Animation Director

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Model Curriculum

Animation Director


SUB-SECTOR: Television, Print, Radio, Digital,
OCCUPATION: Animation-Director
REF ID: MES/ Q 1302

Animation Director 11

is hereby issued by the

Media and Entertainment Skill Council

Complying to National Occupational Standards of
Job Role/ Qualification Pack: ‘Animation Director’ QP Ref. No. ‘MES/Q1302, NSQF Level 6’

Date of Issuance: 27th January 2022

Valid up to: 25th January 2027

Authorized Signatory
Media and Entertainment Skill Council
* Valid up to the next review date of the Qualification Pack

1. Curriculum 01
2. Trainer Prerequisites 07
3. Annexure: Assessment Criteria 08
Animation Director

This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Animation Director”, in the “Media and
Entertainment” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the

Program Name Animation Director

Qualification Pack
Name & Reference ID. MES/ Q 1302

Version No. 3.0 Version Update Date 27-Jan-22

Graduate with three years of relevant experience

Pre-requisites to
Game Artist NSQF Level-5 with 3 years of experience
Min Age: 22 Year

Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:

• Analyse the story, script, Approving the design/assets, Guiding

and managing the animation process Testing and approving
the character rig,
• Manage and guide the postproduction process, including:
Prepare the final version including correction of the screenplay
(if required),
• Comply with the health, safety and security risks prevalent in
the workplace, Knowing the people responsible for health and
safety and the resources available, Identifying and reporting
risks, Complying with procedures in the event of an

Animation Director 1
This course encompasses 4 out of 4 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Animation Director”
Qualification Pack issued by “Media & Entertainment Skill Council”.

Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required

Communicate • Communicate the creative vision, project Laptop, white

1 requirements to outcomes, functional roles, responsibilities, board, marker,
the team expectations, requirements, budget and projector,
timelines to functional heads prior to the
Theory Duration production
100:00 • Receive periodic updates and ensure that any
major changes agreed upon are recorded and
Practical Duration communicated to the appropriate people.
• Develop a function-wise action plan to help
Corresponding execute the vision, as appropriate.
NOS Code
MES /N 1304 • Ensure that the teams are aware of their role
towards realizing the creative vision of the

• Articulate and encourage the need for team

work and work standards that are expected to
match the production’s requirements.

Direct the • Work with storyboard and pre visualization Laptop, white
2 animation process artist to establish the mood, feel and style of board, marker,
cinematography. projector,
Theory Duration
(hh:mm) • Plan the descriptions and timing of actions for
100:00 every scene. Provide inputs on action timing,
Practical Duration expressions, dialogue as per the storyboard
and director’s vision.
140:00 • Identify where camera technique, lighting and
design relate to the theme of the production.

• Provide specifics and approve all design/

animation/ assets during the making of the film
(characters, backgrounds, models, layouts,
Corresponding animated shots & sequences).
NOS Code
MES /N 1306 • Provide design and creative inputs to help
guide the production process.

• Work with the animators to ensure the

animation meets the brief.

• Ensure through your direction, that appropriate

use is being made of camera and lighting

Animation Director 2
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
techniques during pre-production and

• Liase with the producer at key points during


• Test and approve the character rig.

3 Direct the post- • Guide/direct the entire post-production process

production to ensure that the final output is in line with the
process creative vision.

Theory Duration • Identify the gaps through critic’s feedback and

(hh:mm) ensure the final version incorporates all
100:00 changes.
Practical Duration
• Guide/direct the relevant post-production
(hh:mm) processes to ensure the final version
200:00 incorporates all changes.

NOS Code
MES /N 1307

Maintain • Understand and comply with the Handbook,

4 Workplace, Health organisation’s current health, safety and White board,
& Safety security policies and procedures. marker,
Theory Duration • Understand the safe working practices system,
(hh:mm) pertaining to own occupation. projector, PPTs
Practical Duration
(hh:mm) • Understand the government norms and
20:00 policies relating to health and safety including
emergency procedures for illness, accidents,
Corresponding fires or others which may involve evacuation of
NOS Code the premises
MES/N 0104
• Participate in organization health and safety
knowledge sessions and drills
• Identify the people responsible for health and
safety in the workplace, including those to
contact in case of an emergency
• Identify security signals e.g. fire alarms and
places such as staircases, fire warden stations,
first aid and medical rooms
• Identify aspects of your workplace that could
cause potential risk to own and others health
and safety
• Identify and recommend opportunities for
improving health, safety, and security to the
designated person

Animation Director 3
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
• Report any hazards outside the individual’s
authority to the relevant person in line with
organizational procedures and warn other
people who may be affected
• Identify and correct risks like illness, accidents,
fires or any other natural calamity safely and
within the limits of individual’s authority.

Total Duration Unique Equipment Required:

840:00 Laptop, PowerPoint & white board, marker,
projector, Laptop, Sample pictures and videos,
Theory Duration Cleaning tools, electricity tester, safety and
340:00 ergonomics chart, Fire Extinguisher, First-Aid Kit

Practical Duration

Grand Total Course Duration: 840 Hours, 0 Minutes

(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by Media and Entertainment Skill Council)

Animation Director 4
Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: “Animation Director” mapped to
Qualification Pack: “MES/ Q 1302, v2.0”

Area Details
1 Description Animation-Director(Digital) in the Media & Entertainment
Industry is also known as an Ad trafficker/ Ad campaign manager, job are
responsible for implementing online advertisement campaigns.
2 Personal This job requires the individual to fulfill sales orders for online campaigns,
Attributes including placing media bought by advertisers/agencies and running it as
planned. The individual is also responsible to evaluate the effectiveness of
online campaigns, manage the online advertisement hardware and
systems and troubleshoot/resolve any technical and delivery issues that
might arise. The individual must be equipped with a thorough knowledge
of online advertising and advertisement operations, coding languages and
trafficking solutions.
3 Minimum Graduate
4a Domain Certified for Job Role: “Animation Director” mapped to QP: “MES/ Q 1302,
Certification v1.0”. Minimum accepted score is 70%
4b Platform Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”,
Certification mapped to the Qualification Pack: “MES/Q1302”. Minimum accepted %
as per respective SSC guidelines is 60%.
5 Experience Minimum 5 years of experience as Animation Director.

Animation Director 5
Annexure: Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria
Job Role Animation Director
Qualification Pack MES/Q1302, v1.0
Sector Skill Council Media & Entertainment

Guidelines for Assessment
1 Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Media and
Entertainment Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks
proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for each
2 Each NOS will be assessed both for theoretical knowledge and practical

3 The assessment will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
4 Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory and skill
practical part for each candidate at each examination/training centre
5 To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 60% in every NOS

6 In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take
subsequent assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack

NOS NOS NAME Weightage

1 MES / N1304 Communicate requirements to the 40%


2 MES / N 1306 Direct the animation process


3 MES/ N 1307 Direct the post-production process


4 MES / N 0104 Maintain workplace health and safety



Animation Director 6
Performance Criteria
Marks Allocation
Total Skills
Out of Theory
Mark Practical

PC1. Communicate the creative vision,

project outcomes, functional roles,
responsibilities, expectations, requirements, 20 10
budget and timelines to functional heads
prior to the production

PC2. Receive periodic updates and ensure

that any major changes agreed upon are
20 10
recorded and communicated to the
appropriate people

100 50
PC3. Develop a function-wise action plan to
20 10
help execute the vision, as appropriate

PC4. Ensure that the teams are aware of

MES/ N 1304 their role towards realizing the creative vision 20 10
Communicate of the project
to the team
PC5.Articulate and encourage the need for
team work and work standards that are
20 10
expected to match the production’s

Total 100 50 50

PC1.Work with storyboard and pre

visualization artist to establish the mood, feel 15 3
and style of cinematography

MES/ N 1306
Direct the 100 50
animation PC2.Plan the descriptions and timing of
process actions for every scene. Provide inputs on
10 3
action timing, expressions, dialogue as per
the storyboard and director’s vision

PC3.Identify where camera technique,

lighting and design relate to the theme of the 5 3

Animation Director 7
PC4.Provide specifics and approve all
design/ animation/ assets during the making
5 3
of the film (characters, backgrounds, models,
layouts, animated shots & sequences)

PC5.Provide design and creative inputs to

5 3
help guide the production process

PC6.Work with the animators to ensure the

20 10
animation meets the brief

PC7.Ensure through your direction, that

appropriate use is being made of camera
15 10
and lighting techniques during pre-
production and production

PC8.Liase with the producer at key points

15 6
during production

PC9.Test and approve the character rig 10 5

Total 100 50 50

PC1. Guide/direct the entire post-production

process to ensure that the final output is in 15 10
line with the creative vision

PC2. Identify the gaps through critics

MES/ N 1307 feedback
Direct the post- 15 5
and ensure the final version incorporates all 50
production changes

PC3. Guide/direct the relevant post-

production processes to ensure the final 10 5
version incorporates all changes

Total 100 50 50

Animation Director 8
PC1. Understand and comply with the
10 5
organization’s current health, safety and
security policies and procedures

PC2. Understand the safe working practices 100 10 5

pertaining to own occupation

PC3. Understand the government norms and

policies relating to health and safety
5 3
including emergency procedures for illness,
accidents, fires or others which may involve
evacuation of the premises

PC4. Participate in organization health and

5 2
safety knowledge sessions and drills

MES/ N 0104
Maintain PC5. Identify the people responsible for
workplace health and safety in the workplace, including 10 5
health and those to contact in case of an emergency 50

PC6. Identify security signals e.g. fire alarms

and places such as staircases, fire warden 10 5
stations, first aid and medical rooms

PC7. Identify aspects of your workplace that

could cause potential risk to own and others 10 5
health and safety

PC8. Ensure own personal health and

safety, and that of others in the workplace 10 5
though precautionary measures

PC9. Identify and recommend opportunities

for improving health, safety, and security to 5 3
the designated person

PC10. Report any hazards outside the

individual’s authority to the relevant person 10 5
in line with organizational procedures and
warn other people who may be affected

Animation Director 9
PC11. Follow organization’s emergency
10 5
procedures for accidents, fires or any other
natural calamity in case of a hazard

PC12. Identify and correct risks like illness,

accidents, fires or any other natural calamity 5 2
safely and within the limits of individual’s

Total 100 50 50

Animation Director 10

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