Chondroprotective Factors in Osteoarthritis - A Joint Affair

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Current Rheumatology Reports (2019) 21: 41


Chondroprotective Factors in Osteoarthritis: a Joint Affair

Jolet Y. Mimpen 1 & Sarah J. B. Snelling 1

Published online: 21 June 2019

# The Author(s) 2019

Purpose of the Review Osteoarthritis is widely regarded as a spectrum of conditions that affect all joint tissues, typified by a
common entity: cartilage loss. Here, we review recent progress and challenges in chondroprotection and discuss new strategies to
prevent cartilage loss in osteoarthritis.
Recent Findings Advances in clinical, molecular, and cellular characterization are enabling improved stratification of osteoar-
thritis subtypes. Integration of next-generation sequencing and “omics” approaches with clinically relevant readouts shows
promise in delineating both subtypes of disease and meaningful trial end points. Novel delivery strategies are enabling joint-
specific delivery.
Summary Chondroprotection requires a whole joint approach, stratification of patient groups, and use of patient-relevant end
points. Drug development should continue to explore new targets, while using modern technologies and recent knowledge to re-
visit unsuccessful therapeutics from the past. The overarching goal for chondroprotection is to provide the right treatment(s) for
the right patient at the right time.

Keywords Chondroprotection . Osteoarthritis . Stratification . Drug development

Introduction much of this expenditure centers on drugs that target pain

rather than structural changes. Given current limitations in
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent and extremely dis- DMOADs, OA progresses and surgical joint replacement is
abling condition, affecting 30.8 million people in the USA the only viable option. However, joint replacement is by no
alone [1]. In 1741, J.B. Morgagni first described articular car- means a panacea with a mortality rate of 1% and at least
tilage loss in OA [2]. To this day, radiographic measurement 10% of total hip or knee replacements reporting no im-
of cartilage loss remains the key diagnostic tool for OA [3]. provement or worse symptoms at 1 year after surgery [6, 7].
Consequentially, chondroprotection has been a major focus of In this review, we consider recent progress and challenges
disease modifying treatment in OA. Chondroprotective drugs in chondroprotection and how chondroprotection should en-
(disease modifying OA drugs, DMOADs) have generally compass both direct (within cartilage) and indirect (articular or
targeted structural changes of disease by aiming to inhibit systemic) strategies. We also discuss how a step change in
cartilage-degrading factors or promote cartilage production, successful chondroprotection requires reframed thinking in
with or without effects on symptoms. Of the $81 billion annual disease stratification, target identification, and drug develop-
healthcare expenditure on OA in the USA, 15% is attributed ment, including drug delivery strategies.
to prescription drugs [4, 5]. However, an effective means to
prevent OA-related damage has proven elusive. Therefore,

Osteoarthritis—Chondroprotection Is Not
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Osteoarthritis Chondrocentric
* Sarah J. B. Snelling Osteoarthritis (Fig. 1) occurs at synovial joints and was long
[email protected]
regarded as a structural disease of wear and tear. The key
The Botnar Research Centre, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics
symptoms of OA are pain and joint instability, with radio-
Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Science, University of Oxford, graphic joint space narrowing due to cartilage loss being a
Oxford OX3 7LD, UK major clinical sign of disease. Alongside OA-related cartilage
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Fig. 1 A representation of an osteoarthritic knee, including the main subtype of OA. Articular cartilage loss typifies OA but the exact
contributing tissues and their interactions. The exact balance of tissue balance of tissue involvement and interaction is dependent on joint site,
involvement and interaction is dependent on both joint site and the stage and subtype of disease

degradation, osteophytes form at joint margins, and bone re- improve pain. However, the success of such strategies de-
modeling occurs, leading to bone marrow lesions and bone mands a holistic approach that judiciously targets OA patho-
sclerosis [8]. Synovitis (synovial inflammation) and meniscal biology across all joint tissues.
damage are common and altered levels of inflammatory me-
diators are detected in OA synovial fluid. Furthermore, OA is
now widely accepted as a whole joint disease [9], but the Current and Recent Targets
chronicity of tissue involvement in OA remains ambiguous, in Chondroprotection
and cartilage may not be the initial site from which OA prop-
agates. The cross-talk between cartilage and other tissues sug- Over the last 5 years, the quest for successful DMOADs has
gests cartilage loss can occur secondary to other OA-related remained substantial. Recent DMOAD trials (Table 1) encom-
changes to the joint [10]. We must also remember that syno- pass chondroprotective factors and drugs targeting inflamma-
vial joints are, in fact, comprised of diverse tissues that expe- tory cytokines, signaling mediators, senescence, and pain.
rience different loads; have distinct functional requirements; From these studies, it is clear that antibodies against inflam-
and possess differing proportions of tissue types. The interac- matory mediators like IL-1 and TNF-α have failed in recent
tions of these factors likely explain the predilection of OA for OA clinical trials. However, an exploratory analysis of the
certain anatomical sites (commonly knee, hip, spine, hands, recent CANTOS trial demonstrated that IL-1 antibodies did
and feet). reduce the incidence of joint replacements in patients with a
Chondroprotection offers a preventive strategy that might history of myocardial infarction [15, 16]. A recent review by
decelerate structural disease progression and loss of function Chevalier and Eymard hypothesizes that IL-1 inhibition might
and, through the manipulation of inflammatory pathways, not be effective at end-stage OA and, instead, earlier-stage
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Table 1 Recent disease modifying osteoarthritis drug trials, including MMP = matrix metalloproteinase, ADAMTS = a disintegrin and
category, drug class, drug name, and description of results. NCT numbers metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs, MEPE = matrix
of clinical trials are included where relevant. TNF = tumor necrosis factor, extracellular phosphoglucoprotein, RANKL = receptor activator of
WOMAC = Western Ontario & McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis nuclear factor kappa-B ligand, BMP = bone morphogenetic protein
index, IL = interleukin, MDM2 = mouse double minute 2 homolog,

Category Drug class Drug Description

Anti-inflammatory TNF-α inhibitors Adalimumab Randomized open-label study showed it was effective and well
tolerated [11].
Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial showed no
difference in pain or synovitis in hand OA [12].
Infliximab One phase IV trial showed improved WOMAC scores [13]. No
new studies or trials published since then.
DLX105 single-chain Phase I clinical trial completed in 2010 (NCT00819572), results
scFV antibody fragment not published.
against TNF-α
IL-6 receptor inhibitor Tocilizumab Early studies show improved pain and morning stiffness [14].
Phase 3 clinical trial completed in February 2019, awaiting
results (NCT02477059).
IL-1 inhibitor Gevokizumab (anti-IL-1β) Results from phase II studies in erosive hand OA did not show a
greater improvement than placebo (NCT02293564,
NCT01882491, and NCT01683396).
Canakinumab (anti-IL-1β) CANTOS study showed fewer reports of OA with canakinumab
than placebo [15]. Subanalysis showed a reduced number of
total knee and hip replacements in the treatment groups than in
the placebo group [16]. No new trials registered to date.
Lutikizumab Phase II study showed limited improvement of pain and lack of
(anti-IL-1α/β) synovitis improvement [17].
IL-1Ra inhibitor Sc-rAAV2.5IL-1Ra Trial to started recruiting in March 2019 (NCT02790723).
p38 inhibitor ARRY-371797 Phase II trial completed in 2012, but no results published
(NCT01366014). No further trials conducted.
Wnt inhibitor SM04690 Pre-clinical studies showed anti-inflammatory and cartilage
protecting effects [18–20]. Results from a phase II study
showed significant symptomatic improvements and increase in
joint space width [21]. Different further clinical trials are
ongoing (NCT03727022 and NCT03706521).
IκB kinase inhibitor SAR113945 Phase I trial show promising results but larger patient sample is
needed to show efficacy [22]. Phase II study completed but no
results published to date (NCT01598415).
Senescence p53/MDM2 inhibitor UBX0101 Phase I trial in patients with knee OA due for completion in 2019
Inhibition of MMP-inhibitors Doxycycline (non-specific Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase III trial
cartilage-degrading inhibitor) showed doxycycline slowing down joint space narrowing in
factors the index knee [23]. However, a triple-blinded randomized
controlled trial did not show any reduction in symptoms but did
show an increase in adverse effects [24].
ADAMTS-inhibitors Anti-ADAMTS-5 Currently awaiting results from phase I clinical trial
nanobody (NCT03224702) after in vitro studies showed protection
against cartilage breakdown [25]. Phase I clinical trial of
multiple ascending doses of anti-ADAMTS-5 nanobody in
knee OA, due for completion in May 2019 (NCT03583346).
Anti-protease Alpha-2-macroglobulin Phase I trial to look at the reduction of pro-inflammatory synovial
fluid biomarkers in OA due for completion in 2019
Cathepsin K inhibitor MIV-711 MIV-711 was well tolerated in a phase I study in healthy subjects
[26]. Phase IIa trial showed significant reductions in bone and
cartilage disease progression in the femur [27]. No further
studies registered to date.
Promotion of cartilage Fibroblast growth factor Sprifermin (rhFGF-18) After positive results in pre-clinical trials [28, 29], the results from
building factors (FGF) the first-in-human clinical trial were cautiously optimistic [30].
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Table 1 (continued)

Category Drug class Drug Description

A phase II study to further investigate safety and effectiveness

is due for completion in May 2019 (NCT01919164).
Sulfated Chondroitin sulfate and Many clinical trials have been conducted, most of which show
glucosaminoglycan/- glucosamine mixed results for chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, as well as
precursor of glycosylated the two in combination [31, 32]. However, a meta-analysis has
proteins shown that chondroitin could alleviate pain and improve
function and that glucosamine improved stiffness [33].
Hyaluronic acid Intra-articular hyaluronic Meta-analysis on the effect in hip OA did not show any difference
acid to placebo [34]. However, a meta-analysis on knee OA showed
a moderate but real benefit for these patients [35]. There are
many active clinical trials that compare to hyaluronic acid with
placebo, PRP, or other treatments, such as NCT03852914,
NCT03801564, and NCT03690232.
MEPE derivative TPX-100 Phase II study showed it was safe, well tolerated, and associated
with significant and clinically meaningful functional benefits
[36]. No further studies registered to date.
Pain Nerve growth factor (NGF) Tanezumab After a successful phase I trial [37] and an earlier successful
proof-of-concept study [38], now many studies in progress
awaiting results.
Falranumab Phase II double-blind placebo-controlled trial showed positive
results on pain but risk of rapid OA progression [39]. Several
phase III trials were finished in 2016, but no results have come
out yet.
Fasinumab Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed
improvement of pain and function, while generally being well
tolerated [40]. Several phase III trials are currently recruiting
patients (NCT02683239, NCT03304379, and NCT03161093),
as well as a trial to self-administer fasinumab (NCT03491904).
Trans-capsaicin CNTX-4975 Phase II revealed that a single injection improved pain with
walking, knee stiffness, and physical function in OA patients
with knee pain [41]. Several phase III trials (NCT03661996,
NCT03660943, and NCT03429049) are currently recruiting or
completing their study.
Neurotoxic proteins Botulinum toxin A Phase II trials show that intra-articular injection provided pain
relief and improved functional abilities in knee OA patients [42,
43]. Multiple studies are currently investigating this effect
further (NCT02832713 and NCT03187626).
Repurposed drugs RANKL inhibitor Denosumab Denosumab reduced early migration in total knee replacement,
(osteoporosis) which often causes the need for a revision [44]. Phase II trial is
currently looking at denosumab in hand OA (NCT02771860).
Calcium-reducing hormone Calcitonin (osteoporosis Two phase III trials did not show any clinical benefits to patients
drug) with symptomatic knee OA [45].
Anti-calcitonin Phase II study was terminated as interim assessment showed lack
gene-related peptide of efficacy [46].
(migraine drug)
BMPs BMP-7 Phase I trial showed a symptom response and no dose limiting
toxicity [47]. However, no further studies have been done.

disease or patients with systemic inflammation-related comor- IL-1, IL-6, and MMP-3. In OA mouse models, senescent cells
bidities may be more amenable to treatment. They also pro- accumulate in the synovium and cartilage; the small molecule
pose that non-intravenous routes of administration should be UBX0101 clears senescent cells and ameliorates cartilage
considered to improve bioavailability [48]. damage [49]. Clinical trials are now underway to test
Senescence is a compelling recent target in OA and other UBX0101 for amelioration of painful patellofemoral OA. In
diseases of aging. Senescent cells are resistant to apoptosis addition, repurposing of drugs, like those for osteoporosis,
and secrete inflammatory and catabolic mediators including have received particular attention in the OA field. These drugs
Curr Rheumatol Rep (2019) 21: 41 Page 5 of 14 41

might serve as potential treatments in subtypes of OA, as quality to reliably deconvolute clinical predictors of cartilage
osteoporosis and OA have commonalities in bone involve- loss or other clinical outcomes [62].
ment [50]. Although repurposed Osteoporosis drugs show
compelling results in pre-clinical testing in OA, clinical trials Risk Factors
in late-stage OA, such as multiple phase III trials investigating
calcitonin, have not yet demonstrated obvious benefits [45]. Risk factors for OA, including age, sex, and trauma, may hint
Galcanezumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting calcitonin at the underlying mechanism and determine the broadly appli-
gene-related peptide, was also unsuccessful in a phase II trial cable stratification steps. Age is associated with inflammaging
as it did not reduce signs or symptoms of knee OA [46]. and senescence and predicts improvement in pain following
Active research into surgical and cell-based strategies con- corticosteroid injection for knee OA [54]. Mechanisms under-
tinues, but an exhaustive review of the current research land- lying pain differ in males and females, and, consequentially,
scape is not the purpose of this review. Rather, we seek to the mechanisms underlying cartilage damage may also be
present a framework of principles that are applicable to future modulated by sex. Younger males are less likely to require
success of all chondroprotective approaches. joint replacement [63], and morphological differences be-
tween sexes might contribute to OA development and severity
[64, 65]. Although few studies have investigated the effects of
Disease Stratification—Breaking Down OA risk factors on pharmacologic driven chondroprotection,
a Spectrum of Diseases into Different there is evidence that OA progression is reduced in post-
Subtypes menopausal women undergoing hormone replacement thera-
py [66, 67]. Site- and hormone-based interactions are also
Advances in clinical, molecular, and genetic characterization seen in the presentation of hand OA at the time of menopause,
of OA suggest it is better regarded as a spectrum, or continu- in contrast to other forms of OA that present post-menopause
um, of conditions leading to end-stage disease with a common [68, 69]. Comorbidities, including obesity, diabetes, and met-
entity: loss of articular cartilage [51]. This is unsurprising abolic syndrome, are additional risk factors for OA with clin-
given the varied clinical manifestations of OA. However, most ically related readouts such as high serum cholesterol, which
current clinical and laboratory-based studies do not consider is associated with generalized OA [70]. Lifestyle, diet, and
disease subtypes in their study design. alteration of the microbiome may also affect OA onset and
Disease stratification is best demonstrated in oncology, progression [71].
where the ability to utilize molecular information to predict Joint loading and trauma significantly impact OA develop-
prognosis and optimal therapeutic strategy has been the first ment. Lower step rate is associated with a greater risk of in-
step towards personalized treatment [52]. To apply this to creased cartilage damage in knee OA patients [72]. Following
chondroprotection in OA, we must consider the key charac- traumatic ACL injury, initial cartilage damage is more com-
teristics by which to stratify patients (Fig. 2). mon in the lateral and medial compartments of the knee than
in the medial alone [73]. Sport-related knee injuries lead to a
Clinical Phenotypes significantly greater likelihood of joint replacement [74], yet
younger patients have differing underlying biology and im-
A first step to classify OA can be through the affected joint(s). mune status, higher physical demands, and greater need to
Clinically adopted imaging, pain, and function scores can also avoid surgical joint replacement. These factors greatly impact
incorporate affected joint surface(s) and stage of disease. the requirements of therapeutic chondroprotection while iden-
There are several studies where these scores reveal patterns tifying a relatively defined group on which to test DMOADs
in chondroprotective response. Individuals with severe carti- [75].
lage loss have a reduced likelihood of improved pain follow- The breadth of OA risk factors and clinical phenotypes
ing intra-articular steroid injection [53, 54]. Meanwhile, stron- demonstrates the wealth of potential disease subtypes. Risk
tium ranelate inhibition of cartilage loss was more effective in factors alone, although identifiable prior to clinical presenta-
patients with meniscal extrusion and bone marrow lesions tion for OA, are not adequate to reliably predict OA occur-
than in those with meniscal extrusion alone [55]. rence or prognosis. A key advantage of stratifying OA patients
Osteophytes and synovitis may also predict the rate of struc- based on observable clinical factors (pain, function, and im-
tural progression [8, 56], which varies between individuals, aging scores) is data accessibility: there is often no invasive
influencing both prognosis and chondroprotective strategy testing needed and readouts are readily available in the clinic.
[57]. Potential predictors of structural progression include When considering timing of DMOAD intervention and iden-
pain [58], inertia [57], bone marrow lesions [59], joint loading tification of disease mechanisms, patients often do not present
[60], baseline Kellgren–Lawrence (KL) grade, obesity, and to clinic until they have “end-stage” disease where pain or
alignment [61]. However, few studies have the power and function is severely affected. Indeed, the structural features
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Fig. 2 Overview of OA stratification categories and their interactions. molecular and cellular signatures and altered clinical signs and
Clinical signs and symptoms, risk factors, and molecular signatures symptoms. As OA progresses stratification categories will continue to
interact and can define OA subtypes. The combinatorial effects of feedback on each other, therefore individual stratification measures (or
different stratification measures will define distinct subtypes and stages combinations thereof) may be specific to a particular stage of disease
of OA. For example, risk factors such as trauma will drive changes in

of OA do not consistently correlate with each other or with in stratification for chondroprotection may utilize clinical
symptoms. Patients can suffer severe pain, but show limited scoring and risk factors, it is unlikely that these will be mean-
radiographic evidence of OA, or have late-stage radiographic ingful in isolation. Future studies should explore the interrela-
OA, but limited pain. However, cross-talk between cartilage tionships among structure, function, and pain and integrate
damage and pain can occur, with pain-targeting strategies molecular endotyping to generate robust stratification
(e.g., corticosteroids) leading directly or indirectly to cartilage systems.
loss [76–78].
Neither the clinical phenotype nor the combination of risk Molecular Signatures
factors directly reveals mechanism of disease, preventing
meaningful identification, development, and evaluation of Tissue-specific mechanisms will underlie OA, some unique to
chondroprotective strategies [79]. In fact, a number of molec- an individual tissue and some common across multiple tissues
ular mechanisms (endotypes) may contribute to each risk and joints. Recent studies have defined OA subtypes to be
factor-induced effect and clinical phenotype. While a first step bone-, cartilage-, and inflammation- or synovium-driven
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[80]. It is logical to expand these principles to examine the Protein, Lipid and Metabolomic Biomarkers
contributions of the fat pad and synovial fluid, as well as
meniscus, muscle, tendon, and ligament [9]. The contribution There has been significant focus on using biomarkers to stratify
of each joint tissue to cartilage damage will vary between OA and correlate with clinical signs and symptoms. Investigated
patients, ultimately combining to define one of the clinical biomarkers include ECM components and breakdown products,
subtypes on the OA spectrum. cytokines, adipokines, metabolites, lipids, and enzymes in blood,
serum, urine, and synovial fluid, as well as tissues of the OA
joint. Differing levels of knee cartilage loss are positively corre-
Genotypes lated with serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and fibulin-3
levels, whereas IL-6 is associated with increased synovitis and
OA has a complex polygenic genetic architecture, with mul- pain [88]. The presence of IL-17 in synovial fluid may also
tiple alleles acting in concert to both increase and decrease risk discriminate an OA subtype with faster cartilage loss, reduced
of disease and distinguish disease subtypes. This is demon- osteophytes, and increased adipokines. Increased pain in hip OA
strated through the identification of novel and non- patients is associated with increased IL-6, visfatin, and leptin,
overlapping genetic risk loci for hip and knee OA in a meta- while in knee OA patients, increased leptin, reduced adiponectin
analysis of 17,151 hip OA patients, 23,877 knee OA patients, and reduced adiponectin–leptin ratio are associated with pain
and > 560,000 controls [81]. A further genome-wide analysis [89–91]. Given the association of OA with metabolic disease, it
of UK Biobank data identified 15 novel signals for hip OA, 7 is feasible that lipid and metabolomic markers may define spe-
for knee OA, and 6 shared between hip and knee OA [82••]. A cific OA subtypes and impact disease progression as they do in
number of loci were within genes involved in cartilage devel- cancer [92–94].
opment or homeostasis (COL11A1, COL11A2, FGFR3, To help crystallize critical OA stratification panels, multidi-
GDF5, TGFB1, IL11). The genetic susceptibility loci showed mensional computational strategies should help us to
site-specific association and shared correlation with pheno- deconvolute and integrate the myriad of interrelationships be-
types including obesity, BMI, bone mineral density, and age tween transcriptomic and biomarker signatures, as well as clinical
at first live birth. Furthermore, the OA-associated loci func- signs, symptoms, and risk factors. The same approach should be
tionally affected genes in their vicinity, altering gene expres- applied to determining meaningful end points to assess interven-
sion in degraded compared to intact cartilage. tions. The combinatorial information from a range of genetic,
epigenetic, transcriptomic, protein, lipid, or metabolomic bio-
markers is important. Different combinations may mediate dif-
Cells and Transcriptomics ferent effects, and single stratifiers may not convey any mean-
ingful effect or association. In turn, molecular or cellular
Improved granularity in OA stratification is possible by defin- endotypes may contribute to one clinical phenotype, and some
ing the cellular and molecular basis of OA using cytometry clinical phenotypes may share the same endotypic contributors.
and next-generation sequencing approaches. These add to tra- An integrated approach will therefore provide a more robust
ditional histochemistry-based approaches and offer the possi- framework for successful chondroprotection and clinical
bility of a new disease taxonomy. Bulk genome-wide expres- translation.
sion analysis of chondrocytes in articular cartilage revealed
two major patient subgroups, differing in complement activa-
tion, innate immune responses, and Wnt and TGFβ signaling
response [83•]. Single-cell sequencing has also identified cell Integrating Stratification
subsets associated with both cartilage zone and level of dam- with Chondroprotective Strategies
age [84••]. Although many approaches are cartilage-based,
plasma miRNA signatures can distinguish levels of OA carti- To better deliver OA chondroprotection, phenotypes and
lage damage as either significant or minimal, also indicating endotypes need to be utilized intelligently—both in disease strat-
epigenetic mediators as disease modulators [85]. CD14+ ification and in the identification of meaningful end points. This
CD16+ macrophages, enriched in the synovial fluid of knee will enable identification of pathobiological mechanisms, molec-
OA patients at the time of intervention, correlate with stiffness ular targets, responsive groups, and markers of therapeutic effi-
and function scores [86•]. In the synovium, RNA-Seq of cacy. This is demonstrated in rheumatoid arthritis, where distinct
synovial macrophages has also revealed two distinct transcriptomic signatures correlate with drug responses and de-
subtypes of OA – an inflammatory subtype in which fine the clinical subtypes of disease [95]. Stratification and mean-
macrophages have a proliferative (Ki-67 positive) signature ingful end points must be incorporated into all stages of the
and a ‘classical’ subtype in which macrophages possess a translational pipeline—in discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical
tissue remodelling signature [87]. studies of chondroprotection (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 3 Integration of OA stratification categories with the translational with risk factors, clinical signs and symptoms. Tissue-based end points
cycle. The key stratification categories should be applied to studies of and stratification measures should be derived using well-phenotyped
disease development and to pre-clinical and clinical drug development healthy and diseased tissues from the joint. Where appropriate,
pathways. To refine critical stratification measures and identify relevant embedding tissue collection and analysis within enrolment and outcome
end points for pre-clinical and clinical studies, nextgeneration stages of clinical trials would inform future studies across the translational
sequencing, “omics”, and cytometry approaches should be integrated cycle

Pre-clinical Studies healthy joints and joints following t herapeutic intervention are
also essential. These signatures will enable identification of
Cellular or molecular signatures may not have functional effects underlying mechanisms of disease and produce meaningful
on cartilage damage or OA pathobiology and may instead sim- readouts to assess whether an intervention results in a “healthy”
ply postcode a disease state or subtype. Therefore, successful or “effectively treated” signature. The use of the spectrum of
delivery of chondroprotection relies on well-conducted func- relevant tissues and fluids allows more robust endotype identi-
tional studies and on the extension of cross-sectional and lon- fication, while identifying less invasive surrogates for tissue-
gitudinal studies of OA endotypes—all informed by clinical based signatures. Stratification panels will undergo continuous
signs and risk factors. Tissues across the whole joint plus urine, evolution, changing not only with disease subset but also with
blood, and synovial fluid should be incorporated. Cellular and the stage of cartilage damage and other clinical readouts and
molecular signatures of tissues obtained from diseased joints, risk-factors.
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Studies of disease mechanisms, drug target identification, stresses that age, sex, joint site, diet, obesity, and loading re-
and drug testing rely on in vitro and in vivo methods, supple- gime pre- and post-disease or therapeutic intervention should
mented with in silico and mathematical modeling, to identify be considered carefully, as should the genetic background of
key drivers, stratification sets, and end points. Functional as- animals and the incorporation of comorbidity models [100].
says and modeling of identified biomarkers, cell types, and End points in animal studies should encompass traditional
molecular signatures will enable validation of potential targets cartilage readouts (e.g., OARSI scores) alongside effects on
for chondroprotective agents and testing of therapeutic effica- molecular signatures of other joint tissues and pain and func-
cy. Models and end points used in vitro and in vivo need to tion measures that relate to human disease.
account for differing endotypes and changing molecular sig- Future work should include next-generation
natures associated with OA progression or cessation. As with transcriptomic, “omic,” and cytometry platforms, in combina-
human disease, these models should not be chondrocentric. tion with multidimensional co-culture techniques, to develop
Firstly, chondroprotection alone is not adequate for patient- high-throughput screening of chondroprotection agents.
beneficial changes in pain and function. Secondly, OA is a However, a clearly defined molecular signature of “healthy”
whole joint disease, with multiple studies showing significant or “effectively repaired” tissues will be crucial to such strate-
cross-talk among bone, synovium, muscle, fat pad, meniscus, gies. To this end, it is critical that future clinical trials incor-
ligament, and cartilage. Finally, we should consider comorbid- porate tissue end points into their design.
ities, risk factors, and the mechanical environment that will all
affect cellular, molecular, and functional readouts in vitro and Clinical Trials
in vivo.
For in vitro studies, well-phenotyped human tissue is the Many promising drugs have completed pre-clinical and early-
optimal source of cells and tissues. Molecular and cellular phase clinical trials, but most have failed in phase III trials. It is
interrogation, co-cultures, and microfluidic and organ-on-a- plausible that this is due to the heterogeneity in endotypes of
chip platforms alone and in combination with bioreactor- the patient populations within trials or to the design of
driven loading will enable study of multidirectional interac- targeting of patients with too advanced disease. A priori pa-
tions between cartilage and other critical tissues and media- tient selection into trials requires validated inclusion criteria,
tors. Since the joint itself presents challenges for sampling, the including clinical markers, risk factors, and endotypes of dis-
development of minimally invasive biopsy methods will be ease to identify individuals most likely to respond to treatment
necessary. The soft tissues of the joint are more amenable to [101]. Identifying molecular endotypes that predispose to OA
biopsy, and, given their likely involvement in secreting factors or mark early OA is a first step in selecting patient groups
that propagate OA pain and cartilage loss, research efforts within the effective therapeutic window for pharmacologic
may be better focused here than on interrogation of cartilage intervention—most likely before joint damage, function, and
itself. However, differing cell subsets and molecular signa- pain are too severe. Furthermore, stratification by molecular
tures in cartilage may still contribute to OA, driving diversity endotype for “basket” trials (one pharmacologic, multiple OA
in disease mechanism, changes in pain and function, or re- joint sites with a shared endotype) or “umbrella” trials (mul-
sponse to therapeutics. Given the importance of pain and func- tiple pharmacologics targeting a molecular endotype at one
tion to patients, it would be fruitful to focus on in vitro signa- joint site) may hold greater promise than traditional phase
tures that relate to these clinical readouts in order to improve trials. Given that 31 million adults are affected by OA in the
the identification of potential target molecules and USA alone [1], successful targeting of a small subset of pa-
therapeutics. tients would be life changing for millions of people. For both
In vivo validation is embedded within the translational surgical and pharmacologic interventions, reversal of all dis-
pathway, and a variety of in vivo models of OA are available ease symptoms is unlikely. However, enabling optimal re-
[96]. To establish mechanisms, targets, or drug efficacies, the sponse to treatment is within reach. Clinical observations of
multiple subtypes and risk factors of OA must be considered imaging, pain, and function provide commonly used end
in the selection of an appropriate in vivo model. For example, points for clinical trials, often in combination with activity
the commonly used destabilization of medial meniscus levels and patient reported outcome measures (PROMS).
(DMM) mouse model uses injury to induce OA in the knee Combining these with meaningful molecular readouts at an
of young male animals, yet only 12% of knee OA patients accessible and relevant tissue level is also essential at trial
have post-traumatic disease and many of these patients will end points where efficacy is inferred, especially given the
be female. Cartilage damage in the DMM is sex dependent, interaction of all these factors. Without careful selection of
and, given the distinct pain pathways in males compared to end points, the ability to separate responders from non-
females, stratification by sex is preferable in all in vivo models responders is limited and effective (direct or indirect)
[97]. In addition, the age of mice at DMM and their diet affects chondroprotection may be missed. Furthermore, tissue read-
disease progression and molecular response [98, 99]. This outs following clinical trials provide essential information to
41 Page 10 of 14 Curr Rheumatol Rep (2019) 21: 41

feed back into the discovery pipeline [102]. Finally, epidemi- Emerging Targets
ology studies of any clinically adopted therapeutics would
enable large-scale evaluation of population-level efficacy. Emerging targets for chondroprotection include mediators of
oxidative stress, and of cholesterol and lipid metabolism, as
well as nuclear receptors.
Oxidative stress occurs during disease and aging and is
Future Look detrimental to many cells. Oxidative stress is evident in OA
cartilage, as OA chondrocytes have increased reactive oxygen
The OA field continues to evolve, with the advent of new species-induced DNA damage and lipid peroxidation prod-
technologies contributing to improved strategies for therapeu- ucts. Overexpression of the antioxidant heme oxygenase-1
tic delivery and the identification of novel, unexplored targets. (HO1) was shown to protect against cartilage damage in
A reframed translational pathway, encompassing integration post-traumatic and aging models of OA [108]. Oxidative
of stratification with discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical stud- stress targeting could encompass both small molecules and
ies, should be applied to these advances. bioactives. S-methylisothiorea, an inhibitor of inducible nitric
oxide synthase, produced anti-nociceptive and anti-arthritic
effects in a rat OA model by inhibiting cartilage damage and
Administration, Delivery, and Release of Drugs suppressing nitric oxide in synovial fluid [109]. In addition,
the bioactive sulfurophane induces HO1 and protects against
A particular challenge in OA is effective drug administration DMM-induced cartilage damage [110].
to ensure delivery and release at the site of action. OA is Given that obesity-associated comorbidities are widely ac-
mainly localized to the particular joint affected by the disease, cepted risk factors for OA, it is unsurprising that cholesterol
and many drugs, such as the MMP inhibitors, have failed due and its metabolic regulators are potential targets. High choles-
to systemic side effects. Intra-articular injections have re- terol diets alter chondrocyte cholesterol metabolism and up-
ceived increased interest, as their benefits in targeted delivery take and induce more severe OA following DMM.
compared to oral and intravenous formulations may outweigh Knockdown of CH25H–CYP7B1–RORα axis members—
their disadvantages. In order to decrease the frequency, and involved in cholesterol uptake, metabolism, and transcription-
associated patient-burden, of these injections, the half-life of al response—decrease cartilage damage [111]. RORα, a nu-
the drugs, as well as slow-release methods, will need to be clear receptor, is already a target in other diseases. Nuclear
considered. receptors are transcription factors activated by lipophilic li-
Recent advances in delivery and release vehicles of drugs gands including vitamin D, glucocorticoids, retinoic acid, free
make intra-articular injections more attractive. Hydrogels, fatty acids, and eicosanoids—all of which show altered ex-
micro- and nanoparticles, and liposomes are all potential car- pression and disease modulation in OA models and are ame-
riers for drugs, but microparticles are the most likely to pro- nable to therapeutic targeting [70]. Lipid mediators are not
vide an adequate retention time for appropriate drug release only pro-inflammatory like eicosanoids but also drive inflam-
over a therapeutically useful period [103]. However, as even mation resolution. Resolvin D1 inhibits synovial macrophage-
intra-articular approaches can affect multiple tissues, tissue- driven cartilage damage [112], and the resolvin precursor 17-
specific targeting may be necessary. A novel approach used HDHA is associated with pain but not cartilage loss [113].
electrostatic interactions to get drugs into the cartilage and These emerging targets converge on the chronic inflammatory
closer to chondrocytes [104]. These cartilage-penetrating pathways that underlie OA. Although chondroprotection is a
nanocarriers improve delivery and efficacy of growth factor key goal, the molecular targets should incorporate OA natural
treatment, as shown in a rat model of OA [105••]. The delivery history, targeting tissues that drive cartilage loss, pain, and
of drugs specifically to the cartilage, where necessary, would dysfunction in each relevant disease subtype.
be a major breakthrough in the field.
In addition to the use of these strategies for drugs that have
already undergone development, nanomicelles can be Conclusion
employed to carry mRNA, as shown using the cartilage-
anabolic transcription factor RUNX1, which significantly Significant progress has been made in understanding OA and
suppressed disease progression after injection into mouse in developing technologies to interrogate and treat this com-
OA knee joints [106]. Virus-like particles have also been plex disease. It is now clear that chondroprotection should
coupled to recombinant nerve growth factor to create a vac- target all joint tissues not just cartilage. The field should con-
cine. Pre-clinical studies showed that both prophylactic and tinue to adopt collaborative strategies that combine cutting-
therapeutic vaccination resulted in the attenuation of chronic edge cytometric, omics, and computational technologies.
pain behavior in surgically induced murine OA [107]. Future approaches should target the taxonomy of OA,
Curr Rheumatol Rep (2019) 21: 41 Page 11 of 14 41

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