Irjet V9i8255
Irjet V9i8255
Irjet V9i8255
1 Passed Out Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon
2 Visiting Faculty, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon
Abstract: Internet, the worldwide connection of loosely It is an illegal activity committed over the internet.
held networks, has made the flow of data and information
between different networks easier. With data and
information being transferred between networks at distant
locations, security issues have become a major concern from
the past few years. The internet has also been used by few
people for criminal activities like unauthorized access to
others networks, scams, etc. These criminal activities related
to the internet are termed as Cyber Crimes. With the
increasing popularity of online activities like online banking,
online shopping, etc., it is a term that we often hear in the
news now-a-days. Therefore, in order to stop and punish the
cyber criminals, “Cyber Law” was introduced. Cyber Law can
be defined as law of the web, i.e., it is a part of the legal
systems that deals with the Internet, Cyberspace and with
other legal issues like online security or online privacy.
Keywords:- Cybercrime, Cyber-Security,Hacking, Trojans, Crime committed using a computer and the internet to
Worms, Botnets, Phishing, Keylogger attacks, Brute-force steal data and information is a cybercrime.
1). Stealing credit card information.
Cyber-attacks are taking place all the time; even as we
speak security of some organizations big or small is being 2). Breaking into the government website
compromised. For example, if you visit the site ‘threat
3). Email and Internet fraud.
cloud’ we can view all the cyber-attacks that are
happening right now. It gives us the scale of actual cyber- 4). Identity fraud.
attacks happening all the time in the world.Nowadays we
use the internet for many day-to-day activities. However, 5). Theft and sale of corporate data.
we need to stay alert to the notifications we receive and
about the system. With the advancement in Information 6). Ransomeware attacks.
Technology, the way cybercriminals commit the crime is
also changing day by day. 7). Cyberextortion(demanding money to prevent a
threatened attack).
8). Cyber Spying (where hackers access government or
Cyber Crime:-Cybercrime or computer crime is a criminal company data).
activity that involves unlawful access to computer
systems. 9). Cryptojacking(where hackers mine cryptocurrency
using the resources they do not own).
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1561
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 08 | Aug 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
The exact origin of cybercrime, the very first instance in It is an attack where a computer system or network is
which someone committed a crime across a computer infected with a computer virus or other type of malware. It
network, is impossible to know. is an all-encompassing term for a variety of cyberattacks
including trojan viruses. It is defined as code with
The first case of use of computer theft was in 1973, A teller malicious intent that typically steals data or destroys
at a local New-York bank used a computer to embezzle something on the computer.
over 2 million dollars.
A famous example of a malware attack is the WannaCry
The first spam email took place in the year 1978. Sending ransomware attack, a global cybercrime committed in May
spam emails is a cybercrime. In certain countries, we can 2017.
be behind bars if we send spam emails.
When the WannaCry ransomware attack hit, 230,000
In 1980’s MNC Database (pentagon and IDM) was hacked. computers were affected across 150 countries. Users were
locked out of their files and sent a message demanding
The first virus was installed on Apple computers was in that they pay a BitCoin ransom to regain access.
the year 1982.
Many cyber criminals use computer viruses to gain
In 1981, Ian Murphy, known as Captain Zap was the first unauthorized access to systems and steal data. A computer
person convicted of cybercrime. He hacked into the AT&T virus is a malware(malicious software program) loaded
network and changed the internal clock to charge off- into a computer without the knowledge of the user.
hours rates at peak times. He received 1,000 hours of
community service and 2.5 years of probation. 5.1.1 Viruses:-
In 1990’s National crackdown on criminals and Microsoft’s Like its biological name says viruses attach themselves to
NT operating system pierced. This is where hacking clean files and infect other clean files and they can spread
started to become main stream. Before this, hacking was uncontrollably damaging a system’s core functionality and
very much limited to organisation. deleting or corrupting files. They usually appear as an
executable file that you might have downloaded from the
In 2001, Cybercriminals launched attacks against eBay, internet.
Yahoo,, amazon and others.
5.1.2 Trojans:-
In 2007, Bank hit by biggest ever hack. Swedish bank,
Nordea recorded nearly $1 Million has been stolen in three This kind of malware disguises itself as legitimate
months from 250 accounts. software or is included in legitimate software that can be
tampered with. It tends to act discretely and creates
In 2013, Adobe had 2.9million accounts compromised and backdoors in our security to let other malware enter our
their usernames and passwords were released on the system.
open internet.
5.1.3 Worms:-
In 2016, Kaspersky: one of the leading antivirus providers
to the world reported around 758 million malicious Worms infect entire networks of devices either local or
attacks that occurred . across the internet by using the network interfaces. It uses
each consecutive infected machine to infect more.
5.1.4 Botnets:-
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1562
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 08 | Aug 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
The attacker must decide which business to target and 3). Keylogger attacks:- In this, the hacker uses a program
determine how to get the email address of the customers to track all of the user’s keystrokes; so at the end of the
of that business. Then they go through a setup phase; once day, everything the user has typed including the login IDs
they know which business to spoof and who their victims and passwords has been recorded.
are attackers create methods for delivering the messages
and collecting the information; then they execute the
attack. After that attacker records the information the Distributed DDoS attacks are a type of cybercrime attack
victims enter into the webpage or pop-up windows and in that cybercriminals use to bring down a system or
the last step which is identity theft and fraud the attacker network. Sometimes connected IoT devices are used to
uses the information they have gathered to make illegal launch DDoS attacks. In this attacker sends a high volume
purchases or commit fraud. of data of traffic through the network until the network
becomes overloaded and can no longer function
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1563
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 08 | Aug 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
This attack can obtain information from the end-user and 6). Identity theft:- It is a cybercrime where
the entity he or she is communicating with. cybercriminals steal personal data like passwords or bank
account details.
For example, if you are banking online the man in the
middle would communicate with you by impersonating 7). Cyber bullying:- It is a form of online harassment of a
your bank and communicate with your bank by person using smartphones or computers. It is also known
impersonating you. The man in the middle would receive as cyber harassment or online bullying. Cyberbullying
all of the information transferred between both parties generally occurs on platforms like social media and
which could include sensitive data such as bank accounts gaming platforms. It involves posting hate comments and
and personal information. sharing negative information about a person.
2). Credit card fraud:- The most common fraud Be sure to use strong passwords that people will not guess
performed under cybercrime is credit card fraud which and do not record them anywhere. Or use a reputable
happens over the internet, through the call centers, and lot password manager to generate strong passwords
many ways. randomly to make this easier.
3). Virus disssemination:-Installing, sending viruses via 5). Do not click on links in spam emails or untrusted
the network, vis emails, via messages, etc is one of the websites:-
more common types of cybercrime.
Another way people become victims of cybercrime is by
4).computer vandalism:- is getting a lot of people clicking on links in spam emails or other messages, or
involved nowadays. unfamiliar websites.
5). Software piracy:-The unauthorized copying, 6). Be mindful of which website URLs you visit.
distribution, or use of the software is called software
piracy. Cybercriminals distribute pirated software which Keep an eye on the URLs you are clicking on. Avoid
causes loss to the software company. Southeast Asia is clicking on links with unfamiliar or spammy-looking URLs.
considered one of the bigger markets of software piracy.
1). Avoid the use of public wi-fi networks.
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1564
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 08 | Aug 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
7. SOME KEY POINTS OF THE INFORMATION 4).Stops your website from crashing.
5).Protection for your customers or clients.
E-mail is now considered a valid and legal form of
Digital signatures are given legal validity within the Act. Three main pillars of cyber security are:-
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1565
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 08 | Aug 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5). Achieving state’s military objectives. 2).Bar Association of India (2015). Anti-Bullying Laws in
India. Retrieved from
6). Demanding ransom.
7). Demanding reputation of the target. content/uploads/2015/11/Anti-bullying-laws-in-india.pdf
11. FAMOUS PEOPLE IN CYBER SECURITY 4). Brenner, W. Susan (2010). Cybercrime: Criminal
threats from cyber space. Green Wood Publishing Group,
1). In 1988, Robert T Morris was the first person to create Westport.
internet worm.
2). In 1990, Kevin Lee hacked telephone lines of KIIS-FM 3116/1/it_act_2000_updated.pdf.
(Los Angeles).
4). In 2004, Adam Botbyl gained unauthorized access to Miss. Aishwarya Zope
corporate computer network via and unsecured access B. Tech Computer,
points. Government College of Engineering,
1).Asset Security.
Today’s technological era is inclining us all towards
internet. And use of internet is playing crucial role in our
life. But, to protect our information and keep it safe and
secure; there is high need to know about cyber security
and use it in out daily lives.
I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks
to Miss Rashmi Chaudhari who made this work possible.
Her guidance and advice carried me through all the stages
of my paper. Last but not the least, my parents are also an
important inspiration for me. So, with due regards, I would
like to express my gratitude to them.
1).Anderson, T. M. & Gardener, T.J. (2015). Criminal
Law: Twelfth Edition. Stanford, CT: Cengage Learning.
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1566