
accepting a thousand compromises and learning that there are no heroes in the
era of the Blight. Neven is a survivor and will do anything to stay alive. Today he is
traveling with a new community: they seem like good people and Neven does not
want to disappoint them.
Gift - First Aid: Spend 1 Soma to temporarily suspend the effects of a Wound. 9 10
The wound isn’t healed, but the patient can ignore it for the rest of the Scene.
You can’t use this Gift on yourself, nor assist the same patient multiple times
in the course of a Scene.
Gift - Luck: Once per Crisis you can get 2 Advantage Dice by explaining how Attributes
pure luck managed to interfere with the situation and allow you to succeed. Body
- Today’s world Mind
Manual work doesn’t scare me because I am in good shape, but I don’t understand
anything about technology.
Gift - Handyman: Once per Session you can create a Descriptor representing
one of many half-learned things you’ve picked up throughout your life. It
needs to be precise: “I can tie a rope like a sailor” or “I can drive a sailboat” are
good Descriptors; “I’m an expert sailor” isn’t. You can invoke your Descriptor Wounds
to spend Soma during a relevant action. The first time you use it, you also get
1 Advantage Die. These Descriptors are never marked for XP. At the end of the
Session, you lose access to it.
- Tomorrow’s world
No matter the price, and who has to pay it, I will survive.
Gift - Observer: Once per Scene, you can ask the MB a question about the
current situation which would represent something important that no one
has noticed but you. You receive 2 Advantage Dice for the first action you take
using the information you have received.
{ Konstantin scares me, I just don’t understand him. Better to stay away from
him as much as possible.
{ Elena is a woman who knows how to survive. If I prove useful, she certainly
won’t put me in danger.
{ I’m glad for Misha: his puppet shows manage to make me forget for a while
the dark world we live in.
Archetype: Savant / Athlete
A foreigner in a country new to her, Mei’s only friends were her books and her
brother Han. Though she would be the first to say she was happier in their
company, maybe she loved getting into trouble – exploring, experimenting, and
fighting – because she didn’t want to feel alone. During the time of the Blight, years
spent reading countless books gave her the knowledge and skills necessary to
carve out a space of her own in the city of Opatija. Despite her youth, she was able
to serve the needs of important clients, allowing her to move with ease between
the Government and the Vodomir family, a group of criminals controlling all the
traffic in the city. When the situation became too dangerous she fled, helped by her
brother. Today Mei sees plenty of opportunities in this new community she lives in:
traveling, discovering, and restoring things considered lost forever gives her hope
and makes her believe in the future.
Soma PNR
Step by step, humanity will take back the world they have lost.
11 10
- Yesterday’s World
I am a good engineer but I would not know how to live alone in nature.
Gift - Engineer: By spending 1 Soma and taking the time to study an object,
a mechanism, a building, or a structure, you can understand its operating
principle and how to put it back into use or understand its vulnerable points.
If the object of your studies falls within the range of your knowledge, you also
get 2 Advantage Dice on your next Position Check for it.
- Along the way Body
I am always full of energy and I move like the wind. Some find my hyperactivity
Gift - Quick as the Wind: By spending 1 Soma you can add a second movement
action to the one you just performed. If you’re in melee, you can use this Gift to Presence
get out of your Opponent’s reach. Determination
- Tomorrow’s world
I am curious and insightful, but I hate when something is hidden from me.
Gift - Curious: Once per Scene you can ask a specific question about a place, a
historical event, or a Community. The MB will answer with one or more useful
pieces of information.
{ Han is my brother, I love him but I’m no longer a child. I can take care of
{ I like Neven’s energy, I don’t mind thinking about a future with him...
{ I am linked to Danica by a sincere affection: even if she has been through a
lot, she has never lost her smile and now she has also found love!
Archetype: Fighter / Criminal
Han’s only dream has always been to be quiet in his world, but that has never
been possible. From an early age, he found himself having to solve the problems
of others, primarily those caused by his sister Mei. Doubly so during the past few
years of chaos. Perhaps this is why Vodomir, the leader of a criminal group in
Opatija, took a liking to him. Even now, far from Opatija, he finds himself plunging
into tubs of shit to turn off the tap. Others may see him as a negative, cynical person
who sees problems everywhere, but the truth is that Han just wants to be left alone,
even though he knows this will never happen.
Gift - Violent Strike: If you get an Outcome with Increment during a melee, 7 10
you can spend the Increment to force the Opponent back a few steps in the
direction of your choice, putting you out of their reach. This is also true for
nearby allies. Alternatively, you can prevent the Opponent from using a Gift
that you know about in their next action.
- Tomorrow’s world
Although I struggle to let my guard down, I have learned to appreciate the quiet
moments before the storm.
Gift - Meditative: At the end of a Scene in which you have not been involved
in stressful actions, you can recover 1 Soma.
{ Ugh. Mei, my beloved sister. How annoying.
{ Konstantin and I are very similar and I get along well with him. Helping
others can cost them their life.
{ I envy how carefree Tihomir is: like me, he too takes care of his family, yet
it doesn’t seem to be a burden for him.
Archetype: Manipulator / Fighter
Elena’s life was perfect. She was young, beautiful, and rich, but then it all fell apart when
the Blight took everything away from her, leaving her alone at the mercy of the world. She
learned the hard way that in this new world the strongest take it all. It is a lesson that has
scarred her body and spirit. Whenever she tried to find a way to struggle back to her feet,
there was always someone there pushing her back to the ground. Into the mud. That is, until
Adam took her under his wing. Adam taught her to fight, to move, to exploit the instincts and
weaknesses of others. Now, Elena is a prominent member of the Nemes Community and the
marks on her skin remind her every day that only the strongest survive.
- Tomorrow’s world
We will find a place to stop, but not before we have truly departed from the
wickedness of man.
{ I appreciate Han’s pragmatic way of thinking. I wish he wouldn’t be so
detached and cold with us.
{ Neven is a good guy, but very busy. Better this way, someone has to do the
most boring jobs.
{ Kisha reminds me of what I could be if I hadn’t met Adam. No one will hurt
Archetype: Fighter / Athlete
As a boy, Konstantin had only one passion: historical reenactments of the Middle
Ages. Never, in all those hours of immersion and play, would he have ever imagined
that another dark age would arrive. When the Blight turned his world upside down
he thought he had the skills to keep everyone safe, but no sterile roleplay environment
could ever prepare him for this gritty reality. Along the way, he lost many loved ones and
the struggle for survival forced him to hide his noble soul under a heartless mask. These
scars have prompted him to act in ways he is not proud of in order to spare others the
pain he experienced. A road he is willing to walk until his final season.
Gift - At Any Cost: Once per Scene you can self-inflict 1 Wound in order to turn Attributes
a Failure into an Outcome with a Cost. Create a Wound that represents what
you put on the line to avoid failure: you go all out in a reckless attack where
you get hit in turn, get insulted and suck it up to get the result in a negotiation, Reaction
etc. Explain how you turn the failure into a success and what harm befalls you
as a result.
- Today’s world
I am always on the front line so that no one else has to risk themselves for me.
When I’m under stress, I act on impulse and without thinking. Wounds
Gift - Immune to Pain: When the effect of a Wound makes it difficult for you to
take an action, you can spend 1 Soma to ignore it and act as if it were not there
for the duration of a Scene.
- Tomorrow’s world
I will engrave my name in the history of this era but to do so I have to face
noteworthy opponents.
Gift - Praise Hunter: Receive 2 XP if during a Crisis you have obtained someone’s
approval or recognition for your work. This Gift activates a maximum of once
per Crisis, and the XP gained are redeemed upon its resolution.
{ I like Mei, she’s energetic and curious. I would like to help her realize her
{ Elena’s past affects her choices too much. I have to be closer to show her a
more virtuous world.