Pop Cycle Complete
Pop Cycle Complete
Pop Cycle Complete
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
CSTP 1 and 2.)
Monitoring student learning and Teacher makes ongoing adjustments to instruction based on observation
1.6 Applying - 3
adjusting instruction while teaching of student engagement and regular checks for understanding.
The students successfully participate and stay engaged in learning
Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you This student is a Spanish- speaking
will address them This student has severe test This student takes longer to
student. She has difficulty anxiety and requires additional time comprehend material but works
during this lesson. comprehending new material. I need on exams and independent work. I hard. I also use one-on-one
to use one - on -one instruction after have him take exams separately in instruction after hours, model the
hours, model the examples and I pair another room and during class he examples and sit her next to a
her with a proficient student who sits next to a proficient and patient proficient partner who helps her
speaks her native language that can partner that encourages him to keep going and manage her time
help translate instructions or words if keep working. to keep pace.
Inquiry Focus/Special My goal is for all of my students to have a good I would make sure that they are
Emphasis understanding of the topic. I would give these
focus students the extra support and tools needed
partnered with a student who could
· What is your inquiry focus
and/or special emphasis? · to make it easier to comprehend. help them. I would also provide a
How will you incorporate the I would like to know what modifications she uses handout that outlines key steps in
inquiry focus and/or special in her classes. writing expressions that they can
emphasis into the lesson? refer to. During independent work I
· What specific feedback do you
want from your ME? would make sure to check in with
those students.
Inquiry Focus/Students I would like to know the best method to help the I would recommend giving them
· What specific feedback students relieve test anxiety so my student can practice tests, a quiet test place,
regarding your focus students be more successful.
do you want from your ME?
and if possible have someone
read the test to them
Specific Feedback I would like to know any additional modifications I would provide her with a
· What additional specific I can use to help my ELL student if her proficient handout that shows visually the
feedback do you want from partner is absent.
your ME regarding lesson steps for her to follow, to
implementation? complete the objective.
Fluency: Warm-up Examples - This helps the
Instructional Planning
students recall previous knowledge and re- These are great strategies.
· How is the lesson
introduce the topics for these 3 students who might
structured (opening, body, You might also consider
need additional reminders.
and closing)?
Learn: Instruction and Partner Work - I break up my projecting some problems on
· What varied teaching
strategies and differentiated
instructions to each section instead of all at the the board and having groups
beginning of the lesson. I also have them do partner
instruction will help students
work with their proficient and supportive partner.
come up and work them out
meet lesson goals? · What to peer teach one another.
Learn - Independent Practice - I will do constant
progress monitoring strategies
check in to monitor their progress and use their exit
will be used? How will results
ticket to test their knowledge at the end of each
inform instruction?
Student Engagement/Learning I will use real- world problems that apply to their
· How will you make the specific interests. I will also use group/ partner
These are great
lesson relevant to all the discussions within the instruction to help keep strategies. The more you
students? them engaged. can make real world
· How will students show The students show their progress through my
progress towards master of connections the better.
constant check-ins during instruction, and through
lesson objectives? their homework and end of lesson exit tickets.
Classroom Management
I will throw different questions to all of
· How will you maintain a
positive learning
my students randomly throughout the These are all good methods. I look
environment with a lesson. I will accept answers and rectify forward to seeing your class in person.
welcoming climate of them if needed. I will encourage
caring, respect, and students to speak up when needed.
· Identify specific classroom I will keep kids engaged through the
procedures and strategies for lesson and alter the seating chart if
preventing/redirecting needed.
challenging behaviors.
Closure I will give the students an exit ticket at the The exit ticket is a great way to get
· How will you close your end of class. immediate way to get immediate
lesson? feedback. You can also use the
I can then give immediate feedback to
· How will you assess
students and call upon those who have feedback from that at the start of your
student learning and
prepare them for the next made mistakes or misunderstood the next class for a quick review.
lesson? lesson.
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
Teacher was circulating
Students were active I have a small class of
Effective the entire lesson
Learning listeners. They were students who do not
engaging students by
Environment supportive of one have very strong math
· How did name. Having a smaller
students and
another. Students skills. I need to go round
class size allowed her to
teacher asked for help when checking their work and
contribute to an give immediate feedback
needed. giving them the
to students. Students felt
learning appropriate feedback.
encouraged to participate
Students were taken After I explained the
Subject Matter The teacher started the through the process topic, while referring to
· What actions lesson by reviewing the step by step. Students their previous
of the NT
contributed to
previous lesson. She answered questions as knowledge, the students
student then connected it to the they went along so that were given a chance to
assimilation of
current lesson. Students the teacher could ask questions and give
matter? were given real life immediately check for their own examples.
· How did examples that
students understanding.
construct incorporated the lesson Students discussed
knowledge of being taught. The
problems with their
matter? teacher did an excellent table partners coming
· What job layering the lesson up with solutions. When
misconcepti .
ons did
so that the students saw a student got a wrong
students the progression of the answer, the teacher
have and matter taught.
how acknowledged it and
were they showed them how to fix
addressed by
the teacher?
the problem.
Learning Teacher checked in with Students were I went around making
· How were students to make sure comfortable asking for sure the students were
students they were on task and help from the teacher showing their work and
through understanding. Teacher and their partner helper. following the steps.
differentiated provided partner to Witnessed students
· How did support the students working together to
students who could immediately solve problems step by
ask for help step.
· How did the
NT contribute
to student
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
To what degree
did students
achieve lesson
To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus w/ILP/504
students achieve
lesson Matt took a while but
objectives? Evelyn-fairly well Alessandra-very well
eventually got it
What would you do I would have more real life problems and more students coming to the
differently next
time? board to solve problems
What were three The students understood the topic well. The students did well on the exit
top Lesson
ticket. I quizzed them the next day and the results were great
What were three I would set aside more time for discussion. I would also have more warm-ups.
top areas for I would set aside more time for constant check-ins
Other Comments/Notes
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and
submitted to course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the
NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project,
2017. Page 3 of 3