"There Is No Hope of Perfect Research": Iftikhar
"There Is No Hope of Perfect Research": Iftikhar
"There Is No Hope of Perfect Research": Iftikhar
germ theory of disease; rather he was invited to find out the causes of fermentation which led him to make experiments and conclude a theory. This theory was considered a boon for beverage industry and also founded the base for discovery of vaccination and antigens. He came up with a vaccine for rabies, but world health organization is still donating to support research for exploring the rabies treatment regime. discoveries. The invention of computer despite of its great utility cannot be rendered as a perfect research work. Rather, it evolved over a long time span to cater the growing complexities of people from different walks of life. It started from Charles Babbage and continued evolving from mechanical computers, electronic computers, desktops, laptops and note books to artificial intelligence and nobody can be certain about where it would lead us till the century ends. Here research seem responding to the needs and brainstorms followed by tryouts, in expedition of getting the desired. The inventions and discoveries made by our ancestors tend me to believe that no research can be perfect leaving no space for further advancements. Imperfections are inherent in every research work; we are striving only to refine the processes. If it could be made an ideal, there would have been no reason for the explorations and intensive assessments. Sometimes the attempts to investigate bring forth marvels and a number of times, they turn out just mistakes and the one, who make more mistakes, is more exposed to favorable outcomes. Even if a research project follows the most advanced methodology and correct apparatus, still the canvasser cant guarantee the attainment of any conquest because its a matter of probability, wherein surety never exists. The main theme of research is imperfection, which is embedded in the very outset of every probing activity. Where the great mind himself is not sure of what he or she is doing, how his or her trial can be labeled as a perfect model? Research is a plunge in the unknown, the Had the Pasteurs research work perfect, there would have been no accidental
deeper we immerse, greater would be the discovery and that depth can only increase the chances of six on our dice.
Allen, Robert. The New Penguin English Dictionary. India: Penguin Books; 2000. Print Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford U.P; 1997. Print