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290-WCCS-928 - Job Description

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information pack

Join Imperial College Healthcare and become part of a community of 12,000 staff working with a wide
range of partners to offer ‘better heath, for life’.
Formed in 2007, we are one of the largest NHS trusts in the country – providing acute and specialist
care to over a million patients each year in central and north London and beyond.
With a global reputation for ground-breaking research and innovation as well as excellence in
education, we offer huge expertise across a wide range of clinical specialities.
Alongside our five hospitals – Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea, St Mary’s
and the Western Eye – we have a growing number of community and digital services, reflecting our
commitment to developing more integrated care with our partners. We also provide private healthcare
at all of our hospitals (in dedicated facilities).
Together with Imperial College London and two other NHS trusts, we form one of six academic health
science centres in the UK – focussed on translating research into better patient care. We also host
one of 20 National Institute for Health Research biomedical research centres in partnership with
Imperial College London.
Our mission is to be a key partner in our local health system and to drive health and healthcare
innovation, delivering outstanding care, education and research with local, national and worldwide


With our staff and partners, we have developed a clear and ambitious vision as well as a set of core
values that shape everything we do. Together they guide our organisational strategy and our
behaviours framework:

 Kind: we are considerate and thoughtful so everyone feels valued, respected and included
 Collaborative: We actively seek others’ views and ideas so we can achieve more together
 Expert: We draw on diverse skills, knowledge and experience so we provide the best possible
 Aspirational: We are receptive and responsive to new thinking, so we never stop learning,
discovering and improving

Our hospitals and services
We have five hospitals on four sites, as well as a growing number of community and digital services
across central and west London:
Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith.
Charing Cross Hospital offers outstanding day surgery and cancer care, award-winning dementia
services and medicine for the elderly, and is a renowned tertiary centre for neurosurgery with a
hyper-acute stroke unit. It is also a hub for integrated care in partnership with local GPs and
community providers.

Hammersmith Hospital, Acton

Hammersmith Hospital is a specialist hospital renowned for its strong research connections. and
haematology service. It is home to a dedicated heart attack centre and Europe’s largest renal
transplant centre.

Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital, Acton

Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital is a maternity, women’s and neonatal care hospital. It is a
tertiary referral centre and looks after women with high-risk, complicated pregnancies, as providing a
midwife-led birth centre.

St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington

St Mary’s Hospital is a large, acute hospital and hosts one of the four major trauma centres in
London, alongside a 24-hour A&E department. With one of the most renowned paediatric services in
the country, St Mary’s is also home to Imperial Private Healthcare’s Lindo Wing.

Western Eye
Text to come


Reach your potential through outstanding learning and development opportunities
Every year we welcome hundreds of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to train with
us. We support staff to pursue formal education, conduct research and take part in courses, seminars
and training programmes – including giving study leave. Wherever you are in your career, we offer
opportunities for continuing professional development (CPD). If you are starting in an entry-level role,
we also offer NVQ level two and level three qualifications. We also have a number of leadership
development programmes to support you as you progress, alongside cross-specialty and cross-
profession clinical education.

Experience the rich heritage of hospitals that have made history

Some of our clinicians’ achievements continue to transform healthcare practice and make a lasting
impact on the world. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin at St Mary’s
revolutionising medicine and earning himself a Nobel prize – this is just one in a long line of many
discoveries and developments that have put us on the map as at the forefront of innovation.

Draw on huge expertise as part of a strong international community

Get ready to work with colleagues from all over the world with a sense of community, wellbeing and
shared endeavour. We look after children, adolescents and adults – caring for tiny babies through to
patients who need end of life care. We have a global reputation for our expertise in areas like:
cardiology, haematology, renal and transplantation, infectious diseases, neurology and trauma care –
to name just a few. We are part of the prestigious Shelford Group – the top ten NHS multi-specialty
academic healthcare organisations dedicated to excellence in research, education and patient care.

Feel supported by a positive culture

You can expect leadership and the chance to do your best in an open, respectful working environment
supported by a shared set of values. Our leadership team ensure they are accessible – meeting staff at
monthly CEO sessions and on ward walk rounds. Every employee has an annual personal development
review to discuss their progress and development needs. We have a number of thriving staff networks at
the Trust for you to join including: the leadership network; the women’s network, the LGBT+ network and
the nursing and midwifery BAME network.

Recognition and career progression

We value our staff and recognise the unique contributions they make to their patients and colleagues
with our Make a Difference recognition scheme and annual awards ceremony. We encourage
patients, members of the public, visitors, carers as well as colleagues to nominate our staff when they
go the extra mile and celebrate the dedication of long-serving staff. Every year you’ll have a personal
development review where you’ll identify objectives and development needs for the next year.
Together you and your manager will establish a plan to help you fast-forward your career and gain
the experience and skill you need to progress to the next level.

Conduct research here

Our clinicians work alongside biomedical scientists, chemists, physicists and engineers from Imperial
College London to develop new ways of diagnosing, treating and preventing disease. As part of an
academic health science centre, we aim to apply research discoveries to healthcare as quickly as
possible so we can improve the lives of NHS patients and populations around the world. Our culture
is about identifying research opportunities and supporting our staff to pursue them. One of our goals
is to encourage many more healthcare professionals outside of medicine to pursue academic careers
by providing research skills training sessions, grant-writing support and access to fellowship
opportunities. As of 2018/19 we have 600 active research projects.

Access brilliant benefits and enjoy a new social life

Join the NHS pension scheme – one of the most generous schemes in the UK. Have the opportunity
to work flexibly. Benefit from on-site accommodation and employee travel. Voluntary benefits include:
season ticket loan, on-site nurseries, childcare vouchers, cycle to work scheme, fitness facilities and
well-being initiatives including yoga and meditation classes. Join the Trust’s choir or orchestra, running
club or football club, or become a member of the Charity’s Arts Club to receive exclusive access to free
exhibitions at the Tate Modern and shows. You can even enter the Royal Albert Hall ballot and win tickets
to music events! Experience the best that London can offer on your doorstep – benefit from generous
London weighting supplements that will help you make the most of it!


Job Title Advanced Cardiac Physiologist

Band Band 7

Surgery, Cancer and Cardiovascular

Division B

Location of
Cardiac Investigations Centre, Hammersmith Hospital

Hours 37.5

Reports to Principal Cardiac Physiologist(s)

General Manager, Cardiac Services

1. Job purpose
As a specialist practitioner in Cardiac Physiology, to be able to perform a broad range of
clinical-technical investigation procedures and/or interventions in the Cardiological field to a
highly competent professional standard.

To possess advanced practitioner knowledge, skills and expertise in at least one specialist
area within Cardiac Physiology, having a minimum 5 years postgraduate experience as a
Cardiac Physiologist.

To assist the Senior Principal Cardiac Physiologist and the Principal Cardiac Physiologists in
managing the various sections of Cardiac Services to provide the routine Cardiac Physiology
clinical-technical services, including out-of-hours services where relevant.

Cardiac Services is part of the Division of Surgery, Cancer and Cardiovascular Services at
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Imperial College NHS Trust performs both invasive and non invasive diagnostic
investigations. These include 5 catheter labs providing both local and tertiary referral coronary
angiography, angioplasty & stenting, cardiac device implant and electrophysiology services.

The services offered include:

 Full range of non- invasive testing

 Pacing Implantation and follow-up
 Physiologist-led LINQ (loop recorder) implantation
 ICD implantation and follow up including Bivent systems
 Cardiac catheterisation, PCI, PFO closures, TAVI and Mitral clip procedures also Balloon
Pump Operation.
 A comprehensive range of Electrophysiology Studies and Ablation techniques.
 A comprehensive Echocardiography Service

The postholder will be specialing in either Cardiac Rhythm Management (CRM) and/or
Electrophysiology Studies and Ablation techniques or Invasive & Interventional Cardiology or
Echocardiography. S/he is based primarily in that service / section, and is line managed by
the Principal Cardiac Physiologist who heads that service / section. S/he may also be
required to routinely spend a part of the working week in at least one other section of Cardiac
Services on an ongoing rotational basis. Further training is actively encouraged.

The Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratories at Hammersmith Hospital provide both local and
tertiary referral coronary angiography, angioplasty & stenting, cardiac device implant and
electrophysiology services. This is also the site of West London’s 24-hour/7-day/365-days
Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Primary Arrhythmia services (in
collaboration with London Ambulance Service), so out-of-hours working is an essential
element of the service.

The Trust is actively promoting seven day diagnostic services; therefore some weekend working
may be required.

2. Key stakeholders

 Nursing staff at all levels within the Directorate

 Cardiac Physiologists of all grades in the other sections of Cardiac Services
 Consultant Cardiologists, Specialist Registrars and Senior House Officers
 Cardiac Services management, administrative, clerical and secretarial staff
 Portering services & management / Healthcare Assistants and Patient Transport
 Domestic services – cleaning & supervisory
 Translators
 Security
 General Practitioners and GP Practice staff (where applicable)
 Radiographers, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection Physicists (where applicable)
 Medical staff in other departments / Directorates
 Other ward and department Nursing staff and Ward Clerks
 Medical Students (undergraduate & postgraduate) and Research Fellows
 Supplies and delivery staff
 Pharmacy
 ICT (HelpDesk, Network Support, PC engineers) and switchboard (ThamesNet) staff
 Infection Control and Health & Safety
 Bed Managers and Night Managers (where applicable)
 Other staff groups on wards & in other departments / Directorates / areas of the Trust
 London Ambulance Service (where applicable)
 Out-of-Trust colleagues, Training Colleges, other Trusts
 Outside professional bodies / organisations (as applicable)

The requirement for liaison with outside companies that provide equipment, devices, supplies or
services – including sales reps, clinical applications / technical support reps and service engineers –
to Cardiac Services is from time to time also a part of the role

3. Key areas of responsibility

The post-holder reports to the Principal Cardiac Physiologist of their base specialist section / service. S/he
is professionally and managerially responsible to the Service Manager / Senior Principal Cardiac
Physiologist, and clinically responsible to the Cardiology Lead Clinician (a Consultant Cardiologist). The
post-holder is ultimately accountable to the General Manager, Cardiovascular Services.

The post-holder has supervisory and training responsibilities for more junior staff, including trainee Cardiac
Physiologists, in or on rotation to, the section of Cardiac Services in which s/he specialises, and in the
techniques in which s/he is an advanced practitioner. S/he will be expected to deputise in the absence of
the Principal Physiologist of their specialist service.

As a clinical-technical service provider, the post-holder’s most important professional working relationship
is with the Trust’s Patients, their carers, relatives and visitors.

Key result areas

KRA 1 - To be highly competent in performing a broad range of routine Cardiac Physiology

clinical-technical procedures / techniques, and be an advanced practitioner in at least one
specialist field.

KRA 2 - As an advanced practitioner, to take a proactive role, together with the Principal and
other Cardiac Physiologist(s) in the department, in providing organised and efficient clinical-
technical input to, and output from, the diagnostic investigations and therapeutic services of
the Directorate, to the Trust’s Patients.
KRA 3 - As a professional Healthcare Scientist, to contribute accordingly to the maintenance
of standards and quality in the clinical-technical Cardiac Physiology services provided,
including some responsibility for the training of trainees, junior staff and peers from other
Cardiac Physiology disciplines when they are rostered to specialist areas in which the post-
holder is highly competent.

KRA 4 - To foster and develop good working relationships – through adequate, timely and
appropriate communication – with all the other staff, and Patients, with whom the post-holder
interacts in the course of their work.

KRA 5 - To participate in providing the out-of-hours Cardiac Physiology clinical-technical

services to achieve 24-hour/7-day/365-days cover.

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

To be competent in performing the following range of clinical-technical procedures /


1.1 - Routine resting 12-lead Electrocardiograms: Record / Analyse / Interpret / Report /

Sign-off / Final output = ‘diagnosing’
1.1.1 - Cardiac exercise ECG Stress / Tolerance Testing: Record / Measurements
(including non-invasive blood pressures) / Supervise / Report / Set-up / Monitor / Record

1.1.2 - 24-hour & 7-day Ambulatory ECG Monitoring - ‘Holters’ & Cardiac Event
Recorders: Fit / Remove / Analyse / Interpret / Report


1.1.3 - Invasive / Interventional Procedures:-

 Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Angioplasty & Stenting and
Valvuloplasty: Monitoring / Recording / Measuring / Interpreting
 Radiography: (where applicable) Operating x-ray equipment / Minimizing radiation
exposure / Radiation protection / Film-badge monitoring
 Near-Patient real-time blood analysis & monitoring: Coagulation monitoring /
Troponins / Oxygen saturations, etc.
 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps: (where applicable) Set-up / Maintenance /
Troubleshoot / ‘Continuous care’
 Right Heart Studies: Blood saturations / Monitoring / Calculations / Record /
Measure / Analyse
 Internal Cardioversion: (where applicable) Set-up / Delivery of energy
 Intra-Vascular UltraSound, Pressure Wires, Rotablator, CTO & OCT: (where
applicable) Set-up / Measure / Record
 ‘PASYS’ – Coronary thrombolectomy equipment (where applicable): Set-up / Run
 Temporary Pacing: Trolley set-up (‘Technical-Nursing duties’) / Radiographic duties /
Threshold testing
 Device Implantation: Pacemakers – single and dual chamber: Equipment set-up /
Patient preparation / Monitor / Record / Measure / Test / Analyse / Interpret / Program /


1.1.4 - Implantable Device Follow-up:-

 Pacemakers – single-chamber and dual-chamber: Interrogate / Analyse / Interpret
/ Program / Troubleshoot
 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators & CRT Devices: Interrogate / Analyse /
Interpret / Program / Troubleshoot
 Implantable Loop Recorders: Interrogate / Analyse / Interpret / Program /
 Remote Follow-up/Home Monitoring: Download / Interpret / Report / Administrate
 (Auditing outcome, measurements, and comparison = ‘diagnosing’)


1.1.5 - Invasive arrhythmia therapies:-

 Device Implantation: Pacemakers – single and dual chamber: Equipment set-up /

Patient preparation / Monitor / Record / Measure / Test / Analyse / Interpret / Program /
 Device Implantation: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators & CRT
Devices: Equipment set-up / Patient preparation / Monitor / Record / Measure
/ Test / Analyse / Interpret / Program / Troubleshoot
 System extraction: Equipment set-up / Patient preparation / Monitor / Interpret
/ Troubleshoot
 Internal and external cardioversion: Equipment set-up / Delivery of energy
 Electrophysiology studies and standard ablation: Equipment set-up/ Patient
preparation / Monitoring / Recording / Measuring / Interpreting / troubleshooting
- using programmable stimulator, EP lab system and lesion creation
technologies (radio frequency, cryo)
 Complex ablation (ablation of atrial fibrillation and tachycardia / ablation of
ventricular tachycardia): Equipment set-up / Patient preparation Monitoring /
Recording / Measuring / Interpreting / troubleshooting - using 3D non-
fluoroscopic mapping and navigation systems (Carto 3, Ensite Velocity,
Rhythmia, Hansen). Coagulation monitoring/ blood gas

1.1.6- Echocardiography:-
 Transthoracic (2-Dimensional) Echocardiography: Adults, children and neonates
(as applicable) – Preparing and manipulating Patient / operating ultrasound scanning
equipment / imaging / recording / measurements / analysis / interpretation / diagnostic
reporting / signing-off
 Transthoracic (3-Dimensional) Echocardiography: Preparing and manipulating
Patient / operating ultrasound scanning equipment / imaging / recording /
measurements / analysis / interpretation / diagnostic reporting / signing-off
 Contrast Echocardiography: Preparing and manipulating Patient / operating
ultrasound scanning equipment / preparing contrast agent / administering agent /
imaging / recording / measurements / analysis / interpretation / diagnostic reporting /
 Treadmill Stress Echocardiography: Patient preparation / ECG recording / BP
measurements / supervising treadmill exercise / operating ultrasound scanning
equipment / imaging / recording / measurements / analysis
 Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography: Patient preparation / preparing drug infusion
/ setting up infusion pump / ECG recording / BP measurements / operating ultrasound
scanning equipment / imaging / recording / measurements / analysis
 Trans-Oesophogeal (endoscopic) Echocardiography [TOE]: Preparing Patient /
operating ultrasound scanning equipment / manipulation of induced probe /
preparation of contrast agent / administering contrast agent / operating suction
equipment / operating pulse oximetry equipment / imaging / recording / measurements
/ analysis / interpretation


1.1.7 - Resuscitation: UK Resuscitation Council ILS (or ALS) Certification - Initiate / Assist –
CPR / Defibrillator operation (automatic and manual)
1.1.8 - Disinfecting: Environment / Equipment
 First-line clinical equipment maintenance: Requiring expert knowledge of
equipment function
1.1.9 - Recognition of significance of findings: Taking action on outcomes
 Prioritising clinical needs: For investigations / procedures
 Giving professional guidance: To Doctors / Patients – Advising on outcomes /
Suggesting courses of action
 Clinical decision making: Initiating further investigations / procedures; Admitting
patients / without reference to other professionals in the multidisciplinary healthcare
 Final outputs: Authorising / signing-off reports = ‘diagnosing’

1.2 - To have the knowledge and expertise of an advanced specialist practitioner in (at least)
one of the above major specialist Cardiac Physiology fields - Invasive / Interventional
Cardiology, Electrophysiological Studies, CRM device implantation, CRM device follow-up
management or Echo.

1.3 - To undertake the full range of routine clinical-technical techniques and procedures
carried out in the Cardiac Services section(s) in which the post-holder works. (i.e. Cardiac
Catheterisation Labs. &/or Cardiac Pacing & ICD service &/or Echocardiography).

1.4 - To perform the recordings, measurements, interpretation and clinical-technical reporting

of the cardiological tests and procedures carried out, to the required standards.

1.5 - Knowing the location of resuscitation equipment and being familiar with its operation,
proper use and maintenance. Ensuring that this equipment is readily available prior to
commencement of each investigation or therapeutic procedure. Knowing how and when to
summon the hospital resuscitation team and to co-operate with them appropriately on arrival.

2.1 - To carry out the following range of organizational and / or supervisory duties appropriate
to the post:

 Coordinating and arranging meetings  Emergency & out-of-hours service

 Dealing with conflict provision / cover (including transport
 Helping draft protocols and procedures arrangements / on-call room provision),
if applicable
 Ensuring quality & safety standards of  Helping provide & organise staff
service(s) provided training
 First line complaints handling  Prioritising tasks / clinical procedures
 Gaining supervisory skills / knowledge /  Assisting with stock control
abilities  Record management
 Health & Safety  Self-management
 Assisting in service development
 Helping run a professional team  Sitting on interview panels
 Liaising with other departments /  Supervising junior staff
 Specialist equipment management

2.2 - To help maintain an ordered filing and retrieval system and/or electronic computer
database / archive of Patients' physiological recordings, measurements, reports and
attendance details.

2.3 - To be responsible for carrying out the following range of administrative, environmental
and housekeeping duties:

 Accessibility – beds, trolleys, chairs,  Filing / retrieval

etc.  Health and Safety compliance
 Agendas & Minutes: Taking / Typing /  Infection control compliance
Issuing  Liaison with other departments
 Appointments management  Liaison with Patient transport, porters,
 Auditing & statistics generation etc.
 Helping arrange equipment  Policy compliance / adherence
maintenance and repairs  Record keeping & maintenance: Paper
 Booking Patient transport / Electronic / Video / CDs / Digital
 Correspondence  Result reproduction and distribution
 Departmental security  Scanning & photocopying
 Domestic services – cleaning, etc.  Stock maintenance, etc.
 E-mails: Checking / reading / acting  Telephone calls: queries / problems /
upon / replying to appointments / complaints
 End of day shutdown  Tracking down lost equipment
 Entering information into databases  Waste management

3.1 - To be trained and accredited under the auspices of the Resuscitation Council (UK), and
to partake in providing Immediate (and / or Advanced) Life Support (cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation) as and when required.

3.2 - To be IR(MER) (Radiation Safety) trained and certificated and to assist in the safe and
proper operation of the x-ray screening and recording equipment in the Cardiac
Catheterisation Laboratories.

3.3 - To ensure that all non-invasive, haemodynamic, electrophysiological measurement,

monitoring and recording equipment in use within the Cardiac Services section in which the
post-holder is based at any time is in safe working order and fully functional.

3.4 - To have some level of responsibility for the training of graduate and trainee Cardiac
Physiologists, and Cardiac Physiologists from other disciplines, in the specific techniques and
skills in which the post-holder is highly competent. To train and supervise other technical and
medical staff in the cardiological techniques in which the post-holder is competent and
experienced, and to provide relevant clinical-technical support and advice as and when

3.5 - To be self-motivated and resourceful, developing one’s own personal knowledge, skills,
professionalism and expertise in the Cardiac Physiology field, so showing evidence of
continuous growth and personal, as well as professional development.

3.6 - To be responsible for the following range of professional tasks within the post-holder’s
discipline / department:

 Be professionally registered (and

maintaining this) when required
 Be professionally certified in chosen
field of expertise
 Clinical Governance considerations
 Clinical prioritising of Patients
 CPD: Attending meetings / courses /
conferences / undertaking exams
 Dealing professionally with the full
range of ‘Patient behaviours’
 Demonstrations & training to medical
students / other staff
 Emergency & out-of-hours service
provision / cover (where applicable)
 Handling clinical queries
 Interviewing: Recruitment
 Maintaining externally-imposed
standards: Patient confidentiality / Data
Protection Act / Freedom of Information
Act, European Working Time Directive,
 Mentoring: Professional (Quality
assurance / monitoring staff
capabilities, etc.)
 Patient / relative / carer support:
Emotional & physical wellbeing –
communication / care / advocacy /
dignity / respect
 Possessing & maintaining an adequate
level of professional clinical acumen /
expert knowledge, skills & experience
appropriate for this grade / level
 Presenting at meetings
 Professional communications
 Research and Development
 Data quality & integrity and Database
 Standards: ensuring maintenance
 Teaching – formal / informal
 Testing, checking & setting-up of
(clinical / medical) equipment
 Training – formal / informal (of trainees,
new & more junior staff

5 - To partake in the rota providing out-of-hours services to the Cardiac
Catheterisation Laboratories, with particular reference to the 24-hour/7-day/365-days
Primary Angioplasty service and Primary Arrhythmia services.

4. General Responsibilities

To assist the Senior Principal Cardiac Physiologist and Service Manager, in ensuring
that all relevant national legislation (Working Time Directive, Agenda for Change,
IRMER, etc.), Trustwide policies, CPG policies and local policies, protocols and
procedures are implemented and adhered to.

To help in overseeing the capture and storage of clinical data and audit outcomes.
To provide any other information that may be necessary from time to time, and carry
out administrative tasks as required.

To help maintain and develop services in terms of quality, safety, efficiency and cost
effectiveness, in accordance with Trust policy, whilst developing one’s own
professionalism and expert knowledge and skills.

To practice aseptic techniques where appropriate, understand the importance of

sterility and general hygiene, and ensure compliance with the Trust’s Infection Control
Policy at all times.

To ensure correct usage, safety and appropriate maintenance of all relevant

equipment, undertaking and enforcing safe working practices, and maintain a safe
and acceptable working environment in accordance with the Trust's Health and
Safety regulations.

To understand the post-holder’s own role as a member of a multidisciplinary team,

recognising and respecting the needs of other professionals, and realise one’s own
limitations of knowledge, experience and ability, and to recognise situations that may
require more expert clinical-technical, medical or managerial intervention, seeking
appropriate support or assistance as and when necessary.

To be flexible in accepting the delegation of tasks and duties from time to time, so as
to achieve effective and efficient functioning of Cardiac Services as a whole, across
the Directorate. Both Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and the Directorate of
Cardiovascular Services are fast moving organisations, therefore changes in the
post-holder’s duties may become necessary from time to time – these will be
discussed with them as they arise.

Together with the Principals and all other Cardiac Physiologists, to develop good
working relationships and facilitate communication amongst the Cardiac Services
staff and associated colleagues within the Directorate. To help integrate each section
as part of the overall service provided to the Trust by Cardiovasculer Services.

Co-operating with the need for occasional and necessary 'overtime working' to ensure
that any procedure in progress can be completed safely, in the usual fashion.

To help facilitate cross-departmental and cross-site training as and when these

opportunities arise, thereby enhancing broader-based skills in all aspects of Cardiac

To contribute to the maintenance and development of our services in terms of quality,

safety and efficiency whilst developing one's own professionalism and expert

5. Scope and Purpose of Job Description

A job description does not constitute a ‘term and condition of employment’. It is provided
only as a guide to assist the employee in the performance of their job. The Trust is a fast
moving organisation and therefore changes in employees’ duties may be necessary from
time to time. The job description is not intended to be an inflexible or finite list of tasks and
may be varied from time to time after consultation/discussion with the postholder.

Job Title Band

Surgery, Cancer
Advanced Cardiac Physiologist 7
and Cardiovascular

Criteria Relevant to
Essential Desirable
the Role

Education/ Qualified as a Cardiac [Clinical] HCPC registration as a

Qualifications Physiologist (BSc degree or clinical scientist
Higher academic qualification
equivalent experience to this
Evidence of Continuing
Professional Development
education in appropriate field(s)
Certificated qualified ILS
IR(MER) qualified and

Experience Minimum of 5 years postgraduate

experience in Cardiac Physiology,
with at least 2 years specialising in a
specialist field
Expertise and significant experience
in the techniques listed under ‘Skills
& Abilities’ above

Skills/Knowledge/ Being fully competent at ECG A level of expertise in

Abilities recording & interpretation, another of the above
exercise ECG stress testing and specialist areas of
ambulatory ECG monitoring Cardiac Physiology
Having particular competence,
specialised knowledge,
Some supervisory
advanced practitioner level skills
and experience in at least one of
the following: Cardiac
Catheterisation Laboratory

techniques or Implantable
Device follow-up or Invasive
Therapy/electrophysiology or
Ability to manage own workload,
as well as that of others
Ability to train other staff in the
post-holder’s specialist clinical-
technical field(s)
Ability to innovate practice
developments and advances in
the specialist techniques /
service provided
Computer literacy to the level
required to fulfil the duties and
responsibilities of the post

Values and

Other High level, sensitive and

Requirements effective communication skills
with Patients, their relatives &
carers, staff & colleagues in the
multidisciplinary team, as
required to fulfil the duties of the
post, particularly in critical clinical
Clear and precise written
communication skills
Sufficient to fulfil the duties of the
post (with any appropriate aids
and adaptations if necessary)
Ability to cope with the pressures
and stresses of the daily
demands of a busy front-line
clinical-technical service, whilst
supporting Patients, staff and
colleagues in the
multidisciplinary team

Additional information

1. Health and safety

All staff are required to make positive efforts to maintain their own personal safety and that of
others by taking reasonable care, carrying out requirements of the law whilst following
recognised codes of practice and Trust policies on health and safety.
2. Medical Examinations
All appointments are conditional upon prior health clearance. Failure to provide continuing
satisfactory evidence if required, e.g. of immunization, will be regarded as a breach of
3. Equal Opportunities
The Trust aims to promote equal opportunities. A copy of our Equality Opportunities Policy is
available from the Human Resources department. Members of staff must ensure that they
treat other members of staff, patients and visitors with dignity and respect at all times and
report any breaches of this to the appropriate manager.
4. Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Post holders have a general responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in
the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of specific duties relating
to their role.
5. Disclosure & Barring Service/Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
Applicants for many posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
1974. Applicants who are offered employment for such posts will be subject to a criminal
record check from the Disclosure & Barring Service before appointment is confirmed. This
includes details of cautions, reprimands and final warnings, as well as convictions. Further
information can be found via: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and-
barring-service. Post holders have a general responsibility for safeguarding children and
vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of
specific duties relating to their role. Staff are obliged to disclose to the Trust during
employment any pending criminal convictions, including cautions, and any other information
relevant to the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults.
6. Professional Registration
Staff undertaking work which requires professional registration are responsible for ensuring
that they are so registered and that they comply with any Codes of Conduct applicable to that
profession. Proof of registration must be produced on appointment and at any time
subsequently on request.
7. Work Visa/ Permits/Leave to Remain
If you are a non-resident of the UK or EEA you are required to have a valid work visa and
leave to remain in the UK, which is renewed as required. The Trust is unable to employ or
continue to employ you if you require but do not have a valid work visa and/or leave to
remain in the UK.

8. Conflict of Interests
You may not without the consent of the Trust engage in any outside employment and in
particular you are disqualified from an appointment as a chair or Non-Executive Director of
another NHS Trust whilst you are employed by this Trust. In accordance with the Trust’s
Conflict of Interest Policy you must declare to your manager all private interests which could
potentially result in personal gain as a consequence of your employment position in the
Trust. The NHS Code of Conduct and Standards of Business Conduct for NHS Staff require
you to declare all situations where you or a close relative or associate has a controlling
interest in a business or in any activity which may compete for any NHS contracts to supply
goods or services to the Trust. You must therefore register such interests with the Trust,
either on appointment or subsequently.
9. Infection control
It is the responsibility of all staff, whether clinical or non-clinical, to familiarise themselves
with and adhere to current policy in relation to the prevention of the spread of infection and
the wearing of uniforms.
Clinical staff – on entering and leaving clinical areas, and between contacts with
patients, staff should ensure that they apply alcohol gel to their hands and wash their
hands frequently with soap and water. In addition, staff should ensure the appropriate
use of personal protective clothing and the appropriate administration of antibiotic
therapy. Staffs are required to communicate any infection risks to the infection control
team and, upon receipt of their advice, report hospital-acquired infections in line with
the Trust’s Incident Reporting Policy.
Non clinical staff and sub-contracted staff – on entering and leaving clinical areas
and between contacts with patients all staff should ensure they apply alcohol gel to
their hands and be guided by clinical staff as to further preventative measures required.
It is also essential for staff to wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
Flu vaccination – the Trust’s expectation is that all patient-facing staff have an annual
flu vaccination, provided free of charge by the Trust. Staffs have a responsibility to
encourage adherence with policy amongst colleagues, visitors and patients and should
challenge those who do not comply. You are also required to keep up to date with the
latest infection control guidance via the documents library section on the intranet.
10. No Smoking
The Trust operates a smoke free policy.
11. Professional Association/Trade Union Membership
The Trust is committed to working in partnership with Trades Unions and actively
encourages staff to join any Trade Union of their choice, subject to any rules for membership
that the Trade Union may apply.

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