Reporting Reliability, Convergent and Discriminant Validity With Structural Equation Modeling: A Review and Best Practice Recommendations

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Asia Pacific Journal of Management

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant

validity with structural equation modeling: A review
and best‑practice recommendations

Gordon W. Cheung1 · Helena D. Cooper‑Thomas2 · Rebecca S. Lau3 ·

Linda C. Wang4

Accepted: 6 January 2023

© The Author(s) 2023, corrected publication 2023

Many constructs in management studies, such as perceptions, personalities, atti-
tudes, and behavioral intentions, are not directly observable. Typically, empirical
studies measure such constructs using established scales with multiple indicators.
When the scales are used in a different population, the items are translated into
other languages or revised to adapt to other populations, it is essential for research-
ers to report the quality of measurement scales before using them to test hypoth-
eses. Researchers commonly report the quality of these measurement scales based
on Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis results. However, these results
are usually inadequate and sometimes inappropriate. Moreover, researchers rarely
consider sampling errors for these psychometric quality measures. In this best
practice paper, we first critically review the most frequently-used approaches in
empirical studies to evaluate the quality of measurement scales when using struc-
tural equation modeling. Next, we recommend best practices in assessing reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity based on multiple criteria and taking sampling
errors into consideration. Then, we illustrate with numerical examples the applica-
tion of a specifically-developed R package, measureQ, that provides a one-stop solu-
tion for implementing the recommended best practices and a template for reporting
the results. measureQ is easy to implement, even for those new to R. Our overall aim
is to provide a best-practice reference for future authors, reviewers, and editors in
reporting and reviewing the quality of measurement scales in empirical management

Keywords Reliability · Convergent validity · Discriminant validity · measureQ ·


* Gordon W. Cheung
[email protected]
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

G. W. Cheung et al.

Many constructs in management research are latent constructs that cannot be directly
observed; therefore, researchers typically measure such constructs using established
scales with multiple indicators. However, established scales do not perform equally
well in different populations and samples. Moreover, many researchers translate the
original scales into different languages or revise the original scales to adapt to the
population under study, which are likely for many empirical studies in the Asia–
Pacific region. Hence, it is critically important to evaluate and report the reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity of multiple-indicator scales before examining
relationships among constructs or testing hypotheses (Heggestad et al., 2019). While
many researchers report Cronbach’s alpha and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
results as evidence of the quality of measurement scales in their empirical studies,
these are typically inadequate (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Another problem is that
most studies ignore sampling errors when comparing quality measures with specific
thresholds (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha > 0.8).
Returning to the foundations of these important psychometric concepts, Campbell
and Fiske (1959, p. 83) first defined convergent validity as “the agreement between
two attempts to measure the same trait through maximally different methods” and
discriminant validity as a trait that “can be meaningfully differentiated from other
traits” (Campbell & Fiske, 1959, p. 100) under the multitrait-multimethod (MTMM)
context, in which two or more traits are each assessed using two or more methods.
They proposed assessing convergent and discriminant validity by referring to the
magnitudes of correlation coefficients in the MTMM matrix, which reveal the corre-
lations among multiple constructs (i.e., multitrait) measured from multiple methods
(i.e., multimethod). Among the problems associated with employing the MTMM
matrix to evaluate convergent and discriminant validity, the most significant draw-
back is the cumbersome requirement for researchers to collect data on every con-
struct using more than one method (Bollen, 1989).
In practice, unlike scale development research that uses multiple methods to
measure constructs, most empirical research measures multiple constructs with a
single method. In this multitrait-monomethod context, where each construct is meas-
ured using a single method and multiple indicators, Bagozzi (1981, p. 375) defined
convergence in measurement, whereby convergent validity constitutes a special case,
as “measures of the same construct should be highly intercorrelated among them-
selves and uniform in the pattern of intercorrelations.” Likewise, Bagozzi (1981, p.
375) defined differentiation in constructs, which is more generalized than discrimi-
nant validity, as “cross-construct correlations among measures of empirically asso-
ciated variables should correlate at a lower level than the within-construct correla-
tions.” Following the common practices of empirical studies, this best practice paper
focuses on the multitrait-monomethod context, and we use the terms convergent
validity and discriminant validity rather than convergence in measurement and dif-
ferentiation of constructs.
Through this best practices paper, we aim to achieve four objectives. Our
first objective is to critically review the most frequently-adopted approaches to
evaluate reliability, convergent and discriminant validity in empirical research.
Our second objective, which draws on our review, is to recommend best prac-
tices for assessing reliability, convergent and discriminant validity in empirical

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

studies. Although some of these approaches are not widely adopted in manage-
ment studies, they have been extensively applied in other fields, such as consumer
behavior and marketing research. In line with other methodological best-practice
papers (Christofi et al., 2022; Ren et al., 2018), we emphasize the utility of these
guidelines for future authors, reviewers, and editors. Our third objective is to
demonstrate how to implement our recommendations with a specifically devel-
oped R package, measureQ. We use five examples to show how one simple step
in measureQ, of defining the measurement model, generates all the test results
required for evaluating reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. Finally,
our last objective is to motivate and enable standardized reporting of results and,
relatedly, evaluate measurement scales’ quality in empirical management stud-
ies. To this end, we provide a report template covering reliability, convergent
and discriminant validity. We emphasize that our recommendations apply to
reflective measures only and not formative measures. This aligns with Edwards’
(2011) excellent comparison of reflective and formative measures, in which he
argues that reflective measures are more suitable for management studies. We
also emphasize that our best practice recommendations apply to empirical studies
that utilize established scales only and not scale development research that typi-
cally adopts the multitrait-multimethod approach. For best-practice recommenda-
tions for scale development research, readers are referred to Cortina et al. (2020),
Hinkin (1998), and Lambert and Newman (2022).

Methods for assessing reliability

Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.7 or 0.8

Cronbach’s alpha is not structural equation modeling (SEM) based, yet it is the most
commonly-reported reliability coefficient in studies using SEM (Cho, 2016). This
practice continues despite numerous notes of its misuse (Cortina, 1993; Flora, 2020;
Schmitt, 1996; Sijtsma, 2009). Although Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.7 has been
widely used as the standard for adequate reliability, Lance et al. (2006) pointed out
that Nunnally (1978) and Carmines and Zeller (1979) recommended a reliability
standard of 0.8 for the majority of studies, and reliability of 0.7 indicates the scale
has only modest reliability. Moreover, Cronbach’s alpha’s assumption of equal factor
loadings across indicators (i.e., tau-equivalence) is typically not justified for latent
constructs. Of particular concern is that Cronbach’s alpha typically underestimates
the reliability of a latent construct when the underlying indicators demonstrate
unequal factor loadings (Gerbing & Anderson, 1988). The frequent misuse of Cron-
bach’s alpha may be attributable to several factors: (a) unawareness of the problems
of Cronbach’s alpha (Dunn et al., 2014), (b) easy estimation of Cronbach’s alpha
using commonly-available statistical software packages, (c) widely-accepted stand-
ards for evaluating the adequacy of Cronbach’s alpha, and (d) requests from review-
ers and/or editors for Cronbach’s alpha, resulting in its inclusion in manuscripts.

G. W. Cheung et al.

Construct reliability/composite reliability values greater than 0.7 or 0.8

A more appropriate reliability measure for SEM-based studies is construct reliability

(CR; Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Jöreskog, 1971), also known as McDonald’s omega
(McDonald, 1999), composite reliability (Raykov, 1997), or congeneric reliability
(Graham, 2006). CR is based on the congeneric model that does not require equiva-
lent factor loadings across items, which is defined as:
�∑ �2
CR = �∑ �2 ∑ � �, (1)
𝜆i + 1 − 𝜆2i

where λi is the completely standardized factor loading (for which both indicators
and latent constructs are standardized) of item i. When the measurement model is
tau-equivalent, CR is equivalent to Cronbach’s alpha. Hair et al. (2009, p. 619) noted
that CR values of 0.7 or higher denote good reliability. In other words, the total
error variance should consist of less than 30% of the variance of the latent variable.
It might be thought that unreliable scales are of minimal concern in SEM because
measurement errors are accounted for when estimating relationships between con-
structs. As a result, estimated parameters for these relationships are not biased by
measurement errors. However, low reliability in the underlying scales increases the
standard errors of estimated parameters, resulting in less powerful testing (Grewal
et al., 2004).

Construct reliability for second‑order factors

Many measurement scales used in management studies are multidimensional,

reflecting the construct’s complexity. Commonly-used multidimensional scales
include the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli et al., 2002, 2006) that meas-
ures engagement on three dimensions: vigor, dedication, and absorption; Meyer and
Allen’s (1991) commitment scale for measuring affective, continuance, and norma-
tive commitment; and Posner and Kouzes’ (1988) Leadership Practices Inventory
(LPI) which measures five dimensions of leadership, namely challenging the pro-
cess, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encour-
aging the heart. These and other measures with second-order factors violate the
assumption of unidimensionality of measures (i.e., each indicator assesses a single
underlying construct; Clark & Watson, 1995), and therefore Cronbach’s alpha and
CR are not appropriate reliability measures because they ignore the second-order
factor structure (Raykov et al., 2018). Following Raykov and Marcoulides (2012, p.
496), a second-order factor can be expressed as:
X = Λξ + 𝜀, (2)

𝜉 = 𝛾𝜂 + 𝜔, (3)
where Λ is the factor loading matrix of the first-order factors ξ on the indicators
X, γ is the factor loading matrix of the second-order factor η on ξ, ε is the residual

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

variance of X, and ω is the residual variance of ξ. Substituting (3) into (2) gets
(Raykov & Marcoulides, 2012, p. 498):
X = Λ𝛾𝜂 + Λ𝜔 + 𝜀. (4)
Suppose there is a p number of indicators measuring m number of first-order
factors, and the number of indicators measuring the jth first-order factor is
kj. The observed score variance 𝜎X2 equals the sum of all elements of the vari-
ance–covariance matrix of all indicators S, which can be decomposed into three
terms (Cho, 2016, p. 28; Raykov & Marcoulides, 2012, p. 498):
(∑m ∑k )2 ∑m ( )(∑k )2
𝜎X2 = 𝜆ij 𝛾j + 1 − 𝛾j2 𝜆ij + 𝜎e2 . (5)
j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1

The last term on the right-hand side is the sum of the indicator variance not
explained by the factors, usually referred to as residual variance or error variance
(Cortina, 1993). The first two terms together represent the total indicator vari-
ance–covariance explained by the first-order factors. The first term represents the
total indicator variance–covariance explained by the second-order factor, that is,
the variance of X due to the second-order factor (Cho, 2016; Cortina, 1993).
Hence, the second term is the total indicator variance–covariance explained by
the first-order factors but not the second-order factor. Gerbing and Anderson
(1984, p. 576) referred to the second term as the group-specific error that is irrel-
evant in estimating the second-order factor, and Credé and Harms (2015, p. 854)
referred to it as the idiosyncratic influence of the first-order factors. Since under
the Classical Test Theory, reliability = 1 − 𝜎𝜖2 , McDonald (1999) defined two reli-
ability measures: o­ megatotal ( 𝜔T ) and ­omegahierarchical ( 𝜔h):
�∑ ∑ �2 ∑ � ��∑ �2
m k m 2 k
j=1 i=1 ij j
𝛾 + 1 − 𝛾 𝜆
i=1 ij
j=1 j
𝜔T = 2

�∑ ∑ �2
m k
𝜆 𝛾
i=1 ij j
𝜔h = .

While some scholars (e.g., Cho, 2016; Raykov & Marcoulides, 2012; Raykov
et al., 2018) refer to 𝜔T as second-order factor reliability because they treat 𝜎𝜖2 as
the only error term, we agree with those viewing 𝜔h as being a more appropriate
measure of second-order reliability (Kelley & Pornprasertmanit, 2016; Zinbarg
et al., 2005) because it considers both 𝜎𝜖2 and group-specific error as comprising
the error term. In other words, 𝜔h accurately shows the proportion of total indi-
cator variance–covariance explained by the second-order factor to the total vari-
ance, whereas 𝜔T is more appropriate to represent the reliability of the combined
first-order factors.

G. W. Cheung et al.

Methods for assessing convergent validity

Bagozzi’s (1981) definition of convergent validity emphasizes the internal consist-

ency of the indicators measuring the same construct; therefore, four decades ago,
researchers used reliability measures as one of the requirements to evaluate conver-
gent validity (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Yet, researchers also suggest that merely
examining reliability is inadequate in assessing convergent validity. To examine con-
vergent validity using SEM, one should first conduct a CFA by estimating a meas-
urement model in which all indicators are related to the constructs they are meant
to measure and are not related directly to constructs they are not intended to meas-
ure (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Hair et al., 2009). When the hypothesized measure-
ment model fits the data adequately, this establishes the fundamental requirement for
convergent validity: all indicators converge well on their own construct.1 However,
many researchers have suggested that adequate model fit is insufficient to support
convergent validity because model fit does not guarantee measurement quality (For-
nell & Larcker, 1981); hence, additional criteria have been proposed.

Standardized factor loadings greater than 0.4, 0.5 or 0.7

Many researchers (e.g., Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Dunn et al., 1994) have sug-
gested evaluating convergent validity by examining the statistical significance of
standardized factor loadings. Nevertheless, as CFA may involve using relatively
large samples (typically 200 or more cases) to ensure convergence and reliable
results, even a small standardized factor loading may be statistically significant.
Hence, simply assessing the significance of a factor loading may not suffice. Steen-
kamp and van Trijp (1991, p. 289) also noted that “A weak condition for convergent
validity is that the factor regression coefficient on a particular item is statistically
significant. A stronger condition is that the factor regression coefficient is substan-
tial.” For instance, Wei and Nguyen (2020) conducted a CFA of a five-factor (local
responsiveness, Local R-assets, market-seeking FDI, strategic asset-seeking FDI,
and host country institutional development) measurement model. They reported
support for convergent validity with an acceptable overall model fit, and all the
standardized factor loadings in the model were statistically significant and higher
than 0.5. Researchers have proposed other rules for evaluating the magnitude of the
standardized factor loading. For example, Stevens (2002) suggested that the value of
a factor loading should be greater than 0.4 for interpretation purposes, whereas Hair
et al. (2009) argued that all standardized factor loadings should be at least 0.5 and,

Discussion on model fit evaluation goes beyond the scope of this review. The American Psycho-
logical Association’s journal article reporting standards (Appelbaum et al., 2018) refer researchers to
Kline (2016, Chapter 18), who suggested researchers report chi-square with its degrees of freedom and
p-value; RMSEA (Steiger & Lind, 1980) and its 90% confidence interval (Browne & Cudeck, 1992),
CFI (Bentler, 1990), and SRMR (Bentler, 1995). Researchers commonly adopt Hu and Bentler’s (1999,
p. 1) criteria for evaluating model fit, comprising cutoff values close to 0.06 for RMSEA, 0.95 for CFI,
and 0.08 for SRMR as indicating “a relatively good fit between the hypothesized model and the observed

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

ideally, at least 0.7. In other words, the construct explains at least 25% or, ideally, at
least 49% of the variance of each indicator.

Average variance extracted (AVE) value greater than 0.5

In addition to examining the standardized factor loadings, many studies have

employed the Fornell and Larcker (1981) criterion for assessing convergent validity
(for example, Yu et al., 2021; Zahoor et al., 2022). Fornell and Larcker (1981) sug-
gested that convergent validity is established when a latent construct accounts for no
less than half of the variance in its associated indicators. They proposed using the
average variance extracted (AVE) to represent the average amount of variance that
a construct explains in its indicators relative to the overall variance of its indicators.
For construct X, AVE is defined as follows:
∑p 2
𝜆i 1 �p 2
� �
AVE(X) = ∑p 2 i=1 ∑p = 𝜆 , (8)
i=1 i
� �
𝜆 + Var 𝜀i p
i=1 i i=1

where p is the number of indicators of construct X, and 𝜆i is the completely standard-

ized factor loading of the ith indicator (both indicators and the construct are stand-
ardized). Thus, for construct X, the value of AVE is equivalent to the average of the
square of completely standardized factor loadings across all its indicators. The AVE
should not be lower than 0.5 to demonstrate an acceptable level of convergent valid-
ity, meaning that the latent construct explains no less than 50% of the indicator vari-
ance (Fornell & Larcker, 1981, p. 46). For example, Yu et al. (2021), in their study
of corporate philanthropy, benevolent attributions, and job performance, reported
the AVE ranged between 0.50 and 0.62, thus exceeding the 0.5 threshold and sup-
porting the convergent validity of their latent constructs. Nonetheless, using AVE
to assess convergent validity relies on a rule of thumb rather than statistical testing
procedures; this means that sampling errors are disregarded, and conclusions cannot
be generalized to larger populations (Shiu et al., 2011).

Average variance extracted for second‑order factors

While Eq. (8) shows the AVE of a first-order factor, the AVE of a second-order fac-
tor ­(AVEsecond-order) measured with p number of indicators and m number of first-
order factors is (Credé & Harms, 2015):
1 ∑m ∑k ( )2
AVEsecond−order = 𝜆ij 𝛾j , (9)
p j=1 i=1

where (𝜆ij 𝛾j )2 is the variance of the ith indicator extracted by the second-order fac-
tor. Based on a minimum factor loading of 0.7 for both λ and γ, Credé and Harms
(2015, p. 854) suggested a general guideline that the AVE of first-order factors
­(AVEfirst-order, AVE in Eq. 8) be at least 49% and the ­AVEsecond-order (in Eq. 9) be
at least 24% as evidence of convergent validity for a second-order factor. However,
this suggestion applies to Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) recommendation of AVE not

G. W. Cheung et al.

less than 0.5 by including the group-specific error in the variance explained by the
second-order factor. Instead, we suggest excluding group-specific error when evalu-
ating a second-order factor’s convergent validity; hence, A ­ VEsecond-order should not
be less than 0.5. If this criterion is fulfilled, the ­AVEfirst-order will not be less than 0.5
because the group-specific error will not be negative.

Methods for assessing discriminant validity

The first condition for discriminant validity is establishing convergent validity

(Bagozzi & Phillips, 1982). Stated alternatively, unless a construct is well-rep-
resented by its indicators, it is pointless to examine whether the construct can be
distinguished from others. Many recommendations exist for evaluating discrimi-
nant validity, and Rönkkö and Cho (2022) have recently provided a comprehensive
summary. Hence, we briefly review these approaches and highlight and explain the
issues in a few places with varied opinions.

No cross‑loaded indicators (Unidimensionality)

In addition to establishing convergent validity, discriminant validity requires that

each indicator loads uniquely on only one construct. If the same indicator is used to
measure two constructs, it is difficult to argue that the constructs are distinct. Unidi-
mensionality requires no cross-loaded indicator, a condition for assigning meaning
to a latent construct (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). This criterion was implied in For-
nell and Larcker’s (1981) model, wherein they hypothesized no cross-loaded indica-
tors. Further, this criterion was made explicit in Henseler et al. (2015) and Voorhees
et al. (2016) when they proposed the Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) approach to
examine discriminant validity.

Correlations between two constructs are significantly less than unity

Statistical tests have been developed that assess discriminant validity by evaluat-
ing whether a correlation between two constructs is statistically significantly less
than unity. First proposed by Jöreskog (1971), with subsequent recommendations by
Bagozzi and Phillips (1982, p. 476) and by Anderson and Gerbing (1988, p. 416),
this is the most widely-used approach to evaluate discriminant validity. The pro-
cedure involves conducting a chi-square difference test between an unconstrained
CFA model and a constrained CFA model in which the correlation between the tar-
geted pair of constructs is constrained to 1.0. A statistically significant chi-square
difference between the two models (with one degree of freedom) implies the uncon-
strained model fits the data better; that is, the correlation is statistically significantly
less than 1.0. Therefore, discriminant validity is supported between the targeted pair
of constructs. For example, Wang et al. (2021b) conducted chi-square difference
tests for all paired constructs. In all cases, the constrained model with correlation

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

fixed at 1 fits the data significantly worse than the unconstrained model with freely
estimated correlation. Thus, they concluded discriminant validity was supported.
However, many researchers have executed the test inappropriately. Specifically,
Anderson and Gerbing (1988, p. 416) stated that “This test should be performed
for one pair of constructs at a time, rather than as a simultaneous test of all pairs of
interest. The reason for this is that a non-significant value for one pair of constructs
can be obfuscated by being tested with several pairs that have significant values.”
Further, in the constrained model in which the correlation between two targeted con-
structs is fixed to unity, researchers must also set equality constraints on the correla-
tions between the two constructs and other constructs of the model. For example,
when rxy is fixed to unity, rxz should be fixed as equal to r yz. However, in practice,
many researchers fail to adhere to this requirement. The same issue happens when
the correlation is fixed at a value other than 1.0. Although Rönkkö and Cho (2022)
realized this issue when testing the correlation against 1.0, they recommended
comparing the model fit of two nested models by constraining only the correlation
between the two constructs at a cutoff value without adding other constraints for
the correlations between the two constructs and other constructs.2 Because the con-
straints for other correlations will be more challenging to define, their recommended
approach is inappropriate for other cutoff values different from 1.0. In addition,
some researchers (e.g., Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Voorhees et al., 2016) suggest
that the Type I error rate for each discriminant validity test should be adjusted by
the number of tests conducted to control for overall Type I errors in a study. Against
this, we agree with Rönkkö and Cho (2022) and common practice that such adjust-
ment is unnecessary because each discriminant validity test for a pair of constructs
is independent of the discriminant validity tests applied to other pairs of constructs.
An alternative approach is to create a constrained model in which all indicators
of the two constructs are specified as loading on a single construct. Researchers fre-
quently adopt such an approach by comparing two nested models. In addition to the
other constructs in the models, the first model specifies the two targeted constructs
remain distinct, and the second model combines the two targeted constructs into
one. As an example of this approach, to test the discriminant validity of work-leisure
conflict and work engagement, Wang and Shi (2022) compared the hypothesized
five-factor measurement model with a four-factor model in which all the indicators
of work-leisure conflict and work engagement loaded on one factor. They then con-
ducted a chi-square difference test between the five-factor model and the four-factor
model, which was statistically significant (𝜒 2 (3) = 662.09, p < .01). This result sug-
gested the five-factor unconstrained model fit the data better, supporting discrimi-
nant validity between work-leisure conflict and work engagement.

The problem of the 𝜒 2 (cut) approach recommended by Rönkkö and Cho (2022) can be demonstrated
by fixing the correlation of the two target constructs at a value close to 1.0 (e.g., 0.99). In such a case, the
correlation between the two target constructs and other constructs should be close to equivalent. How-
ever, applying Rönkkö and Cho’s (2022) approach may result in very different correlation coefficients
between the two target constructs and other constructs.

G. W. Cheung et al.

Instead of determining whether the correlation between two latent variables is sig-
nificantly less than unity, and rather than using nested models, Anderson and Gerbing
(1988) proposed a complementary method based on assessing the confidence interval
(CI) for the estimated correlation between the targeted pair of constructs. When the
95% CI for the correlation between two constructs does not include 1.0, this provides
evidence of discriminant validity for the two constructs involved. For example, Li
and Li (2009) reported that none of the CIs of the correlations of latent constructs
included 1.0, supporting discriminant validity for all constructs in their study.
However, Shaffer et al. (2016) summarized two shortcomings of comparing the
correlation against 1.0 as a test of discriminant validity. First, the possible outcomes
are whether two constructs are perfectly correlated or not, but it is rare for them to
be perfectly correlated in the population. Second, with a large enough sample size
(e.g., 1,000), even a correlation at 0.95 is statistically significantly different from
1.0. We identify a third shortcoming: assessing whether the correlation is signifi-
cantly less than 1.0 is a one-tailed test. Hence, it is more appropriate to use a 90% CI
such that Type I error is maintained at 5% and higher power can be achieved.

Correlation between two constructs less than 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, or 0.75

Other than testing discriminant validity based on the correlation between two con-
structs being significantly less than 1.0, the most commonly used criterion is to
compare the correlation between two constructs against a fixed value involves deter-
mining whether rxy is less than 0.85 (Garson, 2002, p. 195; Kenny, 2016), although
researchers have proposed other threshold values. For example, John and Benet-
Martínez (2000) suggested a threshold of 0.9. Other researchers implicitly define the
threshold values for discriminant validity in their simulation studies. For example, in
their simulation study, Rönkkö and Cho (2022, Table 9) define a correlation at 0.8
or higher as having discriminant validity issues. Similarly, Voorhees et al. (2016,
Table 4) conducted a simulation study in which they defined a correlation of 0.75 as
having no discriminant validity issues and 0.9 as having discriminant validity issues.

Average variance extracted is greater than the shared variance (AVE‑SV approach)

The Fornell and Larcker (1981) criterion for assessing discriminant validity is also com-
monly employed (Voorhees et al., 2016). Specifically, Fornell and Larcker (1981, p. 46)
suggested that for construct X and construct Y, discriminant validity is established when
AVEs associated with both constructs are greater than the shared variance (i.e., squared
correlation; SV) between X and Y. In other words, the latent variable explains more vari-
ance of the indicators than another latent variable. Based on their simulation results, Gre-
wal et al. (2004, p. 528) recommended the AVE-SV approach for assessing discriminant
validity because the resulting constructs that possess discriminant validity substantially
reduced the Type II error resulting from multicollinearity such that “an inference error is
unlikely.” An example of this AVE-SV approach is Wang et al. (2021a) demonstration of
the discriminant validity of feedback-seeking from team members, creativity, thriving at
work, and mindfulness in their study of feedback-seeking.

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

Despite the increasing popularity of the AVE-SV approach, it has been criticized
for relying on rules of thumb rather than statistical test procedures, thus disregard-
ing sampling errors (Shiu et al., 2011). Additionally, the AVE-SV approach toler-
ates strong correlations when the AVE value is high (Shiu et al., 2011; Voorhees
et al., 2016). While several simulation studies (e.g., Henseler et al., 2015; Rönkkö &
Cho, 2022) have shown the high false-negative and high false-positive rates for this
approach, those simulations defined discriminant validity solely based on the cor-
relation between the two constructs but, importantly, failed to consider the AVE of
the two constructs in the population. For example, Rönkkö and Cho (2022, Table 8)
defined the correlation between two constructs at 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 as evidence of
discriminant validity while using AVE at 0.64 and 0.42 for the population param-
eters. Hence, applying the AVE-SV approach, they rejected discriminant validity in
the population but considered it false-positive in their simulation.

Heterotrait‑monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations less than 0.85

Recently, Shaffer et al. (2016) suggested examining the correlation disattenuated

for measurement errors to evaluate discriminant validity. Likewise, Henseler et al.
(2015) recommended comparing the heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of cor-
relations with a threshold value of 0.85 to examine discriminant validity in vari-
ance-based SEM (i.e., partial least squares). The HTMT ratio is a ratio of average
heterotrait-heteromethod inter-item correlations to the geometric mean of monotrait-
heteromethod inter-item correlations, in which each item is treated as a method.
Using a simulation study, Voorhees et al. (2016) extended the HTMT method to
covariance-based SEM and provided initial supporting evidence. However, there are
several shortfalls with the HTMT approach.
First, intending to estimate the disattenuated construct score correlation, Henseler
et al.’s (2015, Eq. 6) HTMT equation is incorrect. While Henseler et al.’s (2015)
HTMT equation uses inter-item correlations instead of inter-item covariances, that
becomes the disattenuated correlation between two composite scores formed by
averaging the standardized item scores.3 Hence, unless the construct scores are cal-
culated by averaging the standardized item scores, Henseler et al.’s HTMT equation
provides a biased estimate of the disattenuated correlation between two composites.
As shown in the supplementary file, the corrected HTMT equation should be:
1 ∑Kx ∑Ky
Kx Ky i=1 j=1
𝜎xi yj
Corrected HTMT xy = � �1 ,
2 ∑Kx−1 ∑Kx 2 ∑Ky−1 ∑Ky
Kx (Kx−1 ) i=1 j=i+1
𝜎xi xj ∙ � �
i=1 j=i+1
𝜎yi yj
Ky Ky−1


Rönkkö and Cho (2022: 13) also identified the problem of Henseler et al.’s (2015) HTMT as “disatten-
uated correlation using parallel reliability (i.e., the standardized alpha),” which is the same as the Cron-
bach’s alpha of the composite score obtained by averaging the standardized item scores. However, they
did not suggest corrections for Henseler et al.’s HTMT equation.

G. W. Cheung et al.

where the numerator is the average heterotrait-heteromethod covariance among the

items of the two constructs, and the denominator is the geometric mean of the aver-
age monotrait-heteromethod covariance among the items of the two constructs. The
corrected HTMT computed with Eq. (10) is equivalent to the correlation between
two composite scores formed by simple item averages, disattenuated with Cron-
bach’s alpha of the two composite scores.
Second, both Henseler et al.’s (2015) HTMT equation and the corrected HTMT
equation in Eq. (10) do not allow single-item factors because the denominator will
be undefined if one or both constructs are single-item measures. In such cases, the
average monotrait-heteromethod covariance of the single-item factor should be
replaced by the estimated reliability times the factor variance. The estimated reli-
ability can be fixed at one or a value estimated from previous studies or other meth-
ods (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988).
Third, the recommended HTMT threshold of 0.85 was based on the power of
detecting a population correlation at 1.0 in a simulation study (Henseler et al., 2015).
If a researcher considers a population correlation at a lower value (for example, 0.9)
as evidence of insufficient discriminant validity between two constructs, the HTMT
criterion of 0.85 fails. Finally, comparing the disattenuated correlation or HTMT
ratio with a threshold value of 0.85 disregards sampling error (Shaffer et al., 2016).
Hence, the HTMT ratio only describes sample characteristics and cannot infer
results to the population of interest. Notably, Henseler et al. (2015) reviewed the
effectiveness of a statistical test for HTMT ­(HTMTinference) by examining the 90%
CI of HTMT in their simulation. Ultimately, they did not recommend H ­ TMTinference,
given it failed to detect discriminant validity violations even when inter-construct
correlations were as high as 0.95.
Recently Roemer et al. (2021) suggested an HTMT2 index as an improvement
over the HTMT index since HTMT assumes tau-equivalent measures, whereas
HTMT2 allows congeneric measures. Yet, the HTMT2 is still based on inter-item
correlations instead of covariances, so it is inappropriate if the composites are not
formed with standardized item scores.

Best‑practice recommendations

We summarize our preceding review of current practices for testing reliability,

convergent and discriminant validity, and their associated concerns in Table 1.
Leveraging this review, we present best practices for evaluating the reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity of latent constructs for empirical manage-
ment studies. The recommended best practices incorporate multiple criteria for
examining reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and account for sam-
pling errors by using bootstrapped CIs to resolve the issues identified in Table 1.
Our recommendations are summarized in Table 2, in which we also provide nor-
mative definitions and operational definitions of the criteria for reliability, con-
vergent and discriminant validity.

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

Table 1  Current practices for testing reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and associated con-
Current Practices Concerns

# Cronbach’s alpha (α) greater than 0.7 or 0.8 ➢ Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7 only indicates modest
reliability (Lance et al., 2006)
➢ Assumes equal factor loadings across indica-
tors, which is typically not justifiable (Gerbing &
Anderson, 1988)
➢ Ignores sampling errors
# Construct reliability (CR) greater than 0.7 (Hair ➢ Ignores sampling errors
et al., 2009)
# ­Omegatotal (𝜔T ) as the reliability of second-order ➢ ­Omegatotal (𝜔T ) represents the reliability
factor (Cho, 2016; Raykov & Marcoulides, 2012; of the combined first-order factors, whereas
Raykov et al., 2018) ­omegahierarchical (𝜔h) is the reliability of the
second-order factor (Kelley & Pornprasertmanit,
2016; Zinbarg et al., 2005)
Convergent Validity
# Measurement model fits the data adequately ➢ While an adequate model fit is essential, it does
(Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Hair et al., 2009) not guarantee measurement quality because some
items may still have low factor loadings (Fornell
& Larcker, 1981)
# Standardized factor loadings are statistically ➢ Even a small standardized factor loading can be
significant (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Dunn statistically significant
et al., 1994)
# Standardized factor loadings greater than 0.4 ➢ A standardized factor loading of less than 0.7
(Stevens, 2002) or 0.5 (Hair et al., 2009) indicates the factor explains less than 50% of the
variance of the item (Hair et al., 2009), and there-
fore lower loadings indicate the factor explains
even less variance
➢ Ignores sampling errors
# Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value of ➢ Relies on a rule of thumb that ignores sampling
greater than 0.5 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981) errors (Shiu, Pervan, Bove, & Beatty, 2011)
# Average Variance Extracted for a second-order ➢ If the second-order factor only explains 24% of
factor should be at least 24% (Credé & Harms, the variance of the items, then 76% of the vari-
2015) ance is from error, providing weak support for the
second-order factor
Discriminant Validity
# No cross-loaded indicators (Anderson & Gerb- ➢ While this represents a suitable minimum
ing, 1988) requirement for discriminant validity, it is insuffi-
cient because it does not guarantee two constructs
are distinct
# The 95% confidence interval of the correlation ➢ The confidence interval is influenced by sample
between two constructs does not include unity size, such that when the sample size is large, a
(Anderson & Gerbing, 1988) correlation between two constructs at 0.95 will be
significantly lower than unity
➢ Bootstrapping of confidence intervals of cor-
relations allows improper solutions – correla-
tion coefficients in bootstrapped samples can be
greater than unity
➢ The Type I error rate is incorrect when a 95%
confidence interval is used for a one-tailed test

G. W. Cheung et al.

Table 1  (continued)
Current Practices Concerns

# Compare the model fit of the unconstrained ➢ Fails to test discriminant validity for all pairs of
model versus the constrained model formed by constructs
combing the items of two factors into one factor ➢ An overly sensitive test such that a correlation
(Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Bagozzi & Phillips, slightly lower than unity will erroneously show
1982; Jöreskog, 1971) discriminant validity
# The correlation between two constructs is less ➢ Ignores sampling errors
than 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, or 0.75 (Garson, 2002; ➢ When the correlation between two constructs is
Kenny, 2016) fixed to a constant, this fails to constrain the cor-
relations between these two constructs and other
# The average variance extracted is greater than ➢ High AVEs tolerate high correlation between
the shared variance (AVE-SV approach) (Fornell constructs
& Larcker, 1981) ➢ Relies on a rule of thumb and ignores sampling
# HTMT less than 0.85 (Henseler et al., 2015) ➢ Ignores measurement errors
➢ Assumes the factors are composites formed with
standardized item scores
➢ Does not allow for single-item factors

The first step is establishing a measurement model in which all indicators are
related to the constructs they are intended to measure and unrelated to the other
constructs in the model. Moreover, no cross-loading is allowed, that is, each
indicator should be related directly to only one construct. Additionally, residu-
als of indicators should not be correlated unless the same item is used at multi-
ple time points (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988) or from multiple sources (Cheung,
1999). Apart from these noted exceptions, correlated residuals of indicators
imply an unknown common source of the indicators, such that the meaning of
the constructs becomes unclear (Bagozzi, 1983; Gerbing & Anderson, 1984).
When the overall model fit indices indicate that the hypothesized measurement
model fits the data adequately (refer to Hu & Bentler, 1999; Kline, 2016), this
establishes the essential requirement for evaluating reliability, convergent and
discriminant validity. If the overall model fit indices imply that the hypothesized
measurement model does not fit the data well, the estimated parameters should
not be interpreted. In the latter instance, researchers should not proceed to esti-
mate the construct reliability nor test for convergent and discriminant validity.
Researchers may revise the measurement model by examining the modification
indices, but a revised model will be sample-specific and should be cross-vali-
dated with another sample.

Confidence intervals and testing against a threshold

While most empirical studies consider sampling errors in testing hypotheses, surprisingly
few consider the sampling errors of the reliability, convergent and discriminant validity
measures. Following Raykov and Shrout (2002), we recommend conducting statistical

Table 2  Definitions and statistical tests of reliability, convergent and discriminant validity
Normative Definition Operational Definition
Major concern Minor Concern No concern

1. A substantial amount of the factor variance is due to true score ULCI(CR/ωh) < 0.7 0.7 ≤ ULCI(CR/ωh) 0.8 ≤ ULCI(CR/ωh)
variance < 0.8
Convergent Validity
2. The amount of variance of each indicator captured by a factor is ULCI(λi) < 0.5 0.5 ≤ ULCI(λi) < 0.7 0.7 ≤ ULCI(λi)
3. The amount of indicator variance captured by each factor is at least ULCI(AVE) < 0.5 0.5 ≤ ULCI(AVE)
equal to the residual variance
Discriminant Validity
4. No indicator cross-loads on any other factor The model with cross-loading is The hypothesized model without
required to achieve an adequate cross-loading fits the data
Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

fit adequately
2 )<0 2 )
5. The average amount of indicator variance explained by each factor ULCI(AVEX − rxy 0 ≤ ULCI(AVEX − rxy
is greater than the shared variance between the two factors
6. The shared variance between two factors is not substantial 0.85 < LLCI(rxy) 0.7 < LLCI(rxy) ≤ 0.85 LLCI(rxy) ≤ 0.7

1. CR = Construct reliability; ωh = ­omegahierarchical (omegaH); AVE = Average variance extracted; LLCI = Lower limit of the 90% confidence interval; ULCI = Upper
limit of the 90% confidence interval; λ = completely standardized factor loading
2. As a first step, fit indices of the measurement model should indicate the model without cross-loadings and correlated residuals fits the data well before assessing reliabil-
ity, convergent and discriminant validity using the estimated parameters of the measurement model
3. Reliability is measured using CR for first-order factors and 𝜔h for second-order factors
4. Convergent validity is supported if conditions 1 to 3 of the normative definition are fulfilled
5. Discriminant validity is supported if conditions 1 to 6 of the normative definitions are fulfilled

G. W. Cheung et al.

tests of the criteria with the estimated parameters’ 90% percentile CIs (PCIs) generated
by bootstrapping to account for sampling errors of the quality measures. Similar to other
researchers (e.g., Dunn et al., 2014; Kelley & Cheng, 2012; Kelley & Pornprasertmanit,
2016; Raykov, 2002), we recommend generating CIs by bootstrapping because the esti-
mated quality measures may not be normally distributed. We prefer PCIs over bias-cor-
rected and accelerated CIs (­BCa CI) because PCIs have better coverage for both normal
and nonnormal item distributions (Kelley & Pornprasertmanit, 2016). As our criteria
imply using one-tailed tests, a 90% PCI is more appropriate than a 95% PCI.


We suggest that when latent constructs are used in subsequent analyses, one should
report CR as a measure of reliability because it does not assume equal factor loadings
across indicators. Following common practice, reliability should not be significantly
lower than 0.7 and, ideally, should not be significantly lower than 0.8. When the upper
limit of the 90% CI of CR is greater than 0.8, one may conclude that the construct
demonstrates an adequate level of reliability. Similarly, a second-order factor’s reliabil-
ity can be considered adequate if the upper limit of the 90% CI of ωh is greater than
0.8. On the other hand, when summated scales (simple average scores) are used in
subsequent path analyses to estimate relationships among constructs and test hypoth-
eses, one should report reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. This is because summated
scales are consistent with the tau-equivalent assumption of Cronbach’s alpha.

Convergent validity

Incorporating the Fornell-Larcker AVE criterion for convergent validity along with
construct reliability, Hair et al. (2009) suggested that there is evidence for conver-
gent validity when all three of the following conditions are fulfilled: (a) CR values
are 0.7 or greater, (b) all standardized factor loadings λ are 0.5 or greater, and (c)
AVE values are 0.5 or greater. We support Hair et al.’s (2009) multiple criteria when
examining convergent validity, but extend their suggestions to recommend the fol-
lowing operational definitions of the three criteria that account for sampling errors.
First, conduct the statistical test for CR against 0.7 and 0.8, as described above. Sec-
ond, we recommend conducting statistical tests for standardized factor loadings by
examining the 90% CI for all indicators of the construct. A one-tailed test and hence
the 90% CI is appropriate here because our concern is whether the standardized fac-
tor loading of an indicator is significantly less than 0.5 (or 0.7). If the upper limit of
the 90% CI of the standardized factor loading for any indicator is lower than 0.5 (or
0.7), we conclude that the construct does not exhibit convergent validity. Third, we
recommend conducting a statistical test on the value of AVE relative to the criterion
of 0.5 by estimating the 90% CI of the AVE for each construct. As the concern is
whether AVE is significantly less than 0.5, if the upper limit of the 90% CI is lower
than 0.5, we conclude that the construct does not exhibit convergent validity.

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

Discriminant validity

While discriminant validity is commonly defined as “two distinct constructs” and

measured by the correlation between the two constructs, there is no generally
accepted level of “distinctiveness” regarding the level of cross-construct correlation
that establishes discriminant validity. As noted above, one commonly used criterion
is correlation significantly less than 1.0. Yet, high correlations (e.g., 0.9) that are sta-
tistically significantly less than 1.0 are difficult to defend as indicating two distinct
Building on Bagozzi’s (1981) and Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) definitions of discrimi-
nant validity, we recommend examining discriminant validity using multiple criteria with
sampling errors considered. The four criteria include: (i) evidence of convergent validity
is established; (ii) no indicator cross-loads on other constructs; (iii) the level of indica-
tor variance explained by each construct is greater than the shared variance between two
constructs (i.e., AVE-SV; both ­AVEX and ­AVEY are greater than rxy 2 ); and (iv) the cor-

relation between the two constructs is assessed at three levels: 0.85, 0.8, and 0.7. Since
the AVE-SV criterion tolerates a high correlation between constructs when the AVEs
of both constructs are high, we suggest examining the correlation between constructs in
addition to the AVE-SV criterion. This criterion builds on Bagozzi et al.’s (1991, p. 436)
suggestion that, in addition to comparing the CI of correlation against unity, when the
95% CI for the correlation between the two constructs includes zero, these two constructs
are “totally distinct or nearly so.” Hence, discriminant validity should be considered as a
degree of distinctness instead of a dichotomous decision. We recommend examining if
the correlation between two constructs is not higher than 0.7 (shared variance of not more
than 49%) as evidence of no concern for discriminant validity. That is, the shared variance
between the two constructs is less than 50%. In other words, the shared variance between
two constructs (< 50%) is less than the unshared variance of each construct (> 50%). At
correlations above 0.8 (Rönkkö & Cho, 2022) and 0.85 (Garson, 2002; Kenny, 2016),
researchers have increasing cause for concern.
For criteria (iii) and (iv) stated above, we recommend estimating a 90% CI for
each of the parameters for the statistical tests so that sampling errors are consid-
ered in evaluating discriminant validity. For example, when examining criterion (iv),
whether the correlation coefficient is significantly higher than 0.7, 0.8, or 0.85, one
should see if the lower limit of the CI is higher than these thresholds. If yes, then
the correlation coefficient is significantly higher than the thresholds. An alternative
proposed by Rönkkö and Cho (2022) is that the upper limit of the [95%] CI should
be below the threshold. Applying their recommendation assumes there is a discrimi-
nant validity issue (null hypothesis), and finding an upper limit below the threshold
(cutoff value of 0.9) supports the conclusion that there is no discriminant validity
issue (alternative hypothesis). However, that approach has lower power to detect dis-
criminant validity issues, and a larger sample size lowers the power further. Con-
sequently, we suggest the more appropriate strategy is to compare the lower limit
of the 90% CI with the threshold. If the lower limit of the 90% CI is higher than
the threshold, one rejects the null hypothesis of no discriminant validity issues and
concludes with the alternative hypothesis that there is a discriminant validity issue.

G. W. Cheung et al.

Implementing the recommended psychometric criteria using

the measureQ package

Thus far, we have outlined criteria for establishing reliability, convergent and discriminant
validity. Applying these criteria consistently will improve research rigor (Grand et al.,
2018). Currently, researchers need to obtain the necessary quality measures using mul-
tiple software packages. To this end, we have developed a software package, measureQ,
based on the freely-available R software program. measureQ examines the measurement
quality of reflective scales against our recommended criteria using the bootstrapping
method. When data are nested, measureQ uses parametric bootstrapping (Efron & Tibshi-
rani, 1993) instead of non-parametric bootstrapping. Additionally, measureQ adopts the
Maximum Likelihood with Robust Standard Errors (MLR) estimator because it is more
robust to nonnormality and can adjust the standard errors and fit indices for nested data.
When there are missing values (noting that missing values are often coded as NA in the
data file in R), full information maximum likelihood (FIML) computes the likelihood case
by case using all available data from that case. For ease of interpretation, deviations from
our recommendations (as summarized in Table 2) are indicated in the measureQ output
with symbols, allowing the user to quickly identify issues of concern. We next detail the
implementation and interpretation of measureQ, noting that all necessary files are in the
supplementary materials.
To install measureQ, one should first download the package (measureQ_1.4.1.tar.gz)
from the supplementary materials to a folder on the local computer. Then, from the R
console, select “Packages”, then “Install package(s) from local files”, and then from the
“Select files” pop-up window, select the measureQ package. In addition to measureQ,
conducting CFA requires the R package lavaan (Rosseel, 2012), so both measureQ and
lavaan should be installed once on the computer. Please note that R functions are case-
sensitive. Definitions and examples for the arguments (options) are provided in the meas-
ureQ documentation in the supplementary file, and can be accessed directly by typing “?
measureQ()” in the R console. Before using measureQ, this package needs to be loaded
once each time the R console is launched using the library command:

To start using measureQ, the working directory is first set by using setwd() func-
tion. In our example, we have saved the relevant files on the C: drive as per the com-
mand below:

setwd(�� c ∶ ∕research∕validity�� )

In the measure Q documentation, we provide five examples, Examples A through

E, to illustrate the use of measureQ across various scenarios that researchers may
experience when evaluating reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. Exam-
ples A and B are simpler, demonstrating the implementation of criteria using a basic
latent measurement model (Example A) and the inclusion of a single-indicator fac-
tor (Example B). Example C and Example D demonstrate measureQ in assessing
reliability, convergent and discriminant validity with a second-order factor. Example
E illustrates the use of measureQ in an empirical study with nested data, multiple

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

first-order factors, a second-order factor, and two single-item factors. We specify our
resulting evaluations indicating no concern, minor concern, or major concern for
reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. We encourage readers to follow our
descriptions and implement measureQ as per our instructions to work through these

Illustrating measureQ – basic model (example A)

For Example A, we simulated a dataset based on the parameters reported in Yu et al.

(2020) that examined the moderating effect of institutional voids (IV) on the relationships
between entrepreneurial bricolage (EB) and new venture growth (NVG) and adaptiveness
(NVA). The original dataset included responses from 354 founders of new ventures in
China. The authors adopted Senyard et al.’s (2014) 8-item scale for EB and Anderson
and Eshima’s (2013) 3-item scale for NVG, and translated them into Chinese. They also
developed 5 items for IV, and 4 items for NVA. All items were measured on a 7-point
Likert scale; we refer interested readers to the original article for further details. The simu-
lated dataset (Example_A.csv) is available in the supplementary files.
The first step is to load the data file (Example_A.csv) as a data frame; in this
demonstration, we name this Data_A, noting this name can be modified to suit:
Data_A < − read.csv(f ile = Example_A.csv�� )

Next, we name the measurement model Model.A and define the relevant latent
constructs (again noting all these can be modified to suit):

Model.A < − EB =∼ EB1 + EB2 + EB3 + EB4 + EB5 + EB6 + EB7 + EB8
IV =∼ IV1 + IV2 + IV3 + IV4 + IV5
NVG =∼ NVG1 + NVG2 + NVG3

NVA =∼ NVA1 + NVA2 + NVA3 + NVA4
The final step is to command R to use measureQ to examine the specified meas-
urement model (Model.A) using the specified data frame (Data_A). The minimum
arguments must include the model’s name and the data frame’s name.
measureQ(Model.A, Data_A)
The above function uses several default settings in measureQ, including the num-
ber of bootstrapped samples at 1,000 and PCIs. Note that the number of completed
bootstrapped samples may be smaller than the number of requested bootstrapped
samples because bootstrapped samples with non-converged solutions, negative fac-
tor loadings, and improper solutions (such as negative residual variance and cor-
relation greater than 1) are removed in the estimation of CIs. If the number of com-
pleted bootstrapped samples is lower than 800, we recommend rerunning measureQ
with a larger number of requested bootstrapped samples by changing the argu-
ment (e.g., by adding = 2000 in the above command) to get a more stable CI.
The lower number of completed bootstrapped samples does not imply the model is

G. W. Cheung et al.

wrong, but only that there may be parameters in the original model close to the lim-
its (e.g., variance close to zero and correlation close to one).
While we encourage readers to try measureQ for themselves, for convenience, we have
included the outputs for all five examples in the supplementary files, including CIs and
p-values for CR, AVE, standardized factor loadings, correlation coefficients, comparisons
between AVE and squared correlations, fit indices for overall model fit, unstandardized
factor loadings, and other estimated parameters. Since measureQ generates CIs and tests
hypotheses based on the bootstrapping procedure, the results from two different trials may
be slightly different. However, when 1,000 or more bootstrapped samples are used, it will
be rare for researchers to arrive at different conclusions about measurement quality.
The measureQ outputs also include four summary tables. The first table provides the
statistical tests of the standardized factor loadings against three thresholds, namely 0.4,
0.5, and 0.7. The second table reports the descriptive statistics of the latent variables,
AVE, CR, latent correlation coefficients, and convergent and discriminant validity test
results. This table should be reported if subsequent hypothesis tests are based on latent
variables. Observed variable means are reported in this table because latent means are
undefined in a single-group environment. By default, many SEM software programs (e.g.,
Mplus, lavaan) fix the latent means to zero. Bollen (1989) suggested that one can define
the latent mean by setting the intercept of the referent indicator to zero (noting that the
factor loading of the referent indicator is set to unity to provide identification and scale of
the latent variable, which by default is the first item in Mplus, lavaan, and LISREL). This
approach, in effect, defines the latent mean as the observed mean of the referent indica-
tor. A critical drawback of this approach is that the latent mean will differ when a dif-
ferent indicator is used as the referent indicator. Hence, we suggest defining the latent
mean as the observed mean, the same as using effect coding (Little et al., 2006). The third
table reports the descriptive statistics of the observed scores, AVE, Cronbach’s alpha, and
correlation coefficients among the observed variables. This table should be reported if
observed variables are used in subsequent hypothesis testing, such as path analysis. If the
corrected HTMT is requested (by including the argument HTMT = "TRUE" in the final
argument for measureQ; see the measureQ documentation), the outputs will produce the
fourth table with disattenuated correlation coefficients.

Overall model fit

The results for Example A provided in the supplementary file include the fit indi-
ces of the hypothesized model, which show that 𝜒 2 with 164 degrees of free-
dom = 181.00, RMSEA = 0.017, CFI = 0.994, and SRMR = 0.033, indicating that
our measurement model fits the data well.

Construct reliability

The second table of the measureQ outputs for Example A is reproduced here as
Table 3. We recommend all empirical studies report this table in their manuscripts.
The CRs of the four constructs are displayed on the diagonal of Table 3, ranging

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

Table 3  Descriptive statistics (observed mean, latent s.d., AVE, construct reliability, latent correlation)
of example A

EB 5.2073 0.9411 0.5149 (0.8944)

IV 4.1548 0.7680 0.4819 0.1128 (0.8206)
NVG 4.8239 1.0701 0.7361 0.4546 0.1992 (0.8932)
NVA 5.4739 0.8843 0.5454 0.5346 0.0146 0.2785 (0.8257)

Note: AVE = Average Variance Extracted; * = AVE significantly lower than 0.5 (p < .05); diagonal ele-
ments in brackets = Construct Reliability
A = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.7; B = Construct Reliability significantly lower than
0.8 (p < .05)
Correlation coefficient: a = significantly larger than 0.85; b = significantly larger than 0.8; c = significantly
larger than 0.7 (p < .05)
  = AVE is significantly less than squared-correlation (p < .05)
n = 354; EB = entrepreneurial bricolage; IV = institutional voids; NVG = new venture growth; and
NVA = new venture adaptiveness

from 0.8206 (IV) to 0.8944 (EB). Hence, we conclude that all four constructs in our
simulated empirical study demonstrated adequate CR.

Convergent validity

We follow our recommended criteria summarized in Table 2 to evaluate the conver-

gent validity of the measures. Besides assessing the CR, we examine the standard-
ized factor loadings and AVE. The standardized factor loadings of the 20 items on
the four constructs, shown in the supplementary file, ranged from 0.5300 to 0.8817.
In the measureQ output, standardized factor loadings are indicated with a letter a,
b, or c if they are significantly less than 0.4, 0.5, or 0.7 (p < 0.05), respectively. The
supplementary file shows three of the 20 items have standardized factor loadings
significantly lower than 0.7, though none are significantly lower than 0.5. These
results indicate a minor concern for convergent validity. Table 3 shows that although
the AVE of IV (0.4819) was lower than 0.5, it is not significantly lower than 0.5
(p < 0.05).4 We conclude that convergent validity was achieved for our simulated
sample’s scales.

Discriminant validity

We continue to evaluate discriminant validity for the four constructs that met the
criteria for convergent validity. First, the fit indices indicate that our measurement
model fits the data well. Second, Table 3 shows that none of the AVE is significantly
lower than the square of the correlation coefficient, as this would be indicated with
the # symbol if present. In addition, none of the correlation coefficients among the

The AVE of EB, IV, NVG, and NVA reported in Yu et al. (2020) were 0.499, 0.493, 0.758, and 0.625,

G. W. Cheung et al.

four constructs is significantly higher than 0.7 (noting that there is no symbol next to
any correlation coefficient). Hence, our final set of analyses raises no concerns, and
we conclude that discriminant validity has been achieved for the four constructs.

Illustrating measureQ – model with a single‑item factor (example B)

We present a second example (Example B in the measureQ documentation) to dem-

onstrate how measureQ deals with a single-item factor in an empirical study. In this
example, we simulated a dataset based on Zahoor et al. (2022). The original study
examined the effect of domestic market environment uncertainty on Pakistani small
and medium-sized enterprises’ regional expansion through international alliance
partner diversity (IAPD). The measures were adapted from previous studies, includ-
ing 5 items for market dynamism (MD), 4 items for technological dynamism (TD), 4
items for competitive intensity (CI), 4 items for cross-cultural knowledge absorption
(CCKA), 4 items for regional expansion within Asia–Pacific markets (RE), and 3
items for domestic performance (DP). All items were measured on a 7-point Likert
scale. IAPD was measured by a single item: the square of the proportion of different
types of partners maintained by the firm to all possible types. The original dataset
included 232 complete responses. The simulated dataset (Example_B.csv) is avail-
able in the supplementary files. While the authors did not incorporate the measure-
ment error of the single-item factor IAPD in testing the hypotheses, we demonstrate
this in Example B by assuming 20% of the variance of IAPD is due to measurement
errors (equivalent to a reliability of 0.8). We name the measurement model Model.B
and define the relevant latent constructs:
Model.B < − � MD =∼ MD1 + MD2 + MD3 + MD4 + MD5
TD =∼ TD1 + TD2 + TD3 + TD4
CI =∼ CI1 + CI2 + CI3 + CI4
RE =∼ RE1 + RE2 + RE3 + RE4
DP =∼ DP1 + DP2 + DP3
IAPD =∼ 1 ∗ IAPD1
IAPD1 ∼∼ .0097 ∗ IAPD1 �
Since IAPD is a single-item factor, the factor loading was fixed at 1, and
the residual variances at (1 – reliability) times the variance of IAPD1 = (1
– 0.8)*0.0487 = 0.0097. We include all the measureQ outputs in the supplementary


Results from measureQ in the supplementary file show the fit indices for the overall
model fit of Model.B are 𝜒 2 with 255 degrees of freedom = 283.03, RMSEA = 0.022,
CFI = 0.991, and SRMR = 0.034, indicating that our measurement model fits the
data well. The second table of the measureQ outputs for Example B is reproduced

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

here as Table 4. The diagonal of Table 4 displays the CR of all constructs. The sin-
gle-item factor IAPD has a CR of 0.80 since the residual variance has been fixed at
0.20 times the variance of IAPD1. The CR of other factors ranges from 0.8434 to
0.9057, with all CR not significantly lower than 0.8 (p < 0.05). Overall, we conclude
that all constructs demonstrated adequate CR in our simulated study.
As shown in the supplementary file (Table 1 of the supplementary file) for the
measureQ outputs for Example B, no item has standardized factor loading signifi-
cantly lower than 0.7. Table 4 shows that the AVE of all factors are not significantly
lower than 0.5 (p < 0.05) as there is no asterisk, raising no concerns. Table 4 also
shows that the AVE of IAPD is 0.8 because we fixed the measurement error to 0.2
and factor loading to 1. In summary, all the measures demonstrate evidence of con-
vergent validity. Next, we evaluate discriminant validity. Table 4 shows that none of
the square correlations is significantly higher than the corresponding AVEs (no #
beside these), and none of the correlations is significantly higher than 0.7 (no sym-
bols by these), indicating the simulated scales achieve discriminant validity.

Illustrating measureQ – model with higher‑order factors (example C)

For Example C, we simulated a dataset based on the study by Lythreatis et al. (2022).
The original study examined the moderating effect of managerial discretion on the
indirect effect of participative leadership (PL) on perceptions of responsible innova-
tion (RI) through ethical climate (ETH). This example includes only PL, RI, and
ETH because there is not enough information to simulate data for managerial discre-
tion. The original dataset included responses from 487 employees in Seoul, South
Korea, and the questionnaire was translated from English into Korean. The scale
uses 11 items to measure the three dimensions of ETH: 6 items for caring (CRNG),
3 items for rules (RULES), and 2 items for law and codes (LC). Twelve items were
used to measure the four dimensions of RI: 3 items for anticipation (ANTC), 3 items
for reflexivity (RFLX), 3 items for inclusion (INCL), and 3 items for responsiveness
(RSPN). Six items were used to measure PL. All items were measured on a 7-point
Likert scale. The simulated dataset (Example_C.csv) is available in the supplemen-
tary files.
After loading the data file (Example_C.csv), we name the measurement model
Model.C and define the relevant latent constructs:
Model.C < − � PL =∼ PL1 + PL2 + PL3 + PL4 + PL5 + PL6
CRNG =∼ ETH1 + ETH2 + ETH3 + ETH4 + ETH5 + ETH6
LC =∼ ETH10 + ETH11
ANTC =∼ RI1 + RI2 + RI3
RFLX =∼ RI4 + RI5 + RI6
INCL =∼ RI7 + RI8 + RI9
RSPN =∼ RI10 + RI11 + RI12

Table 4  Descriptive statistics (observed mean, latent s.d., AVE, construct reliability, latent correlation) of example B

MD 5.1991 1.0983 0.6582 (0.9057)

TD 5.1606 1.1047 0.6504 0.3787 (0.8811)
CI 4.9623 1.2726 0.6358 0.2270 0.1990 (0.8735)
CCKA 5.1778 0.8189 0.6457 0.2000 -0.0892 -0.0106 (0.8781)
RE 5.2629 1.0984 0.5962 0.5087 0.4827 0.3994 0.0783 (0.8549)
DP 5.0761 1.1560 0.6430 0.4879 0.2302 0.3824 0.0671 0.4657 (0.8434)
IAPD 0.5979 0.1970 0.8000 0.3403 0.3332 -0.0361 0.1271 0.2893 0.2469 (0.8000)

Note: AVE = Average Variance Extracted; * = AVE significantly lower than 0.5 (p < .05); diagonal elements in brackets = Construct Reliability
A = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.7; B = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.8 (p < .05)
Correlation coefficient: a = significantly larger than 0.85; b = significantly larger than 0.8; c = significantly larger than 0.7 (p < .05)
  = AVE is significantly less than squared-correlation (p < .05)
n = 232; MD = market dynamism; TD = technological dynamism; CI = competitive intensity; CCKA = cross-cultural knowledge absorption; RE = regional expansion;
DP = domestic performance; and IAPD = international alliance partner diversity
G. W. Cheung et al.
Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

When defining a model with a second-order factor, all first-order factors should
be defined before any second-order factor. The final step is to command R to use
measureQ to examine the specified measurement model (Model.C) using the speci-
fied data frame (Data_C).
measureQ(Model.C, Data_C, = 1000, HTMT = TRUE �� )
The above function uses the default settings in measureQ that produces omegaH
(𝜔h) for the reliability of any second-order factor. If the corrected HTMT is
requested (by including the argument HTMT = "TRUE" in the final argument for
measureQ; see the measureQ documentation), the outputs will produce the fourth
table with disattenuated correlation coefficients.


The results for Example C provided in the supplementary file include the fit indices
of the hypothesized second-order factor model, which show that 𝜒 2 with 367 degrees
of freedom = 399.40, RMSEA = 0.013, CFI = 0.997, and SRMR = 0.013, indicating
that our measurement model fits the data well. The second table of the measureQ
outputs for Example C is reproduced here as Table 5. The CRs of the first-order fac-
tors are displayed on the diagonal of Table 5, ranging from 0.8393 (LC) to 0.9235
(PL). We conclude that all first-order factors in our simulated empirical study dem-
onstrated adequate CR. The second-order reliability ωh of ETH is 0.8393, and of
RI is 0.8868; both are not significantly lower than 0.8 (since there is no symbol to
indicate a deviation), raising no reliability concerns.
Besides assessing the CR, we examine the standardized factor loadings and AVE
to evaluate convergent validity. The standardized factor loadings, shown in the supple-
mentary file, ranged from 0.6756 to 0.9013; none is significantly lower than 0.7. These
results indicate no concern for convergent validity. Table 5 shows that the AVE of all
first-order constructs is not lower than 0.5, indicating all constructs have explained no
less than 50% of the variance of their corresponding items. Table 5 also shows that the
AVE of ETH is 0.4810, which is not statistically significantly lower than 0.5. We con-
clude that convergent validity was achieved for our simulated sample.
We continue to evaluate discriminant validity. First, the fit indices indicate
that our measurement model without secondary loading fits the data well. Sec-
ond, Table 5 shows that none of the AVE is significantly lower than the square
of the correlation coefficient, as this would be indicated with the # symbol if
present. Some of the correlation coefficients among the first-order factors of
ETH and among those of RI are significantly higher than 0.7, though not sig-
nificantly higher than 0.8. Following the psychometric approach that suggests
a high correlation between the measures of two conceptually similar constructs
is due to a common underlying construct (Newman et al., 2016), we consider
the high correlation between two first-order factors should not be a problem if
further analyses are based on the second-order factor that includes these two
first-order factors; in contrast, further analyses should not be conducted at the

Table 5  Descriptive statistics (observed mean, latent s.d., AVE, construct reliability, latent correlation) of example C

First-order Factor
PL 4.4630 0.8966 0.6683 (0.9235)
CRNG 4.4627 0.8049 0.5747 0.5059 (0.8900)
RULES 4.4730 0.8507 0.6914 0.5088 0.7682c (0.8704)
LC 4.5062 0.8590 0.7231 0.4942 0.7461 0.7505c (0.8393)
ANTC 4.4839 0.7661 0.6440 0.5774 0.4332 0.4357 0.4232 (0.8443)
RFLX 4.4839 0.8727 0.6908 0.5706 0.4281 0.4306 0.4182 0.8027c (0.8699)
INCL 4.4716 0.8485 0.6599 0.5578 0.4185 0.4209 0.4088 0.7847c 0.7755c (0.8522)
RSPN 4.5140 0.9339 0.6680 0.5477 0.4109 0.4132 0.4014 0.7704c 0.7614c 0.7442 (0.8572)
Second-order Factor
ETH 4.4734 0.7035 0.4810 0.5788 (0.8393)
RI 4.4884 0.6904 0.5149 0.6407 0.5500 (0.8868)

Note: AVE = Average Variance Extracted; * = AVE significantly lower than 0.5 (p < .05); diagonal elements in brackets = Construct Reliability for first-order factor and
omegaH for second-order factor
A = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.7; B = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.8 (p < .05)
Correlation coefficient: a = significantly larger than 0.85; b = significantly larger than 0.8; c = significantly larger than 0.7 (p < .05)
  = AVE is significantly less than squared-correlation (p < .05)
Observed mean of second-order factor is based on all items ignoring the second-order structure
n = 487; PL = participative leadership; CRNG = caring; RULES = rules; LC = law and codes; ANTC = anticipation; RFLX = reflexivity; INCL = inclusion; RSPN = respon-
siveness; ETH = ethical climate; and RI = responsible innovation
G. W. Cheung et al.
Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

first-order factor level. Since the correlation coefficients among PL, ETH, and
RI were all lower than 0.7, we conclude that discriminant validity has been
achieved for PL, ETH, and RI.

Illustrating of measureQ – model with higher‑order factor (example


For Example D, we simulated a dataset based on the parameters for Sample 3 reported
in Way et al. (2015). The original study examined the convergent validity of a newly
created multidimensional scale measuring HR flexibility (HRF). The scale uses a total
of 21 items to measure the five dimensions of HRF: 5 items for resource flexibility in
HR practices (RFHRP), 4 items for resource flexibility in employee skills and behav-
iors (RFE), 4 items for coordination flexibility in HR practices (CFHRP), 4 items for
coordination flexibility in contingent worker skills and behaviors (CFCW), and 4 items
for coordination flexibility in employee skills and behaviors (CFE). All items were
measured on a 5-point Likert scale. The original dataset (Sample 3) included responses
from 221 HR managers. The simulated dataset (Example_D.csv) is available in the
supplementary files.
We name the measurement model Model.D and define the relevant latent constructs:

RFE =∼ RFE1 + RFE2 + RFE3 + RFE4
CFE =∼ CFE1 + CFE2 + CFE3 + CFE4


The results for Example D provided in the supplementary file include the fit indices of
the hypothesized second-order factor model, which show that 𝜒 2 with 184 degrees of
freedom = 181.17, RMSEA = 0.000, CFI = 1.000, and SRMR = 0.041, indicating that our
measurement model fits the data well. The second table of the measureQ outputs for Exam-
ple D is reproduced here as Table 6. The CRs of the five first-order factors are displayed on
the diagonal of Table 6, ranging from 0.7424 (CFHRP) to 0.8269 (RFHRP). One of the
CRs (CFHRP) is significantly lower than 0.8 (p < 0.05), which is indicated by the B along-
side, although none is statistically significantly lower than 0.7. Overall, we conclude that all
five first-order factors in our simulated empirical study demonstrated adequate CR, except
there is a minor concern for the reliability of the first-order factor CFHRP. The second-
order reliability ωh of HRF is 0.7884, which is not significantly lower than 0.8 (since there
is no symbol to indicate a deviation), raising no reliability concerns.
The standardized factor loadings of the 21 items on the five first-order factors,
shown in the measureQ output for Example D in the supplementary file, ranged from
0.4779 to 0.8777. Five of the 21 items have standardized factor loadings significantly
lower than 0.7, though none are significantly lower than 0.5. The standardized factor

G. W. Cheung et al.

Table 6  Descriptive statistics (observed mean, latent s.d., AVE, construct reliability, latent correlation)
of example D

First-order Factor
RFHRP 3.0878 0.4934 0.4911 (0.8269)
RFE 3.0758 0.4799 0.4860 0.7185 (0.7838)
CFHRP 3.0826 0.5367 0.4207* 0.6421 0.6114 (0.7424)B
CFCW 3.1787 0.3822 0.4787 0.3596 0.3424 0.3060 (0.7760)
CFE 3.0735 0.5545 0.5113 0.6376 0.6071 0.5426 0.3039 (0.8070)
Second-order Factor
HRF 3.0991 0.4286 0.2634* (0.7884)

Note: AVE = Average Variance Extracted; * = AVE significantly lower than 0.5 (p < .05)
diagonal elements in brackets = Construct Reliability for first-order factor and omegaH for second-order
A = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.7; B = Construct Reliability significantly lower than
0.8 (p < .05)
Correlation coefficient: a = significantly larger than 0.85; b = significantly larger than 0.8; c = significantly
larger than 0.7 (p < .05)
  = AVE is significantly less than squared-correlation (p < .05)
Observed mean of second-order factor is based on all items ignoring the second-order structure
n = 221; RFHRP = resource flexibility in HR practices; RFE = resource flexibility in employee skills and
behaviors; CFHRP = coordination flexibility in HR practices; CFCW = coordination flexibility in con-
tingent worker skills and behaviors; CFE = coordination flexibility in employee skills and behaviors;
HRF = human resource flexibility

loading of the first-order factor CFCW on the second-order factor HRF (0.4140) is
significantly lower than 0.7, though not significantly lower than 0.5. These results
indicate a minor concern for convergent validity. Table 6 shows that although the
AVE of four out of the five first-order factors were lower than 0.5, only one (AVE
of CFHRP = 0.4207) is significantly lower than 0.5 (p < 0.05), as indicated by the
asterisk. This result indicates that CFHRP explained less than 50% of the variance
of its corresponding items, failing the criterion for convergent validity suggested by
Fornell and Larcker (1981). Table 6 also shows that the AVE of HRF is 0.2634, sug-
gesting that the second-order construct HRF explained less than 30% of the variance
of the 21 items. This is a major concern since the second-order factor HRF is not
explaining the variance of the 21 items well.5 We conclude that convergent validity
was not achieved for our simulated sample’s second-order HRF scale. We recom-
mend that when researchers obtain results like these, they test their hypotheses with
only the four first-order factors (i.e., RFHRP, RFE, CFCW, and CFE) that pass the
convergent validity test instead of the second-order factor.

The AVE of RFHRP, RFE, CFHRP, CFCW, and CFE reported in Sample 3 of Way et al. (2015) were
0.47, 0.56, 0.41, 0.54, and 0.55, respectively. The AVE of HRF was 0.25.

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

We continue to evaluate discriminant validity for the four first-order factors that met
the criteria for convergent validity. First, the fit indices indicate that our measurement
model without secondary loading fits the data well. Second, Table 6 shows that none
of the AVE is significantly lower than the square of the correlation coefficient, as this
would be indicated with the # symbol if present. In addition, none of the correlation
coefficients among the four first-order factors is significantly higher than 0.7 (noting
that there is no symbol next to any correlation coefficient). Hence, our final set of anal-
yses raises no concerns, and we conclude that discriminant validity has been achieved
for the four first-order factors (i.e., RFHRP, RFE, CFCW, and CFE).

Illustrating measureQ – model with higher‑order factor and nested

data (example E)

We present Example E to demonstrate the use of measureQ in an empirical study with

nested data, multiple first-order factors, a second-order factor, and two single-indicator
factors. In this example, we simulated a dataset based on Wayne et al. (2017). The origi-
nal study examined the mediating effect of work-family conflict on promotability, perfor-
mance, and increase in salary through emotional exhaustion and engagement as a sec-
ond-order factor consisting of three dimensions: vigor, dedication, and absorption. The
mediating effects were hypothesized to be moderated by work scheduling autonomy. The
measures include Ezzedeen and Swierez’s (2007) 3-item cognitive work-family conflict
scale, Morgeson and Humphrey’s (2006) 3-item work scheduling autonomy scale, 3 items
extracted from Maslach and Jackson’s (1981) scale measuring emotional exhaustion, a
9-item short form of Schaufeli et al.’s (2002) engagement scale (3 items for each dimen-
sion), Thacker and Wayne’s (1995) 3-item measure of employee promotability, a single-
item of supervisor’s rating of performance, and increase in salary between the two surveys
across a 9-month interval from company records. The original dataset included responses
from 192 employees nested within 160 supervisors. The simulated dataset (Example_E.
csv) is available in the supplementary files.
We name the measurement model Model.E and define the relevant latent
Model.E < −� X =∼ x1 + x2 + x3
M =∼ m1 + m2 + m3
W =∼ w1 + w2 + w3
YV =∼ y1 + y2 + y3
YD =∼ y4 + y5 + y6
YA =∼ y7 + y8 + y9
sprom =∼ sprom1 + sprom2 + sprom3
Salary =∼ 1 ∗ SAL
SAL ∼∼ 0 ∗ SAL
Perform =∼ 1 ∗ perfev
perfev ∼∼ 0 ∗ perfev
Y =∼ YV + YD + YA �

G. W. Cheung et al.

where X = work-family conflict; W = work scheduling autonomy; M = emo-

tional exhaustion; YV = engagement – vigor; YD = engagement – dedication;
YA = engagement – absorption; Y = second-order engagement; sprom = supervisor-
rated promotability; Salary = Increase in salary; and Perform = performance evalua-
tion. Since Salary and Perform are single-item factors, the factor loadings were fixed
at 1 and the residual variances at zero (assuming no measurement error).
The final step is to command R to use measureQ to examine the specified meas-
urement model (Model.E) using the specified data frame (Data_E). The arguments
to be included are as follows:

measureQ(Model.E, Data_E, = 1000, cluster = ��

leader �� )
The above function requests the reliability and validity analyses on Model.E
with the data defined in Data_E, and specifies one thousand bootstrapped samples.
Notably, the data in this example are specified as being nested within the variable
“leader”; this means that parametric bootstrapping is used because nonparametric
bootstrapping is inappropriate for nested data. By default, measureQ produces PCIs
for the analyses and 𝜔h for the reliability of the second-order factor. The outputs
from measureQ for Example E are included in the supplementary files.


Results from measureQ in the supplementary file show the fit indices for the overall
model fit of Model.E are 𝜒 2 with 208 degrees of freedom = 394.68, RMSEA = 0.068,
CFI = 0.945, and SRMR = 0.057, indicating that our measurement model fits the
data well. The second table of the measureQ outputs for Example E is reproduced
here as Table 7. The diagonal of Table 7 displays the CR of all the first-order fac-
tors and the ωh of the second-order factor. Both single-indicator factors have a CR
of 1.00 since the residual variances have been fixed at zero. The CR of other first-
order factors ranges from 0.7342 to 0.9680, with the lowest CR value (engagement
– absorption) significantly lower than 0.8 (p < 0.05), as indicated by the B alongside
the CR, although it is not statistically significantly lower than 0.7. Overall, we con-
clude that all factors demonstrated adequate CR in our simulated study, except for a
minor concern for the dimension engagement – absorption. The second-order reli-
ability 𝜔h of engagement is satisfactory at 0.8859.
As shown in the supplementary file for the measureQ outputs for Example E, one
item for engagement – absorption and one item for supervisor-rated promotability
have standardized factor loadings significantly lower than 0.7, although none is sig-
nificantly lower than 0.5 – thus, we classify these as minor concerns. Table 7 shows
that although the AVE of engagement – absorption was lower than 0.5 (0.4937), as
there is no asterisk, it was not statistically significantly lower than 0.5 (p < 0.05).
The AVE of all other constructs was greater than 0.5, raising no concerns. Table 7
also shows that the AVE of the second-order factor engagement is 0.5867, suggest-
ing that engagement explained more than 50% of the variance of the 9 items. In
summary, all the measures demonstrate evidence of convergent validity.

Table 7  Descriptive statistics (observed mean, latent s.d., AVE, construct reliability, latent correlation) of example E
Mean s.d. AVE X M W sprom Salary Perform YV YD YA Y

First-order Factor
X 3.4965 1.8479 0.8682 (0.9518)
M 3.4601 1.8314 0.8471 0.2874 (0.9431)
W 5.2500 1.8485 0.9098 –0.2372 –0.5836 (0.9680)
Sprom 4.7969 0.6803 0.5582 –0.0863 0.0698 –0.0575 (0.7849)
Salary 1.3052 3.4962 1.0000 –0.0697 –0.0866 0.0897 0.2016 (1.0000)
Perform 2.1302 0.3662 1.0000 –0.0340 –0.0433 0.0806 0.1925 0.0987 (1.0000)
YV 5.5833 1.1634 0.8279 –0.0939 –0.2618 0.1197 0.4737 0.1913 0.2757 (0.9350)
YD 5.5330 0.9946 0.8131 –0.1058 –0.2950 0.1349 0.5337 0.2156 0.3106 0.8338c (0.9288)
Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

YA 4.9618 0.9900 0.4937 –0.0962 –0.2682 0.1227 0.4853 0.1960 0.2825 0.7582 0.8543#c (0.7342)B
Second-order Factor
Y 5.3594 1.0008 0.5867 –0.1091 –0.3043 0.1392 0.5506 0.2224 0.3205 (0.8859)

Note: AVE = Average Variance Extracted; * = AVE significantly lower than 0.5 (p < .05); diagonal elements in brackets = Construct Reliability for first-order factor and
omegaH for second-order factor
A = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.7; B = Construct Reliability significantly lower than 0.8 (p < .05)
Correlation coefficient: a = significantly larger than 0.85; b = significantly larger than 0.8; c = significantly larger than 0.7 (p < .05)
  = AVE is significantly less than squared-correlation (p < .05)
Observed mean of second-order factor is based on all items ignoring the second-order structure
n = 192; X = work-family conflict; M = emotional exhaustion; W = work scheduling autonomy; YV = engagement – vigor; YD = engagement – dedication; YA = engage-
ment – absorption; Y = engagement; sprom = promotability; Salary = increase in salary; and Perform = performance

G. W. Cheung et al.

Next, we evaluate discriminant validity. Table 7 shows (with the # symbol next to
the correlation coefficient) that the AVE of engagement – absorption (0.4937) was
significantly lower than the square of the correlation coefficient with engagement
– dedication (0.8543 × 0.8543 = 0.7298). This shows that the discriminant validity of
engagement’s dedication and absorption dimensions is questionable, raising a con-
cern. In addition, the correlation coefficient between engagement – dedication and
engagement – absorption is significantly higher than 0.7, but not significantly higher
than 0.8. We consider the high correlation between the two dimensions should not
be a problem if further analyses are based on the second-order factor (engagement)
that includes these two dimensions; in contrast, further analyses should not be con-
ducted at the first-order factor level. All other variables demonstrate evidence of dis-
criminant validity.


While most empirical studies report some evidence of the quality of measurement
scales in terms of reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, this evidence is
gathered through a variety of approaches. In this paper, we have reviewed many of
those approaches and, from this basis, suggest best practices for evaluating the qual-
ity of measures in empirical research. Overall, our paper makes a number of contri-
butions that enable researchers to accurately analyze and report the quality of the
scales used in their empirical studies.
Our first contribution is reviewing and critiquing the most commonly-adopted
approaches for evaluating the quality of measurement scales, as summarized in
Table 1. Applying inadequate approaches may cause researchers to retain poor-qual-
ity scales and reject scales with adequate quality, undermining the value of research
(Grand et al., 2018).
Our second contribution is recommending best practices for assessing reliabil-
ity, convergent and discriminant validity. Despite the importance of evaluating the
quality of measurement scales, and although most empirical studies include some
relevant information on measurement quality, there has been little consensus on
what criteria demonstrate a reliable measure or adequate convergent and discrimi-
nant validity. We evaluate commonly used criteria of latent constructs’ reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity, and use these as a foundation to recommend
best practices. Specifically, as summarized in Table 2, we recommend reporting CR
as a reliability measure for a latent construct and using multiple criteria when evalu-
ating convergent and discriminant validity. This overcomes the limitations of most
approaches that only examine specific facets of measurement quality. Moreover, our
approach overcomes a common problem of many approaches: they do not account
for sampling error; we rectify this, accounting for sampling errors by comparing the
CI of sample estimates with threshold values. Moreover, most existing approaches
suggest cutoff values on various criteria to make dichotomous decisions on whether
reliability, convergent and discriminant validity are acceptable. Instead, we pro-
pose that the evaluation criteria lie on a continuum, and we recommend various

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

levels indicating a major concern, minor concern, and no concern based on previous
Third, currently, researchers rely on various software packages and syntaxes
to examine reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. To support accurate
assessments of these fundamental scale measurement qualities, we provide a one-
stop solution for researchers through our development of measureQ. Users of meas-
ureQ can generate all the results with one simple step of defining the measurement
model, enabling them to examine the quality of their measurement scales. measureQ
allows data with missing values, nested data, single-item factors, and second-order
factors. measureQ provides not only summary tables of measure quality for report-
ing purposes in the outputs, but also CIs of estimated parameters that allow for fur-
ther examination of possible problems in the measurement scales.
Fourth, we provide a recommended template for reporting the quality of measure-
ment scales, which serves as a reference for researchers and reviewers. Currently,
empirical researchers use a variety of approaches to examine reliability, convergent
and discriminant validity, and report their results differently. measureQ produces a
table that summarizes crucial information on reliability, convergent and discriminant
validity, and reports any concerns for each quality issue. Using a unified reporting
template enables reviewers and authors to accurately and comprehensively review
and report the quality of measurement scales in future empirical studies, and facili-
tates comparisons across studies.
Finally, while developing the measureQ package, we compared our results with
those from existing software and identified shortcomings in several frequently-used
software packages and syntaxes aimed at evaluating the quality of measurement
scales. We summarize the identified issues in the supplementary file. We urge soft-
ware developers, reviewers, and authors of syntaxes to conduct more stringent test-
ing before making software packages publicly available. This is essential because
many empirical researchers rely on these problematic software packages and syn-
taxes to analyze and report their findings without knowing that some results are
incorrect. In turn, others may adopt measures that they falsely believe show reliabil-
ity, convergent and discriminant validity when this is not the case. This will likely
maintain problematic measures in the literature rather than enable their shortcom-
ings to be identified and rectified.
Although we presented criteria for evaluating reliability, convergent and discri-
minant validity of second-order factors for multidimensional scales, not all multi-
dimensional scales should be studied as a second-order factor at the more abstract
level. For example, Breaugh (1985) developed a multidimensional scale to measure
the three facets of work autonomy: method autonomy, scheduling autonomy, and
criteria autonomy. As the correlations among the three dimensions (0.34 to 0.47)
were not high (Breaugh, 1985), researchers should study work autonomy as three
correlated factors instead of a second-order factor (work autonomy). Similarly,
Meyer et al. (1993) showed that affective, continuance, and normative commitment
measured by Meyer and Allen’s (1991) scale should be studied as three independent
factors because they have different antecedents and consequences.

G. W. Cheung et al.


Researchers should note that our discussions focus on empirical management

studies adopting established measures in the multitrait-monomethod context
and not scale development studies in the multitrait-multimethod context. For
scale development studies, in addition to the criteria suggested in Table 2,
researchers should provide evidence of convergent validity across similar meas-
ures and criterion-related validity (for example, Wang et al., 2022). Our recom-
mended best practices apply to studies employing covariance-based SEM but
not variance-based SEM (PLS-SEM) analyses. Similarly, our recommendations
relate to latent constructs with reflective measures. They do not apply to forma-
tive measures, as these are typically indices that do not require convergent
validity or internal consistency. Because we recommend considering sampling
errors with CIs when evaluating the quality of measurement scales, a large sam-
ple size can guarantee adequate statistical power in identifying quality issues.
While the appropriate sample size depends on the complexity of the model and
the estimation method, Kelley and Pornprasertmanit (2016) found, using a sim-
ulation, that the coverage rates of CIs are good across reliability levels even at
N = 50. However, following Anderson and Gerbing’s (1988) suggestion, we rec-
ommend a minimum sample size of 150 to obtain standard errors small enough
for practical application. Researchers should check if the CIs have substantially
wide intervals for studies with smaller sample sizes.


Researchers using SEM with latent constructs in empirical studies wish to pro-
duce accurate results and, as part of this, aim to treat reliability, convergent
and discriminant validity seriously. Therefore, we suspect mistakes in how
researchers present these issues are due to available resources lacking clear
explanations of the critical issues and limitations. Hence, we review the cur-
rent literature to identify best practices and make these simple to implement
using the R package, measureQ, that we have developed. We close by urging
all editors and reviewers to support authors in implementing best practices by
requesting proper tests of reliability, convergent and discriminant validity in all
articles and acknowledging the efforts of authors who provide these.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary materials available at https://​doi.​

Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions.

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
The authors confirm that the data of the examples in this manuscript are all explicitly simulated for this study.

Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

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which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
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Reporting reliability, convergent and discriminant validity…

Gordon W. Cheung is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
His research interests include structural equation modeling, measurement equivalence/invariance, estima-
tion of moderating and mediating effects in latent variable models, and multilevel analysis.

Helena Cooper‑Thomas is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Auckland University of Technol-

ogy (AUT), New Zealand. Her research focuses on employees’ relationships with both their colleagues
and their employing organization; employee experiences of change, including when starting at a new
organization (onboarding); and more recently has focused on improving research tools, including specific
measures as well as software approaches.

Rebecca S. Lau got her Ph. D. from Virginia Tech. She was an associate professor in Department of
Management at the Open University of Hong Kong before moving to the United Kingdom. She conducts
research on organizational research methods, particularly in the area of structural equation modeling.
Her research interests also include leadership and exchange relationships with a focus on those among

Linda C. Wang got her PhD from Michigan State University, and is now an assistant professor at the
Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include organizational behavior, leadership
and structural equation modeling.

Authors and Affiliations

Gordon W. Cheung1 · Helena D. Cooper‑Thomas2 · Rebecca S. Lau3 ·

Linda C. Wang4
Helena D. Cooper‑Thomas
[email protected]
Linda C. Wang
[email protected]
Department of Management and International Business, The University of Auckland, Auckland,
New Zealand
Management Department, Faculty of Business Economics & Law, Auckland University
of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Stockport, UK
Department of Management, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Siu Lek Yuen,
Hong Kong


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