Top Cutting Vanda Orchids.
Top Cutting Vanda Orchids.
Top Cutting Vanda Orchids.
Vanda orchids are a monopodial growing plant, which put simply means that they continue
to grow vertically up a single stem, getting longer. This is somewhat different to many other
orchids that produce rhizomes growing across a pot or host, moving in a horizontal
direction. Most rhizome growing orchids have two eyes or growth points on each rhizome,
allowing growth from either point should the need arise. However, a Vanda orchid is very
different to this.
As a Vanda plant grows, new leaves become visible at the top of the plant. As it continues to
mature the stem grows and the plant becomes taller. This produces a healthy plant with the
leaves spreading to both sides of the stem, producing a fan-like appearance. As seen in
picture 1, a Vanda plant should have leaves from the growing top of the plant all the way to
the base just above the potting media or host material. This however is not always the
So what happens when something goes wrong and the plant drops the lower leaves? The
simple answer is that you end up with a plant which looks and is often described as a ‘Palm
Tree’ (as seen in picture 2). When this occurs it gives the appearance of poor culture,
making the plants look scraggily. However you can take action to restore them to their fan-
like glory.
So what causes this ‘Palm Tree’ effect? The most common cause is cold weather – if the
plant is exposed to the cold it will naturally drop the lower leaves. This does not mean that
the plant is sick but simply it has been placed under stress by the conditions. Other causes
can be more problematic and may be fungal or bacterial in nature. This would require the
underlying cause to be treated before any remedial work is undertaken and if you are
unsure you should seek assistance from experienced growers. It is my experience however
that most fungal or bacterial problems affect the new top growth rather than causing the
bottom leaves to drop. Once the damage is done however it is irreversible and the effect is
the ‘Palm Tree’ look.
Top cutting Vanda Orchids is one way of correcting the ‘Palm Tree’ problem. As Vanda
Orchids grow taller they often produce additional roots from various points up the stem (as
seen in picture 3). In nature these new roots would attach to the host tree or rock forming a
new anchor point for the plant, allowing it to continue to thrive in its upright natural way.
Luckily for the orchid enthusiast, this gives us the opportunity to remove the bottom of the
plant effectively shortening the stem and bringing the lowest leaves back to the pot or host.
Provided the plant has grown new roots up the stem this is easily done by cutting through
the stem completely. It is preferable to leave a minimum of four new, well established roots
attached to the top of the plant. The cut should be on an angle so that water does not
gather and allow fungus or similar problems to occur. It is best to complete this when the
roots are actively growing with green tips. Once done I like to seal the cut with either some
Steri-Prune or a paste of fungicide and allow it to sit to dry for a day or so before repotting
into the new media or attaching to the new host. I find this limits the stress to the plant and
it continues to grow as if nothing had happened.
The older base of the plant can either be discarded, or kept to see if it will produce any side
growths forming a new plant. Should a new shoot occur, this can continue to be grown until
it produces its own roots and can then be removed from the original stem using cutters or a
sharp instrument and potted on (as per picture 4).
Some plants however, will not produce any new roots up the stem which creates a problem,
as cutting the top off the stem without roots is asking for trouble. In this case, root growth
can be encouraged by cutting approximately ½ way through the stem and applying some
rooting hormone. I like to place a thin plastic tag soaked in the hormone into the cut and
leave it there, as this seems to work well for me (as seen in picture 5). Within a few months,
if all goes well, some new roots will appear and once sufficient growth has occurred the
normal procedure above can be undertaken. Just a tip here, ensure that the top of the plant
is well supported before cutting half way through the stem or your plant may break
By following these simple techniques you can have beautiful plants with full leaf growth just
as nature intended and be the envy of your orchid growing buddies.
Happy growing.
Picture 1
Picture 2 Picture 3
Picture 4 Picture 5