Book 2 GDO Assessment Toolkit LR
Book 2 GDO Assessment Toolkit LR
Book 2 GDO Assessment Toolkit LR
Over the next ten years, the collective focus of the IFRC
will be on achieving the following strategic aims:
Table of contents
I. Preparations and approval for assessment 2
Planning the assessment 3
The budget 5
1. Document review 14
2. Individual interviews 16
Ethical considerations 20
Ranking 24
Drawing conclusions 26
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
2 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
I. Preparations and
approval for
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version 3
I. Preparations and approval for assessment
It is recommended that a short gender and diversity analysis for the country/community
be included within the background section of the concept note. A gender and diversity
analysis determines exactly who is vulnerable in any given context; what factors render
them vulnerable; and what are the consequences of vulnerability for each specific group. The
analysis should be evidence-based with information can with information including analysis
analysis on issues such as:
• Composition of the affected population – sex, age groups, ethnicities, religious groups,
nationalities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGBTI) persons, people with
disabilities, migrants and minority groups, etc.
• Social indicators – education, health, socio-economic, language, etc.
• Social norms and their implications on gender relations – Family Codes, cultural practices
such as female genital mutilation, early marriage, discrimination/stigmatisation of lower
castes, ethnic minority groups, etc.
• Roles and responsibilities of women, girls, boys and men of different ages in the home and
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4 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
I. Preparations and approval for assessment
The assessor/assessment team will be responsible for determining the methodology, survey
questions, undertaking or managing the assessment and developing the recommendations
and plan of action.
The most effective way of conducting a gender and diversity organisational assessment is to
have a small team of dedicated, full-time assessors.
The following areas are important attributes for the assessment team:
• Come from, or have experience in working with, a National Society or the IFRC.
• Knowledge of and/or previous experience in conducting an OCAC or BOCA.
• Diversity in the assessment team including: male and female; gender and diversity
focal persons; planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (PMER) representatives;
headquarters staff; representatives from the branches who have experience of working
directly with communities.
• At a minimum, a basic knowledge of gender and diversity issues drawn from either
their role within the National Society or having taken part in a practical gender and
diversity training, preferable the IFRC’s Seven Moves; Gender and Diversity in Emergency
Programming training.
• Experience in data collection and analysis.
• Experience in facilitating or training, both within the National Society and with
The budget
Although a Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment may at first seem like a no-cost
endeavour, there may well be costs involved. These include; the costs of the evaluator if an
external evaluator is used; travel and accommodation costs; the cost of volunteer insurance
and per diems if volunteers are engaged in the data collection; and incidental costs associated
with meetings and focus group discussions.
The budget for conducting the assessment will vary based on how many branches,
communities and informants will be involved; how much time is available for the assessment,
etc. A pre-determined allocated amount available for the assessment will decide the scope
of the assessment.
Changes that are recommended as a result of the assessment may very well have costs
associated with them. Where costs will be involved with a recommendation, this should be
noted in the assessment report, together with an estimate of such costs, if available.
The sample activity timeline below includes a column on ‘internal communications tips’
for each activity.
Time Activity Internal Communications Tips
Identify a focal person on the assessment team team who will be
Develop the concept note and
month responsible responsible for internal communications.
seek approval from leadership
for conducting the assess- Consult with technical leads for their input on the communications
ment, as well as their commit- plan.
ment to the follow-up Develop and agree the internal communications plan.
Obtain National Society leadership’s approval of the concept note.
Host a meeting to update everyone involved in the process or
request the appropriate person within the National Society to com-
municate with all staff informing them of when the assessment will
start; outlining the key objectives and the process going forward;
and sharing the communications schedule.
Adapt the tool as required for Consult with technical leads for their input on the indicators to be
month the specific context; decide on included in the tool and the key questions for focus group discus-
Share an update on the process and indicate when the final work-
month shop will take place to National Society staff and volunteers.
Develop recommendations
and discuss these with the Invite input or feedback from everyone, even those not participat-
relevant stakeholders ing formally in the assessment process. Feedback can be via email,
suggestion box or in-person. A suggestion box is a good way to
facilitate internal communication if some members of staff would
like to remain anonymous.
recommendations/plan of
seen, provided feedback on the key findings and recommenda-
action to all participants in
tions and agreed some key high-level messages.
the process and to National
Society senior leadership • Conduct a workshop with all those involved in the assessment
process (including senior leadership).
For both options, ensure that everyone involved understands the
process, how the findings were reached and what the recommen-
dations will mean for the National Society.
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Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version 7
I. Preparations and approval for assessment
Ensure that both the final recommendations and the final plan of
action is endorsed by the leadership and communicated to every-
month Implement the recommenda- one in the National Society.
07-12 tions/plan of action As the plan of action is implemented, ensure that people are aware
(and ongoing) of the ongoing process and successes/challenges. This will make
everyone feel a part of collective achievements.
• Males and females and anyone who identifies with another gender or no gender
• People from different parts of the country
• People from different religious, ethnic, linguistic, etc. groups.
• People from all levels of the National Society, including Board members, senior
leadership, mid-level managers at national headquarters, branch managers, volunteers,
administrative and entry-level staff, drivers, etc.
• Community members from the branch areas
• Partner National Society staff, if available,
• Partners (NGOs, civil society actors, government/ministries, etc.)
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8 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
IV. Programme delivery and implementation (Compliance with the Minimum Standard
Commitments to Gender and Diversity in Emergency Programming)
a) Project cycle
V. Accountability
a) Internal
b) External
Under each of the 11 sub-themes, there are between three and five elements – in total 25 –
with a point system that is based on indicators of varying levels of advancement.
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10 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
II. How to conduct the assessment
In the ‘Comments’ field, the assessor(s) can write relevant information and cite specific
evidence (see example below). Such comments might also detail other good steps taken by
the National Society but not mentioned in the tool itself, or explanations as to why certain
steps have been taken or not. The comments can often feed into the recommendations or
provide input to creative solutions or steps to be taken.
Theme 3: Resources and capacities; Sub-theme: People management score Comments
Points 2 1 1 1 1
Safe, acces- Culturally appro- Disability-friendly Prayer room(s) Nursery/breast- Childcare
sible, enabling priate, gender- facilities (park- available to all feeding rooms facilities avail-
facilities sensitive sanitary ing lot and ramp able for staff
facilities (toilets, for wheelchairs, (and volunteers)
showers, etc.) braille language, where affordable
(Female/male or pictographic, lifts, and accessible
unisex with locks etc.) facilities are not
and lights) provided in the
Example: Yes. No. No. Yes. No. Female staff
Someland The National The prayer room that they
Red Cross Society has is only available do not feel
Society disability-acces- to men. safe leaving
sible male/fe- 3 the building
male and unisex alone after
toilets with locks office hours.
and lights. This issue
needs to be
Score: 2 Score: 0 Score: 0 Score: 1 Score: 0 addressed.
Theme 4: Programme delivery and implementation; Sub-theme: Total Comments
Project cycle
Points 2 1 1
Gender and Project/programme plan- Projects/programmes Planning, monitoring, imple-
diversity are ning and design is based have gender-and diversity- mentation and evaluation
mainstreamed on a gender- and diversity- sensitive indicators includes the engagement of
in the project sensitive analysis diverse groups, in particular
cycle vulnerable groups
Example: Most of the project docu- Approximately 85% of the Most PMER processes include The branch in Any-
ments reviewed generically project documents include community leaders and an ville Province has
Someland Red state that “Gender and a number of gender- and equal number of women and a CBHFA project,
Cross Society diversity are mainstreamed diversity-sensitive indica- men. No youth or margin- which has set the
in the projects”, but no tors (sex, age and disability alised (e.g. an ethnic minority standard for many
further information is disaggregated data; at least group) were consulted. other projects, in
provided on how they will 30% of the community how to ensure that
be mainstreamed. A few committee members are the elderly, people
project documents provide women; two districts have with disabilities
a solid analysis with a proj- special transport options to and people from
ect design that is informed allow the elderly to par- the ethnic minority
by the analysis. ticipate) group participate.
Gender – The concept of “gender” is often misunderstood to mean women and girls only.
Others understand ‘gender’ to mean gender equality, which is sometimes perceived as a
foreign or political concept. If it is helpful, consider the use of the term “diversity”, where
gender is one of many diversity factors. In this way, it is still possible to ask questions about
gender issues, such as by asking what roles men and women play in society, and by asking
questions such as ‘is it the same for men?’, ‘what do the men say?’, ‘is it the same for women?’
and ‘what do the women say?’.
Some National Societies may want to focus only on gender issues, as this might be seen
as a considerable step that, on its own, requires extensive change within the organisation.
It is recommended that the assessment looks at both gender and diversity, since
discrimination is often based on the intersection between gender and different types of
diversity. For example: the risks to women in general in a particular situation may be quite
different to those experienced by women with a disability or from a particular ethnic group
or caste.
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12 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
II. How to conduct the assessment
Diversity - In all communities, there are forms of diversity. Diversity factors include gender,
age, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, nationality and
ethnic origin (including minority and migrant groups), to name a few. In contexts where the
National Society operates, there might also be other factors that are more local and specific
to a region, country or district. To make the assessment as useful as possible, the assessor(s)
must understand the relevant diversity factors within the specific context. The National
Society leadership may wish to focus on certain types of diversity in the assessment. It is
possible to limit the scope of diversity factors to avoid generating too many questions and
information. However, depending on assessment feedback, the assessor(s) should consider
including diversity factors that might have been initially neglected or omitted.
Based on the identification of key diversity factors prioritised, the tool should be adapted
to reflect the choices made. The elements and indicators relevant to adapt to diversity
priorities are marked with * in the tool.
In Someland, the population does not pray during work hours. Further, Someland Red Cross
Society wants to accommodate volunteers and community members with visual impairment
who participate in a community health project. For the assessment, it has been agreed to
adjust the tool to reflect these issues:
Other factors might also need to be contextualised to the needs of the National Society,
such as different volunteer structures and systems for engaging with communities.7 It is,
however, important to note that international standards on gender and diversity should not
be compromised, only contextualised.
7 See the IFRC National Society Development Framework, 2013, pp. 10-11.
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II. How to conduct the assessment
III.Gathering the
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14 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
III. Gathering the information
There are three primary ways of gathering information required to complete the Gender and
Diversity Organisational Assessment.
1. Document review of policies, practices, reports, evaluations, VCAs, etc. to determine if the
National Society has policies in place as listed in the tool; if data is disaggregated by sex,
age and other diversity factors; if there is genuine – rather than cosmetic or superficial –
gender and diversity analysis (Cosmetic or superficial analysis includes unsubstantiated
statements, such as ‘women/people with disability are a vulnerable group’, or not actually
including discriminated and marginalized groups in assessments and planning).
2. Individual interviews with managers, staff, volunteers and (if information is to be verified
against good practice and perceptions of domestic or international organisations), other
3. Focus group discussions (FGDs): with a combination of staff, volunteers, and community
members (where applicable) at different organisational levels and locations (headquarters,
branches, regional offices, etc.) in order to gather the information to fill out the tool
In order to gather information from a large number and range of actors, such as managers, staff,
volunteers, community members or external agencies, about their knowledge, attitudes, perceptions,
behaviour and priorities as they relate to gender and diversity issues, it may be useful to also consider
developing an email, online or paper survey.
1. Document review
Evidence of the National Society’s attention to and provision for gender and diversity can be
established through reviewing the organisation’s documentation. Given that the tool covers
a number of areas, it will also be necessary to consult a wide range of National Society
documents, including, but not limited to:
Gathering evidence from documents that gender and diversity issues are either included or
omitted is a first step; the second is to note whether or not staff and volunteers are aware of
the provisions in a particular document and are implementing them.
Diversity among the interviewees and survey and focus group discussion
(FGD) participants
It is important that assessment interviewees and survey and FGD participants have
a high degree of diversity, mirroring, if at all possible, the communities in which the
National Society serves.
When choosing informants and later disaggregating answers based on diversity factors,
it might be useful to start the survey, interview or FGD with control questions. There
might be limitations to what a National Society can legally and ethically ask in terms
of an informant’s background (ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, etc.)
and, therefore, consider the use of proxy questions, such as “How many languages do
you speak?”, “Which area do you live in?”, “Which school do you go to?”, etc., which for
internal purposes can give an indication of diversity, based on local knowledge.
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16 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
III. Gathering the information
2. Individual interviews
The second method used for gathering information is individual interviews with staff,
volunteers and other agencies (if it is decided to review the information against best practice
and perceptions of domestic or international organisations).
The aim of individual interview questions is to seek qualitative information that assists in
completing the tool. Information from individual interviews helps to form an understanding
of the political will for and prioritisation of these issues within the National Society and to
validate people’s knowledge, behaviour or perceptions.
Interviews should be ‘semi-structured’, which means that a set of questions is developed and,
in the course of the interview, the assessor(s) ask additional probing questions. The following
are some sample questions, based on the tool, for National Society staff and volunteers:
• As far as you are aware, does the National Society have a gender and/or diversity policy?
Strategy? Plan of Action?
• Have you ever received training on gender and diversity? Provide details of when the
training took place, duration and contents.
• Does the National Society have a Gender and Diversity Focal Point? Who is that person?
What assistance can they offer you?
• Do you feel that the office, amenities and working conditions are safe and culturally
appropriate for you? Provide details to support your response. What about other staff and
volunteers – women, men, with disabilities, HIV+, from different linguistic and cultural
backgrounds, etc.? Again, provide details to support your response.
• What are the National Society parental leave arrangements? Do you know if there is a
room for lactating women to express milk or to breastfeed?
• In your opinion, do men and women have equal opportunities and feel comfortable to
speak in meetings?
• As far as you have seen, are men, women and minority groups from the National Society
represented equally as speakers on panels, debates and events at the National Society or
community level? Please give examples to support your answer.
• How many men, women, youth, members of minority groups are on the Board?
• Have you been instructed on what to do if a community member reports that a National
Society staff or volunteer sexually abused or exploited them? How have you responded/
would you respond to an incident like this? Do you feel confident that the National Society
will respond to and investigate all disclosures of sexual exploitation and abuse in a timely
manner? Do you feel the National Society will respect confidentiality, and ensure the
protection and safety of the person who reported the incident and of the staff member or
volunteer who received the report?
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Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version 17
III. Gathering the information
• In the programmes and services that you deliver to communities, do you consider
the different needs of men, women, boys and girls? Do you gather data about their
distinct needs? Do you provide standalone programmes for specific groups of people,
such as minorities, elderly, people with disabilities, etc.? Do you translate materials for
linguistically diverse communities and use interpreters? Please give as many examples as
possible to support your answer.
• Do you follow any guidance materials in the delivery of programmes and services to
ensure that the initiative is sensitive to the different needs of diverse people? If so, what
guidance materials do you use?
• Do you feel safe and comfortable to talk about gender, disability, sexual and gender-based
violence (SGBV) and discrimination issues in your workplace and with your managers?
Consider asking additional questions to different managers, staff and volunteers, such as:
Senior • What are the Board and Senior Management Team’s (SMT) priorities on
manage- gender and diversity?
• What are the main challenges that SMT faces in implementing more gen-
der- and diversity-sensitive actions/decisions?
Branch • Have you ever received information from headquarters about gender and
leaders diversity?
and staff
• Have you ever sent information and/or requests for assistance on gen-
der, diversity, SGBV or related issues to headquarters, the IFRC or a local
non-governmental organisation (NGO)? If so, to whom? And, if so, what
response did you receive?
• Have you ever involved local NGOs or community-based organisations in
your trainings or attended trainings offered by others on gender and diver-
sity issues?
• How many female and male volunteers do you have? Do you regularly
gather and record this data?
• Do you consider your volunteer base to reflect the diversity in the commu-
nity? If not, which groups of people are underrepresented?
• What challenges do female staff face in being able to operate effectively in
the field? What challenges do male staff face?
• Provide some examples of gender- and diversity-sensitive actions in your
local services.
Volunteers • Do you consider all training, recruitment, etc. opportunities offered by the
National Society to be open to you?
• What do you understand to be the National Society’s priorities in relation to
gender and diversity issues and preventing and responding to SGBV?
• Do you think that the National Society and volunteers respond to the
distinct needs of men, women, elderly people, persons with disabilities?
Provide examples to support your response.
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18 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
III. Gathering the information
• Do you know of vulnerable groups who the National Society does not sup-
port? If so, who are they and what, in your opinion, are the reasons why the
National Society does not support them?
• Are you aware of staff and volunteer codes of conducts, and how to report
External • How do you coordinate or collaborate with the National Society on pro-
partners grammes or projects?
• What, if anything, do you know of the National Society’s work on gender,
diversity and/or SGBV?
• Do the representatives from the National Society raise gender and diversity
concerns and issues in meetings?
• Are there opportunities or gaps you believe the National Society could work
on to improve its attention to gender and diversity issues?
Further, depending on the department that managers and staff work in, specific questions
can be asked for the various parts in the tool: For example, the Human Resources Department
should be asked about people management under Resources and capacities and the
Programme/Operations Department should be asked for more in-depth responses under
Programme delivery and implementation.
• The FGD should not consist of more than 10-12 persons, as a higher number will
make it difficult to get the active participation of everyone.
• Start the FGD by explaining to the participants why the FGD is taking place and what
follow up and feedback they can expect afterwards.
• Discuss and agree on confidentiality in the FGD assuring the participants that
individual participants will not be identified in the report but rather all responses
will be anonymised.
• It is recommended that sex-segregated FGDs are conducted.
• If possible, conduct sex- and age-segregated FGDs as these are useful to capture the
inputs from males and females from various stages of the life cycle (i.e. children,
adolescents, youth, adults and the elderly).
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III. Gathering the information
• Where possible, include a group debrief where a nominated person from each group
presents back to the whole community group involved in the FGD.
• To ensure inputs from a varied representation, separate discussions can be conducted
with persons with disabilities (and their organisations) or other groups that face
discrimination or marginalisation who may not be able to participate equally in the
community meetings without some accommodating measures.
• Organise sessions during times of the day and in locations that are suitable and
accessible to everyone. Take specific measures to ensure the participation of adults,
adolescents, workers, elderly, persons with disabilities, etc.
• It is recommended to record the FGDs and transcribe them verbatim to ensure that
crucial information is not missed or misinterpreted.
• If at all possible, note any non-verbal responses and interactions in the group.
• Ensure that all information is clear and easy to understand (including for persons who
are illiterate, persons with intellectual disabilities and persons who are linguistically
• Some people tend to dominate discussions. In most contexts, men may speak up far
more than women. Therefore, take steps to engage the less talkative with prompts
such as ‘Can we hear from someone who has not spoken yet?’ or ‘Would any of the
youth/women/men [whichever group is less talkative] like to answer this one to start
us off?’
• As groups are diverse, the opinions that emerge will or should be equally diverse.
It is important to capture divergent opinions within the group. Acknowledge that
there are differences of opinion that all are valid, and take notes on these areas of
difference and ensure they are analysed.
In order to ensure the active participation of all members, activities for the FGDs might
include discussion groups, mappings, calendars and story boards/circles. Maps, calendars
and story boards can also offer some visually interesting information from communities for
reports and follow up.
• Are there some groups in the community that have special challenges and needs? Who
are these groups and what are their challenges and what are their needs?
• Do you know about the National Society and the services it provides?
• Do those services meet the needs discussed (for men/women and for distinct groups)?
Provide examples of such services.
• Are there volunteers from the National Society in your community? What work do they
• Describe the volunteers in terms of their sex, age, diversity.
• Have you been consulted about the services that the National Society delivers?
• Are you aware of the obligations of staff and volunteers in the National Society in relation
to their conduct towards the community? If so, what are these? How do you think National
Society staff and volunteers should behave in the community?
• Do you know who to contact if you have questions or concerns about the National Society
Ethical considerations
Confidentiality: It is important that interviewees and all FGD participants share their views.
As gender and diversity are particularly sensitive issues, interviewees and participants must
feel comfortable that they can contribute confidentially. For the facilitation of the interviews
and FGDs, this can mean taking time at the beginning of interviews/discussions to reassure
that the interviews/discussions are confidential. Reassurance should also be offered that,
while responses, attitudes and perceptions will be reported, they will not be attributed to
any one individual.
In FGDs, facilitators should emphasise that participants must not disclose sensitive
information to others outside the room. Consideration might be given to signing a
confidentiality statement (on a flipchart paper, where everyone signs their name to it) to
reinforce this message.
In email communications or stored data and survey results, it must be clear to the participants
whether their answers will be anonymous or not. If the information is sensitive but not
anonymous, then it should not be stored on shared drives or on non-secure online Cloud
storage such as DropBox).
Sensitive topics and questions: Discussions about gender and diversity or SGBV issues
can trigger negative memories of personal histories of SGBV or child abuse. It is important,
therefore, that facilitators take all steps necessary to ensure that people in group discussions
know that they can step out of the room at any point and/or that they can ask questions
relating to their personal stories outside of the group discussions (to the facilitator or to the
nominated psychosocial support person in the National Society).
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III. Gathering the information
Given the sensitivity of some gender and diversity issues, some participants may feel
uncomfortable or shy during particular discussion points. Facilitators must, therefore, create
an environment where participants can ask questions and clarify concepts. It is important to
leave sufficient time to allow for questions.
Referral to SGBV service providers: Where discussions do result in someone disclosing that
they are currently experiencing or have previously experienced SGBV, the assessor/facilitator
should firstly thank the person for their trust in confiding in them, reassure the person that
this is a common issue and refer them to a professional agency or local service for help
should they wish to have a further conversation with someone. This means that assessors/
facilitators must have the name(s) and phone number(s) of local agency and relevant service
providers to hand before beginning the FGDs and have made contact to establish the ‘referral
pathway’. The assessor/facilitator should also have discussed with the National Society’s
Human Resources’ Department how it will address any reported sexual exploitation and
abuse perpetrated by a National Society staff member or volunteer against a community
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22 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
After collecting feedback and information, the next step is to analyse and interpret the
findings and to use this information to complete the tool.
Data analysis
One of the first steps in analysing data will be to compile all of the data and information.8
There are two types of data - quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data deals
with numbers and things that can be measured, while qualitative data deals with issues
that cannot be measured numerically. For this assessment, quantitative data relates to the
number of persons who answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the indicators/points mentioned in the tool.
The qualitative data relates to explanations or comments provided in addition to the ‘yes’ or
‘no’ answers.9
In addition to sex, there are a number of other ways to disaggregate data that will allow an
understanding of the diversity in the National Society. These include age, disability, area of
expertise, location (branch or headquarters, geographical location in the country), ethnic or
religious group, length of time at the organisation and level within the National Society (e.g.
volunteer, programme staff, senior management, consultant, leadership).
Conducting multiple analyses and disaggregating the same data in different ways may
identify important trends and connections within the data. For example, are the staff who
knew the National Society had a Code of Conduct, based in a particular department/unit or
branch location? Do they have a specific area of expertise; e.g. do they work in recruitment?
Are the staff in more technical positions or senior management? It is possible to answer
these questions by looking at the data and filtering all staff who answered ‘yes’ to the specific
question with, for example, all staff working in Human Resources. Disaggregating data
allows us to identify important perceptions and experiences from different respondents. For
• Do people with a disability in the organisation feel that the National Society is inclusive
in its policies and approaches?
• Do women perceive the National Society’s recruitment process to be fair and equal?
8 The data and information can be compiled on a spreadsheet, e.g. using Microsoft Excel or SPSS software. To use SPSS,
the online guide is available at When using Survey Monkey to conduct a survey, the
information can be viewed and analysed through the Survey Monkey platform. To analyse data from online surveys, using
Survey Monkey, see
9 A helpful resource for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data can be found at:
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IV. Analysing and interpreting findings
• How many staff members (male/female) reported that they collect sex- and age-
disaggregated data (SADD) as part of their activities? Of the staff members that collect
SADD, how many of them have previously attended a gender and diversity training?
Identifying positive correlations within the data can provide a more in-depth understanding
of the data.
As a first step, it is recommended that the assessor(s) organise all of the information around
the themes and subthemes, elements and indicators of the tool.
The assessor(s) should then analyse whether any differences or agreements in the data are
reflective of the respondents’ sex and/or diversity factors, comparing and analysing the key
messages, agreements and conflicts within and between the different demographic groups.
Examples include, how do the views on the quality of emergency response plans in the
community differ between male focus groups and female focus groups? Did young women
have specific concerns regarding their participation in activities and were these different to
elderly male respondents?
Ensure that, throughout the analysis, a record is maintained of where the information has
come from (e.g. a focus group of elderly women, a focus group with male migrant workers).
A sample template for organising data according to themes is provided in Annex 2a.
Once the data analysis template has been completed, it should be possible to identify which
of the themes, sub-themes and indicators are most often not fulfilled or unknown by the
respondents. It can be useful to rank these as areas that score high, medium or low.
the recommendations. Remember, that in order for the National Society to score a point in
the tool, it has to mostly adhere to the indicator.
Inadequate sampling – The data collected may not have been sampled in the way that
the assessor/facilitator requires. This may arise, for example, if a team of facilitators was
used and they did not understand the instructions, did not apply the agreed methodology
consistently or did not provide sufficient information back from the interviews or FGDs.
Theme: Resources and capacities; Sub-theme 9 and 10: Staff and volunteer
composition has a fair gender balance and is representative of the community
Points 2 1 1 1 1 Total
9. Staff Policies are in Job adverts HR staff, manag- Applications to job Affirmative
composition place for equita- are written in a ers and interview adverts, written action initia-
is gender bal- ble recruitment, neutral language panels are trained tests etc. are ano- tives are used
anced and is equal benefits that does not in how to recruit nymised of name, to increase the
representative for equal work show preference and interview age and gender number of staff
of the com- and equitable for a gender, age, candidates in an from under-rep-
munity opportunities background etc., unbiased way resented gender/
and the text states group
that the National
Society strives
to be a non-
Example: No. No. No. Yes. Although not Women face
formally, this consider-
Someland There is a draft The adverts use Questions are is taking place able societal
Red Cross policy covering language like often asked about in province challenges
some of these “chairman”, women’s family XXX in order to to work. SRC
elements but “cleaning lady”, responsibilities, recruit religious needs to
it has not been “she”, “he”. plans to marry, minorities. No 1 take this into
finalised. have children, etc. other initiatives consider-
in SRC. ation in order
to achieve
Score: 0 Score: 0 Score: 0 Score: 1 Score: 0 gender
Continue this process for each indicator. The completed tool will produce three key results:
the score for each indicator, the total score for each theme and the overall score. A sample
scorecard template is included in Annex 2c.
Drawing conclusions
Based on the scores in the tool and additional comments with regards to findings and
interpretations, it should be possible to draw conclusions on what the National Society’s
main achievements and gaps are for the five thematic areas in the tool. The assessors/
facilitators should also highlight good practices and case studies to the conclusions.
See template for the structure of the assessment report in Annex 2b.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version 27
IV. Analysing and interpreting findings
Example of Findings
In Someland Red Cross (SRC), the percentage of female staff differs widely between
geographical regions and units. According to most informants, the average percentage of
female staff lies somewhere between 5-20% of the various offices. In the headquarters
office, all the staff in the Human Resources Department are female and there is a majority
of women in the Health Department. There are very few female managers in SRC. At
the headquarters office, only three of the 12 Deputy Directors are women. A notable
exception is the office in Anyville province, where two of the three Senior Managers are
women. This was explained as being the result of the long-term capacity-development
of female volunteers in a particular project.
Most informants in SRC recognise that ensuring the recruitment and retention of
women as staff and volunteers is an issue. At the same time, women’s participation is
a requirement to be able to work with women and girls in many parts of the country.
Challenges mentioned included; cultural practices, such as resistance from families
to allow women to participate in society outside the home; patriarchal society; the
security situation; practical challenges such as lack of childcare facilities; means of
transportation; lack of separate common rooms for women; and harassment in the work
place. Several staff members said women – but not men – are routinely asked family-
and child-related questions during job interviews.
Most staff and volunteers from two ethnic minority groups state that they consider SRC
to be an organisation of and for the majority group. Although some good examples of
efficient support and collaboration took place during the floods in Anotherville province,
the low number of staff and volunteers from the two ethnic minority groups within the
National Society seems to deter others from engaging as volunteers and applying for
staff positions.
Many perceive SRC’s “equal opportunity” policy to be sufficient to provide women and
identified vulnerable groups with access to job opportunities and trainings. However,
considering the substantial challenges in society mentioned by informants, it is clear
that providing “equal opportunity” is not sufficient in ensuring that women and those
from the two ethnic minority groups actually get access to opportunities within SRC.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
28 Gender and Diversity Organisational Assessment Toolkit | Pilot version
The Fundamental Principles of the International
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a
desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield,
endeavours, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human
suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to
ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship,
cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
Neutrality In order to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides
in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or
ideological nature.
Unity There can be only one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any one country.
It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.
Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which
all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping
each other, is worldwide.