Whats New Sap Me en
Whats New Sap Me en
Whats New Sap Me en
SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME) 15.5 contains new functions and enhancements. These updates are
summarized in the following notes.
Related Information
The File DC parameter type was added to Data Collection Maintenance to upload files of various formats to
collect values for this DC parameter instead of attaching a file to the DC parameter of another type.
The File Destination Path system rule was added to the Data Collection Rules group in System Rule Maintenance
to define the storage where to upload files for DC groups with File DC parameters. The File Destination Path
The following system rules were added to the Data Collection Rules group in System Rule Maintenance to set
the maximum number of files to be uploaded for the DC parameters of the File type, maximum file size, and
allowed file formats: Maximum Number of Files to Upload for File DC Parameters, Maximum File Size, and
Allowed File Types. These system rules can be overridden at the DC parameter level on the Main tab of the
Parameter Detail screen in Data Collection Maintenance.
The Data Collection Entry (DC500) POD plug-in was enhanced to enable the upload of files for the DC
parameters of the File type. You can upload files one by one choosing Add File in the Value column. You can see
the number of already uploaded files in the Value column as well. Each uploaded file is stored depending on the
parameter and system rule settings. Files uploaded for the DC parameters of the File type are stored in the SAP
ME ODS database if the File Destination Path system rule is set to SAP ME Database and the Store Data
Collection Results in ODS system rule is set to Yes.
The Collection Method control was split into two controls to make DC configuration more flexible. The
Collection Method dropdown contains the Manual option and the Collection Mode dropdown contains the
Single SFC and Multiple SFCs options.
The Data Collection Edit activity was enhanced to display collected files and to allow you to upload other files
on the Data Collection Edit Detail screen.
Technical Details
You can enable or disable displaying of the Data Collection icon in the Info column in the POD when a DC group
is attached to a substep by selecting or deselecting the Data Collection checkbox for the SUBSTEP list category
in List Maintenance.
To save space in your POD you can define not only button IDs but also activities to be executed when a substep
is selected using the following activity rules for the Substep List (SUBSTEP_LIST_DISPLAY):
If the Substep List (SUBSTEP_LIST_DISPLAY) plug-in has been configured in the Other Plug-Ins column on the
Layout tab in POD Maintenance, it is closed automatically when the last substep is finished in the POD.
The Substep category was added to Custom Data Maintenance and the Custom Data tab was added to Substep
Maintenance to support custom data for substeps.
Technical Details
Co- and by-product components are created in SAP ME when the BOMMAT and LOIPRO IDocs are received from
Automatic Creation of SFCs for Co-Products and Inventory IDs for By-Products
SFCs can be automatically created for the co-product and inventory IDs can be automatically created for the
by-product during the main product processing using the new Co- and By-Product Receipt Hook
(CO_BY_AUTO_RECEIPT) activity. You can configure the CO_BY_AUTO_RECEIPT hook point activity so that
only co-products, by-products, or both co-products and by-products can be automatically received using the
RECEIPT_MODE activity rule.
The new Co- and By-Product Receipt Plug-In (CO_BY_MANUAL_RECEIPT) was implemented to manually receive
co-products or by-products so that they are created based on the real production results in the POD.
Information about created co-products is reported to SAP ERP in a separate message containing only goods
movement section. The new coProductReceiptRequest message is triggered for SFC numbers that are co-
products and when the SFC numbers are finished changing their status to Done. The payload contains 101 and
261 goods movements for all components assembled to the co-product and not reported yet (if there are any).
The new ERP_CO_PRODUCT_RECEIPT_POST collaboration directive is linked to the new
COLLABORATION_ERP_SFC_SCRAP trigger action is used when the co-product SFC number is scrapped and it
belongs to the SAP ERP-authored shop order. The identifier is Site-Shop_Order-SFC.
Received by-products are immediately reported to SAP ERP. When an inventory ID for the by-product is
created, a new collaboration directive is triggered (ERP_BY_PRODUCT_RECEIPT_POST). This collaboration
directive is linked to the new trigger action (COLLABORATION_ERP_FLOOR_STOCK_RECEIPT) by default. This
is valid for the SAP ERP-authored production orders only. As a result, a new message is queued
(byProductReceiptRequest). The identifier is Site-Shop_Order-Inventory_ID.
The Build Status tab is merged with the Goods Receipt tab. The Build Status tab is enriched with the statistical
information regarding all products manufactured with the shop order. The following fields were moved from the
Goods Receipt tab to the Main tab: Batch Number, Putaway Storage Location, and Warehouse Number. Shop
Order by Step Report and Shop Order Schedule Report can be opened in the new More menu. The ERP Order
checkbox was replaced with the Source System field and moved to the header section of the Main tab.
The Production shop order can be set to Done only when all SFC numbers of the main products and co-
products are finished.
Shop Order Report was enhanced to show all products received as part of the shop order production. A new link
was added to the More Info column to open Floor Stock Report in a new window to show all inventories related
to the current shop order.
The Shop Order field was added to the Main tab in the Floor Stock Report to allow you to allocate all inventories
related to the defined shop order.
The following fields used to search for a stock with a reservation were grouped and renamed on the Floor Stock
Location in the Floor Stock Report: Reserved for Work Center, Reserved for Operation, Reserved for Resource,
and Reserved for Shop Order. The Storage Location field was grouped with other fields that are not related to
the reservation.
Technical Details
The Pattern for Planned SFCs with Serial Numbers system rule was added to the ERP Integration Rules group in
System Rule Maintenance to define whether a name for the planned SFC numbers with serial numbers is
generated by concatenating the material name and serial number in SAPMEINT XSLT, by using settings in Next
Number Maintenance, or it is not generated at all.
Serial numbers can be stored for nonserialized SFCs. You can process your SFC number as nonserialized and
at the end of the production you can serialize it and assign received serial numbers.
The system does not allow you to change quantity of an SFC number that has an assigned serial number to
avoid data inconsistency using the following activities: SFC Quantity Adjustment, SFC Split, SFC Quantity
Multiplication, and SFC Merge.
The new Serialize POD plug-in was implemented based on UI5 to allow you to assign serial numbers to SFC
numbers. You can enable or disable assignment of serial numbers to SFC numbers using the new
ALLOW_SN_ASSIGNMENT activity rule.
Controlling the Use of Planned SFCs and Serial Numbers from the Shop Order Plan
The USE_SO_PLAN_RECORDS activity rule was added to the SFC Serialize POD plug-in (PR550) to enable or
disable using planned SFCs and serial numbers from the shop order SFC plan list for serialization.
The Assign Serial Numbers to SFCs at the Last Reporting Step system rule was added to the ERP Integration
Rules group in System Rule Maintenance and System Rules tab in Material Maintenance to configure at the site
or material level whether a serial number is automatically assigned to an SFC number when it is completed at
the last reporting step or when the status of the SFC number changes to Done so that it is reported to SAP ERP
without any manual interaction.
Shop Order Maintenance was redesigned to display all received serial numbers grouped by materials in the
Shop Order Plan of the Serial/SFC tab. You can see the list of available serial numbers together with assigned
SFC numbers and their current state. You can assign or change the current serial numbers assignment to SFC
numbers with respect to the material. You can distribute all serial numbers. You can add a new SFC number
placeholder by choosing Add Plan Record.
The Disassembly component type was implemented to mark BOM components to be removed during the
repair process.
The Rework BOM type was implemented to support the repair or rework process. The Rework BOM structure
contains only components that must be replaced or added to the existing product. The Rework BOM is used
with the Rework shop order type. When the Rework shop order is received from SAP ERP, the Rework BOM is
automatically created if the new Create Rework BOM on Rework Shop Order Receipt system rule is set to Yes.
Rework BOMs are archived with the respective Rework shop orders.
Overriding Data Type for the Disassembly Components in the BOM Configuration
The Data Type to Collect on Removal field was added to the Component Details screen in BOM Maintenance to
define data to be collected during the component removal. The value defined in this field overrides the Data to
Collect on Removal assigned to the component in Material Maintenance.
Components of the Disassembly type can be displayed in the Component List of the POD. The Req Assy Qty
and Rem Assy Qty columns were renamed to Req Qty and Rem Qty. Required and remained quantity to remove
or assemble is displayed in the Req Qty and Rem Qty columns. When a component of the Disassembly type is
selected, the Assemble button is replaced with the Disassemble button.
Returned and scrapped components can be reported to SAP ERP. If the component is scrapped, then its
reporting depends on whether its cost is charged to the ERP shop order based on the settings of the Charge
Scrapped Component Cost to ERP Order system rule added to the ERP Integration group of System Rule
You can remove Normal BOM components using the Assembly Point (Assemble Components) (CT500) POD
plug-in if the new ALLOW_NORMAL_COMP_REMOVAL activity rule is set to Yes. When you select a normal
You can remove Disassembly components with actual assembly records, remove actual components by
specifying their quantity, or remove components whose assembly was not tracked by the system. The following
options were added to the Assembly Point (Assemble Components) POD plug-in for this purpose: Select Actual
Component and Actual Component Not Required. You can remove disassembly components with actual
assembly records in As-Built Configuration as well.
The DISASSEMBLY_COMP_COLOR activity rule was added to Multi-Viewer (MULTI_VIEWER) to allow you to
specify a color to highlight BOM components of the Disassembly type that are planned to be removed at the
current operation.
The Production Storage Location data field was added to collect storage location data in the POD so that it can
be used for outbound integration with SAP ERP.
Technical Details
When MATMAS and LOIWCS IDocs are received from SAP ERP and they contain production supply area (PSA)
values, a PSA is stored as a separate object in SAP ME.
The Source System field was added to the Maintain Floor Stock activity to display the system the floor stock
was received from, for example, SAP ME, SAP EWM, or SAP ERP.
The LOIPRO IDoc was enhanced to allow you to receive warehouse numbers from SAP ERP for BOM
components. The read-only Warehouse Number field was added to the Component Details screen in BOM
Maintenance to display received warehouse numbers so that you can check their correctness.
Using the Warehouse Value from the BOM to Request the Component
The request for staging was enhanced to take a warehouse number from the BOM component first. If nothing
is found, then it is derived from the shop order details. If components from the same BOM have different
warehouse numbers, then several request for staging messages are generated. One message per a warehouse
Materials of the Packaging type can be defined in the new Packaging Material field on the Main tab in Container
Maintenance during the configuration of the Normal category container so that they can be used to report
goods receipts to SAP EWM.
A packaging material can be selected during the container creation to be used for transferring to the
warehouse controlled by SAP EWM. The Pack/Unpack activity was enhanced to display the Packaging Material
field as enabled when the container category is Normal and the Container field is populated. When the
container is selected, the Packaging Material field is either populated with the packaging material defined for
this container or empty if there is no packaging material defined for the container.
Enhancements in Next Number Maintenance for the Packaging Material Type Pattern
Next Number Maintenance was enhanced to allow you to define next number patterns for the existing
packaging material type defined in Container Maintenance and the new packaging material type object. The
existing Packaging Material Type next number type was renamed to Container (Packaging Material Type).
Packaging material types can be received from SAP ERP using the MATMAS IDoc. When a packaging material
type is received, it is automatically created with an assigned Packaging material if it does not exist in SAP ME.
The Packaging Material Type Maintenance activity was implemented to maintain packaging material types as
separate objects that are not related to containers of the Packaging Material Type category. You can control
whether handling unit numbers are created in SAP ME or received from SAP EWM.
The Total Max Qty field was made editable in Container Maintenance to allow you to restrict the number of
packed SFC numbers.
The SAP EWM Plant Time Zone column was added to the SAP ME Plant List table of the Supported SAP ME
Plants screen in the SAP MII Dashboard menu and the SAP EWM Plant Time Zone field was added to the
Supported SAP ME Site / ERP Plant screen of the SAPMEINT Standard Interfaces CTC wizard to support
integration with SAP EWM.
Packing Report was enhanced to display handling unit numbers on the main and Container Member Details
screens, and the Handling Unit column was added to the main screen to indicate the current location of the
SFC number.
Technical Details
Various enhancements have been made to support SAP ME S/4HANA PEO integration.
You can create the same work instruction in different languages in Work Instruction Maintenance. The work
instruction content is displayed according to the user locale in the POD.
Work instructions attached to routings can be received from SAP S/4HANA PEO using the PEOROU02 IDoc.
A production master routing can only be created when the LOIROU IDoc is received from SAP ERP and it can be
augmented with additional settings. A new routing is created along with master operations and substeps.
Substeps are automatically assigned to the routing steps but not to the master operation.
When the LOIROU IDoc is received, the system compares a received master routing with the existing one if
there is any. If there are several versions of the routing in the system, the latest version is used based on the
creation time. A new version of the production master routing is created or the existing one is updated
depending on the settings in ERP Field Maintenance.
Existing master operations are always updated, unless they are defined in the Operation (SAP ME) field. The
following operation attributes will be updated: Description (depending on the configuration in ERP Field
Maintenance), Work Center, ERP Work Center, ERP Control Key. Substeps received from SAP ERP (Operation
(SAP ME) field is empty) are always assigned to the routing step. If there are any substeps assigned to the
master operation existing in SAP ME, then they are ignored and the received ones take precedence. If no
substeps are received but there are substeps assigned to the master operation in SAP ME, then the routing
step is created without any substeps.
Upon the master routing update, the merge process is executed to attach some objects from the previous
master routing version to a new one again. All activity hooks, work instructions, and DC groups attached to the
master routing step or substep will be attached again to the new version of the master routing when the update
is received using the LOIROU IDoc. The latest version of the master routing is used.
The Operation (SAP ME) field can be used in SAP ERP to create a new operation in SAP ME with the desired
name. If such operation already exists, then it is used to create a routing step. The existing master operation is
SAP ME is not updated.
The Operation (SAP ME) field can be used in SAP ERP to create a new substep in SAP ME with the desired
name. If such substep already exists, then it is used to create a routing substep. The existing master substep is
SAP ME is not updated. All attributes (including substep category and type) of the existing SAP ME master
substep are used to create a routing substep.
A component can be manually allocated to a substep in SAP ME. Component quantity can be split between
several substeps within the same operation.
When the routing update is received with the component allocation to a routing step, this is not treated as a
discrepancy and no new routing version is created. If there is no such substep anymore (for example, another
set of substeps is received from SAP ERP), then the component is allocated to the step. The routing update
logic is executed accordingly.
If the component is not received with the new IDoc, then allocation is removed in SAP ME as well. The routing
update logic is executed accordingly.
When the LOIPRO IDoc is received from SAP ERP, a shop order-specific routing is created. The first routing
version starts with A-1.
When the LOIPRO IDoc is received, the system compares a received shop order-specific routing with the
existing one if there is any. If there are several versions of the routing in the system, the latest version is used
based on the creation time. A new version of the shop order-specific routing is created or the existing one is
updated depending on the settings in ERP Field Maintenance.
Upon the shop order-specific routing creation, the merge process is executed to re-attach some objects from
the master routing version to a shop order-specific one. During the initial creation of the shop order-specific
routing, the last version of the master routing is used for the merge process, not the one marked as the current
version. The system re-attaches objects (work instructions, DC groups, and activity hooks) that are attached to
the routing step or routing substep only. If the attachment point contains more objects (for example, routing
step and material), then these objects are ignored. To find a right step, a combination of the ERP operation
(ERP_OPERATION field) and routing step name is used. To identify a substep, a combination of the ERP
suboperation and substep name is used. Received substeps are always assigned to the routing step. If there
are any substeps assigned to the master operation existing in SAP ME, then they are ignored and the received
ones take precedence. If there are no substeps received, then the routing step is created without substeps even
if the master operation in SAP ME has some substeps.
During the merge process, the system compares the structure of the received routing (within the LOIPRO IDoc)
and the existing master routing. If they are the same, then the name and version of the master routing are
populated to the Copied from Routing field of the shop order-specific routing. This is needed to avoid creating
the same shop order-specific routings in SAP ME. If there are some SAP ME-specific steps that are manually
added to the master routing received from SAP ERP, they will be copied to the shop order-specific routing only
A master BOM can only be created when the BOMMAT IDoc is received from SAP ERP. When the BOMMAT IDoc is
received, the system compares a received master BOM with the existing one if there is any. If there are several
versions of the BOM in the system, then the latest version is used based on the creation time. A new version of
the master BOM is created or the existing one is updated depending on the settings in ERP Field Maintenance.
3D drawings attached to the previous version of the master BOM will be attached again to the new master BOM
When the LOIPRO IDoc is received from SAP ERP, a shop order BOM is created. If there is a master BOM found,
3D drawings attached to the latest version of the master BOM will be attached to the shop order BOM. When
the LOIPRO IDoc is received, the system checks whether the shop order BOM already exists. The system
compares the latest existing version with the received one, and if there is any difference, a new version of the
shop order BOM is created or the existing one is updated depending on the settings in ERP Field Maintenance.
3D drawings attached to the previous version of the shop order BOM will be attached again to the new shop
order BOM version.
When the LOIPRO IDoc is received and a shop order-specific routing with a shop order BOM are created, they
are tied up in Routing Maintenance. When the LOIPRO IDoc is received with the update of the routing or BOM, a
new version of the corresponding object is created (either routing or BOM, or both). A new combination of the
routing and BOM is created. Even if only a BOM is updated, it triggers the creation of the new version of the
routing, so that there is always a unique combination of the routing and BOM. New versions of the routing and
BOM are reflected on the Build tab in Shop Order Maintenance.
The SAPMEINT Standard Interfaces CTC wizard was enhanced to allow you to enable or disable reporting of the
shop order completed delivery to SAP ERP. The includeDeliveryCompleted data acquisition parameter
was added to configure the ERP_YIELD_CONFIRMATION and ERP_SCRAP_CONFIRMATION collaboration
directives depending on the true or false setting.
The new Action on Order Update system rule was added to the ERP Integration Rules group of System Rule
Maintenance to control whether a production shop order must be put on hold on update or not. If you want to
keep the same status of the shop order on its update, use the Nothing option.
Parallel sequences are supported in production master, shop order-specific, and configurable routings sent
from SAP ERP to SAP ME. Sending SAP ME-authored routings with simultaneous groups to SAP ERP and
creating routings with parallel sequences are not supported.
The Category dropdown was added to the Main tab in Tool Number Maintenance to define if a tool number is
associated with a tool group, a material of the Production Resource/Tool type, or with none of the higher-level
You can transfer equipment master data from SAP ERP using the new EQUIPMENT_CREATE02 IDoc to
automatically create the corresponding tool number record in SAP ME.
If equipment has a reference to a Production Resource/Tool material, then the tool number of the Material
category is created in SAP ME with a reference to the Production Resource/Tool material previously transferred
from SAP ERP. If there is no any reference to a Production Resource/Tool material, then the category of a tool
number is None.
The following attributes can be transferred along with equipment: a serial number, a location of the tool, and a
default measurement point. The transferred serial number is displayed in the new Serial Number field on the
Main tab in Tool Number Maintenance.
Technical Details
Alternate components are displayed on the BOM Components tab. The Alternates tab was removed from the
Component Details screen. You can expand a tree to see alternates belonging to the main BOM component.
Alternate components are enhanced with the following attributes: component type, component quantity,
assembly data type, and storage location.
For each alternate component (including the main component), the Priority value can be received from SAP
ERP and then displayed in the POD.
The following columns were added to the component browse in the Assembly Point (Assemble Components)
(CT500) POD plug-in: Priority and Quantity.
If a main component is split into several components in the SAP ME BOM because its quantity is more than one
and there are multiple reference designators, then alternate components will have the same quantity as the
main component. If a main component is not split, then the quantity of alternate components will not be
Alternate components can be mixed only if they have the same required assembly quantity.
Technical Details
Various enhancements have been made to support electronic device history records (eDHR).
A new Electronic Device History Record Report was implemented to provide improved UI making the report
more readable. The report is based on the activity log information and shows a timeline of the product. You can
retrieve information either by an SFC or a shop order.
Snapshots of the eDHR can be created manually or automatically to freeze this information so that it is not
affected by any product changes. If the new Create eDHR Snapshot on SFC Done system rule in the Production
Tracking Rules group of System Rule Maintenance is set to Yes, then a snapshot of the eDHR is created
You can add your own logo to the eDHR report by creating a work instruction of the File type (with the attached
logo) and assigning this work instruction using the BRANDING_WI activity rule.
Time for actions in the activity log is displayed in milliseconds for the eDHR report to provide more accurate
Technical Details
The ALLOW_UPDATE_FLOOR_LIFE activity rule for Maintain Floor Stock (MAINT_INV) was renamed to
You can add the following columns to Multiple Shop Order Release: BOM Type, Customer, Customer Order, LCC,
Ordered Qty, Planned BOM, Planned Routing, and Planned Work Center. These new columns are not visible by
You can select multiple items in the Order Type filter in Multiple Shop Order Release.
You can preload the Site and SFC/Process Lot/Shop Order fields in the POD using the following new POD URL
parameters: SITE and MAIN_INPUT.
You can configure a routing to send confirmations from SAP ME-authored steps to SAP ERP. Routing
Maintenance was enhanced to allow you to edit or define reporting steps.
You can enable or disable displaying of the Quality Inspection icon in the Info column in the POD by selecting or
deselecting the Quality Inspection checkbox for the WORKLIST and OPERATION list categories in List
Activity descriptions with prefixes or suffixes added to I18N[...] in Activity Maintenance are displayed in User
Group Maintenance, POD Maintenance, PODs, and activity manager.
Activity names were added next to the activity descriptions on the Permissions tab of User Group Maintenance
for you to find activities easier.
The SFC_DONE_BY_DEFAULT activity rule was added to the Create Trackable SFC (PR300) activity to control
whether the Mark SFC As Done checkbox is selected or deselected by default when you open the Create
Trackable SFC activity.
The Auto Start/Quick Complete Hook (AUTO_START_QCOMPL_HK) activity was implemented to allow you to
automatically start or complete an SFC number at the next operation.
An SFC can be manually started without selection of an operation in the Operation List of the Work Center or
SFC POD, if the new START_WITHOUT_OPER_SELECT rule for the Start (PR500) activity is set to Yes.
SAP ME Scripts Installation CTC task was enhanced to create and configure SAP ME scripts. Lifecycle
Management Automation (LMAUTO) tool is not longer required.
The POD UI5 template was created as an example for further customizations. It supports basic required
features. The POD UI5 template is available on GitHub. All PAPIs are exposed as REST APIs and can be used for
the POD UI5 template implementation.
The CHECK_CURRENT_OPER_ONLY activity rule was added to the NC520 hook point activity to allow you to
check open NC codes at any operation or at the current operation only.
You can load inventory IDs reserved for the shop order into the slot in Load and Replenish and Resource Slot
Configuration Setup.
Technical Details
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