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One of the following nerves passes in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus:
a. the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.
b. the sixth cranial nerve.
e. the anterior ethmoidal nerve.
d. the optic nerve.
e. the vagus.

Regarding the muscles in the soft palate, all are true except:
a.tensor veli palntini has the part of its muscle fibers running outside the pharyngeal
b.tevator veli palatini acts inpart to open the pharyngotympanic (Eustachean tube)
c. palatopharyngeus muscle has fibers running both above and below levator veli
palatini in the palate
d. palatopharyngeus is innervated from the nucleus ambiguus via the cranial
accessory nerve
e. some of the fibers of the superior constrictor of the pharynx gain attachment
to the palate

The lateral pterygoid muscle, all are true except:

a. takes origin from the infratemporal crest
b. has two different insertions
c. when contracting can drive venous blood towards the cavernous sinus
d. lies lateral to the medial pterygoid in its entirety
e usually has the maxillary artery passing between its two muscle bellies

Temporalis muscle, all are true except:

a. is separated from the zygomatic arch by a bursa
b. has a thick tendon of insertion which runs down virtually to the last molar tooth
c. activity is confined to the posterior fibers on initiating jaw closure from a wide open
d. is related to buccinator on the deep surface
o. takes some origin from the temporal fascia

One of the properties of the scalp is:

a. the arteries close down readily if injured, due to the elasticity and muscularity
of their walls
b.the richness of the vascularity
c. local anaesthesia is easily obtained by blocking the nerve supplying that area
d. Iymphatics from the anterior part drain to the mastoid lymph nodes
e. fluid or infection deep to the aponeurosis drains out relatively easily because of
the looseness of the issue

Regarding the submandibular salivary gland, the incorrect statement:

a. is a mainly mucous gland
b. lies deep to the mylohyoid muscle
c. is innervated through the chorda tympani nerve
d. has a duct which also drains the sublingual gland
e. is connected by nerve filaments to the lingual nerve
The following structures exit the cranium through the foramen ovale except:
a. Emissary vein.
b. The mandibular nerve
c. Greater petrosal nerve.
d. Accessory meningeal artery.
e. lesser petrosal nerve.

The chorda tympani:

a. contains motor nerves that supply the facial muscles.
b. contains sensory nerve that supplies the posterior third of the tongue.
c. contains parasympathetic nerves that supply the lacrimal nerve.
d. contains secretomotor nerves that supply the salivary glands.
e. passes between the internal jugular vein and the common carotid artery as it passes

The following are true about the parotid gland:

a. It is a mucinous gland.
b. It is covered by a thick capsule derived from the deep cervical fascia.
c. The facial nerve exits the gland anteromedially before dividing into 5 branches.
d. It receives its secretomotor fibres from the vagus nerve.
e.The parotid duct enter the oral cavity by piercing the masseter

The following structures form the medial wall of the orbit EXCEPT:
a. Sphenoid bone.
b. Ethmoidal bone.
c. Maxillary bone.
d. Lacrimal bone.
e. Zygomatic bone

Regarding the maxillary artery, the incorrect answer is:

a. arises from the external carotid artery within the parotid gland.
b. supplies the maxillary incisor teeth.
c. gives rise to the inferior alveolar artery which supplies the lower jaw.
d. gives off its main branches in the pterygopalatine fossa.
e. gives off the middle meningeal artery.

The location of the following foramenae are correct EXCEPT

a. The stylomastoid foramen in the occipital bone.
b. The carotid canal is on the inferior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone.
c. The jugular foramen between the temporal bone and the occipital bone.
d. The optic canal in the sphenoid bone.
e. Foramina ovale in the greater wing of the sphenoid.

One of the following muscles is not of facial expression:

a. Platysma.
b. Buccinator.
c. Frontalis.
d. Orbicularis oculi.
e. Temporalis.
Regarding the pituitary fossa, the incorrect statement is:
a. forms part of the anterior cranial fossa.
b, contains dura mater that forms the roof.
c. lies above the body of the sphenoid.
d. the cavernous sinus is found on either side of the pituitary fossa.
e. is bounded by the anterior and posterior clinoid processes.

The fifth cranial nerve:

a. arises from the midbrain.
b. provides sensory innervations to the whole face including the angle of the mandible.
c. Does not innervate the muscle of mastication.
d. is involved in the blink reflex via ophthalmic branch.
e. supplies parasympathetic fibres to the salivary glands.

The muscle responsible mainly for opening the jaw is:

a. Medial pterygoid.
b. Lateral pterygoid.
c. Temporalis.
d. Buccinator.
c. Masseter.

The superior orbital fissure transmits all the following EXCEPT:

a. the frontal nerve.
b. the nasociliary nerve.
c. the lacrimal nerve.
d. the trochlear nerve.
e. the infraorbital nerve.

Which of the following veins does not drain into the internal jugular vein :
a. Facial vein.
b. Lingual vein.
c. pharyngeal
d. Superior thyroid vein.
e. Retromandibular vein.

The maxillary sinus, all are true EXCEPT :

a. is lined by stratified squamous epithelium.
b. is supplied by the greater palatine nerve.
C. opens into the medial meatus.
d. is the first sinus to form in life.
e. is pyramidal in shape with its base being the nasal bone.

NOTE : Because it is lined by ciliated columnar epithelium

Pterygo-palatine fossa does not contain:

a. Maxillary nerve.
b. Pterygopalatine ganglion.
c. Lesser superficial petrosal nerve.
d. Nerve of pterygoid canal.
e. Maxillary artery.
Which of the following passes through the foramen rotundum:
a. Maxillary nerve.
b. Mandibular nerve.
e. Facial nerve.
d. Meningeal artery,
e. Sympathetic nerve.

One of the following is not true regarding the vagus nerve:

a. leaves the skull through the jugular foramen.
b. is enclosed within the carotid sheath.
c. supplies sensory nerve to the laryngopharynx.
d. innervates the stylopharyngeus muscle. passes through the jugular foramen.

The internal carotid artery: All are true Except:

a. lies in the floor of the middle ear
b. lies medial to the abducent nerve
c. enters the skull and divides into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries
d. is separated from the external carotid artery by the styloglossus
e. grooves the greater wing of the sphenoid bone

The following are true about the trigeminal nerve except:

a. it supplies the muscle of mastication
b. its ganglion lies on the apex of the petrous bone
c. emerges from the brain stem between the pons and the medulla
d. emerges from the brain stem as separate sensory and motor roots
e. innervates all the teeth of the upper jaw

The pterygopalatine ganglion: all are correct except:

a. supplies parasympathetic fibres to the lacrimal gland
b. sympathetic nerves from the superior cervical ganglion passes through it
c. is suspended from the maxillary nerve
d. supplies the iris
e. Supplies secretomotor fibres to the glands of the nose

The parasympathetic fibres from the sphenopalatine ganglion innervate:

a. the Von ebner glands
b. the iris
c. the parotid gland
d. the submandibular gland
e. the glands in the mucosa of the maxillary air sinus

Nerve carrying secretomotor fibers for parotid gland is:

a. auriculo temporal
b. great auricular nerve
c. zygomatico temporal
d. posterior auricular
e. Zygomaticofacial

The infraorbital nerve is:

A terminal branch of the maxillary nerve which is a branch of CN V
The retromandibular vein is formed from the maxillary vein and :
The superficial temporal nerve

The TMJ ligament that limits its protrusion:

A. The temporomandibular ligament
B. The stylomandibular ligament
C. The sphenomandibular

Infection of the mandibular molars usually spreads to:

A- Sublingual Space
B- Submandibular space
C- Temporal space

Which of the following structures is a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
nerve ?
A- Infraorbital
B- Lingual
C- Nasopalatine
E- Posterior Superior Nasal

The hypoglossal nerve can be found in which of the following positions?

A- Lateral to both internal and external carotid arteries
B- Medial to both internal and external carotid arteries
C- Lateral to the internal and medial to the external carotid artery
D- Medial to the internal and lateral to the external carotid artery
E- Medial to the jugular vein

Patients with paralysis of the trigeminal nerve have loss of function of which of the following
muscles ?
A. Levator veli palatini
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Stylohyoid
D. Stylopharyngeaus
E. Tensor veli palatini

Layer not found in articular surfaces : Hyaline layer

Muscle that depresses the mandible : Geniohyoid

All found in Carotid Triangle except: Glossopharyngeal nerve

All true about muscles of facial expression except : Inserted in deep fascia

Wrong about tongue development:

Lingual swelling + Ectoderm

Not passing through the cavernous sinus: Optic nerve

Not passing through the superior orbital fissure : Optic nerve

Which is false about Wharton’s duct ?
A- It is 5 cm long
B- Diameter of 2-3 mm
C- The lingual nerve has a mesial relationship with the duct
D- It opens in the sublingual fold

Damage to the 12th cranial nerve in the hypoglossal canal causes:

a- Deviation of the tongue to the same side on protrusion
b- Impaired closure of the oropharyngeal isthmus
c- Impaired depression of the hyoid bone
d- Paralysis of the extrinsic muscles, but not the intrinsic muscles of the same side of the
e- All of the above

The greater petrosal nerve:

a- Passes below the CN V
b- Enters the foramen lacerum
c- Is a branch of the facial nerve
d- Carries taste fibers from the palate
e- All of the above

Which of the following contribute to mouth opening:

A- MP muscle
B- LP muscle
C- Masseter Muscle
D- Temporalis Muscle
E- Stylomandibular Ligament

External Carotid artery branches are: 8

TMJ articular disc – Avascular in the centre

The nerve that supply the hard palate up to the first molar : Greater Palatine N.

The folate papilla is innervated by which cranial nerve: CN IX

Branch that doesn’t follow its nerve: Lingual Artery

Digastric triangle floor : Mylohyoid

Nerve that stems form basal side of brain : Trochlear

After birth : Growth is more rapid than cranial growth

Lymphatic drainage of the tip of the tongue: Submental lymph nodes

In an upper motor neuron lesion what is true ?

Tongue lesion deviates into the affected side
5 pairs of muscles contribute to the structure of the soft palate.
Which statement is incorrect ?
A- The fan shaped tendons of the tensor veli palatini forms the palatal aponeurosis
B- The tendons of the tensor veli palatini hook around the pterygoid hamulus on each
C- The palatipharyngeus muscle attach to the hyoid bone
D- The levator veli palatini passes between the base of the skull and the superior fibers
of the superior pharyngeal constrictors
E- The palatoglossi form the anterior pillars of the tonsillar fossa

Which is false about larynx:

In case of emergency we cut through lateral cricothyroid membrane.

Which is false about lingual nerve:

Emerges from anterior division of mandibular nerve

Which is false about auricular nerve:

splits around accessory meningeal

Which is false about parotid gland:

ramus is posterior to deep part of parotid

Ala of the nose is from: frontonasal process

Upper lip is from frontonasal and maxillary processes

Injury to left hypoglossal nerve: deviation of tongue to the left

Which is false: palatoglossal is innervated from hypoglossal

Which is false: hamulus extension is from upper part of medial pterygoid

Which is false in scalp: deep temporal innervates the lateral part of the scalp

Which is false about maxillary nerve: gives branch to oropharynx

Which is the wrong combination: Sternohyoid, innervated by C1

Which is false about middle cranial fossa:

foramen rotundum opens into infra temporal fossa

Which is false in relation to facial nerve: terminates lateral to the eye

Which is false: Lefort I is fracture of maxilla up to orbital margins

Which is false about LN: upper centrals drain in to parotid lymph nodes

Which is false regarding middle meningeal artery: leaves from foramen ovale

Optic nerve enters the eye through which bone ?

The muscle responsible of incisors clinching is:

Medial pterygoid muscle
The muscle that oppose the action of jaw closing caused by the Masseter muscle:
Lateral pterygoid muscle

One of the following is false about the lingual nerve:

It joins the chorda tympani of the facial nerve in the temporal fossa

One of the following statements is false :

Lesser palatine nerve innervate the gingiva of the hard palate opposing upper last
three molars

The lesser palatine nerve is responsible for providing innervation to the soft palate, uvula, and tonsil.

Structures derived from hypopharyngeal arch:

the posterior one third of the tongue.

The main vessel responsible for the absorption of sublingual drugs is :

a. Sublingual vein
b. Sublingual artery
c. Deep lingual vein

Ossification of Ramus of mandible:

a. Intra membranous
b. Endochondral
c. Both

The only muscle of the palate not innervated by the pharyngeal plexus, which is
formed by the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves:
The tensor veli palatini

The tensor veli palatini is supplied by the medial pterygoid nerve, a branch of mandibular nerve, the third
branch of the trigeminal nerve
All about C1 vertebra is true except:
it has a vertebral body and spinous process

The atlas (C1) is the topmost vertebra, and along with the axis forms the joint connecting the skull and spine.
It lacks a vertebral body, spinous process, and has no discs either superior or inferior to it. It is ring-like and
consists of an anterior arch, posterior arch, and two lateral masses

The crista galli is the upper part of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone,
which rises above the cribriform plate. The falx cerebri attaches to the crista galli

Injury to palatine tonsil area the patient can’t say ‘ah’ what nerve is injured:
Glossopharyngeal nerve

Patient cant taste sugar in the anterior tongue what nerve is injured :
Facial nerve

Posterior triangle Anterior border:

Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Dislocation of the mandible in anterior-posterior direction affects:

lateral pterygoid muscle

Meckel cartilage formed in the mandibular process of:

the first branchial arch

The lymphatic drainage of tongue

Function of the cerebellum

regulates motor movements

Bleeding during tracheostomy sources:

inferior thyroid vein

What of the following does not pass through foramen ovale:

Greater petrosal nerve
The following structures pass through foramen ovale:
∙ mandibular nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve
∙ accessory meningeal artery
∙ lesser petrosal nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
∙ emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins

Carotid canal is a bony passage for the internal carotid artery located in:
the temporal bone.

Tonsillar artery is a branch of:

facial artery

In skull fracture, blood is seen in CSF that's indicate

subarachnoid hemorrhage

Lingual artery ligation near the hyoid bone carries the risk of injury to:
Hypoglossal nerve

Lateral mandibular movement caused by :

The unilateral contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscle with the ipsilateral medial
pterygoid muscle results in lateral mandibular movement to the contralateral side.

Which of the following is elastic cartilage:

a. Thyroid (hyaline type)
b. Cricoid (hyaline type)
c. Arytenoid (hyaline type)
d. Epiglottis (elastic type)
e. Corniculate (hyaline type) + cuneiform (hyaline type)

Which of the following is inside the tendinous ring:

a. superior division of the oculomotor nerve (CN III)
b. nasociliary nerve (a branch of the ophthalmic nerve)
c. inferior division of the oculomotor nerve (CN III)
d. abducens nerve (CN VI)
e. All of the above

NOTE: The annulus of Zinn, also known as the annular tendon or common tendinous ring, is a ring of fibrous
tissue surrounding the optic nerve at its entrance at the apex of the orbit

At what age child height will be half adult height:

2 years

Closure of the anterior fontanelle occurs at :

12-18 months

The posterior fontanelle generally closes 2 to 3 months after birth; The sphenoidal fontanelle is the next to
close around 6 months after birth; The mastoid fontanelle closes next from 6 to 18 months after birth; The
anterior fontanelle is generally the last to close between 12-18 months.

Mandibular condylar cartilage plays a crucial role in TMJ function. It facilitates

articulation with the TMJ disc and reduces point loads on the underlying bone It
is of : the fibrous type
30-All are drained into submental lymph node except?
A/tip of tongue
B/floor of mouth
C/lower lip
D/infection of lower canine and incisors
E/upper lip

Parasthesia of tongue after extraction 3rd mandibular molar?

Broken lingual plate

Which inervates the poster lateral of nose?


All true about facial nerve except ?

A/ temporal: elevates eyebrow
B/buccal : teeth show
C/cervical: turns face sideway
D/ Marginal mandibular: whistling

Which voluntary muscle is not located in apex of orbit?

Maximum absorption of sublingual drug?

Sublingual Vein

False about facial nerve?

terminal branches in parotid are 2 branches

Derived from 1st pharyngeal arch?

Stapeis, stylohyoid ligament

All foramina are located in the middle of cranial fossa except?

B/ routundum
C/ spinosum
D/superior orbital fissure
E/ ceacum

All inervated by Ansa cervicalis except? Thyrohyoid muscles

All innervated by pharyngal plexus except? palatine plexus

Common located carotid artery?

A/Occipital triangle
B/anterior cervical
C/ submandibllar

Latera; process of nasal bone forming?

Transverse crest
Affected by cavernous sinus thrombosis:
VI nerve

Note: Cavernous sinus thrombosis is associated with palsies of cranial nerves III, IV, V and VI, producing loss
of corneal reflexes, ophthalmoplegia and hypesthesia over the upper part of the face. Papilledema
and visual loss may result from obstruction of retinal venous return

Not in carotid triangle:

a. parathyroid
b. facial artery

Note: The main contents of the carotid triangle are the: Important vascular structures are found within
this triangle. It contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery into internal and external carotid
arteries. The internal carotid artery initially lies postero-laterally to the external carotid artery. It then
becomes posterior to it. Branches of the external carotid artery are found in the triangle including:
superior thyroid artery, lingual artery, facial artery, occipital artery & ascending pharyngeal artery.

Corresponding veins to these branches drain into the internal jugular vein. Crossing both the internal
and external carotid artery is the hypoglossal nerve. Nerves: hypoglossal nerve: nerve to thyrohyoid
from the C1 ventral ramus of the cervical plexus, superior root of ansa cervicalis, internal laryngeal
nerve & external laryngeal nerve.

Not derived from the 1st Pharyngeal arch :

maxillary central incisors (the premaxilla)

The hard palate is composed of:
1. Primary palate 🡪 anterior to the incisive foramen. (from the Medial Nasal Process)
2. Secondary palate 🡪 posterior to the incisive foramen.(from the maxillary process) 1 st Arch

Not from V nerve :

Great auricular

• Ophthalmic nerve
Frontal nerve: Supraorbital & Supratochlear n.
Lacrimal nerve: zygomaticotemporal nerve
Nasociliary nerve‐ Branches:
short ciliary n., Long ciliary n., Posterior ethmoidal n., Anterior ethmoidal n., Infratrochlear n.
• Maxillary nerve
- Zygomaticotemporal n.
‐ Zygomaticofacial n.
‐ Posterior superior alveolar n.
- Infraorbital nerve
- Middle superior alveolar n.
- Anterior superior alveolar n.
- Greater &lesser palatine n.
- Posterior superior lateral, posterior superior medial, & nasopalatine n.
• Mandibular nerve
• Masseteric n.
• Deep temporal n.
• Nerve to lateral pterygoid
• Buccal nerve
• Auriculotemporal n.
• Lingual n.
• Inferior alveolar n.
• Mylohyoid n.
• Mental n.
False about facial muscles:
a. Corrugator supercili muscle wrinkle the nose
b. Lucrimal parte of orbiccolurs ocli help in tear drange

The corrugator draws the eyebrow downward and medially, producing the vertical wrinkles of the
forehead. It is the "frowning" muscle, and may be regarded as the principal muscle in the expression
of suffering. It also contracts to prevent high sun glare, pulling the eyebrows toward the bridge of the
nose, making a roof over the area above the middle corner of the eye and typical forehead furrows.

Muscle doesn’t have organ from mastoid:

a. Posterior belly of digastric
b. SCM
c. Rectes capitis
c. Longisum capitis
d. splenius capitis

Muscles attached to the mastoid process
∙ sternocleidomastoid
∙ splenius capitis
∙ the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
∙ longissimus capitis muscles

Intervention for TMJ capsule :

Auriculotemporal nerve

If you want to give anesthesia for upper right and left 123:
a. anterior superior nerve block
b. Posterior superior nerve block
c. Second division Regional nerve block

47- Structure from the 2nd pharyngeal arch:

What is the primary function of soft palate ?
Note: The function of the soft palate is to aid swallowing and breathing by altering
the patency of the respiratory and digestive tracts respectively. Furthermore, the
soft palate plays an important role in speech.

Lateral to pterygopalatine fossa

Note: The pterygopalatine fossa is a bilateral, cone-shaped depression extending deep
from the infratemporal fossa all the way to the nasal cavity via the sphenopalatine

It is located between the maxilla, sphenoid and palatine bones, and communicates with
other regions of the skull and facial skeleton via several canals and foramina. Its small
volume combined with the numerous structures that pass through makes this a complex
region for anatomy students.

Not innervated by the vagus nerve:

Tensor Veli Palatini

Which is located above sella turcica ?

B- Sphenoid sinus
C- Hypothalamus
D- Pituitary

Lateral nasal process comes from:

A- First arch
B- Second arch
C- Frontal process

Mandibular branch of CN V leaves the skull via:

Foramen Ovale

With regard to the muscles of mastication all are true except:

a. they are supplied by the mandibular nerve
b. the parotid duct crosses superficially to the masseter
c. the maxillary artery lies deep to the temporalis
d. the medial pterygoid is related laterally to the styloid muscles
e. the lateral pterygoid has two heads of origin

The parotid gland:

a. is covered by a true capsule
b. contains the final bifurcation of the external carotid artery within its glandular tissue
c. contains the facial nerve which divides into five branches within its glandular tissue
d. is a mainly serous salivary gland
e. all of the above

The nerve supplying submandibular gland is

a. IV
c. IX
d. XII
e. none of the above
The muscle assisting in mastication but not supplied by mandibular nerve is:
a. masseter
b. buccinator
c. mylohyoid
d. tensor veli palatine
e. all of the above

The levator veli palatini muscle is primarily innervated by the

a. V2 branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve
b. V3 branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve
c. Facial (VII) nerve
d. Vagus (X) nerve
e. Hypoglossal (XII) nerve

In a very atrophied mandible, the nerve that is most likely to be exposed on the mandibular
alveolar crest is:
a. the mental.
b. the buccal.
c. the lingual.
d. the inferior alveolar.
e. the posterior superior alveolar artery

The nerves found in the submandibular triangle are:

a. the lingual.
b. the hypoglossal.
c. the mylohyoid
d. a and b
e. all of the above

Taste from the posterior one third of tongue is provided by which of the following nerve?
A- glossoparyngeal
B- facial
C- vagus
D- hypoglossal
E- lingual

With regard to the muscles of mastication all are true except:

a. they are supplied by the mandibular nerve
b. the parotid duct crosses superficially to the masseter
c. the maxillary artery lies deep to the temporalis
d. the medial pterygoid is related laterally to the styloid muscles
e. the lateral pterygoid has two heads of origin

The following are true about the trigeminal nerve except:

a. it supplies the muscle of mastication
b. its ganglion lies on the apex of the petrous bone
c. emerges from the brain stem between the pons and the medulla
d. emerges from the brain stem as separate sensory and motor roots
e. innervates all the teeth of the upper jaw
The parotid gland:
a. is covered by a true capsule
b. contains the final bifurcation of the external carotid artery within its glandular tissue
c. contains the facial nerve which divides into five branches within its glandular tissue
d. is a mainly serous salivary gland
e. all of the above

The following structures are derived from the first pharyngeal arch:
a. muscle of facial expression
b. stapes
c. malleus
d. stylohyoid muscle
e. external auditory meatus

The following normally drain into the middle meatus of the nose:
a. frontal sinus
b. maxillary sinus
c. middle ethmoidal air cells
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

The following are true regarding cavernous sinus except:

a. contains the internal carotid artery
b. has the abducent nerve in its lateral wall
c. receives blood from the orbit
d. communicates with the pterygoid plexus of veins.
e. drains via the petrosal sinuses

Facial paralysis is caused by injuries or lesions at:

a. cerebellopontine angle
b. internal acoustic meatus
c. floor of fourth fourth ventricle
d. internal capsule
e. all of the above

All of the following structures are derivatives of the second branchial arch Except:
A- Stapedius.
B- Muscles of facial expression.
C- Incus.
D- Styloid process.
E- Stapes.

All of the following muscles of the soft palate are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus
A- Tensor veli palatine.
B- Levator veli palatine.
C- Palatoglossus.
D- Palatopharyngeus.
E- Muscularis uvulae.
All of the following structures are contents of infratemporal fossa except:
A- Maxillary artery.
B- Chorda tympani.
C- Pterygoid venous plexus.
D- Superficial temporal artery.
E- Otic ganglion.

The muscle which has motor supply from both the mandibular and facial nerves is:
A- Mylohyoid.
B- Stylohyoid.
C- Digastric
D- Geniohyoid
E- Masseter.

Which nerve / nerves contribute sensory supply to the mucous membrane of the tongue:
A- Lingual nerve.
B- Glossopharyngeal nerve.
C- Internal laryngeal nerve.
D- All of the above.
E- A and B only.

All of the following structures are contents of the superior orbital fissure except:
A- Lacrimal nerve.
B- Superior ophthalmic vein.
C- Trochlear nerve.
D- Inferior ophthalmic vein.
E- Abducent nerve.

Which of the following arteries is the main vascular supply for the temporalis myofascial
A- Deep temporal
B- Masseteric
C- Occipital
D- Superficial temporal
E- none of the above

Plagiocephaly describes the shape of the skull that may result from fusion of which of the
following sutures?
A- Coronal
B- Metopic
C- Sagittal
D- Squamosal
E- none of the above

The levator veli palatini muscle is primarily innervated by the

A- V2 branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve
B- V3 branch of the trigeminal (V) nerve
C- facial (VII) nerve
D- vagus (X) nerve
E- hypoglossal (XII) nerve
A right unilateral cleft lip is most likely to result from incomplete union between which of the
following prominences?
A- The frontonasal prominence to the lateral nasal prominence
B- The frontonasal prominence to the medial nasal prominence
C- The lateral nasal prominence to the maxillary prominence
D- The lateral nasal prominence to the medial nasal prominence
E- The medial nasal prominence to the maxillary nasal prominence

Which of the following glandular structures receives innervation from the auriculotemporal
A- Lacrimal
B- Meibomian
C- Parotid
D- Sublingual
E- Submandibular

Which of the following structures drains into the inferior meatus beneath the inferior
A- Auditory tube
B- Nasofrontal duct
C- Nasolacrimal duct
D- Maxillary sinus
E- Sphenoid sinus

A 35-year-old man has an ulcerative lesion in the right retromolar trigone. A biopsy
specimen shows squamous cell carcinoma. Which of the following nodal groups in the
neck is most likely involved?
A- Submandibular (level I)
B- Jugular digastric (level II)
C- Midjugular (level III)
D- Lower jugular (level IV)
E- Posterior cervical triangle (level V)

The optic nerve passes through which of the following bones of the orbit?
A- Ethmoid
B- Frontal
C- Lacrimal
D- Maxilla
E- Sphenoid

A 40-year-old woman develops Frey syndrome after undergoing parotidectomy. The most
likely cause is injury to branches of which of the following nerves?
A- Auriculotemporal
B- Facial (VII)
C- Great auricular
D- Posterior auricular
E- Vagus (X)
A 58-year-old man has a squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior third of the tongue.
Which of the following nodal groups is most likely involved in metastasis?
A- Jugular digastric
B- Postcervical
C- Preparotid
D- Submental
E- Superior cervical

Which of the following sites contains the primary blood supply of the tongue?
A- Dorsal third of the tongue
B- Median septum of the tongue body
C- Middle third of the tongue
D- Multiple segments of the tongue
E- Ventral third of the tongue

Patients with paralysis of the trigeminal nerve have loss of function of which of the following
A- Levator veli palatini
B- Palatopharyngeus
C- Stylohyoid
D- Stylopharyngeus
E- Tensor veli palatine

All of the following are branches of the trigeminal nerve except the:
A- Chorda tympani
B-Superior alveolar nerve
C- Inferior alveolar nerve
D- Mental nerve
E- Nerve to myelohyoid

The infratemporal fossa contains all of the following except:

A- pterygopalatine ganglion
B- pterygoid venous plexus
C- chorda tympani
D- medial pterygoid muscles
E- insertion of temporalis

At about the third month of intrauterine life the head takes up almost
A- 60 % of the total body length
B- 50 % of the total body length
C- 40 % of the total body length
D- 30 % of the total body length
E- 20 % of the total body length

Which of the following statement is not correct

A- The boys grow slower than girls
B- The boys grow later than girls
C- The earlier the growth spurt the smaller the final size
D- The first menarche indicates that the girl has just started the growth spurt
E- Chronological age is not a good indicator of the individual growth status
Which of the following is not a primary cartilage
A- Meckel’s cartilage
B- Condyler cartilage
C- Symphesis cartilage
D- All of the above
E- None of the above

Neural tube formation usually takes place

A- Day 17 post-fertilization
B- Days 18-23 post-fertilization
C- Days 23-38 post-fertilization
D- Days 38-42 post-fertilization
E- Days 42-50 post-fertilization

About the lip: All are true except:

innervated by the ophthalmic nerve

Minor salivary gland on lip are:

A- Completely serous
B- Completely Mucus
C- Mixed Most serous
D- Mixed most Mucous

Nerve commonly involved in cavernous sinus thrombosis ?

Which mandibular ligament restrict protrusion of the mandible ?

Taste sensation on embryo develop at ?

Structures developing from the 2nd branchial arch:

Anterior belly of digastric

Structure passing through parotid gland:

Maxillary artery and retromandibular vein

Proprioception in TMJ from:

Massetric and auriculotemporal nerve

Fibers in tmj that resist posterior movement of the mandible:

Superficial fibers of temporomandibular ligament

Which is false related to IJV ?

A- Internal carotid is medial
B- Units to subclavian to become braceocephalic
C- Not related to deep Cervical LN
D- Phrenic nerve and thyrocervical trunk is related t it
E- Continuation of the sigmoid sinus from Jugular Foramen

Cricothyroid is innervated by: External Laryngeal

When you move your neck to the left with elevation, which muscle does that?
a- Right SCM
b- Left Trapezius only
c- Platysma
d- Digastric

The nerve supplying submandibular gland is:

c. IX
d. XII
e. none of the above.

The infratemporal fossa combine all of the following except:

Ptyregopalatine ganglion

All are branches of facial nerve except for : Greater auricular

If the needle of LA come sinto contact with the parotid gland, it will cause;
A- Paralysis of buccinator
B- Paralysis of Temporalis
C- Parasthesia of Tongue

Squamous suture is between : Parietal + temporal bone

Buccal gingiva of the maxilla drains into:

a- Jugulodigastric lymph nods
b- Juglo omohyoid
c- Submandibular LN
d- Submental LN
e- OccipitaL LN

Nerve to mylohyoid innervates:

a- Upper lip
b- Accompanies chorda tympani
c- Lower molar and premolar

False is:
Tensor velli palatini innervated by nerve to lateral pterygoid

False regarding TMJ :

Medial pterygoid is attached to the articular disc

What elevates the floor of the mouth in the phase of swallowing?


False ?
Posterior belly of digastric is attached to the styloid process

Main muscle retracting the mandible : temporalis

Nerve of third pharyngeal arch: Glossopharyngeal

All true about vertebrae except: Atlas has a small body

Main sensory nerve for FOM : lingual

Not direct drainage to cavernous sinus: Superior Petrosal

What crystal deposit in TMJ :

Monosodium Urate

Foramen Ovale, Rotundam , Spinosum, Lacerum are found in ..

Sphenoid Bone

PSA block complication:

A- Paralysis
B- Hematoma
C- Bleeding
D- Infection
E- None

During IANB , Trismus is due to:

a- Paralysis of IAN
b- Damage of Medial Pterygoid
c- Damage of Lateral Pterygoid
d- Odema at the side of the block

IANB followed by surgical removal of lower third molar, trismus is due to:
a- Injury to the nerve
b- Cellulitis
c- Infection

When you do IANB and the needle is inserted deep into the parotid gland and loss of
tongue sensation in the anterior two thirds have occurred. This is due to:
a- Mandibular nerve injury
b- Auricular nerve injury
c- Chorda tympani inury
d- Otic ganglion injury

Facial Palsy at the right side:

A- Right upper eyelid
B- Right lower eyelid

Facial nerve is:

a- the main source of oxygenated blood to the palatine tonsil
b- Has an accompany vein in which drains into the external jugular vein
c- Convey postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers to the sub-mandibular gland
d- Is a branch of the internal carotid artery
e- Supplies branches to both upper and lower lips

Meckles cartilage from:

A- 1st pharyngeal arch
B- 2nd pharyngeal arch
C- 3rd pharyngeal arch
Not supplied by CN IX :
a- Nasopharynx
b- Oropharynx
c- Stylopharengus
d- Carotid sinus

Facial growth after births is : more rapid than cranial growth

The posterior part of the nose receives a great portion of its arterial supply by:
sphenopalatine a.

The cerebral artery supplies most of the lateral surface of the cerebrum in the
middle cerebral.

The dural venous sinus found on the floor of the cranial fossa is : the cavernous

The muscle which protrude the tongue tip towards the opposite side is :

The vein that directly connects the veins of the scalp to the dural venous sinuses is : the
emissary vein

The internal carotid nerve arise from superior cervical sympathetic ganglia

CSF is present in : Subarachnoid space

Ramus of mandible forms at:

A- 10 weeks
B- 15 weeks
C- 25 weeks

Palate is completely fused at:

A- 6 months I.U
B- After birth
C- 8 weeks I.U

Cavernous sinus doesn’t drain: Superior sagittal

Growth of skull is indicated from: Frontal sinus

Closure of anterior fontanelle:

A- 9-18 months
B- 12-18 months
C- 18-24 months

Which of the following is inside the tendinous ring ?

A- Abducent n.
B- Nasociliiray n.
C- Superior and inferior divisions of oculomotor nerve
D- Optic nerve
E- Opthalmic artery
TMJ Movements:
Upper compartment: Translation, Sliding, Gliding
Lower compartment: Pure rotation, hinge movement

During tracheostomy , there is a chance of injuring :

Inferior thyroid vein

Paralysis of tongue called: Glossoplygeia

Carotid canal is formed inside: Temproal bone

In skull fracture, blood seen in the CSF indicates:

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Lingual artery ligation near the hyoid bone carries risk of injury of : CN XII

Wrong about MP muscle :

In infratemporal fossa, it lies deep to the lingual nerve

When you move your mandible in lateral excursive movement, what muscles are
active : Contralateral LP, Ipsilateral Temporalis

Which of the following is fibro-elastic cartilage :

A- Thyroid
B- Cricoid
C- Arytenoid
D- Epiglottis
E- Cuneiform and corniculate

In vagus nerve , you test it by asking your patient to say “AH” then:
The patient raises the uvula and it will deviate to the normal side in unilateral vagus

Condyle of mandible grows by: Interstitial growth ONLY

ECA branches except : Inferior thyroid artery

Posterior auricular vein + posterior retromandibular >> EJV

Mandibular condyle articulates with ….. ?

Glenoid fossa of temporal bone

All cranial nerves leave the skull through foramenae except :


All of the following are at risk during superficial parotidectomy , except:

a- Facial artery
b- Facial nerve
c- Retromandibular vein
d- Auriculotemporal nerve
e- Superficial temporal artery

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