Reflection in Science

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The things I learned on the lesson about the states of Matter which are Solid, Liquid, and Gas

is that
they have different Particle Properties, Density, and Kinetic Energy. This are also apart of the Physical
Changes of Matter, I learnt the two (2) types of Physical Change which is No Phase Change and Phase
Change. There is also a Chemical Change that cannot be reversible while Physical Change can be

Next is the different types of Phase Changes that I learned which are: Melting, Freezing, Evaporation,
Condensation, Sublimation, and Deposition. I learnt that this types of Phase Changes can be
Endothermic or Exothermic depending on what happens to the object. I also learned in this lesson on
how the Water Cycle works and the steps of it. The steps or cycle of it goes from first (1 st) Evaporation,
to second (2nd) Condensation, then third (3rd) Precipitation, and lastly (4th) Collection/Accumulation then
it repeats.

Now the lesson where I learned about what Atoms are. Everything that is currently around me are
made out of atoms, I also learnt the three subatomic particles of an atom which is proton, neutron and
electron. So I learnt that an atom has a nucleus and a nucleus is made out of protons and neutrons and
it gets circled or orbited by electrons, and I understood that protons is positively charged, neutrons has
no charge, and the electrons is negatively charged. I also learnt the scientists who found the subatomic
particles, there are also theories that are made by other scientists on what the Model of an atom is but
the used Model of today is called the “Planetary Model” which is a Model made by Niels Bohr and the
Model is inspired by our Solar System today.

For the last few lesson I learned which are the elements of the periodic table and their Element
Notation, an Element Notation consist of a Element Symbol, an Atomic Mass, and a Atomic Number. I
then learned about a Atom that has electric charge called Ions, there is two (2) types of Ions called
Anions and Cations. A Anion has more electrons and is negatively charged and a Cation has less
electrons and is positively charged. I also learned that Isotopes are atoms having the same atomic
number but different atomic masses and neutrons. I found out the History and Development of the
Periodic Table and that it currently has 118 elements currently discovered. I also learnt that a Periodical
Table has eighteen (18) Groups and seven (7) periods, I quickly understand that a Period is every row in
the Periodic Table and the columns are Groups.

This is the second to last lesson I learned in this quarter which is about the Principal Energy Level of an
electron, the Subshell or Sublevel, the Orbitals of it, the Valence Electrons and the Electron
Configuration. I learnt that subshells are labeled as s, p, d, and f, they have a specific number of orbitals
per type, number of orbitals per level (n) and the maximum number of electrons.

And this is the last lesson I learned and it is about the Periodic Trends of a periodical table, the types of
trends are Electronegativity, Ionization Energy, Reactivity, Electron Affinity, Atomic Radius, Metallic
Character, and Nonmetallic Character. I learnt how it works and how to identify it.

I was happy to learn every lessons that will soon help me to understand how it works by reading the
definition of it and I'm glad that I was able to learn it with my classmates and teacher.

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