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Snakes Ladders Instructions

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Snakes & Ladders


Equipment needed (per playing group): Players:

(Note: Playing group refers to people using the same
board — for example, if one person is playing on one end
of the phone, and two people on the other, then those
two people can share a board and dice as a “group”)
• Playing pieces (as many as there are total players)
• A dice
• A print out of the Snakes & Ladders board
(download and print out)

Sometimes, a practice game can help players understand the rules of
the game!

Before playing:
Make sure each player has a Snakes & Ladders playing sheet (download
and print out).
Assign each player a playing piece. It’s helpful if, for each game, each
player uses the same playing piece — this can help avoid confusion over
who’s who!

Aim of the game:

The aim of the game is to be the first to reach the gold star!

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How to play:
All the players’ playing pieces are placed at the start of the board (in
front of the first space, bottom left).
Player 1 starts by rolling the dice, and then moving their playing piece as
many spaces as the dice says (for example, if you rolled a “3”, you would
move your playing piece forward by three spaces). The important thing
to note here is that if you are playing on the other end of the phone, you
will also need to move the other player’s playing piece for them, so you
can keep track of where they are!

If, on your turn, you land at the bottom of a ladder,

you can go up the ladder!

If, on your turn, you land on the head of a snake,

you must go down the snake.

If, on your turn, you roll a “6”, you may move your playing piece forward
by six spaces, and roll again, moving your playing piece forward again.
However, if you roll a “6” and land on a snake/ladder, you must still go
up the snake/down the ladder before you can roll again.

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First one to the gold star wins! Remember that you need to roll
the exact right number to land on the star (e.g. if you’re three spaces
away from the star, you would need to roll a three to get in, or a two and
a one).

Tip: If you want to switch things up, you can also go up the snakes and
down the ladders! Or play backwards and try and be the first to get from
the finish to the start!

Extra tips for effective game play:

• When it’s your turn, make sure that you tell everyone what (colour)
playing piece you are, what number you rolled, and what space
you’ve now landed on. This will help avoid confusion which can oc-
cur when you’re playing on separate boards.
• Stick with the same (colour) playing piece during each gaming ses-
sion to avoid confusion.
• Have patience! When playing games over the phone, it’s inevitable
that at some point, confusion can occur and people are no longer
sure which space everyone is on. Taking the time to solve the prob-
lem will mean you will have more fun in the long run!

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