Master of Science
Assimina A. Pelegri
And approved by
October 2019
Thesis Director:
It is important to know the mechanical response of materials over a full range of strain
rates. In machining and stamping, or in ballistic type events such as bullet penetration, shell
impacts, and explosive blasts, strain rates of 100 s-1 to 10,000 s-1 or even higher for hyper-
velocity impacts, are achieved. A Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar facility is generally used
to study the mechanical response of materials at these strain rates. The Split Hopkinson
Pressure Bar produces precise data which can be used to study the dynamic response of
materials. Over the last 70 years the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar has been subject to many
scrutinous studies which push the boundaries of materials it can test. In this thesis, the
design of a compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar facility is presented. The Split
dimensional and undispersed wave propagation as well as uniaxial loading of the specimen.
Each subsystem of the compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar is closely examined to
outline its role in obeying these assumptions as well as its role in obtaining accurate data
acquisition, then a design of each subsystem is presented. The presented facility improves
in strain gage design increased the maximum attainable impact velocity from 40 m/s to at
least 50 m/s. The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar facility is thoroughly tested to verify the
design. The dynamic response of aluminum 6061-T6511 is tested between strain rates of
1,000 s-1 and 6,300 s-1 to verify the accuracy of the facility. Testing showed that the
response of 6061-T6511 is strain rate dependent which is consistent with literature. The
flow stress of 6061-T6511 increases as strain rate increases from 350 MPa to 400 MPa at
a rate of about 0.009 MPa-s. The dynamic response of polycarbonate is reported at strain
rates between 1,000 s-1 and 7,000 s-1. The flow stress increases by about 8.2% over the
range of strain rates. Super activated carbon and a super activated carbon composite is also
studied using aluminum pressure bars, specifically designed for soft materials.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my advisor and
mentor Professor Assimina Pelegri for her overwhelming support throughout my education
at Rutgers University. Her advice inspired me to take on many leadership roles during my
time at Rutgers which has been instrumental in deciding my future career aspirations. I
I would like to thank everyone that has helped with the project: Professor Edward
DeMauro for his relentless engagement in the design of data acquisition system and
willingness to support my project, and Max Tenorio, Andrea Olarte, and Asaad Shaikh for
their respective contributions and for taking on the responsibilities of operating the facility
after my departure.
I would like to thank my mentor Mr. Paul Pickard for his advice in designing and
manufacturing the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and for nurturing my development and
I would also like to acknowledge my thesis committee: Dr. Assimina Pelegri, Dr.
Edward DeMauro, and Dr. Rajiv Malhotra for their time in my defense.
Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and family who have supported me
throughout my higher education, especially my parents, David and Delan, and my brother
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 77
Figure 1.1: Controlled experimental techniques used to study materials at various strain
rate regions. Kolsky bars are the general name for a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar.
Reproduced from Ramesh, K.T [1]. .................................................................................2
Figure 1.2: General design schematic of a compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. ...4
Figure 1.3: B. Hopkinson’s original pressure bar experiment. Reproduced from
Hopkinson [3]..................................................................................................................6
Figure 2.1: Wave propagation of an elastic rod impacting a rigid wall.............................9
Figure 2.2: Lagrangian diagram for a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar shows the
propagation of the stress wave through time. The x-axis represents position along the
SHPB and y-axis represents time. .................................................................................. 11
Figure 2.3: Schematic of specimen and strain pulses. 1 indicates incident bar-specimen
interface. 2 indicated transmission bar-specimen interface. ............................................ 12
Figure 2.4: Example of a Wheatstone bridge circuit in a quarter bridge configuration. .. 15
Figure 3.1: Time step convergence of the gas gun numerical model. The time step is
chosen such that, 𝑣𝑖 + 1 − 𝑣𝑖 < 0.01 𝑚/𝑠. Convergence study shows that a maximum
time step of 7.5 µs should be used.................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.2: Convergence of analytical solution to numerical solution with varying
reservoir volume at initial pressure of 136 atm. The red circle indicates the reservoir
volume that is used in the design, 0.0035 m3. The analytical solution overestimates the
velocity by 1.25%. ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.3: Reservoir tank of the striker propelling system. Control volume is 0.0035 m3.
...................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3.4: Barrel of the SHPB launching system. Two 76 mm slits are machined
towards the exhaust end of the barrel. The barrel is held down by three adjustable stage
clamps. .......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.5: Striker velocity as a function of initial reservoir pressure with numerical and
analytical solutions. For lower pressures, the analytical solution may be used to
accurately predict velocity. ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 3.6: Pneumatic control panel to control the initial reservoir pressure. ................. 24
Figure 3.7: Release valve and manual safety shut-off valve........................................... 25
Figure 3.8: The strain gage measures the average strain over its gage length. ................ 30
Figure 3.9: Examples of broken connecting wires on incident bar terminal pad. A.
Broken connecting wire for axial gage. B. Broken connecting wire for transverse gage
V+ excitation wire. ........................................................................................................ 31
Figure 3.10: Schematic of a 3-wire quarter Wheatstone bridge. Reproduced from Micro-
Measurements Application Note VMM-5. ..................................................................... 32
Figure 3.11: Installed strain gage on incident pressure bar............................................. 33
Figure 3.12: Kulite KSC-2 signal conditioners. ............................................................. 34
Figure 3.13: Wheatstone bridge completion circuits for axial and transverse
measurements. ............................................................................................................... 34
Figure 3.14: 1. National Instruments cDAQ 9185 chassis with 2. NI 9775 digitizer, 3. NI
9402 DIO, and 4. NI 9205 AIO modules. ....................................................................... 35
Figure 3.15: Good axial alignment of pressure bars. Incident and transmitted pulses
match and the reflected pulse is close to zero. ................................................................ 38
Figure 3.16: Ceramic lined linear bearing mounted in split pillow block bearing housing.
The pillow block housing uses four set screws to adjust the alignment of the bearing. A.
Oil port. B. Mounting screws. C. Adjustment set screws ................................................ 39
Figure 3.17: Laser alignment of bearings. ..................................................................... 40
Figure 3.18: The momentum trap consists of a bar and shock absorber. ........................ 41
Figure 3.19: Comparison of calculated response curves of bonded, dry, and lubricated
specimens. Increasing the coefficient of friction significantly increases the stress in the
specimen. Reproduced from Bertholf and Karnes [4]. .................................................... 43
Figure 3.20: Translated incident, reflected, and transmitted waves for a polycarbonate
specimen. ...................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.21: Striker velocity determination. Striker crosses laser curtain in 2.141 ± 0.02
ms, resulting in a velocity of 35.6 m/s for a 3” striker bar. ............................................. 45
Figure 4.1: Bar wave speed calibration for C350 pressure bars. Time between the start of
the incident pulse and start of the reflected pulse is used to calculate wave speed........... 47
Figure 4.2: Measured and predicted striker velocities vs. initial pressure. The analytical
solution and numerical model are shown. Results for two striker lengths are shown....... 49
Figure 4.3: Example of calibration test with no specimen. Velocity of striker is 22.6 m/s.
The amplitude of the incident and transmitted pulses match the amplitude of the
theoretical input strain indicating system is in good calibration. ..................................... 50
Figure 4.4: Example of bad system calibration. The incident and transmitted pulses fall
short of the predicted strain value. ................................................................................. 50
Figure 4.5: Translated incident, reflected, and transmitted waves during a calibration test.
The transmitted and incident waves match in amplitude indicating good calibration. The
reflected pulse is very close to zero which indicates the pressure bars are in good
alignment....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4.6: Pulse shaper effect on incident pulse. The strain is normalized by the striker
velocity.......................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 4.7: Pulse shapers reducing the variance between the incident and transmitted
pulses. ........................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.8: Frequency spectrum of a non-pulsed shaped incident pulse and a pulse
shaped incident pulse. The pulse shaper acts as a low pass filter. ................................... 55
Figure 4.9: A. Pulse shaper loaded on the incident bar. B. Pulse shapers before and after
use. ................................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 4.10: Incident and transmitted bar strains from test sample SN 7. ....................... 57
Figure 4.11: Aluminum specimens before and after dynamic compression. ................... 57
Figure 4.12: Strain in specimen SN 7 over time. Both three and one wave methods are
shown. The true strain corrects for the Poisson’s effect. ................................................. 58
Figure 4.13: Strain rate of test specimen 6061-T6511 SN 7. Constant strain rate is
achieved after 40 µs. ...................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4.14: Dynamic response of 6061-T6511 Aluminum Alloy over a range of strain
rates. .............................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 4.15: Flow stress strain rate dependency of 6061-T6511 at 25% strain. .............. 61
Figure 4.16: Peak stress strain rate dependency for 6061-T6511 between 1000 s-1 and
3000 s-1. ......................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 4.17: Polycarbonate specimen before and after SHPB experiment. ..................... 63
Figure 4.18: Dynamic stress-strain curves of Polycarbonate. ......................................... 63
Figure 4.19: Stress-strain curves of polycarbonate. Reproduced from Siviour, C. R. et al.
[2]. ................................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 4.20: Flow stress of PC specimens at 12.5% strain at various strain rates. .......... 64
Figure 4.21: Peak stress of PC specimens at various strain rates. ................................... 65
Figure 4.22: Translated strain waves of SAC specimen SN 5. The transmitted signal is
very weak compared to the incident and reflected signals, which closely match. ............ 66
Figure 4.23: Dynamic response of SAC at various strain rates....................................... 68
Figure 4.24: Dynamic response of SAC + CNT composite. ........................................... 69
Figure 4.25: Peak stress versus strain rate for SAC and SAC + CNT. ............................ 70
The dynamic behavior of a material and its mechanical properties may change
depending on the strain rate of the test. Traditionally, material properties such as the elastic
modulus, Poisson’s ratio, yield strength, and ultimate strength are determined by a uniaxial
tensile test. However, this test is limited to studying materials in quasi-static conditions at
strain rates between 0.001 s-1 to 10 s-1. For applications in machining and stamping, or
ballistic events such as bullet impacts, shell impacts, and explosions, it is common for the
loading conditions to reach strain rates of 100 s-1 to 10,000 s-1. In dynamic loading
conditions, the mechanical response of materials may diverge from its quasi-static
properties with increasing strain rate. A dynamic method of material characterization such
as the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) test is used to study mechanical response of
materials at strain rates between 100 s-1 and 10,000 s-1 [1].
rate dependent behavior. For example, the tensile strength of Al-Al3Ni composite is shown
to increase with increasing strain rate [5]. The data acquired from the SHPB can be used in
the Johnson-Cook and Zerilli-Armstrong strength models, which are reasonably accurate
methods in studying ballistic phenomenon [6-8]. The Johnson-Cook model showed that
strain rates of 105 s-1 are achieved during initial impact of Rolled Homogenous Armor from
a projectile with velocity of 1,616 m/s, but reduce to 104 s-1 during steady-state penetration
[7]. Strain rates up to 105 s-1 may be achieved with a miniaturized SHPB [1, 9], however,
Figure 1.1: Controlled experimental techniques used to study materials at various strain
rate regions. Kolsky bars are the general name for a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar.
Reproduced from Ramesh, K.T [1].
anything higher requires explosive plate or light gas gun experiments. The SHPB has also
been used to study dynamic material properties of sheet metals at strain rates of 1,000 s-1
to optimize car body structures [10], and for studying rate sensitivity of aluminum alloy
sheets also commonly used in car body structures [11]. Figure 1.1 shows the various
experimental techniques used to characterize materials over a wide range of strain rates.
Uniaxial tensile tests are typically conducted by servo-hydraulic machines which lack the
Unlike other high strain rate experiments, the SHPB can provide a robust amount
dynamic stress-strain curve. Other experiments such as a drop tower or an explosive plate
provide more qualitative information rather than quantitative [12]. The SHPB experiment
is also robust in the fact that it can be modified for high temperature experiments [13] or
The SHPB requires very careful design in order to produce accurate and repeatable
results. The design of the experiment must be modified based on the material being tested.
Therefore, it is general practice to design and build a SHPB that is specialized for a
particular research area [12]. There are few commercially available test apparatuses, but
those that exist come at a significant cost. The commercial test apparatuses are modular by
design and can be adapted to fit most testing needs. A commonly used commercial
apparatus is manufactured by REL, Inc with a base price of $100k [14]. The bulk of the
thesis will discuss how a relatively inexpensive SHPB can be designed and built to
characterize metals, ceramics, composites, and polymers, and will later discuss the
torsion, or shear, however, this thesis will focus on a compressive SHPB. The main
components of the SHPB are the striker bar and two compressive pressure bars. A specimen
is sandwiched between the two pressure bars. The striker is launched at one end of the
pressure bars compressing the specimen. Strain gages are installed on each of the pressure
bars to measure the strain waves that result from the experiment. The SHPB theory allows
one to determine the specimen’s stress-strain curve with the measured strain history of the
There is no universal design for a SHPB apparatus, however, all designs consist of
• Momentum Trap
• Strain gages
The gas gun system consists of a high-pressure reservoir with controls to regulate
the pressure of the system. A quick release valve allows the gas to expand and accelerate
the striker bar towards the pressure bars. The first pressure bar is called the incident bar
and the second pressure bar is called the transmission bar. A velocity measurement system
is implemented to measure the velocity of the projectile right before impact. Upon impact,
Figure 1.2: General design schematic of a compressive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar.
The pressure wave propagates along the incident bar and loads the specimen
sandwiched between the two pressure bars. A portion of the pressure wave is transmitted
into the transmission bar and also reflected as a tensile wave in the incident bar. The
resulting pressure waves are measured using strain gages mounted on the surfaces of the
pressure bars. The strain gages are aligned along the center axis of the pressure bars to
measure axial strain. In summary, there are three pressure waves: the incident, transmitted,
and reflected waves. These pressure waves are used to determine the stress, strain, and
strain rate of the specimen. After loading the specimen, the remaining energy in the system
strength of the material selected for the pressure bars; it is general practice to use a high
strength steel or nickel alloys such as 4340 or Maraging steel so that high stresses can be
attained to deform the specimen. The SHPB experiment is dependent on the assumption of
straight and uniform. The pressure bars are centerless ground to achieve uniform cross-
section along their length, as well as, precision straightened to minimize bow in the bars.
Bow in the bars will cause bending waves to propagate, which violates this assumption.
The pressure bars are supported by a series of linear bearings that allow the pressure bars
to slide freely. The bearings are mounted in individual housings, providing a degree of
adjustment to align the pressure bars uniaxially. With proper design, the Split Hopkinson
during the impact of a bullet [3]. Hopkinson derived an experiment involving two rods and
a momentum trap: one rod was very long and ballistically suspended; the second rod was
wrung together with the first rod and was suspended using an electromagnet. The second
rod faced the momentum trap. A schematic of Hopkinson’s experiment is seen in Figure
1.3. A bullet was fired at the end of the first rod. A pressure wave was generated from the
bullet impact and propagated along the length of the first rod, then transferred its
momentum to the second rod. The second rod absorbed the momentum of the first rod,
gained velocity, and flew towards the momentum trap. Its momentum was recorded by the
momentum trap. By recording the momentum of the first and second rods, Hopkinson used
this data and his derived equations to estimate the pressure of the bullet impact. In 1947,
R. M. Davies was the first to consider the use of condenser microphones to measure the
time-varying pressure wave, allowing for a more robust analysis of Hopkinson’s original
experiment [16] .
In 1949, H. Kolsky introduced the idea of splitting the long rod and placing a thin
disc of metal in between the two rods to measure stress and strain in the disc [17]. Using
Davies idea of using condenser microphones and recording the pressure-time history in the
input and output bars, Kolsky derived equations to determine the stress and strain of the
thin disc specimen. His design laid the foundations to the modern Split Hopkinson Pressure
Bar, and due to his work, the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar is sometimes referred to as a
Kolsky Bar.
Recently, there has been much interest in investigating materials for military
applications. LB Brown et al. used the SHPB system to suggest ways of improving armor
designed to stop projectiles [18]. He concluded that the ability to passively strip the metal
jacket of the bullet would improve the armor’s effectiveness. Meyer et al. used SHPB data
and the Johnson-Cook model to model penetration of rolled homogenous armor as well as
investigate the penetration of titanium as an alternative lightweight armor [6, 7]. Due to
Much research has been conducted to improve the technique to provide more
accurate and repeatable results or to expand the scope of the SHPB. Naghdabadi et al.
This significantly reduces the trial and error process of selecting a pulse shaper [21].
Similarly, Bagher Shemirani et al. suggested methods of selecting a proper pulse shaper
for concrete specimens [22]. Zhong et el. investigates the influence of specimen design in
the SHPB test as well as the influence of interfacial friction in the SHPB test [23]. Song et
al. suggested a basic standardized SHPB design which offers a platform to build more
complex experiments off of [24]. Miao et al. was able to design a SHPB which fixes error
due to the tilt effect [25]. To study specimens with low wave impedance, acrylic bars are
PMMA bars [26]. A new method for stress pulse generation has also been investigated
Chapter 2 – THEORY
To derive the relationship between the specimen stress-strain and the pressure bar
strains, it is necessary to understand the generation and propagation of the stress wave. A
simple approach to understand this is analyzing a perfectly elastic bar impacting a rigid
wall as in Figure 2.1. Assume the bar has a length L and bar wave speed c, defined by:
𝑐=√ (1)
where E and rho are the elastic modulus and density of the bar material respectively [1,
28]. The time for the wave to propagate two full bar lengths is the characteristic time
defined by:
𝑡 = 2𝐿⁄𝑐 (2)
At initial impact, when time t = 0, the bar is moving with a velocity, v0. At time 0
< t < L/c, a compressive stress wave is generated at the bar-wall interface and begins
propagating along the length of the bar as in Figure 2.1 section 1. The bar material behind
the wave front comes to rest, while the bar material in front of the wave front maintains its
initial velocity. The kinetic energy associated with the material behind the wave front has
been transformed into strain energy. At 𝑡 = 𝐿⁄𝑐, the bar has zero velocity; its kinetic
energy has been transformed into strain energy as in Figure 2.1 section 2. At 𝐿⁄𝑐 < 𝑡 <
2𝐿⁄𝑐 , the compressive stress wave is reflected at the free end of the bar as a tensile stress
wave that begins unloading the bar. The material behind the wave front accelerates to the
initial bar velocity away from the wall as in Figure 2.1 section 3. At 𝑡 > 2 𝐿𝑠𝑡 ⁄𝑐 , the bar
releases from the wall with its initial velocity away from the wall [29]. The total loading
When the striker impacts the end of the incident bar, it loads the incident bar for
the same duration as if it were a rigid wall. Assuming perfect elasticity and matching wave
impedance of the striker and incident bars, all of the striker bar’s momentum and energy is
transferred to the incident bar. The striker bar comes to rest. This results in a compressive
incident wave with a wavelength λ, twice the length of the striker bar Lst, that propagates
along the incident bar. The resulting incident wave’s strain amplitude is
1 𝑣𝑠𝑡
𝜀𝐼 = (3)
2 𝑐
where εI is the incident strain and vst is the velocity of the striker bar right before impact
Figure 2.2: Lagrangian diagram for a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar shows the
propagation of the stress wave through time. The x-axis represents position along the
SHPB and y-axis represents time.
When the wave propagates, it is assumed that the wave travels in an undispersed
manner. Therefore, the wave propagating along the bar is exactly the same at any time t,
other than a translation along the bar axis. The incident wave reaches the specimen after
𝑡 = 𝐿𝐼 ⁄𝑐, where, LI, is the length of the incident bar. Due to mismatching wave impedances
of the incident bar and specimen, some of the incident wave reflects as a tensile wave along
the incident bar; the remaining incident wave is transmitted through the specimen into the
transmission bar as a compressive stress wave. When the incident wave transmits through
the specimen, several internal reflections occur between the specimen-bar interfaces. These
internal reflections can cause issues, however, is generally neglected if the specimen length
is very small compared to wave speed of the specimen material and wavelength of the
incident pulse. It is assumed that the stress in the specimen is uniform if the specimen is
Figure 2.2.
Under these assumptions, equations for stress and strain of the specimen can be
derived from the incident, reflected and transmitted strain waves. The bar strains are related
𝑢1 = 𝑐 ∫ (𝜀𝐼 − 𝜀𝑅 )𝑑𝑡 (4)
𝑢2 = 𝑐 ∫ 𝜀𝑇 𝑑𝑡 (5)
where, u1, is the displacement at the incident bar-specimen interface, u2, is the
displacement at the transmission bar-specimen interface, εR and εT, are the strain histories
of the reflected and transmitted pulses respectively. The specimen-bar interfaces are
visualized in Figure 2.3. The average strain in the specimen can be calculated by
Figure 2.3: Schematic of specimen and strain pulses. 1 indicates incident bar-specimen
interface. 2 indicated transmission bar-specimen interface.
𝑢1 − 𝑢2
𝜀𝑠 = (6)
𝑐 𝑡
𝜀𝑠 = ∫ (𝜀𝐼 −𝜀𝑅 − 𝜀𝑇 )𝑑𝑡 (7)
𝐿𝑠 0
where, εs is the specimen strain and, Ls, is the initial length of the specimen. The strain rate
𝜀̇𝑠 = (𝜀 − 𝜀𝑅 −𝜀𝑇 ) (8)
𝐿𝑠 𝐼
𝑃1 = 𝐸𝐴(𝜀𝐼 + 𝜀𝑅 ) (9)
𝑃2 = 𝐸𝐴𝜀𝑇 (10)
where, E is the elastic modulus and, A, is the cross-sectional area of the pressure bar. The
𝜎𝑠 = 𝐸 (𝜀 + 𝜀𝑅 + 𝜀𝑇 ) (11)
2𝐴𝑠 𝐼
where, σs is the specimen stress. These equations for stress, strain, and strain rate are
referred to as the 3-wave method. If it is assumed that the specimen is in stress equilibrium,
𝜀𝑇 = 𝜀𝐼 +𝜀𝑅 , then the specimen stress, strain, and strain rate history are reduced and
expressed as:
𝜎𝑠 = 𝐸 𝜀 (12)
𝐴𝑠 𝑇
2𝑐 𝑡
𝜀𝑠 = − ∫ 𝜀 𝑑𝑡 (13)
𝐿𝑠 0 𝑅
𝜀̇𝑠 = − 𝜀 (14)
𝐿𝑠 𝑅
These simplified equations are referred to as the 1-wave method. Due to Poisson’s effect,
the cross-section of the specimen changes dynamically during compression. To account for
this, corrections to the previous equations for stress, strain, and strain rate are:
𝜎 = 𝜎𝑠 (1 − 𝜀𝑠 ) (15)
𝜖 = −ln(1 − 𝜀𝑠 ) (16)
𝜖̇ = (17)
1 − 𝜀𝑠
where, σ, ϵ, and 𝜖̇ are the true stress, true strain, and true strain rate of the specimen
respectively [1].
In practice, the strain waves are measured with linear strain gages. The strain gages
are placed far enough from the ends of the bars such that the waves do not overlap. Strain
gages act as variable resistors which change resistance with a change in length. This change
is reported as the strain gage’s gage factor, or GF for short. The GF is directly proportional
𝛿𝑅⁄𝑅 𝛿𝑅⁄𝑅
𝐺𝐹 = = (18)
𝛿𝐿⁄𝐿 𝜀
[30]. To measure strain as a voltage, the strain gage is connected in a Wheatstone bridge
circuit. The Wheatstone bridge is used to detect very small resistance changes as a result
of the change in resistance of the strain gage. The Wheatstone bridge is made up of four
resistors: one, two, or four of these resistors are bonded strain gages with the remaining
being completion resistors of the same resistance as the strain gage. These are connected
in a diamond pattern as in Figure 2.4. An excitation voltage, Ei, is applied across opposite
legs of the bridge. The completed bridge returns a sense voltage, E0, recorded by the data
acquisition system. When each resistor has the same resistance, then the sense voltage is
zero and the bridge is said to be balanced. The Wheatstone bridge can be configured as a
quarter, half, or full bridge, each requiring one, two, or four bonded strain gages,
respectively. Half and full bridge configurations are used to increase the sensitivity of the
strain measurement and to compensate for apparent strains due to temperature, bending
strain, or shear [30]. In a quarter Wheatstone bridge configuration, the axial strain is given
4 𝐸0 ⁄𝐸𝑖 𝑅𝑙
𝜀= ∗ (1 + ) (19)
𝐺𝐹 (1 + 2 𝐸0 ⁄𝐸𝑖 ) 𝑅𝑔
where, (1 + 𝑅 𝑙 ), corrects for the wire lead resistance to the strain gage, where, Rl, is the
lead wire resistance, and Rg, is the strain gage resistance [30, 31].
measured. It is common to use half and full bridge configurations to correct for bending
waves which propagate due to error in the straightness of the bars. Using one of these
compared to the quarter bridge configuration will also increase the sensitivity of the
There are several methods of launching the striker bar. Previous work has used
use a pneumatic system where a storage of pressurized gas is released to launch the
projectile through a tube. Due to its versatility and relatively simple function, a gas gun
It is necessary to predict the striker velocity before the experiment is ran for a few
reasons. Firstly, a very high striker velocity can potentially yield the expensive pressure
bars and break the instrumentation. Secondly, the striker velocity determines the incident
strain wave amplitude and is used during calibration. Lastly, the striker velocity is directly
proportional to the maximum attainable strain rate during the experiment, which is useful
when designing an experiment. The maximum attainable strain rate can be estimated as:
𝜀̇ = (20)
The gas gun system is made up of a barrel, a gas reservoir, a valve, and a system to
regulate the reservoir pressure. If it is assumed that the reservoir is large, and that the rate
of expansion of the gas is fast compared to the striker, the striker will accelerate by a
constant pressure. By applying Newton’s 2nd law, an analytical solution for final striker
2𝑙𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝐴𝑠𝑡
𝑣𝑠𝑡 = √ (21)
where, l, is the length of the barrel, Pres, is the initial pressure of the reservoir, Ast, is the
cross-sectional area of the striker, and, mst, is the mass of the striker. This equation assumes
discussed a numerical model for predicting projectile velocity of a light gas gun system in
2014 [32]. By Newton’s 2nd law, acceleration of the striker is dependent on mass, cross-
𝑎𝑠𝑡 = (22)
where, 𝑎𝑠𝑡 , is the acceleration of the striker, and, P, is the driving pressure. It is assumed
that the reservoir is a straight tube of infinite length and has the same cross-section as the
striker. This is so that reflection and refraction waves can be ignored during gas expansion.
(𝛾 − 1)𝑣𝑠𝑡 𝛾−1 (23)
𝑃𝑝 = 𝑃0 [1 − ]
where, Pp, is the propelling pressure, P0, is the initial pressure, 𝛾 = 𝐶𝑝 , is the ratio of
specific heats of the propelling gas, and, c0, is the speed of sound of the propelling gas [33].
Other factors can be considered as well such as the compressibility in front of the striker.
𝑃𝑏 𝑣𝑠𝑡 2 𝛾1 (𝛾1 + 1) 𝛾1 𝑣𝑠𝑡 𝛾1 + 1 2 𝑣𝑠𝑡 2 2
≈ 1+( ) + [1 + ( ) ( ) ] (24)
𝑃1 𝑐1 4 𝑐1 4 𝑐1
where, Pb, is the back pressure, P1, is the initial pressure in front of the striker, γ1, is the
ratio of specific heats of the gas in front of the striker, and, c1, is the speed of sound of the
gas in front of the striker [33]. Lastly, the pressure loss due to volume increase of the
𝑃𝑙 = 𝑃0 (25)
Figure 3.1: Time step convergence of the gas gun numerical model. The time step is
chosen such that, 𝑣𝑖+1 − 𝑣𝑖 < 0.01 𝑚/𝑠. Convergence study shows that a maximum time
step of 7.5 µs should be used.
where, Pl, is the pressure loss, and, ΔV and V0, are the change in volume and initial volume
of the reservoir respectively. Using an iterative scheme with short time steps, equations 23-
25 may be plugged into equation 22 such that 𝑃(𝑡) = 𝑃𝑝 − 𝑃𝑏 − 𝑃𝑙 , to calculate the striker
A time step convergence study was performed to determine the maximum time step
to be used in the striker launch model. The model ran with decreasing time steps until the
cutoff condition, 𝑣𝑖+1 − 𝑣𝑖 < 0.01 𝑠 , was met. The maximum system pressure of 136 atm
was used during the simulation. The time step at the cutoff condition was 7.4 µs. Therefore,
the time step should be 7.4 µs or less. A time step of 5 µs will be used here on out to
simplify the time series. The convergence of the time step is seen in Figure 3.1.
The analytical solution for striker velocity is not dependent on volume since it was
assumed that the control volume was large. Comparing the analytical solution to the
numerical model, it is possible to determine the reservoir volume required for that
assumption to be valid. Figure 3.2 shows the velocity ratio between the numerical and
analytical solutions, 𝑣𝑁 ⁄𝑣𝐴 , changing as a function of volume. The closer this ratio is to 1,
the more valid the assumption is. As the reservoir volume increases, the velocity ratio
ratio of approximately 0.987 indicating that the final striker velocities predicted by the
analytical solution and numerical model are within 1.3% of each other. The reservoir
chosen for the design is seen in Figure 3.3. The reservoir has a volume of 0.0035 m3 and a
Figure 3.3: Reservoir tank of the striker propelling system. Control volume is 0.0035 m3.
The barrel is designed to guide the striker towards the incident bar as it accelerates.
The total length of the barrel is 915 mm. The barrel features two 76 mm exhaust slits
700 mm
Exhaust Slits
Figure 3.4: Barrel of the SHPB launching system. Two 76 mm slits are machined
towards the exhaust end of the barrel. The barrel is held down by three adjustable stage
machined on one end. The exhaust slits allow propelling gas to escape before the striker
reaches the end of the barrel. This helps the striker come to a constant velocity before a
velocity measurement is taken. The effective acceleration length for the striker is 700 mm
which is the distance from the end of the barrel to the first exhaust slit seen in Figure 3.4.
The internal bore is 12.7 mm -0.000 mm to +0.0013 mm, creating a very close fit to the
striker. The tolerance on the bore is important to prevent gas from expanding around the
striker, which would reduce the propelling force. The barrel is supported by three clamps.
The clamps have adjustable stages allowing free alignment of the barrel to the pressure
When preparing for a test, the initial reservoir pressure is set such that a desired
striker velocity is achieved. For an acceleration length of 700 mm, reservoir volume of
0.0035 m3, and striker mass of 0.078 kg, the striker velocity vs. initial reservoir pressure
curves are shown in Figure 3.5. Both solutions from the numerical model and analytical
solution are shown. As the final velocity of the striker increases the numerical and
analytical solutions begin to diverge from each other. This is because the numerical model
factors in pressure losses and back pressure which oppose the propelling force. The
maximum potential velocity for the designed setup is 175 m/s. In practice, this velocity
will never be used as it will yield the pressure bars and destroy the instrumentation. The
136 atm capacity of the system is implemented such that strikers of larger masses may be
Figure 3.5: Striker velocity as a function of initial reservoir pressure with numerical and
analytical solutions. For lower pressures, the analytical solution may be used to
accurately predict velocity.
During operation, the compressed nitrogen gas or air is supplied from a large gas
cylinder. The control panel controls the flow of the gas into the reservoir. The gas passes
through a regulator allowing control of the initial reservoir pressure from 0 to 136 atm. A
pressure gauge is connected to the inlet and outlet of the regulator to monitor inlet and
outlet pressure. A second redundant pressure gauge is connected to the inlet of the pressure
reservoir which is separated from the regulator by a ball valve. The ball valve is used to
close off the reservoir from the supply pressure. Another ball valve is fitted to drain
pressure from the system. A calibrated blow-off valve is connected to the inlet side of the
regulator and releases pressure at 136 atm to prevent over pressurization of the system. The
Fill Valve
Dump Valve
The launch of the striker is controlled by a pneumatic ball valve. It is important that
the path will result in a pressure drop and reduce the launch potential of the system.
Therefore, the release valve and tubes leading up to the barrel are designed to be straight
and have the same cross-sectional area throughout. The release valve is a pneumatic ball
valve that can be opened and closed within several milliseconds and is controlled by a
solenoid valve. The control software for the SHPB sends a signal to a relay, which opens
the solenoid valve, which then opens the release valve. A safety shut off valve is connected
in front of the release valve to prevent an accidental launch. The release valve and safety
Pneumatic Ball
Safety Ball
The pressure bars are designed such that the strain pulse generated by the striker
bar is transmitted uniaxially as a uniform stress wave. The bars must be strong enough to
withstand repeated high velocity impacts from the striker bar. The incident wave can be
approximated by a square wave with a duration 2𝐿𝑠𝑡 /𝑐 and amplitude 𝑣𝑠𝑡 ⁄2𝑐. In practice,
the incident wave is comprised of many frequencies taken to be integer multiples of the
𝜔0 = (26)
where, ω0, is the dominant frequency, and, T, is the period of the pulse defined by 𝑇 = 𝑐
[16, 36]. One of the fundamental assumptions of the SHPB analysis is that the pressure
𝑐𝑝 = Λ (27)
where, Λ, is the wave length [36]. The dispersion relation relates the diameter of the bar,
d, to the phase velocity. For relatively large wavelengths, this can be estimated with the
Raleigh approximation
𝑐𝑝 2 2
𝑑 2
= 1−𝜈 𝜋 ( ) (28)
𝑐0 2Λ
where, 𝜈, is the Poisson’s ratio of the bar material. The Raleigh approximation shows that
the dispersion of longitudinal waves along the bar is a function of . It has been shown
that this ratio, when greater than 0.1, will result in nonuniform stress distribution greater
than 5% across the cross-section of the bar [16, 36]. If the ratio is greater than 0.1, a strain
gage measurement on the surface of the bar will not represent the strain across the entire
cross-section of the bar. It is common for pressure bars to be between 12.7 mm and 25.4
dispersion. Large diameter pressure bars are commonly used when characterizing brittle
materials like concrete [37]. For the general application discussed in this thesis, 12.7 mm
To promote uniaxial wave propagation, the pressure bars must be sufficiently long
50:1 to ensure uniaxial wave propagation [9, 36, 37]. The pressure bars must also be
sufficiently straight. Bars with bow will introduce unwanted bending waves. The bending
waves can be eliminated by using a half or full bridge configuration in the Wheatstone
bridge design; however, it is best to eliminate the bending waves by manufacturing the
pressure bars with precision straightening techniques. The straightness tolerance of the
pressure bars is 0.17% or 0.17 millimeters per meter. The nominal lengths of the incident
bar and transmission bar are 1250 mm and 580 mm respectively. The pressure bars have
aspect ratios of 98.4:1 and 45.7:1 respectively and should promote uniaxial wave
The bar material is very important; the stress wave produced by the striker must
always be less than the yield limit of the bar material. The modulus of elasticity and wave
speed of the bar are also important. For testing soft materials, it is necessary to choose a
bar material with lower elastic modulus to amplify the signal of the stress waves [9]. For
specimens such as rubber, the reflected pulse is almost identical to the incident pulse and
transmits a very weak transmitted pulse. A material such as Al 7075-T6 is commonly used
for this application for its lower elastic modulus, but high strength [38]. When testing hard
ceramics, the specimen is often equal in strength or stronger than the pressure bar material.
In this case, the pressure bars must be made from a very strong material such as C350
Maraging Steel. C350 has a superior yield strength of 2413 MPa. For specimens stronger
than C350, the specimen must be designed to reduce the stress in the bars. A specimen with
small cross-sectional area will amplify the stress wave, creating enough stress to yield the
specimen. This, however, produces a stress concentration at the bar interface which may
dent the bar interfaces. To reduce this stress concentration, hard platens can be placed
between the specimen and the bar interfaces. These are usually made of hardened tool steel
or tungsten carbide. The platen material should have the same wave impedance as the bar
interchangeable pressure bar sets. For testing polymers, metals, and ceramics, a set of
pressure bars are made from C350 and another from C300. For testing soft polymers,
rubbers, and gels, the pressure bars are made from 7075-T651. The dimensions of the
Nominal Nominal
Bar Incident Transmission
Bar Elastic Yield
Diameter Bar Length Bar Length
Material Modulus Strength
(mm) (mm) (mm)
(GPa) (MPa)
C350 12.7 1250 580 200 2363
C300 12.7 1250 580 190 2020
7075-T651 12.7 1250 580 71.7 503
When selecting strain gages for a compressive SHPB test, the type of bridge
configuration must first be determined. It was discussed that half and full bridge
configurations are ideal in theory since they can compensate for bending waves. Error
during the installation of the gages must be considered though. If two gages are mounted
diametrically, any deviation in the positioning of the two gages will create a phase delay
which may produce erroneous results at the edges of the strain pulse. The bending waves
should be nearly eliminated by precision manufacturing the pressure bars straight, and by
aligning the bars. Therefore, it is simpler to install and potentially more accurate to use a
quarter bridge configuration. If needed, the bridge can be expanded to a half or full bridge
Due to the dynamic nature of the experiment, the frequency response of the strain
gage must be examined. Evaluation of the metal foil strain gage determines that the cutoff
frequency, 𝑓𝑐 , is
𝑓𝑐 > 0.35/( + 50 ∗ 10−9 ) (30)
where, Lg, is the gage length of the strain gage [39-41]. A strain gage mounted to a C-350
bar with gage length of 1.59 mm will have a cutoff frequency of ~1.15 MHz. Since the
strain sensing foil of the strain gage is not in direct contact of the bar surface due to its
insulating backing, the backing’s effect on the frequency response must also be considered.
It was determined that this effect can be ignored if the rise time of the strain pulse is at least
5 times longer than the natural period of the system [39]. The natural period is determined
𝜋 𝐺𝑏
𝑇𝑁 = 2𝜋√𝜌𝑓 / [𝐸𝑓 ( ) + ] (31)
𝐿𝑔 ℎ𝑏 ℎ𝑓
where, ρ, E, G, and h, are the density, Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and height of the
matrix respectively, and the subscripts f and b denote the values of the filament and base
film, respectively [39]. The strain gage measures the average strain over its gage length as
in Figure 3.8. A smaller strain will measure a high frequency wave more precisely than
with a large gage length. To minimize this averaging, the gage length should be small.
Figure 3.8: The strain gage measures the average strain over its gage
In any SHPB test, it is well known that the strain gages can break due to the high
acceleration of the strain pulse [15]. Acceleration of the strain gage was estimated to be on
the order of 800,000 m/s2 [42]. Through experiment, wire connections at the solder tabs
are the most common failure mode. Examples of connecting wire failures are seen in Figure
3.9. To reduce inertia, the least amount of solder should be used to attach the lead wire
[42]. Similarly, the thinnest lead wire possible should be used. With proper installation,
impact velocities as high as 50 m/s are achieved without breaking the strain gages, which
improves upon previous work which increased the upper limit of impact velocity to 40 m/s
Figure 3.9: Examples of broken connecting wires on incident bar terminal pad. A.
Broken connecting wire for axial gage. B. Broken connecting wire for transverse gage
V+ excitation wire.
length is 1.59 mm which results in a high frequency response of ~1.15 MHz. This model
comes with pre-attached lead wires made of thin copper and uses minimal solder to attach;
this minimizes inertia. The model is a Tee rosette which has two strain gages mounted 90
degrees from each other. One of these gages is used to measure the axial wave and the
other to measure the transverse wave. Each strain gage rosette requires two Wheatstone
bridge completion circuits to measure the axial and transverse waves separately. The GFs
of the axial gage and transverse gage are 2.145 ± 0.5% and 2.115 ± 0.5% respectively. The
strain gage rossette should be bonded at least half the wavelength of the incident pulse from
the ends of the pressure bar, but is reccomemended to be at least one full wavelength away.
The strain gage rossette is bonded to the surface of the pressure bars using Micro-
Measurements M-Bond AE-10 adhesive, and is bonded far enough from the ends of the
pressure bars such that the incident and reflected waves do not interfere.
Figure 3.10: Schematic of a 3-wire quarter Wheatstone bridge. Reproduced from Micro-
Measurements Application Note VMM-5.
The strain gage rosette is connected to the Wheatstone bridge through a 6 wire
twisted pair double-shielded cable to minimize EMF interference. Each gage is connected
as a 3-wire connection shown in Figure 3.10. The completion resistors R2, R3, and R4 are
Riedon 350 Ω precision resistors with 0.01% radial accuracy. These match the resistance
of the strain gage such that the bridge is balanced in an unstressed state. The wires and the
thin copper lead wires connect at a bonded terminal pad attached to the bar providing strain
relief. The lead wires and connecting wires are arched at the terminal pad which provide
additional strain relief. The strain gage rosette and terminal pad are seen in Figure 3.11.
Axial Transverse
Signal Out Signal Out
Signals In
Figure 3.13: Wheatstone bridge completion circuits for axial and transverse
Due to the low voltage signal produced by the Wheatstone bridge seen in Figure
3.13, it is necessary to pass the analog signal through a signal conditioner before digitizing.
To streamline the data acquisition system, the signal conditioner must amplify the signal,
provide excitation voltage to the Wheatstone bridge, and apply an offsetting balance
voltage. The most important factor in the signal amplification is the bandwidth. The
dominant frequency for the current setup is no greater than 39 kHz. Therefore, the
bandwidth of the amplifier should be at least 39 kHz to resolve the wave. For accurate
For the current setup, the Kulite KSC-2 signal conditioner, pictured in Figure 3.12,
is used. This signal conditioner has a bandwidth of 500 kHz. The KSC-2 provides a bipolar
excitation voltage up to 12 V and has an auto balancing feature which can zero the
Wheatstone bridge before testing. A 6-pole Bessel filter or 6-pole Butterworth filter may
be used for anti-aliasing. Prefilter gain is variable up to 128x and postfilter gain is variable
up to 16x.
After passing through the signal conditioner, the analog strain signal needs to be
digitized and recorded. For this setup, National Instruments equipment and LabVIEW are
2 3 4
Figure 3.14: 1. National Instruments cDAQ 9185 chassis with 2. NI 9775 digitizer, 3. NI
9402 DIO, and 4. NI 9205 AIO modules.
used. The NI 9775 digitizer can sample at 10 MS/s/ch. The digitizer is seen in Figure 3.14.
The high sample rate helps with anti-aliasing and allows a simpler anti-aliasing filter to be
used [43].
The striker velocity is measured using a laser and photodiode system. A low
powered laser (< 5 mW) passes through the exhaust slits of the barrel. The laser is mounted
side of the barrel, in line with the laser. When the laser beam is broken by the striker, the
photodiode responds with a voltage drop. Similarly, when the laser beam is reintroduced
after the striker passes, the voltage increases. As the striker bar travels down the barrel, it
will break the laser beam for some time, then reintroduce the beam after it passes. The time
that it takes for the striker to do this is measured by the photodiode. If the length of the
striker is known, it is simple to calculate the velocity of the striker. The velocity
measurement is an average of the striker velocity over a period. For the measurement to be
accurate, the laser is placed as close to the end of the barrel as possible where the striker
When choosing the photodiode, the rise/fall time and the spectral responsivity must
be considered. From the analysis of the striker velocity, the expected maximum velocity is
175 m/s. In practice, the striker should never reach this velocity, but will be used to design
a robust velocity measurement system. For a 76.2 mm striker travelling at 175 m/s, the
characteristic time is 435 µs. To measure this velocity with an accuracy of 0.1%, the
rise/fall time of the photodiode needs to be less than 435 ns. The photodiode should be as
sensitive as possible to the wavelength of laser being used. The laser used has a wavelength
of ~650 nm. The Thorlabs DET36A2 bias detector has a rise time of 14 ns and responsivity
of 3.4 A/W at 650 nm, which is suitable for this application. The photodiode voltage output
The striker, incident, and transmission bars must be in good alignment to promote
uniaxial wave propagation. If the incident and transmission bars are slightly misaligned, a
wave impedance mismatch at the bar interface will result in energy loss and undesired
reflections. If the bars are in good alignment, the wave will propagate through the bar
interface undisturbed with little energy loss. Good alignment is most evident when
comparing the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves of a test with no specimen and
the bars in contact; the incident and transmitted waves will match, and the reflected wave
Figure 3.15: Good axial alignment of pressure bars. Incident and transmitted pulses
match and the reflected pulse is close to zero.
blocks. Song et al. used a series of Frelon® - coated linear bearings mounted in pillow
blocks to achieve good axial alignment [24]. The pillow blocks are designed to be adjusted
with an adjustable stage. Each pillow block stage has four set screws allowing the linear
bearing inside to be aligned with the other linear bearings. When the bearings are well
aligned, the pillow blocks are secured to the base. The pillow blocks feature caps which
hold the linear bearings in place. Removing the caps allow the bars to be removed and
replaced without losing alignment. The bearing selected is a ceramic lined Al 6061 fixed
alignment sleeve bearing. The bearing has an oil port which allows oil to form a thin film
between the bar and bearing surface. The pillow block and bearing are shown in Figure
3.16. The bars are supported by the bearings every 330.2 mm. The incident pressure bar is
supported by four bearings; the transmission and momentum trap bars are supported by
After securing the pillow blocks and bearings to the base, the bar alignment can be
checked with a laser alignment system as in Figure 3.17. The bars are in good alignment
when the laser can pass through a small pinhole in every bearing in the series.
A momentum trap is deployed at the end of the transmission bar to dampen the
remaining momentum in the system. Without a momentum trap, the stress waves would
continue to propagate in the system, loading the specimen many more times; this is
undesirable behavior. The momentum trap consists of a bar made of the same material as
the pressure bars, and a shock absorber as in Figure 3.18. When a strain pulse reaches the
end of the transmission bar, its energy and momentum is captured by the momentum trap
into a shock absorber which absorbs the momentum. The shock absorber has an energy
capacity of 209 J over a stroke length of 23 mm. The momentum trap is mounted to a heavy
3.1.6 – Structure
The structure supports each subsystem, most importantly, the pillow blocks holding
the pressure bars. The structure should be heavy and rigid similar to the optical table in
[24]. Other SHPBs are mounted on large I-beams as is [9]. The structure used in this work
is a steel I-beam. The pillow blocks are aligned and mounted on the I-beam by threaded
holes which are machined into the I-beam. To add mass to the structure, the I-beam is
bolted to a breadboard which sits on a granite surface plate. The total length of the I-beam
The specimen must be properly designed to perform a valid SHPB test. Generally,
the specimen is a solid cylinder with flat and parallel faces; however, other specimen
shapes may be used after special consideration. Two common design considerations are
radial inertia and interfacial friction. Davies and Hunter concluded that the optimal
𝑑𝑠 4
= (32)
𝐿𝑠 √3
where, ds, is the specimen diameter [29, 44]. The specimen should be fully engaged with
the pressure bars through the entire loading cycle. Most materials will expand radially
during compression, so the final diameter of the specimen should be less than the bar
interfacial friction that was shown to increase the nonuniformity of stress and strain in the
specimen as seen in Figure 3.19 [4, 23]. As the coefficient of friction between the bar and
specimen increases, the specimen becomes more constrained at the interface, resulting in
a drum shaped deformation. Friction causes a multiaxial stress distribution in the specimen,
violating the uniaxial loading assumption. Friction at the interfaces with a friction
coefficient of 𝜇 = 0.2 was shown to reduce the reflected pulse by 11% and increase the
transmitted pulse by 10%, resulting in inaccurate stress analysis [23]. For general testing,
the ends of the pressure bars. If there is any deviation in the flatness and parallelism of the
faces, uneven loading of the specimen will occur due to the tilt effect [25].
The raw data is processed through a MATLAB script, which ultimately outputs a
stress-strain curve. The test parameters including pressure bar parameters, specimen
parameters, and amplifier settings are imported from a master test log. The strain gage
voltages are converted into strains and normalized by the amplifier gain settings. The data
is smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter to remove noise. The most important step in the
data processing is determining the starts of the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves.
derivative of the incident bar strain-time history, then looks for where the derivative
decreases below a certain threshold, marking the index. It then looks at the strain ahead of
this index to determine if it is in fact a strain wave. If both conditions are met, the algorithm
will mark the index as the start of the incident pulse. The algorithm approximates the start
of the incident wave, so manual adjustment of may be required. The reflected pulse and
transmitted pulse start times are determined by calculating the transit time of a strain wave
between the strain gages. The time offsets of the reflected and transmitted pulses are
determined by
𝜏𝑅 = 2𝑐𝐿𝐼𝐼 (33)
𝜏 𝑇 = 𝑐𝐿𝐼𝐼 + 𝑐𝐿 𝑇𝐼 + 𝑐𝑠 𝐿𝑠 (34)
where, LII, is the distance from the incident gage to the nearest specimen interface, and, LTI,
is the distance from the transmission gage to the nearest specimen interface. If the specimen
wave propagation velocity is unknown, an estimate should be used. The three waves,
incident, reflected, and transmitted, are plotted after being translated with their respective
time delays seen in Figure 3.20. After initial translation, a second algorithm optimizes the
position of the reflected and transmitted pulses to best fit the equation 𝜀𝐼 = 𝜀𝑇 − 𝜀𝑅 . After
the waves have been translated, the one or three wave method may be used to determine
Figure 3.21: Striker velocity determination. Striker crosses laser curtain in 2.141 ± 0.02
ms, resulting in a velocity of 35.6 m/s for a 3” striker bar.
The velocity of the striker is determined by the photodiode. When the laser leading
to the photodiode is broken by the striker, the photodiode voltage drops, which triggers the
data acquisition. This determines the beginning of the velocity measurement. When the
laser is reintroduced, the voltage of the photodiode increases marking the end of the
velocity measurement. A Savitzky-Golay filter is applied to the data to smooth the signal.
A time derivative of the photodiode voltage is taken. The maximum point in the time
Before testing any materials, the SHPB must be thoroughly calibrated to ensure
accurate data is produced. The bar wave speed can be estimated knowing the density and
elastic modulus of the bar material; however, it is much more accurate to determine the
speed experimentally. The bar wave speed is measured by impacting the end of the incident
bar when the incident bar is free on both ends. When the incident wave reaches the free
end of the bar, the strain wave will be completely reflected. The strain gage will measure
both the incident and reflected pulses over time as in Figure 4.1. From this data, the transit
time for the pressure wave to propagate twice the distance between the free end of the bar
Figure 4.1: Bar wave speed calibration for C350 pressure bars. Time between the start of
the incident pulse and start of the reflected pulse is used to calculate wave speed.
and the center of the incident strain gage can be determined. Three runs of the experiment
are performed. The results of the experiment can be seen in Table 2. The average wave
speed of the C350 pressure bars is determined to be 5160 m/s. The estimated wave speed
of aged C350 steel given published nominal values of density and elastic modulus from
MatWeb is about 5000 m/s. The experimentally determined speed is used in the SHPB
analysis. A similar approach is used to measure the wave speed of the C300 and 7075-
Table 2: Experimentally determined wave speed of C350 pressure bars. The uncertainties
represent the inaccuracy in the data acquisition equipment.
important that the striker velocity is accurate as it is used later to calibrate the incident
pulse. Several measurements are taken at various initial pressures from 20 psi to 150 psi.
The initial pressure is measured with a digital pressure gage with a resolution of 0.1 psi. In
Figure 4.2, the striker velocity measurement is compared to the analytical solution and
numerical model at different initial pressures. The plot shows results for two striker sizes:
6 inches and 8 inches. Both strikers are made from C300. The measured velocities of the
6-inch striker fall within 2% of the numerical model and within 3% of the analytical
solution. The measured velocities of the 8-inch striker fall within 6.5% of the numerical
solution and 8% of the analytical solution. As discussed earlier, the velocity measurement
should be taken as close to the end of the barrel as possible, when the striker is closest to
its final velocity. When measuring the velocity of a longer striker, the photodiode and laser
need to be moved further from the end of the barrel to accommodate the longer length. At
this distance, the striker has yet to reach its final velocity, resulting in a lower average
velocity during the measurement time. This length dependent error could be eliminated by
introducing a second photodiode and laser. In a two laser-photodiode setup, the laser beams
will always be a set distance apart, which is independent of the striker length.
Figure 4.2: Measured and predicted striker velocities vs. initial pressure. The analytical
solution and numerical model are shown. Results for two striker lengths are shown.
Figure 4.4: Example of bad system calibration. The incident and transmitted
pulses fall short of the predicted strain value.
When the striker impacts the end of the incident bar, the amplitude of the incident
strain wave is predicted by (3). The calibration is checked by wringing the incident and
transmission bars together with no specimen. If the system is in calibration, the incident
and transmitted pulses will approach the calibration value, and there will be no reflected
pulse. Figure 4.3 shows a calibration test with no specimen. A striker velocity of 22.6 m/s
is measured which predicts a peak strain of 2500 microstrain. Both the incident and
transmitted pulses approach the predicted strain indicating good calibration. An example
of bad system calibration is seen in Figure 4.4. If the incident, reflected, and transmitted
pulses are superimposed onto each other as in Figure 4.5, it becomes clear that the bars are
Figure 4.5: Translated incident, reflected, and transmitted waves during a calibration test.
The transmitted and incident waves match in amplitude indicating good calibration. The
reflected pulse is very close to zero which indicates the pressure bars are in good
in good alignment; the incident and transmitted pulses match and there is relatively no
reflected pulse.
Pulse shaping is a common technique used to address some of the underlying issues
in a SHPB experiment; some of the issues being dispersion, non-constant strain rate, and
stress imbalance [21]. The pulse shaper is essentially a dummy specimen placed between
the incident bar and striker bar. The plastic deformation of the dummy specimen filters out
high frequency components of the incident pulse resulting in a more gradual trapezoidal
incident pulse. In general, the pulse shaper is made from soft materials such as copper or
soft aluminum [1]. By varying the thickness and diameter of the pulse shaping discs,
different waveforms can be achieved. The pulse shapers used in these experiments are
made from 1100 series aluminum. The pulse shapers are made by stamping discs from
sheets of aluminum, 0.8 mm in thickness. Two sizes of pulse shaper are 3.18 mm and 6.35
mm. To investigate the effects of the pulse shapers, the incident and transmission bars are
wrung together, similar to a calibration test. The pulse shaper is placed on the front of the
incident bar and is held in place by petroleum jelly, which acts as an interfacial lubricant.
Figure 4.9 shows a pulse shaper mounted on the bar. Figure 4.6 shows the effect of the
Figure 4.6: Pulse shaper effect on incident pulse. The strain is normalized by the striker
pulse shaper on the incident wave. The pulse shapers extended the loading duration of the
incident pulse from 80 µs to 135 and 205 µs for 3.94 mm and 6.82 mm pulse shapers,
respectively. This is useful to extend the loading duration of the specimen, when a longer
striker cannot be used. The pulse shapers also reduce the amplitude of the incident pulse
One of the more useful effects of the pulse shaper is reducing dispersion by filtering
out the high frequency components of the incident wave. In theory, the incident and
transmitted waves of the test should be the same; however, the waveform changes as it
propagates along the rods due to dispersion. Figure 4.7 shows the difference between the
incident and transmitted waves for a non-pulse shaped and pulse shaped test. The pulse
shaper reduced the variance in the difference of the two waves by more than an order of
magnitude from 10-11 to 10-12. Using a fast Fourier transform, the frequency spectrum of a
non-pulsed shaped incident wave and pulse shaped incident wave can be compared, as in
Figure 4.7: Pulse shapers reducing the variance between the incident and transmitted
Figure 4.8. The frequency spectrum shows how the pulse shaper acts as a low pass filter,
filtering out the high frequency components that are susceptible to dispersion.
Figure 4.9: A. Pulse shaper loaded on the incident bar. B. Pulse shapers
before and after use.
Aluminum 6061-T6511 alloy specimens are tested at strain rates between 1000 s-1
and 6300 s-1 with the axis of compression in line with the extrusion axis of the specimens.
Specimens are prepared from cylindrical bar stock with nominal diameter of 7.94 mm. The
specimens are cut to various lengths between 2.5 mm and 5.2 mm. The faces are lapped
flat and parallel to prevent tilt effect. The initial length and diameter of each specimen is
recorded. The SHPB facility is setup with C300 pressure bars and an 8-inch striker bar. A
calibration test is performed prior to testing to verify the alignment of the bars.
Each specimen is loaded into the SHPB between the incident and transmission bars
and lubricated with petroleum jelly. Careful placement of the specimen ensures that the
center axis is aligned with pressure bars center axis. An 1100 Aluminum pulse shaper is
used for all tests. The strain rate of each test is varied by changing the initial length of the
specimen and the striker velocity. The tests are summarized in Table 3.
Initial Striker
Initial Length Experimental
SN Diameter Velocity
(mm) Strain Rate (s-1)
(mm) (m/s)
1 5.15 7.85 15.51 1029
2 5.16 7.86 15.45 1048
3 5.21 7.86 17.53 1398
4 3.95 7.85 19.10 2133
5 3.98 7.85 20.31 2370
6 3.86 7.85 24.25 3534
7 3.32 7.85 24.35 3927
8 3.24 7.85 26.79 4700
9 2.56 7.85 26.74 5836
10 2.51 7.85 27.67 6308
Figure 4.10: Incident and transmitted bar strains from test sample SN 7.
The pressure bar data for SN 7 is shown in Figure 4.10. The blue curve shows the
strain recorded by the incident bar strain gage and the red curve shows the strain recorded
by the transmission bar strain gage. The first blue trapezoidal wave is the incident pulse.
Notice that the amplitude is negative indicating compression. After some time, the same
gage measures the reflected wave which is seen as the second blue trapezoidal wave. Notice
that the amplitude is now positive indicating tension. The red curve shows the transmission
bar strain, which under the assumption of uniform stress is proportional to the stress in the
specimen over time. Figure 4.11 shows an aluminum specimen before and after testing.
After translating the waves to represent the strains at the bar interfaces, the
specimen strain can be obtained as in Figure 4.12. The three and one wave methods of
calculating strain are shown. The one wave method produces a nearly identical curve to the
Figure 4.12: Strain in specimen SN 7 over time. Both three and one wave methods are
shown. The true strain corrects for the Poisson’s effect.
three-wave method which indicates that the specimen was in stress equilibrium throughout
the loading.
The strain rate of the experiment can be deduced from the reflected wave if the
specimen is in stress equilibrium. Figure 4.13 shows the strain rate versus time for
specimen SN 7. During initial loading, the specimen deforms at a nonconstant strain rate
loading, but after 40 µs, deforms at a relatively constant strain rate. The three and one wave
methods agree; however, the one-wave method is more stable. An average of the true strain
rate over the loading duration is used to report test results. The average strain rate for 6061-
The dynamic stress-strain curves for the ten specimens are shown in Figure 4.14.
The specimens yield at about 300 MPa which is much higher than the quasi-static yield
strength of 253 MPa. For many materials, it is expected that the yield strength is greater
under dynamic loading conditions. After yielding, the material exhibits strain hardening
behavior up to about 10% strain. The flow stress after the strain hardening region remains
relatively constant. In general, the flow stress increases as strain rate increases. The flow
stress is about 350 MPa at 1000 s-1, and 400 MPa at 6000 s-1. Strain rate dependency is
usually reported at a constant strain as in [45]. Figure 4.15 shows the flow stress strain rate
dependency of 6061-T6511 at 25% strain. The flow stress increases with strain rate linearly
Figure 4.15: Flow stress strain rate dependency of 6061-T6511 at 25% strain.
Figure 4.16: Peak stress strain rate dependency for 6061-T6511 between
1000 s-1 and 3000 s-1.
The peak stress for each stress-strain curve exhibits similar behavior. In general, the peak
stress increases as the strain rate increases as in Figure 4.16. The rate of increase is about
Polycarbonate (PC) is a material well known for its impact strength. PC has been
well studied, making it an ideal candidate to validate the current SHPB. Eight PC
specimens are prepared with lengths ranging from 2.5 mm to 6.5 mm. The initial diameter
of each specimen is 9.52 mm. The specimens are summarized in Table 4. The PC
specimens are tested between strain rates of 1300 s-1 and 7000 s-1. The faces are lapped flat
and parallel to prevent tilt effect. The initial length and diameter of each specimen is
recorded. The SHPB facility is setup with C300 pressure bars. An 8-inch striker bar is used
test is performed prior to testing to verify the alignment of the bars. The polycarbonate
Initial Striker
Initial Length Experimental
SN Diameter Velocity
(mm) Strain Rate (s-1)
(mm) (m/s)
1 6.33 9.51 15.35 1367
2 6.12 9.52 17.07 1666
3 6.51 9.52 19.19 1902
4 3.92 9.52 20.61 2430
5 3.87 9.52 22.40 2538
6 3.60 9.52 24.09 2960
7 3.79 9.52 25.60 4388
8 2.51 9.52 24.64 7077
Before After
The yield strength of polycarbonate is strain rate dependent, tending to increase as strain
rate increases. The yield strength is between 110 MPa and 124 MPa for strain rates between
1300 s-1 and 7000 s-1. After initial yield, the polycarbonate exhibited softening behavior up
to about 30% strain, then began hardening. This is most evident at the higher strain rate
tests. The stress-strain curves match those found in literature [2], as in Figure 4.19.
Polycarbonate shows some strain rate dependent behavior in flow stress as in Figure
4.20. As strain rate increases, the flow stress at 12.5% strain increases at a rate of about
0.0016 MPa-s. Similarly, the peak stress is strain rate dependent, increasing at a rate of
Super Activated Carbon (SAC) is an inherently soft material, requiring special care
when designing a SHPB experiment. SAC is about 1% carbon by volume, the rest being
void. The elastic modulus of SAC is on the order of 10’s of megapascals and has an ultimate
strength of about 10 MPa. SHPB tests on soft materials result in very weak transmitted
waves, requiring soft pressure bars to amplify the signals. For testing SAC, Aluminum
7075-T651 pressure bars are used. The soft pressure bars amplify the signal by about three
times compared to C300 pressure bars. Additionally, the gain is increased for the
transmission bar strain gage to further distinguish the signal from noise. An example of the
Figure 4.22: Translated strain waves of SAC specimen SN 5. The transmitted signal is
very weak compared to the incident and reflected signals, which closely match.
SAC with Carbon Nanotube (SAC + CNT) is a SAC matrix composite reinforced
by carbon nanotubes. The CNTs reinforce the pores within the matrix. This composite is
2% carbon by volume. Specimens for both SAC and SAC + CNT are prepared and
Initial Striker
Initial Length Experimental
SN Diameter Velocity
(mm) Strain Rate (s-1)
(mm) (m/s)
1 5.38 7.86 12.25 1151
2 5.35 7.83 13.69 1366
3 5.36 7.86 13.55 1386
4 5.42 7.86 16.58 1760
5 5.40 7.84 16.65 1800
6 4.93 7.81 19.48 2450
7 5.38 7.85 21.53 2524
8 5.39 7.83 24.92 3015
9 4.87 7.83 27.50 3814
Initial Striker
Initial Length Experimental
SN Diameter Velocity
(mm) Strain Rate (s-1)
(mm) (m/s)
1 5.48 7.86 12.16 1089
2 5.44 7.85 15.09 1533
3 5.50 7.79 19.80 2199
4 5.42 7.85 21.70 2495
5 5.30 7.80 24.55 3030
6 5.45 7.85 26.89 3271
The dynamic stress-strain curves of SAC are shown in Figure 4.23. SAC demonstrates
some rate dependency. By looking at the peaks of the stress-strain curves, it is quickly
deduced that the peak stress increases as strain rate increase. The dynamic stress-strain
curves for SAC + CNT are shown in Figure 4.24. The stress-strain curves for SAC + CNT
are inconsistent and make it difficult to find patterns. This is likely attributed to the
specimen preparation. The SAC + CNT specimens do not have flat and parallel faces which
introduce stress concentrations, violating the uniform stress assumption. The stress
measurements remain relatively accurate though since the stress equations are less sensitive
to violations of this assumption. By plotting the peak stress versus strain rate for SAC and
SAC + CNT in Figure 4.25, it becomes clear the SAC is rate dependent. The peak stress
for SAC increases by about 60% over the strain rate range of 1000 s-1 to 4000 s-1. SAC +
CNT shows the opposite behavior, decreasing in peak stress by about 9% from 1000 s-1 to
3200 s-1. The decrease in peak stress may be attributed to the CNT additive in the SAC.
CNTs are inherently hard, making them brittle. As the strain rate increases, the CNTs that
line the pores of the SAC break, requiring less stress to deform the material.
Figure 4.25: Peak stress versus strain rate for SAC and SAC + CNT.
The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar is a widely accepted experiment for investigating
the dynamic response of materials. Over the last 70 years, many improvements have been
made to study materials more accurately and to broaden the envelope of materials that can
be tested using the SHPB. The presented SHPB facility was designed to encapsulate the
many years of research which have gone into improving the experiment.
The current design features three sets of pressure bars which can be used to
characterize materials from soft polymers to hard ceramics and even composite materials.
The bearings allow the pressure bars to be swapped without a need for realigning the
system, which saves significant time when setting up a new experiment. A numerical model
was created to understand the design of the gas gun system as well as predict striker
velocity more accurately. The robustness of the gas gun system allows many different
lengths of strikers to be used with velocities exceeding 150 m/s. It is common for strain
gages to break during the experiment which is usually the limiting factor to the maximum
attainable strain in the system. The strain gage design presented improved the upper limit
of the striker velocity from 40 m/s in previous works to at least 50 m/s. The strain gage
used is a tee rosette style allowing for the simultaneous measurement of axial and
transverse strain which may allow for more robust analysis of the material specimen. The
data acquisition system was designed to be easy to use in order to simplify testing.
LabVIEW control software was written to control the operation of the SHPB as well as
control data acquisition. A sampling rate of 20 MHz and frequency response of 500 kHz
allows the system to capture strain data even for short load durations. Typical load
The bars are shown to be well aligned through a calibration test with no specimen.
The bars maintain alignment even through many tests. Testing of a widely studied material
6061-T6511 showed that the system is capable of reproducing data. Strain rate dependency
was shown in the strain rate range of 1000 s-1 to 6300 s-1. The yield strength as well as flow
stress of the alloy increased with strain rate. The yield stress increased from 253 MPa
during quasi-static testing to about 300 MPa during a SHPB experiment. The strain
hardening rate was shown to decrease exponentially with increasing strain rate.
Polycarbonate, another well studied material, was compared to published SHPB data. The
yield strength and flow stress increase with strain rate for PC. The test showed that
polycarbonate softens after yield, then hardens after about 30% strain, which is consistent
with literature. SAC and SAC + CNT materials were tested using soft pressure bars,
showing the use of aluminum pressure bars. SAC was found to increase in strength as strain
rate increased. The strength of SAC + CNT decreased slightly as strain rate increased.
The presented SHPB facility was designed to be used for a broad range of materials.
Improvements to the design can be made to increase the breadth of capabilities as well as
improve the accuracy and ease of use. The presented facility was designed to be mounted
on an optical table which would improve the alignment of the pressure bars and increase
the stiffness of the system. The precision surface of the optical table would also make
aligning the pressure bars significantly easier potentially saving time in the future. Other
modifications may be made as well such as the addition of a thermal chamber to conduct
dynamic high temperature tests. A high-speed camera with a frame rate of 100,000 fps or
greater could be used to image the specimen during compression. A trigger for the camera
Further investigation in the use of pulse shapers, specimen design, and striker bar
geometries must also be studied. Numerical correction for wave dispersion could be
Only few materials have been tested using the presented SHPB facility.
response of printed metals and polymers. Additive manufacturing will be used heavily in
aerospace and defense industries, both of which will require a complete understanding of
A.2: If an axial strain gage breaks during the test, the transverse strain gages may be used
to approximate the axial strain. This approximation can be appended to the axial strain
measurement to reproduce the data from the experiment. In this example, the axial strain
gage at the peak of the reflected wave. The incident strain was reproduced using the
incident transverse strain gage.
A.3: The strain rate for SHPB tests are non-constant. The strain rate ramps up in the first
40 µs, plateaus, then ramps down. The strain rate reported for the experiment is the
average of the strain rate history. A test reported as 7,077 s-1 has a peak strain rate of
12,000 s-1.
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