Snakes Ladders Instructions
Snakes Ladders Instructions
Snakes Ladders Instructions
Sometimes, a practice game can help players understand the rules of
the game!
Before playing:
Make sure each player has a Snakes & Ladders playing sheet (download
and print out).
Assign each player a playing piece. It’s helpful if, for each game, each
player uses the same playing piece — this can help avoid confusion over
who’s who!
If, on your turn, you roll a “6”, you may move your playing piece forward
by six spaces, and roll again, moving your playing piece forward again.
However, if you roll a “6” and land on a snake/ladder, you must still go
up the snake/down the ladder before you can roll again.
Tip: If you want to switch things up, you can also go up the snakes and
down the ladders! Or play backwards and try and be the first to get from
the finish to the start!