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Topic Review

A Review of Risk Factors for Stroke in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease


Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at higher risk for stroke because of higher prevalence of traditional and
non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors.

Methods: We performed an extensive literature review with pre-defined keywords. We summarized the results of the studies evaluat-
ing for risk factors predisposing to stroke in CKD patients.

Results: The incidence of stroke and stroke-related mortality is higher in CKD patients compared with the general population. Pres-
ence of anemia, hypoalbuminemia, malnutrition, uremia, and hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with CKD is associated with higher
incidence of stroke. Hemodialysis and renal transplant patients are at higher risk of developing stroke compared with those who do
not require renal replacement therapy.

Conclusion: The early recognition of risk factors associated with stroke in CKD population is imperative. Early interventions may
potentially decrease the incidence and associated mortality of stroke in CKD patients.

Keywords: stroke; chronic kidney disease, risk factors, dialysis, renal transplant, ischemic stroke.
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology 2009; 2(1): 126-131

Fahad Saeed, MD Almost 20 million people in United States have chronic kidney disease (CKD).1 CKD is de-
Nadia Kousar, MD fined as glomerular filteration rate (GFR) less than 60ml/min/1.73 m2 .1,2 Patients with CKD
Kamran Qureshi, MD have markedly increased incidence of vascular disease when compared to the general popu-
Thomas N. Laurence, MD lation.3 Traditional risk factors for stroke such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac
disease, hyperlipidemia and cigarette smoking are quite common in this population2 but
Address correspondance to:
Fahad Saeed, MD
little is known about the risk factors which are different from the general population. In
Department of Internal Medicine – University of this review article, we will emphasize on important non-traditional risk factors unique to
Illinois – Urbana Champaign the CKD population.
611 W. Park St
Urbana, IL 61801

[email protected]

Incidence of stroke
The incidence of stroke is much higher in CKD patients than in the general population.4 The United States Renal Data System (USRDS)
and National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) datasets show that the incident dialysis population suffers a five to ten fold higher
risk of hospitalized stroke in comparison with non-End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) population.5 (relative risk; RR of 6.1 in ESRD
population). Stroke risk is elevated for both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke; however there is a higher risk for ischemic stroke than
for hemorrhagic stroke, especially among women (ischemic stroke RR ranges from 4.3 to 10.1; hemorrhagic stroke, RR ranges from 4.1
to 6.7).6
In a study of 6685 hospitalized patients, Koren-Moreg et al 7 found that an eGFR less than 60 ml/min had a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.5
for increased rate of incident stroke or transient ischemic attack in patients with CKD and pre-existing cardiovascular diseases. The
risk increased with decreasing eGFR values. Preliminary results in the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP) 8 found that eGFR
less than 60/min/1.73m2 or urine albumin to creatinine ratio >30mg/g was associated with higher risk of either myocardial infarction or

Stroke related mortality

The short and long term mortality associated with stroke appears to be higher in CKD patients than in the general population. In
the Okinawa Dialysis Study (OKIDS) 9 , 30 day stroke mortality rate was higher in CKD patients compared with the rate observed in
general population in Okinawa, Japan. The size of the lesion in hemorrhagic strokes was larger in the CKD patients than in the general

From the Departments of Internal Medicine (FS, NK, KQ) and Neurology (TNL), Univerity of Illinois School of Medicine, Urbana Champaign, IL.

126 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2009
Table 1: Risk factors of stroke in the general population in compari- rather than low hematocrit is associated with an increased
son to the CKD population. risk of stroke. However, since severe anemia is uncommon in
the non-ESRD population, these studies may have insignifi-
cant power to detect such an association in the general popu-
General population CKD population
lation.The exact reasons for this substantially higher risk of
stroke among patients with both CKD and anemia are still not
Risk factors Exclusive risk factors entirely clear. Further studies are needed to clarify this con-
cept. There are several proposed mechanisms for this associa-
Diabetes mellitus Female gender tion between anemia and stroke in CKD patients. Pathophysi-
Hypertension Caucasian race ological mechanisms of stroke in CKD are shown in Figure 1.
Cigeratte smoking Anemia
Hyperlipidemia Malnutrition a) Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is prevalent in ESRD.12 Fram-
ingham Offspring Based Community Study prospectively ex-
Age Uremia
amined 6233 patients for 15 years and found that mild renal
Family history Hemodialysis
insufficiency (creatinine of 1.3 -2.9 mg/dl) carries almost two
Prior stroke Low systolic blood pressure fold risk of CVD diseases compared with the general popula-
Black race Renal transplant tion. CKD may induce oxidative stress 13 which is known to
Male gender Hyperhomocysteinemia promote atherosclerosis. 14 Furthermore, 75 % of patients who
Metabolic syndrome Bleeding diathesis require dialysis, have pre-existing left ventricular hypertro-
phy. 15 Studies have shown that LVH is a strong predictor of
population. McWalter et al 10 also found that renal dysfunc- stroke risk.16 Therefore anemia may increase the risk of stroke
tion was a predictor of an increased mortality in the 7 year by inducing atherosclerosis and LVH in CKD patients.
follow up study of acute stroke patients. A summary of risk b) Studies using animal models demonstrate the neuro-pro-
factors for stroke unique to the CKD population are presented tective effect of erythropoietin for ischemia-induced stroke.
in Table 1:
However, when renal function is reduced, the erythropoi-
etin production from kidneys is impaired, which may limit
erythropoietin-induced neuronal protection against anemia-
1) Age, Ethnicity and Gender:
associated strokes. In this way, the combination of anemia
Seliger et al 5 found in their population based study that the age
and reduced kidney erythropoietin production may interact
adjusted RR of stroke among dialysis patients was 6.1 [95%
to increase the probability of stroke.
Confidence Interval (95% CI) 5.1, 7.1] compared with the gen-
eral population for Caucasian men, 4.4 (95% CI 3.3, 5.5) for
3) Hypoalbuminemia and malnutrition:
African American men, 9.7 (95%CI 8.2, 11.2) for Caucasians
An elevated serum albumin concentration has been associated
women and 6.2 (95%CI 4.8, 7.6) for African American women.
with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, 21-23 death from
Overall, the RR for stroke was higher among women than in
cardiovascular disease and death from all causes in Caucasian
men. In the USRDS and NHDS datasets, African Americans
men and women and African American men and women. In the
were at lower risk for stroke than Caucasians (HR for strokes;
National Health Epidemiologic Followup Study (NHEFS) da-
0.7) among patients with cardiac disease, but opposite effect
taset,23 a decreased serum albumin concentration or albumin/
was observed among individuals without cardiac disease (HR
globulin ratio was found to be more frequent in stroke cases
for strokes among African Americans vs. Caucasians; HR; 1.2).
than in controls . However, data regarding macroalbuminuria
Although age is an independent risk factor of stroke in the
as a risk factor for stoke is not entirely clear. In a Japanese
general population, this relationship was not observed among
study,24 analyzing first symptomatic stroke events, reduced
chronic dialysis patients6. The lack of relationship can be ex-
kidney function was associated with increased relative HR
plained either by the overall high death rate in elderly dialysis
(HR, 3.1 in creatinine clearance < 40 ml/min, 1.9 in creatinine
patients or by the relatively early onset of severe hypertension
clearance 40–70 ml/min). The presence of macroalbuminuria
in CKD patients.
tended to increase HR but was not statistical significant (HR,
1.4). Another report from Japan25 also supported this finding
2) Anemia:
revealing that macroalbuminuria is not a significant risk fac-
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)11 demon-
tor for death due to stroke, although it is a significant risk fac-
strated the association between anemia and stroke in CKD
tor for all-cause and CVD mortality. Many authors24 speculate
patients. In this study, 13,716 patients with both eGFR less
that the patients with macroalbuminuria are likely to have
than 60ml/min and anemia (defined as hemoglobin <13g/dl for
systemic vasculopathy and therefore the death events due to
men and <12g/dl for women) were followed for 9 years. They
all-causes may be more apparent than those seen in the First
found that the overall stroke risk was increased in this CKD
Symptomatic Stroke Events Study.26 Malnutrition is a well
population: HR 1.81, (95% CI 1.3 to 2). This risk was higher in
recognized risk factor for all27-30 and cardiovascular-specific31
patients with anemia (HR 5.4; 95% CI 2.04 to 14.4) compared
mortality in the dialysis population. Significant protein mal-
with those without anemia (HR 1.4; 95% CI 0.93 to 2.1). This
nutrition has been ascribed to a higher incidence of intra-ce-
finding is in contrast to the general population where high

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2009 127
Decreased erythropoietin production

Reduction in protective effecton Hemodialysis procedure


Hypotensive events
Advanced vascular disease
Heparin use

Increased left ventricular hypertrophy
Increased oxidative stress

Abnormal platelet

Pro-inflammatory state

Figure 1: Pathophysiological mechanisms predisposing to stroke in patients with CKD

rebral hemorrhage in both the general population and dialysis CKD population is accelerated atherosclerotic vascular disease
patients.23 Seliger et al5 found that three markers of malnutri- caused in part by uremia itself. 37,38 This is supported by the
tion specifically low serum albumin (per 1 g/dl decrease, HR = reports using noninvasive imaging techniques, demonstrating
1.4), low height-adjusted body weight (per 25% decrease, HR a greater degree of carotid artery atherosclerosis among the di-
= 1.2), and a subjective assessment of undernourishment (HR alysis patients compared to controls, even after adjusting for
= 1.3), were associated with a higher risk of incident stroke . traditional cardiovascular risk factors. In one study,38 inves-
This is in contrast to the general population, in which obesity, tigators found that vessel wall elasticity of the carotid artery
rather than malnutrition, confers a higher stroke risk.27 Sev- is decreased in younger hemodialysis patients compared with
eral authors have suggested the following pathophysiological age-matched healthy subjects. The enhanced stiffness of the
mechanisms: arteries may contribute to the higher incidence of stroke in he-
a) Malnutrition reflects not merely poor nutrient intake but modialysis patients.
also the effects of a chronic micro-inflammatory state in CKD
patients. 32,33 Studies have shown that elevated inflamma- 5) Hemodialysis procedure:
tory markers are associated with higher rates of stroke. 34, 35 Toyoda et al 39 found that the occurrence of ischemic stroke
Chronic inflammation may explain the observed association was more common during or shortly after the dialysis proce-
between malnutrition and stroke. dure (34%) compared with the timing of hemorrhagic stroke.
b) Low serum albumin may be an indicator of some other fac- Given the relatively short exposure time during hemodialysis
tor influencing the atherosclerotic process. 21, 23, 36 The effect of (3 times/ wk for 5 hours) the frequency of 34% is meaningful.
albumin concentration on platelet function, blood viscosity, This result is unexpected because patients usually are admin-
free fatty acid transport, and antioxidant levels have also been istered anticoagulants during hemodialysis which would in-
considered. 21, 23 crease the tendency for hemorrhagic than the ischemic events.
The potential pathophysiological mechanism may be related
4) Uremia induced accelerated atherosclerosis: to drastic decrease in intravascular blood volume secondary to
An additional factor responsible for higher stroke rates in hemodialysis and diminished vascular responses secondary to
diabetic autonomic neuropathy and advanced arteriosclerosis,

128 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2009
These factors result in an abrupt decrease in blood pressure
and may induce brain ischemia.40

6) Blood pressure:
Hypertension, notably elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP),
is a risk factor for stroke in the general population. Stroke risk
doubles for almost every 20/10 mm Hg increase in blood pres-
sure over 115/75 mm Hg41. In addition, hypertension is a major
component of CKD, both as a cause and a result of impaired
kidney function. Weiner et al 42 found that the individuals
with CKD had a J-shaped relationship with stroke events
such that those with SBP <120 mmHg were at significantly in-
creased risk for stroke compared with the individuals with
CKD and SBP 120 to 129 mmHg (HR 2.51; 95% CI 1.30 to 4.87);
risk increased for SBP >130 mmHg in CKD patients. This J-
shaped relationship was not seen in the individuals without
CKD. Seliger et al 5 did not find this J shaped effect of BP on
Figure 2: The hazard of incident stroke associated with systolic BP (SBP) and
stroke. This J shaped effect was also not seen in Perindopril chronic kidney disease (CKD) using an unadjusted model adjusted for age, race,
Protection against Recurrent Stroke trial (PROGRESS).43 The gender, history of diabetes, history of coronary disease, left ventricular hyper-
association of incident stroke with systolic BP and CKD is de- trophy, use of antihypertensive medication, education status, smoking status,
picted in figure2. serum albumin, non- HDL cholesterol, hemoglobin, and study of origin). Refer-
ence group is individuals with CKD and SBP 120 to 129 mmHg. Reprinted with
permission from journal of American Society of Nephrology.42
7) Anticoagulation during dialysis and uremic bleeding
Routine anticoagulation during hemodialysis, combined with 95% confidence interval 4.6–12.9) of 2102 patients experienced
a uremic bleeding diathesis, may theoretically lead to an in- stroke during follow-up of 6.7 years, corresponding to an inci-
creased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Studies showing the de- dence of 1.3% stroke events per year. For ischemic stroke, dia-
finitive relationship are lacking. betes mellitus (HR of 3.5; 95% CI 2.4–5.2), previous cerebro-
vascular event (HR 3.5; 95% CI 2.2–5.6), age (HR of 1.1; 95% CI
8) Renal transplant: 0.1–1.1), and serum creatinine (HR of 1; 95% CI 1.0–1.01) were
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the main identified as risk factors. The risk of a hemorrhagic stroke was
causes of death in patients with end-stage renal disease increased by diabetes mellitus (HR of 4.9; 95% CI 2.1–11.6), poly-
(ESRD) including those on dialysis and those who have re- cystic kidney disease (HR of 4.2; 95% CI 1.4–11.2), left ventricu-
ceived renal transplant. Oliveras et al44 found that the preva- lar hypertrophy (HR of 3.0; 95% CI 1.2–7.2), and SBP (HR of 1.0;
lence of stroke in transplant recipients was 8% at 10 yrs. Mean 95% CI 1.00–1.04).
time elapsed between renal transplantation and stroke was
49 months. The rate of intra-cerebral hemorrhage was found 9) Hyperhomocysteinemia:
to be high in this population. The outcome of all strokes was Wilcken et al47 found homocysteine levels to be 2 fold higher
also extremely poor. They identified three predictors of stroke in CKD patients than the controls. Several clinical studies have
in these patients: diabetic nephropathy (OR= 4.8; p < 0.01), supported that hyperhomocysteinemia is an important risk fac-
peripheral vascular disease (OR = 8.2; p < 0.001) and age > 40 tor for atherosclerosis.48, 49 Mild hyperhomocysteinemia has been
yr (OR = 3.3; p < 0.02). Other analyzed risk factors including found in 30 % of the patients having premature cerebral, vascu-
gender, renal function, cytomegalovirus infection, hyperlip- lar and coronary artery disease. Bachmann et al50 found that high
idemia, hyperuricemia, erythrocytosis, or hypertensive do- serum homocysteine was significantly associated with occlusive
nor failed to show any significant predictive value for stroke arterial disease (RR = 0.2). Clark et al51 also found a significant
in these patients. This is very similar to the data from other association between hyperhomocysteinemia and premature ath-
studies evaluating such a relationship among renal transplant erosclerosis; even after the adjustment of other atherogenic fac-
and hemodialysis patients. Another study 45 primarily of 1633 tors. Homocysteine enhances the auto oxidation of LDL choles-
Caucasian patients submitted to renal transplant found a low terol and induces a strong increase in binding of lipoprotein to
stroke rate (3.9%) over four years. The pre-transplantation fibrin. Abnormalities of lipid metabolism may explain the pro-
risk factors identified were atrial fibrillation (p = 0.001), and atherognic and prothrombogenic effects of homocysteine.
diabetes mellitus (p=0 .037). More common risk factors like
prior transient ischemic attack, stroke, hypertension, hyper- Future directions:
lipidemia, the primary cause of kidney disease, duration of Risk factors which predispose CKD population to stroke are still
renal replacement therapy, smoking, and gender were not as- being analyzed. The potential importance of macroalbuminuria,
sociated with stroke. hyperuricemia, hyperhomocysteinemia, and low SBP for stroke
In a recent prospective European study,46 a total of 184 (8.8%, events warrants further studies. The data regarding stroke in

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2009 129
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