Development and Use of Multi-Module 8051

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Development and Use of Multi-module 8051 Micro-controller Board for

Teaching and Learning Micro-controller Programming

Conference Paper · February 2010


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2 authors, including:

Deepak Kumbhar
Modern College Of Arts, Science & Commerce Ganeshkhind


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Kumbhar Deepak S.1 Bhujbal Ramakant V.2

Department of Electronics, Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune University
[email protected],
Department of Computer Science, Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science,
Pune University [email protected]

ABSTRACT The main purpose is to encourage the

A microcontroller is playing an active teachers and students to utilize their
role in an embedded system. Learning knowledge of 8051 microcontroller in
the microcontroller has become terms of embedded system design.
necessary not just for engineering but
also many other disciplines, such as Keywords: Microcontroller, embedded
computer science, electronics and system, multi-module, ISP
physics. Laboratory session is one
approach that has helped students to 1. Introduction:
understand the subject when they are
exposed to the hardware and software.
Presently 8051 [8-bit] Micro-controller
(MCU) is being widely used for
This paper discusses the development
introductory course in Indian universities
and use of multi-module 8051
and colleges because it is simpler and
microcontroller experimental board for
easier to describe than other
microcontroller course for teacher and
student of different disciplines in science
Variety of 8051 Micro-controller
and engineering. The experimental board
experimental training boards are
is multi-module- based where the 8051
available in the market from different
micro-controller is on the main module
manufacturing companies as well as
and other modules are related to
from third party companies. They offer
interfacing application such as the 16X2
microcontroller training board with
LCD display, 7-segment display, dc
different features.
motor speed control, DAC, etc. The
8051 Microcontroller beginners can
8051 microcontroller perform single task
easily be panic and drowned into
at a time which create an effective
disappointment in the view of crowdy
learning environment for the student. For
components on a single PCB[1].
example, after writing a simple program
For successful implementation of 8051
using assembly / C- language, students
microcontroller course, it is essential to
can load the program hex file into the
have suitable training board for teaching
micro-controller using ISP and they can
and learning micro-controller
easily connect the microcontroller to
programming. It should be affordable,
related interface circuit through the
user friendly and flexible.
connector to see the result immediately.

This is the reason why we introduced 10. Frequency generation & PWM
multi-module 8051 microcontroller output Terminals
experimental board to learn and teach the 11. 4-way traffic light system
development of stand-alone and 12. On board Power supply and
embedded systems, which are the best Power Indication switch
places of microcontroller applications[2].
Figure 1 shows a picture of Multi- ON BOARD MODULES
module 8051 microcontroller The most important features of the board
experimental board. are discussed in this section:

In System Programming (ISP):

One of the most interesting features of
this board is on board programming of
ATMEL microcontroller [4]. This
feature is especially important for lab
sessions where one single device must be
programmed several times.
Figure 2 shows the circuit of ISP
Fig 1.8051 Micro-controller programming unit of the board.
Experimental Board

The main module: microcontroller and

other modules; different interfacing
peripherals have been separately placed
for clarity and understanding.

The multi-module 8051 microcontroller

experimental board has following
facilities [3]:

1. Support main module ATMEL

89S51/52 controller with Pin
2. Other peripheral modules having
its symbolic diagram with Pin Fig.2 ISP Programming
numbers. It is necessary to disconnect these 4 lines
3. On board ISP (In-system- from other peripherals during the
Programming) programming programming; if other devices are
arrangement support. loading these programming lines, the
4. 8-Pin /4-Pin/3-Pin / 2-Pin microcontroller cannot be
connector for each corresponding programmed. In this figure, the reset
peripheral module. circuitry is also shown. It is a simple
5. Set of four 7-segment display. reset without power-up circuit.
6. LCD with 2x16 characters
7. Two Thumbwheel and Two 7-
segment display
8. 8-Bit DAC Four 7-segment display module:
9. DC motor driver /speaker driver
Figure 3 shows the circuit of Four 7-
segment display module of the board.

Fig 4. LCD display module

DAC module
Figure 5.shows the connection of the
Digital to Analog convertor module. For
digital signal to analog signal conversion
Data lines of MC 1408 DAC is
connected to the either Port P0/P1/P2/P3.
Fig 3.Four 7-segment display module

The 4 digit numeric displays are created

from 7-segment displays. The 7-segment
output is common to all displays, thus
they all should display the same digit.
Each display is enabled, using a simple
transistor, by one of the four most
significant bits of the port P2 (P20-3).
Displaying a complete number is as
simple as to put the digit in the either
port P0/P1/P3 at the same time that one
of the displays is enabled while the
others are disabled; repeating this
procedure for each digit in fast
alternation it is possible to see a Fig 5. DAC module
complete 4 digit number.
Traffic Light System module
LCD display module Figure 6. shows the connection of the 4-
Figure 4 shows the connection of the way Traffic Light System module.
2X16 LCD module. For 4- traffic light system, Main Road
Displaying the numbers, characters and M1 Red, Yellow & Green LEDs and side
graphics, Data bus of LCD display is road S2 Red, Yellow & Green LEDs are
connected to either Port P0/P1/P3 and connected to only 6 pins of either Port
the three less significant bits of the port P0/P1/P2/P3. Main Road M2 Red,
P2 (P20-2 ) to the LCD control lines. Yellow & Green LEDs and side road S1
Red, Yellow & Green LEDs are
connected to only 6 pins of either Port

Fig 8. DC motor Drive module
Fig 6. Traffic Light System module

Thumbwheel and 7-segment display Frequency Generation module

module Figure 9 shows the connection of the
Figure 7 shows the connection of the frequency generation module.
Thumbwheel and 7-segment display F0 & F1 are connected to Port pins P1.0
interface module, two thumbwheel BCD & P1.1 respectively.
output is connected to either Port P1 / P2
and two 7-segment CA type display are
connected to either Port P0 and P3

Fig 9. Frequency Generation module

This paper describes the development
and use of multi-module board for
teaching and learning micro-controller
programming .A few 8051 micro-
controller laboratory session
Fig 7. Thumbwheel and 7-segment such as 16X2 LCD display, 7-segment
display module display, dc motor speed control, DAC,
etc. can be effectively taught with this
DC motor Drive module board. The students are allowed to do
Figure 8 shows the connection of the DC experiment of their own to get a feeling
motor Drive module. Dc motor driver and verify their learning in the
input is connected to Port P1.0 pin . theoretical part of the microcontroller
interfacing & they can play an active
role towards the development of
embedded system design.
The teachers from various colleges in the
[1] Liakot Ali, Lutful Kabir, Jobair
Pune University region can actively
Alam and Abul Kashem Mia”
contribute the success of the
microcontroller laboratory development
[2] Fernando Pardo, Jose A. Boluda,
We would like to thank the Future Chip BOARD FOR THE
Technologies at Pune for its funding of MICROCONTROLLER LAB”
MULTI-MODULE 8051 MICRO- [3] Han-Way Huang, Shu-Jen Chen
[4] Datasheets of ATMEL 89S51/52

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