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Sampling Algorithms to Update Truncated SVD

Ichitaro Yamazaki, Stanimire Tomov, and Jack Dongarra

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Abstract— Hence, beside the variety and veracity of the dataset, the data
A truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) is a powerful analysis tool must address the challenges associated with the
tool for analyzing modern datasets. However, the massive volume volume and velocity of the changes made to the dataset. For
and rapidly changing nature of the datasets often make it too
expensive to compute the SVD of the whole dataset at once. It instance, the computers may not have enough compute power
is more attractive to use only a part of the dataset at a time to accommodate such a rapidly growing or changing data if
and incrementally update the SVD. A randomized algorithm has the computational complexity of the data analysis tool grows
been shown to be a great alternative to a traditional updating superlinearly with the data size. In addition, accessing the
algorithm due to its ability to efficiently filter out the noises data through the local memory hierarchy is expensive, and
and extract the relevant features of the dataset. Though it is
often faster than the traditional algorithm, in order to extract accessing these data in the external storage is even more costly.
the relevant features, the randomized algorithm may need to Therefore, the data analysis tool needs to be data-pass efficient.
accesses the data multiple times, and this data access creates a In particular, it may become too costly to compute the SVD
significant performance bottleneck. To improve the performance of the whole dataset at once, or to recompute the SVD every
of the randomized algorithm for updating SVD, we study, in this time the changes are made to the dataset. In some applications,
paper, two sampling algorithms that access the data only two or
three times, respectively. We present several case studies to show recomputing the SVD may not even be possible because the
that only a small fraction of the data may be needed to maintain original data, for which the SVD has been already computed, is
the quality of the updated SVD, while our performance results no longer available. To address these challenges, an attractive
on a hybrid CPU/GPU computer demonstrate the potential of approach is to update (rather than recompute) the SVD. For
the sampling algorithms to improve the performance of the example, we can incrementally update the SVD using only a
randomized algorithm.
Index Terms—sample; randomize; update SVD; out-of-core;
part of the matrix that fit in the core memory at a time. Hence,
the whole matrix is moved to the core memory only once.
A randomized algorithm has been shown to be an efficient
method to update SVD [6]. To reduce both the computational
To analyze the modern datasets with a wide variety and and data access costs, it projects the data onto a smaller
veracity, a truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) [1] subspace before computing the updated SVD. Compared with
of the matrix representing the data is a powerful tool. The the state-of-the-art updating algorithm [7], the randomized
ability of the SVD to filter out noises and extract the underly- algorithm often compresses the data into a smaller projection
ing features of the data has been demonstrated in many data subspace with a lower communication latency cost. As a
analysis tools, including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [2], result, the randomized algorithm could obtain much higher
recommendation systems [3], population clustering [4], and performance on a modern computer, where the communica-
subspace tracking [5]. Also, as the modern datasets are tion has become significantly more expensive compared with
constantly being updated and analyzed, we develop a good the arithmetic operations, both in terms of time and energy
understanding of the data (e.g., the singular value distribution), consumption. In addition, the randomized algorithm accesses
which can be used to tune the performance or the robustness the data only through the dense or sparse matrix-matrix
of computing the SVD for that particular application (e.g., multiplication (GEMM or SpMM) whose highly-optimized
the required numerical rank for the accurate data analysis, implementations are provided by many vendors. In other
or the number of data passes needed to compute the SVD). applications, the external storage (e.g., database) may provide
Furthermore, these tuning parameters stay roughly the same a functionality to compute the matrix multiplication and only
for different datasets from the same applications. transfer the resulting vectors to the memory, thus avoiding the
With the increase in the external storage capacity, the explicit generation and transfer of the matrix into the memory.
amount of data generated from the observations, experiments, To filter out the noises and extract the relevant features,
and simulations has been growing at an unprecedented rate. however, the randomized algorithm may require multiple data
These phenomena have led to the emergence of numerous passes that become the performance bottleneck. In this paper,
massive datasets in many areas of studies including science, we use two methods to reduce this bottleneck. 1) We integrate
engineering, medicine, finance, social media, and e-commerce. data sampling into the randomized algorithm. Namely, we first
The specific applications that generate the rapidly-changing sample the new data using the information gathered while
massive datasets include the communication and electric grids, compressing the previous data. Then, the randomized algo-
transportation and financial systems, personalized services on rithm only uses the sampled data (which fits in the memory)
the internet, particle or astro physics, and genome sequencing. to update the SVD. We present two sampling algorithms,
requiring only two or three data-passes, respectively (one U
bk := PbXk and Vbk := QY b k , where Xk and Yk are the
pass to sample the data, and one or two additional passes to corresponding left and right singular vectors of B, respectively.
generate the projection subspace). 2) We study a randomized The first step of generating the projection subspace typically
algorithm to incrementally update the SVD using a subset of dominates the performance, and is the focus of this paper.
the sampled rows. The algorithm does not access the rows that
have been already compressed and uses only the sampled rows
that can fit in the memory at a time. This becomes attractive Two algorithms have been previously used to generate the
when we fail to sample enough rows or all the sampled rows basis vectors Pb and Q
b of (2).
do not fit in the memory at once. A. Updating Algorithm
We present several case studies, in which we needed to
sample only a fraction of the data to maintain the quality of The updating algorithm [7] computes the basis vectors Pb
the updated SVD. We also show the potential of the sampling and Qb by first orthogonalizing D against the current approx-
algorithm to improve the performance of the randomized imate left singular vectors Uk ,
algorithm on multicore CPUs with an NVIDIA GPU using b := (I − Uk UkT )D,
D (3)
different implementations and data configurations. As the cost
of data access grows due to the properties of both data and and then computing its QR factorization to orthonormalize the
hardware, such sampling algorithms would likely play more resulting D,
critical roles in analyzing the modern datasets. Throughout P R := QR(D)b
this paper, we use ai,j and vi to denote the (i, j)-th entry of such that P is an m-by-d orthonormal matrix and R is a d-
a matrix A and the i-th entry of a vector v, respectively. by-d upper-triangular matrix. The basis vectors are then given
  Vk 0
We assume that a rank-k approximation Ak = Uk Σk VkT P = Uk P
b and Q =b , (4)
0 Id
of an m-by-n matrix A has been computed where Σk is a
k-by-k diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries approximate where Id is a d-by-d identity matrix. The resulting (k + d)-
the k dominant singular values of A, and the columns of Uk by-(k + d) projected matrix B ≡ PbT AbQb is given by
and Vk approximate the corresponding left and right singular 
Σk UkT D

vectors, respectively. We then consider computing a rank-k B = .
approximation of a matrix A,b
The algorithm is shown to compute a good approximation
A b k Vb T ,
bk Σ (1)
k to the truncated SVD of the matrix A, b especially when its
where A b = [A D] and an m-by-d matrix D represents the singular values have so-called “low-rank-plus-shift” distri-
new set of the columns being added to A. This problem is bution [10]. Since the “low-rank” and “shift” respectively
of particular interest for the term-document matrices from the correspond to the relevant features and the noises of the
latent semantic indexing (LSI) [8], and it is commonly referred underlying data, the matrices from many applications of our
to as the updating-documents problem. Two other updating interests have this type of singular value distributions.
problems exist, updating-terms and updating-weights. They In (3), the algorithm first accesses the matrix D through
add a new set of matrix rows and update a set of the SpMM (or GEMM) to compute UkT D, and then accesses it
matrix entries, respectively. Though we focus only on updating again to accumulate the results of SpMM and compute D. b In
documents, all these three problems can be expressed as low- practice, to reduce the large amount of memory needed to store
rank corrections to the original matrix. In many cases, A
b is tall the m-by-d dense vectors P , we incrementally update the SVD
and skinny, having more rows than columns (i.e., m  n, d). by adding a subset of the new columns D at a time. However,
All the algorithms studied in this paper belong to a class of all the columns of D are still orthogonalized against Uk . In
subspace projection methods: addition, the accumulated cost of computing the SVD of the
Alg. 1. Subspace Projection Method: matrices B and updating Uk and Vk could still be significant.
1) Generate a pair of k + ` orthonormal basis vectors Pb and Q b
B. Randomized Algorithm
that approximately span the range and domain of the matrix A,
respectively, To reduce the cost of the updating algorithm, a randomized
Ab ≈ PbQbT , (2) algorithm [6] applies the normalized power iterations to the
where ` is an oversampling parameter [9] selected to enhance
matrix Db of (3) without explicitly forming D:
the performance or robustness of the algorithm. Alg. 2. Randomized Algorithm for Adding Columns
2) Use a standard deterministic algorithm to compute the SVD of 1. Generate ` Gaussian random vectors Q
the projected matrix B := PbT A bQ,
b 2. Compute QR factorization of Q, QR := QR(Q)
for j = 1, 2, . . . , s do
b Y T := SVD(B).
XΣ 3. Approximate the matrix range, P := (I − Uk UkT )DQ
4. Compute QR factorization of P , P R := QR(P )
3) Compute the low-rank approximation (1) such that the diagonal if j < s then
entries of Σ
b k are the k dominant singular values of B, and 5. Approximate the matrix domain, Q := DT P
6. Compute QR factorization of Q, QR := QR(Q) in the interval (0,1)
end if 3.2. Select the sampled row ci such that
end for ci = arg maxi (γ < ti | i = 1, 2, . . . , m)
if sampling without replacement
After the power iteration, the basis vectors Pb and Q b are and ci has been previously selected then
computed as in (4), but using P generated by the iteration. 3.3. Draw a new γ and go to Step 3.2
end if
To further reduce the cost of solving the projected system, a end for
smaller right projection subspace was also proposed where the
basis vectors Q generated by the power iteration was used, In this paper, we use the following two types of distributions p.
  The first is the uniform distribution (i.e., pi = m ) while the
b = Vk 0 . 1
Q second uses the leverage scores such that pi = k j=1 u2i,j ,
0 Q where ui,j is the (i, j)-th entry of the current approximate left
We refer to these two projection schemes as the randomized singular vectors Uk . Then, when sampled p m with replacements,
algorithms with one-sided and two-sided approximation, or as we use the scaling matrix Sr = c Ic , while without
1 1
Rnd1 and Rnd2 in short, respectively. The respective (k + `)- replacement, we let Sr = diag( √cp c1
, . . . , √cp cc
by-(k + d) and (k + `)-by-(k + `) projected matrices B ≡ Though we could have used any sampling algorithm, we
bQb are given by focused on these two distributions that are readily available

Σk UkT D
 without an additional data pass over D. Theoretical studies
B= and . (5) have been conducted on these two distributions including an
0 PTD 0 R
upper bound on the approximation error of the sampled Gram
The smaller B of Rnd2 leads to a lower computational cost. matrix [11]. Since we iterate on the Gram matrix, this provides
More importantly, however, if the result of DQ is saved at a good theoretical motivation for using these distributions. Fi-
Step 3 of the above algorithm, the projected matrix B of Rnd2 nally, these two distributions have been used in many studies,
can be computed without an additional SpMM. On the other and provide a baseline performance of our frameworks. If a
hand, to compute B, Rnd1 requires the additional SpMM to more effective sampling, or sketching [12], scheme exists for
multiply D with the vectors Uk and P . a particular application, then it can be easily integrated in our
When the updating algorithm of Section III-A incrementally framework. Our focus is to use these two basic distributions
adds ` columns at a time, it performs d` orthogonalization and to sample our specific matrix D b = (I − Uk U T )D and study
projection. Hence, if the randomized algorithm converges in their effectiveness for updating the SVD.
less than d` iterations, it has a lower cost of orthogonalization
than the updating algorithm. Since the randomized algorithm A. Row Sampling
typically requires only a couple of iterations, it could obtain We now describe our first randomized sampling framework
significant speedups over the updating algorithm (see Sec- to update the SVD. Given the row-sampling and scaling
tion VII). However, while the updating algorithm only accesses matrices Cr and Sr , we approximate the Gram matrix of
the matrix D twice, the randomized algorithm accesses D (I − Uk UkT )D using two row-sampled matrices D e r of (6)
(2s − 1) times over the s iterations. Though D is accessed and Uk , which is generated through the QR factorization of
only through SpMM, this data access often dominates the the row-sampled matrix Sr Cr Uk , i.e., U
ek R
e := QR(Sr Cr Uk ).
performance of the randomized algorithm. Then, we generate the right-projection subspace Q through
IV. S AMPLING A LGORITHM power iterations on the approximate normal equation without
explicitly forming the Gram matrix:
To lower the data access cost of the randomized algorithm,
in this section, we integrate sampling. For instance, instead of Alg. 4. Row-sampling for Adding Columns (Smp1 ):
1. Sample and scale rows of the matrices D and Uk ,
iterating with the new data D, we may iterate with the row- D
er := Sr Cr D and Uek R e := QR(Sr Cr Uk )
sampled matrix D e r that contains only a subset of its rows, 2. Generate right projection subspace Q
by power iterating with Gram matrix of (I − U ek UekT )D
e r = Sr Cr D, (6) 2.1. Generate ` Gaussian random vectors Q
2.2. Compute QR factorization QR := QR(Q)
where the c-by-m matrix Cr samples the rows of the matrix D, for j = 1, 2, . . . , s − 1 do
and the c-by-c matrix Sr scales the sampled rows (i.e., Sr Cr 2.3. Approximate the matrix range, Q := D erT (I − Uek UekT )D
er Q
has a single nonzero entry on each row, (Sr Cr )i,ci = si,i , 2.4. Compute QR factorization, QR := QR(Q)
end if
where ci is the index of the i-th sampled row). The following 3. Generate left projection subspace,
algorithm generates our sampling matrix C: P := (I − Uk UkT )DQ
Alg. 3. Algorithm to Sample rows: P R := QR(P )
1. Generate m-length probabilistic distribution p such that 4. Generate projected matrix B of (5).
pi is the probability that i-th row is sampled, and p =1
i=1 i
Pi After the power iteration, the left-projection subspace P is
2. Compute probabilistic interval t such that ti = p
j=1 j computed through SpMM with the original matrix D (Step 3
3. Sample c rows of D following the distribution p
for i = 1, 2, . . . , c do of Alg. 4). To generate B of Rnd1 , we need one more SpMM to
3.1. Draw a uniformly distributed random number γ compute DT [Uk P ]. On the other hand, if we store the result
D rT Dr Q Q D rT P Q Dc Q P Rnd1 Rnd2 Smp1 Smp2
Matrix operation with D
≈ ≈ ≈ # of Sp/GEMM s s (s − 1)τ + 1 (s − 1)τ
# of Sp/GEMMt s s-1 (s − 1)τ (s − 1)τ + 1
Dense computation (flop count)
Orth `2 ms `2 ms `2 ((s − 1)τ + 1)m `2 ((s − 1)τ + 1)m
SVD(B) (k + d)(k + `)2 (k + `)3 (k + `)3 (k + `)3

Fig. 2. Complexities of algorithms to update SVD, s is the number of power

iterations, m and d are the respective numbers of rows and columns in D, k
(a) Smp1 . (b) Smp2 . is the rank of approximation, ` is the oversampling parameter, and τ is the
sampling rate, e.g., τ = m and c is the number of sampled rows. We assume
Fig. 1. Illustration of two sampling approachs, where the regions colored in that the matrices are tall and skinny (i.e., m  n, d). When the updating
blue represent the sampled rows or columns. algorithm incrementally adds ` columns at a time, it performs `2 m d` flops
for the orthogonalization.

of DQ at Step 3, then we can generate B of Rnd2 without and recompute the updated SVD using the new set of the
any additional SpMM. We refer to Alg. 4 as Smp1 , and use sampled rows. Instead, in this section, we look at updating
Smp1,1 and Smp1,2 to distinguish Smp1 with the projection the already-updated SVD using the additional sampled rows.
schemes of Rnd1 and Rnd2 , respectively. Such a scheme is also attractive when all the sampled rows do
not fit in the memory at once because it allows an incremental
B. Row-column Sampling
update of the SVD using only a subset of the sampled rows
Our second sampling framework approximates the results at a time, which fit in the memory.
of SpMM with D and DT using D e c and D
e r that sample the
Assuming that we have updated the SVD using Smp1 , we
columns and rows of D, respectively. Though we do not have use the randomized algorithm to update the projection basis
the leverage scores for the columns of D, we can still, for vectors P and Q by adding more sampled rows to U ek and D
example, sample the columns based on their norms (requiring The algorithm is based on the power iteration on the Gram
a data pass over D) or using the uniform distribution p. matrix, as shown below where Dr and U k represent the new
Alg. 5. Row-column sampling for Adding Columns (Smp2 ): set of sampled rows, while P and Q are the new set of basis
1. Sample and scale the rows of the matrices D and Uk vectors to be generated.
er := Sr Cr D and Uek R e := QR(Sr Cr Uk )
2. Sample and scale the columns of the matrix D Alg. 6. Randomized Algorithm for Adding Sampled Rows:
ec := DCc Sc 1. Sample more rows and generate Dr and U k
3. Generate projection subspaces P and Q 2. Generate ` Gaussian random vectors P
using the randomized algorithm on (I − U ek UekT )D
e 3. Compute QR factorization of P , P R := QR(P )
3.1. Generate ` Gaussian random vectors Q for j = 1, 2, . . . , s do
3.2. Compute QR factorization QR := QR(Q) 4. Approximate the matrix range,
for j = 1, 2, . . . , s − 1 do Q := Dr (I − U k U k )P
3.3. Approximate the matrix range, P := (I − Uk UkT )D ec (Sc Cc Q) Q := (I − QQT )Q
3.4. Compute QR factorization of P , P R := QR(P ) 5. Compute QR factorization, QR := QR(Q), if requested
if j < s then if j < s then
erT (I − Uek UekT )(Sr Cr P ) T
3.5. Approximate the matrix domain, Q := D 6. Approximate the matrix domain, P := (I − U k U k )Dr Q
3.6. Compute QR factorization of Q, QR := QR(Q) 7. Compute QR factorization, P R := QR(P )
end if end if
end for end for
4. Generate projected matrix B of (5).
Then, Q is updated by compressing the new projection sub-
Since this approach uses power iteration to generate both the
space [Q Q], where the projected matrix B is given by
right- and left-projection subspaces P and Q, it does not  
require the extra SpMM that is needed by Smp1 to generate P . I 0
B= T T
However, we still need to perform SpMM with D to generate e P Dr Q R
the projected matrix B. It also has the additional cost to
orthogonalize P during the power iteration. We refer to this since P and Q are orthogonal to U k and Q, respectively.
as Smp2 , and use Smp2,1 and Smp2,2 to refer to Smp2 with The main motivation of the above algorithm is to avoid
the projection schemes of Rnd1 and Rnd2 , respectively. accessing the previously sampled rows D e r that have been
Fig. 1 illustrates these two sampling schemes, and Fig. 2 already compressed into a low-rank representation P and Q.
lists their computational and data access costs.
V. R ANDOMIZATION TO ADD ROWS A different application uses a different error measurement
In many applications, we have a good understanding of the and requires a different approximation accuracy. In this sec-
data including how much data should be sampled. However, tion, we examine a few test cases to study the effectiveness of
in some cases, we may fail to sample enough rows for the the sampling and randomized algorithms to update the trun-
updated SVD to satisfy the desired accuracy. In such cases, cated SVD. To this end, we focus on a powerful data analysis
we could discard the updated SVD, increase the sampling size, tool, the principal component analysis (PCA) [13]. In PCA,
Smp1,1 Smp1,2 Smp2,1 Smp2,2
0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66
Smp (u, 0.4) Smp (u, 0.5) Smp (u, 0.6) Smp (u, 0.6)
1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2
0.64 Smp (u, 0.3) 0.64 Smp (u, 0.4) 0.64 Smp (u, 0.5) 0.64 Smp (u, 0.5)
1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2
0.62 Smp1,1(u, 0.2) 0.62 Smp1,2(u, 0.3) 0.62 Smp2,1(u, 0.4) 0.62 Smp2,2(u, 0.4)
0.6 Smp1,1(u, 0.1) 0.6 Smp1,2(u, 0.2) 0.6 Smp2,1(u, 0.3) 0.6 Smp2,2(u, 0.3)
0.58 Smp1,1(l, 0.4) 0.58 Smp1,2(l, 0.5) 0.58 Smp2,1(l, 0.6) 0.58 Smp2,2(l, 0.6)

0.56 Smp1,1(l, 0.3) 0.56 Smp1,2(l, 0.4) 0.56 Smp2,1(l, 0.5) 0.56 Smp2,2(l, 0.5)
Average precision

Average precision

Average precision

Average precision
Smp1,1(l, 0.2) Smp1,2(l, 0.3) Smp2,1(l, 0.4) Smp2,2(l, 0.4)
0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Smp1,1(l, 0.1) Smp1,2(l, 0.2) Smp2,1(l, 0.3) Smp2,2(l, 0.3)
0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of documents added (d) Number of documents added (d) Number of documents added (d) Number of documents added (d)

(a) Smp1 . (b) Smp2 .

Fig. 3. Average 11-point interpolated precision with different sampling rate for medline, where the first argument of (u, τ ) or (`, τ ) in the legend indicates
that the uniform probabilistic distribution or the leverage score is used, respectively, and τ is the sample rate, m , while we fixed n = 533 and s = 3
(m = 5735). The line shows the mean precisions of ten runs, while the markers above and below the line show the highest and lowest precisions, respectively.

Smp 1 Smp 2 synonymy or polysemy, which are difficult to address using

0.66 0.66
IncUpdate 0.64
a traditional lexical-matching [15]. To study the effectiveness
Rnd 1 (1)
Rnd 1 (3)
Rnd 2 (1)
Rnd 2 (3)
of the proposed sampling algorithms for LSI, we generated
0.6 Smp 1,1 (u, 0.2, 3) 0.6 Smp 1,2 (u, 0.5, 3) the term-document matrices using the Text to Matrix Gener-
0.58 Smp 1,1 (l, 0.2, 3) 0.58 Smp 1,2 (l, 0.5, 3)

0.56 0.56
ator (TMG) with the TREC dataset1 . We then preprocessed
Average precision

Average precision

0.54 0.54 the matrices using the lxn.bpx weighing scheme [16]. To
0.52 0.52 compare the different combinations of sampling and projec-
0.5 0.5
tion schemes, Fig. 3 shows the average 11-point interpolated
0.48 0.48
0.46 0.46
precisions [16] of the updated SVD for the medline dataset.
0.44 0.44 Specifically, the figure shows the average precision when the
0.42 0.42 randomized sampling was used for adding d new documents
0.4 0.4
0.38 0.38
to the rank-30 approximation of the first 533 documents. The
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of documents added (d)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Number of documents added (d)
first sampling scheme Smp1 obtained higher precisions than
the second scheme Smp2 , while the first projection scheme
Fig. 4. Average 11-point interpolated precision for medline with Rnd(s) was slightly more effective obtaining the higher precisions
and Smp(` or u, τ, s) where the first argument ` or u specifies either the than the second scheme (e.g., Smp1,1 was more effective than
leverage score or uniform distribution is used to sample the rows. Smp1,2 ). Then, Fig. 4 compares the results with the three
previous algorithms: 1) recomputing SVD, 2) the updating
algorithm (adding incremental of 500 documents at a time),
multidimensional data is projected onto a low-dimensional
and 3) the randomized algorithm without sampling. Overall,
subspace given by the truncated SVD such that related items
only about 20 ∼ 50% of the new data was needed to obtain
are close to each other in the low-dimensional subspace.
the precisions that were equivalent to those obtained using the
Here, we examine three particular applications of PCA: LSI,
previous algorithms. We have observed similar results for the
data clustering or classification, and image processing. The
other datasets like cranfield.
matrices used for LSI and classification are sparse, while
2) Data Clustering and Classification: PCA has been suc-
the matrices used for the clustering and image processing
cessfully used to extract the underlying genetic structure of
are dense. The results with the randomized and sampling
human populations [17], [18], [19]. To study the potential
algorithms are the mean of ten runs.
of the sampling algorithm, we used it to update the SVD,
A. Sampling to Add Columns when a new population is incrementally added to the dataset
from the HapMap project2 . We randomly filled in the missing
We first investigate the required sampling rate (i.e., how data with either −1, 0, or 1 with the probabilities based
much data needs to be sampled) to maintain the quality of the on the available information for the SNP. Fig. 5(a) shows
updated SVD. We also compare the effectiveness of different the correlation coefficient of the resulting population cluster,
sampling schemes. which is computed using the MATLAB’s k-mean algorithm
1) Latent Semantic Indexing: For text mining [14], La-
tent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [2] is an effective information 1 http://scgroup20.ceid.upatras.gr:8000/tmg, http://ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk/resources
retrieval tool since it can resolve the ambiguity due to the 2 http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Recompute 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.76 0.72 0.5
No update 1.00 0.81 0.59 0.67 0.56 0.47 Smp(20%) Smp(20%)
0.48 0.48
Inc-Update 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.76 0.75 Smp(30%) Smp(30%)
Smp(10%) Smp(10%)
Rnd2 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.76 0.73 0.46 Rnd1(20%) 0.46 Rnd2(20%)
Smp1,2 (u) 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.76 0.60 Rnd1(30%) Rnd2(30%)
Smp1,2 (`) 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.76 0.71 0.44 0.44

Average precision

Average precision
(a) Population clustering where 83 African ancestry in south west USA 0.42 0.42
(ASW), 88 Gujarati Indian in Houston (GIH), 165 European ancestry in
0.4 0.4
Utah (CEU), 90 Luhya in Webuye, Kenya (LWK), and 84 Han Chinese
in Beijing (CHB) were incrementally added to the 116, 565 SNP matrix 0.38 0.38
of 86 Japanese in Tokyo and 77 Mexican ancestry in Los Angeles, USA
0.36 0.36
(JPT and MEX). We used the fixed parameters (s = 3, τ = 0.9%).
0.34 0.34
crude+interest +money-fx +trade +ship +grain
Recompute 1.00 0.74 0.74 0.61 0.59 0.32 0.32
No update 1.00 0.62 0.42 0.44 0.39
0.3 0.3
Inc-Update 1.00 0.75 0.74 0.60 0.58 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Number of documents added Total number of documents
Rnd2 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.60
Smp1,2 (u) 1.00 0.76 0.76 0.63 0.60
Smp1,2 (`) 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.62 0.60
(b) Document classification where there are 253, 190, 206, 251, Fig. 7. Average 11-point interpolated precision for medline when adding
108, and 41 documents of crude, interest, money-fx, trade, sampled rows with (n, k) = (233, 50).
ship, and grain categories, with 19, 368 terms. We used the fixed
parameters (s = 3, τ = 25%).

Fig. 5. Average correlation coefficients of clustering based on the five

images from different applications. For this particular image,
dominant singular vectors. in some cases, the sampling techniques could even improve
the accuracy of the approximation.
d Recomp Update Rnd1 Rnd2 Smp1,1 Smp1,2 B. Randomization to Add Rows
0 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
500 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.043 0.013 0.014 We now study the randomized algorithm to add more
1000 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.085 0.013 0.019
1500 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.121 0.014 0.020 sampled rows. For the experiments in Fig. 7, we first updated
1700 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.140 0.015 0.024 the SVD of the first 233 documents of medline by sampling
(a) Approximation error norm kA
b − Ubk Sbk Vbk k2 /kAk2 .
10% of the rows (i.e, d = 200 ∼ 800). Then we used the
Fig. 6. Results with a 2250-by-2250 aerial image from the USC-SIPI Image randomized algorithm to update the SVD by adding more
Database with n = 500, k = 100, and (s, τ ) = (3, 10%). sampled rows. The figure illustrates that without accessing
the previously compressed sampled rows, both the randomized
algorithms Rnd1 and Rnd2 could obtain the precisions close
in the low-dimensional subspace given by the dominant left to the sampling scheme that computes the updated SVD using
singular vectors. The correlation coefficient of 1.00 indicates all of the sampled rows at once.
the perfect clustering result, while a lower coefficient indicates
a lower quality of the cluster. Similarly, Fig. 5(b) shows the VII. P ERFORMANCE R ESULTS
correlation coefficients for the document classification as a
A. Experimental Setups
new set of documents belonging to a different category is
added to the dataset3 . Especially for the population clustering, For our performance studies in this section, we focus on
only a small fraction of the data is needed to obtain the coef- Smp1 combined with Rnd2 (i.e., Smp1,2 ) because compared
ficients that are equivalent to those obtained by recomputing with Smp2 , Smp1 was more effective maintaining the quality
the SVD or by the randomized algorithm without sampling. of the SVD in Section VI. Smp1 also accesses only the row-
3) Image Processing: The truncated SVD has been a valu- sampled matrix D e r , while Smp2 requires both the row and
able component in image processing because many digital column sampled matrices. Our sampling algorithm greatly
images can be represented as low-rank matrices where the reduces both the storage and time complexities of updating
components associated with small singular values correspond the SVD. Hence, to study the effects of the sampling on the
to noises [20]. When these images are too large to fit in the performance of updating SVD, in this paper, we use a single
memory at once, it becomes attractive to bring a part of the compute node as our testbed. The performance of the ran-
image into the memory and incrementally update the SVD. domized algorithm without sampling on a hybrid cluster was
Updating SVD is also of interest in the applications where the studied in [6]. On a distributed-memory computer, sampling
images are continually updated [21], [22]. Fig. 6(a) shows the the matrix could lead to a greater performance improvement
relative error norm, where only a couple of digits of accuracies since it allows us to use a fewer compute nodes, reducing the
are often needed for the image processing. Compared to inter-node communication cost.
Rnd2 , Rnd1 was more effective maintaining the accuracy. The We assumed that the compressed basis vectors P and Q fit
sampling techniques obtained equivalent accuracies using only in the GPU memory, where these vectors were orthonormal-
10% of the data. We have observed similar results using other ized using the vender-optimized BLAS-3 kernels: specifically,
to orthogonalize the basis vectors, we used the Cholesky QR
3 http://www.cs.umb.edu/∼smimarog/textmining/datasets (CholQR) [23], which is communication optimal [24] and was
GPU-resident CPU-resident GPU resident CPU resident
(‘N’, D T ) (‘T’, D) (‘N’, D T ) (‘T’, D) in-place 4.5
multiply with D 0.34 0.33 0.70 0.70 0.72 4
multiply with D T 0.52 2.40 2.10 0.34 0.52 GEMM GEMM
Total 0.95 2.82 2.96 1.15 1.35 3.5 3.5

3 3
Fig. 8. Performance of Smp1,2 (τ = .5, s = 3) using different SpMM
implementations with DT : (‘N’, DT ) explicitly stores the matrix DT , (‘T’,

Time (s)

Time (s)
2.5 2.5
D) transposes D stored in the CSR format, and in-place performs SpMM with
2 2
Der using D stored in the CSR format, (n = 5, 000, d = 5, 000). 1.00x 1.00x
1.5 1.5
1 1.66x 1
2.59x 2.96x
numerically stable in our experiments (the test matrices had 0.5 4.15x 0.5

the low-rank-plus-shift singular value distributions but they 0

Rnd1 Rnd2 Smp(.5) Smp(.2) Smp(.1)
Rnd1 Rnd2 Smp(.5) Smp(.2) Smp(.1)

were not ill-conditioned). For our test matrices, we considered

both dense and sparse matrix D. To store these matrices (a) Smp1,2 using CuSPARSE or threaded MKL.
in the core memory, we used the standard LAPACK dense Number of iterations
format in the column major order, or the Compressed Sparse 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rnd2 1.6 (1.00) 2.2 (1.00) 2.8 (1.00) 3.5 (1.00) 4.1 (1.00) 4.8 (1.00)
Row (CSR) format. We then investigated two approaches to Smp(0.5)
apply the matrix multiplication: either 1) using CUBLAS or in-place 1.3 (1.27) 1.6 (1.37) 2.0 (1.40) 2.4 (1.42) 2.8 (1.44) 3.2 (1.47)
explicit 1.1 (1.49) 1.4 (1.58) 1.7 (1.66) 2.0 (1.75) 2.3 (1.79) 2.6 (1.80)
CuSPARSE on the GPU, or 2) using dense or sparse BLAS Smp(0.2)
of threaded MKL on the CPUs. To perform SpMM on a GPU, in-place 0.8 (2.05) 1.0 (2.26) 1.2 (2.43) 1.4 (2.54) 1.5 (2.63) 1.8 (2.72)
explicit 0.6 (2.53) 0.8 (2.91) 0.9 (3.13) 1.0 (3.50) 1.1 (3.64) 1.3 (3.72)
we designed two implementations: GPU-resident or non-GPU- (b) Time in second (speedups) with the number of iterations (CPU-resident).
resident, where the whole matrix fits in the GPU memory at
once, or only a part of the matrix is copied from the CPU Fig. 9. Performance of sampling algorithm, Smp(τ ), when adding new users
to netflix matrix, (n = 5, 000, d = 5, 000), using different sampling
into the GPU memory at a time, respectively. Similarly, to rates τ but fixed parameters (k = 30, ` = 30, and s = 3).
perform SpMM on the CPUs, we used two implementations:
CPU-resident or non-CPU-resident, where the whole matrix is
resident in the CPU memory or only a part of the matrix is
Hence, for the rest of this section, we store both D and DT on
read from an external disk at a time, respectively.
the GPU, while we only store D on the CPUs. On the CPUs,
All of our experiments were conducted using ten-core Intel
we used SpMM of MKL whose interface supports SpMM with
Xeon E5-2650 (Haswell) CPUs and one NVIDIA K80 GPU.
the sampled matrix D e r using the original matrix D stored in
The CPU and GPU memories have achievable bandwidths of
the CSR format. Hence, only the matrix D needs to be stored
40 GB/s and 205 GB/s, respectively, and the CPUs and the
in the memory. This in-place SpMM adds a small overhead
GPU are connected through the PCI-E x16 Gen3 PCI interface
since the rows of D e r are stored in noncontiguous locations,
with 10 GB/s. Two external storages were available on this
leading to more irregular memory accesses. However, it avoids
compute node: a HP Hard Drive (HD) with 200MB/s peak
the additional storage for D er.
bandwidth, and a OCZ Solid State Drive (SSD) with 160MB/s.
We compiled the code using g++ (GCC) version 4.4.7 and In Fig. 9(a), we study the effects of sampling on the perfor-
nvcc of CUDA version 8.0 with the optimization flags -O3, mance of the randomized algorithms using different sampling
and linked it with the threaded MKL version 2016.0.109. For rates τ = m . First, we see that the time spent computing the
our performance studies, we focus on two matrices: 1) the SVD of the projected matrix B could become significant in the
sparse movie-by-user netflix matrix with 480, 189 movies, performance of Rnd1 , whereas Rnd2 reduces this bottleneck,
17, 770 users, and about 209 nonzero entries per row, and significantly. For this particular setup, though not shown in the
2) dense random matrices of different dimensions. Unless figure, the updating algorithm [7] (adding 60 user columns at a
otherwise stated, we performed three power iterations that time) needed about 8.9 seconds to add the 5, 000 user columns
were shown to be enough in Section VI. (7.5 seconds for Orth). Hence, Rnd2 obtained the speedup of
about 5.7× over the updating algorithm. Then, Smp1,2 reduces
B. In-core Sampling to Add Columns both the computation and data traffic needed by Rnd2 for
In this section, we study the performance of the sampling SpMM by a factor of 2(s−1)τ +1 (see Fig. 2). Hence, when
algorithm using the GPU-resident or CPU-resident SpMM. The the performance of Rnd2 is dominated by SpMM, with s = 3,
performance of the randomized algorithm is often dominated we expect the speedups of about 1.67×, 2.78×, and 3.57×
by SpMM. Though we rely on the vendor-optimized SpMM, using Smp1,2 with τ = 0.5, 0.2, and 0.1, respectively. Fig. 9(a)
the kernel may not be fully optimized for the particular shapes shows that our implementation obtains the speedups close to
of our matrices. For instance, in Fig. 8, we compare the these expectations.
performance of SpMM with DT of netflix matrix by using Fig. 9(b) then shows the speedups obtained using the sam-
D stored in the CSR format or by explicitly storing DT in a pling technique with an increasing number of iteration counts.
separate CSR format. In many cases, explicitly storing DT Using Smp1,2 with τ = 0.5, the reduction in the data access,
benefited the performance on the GPU, but not on the CPU. and hence the expected speedups, are 1.67×, 1.75×, 1.80×,
n/100 10 25 50 75 100 SpMM(D) SpMM(DT ) total speedup
COPY (s) 0.03 0.07 0.13 0.19 0.25 Recompute 1.02 / 3.73 2.19 / 2.73 3.31 / 6.48 1.0 / 1.0
(GB/s) 7.78 7.61 7.91 7.99 8.11
GEMM(‘N’, D) (s) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Rnd2 0.25 / 0.83 0.55 / 0.63 1.00 / 1.50 3.3 / 4.3
(Gflp/s) 608.2 695.1 926.1 943.7 911.5 Smp1,2 0.17 / 0.44 0.15 / 0.04 0.34 / 0.50 10.3 / 13.0
GEMM(‘T’, D) (s) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07
(Gflp/s) 366.5 526.2 767.7 781.8 759.0 Fig. 11. Performance with non-GPU-persident SpMM when adding 25% of
GEMM(‘N’, D T ) (s) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 the columns, assuming 25% of D fits in the main memory with netflix /
(Gflp/s) 384.1 594.9 762.8 836.3 877.1 dense matrices (i.e., n = 7, 500, d = 2, 500, and s = 3).
(a) Non-GPU-resident.

n/100 10 25 50 75 100
SpMM(D) SpMM(DT ) total speedup
READ (contig) (s) 1.2 2.7 5.1 7.9 10.6 Recomp 937.2 / 941.5 620.4 / 622.3 1558.1 / 1564.0 1.0 / 1.0
(MB/s) 177.1 185.9 197.5 188.7 193.4 Rnd2 231.2 / 232.4 154.3 / 155.0 385.7 / 387.6 4.0 / 4.0
READ (by row) (s) 1.3 3.2 6.4 8.0 10.8 Smp1,2 97.1 / 96.9 0.1 / 0.1 97.2 / 97.1 16.0 / 16.1
(MB/s) 155.9 156.8 156.9 187.6 184.7 (a) netflix matrix with local HD / SSD.
READ (noncont) (s) 14.0 13.0 10.9 9.1 9.2
(MB/s) 14.3 38.5 91.9 165.5 218.1 GEMM(D) GEMM(DT ) total speedup
HD Recomp 139.7 / 158.1 101.0 / 105.4 240.9 / 263.4 1.0 / 1.0
READ (contig) (s) 1.29 3.18 5.02 7.09 9.13
(MB/s) 155.6 157.3 199.4 211.5 219.1 Rnd2 146.6 / 169.9 110.0 / 116.9 257.0 / 286.8 0.9 / 0.9
READ (by-row) (s) 1.28 3.20 5.62 6.90 10.2 Smp1,2 38.6 / 61.4 0.1 / 0.1 38.7 / 61.5 6.2 / 4.3
(MB/s) 155.7 156.4 177.9 217.4 196.8 (b) dense matrix with local HD / SSD.
READ (noncont) (s) 10.0 11.3 12.2 12.0 11.9
(MB/s) 20.0 44.2 81.7 125.4 167.5 GEMM(D) GEMM(DT ) total speedup
GEMM(‘N’, D) (s) 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.18 0.23 Rnd2 37.6 26.0 63.7 3.8×
(Gflp/s) 232.1 260.4 248.5 272.4 275.4 Smp1,2 24.2 0.1 24.3 9.9×
GEMM(‘T’, D) (s) 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.17 (c) dense matrix, D is stored in a separate file, with local HD.
(Gflp/s) 184.2 240.4 280.6 296.1 297.7
GEMM(‘N’, D T ) (s) 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.17 0.20
(Gflp/s) 185.6 216.6 252.4 226.1 250.0 Fig. 12. Performance with non-CPU-resident SpMM when adding 25% of
(b) Non-CPU-resident. columns, and assuming 25% of D fits in the main memory (i.e., n = 7, 500,
d = 2, 500, and s = 3).
Fig. 10. Time in seconds (average of five runs) for GPU and I/O data transfer
(m = 25, 000, n + d = 10, 000, ` = 100).

“contig,” we read the matrix, which is stored contiguously

1.83×, 1.86×, 1.88× when s = 3, 4, . . . , 8, respectively, in the file, at once (i.e., a single call to freed), while
while with τ = 0.2, the respective reductions are 2.78×, for “by-row,” the matrix is still stored contiguously, but we
3.18×, 3.46×, 3.67×, 3.82×, and 3.95×. Due to the overhead read the matrix one row at a time. Finally, for “noncont,”
associated with the irregular memory accesses, the sampling the total of 104 columns are stored contiguously, but we
algorithm obtained smaller speedups using the in-place SpMM read only the last n columns of these columns. Hence, for
than those when the sampled matrix D e r is explicitly stored. “noncont,” we read the columns whose rows are not stored
The sampling algorithm obtained the speedups close to the in the contiguous locations (each row is read using fseek
expectations when De r is explicitly stored in the memory. followed by fread). We see that both “contig” and “by-
row” obtained near-peak bandwidth, while “noncont” added
C. Out-of-core Sampling to Add Columns significant overhead reading the noncontiguous data in the
We now study the performance with the non-GPU-resident file, and lead to much lower bandwidth. We have also tried
or non-CPU-resident SpMM, where the matrix does not fit in storing the matrix in the column major order. This allows us to
either the GPU or CPU memory, respectively. To perform the access the subset of the columns in the contiguous locations.
out-of-core SpMM, we transfer a block row of the matrix into However, the sampled matrix must be read one matrix element
the core memory at a time and perform the partial SpMM with at a time.
the block row. For this, we first focused on dense matrices We now show the performance of the randomized and
and profiled the bandwidth for transferring the matrix into sampling algorithms using the out-of-core SpMM or GEMM.
the memory, and compared it with the performance of the For these experiments, we split both the netflix and a
required matrix multiplication. Fig. 10(a) shows the observed 105 -by-104 dense matrix such that A and D have 75% and
bandwidths when copying a 25,000-by-n block row from the 25% of the columns, respectively. We further assumed that
CPU memory to the GPU memory for different numbers of 25% of D fits in the core memory. Hence, to perform SpMM
columns, n. We observed the bandwidth of around 8.2 GB/s, with D for the randomized algorithm, we copy 25% of its
while GEMM with D achieved the performance of about rows into the memory at a time. On the other hand, when
920∼735 Gflop/s, and when multiplying with DT , it reached recomputing the SVD, for SpMM with the matrix A b = [A D],
about 889∼756 Gflop/s when DT is explicitly stored, and we bring in 12.5% of the matrix rows into the core memory
762∼684 Gflop/s when D is transposed on the fly. Overall, at a time. In Fig. 12, we present the performance of the non-
the data transfer took about 3× more time compared with the GPU-resident algorithms. Since we used the CSR format to
required computation. store the sparse matrix in the CPU memory, we can directly
Next, Fig. 10(b) shows the data-transfer rates between the access each block row of both the sparse and dense matrices
CPU and external disk, where the dense matrix is stored in the on the CPU, and copy it to the GPU. However, since the whole
row major order in a binary file on the disk. In the table, for matrix does not fit in the GPU memory, for both recomputing
the SVD and running the randomized algorithm, we must τ2
10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
copy the matrix from the CPU memory for each SpMM. The GPU-resident
randomized algorithm performs SpMM with D that is 25% Resample 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.21 0.26
of the matrix A. b Therefore, the randomized algorithm reduces Random τ1 =10% x 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.22
20% x x 0.06 0.12 0.16
the amount of the data copy to the GPU by a factor of 4×, 30% x x x 0.07 0.10
and was expected to obtain the speedup of about 4× over 40% x x x x 0.06
recomputing the SVD. Then, the sampling algorithm samples
non-GPU-resident, τ1 = τ2 − 10%
25% of D, which stays in the GPU memory during the power Resample 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.31 0.48
iterations, and then copies the whole D once into the GPU Random x 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06
memory for the projection at the end. Hence, compared with Fig. 13. Performance comparison of resampling and randomized algorithms to
Rand2 , Smp1,2 reduces the amount of data copy by a factor of add sampled rows of dense matrix, where τ1 is the sampling rate of the number
2.5×, and was expected to obtain the speedups of about 2.5×. of rows that have been previously compressed, and τ2 is the new sampling
rate after the new rows were added (m = 104 , n = 2, 500, d = 7, 500).
Our performance results confirm these expectations. In these
experiments, we used a relatively large sampling rate (i.e.,
τ = 25%). The benefit of sampling is expected to increase the contiguous location but separated from the previous row
with a smaller sampling rate. by 75% of the columns in the row. In many cases, compared
Fig. 12(a) shows the performance with the non-CPU- with recomputing the SVD, the randomized algorithm obtained
resident SpMM for the netflix matrix. For the sparse much lower bandwidth (about 30∼35 MB/s). As a result,
matrix, each nonzero entry ai,j of the matrix is stored as as shown in Fig. 12(b), the randomized algorithm could not
an (i, j, ai,j ) triplet in an ASCII file. These nonzero entries improve the performance of recomputing the SVD. When
may be stored in any order. Therefore, to read a block row sampling the rows of D, we obtained even lower bandwidth
of the matrix into the CPU memory, we scan the entire file than the randomized algorithm, especially on the HD (20 MB/s
for the row block.4 For recomputing the SVD, only 12.5% on HD and 40 MB/s on SSD). However, since the sampling
of the matrix [A, D] fits in the CPU memory at a time. algorithm accesses the file only five times (once to sample,
Hence, for each SpMM, we need to scan the file sixteen and four more times to compute the projection), it was able to
times. On the other hand, 25% of D fits in the memory, improve the performance. Finally, in Fig. 12(c), we show the
and the randomized algorithm requires scanning the file only performance where the matrices D and A are stored in separate
four times for each SpMM. Hence, we expect a speedup of files. Now, the randomized algorithm could obtain a near-
four using the randomized algorithm. The sampling scheme peak bandwidth (around 170 MB/s) and achieve the expected
samples 25% of the rows in the matrix D, and hence it speedup over recomputing the SVD. On the other hand, the
scans the file once to sample the file, and then after the three speedup obtained by the sampling algorithm over the random-
power iterations with the sampled matrix in the memory, we ized algorithm was still smaller than the expected speedup of
read the file four times to perform SpMM to compute the four due to the low bandwidth obtained when sampling the
projection space. Recomputing SVD requires reading the file rows (around 40 MB/s). These experiments demonstrate that
80 times over the three power iterations, while the randomized though sampling improves the performance, the performance
algorithm scan the file total of 20 times. Hence, using the may be further improved through the hardware supports for
sampling algorithm, which reads the file five times, we expect the random memory access.
the speedups of about 16 and 4 over recomputing the SVD and
the randomized algorithm, respectively. We see these speedups D. Randomization to Add Rows
in Fig. 12(a). Fig. 13 compares the performance of updating the SVD
For the non-CPU-resident GEMM, the dense matrix is stored with all the sampled rows at once with that of incrementally
by rows in a binary file, and hence, we can directly read updating with a subset of the sampled rows at a time. First,
each row of any submatrix.5 Compared with recomputing in the top of Fig. 13, we show the results with the GPU-
the SVD that accesses the matrix [A D], the randomized resident SpMM, and hence once we copy the whole matrix
algorithm reads only D. Since D contains only 25% of the into the GPU memory, it stays resident in the memory. For
columns of [A D], we expected the speedups of about four. these experiments, we have already compressed c1 sampled
However, this was not the case due to the different bandwidth rows (i.e., τ1 = cm1 ), but we now want to increase the number
obtained by each algorithm. For recomputing the SVD, we of the sampled rows to be c2 (i.e., τ2 = cm2 ). The randomized
read the matrix stored contiguously in the file, and as seen in algorithm avoids accessing the previously compressed sampled
Fig. 10(b), we reached the near-peak bandwidth (about 160 rows, and we see that when the data access dominates the
MB/s). On the other hand, the randomized algorithm accesses performance, the randomized algorithm could lead to signif-
the last 25% of the columns, where each row is stored in icant performance improvement. In bottom of Fig. 13, we
show similar results with non-GPU-resident SpMM. Here, we
4 We scan the file twice (once to count the number of nonzeros and then to
assumed that only 10% of the matrix D fits in the memory.
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