DL With Logical Contraint

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Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)

Survey Track

Deep Learning with Logical Constraints

Eleonora Giunchiglia1 , Mihaela Catalina Stoian1 and Thomas Lukasiewicz2,1

Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract into four macro-categories based on the richness of the lan-

guage that they use to express the constraints. Furthermore,
In recent years, there has been an increasing in- to maximize the usefulness of this survey, we take a problem-
terest in exploiting logically specified background oriented approach, and for each considered paper, we report
knowledge in order to obtain neural models (i) with which shortcomings the authors aim to address with the in-
a better performance, (ii) able to learn from less clusion of the logical background knowledge. A summary of
data, and/or (iii) guaranteed to be compliant with our categorization is given in Table 2.
the background knowledge itself, e.g., for safety- The rest of this survey is organized as follows. In Section 2,
critical applications. In this survey, we retrace such we first give a formal definition of the problem of learning
works and categorize them based on (i) the logical with logical constraints. Sections 3 to 6 then describe the
language that they use to express the background models that belong to each macro-category, starting from the
knowledge and (ii) the goals that they achieve. one with the simplest corresponding language, up to the one
with the richest. In Section 7, we end the paper with some
1 Introduction concluding remarks and pointers to other related surveys.
The recent history of deep learning is a story of successes 2 Learning with Logical Constraints
(see, e.g., [Senior et al., 2020]). Neural networks have been
increasingly applied to solve everyday problems, often suc- We formalize the problem of learning with logical constraints
cessfully, but sometimes also showing their potential flaws as a triple P = (C, X , Π):
(see, e.g., [Wexler, 2017]). A major source of such shortcom- 1. C is a pair (I, O), where I = I1 , I2 , . . . , Id (d ≥ 1) are
ings is that neural networks are still domain-agnostic in most the input features, and O = O1 , O2 , . . . , On (n ≥ 1)
cases, as they often ignore domain knowledge about the prob- are the outputs. Each input feature I (resp., output O) is
lem at hand [Stevens et al., 2020]. For this reason, in recent associated with a non-empty domain DI (resp., DO ) of
years, there has been an increasing interest in incorporating values, and I (resp., O) is Boolean when DI = {0, 1}
background knowledge into deep learning algorithms. Such (resp., DO = {0, 1}). DI = DI1 × . . . × DId (resp.,
background knowledge can be expressed in many different DO = DO1 ×. . .×DOn ) is the set of the possible inputs
ways (e.g., algebraic equations, logical constraints, and natu- (resp., outputs). A data point is an element of DI .
ral language) and incorporated in neural networks (i) to im-
prove their performance (see, e.g., [Li and Srikumar, 2019]), 2. X is a finite set of pairs (x, y), where x is a (possibly
(ii) to make them able to learn from less data (see, e.g., [Xu partially specified) data point, and y is its (possibly par-
et al., 2018]), and/or (iii) to guarantee that their behavior is tially specified) ground truth.
compliant with the background knowledge itself (see, e.g., 3. Π is a finite non-empty set of first-order constraints,
[Hoernle et al., 2022]). We remark the importance of the last which delimit the set of outputs that can be meaning-
point when considering safety-critical applications in which fully associated with each data point. We assume that
the background knowledge corresponds to requirements on the constraints are written using (i) for each Boolean
the models. Indeed, we envision that, in the future, require- (resp., non-Boolean) input feature I a corresponding d-
ment specification will become a standard step in the devel- ary predicate (resp., function) I: intuitively, I(x) (resp.,
opment of machine learning models, as it is in any software I(x) = z) means that the value of the input feature I
development process. in the data point x is 1 (resp., z), and analogously for
In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive and fine-grai- each Boolean (resp., non-Boolean) output O, (ii) vari-
ned analysis of the works in which background knowledge is ables ranging over data points, (iii) specific values, and
expressed as constraints in a logic-based language and then (iv) possibly other logical symbols (like “¬”, “∧”, “∨”,
exploited to obtain better models. We organize the papers “→”, “∀”, “∃”, “=”, “≥”, and “+”). To simplify the

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

formal treatment and save space, we assume that each form in (3) to express a hierarchical relation between two out-
constraint is closed and in prenex form (i.e., that each put labels, and some papers use also rules of the second form
variable is either existentially or universally quantified in (3) to express a mutual exclusion between two output la-
at the beginning of the constraint). bels. Thus, we further divide the papers depending on their
Notice that our definitions of both X and Π are very general. usage of basic rules of the second form in (3).
This is necessary (i) for X , to cover papers dealing with su- Hierarchical rules. In learning problems with hierarchical
pervised and semisupervised problems, and (ii) for Π, given rules, knowledge is expressed with basic rules of the first
that each paper uses its own specific language to model the form in (3) in which also F (like A) is a Boolean output.
learning problem and exploit the background knowledge. For Examples of hierarchical rules are (1), which are satisfied
example, consider the classification problem associated with whenever a data point x predicted to be a shark or a trout
CIFAR-100 [Krizhevsky, 2009]. If we associate with each is also predicted to be a fish. Interestingly, an entire field
class and superclass a separate Boolean output, it is possible has been developed to deal with such rules, namely, hierar-
to formalize the knowledge that sharks and trouts are fish via chical multi-label classification (HMC) problems, which are
MC problems with hierarchical rules satisfying the additional
∀x.(Shark(x) → Fish(x)), ∀x.(Trout(x) → Fish(x)), (1) assumption that there are no cycles between the labels, when
and that sharks are not trouts via drawing an arc from the antecedent to the consequent of each
rule (see, e.g., [Cerri et al., 2011]). HMC problems naturally
∀x.(Shark(x) → ¬Trout(x)). (2) arise in many different domains, such as image classification
or functional genomics, and HMC models have normally two
In the above formulas, Shark, Fish, and Trout are predicates, goals: (i) improve on the SOTA models, and (ii) guarantee
each corresponding to a Boolean output of the network. No- the satisfaction of the hierarchical constraints. As expected,
tice that the above constraints can be equivalently written in many different neural models were developed for HMC prob-
many different ways, exploiting well-known first-order and lems. To present them, we follow the classic categorization
propositional logic equivalences. Still, in the literature, con- used for general HMC models, which divides them into two
straints are often written and handled as rules, i.e., formulas groups based on how they exploit the hierarchical knowledge
like (1) and (2), having one of the following two forms [Silla and Freitas, 2011]:
∀x.(F (x) → A(x)), ∀x.(F (x) → ¬A(x)), (3) 1. local approaches exploit the constraints to decompose
the problem into smaller classification ones, and then
where F (x) is a conjunction of literals (i.e., atomic formulas combine the solutions appropriately, while
and negations of atomic formulas, where a formula is atomic 2. global approaches consist of single models able to as-
if it does not contain propositional connectives and/or quanti- sociate objects with their corresponding classes in the
fiers), and A is a predicate associated with one Boolean out- hierarchy as a whole.
put. The motivation of introducing rules as a special case of
formulas is based on the fact that most of the works express Local approaches can be further divided into three subcat-
background knowledge as rules of the form (3), and then, for egories based on the strategy that they deploy to decompose
each data point x, use the value computed for F (x) to deter- the main task. The most popular strategy is local classifier per
mine the value to be associated with A(x). Furthermore, in level, which is given when a method trains a different classi-
the literature, there has been a special focus on basic rules in fier for each level of the hierarchy. For example, HMC-LMLP
which also F (like A) is a predicate associated with a Boolean [Cerri et al., 2011; Cerri et al., 2014] is a model consisting of
output. Rules in (1) and (2) are basic. a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) per hierarchical level, and the
We first survey papers in which constraints are basic rules predictions in one level are used as inputs to the network re-
(Section 3) and then the ones allowing for general rules (Sec- sponsible for the predictions in the next level. This model was
tion 4). All the other surveyed papers are then divided into later extended in [Wehrmann et al., 2018], where HMCN is
two categories, depending on whether they allow only for uni- proposed. HMCN is considered a hybrid model, because it is
versal quantification (Section 5) or also for existential quan- trained with both a local and a global loss. Finally, DEEPre
tification (Section 6) in the constraints. Thus, the fragment of [Li et al., 2018], later extended in mlDEEPre [Zou et al.,
first-order logic considered in each section allows for a richer 2019], consists of a neural network for each level of the hier-
language than the one allowed in the preceding sections. archy, and it is applied to the challenging problem of enzyme
function prediction. On the other hand, if a method trains a
classifier for each node of the hierarchy, then we have a local
3 Basic Rules classifier per node. An example model for this category is
Basic rules are expressions of the form (3) where both F and HMC-MLPN [Feng et al., 2018], in which one MLP for each
A are predicates corresponding to Boolean outputs. They node is deployed. Finally, if a method trains a different classi-
have been used in the context of multi-label classification fier per parent node in the hierarchy, then we have a local clas-
(MC) problems with constraints, being the special case of sifier per parent node. For example, Kulmanov et al. [2018]
learning with constraints in which all the outputs are Boolean propose DeepGO, in which a small neural-based model for
labels. Thus, each output has a corresponding associated each subontology of the Gene Ontology is trained. Global
predicate, and the rules specify the existing relations between methods, on the other hand, do not have any subclassification,
the output labels. All reviewed papers use rules of the first and global neural models are quite recent. The first proposed

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

global model based on neural networks is AWX [Masera and Fish Fish
Blanzieri, 2018], which is just a feed-forward neural network
predicting the leaves of the hierarchy, and then inferring the
value for the parent nodes. A more complex model is given
by C-HMCNN [Giunchiglia and Lukasiewicz, 2020], which Shark Trout Shark Trout
builds a constraint layer ensuring the satisfaction of the con-
Figure 1: Example of a hierarchy DAG (left) and of a hierarchy and
straints. Such a layer works synergistically with a constraint exclusion graph (right). Here, “→” indicates a hierarchical relation,
loss to exploit the background knowledge of the hierarchy. Fi- while “—” indicates mutual exclusion.
nally, MBM [Patel et al., 2022] takes an alternative approach
by representing the labels by boxes rather than vectors, and is probably due to the fact that before the spread of ma-
thus it is able to capture taxonomic relations among labels. chine learning systems, many classifiers were still hand-
Hierarchical and exclusion rules. In computer vision, hi- built, and thus researchers had a large availability of rules
erarchical rules are often used together with exclusion con- of the type “if the input has these features, then the data
straints expressed as basic rules of the second form in (3) in point belongs to this class”. The goal of these models was
which F (like A) is a Boolean output. An example of a ba- thus to overcome the flaws of both hand-built classifiers and
sic rule corresponding to an exclusion constraint is (2), which learned classifiers (which could be seen as almost comple-
is satisfied whenever a data point x predicted to be a shark mentary flaws) by creating hybrid systems. One of the first
cannot be predicted to also be a trout. Hierarchical and mu- works able to incorporate such rules in the topology of the
tual exclusion rules can be represented together in a hierarchy neural network was KBANN [Shavlik and Towell, 1989;
and exclusion (HEX) graph, firstly proposed in [Deng et al., Towell and Shavlik, 1994]. Given a set of rules, Shavlik and
2014]. An example of a HEX graph is given in Figure 1. In Towell [1989] map the supporting facts to the input neurons,
addition to proposing HEX graphs, Deng et al. also build the intermediate conclusions to the hidden neurons, and the
a neural model guaranteed to satisfy the rules and able to final conclusions to the output neurons. Given such a map-
deal with incomplete labels. HEX graphs are often applied to ping, clearly, KBANN needs the additional assumption that
tackle the problem of fine-grained image classification. Fine- the constraints are acyclic. KBANN was later extended by Fu
grained image classification refers to the problem of classify- [1993], who proposed KBCNN. Given a set of acyclic rules,
ing images that possess very subtle discriminatory features, not only KBCNN is able to map the rules into a neural net-
e.g., classifying images of different birds by species, or of work like KBANN, but also it is able to map back the neural
flowers by categories. Their usage in the field was firstly pro- network to a set of learned rules. Such learned rules have the
posed in [Xie et al., 2015], where the authors tackle the prob- advantage of being completely transparent to the human user.
lem by adding a set of classes representing broader concepts While both KBANN and KBCNN build a neural network di-
than the initial ones (all the newly added classes are thus par- rectly from the rules, in [Fletcher and Obradovic, 1993], the
ent nodes in the hierarchy), and then acquiring a large number rules are treated as an expert system that is refined through
of images from external sources, which are labelled with such incremental hidden unit generation, which allows the model
newly added classes. The new task is thus to predict both the to learn new rules without corrupting the initial ones (as of-
initial label and the newly annotated labels. The authors show ten happens in KBANN), and to get a good performance even
how, due to the added data, they achieve better results on this with severely incomplete rule bases (contrarily to KBANN).
new task. An even more interesting study is shown in [Chang Another model proposed to solve such problems is Cascade
et al., 2021], where the authors show that it is possible to ex- ARTMAP [Tan, 1997], which is able to learn a set of rules
ploit the background knowledge to build a model that is able that are more accurate and simpler than the ones extracted
to get better results than the SOTA models on the initial set of from KBANN. While all the methods explored so far can only
classes. Chang et al.’s results have been recently surpassed deal with acyclic rules, one of the first methods able to deal
by HRN [Chen et al., 2022], a network able to perform hier- with cyclic rules was CIL2 P [d’Avila Garcez and Zaverucha,
archical feature interaction via residual connections. 1999]. CIL2 P and KBANN share the same high-level learn-
ing algorithm, however, they map the rules into neural net-
4 General Rules works in different ways. Due to such a different mapping, not
only d’Avila Garcez and Zaverucha can map cyclic rules, but
In this section, we lift the assumption that F (x) in rules of the they are also able to prove that CIL2 P computes the stable
type (3) is a single literal, and we review the papers in which model of the logic program represented by the neural net-
F (x) is allowed to be a conjunction of m literals (m ≥ 1). work, thus making it a parallel system for logic program-
We classify such papers depending on whether F (x) can (or ming. Notice that CIL2 P was later extended in [França et al.,
cannot) contain functions and/or predicates corresponding to 2014] to represent and learn first-order logic formulas. This
input features. In the first case, given a data point x, the rules new system is called CILP++. Since KBANN and CIL2 P
constrain the output label A also on the basis of the input x, are probably the most well-known early models able to com-
and thus each rule corresponds to an input-output constraint. bine logic and neural networks, we provide a more detailed
In the second case, each rule excludes some output configu- comparison between them in Table 1. More details on the
rations independently from the data point x. approaches from the 90s to combine knowledge engineering
Input-output constraints. Interestingly, this type of con- and machine learning are given in the surveys [Shavlik, 1994;
straints was the very first to be studied in this field. This Mooney and Shavlik, 2021].

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

Example Rules Common High-Level Algorithm KBANN Mapping CIL2 P Mapping

∀x.(A1 (x) ∧ ¬A2 (x) → A4 (x)) 1. Map rules to the network. A5 A4 A5
∀x.(A3 (x) ∧ A4 (x) → A5 (x)) 2. Add n and m neurons to the input
∀x.(A5 (x) → A4 (x)) and hidden layers, respectively.
A4 R1 R2 R3
n, m are user-defined parameters.
3. Fully connect the newly added
neurons to the adjacent layers. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
4. Perturb all the network’s weights. A1 A2 A3

Table 1: KBANN and CIL2 P comparison. Given the sample rules (first column), we provide the high-level algorithm that the two models
share to build the networks from the rules (second column), and then we show how the rule mapping (Step 1) is done in KBANN (third
column) and CIL2 P (fourth column), respectively. We highlighted ∀x.(A5 (x) → A4 (x)), because while CIL2 P can map it in the network,
KBANN must exclude it in order to mantain the acyclicity of the rules (∀x.(A5 (x) → A4 (x)) is indeed absent in KBANN).

Constraints over the output. While all these early models work synergistically with the layer to exploit the background
focus on input-output constraints, the more recent ones focus knowledge and get better results). Thanks to the top layer,
on constraints over the output domain. From a high-level per- Giunchiglia and Lukasiewicz are able to guarantee that the
spective, we can further divide these models based on how constraints are always satisfied, however, they also make the
they integrate the neural network with the constraints. In the assumption that the set of constraints must be stratified. Li
first set of models, learning and reasoning represent two dif- and Srikumar [2019] also change the structure of neural net-
ferent steps in a pipeline, which is though trained end-to-end. works to incorporate the background knowledge expressed
On the other hand, in the second set of models, the constraints by the constraints. To this end, the authors recognize that,
are directly integrated in the network structure and/or loss in a neural network, some neurons (called named neurons)
function, thus we have “single-stage models”. can be endowed with semantics tied to the task, and that log-
Pipelines: Probably one of the most famous methods able ical rules can be written over such named neurons. Thanks
to constrain neural networks’ outputs is DeepProbLog [Man- to this particular formulation, Li and Srikumar are able to
haeve et al., 2018]. DeepProbLog extends ProbLog [Raedt inject constraints over all the outputs of the neural network,
et al., 2007] by encapsulating the outputs of the neural net- even the intermediate ones (e.g., the outputs of the attention
work in the form of neural predicates. This can be easily layer). The constraints that they are able to capture are thus
done, because (in ProbLog) atomic expressions are already over (i) the output domain, (ii) the intermediate outputs, and
assigned a probability. Furthermore, since the algebraic ex- (iii) the relations between the intermediate outputs and the fi-
tension of ProbLog [Kimmig et al., 2011] already supports nal outputs. Minervini and Riedel [2018], on the other hand,
automatic differentiation, it is possible to backpropagate the map the constraints to a loss function that is used to gener-
gradient from the loss at the output through the neural pred- ate adversarial examples that cause a model to violate preex-
icates into the neural networks, thus allowing the neural net- isting background knowledge. In particular, they apply their
works to learn directly from the logical constraints. Deep- method to the task of recognizing textual entailment, and they
ProbLog can thus be seen as a two-stage pipeline, where the add rules like “if sentence s1 contradicts sentence s2 , then s2
neural networks handle the low-level perception, and then contradicts s1 as well”, ultimately showing that their models
the reasoning is done at a logical level. Very close to Deep- obtain a much better performance on adversarial datasets.
ProbLog is NeurASP [Yang et al., 2020], however, differently
from DeepPobLog, NeurASP employs reasoning originating 5 Universally Quantified Formulas
from answer set programming, such as defaults, aggregates,
and optimization rules. A deeper pipeline, in which each In this section, we describe methods that allow for constraints
stage models a sub-task of a more complex problem, has been expressed as universally quantified first-order formulas. All
proposed in [Sachan et al., 2018], where the authors present the methods belonging to this category either inject the con-
Nuts&Bolts: a framework in which each stage can be a set straints in the loss (loss-based methods) or they constrain the
of different function approximators, and that can be trained value of the outputs (constrained-output methods).
end-to-end to minimize a global loss function. Nuts&Bolts is Loss-based methods. While these methods obviously can-
able to exploit the background knowledge by expressing it as not guarantee the satisfaction of the constraints, they are able
rules, then translating them into probabilistic soft logic and to generalize from less data and/or exploit unlabelled data.
incorporating it as one of the function approximators. No- One of the first papers to propose to exploit background
tice that, in this case, the rules do not only express constraints knowledge to solve the problem in data-scarce settings was
over the final outputs of the pipeline, but also over the outputs [Stewart and Ermon, 2017]. In this paper, the authors show
of the intermediate stages. how it is possible to train neural networks to detect objects
Single-stage models: Among these models, we find CNN, a without any direct supervision, and by simply injecting in the
model proposed in [Giunchiglia and Lukasiewicz, 2021]. In loss the constraints on the output domain. In their work, they
this work, the authors present a way to map the constraints considered both constraints pertaining to dynamics equations
(i) into a top-layer (which can be built on top of any neu- and logical constraints. However, in each of the proposed ex-
ral network), and (ii) into a loss function (which is able to amples, the authors had to manually engineer the loss func-

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

Guaranteed Less Data/ Improve

Model Expressivity
Satisfaction Supervision on SOTA
HMC-LMLP [Cerri et al., 2011] ✗ ✗ ✓
HEX [Deng et al., 2014] ✗ ✓ ✓
HAR-CNN [Xie et al., 2015] ✓ ✗ ✓
DEEPre [Li et al., 2018] ✓ ✗ ✓
HMCN [Wehrmann et al., 2018] ✗ ✗ ✓
basic rules
AWX [Masera and Blanzieri, 2018] ✓ ✗ ✓
DeepGO [Kulmanov et al., 2018] ✓ ✗ ✓
mlDEEPre [Zou et al., 2019] ✓ ✗ ✓
C-HMCNN [Giunchiglia and Lukasiewicz, 2020] ✓ ✗ ✓
MBM [Patel et al., 2022] ✗ ✗ ✓
KBANN [Shavlik and Towell, 1989] ✗ ✗ ✓
KBCNN [Fu, 1993] ✗ ✗ ✓
Iterative Neurons Addition [Fletcher and Obradovic, 1993] ✗ ✗ ✓
Cascade ARTMAP [Tan, 1997] ✗ ✗ ✓
CIL2 P [d’Avila Garcez and Zaverucha, 1999] ✗ ✗ ✓
general rules
Adversarial Regularisation [Minervini and Riedel, 2018] ✗ ✗ ✓
DeepProbLog [Manhaeve et al., 2018] ✗ ✓ ✗
NeurASP [Yang et al., 2020] ✗ ✓ ✗
CCN [Giunchiglia and Lukasiewicz, 2021] ✓ ✗ ✓
Nuts&Bolts [Sachan et al., 2018] ✗ ✓ ✓
Named Neurons [Li and Srikumar, 2019] ✗ ✓ ✓
Label-free Supervision [Stewart and Ermon, 2017] ✗ ✓ ✗
Semantic Loss [Xu et al., 2018] ✗ ✓ ✗
LENSR [Xie et al., 2019] universally ✗ ✗ ✓
DL2 [Fischer et al., 2019] quantified formulas ✗ ✓ ✗
NESTER [Dragone et al., 2021] ✓ ✓ ✗
MultiPlexNet [Hoernle et al., 2022] ✓ ✓ ✗
SBR [Diligenti et al., 2012] ✗ ✓ ✗
CILP++ [França et al., 2014] ✗ ✗ ✓
LTN [Serafini and d’Avila Garcez, 2016] ✗ ✗ ✓
Iterative Rule Distillation [Hu et al., 2016a] ✗ ✓ ✓
universally and existentially
Mutual Iterative Rule Distillation [Hu et al., 2016b] ✗ ✓ ✓
quantified formulas
LTN-SII [Donadello et al., 2017] ✗ ✗ ✓
LYRICS [Marra et al., 2019] ✗ ✓ ✗
ABL [Dai et al., 2019] ✗ ✓ ✗
DFL [van Krieken et al., 2020] ✗ ✓ ✗

Table 2: Summary table of the analyzed works. For each work, we report which problem the authors wanted to tackle through the inclusion
of the constraints. We identified three common problems tackled in the literature: (i) building models whose outputs are guaranteed to be
compliant with a set of constraints, (ii) exploiting the background knowledge to get a better performance in either low-data regimen settings
or to exploit unlabelled data, and (iii) beating SOTA models on benchmark datasets (Columns 3 to 5). If a model exploits the background
knowledge for one of the three tasks above, then it is marked with “✓”, and with “✗”, otherwise.

tion. After this work, a number of papers on how to auto- queries. For example, a user can inquire the models on which
matically map universally quantified constraints into a loss neurons took part in a decision, or to generate adversarial ex-
function were studied. For example, in [Xu et al., 2018], a se- amples violating a given constraint. Furthermore, notice that
mantic loss is proposed. Given a data point and a neural net- the language includes Boolean combinations of comparisons
work that outputs the vector of probabilities p , the semantic between terms, where a term is any real-valued function that
loss is defined such that it is proportional to the negative log- may appear as a subexpression of a loss function.
arithm of the probability of generating an interpretation that
satisfies the constraints, when sampling values according to p . Constrained-output methods. The methods presented
This method has the great quality of being completely syntax- here have the goal of guaranteeing the satisfaction of the con-
independent (i.e., no matter how we write the constraints, the straints, and thus they apply the constraints directly on the
value of the loss does not change). Another model that in- outputs. MultiPlexNet [Hoernle et al., 2022] further extends
corporates the logical constraints in the loss is LENSR [Xie the language, as its constraints can consist of any quantifier-
et al., 2019]. However, in this model, the formulas are first free linear arithmetic formula over the rationals (thus, involv-
rewritten in either conjunctive normal form or decision deter- ing “+”, “≥”, “¬”, “∧”, and “∨”). In MultiPlexNet, the for-
ministic decomposable negation normal form, and then pro- mulas are expressed in disjunctive normal form (DNF), and
jected onto a manifold where entailment is related to distance. then the output layer of an existing neural network is aug-
Once learned, the logic embeddings can then be used to form mented to include a separate transformation for each term
a logic loss that guides the neural network training by encour- in the DNF formula. Thus, the network’s output layer can
aging formula embeddings to be close to satisfying assign- be viewed as a multiplexor in a logical circuit that permits
ments, and far from unsatisfying assignments. Yet another for a branching of logic, and exactly from this property, the
method that translates the constraints in continuous terms to model gets the name MultiPlexNet. Another work that limits
be added to the loss is DL2 [Fischer et al., 2019]. What is the output space of the neural network is NESTER [Dragone
particularly interesting about this method is that it allows for et al., 2021]. However, in this case, the constraints are not
mapped into the last layer of the network (like MultiPlexNet

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

or CNN), but they are enforced by passing the outputs of the and predicates to matrices, and constants to vectors. They
neural network to a constraint program, which enforces the propose real logic: a logical formalism on a first-order lan-
constraints. NESTER can enforce hard and soft constraints guage whereby formulas have a truth value in the interval
over both categorical and numerical variables, and the entire [0,1] and a semantics defined concretely on the domain of
architecture can be trained end-to-end by backpropagation. real numbers. They then show how real logic can be encoded
in logic tensor networks (LTNs). Donadello et al. [2017]
6 Universally and Existentially Quantified later show how to use LTNs for semantic image interpre-
tation, and Marra et al. [2019] present LYRICS, an exten-
Formulas sion of LTNs that provides an input language allowing for
Our final category contains the models that allow for both uni- background knowledge in FOL, where predicate and func-
versal and existential quantification. We divide the works be- tion symbols are grounded onto any computational graph. All
tween those that inject the constraints into the loss (loss-based the logics in the works above belong to the family of dif-
methods) and those that create specialized neural structures ferentiable fuzzy logics (DFL) of [van Krieken et al., 2020;
to incorporate the constraints into the topology of the neural van Krieken et al., 2022]. DFL is a family of differentiable
network (specialized structure-based methods). logics, where the term differentiable logics refers to a logic
along with a translation scheme from logical expressions to
Loss-based methods. One of the first models developed to differentiable loss functions. So, differentiable fuzzy logics
this end was semantic-based regularization (SBR) [Diligenti stand for the case where the logic is a fuzzy logic and the
et al., 2012; Diligenti et al., 2017]. Like the above loss-based translation scheme applies to logical expressions that include
methods, SBR was developed with the goal of exploiting un- fuzzy operators. Van Krieken et al. analyze DFL’s behavior
labelled data to train machine learning models. In this work, over different choices of fuzzy logic operators and give some
the authors map the constraints to a differentiable regulariza- recommendations on the choice of the operators.
tion term that can be added to any loss. To this end, they
perform the following steps: (i) the first-order logic (FOL) 7 Summary and Outlook
expressions are grounded, (ii) the quantifier-free formulas are
We conducted a comprehensive and fine-grained analysis of
mapped to real-valued functions using the t-norms [Klement
deep learning approaches in which background knowledge is
et al., 2000], and (iii) each FOL formula containing a uni-
expressed and then exploited as logical constraints in first-
versally (resp., existentially) quantified variable x is mapped
order logic. We categorized the papers based on the richness
to a function that returns the average (resp., maximum) of
of the logical language used to express the constraints. Fur-
the t-norm generalization when grounding x over its domain.
thermore, for each approach, we reported which shortcom-
Other methods take inspiration from the distillation method
ings the authors wanted to address via the background knowl-
proposed in [Hinton et al., 2015], and have the goal of cre-
edge. For coarser surveys on how to include background
ating models able to both beat the SOTA models and exploit
knowledge expressed in different ways, see [von Rueden et
unlabelled data. In [Hu et al., 2016a], the authors propose an
al., 2021; Dash et al., 2022]. All the presented models fall
iterative rule knowledge distillation procedure that transfers
into the broader field of neural-symbolic computing, whose
the structured information encoded in the logical rules into
aim is to integrate the abilities of learning and of reasoning
the network. In particular, at each iteration, a rule-regularized
about what has been learned. For a broad survey on neural-
neural teacher is built, and then a student network is trained
symbolic models see [d’Avila Garcez et al., 2019].
to imitate the predictions of the teacher network, while also
We envision that the specification and exploitation of logi-
trying to predict the right label for as many data points as
cal constraints in deep learning models will become more and
possible. This work was later extended in [Hu et al., 2016b].
more widespread in the future, especially in safety-critical ap-
This framework iteratively transfers information between the
plications, where requirements are often formally specified as
neural network and the structured knowledge, thus resulting
logical formulas, thus combining the advantages of manually
in an effective integration of the representation learning ca-
engineering safety-critical features and automatically learn-
pacity of neural networks and the generalization power of
ing all other features. One open challenge for future work
the structured knowledge. Different from distillation-based
thus includes an AI system engineering approach that gives
methods, but following a similar reasoning about how unify-
strict guarantees in the form of logical constraints on the sys-
ing two complementary paradigms can yield mutual benefits
tem behavior based on such a combined system design.
and surpass SOTA models, an abductive learning (ABL) ap-
Another open challenge for future research concerns the
proach is introduced in [Dai et al., 2019]. ABL combines a
exploitation of logical constraints in explainable AI. More
neural network, responsible for interpreting subsymbolic data
precisely, logical constraints and reasoning about the func-
into primitive logical facts, with a logical component able to
tionality of neural networks and their output data can actually
reason on these facts. If the generated facts are inconsistent
be exploited in order to model the abstract reasoning that is
with the background knowledge, ABL generates new pseudo-
underlying the predictions of these networks, and it can thus
labels that more likely satisfy the background knowledge and
be used in order to naturally create explanations for these pre-
retrains the neural network accordingly.
dictions. Only few existing papers, such as [Shi et al., 2020;
Specialized structure-based methods. Instead of mapping Majumder et al., 2021], have started to explore this large po-
the constraints into the loss function, Serafini and d’Avila tential of logical constraints in deep learning to date in differ-
Garcez [2016] and Badreddine et al. [2022] map functions ent ways.

Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22)
Survey Track

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