ToR - Training Manual Development and ToT - Final 08042022

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Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)

Annex 1
Terms of Reference

Consultancy assignment for training manual development and provide Training of

Trainers (ToT) on commercial vegetable production, post-harvest handling, and
market management to local resource persons
1. Background

Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP Phase II):

The Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP), also known as ‘Sahaj’ (Nepali for
‘facilitate’ or ‘make easier’), is designed with three successive phases spanning across a 12-year horizon.
NAMDP’s objectives are based on a vision of a thriving and inclusive agriculture sector, aiming to grow
employment and income for Nepal’s rural population.

Sahaj operates under a bilateral agreement between the Government of Nepal and the Government of
Switzerland. Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sahaj is implemented
by a consortium of Swisscontact (as the lead agency) and the Center for Environmental and Agricultural
Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED). The programme focuses on Province 1 (the far-
most eastern province).

Sahaj Phase II focuses on forward market linkages, strengthening the commercialisation and export of
the country’s agricultural produce. The second phase will run from December 2020 until November 2024.
Using the Market System Development (MSD) approach, the programme will provide financial and
technical support for new agricultural products, services, and innovation in Province 1. This will increase
demand for smallholders’ produce, including them in value-added supply chains and building resilience
in rural communities through higher employment and income.

Sahaj’s slogan “partner for innovations in agriculture markets” will be paramount in Phase II – a strong
focus on supporting small agri-businesses with innovative services in the province. This will be done
through three pillars supporting i) agriculture services, ii) non-agriculture services, and iii) the overarching
business environment. Under these pillars, the programme will identify and address constraints to
innovative and sustainable agriculture products and services. This includes addressing policy bottlenecks
and unlocking potential for closer collaboration between the government and the private sector. Sahaj
will build a portfolio of interventions (support for Small and Medium Enterprise partners), starting in the
maize, dairy, cardamom, and vegetable sectors. Additionally, the programme will support the
government’s efforts to strengthen the federal structure by working closely with provincial and local
government units.

Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) Phase-II:

ToR for development of training manual and ToT to local resource persons
Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)

Small Irrigation Programme (SIP-II) implemented by the Government of Nepal in collaboration with the
Government of Switzerland is built upon the experience of implementing SIP, Phase I. The programme
will cover 57 Local Governments (LGs) of mid hills in Province 1. It will provide year-round irrigation to
20,000 hectares in about 1,300 small scale irrigation systems through community driven process
benefiting 65,000 farmer households.

The expected impact of the programme is to reduce the poverty of small farmers especially from the
disadvantaged groups by increasing their agricultural income. This will be achieved through three
outcomes: (i) local Governments respond effectively to needs of small farmers for irrigated agriculture;
(ii) small farmers especially disadvantaged groups (DAGs) increase agricultural productivity and (iii)
market actors offer innovative supports and products to farmers in irrigated schemes. The main approach
of the programme is to consolidate the positive results in development of irrigation infrastructure, and
further refine scheme design to condition these schemes for dry season irrigation of high value crops,
and thus create enabling conditions for the introduction of commercialized agriculture. LGs shall actively
support the introduction of improved agriculture practices with a focus on the production of high value
cash crops such as off-season vegetables as well as ensuring a conducive environment for the
development of the private sector and facilitate the linkage between the input and output markets with
the farmers.

Sahaj and SIP are working together for market linkage of agriculture products specially vegetables and
cash crops produced by the members of Water User Associations (WUAs) though use of irrigation facilities
provided by SIP in Province 1. Small Irrigation Programme is mobilizing local resources persons (identified
through local Palikas who are individual trainers such as agriculture JT/JTA, lead farmers, local trainers)
for capacity building of irrigation supported commercial vegetable farmers of WUA on commercial
vegetable production, post-harvest management, and marketing in SIP programme area. To develop the
capacity of local resource persons, Sahaj is looking for a Nepalese consulting firm to develop trainer’s
manual and provide Training of Trainers (ToT) on commercial vegetable production, post-harvest
management, and marketing.

2. Purpose of the assignment

The key objectives of the assignment are

• To develop training of trainers (ToT) manual on commercial vegetable production, post-harvest

management, and marketing including production plan.
• To develop local resource persons capacity on commercial vegetable production, post-harvest
management, and marketing in Province 1.
• To develop one day training session plan for local resource persons which they can implement at
farmer’s level.

3. Scope of work for the consultancy assignment

• Development of Training of Trainer’s manual
• Facilitate 5 days training of trainers (ToT) training to local resource persons
• Observe few trainings facilitate by trained LRP and incorporate the feedback and suggestion
from the field in the training manual

ToR for development of training manual and ToT to local resource persons
Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)

• Preparation of assignment completion report

4. Methodology

4.1 Meeting with project team (NAMDP and SIP):

To organise an introductory meeting with project team of NAMDP and SIP for the understanding the
expectation and outcomes of the assignment.

4.2 Desk review including review of available training manual:

To review the project documents of both projects, publication of government, I/NGO, and private
sectors relevant to the assigned task.

NAMDP and SIP has also jointly developed a 2 day Training of Trainers Manual for commercialisation
of agriculture which will be reviewed before developing a new manual.

4.3 Meeting with WUAs, potential LRP of Vegetable production areas:

Field visit to vegetable production areas/WUA of inner Terai, Mid-hills, and High hills area of SIP
implemented districts of Province 1. This field visit will help the consulting company to identify the
focus crops to be included in the training manual and the major problems and challenges they are
facing for commercial vegetable farming business. Focus group discussion (FGD) with commercial
farmers, key informant interview (KII) with agrovet operators, input suppliers, private JT/JTA who are
providing training to farmers, local resources person (LRP), local collectors, wholesaler, retailers,
agriculture markets, market management committee (MMC), Palikas and Agriculture Knowledge
Center (AKC). The FGD and KII with different stakeholders will help to understand the key
opportunities, issues, problems, challenges in commercial vegetable production, post-harvest
management practice, innovative technologies, and market of province 1.

Capacity of the selected LRP/training participants identified by project will be assessed to understand
their level of knowledge, practical experience, and facilitation skills that helps to customize the
training module during the field visit. Training participants will be selected by the project

4.4 Draft training manual:

To develop a training manual for local resource persons based on the desk review, meeting with
different level of stakeholders, and value chain actors. This training manual will consist of sessions on
theoretical knowledge, practical exercise, group work, facilitation guide, freely available YouTube
videos etc. A draft training manual will be shared to project team for the comments, suggestions, and
feedback. The training manual will be prepared in Nepali language. The same manual will be provided
to the training participants as hands-out during the training.

4.5 Organise one Training of Trainers (ToT):

The 5 days residential ToT will be facilitated by two experts. Agriculture expert leads the technical
part on commercial vegetable production, post-harvest management, extension services and business
expert lead the market-led production planning, marketing plan, and business planning. 5 days

ToR for development of training manual and ToT to local resource persons
Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)

training consist of theoretical session as well as practical exercise on the real ground. Training venue
and logistics will be managed by the consultancy firm having facilities for practical exercise in
consultation with project team. Budget for training venue, logistics, accommodation, food, and travel
cost of 20 participants and trainer must be proposed in the financial proposal by consultancy firm.

4.6 Monitoring of training facilitated by LRP:

Monitor few trainings conducted by trained LRPs (on rotational basis – few sessions by one trainer)
to access their capacity. This will help to test the relevance of content covered in the training manual
and make necessary changes before finalisation.

4.10 Proof reading and design finalisation:

The proof reading and designing work will be carried out in consultation with project team

4.11 Finalisation of training manual:

Training manual will be finalised after incorporating the feedback from the field testing, proof reading,
designing, and incorporating the comments and suggestion by project team on the final design.

4.12 Printing training manual:

Consultancy firm will print 100 copies of trainer’s manual after finalization of it. Cost of printing must
be proposed in the financial proposal.

4.13 Report Preparation and Submission:

Assignment completion report will be prepared and shared to NAMDP within 7 days after completion
of all the activities and final report with recommendations will be submitted after addressing the
feedback from the project team.

5. Qualification of consultancy firm/consultant

The Nepalese consultancy firm should have at least three years of relevant work experience in developing
training manual and facilitation of Training of Trainers (ToT) on commercial vegetable production, post-
harvest management, market-led production planning, market management, and business plan

6. Deliverables

Following deliverables are expected to be delivered during the contract period.

• Preparation of training manual with appropriate design

• Facilitation of one event of 5 days Training of Trainers (ToT) on commercial vegetable
production, post-harvest management, and market management.
• Monitoring of at least 2 trainings conducted by trained local resource persons (2-day training).
• Submission of assignment completion report with recommendation of best trainers in the lot.

7. Mode of payment

ToR for development of training manual and ToT to local resource persons
Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)

The payment of consultancy service will be paid in three instalments. 30% of contract value will be
provided after the desk review and FGD with WUAs and interview with KII. An inception report should be
submitted, 40% upon the submission of draft training manual, 30% after completion of ToT training and
upon the submission of assignment completion report.

8. Support to consultancy firm

All necessary support will be provided by project team in Biratnagar and SIP field staff in the field.

9. Role and responsibility of experts

Roles and responsibilities of all the experts involved in the different activities under this consultancy
assignment must be mentioned clearly while submitting the technical and financial proposal.

10. Work Period and timeline

Detailed work period and timeline will be finalised jointly by selected consultancy firm and project team.
The tentative duration of the assignment will be from 20st May 2022 to 31st September 2022.

ToR for development of training manual and ToT to local resource persons

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