Computer Vision and Image Processing + Libaries
Computer Vision and Image Processing + Libaries
Computer Vision and Image Processing + Libaries
In the vast expanse of today's data-driven landscape, an astonishing 175 zettabytes of digital information
loom large, with images comprising a substantial portion of this staggering volume. However, before these
images can seamlessly integrate into the realm of machine learning models, data scientists embark on an
enthralling journey: image processing. It serves as the enchanting gateway that transmutes raw and disparate
images into refined gems primed for implementation within models.
If AI endows computers with the capacity to reason, envision computer vision as the mind's eye decoding the
visual world. Via classification and identification algorithms, it animates pixels, translating them into a language
intelligible to computers. The outcome is a vivid narrative that describes the contents encapsulated within
In the computer's perception, digital images are seen as a function: I(x, y) or I(x, y, z), where "I" represents pixel
intensity and (x, y) or (x, y, z) denote the coordinates (for binary/grayscale or RGB images, respectively) of
the pixel in the image.
Function Description
cv2.imread() Read images from files
cv2.resize() Resize images
cv2.filter2D() Apply convolution filters
cv2.Canny() Edge detection using the Canny algorithm
cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create() Local Binary Pattern Histogram Face Recognizer
Applications: OpenCV is widely used for basic image processing tasks such as resizing, cropping,
and color manipulation. Additionally, it excels in advanced tasks like image segmentation, face
detection, object recognition, and 3D reconstruction. It is a crucial tool for computer vision
2. Scikit-Image
Overview: Scikit-Image is a Python-based image processing library built on NumPy, SciPy, and
Cython. It emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, providing a collection of algorithms for image
segmentation, filtering, morphological operations, and more.
Installation and Usage :
pip install scikit-image
from skimage import io, color, filters
# Now, you can use various functions like io.imread(), color.rgb2gray(), filters.sobel(), etc.
Table 2 Selected Scikit-Image Image Processing Functions
Function Description
io.imread() Read images from files
color.rgb2gray() Convert RGB images to grayscale
filters.sobel() Apply Sobel filter for edge detection
morphology.binary_erosion() Binary erosion for morphological operations
Applications: Scikit-Image is used for a variety of tasks such as image segmentation, feature
extraction, and geometric transformations. It is particularly useful in scientific and medical image
processing due to its well-designed algorithms and ease of integration with other scientific computing
3. SciPy
Overview: Scipy, a scientific library relying on Numpy matrices, is a versatile tool for mathematical
algorithms. It supports operations like integration, differentiation, Fourier transforms, and clustering.
In image processing, Scipy provides functions for adding filters, noise, smoothing, and basic
operations such as color conversion, cutting, and rotating.
Installation and Usage :
pip install scipy
from scipy import ndimage
# Now, you can use ndimage functions like ndimage.convolve(), ndimage.label(), etc.
Function Description
ndimage.convolve() Read images from files
ndimage.label() Convert RGB images to grayscale
ndimage.rotate() Apply Sobel filter for edge detection
ndimage.gaussian_filter() Binary erosion for morphological operations
Applications: The ndimage submodule in SciPy is used for tasks like image blurring through
convolution, image segmentation, and face detection. It provides efficient algorithms for various
image processing operations.
4. Pillow/PIL
Overview: Formerly known as PIL and now PILLOW, this library offers comprehensive support for
all image file formats. Although support was discontinued in 2011, its simplicity and ease of use,
especially in basic operations like resizing, rotating, and converting between file formats, maintain
its popularity.
Installation and Usage :
pip install Pillow
from PIL import Image
# # Now, you can use Pillow functions, e.g.,,, etc.
Function Description Open and load images
Image.resize() Resize images
Image.rotate() Rotate images
Image.filter() Apply various filters
Applications : Pillow is commonly used for basic image processing tasks like opening and saving
images, resizing, cropping, and applying basic filters. It is often used in combination with other
libraries for more complex image processing workflows.
5. NumPy
Overview: NumPy is a fundamental library for numerical computing in Python, primarily focused on
array processing. While not exclusively an image processing library, its array manipulation
capabilities make it a valuable tool for handling and manipulating image data efficiently.
Installation and Usage :
pip install numpy
import numpy as np
# Now, you can use NumPy functions for array manipulation and numerical operations.
Table 5 : Selected NumPy Image Processing Functions
Function Description
numpy.array() Create NumPy arrays from images
numpy.resize() Resize NumPy arrays
numpy.flip() Flip NumPy arrays along axes
numpy.histogram() Compute histograms of image pixel values
Application : NumPy is used for basic image manipulation tasks such as converting between image
formats, cropping, and resizing. It is often used in conjunction with other image processing libraries
to perform numerical operations on image data.
6. SimpleITK
Overview: SimpleITK is a simplified layer built on top of the Insight Segmentation and Registration
Toolkit (ITK). ITK is a widely used toolkit for image segmentation and registration in medical imaging.
Installation and Usage :
pip install SimpleITK
import SimpleITK as sitk
# Now, you can use SimpleITK functions, e.g., sitk.ReadImage(), sitk.WriteImage(), etc.
Table 6 : Selected SimpleITK Image Processing Functions
Function Description
sitk.ReadImage() Read images from files
sitk.WriteImage() Write images to files
sitk.Resample() Resample images
sitk.Transform() Apply various transformations to images
Applications: SimpleITK provides a user-friendly interface for performing image segmentation and
registration tasks. It is commonly used in medical image processing and analysis. The Python-wrapped
interface makes it accessible for Python developers.
Concluding Thoughts:
In the ever-expanding universe of Python image processing libraries, each tool plays a unique role in shaping the future
of computer vision and visual data analysis. From the robustness of OpenCV to the simplicity of Pillow, these libraries
empower developers to unravel the secrets hidden within images. As technology advances, the fusion of Python with these
libraries continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in the visual realm, promising a future where the analysis
and understanding of visual data are more accessible than ever.
Function Description
cv::imread() Read images from files
cv::resize() Resize images
cv::filter2D() Apply convolution filters
Applications : OpenCV in C++ is widely used for fundamental image processing tasks and
advanced operations like image segmentation, face detection, object recognition, and 3D
reconstruction. It is an essential tool for computer vision applications.
2. CImg
Overview : CImg is a C++ template image processing library that stands out for its simplicity and
ease of use. It provides a collection of functions for image processing, including filtering,
morphological operations, and geometric transformations.
Applications Clmg is used for various image processing tasks in C++, including image segmentation,
feature extraction, and geometric transformations. Its simplicity makes it a versatile choice for
Function Description
itk::ReadImage() Read images from files
itk::WriteImage() Write images to files
itk::ResampleImageFilter() Resample images
itk::TransformImageFilter() Apply various transformations to images
Applications : ITK in C++ is commonly used in medical image processing and analysis. Its advanced
features make it a powerful tool for tasks like image segmentation and registration.
Function Description
boost::gil::read_image() Read images from files
boost::gil::write_view() Write images to files
boost::gil::resample() Resample images
boost::gil::transform() Apply various transformations to images
Applications : Boost.GIL is versatile and can be used for a range of image processing tasks in C++,
including basic operations and more advanced manipulations.
Concluding Thoughts
In C++ image processing libraries, each tool serves a unique purpose, from the comprehensive capabilities of
OpenCV to the simplicity of CImg and the advanced features of ITK. As developers harness these libraries, the
landscape of image processing in C++ continues to evolve, promising innovative solutions for visual data
analysis and computer vision.
Face recognition Capable of face Not specifically Does not provide Not designed for Not directly
detection and designed for built-in face face recognition. designed for
recognition using face recognition. recognition face recognition,
techniques like functionality. but can be used
Eigenfaces and for feature
Local Binary extraction and
Pattern face
Histograms. representation.
Ease of use Has a Offers a user- Provides a Simple API with Easy-to-use API
comprehensive friendly interface concise API with straightforward with well-defined
API with and well- clear functions for functions for
extensive organized documentation. image numerical
documentation documentation. manipulation and operations on
and tutorials. file format image data.
Applications Widely used in Commonly used Useful for tasks Essential for Fundamental for
computer vision in scientific and like image image file format image data
applications, medical image filtering, noise handling, analysis,
including object processing due to reduction, and resizing, and manipulation,
detection, image its focus on image basic image converting and
classification, and segmentation manipulation. between file representation in
video analysis. and analysis. formats. numerical form.
Concluding Thoughts
In summary, the choice of image processing library in Python depends on the specific task at hand and the desired
balance between performance, ease of use, and functionality. OpenCV is a powerful choice for real-time computer vision
applications, while Scikit-Image and SciPy excel in image segmentation and analysis. Pillow/PIL is ideal for basic image
manipulation and file format handling, while NumPy provides numerical capabilities for image data processing. SimpleITK
is specifically designed for medical image processing applications.