Fourth Year Patho Mcqs - RMC
Fourth Year Patho Mcqs - RMC
Fourth Year Patho Mcqs - RMC
NOTE: the answers have been marked but don’t blindly follow them,
use your knowledge & mind.
1. Antimicrosomal antibodies
2. Antithyroglobulin antibodies
3. TSH – receptor – stimulating antibodies
4. d. Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies
5. TSH – receptor – blocking antibodies
1. Russell’s bodies
2. b. Psammoma bodies
3. Apoptotic bodies
4. Myelin figures
5. Mallory bodies
An old lady 58 years of age c/o gradual on set of bone pain, anorexia,
constipation, polyuria, polydipsia and muscular weakness. Her serum Ca
and Alk phosphatase were raisedand PO4 was low. She was probably
suffering from:
1. Hypercalcemia
2. Hypophosphatemia
3. Bone tumor
4. d. Hyperparathyroidism
5. Hypoparathyroidism
An old-man living alone was found comatosed inhis home in the suburbs of
Newyork city on sunday morning. He was shifted to hospital. His LFT
showed SBilirubin 150mg/dl, ALT 400 iu, AST 1600 iu, Alk Phosphatase
300iu. What further test would you like to perform to look for the cause of
his unconciousness?
1. PT & APTT
2. HBsAG
3. AntiHCVab
4. d. GTT
5. S Albumin
A 58yrs old man presented to his family doctor with weight loss,
generalized weakness, and lethargy of 6 months’ duration. He c/o Polyuria
especially at night. He had become impotent. On examination, pt found
tobe slightly anemic, BP was 185/115. His urine contained protein but no
glucose. His serum Na was 130, K 5.2,HCO3 16 mmol/L, Urea 65mg/dl,
creatinine 5.3 mg/dl, Glucose R 135mg/dl, Alk phosphatase 205 U/L, &Hb
9.1 g/dl. Patient was suffering from,
1. Diabetes mellitus
2. Diabetes insipidus
3. Nephrotic syndrome
4. Renal osteodystrophy
5. Chronic renal failure
Bulla is fluid filled raised lesion 5mm or less in diameter. Which skin lesion
is associated with bulla formation?
1. Erythema multiforme
2. Lichen planus
3. Psoriasis
4. Pemphigus
5. Panniculitis
1. Gleason score
2. Gleason grade
3. Raised PSA levels
4. Associated chronic prostatitis
5. e. Lymph node Metastases
Beta HCG
Alpha Fetoprotein
Placental lactogen
Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly.
Autopsy of the patient died of this disease shows characteristic histological
features in the brain which of the following is not a feature of this disease.
1. Neuritic plaques
2. Neurofibrillary tangles
3. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
4. Granulovacuolar degeneration
5. e. Lewy body
1. Acute arthritis
2. Chronic tophaceous arthritis
3. Tophi
4. Gouty nephropathy
5. e. Gouty retinopathy
A 5 year old child presented with a mass in the nasal cavity. A biopsy was
taken from the mass. Morphology shows hyperchromatic round tumor cells
forming submucosalzone of hypercellularity called cambium layer. This
feature is seen in which type of sarcoma?
1. Alveolar
2. Ewing sarcoma
3. c. Embryonal
4. Ostesarcoma
X-ray skull of a 60 year old male showed multiple punched out lytic lesions.
Identify the neoplasm which produces such lesions.
1. Ewing sarcoma
2. Giant cell tumor
3. Lymphoma
4. d. Multiple myeloma
5. Metastatic prostatic carcinoma
1. Age
2. b. Axillary lymph node metastases
3. Involvement of resection margin
4. Tumor grade
5. Tumor necrosis
Liver biopsy of thalassemic patient was submitted to look for Iron pigment
load. Which stain can be helpful in the demonstration of iron in liver tissue?
1. Crystal violet
2. Fontana Masson
3. c. Perl stain
4. Reticulin stain
5. Von Kossa
A liver biopsy of a 45year old obese female shows hepatic steatosis .Which
condition is not associated with Hepatic steatosis?
1. Alcoholic hepatitis
2. Aspirin toxicity
3. HCV positive Hepatitis
5. e. Rotor’s syndrome
A 45 year old female gives h/o off and on RHC pain from the last 1
year . Her U/S shows multiple gall stones. Patient is not willing for the
surgery. The clinician explains the complication of cholelithiasis to the
patient. Which one is not associated with it?
1. Biliary obstruction
2. b. Hepatic abscess
3. Intestinal obstruction
4. Malignancy
5. Pancreatitis
25. A 35 year old married female having multiple gallstones is waiting for
the surgery. One day she presented in the emergency with acute abdomen.
Pain is continuous and also referred to the upper back. Lab investigation
shows elevated Serum amylase and lipase levels. What is your diagnosis?
1. a. Acute pancreatitis
2. Acute gastritis
3. Chronic pancreatitis
4. Ruptured tubal pregnancy
5. Perforated duodenal ulcer
1. HBsAg
2. Anti-HBC IgM
3. Anti-HBC IgG
4. d. Anti HBS
5. Raised serum ALT levels
Liver biopsy of a 35 year old female suffering from jaundice and pruritus
showsperiductal onion skin fibrosis a characteristic feature of;
1. Chronic hepatitis
2. Cirrhosis
3. c. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
4. Primary biliary cirrhosis
5. Secondary biliary cirrhosis
After few months of modified radical mastectomy and axillary lymph node
dissection for carcinoma of left breast patient develops swelling and
puffiness of left arm. On examination the swelling was generalized painless
and non- pitting in nature .What could be the reason of this swelling?
1. Endothelial cells
2. Monocytes
3. c. Neutrophils
4. Platelets
5. Smooth muscle cells
A 55 year old male with severe attack of acute myocardial infarction dies
within half hour. Which complication is the cause of his death?
1. Myocardial rupture
2. Pericarditis
3. Thromboembolism
4. Ventricular aneurysm
5. e. Ventricular fibrillation
1. Chronic cystitis
2. Eosinophilic cystitis
3. Follicular cystitis
4. d. Hemorrhagic cystitis
5. Suppurative cystitis
Embryonal carcinoma
Endodermal sinus tumour
The skin lesion which is not associated with disorders of pigmentation is;
Fibrocystic disease
Phyllodes tumor
A 65 yrs old female reports with recurrence of a mass in her left breast.
She gives history of lumpectomy two years back but has lost her medical
record. Bipsy of the lesion shows increased stromal cellularity and
cytologicatypia giving rise to the typical leaf like architcture. The diagnosis
Lactational adenoma
Phyllodes tumor
The screening test used for the early detection of breast cancer in elderly
is called
CT scan
1. a. Acute mastitis
2. Periductal mastitis
3. Mammary duct ectasia
4. Fat necrosis
5. Pagets disease
A 20 yrs old male presents in the surgical OPD with multiple slightly painful
slowly growing swellings on his back. Biopsy of one of the swellings reveals
fibrousstroma and interspersed short fascicles of spindle cells having wavy
nuclei. The lesion is
1. Schwannoma
2. b. Neurofibroma
3. Meningioma
4. Fibroma
5. Metastatic carcinoma
1. Intracranial hemorrhage
2. b. Increased intracranial pressure
3. Cerebral edema
4. Hydrocephalus
5. Meningitis
A 14 yrs old boy in a village died after being bitten by a stray dog, which
was diagnosed to be suffering from Rabies. On autopsy the pathognomic
microscopic findings are bullet shaped cytoplasmic inclusion in pyramidal
neurons of the hippocampus and Purkinje cells of cerebellum. These
inclusions are called
1. Lofra bodies
2. b. Negri bodies
3. Corpora amylacea
4. Polyglucason bodies
5. Lewybodles
1. Astrocytoma
2. Ependymoma
3. Meningioma
4. d. Medulloblastoma
5. Lymphoma
1. Grade 0/IV
2. Grade I/IV
3. Grade II/IV
4. Grade III/IV
5. e. Grade IV/IV
A 50 yrs old diabetic female patient visits the gynecology OPD with
complaints of marked vulvoviginalpruritis and curd like vaginal discharge.
On PAP smear there are benign squamous cells, endocervical cell groups,
neutrophils and filamentous hyphae. The causative agent of this infection is
1. Trichomonas
2. Gardenerella
3. c. Candida
4. Chlamydia
5. Mycoplasma
A 40 yrs old female went to her gynaecologist for PAP screening after
reading an article about cervical cancer in a magazine. She gave history of
having sex with multiple partners. The report of the PAP smear showed
severe dysplasia of exfoliated squamous cells. Colposcopy was performed.
Cervical biopsy was taken and was reported as carcinoma in situ. This
1. a. Ovaries
2. Uterine ligaments
3. Retrovaginal septum
4. Cul de sac
5. Pelvic peritoneum
1. Nuclear atypia
2. Mitotic index
3. Anaplasia
4. Nuclear atypia and mitotic index
5. e. Nuclear atypia, mitotic index and zonal necrosis.
A 19 yrs old female presents in the OPD with a gradually enlarging mass in
the lower abdomen. She is having regular menstrual cycles. Ultrasound
shows a cystic mass 10cm in diameter in the right ovary. The mass is
removed. On cut opening unilocularcyst filled with cheesy material,tufts of
hair and tooth is seen. Which of the following tumors shows these
A 32 yrs old female married for 7 yrs is seeking treatment for primary
infertility. She gives history of irregular menstrual cycles, dysmennorhea
and pelvic pain. Ultrasound pelvis shows distortion of both ovaries by cystic
masses 3-5 cm in diameter, filled with reddish brown thick fluid. The most
probable diagnosis in this lady is
1. Membranous glomerulonephritis
2. b. Minimal change disease
3. Focal segment glomeruloseclerosis
4. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
5. IgA nephropathy
1. Hyperbilirubinemia
2. Azotemia
3. Glycosuria
4. d. Hyperlipidemia &lipiduria
5. Lipiduria
1. Adrenocortical carcinoma
2. Renal cell carcinoma
3. Renal cyst
4. Renal adenoma
5. Pheochromocytoma
1. A 70 yrs old male has developed swelling in the left parotid gland. It is
6cm in diameter and has gradually reached the present size over a
period of 4 yrs. FNA of the lesion shows chondromyxoidstroma and
groups of epithelial and myoepithelial cells. The tumor is
2. Pleomorphic adenoma
3. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
4. Warthin tumor
5. Sialadentis
6. Acinar cell tumor
1. Pulmonary hemorrhage
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Pulmonary infarction
4. Pulmonary hypertension
5. Pulmonary odema
1. Chronic bronchitis
2. Bronchiectasis
3. Asthma
4. Emphysema
5. Pneumonia
A lung condition characterized by formation of non-caseating granulomas
and asteroid bodies is known as
1. Sarcoidosis
2. Tuberculosis
3. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
4. Pneumoconiosis
5. Silicosis
1. Pleuritis
2. Hydrothorax
3. Malignant mesothelioma
4. Pneumothorax
5. Pleural effusion
A 60 years old male presented with complaints of abdominal pain and fever
for last 1 month.On examination there is massive splenomegaly.
Laboratory evaluation shows leucocytosis 50x109/l. Hb 9g/dl with normal
platelet count. Bone marrow examination showed myeloid hyperplasia
with bimodal peak of neutrophils and myelocytes .What is the most
probable diagnosis:
1. Infection/sepsis
2. Chronic neutrophilic
3. Chronic lymphocytic
4. Chronic myeloid leukemia
5. Acute myeloid leukemia
A 14 years old boy presented with complaints of high grade fever, fatigue
,anorexia and gum bleed for last 1 week .Complete blood picture showed
pancytopenia with increased WBC count. Peripheral film showed
blasts.Bone marrow aspiration showed hyper cellular marrow with 98%
Paper setters: Prof. Abbas Hayat . Asst. Prof. Dr Erum Nadeen Rana ,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Imtiaz Qureshi
1. A 25 year old lady suffers from secondary amennorhea (loss of mensus) and
galactorhea, she is diagnosed the most common pituitary tumor, the lady is
suffering from
a) Acromegaly
b) Prolactinoma
c) Growth hormone adenoma
d) Bronchogenic carcinoma
2. Name the excellent test for screening of thyroid dysfunction
a) T3
b) T4
c) TSH
d) Anti peroxidase antibodies
3. A lady suffers from bradycardia, proximal myopathy, menorrhagia, on
examination there is delayed recovery of Achilles deep tendon reflex, what
is your diagnosis?
a) Graves disease
b) Addisons disease
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Cushing syndrome
4. A patient presents with lab findings consistent with hyperthyroidism, on
examination he has all features of hyperthyroidism except exophthalamus
& pretibial myxedema.what is the diagnosis
a) Grave’s disease
b) Hashimoto’s thyroditis
c) Sub acute granulomatous thyroiditis
d) Toxic multinodular goiter
5. A 34 yr old female is diagnosed with the most common endocrine
malignant tumor, she works in radiology department.histology shows
psamomma bodies & orphan annie eye nuclei. Diagnosis
a) Follicular adenoma of thyroid
b) Papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid
c) Neuroblastoma
d) pheochromocytoma
6. A patient presents with renal colic, he is found to have calcium stones in
kidneys. He also gave a history of constipation, dyspepsia and bone pains.
XRAY shows salt & pepper appearance of skull.diagnose
a) Primary hyperparathyroidism
b) Secondary hyperparathyroidism
c) Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism
d) Digeorge syndrome
7. A 50 yr old lady presents with weakness and dizziness, on examination
diffuse hyperpigmentation can be seen on buccal mucosa & skin creases.lab
reports show eosinophilia, lymphocytosis & neutropenia. What is your
a) Addisons disease
b) Graves disease
c) Adrenogenital syndrome
d) Cushing disease
8. A fetus is screened for abnormalities by chorionic villus sampling, he is
found to have increased serum 17-OH progesterone. What is he suffering
a) Diabetes type 1
b) Cretinism
c) Adrenogenital syndrome
d) dwarfism
9. A child 2 yrs old presents with myoclonic jerks of extremities and chaotic
eye movements in all direction. Homer- wright rosettes are present, he is
suffering from
a) Pheochromocytoma
b) Neuroblastoma
c) Papillary carcinoma thyroid
d) insulinoma
10.Knuckle- knuckle-dimple-dimple sign present in
a) Acute pancreatitis
b) Diebetic ketoacidosis
c) Pseudohypoparathyroidism
d) cretinism
1. A 31-year-old woman, who has two healthy children, notes that she
has had no menstrual periods for the past 6 months, but she is not
pregnant and takes no medications. Within the past week, she has
noted some milk production from her breasts. She has been bothered
by headaches for the past 3 months. After nearly hitting a bus while
changing lanes driving her vehicle, she is concerned with her vision.
An optometrist finds her lateral vision to be reduced. On physical
examination she is afebrile and normotensive. Which of the following
laboratory test findings is most likely to be present in this woman?
1. Increased serum cortisol
2. Lack of growth hormone suppression
3. Increased serum alkaline phosphatase
4. d. Hyperprolactinemia
5. Hyponatremia
(D) CORRECT. The most common mass lesion of the pituitary in the adult
is an adenoma that secretes prolactin, and this explains the amenorrhea-
galactorrhea that she has been experiencing. A large sellar mass can
compress the optic chiasm to produce bitemporal hemianopsia.
(A) CORRECT. She has an adrenal cortical adenoma producing excess
corticosteroids and leading to Top of Form
1. Top of Form
2. A 19-year-old previously healthy woman has had a mild pharyngitis
followed by a high fever over the past 24 hours. When seen in the
emergency room, her skin now shows extensive areas of purpura.
Vital signs include temperature 39 C, pulse rate 102/minute,
respiratory rate 21/minute, and blood pressure 80/55 mm Hg.
Laboratory studies show a serum sodium of 115 mmol/L, potassium
5.3 mmol/L, chloride 92 mmol/L, CO2 22 mmol/L, glucose 42 mg/dL,
and creatinine 1.1 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most likely
1. Idiopathic adrenalitis
2. Disseminated tuberculosis
3. Reactive systemic amyloidosis
4. Sheehan syndrome
5. e. Meningococcemia
6. Hemochromatosis
(B) CORRECT. She has MEN IIa, with medullary thyroid carcinomas (often
multiple when familial), parathyroid hyperplasia, and pheochromocytoma.
1. A 47-year-old woman feels a "lump" in her neck that she didn't notice
5 months before. Her physician palpates a firm nodule about 2 cm in
size to the left of midline in the region of the thyroid gland. By
scintigraphic scanning this nodule appears "cold" with normal activity
in the surrounding normally sized thyroid gland. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Papillary carcinoma
2. b. Follicular adenoma
3. Thyroglossal duct cyst
4. Toxic nodular goiter
5. Granulomatous thyroiditis
B) CORRECT. The majority of 'cold' thyroid nodules are benign and many
are adenomas.
1. A 55-year-old woman has had diffuse, dull, constant abdominal pain
for the past 2 months. On physical examination no abnormal findings
are noted. An abdominal CT scan shows a 3 cm right adrenal mass.
The right adrenal is excised and on microscopic examination the
mass is composed of cells resembling adrenal cortex. Which of the
following features is the most reliable indicator that this mass is
1. Cellular atypia
2. Presence of mitoses
3. c. Invasion
4. Size of the mass
5. Cellular necrosis
1. A 40-year-old truck driver has had difficulty using his side mirrors for
traffic behind him. He has never had any major medical problems in
the past. He visits an optometrist, who determines that he has
bilateral homonymous hemianopsia, but his residual vision is 20/20. A
head CT scan reveals slight enlargement of the sella turcica. Which
of the following hormones is most likely being secreted in excessive
amounts in this man?
1. Antidiuretic hormone
2. b. Prolactin
4. Growth hormone
5. Luteinizing hormone
1. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is more likely than oat cell
carcinoma of the lung to produce paraneoplastic
1. blindness
2. cushingism
3. hypercalcemia*
4. hyponatremia
5. muscle weakness
Key word: D
Topic: Endocrine system
Key word: B
Topic: Endocrine system
Key word: C
Key word: D
Topic: Adrenal gland
Key word: D
Topic: Thyroid gland
Topic: CVS
(D) CORRECT. This is a rare neoplasm (all cardiac neoplasms are rare)
but the size alone suggests a malignancy.
(B) CORRECT. Although bicuspid aortic valves are present from birth, they
do not manifest with significant calcification and stenosis until later adult
life. The lack of peripheral edema points to a left-sided cause for
congestive failure.
1. A 35-year-old man was found down and was delirious and talking
incoherently. On examination in the emergency department his
temperature is 39.3 C, pulse 110/minute, and blood pressure
70/palpable. He has a heart murmur, palpable spleen tip, and splinter
hemorrhages of fingernails. Which of the following laboratory findings
is most likely to be present in this man?
1. a. Positive urine screen for opiates
2. Elevated anti-streptolysin O (ASO)
3. Increased urinary free catecholamines
4. Elevated Coxsackie B viral titer
5. Rising creatine kinase (CK) in serum
1. Top of Form
2. A 69-year-old woman with a 7 kg weight loss over the past 6 months
now has developed painless jaundice over the past 2 weeks. On
physical examination she is afebrile. An abdominal CT scan shows a
large mass involving the head of the pancreas, along with widespread
nodules in the liver. Nodules are seen in both lungs by chest
radiograph. Which of the following cardiac lesions is she most likely
to develop?
1. Dilated cardiomyopathy
2. b. Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
3. Acute fibrinous pericarditis
4. Endocardial fibrosis
5. Acute myocardial infarction
Bottom of Form
(B) CORRECT. Such cancers can be associated with a hypercoagulable
state (Trousseau's syndrome) with formation of marantic cardiac valvular
(C) CORRECT. This is the infamous 'paradoxical embolus' from right to left.
This can only happen if there is a defect that allows passage from right-to
left. This can happen across a patent foramen ovale. In this case, the
pulmonary hypertension suggests that there may have been a shunt
persistent for a long time--a so-called Eisenmenger complex. An atrial or a
ventricular septal defect can provide the shunt.
1. A 27-year-old man has become severely ill with fever and malaise
over the past three days. On examination in the emergency room, he
has a temperature of 38.8 C, heart rate of 105/minute, respiratory
rate of 24, and blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg. A grade IV/VI
diastolic murmur is audible. He has small hemorrhages visible on nail
beds. His spleen tip is palpable. Which of the following diseases is
most likely to predispose him to this acute illness?
1. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
2. b. Rheumatic heart disease
3. Cardiac amyloidosis
4. Coronary atherosclerosis
5. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
(B) CORRECT. This acquired condition can lead to valvular deformity that
predisposes to infective endocarditis.
A) CORRECT. These are classic findings for temporal arteritis, the most
typical involvement with giant cell arteritis. Corticosteroid therapy typically
produces a diminution in the symptoms. Biopsy of the artery can remove
the offending site of inflammation and relieve symptoms (don't worry--there
are collateral branches). Not treating this condition puts the patient at risk
for involvement of other branches of the external carotid artery, the worst of
which would be the ophthalmic branch. The elevation of the sed rate is way
out of proportion to the extent and amount of inflammation in this one
arterial segment.
B) CORRECT. The valve leaflet can balloon upward. This condition can be
associated with Marfan's syndrome
1. A 30 year old woman has had coldness and numbness in her arms
and decreases vision in the right eye for the past 5 months. On
physical examination, she is afebrile. Her blood pressure is 100/70
mm Hg. Radial pulses are not palpable, but femoral pulses are
strong. She has decreased sensation and cyanosis in her arms but
no warmth or swelling. A chest radiograph shows a prominent border
on the right side of the heart and prominence of the pulmonary
arteries. Laboratory studies show serum glucose of 74mg/dL, and
negative ANA test result. Her condition remains stable for the next
year. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?
1. Aortic dissection
2. Kawasaki disease
3. Microscopic polyangitis
4. d. Takayasu arteritis
5. Tertiary syphilis
6. Thromboangitis obliterans
1. A 61 year old man had a myocardial infarction (MI) 1 year ago, which
was the first major illness in his life. He now wants to prevent another
MI and is advised to begin a program of exercise and change his diet.
A reduction in the level of which of the following serum laboratory
findings 1 year later would best indicate the success of this diet and
exercise regime?
1. a. Cholesterol
2. Glucose
3. Potassium
4. Renin
5. Calcium
2. A 40 year old man has had worsening abdominal pain for the past
week. On physical examination, his vital signs include a temperature
of 35.9oC, pulse 77/min, respirations 16/min, and blood pressure
140/90 mm Hg. A pulsatile abdominal mass is palpated. An
abdominal CT scan shows a 6 cm fusiform shaped enlargement of
the abdominal aorta secondary to atherosclerosis. An abdominal
aortic graft is surgically inserted. Which of the following is the most
likely underlying disease process in the patient?
1. Polyarteritis nodosa
2. Obesity
3. Diabetes mellitus
4. Systemic lupus erythematosus
5. e. Syphilis
3. A 10 year old boy is brought to the physician for a routine health
maintenance examination. The physician notes a 2cm spongy, dull
red, circumscribed lesion on the upper outer left arm. The parents
have noticed it since infancy. The lesion is excised, and its
microscopic appearance shows thin walled blood capilaries. Which of
the following is most likely diagnosis?
1. Kaposi sarcoma
2. Angiosarcoma
3. Lymphangioma
4. Telangiectasia
5. e. Hemangioma
4. For the past 3 weeks, a 70 year old woman has been bedridden while
recuperating from a bout of viral pneumonia complicated by bacterial
pneumonia. Physical examination now shows some swelling and
tenderness of the right leg, which worsens when she raises or moves
the leg. Which of the following terms best describes the condition
involving the patient’s right leg?
1. Lymphedema
2. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
3. c. Thrombophelibitis
4. Thromboangiitis obliterans
5. Varicose veins
1. A 50 year old man has a 2 year history of angina pectoris that occurs
during exercise. On physical examination, his blood pressure is
135/75 mm Hg, and his heart rate is 79/min and slightly irregular.
Coronory angiaography shows a fixed 75% narrowing of the anterior
descending branch of the left coronary artery. Which of the following
types of cells is the initial target in the pathogenesis of this arterial
1. Monocytes
2. Smooth muscle cells
3. Platelets
4. Neutrophils
5. e. Endothelial cells
2. A 30 year old schoolteacher is known to be a strict disciplinarian in
the classroom. She has angina pectoris of 6 months duration. On
physical examination, her blood pressure is 165/85 mm Hg. She is
168 cm tall and weighs 82 kg(BMI 29). Coronoary angiography shows
75% narrowing of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary
artery. Angioplasty with stent placement was done. Which of the
following is the major risk factor associated with these findings?
1. Obesity
2. b. Type A personality
3. Diabetes mellitus
4. Sedentary lifestyle
5. Age
3. An epidemiologic study seeking to determine possible risk factors for
neoplasia is reviewing patients cases of neoplasms reported to
tumour registries. Analysis of the data shows that one type of
neoplasm is seen in two widely desperate situations: (1) the liver of
persons exposed to plyvinyl choloride, and (2) the soft tissue of the
arm ipsilateral to a prior radical mastectomy.The pathology reports
about the neoplasms in these two groups of patients show a smilar
gross appearance---an irregular, infiltrative, soft reddish mass---and a
similar microscopic appearance---pleomorphic spindle cells positive
for CD31. Which of the following neoplasms is most likely to be
described by these findings?
1. a. Angiosacroma
2. Hemangioendothelioma
3. Hemangioma
4. Hemangiopericytoma
5. Kaposi sarcoma
4. A 37 year old obese man presents with signs and symptoms of
hyperglycemia. After appropriate workup, he is diagnosed as having
type II dabetes mellitus, which is due in part to insulin resistance.
Laboratory evaluation of his serum also finds hypertriglyceridemia,
which is due to his diabetes. The most common type of secondary
hyperlipidemia associated with diabetes mellitus is characterized by
elevated serum levels of which one of the following substances?
1. Chylomicrons
2. High density lipoproteins
3. Intermediate density lipoproteins
4. d. Low density lipoproteins
5. Very low density lipoproteins
5. A 60 year old man died secondary to coronary artery disease. At the
time of autopsy marked atherosclerotic changes were present within
his coronary arteries. Sections from these abnormal areas revealed
complicated atherosclerotic plaques with calcification and
hemorrhage. Within these plaques were cellular zones, composed of
smooth muscle cells and macropahges and central core with foam
cells and cholesterol clefts. These foam cells are smooth muscles
cells or macrophages that have phagocytized lipid. Which one of the
following substances promotes atherosclerosis by stimulating smooth
muscle cells to proliferate, phagocytes lipid, and excrete extracellular
matrix material?
1. Alpha-interferon
2. Beta transforming growth factor
3. c. Interleukin 1
4. Platelet derived growth factor
5. Tumour necrosis factor
6. A 51 year old woman presents with a long history of poorly controlled
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and signs of renal failure. During the
workup of her disease, a renal biopsy is performed and reveals the
lumens of the small blood vessels to be narrowed by uniform,
homogenous, pink deposits within the walls of the vessels. No
“onionskining” or necrosis of blood vessels of blood vessels is seen.
What is the best diagnosis?
1. Medical calcific sclerosis
2. Arteriosclerosis obliterans
3. Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
4. d. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
5. Thronboangiiitis obliterans
7. An 30 yr old male smoker presents with gangrene of his extremities.
Which one of the following histological findings from the biopsy of the
blood vessel supplying this area would be most consistent with the
diagnosis of Buerger’s disease?
1. Granulomatous inflammation with giant cells
2. Fibrinoid necrosis
3. Focal aneurysmal dilation
4. Fragmentation of neutrophils
5. e. Thrombosis with microabscesses
8. During a routine physical examination a 60 yr old man is found to
have a 5 cm pulsatile mass in his abdomen. Angiography reveals a
marked dilation of his aorta distal to his renal arteries. Which of the
following is the most likely cause of this aneurysm?
1. a. Atherosclerosis
2. A congenital defect
3. Hypertension
4. A previous syphilitic infection
5. Trauma
9. A 6 month old boy is being evaluated for a lesion on his chin.
Physical examination finds a raised, non tender, bright red strawberry
colored vascular lesion measuring 4 mm in greatest dimension. At
this time, which of the following is the best therapy in this infant?
1. a. Leave alone & follow up on a routine basis
2. Photocoagulation
3. Repeated injection with steroids
4. Shave biopsy with frozen section diagnosis
5. Wide local excision with sentinel node sampling
10. A 23yr old man who is HIV positive presents with a irregular,
slowly enlarging, 1cm brown lesion located on his left forearm.
Physical examination finds several similar lesions on his trunk. Which
of the following is the correct diagnosis?
1. Liposarcoma
2. Angiosarcoma
3. Lipoma
4. Hemangioma
5. e. Kaposi sarcoma
11. A 68 yr old man has had progressive dyspnoea for the past
year. On physical examination extensive rales are heard in all lung
field.An echocardiogram shows that the left ventricular wall is
markedly hypertrophied. A chest radiograph shows pulmonary edema
& prominent left sided heart shadow. Which of the following condition
has most likely produced these findings?
1. Centrilobular emphysema
2. b. Hypertension
3. Tricuspid valve regurgitation
4. Alcoholism
5. Silicosis
12. A 45 year old man experiences crushing sub-sternal pain after
arriving at work one morning. Over the next 4 hours, the pain persists
& begins to radiate to his left arm. He becomes diaphoretic & short of
breath but waits until the end of his 8 hour shift to go the hospital. An
elevated serum value of which of the following lab tests would be
most useful for diagnosis of this patient on admission to the hospital?
1. Lipase
2. AST
3. c. CK-MB fraction
4. ALT
5. C-reactive protein
13. One year ago a 2 year old child had an illness characterized by
a high fever. Staph epidermidis was cultured from the blood. The
child was given antibiotic therapy & recovered. On GPE a harsh
waxing & waning machinery like murmur is now heard on auscultation
of upper chest. A chest X-ray shows prominence of pulmonary artery.
Echo-cardiography shows all valves to be normal in configuration.
Lab tests show normal arterial oxygen saturation level. Which of the
following congenital heart diseases is most likely to explain these
1. Atrial septal defect
2. Tetrology of Fallot
3. Aortic coarctation
4. d. Patent ductus arteriosus
5. Aortic atresia
14. A 10 year old girl develops subcutaneous nodules over the skin
of her arms and torso 3 weeks after a bout of acute pharyngitis. She
manifests choreiform movements and begins to complain of pain in
her knees and hips particularly with movement. A friction rub is heard
on auscultation of her chest. Which of the following serum lab
findings is most characteristic of the disease affecting this patient.
1. Elevated cardiac troponin I levev
2. Positive ANA test
3. Elevated creatinine level
4. Positive rapid plasma reagent test
5. e. Elevated anti streptolysin O level
15. A 48 year old woman has had increasing dyspnea for past two
days. She experiences sudden cardiac arrest and cannot be
resuscitated. The light microscopic appearance of left ventricular free
wall shows deeply eosinophilic myocardial fibres with loss of nuclei
indicative of coagulative necrosis at autopsy. Which of the following is
the most likely diagnosis
1. Viral myocarditis
2. b. Myocardial infarction
3. Acute rheumatic myocarditis
4. Septic embolization
5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
1. A 45 year old woman presents to the ER with severe upper abdominal pain
with vomiting. The pain is focused in epigastrium radiating to the back.
There is no history of chronic epigastric pain. Which of the following are the
most likely predisposing factors for this condition?
a. H. pylori infection and excess gastric acid secretion
b. Gallstone or alcohol use [ as diagnosis is acute pancreatitis]
c. Obesity and high serum cholesterol
d. Stress and cigarette use
e. Hepatitis B and D co-infection
2. A 56 year old obese female presents to ER after being found unconscious by
her daughter. Paramedics report that the female is found in stuporous
condition covered with vomit. On arrival at ER, she is clammy and her BP is
85/50mmHg. Her serum amylase is raised. Which of the following is the
most likely cause of hypotension?
a. Alpha cell tumor of pancreas
b. Ectopic pancreas
c. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
d. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
e. Cystic fibrosis
3. A 51 year old male diagnosed with Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease
suddenly starts vomiting blood and eventually loses consciousness. His wife
finds him lying on the bedroom floor. He has no prior history of
hematemesis, bleeding diathesis and had not been vomiting prior to the
appearance of the blood. Which of the following is the most likely cause of
this man’s presentation?
a. Achalasia
b. Esophageal varices
c. Mallory weiss tear
d. Plummer Winson syndrome
e. Zenker’s diverticulum
4. A 45 year old man presents with malaise,anorexia and vomiting to
emergency room. The physician notices slight jaundice. Blood examination
shows marked elevation of ALT and AST with AST/ALT ratio being 2.5.
Alkaline phosphatase is near normal. Serum Copper and Iron are
normal.histopathological reports show Mallory bodies in hepatocytes. Liver
damage from which of the following diseases most likely accounts for these
a. Biliary cirrhosis
b. Viral hepatitis
c. Alcoholic hepatitis
d. Hemochromatosis
e. Wilson’s disease
5. A 30 year old married woman presents to gynaecology OPD for routine
checkup. She is taking Oral Contraceptive Pills for contraception for the last
4 years. She reports slight discomfort in the right hypochrondrium. Alpha
protein level is essentially within normal limits. Ultrasound shows a space
occupying lesion. She is physically fine otherwise. This lesion is most likely
a. Hepatocellular carcinoma
b. Hepatic adenoma
c. Angiosarcoma
d. Hepatic amebiasis
e. Echinococcus granulosus cyst
6. A 65 year old male presents with complaint of right upper quadrant pain. He
was diagnosed HCV 20 years back. He also gives a history of ill health,
fever, decreased appetite and fatigue. Biopsy specimen shows presence of
bile and atypical lymphocytes. Apart from CT scan and other tests which
tumor marker you will order to support your diagnosis?
a. Beta HCG
b. Carcino-embryonic antigen
c. Alpha feto protein
d. CA-125
e. CA-15
7. A 12 year old male child presents with pitting edema, ascites and prolonged
bleeding from wound sites. His biological parents are not known and he was
adopted from orphanage. His abdominal Ultrasound reveals cirrhosis and
viral serology for HBV and HCV comes out as negative. What is the most
likely cause of cirrhosis in children of his age?
a. Wilson’s disease [ as no bronze diabeties(e), emphysema©, adult
female (d), hepatospleenomegaly/ cerebral s/s of lysosomal storage
b. Gaucher’s disease
c. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency
d. Primary Biliary cirrhosis
e. Hemochromatosis
8. A 30 year old male presents with dementia, Hemiballism and de-arranged
liver enzymes. On further evaluation his abdominal Ultrasound shows
cirrhosis of the liver. His Viral serology is negative. What is the most likely
next finding in this patient?
a. Periodic Acid Schiff Stain shows red cytoplasmic granules in
b. Kayser Fleisher rings in cornea
c. Highly increased Alpha feto proteins
d. Antimitochondrial antibodies in blood
e. Central cyanosis
9. A 3 year old boy is brought to ER in a comatose condition. He had an
episode of viral infection for which he was given aspirin by his mother to
relieve fever. But his condition deteriorated and later he was brought to ER.
His blood samples are taken and deranged liver enzymes are found. Most
probably his diagnosis is:
a. Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
b. Reye Syndrome
c. Wilson’s disease
d. Neonatal cholestasis
e. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
10.A 26 year old malnourished female presents to medicine OPD with mild
abdominal discomfort in Right hypochondrium. On taking further
history,she has had diarrhea for 2 weeks. Ultrasound abdomen shows space
occupying lesion. Biopsy specimen shows abscess. Most likely cause of this
liver abscess is:
a. E. coli
b. Klebsiella sp.
c. Entamoeba histolytica.
d. Acute hepatitis
e. Echinococcus granulosus cyst
11.A 25 year old man had been experiencing intermittent diarrhea which, over
years, progressed to severe diarrhea, alternating with constipation, rectal
bleeding, and passage of mucus. On physical examination, the abdomen is
tender over the left iliac fossa . Stools examination fails to reveal parasites.
Colonoscopy demonstrates inflammation limited to the rectum, with no
higher lesions. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Celiac Disease
b. Crohn Disease
c. Hirschprung Disease
d. Tropical sprue
e. Ulcerative colitis
12.Exploratory laparotomy of a patient with an acute abdomen demonstrates a
several foot long loop of small intestine with a dark red-to-brown,
edematous appearance.The patient has a history of atrial fibrillation. The
lesion ends abruptly on both the distal and proximal edges. Which of the
following diagnosis is suggested by this appearance?
a. Adenocarcinoma of the colon
b. Crohn disease
c. Ulcerative colitis
d. Ischemic bowel disease [as A.fab will dislodge the mural thrombi]
e. Tuberculosis
13.A 60 year old man presents to his physician because of progressive
dysphagia, first to solids and then to liquids. Endoscopy reveals a large
fungating mass 2cm above the Gastroesophageal junction. Biopsy of the
mass shows that the glands have extended into muscular layer and contain
large hyperchromatic nuclei. A diagnosis of esophageal adenocarcinoma is
made. Which of the following conditions can result in the development of
this lesion?
a. Esophageal rings
b. Esophageal webs
c. Reflux esophagitis
d. Scleroderma
e. Sliding hiatal hernia
14.A 65 year old man develops peri-umbilical pain which then shifted to the
right iliac fossa. On physical examination, his temperature is 38C rectally
and his abdomen is tender. Which of the following is the most likely
a. Acute Appendicitis
b. Diverticulitis
c. Hemorrhoids
d. Pancreatitis
e. Pyelonephritis
15.A 57 year old woman with anemia is found to have a decreased Vitamin B12
level. Antibodies to intrinsic factor are identified. Levels of all other
vitamins are within normal limits. Which of the following is most likely to
be associated with this condition?
a. Duodenal ulcer
b. Ulcerative colitis
c. Dietary Vit. B12 deficiency
d. Atrophic gastritis
e. Angiodysplasia
16.A 54 year old woman complains of burning pain in her epigastrium and
vomiting a few days after she started taking medication for her rheumatoid
arthritis. Which of the following forms of gastritis would most likely be
found in this patient?
a. Acute gastritis
b. Chronic antral gastritis
c. Chronic fundal gastritis
d. Hypertrophic gastritis
e. Lympocytic gastritis
17.A 32 year old woman presents with complaints of several months of burning
substernal chest pain exacerbated by large meals, cigarettes and caffeine.
Her symptoms are worse when she lies on her back, especially while
sleeping at night. Antacids often improve her symptoms. This patient is at
risk for which of the following conditions?
a. Cardiac ischemia
b. Columnar metaplasia of distal esophagus
c. Esophageal web
d. Leiomyoma of the esophagus
e. Mallory Weiss lesion in the esophagus
18.A patient develops anemia and weight loss and slight abdominal discomfort.
On questioning, the patient is a known case of chronic gastritis. Which of the
following type of malignancy is most strongly associated with this patient’s
a. Gastric lymphoma
b. Intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma
c. Diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma [ as anemia is there, this
tumor is a consequence of chronic atrophic autoimmune type
d. Squamous type of oesophageal carcinoma
e. Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus
19.A 50 year old man with a history of alcohol abuse is found to have elevated
liver enzymes. A liver biopsy shows the microscopic features of fatty change
(steatosis). If the patient abstains from further drinking, this condition will
most likely evolve into which of thee following?
a. Acute hepatitis
b. Chronic hepatitis
c. Complete regression
d. Hyperplastic nodules
e. Malignant degeneration
20.A patient presents to a physician complaining of recurrent episodic diarrhea,
triggered by eating too much or drinking alcohol. His wife states that “he
turns as red as a beet and starts wheezing” during these episodes. Chest X-
Ray demonstrates a lung mass. Which of the following would be the most
likely cause of his symptoms?
a. Carcinoid tumor
b. Primary TB
c. Recurrent TB
d. Lung cancer
e. Superior vena cava syndrome
21.A 40 year old woman with polycythemia vera develops progressive severe
ascites and tender hepatomegaly over a period of several months. Liver
function tests are near normal. Which of the following is the most likely
a. Acute hepatitis
b. Hepatic vein obstruction
c. Hemochromatosis
d. Chronic hepatitis/cirrhosis
e. Carcinoid syndrome
22.A 10 year old boy complains of intermittent abdominal pain. Endoscopy
fails to demonstrate peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis. The clinician suspects
that the patient may have a heterotopic rest of gastric mucosa that is
producing enough acid to cause ulceration of adjacent mucosa. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Ectopic pancreatic tissue
b. Meckel’s diverticulum
c. False diverticulum
d. Appendicitis
e. Cancer of the cecum
23.A 65 year old woman dies of metastatic liver cancer. The liver at autopsy
shows a multinodular vascular tumor that histologically is composed of
anastomosing channels lined by anaplastic endothelial cells. The liver
parenchyma between tumor nodules appears normal. The histopathologist
gives a preliminary diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the liver. Which of the
following risk factors is associated with this form of liver cancer?
a. Cirrhosis
b. Hemochromatosis
c. Exposure to vinyl chloride
d. Hepatitis B virus infection
e. Oral contraceptive use
24.A 65 year old man presents to a physician because of a palpable mass
immediately above the left clavicle. Biopsy of the mass demonstrates
metastatic adenocarcinoma in a lymph node. Which of the following organs
should be most strongly suspected as containing the primary tumor?
a. Bladder
b. Large bowel
c. Liver
d. Stomach
e. Pancreas
25.Chronic Gastritis is associated with:
a. Helicobacter pylori
b. Contaminated food
c. Drug poisoning
d. Trauma
e. Schistosoma infection
26.Major site of Peptic Ulcer is :
a. Ileum
b. Duodenum
c. Esophagus
d. Pancreas
e. Cecum
27.Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with:
a. Viruses
b. Autoimmune disorders
c. Refined diet
d. Psycho – somatic factors
e. Elderly age
28.The granulomas of Crohns’s disease are differentiated from granulomas of
tuberculosis due to:
a. Presence of necrosis
b. Presence of casseation [ absent in crohn’s disease.]
c. Presence of giant cells
d. Presence of lymphocytes
e. Presence of epitheloid cells
29.Which of the following features of the polyps of the colon indicates a better
a. Villous histology
b. Large size
c. Higher degrees of dysplasia
d. Pedunculated
e. Proximal location
30.Which of the following is a major predisposing factor for the development
of pseudomembranous colitis?
a. Young age
b. Malnutrition
c. Antibiotic use
d. Refined diet
e. Obesity
31.A 6 year old boy presents with abdominal pain and vomiting. The pain first
started in the peri umbilical region and then shifted to the right lower
quadrant. His temperature is 102F and pulse is 110. A laparotomy is
performed and his appendix is removed. What will be observed if the
appendix is examined by the histopathologist?
a. Lymphocytic infiltrate
b. Necrosis
c. Neutrophilic infiltrate
d. Perforation of the appendix
e. Adhesions
32.Schistosoma hematobium is associated with:
a. Adenocarcinoma of the kidney
b. Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder
c. Hepatocellular carcinoma
d. Colon cancer
e. Ureteric colic
33.Barrets esophagus is a predisposing factor of
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Adeno carcinoma
c. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Gastric carcinoma
e. Esophagus reflex disease
34.A 50yr old man who is on NSAIDs for his heart problem for last 4yrs and
smokes 2 pack cigarette per day last 10-15yrs presents in OPD with the c/o
recurrent epigastric pain 15-20 min after taking meal which is relieved by
vomiting. What is the diagnosis?
a. Coelic disease
b. Peptic ulcer disease [nsaids and smoking..]
c. Gastric ca
d. Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
e. Cholecystitis
35.A 42yrs old man presents in OPD with the complaints of passage of
abnormally bulky, frothy, greasy, yellow stools for 3 days accompanied by
weight loss anorexia, abdominal distention and flatus. On biopsy small
intestine was found to be laden with distended macrophages in the lamina
propria. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Whipples disease
b. Tropical sprue
c. Celiac disease
d. Giardiasis
e. Cholera
36.What is another name for apthous ulcer?
a. Leukoplakia
b. Erythroplakia
c. Bed sore
d. Canker sores
e. Oral candidiasis
37.A 60yrs old lady presents with a small swelling at the angle of the jaw for
last 2 years which is painless. On exam it is non-tender and palpated as
discrete mass. Surgeon wants to excise the lesion but he is worried about the
facial nerve that may get damaged during the excision. What is most likely
the diagnosis?
a. Saladenitis
b. Warthin tumor
c. Parotitis
d. Papillary cystadenoma
e. Pleomorphic adenoma
38.Classic lesion of crohns disease is
a. Skip lesion
b. Flask shaped ulcer
c. Pseudopolyps
d. Crypt abscess
e. Macrophages laden lamina propria
39.Deep ulcers, marked lymphoid reaction, fibrosis, serositis, granuloma mass
and fistulas are the features of
a. Ulcerative colitis
b. Crohns disease
c. Intestinal polyposis
d. Malabsorbtion syndrome
e. Colorectal carcinoma
40.Most common colorectal carcinoma is
a. Squamous carcinoma
b. Basal cell carcinoma
c. Adenoma
d. Adenocarcinoma
e. Mucinous carcinoma
41.A 70yrs old lady who is case of colon cancer. On biopsy, her cancer as
invaded the muscularis propria. Two pericolic nodes are involved with no
metastasis. What is the TNM stage of her colon cancer?
a. T2N1M0
b. T1N2M0
c. T2N2M0
d. T2N1M1
e. T2N0M0
42.What is the histological criteria for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
a. Cytological atypia
b. Frond like villiform extensions of mucosa
c. Mucosal atrophy
d. Submucosal fibrosis
e. Neutrophilic infiltration of muscularis propria
43.Identify the risk factors associated with gastric carcinoma
a. Family history
b. H.pylori
c. Fatty food
d. Sedentary life style
e. More use of fruits in diet
Q1. The most common cause of death immediately following the onset of acute
myocardial infarction is:
A) Arrhythmia
B) Left ventricular rupture
C) Congestive heart failure
D) Shock
E) Pulmonary edema
Q2. Which of the two valves listed below is least commonly associated with
rheumatic heart disease?
A) Aortic and pulmonary
B) Mitral and tricuspid
C) Aortic and mitral
D) Pulmonary and tricuspid
E) Aortic and tricuspid
Q3. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis is most frequently associated with
which of the following conditions?
A) Terminal neoplastic disease
B) Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE)
C) Old rheumatic endocarditis
D) Sub diaphragmatic abscess
E) Congenital Heart disease.
Q4. The most frequent cause of corpumonale with right-sided heart failure is:
A) Constrictive pericarditis
B) Disease of the lungs or pulmonary vessel
C) Left-sided heart failure
D) Pulmonary infundibular or valvular stenosis
E) Systemic Hypertension
Q5. Which of the following is not associated with Dissecting aortic aneurysm?
A) Death from hemopericardium
B) Degenerative changes of aortic media.
C) Hypertension.
D) Severe, tearing chest pain.
E) Severe atherosclerosis.
Q6. A 30 year old female has splenomegaly and anemia with spherocytosis. The
circulating RBCs demonstrate an increased osmotic fragility on laboratory testing.
An inherited abnormality in which of the following RBC components best explains
these findings:
A) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
B) A membrane cytoskeletal protein.
C) Α-globin chain
D) Heme
E) Β-globin chain
Q7. A 60 year old man with H/O joint pains and is on NSAIDs, is becoming
increasingly tired and listless. He occasionally passes dark stools. A CBC indicates
a hemoglobin concentration of 9.7g/dl, hematocrit of 29.9%, MCV of 69.7fL/red
cell, RBC count of 4.8x106/uL, and WBC count of 5500/uL. The most probable
explanation of these findings is:
A) Iron deficiency.
B) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
C) Β-thalassemia major.
D) Chronic alcoholism.
E) Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Q8. A 9 year-old-boy has less than 1% factor VIII activity measured in plasma.
If he is not given transfusions of factor VIII concentrate, which of the following
manifestations of this deficiency is most likely to occur?
A) Hemolysis.
B) Splenomegaly.
C) Conjunctival petechiae.
D) Hemochromatosis.
E) Hemarthroses.
Q9. A 20 year old female present with fever of two weeks duration. A CBC
shows a Hb concentration 14g/dL, hematocrit of 42.0%,MCV of 89fL,platelet
differential count shows 60 segmented neutrophils,16 band cells, 6
metamyelocytes, 1blast,8 lymphocytes, 2 monocytes, and 2 eosinophils per100
WBCs. The pheripheral blood leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score is increased.
The most likely diagnosis is:
A) Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
B) Hairy cell leukemia.
C) Hodgkin disease, lymphocyte depletion type.
D) Leukemoid reaction.
E) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Q10. A new born baby is suspected to be suffering from neonatal sepsis. Which of
the following abnormality in peripheral blood picture is most helpful in reaching
the diagnosis?
A) Microcytosis.
B) Reticulocytoses.
C) Thrombocytosis.
D) High percentage of band cells.
E) Hypochromia.
Q16. A 39 year old male presented with on and off epigastric pain, provisional
diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease was made. For confirmation of diagnosis on
edoscopy, from where one should take the biopsy?
A) Gastric antrum
B) Gastric ulcer
C) Gastroesophageal junction
D) Duodenal ulcer
E) Greater curvature
Q17. The most frequent esophageal malignancy is:
A) Adenocarcinoma
B) Fibrosarcoma
C) Leimyosarcoma
D) Rhabdomyosarcoma
E) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Q18. A 68 year old female has suffered from burning substernal pain for many
years. This pain occurs after meal. She now has dysphagia. Endoscopy reveals a
lower esophageal mass that nearly occludes the esophageal lumen. Biopsy of the
mass is most likely to reveal which of the following neoplasm?
A) Adenocarcinoma.
B) Leiomyosarcoma.
C) Squamous cell carcinoma.
D) Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
E) Carcinoid tumor.
Q19. A 73 year old female has iron deficiency anemia. She has no vaginal
bleeding, hematemesis, hemoptysis or melana.. However a stool Guaiac test result
is positive. A colonoscopy reveals an obstructive lesion that is most likely to be a:
A) Malignant Lymphoma.
B) Adenocarcinoma.
C) Leiomyosarcoma.
D) Tubular adenoma.
E) Carciniod tumor.
Q20. A 59-Years old male presents with 2 month history of intermittent burning
substernal and retrosternal pain radiating to his neck. The burning is usually
relieved quickly with antacids. There is no relationship of these symptoms to
exercise or exertion. Which of the following must be considered in the differential
diagnosis of this patient’s problem?
A) Acid reflux disease.
B) Myocardial ischemia.
C) Peptic ulcer disease.
D) Panic disorder.
E) Carcinoma stomach.
Q21. A 10 year old boy comes to emergency with H/O nausea, vomiting, right
iliac fossa pain and mild fever. On physical examination there is tenderness in
paraumblical region and right iliac fossa. The provisional diagnosis is:
A) Intestinal obstruction.
B) Acute appendicitis.
C) Acute pancreatitis.
D) Acute peptic ulcer disease.
E) Ischemia Bowel Disease.
Q22. Which salivary gland is the most frequent site for tumor involvement?
A) Parotid gland.
B) Sub maxillary gland
C) Sublingual gland
D) Minor salivary gland
E) Parathyroid gland.
Q23. A 60-year-old man with H/O cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse develops
a protruding centrally ulcerated mass in the oral cavity. The lesion is suspected to
be carcinoma. Which of the following locations is most commonly the primary site
of oral squamous cell carcinoma?
A) Base of the tongue.
B) Buccal mucosa
C) Floor of mouth
D) Palate
E) Tip of the tongue
Q24. A 40 year old man has severe abdominal pain for 03 days. Physical
examination reveals board like rigidity of abdominal muscles. His pancreas shows
chalky white fat necrosis. What is the most likely predisposing factor in the
development of this disorder?
A) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.
B) Hyperlipidemia.
C) Ischemia.
D) Peptic ulcer disease.
E) Chronic alcoholism.
Q25. Chronic Hepatitis is most likely to occur after acute infection with which of
the following virus?
A) Hepatitis A virus
B) Hepatitis C virus
C) Hepatitis E virus
D) Hepatitis G virus
E) Hepatitis D virus
Q26. Three weeks after a meal at road site restaurant a 20 years old male presents
with loss of appetite, malaise, fatigue and mild yellowness of sclera. Which of the
following laboratory test findings is he most likely to have?
A) Hepatitis A IgM antibody
B) Hepatitis D IgM antibody
C) Hepatitis C antibody
D) Hepatitis B core antibody
E) Hepatitis B surface antigen
Q27. A 45 year female presents with ascites. Liver biopsy reveals diffuse portal
tract bridging fibrosis and nodular regeneration of liver cells without hepatocyte
necrosis and cholestasis. The findings are characteristic for:
A) Alcoholic hepatitis
B) Viral hepatitis
C) Drug toxicity
D) Cirrhosis
E) Chronic congestion
Q28. At autopsy, the liver of a 40 years old male shows irregular nodular mass.
On cut surface the lesion is grey white with extensive fibrotic bands. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A) Hepatocellular carcinoma
B) Hepatitis
C) Cirrhosis
D) Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
E) Hematochromatosis
Q29. A 25 years old male notices mild degree of scleral yellowness after her
examination. Her liver function profile shows total bilirubin 4.9 mg/dl and direct
bilirubin 0.8 mg/dl. Her other liver function tests are unremarkable. The condition
is most likely to be:
A) Choledochal cyst
B) Primary biliary cirrhosis
C) Gilbert’s syndrome
D) Dubin-Johnson syndrome
E) Hepatitis C
Q30. Which of the following is most likely cause of the clinical combination of
generalized edema, hypoalbuminemia and hypercholesterolemia in an adult whose
urinalysis demonstrated marked proteinuria with fatty casts and oval fat bodies?
A) Nephritic syndrome
B) Nephrotic syndrome
C) Acute renal failure
D) Renal tubular acidosis
E) Urinary tract infection
Q31. After an acute myocardial infarction, a 50 years old male is in stable
condition. However 2 days later, his urine output drops and his serum urea nitrogen
increases to 33mg/dl. This oliguria persists for a few days and is followed by
polyuria for 2 more days. His is then discharged from the hospital. What lesion
best explains his renal abnormalities?
A) Acute tubular necrosis
B) Benign nephrosclerosis.
C) Acute renal infarction.
D) Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
E) Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
Q32. A 28 years old female presents with a 2 days history of dysuria with
frequency and urgency. A urine culture grows more than 100.000 colonies/ml of
E.Coli. She is treated with antibiotic therapy. However, if she continues to suffer
recurrences of this problem she is at great risk for development of:
A) Diffuse glomerulosclerosis.
B) Chronic glomerulonephritis.
C) Amyloidosis.
D) Membranous glomerulonephritis.
E) Chronic pyelonephritis
Q33. A 60 year old male presents with painless haematuria. On physical there is
no significant finding. IVP shows a filling defect in the urinary bladder. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A) Stone in urinary bladder.
B) Schistosomiasis
C) Acute hemolysis.
D) Stone in urethra
E) Bladder carcinoma.
Q34. A 24 year old male is suffering from painless haematuria. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
A) Stone in renal pelvis.
B) Stone in ureter.
C) Renal cell carcinoma
D) Acute glomerulonephritis.
E) Chronic pyelonephritis.
Q45. A 52 year old female presented with a lump in her breast . Biopsy of the
lump showed invasive ductal carcinoma. The connective tissue adjacent to the
tumour was densly collagenous. This is an example of:
A) Anaplasia
B) Dysplasia
C) Desmoplasia
D) Carcinoma
E) Metaplasia
Q46. A 20 years old female presents with lump in her right breast which is freely
mobile and nontender. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Invasive ductal carcinoma
B) Fibroadenoma
C) Intaductal pappiloma
D) Fibrocystic disease
E) Abscess
Q47. Which of the following risk factors play the most important role in the
development of male breast carcinoma?
A) Obesity
B) Age older than 70 years
C) Long term digoxin therapy
D) Klinefelter syndrome
E) Chronic alcoholism
Q48. A microbiology laboratory reports growth of staphylococcus aureus from pus
drained from a breast abscess. What is the most likely predisposing condition for
the development of a breast abscess?
A) Breast feeding
B) Endocarditis.
C) Inflammatory breast carcinoma.
D) Menopause.
E) Paget’s disease of breast.
Q49. Of the histological subtypes of breast carcinoma, which metastasizes most
frequently to peritoneum, reteroperitoneum and leptomeninges?
A) Invasive ductal carcinoma
B) Lobular carcinoma
C) Mucinous carcinoma
D) Medullary carcinoma
E) Metaplastic carcinoma
Q50. A 2-year old child has had failure to thrive. The child is short, with coarse
fascial features, a protruding tongue, and an umbilical hernia. Profound mental
retardation is apparent as the child matures. These findings are best explained by a
lack of:
A) Cortisol
B) Norepinephrine
C) Somatostatin
D) Thyroxine (T4)
E) Insulin
Q51. A 0.7-cm microadenoma of the adenohypophysis is seen by head MRI in a
25-year- old female. Which of the following complications is she most likely to
A) Amenorrhea with galactorrhea
B) Hyperthyroidism
C) Acromegaly
D) Cushing disease
E) Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
Q52. A 60-year-old woman has been feeling tired and sluggish for more than a
year. Thyroid gland is not palpable. Serum T4 level is decreased but TSH is
markedly increased. Which of the following factors is important in the
pathogenesis of this condition?
A) Irradiation to neck during childhood.
B) Prolonged iodine deficiency
C) Anti-microsomal and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies
D) Mutations in the RET protooncogene
E) Recent viral upper respiratory tract infection.
Q53. A 59 year old woman with advanced metastatic lung cancer develops
profound fatigue, weakness and alterning diarrhea and constipation. Physical
examination demonstrates hyperpigmentation of skin even in areas protected from
the sun. Tumor involvement of which endocrine organ is most strongly suggested
by this patient’s presentation?
A) Adrenal gland.
B) Endocrine pancreas.
C) Ovaries.
D) Pituitary glands.
E) Thyroid gland.
Q54. During physical examination a 45 years old man is noted to have a 3 cm
palpable nodule in one lobe of an otherwise normal size thyroid gland. Needle
aspiration of the nodule demonstrates polygonal tumor cells and amyloid, but only
very scanty colloid and normal follicular cells. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
A) Follicular thyroid carcinoma.
B) Hashimotos disease.
C) Medullary thyroid carcinoma.
D) Papillary thyroid carcinoma.
E) Thyroid adenoma.
Q55. Most common pathogen responsible for acute osteomyelitis in a two year old
child is:
A) Streptococcus pneumoniae.
B) Escherichia Coli
C) Candida albicans
D) Haemophilis influenzae
E) Salmonella typhi.
Q56. Most common malignant tumor seen in bone is:
A) Osteosarcoma
B) Chondrosarcoma
C) Secondaries(mets)
D) Lymphoma
E) Enchondromas
Q57. Histopathological features of Duchenne type muscular dystrophy include all
of the following EXCEPT:
A) degeneration of muscle fibers
B) Infiltration of macrophages
C) Fibrosis
D) Granulation tissue
E) Regeneration of unaffected muscle fibers.
Q58. Reiter’s syndrome is not associated with:
A) Arthritis.
B) Urethritis.
C) Positivity for HLA-DRB1
D) History of some enteric infection
E) Positivity for HLA-B27
Q59. Main causes of peripheral neuropathies are:
A) Excessive physical work.
B) Deficiency of Vitamin D
C) Chondropplasia.
D) Hypertension
E) Diabetes mellitus
Q62. A 60 year old male presents with acute retrosternal chest pain to emergency
department. Lab investigations show total CK 360U/L (NV: upto 195U/L), CK
MB 32 U/L (NV: upto 25U/L), SGOT 54U/L (NV: 5-40U/L), LDH 418U/L (NV:
230-460U/L). ECG was consistant with Acute Myocardial Infarction. What is the
possible duration of his present attack?
A) 30 minutes
B) 2 hours
C) 12 hours
D) 36 hours
E) 5 days
Q63. A 15-year-old boy is brought to the emergency in coma. The doctor on duty
notes that the patient’s breath smells like acetone. This would be most consistent
with which of the following?
A) Alcohol intoxication.
B) Diabetic hyperosmolar coma.
C) Diabetic ketoacidosis
D) Heroin overdosage.
E) Profound hypoglycemia.
Q64. A 10-year-old boy sustains 25% burns over his body. Next day his serum
urea nitrogen (BUN) is 30mg/dl and serum Creatinine is 0.8 mg/dl. I/V fluids are
given continuously and there is no drop in blood pressure or urinary output. Which
of the following most likely accounts for the BUN and Creatinine values:
A) Decreased renal perfusion.
B) Distal urinary tract obstruction.
C) Increased synthesis of urea
D) Renal glomerular disease.
E) Renal tubule interstitial disease.
Q65. A 2cm pigmented lesion is excised from the back of a 45 year old woman as
it became more nodular and darker recently. Microscopic examination confirmed
the diagnosis of malignant melanoma composed of epitheliod cells. The lesion
extended 2 mm below the reticular dermis. Lymphocytes were present below the
melanoma. Which of the following statements will be suitable for this patient?
A) The immune response will prevent metastasis.
B) The prognosis is poor
C) Family is at risk of developing this condition
D) The primary site of this lesion is eye.
E) Nevi on outer parts of the body may become malignant.
51.A 45 year old woman presents to the ER with severe upper abdominal pain
with vomiting. The pain is focused in epigastrium radiating to the back.
There is no history of chronic epigastric pain. Which of the following are the
most likely predisposing factors for this condition?
f. H. pylori infection and excess gastric acid secretion
g. Gallstone or alcohol use
h. Obesity and high serum cholesterol
i. Stress and cigarette use
j. Hepatitis B and D co-infection
52.A 56 year old obese female presents to ER after being found unconscious by
her daughter. Paramedics report that the female is found in stuporous
condition covered with vomit. On arrival at ER, she is clammy and her BP is
85/50mmHg. Her serum amylase is raised. Which of the following is the
most likely cause of hypotension?
f. Alpha cell tumor of pancreas
g. Ectopic pancreas
h. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
i. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
j. Cystic fibrosis
53.A 51 year old male diagnosed with Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease
suddenly starts vomiting blood and eventually loses consciousness. His wife
finds him lying on the bedroom floor. He has no prior history of
hematemesis, bleeding diathesis and had not been vomiting prior to the
appearance of the blood. Which of the following is the most likely cause of
this man’s presentation?
f. Achalasia
g. Esophageal varices
h. Mallory weiss tear
i. Plummer Winson syndrome
j. Zenker’s diverticulum
54.A 45 year old man presents with malaise,anorexia and vomiting to
emergency room. The physician notices slight jaundice. Blood examination
shows marked elevation of ALT and AST with AST/ALT ratio being 2.5.
Alkaline phosphatase is near normal. Serum Copper and Iron are
normal.histopathological reports show Mallory bodies in hepatocytes. Liver
damage from which of the following diseases most likely accounts for these
f. Biliary cirrhosis
g. Viral hepatitis
h. Alcoholic hepatitis
i. Hemochromatosis
j. Wilson’s disease
55.A 30 year old married woman presents to gynaecology OPD for routine
checkup. She is taking Oral Contraceptive Pills for contraception for the last
4 years. She reports slight discomfort in the right hypochrondrium.Alpha
protein level is essentially within normal limits. Ultrasound shows a space
occupying lesion. She is physically fine otherwise. This lesion is most likely
f. Hepatocellular carcinoma
g. Hepatic adenoma
h. Angiosarcoma
i. Hepatic amebiasis
j. Echinococcus granulosus cyst
56.A 65 year old male presents with complaint of right upper quadrant pain. He
was diagnosed HCV 20 years back. He also gives a history of ill health,
fever, decreased appetite and fatigue. Biopsy specimen shows presence of
bile and atypical lymphocytes. Apart from CT scan and other tests which
tumor marker you will order to support your diagnosis?
f. Beta HCG
g. Carcino-embryonic antigen
h. Alpha feto protein
i. CA-125
j. CA-15
57.A 12 year old male child presents with pitting edema, ascites and prolonged
bleeding from wound sites. His biological parents are not known and he was
adopted from orphanage. His abdominal Ultrasound reveals cirrhosis and
viral serology for HBV and HCV comes out as negative. What is the most
likely cause of cirrhosis in children of his age?
f. Wilson’s disease
g. Gaucher’s disease
h. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency
i. Primary Biliary cirrhosis
j. Hemochromatosis
58.A 30 year old male presents with dementia, Hemiballism and de-arranged
liver enzymes. On further evaluation his abdominal Ultrasound shows
cirrhosis of the liver. His Viral serology is negative. What is the most likely
next finding in this patient?
f. Periodic Acid Schiff Stain shows red cytoplasmic granules in
g. Kayser Fleisher rings in cornea
h. Highly increased Alpha feto proteins
i. Antimitochondrial antibodies in blood
j. Central cyanosis
59.A 3 year old boy is brought to ER in a comatose condition. He had an
episode of viral infection for which he was given aspirin by his mother to
relieve fever. But his condition deteriorated and later he was brought to ER.
His blood samples are taken and deranged liver enzymes are found. Most
probably his diagnosis is:
f. Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
g. Reye Syndrome
h. Wilson’s disease
i. Neonatal cholestasis
j. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
60.A 26 year old malnourished female presents to medicine OPD with mild
abdominal discomfort in Right hypochondrium. On taking further
history,she has had diarrhea for 2 weeks. Ultrasound abdomen shows space
occupying lesion. Biopsy specimen shows abscess. Most likely cause of this
liver abscess is:
f. E. coli
g. Klebsiella sp.
h. Entamoeba histolytica.
i. Acute hepatitis
j. Echinococcus granulosus cyst
61.A 25 year old man had been experiencing intermittent diarrhea which, over
years, progressed to severe diarrhea, alternating with constipation, rectal
bleeding, and passage of mucus. On physical examination, the abdomen is
tender over the left iliac fossa . Stools examination fails to reveal parasites.
Colonoscopy demonstrates inflammation limited to the rectum, with no
higher lesions. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
f. Celiac Disease
g. Crohn Disease
h. Hirschprung Disease
i. Tropical sprue
j. Ulcerative colitis
62.Exploratory laparotomy of a patient with an acute abdomen demonstrates a
several foot long loop of small intestine with a dark red-to-brown,
edematous appearance.The patient has a history of atrial fibrillation. The
lesion ends abruptly on both the distal and proximal edges. Which of the
following diagnosis is suggested by this appearance?
f. Adenocarcinoma of the colon
g. Crohn disease
h. Ulcerative colitis
i. Ischemic bowel disease
j. Tuberculosis
63.A 60 year old man presents to his physician because of progressive
dysphagia, first to solids and then to liquids. Endoscopy reveals a large
fungating mass 2cm above the Gastroesophageal junction. Biopsy of the
mass shows that the glands have extended into muscular layer and contain
large hyperchromatic nuclei. A diagnosis of esophageal adenocarcinoma is
made. Which of the following conditions can result in the development of
this lesion?
f. Esophageal rings
g. Esophageal webs
h. Reflux esophagitis
i. Scleroderma
j. Sliding hiatal hernia
64.A 65 year old man develops peri-umbilical pain which then shifted to the
right iliac fossa. On physical examination, his temperature is 38C rectally
and his abdomen is tender. Which of the following is the most likely
f. Acute Appendicitis
g. Diverticulitis
h. Hemorrhoids
i. Pancreatitis
j. Pyelonephritis
65.A 57 year old woman with anemia is found to have a decreased Vitamin B12
level. Antibodies to intrinsic factor are identified. Levels of all other
vitamins are within normal limits. Which of the following is most likely to
be associated with this condition?
f. Duodenal ulcer
g. Ulcerative colitis
h. Dietary Vit. B12 deficiency
i. Atrophic gastritis
j. Angiodysplasia
66.A 54 year old woman complains of burning pain in her epigastrium and
vomiting a few days after she started taking medication for her rheumatoid
arthritis. Which of the following forms of gastritis would most likely be
found in this patient?
f. Acute gastritis
g. Chronic antral gastritis
h. Chronic fundal gastritis
i. Hypertrophic gastritis
j. Lympocytic gastritis
67.A 32 year old woman presents with complaints of several months of burning
substernal chest pain exacerbated by large meals, cigarettes and caffeine.
Her symptoms are worse when she lies on her back, especially while
sleeping at night. Antacids often improve her symptoms. This patient is at
risk for which of the following conditions?
f. Cardiac ischemia
g. Columnar metaplasia of distal esophagus
h. Esophageal web
i. Leiomyoma of the esophagus
j. Mallory Weiss lesion in the esophagus
68.A patient develops anemia and weight loss and slight abdominal discomfort.
On questioning, the patient is a known case of chronic gastritis. Which of the
following type of malignancy is most strongly associated with this patient’s
f. Gastric lymphoma
g. Intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma
h. Diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma
i. Squamous type of oesophageal carcinoma
j. Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus
69.A 50 year old man with a history of alcohol abuse is found to have elevated
liver enzymes. A liver biopsy shows the microscopic features of fatty change
(steatosis). If the patient abstains from further drinking, this condition will
most likely evolve into which of thee following?
f. Acute hepatitis
g. Chronic hepatitis
h. Complete regression
i. Hyperplastic nodules
j. Malignant degeneration
70.A patient presents to a physician complaining of recurrent episodic diarrhea,
triggered by eating too much or drinking alcohol. His wife states that “he
turns as red as a beet and starts wheezing” during these episodes. Chest X-
Ray demonstrates a lung mass. Which of the following would be the most
likely cause of his symptoms?
f. Carcinoid tumor
g. Primary TB
h. Recurrent TB
i. Lung cancer
j. Superior vena cava syndrome
71.A 40 year old woman with polycythemia vera develops progressive severe
ascites and tender hepatomegaly over a period of several months. Liver
function tests are near normal. Which of the following is the most likely
f. Acute hepatitis
g. Hepatic vein obstruction
h. Hemochromatosis
i. Chronic hepatitis/cirrhosis
j. Carcinoid syndrome
72.A 10 year old boy complains of intermittent abdominal pain. Endoscopy
fails to demonstrate peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis. The clinician suspects
that the patient may have a heterotopic rest of gastric mucosa that is
producing enough acid to cause ulceration of adjacent mucosa. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?
f. Ectopic pancreatic tissue
g. Meckel’s diverticulum
h. False diverticulum
i. Appendicitis
j. Cancer of the cecum
73.A 65 year old woman dies of metastatic liver cancer. The liver at autopsy
shows a multinodular vascular tumor that histologically is composed of
anastomosing channels lined by anaplastic endothelial cells. The liver
parenchyma between tumor nodules appears normal. The histopathologist
gives a preliminary diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the liver. Which of the
following risk factors is associated with this form of liver cancer?
f. Cirrhosis
g. Hemochromatosis
h. Exposure to vinyl chloride
i. Hepatitis B virus infection
j. Oral contraceptive use
74.A 65 year old man presents to a physician because of a palpable mass
immediately above the left clavicle. Biopsy of the mass demonstrates
metastatic adenocarcinoma in a lymph node. Which of the following organs
should be most strongly suspected as containing the primary tumor?
f. Bladder
g. Large bowel
h. Liver
i. Stomach
j. Pancreas
75.Chronic Gastritis is associated with:
f. Helicobacter pylori
g. Contaminated food
h. Drug poisoning
i. Trauma
j. Schistosoma infection
76.Major site of Peptic Ulcer is :
f. Ileum
g. Duodenum
h. Esophagus
i. Pancreas
j. Cecum
77.Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with:
f. Viruses
g. Autoimmune disorders
h. Refined diet
i. Psycho – somatic factors
j. Elderly age
78.The granulomas of Crohns’s disease are differentiated from granulomas of
tuberculosis due to:
f. Presence of necrosis
g. Presence of casseation
h. Presence of giant cells
i. Presence of lymphocytes
j. Presence of epitheloid cells
79.Which of the following features of the polyps of the colon indicates a better
f. Villous histology
g. Large size
h. Higher degrees of dysplasia
i. Pedunculated
j. Proximal location
80.Which of the following is a major predisposing factor for the development
of pseudomembranous colitis?
f. Young age
g. Malnutrition
h. Antibiotic use
i. Refined diet
j. Obesity
81.A 6 year old boy presents with abdominal pain and vomiting. The pain first
started in the peri umbilical region and then shifted to the right lower
quadrant. His temperature is 102F and pulse is 110. A laparotomy is
performed and his appendix is removed. What will be observed if the
appendix is examined by the histopathologist?
f. Lymphocytic infiltrate
g. Necrosis
h. Neutrophilic infiltrate
i. Perforation of the appendix
j. Adhesions
82.Schistosoma hematobium is associated with:
f. Adenocarcinoma of the kidney
g. Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder
h. Hepatocellular carcinoma
i. Colon cancer
j. Ureteric colic
83.Barrets esophagus is a predisposing factor of
f. Squamous cell carcinoma
g. Adeno carcinoma
h. Basal cell carcinoma
i. Gastric carcinoma
j. Esophagus reflex disease
84.A 50yr old man who is on NSAIDs for his heart problem for last 4yrs and
smokes 2 pack cigarette per day last 10-15yrs presents in OPD with the c/o
recurrent epigastric pain 15-20 min after taking meal which is relieved by
vomiting. What is the diagnosis?
f. Coelic disease
g. Peptic ulcer disease
h. Gastric ca
i. Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
j. Cholecystitis
85.A 42yrs old man presents in OPD with the complaints of passage of
abnormally bulky, frothy, greasy, yellow stools for 3 days accompanied by
weight loss anorexia, abdominal distention and flatus. On biopsy small
intestine was found to be laden with distended macrophages in the lamina
propria. What is the most likely diagnosis?
f. Whipples disease
g. Tropical sprue
h. Celiac disease
i. Giardiasis
j. Cholera
86.What is another name for apthous ulcer?
f. Leukoplakia
g. Erythroplakia
h. Bed sore
i. Canker sores
j. Oral candidiasis
87.A 60yrs old lady presents with a small swelling at the angle of the jaw for
last 2 years which is painless. On exam it is non-tender and palpated as
discrete mass. Surgeon wants to excise the lesion but he is worried about the
facial nerve that may get damaged during the excision. What is most likely
the diagnosis?
f. Saladenitis
g. Warthin tumor
h. Parotitis
i. Papillary cystadenoma
j. Pleomorphic adenoma
88.Classic lesion of crohns disease is
f. Skip lesion
g. Flask shaped ulcer
h. Pseudopolyps
i. Crypt abscess
j. Macrophages laden lamina propria
89.Deep ulcers, marked lymphoid reaction, fibrosis, serositis, granuloma mass
and fistulas are the features of
f. Ulcerative colitis
g. Crohns disease
h. Intestinal polyposis
i. Malabsorbtion syndrome
j. Colorectal carcinoma
90.Most common colorectal carcinoma is
f. Squamous carcinoma
g. Basal cell carcinoma
h. Adenoma
i. Adenocarcinoma
j. Mucinous carcinoma
91.A 70yrs old lady who is case of colon cancer. On biopsy, her cancer as
invaded the muscularis propria. Two pericolic nodes are involved with no
metastasis. What is the TNM stage of her colon cancer?
f. T2N1M0
g. T1N2M0
h. T2N2M0
i. T2N1M1
j. T2N0M0
92.What is the histological criteria for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
f. Cytological atypia
g. Frond like villiform extensions of mucosa
h. Mucosal atrophy
i. Submucosal fibrosis
j. Neutrophilic infiltration of muscularis propria
93.Identify the risk factors associated with gastric carcinoma
f. Family history
g. H.pylori
h. Fatty food
i. Sedentary life style
j. More use of fruits in diet
1. A 12 year boy presents to the OPD medicine department with swelling of knee
after a trauma. Family history reveals his maternal uncle also suffered from
similar complaints. The boy is most likely suffering from
2. A 59 year old man with a history of coronary artery disease and a severe mitral
regurgitation has surgery to replace his mitral valve. Post operatively there
were no complications until 6 months after the surgery when he presented with
increasing fatigue. Workup finds a normocytic normochromic anemia that is
due to fragmentation of RBCs by his artificial heart valves. Which of the
following abnormality is indicative of intravascular hemolysis and is most
likely to be seen in peripheral blood film of this patient?
a) Drepanocytes
b) Heinz bodies
c) Pappenheimer bodies
d) Schistocytes
e) Target cells
3. Two days after receiving the anti malarial drug primaquine, a 27 year old man
develops sudden intravascular hemolysis resulting in a decreased hematocrit,
hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria. Examination of the peripheral blood
reveals erythroctyes with a defect forming bite cells, when crystal violet stain
is applied many Heinz bodies area also seen. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis?
a) Hereditary spherocytosis
b) Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiecny
c) Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria
d) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
e) Micro angiopathic hemolytic anemia
4. A 49 year old woman presents with signs of anemia and states that every
morning her urine is dark. Investigations reveal that her RBC lyse in vitro with
acid(positive HAMs tests). Which of the following Is the most likely
6. A 61 year old woman presents with inceasing fatigue and is found to have
hypochromic microcytic RBC in her periopheral smear. Physical examination
finds her heart rate and respiratory rate to be both increasd in frequency. Lab
examination finds decreased serum ferritin, the levels of which are inversely
propotional to the serum levels of which of the following substances.
A) Bilirubin
B) Haptoglobin
C) Hemosiderin
E) Transferring
7. A 23 year old woman in her 25th week of pregnancy has felt no fetal
movement for the past 3 years. Three weeks later, she still has not given birth
and suddenly develops dyspnea with cyanosis. On physical examination, her
temperature is 36.9 C, pulse 102/min, respiration 21/min and blood pressure
80/40 mm Hg. She has large ecchymoses over the skin of her entire body. A
stool sample is positive for her occult blood. Lab studies show elevated
prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time. The platelet count is
decreased, plasma fibrinogen is markedly decreased and fibrin split products
are detected. A blood culture is negative. Which of the following is most likely
cause of the bleeding diathesis?
a) Increased vascular fragility
b) Toxic injury to the endothelium
c) Reduced production of the platelets
d) Increased consumption of clotting factors and platelets
e) Defects in platelet adhesion and aggregation
8. A 65 year old patient presents with generalized lymphadenopathy.
Immunophenotype shows CD10+ BCL2+ mature B cells expressing surface
immunoglobulin. Chromosomal studies show t(14:18). Which lymphoid
neoplasms is most likely he suffering from:
a)Lymphocyte predominant
b) Mixed cellularity
c)Lymphocyte depleted
d) Nodular sclerosis
e)Lymphocyte rich
10.A 3 year old boy in Japan presents with fever and rash that is desquamating.
On examination he has enlarged cervical lymph nodes conjunctival and oral
erythema and erosion. He also has edema of the hands and feet. The physician
says the disease is classically self limited however if left untreated the
important sequelae will be:
11.A 65 year old gentleman presents with headache which is most common along
the course of superficial temporal artery. On palpation the temples are tender.
The patient also complaints of transient visual loss. Biopsy of the temporal
artery would show:
12.C-ANCA is seen in
b) Wegners granulomatosis
c)Microscopic polyangiitis
d) Churg strauss syndrome
e)Takayasu arteritis
a)Primary prevention
b) Secondary prevention
c)Tertiary prevention
d) Both primary and secondary
e)Both secondary and tertiary
15.A 72 year old man presents with increasing fatigue. Physical examination
reveals multiple enlarged non tender lymph nodes with enlarged liver and
spleen. Lab examination of his peripheral blood reveals a normocytic
normochromic anemia and a slighty decreased platelet count and a leukocyte
count of 72,000/microlitre. Examination of the peripheral smear reveals a
marked increase in the number of mature looking lymphyocytes and many
smudge cells. What is the most likely diagnosis:
16.A 22 year old woman presents with fever weight loss night sweats and
painless enlargement of various supraclavicular lyphnodes. A biopsy from one
of the enlarged lymph nodes shows binucleated giant cells with prominent
acidophilic owl eye nucleoli. Wht is the most likely diagnosis:
17.A 28 year old man presents with vague muscle pain involving his right arm
that developed several weeks after eating undercooked pork. Lab examination
reveals increased serum activity of CPK. A biopsy from the affected muscle
reveals rare encysted forms of Tricinella Spiralis. What type of WBC is most
likely to be increased in peripheral blood of this individual:
b) Eiosinophil
d) Macrophage
21.A 60 year old man died secondary to coronary artery disease. At the time of
autopsy marked atherosclerotic changes were present within his coronary
arteries. Section from these abnormal areas revealed complicated
atheroscelrotic plaques with calcification and hemorrhage. Within these
plaques were cellular zones composed of smooth muscle cells and
macrophages and a central core with foam cells and cholesterol clefts. Which
one the following substances promotes atherosclerosis by stimulating smooth
muscles cells to proliferate, phagocytize lipids and excrete extracellular matrix
a)Alpha interferon
b) Beta transforming growth factor
c)Interleukin 1
d) Platelet derived growth factor
e)Tumor necrosis factor
22. A 30 year old male smoker presents with gangrene of his extremities. Which
one of the following histologic findings from the biopsy of blood vessels
supplying this area would be most consistent with a diagnosis of Beurgers
b) A congential defect
d) Trauma
e)A previous syphilitic infection
24.A 56 year old man presents with a sudden onset of excrutiating pain. He
describes the pain beginning in the anterior chest, radiatind to the back and
then moving downwards to the abdomen. His blood pressure is found to b
160/115 mm Hg however no changes are seen on ECG. X ray abdomen shows
a double barrel aorta. Which of the following is basiuc cause of his
28.A 30 year old female has splenomegaly and anemia with spherocytosis.The
circulating RBCs demonstrate an increased osmotic fragility on laboratory
testing. An inherited abnormality in which of the following RBC components
best explains these findings:
F) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
G) A membrane cytoskeletal protein.
H) Α-globin chain
I) Heme
J) Β-globin chain
31.A 48 year old woman presented with nodular thyroid gland swelling.
Abdominal ultrasound examination shows adrenal gland tumor. The probable
diagnosis is
a) Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid
b) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
c) Follicular carcinoma of thyroid
d) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
e) Lymphoma of thyroid
32.A patient has presented in ER with severe chest pain for the last 4
days. On examination he is breathless with weak thready pulse. His ECG
shows T wave inversion. Which of the following cardiac enzymes will be
diagnostic of myocardial infarction at this stage.
a) CPK
b) CK-MB
c) LDH
d) Troponin I
e) AST
36. A 17 year old girl came to OPD with complaint of swelling in middle of neck.
FNAC was performed. It revealed cellular smears with nuclear grooving and
intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. The diagnosis on cytological findings is:
a) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
b) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
c) Follicular carcinoma of thyroid
d) Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid
e) Lymphoma of thyroid
37.A 30 years old heroin drug addict starts having fever with chills, weight loss
and fatigue. On investigations he is diagnosed to be suffering from infective
endocarditis. The most likely cause for his infection is:
a) Streptococus viridans
b) Streptococcus pyogenes
c) H Influenza
d) Streptococcus pneumonae
e) Staphylococcus aureus
38.A 60 year old smoker and occasional drinker presents to the ER with severe
pain in the epigastrium radiating to the back. He is feeling nauseated and has
vomited twice. Lab shows markedly raised amylase and lipase and low serum
calcium. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Acute cholecystitis
b) Acute pancreatitis
c) Acute appendicitis
d) Acute intestinal obstruction
e) Perforated peptic ulcer
40. A 10 year boy is brought to the physician for routine physical examination.
The physician notes a 2 cm spongy dull red circumscribed lesion on the upper left
arm. The parents state that this lesion has been present since infancy. On excision
the lesion shows dilated endothelial lined spaces filled with RBCs. Which of the
following is the likely diagnosis
a) Kaposi sarcoma
b) Angiosarcoma
c) Lymphangioma
d) Telengiectasia
e) Hemangioma
41. A pharmaceutical company is developing an anti atherosclerotic agent. An
experiment investigates mechanism of actions of several potential drugs to
determine their efficacy in reducing atheroma formation. Which of the following
mechanism of action is likely to have the most effective anti atherosclerotic effect:
a) Inhibits the release of platelet derived growth factor(PDGF) and
macrophage mediated lipoprotein oxidation
a) ALL-L2
b) AML-M1
c) AML-M2
d) AML-M3
e) AML-M4
45. A 60 years old sweeper presents with off & on diarrhea for the last 6 months
which has led to weakness, pallor and numbness of hands & feet. On examination
he is pale. His blood CP reveals Hb of 6.5 g/dl, TLC 3.0 x 10 3/ul and platelets
count of 85,000/cmm. MCV is 110 fl with oval macrocytosis and hypersegmented
neutrophils. What is the probable diagnosis?
a) Iron deficiency anemia
b) Megaloblastic anemia
c) Aplastic anemia
d) Hemolytic anemia
e) Anemia of underlying disorder
50. What is the diagnostic test of choice for iron deficiency anaemia?
a) Peripheral blood film
b) Serum Ferritin levels
c) Serum iron, TIBC
d) Bone Marrow examination
e) Percent Transferrin saturation
51. A 45 year old smoker presents to the ER with history of recurrent pain in the
epigastrium and diarrhea. He is taking H2 antagonists and proton pump inhibitors
but his pain is not settling completely. He is giving analgesics and I.V fluids. After
stabilizing his vitals upper endoscopy is done and multiple ulcers are seen in
duodenum and jejunum. What is your most likely diagnosis
a) Pancreatic carcinoma
b) Zollinger Ellison syndrome
c) Glucagonoma
d) Insulinoma
e) Pheochromocytoma
52. A young otherwise healthy female presents with sudden onset of symptoms of
anaemia after taking medicine for throat infection. She is very pale with mild
splenomegaly. Her blood CP shows severe normocytic normochromic anaemia
with normal TLC & platelet count. Spherocytes are also seen. What is the likely
cause of her anemia?
a) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
b) Megaloblastic anemia
c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) PNH
e) Cold haemagglutinin disease
53. What is the diagnostic test for your provisional diagnosis in above case?
a) Bone marrow examination
b) Urine for hemosidrin
c) Coombs test
d) Hb electrophoresis
e) Iron profile
54.You have diagnosed a child with beta thalassaemia major. How will you
manage this child?
a. Regular blood transfusions
b. Regular blood transfusion with iron chelation.
c. Haematinics therapy
d. Give supportive care only
e. Advise bone marrow transplant immediately
58. Which one of the following is the one of the most common cause
of death in young individual:
a. Dilated cardiomyopathy
b. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
c. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
d. Amyloidosis
e. ASD
61. Bleeding does not become evident until platelet count is less than:
a. 1,00,000/ul
b. 75,000/ul
c. 50,000/ul
d. 20,000/ul
e. 10,000/ul
63.A 2-year old child has had failure to thrive. The child is short, with coarse
fascial features,a aprotuding tongue, and an umbilical hernia. Profound
mental retardation is apparent as the child matures.These findings are best
explained by a lack of
a) Cortisol
b) Norepinephrine
c) Somatostatin
d) Thyroxine (T4)
e) Insulin
D)Hodgkin lymphoma
E)Medullary carcinoma
D)Anaplastic carcinoma
E)Hodgkin lymphoma
C)Calcification foci
D)RAS mutation
E)Central fibrosis
A)Endemic goiter
B)glaucomatous throiditis
D)hashimoto thyroiditis
E)Graves’s disease
A)Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
B)Nodular glomerulosclerosis
D)granulomatous pyelonephritis
E)necrotizing papillitis
ACTH levels are elevated and cannot be suppressed by low dose of
dexamethasone but respond with higher dose of dexamethasone in case of
A)Ectopic ACTH
B)Adrenal tumor
D)Paraneoplastic syndrome
E)None of these
A)adrenal tumor
E)Pituitary tumor
D)Melanocytic nevus
B)bullous pemphigous
C)dermatitis herpetiformis
A)actinic keratosis
B)dysplastic nevi
C)seborrheic keratosis
D)acanthosis nagricans
Molluscum contagiosum
C)Pox virus
D)None of these
E)Both a and b
C)woven bone
D)lamellar bone
E)cancellous bone
C)woven bone
D)lamellar bone
E)cancellous bone
C)Ewing tumor
E)multiple myeloma
A)Collagen type 1
B)Collagen type 2
C)Collagen type 3
D)Collagen type 4
E)Collagen type 5
C)Oligoarthritis is common
A)Endothelial factor
C)Ewing tumor
E)multiple myeloma
Patient with acute pain in foot , that aggravated with alcohol intake relieved
for many years without medicines it can be
A)osteogenic imperfecta
B)reactive arthritis
C)supparative arthritis
D)acute gout
E)synovial cyst
D)testicular lymphoma
B)Spermatocytic seminoma
C)Embryonal carcinoma
B)Spermatocytic seminoma
C)Embryonal carcinoma
A)Not invasive
D)Solitary lesion
E)Non pigmented
B)Descending paralysis
B)most common
C)x linked
D)dystrophin is affected
A)Segmental necrosis
A)renal failure
C)papillary necrosis
D)chronic tubulointerstial
E)none of these
A)kidney is small
B)is present in adults
D)a & c
B)Uteropelvic obstruction
C)Ureteral agenesis
D)Ureteral stenosis
B)Iga and c3
C)Only Iga
A)urine DR
B)pus casts
E)none of these
A)plastic factory
B)rubber factory
C)dye factory
E)arsenic industry
A)Masson trichrome
B)Congo red
C)Methylene blue
B)e coli
D)uric acid
E)hyperplasic retinopathy
B)Necrotising pappilitis
C)Recurrent haematuria
E)Nephritic syndrome
B)necrotizing papplitis
C)papillary necrosis
B)generalised edema
C)severe HTN
E)gross haemtuia
50. Renal cell carcinoma most commonly metastasize to
B)Lymph nodes
2. A 27 year old man had intermittent cramping abdominal pain and low
volume for several weeks. On physical examination, he is afebrile. There is
mild lower abdominal tenderness but no masses and bowel sounds
present. Stool sample positive for oocult blood. Symptoms subside within 1
week. 6 months later, abdominal pain recurs with perianal pain. On
physical examination, there is now a peri anal fistula. Colonoscopy shows
areas of mucosal edema and ulceration with some normal areas.
Microscopic examination of biopsy specimen from an ulcerated area shows
patchy acute and chronic inflammatory infiltrate, crypt abscesses and
several non-caseating granulomas. Which of the following underlying
disease processes best explains this disease.
1. Ulcerative colitis
2. Amoebiasis
3. Pseudomembranous colitis
4. Shigellosis
5. Crohn`s disease
3. Over past 3 months, 45 yrs old woman noticed her skin has become
progressively more yellow. On physical examination, she is afebrile and
has sclera icterus and generalised jaundice. Laboratory studies show total
serum bilirubin 8.9mg/dl. Direct bilirubin 6.8 mg/dl, serum ALT 125U/L, and
serum AST 108 U/L. Liver biopsy specimen shows histological features of
sclerosing cholangitis. Which of the following diseases of GI tract is most
likely the co exist with liver disease
1. Chronics pancreatitis
2. Diverticulitis
3. Ulcerative colitis
4. Celiac sprue
5. Peptic ulceration
4. A 48 yr old man sees his physician because he had nausea and colicky
right upper quadrant pain for last 2 days. On physical examination, his
temp is 38 C. Lab studies show a WBC count of 11200/ mm3 with 71%
segmented neutrophils, 9% bands, 13 % lymphocytes and 7 % monocytes.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Acute Hepatitis
2. Biliary atresia
3. Acute cholecystitis
4. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
5. Adenocarcinoma of gallbladder
5. A 55 yr old man presents with increasing fatigue, weakness, anorexia
and jaundice over the past several months. Physical examination finds mild
ascites and gynecomastia. A liver biopsy reveals regenerative nodules of
hepatocytes surrounded by fibrosis. What is the most probable diagnosis?
1. Cholangitis
2. Cholestasis
3. Cirrhosis
4. Hepatitis
5. Steatosis
1. Angiosarcoma
2. Cholangiocarcinoma
3. Hepatoblastoma
4. Hepatocellular carcinoma
5. Metastatic colon cancer
7. A 44 yr old man presents with the sudden onset of severe right upper
quadrant ( RUQ) abdominal pain, ascites, tender hepatomegaly and
hemetemesis. An ultrasound shows the thrombosis of the hepatic veins.
Which is the most probable diagnosis?
1. Gilbert syndrome
2. Chronic hepatitis
3. Amoebic liver abscess D. Acute viral hepatitis E. Acute hepatic
9. One year after having an acute myocardial infarction, a 55 year old man
saw his physician because of severe abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.
On GPE the abdomen was diffusely tender and bowel sounds were absent.
Abdominal plain film shows no free air. Lab studies show a normal CBC
and normal levels of serum amylase, lipase and bilirubin. His condition
deteriorated and he developed irreversible shock. At autopsy, which of the
following lesions is most likely to be found?
1. Acute appendicitis
2. Acute pancreatitis
3. Intestinal infarction
4. Acute cholecystitis
5. Pseudomembranous colitis
10. A 17 year old girl notices a small sensitive grey white area forming
along the lateral border of her tongue 2 days before the end of her facial
examination. On GPE, the girl is afebrile. There is a shallow, ulcerated 0.3
cm lesion with an erythematous rim. No specific therapy is given and the
lesion disappears within 2 weeks. The past history shows that the girl does
not smoke or chew tobacco. Which of the following is the most probable
cause of her lesion?
1. Aphthous ulcer
2. Oral thrush
3. Herpes simplex stomatitis
4. Leukoplakia
5. Sialadenitis
1. Blood transfusion
2. Heterosexual transmission
3. Vertical transmission during childbirth
4. Oral transmission
5. Needle stick injury
1. Erythema multiforme
2. Erythroplakia
3. Squamous cell carcinoma
4. Lichen planus
5. Leukoplakia
1. Pancreatic carcinoma
2. Mucinous cystadenoma
3. Serous cyst adenoma
4. Pancreatic pseudocyst
5. Congenital cyst
1. Autoimmune hepatitis
2. Chronic active hepatitis
3. Chronic persistent hepatitis
4. Primary biliary cirrhosis
5. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
17. A 49 yr old woman presents with increasing difficulty in swallowing
food. X ray studies with contrast reveal that she has a markedly dilated
esophagus above the level of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
Endoscopic examination reveal annular thickening of the esophageal wall
with narrowing of the lumen. Biopsy was taken and histological diagnosis
showed intramucosal carcinoma which is interpreted as;
18. A 69 year old man presents with slowly progressive jaundice, weight
loss, abdominal pain and migratory thrombophlebitis. GPE reveals a
palpable gallbladder in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Lab
investigation reveal the presence of the obstruction o f the biliary tract,
while a CT scan of the abdomen reveals a mass in the head of the
pancreas. Histologic sections taken from the mass would most likely reveal
which of the following?
1. Exposure of aflatoxins
2. Exposure to thorotrast
3. Exposure to vinyl chloride
4. Presence of gallstones
5. Accumulation of biliary sludge
20. A 68 yr old man presents with history of fatigue, weakness and change
in bowel habit. On lab examination, there is iron defiency anemia and
occult blood in stool. On colonoscopy there is a large irregular annular
mass in distal colon with heaped up and beaded margins. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
1. Tubular adenoma
2. Hyperplastic polyp
3. Colorectal carcinoma
4. Villous adenoma
5. Pseudomembranous colitis
21. Hirschsprung’s disease is usually caused by the congenital absence of
ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus of which segment of the intestine?
1. Caecum
2. Ascending colon
3. Transverse colon
4. Descending colom
5. Rectum
22. What is the name given to the persistent vitelline duct remnant?
1. Omphalocele
2. Heisters diverticulum
3. Rokitanskys diverticulum
4. Meckels diverticulum
5. Nicks diverticulum
1. Ulcerative colitis
2. Crohns disease
3. Lymphocytic colitis
4. Infectious colitis
5. Eosinophilic colitis
24. A four year old boy presents with mild fatigue and malaise. Several
other children in the day care centre he attends 5 days a week have
developed similar illness. Physical examination finds mild liver tenderness,
elevated serum levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin. The boy recovers from
his mild illness without incident. Which of the following organisms is the
most likely cause of this child illness?
1. Cytomegalovirus
2. Epstein Barr Virus
3. Group A Beta hemolytic streptococcus
4. Hepatitis A virus
5. Hepatitis B virus
25. A 55 years old man visited his dentist for a routine examination. The
dentist noticed a whitish, well-defined mucosal patch on his tongue. The
plaque could not be removed by scraping. The past medical history showed
no significant finding. Which of the following etiologic factor most likely
contributed to the development of this lesion?
1. Dental caries
2. Herpes simplex virus type 1
3. Eating smoked and pickled food. D. Chronic sialadenitis
E. Smoking tobacco
26. A 40 years old man with a lengthy history of chronic alcoholism has had
increasing difficulty in swallowing and has noticed a 6 kg weight loss over
the past 2 months. On physical examination there are no significant
findings. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy shows a large ulcerated lesion
with heaped up margins in the mid-esophagus which partially occludes the
esophageal lumen. Esophagotomy is performed. Which of the following is
most likely to be seen on microscopic section of this mass?
27. A 30 years old man has sudden onset of hematemesis after a weekend
in which he consumed large amounts of alcohol. The bleeding stops but he
has another episode under similar circumstances one month later.
Endoscopy shows longitudinal tears at the esophagogastric junction. What
is the most likely mechanism which has resulted in hematemesis in this
28. A 51 years old man has sudden onset of massive emesis of bright red
blood. On physical examination his temperature is 36.9 C, pulse is 103/min,
respiratory rate is 19/min and BP is 85/50 mmHg. Studies show a
hematocrit of 21%. The serological test for HBsAg is positive. He has had
no prior episodes of hematemesis. This hematemesis is most likely to be a
consequence of which of the following?
1. Esophageal varices
2. Barret’s esophagus
3. Reflux esophagitis
4. Squamous cell CA
5. Zenker’s diverticulum
1. Lipoblast
2. Ganglion cell
3. Neuroendocrine cell
4. Smooth muscle cell
5. Mucin secreting epithelial cell
30. A 20 years old woman has had nausea and vague lower abdominal
pain for last 24 hours. Now the pain has become worse. On GPE, pain is
worst in the right lower quadrant and there is rebound tenderness. A stool
sample is negative for occult blood. Abdominal plain X-ray shows no free
air. Serum pregnancy test is negative. Which of the following lab finding is
most useful to aid in the diagnosis of this patient?
1. Hyperamylasemia
2. Hypernatremia
3. Increased serum Carcinoembryonic antigen
4. Increased serum alkaline phosphatase
5. Leucocytosis
31. A 65 years old woman has had upper abdominal pain for the past
month. On examination, the pain is localized to the epigastric region.
Abdominal CT scan shows a well circumscribed 8cm mass in the body of
the pancreas that has many small fluid filled filled areas. The mass is
removed. On microscopic examination, glycogen rich cuboidal cells are
seen surrounding spaces filled with clear fluid. There is no recurrence of
the lesion. What is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Acute pancreatitis
2. Cystic fibrosis
3. Pseudocyst
4. Chronic pancreatitis
5. Serous cystadenoma of pancreas
32. A 2 week old infant with a firm, ovoid, olive shaped palpable mass in
the region of the pylorus would most likely to have which of the following
1. Centrilobular necrosis
2. Focal scattered necrosis
3. Geographic necrosis
4. Midzonal necrosis
5. Periportal necrosis
35. Dilated sinusoids and irregular cystic spaces filled with blood within the
liver, which may rupture and lead to massive intra-abdominal hemorrhage,
are most closely associated with which one of the following substance?
1. Salicylates
2. Estrogens
3. Anabolic steroids
4. Acetaminophens
5. Vinyl chloride
1. Cholangitis
2. Cholestasis
3. Cirrhosis
4. Hepatitis
5. Steatosis
37. A 12 years old boy with sickle cell anemia presents with recurrent
severe right upper quadrant colicky abdominal pain. At the time of surgery,
multiple dark black stones are found within gall bladder. These stones are
composed of which of the following substances?
1. Bilirubin
2. Carbon
3. Cholesterol
4. Struvite
5. Urate
38. A 54 years old man presents with high fever, jaundice and abdominal
pain in right upper quadrant. The gall bladder cannot be palpated. An
ultrasound reveals a dilated area with the common bile duct. Further work
up reveals a normal Hb level, but increased levels of bilirubin and alkaline
phosphatase. What is the diagnosis?
1. Acute cholecystitis
2. Ascending Cholangitis
3. Choledocholithiasis
4. Cholelithiasis
5. Chronic cholecystitis
39. A 54 years old man with a history of alcoholism presents after a bringe
of heavy drinking with vomiting and severe epigastric pain which radiated to
back. On examination, he is febrile and there is discoloration around his
flank and umbilicus. Lab tests finds elevated serum amylase and lipase.
What is the most likely cause of these findings?
1. Acute cholecystitis
2. Acute colitis
3. Acute pancreatitis
4. Chronic gastritis
5. Chronic hepatitis
40. A 45 years old man with a 2 years history of a mild non-ketotic diabetes
mellitus and anemia presents with the new onset of a necrolytic migratory
skin rash. What is the cell of origin of a tumor that would most likely
produce this set of clinical signs?
1. A cells of pancreas
2. B cells of pancreas
3. C cells of thyroid
4. D cells of stomach
5. G cells of stomach
1. Aplastic anemia
2. Intestinal obstruction
3. Iron deficiency
4. Megaloblastic anemia
5. Severe dehydration
42. A biopsy of the antrum of the stomach of an adult who presents with
epigastric pain reveals numerous lymphocytes and plasma cells within the
lamina propria, which is of normal thickness. There are also scattered
neutrophils within the glandular epithelial cells. A Steiner silver stain from
this specimen is positive for a small, curved organism. These histologic
changes are most consistent with infection by which one of the following
1. Enteroinvasive E.coli
2. Enterotoxigenic E.coli
3. Helicobacter pylori
4. Salmonella typhi
5. Shigella species
43. A 45 years old man presents with increasing heartburn especially after
eating or when lying down. Endoscopic examination finds a red velvety
plaque located the distal esophagus. Biopsies from this area taken
approximately 4 cm proximal to the gastro-esophageal junction reveal
metaplastic columnar epithelium. Which of the following is the most likely
1. Acquired Achalasia
2. Barret’s esophagus
3. Hamartomatous polyp
4. Metastatic adenocarcinoma
5. Reflux esophagitis
1. Rotor’s syndrome
2. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
3. Dubin-Johnsons syndrome
4. Gilbert’s syndrome
5. Neimann-Pick syndrome
1. Lungs
2. Portal lymph nodes
3. Portal veins
4. CNS
5. Kidneys
47. A 67 years old woman has experienced severe nausea, vomiting, early
satiety and a 9 kg weight loss over past 4 months. On physical
examination, she has mild muscle wasting. Upper GI endoscopy shows
that the entire gastric mucosa is eroded and has an erythematous
cobblestone appearance. Upper GI radiograph shows that stomach is small
and shrunken. Which of the following is most likely to be found on
histological examination of a gastric biopsy specimen?
1. Early gastric CA
2. GI stromal tumor
3. Granulomatous inflammation
4. Chronic atrophic gastritis
5. Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma
1. Volvulus
2. Trisomy 21
3. C. Hirchsprung disease
4. Chronic Atresia
5. Intussusceptions
49. A 38 years old man with HIV positive for 10 years has had severe
nausea and vomiting for past 2 weeks. On physical examination, he is
afebrile. Stool sample positive for occult blood. Abdomen not distended, no
palpable mass or organomegaly, bowel sounds present. Patient has oral
thrush, several reddish purple 0.5-1.0 cm nodules on skin of trunk.
Laboratory studies shows CD4+ lymphocyte count of 118/ul. Upper GI
endoscopy shows 12 reddish purple, 0.6-0.8 cm gastric mucosal nodules.
Biopsy specimen of nodules is most likely to show which of the following
1. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
2. Carcinoid tumor
3. Squamous cell CA
4. D. Kaposi sarcoma
50. You will see no anatomic pathology at all in the gut in a case of
1. amebiasis
2. cholera
3. cryptosporidiosis
4. ischemic colitis
5. shigellosis
1. eosinophil
2. lymphocyte
3. macrophage
4. neutrophil
5. plasma cell
1. antrum
2. cardia
3. entire mucosa
4. fundus
5. muscularis throughout the organ
1. antral mucosa
2. colon
3. esophagus
4. pancreas
5. E. small intestine (*)
1. hyperplastic polyp
2. juvenile retention polyp
3. C. Peutz-Jegher polyp
4. pseudopolyp
55. Where's the thrombus in "Budd-Chiari" syndrome?
1. hemorrhoidal plexus
2. B. hepatic vein
3. inferior mesenteric vein
4. portal vein
5. umbilical vein
1. A. amoeba
2. Crohn's
3. shigella
4. typhoid
5. ulcerative colitis
57. Crohn's regional enteritis gets blamed for causing B12 deficiency
because it often involves the
A. colon
B. duodenum
C. proximal jejunum
D. stomach, interfering with intrinsic factor production
E. terminal ileum
58. The pentetreotide (octreotide-analogue) nuclear-medicine scan is a
good way to light up
A. carcinoids
B. helicobacter
C. ischemic bowel
D. premalignant colon polyps
E. small peptic ulcers