DLL Quarter 1 Week 1 English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Palawan
Roxas District

School P. Olarte Elementary School Grade Level III

Teacher Sunshine M. Galisanao Learning Area ENGLISH
Grades 1 to 12 Teaching Dates Week 1-August 29-September 1, Quarter 1ST
Daily Lesson Log 2023
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of sentences and The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of literary
Standards paragraphs in expressing ideas and expository texts for creative interpretation
B. Performance The learner composes three-to-five sentence paragraph The learner uses information derived from texts in presenting
Standards varied oral and written activities
C. Learning Write sentences describing one’s drawing about the stories/poems Read simple sentences and levelled stories and note details regarding
Competency Code listened to (EN3WC-Ia-j-4). character

II. CONTENT Picute Talk Tell Me More About the Story Character
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
From LR Portal
B. Other Learning Module 1 Module 2
A. Review Study the picture. Copy in your Study the picture and answer the Directions: Read the story and the
notebook the words that describe questions below. Choose the letter questions below. Choose the letter of the
the boy. Then, write a sentence to of the correct answer. Write your correct answer. Write your answers on a
show how the word you checked answers on a separate blank sheet separate blank sheet of paper.
fits him. One example is given to of paper.
help you.

_____generous _____ studious

_____ helpful _____ resourceful
_____God - fearing
_____ naughty
The boy is generous because he
gives food to the beggar.

B. Establishing Read the story “Sampaguita and Tell a story about the picture. Write at
Purpose Rose”. least three sentences about it. Use the
Answer the following questions. words below to make your sentences. Be
1. What does Aling Diding have ready to share your story.
in front of her house?
2. What are those flowers being
3. Which flower has caught
peoples’ attention? Why?
4. How are they different from
each other?
5. What qualities does each flower
6. What was rose being
symbolized to? How about
7. If you were Sampaguita, what
best advice can you give to Rose?
C. Presenting A sentence expresses a complete Read the story “The Blind Black Activity A.
Examples thought. It begins with a capital Carabao”. Describing the Characters
letter. It ends with a period (.), or Answer the following questions. Think about the characters in
a question mark (?), or an 1. What did he want to do with the sack the story “The Blind Black
exclamation point (!). To describe of rice? Carabao”. Choose one of the
one’s drawing, you must consider 2. Which animals did he ask to help him main characters to describe
the following: pick and carry the sack of rice? Let’s in detail. Complete the chart
1. number (one, two) name them. below.
2. size (small, tall) 3. What did each animal say?
3. shapes (round, long) 4. What did the blind black carabao
4. age (old, new) feel?
5. color (red, blue) 5. If you were to choose among the
6. opinion (pretty, good) characters in the story, who would you
In addition, you must look at the like to be? Why?
characters and the place because
they will lead you in getting the
correct idea.

D. Discussing New A.1 Draw a Sampaguita and a A.2 Recall your favorite story and How do we note details regarding Activity A.2 It’s a Message
Concepts and Rose inside their corresponding draw one interesting part of the character? Pretend to be a selfish goat
predicting new boxes below. Then, describe each event. Then, write something 1. Always read the story with full in the story. Write on a
skills Q1 flower by writing its differences about it. understanding and internalize the text. separate blank sheet of paper
and similarities using the Venn 2. Jot down notes or highlight texts. your message to blind black
Diagram. Carabao when you did not
help him to carry the sack of
E. Discussing New B.1 Look at the drawing below. Activity A.1 Character Profile Choose
Concepts and Describe it by filling in the blanks one of the characters in the story and
Predicting New with the correct words inside the complete its character profile below.
Skills Q2/Guided box. Copy the character profile on a separate
blank sheet of paper.

old clear bunch young

two balloons different

The sky is __________. There are

________ men standing in front
of the church. The _________
man is holding ________with
_________ colors. While the
_________ man is holding a
__________ of flowers.
F. Developing B.2 Make a sentence for each Activity B. Choose Me
Mastery (Leads to picture presented on the left side. In your notebook, draw the
Formative character that shows good
Assessment) attitude in the story. Write at
least 2-3 sentences about
your drawing.

G. Finding Who is your superhero in life? Write the name of your

practical Draw someone whom you family members and their
application of consider to be your superhero. characteristics in the table.
concepts and skills Write one or two sentences that
would describe him or her.
in daily living

H. Making Answer the following questions. Answer the following questions.

generalization and 1. How do you write a sentence? A. How will you identify the
Abstraction about 2. How do you describe one’s character(s) in the story?
the lesson drawing or picture? B. What do you call on the character
3. What do you consider in who is the focus in the story?
describing one’s drawing? C. How will you write the details on the
character in the story?
I. Evaluating Read the story “The Tweety Read the story below.
Learning Bird”. On a clean sheet of paper, Answer the questions in the
draw one part of the story. Write table.
one or two sentences to describe
your drawing.
J. Additional Directions: List the names of your Recall the story on “The
activities for family members. Then, write one Blind Black Carabao”. Fill
application or sentence to describe them. You out the data needed in the
remediation may add columns depending on story map. Do this on a
the number of members you have. separate sheet of paper.

A. No. of Learners
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
D. No. of learners
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I use/
discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Grade 3 Adviser Master Teacher I Teacher in Charge

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