Differential Study

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Installation, Maintenance, Testing &

Study of Transformer Differential Protection Commissioning of Substations


Operation Principle:

A transformer differential relay is connected so that it is supplied with currents

proportional to the current in to the power transformer and to the current out from
the transformer. The relay is connected in principle so that the differential currents
will be zero during normal operation. A typical 20% differential current of the
transformer rating is set to operate the protection.

A two-step slope is introduced, which actually temporary increase differential

settings during the through fault currents to prevent protection from unnecessary

4. Energization of The Power Transformer:

When energizing a power transformer, it is possible to obtain a large inrush

current in the exciting winding and then proportionally large currents in the
differential circuits of the relay. The magnitude and duration of the inrush
current depend on the instant of switching in the power transformer (the point
on wave), the power transformer remanence, the design of the power
The schematic principle for a transformer differential relay transformer, the type of transformer connection, the neutral point connection,
the fault MVA rating of the power system, and power transformers connected in
1. Normal Operation parallel. In modern power transformers the current can be 5-10 times the rated
current when switching in to the high voltage side, and 10-20 times the rated
During normal conditions, a small current flows through the differential circuit of the current when switching in to the low voltage side. To prevent the relay to
relay. This current corresponds to the excitation current of the power transformer operate when energizing a power transformer, it is not possible, as a rule, to
and to a current depending on the ratio error of the CTs. Normally, these two delay the operation during such a long time as required. Thus, an instantaneous
currents, amounts just a small percentage of the rated current. However, it is possible, relay must have a magnetizing inrush restraint and thereby utilize a certain
with power transformers with tap-changers, at rated load and with the tap-changers characteristic difference between the inrush current and the fault current.
in one end- position, to obtain a considerable current in the differential circuit, To prevent unnecessary operation 2nd harmonic (produced during switching of
depending on the tap-changer regulating range healthy transformer) is used to block the differential protection. As the core is
magnetized, 2nd harmonic reduces and relay becomes unblocked. A typical 15%
2. Internal Faults value of 2nd harmonic value is used to block the protection

The duty of the transformer differential relay is to detect internal faults (that is faults 5. Overvoltage:
within the power transformer or on the connecting lines, for example feeding cables)
and then rapidly initiate disconnection of the supply to the power transformer. Then Occasionally, short duration voltage increases may arise during abnormal system
damages, as well as non-selective tripping of other protective relays, are prevented. conditions. This is a characteristic of generator-transformer units especially,
Theinternal electrical faults that can occur are: Power transformers with grain-oriented steel cores usually have a high magnetic
flux density at rated voltage, but in spite of this, the excitation current is small.
i) Short circuits ii) Earth faults iii) Turn-to-turn faults However, during voltage increases, the excitation current will increase
considerably and may be larger than the set operate value of the differential
3. External Faults relay. To prevent unnecessary operation 5th harmonic (procedure during
overexcitation) is used to block the differential protection. As the overexciting is
When faults arise outside the CTs, the differential circuit of the relay may be supplied reduced, 5th harmonic is also reduced and relay becomes unblocked. A typical
with a relatively large current, which can be caused by ratio errors in the CTs, or by 30% value of 5th harmonic is used to block the protection
the tap-changer not being in the center-tap position. If the tap-changer is at the end
position from the center-tap position with 5% differential current and if at the same End of Training;
time the short-circuit current is 5 times the rated transformer current, differential
current (5%) will also multiplied by 5 and exceeding from the set value of 20% Hope after going through all above, each participant has a greater level of
differential current. understanding of transformer differential protection.

Prepared By: Babar Shahzad Date: 16-03-2022 Rev:01 Page 1 of 1

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