Acc 411-Bus 407 - Transportation Model - Basic Sol - 231122 - 143750 - 114624
Acc 411-Bus 407 - Transportation Model - Basic Sol - 231122 - 143750 - 114624
Acc 411-Bus 407 - Transportation Model - Basic Sol - 231122 - 143750 - 114624
i) There should be a list of origins and corresponding capacity or quantity supplied per period.
ii) There should be a list of destinations and corresponding quantity demanded per period.
iii) The unit cost of transporting items from each origin to each destination should be present.
iv) Total quantity supplied must be equal to total quantity demanded. This is known as the Rim
i) Items to be transported are homogeneous (they are the same regardless of their sources of
ii) Transporting cost per unit on a route is the same throughout that route regardless of the
number of units transported
iii) Total cost on the route is total number of items transported on that route multiplied by the
unit cost of items on the route.
iv) There is only one route of transportation being used between each pair of origin and
1. Ensure the problem is balanced, i.e. total supply equals total demand.
2. Create an initial basic feasible solution using any of the following methods:
i) North West Corner (NWC) Rule
ii) Least Cost Method (LCM) or Greedy Method
iii) Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM) or Penalty Method
3. Engage the distribution plan for any of the methods
• Beginning in the upper left-hand cell of the table, allocate units to routes/cells in a “move-
to-the-right and down” pattern.
• Supply available at each row must be exhausted before moving down to the next row.
• Demand requirements of any column must be satisfied before moving to the right to the
next column.
• When all allocations have been made, check to ensure total supply allocated equals total
demand required.
Example: Star Nig Plc has operating plants in towns A, B and C, with production capacities of
5000, 6000, and 2500 units respectively. The company has four markets W, X, Y and Z for the
distribution of its products. The forecasted market demands are 6000, 4000, 2000, and 1500 units
respectively. The transportation cost (₦’000) per unit for the company is given below:
A 3 2 7 6
B 7 5 2 3
C 2 5 4 5
i) The distribution plan that will minimize the transportation cost
ii) The total minimum cost
Basic Solution
Distribution Plan
Basic Solution
Distribution Plan
Step 1: Calculate the opportunity cost figure (OCF) - the difference between the two lowest
transportation costs for each row and column.
Step 2: Select the row/column with highest OCF
Step 3: Allocate as many units as possible to the cell with the lowest cost figure in the selected
Step 4: Cross-out any row/column that has received full allocation
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for rows and columns that are not yet satisfied until all allocations
have been made.
NB: If exactly one row/column remains uncrossed, stop and use LCM to complete the allocation.
Breaking ties in VAM:
Basic Solution:
Distribution Plan
A W 1000 3 3000
A X 4000 2 8000
B W 2500 7 17500
B Y 2000 2 4000
B Z 1500 3 4500
C W 2500 2 5000
Total minimum cost 42,000