Duffyetal 2023 OSIGAxialResponseVeryDenseSand
Duffyetal 2023 OSIGAxialResponseVeryDenseSand
Duffyetal 2023 OSIGAxialResponseVeryDenseSand
0 111
4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kevin Duffy on 28 September 2023.
ABSTRACT: This paper describes axial load tests on three full-scale driven precast piles in the Netherlands.
The piles were founded in dense to very dense river-deposited sands, a soil that is widespread across the
Dutch North Sea sector. The deposit is characterised by cone penetration test (CPT) tip resistances of up to 90
MPa and offers a detailed insight into pile response in realistic offshore conditions. Each test pile was
incrementally loaded to failure under compression, while fibre optic sensors measured the changing
deformation of the pile. The analysis and interpretation of the load test data focussed on how the three slender
piles behaved at large shaft and base resistances. Notably, the piles mobilised base and shaft resistances
greater than currently prescribed limiting resistances in design standards, thereby highlighting some
overconservatism present when designing piles in dense sand.
Session 22 - Project & Design Case Studies II
Figure 1: Lifting the load test frame into place at the Amaliahaven test site
The origins of limiting resistances are partially approach these dense to very dense soil conditions
rooted in the critical depth theory (Poulos, 2001). In with caution.
a set of full-scale (Vesic, 1970) and model pile ex-
periments (Kerisel, 1961; Robinsky and Morrison, Table 1: Limiting resistances for driven precast piles in CPT-
based design codes. Where the limitation is dependent on the
1964; Vesic, 1965), it appeared that the average relative density or qc, the value in very dense sand has been
shaft resistance reached a limiting value for depths presented
more than twenty pile diameters from the top of the Location Standard Base [MPa] Shaft [kPa]
pile. However, the theory has since been heavily re- Belgium NBN-EN None 150
futed (Kulhawy, 1984; Kraft, 1991; Fellenius and 1997-2
China JGJ 94- Non-linear 125
Altaee, 1995), including by the original author them- 2008 reduction
selves (Kulhawy, 1996). This was because installa- France NF P 94- None 150
tion-induced residual stresses and scale effects of the 262
model tests were not fully assessed at the time. Oth- Netherlands NEN 15 150
er uncertainties, such as apparent diameter- Offshore API RP 2A 12 115
dependent scale effects (Chow, 1997; White and Offshore ISO/API None None
Bolton, 2005), contributed to the apprehension over
pile response at high resistances.
In the Dutch design code, alternative reasons 3 Amaliahaven pile test site
were cited for implementing limiting resistances.
One concern was that pile driving could reduce the Dense sands have been a persistent challenge in the
high horizontal stresses in overconsolidated soils port of Rotterdam (de Gijt and Broeken, 2013). In
and therefore reducing the amount of base resistance 2013, the port was extended into the North Sea by
available (te Kamp, 1977). At the time, precast piles the creation of the Maasvlakte II peninsula. The ex-
were also not prestressed during manufacturing. This tension opened a large amount of land for develop-
meant that piles had to meet minimum size require- ment and many kilometres of deep-sea quay walls
ments to avoid damage or buckling during transpor- are now being designed and constructed. These large
tation, staging and installation. Because of these re- earth-retaining structures require thousands of foun-
quirements, reaching test loads beyond the dation piles and so even minor adjustments to their
prescribed limiting resistances was practically in- design can be hugely beneficial, both financially and
conceivable at the time (te Kamp, personal commu- environmentally.
nication). To investigate the pile behaviour in these dense
Indeed, the geotechnical and structural design of sands, a test site was established at the harbour of
piles has since progressed significantly and modern Amaliahaven (Figure 1). Eleven piles were installed:
design approaches are gradually shifting away from three driven precast piles, four driven cast-in-situ
strict limiting resistances (Fleming et al., 2008). piles and four screw displacement piles. These tests
However, the dearth of high quality full-scale load meet the requirements for high quality test databases
tests has meant that designers and contractors must
Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition | The Society for Underwater Technology
Session 22 - Project & Design Case Studies II
4 Results
Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition | The Society for Underwater Technology
Session 22 - Project & Design Case Studies II
Figure 6: Shaft resistances mobilised in each soil layer. The stiff clay has been incorporated within the interlaminated clay and sand
Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition | The Society for Underwater Technology
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