Is 2615 1989
Is 2615 1989
Is 2615 1989
UDC 621.881.4
@ BIS 1990
This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 8 August
1989, after the draft finalized by the Assembly Hand Tools Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Production Engineering Division Council.
This standard deals with the general requirements of the pliers, pincers and nippers of different varie-
ties as given below:
a) Pliers
1) Combination side cutting ( IS 3650 )
2) Flat nose ( IS 3552 and IS 8672 )
3) Round nose ( IS 3568 )
4) Snipe nose ( IS 5658 )
5) Duckbill ( IS 4481 )
6) Pipe grip ( IS 5995 )
7) Parallel action flat nose ( IS 6086 )
8) Fencing ( IS 5067 )
9) Lineman’s ( IS 6078 )
IO) Battery terminal ( IS 5006 )
11) Heat coil ( IS 4806 )
12) Burner ( IS 3569 )
13) Eyelet ( IS 3529 )
14) Glass ( IS 5066 )
15) Slip joint ( IS 6118 )
16) Wire stripping ( IS 5087 )
17) Internal circlips ( IS 7989 )
18) External circhps ( IS 7990 )
b) Pincers ( IS 4095 )
4 Nippers
1) Diagonal cutting [ IS 4378 ( Part 1 ) ]
2) End cutting [ IS 4378 ( Part 2 ) ]
3) End cutting ( Toggle lever assisted ) ( under preparation )
This standard was first issued in 1964 and was revised in 1981, when material and cutting test were
modified. This second revision has been taken up in order to align the standard with the work done
at the international level. In this revision, reference to IS 11526 : 1986 ‘Nomenclature of pliers, pincers
and nippers’ has been made and designation clause has been included. Besides, the handle load test
has been modified and explained. Cutting test and torsion test have also been modified and aligned
with the international practice. However, sizes have not been aligned as there is demand of other sizes
in the country.
While revising this standard, considerable assistance has been taken from the following standards:
IS0 5743 : 1982 ‘Pliers and nippers - General technical requirements’, issued by the Inter-
national Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
IS0 5744 : 1983 ‘Pliers and nippers - Methods of tests’, issued by the International Organi-
zation for Standardization ( IS0 )
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 5.2 Iusplation
1.1 Covers the technical supply conditions for In the case of insulated tools, tbe insulating sleeve
pliers, pincers and nippers used manually for or insulation material used shall be of such a
gripping and cutting. quality as to withstand the insulation tests speci-
fied in 9.6. The test voltage shall not be indi-
2 REPERENCES cated on the insulation or on tool.
2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary CAUTION - The fact that handles of pliers,
adjuncts to this standard: pincers, and nippers are insulated is no
guarantee of immunity from electric shock.
IS No. Title Although insulated tools may have with-
2155 : 1982 Cold forged solid steel stood high voltages, damage due to sub-
rivets for hot closing ( 6 to sequent dropping or the presence of liquid
16 mm diameter ) or perspiration may impair insulation. It
is, therefore, recommended that complete
2500 ( Part 1 ) : 1973 Inspection by attributes reliance should not be placed on insulated
and count of defects handles.
(first revision )
3749 : 1978 Too1 and die steel for
cold work (first revision ) 6.1 The hardness shall be tested at three points
on flat and parallel surface near to each of the
11526 : 1986 Nomenclature for pliers, cutting edge ( not beyond 3 mm away ) and for
pincers and nippers body it shall be tested adjacent to the gripping
3 NOMENCLATURE surfaces ( not more than one mm away ). The
values of hardness measured at any point shall
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the nomen- be within the limits as given below:
clature as given in IS 11526 : 1986 shall apply. Body ( Gripping : 350,to 510 HY
4 SHAPE, SIZES AND DIMENSIONS surfaces or jaws ) ( ra 35 to SOHRC)
Near the cutting : 510 to 7ooHV
4.1 The shape, sizes and dimensions of pliers, eldges (m 50to 6OHRC)
pincers and nippers shall be as specified in the
relevant Indian Standards. Other shapes of handle, 7 MANUFACTURE
nose and gripping surfaces as specified in 7.1 The pliers, pincers and nippers shall be solid
IS 11526 : 1986 may be adopted if agreed to bet- forged to shape. The rivets shall be interference
ween the manufacturer and the purchaser. fit in one of the arms and free fit in the other,
and shall be finished flush with the surfaces. The
5 MATERIALS jaws ( gripping surfaces ) and the cutting edges
5.1 Pliers, Pincers, Nippers and Rivets shall be properly hardened and tempered. The
serrations in the jaws shall be neatly cut to
5.1.1 Suitable carbon or alloy steels meeting the provide a firm grip. In case of pliers having
requirements of hardness and other tests as laid insulated handles, insulation shall cover the whole
down in the respective Indian Standards: of the handle including the outer ends and parti-
cularly on all types of side cutting pliers it may
Suitable example : be shouldered at the head end.
Pliers, pincers and 65T6,70T3 and 75T6 con- 7.2 Haudles
nippers forming to IS 3749: Handles shall be shaped to afford a comfortable
1978 grip and shall prevent accidental pinching of the
Rivets Conforming to IS 2155 : hand ( for details on types of handles, refer
1982 IS 11526 : 1986 ).
I!3 2615 : 1989
IS 2615 : 1989
Table 2 Soft Test Wiie Characteristics tool, insert the point of the jaws into a suitable test
piece specified at 9.4.2. Apply the handle load F
( CIause 9.1.2 ) at a distance L1 from the rivet and clamp the
handles to resist the turning moment ( see Fig. 1 ).
Apply the torque T as specified in relevant standard,
TOOI Wire Test Tensile in both directions. The angular moment a0 shall
Material Wire Strength not exceed the values given for the types and size
DJameter MPa of the tool. After loosening of the joint or, perma-
m* I nent set of the jaws resulting from the test, the
plier shall not impair the efficient functioning of
Diagonal 1’5 740 to 830 the tool.
Nippers 1 .-__-_-
I 9.4.2 Test Piece for Torsion Test
End Bronze - 15 I 740 to 830
cutting CuSn 6 For flat nose pliers, the test piece shall be 3 mm
nippers thick, 12 mm wide and shall have a hardness of 45
.I. to 50 HRC. The test piece shall be inserted bet-
ween the jaws of the plier to a depth of 6 =t I mm.
Snipe nose Bronze - 1.0 740 to 830 For round nose pliers, the points of the jaws shall
pliers with CuSn 6
aide cutter be supported in a test piece with two holes. The
holes shall be 3’6 mm in a diameter, 3 mm deep
Plier8 with flat bottoms, spaced on the centre line at a
Copper - 1.0 210 to 250 distance of 4 mm between the inner edges. The
ETP test piece shall have hardness between 45 to 50
--_.--- -
I __--1
_. ~._ .---_.__._._.
HRC. For illustration, see Fig. 1 and 2.
Is 2615: 1989
A A(2:l)
1B Round Nose Plier
All dimensions in millimetres.
IS 2615: 1989
7 Rl
as2615 : 1989
9.5.1 Test Piece for Handle Load Test conducting fluid such as a solution of washing sodsl
The test piece shall have a hardness value of in water. Immersion shall be up to a distance
30 - 40 lyRC and shall be of such a size and from the end of the insulant sufficient to obviate
profile as to make contact over a length of any arcing between the solution and the head of
8 f 1 mm from the point of the jaws. For end the tool. The solution shall form one pole of an
cutting nippers, the test piece shall make contact electric circuit, the opposite pole being formed
over the full length of the jaws. With the test by the jaws of the tool. The insulahon shall
piece inserted, the gap between the points of the then withstand a pressure of 2 500 volts
jaws shall be 3 f 1 mm. ( rms ) ac or 4 000 volts dc. The pressure shall be
ma.i,ntained continuously for two minutes during
9.6 bsufation Test which time, there shall be nob breakdown of the
The insulated handles shall be immersed in a insulation.
IS 2615 : 1989
10.1 Grippiag and Dual Purpose Pliers h) Number of the relevant Indian Standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the Copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sires, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. PE 05 ( 4669 )
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