Q4W2 Digestive System Act and Cell Cycle Intro
Q4W2 Digestive System Act and Cell Cycle Intro
Q4W2 Digestive System Act and Cell Cycle Intro
Department of Education
National Capital Region
1. Understand the cell 1. Identify the stages of the 1. Define mitosis; 1. Enumerate and describe 1. Read and analyze the
reproduction at the cell cycle; 2. Understand the process the stages of meiosis; learning activity sheet;
molecular level; 2. Discuss the stages of the and stages of mitosis; 2. Describe and compare 2. Answer correctly at least
2. Give the significant roles cell cycle ; and 3. Recognize the critical role the process of mitosis and 75 % of the test; and
of DNA and chromosomes; 3. Appreciate the of mitosis in the growth and meiosis and their role in the 3. Practice honesty and
and relevance of cell cycle in development of different life cycle stages; patience in accomplishing
3. Realize that there is life the continuation of life in multicellular organism. and the activity
form in the tiniest organism. every living organisms. 3. Realize the importance
of meiosis in sex cell
II. CONTENT Unlocking of Terminologies Cell Cycle Mitosis Meiosis Asynchronous Activity
Answer Quarter 4 LAS # 2
Cell Division
Teacher’s Guide GRADE 8- DBOW
Learner’s Materials Learners’ Module Learners’ Module Learners’ Module Learners’ Module Learners’ Module
Ferriols-Pavico et al. (2016) Exploring Life Through Science, 340 -346 Capco, Carmelita M. (2003) Phoenix Science Series-
Additional Materials Capco, Carmelita M. (2003) Phoenix Science Series- Biology, 385 – 386 Biology, 385 – 386
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Ask: Recall: Recall: Recall:
When was the last time you What are the important What are the stages of cell What is mitosis?
A. Reviewing the
look at yourself? terms we have been cycle? What are the stages of the
previous lessons or
What are the changes you discussed yesterday? What are the 2 M-Phase of mitotic division?
presenting the new
have noticed from the past the Cell Cycle?
lesson (ELICIT) 10 years? In you.
B. Establishing a Introduce the term, growth, Define and discuss Cellular Discuss the M-Phase of the Let the student share about
purpose for the and development? Reproduction Cell Cycle. Mitotic Phase the Human Life Cycle.
lesson (ENGAGE) How does it happen?
Introduce the term
spermatogenesis and
Let the student be familiar Essential Question: Let the student present the Define meiosis.
with the following Why is cellular reproduction output for yesterday’s
terminologies: important to unicellular and activity. Discussion of the stages of
1. Reproduction multicellular organisms? meiosis.
2. Replication Discussion of the stages of Meiosis I
C. Presenting
3. Chromosome Mitosis. Prophase I, Metaphase I,
examples/ instance
4. Mitosis Prophase Anaphase I, Telophase I
of the new lesson
5. Meiosis Metaphase Meiosis II
(ENGAGE) 6. Gametogenesis Anaphase Prophase II, Metaphase II,
7. Oogenesis Telophase Anaphase II, Telophase II
8. Somatic Cells
9. Haploid and Diploid Cells
10. DNA
D. Discussing new Give an overview of the Discuss the Stages of What happen to a cell What happen during each
concepts and following terms and Cellular Reproduction during each stage of mitosis. stage of meiosis?
practicing new skills concepts. Video Lesson:
#1 (EXPLORE) Two distinct stages – Mitosis
E. Discussing new Video Lesson: 1 Cellular growth and https://www.youtube.com/ Video Lesson:
concepts and Introduction to Cell Cycle maturation watch?v=p7t9tKZIjPU Meiosis
https:// 2 Cell Division https://www.youtube.com/
practicing new skills
www.youtube.com/watch? Video Lesson: watch?v=_-jyj8_FxqQ
v=_AtHhradflA Key Question: MITOSIS & MEIOSIS| CELL
Why is it necessary for the CYCLE
cell to grow before cell https://www.youtube.com/
division? watch?
F. Developing mastery What is Cell Cycle? How do different organelles Question and Answer: Using a table compare and
(Leads to Formative What is Cell Division? of the cell interact during Describe the changes that contrast the features of
Assessment cell division? happens in the different mitosis and meiosis.
(EXPLAIN) stages of mitosis.
G. Finding practical Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question:
applications of 1. How do cells grow or What are the major events What is the importance of What is the importance role
concepts and skills increase in size? that characterize each of the knowing cell division? of mitosis and meiosis in
in daily living 2. What is the significance phases of the cell cycle. our life?
(ELABORATE) of DNA in cell growth?
Key Question: Summarize the stages of cell Key Question: Importance of Meiosis
H. Making Let the student select one division using an illustration. Giving Reflection: Key Question:
generalizations and terminology from the What are the roles of the How do meiosis and sexual
abstractions discussion and discuss it cell cycle checkpoints in cell reproduction produce
(ELABORATE) based on how they division? genetic variability.
understand it. Let the student engage.
I. Evaluating Learning Give a 5-item quiz. Give a 5-item quiz. Give a 5-item quiz. Give a 5-item quiz.
J. Additional Activities Create a foldable note about
for applications or mitosis. Provide the student
remediation with the file.
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