Extract Data Stores For Financials
Extract Data Stores For Financials
Extract Data Stores For Financials
Cloud Financials
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Extract Data Stores for Financials
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Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Extract Data Stores for Financials
2 Advanced Collections 3
Collector ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3 Assets 5
Asset Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Asset Categories ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Asset Invoices .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Asset Keys ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Asset Leases .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Assets Additions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Assets History ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Book Controls ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Book Summaries .......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Books ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Calendar Periods .......................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Calendar Types ............................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Cash Generating Units ................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Category Book Defaults .............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Category Books ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Ceiling Types .................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Deferred Depreciation Transactions Represented in Reporting Currencies .................................................................... 53
Deferred Depreciation ................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Depreciation Details ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Depreciation Extracts .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Depreciation Methods ................................................................................................................................................................ 60
Depreciation Periods ................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Extract Data Stores for Financials
5 Expenses 153
Expense Distributions ................................................................................................................................................................ 153
Expense Reports ......................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Expense Templates .................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Expense Types ............................................................................................................................................................................ 160
Expenses ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 162
9 Payables 233
Aging Period Lines .................................................................................................................................................................... 233
Aging Periods ............................................................................................................................................................................. 234
Invoice Approval History ........................................................................................................................................................... 235
Invoice Distributions .................................................................................................................................................................. 236
Invoice Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................ 246
Invoice Hold and Release Names ........................................................................................................................................... 247
Invoice Holds ............................................................................................................................................................................... 248
Invoice Installments ................................................................................................................................................................... 250
Invoice Lines ............................................................................................................................................................................... 254
Invoice Payments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 264
Payables Invoices ....................................................................................................................................................................... 266
Payables Payments .................................................................................................................................................................... 274
Payment History Distributions ................................................................................................................................................ 280
Payment History ......................................................................................................................................................................... 282
Payment Terms Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 284
Payment Terms ........................................................................................................................................................................... 286
Prepayment Application Distributions .................................................................................................................................. 288
Translated Payment Terms ...................................................................................................................................................... 290
10 Receivables 291
Adjustment Approval Action History ..................................................................................................................................... 291
Adjustment .................................................................................................................................................................................. 292
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Extract Data Stores for Financials
12 Tax 503
Detailed Tax Lines ..................................................................................................................................................................... 503
Summary Tax Lines ................................................................................................................................................................... 514
Tax Jurisdictions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 520
Tax Rates ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 522
Tax Regimes ................................................................................................................................................................................ 525
Tax Registrations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 529
Tax Statuses ................................................................................................................................................................................. 532
Transaction Taxes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 534
Translated Tax Jurisdictions .................................................................................................................................................... 539
Translated Tax Rates ................................................................................................................................................................. 540
Translated Tax Regimes ............................................................................................................................................................ 541
Translated Tax Statuses ............................................................................................................................................................ 542
Translated Transaction Taxes .................................................................................................................................................. 542
Withholding Detailed Tax Lines .............................................................................................................................................. 543
Withholding Summary Tax Lines ........................................................................................................................................... 554
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials
Extract Data Stores for Financials
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Extract Data Stores for Financials
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Extract Data Stores for Financials
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Extract Data Stores for Financials About This Guide
It describes all the relevant view objects (VOs) and their attributes that can be used for extracting data out of your
application instances. For example, you can use this information in internal data warehouse solutions and also to
integrate with third-party systems and reporting purposes.
Related Guides
You can refer to the following related guides to understand how to use the information provided in this guide.
Title Description
Creating a Business Intelligence Cloud Describes how to extract Oracle Applications Cloud data and load it into a data warehouse.
Subject Areas for Transactional Business Provides descriptions, business questions, and security roles for the subject areas in Oracle Financials
Intelligence in Financials Cloud.
Database Lineage Mapping Spreadsheet Provides data lineage spreadsheets which contain all the Business Intelligence VOs available for
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 1
Extract Data Stores for Financials About This Guide
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Extract Data Stores for Financials Advanced Collections
2 Advanced Collections
The collector view object contains information about collectors, including collector name, reference set, type, employee,
and inactive date.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArCollectorAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Collector descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 2
Extract Data Stores for Financials Advanced Collections
Name Description
ArCollectorLastUpdateDate The date and time the collector was last updated.
ArCollectorLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the collector.
ArCollectorObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a collector to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCollectorSeedDataSource The source of the collector seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the
record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
3 Assets
Asset Adjustments
The Adjustments view object stores all information to create journal entries for transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AdjustmentAnnualizedAdjustment The adjustment amount for a period multiplied by the number of periods in the fiscal year for
retroactive transactions.
AdjustmentCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account code combination to be used to account for the asset transaction
AdjustmentDebitCreditFlag Indicates whether the line is Credit or Debit in the accounting entry for the asset transaction.
AdjustmentDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates the depreciation override amount for assets in the book.
AdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who performed the adjustment.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdjustmentSourceDestCode Indicates whether this line is on the source or destination side of a transaction.
AdjustmentTrackMemberFlag Indicates whether the account information is created at the member level when the Track Member
Account option is set.
Asset Categories
The Asset Categories view object contains information about asset categories.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
CategoryAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryCategoryType The category type Assets uses to classify assets in this asset category.
CategoryEndDateActive Last date on which you can add assets to this asset category.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
CategoryGlobalAttributeCategory A segment for the Asset Categories Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryInventorial Indicates whether assets added to this category should be included in physical inventory.
CategoryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset category.
CategoryOwnedLeased Indicates whether assets added to this category are owned or leased.
CategoryProperty12451250Code Indicates whether the asset is considered real or personal property for US tax purposes.
CategoryPropertyTypeCode Indicates values such as personal, real, or residential to describe the property.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
CategoryTranslationLangCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the category in the translation table.
CategoryTranslationLangCreationDate The date the asset category was created in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationLangLanguage The language code of the translated language to which the contents of the category extract tables
were translated.
CategoryTranslationLangLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change of the category extract in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationLangLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the category in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationLangLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the asset category in the translated table.
The number of times the asset category was updated in the translatable table.
CategoryTranslationLangSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
Asset Invoices
The Asset Invoices view object contains invoice information from Oracle Fusion Payables and Oracle Fusion Purchasing
to track source asset information. It stores all costs imported from projects, including labor and expenses. Oracle Fusion
Assets inserts a row into this table for each asset added with source line information.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetInvoiceAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceCreateBatchId The request ID of the Mass Additions Create process that last created the row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetInvoiceDepreciateInGroupFlag Indicates whether the invoice line amount is included in the group asset cost.
AssetInvoiceExpenditureOrganizationId The expenditure organization that is responsible for the work task. This is a task-specific attribute.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
AssetInvoiceInvoiceDistributionId Identifier of the distribution line for the Oracle Fusion Payables invoice.
AssetInvoiceInvoiceLineNumber Identifier for the line of the Oracle Fusion Payables invoice.
AssetInvoiceInvoiceLineType Indicates whether the invoice line corresponds to an item, tax, freight, or a miscellaneous line.
AssetInvoiceInvoicePaymentId The invoice payment made to the supplier for each invoice.
AssetInvoiceInvoiceTransactionIdIn Identifier of the source line transaction that created the row.
AssetInvoiceInvoiceTransactionIdOut Identifier of the source line transaction that terminated the row.
AssetInvoiceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice.
AssetInvoiceLineTypeLookupCode The type of invoice distribution. It is based on Invoice Distribution Type lookup codes, such as ITEM,
AssetInvoiceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the asset invoice row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetInvoicePayablesCodeCombinationId Identifier of the clearing account used in Payables invoice distributions for the line.
AssetInvoicePayablesUnits The number of units that Payables provides for the asset source lines.
AssetInvoicePoDistributionId Identifier of the clearing account used in purchase order distributions for the line.
AssetInvoicePostBatchId Identifier of the post mass additions request for the row.
AssetInvoicePriorSourceLineId Identifier of the source line corresponding to the row terminated by the invoice transaction that created
the row.
AssetInvoiceProjectAssetLineId Identifier of the summarized asset cost line transferred from Oracle Fusion Projects to create this line.
AssetInvoiceProjectId Identifier of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle
Fusion Projects.
AssetInvoiceProjectNumber Number of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle
Fusion Projects.
AssetInvoiceProjectTaskNumber User-defined number of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from
Oracle Fusion Project Costing. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
AssetInvoiceProjectTxnDocEntryId The source document from which the expenditure item originated.
AssetInvoiceSplitCode Oracle Internal use only. Indicates if the mass addition is a split parent or a split child.
AssetInvoiceTaskId Identifier of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Fusion
Project Costing. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
AssetInvoiceTaskOrganizationId The task organization that is responsible for the work task. This is a task-specific attribute.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Asset Keys
The Asset Keys view object contains all information about the asset key flexfield segment values. It includes information
to track assets.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AssetKeyCodeCombinationId The identifier of the asset key code combinations. The unique identifier of the asset that contains the
information for an asset.
AssetKeyEndDateActive Date at the end of a date range during which a given record will be available for transacting for date
effective entities.
AssetKeyLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset key.
AssetKeyLastUpdatedBy The user name of the person who last edited the asset key.
AssetKeyObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Asset Key row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetKeyStartDateActive Date at the end of a date range during which a given record will be available for transacting for date
effective entities.
Asset Leases
The Asset Leases view object contains information about leases, including whether they're operating or capital leases,
their terms, and lessor data.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
LeaseCreatedBy The session login associated with the user who created the asset leases.
LeaseCreationDate The date and time the asset leases were created.
LeaseGeneratePaymentInvoiceCode Indicates whether the lease payment invoice is to be generated for the asset book.
LeaseGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate10 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate6 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate7 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate8 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeDate9 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber1 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber10 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber2 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber3 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber4 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber5 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber6 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber7 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber8 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseGlobalAttributeNumber9 A date segment for the Asset Leases global descriptive flexfield.
LeaseLastUpdateDate The date when the asset lease was last updated.
LeaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
LeaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Asset Leases row was updated.
LeasePaymentFrequencyCode The intervals in which the lease amount is payable, such as monthly, yearly, quarterly, and half-yearly.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Assets Additions
The Additions Keys view object contains all information about the asset additions including the descriptive information
that helps to identify the assets.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AdditionAssetType Indicates the types of assets allowed in Oracle Fusion Assets. The asset types are Capitalized,
Construction-in-Process, Expensed, and Group.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdditionContext The descriptive flexfield context name for the Additions descriptive flexfield.
AdditionCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the descriptive detail.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdditionDistributionSourceBook The asset book that contains the asset distribution information.
AdditionGlobalAttributeCategory The global descriptive flexfield code used for descriptive detail information specific to a country.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdditionInvestmentLaw Incentives available to businesses, depending on the region and the nature of the investor's business.
AdditionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the addition.
AdditionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the asset descriptive detail.
AdditionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Addition descriptive detail has been updated.
AdditionPropertyTypeCode Indicates that the property class is selected automatically when assets are added using this asset
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdditionTranslationLangCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the asset addition transaction in the translation table.
AdditionTranslationLangCreationDate The date the asset addition was created in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLangLanguage The language code of the translated language to which the contents of the additions extract tables
were translated.
AdditionTranslationLangLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change of the asset addition in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLangLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the addition in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLangLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the asset addition in the translated table.
The number of times the asset addition was updated in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLangSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
Assets History
The Assets History view object contains information about asset category change, capitalizations, unit adjustments, and
partial unit retirements.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AssetHistoryAssetType The type of asset. It can have these values: Capitalized, CIP, Expensed, or Group.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AssetHistoryContext The context name for the Asset History descriptive flexfield.
AssetHistoryLastUpdatedBy The session login associated to the user who last updated the transaction.
AssetHistoryLeaseTypeCode The code that identifies whether the lease is a capital or operating lease.
Book Controls
The Book Controls view object contains all information about the asset depreciation book. It contains depreciation rules,
accounts, and calendars. Asset books are set up before adding assets to the book.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BookControlAdvancedOptionsEnabledFlag Indicates whether advanced features are allowed for this book.
BookControlAllowBackdatedTransfersFlag Indicates whether backdated transfers are allowed in the tax book.
BookControlAllowCipDepGroupFlag Indicates if an asset book can calculate depreciation for construction-in-process assets.
BookControlAllowCipMemberFlag Indicates if an asset book can permit construction-in-process members for group assets.
BookControlAllowCostBasedRevalFlag The revaluation method that revalues both the gross and net carrying cost of the asset.
BookControlAllowCostCeiling Indicates whether an asset book can consider cost ceilings for depreciation calculation.
BookControlAllowCostSignChangeFlag Indicates whether an asset book can handle changes to the cost of an asset that result in the value
changing from positive to negative, or vice versa.
BookControlAllowDeprnAdjustments Indicates whether depreciation adjustments are allowed for the book.
BookControlAllowDeprnExpCeiling Indicates whether an asset book can consider expense ceilings for depreciation calculation.
BookControlAllowDeprnOverrideFlag Allows you to enter a depreciation override amount for assets in the book.
BookControlAllowDirectTaxAdditionFlag Indicates whether direct asset additions are allowed for the tax book.
BookControlAllowGroupDeprnFlag Indicates whether an asset book can handle group asset depreciation.
BookControlAllowImpairmentFlag Indicates whether impairment transactions are allowed for the asset book.
BookControlAllowIntercoGroupFlag Indicates if an asset book can permit asset members from different companies within a group.
BookControlAllowLeasesFlag Indicates whether leased assets are allowed for the asset book.
BookControlAllowMemberTrackingFlag Indicates that the depreciation balance is maintained at the group member level.
BookControlAllowNbvBasedRevalFlag The revaluation method that revalues only the net carrying cost of the asset.
BookControlAllowPhysicalInventoryFlag Indicates whether physical inventory is allowed for the asset book.
BookControlAllowTaxDistributionsFlag Indicates whether the tax book has its own asset distribution or uses the distribution of the associated
corporate book.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
BookControlAllowTransConventionFlag Indicates whether prorate conventions are allowed for asset adjustment and transfer transactions.
BookControlAmortizeFlag Indicates whether amortized transactions are allowed for the book.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
BookControlBookClass Indicates the class of the asset book. For example, corporate or tax book.
BookControlCapThresholdAmount The threshold amount used to determine whether to capitalize or expense an asset source line.
BookControlCapThresholdType Capitalization threshold type for the asset book. It can be either Cost, Unit, or none.
BookControlCapitalGainThreshold Minimum time to hold an asset for Oracle Fusion Assets to report it as a capital gain on form 4797
reports when you retire it.
BookControlCopyAllCostAdjustmentsFlag Indicates whether to copy transactions from the corporate book even though the tax books are not
BookControlCopyAmortAdajExpFlag This option copies amortized addition and adjusted cost in the corporate book as expensed in the tax
BookControlCopyGroupAdditionFlag Indicates whether group asset additions can be copied to other books.
BookControlCopyGroupChangeFlag Indicates whether group asset changes can be copied to tax books.
BookControlCopySalvageValueFlag Indicates whether the asset salvage value can be copied to tax books.
BookControlCopyTransfersFlag Indicates whether the Mass Copy process can copy asset transfers to tax books.
BookControlCostOfRemovalGainAcct Cost of removal account for retirement transactions that result in a gain.
BookControlCostOfRemovalLossAcct Cost of removal account for retirement transactions that result in a loss.
BookControlCreateAccountingRequestId Indicates the request ID of the last run of the Create Accounting process.
BookControlDefaultDpisToInvDateFlag Indicates whether to use the Payables invoice date as the asset placed in service date.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
BookControlDefaultPeriodEndRevalFlag Allows you to include the current period depreciation amount in revaluation calculations.
BookControlDeferredDeprnExpenseAcct Account that reflects the temporary difference in depreciation expense between the corporate book
and the tax book.
BookControlDeferredDeprnReserveAcct Account that reflects the temporary difference in depreciation reserve between the corporate book and
the tax book.
BookControlDeprFirstYearRetFlag Indicates whether to depreciate assets retired in the first year of life.
BookControlDeprnAllocationCode Spreads annual depreciation over the depreciation periods of the fiscal year.
BookControlDeprnRequestId Indicates the request ID of the last run of the Calculate Depreciation process.
BookControlDistributionSourceBook Indicates the asset book that contains the asset distribution information.
BookControlFlexbuilderDefaultsCcid Indicates the account code combination used as the default value for accounting segments.
BookControlGlPostingAllowedFlag Indicates whether accounting entries can be posted to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
BookControlGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
BookControlGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Book Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookControlLastCreateMassAdditionsId The request ID of the last run of the Create Mass Additions process.
BookControlLastDepreciationRunDate Date on which the Calculate Depreciation process was run last time for the book.
BookControlLastDeprnRunDate Date on which the Calculate Depreciation process was run last time for the book.
BookControlLastMassCopyPeriodCounter Identifier of the last corporate period for which the Mass Copy process is run for this tax book.
BookControlLastPeriodCounter Identifier of the last period for which the Calculate Depreciation process was run.
BookControlLastPostMassAdditionsId The request ID of the last run of the Post Mass Additions process.
BookControlLastPurgePeriodCounter Identifier of the last period for which the Purge process was run.
BookControlLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who edited the asset book.
BookControlLastUpdatedBy The user name of the person who last edited the asset book.
BookControlLowValueThresholdAmount The threshold amount used to determine whether the asset needs to be added as a low value
capitalized asset.
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Name Description
BookControlMassCopySourceBook The associated corporate book from which transactions are to be copied to the tax book.
BookControlMassRequestId Indicates the request ID of the last run of the Mass Transaction process.
BookControlNbvRetiredGainAcct Account used to track the cost minus the accumulated depreciation when you retire an asset that
results in a gain.
BookControlNbvRetiredLossAcct Account used to track the cost minus the accumulated depreciation when you retire an asset that
results in a loss.
BookControlPreventPriorPeriodTxnsFlag Indicates if an asset book can permit amortized adjustments in the prior period.
BookControlProrateCalendar Determines what rate the application uses to calculate annual depreciation by mapping each date to a
prorate period.
BookControlRequireLocationFlag Indicates whether location tracking is required for the assets in the book.
BookControlRetireRevalReserveFlag The option that lets you retire the revaluation reserve of assets.
BookControlRevalDeprnReserveFlag The option that lets you revalue the depreciation reserve of assets.
BookControlRevalRsvRetiredGainAcct Revaluation reserve retired account for a retirement that results in a gain.
BookControlRevalRsvRetiredLossAcct Revaluation reserve retired account for a retirement that results in a loss.
BookControlRoundAnnualDepreciation Annual depreciation rounding option that can be selected from the predefined options.
BookControlSorpEnabledFlag Option indicating whether the statement of recommended accounting practice feature is enabled.
BookControlSuppressInvAutoMergeFlag The option that lets you suspend an automatic merge of Payables invoice lines.
BookControlTrackSourceLinesInTaxFlag Indicates whether source lines are allowed for the assets in the tax book.
BookControlUseNbvThresholdFlag Indicates whether to use the net book value threshold for asset depreciation.
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Book Summaries
The Book Summaries view object contains periodical financial information on group assets. It stores all group financial
information changes, such as group additions, adjustments, member asset additions, member asset adjustments,
member asset retirements, group reclassifications, and unplanned depreciation.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BookSummaryAdjustedRecoverableCost The adjusted portion of the current cost that can be depreciated.
BookSummaryAllowedDeprnLimit Depreciation limit percentage that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset
BookSummaryAllowedDeprnLimitAmount Depreciation limit amount that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
BookSummaryBonusExpenseAdjAmount The bonus depreciation expense adjustment amount for the period.
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Name Description
BookSummaryBonusReserveAdjAmount The bonus depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the asset.
BookSummaryBonusReserveRetAdjAmount The bonus depreciation reserve retired adjustment amount for the period.
BookSummaryChangeInEofyReserve The change in depreciation reserve at the end of the previous fiscal year.
BookSummaryDeprnLimitType Depreciation limit type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, sum of member
assets, or none.
BookSummaryDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates whether a depreciation override amount is allowed for assets in the book.
BookSummaryDeprnReserve Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
BookSummaryDisabledFlag Indicates whether the lookup required to use the Group Asset feature is enabled.
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Name Description
BookSummaryExtendedDeprnFlag Indicates whether to extend depreciation beyond the useful life of the asset.
BookSummaryFormulaFactor Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-NBV method assets.
BookSummaryFullyReserveOnAddFlag Indicates whether to fully depreciate an asset when the asset is added.
BookSummaryFullyRsvdRevalsCounter Number of times the asset has been revalued as fully reserved.
BookSummaryImpReserveRetAdjAmount The impairment reserve retired adjustment amount for the period.
BookSummaryImpairmentAmount Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
The impairment reserve adjustment amount for the period.
BookSummaryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset.
BookSummaryLeaseAdjustmentFactor The internal factor used to amortize the lease basis over the remaining lease term of the asset.
BookSummaryLeaseExpenseBasis The basis amount used for calculating the periodic lease expense amount for assets attached to
operating leases.
BookSummaryLtdCostOfRemoval Indicates whether the net of the cost of removal that can be added to the accumulated depreciation is
limited to the recoverable cost of the retiring member asset.
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Name Description
BookSummaryMemberDeprnLimitAmount The depreciation limit amount for the sum of the member assets.
BookSummaryMemberSalvageValue The salvage value for the sum of the member assets.
BookSummaryObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Book row has been updated.
BookSummaryOverDepreciateOption Indicates whether a group asset should stop depreciating beyond its depreciation limit.
BookSummaryPercentSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
BookSummaryPolishAdjRecCost The adjusted recoverable cost used for assets with a Polish depreciation basis rule.
BookSummaryPolishDeprnBasis The rates used in the depreciation methods to calculate depreciation for assets using Polish Tax
BookSummaryRateAdjustmentFactor Internal factor used to adjust depreciation rates to depreciate the net book value over the remaining
BookSummaryRemainingLife1 The asset remaining life first variable used for defining formula-based depreciation methods.
BookSummaryRemainingLife2 The asset remaining life second variable used for defining formula-based depreciation methods.
BookSummaryReserveRetAdjAmount The depreciation reserve retired adjustment amount for the period.
BookSummaryResetAdjustedCostFlag An option that indicates whether there is an adjustment that requires you to recalculate the adjusted
cost of the asset.
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Name Description
BookSummaryRevalReserveRetAdjAmount The revaluation reserve retired adjustment amount for the period.
BookSummarySalvageType Salvage type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, or sum of member assets.
BookSummarySalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
BookSummaryShortFiscalYearFlag Option indicating whether the asset is added in a short tax year.
BookSummarySwitchCode The current depreciation code for a Polish depreciation basis that's in use for the asset.
BookSummaryTerminalGainLossAmount Accumulated depreciation remaining for the group asset after the last member asset of the group
asset is retired.
BookSummaryTerminalGainLossFlag Option indicating whether the terminal gain or loss amount must be processed by the Calculate Gains
and Losses process when it is running for the last period of the fiscal year.
BookSummaryTransactionHeaderIdIn Identifier of the transaction that created the row in the FA_BOOKS table.
BookSummaryTransactionHeaderIdOut Identifier of the transaction that terminated the row in the FA_BOOKS table.
The Books view object contains information needed for calculating depreciation. Oracle Fusion Assets inserts a row in
this table when you add, adjust, retire, and reinstate an asset.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BookAdjustedCapacity Remaining production capacity used to depreciate assets that use units of production methods.
BookAdjustedRecoverableCost The adjusted portion of the current cost that can be depreciated.
BookAllocateToFullyRetFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all of the member assets,
including fully retired member assets.
BookAllocateToFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all of the member assets,
including fully reserved member assets.
BookAllowedDeprnLimit Depreciation limit percentage that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset
BookAllowedDeprnLimitAmount Depreciation limit amount that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
BookAnnualDeprnRoundingFlag Option indicating whether Oracle Fusion Assets should subtract year-to-date depreciation from the
annual depreciation amount to get the depreciation amount for the last period of the fiscal year.
BookConversionDate The date on which a conversion rate is used to convert an amount into another currency.
BookDepreciationOption Indicates whether the depreciation expense of a member asset is calculated using its group asset
depreciation rules or the member asset depreciation rules.
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Name Description
BookDeprnLimitType Depreciation limit type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, sum of member
assets, or none.
BookDisabledFlag Indicates whether the lookup required to use the Group Asset feature is enabled.
BookExcessAllocationOption Indicates whether excess depreciation of the group asset is allocated to its member assets or reduced
from the group asset depreciation.
BookExcludeFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the depreciable basis of fully reserved assets should be excluded from the
depreciable basis of group assets.
BookExcludeProceedsFromBasis The group asset retirement rule that indicates whether proceeds of sale should be excluded when
calculating the depreciable basis for group assets.
BookExtendedDepreciationPeriod Oracle internal use only. Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully extended.
BookExtendedDeprnFlag Indicates whether to extend depreciation beyond the useful life of the asset.
BookFormulaFactor Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-NBV method assets.
BookFullyReserveOnAddFlag Indicates whether to fully depreciate an asset when the asset is added.
BookFullyRsvdRevalsCounter Number of times the asset has been revalued as fully reserved.
BookGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
BookGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
BookLastPriceIndexValue Stores the value of the price index used during index-based revaluation for future revaluations.
BookLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset.
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Name Description
BookLimitProceedsFlag Indicates whether the proceeds of sale of the member asset is limited to its recoverable cost.
BookLtdCostOfRemoval Indicates whether the net of the cost of removal that can be added to the accumulated depreciation is
limited to the recoverable cost of the retiring member asset.
BookLtdProceeds Indicates whether the net of proceeds that can be added to accumulated depreciation is limited to the
recoverable cost of the retiring member asset.
BookMemberRollupFlag Option indicating whether group asset depreciation is the sum of member asset depreciation or
calculated separately.
BookNbvAtSwitch The net book value of the asset at the time you switch the depreciation method from declining balance
to straight line.
BookObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Book row has been updated.
BookOverDepreciateOption Indicates whether a group asset should stop depreciating beyond its depreciation limit.
BookPercentSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
BookPeriodCounterExtended The period in which extended depreciation starts for the asset.
BookPeriodCounterFullyExtended Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset life was extended.
BookPeriodCounterFullyReserved Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully reserved.
BookPeriodCounterFullyRetired Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully retired.
BookPeriodCounterLifeComplete Identifier of the asset book period in which the life of the asset was completed.
BookPriorDeprnLimit The depreciation limit percentage of the asset before its depreciation is extended.
BookPriorDeprnLimitAmount The depreciation limit amount of the asset before its depreciation is extended.
BookPriorDeprnLimitType The depreciation limit type used for the asset before its depreciation is extended.
BookPriorEofyReserve Previous accumulated depreciation at the end of the previous fiscal year.
BookPriorFlatRateId Identifier of the flat rate for the depreciation method of the asset immediately before it began
extended depreciation.
BookPriorMethodId Identifier of the depreciation method for the asset immediately before it began extended depreciation.
BookProductionCapacity Production capacity that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
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Name Description
BookRateAdjustmentFactor Internal factor used to adjust depreciation rates to depreciate the net book value over the remaining
BookRateInUse Depreciation rates used to depreciate the net book value over the remaining life.
BookRecaptureReserveFlag Indicates whether the accumulated depreciation of a group asset can exceed its recoverable cost
without triggering the recognition of a gain.
BookRecognizeGainLoss Indicates whether to recognize gain or loss immediately for member assets.
BookReduceAdditionFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset additions.
BookReduceAdjustmentFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset adjustments.
BookReduceRetirementFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset retirements.
BookReductionRate Rate used by a group asset to calculate reduced depreciation for its member assets based on the
depreciable basis rule.
BookRemainingLife1 The asset remaining life first variable used for defining formula-based depreciation methods.
BookRemainingLife2 The asset remaining life second variable used for defining formula-based depreciation methods.
BookRevalAmortizationBasis Revaluation reserve amount used to calculate amortization of revaluation reserve. This amount
changes only when the asset is revalued or an amortized adjustment is performed.
BookRevaluedCost Increase or decrease in cost due to revaluation of an asset. Can be a positive or negative amount.
BookSalvageType Salvage type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, or sum of member assets.
BookSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
BookShortFiscalYearFlag Option indicating whether the asset is added in a short tax year.
BookTerminalGainLoss Indicates how terminal gain or loss is recognized for member asset retirements.
BookTerminalGainLossAmount Accumulated depreciation remaining for the group asset after the last member asset of the group
asset is retired.
BookTerminalGainLossFlag Option indicating whether the terminal gain or loss amount must be processed by the Calculate Gains
and Losses process when it is running for the last period of the fiscal year.
BookTrackingMethod The group asset tracking method that is used to calculate group depreciation and member asset
BookTransactionHeaderIdIn Identifier of the transaction that created the row in the FA_BOOKS table.
BookTransactionHeaderIdOut Identifier of the transaction that terminated the row in the FA_BOOKS table.
BookUnitOfMeasure Unit of measure used to select candidate assets depreciating under a units of production depreciation
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Name Description
BookUseBooksSummaryFlag Indicates whether the FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY table for the asset was populated.
Calendar Periods
The Calendar Periods view object contains detailed information for calendar types and depreciation periods.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CalendarPeriodLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset calendar.
CalendarPeriodLastUpdatedBy The user name of the person who last edited the asset calendar.
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Calendar Types
The Calendar Types view object contains information about depreciation calendars. Oracle Fusion Assets inserts a row
in this table for each calendar.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CalendarTypeAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Calendar Type descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
CalendarTypeFiscalYearName The name of the fiscal year for which the asset calendar is created.
CalendarTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset calendar.
CalendarTypeLastUpdatedBy The user name of the person who last edited the asset calendar.
CalendarTypeObjectVersionNumber The number of times the asset calendar row has been updated.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CashGenUnitCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the cash generating unit.
CashGenUnitLastUpdateDate The date when the price index was last updated.
CashGenUnitLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the price index row.
CashGenUnitLastUpdatedBy The session login associated with the user who last updated the cash generating unit.
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Name Description
CashGenUnitObjectVersionNumber The number of times the price index row was updated.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The default prorate convention identifier for the adjustment transaction.
Indicates whether advance lease payments are excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
Indicates whether advance lease payments are excluded when calculating lease liability.
CategoryBookDefaultAllocateToFullyRetFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all member assets, including
fully retired member assets.
CategoryBookDefaultAllocateToFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all member assets, including
fully reserved member assets.
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Name Description
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Category Book Default descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookDefaultBonusRuleId Bonus rule that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
CategoryBookDefaultCapThresholdAmount Threshold amount used to decide whether to capitalize or expense the invoice lines in the asset
CategoryBookDefaultCapitalGainThreshold Minimum time to hold an asset for Oracle Fusion Assets to report it as a capital gain on the form 4797
reports when you retire it.
CategoryBookDefaultCategoryBookDefaultIdThe identifier of the default depreciation rules for the category in the book.
CategoryBookDefaultDepreciateFlag Depreciation indicator that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
CategoryBookDefaultDeprnLimitType Depreciation limit type that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
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Name Description
CategoryBookDefaultExcessAllocationOptionIndicates whether excess from allocation of group depreciation expense across its member assets is
reduced from group depreciation expense or reallocated to its member assets.
CategoryBookDefaultExcludeFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the depreciable basis of fully reserved assets should be excluded from the group
asset's depreciable basis.
CategoryBookDefaultFlatRateId The identifier of the rates for the flat rate depreciation method.
CategoryBookDefaultGroupAssetId Group asset that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
CategoryBookDefaultInitialPaymentCostFlag Indicates whether initial fixed lease costs are excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
CategoryBookDefaultInitialPaymentLiabFlag Indicates whether initial fixed lease costs are excluded when calculating lease liability.
CategoryBookDefaultItcEligibleFlag Option indicating whether the assets in this category are eligible for the investment tax credit.
CategoryBookDefaultLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the Category Book Default.
CategoryBookDefaultLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the Category Book Default.
CategoryBookDefaultLimitProceedsFlag Option indicating whether the member asset proceeds of sale should be limited to its recoverable cost.
Threshold amount used to decide whether to add the invoice lines in the asset category as low value
CategoryBookDefaultLvaFlatRateId The depreciation method rate identifier for a low value asset.
CategoryBookDefaultMassPropertyFlag Indicates whether the assets in the category are eligible for mass property depreciation calculation.
CategoryBookDefaultMemberRollupFlag Option indicating whether group asset depreciation is the sum of member asset depreciation or
calculated separately.
CategoryBookDefaultObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Category Book Default row has been updated.
CategoryBookDefaultOtherPaymentCostFlagIndicates whether other lease payments are excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
CategoryBookDefaultOtherPaymentLiabFlag Indicates whether other lease payments are excluded when calculating lease liability.
CategoryBookDefaultPercentSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
CategoryBookDefaultPeriodPaymentCostFlagIndicates whether periodic lease payments are excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
CategoryBookDefaultPeriodPaymentLiabFlagIndicates whether periodic lease payments are excluded when calculating lease liability.
CategoryBookDefaultProductionCapacity The asset production capacity variable used for defining formula-based depreciation methods.
Indicates whether the purchase price is excluded when calculating lease liability.
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Name Description
Indicates whether the purchase price is excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
CategoryBookDefaultReassessLiabilityFlag Indicates whether lease liability needs to be reassessed when the lease payment amount changes.
CategoryBookDefaultRecaptureReserveFlag Option indicating whether reserve for the group asset can exceed its recoverable cost.
CategoryBookDefaultRecognizeGainLoss Determines whether to recognize gain or loss immediately or not recognize it. Applicable to member
Indicates whether residual lease payments are excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
Indicates whether residual lease payments are excluded when calculating lease liability.
The identifier of the prorate convention for retirements.
The extent to which an asset can be depreciated beyond the useful life of the asset.
CategoryBookDefaultStartDpis Starting date placed in service to which this set of default depreciation rules applies.
CategoryBookDefaultStlMethodId The identifier of the straight line depreciation method used to calculate depreciation for retirement
CategoryBookDefaultSubcomponentLifeRuleUsed to derive the useful life of a subcomponent asset based on the useful life of the parent asset.
CategoryBookDefaultTerminalGainLoss Option indicating how terminal gain or loss is recognized for member asset retirements.
Indicates whether the termination penalty is excluded when calculating the leased asset cost.
Indicates whether the termination penalty is excluded when calculating lease liability.
CategoryBookDefaultTrackingMethod Allows you to specify whether depreciation is calculated at the member or group asset level.
CategoryBookDefaultUnitOfMeasure Unit of measure that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
Indicates whether a prorate convention is used for adjustments and transfers.
CategoryBookDefaultUseItcCeilingsFlag Indicates whether assets in this category are eligible for an investment tax credit ceiling.
CategoryBookDefaultUseStlRetirementsFlag Indicates whether a straight line depreciation method should be used for retirement transaction.
Indicates whether the Variable lease payment option is excluded when calculating the leased asset
Indicates whether the Variable lease payment option is excluded when calculating lease liability.
Category Books
The Category Books view object contains cost and reserve accounts for a book and category combination. A row is
inserted into this table for each book the asset category is assigned to.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CategoryBookAltCostAccountCcid The account code combination identifier for the default alternate cost account.
CategoryBookAssetClearingAccountCcid The account code combination identifier for the asset clearing account.
CategoryBookAssetCostAccountCcid The account code combination for the default cost account.
CategoryBookAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Category Books descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookBonusExpenseAccountCcid The account code combination identifier for the default bonus expense account.
CategoryBookBonusReserveAcctCcid The account code combination identifier for the default bonus reserve account.
CategoryBookCapitalAdjAccountCcid The account code combination identifier for the default capital adjustment account.
CategoryBookCategoryBookId The identifier of the default accounts for the category in the book.
CategoryBookCostWriteOffAccountCcid The account code combination identifier used to account for the asset cost that was not capitalized.
CategoryBookCreatedBy The user who created the row in the FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS table.
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Name Description
CategoryBookCreationDate The date the row was created in the FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS table.
CategoryBookDefaultExpenseCcidFlag Indicates whether to use the expense account combination or the natural account segment as the
default when adding assets.
CategoryBookDeprnExpenseAccountCcid The account that is debited by a depreciation entry to expense the portion of the asset that was
depreciated in the current time period.
CategoryBookGeneralFundAccountCcid Identifier of the account code combination for the default general fund account.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Category Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
CategoryBookImpairExpenseAccountCcid Identifier of the account code combination for the default impairment expense account.
CategoryBookImpairReserveAccountCcid Identifier of the account code combination for the default impairment reserve account.
CategoryBookLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update of the row in the FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS table..
CategoryBookLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row in the FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS
CategoryBookLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the row in the FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS table.
CategoryBookLeaseGainLossAccountCcid The account code combination identifier for the default gain or loss on the leased asset account.
CategoryBookLeaseIntExpenseAccountCcid The account code combination identifier used to account for the lease interest expense.
CategoryBookLeaseLiabilityAccountCcid The account code combination identifier used to account for the conversion rate gain or loss on lease
CategoryBookObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Category Books row has been updated.
CategoryBookReserveAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to book the depreciation reserve account.
CategoryBookRevalAmortAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to book the periodic amortization of the revaluation reserve.
CategoryBookRevalLossAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to book the asset revaluation loss.
CategoryBookRevalReserveAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to book the asset revaluation reserve.
CategoryBookUnplanExpenseAccountCcid The account that is debited by an unplanned depreciation entry to expense the portion of the asset
that was depreciated in the current time period.
CategoryBookWipCostAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to reflect the cost of a construction-in-process asset.
CategoryBookWriteOffAccountCcid Account code combination identifier used to book the write-off account.
Ceiling Types
The Ceiling Types view object contains general information about depreciation expense and cost ceilings.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CeilingTypeAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Ceiling Types descriptive flexfield.
CeilingTypeCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the ceiling.
CeilingTypeLastUpdateDate The date when the ceiling type row was last updated.
CeilingTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the ceiling type row.
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Name Description
CeilingTypeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the ceiling type row.
CeilingTypeObjectVersionNumber The number of times the ceiling type row was updated.
CeilingTypeSetId Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as
reference data sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReportingDeferredDeprnCreatedBy The user who created the reporting deferred depreciation row.
ReportingDeferredDeprnCreationDate The date the transaction was created in the reporting deferred depreciation row.
Asset deferred depreciation expense amount.
Asset deferred depreciation reserve amount.
ReportingDeferredDeprnEventId Identifier of the transaction event, which is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
ReportingDeferredDeprnLastUpdateDate The date when the reporting deferred depreciation transaction was last updated.
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Name Description
ReportingDeferredDeprnLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the reporting deferred depreciation row.
ReportingDeferredDeprnLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the reporting deferred depreciation row.
The number of times the deferred depreciation transaction has been updated.
Deferred Depreciation
The Deferred Depreciation view object contains the deferred depreciation amounts that indicate the difference in
depreciation expense between the corporate and tax book.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
DeferredDepreciationCreationDate The date the transaction was created in the Deferred Depreciation row.
Asset deferred depreciation expense amount.
Asset deferred depreciation reserve amount.
DeferredDepreciationEventId Identifier of the transaction event, which is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
DeferredDepreciationLastUpdateDate The date when the deferred depreciation was last updated.
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Name Description
DeferredDepreciationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the deferred depreciation row.
DeferredDepreciationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the deferred depreciation row.
DeferredDepreciationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the deferred depreciation has been updated.
Depreciation Details
The Depreciation Details view object contains the depreciation amounts that the Calculate Depreciation process charges
to the depreciation expense account in each distribution line. Oracle Fusion Assets uses this information to create
depreciation expense journal entries.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Adjustment amount calculated for retroactive adjustments included in the accelerated depreciation for
the period.
DepreciationDetailAcceleratedDeprnAmount Adjustment to the accelerated depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
DepreciationDetailAdditionCostToClear The asset cost posted to the asset clearing account when the asset is added.
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
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Name Description
DepreciationDetailCreationDate The date the transaction was created in the depreciation detail row.
DepreciationDetailDeprnReserve Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
DepreciationDetailDeprnRunId The identification number of the Calculate Depreciation process instance. This attribute is used in the
SLA subject area to analyze accounting information for the asset depreciation.
DepreciationDetailDeprnSourceCode Indicates whether the depreciation record was created by running the Calculate Depreciation process
or by the Member Asset Tracking functionality.
DepreciationDetailEventId Identifier of the transaction event, which is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
DepreciationDetailImpairmentAmount Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
DepreciationDetailLastUpdateDate The date the transaction was updated in the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL row.
DepreciationDetailLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL row.
DepreciationDetailObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Reporting Depreciation Detail row has been updated.
Revaluation reserve amortization amount calculated for the period by the adjustment transaction.
DepreciationDetailRevalDeprnExpense Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
doesn't create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
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Name Description
DepreciationDetailYtdRevalDeprnExpense Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets doesn't create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
Depreciation Extracts
The Depreciation Extracts view object contains information about fixed assets and their depreciation accounting.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
FaDeprnExtractAccDeprnAdjustmentAmountAdjustment amount calculated for retroactive adjustments included in the accelerated depreciation for
the period.
FaDeprnExtractAcceleratedDeprnAmount Adjustment to the accelerated depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
FaDeprnExtractAdjustedCost Depreciable basis of the asset, calculated as the recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods
and the recoverable cost minus the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
FaDeprnExtractAssetType Types of assets allowed in Oracle Fusion Assets. The asset types allowed are Capitalized, Construction-
in-Process, Expensed, and Group.
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
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Name Description
FaDeprnExtractCategoryBookDefaultId The identifier of the default depreciation rules for the category in the book.
FaDeprnExtractCreatedBy The user who created the row in the Depreciation Extracts table.
FaDeprnExtractDeprnAmount Total depreciation amount for the period including bonus and accelerated depreciation amounts.
FaDeprnExtractDeprnExtractId Unique sequence-generated identifier for the row in the depreciation extract.
FaDeprnExtractDeprnRunId The identification number of the Calculate Depreciation process instance. This attribute is used in the
SLA subject area to analyze accounting information for the asset depreciation.
FaDeprnExtractDeprnSourceCode Indicates whether the depreciation record was created by running the Calculate Depreciation process
or by the Member Asset Tracking functionality.
FaDeprnExtractGeneralFund Account used to book the capital asset utilization in the business operation.
FaDeprnExtractGroupAssetId Group asset that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
FaDeprnExtractImpairmentAmount Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
FaDeprnExtractLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row in the Depreciation Extracts table.
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Name Description
FaDeprnExtractLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the Depreciation Extracts table.
FaDeprnExtractNetBookValue The net book value of an asset, calculated as the current cost minus the total reserve, multiplied by the
accumulated depreciation plus the bonus reserve.
FaDeprnExtractProduction The periodic production amount of the asset for this row.
FaDeprnExtractRevalDeprnExpense Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
doesn't create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
FaDeprnExtractSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
FaDeprnExtractTotalAccDeprnReserve The accelerated accumulated bonus depreciation of the asset for this row.
FaDeprnExtractTotalDeprnReserve Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
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Name Description
FaDeprnExtractYtdRevalDeprnExpense Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does' nt create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
Depreciation Methods
The Depreciation Methods view object contains information on depreciation methods. The Calculate Depreciation
process uses this table to identify the appropriate depreciation rates.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
DepreciationMethodAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Depreciation Methods descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
DepreciationMethodDeprnBasisRule Depreciation calculation basis. It can be based on the cost or net book value.
DepreciationMethodExcludeSalvageValueFlagIndicates whether to exclude the salvage value when calculating the depreciable basis.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute21 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute22 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute23 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute24 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute25 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute26 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute27 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute28 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute29 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute30 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeCategoryThe context name for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber1A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber2A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber3A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber4A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber5A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber6A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber7A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber8A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
DepreciationMethodGlobalAttributeNumber9A number segment for the Depreciation Methods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Indicates whether the method of depreciation is a guarantee rate method.
DepreciationMethodJpImpCalcBasisFlag Indicates whether to use the Japanese based net book value for impairment calculations.
DepreciationMethodLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the depreciation method.
DepreciationMethodLifeInMonths Indicates whether the useful life of the asset is expressed as the number of periods in the asset book
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Name Description
DepreciationMethodObjectVersionNumber The number of times the depreciation method has been updated.
DepreciationMethodRateSourceRule Indicates whether the depreciation method is flat, table, calculated, or formula based.
DepreciationMethodSeedDataSource Source of the seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was
bulk loaded. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
DepreciationMethodSetId Identifies a set of reference data shared across business units and other entities. Also known as
reference data sets, they are used to filter reference data in transactional UIs.
DepreciationMethodStlMethodFlag Indicates whether to calculate straight line method depreciation when retiring assets for tax books.
DepreciationMethodUseLifeInPeriodsFlag Indicates whether the useful life of the asset is expressed as the number of periods in the asset book
Depreciation Periods
The Depreciation Periods view object contains information about depreciation periods. Oracle Fusion Assets uses this
table to determine when each period in the FA_CALENDARS table was opened for a depreciation book.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
DepreciationPeriodLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the depreciation period.
DepreciationPeriodObjectVersionNumber The number of times the depreciation period has been updated.
DepreciationPeriodPeriodNum Unique period number of the depreciation period in the fiscal year.
Depreciation Summaries
The Depreciation Summaries view object contains depreciation information for the assets.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
DepreciationSummaryAdjustedCost Depreciable basis of the asset, calculated as the recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods
and the recoverable cost minus the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
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Name Description
DepreciationSummaryCreatedBy The user who last updated the depreciation summary row.
Adjustment to the depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Depreciation Rate Adjustment Factor
DepreciationSummaryDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates whether a depreciation override amount is allowed for assets in the book.
DepreciationSummaryDeprnRunId The identification number of the Calculate Depreciation process instance. This attribute is used in the
SLA subject area to analyze accounting information for the asset depreciation.
DepreciationSummaryDeprnSourceCode Indicates whether the depreciation record was created by running the Calculate Depreciation process
or by the Member Asset Tracking functionality.
DepreciationSummaryEventId Identifier of the transaction event that is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
DepreciationSummaryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the depreciation summary row.
DepreciationSummaryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the depreciation summary row.
DepreciationSummaryObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the Depreciation Summary row has been updated.
DepreciationSummaryProduction Indicates the Units of Production depreciation method used for assets.
Revaluation Reserve Amortization Adjustment Amount
The revaluation reserve amortization basis amount of the asset.
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Name Description
DepreciationSummaryRevalDeprnExpense Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
Bonus depreciation amount calculated by the application.
DepreciationSummaryYtdRevalDeprnExpenseYear-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does' nt create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
Distributions History
The Distributions History view object contains information about the depreciation allocation to assets and transfers.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
DistributionHistoryCodeCombinationId The account code combination for the depreciation expense account.
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Name Description
DistributionHistoryInventoryDateTaken The date on which the physical verification of the asset was done.
DistributionHistoryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated to the user who last updated the distribution.
Fiscal Years
The Fiscal Years view object contains information about fiscal years. Oracle Fusion Assets uses this table to define
calendars and to determine the fiscal year in which a transaction occurs.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
FiscalYearAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Fiscal Year descriptive flexfield.
FiscalYearEndDate The date on which a task, event, or business process ends in the fiscal year.
FiscalYearLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update of the row.
FiscalYearLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
FiscalYearMidYearDate The Starting date of the second half of the fiscal year.This date is used in India's depreciation 50
percent rule.
FiscalYearObjectVersionNumber The number of times the fiscal year has been updated.
FiscalYearStartDate The date on which a task, event, or business process begins in the fiscal year.
Impairment Details
The Impairment Details view object contains information about impairment transactions.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
FaItfImpairmentsAdjustedCost Depreciable basis of the asset, calculated as the recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods,
and the recoverable cost minus the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
FaItfImpairmentsAllowedDeprnLimitAmount Depreciation limit percentage that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
FaItfImpairmentsCashGeneratingUnitId Smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the
cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
FaItfImpairmentsDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates whether a depreciation override amount is allowed for assets in the book.
FaItfImpairmentsDeprnRunDate The application date when the Calculate Depreciation process was run.
FaItfImpairmentsEofyReserve The depreciation reserve at the end of the previous fiscal year.
FaItfImpairmentsFormulaFactor Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-net book value method assets.
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Name Description
FaItfImpairmentsHistoricalNetBookValue The net book value of the asset calculated as if there were no impairments.
FaItfImpairmentsImpairLossBalance Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
FaItfImpairmentsLastUpdateDate The date when the impairment transaction was last updated.
FaItfImpairmentsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the impairment transaction.
FaItfImpairmentsNetBookValue The net book value of the asset before the impairment transaction.
FaItfImpairmentsNetSellingPrice The difference between the price for selling the asset and the cost of removal.
FaItfImpairmentsPriorFyBonusExpense The bonus depreciation expense amount related to the previous fiscal year.
FaItfImpairmentsPriorFyExpense The depreciation expense amount related to the previous fiscal year.
FaItfImpairmentsRevalAmortBalance Revaluation reserve amortization balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
FaItfImpairmentsRevalAmortization Account used to book the periodic amortization of the revaluation reserve.
FaItfImpairmentsRevalDeprnExpense Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
FaItfImpairmentsRevalReserve During a period in which the asset was revalued, the change in the net book value due to revaluation of
the asset cost. In some cases, it refers to revaluation of depreciation reserve.
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Name Description
FaItfImpairmentsRevalReserveAdjAmount Change in the net book value due to a depreciation reserve adjustment for a revaluation period. For all
other periods, the revaluation reserve amount after the Calculate Depreciation process is run.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedDeprnImpact Amount of depreciation impact attributed to an income and expense account that was reversed.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedDeprnImpactS1 Amount of depreciation impact attributed to an income and expense account that was reversed due to
the first split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedDeprnImpactS2 Amount of depreciation impact attributed to an income and expense account that was reversed due to
the second split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedDeprnImpactS3 Amount of depreciation impact attributed to an income and expense account that was reversed due to
the third split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedImpAmt Amount of impairment loss attributed to an impairment loss account that was reversed.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedImpAmtS1 Amount of impairment loss attributed to an impairment loss account that was reversed due to the first
split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedImpAmtS2 Amount of impairment attributed to an impairment loss account that was reversed due to the second
split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedImpAmtS3 Amount of impairment attributed to an impairment loss account that was reversed due to the third
split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalAmt Amount of impairment loss attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was reversed.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalAmtS1 Amount of impairment loss attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was reversed due to the
first split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalAmtS2 Amount of impairment loss attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was reversed due to the
second split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalAmtS3 Amount of impairment loss attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was reversed due to the
third split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalImpact Amount of depreciation impact attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was reversed.
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalImpactS1 Amount of the first split depreciation impact attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalImpactS2 Amount of the second split depreciation impact attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was
FaItfImpairmentsReversedRevalImpactS3 Amount of the third split depreciation impact attributed to a revaluation reserve account that was
FaItfImpairmentsSplit1ImpairClass Impairment classification type for first impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaItfImpairmentsSplit1LossAmount Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to the first split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsSplit2ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the second impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reason.
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Name Description
FaItfImpairmentsSplit2LossAmount Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to the second split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsSplit3ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the third impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaItfImpairmentsSplit3LossAmount Impairment loss amount internally calculated due to the third split reason.
FaItfImpairmentsSplitImpairFlag Indicates whether the impairment is split. A value of Y means that the impairment is split. Any other
value means that the impairment is not split.
FaItfImpairmentsYtdRevalDeprnExpense Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does' nt create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the
cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
FaReportingImpairmentsLastUpdateDate The date when the impairment transaction was last updated.
FaReportingImpairmentsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the impairment transaction.
FaReportingImpairmentsNetBookValue The net book value of the asset before the impairment transaction.
FaReportingImpairmentsNetSellingPrice The difference between the price for selling the asset and the cost of removal.
The number of times the impairment transaction was updated.
The period from which the impairment is created.
FaReportingImpairmentsSplit1ImpairClass Impairment classification type for first impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
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Name Description
FaReportingImpairmentsSplit2ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the second impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaReportingImpairmentsSplit3ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the third impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaReportingImpairmentsSplitImpairFlag Indicates whether the impairment is split. A value of Y means that the impairment is split. Any other
value means that the impairment is not split.
The Impairments view object contains information about impairment transactions applied to assets or cash generating
units when their recoverable value is less than the carrying value stored in the book at a particular time.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
FaImpairmentsCashGeneratingUnitId Smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the
cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
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Name Description
FaImpairmentsLastUpdateDate The date when the impairment transaction was last updated.
FaImpairmentsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the impairment transaction.
FaImpairmentsNetBookValue The net book value of the asset before the impairment transaction.
FaImpairmentsNetSellingPrice The difference between the price for selling the asset and the cost of removal.
FaImpairmentsSplit1ImpairClass Impairment classification type for first impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaImpairmentsSplit2ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the second impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
FaImpairmentsSplit3ImpairClass Impairment classification type for the third impairment split reason. Reasons can be consumption of
economic benefit, change in property classes, or other reasons.
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Name Description
FaImpairmentsSplitImpairFlag Indicates whether the impairment is split. A value of Y means that the impairment is split. Any other
value means that the impairment is not split.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute1 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute10 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute11 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute12 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute13 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute14 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute15 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute16 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute17 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute18 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute19 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute2 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute20 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute21 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute22 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute23 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute24 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute25 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute26 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute27 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute28 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute29 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute3 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute30 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute4 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute5 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute6 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute7 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute8 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttribute9 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeCategory The context name for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpDetailCreatedBy The user who created the reporting lease expense details.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailCreationDate The date when the reporting lease expense details were created.
The depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that's associated with the reporting lease expense details for
accounting purposes.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailLastUpdateDate The date when the reporting lease expense details were last updated.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the reporting lease expense details.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the reporting lease expense details.
The amount calculated by allocating the cost of the lease over the lease term.
The unique identifier of the lease expense amount per period for each distribution.
The unique identification number for the lease expense summary.
The interest on lease liability charged to this account.
The initial lease liability, periodic interest on lease liability, and periodic lease payments that are
charged to this account.
The amount of the periodic lease payment that the lessee pays to the lessor.
The gain or loss amount on lease liability for the currency exchange rate changes.
ReportingLeaseExpDetailLeaseSourceCode The source from which the lease record was created.
The accumulated lease expense of the asset.
The number of times the lease expense details have been updated.
The accumulated depreciation charged for the asset for the period.
The periodic payment invoice amount transferred to Oracle Fusion Payables.
The reduction in the amount of lease liability due to the lease payments made to the lessor.
The amount of the lease expense for the asset in the period.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
The amount of interest included in the periodic lease payment.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeCategory The context name for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Lease Expense Details descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseDetailCreatedBy The user who created the lease expense detail row.
LeaseExpenseDetailCreationDate The date when the lease expense detail was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
LeaseExpenseDetailEventId Identifier of the transaction event, which is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
LeaseExpenseDetailLastUpdateDate The date when the lease expense detail was last updated.
LeaseExpenseDetailLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the lease expense detail row.
LeaseExpenseDetailLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the lease expense detail row.
LeaseExpenseDetailLeaseExpenseAmount The amount calculated by allocating the cost of the lease over the lease term.
LeaseExpenseDetailLeaseExpenseDetailId The unique identifier of the lease expense amount per period for each distribution.
LeaseExpenseDetailLeaseLiabilityBalance The initial lease liability, periodic interest on lease liability, and periodic lease payments that are
charged to this account.
LeaseExpenseDetailLeasePaymentAmount The amount of the periodic lease payment that the lessee pays to the lessor.
The gain or loss amount on lease liability for the currency exchange rate changes.
LeaseExpenseDetailLeaseSourceCode The source from which the lease record was created.
LeaseExpenseDetailObjectVersionNumber The number of times the lease expense detail row has been updated.
LeaseExpenseDetailPeriodicDeprnReserve The accumulated depreciation charged for the asset for the period.
The periodic payment invoice amount transferred to Oracle Fusion Payables.
The reduction in the amount of lease liability due to the lease payments made to the lessor.
LeaseExpenseDetailYtdLeaseExpenseAmountThe amount of the lease expense for the asset in the period.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeCategory The context name for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
LeaseExpenseSummaryCreationDate The date when the lease expense summary was created.
The depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
LeaseExpenseSummaryEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that's associated with this lease expense summary for
accounting purposes.
LeaseExpenseSummaryInvoiceDateRate The weighted average exchange rate used to convert the lease payments from the primary currency to
the reporting currency.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLastUpdateDate The date when the lease expense summary was last updated.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the lease expense summary.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the lease expense summary.
The unique identification number of the amortization schedule from which the values were derived.
The amount calculated by allocating the cost of the lease over the lease term.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
LeaseExpenseSummaryLeaseExpenseBasis The basis used for calculating the periodic lease expense of the asset.
The unique identification number for the lease expense summary.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLeaseLiabilityBalanceThe initial lease liability, periodic interest on lease liability, and periodic lease payments that are
charged to this account.
The amount of the periodic lease payment that the lessee pays to the lessor.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLeasePeriodEndFlag The gain or loss amount on lease liability for the currency exchange rate changes.
The gain or loss amount on lease liability for the currency exchange rate changes.
LeaseExpenseSummaryLeaseSourceCode The source from which the lease record was created.
The accumulated lease expense of the asset.
The number of times the Lease Expense Summaries row has been updated.
The accumulated depreciation charged for the asset for the period.
The periodic payment invoice amount transferred to Oracle Fusion Payables.
The reduction in the amount of lease liability due to the lease payments made to the lessor.
The amount of the lease expense for the asset in the period.
The amount of interest included in the periodic lease payment.
The Locations view object contains valid location flexfield segment value combinations. Oracle Fusion Assets uses this
table for responsibility reporting and to prevent it from transferring assets to invalid locations.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
LocationEndDateActive The date at the end of the date range during which a given record will be available for transacting for
date effective entities.
LocationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset location.
LocationLastUpdatedBy The user name of the person who last edited the asset location.
LocationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the asset location has been updated.
LocationStartDateActive The date at the beginning of the date range during which a given record will be available for
transacting for date effective entities.
Price Indexes
The Price Indexes view object contains all of the information about price indexes required for revaluation transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
PriceIndexCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the transaction.
PriceIndexLastUpdateDate The date when the price index was last updated.
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Name Description
PriceIndexLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the price index.
PriceIndexObjectVersionNumber The number of times the price index row was updated.
PriceIndexPriceIndexId The unique identifier of the price index for revaluation transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
The context name for the Prorate Convention Type descriptive flexfield.
Option indicating whether to start depreciating the asset on the date placed in service or the prorate
ProrateConventionTypeFiscalYearName Name of the fiscal year for which the convention is defined.
ProrateConventionTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the prorate convention.
Unique name of the prorate convention.
ProrateConventionTypeSetId A partition of reference data. For example, valid reference data for North American Operations.
Reporting Adjustments
The Adjustments view object stores all information to create journal entries for transactions for the reporting currencies
in the primary ledger.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingAdjustmentAnnualizedAdjustment The adjustment amount for a period multiplied by the number of periods in the fiscal year for
retroactive transactions.
ReportingAdjustmentCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account code combination to be used to account for the asset transaction
ReportingAdjustmentConvertedFlag Status indicating whether the transaction amounts have been converted to the reporting currency.
ReportingAdjustmentDebitCreditFlag Indicates whether the line is Credit or Debit in the accounting entry for the asset transaction.
ReportingAdjustmentDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates the depreciation override amount for assets in the book.
ReportingAdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who performed the adjustment.
ReportingAdjustmentSourceDestCode Indicates whether this line is on the source or destination side of a transaction.
ReportingAdjustmentTrackMemberFlag Indicates whether the account information is created at the member level when the Track Member
Account option is set.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Distribution line number from Oracle Fusion Payables.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeCategoryCodeThe context name for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceCreateBatchId The request ID of the Mass Additions Create process that last created the row.
ReportingAssetInvoiceCreatedBy The user who created the row in the reporting asset invoices table.
ReportingAssetInvoiceDepreciateInGroupFlagIndicates whether the invoice line amount is included in the group asset cost.
ReportingAssetInvoiceExchangeRate Rate used to convert amounts in the primary ledger currency to amounts in the reporting currency.
The expenditure organization that is responsible for the work task. This is a task-specific attribute.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Asset Invoices Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingAssetInvoiceInvoiceDistributionId Identifier of the distribution line for the Oracle Fusion Payables invoice.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingAssetInvoiceInvoiceLineNumber Identifier for the line of the Oracle Fusion Payables invoice.
ReportingAssetInvoiceInvoiceLineType Indicates whether the invoice line corresponds to an item, tax, freight, or a miscellaneous line.
ReportingAssetInvoiceInvoicePaymentId The invoice payment made to the supplier for each invoice.
Unique identifier of the invoice payment.
Identifier of the source line transaction that terminated the row.
Invoice voucher number from Oracle Fusion Payables.
ReportingAssetInvoiceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice.
ReportingAssetInvoiceLineTypeLookupCode The type of invoice distribution. It is based on Invoice Distribution Type lookup codes, such as ITEM,
Identifier of the merge parent mass addition line.
ReportingAssetInvoiceObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the asset invoice row has been updated.
Identifier of the clearing account used in Payables invoice distributions for the line.
ReportingAssetInvoicePayablesUnits The number of units that Payables provides for the asset source lines.
ReportingAssetInvoicePoDistributionId Identifier of the clearing account used in purchase order distributions for the line.
ReportingAssetInvoicePostBatchId Identifier of the post mass additions request for the row.
ReportingAssetInvoicePriorSourceLineId Identifier of the source line corresponding to the row terminated by the invoice transaction that created
the row.
ReportingAssetInvoiceProjectAssetLineId Identifier of the summarized asset cost line transferred from Oracle Fusion Projects to create this line.
ReportingAssetInvoiceProjectId Identifier of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle
Fusion Projects.
ReportingAssetInvoiceProjectNumber Number of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle
Fusion Projects.
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Name Description
ReportingAssetInvoiceProjectTaskNumber User-defined number of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from
Oracle Fusion Project Costing. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
ReportingAssetInvoiceProjectTxnDocEntryId The source document from which the expenditure item originated.
ReportingAssetInvoiceSplitCode Oracle Internal use only. Indicates if the mass addition is a split parent or a split child.
Identifier of the split parent mass addition line.
ReportingAssetInvoiceTaskId Identifier of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Fusion
Project Costing. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
ReportingAssetInvoiceTaskOrganizationId The task organization that is responsible for the work task. This is a task-specific attribute.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReportingBookControlConversionStatus Indicates whether the information has been converted to the reporting currencies book.
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Name Description
ReportingBookControlDeprnRequestId Indicates the request ID of the last run of the Create Accounting process.
ReportingBookControlEnabledFlag Indicates whether the reporting currency and book association is active.
ReportingBookControlGlPostingAllowedFlag Indicates whether the accounting entries can be posted to General Ledger.
ReportingBookControlLastDeprnRunDate Date on which the Calculate Depreciation process was run last time for the book.
ReportingBookControlLastPeriodCounter Identifier of the last period for which the Calculate Depreciation process was run.
ReportingBookControlLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row in the Reporting Book Controls
ReportingBookControlLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the row in Reporting Book Controls table.
ReportingBookControlMassRequestId Indicates the request ID of the last run of the Mass Transaction process.
ReportingBookControlMrcConvertedFlag Indicates whether the set of books is converted to Multiple Reporting Currencies.
ReportingBookControlObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the Reporting Book Controls row has been updated.
ReportingBookControlPrimarySetOfBooksId Identifier of the primary ledger associated with the reporting ledger for this row.
Reporting Books
The Reporting Books view object contains currency and financial information about assets in each reporting book
associated with the parent record in the FA_BOOKS table. This table stores transactions in reporting currencies, and also
stores transactions from tax books that use a secondary ledger with different currencies.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReportingBookAcceleratedBonusRuleId Bonus rule used to take a higher depreciation amount than the amount calculated by the depreciation
ReportingBookAdjustedCapacity Remaining production capacity used to depreciate assets that use units of production methods.
ReportingBookAdjustedRecoverableCost The adjusted portion of the current cost that can be depreciated.
ReportingBookAllocateToFullyRetFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all of the member assets,
including fully retired member assets.
ReportingBookAllocateToFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the group asset depreciation amount is allocated to all of the member assets,
including fully reserved member assets.
ReportingBookAllowedDeprnLimit Depreciation limit percentage that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset
ReportingBookAllowedDeprnLimitAmount Depreciation limit amount that is applied automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
ReportingBookConversionDate The date on which a conversion rate is used to convert an amount into another currency.
ReportingBookConvertedFlag Status indicating whether the transaction amounts have been converted to the reporting currency.
ReportingBookCreatedBy The user who created the books in the reporting currencies.
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Name Description
ReportingBookDepreciationOption Indicates whether the depreciation expense of a member asset is calculated using its group asset
depreciation rules or the member asset depreciation rules.
ReportingBookDeprnLimitType Depreciation limit type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, sum of member
assets, or none.
ReportingBookDisabledFlag Indicates whether the lookup required to use the Group Asset feature is enabled.
ReportingBookExcessAllocationOption Indicates whether excess depreciation of the group asset is allocated to its member assets or reduced
from the group asset depreciation.
ReportingBookExcludeFullyRsvFlag Indicates whether the depreciable basis of fully reserved assets should be excluded from the
depreciable basis of group assets.
ReportingBookExcludeProceedsFromBasis The group asset retirement rule that indicates whether proceeds of sale should be excluded when
calculating the depreciable basis for group assets.
ReportingBookExtendedDepreciationPeriod Oracle internal use only. Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully extended.
ReportingBookExtendedDeprnFlag Indicates whether to extend depreciation beyond the useful life of the asset.
ReportingBookFormulaFactor Factor used to adjust the depreciation rate for formula-NBV method assets.
ReportingBookFullyReserveOnAddFlag Indicates whether to fully depreciate an asset when the asset is added.
ReportingBookFullyRsvdRevalsCounter Number of times the asset has been revalued as fully reserved.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber10 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber6 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber7 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber8 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookGlobalAttributeNumber9 A number segment for the Reporting Books Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
ReportingBookLastPriceIndexValue Stores the value of the price index used during index-based revaluation for future revaluations.
ReportingBookLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the asset.
ReportingBookLeaseAdjustmentFactor Internal factor used to amortize the lease basis over the remaining lease term of the asset.
ReportingBookLeaseExpenseBasis Basis used for calculating the periodic lease expense of the asset.
ReportingBookLimitProceedsFlag Indicates whether the proceeds of sale of the member asset is limited to its recoverable cost.
ReportingBookLtdCostOfRemoval Indicates whether the net of the cost of removal that can be added to the accumulated depreciation is
limited to the recoverable cost of the retiring member asset.
ReportingBookLtdProceeds Indicates whether the net of proceeds that can be added to accumulated depreciation is limited to the
recoverable cost of the retiring member asset.
ReportingBookMemberRollupFlag Option indicating whether group asset depreciation is the sum of member asset depreciation or
calculated separately.
ReportingBookNbvAtSwitch The net book value of the asset at the time you switch the depreciation method from declining balance
to straight line.
ReportingBookObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Reporting Book row has been updated.
ReportingBookOriginalDeprnStartDate Date when the short tax year asset begins depreciating in the books of the acquired company.
ReportingBookOverDepreciateOption Indicates whether a group asset should stop depreciating beyond its depreciation limit.
ReportingBookPercentSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingBookPeriodCounterExtended The period in which extended depreciation starts for the asset.
ReportingBookPeriodCounterFullyExtended Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset life was extended.
ReportingBookPeriodCounterFullyReserved Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully reserved.
ReportingBookPeriodCounterFullyRetired Identifier of the depreciation period in which the asset was fully retired.
ReportingBookPeriodCounterLifeComplete Identifier of the asset book period in which the life of the asset was completed.
ReportingBookPriorDeprnLimit The depreciation limit percentage of the asset before its depreciation is extended.
ReportingBookPriorDeprnLimitAmount The depreciation limit amount of the asset before its depreciation is extended.
ReportingBookPriorDeprnLimitType The depreciation limit type used for the asset before its depreciation is extended.
ReportingBookPriorEofyReserve Previous accumulated depreciation at the end of the previous fiscal year.
ReportingBookPriorEofyRevalReserve The value of the revaluation reserve at the end of the fiscal year before the transaction. This value is
used to roll back the depreciation for the last period of the fiscal year.
ReportingBookPriorFlatRateId Identifier of the flat rate for the depreciation method of the asset immediately before it began
extended depreciation.
ReportingBookPriorMethodId Identifier of the depreciation method for the asset immediately before it began extended depreciation.
ReportingBookProductionCapacity Production capacity that is selected automatically when assets are added with this asset category.
ReportingBookRateAdjustmentFactor Internal factor used to adjust depreciation rates to depreciate the net book value over the remaining
ReportingBookRateInUse Depreciation rates used to depreciate the net book value over the remaining life.
ReportingBookRecaptureReserveFlag Indicates whether the reserve for the group asset can exceed its recoverable cost.
ReportingBookRecognizeGainLoss Indicates whether gain or loss should be recognized for member asset retirements.
ReportingBookReduceAdditionFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset additions.
ReportingBookReduceAdjustmentFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset adjustments.
ReportingBookReduceRetirementFlag Indicates whether the reduction rate should be applied for member asset retirements.
ReportingBookReductionRate Depreciation reduction percentage for the group and its member assets.
ReportingBookRemainingLife1 Remaining life of the asset calculated as of the conversion date, prorate date, or fiscal year start date.
ReportingBookRemainingLife2 Remaining life of the asset calculated as of the fiscal year start date.
ReportingBookRetirementDeprnOption Indicates whether a group asset should depreciate until the last member asset is retired or at the end
of the fiscal year.
ReportingBookRevalAmortizationBasis Revaluation reserve amount used to calculate amortization of revaluation reserve. This amount
changes only when the asset is revalued or an amortized adjustment is performed.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingBookRevaluedCost Increase or decrease in cost due to revaluation of an asset. Can be a positive or negative amount.
ReportingBookSalvageType Salvage type assigned to the asset. It can be either the amount, percentage, or sum of member assets.
ReportingBookTerminalGainLoss Indicates how terminal gain or loss is recognized for member asset retirements.
ReportingBookTerminalGainLossAmount Accumulated depreciation remaining for the group asset after the last member asset of the group
asset is retired.
ReportingBookTerminalGainLossFlag Option indicating whether the terminal gain or loss amount must be processed by the Calculate Gains
and Losses process when it is running for the last period of the fiscal year.
ReportingBookTrackingMethod The group asset tracking method that is used to calculate group depreciation and member asset
ReportingBookTransactionHeaderIdIn Identifier of the transaction that created the row in the FA_MC_BOOKS table.
ReportingBookTransactionHeaderIdOut Identifier of the transaction that terminated the row in the FA_MC_BOOKS table.
ReportingBookUnitOfMeasure Unit of measure used to select candidate assets depreciating under a units of production depreciation
ReportingBookUseBooksSummaryFlag Indicates whether the FA_MC_BOOKS_SUMMARY table for the asset was populated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Adjustment amount calculated for retroactive adjustments included in the accelerated depreciation for
the period.
Adjustment to the accelerated depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Accelerated depreciation reserve balance for the period.
Year-to-date accelerated depreciation balance for the period.
The asset cost posted to the asset clearing account when the asset is added.
Life-to-date backlog depreciation amount.
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Bonus depreciation expense for the depreciation period.
Total bonus depreciation taken since the beginning of the asset life.
Capital adjustment balance for the period.
ReportingDepreciationDetailConvertedFlag Indicates whether the transaction amounts have been converted to the reporting currency.
ReportingDepreciationDetailCreationDate The date the transaction was created in the depreciation detail row.
Adjustment to the depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
ReportingDepreciationDetailDeprnReserve Total depreciation expense including the bonus depreciation recognized for the asset.
ReportingDepreciationDetailDeprnRunId The identification number of the asset depreciation process instance. This attribute is used in the SLA
subject area to analyze the accounting information of the asset depreciation.
Indicates whether the depreciation record was created by the Books page, by running the Calculate
Depreciation process, or by the Member Asset Tracking functionality.
ReportingDepreciationDetailEventId Identifier of the transaction event that is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
Impairment loss expense balance for the period.
The impairment reserve amount.
ReportingDepreciationDetailLastUpdateDate The date the transaction was updated in the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL table.
ReportingDepreciationDetailLastUpdateLoginThe session login associated with the user who last updated the FA_DEPRN_DETAIL row.
The number of times the Reporting Depreciation Detail row has been updated.
Life-to-date revaluation reserve amortization amount.
Amount of revaluation reserve amortized during this period.
Periodic revaluation reserve amortization adjustment amount for the asset.
Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
doesn't create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
The asset cost posted to the asset clearing account when the asset is added.
Adjustment to the depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Depreciation expense allocated to the distribution line for the current period in the primary functional
Depreciation reserve in the primary functional currency for the asset allocated to the distribution line.
Amount of revaluation reserve in the primary functional currency that is amortized during a period.
Portion of depreciation expense in the primary functional currency due to revaluation of the asset cost.
Oracle Fusion Assets doesn't create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes
For a period in which this asset was revalued, the change in net book value due to revaluation of the
asset cost and sometimes revaluation of the depreciation reserve. For all other periods, the revaluation
reserve amount after depreciation is calculated.
Year-to-date depreciation expense in the primary functional currency due to revaluation.
Year-to-date revaluation reserve amortization amount.
Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does' nt create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The date when the last period was closed.
The start date of the calendar period.
ReportingDeprnPeriodLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the depreciation period.
ReportingDeprnPeriodPeriodNum Unique period number of the depreciation period in the fiscal year.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Adjustment to the accelerated depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Amount used to calculate the periodic accelerated bonus depreciation amount.
Additional depreciation amount calculated based on the accelerated bonus rule attached to the asset.
Accelerated depreciation reserve balance for the period.
Year-to-date accelerated depreciation balance for the period.
ReportingDepreciationSummaryAdjustedCostDepreciable basis of the asset, calculated as the recoverable cost for cost basis depreciation methods
and the recoverable cost minus the accumulated depreciation for net book value basis methods.
Life-to-date backlog depreciation amount.
The base amount on which the bonus depreciation is calculated.
Adjustment to the bonus depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Depreciation expense calculated due to bonus depreciation.
The total amount of bonus depreciation recorded against an asset.
The year-to-date bonus depreciation amount.
Name of the asset book.
Capital adjustment balance for the period.
Indicates whether amounts have been converted to the reporting currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingDepreciationSummaryCreatedBy The user who created the reporting depreciation summary row.
Adjustment to the depreciation amount for retroactive asset transactions.
Multiplier of the annual depreciation rate used to speed up or slow down the asset depreciation.
Depreciation amount calculated for an asset.
Indicates whether a depreciation override amount is allowed for assets in the book.
Total depreciation expense for the asset.
Date the Calculate Depreciation process was run.
ReportingDepreciationSummaryDeprnRunId The identification number of the Calculate Depreciation process instance. This attribute is used in the
SLA subject area to analyze accounting information for the asset depreciation.
Indicates whether the depreciation record was created by running the Calculate Depreciation process
or by the Member Asset Tracking functionality.
ReportingDepreciationSummaryEventId Identifier of the transaction event that is associated with this row for accounting purposes.
Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
Impairment loss amount of the asset.
The asset impairment reserve amount.
The date the reporting depreciation summary row was updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the reporting depreciation summary row.
The user who last updated the reporting depreciation summary row.
Life-to-date production for a units of production depreciation method.
The number of times the Reporting Depreciation Summary row has been updated.
Identifier of the depreciation period.
Bonus depreciation expense from prior fiscal years.
Bonus depreciation expense from prior fiscal years.
Accumulated revaluation amortization.
Amount of revaluation reserve amortized during the current period.
Revaluation reserve amortization amount calculated for the period by the adjustment transaction.
Revaluation reserve used in calculating amortization of revaluation reserve. This changes only when
the asset is revalued or an amortized adjustment is performed.
Portion of depreciation expense generated due to revaluation of the asset cost. Oracle Fusion Assets
does not create any journal entries for this amount. It is for reporting purposes only.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
Accumulated revaluation loss balance.
ReportingDepreciationSummaryRevalReserveThe change in net book value due to revaluation of the asset cost and sometimes also revaluation of
depreciation reserve for the revaluation period. For all other periods, the revaluation reserve amount
after the Calculate Depreciation process is run.
Depreciation expense allocated to the distribution line for the current period in the primary functional
Bonus depreciation amount calculated by the application.
Depreciation amount calculated by the application.
Year-to-date backlog depreciation amount.
Year-to-date impairment amount.
Year-to-date production for assets depreciating in units of production methods.
Year-to-date revaluation reserve amortization amount.
Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. Oracle Fusion Assets does' nt create any journal
entries for this amount. It is for reporting only.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute1 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute10 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute11 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute12 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute13 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute14 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute15 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute16 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute17 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute18 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute19 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute2 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute20 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute21 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute22 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute23 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute24 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute25 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute26 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute27 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute28 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute29 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute3 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute30 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute4 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute5 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute6 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute7 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute8 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttribute9 A segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Reporting Lease Expense Summaries descriptive flexfield.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryCreatedBy The user who created the reporting lease expense summary.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryCreationDate The date when the reporting lease expense summary was created.
The depreciation reserve adjustment amount for the period.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that's associated with this reporting lease expense summary
for accounting purposes.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryInvoiceDateRateThe weighted average exchange rate used to convert the lease payments from the primary currency to
the reporting currency.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryLastUpdateDateThe date when the reporting lease expense summary was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the reporting lease expense summary.
ReportingLeaseExpSummaryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the reporting lease expense summary.
The unique identification number of the amortization schedule from which the values were derived.
The amount calculated by allocating the cost of the lease over the lease term.
The basis used for calculating the periodic lease expense of the asset.
The unique identification number for the lease expense summary.
The interest on lease liability charged to this account.
The initial lease liability, periodic interest on lease liability, and periodic lease payments that are
charged to this account.
The amount of the periodic lease payment that the lessee pays to the lessor.
The gain or loss amount on lease liability for the currency exchange rate changes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
The source from which the lease record was created.
The accumulated lease expense of the asset.
The number of times the lease expense summary has been updated.
The accumulated depreciation charged for the asset for the period.
The periodic payment invoice amount transferred to Oracle Fusion Payables.
The reduction in the amount of lease liability due to the lease payments made to the lessor.
The amount of the lease expense for the asset in the period.
The amount of interest included in the periodic lease payment.
Reporting Retirements
The Reporting Retirements view object contains currency and financial information about asset retirements in each
reporting book associated with the asset in the primary ledger.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingRetirementAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Reporting Retirements descriptive flexfield.
ReportingRetirementBonusReserveRetired Reduction in the bonus depreciation reserve balance due to asset retirement.
ReportingRetirementConvertedFlag Indicates whether the retirement amounts were converted to the reporting currency.
ReportingRetirementCostRetired A term used to describe how much of the current asset amount is retired.
ReportingRetirementLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the retirement transaction.
ReportingRetirementLimitProceedsFlag Indicates whether the member asset proceeds of sale should be limited to its recoverable cost.
ReportingRetirementObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Reporting Retirements row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingRetirementRecaptureAmount The amount the sales proceeds of a member asset retirement exceed the group asset depreciation
ReportingRetirementRecaptureReserveFlag Indicates whether the accumulated depreciation of a group asset can exceed its recoverable cost
without triggering the recognition of a gain.
ReportingRetirementRecognizeGainLoss Indicates whether to recognize gain or loss immediately for member assets.
ReportingRetirementReductionRate Rate used by a group asset to calculate reduced depreciation for its member assets based on the
depreciable basis rule.
The identifier of the prorate convention for retirements.
ReportingRetirementSoldTo Name of the party to whom the asset was sold as part of retirement.
ReportingRetirementStlDeprnAmount Straight line depreciation amount for the reporting of 1250 property in a tax book.
ReportingRetirementStlMethodId Identifier of the straight line depreciation method used to calculate the depreciation for a retirement
ReportingRetirementTerminalGainLoss Indicates how the remaining accumulated depreciation balance in the group asset is treated when
the member asset being retired or transferred out is the last member asset in the group asset, and no
additional asset will be added to the group asset.
ReportingRetirementTradeInAssetId Asset identification number of the new asset for which the retired asset was traded in.
The Retirements view object contains information about asset retirements. Oracle Fusion Assets inserts a row into this
table when you retire an asset and updates it upon reinstatement.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
RetirementBonusReserveRetired Reduction in the bonus depreciation reserve balance due to asset retirement.
RetirementCostRetired A term used to describe how much of the current asset amount is retired.
RetirementLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the retirement transaction.
RetirementLimitProceedsFlag Indicates whether the member asset proceeds of sale should be limited to its recoverable cost.
RetirementObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Reporting Retirements row has been updated.
RetirementRecaptureAmount The amount the sales proceeds of a member asset retirement exceed the group asset depreciation
RetirementRecaptureReserveFlag Indicates whether the accumulated depreciation of a group asset can exceed its recoverable cost
without triggering the recognition of a gain.
RetirementRecognizeGainLoss Indicates whether to recognize gain or loss immediately for member assets.
RetirementReductionRate Rate used by a group asset to calculate reduced depreciation for its member assets based on the
depreciable basis rule.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
RetirementSoldTo Name of the party to whom the asset was sold as part of retirement.
RetirementStlDeprnAmount Straight line depreciation amount for the reporting of 1250 property in a tax book.
RetirementStlMethodId Identifier of the straight line depreciation method used to calculate the depreciation for a retirement
RetirementTerminalGainLoss Indicates how the remaining accumulated depreciation balance in the group asset is treated when
the member asset being retired or transferred out is the last member asset in the group asset, and no
additional asset will be added to the group asset.
RetirementTradeInAssetId Asset identification number of the new asset for which the retired asset was traded in.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Allows capital fund accounting for the asset book.
Option indicating whether to amortize the revaluation reserve of the assets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingRevaluationsAssetId The identifier of the asset number on which the revaluation transaction is performed.
ReportingRevaluationsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the revaluation.
ReportingRevaluationsLastUpdatedBy The session login associated with the user who last updated the revaluation.
ReportingRevaluationsLifeExtensionFactor The factor used to calculate the new life for fully reserved assets.
ReportingRevaluationsLinkedFlag Indicates whether you can reverse the impairment loss as part of revaluation.
ReportingRevaluationsMaxFullyRsvdRevals Default value of the maximum number of revaluations allowed on a fully reserved asset.
ReportingRevaluationsPeriodEndRevalFlag Indicates whether to include the current period depreciation amount in revaluation calculations.
ReportingRevaluationsPriceIndexId A weighted average of prices for a given class of goods or services in a given region, during a given
interval of time.
ReportingRevaluationsPriceIndexValue Price index value to be used to revalue the asset's net book value.
Bonus depreciation reserve of an asset before revaluation.
ReportingRevaluationsPriorDeprnReserve Depreciation reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
ReportingRevaluationsPriorFairMarketValue Fair market value of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
Impairment reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
ReportingRevaluationsPriorRevalAmortBasis Revaluation amortization basis of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
ReportingRevaluationsPriorRevalLossBalanceRevaluation loss balance of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
ReportingRevaluationsPriorRevalReserve Revaluation reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
ReportingRevaluationsRevalAmortBasis Revaluation amortization basis of the asset immediately after the revaluation transaction.
Option indicating whether to revalue the depreciation reserve of the assets.
ReportingRevaluationsRevalPercentage Percentage used to increase or decrease the current net book value or cost of the asset.
The Revaluations view object stores information related to revaluation transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RevaluationsAmortizeRevalReserveFlag Option indicating whether to amortize the revaluation reserve of the assets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
RevaluationsAssetId The identifier of the asset number on which the revaluation transaction is performed.
RevaluationsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the revaluation.
RevaluationsLifeExtensionFactor The factor used to calculate the new life for fully reserved assets.
RevaluationsLinkedFlag Indicates whether you can reverse the impairment loss as part of revaluation.
RevaluationsMaxFullyRsvdRevals Default value of the maximum number of revaluations allowed on a fully reserved asset.
RevaluationsPeriodEndRevalFlag Indicates whether to include the current period depreciation amount in revaluation calculations.
RevaluationsPriceIndexId A weighted average of prices for a given class of goods or services in a given region, during a given
interval of time.
RevaluationsPriceIndexValue Price index value to be used to revalue the asset's net book value.
RevaluationsPriorDeprnReserve Depreciation reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsPriorFairMarketValue Fair market value of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsPriorImpairLossBalance Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsPriorImpairmentReserve Impairment reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
RevaluationsPriorRevalAmortBasis Revaluation amortization basis of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsPriorRevalLossBalance Revaluation loss balance of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsPriorRevalReserve Revaluation reserve of the asset immediately before the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsRevalAmortizationBasis Revaluation amortization basis of the asset immediately after the revaluation transaction.
RevaluationsRevalDeprnReserveFlag Option indicating whether to revalue the depreciation reserve of the assets.
RevaluationsRevalPercentage Percentage used to increase or decrease the current net book value or cost of the asset.
Transaction Extracts
The Transaction Extracts view object contains information about fixed assets and their transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
TrxExtractAssetType Types of assets allowed in Oracle Fusion Assets. The asset types allowed are Capitalized, Construction-
in-Process, Expensed, and Group.
TrxExtractCategoryBookDefaultId The identifier of the default depreciation rules for the category in the book.
TrxExtractCreatedBy The user who created a row in the Transaction Extracts table.
TrxExtractCreationDate The date the row was created in the Transaction Extracts table.
TrxExtractDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates whether a depreciation override amount is allowed for assets in the book.
TrxExtractImpairmentExpense Impairment loss balance of the asset immediately after the impairment.
TrxExtractLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the Transaction Extracts table.
TrxExtractLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the Transaction Extracts table.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
TrxExtractNewBooksTrxIdIn The unique identifier of the latest transaction that was performed.
TrxExtractOldBooksTrxIdIn The unique identifier of the transaction before the latest transaction was performed.
TrxExtractSalvageValue Value an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.
TrxExtractSourceDestCode Indicates whether this line is on the source or destination side of a transaction.
TrxExtractSourceDistributionType Indicates whether the row was extracted for a transaction or periodic depreciation row.
TrxExtractTrackMemberFlag Option indicating whether the account information is created at the member asset level or at group
asset level.
TrxExtractTransactionTypeCode A classification of events that can occur during an asset's life. For example, additions, adjustments, or
TrxExtractTrxExtractId Unique sequence-generated identifier for the row in the transaction extract.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
Transaction Headers
The Transaction Headers view object contains information about Assets transactions, such as additions, adjustments,
transfers, full retirements, partial retirements, and reinstatements.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionHeaderAmortizationStartDate The date from which the amortization calculation begins for an asset transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
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Name Description
TransactionHeaderAttributeCategoryCode The context name for the Transaction Headers descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderCallingInterface The source interface from which the transaction was created.
TransactionHeaderCreatedBy The user who created the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderCreationDate The date and time of the creation of the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that is associated with the Transaction Headers table for
accounting purposes.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Transaction Headers Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the row in the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the Transaction Headers table.
TransactionHeaderMassReferenceId The request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderMassTransactionId Identifier of the mass transaction that invoked the transaction if it is part of a mass transaction.
Identifier of the member asset transaction that spawned this transaction for the group asset.
TransactionHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number of times the Transaction Header row has been updated.
TransactionHeaderProrateDate The date from which the depreciation charge is effective for the asset transaction.
Unique identifier for a transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
TransactionHeaderTransactionSubtype A subclassification of events that an asset can face during its life.
TransactionHeaderTransactionTypeCode A classification of events that can occur during an asset's life. For example, additions, adjustments, or
Transaction References
The Transaction References view object contains information about transactions between assets where two or more
dependent transactions are performed at one time.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionReferenceCreatedBy The user who created the row in the Transaction References table.
The amortization start date for the destination asset transaction.
TransactionReferenceDestAssetId The unique identifier of the destination asset on which the transaction occurred.
TransactionReferenceDestEofyReserve The depreciation reserve of the destination asset at the end of the previous fiscal year.
TransactionReferenceDestExpenseAmount The amount entered for catch-up depreciation expense on the destination asset transaction.
Unique identifier of the destination transaction.
More details about the type of transaction for the destination asset.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
TransactionReferenceEventId Unique identifier of the transaction event that's associated with this transaction reference for
accounting purposes.
TransactionReferenceLastUpdateDate The date when the transaction reference was last updated.
TransactionReferenceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the transaction reference.
Identifier of the member asset transaction that spawned this transaction for the group asset.
TransactionReferenceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the transaction reference has been updated.
The reserve amount transferred between assets.
The amortization start date for the source asset transaction.
TransactionReferenceSrcAssetId The unique identifier of the source asset on which the transaction occurred.
TransactionReferenceSrcEofyReserve The amount entered for the reserve of the prior fiscal year for the source asset.
TransactionReferenceSrcExpenseAmount The amount entered for catch-up depreciation expense on the source asset transaction.
TransactionReferenceSrcTransactionSubtypeMore details about the type of transaction for the source asset.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
AdditionTranslationCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the asset addition transaction in the translation table.
AdditionTranslationCreationDate The date the asset addition was created in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLanguage The language code of the translated language to which the contents of the additions extract tables
were translated.
AdditionTranslationLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change of the asset addition in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the addition in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the asset addition in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the asset addition was updated in the translated table.
AdditionTranslationSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CategoryTranslationCreatedBy The user name of the person who created the category in the translation table.
CategoryTranslationCreationDate The date the asset category was created in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationLanguage The language code of the translated language to which the contents of the category extract tables
were translated.
CategoryTranslationLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change of the category extract in the translated table.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Name Description
CategoryTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the category in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the asset category in the translated table.
CategoryTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the asset category was updated in the translatable table.
CategoryTranslationSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 3
Extract Data Stores for Financials Assets
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
4 Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BankAccountUsePEOApUseEnableFlag Indicates whether the business unit access is enabled for payables function. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountUsePEOArUseEnableFlag Indicates whether the business unit access is enabled for receivables function. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountUsePEOBankAccountId The unique identifier of the bank account. This is the foreign key to the Bank Accounts view object.
BankAccountUsePEOBankAcctUseId The unique identifier of the bank account use. This is the primary key of the Bank Account Use view
BankAccountUsePEOCreatedBy The user who created the business unit access to the bank account.
BankAccountUsePEOCreationDate The date and time when the business unit access was created.
BankAccountUsePEOEndDate The last date when the business unit access was available.
BankAccountUsePEOLastUpdateDate The date when the bank account user row was last updated.
BankAccountUsePEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the bank account use.
BankAccountUsePEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank account use row.
BankAccountUsePEOObjectVersionNumber The number of times the bank account use row has been updated.
BankAccountUsePEOOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the bank account. This is a foreign key to the FUN_
BankAccountUsePEOPayUseEnableFlag Indicates whether the business unit access is enabled for payroll function. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BankAccountBalanceBalanceCode The nature of the bank account balance. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CE_
BankAccountBalanceBalanceCurr The currency of the bank account balance. This is a foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table.
BankAccountBalanceBankAccountId The unique identifier of the bank account on which the balance is reported. This is a foreign key to the
BankAccountBalanceCreationDate The date and time when the bank account balance was created.
BankAccountBalanceLastUpdateDate The date and time when the bank account balance was last updated.
BankAccountBalanceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the bank account balance.
BankAccountBalanceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank account balance.
BankAccountBalanceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the bank account balance row has been updated.
BankAccountBalanceStatementHeaderId The unique identifier of the bank statement on which the balance is reported. This is a foreign key to
BankAccountBalanceStmtBalanceId The unique identifier of the bank account balance. This is the primary key of the Bank Account
Balances view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Bank Account
The bank account view object contains legal entity level bank account information such as account name, account
number, currency, bank account usage by functions, the cash and cash clearing account combinations and so on.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BankAccountReportPEOAccountClassificationIndicates whether the bank account is internal or external. A list of accepted values is defined in the
The alternate name of account holder of the bank account.
BankAccountReportPEOAccountOwnerOrgIdThe identifier of the legal entity owning the bank account. This is a foreign key to the XLE_ENTITY_
The identifier of the party associated to the account owner. This is a foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES
BankAccountReportPEOApUseAllowedFlag Indicates whether the bank account is enabled for payables function. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountReportPEOArUseAllowedFlag Indicates whether the bank account is enabled for receivables function. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The unique identifier of the cash account code combination. This is a foreign key to the GL_CODE_
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankAccountReportPEOAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Bank Accounts descriptive flexfield.
BankAccountReportPEOBankAccountId The unique identifier of the bank account. This is the primary key of the Bank Account view object.
The alternate name of the bank account. This is useful for businesses in Japan.
The electronic bank account number used for electronic transfer of funds.
BankAccountReportPEOBankAccountType Indicates whether the account is savings, checking or others. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE.
BankAccountReportPEOBankBranchId The unique identifier of the bank branch associated to the bank account. This is a foreign key to the
The conversion rate type used for bank statement reconciliation for multi-currency bank accounts.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankAccountReportPEOBankId The unique identifier of the bank associated to the bank account. This is a foreign key to the CE_
BANKS_V view.
This is a list of segments that represent the general ledger cash account and are used to retrieve
multiple cash account combinations for journal reconciliation.
BankAccountReportPEOCashClearingCcid The unique identifier of the cash clearing account code combination. This is a foreign key to the GL_
BankAccountReportPEOCheckDigits The check digits used for validation of the bank account number.
BankAccountReportPEOCreationDate The date and time when the bank account was created.
BankAccountReportPEOCurrencyCode The currency of the bank account. This is the foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table.
BankAccountReportPEODataSecurityFlag Indicates whether the bank account is secured by users and roles. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountReportPEOEftUserNum The electronic file transfer user number for the bank account.
BankAccountReportPEOGlCurExcRateType The accounting conversion rate type used to convert external cash transaction amount from bank
account currency to ledger currency.
BankAccountReportPEOGlReconStartDate The date when manual journal entries start being available for reconciliation.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment of the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment of the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment of the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment of the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment of the Bank Accounts global descriptive flexfield.
BankAccountReportPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the bank account row was last updated.
BankAccountReportPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the bank account.
BankAccountReportPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank account row.
The identifier of the manual tolerance rule attached to the bank account. This is a foreign key to the
BankAccountReportPEOMaxCheckAmount The maximum payment amount allowed for bank account in a payment batch.
BankAccountReportPEOMaxOutlay The maximum payment batch allowed for the bank account.
BankAccountReportPEOMinCheckAmount The minimum payment amount allowed for bank account in a payment batch.
Indicates whether multiple cash account combinations can be considered for journal reconciliation. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Indicates whether bank account can be used for multiple currency payments or receipts. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountReportPEONettingAcctFlag Indicates whether the bank account is a netting account. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
The number of times the bank account row has been updated.
BankAccountReportPEOParsingRuleSetId The identifier of the parsing rule set attached to the bank account. This is a foreign key to the CE_
BankAccountReportPEOPayUseAllowedFlag Indicates whether the bank account is enabled for payroll function. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountReportPEOPooledFlag Indicates whether the bank account is pooled or not pooled. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
BankAccountReportPEOReconDifferenceCcidThe unique identifier of the reconciliation difference account code combination. This is a foreign key to
BankAccountReportPEOReconRulesetId The unique identifier of the reconciliation rule set attached to the bank account.
BankAccountReportPEOReconStartDate The date when the bank account can be used for bank statement reconciliation.
BankAccountReportPEOReversalProcessCodeThis specifies the method used to reverse receipts based on reversal bank statement lines during
automatic reconciliation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_CE_AUTOREC_
The secondary account reference such as building society roll number associated to the bank account.
The identifier of the general ledger transaction calendar. This is a foreign key to the GL_
BankAccountReportPEOZeroAmountAllowedIndicates whether the bank account can be used for zero amount payments. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankStatementHeaderAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Bank Statement Headers descriptive flexfield.
BankStatementHeaderAutorecProcessCode The status of the automatic reconciliation program completion. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type AUTO_REC_PROCESS_CODE.
BankStatementHeaderAutorecProcessId The unique identifier of the automatic reconciliation process. This is a foreign key to the REQUEST_
HISTORY table.
BankStatementHeaderBalanceCheck The amount difference between the opening balance plus all activities compared to the closing balance
reported on the bank statement. If the amount does not equal zero there is an issue with the bank
statement and needs to be investigated.
BankStatementHeaderBankAccountId The unique identifier of the bank account. This is a foreign key to the CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS table.
BankStatementHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the bank statement header was created.
BankStatementHeaderCurrencyCode The currency of the bank statement. This is a foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table.
BankStatementHeaderElectronicSeqNum The sequential number of the statement, assigned by the account servicer. It is increased incrementally
for each statement sent electronically.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Bank Statement Headers global descriptive
BankStatementHeaderInboundFileId The identifier of the file from where the statement is imported. This is a foreign key to the IBY_
BankStatementHeaderIntradayFlag Indicates whether the bank statement is an intraday bank statement. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankStatementHeaderLastUpdateDate The date and time when the bank statement header was last updated.
BankStatementHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the bank statement header.
BankStatementHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank statement header.
BankStatementHeaderLegalSeqNum The legal sequential number of the bank statement, assigned by the account servicer.
BankStatementHeaderObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the bank statement header row has been updated.
BankStatementHeaderReconStatusCode The reconciliation status of the bank statement. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
BankStatementHeaderStatementDate The date when the bank statement was created. It appears on the bank statement.
BankStatementHeaderStatementEntryType Indicates whether the bank statement is manually entered or electronically imported. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type STMT_ENTRY_TYPE.
BankStatementHeaderStatementHeaderId The unique identifier of the bank statement. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement Headers
view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The rate used to calculate the amount of the charge or fee.
The code of the transaction charge service. This code indicates a service that is a charge is asked or
paid, for example, brokerage fees.
BankStatementLineChargesChargesAmt The charge amount of the bank statement line to be paid by the charge bearer.
BankStatementLineChargesChargesCurr The currency of the bank statement line charge amount. This is a foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES
BankStatementLineChargesCreatedBy The user who created the bank statement line charge.
BankStatementLineChargesCreationDate The date and time when the bank statement line charge was created.
BankStatementLineChargesLastUpdateDate The date and time when the bank statement line charge was last updated.
BankStatementLineChargesLastUpdateLoginThe session login associated with the user who last updated the bank statement line charge.
BankStatementLineChargesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank statement line charge.
The number of times the bank statement line charge row has been updated.
BankStatementLineChargesStatementLineId The unique identifier of the bank statement line. This is a foreign key to the CE_STATEMENT_LINES
The unique identifier of the bank statement line charge. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement
Line Charges view object.
BankStatementLineChargesTaxAmount The value of a tax for a given tax jurisdiction for a given tax event.
BankStatementLineChargesTaxCurr The currency that the tax transactions are to be reported. This is a foreign key to the FND_
BankStatementLineChargesTaxId The reference identifying the nature of tax levied, for example, Value Added Tax.
BankStatementLineChargesTaxRate The rate specified for a tax status for an effective time period. A tax rate can be expressed as a
percentage or a value per unit quantity.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
The code that specifies which party bates the charges associated with the processing of the payment
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BBankStatementLinesReversalIndFlag Indicates whether the entry is the result of a reversal operation. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankStatementLinesAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfields context name for the Bank Statement Lines descriptive flexfields.
BankStatementLinesBookingDate The date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account servicer's books.
BankStatementLinesClearingSystemRef The unique and unambiguous identifier for a payment instruction, assigned by the clearing system.
BankStatementLinesCommWaiverIndFlag Indicates whether the transaction is exempted from commission. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
BankStatementLinesContractIdentification The unique and unambiguous identifier of the foreign exchange contract.
BankStatementLinesCreationDate The date and time when the bank statement line was created.
BankStatementLinesEndToEndId The unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction.
This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
BankStatementLinesExceptionFlag Indicates whether a reconciliation exception is found for the statement line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
BankStatementLinesExternalTransactionId The unique identifier of the external cash transaction created from a bank statement line. This is a
foreign key of the bank statement transaction created in the CE_EXTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS table.
BankStatementLinesFlowIndicator Indicates whether a debit or credit is entered on the bank statement line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type FLOW_INDICATOR.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankStatementLinesGlobalAttributeCategoryThe global descriptive flexfields context name for the Bank Statement Lines global descriptive
BankStatementLinesInstructionIdentificationThe unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously
identify the instruction. It is a point to point reference.
BankStatementLinesLastUpdateDate The date and time when the bank statement line was last updated.
BankStatementLinesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the bank statement line.
BankStatementLinesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the bank statement line.
BankStatementLinesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the bank statement line row has been updated.
BankStatementLinesReconHistoryId The unique identifier of the last reconciliation performed for the bank statement line. This is a foreign
key to the CE_RECON_HISTORY table.
BankStatementLinesReconReference The reconciliation reference of the bank statement line. It is an identifier used for reconciliation
BankStatementLinesReconStatus Indicates whether a statement line is reconciled or not. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type CE_RECON_STATUS.
BankStatementLinesStatementHeaderId The unique identifier of the bank statement header. This is a foreign key to the CE_STATEMENT_
HEADERS table.
BankStatementLinesStatementLineId The unique identifier of the bank statement line. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement Lines
view object.
BankStatementLinesTransactionId The unique identification assigned by the first instructing agent to unambiguously identify the
transaction and passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank chain.
BankStatementLinesTrxCodeId The unique identifier of the transaction code associated to the bank statement line. This is a foreign
key to the CE_TRANSACTION_CODES table.
BankStatementLinesTrxCurrCode The original transaction currency of the bank statement line. This is a foreign key to the FND_
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
BankStatementLinesTrxType The transaction type of the bank statement line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
BankStatementLinesValueDate The date assets become available to the account owner in a credit entry, or cease to be available to the
account owner in a debit entry.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReconExceptionCreationDate The date and time when the reconciliation exception was created.
ReconExceptionExceptionType The type of the exception. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CE_RECON_
ReconExceptionLastUpdateDate The date and time when the reconciliation exception was last updated.
ReconExceptionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the reconciliation exception.
ReconExceptionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the reconciliation exception row has been updated.
ReconExceptionReconExceptionId The unique identifier of the reconciliation exception. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement
Reconciliation Exceptions view object.
ReconExceptionReconMatchingRuleId The identifier of the bank statement reconciliation matching rule. This is a foreign key to the CE_
ReconExceptionReconToleranceRuleId The identifier of the bank statement reconciliation tolerance rule. This is a foreign key to the CE_
ReconExceptionStatementHeaderId The identifier of the bank statement to which the statement line belongs. This is a foreign key to the
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
ReconExceptionStatementLineId The identifier of the bank statement line of the possible match pair. This is a foreign key to the CE_
ReconExceptionTransactionId The identifier of the system transaction. This is a foreign key to the CE_AVAILABLE_TRANSACTIONS_V
ReconExceptionTransactionSource The source of the transaction in the possible match pair. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type CE_RECON_SOURCE
ReconExceptionTrxLineId The supplementary identifier of the system transaction from a source like Oracle Fusion General
Ledger that uses composite keys. This is a composite key to the CE_AVAILABLE_TRANSACTIONS_V
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReconMatchingRuleActiveFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is active. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleAmountMatchFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule should match on amount. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleApSourceFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is used to reconcile payables transactions. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleArSourceFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is used to reconcile receivables transactions. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleCreationDate The date and time when the reconciliation matching rule was created.
ReconMatchingRuleDateMatchFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule should match on date. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
ReconMatchingRuleExtSourceFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is used to reconcile cash management external cash
transactions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleGlSourceFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is used to reconcile journal entry lines. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time when the reconciliation matching rule was last updated.
ReconMatchingRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the reconciliation matching rule.
ReconMatchingRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the reconciliation matching rule.
ReconMatchingRuleMatchType The matching type of the reconciliation matching rule. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
ReconMatchingRuleObjectVersionNumber The number of times the reconciliation matching rule row has been updated.
ReconMatchingRulePaySourceFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule is used to reconcile payroll transactions. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleReconMatchingRuleId The unique identifier of the reconciliation matching rule. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching Rules view object.
ReconMatchingRuleReferenceIdMatchFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule should match on reconciliation reference. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconMatchingRuleStmtGroupby The group by clause on the bank statement line side. It is used in automatic reconciliation.
ReconMatchingRuleTrxGroupby The group by clause on the system transaction side. It is used in automatic reconciliation.
ReconMatchingRuleTypeMatchFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation matching rule should match on transaction type. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ReconToleranceRuleActiveFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation tolerance rule is active. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
ReconToleranceRuleAmountEnabledFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation tolerance rule is enabled for amount tolerance. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconToleranceRuleCreationDate The date and time when the reconciliation tolerance rule was created.
ReconToleranceRuleDateEnabledFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation tolerance rule is enabled for date tolerance. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ReconToleranceRuleDaysAfter The number of days after the statement booking date that is used for the date tolerance.
ReconToleranceRuleDaysBefore The number of days before the statement booking date that is used for the date tolerance.
ReconToleranceRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time when the reconciliation tolerance rule was last updated.
ReconToleranceRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the reconciliation tolerance rule.
ReconToleranceRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the reconciliation tolerance rule.
ReconToleranceRuleObjectVersionNumber The number of times the reconciliation tolerance rule row has been updated.
ReconToleranceRuleReconToleranceRuleId The unique identifier of the reconciliation tolerance rule. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance Rules view object.
ReconToleranceRulesPercentEnabledFlag Indicates whether the reconciliation tolerance rule is enabled for percent tolerance. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BankTransactionCodesCreationDate The date and time when the transaction code was created.
BankTransactionCodesDomain The ISO domain associated with the transaction code. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
BankTransactionCodesFamily The ISO family associated with the transaction code. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
BankTransactionCodesLastUpdateDate The date and time when the transaction code was last updated.
BankTransactionCodesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the transaction code.
BankTransactionCodesObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the transaction code row has been updated.
BankTransactionCodesSeededFlag Indicates whether the transaction code is predefined. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
BankTransactionCodesSubFamily The ISO subfamily associated with the transaction code. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type CE_SUBFAMILY.
BankTransactionCodesTransactionCodeId The unique identifier of the transaction code. This is the primary key of the Bank Statement
Transaction Codes view object.
BankTransactionCodesTrxType The transaction type associated with the transaction code. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type CE_TRX_TYPE.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExternalTransactionsAccountingFlag The option that indicates whether the accounting event is raised when the external transaction is
reconciled. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
ExternalTransactionsAssetCcid The cash general ledger account combination of the external transaction. This is a foreign key to the
ExternalTransactionsAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the External Cash Transactions descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
ExternalTransactionsBankAccountId The unique identifier of the bank account associated to the external transaction. This is a foreign key to
ExternalTransactionsBusinessUnitId The identifier of the business unit associated to the external transaction. This is a foreign key to the
ExternalTransactionsCreationDate The date and time when the external transaction was created.
ExternalTransactionsCurrencyCode The currency of the external transaction. This is a foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table.
ExternalTransactionsExternalTransactionId The unique identifier of the external transaction. This is the primary key of the External Cash
Transactions view object.
ExternalTransactionsLastUpdateDate The date and time when the external transaction was last updated.
ExternalTransactionsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the external transaction.
ExternalTransactionsLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity associated to the external transaction. This is a foreign key to the XLE_
ExternalTransactionsObjectVersionNumber The number of times the external transaction row has been updated.
ExternalTransactionsOffsetCcid The offset general ledger account combination of the external transaction. This is a foreign key to the
ExternalTransactionsReconHistoryId The unique identifier of the last reconciliation performed for the external transaction. This is a foreign
key to the CE_RECON_HISTORY table.
ExternalTransactionsSource The source of the external transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CE_EXT_
ExternalTransactionsStatementLineId The bank statement line identifier from which the external transaction is created. It is updated when
the transaction source is STMT. This is a foreign key to the CE_STATEMENT_LINES table.
ExternalTransactionsStatus The status of the external transaction. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CE_EXT_
ExternalTransactionsTransactionType The transaction type of the external transaction. Examples include Bank adjustment, Fee, Check,
Electronic funds transfer, Interest, Zero balancing, Lockbox, Miscellaneous, and Automated clearing
house. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type CE_TRX_TYPE.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 4
Extract Data Stores for Financials Cash Management
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
5 Expenses
Expense Distributions
The expense distributions view object contains distribution information for a specific expense line.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExpenseDistributionCodeCombinationId The identifier of the accounting code combination to which the expense is charged.
ExpenseDistributionCreationDate The date and time when the expense distribution was created.
ExpenseDistributionExpenseReportId The identifier of the expense report which includes the expense corresponding to this distribution.
ExpenseDistributionId The unique identifier of the expense distribution of a specific expense item.
ExpenseDistributionLastUpdateDate The date and time when the expense distribution row was last updated.
ExpenseDistributionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the expense distribution row.
ExpenseDistributionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the expense distribution row.
ExpenseDistributionObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ExpenseDistributionPjcContextCategory The segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related
standardized cost collection.
ExpenseDistributionPjcContractId The identifier of the contract. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants
Accounting is installed.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseDistributionPjcContractLineId The identifier of contract line information. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle
Grants Accounting is installed.
ExpenseDistributionPjcExpenditureTypeId The expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction
ExpenseDistributionPjcFundingAllocationId The name of the project funding override. This attribute is used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle
Grants Accounting is installed
ExpenseDistributionPjcOrganizationId The identifier for expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for
project-related transaction distributions.
ExpenseDistributionPjcProjectId The identifier of the project used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related
transaction distributions.
ExpenseDistributionPjcTaskId The identifier of the task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related
transaction distributions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseDistributionPreparerModifiedFlag Indicates whether the expense preparer modified the account or project distribution.
ExpenseDistributionReimbursableAmount The amount to be reimbursed to the individual against this expense distribution.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
Expense Reports
The expense reports view object contains general information for expense reports, such as the report number, purpose
of the report, and the person on the expense report.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExpenseReportApplyCashAdvFlag Indicates whether available cash advances are applied to this expense report.
ExpenseReportAssignmentId The identifier of the assignment of the person on the expense report.
ExpenseReportAttributeCategory The context name for the Expense Reports descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseReportAttributeTimestamp1 A date and time segment for the Expense Reports descriptive flexfield.
ExpenseReportAttributeTimestamp2 A date and time segment for the Expense Reports descriptive flexfield.
ExpenseReportAuditCode The audit type for the expense report based on receipt requirements, such as original receipt-based
audit and imaged receipt-based audit.
ExpenseReportAuditPriorMgrStatusCode The expense report approval status when expense auditor audits an expense report before manager
approvals are complete.
ExpenseReportAuditReturnReasonCode The reason why the expense report was returned to the individual during audit.
ExpenseReportBothpayFlag Indicates whether the expense report contains corporate card transactions with Both Pay payment
ExpenseReportCashExpensePaidDate The date when cash expense was reimbursed to the individual.
ExpenseReportCreationDate The date and time when the expense report was created.
ExpenseReportCreationMethodCode The method of expense report creation, such as mobile iOS device or mobile Android device.
ExpenseReportDate The month, day, and year in which an expense report is saved or submitted.
ExpenseReportExchangeRateType The conversion rate type used for calculating the reimbursable amount.
ExpenseReportExpRepProcessingId The identifier of the details of expense report, such as report status change history.
ExpenseReportExpenseStatusCode The expense report approval status, such as Approved, Pending Manager Approval, or Paid.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseReportExpenseStatusDate The date when expense report acquired the current status.
ExpenseReportExportRejectCode The reason for the rejection of the expense report by the payment request creation process.
ExpenseReportExportRequestId The identifier of a specific instance of the expense reimbursement process that processed this report.
ExpenseReportHoldingExpenseReportId The identifier of the expense report that is on payment hold, thereby preventing the reimbursement of
this expense report.
ExpenseReportImagedReceiptsStatusCode The status of the imaged receipts for an expense report, such as Required, Missing, and Received.
ExpenseReportLastAuditBy The identifier of the expense auditor who previously audited the expense report.
ExpenseReportLastUpdateDate The date and time when the expense report row was last updated.
ExpenseReportLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the expense report row.
ExpenseReportLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the expense report row.
ExpenseReportMissingImagesReason The reason why imaged receipts are not submitted with the expense report.
ExpenseReportNum The unique number that references an expense report and follows the numbering policies of the
ExpenseReportObjectVersionNumber Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated.
The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has
updated the row since it was queried.
ExpenseReportOverdueRcptCorrelationId The human workflow composite identifier of the overdue receipt notification.
ExpenseReportOverrideApproverId The identifier of the person chosen as the initial approver by the individual.
ExpenseReportPaymentHoldCorrelationId The human workflow composite identifier of the expense report payment hold notification.
ExpenseReportPaymentMethodCode The method of payment for this expense report such as check, cash, or credit.
ExpenseReportPersonId The identifier of the person whose expenses are included in this expense report.
ExpenseReportPreparerId The identifier of the person who created the expense report.
ExpenseReportReceiptsFilingNumber The receipt filing number that is manually entered by the expense auditor.
ExpenseReportReceiptsReceivedDate The date when receipts for the expense report are received.
ExpenseReportReceiptsStatusCode The receipt status of an expense report, such as Missing, Required, and Received.
ExpenseReportReimbursementCurrencyCodeThe currency of the amount to be reimbursed to the individual for the expenses incurred.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseReportSubmitDate The month, day, and year in which an expense report is submitted.
ExpenseReportTotal The total amount of the expense report in reimbursement currency. Amount in approver preferred
currency is also shown if approver has a different preferred currency.
ExpenseReportUnappliedAdvancesJust The justification for not applying an outstanding cash advance against this expense report.
ExpenseReportUnappliedCashAdvReason The reason outstanding cash advances are not applied to this expense report.
Expense Templates
The Expense Templates view objects contains sets of expense types grouped for specific purposes by business unit,
such as education, travel, relocation, and so on.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExpenseTemplateAllowRcptMissingFlag Indicates whether users can mark that receipts are missing when they submit their expense report.
ExpenseTemplateCashReceiptReqFlag Indicates whether receipts are required for cash expense lines above a specified amount.
ExpenseTemplateCcReceiptReqFlag Indicates whether receipts are required for corporate card expense lines above a specified limit.
ExpenseTemplateCcReceiptReqLimit The amount above which a corporate card expense requires a receipt.
ExpenseTemplateCreationDate The date and time when the expense report template was created.
ExpenseTemplateDfltCcExpTypeId The identifier of the expense type assigned to a credit card transaction if the expense type mapping is
not defined.
ExpenseTemplateDispRcptViolationFlag Indicates whether the receipt missing policy warning is displayed to the user.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseTemplateEnableCcMappingFlag Indicates whether the lookup codes from the charge file are associated with the company's expense
ExpenseTemplateInactiveDate The date from which the expense type can no longer be used.
ExpenseTemplateLastUpdateDate The date and time when the expense report template row was last updated.
ExpenseTemplateLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the expense report template.
ExpenseTemplateLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the expense report template row.
ExpenseTemplateNegativeRcptReqFlag Indicates whether receipt requirement rules are applied to negative expense lines.
ExpenseTemplateObjectVersionNumber The number of times the expense report template row has been updated.
ExpenseTemplateOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the expense report template.
ExpenseTemplateStartDate The date from which the expense type is available for use in expense reports.
Expense Types
The Expense Types view object contains information of expense types that are defined for an expense report template
and the associated corporate policies.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExpenseTypeCategoryCode The code that identifies the expense category assigned to the expense item.
ExpenseTypeCcReceiptRequiredFlag Indicates whether receipts are required for corporate card expense lines above a specified limit.
ExpenseTypeCcReceiptThreshold The amount above which a corporate card expense requires a receipt.
ExpenseTypeCodeCombinationId The identifier of the general ledger account that accounts for the expense type.
ExpenseTypeCreationDate The date and time when the expense type was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseTypeDefaultProjExpendType The project expenditure type assigned to an expense type that is not set up at the project level.
ExpenseTypeDescription Indicates whether the receipt missing policy warning is displayed to the user.
ExpenseTypeDispRcptViolationFlag Indicates whether the receipt missing policy warning is displayed to the user.
ExpenseTypeEnableProjectsFlag Indicates whether the expense type can be used to charge project expenses.
ExpenseTypeEndDate The date from which the expense template can no longer be used.
ExpenseTypeItemizationBehaviourCode The code that identifies whether itemization is disabled, enabled, or required for the expense type.
ExpenseTypeLastUpdateDate The date and time when the expense type row was last updated.
ExpenseTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the expense type.
ExpenseTypeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the expense type row.
ExpenseTypeName The name of the expense type as it appears in the expense report.
ExpenseTypeNegativeRcptReqCode The code that identifies whether receipt requirement rules are applied to negative expense lines.
ExpenseTypeObjectVersionNumber The number of times the expense type row has been updated.
ExpenseTypeOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the expense type.
ExpenseTypeRcptRequiredProjFlag Indicates whether a receipt is required for the project-enabled expense type.
ExpenseTypeReceiptRequiredFlag Indicates whether receipts are required for cash expense lines above a specified amount.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseTypeStartDate The date from which the expense template is available for use in expense reports.
ExpenseTypeTaxClassificationCode The code that identifies the default tax assigned to the expense item.
ExpenseTypeTemplateId The identifier of the expense template that contains the expense type.
The expenses view object represents detailed information about expense items for individual expense reports you
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ExpenseAllocationReason The reason for updating allocations for this report line.
ExpenseAllocationSplitCode Indicates how this expense line is split. A null value indicates that the line is not split.
ExpenseAttributeDatetime1 A date and time segment for the Expenses descriptive flexfield.
ExpenseAttributeDatetime2 A date and time segment for the Expenses descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseAuditAdjustmentReason The reason for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual during audit.
ExpenseAuditAdjustmentReasonCode The reason code for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual during audit.
ExpenseAvgMileageRate The average mileage rate including additional applicable rates such as passenger rates and rates for
hauling a trailer.
ExpenseCcPrepaidInvoiceId The identifier of the payment request generated to reimburse the individual.
ExpenseCcPrepaidRequestId The request identifier of the job that processes a corporate card transaction for reimbursement to
corporate card issuer. Applicable only when payment liability is company pay.
ExpenseCheckoutDate The date when a person departs a place associated with an accommodation expense category.
ExpenseCreationDate The date and time when the expense was created.
ExpenseCreationMethodCode The method of expense item creation, such as mobile iOS device or mobile Android device.
ExpenseDistanceUnitCode The unit of the distance traveled, such as kilometer and mile.
ExpenseExchangeRate The rate that represents the amount one currency can be exchanged for another at a specific point in
ExpenseFuelType The types of fuel for which fuel charge reimbursement is permitted.
ExpenseFuncCurrencyAmount The amount to be reimbursed to the individual in functional currency for expenses incurred.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseInactiveEmpProcessId The request identifier of the job that processes the expenses of inactive employees. Applicable only if
the expense is processed after the employee is terminated.
ExpenseItemizationParentExpenseId The unique identifier of the parent expense of an itemized expense item. Possible values are NULL
indicating that the expense is not itemized, -1 indicating that the expense is a parent line with
itemization, and greater than 0 indicating that the expense is an itemized child line and the value is the
parent line's identifier.
ExpenseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the expense row was last updated.
ExpenseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the expense row.
ExpenseMerchantName The name of the merchant where the expense was incurred.
ExpenseMerchantReference The purchase identification of a transaction provided by the merchant at the point of sale.
ExpenseMerchantTaxRegNumber The unique sequence of letters or numbers assigned to a party or party site, by a tax authority, when it
is registered and by which the party or party site registration will be identified.
ExpenseMileageRateAdjustedFlag Indicates whether the mileage rate was adjusted after expense report approval.
ExpenseNumberOfAttendees The number of people that attended the event for which an expense was incurred. For example, the
number of people that attended a business dinner or an entertainment event.
ExpenseObjectVersionNumber Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated.
The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has
updated the row since it was queried.
ExpenseOrigReimbursableAmount The original amount to be reimbursed to the individual for this expense.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpensePassengerRateType The passenger rate type used for mileage reimbursement for this expense.
ExpensePolicyShortpayFlag Indicates whether the expense is short paid due to policy noncompliance.
ExpenseRangeHigh The higher limit of the distance threshold range used in mileage rate calculation.
ExpenseRangeLow The lower limit of the distance threshold range used in mileage rate calculation.
ExpenseRatePerPassenger The applicable mileage rate per passenger for this expense.
ExpenseReceiptMissingDecReqFlag Indicates whether an expense item with missing receipts is required to submit missing receipts
ExpenseReceiptMissingFlag Indicates whether the receipts are missing for this expense.
ExpenseReceiptVerifiedFlag Indicates whether the auditor verified the receipt for this expense.
ExpenseReimbursableAmount The amount to be reimbursed to the individual in reimbursable currency for this expense.
ExpenseReimbursementCurrencyCode The currency of the amount to be reimbursed to the individual for expenses incurred.
ExpenseSequenceNum The sequence in which expenses items are entered into an expense report.
ExpenseStartDate The date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days.
ExpenseTicketClassCode The cabin class of a flight or ship, for example business or economy.
ExpenseTripDistance The total distance traveled during a business trip for which mileage reimbursement is requested.
ExpenseTrxnAvailableDate The date when a corporate card transaction is available for inclusion in an expense report.
ExpenseTypeCategoryCode The grouping of expense types and additional data fields that are relevant for a particular grouping of
expenses. An example is airfare. This grouping allows expense types to include information such as
class of fare, merchant, ticket number, location from, and location to.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Name Description
ExpenseUomDays The number of per diem expense days calculated based on the unit of measure.
ExpenseVehicleCategoryCode The grouping of vehicle types such as, company, private, or rental.
ExpenseVehicleType The types of vehicles for which mileage reimbursement is permitted such as, car, motorcycle, and van.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 5
Extract Data Stores for Financials Expenses
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Extract Data Stores for Financials Financials Common Module
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BusinessFunctionCreationDate The date and time the business function was created.
BusinessFunctionGenerateFinTxnFlag The indicator for whether the business function generates financial transactions and whether currency
information is needed.
BusinessFunctionLastUpdateDate The date and time the business function row was last updated
BusinessFunctionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the business function.
BusinessFunctionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the business function row.
BusinessFunctionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the business function row has been updated.
BusinessFunctionTLCreationDate The date and time the translated business function was created.
BusinessFunctionTLLanguage The code of the target language for the translated business function.
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the translated business function was last updated.
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the translated business function.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Extract Data Stores for Financials Financials Common Module
Name Description
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated business function.
BusinessFunctionTLObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated business function row has been updated.
BusinessFunctionTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the translated business function.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BuUsageCreationDate The date and time the business unit usage was created.
BuUsageLastUpdateDate The date and time the business unit usage row was last updated.
BuUsageLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the business unit usage.
BuUsageLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the business unit usage row.
BuUsageModuleId The unique identifier that determines the business function associated with the business unit.
BuUsageObjectVersionNumber The number of times the business unit usage row has been updated.
Business Units
The business units view object contains information about only the business units.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Extract Data Stores for Financials Financials Common Module
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
FunBuPerfPEOCreationDate The date and time the business unit was created.
FunBuPerfPEODateFrom The start date of the date range within which the business unit is effective.
FunBuPerfPEODateTo The end date of the date range within which the business unit is effective.
FunBuPerfPEOLastUpdateDate The date and time the business unit row was last updated.
FunBuPerfPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the business unit.
FunBuPerfPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the business unit row.
FunBuPerfPEOStatus The status of the business unit. Possible values are Active and Inactive.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 6
Extract Data Stores for Financials Financials Common Module
Name Description
BusinessFunctionTLCreationDate The date and time the translated business function was created.
BusinessFunctionTLLanguage The code of the target language for the translated business function.
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the translated business function was last updated.
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the translated business function.
BusinessFunctionTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated business function.
BusinessFunctionTLObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated business function row has been updated.
BusinessFunctionTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the translated business function.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
7 General Ledger
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AccountingCalendarDescription The description of the AccountingCalendar entity object provided by the user or source application.
AccountingCalendarSecurityFlag Indicates whether the calendar setup definition is secured. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
PeriodAdjustmentPeriodFlag Indicates whether the accounting period is an adjusting period. It can have two possible values: Y and
N. Y indicates that the period is an adjustment period and N indicates that the period is a standard
PeriodAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Accounting Calendar Periods descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
PeriodCreationDate The date and time when the accounting calendar period was created.
PeriodDescription The description of the accounting calendar period provided by the user.
PeriodEnteredPeriodName The name of the accounting calendar period that the user entered.
PeriodGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
PeriodGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
PeriodGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeDate1 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeDate2 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeDate3 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeDate4 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeDate5 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeNumber1 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeNumber2 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeNumber3 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeNumber4 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodGlobalAttributeNumber5 The descriptive flexfield context name for the GL Periods Regional Information global descriptive
PeriodLastUpdateDate The date when the accounting calendar period row was last updated.
PeriodLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the accounting calendar period.
PeriodLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the accounting period calendar.
PeriodObjectVersionNumber The number of times the accounting calendar period row has been updated.
PeriodPeriodName The accounting period associated with the journal. This is a foreign key of the Period view object.
PeriodPeriodNum The unique period number of the accounting calendar period year.
PeriodPeriodType The type of the accounting period based on the calendar. For example, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly,
Yearly, and so on, as selected by the user.
PeriodPeriodYear The year for the accounting calendar period represented by a numeric value, such as 2020.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
PeriodQuarterStartDate The date when the quarter containing this accounting period starts.
PeriodYearStartDate The date when the year containing this accounting period starts.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlPeriodTypesCreationDate The date and time when the accounting period type was created.
GlPeriodTypesLastUpdateDate The date when the accounting period type was last updated.
GlPeriodTypesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the accounting period type.
GlPeriodTypesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the accounting period type.
GlPeriodTypesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the accounting period type row has been updated.
GlPeriodTypesPeriodType The period frequency followed by a unique identifier. A list of accepted values for period frequency can
be found in the lookup type CAL_NON_ADJ_FREQ.
GlPeriodTypesUserPeriodType The period frequency followed by a unique identifier. A list of accepted values for period frequency can
be found in the lookup type CAL_NON_ADJ_FREQ.
GlPeriodTypesYearTypeInName The type of year for the accounting period type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Budget Balance
The Budget Balance view object stores general ledger budget balances. The budget data is loaded to the balances cube
from the table and used for variance reporting. If the cube needs to be rebuilt, the budget data is restored to the cube
from this table. The combination of LedgerId, BudgetName, PeriodName, CurrencyCode, and CurrencyType forms the
unique identifier of the Budget Balance view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
BudgetName The name of the budget used to identify budget balances. This attribute is a part of the composite key
of the Budget Balance view object.
ConcatAccount The concatenated string of all the segments from segment 1 through segment 30.
CurrencyCode The currency of the ledger balance. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object. This attribute is
a part of the composite key of the Budget Balance view object.
CurrencyType Indicates types of currency in the budget balance. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Budget Balance view object. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_CURRENCY_
GlBudBalCreationDate The date and time when the budget balance was created.
GlBudBalLastUpdateDate The date when the budget balance was last updated.
GlBudBalLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the budget balance.
GlBudBalLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the budget balance row.
GlBudBalObjectVersionNumber The number of times the budget balance row has been updated.
GlBudBalPeriodNetCr The credit balance of the accounting period in the ledger or entered currency.
GlBudBalPeriodNetDr The debit balance of the accounting period in the ledger or entered currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
LedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the balance row. This is a foreign key of the Ledger view object.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Budget Balance view object.
PeriodName The accounting period associated with the budget balance. This is a foreign key of the Period view
object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Budget Balance view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
The Calendars view object contains information about the accounting calendars. The combination of PeriodSetName
and PeriodType forms the unique identifier of the Calendars view object. For legacy accounting calendars migrated
from instances prior to Oracle Fusion, CalendarId may have a one to many relationship with PeriodSetName.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlCalendarsAdjPeriodFreqCode The frequency of adjusting periods in the calendar year. Possible values are one adjusting period at the
end of the year, two adjusting periods at the end of the year, and one at the beginning and one at the
end of the year.
GlCalendarsAdjPeriodsNum The number of adjusting periods per year in the accounting calendar.
GlCalendarsAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Calendars descriptive flexfield.
GlCalendarsCalendarStartDate The date when the first period of the accounting calendar begins.
GlCalendarsCalendarTypeCode The type of an accounting calendar. Possible values are Accounting and Budgetary Control.
GlCalendarsCreationDate The date and time when the accounting calendar was created.
GlCalendarsDescription The description of the AccountingCalendar entity object provided by the user or source application.
GlCalendarsLastUpdateDate The date when the accounting calendar record was last updated.
GlCalendarsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the accounting calendar.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
GlCalendarsLatestYearStartDate The start date of the latest year for which periods are generated.
GlCalendarsLegacyCalendarFlag Indicates whether the accounting calendar is a legacy calendar. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
GlCalendarsLegacyRulesEnabledFlag Indicates whether the legacy rules for migration apply to the accounting calendar period. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
GlCalendarsNonAdjPeriodsNum The number of nonadjusting periods per year in the accounting calendar.
GlCalendarsObjectVersionNumber The number of times the accounting calendar record has been updated.
GlCalendarsPeriodNameFormatCode The format for the accounting period name. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
GlCalendarsPeriodNameSeparatorCode The character that separates the period and year components of an accounting period name.
GlCalendarsPeriodType The type of the accounting period based on the calendar. For example, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly,
Yearly, and so on, as selected by the user.
GlCalendarsSecurityFlag Indicates whether the calendar setup definition is secured. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
GlCalendarsUserPeriodNamePrefix The optional string that is added at the beginning of an accounting period name to identify its nature,
such as fiscal or quarter name.
GlCalendarsUserPeriodSetName A user-defined period of time, extending from one date to another, that can be divided into accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
DailyConversionTypeAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Conversion Rate Types descriptive flexfield.
DailyConversionTypeConversionType The name of the currency conversion type that uniquely identifies the Conversion Rate Types view
object. This a primary key of the Conversion Rate Types view object.
DailyConversionTypeCreationDate The date and time when the conversion rate type was created.
DailyConversionTypeDescription The description of the conversion rate type provided by the user or source application.
DailyConversionTypeEnableCrossRateFlag Indicates whether the cross rate is enabled for the conversion type. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
DailyConversionTypeEnforceInverseRateFlag Indicates whether to enforce the automatic calculation of inverse conversion rates when defining daily
rates. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DailyConversionTypeLastUpdateDate The date when the conversion rate type row was last updated.
DailyConversionTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the conversion rate type.
DailyConversionTypeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the conversion rate type.
DailyConversionTypeObjectVersionNumber The number of times the conversion rate type row has been updated.
Indicates whether the user can override or delete automatically generated rates. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Daily Balances
The daily balances view object stores daily aggregate balances for detail and summary balance sheet
accounts in ledgers with average balances enabled. The combination of GlDailyBalancesLedgerId,
GlDailyBalancesCodeCombiantionId, GlDailyBalancesCurrencyCode, GlDailyBalancesCurrencyType,
GlDailyBalancesActualFlag, GlDailyBalancesPeriodName and GlDailyBalancesConvertedFromCurrency forms the unique
identifier of the Daily Balances view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlDailyBalancesActualFlag Identifies whether the balance is an actual or encumbrance amount. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type BATCH_TYPE. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Daily Balances
view object.
GlDailyBalancesCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the General Ledger Accounts view object. This is a foreign key of the General
Ledger Accounts view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Daily Balances view
GlDailyBalancesConvertedFromCurrency The currency from which the balance was converted. It identifies functional, foreign entered, statistical,
and translated balances rows in the daily balance. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Daily Balances view object.
GlDailyBalancesCreationDate The date and time when the daily balance was created.
GlDailyBalancesCurrencyCode The currency of the daily balance. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object. This attribute is a
part of the composite key of the Daily Balances view object.
GlDailyBalancesCurrencyType The currency type of the daily balance. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Daily
Balances view object. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_CURRENCY_TYPE.
GlDailyBalancesLastUpdateDate The date when the daily balance row was last updated.
GlDailyBalancesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the daily balance.
GlDailyBalancesLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger on which daily balances are calculated. This is a foreign key of the
Ledgers view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Daily Balances view object.
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Name Description
GlDailyBalancesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the daily balance row has been updated.
GlDailyBalancesOpeningPeriodAggregate The end-of-day balance of the last day of the previous period.
GlDailyBalancesOpeningQuarterAggregate The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the quarter before the first day of the
accounting period. This attribute is not used for translated balances.
GlDailyBalancesOpeningYearAggregate The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the year before the first day of the accounting
period. This attribute is not used for translated balances.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate1 The end-of-day balance of the first day of the accounting period for the daily balance.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate10 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
tenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate11 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
eleventh day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate12 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twelfth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate13 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate14 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
fourteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate15 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
fifteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate16 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
sixteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate17 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
seventeenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate18 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
eighteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate19 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
nineteenth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate2 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
second day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate20 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twentieth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate21 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-first day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate22 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-second day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate23 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-third day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate24 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-fourth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate25 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-fifth day of the period.
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Name Description
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate26 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-sixth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate27 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-seventh day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate28 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-eighth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate29 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
twenty-ninth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate3 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
third day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate30 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirtieth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate31 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirty-first day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate32 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirty-second day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate33 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirty-third day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate34 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirty-fourth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate35 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
thirty-fifth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate4 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
fourth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate5 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
fifth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate6 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
sixth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate7 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
seventh day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate8 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
eighth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodAggregate9 The aggregate of the end-of-day balances of all days in the accounting period, up to and including the
ninth day of the period.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodEndDate The date when the accounting period for the daily balance ends.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodName The name of the accounting period for the daily balance. This attribute is a part of the composite key
of the Daily Balances view object.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodNum The number of the accounting period for the daily balance.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodStartDate The date when the accounting period for the daily balance starts.
GlDailyBalancesPeriodYear The year of the accounting period for the daily balance.
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Name Description
GlDailyBalancesQuarterStartDate The start date of the quarter that contains the accounting period for the daily balance.
GlDailyBalancesYearStartDate The start date of the fiscal year that contains the accounting period for the daily balance.
Daily Rates
The daily rates view object is used to perform foreign currency journal conversions. It contains the rate to use
when converting between two currencies for a given conversion date and conversion type. Each row in this view
object has a corresponding inverse row in which the from and to currencies are switched. The combination of
DailyRateConversionDate, DailyRateToCurrency, DailyRateFromCurrency and DailyRateConversionType forms the
unique identifier of the Daily Rates view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
DailyRateAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Daily Rates descriptive flexfield.
DailyRateConversionDate The date when the currency conversion takes place. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Daily Rates view object.
DailyRateConversionRate The rate used for currency conversion between the DailyRateFromCurrency and DailyRateToCurrency
DailyRateConversionType The rate type used for currency conversion. This is a foreign key to the Daily Conversion Types view
object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Daily Rates view object.
DailyRateCreationDate The date and time when the daily rate was created.
DailyRateFromCurrency The source currency applicable to the conversion rate. The amount denominated in the from or source
currency multiplied by the conversion rate gives the amount denominated in the to or target currency.
DailyRateLastUpdateDate The date when the daily rate row was last updated.
DailyRateLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the daily rate.
DailyRateObjectVersionNumber The number of times the daily rate row has been updated.
DailyRateStatusCode Indicates the status of the daily rates. It can have three possible values: C, O, D. C indicates that the
daily rate is not used by any ledger that has average-balances enabled. O indicates that the daily rate is
used by at least one ledger that has average balances enabled. D indicates an interim state during the
import process and signifies that the daily rate has to be deleted.
DailyRateToCurrency The target currency applicable to the conversion rate. This attribute is a part of the composite key of
the Daily Rates view object.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CodeCombinationAccountType Indicates accounting nature such as asset, liability, revenue, and so on, of the transaction account. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ACCOUNT TYPE.
The alternate account combination to use when the specified account combination is end-dated or
CodeCombinationAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Accounts descriptive flexfield.
CodeCombinationChartOfAccountsId The unique identifier of the accounting flexfield used for the ledger. This is a foreign key to the
KeyFlexStructure Instances view object.
CodeCombinationCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the general ledger accounts view object. This is a primary key of the General
Ledger Accounts view object.
CodeCombinationCreationDate The date and time when the general ledger account was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
Indicates whether budgeting is allowed for the account combination. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
CodeCombinationDetailPostingAllowedFlag Indicates whether posting is allowed for the account combination. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
CodeCombinationEnabledFlag Indicates whether the account combination is enabled. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type GL_ACCT_COMB_ATTR.
CodeCombinationEndDateActive The date after which the general ledger account is invalid.
CodeCombinationJgzzReconFlag Indicates whether reconciliation is enabled. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_
CodeCombinationLastUpdateDate The date when the general ledger account row was last updated.
CodeCombinationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the general ledger account.
CodeCombinationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the general ledger account.
CodeCombinationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the general ledger account row has been updated.
CodeCombinationPreserveFlag Indicates whether to preserve account combinations against attribute updates when you run the
Inherit Segment Value Attributes process. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
CodeCombinationStartDateActive The date before which the general ledger account is invalid.
CodeCombinationSummaryFlag Indicates whether summary is allowed for the account combination. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
Journal Batch
The journal batch view object contains information for the journal batch, such as batch name and description, status,
running total debits and credits, and so on.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
JournalBatchActualFlag The balance type that helps identify whether the journal is an actual or encumbrance journal. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type BATCH_TYPE.
JournalBatchApprovalStatusCode The approval status of the journal entry batch. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
JournalBatchApproverEmployeeId The unique identifier of the employee who submitted the journal batch for approval.
JournalBatchAttribute1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute10 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute6 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute7 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute8 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttribute9 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeDate1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeDate2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeDate3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeDate4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeDate5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeNumber1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeNumber2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeNumber3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeNumber4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAttributeNumber5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Batch descriptive flexfield.
JournalBatchAverageJournalFlag Indicates whether the journal is an average balance journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
JournalBatchChartOfAccountsId The unique identifier of the accounting flexfield used for the ledger. This is a foreign key to the
KeyFlexStructure Instances view object.
JournalBatchCreationDate The date and time when the journal batch was created.
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Name Description
JournalBatchDefaultEffectiveDate The accounting date of the journal batch that falls within the default accounting period.
JournalBatchDefaultPeriodName The identifier of the accounting period of the journal batch. This is a foreign key of Fiscal Period view
JournalBatchDescription The description of the journal batch provided by the user or source application.
JournalBatchErrorMessage The description of the validation errors thrown for the journal batch.
JournalBatchFundsStatusCode The fund check status helps to identify whether funds are reserved for journal batch. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type XCC_BC_FUNDS_STATUSES.
JournalBatchGroupId The identifier of the group when the data is loaded from the interface tables.
JournalBatchJeBatchId The unique identifier of the journal entry batch. This is a primary key of the Journal Batch view object.
JournalBatchJeSource The source of the journal batch. This is a foreign key of the Journal Source view object.
JournalBatchLastUpdateDate The date when the journal batch row was last updated.
JournalBatchLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal batch.
JournalBatchLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the journal batch row.
JournalBatchName The name of the journal batch provided by the user or source application.
JournalBatchObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal batch row has been updated.
JournalBatchParentJeBatchId The unique identifier of the parent journal batch in the source reporting currency ledger.
JournalBatchPeriodSetName The unique identifier of the name of the accounting calendar. This is a foreign key of the Fiscal Period
view object.
JournalBatchPostingRunId The unique sequence number generated when posting was run.
JournalBatchRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
JournalBatchRunningTotalAccountedCr The running total credits of a journal batch in the ledger currency.
JournalBatchRunningTotalAccountedDr The running total debits of a journal batch in the ledger currency.
JournalBatchRunningTotalCr The running total credits of a journal batch in the entered currency.
JournalBatchRunningTotalDr The running total debits of a journal batch in the entered currency.
JournalBatchStatus The posting status for the journal batch. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type MJE_
Journal Categories
The journal categories view object contains the categories to identify the purpose of journal entries.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JournalCategoryAttrCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journal Categories descriptive flexfield.
JournalCategoryCreationDate The date and time when the journal category was created.
JournalCategoryJeCategoryKey The alternate unique identifier of the journal categories view object.
JournalCategoryJeCategoryName The unique identifier of the journal category. This is a primary key of the Journal Categories view
JournalCategoryLastUpdateDate The date when the journal category row was last updated.
JournalCategoryLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal category.
JournalCategoryObjectVerNum The number of times the journal category row has been updated.
JrnlCatTransLangCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal category was created.
JrnlCatTransLangJeCategoryName The identifier of the translated journal category. This is a foreign key of the Translated Journal
Categories view object.
JrnlCatTransLangLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable attributes are translated.
This is a foreign key of the Translated Journal Categories view object.
JrnlCatTransLangLastUpdateDate The date when the translated journal category row was last updated.
JrnlCatTransLangLastUpdateLogn The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal category.
JrnlCatTransLangLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal category.
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Name Description
JrnlCatTransLangSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlImportReferencesCreatedBy The user who submitted the journal import creating the references.
GlImportReferencesCreationDate The date and time when the journal import reference was submitted.
GlImportReferencesGlSlLinkTable The name of the table containing the associated subledger data.
GlImportReferencesJeBatchId The unique identifier of the journal batch. This is a foreign key of the Journal Batches view object.
GlImportReferencesJeHeaderId The unique identifier of the journal. This is a foreign key of the Journals view object.
GlImportReferencesJeLineNum The unique identifier of the journal Line. This is a foreign key of the Journal Lines view object.
GlImportReferencesLastUpdateDate The date when the journal import reference row was last updated.
GlImportReferencesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal import reference.
GlImportReferencesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the journal import reference.
GlImportReferencesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal import reference row has been updated.
GlImportReferencesReference1 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
GlImportReferencesReference10 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference2 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference3 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference4 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference5 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference6 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference7 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference8 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
GlImportReferencesReference9 The journal import reference column. It is used by respective subledgers to store specific values related
to the source transaction.
The document sequence value for the journal to be imported.
Journal Line
The journal line view object contains information for the journal line. Each row of this object stores the associated
journal entry header identifier, line number, and associated account information and related debits or credits. The
combination of jeHeaderId and jeLineNum forms the unique identifier of the Journal Line view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
GlJeLinesAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journal Lines descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account combination. This is a foreign key of the Code Combination view
GlJeLinesCreationDate The date and time when the journal line was created.
GlJeLinesCurrencyCode The currency in which the journal line is entered. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object.
GlJeLinesCurrencyConversionDate The date when the currency on the journal was converted.
GlJeLinesCurrencyConversionRate The currency conversion rate for a journal entry where the entered currency is not the same as the
ledger currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
GlJeLinesCurrencyConversionType The currency conversion rate type of the journal. This is a foreign key to the Daily Conversion Type view
GlJeLinesDescription The description of the journal line provided by the user or source application.
GlJeLinesGlSlLinkTable The name of the table containing the associated subledger data.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global
descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeLinesIgnoreRateFlag Indicates whether accounted amounts are recalculated when the currency conversion rate changes.
Valid values are Null, Y, or N.
GlJeLinesLastUpdateDate The date when the journal line row was last updated.
GlJeLinesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal line.
GlJeLinesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the journal line row.
GlJeLinesLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the journal line. This is a foreign key of the Ledger view object.
GlJeLinesLineTypeCode Identifies the type of line such as suspense, rounding, intercompany. Valid values are Null, INTRA,
GlJeLinesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal entry line row has been updated.
GlJeLinesPeriodName The accounting period associated with the journal. This is a foreign key of the Period view object.
GlJeLinesReference1 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference10 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference2 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference3 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference4 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference5 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference6 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference7 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference8 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesReference9 The batch name the user entered while submitting the Post Subledger Journal Entries process.
GlJeLinesStatAmount The amount entered in a journal that is based on the unit of measure.
GlJeLinesStatus The posting status for the journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type MJE_BATCH_
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
JeHeaderId The unique identifier of the journal entry header. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Journal Line view object.
JeLineNum The identifier of a line in a journal for a particular header. This attribute is a part of the composite key
of the Journal Line view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlJeLinesReconCreationDate The date and time when the journal line reconciliation was created.
GlJeLinesReconJeHeaderId The unique identifier of the journal entry header. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Journal Line view object.
GlJeLinesReconJeLineNum The identifier of the journal entry line. This is a foreign key to the Journal Line view object.
GlJeLinesReconJgzzReconDate The date when the related journal lines were reconciled. The underlying journal lines for a distinct
reconciliation ID share the same reconciliation date.
GlJeLinesReconJgzzReconId A unique number automatically generated by the application after the related clearing account journal
lines have been successfully reconciled.
GlJeLinesReconJgzzReconRef An identifiable unique reference value entered or populated in related clearing account journal lines.
GlJeLinesReconJgzzReconStatus The reconciliation status associated with the clearing accounts journal lines. Possible values are
Reconciled and Unreconciled.
GlJeLinesReconLastUpdateDate The date when the journal line reconciliation row was last updated.
GlJeLinesReconLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal line reconciliation.
GlJeLinesReconLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the journal line reconciliation row.
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Name Description
GlJeLinesReconLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the journal line reconciliation. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers
view object.
GlJeLinesReconObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal entry line reconciliation row has been updated.
GlJeLinesReconReconRuleId The reconciliation rule identifier that is used to reconcile the journal line.
Journal Source
The journal source view object contains information about the source name assigned to each journal entry in the
general ledger during journal header creation.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JournalSourceAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journal Sources descriptive flexfield.
JournalSourceCreationDate The date and time when the journal source was created.
JournalSourceEffDateRuleCode The nonbusiness day rule of the journal source. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
JournalSourceImpUsingKeyFlag Indicates whether the journals can be imported using the journal source key attribute. If enabled, users
need to load journals with a journal source key value. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
JournalSourceJeSourceName The unique identifier of the journal source name. This is a primary key to the Journal Source view
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
JournalSourceJournalApprvlFlag Indicates whether journals with this source require approval. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
JournalSourceJournalRefFlag Indicates whether the references can be loaded during import. If enabled, journal import populates the
Journal Import view object with reference information from subledger transactions. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalSourceLastUpdateDate The date when the journal source row was last updated.
JournalSourceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal source.
JournalSourceObjectVersionNum The number of times the journal source row has been updated.
JournalSourceOverrideEditsFlag Indicates whether a journal sources is enabled. Transactions can be created only for enabled journal
sources. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
JrnlSrcTransLangCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal source was created.
JrnlSrcTransLangDescription The translated description of the journal source provided by the user or source application.
JrnlSrcTransLangJeSourceName The identifier of the translated journal source. This is a foreign key of the Translated Journal Sources
view object.
JrnlSrcTransLangLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable attributes are translated.
This is a foreign key of the Translated Journal Sources view object.
JrnlSrcTransLangLastUpdateDate The date when the translated journal source row was last updated.
JrnlSrcTransLangLastUpdateLog The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal source.
JrnlSrcTransLangLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal source.
JrnlSrcTransLangSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally
JrnlSrcTransLangUserJeSrcName The translated name of the journal source defined by the user.
The journals view object consolidates common information for the journal header, such as batch name and description,
ledger identifier, accounting period, journal source, and so on.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CloseAcctSeqVersionsSeqVersionId The unique identifier of the reporting sequence version associated with the journal. This is a primary
key of the CloseAcctSeqVersions entity object.
CloseAcctSeqVersionsVersionName The name of the reporting sequence version associated with the journal.
GlJeBatchesDescription The description of the journal batch provided by the user or source application.
GlJeBatchesJeBatchId The unique identifier of the journal batch. This is a primary key of the GlJeBatches entity object.
GlJeHeadersAccrualRevChangeSignFlag The type of journal reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO. The value
is passed as a parameter to attribute GlJeHeadersAccrualRevChangeSignFlagTransient.
The type of journal reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type REVERSAL_
GlJeHeadersAccrualRevFlag Indicates whether the journal is an average balances journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
GlJeHeadersAccrualRevPeriodName The accounting period of the journal created from a reversal. This is a foreign key to the Fiscal Period
view object.
GlJeHeadersAccrualRevStatus The indicator for whether the journal has been reversed. A list of accepted values is defined in the
GlJeHeadersActualFlag The balance type that helps identify whether the journal is an actual or encumbrance journal. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type BATCH_TYPE.
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Name Description
GlJeHeadersAttributeDate1 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeDate2 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeDate3 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeDate4 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeDate5 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersBalancedJeFlag Indicates whether the journal is balanced. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_
GlJeHeadersCloseAcctSeqAssignId The identifier of the sequence assignment used when closing a period.
GlJeHeadersCloseAcctSeqVersionId The identifier of the sequence version used during the period close. This is a foreign key to the
CloseAcctSeqVersions entity object.
GlJeHeadersCreationDate The date and time when the journal was created.
GlJeHeadersCurrencyCode The currency of the journal entry header. This is a foreign key to the Currencies view object.
GlJeHeadersCurrencyConversionDate The date when the currency on the journal was converted.
GlJeHeadersCurrencyConversionRate The currency conversion rate for a journal entry where the entered currency is not the same as the
ledger currency.
GlJeHeadersCurrencyConversionType The currency conversion rate type of the journal. This is a foreign key to the Daily Conversion Type view
GlJeHeadersDateCreated The date and time when the journal header was created.
GlJeHeadersDescription The description of the journal header provided by the user or source application.
GlJeHeadersDisplayAlcJournalFlag Indicates whether the journal is posted in the reporting currency. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
GlJeHeadersEncumbranceTypeId The unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type. This is a foreign key to the Journal
Encumbrance Type entity object.
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Name Description
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
GlJeHeadersGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
GlJeHeadersIntercompanyMode Indicates the intercompany mode of the journal. Valid values are 1 through 4.
GlJeHeadersJeBatchId The unique identifier of the journal batch. This is a foreign key to the Journal Batch view object.
GlJeHeadersJeCategory The category of the journal. This is a foreign key to the Journal Category view object.
GlJeHeadersJeFromSlaFlag Indicates whether the journal originated from the subledger accounting process instead of being
directly created in General Ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
GlJeHeadersJeSource The source of the journal. This is a foreign key to the Journal Source view object.
GlJeHeadersLastUpdateDate The date when the journal row was last updated.
GlJeHeadersLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal.
GlJeHeadersLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the journal entry header. This is a foreign key to the Ledger view
GlJeHeadersLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the journal. This is a foreign key to the Entity
Profile view object.
GlJeHeadersMultiBalSegFlag Indicates whether multiple balancing segments apply to the journal. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
GlJeHeadersMultiCurrencyFlag Indicates whether the journal is multicurrency. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
YES_NO. The default value is N.
GlJeHeadersName The name of the journal header provided by the user or source application.
GlJeHeadersObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal row has been updated.
GlJeHeadersOriginatingBalSegValue A balancing segment value used in a journal to balance many-to-many intercompany journals.
GlJeHeadersParentJeHeaderId The unique identifier of the parent journal entry in the source primary ledger.
GlJeHeadersPeriodName The accounting period associated with the journal. This is a foreign key of the Period view object.
GlJeHeadersPostMultiCurrencyFlag Indicates whether the posted journal is multicurrency. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
GlJeHeadersPostedDateTime The date and time when the journal was posted.
GlJeHeadersPostingAcctSeqAssignId The identifier of the sequence assignment used when posting the journal.
GlJeHeadersPostingAcctSeqVersionId The identifier of the sequence version used when posting. This is a foreign key to the
PostAcctSeqVersions entity object.
GlJeHeadersReversedJeHeaderId The unique identifier of the reversed journal header. This is a foreign key to the
ReversedJournalHeader entity object.
GlJeHeadersRunningTotalAccountedCr The running total credits of a journal entry in the ledger currency.
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Name Description
GlJeHeadersRunningTotalAccountedDr The running total debits of a journal entry in the ledger currency.
GlJeHeadersRunningTotalCr The running total credits of a journal entry in the entered currency.
GlJeHeadersRunningTotalDr The running total debits of a journal entry in the entered currency.
GlJeHeadersStatus The posting status for the journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type MJE_BATCH_
JeHeaderId The unique identifier of the journal entry header. This is a primary key of the Journal Entry Header
view object.
JournalEncumbranceTLDescription The description of the encumbrance provided by the user or source application.
JournalEncumbranceTLEncumbranceType The alternate unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type. This is an alternate primary key of the
Journal Encumbrance Type entity object.
JournalEncumbranceTLEncumbranceTypeId The unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type. This is a primary key of the Journal
Encumbrance Type entity object.
JournalEncumbranceTLLanguage The code for the language into which the contents of translatable columns are translated.
PostAcctSeqVersionsSeqVersionId The unique identifier of the reporting sequence version associated with the journal. This is a primary
key of the PostAcctSeqVersions entity object.
ReversalJournalHeaderJeHeaderId The unique identifier of the reversed journal header. This is a primary key of the
ReversalJournalHeader entity object.
Ledger Balance
The ledger balance view object contains information about actual, budget and encumbrance balances for detail and
summary accounts. The combination of BalanceCodeCombinationId, BalanceCurrencyCode, BalancePeriodName,
BalanceActualFlag, BalanceEncumbranceTypeId and BalanceTranslatedFlag forms the unique identifier of the Ledger
Balance view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
BalanceActualFlag Identifies whether the balance is an actual or encumbrance. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type BATCH_TYPE. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Balance view
BalanceBeginBalanceCr The credit balance at the beginning of the period in the entered currency.
BalanceBeginBalanceCrBeq The credit balance at the beginning of the period in the ledger currency.
BalanceBeginBalanceDr The debit balance at the beginning of the period in the entered currency.
BalanceBeginBalanceDrBeq The debit balance at the beginning of the period in the ledger currency.
BalanceCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the general ledger account. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger Account
view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Balance view object.
BalanceCurrencyCode The currency of the ledger balance. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object. This attribute is
a part of the composite key of the Ledger Balance view object.
BalanceEncumbranceTypeId The unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type posted to the ledger. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Ledger Balance view object.
BalanceLastUpdateDate The date when the ledger balance row was last updated.
BalanceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the ledger balance row.
BalanceLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the balance row. This is a foreign key of the Ledger view object.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Balance view object.
BalanceObjectVersionNumber The number of times the ledger balance has been updated.
BalancePeriodName The accounting period associated with the balance. This is a foreign key of the Period view object. This
attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Balance view object.
BalancePeriodNetCr The credit balance of the accounting period in the entered currency.
BalancePeriodNetCrBeq The credit balance of the accounting period in the ledger currency.
BalancePeriodNetDr The debit balance of the accounting period in the entered currency.
BalancePeriodNetDrBeq The debit balance of the accounting period in the ledger currency.
BalanceProjectToDateCr The accumulated or life-to-date credit balance of the project in the entered currency.
BalanceProjectToDateCrBeq The accumulated or life-to-date credit balance of the project in the ledger currency.
BalanceProjectToDateDr The accumulated or life-to-date debit balance of the project in the entered currency.
BalanceProjectToDateDrBeq The accumulated or life-to-date debit balance of the project in the ledger currency.
BalanceQuarterToDateCr The credit balance of the quarter-to-date period in the entered currency.
BalanceQuarterToDateCrBeq The credit balance of the quarter-to-date period in the ledger currency.
BalanceQuarterToDateDr The debit balance of the quarter-to-date period in the entered currency.
BalanceQuarterToDateDrBeq The debit balance of the quarter-to-date period in the ledger currency.
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Name Description
BalanceTranslatedFlag Indicates translation status of the ledger balance. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
GL_BALANCES_TRANSLATION_STATUS. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger
Balance view object.
JournalEncumbranceTypeTLDescription The description of the encumbrance provided by the user or source application.
The alternate unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type. This is an alternate primary key of the
Journal Encumbrance Type entity object.
The unique identifier of the journal encumbrance type. This is a primary key of the Journal
Encumbrance Type entity object.
JournalEncumbranceTypeTLLanguage The code for the language into which the contents of translatable columns are translated.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GLConfigDetailsConfigurationId The unique identifier of the ledger configuration that contains the setup information of a ledger. This
attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Configuration Details view object.
GLConfigDetailsCreationDate The date and time when the ledger configuration detail was created.
GLConfigDetailsLastUpdateDate The date when the ledger configuration detail row was last updated.
GLConfigDetailsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the ledger configuration detail.
GLConfigDetailsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the ledger configuration detail row.
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Name Description
GLConfigDetailsNextActionCode The next setup step in the configuration. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_
GLConfigDetailsObjectId The object identifier of the configuration setup step. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Ledger Configuration Details view object.
GLConfigDetailsObjectTypeCode The object type of the configuration setup step. It specifies the type of object stored in this row:
primary ledger, secondary ledger, legal entity, or configuration. This attribute is a part of the composite
key of the Ledger Configuration Details view object.
GLConfigDetailsObjectVersionNumber The number of times the ledger configuration detail row has been updated.
GLConfigDetailsSetupStepCode The identifier of the configuration setup step. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Ledger Configuration Details view object.
GLConfigDetailsStatusCode Indicates the completion status of the ledger configuration and whether the ledger balances cube is
created. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_CONFIG_STATUS.
GLConfigDetailsTaxDefaultLeFlag Indicates whether the default legal entity for tax setup is included within the configuration details. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
GLConfigDetailsTimeZoneDefaultLeFlag Indicates whether the default legal entity for a time zone is included within the configuration A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
LedgerSetAsgmtCreationDate The date and time when the ledger set assignment was created.
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Name Description
LedgerSetAsgmtEndDate The date when the ledger set assignment was inactive.
LedgerSetAsgmtLastUpdateDate The date when the ledger set assignment row was last updated.
LedgerSetAsgmtLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the ledger set assignment.
LedgerSetAsgmtLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the ledger set assignment row.
LedgerSetAsgmtLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger of the ledger set assignments view object. This is a foreign key of
the Ledgers view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Set Assignments
view object.
LedgerSetAsgmtLedgerSetId The identifier of the Ledger Set Assignments view object. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view
object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Ledger Set Assignments view object.
LedgerSetAsgmtObjectVersionNumber The number of times the ledger set assignment row has been updated.
LedgerSetAsgmtStartDate The date from which the ledger set assignment was active.
LedgerSetAsgmtStatusCode Indicates the status of the ledger set assignment. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
The ledgers view object contains information about the ledgers and the ledger sets. Each row includes the ledger
or ledger set name, short name, description, ledger currency, calendar, period type, chart of accounts, and other
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AcctgMethodTLAccountingMethodCode The short name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
transactions. This is a primary key of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodTLAccountingMethodTypeCodeIndicates whether the accounting method is predefined by subledger application. This is a primary key
of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodTLDescription The description of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
AcctgMethodTLLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
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Name Description
AcctgMethodTLName The name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger transactions.
LedgerAllowIntercompanyPostFlag Indicates whether intercompany posting is allowed in the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerApDocSequencingOptionFlag Indicates whether document sequencing is enforced for Payables. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerArDocSequencingOptionFlag Indicates whether document sequencing is enforced for Receivables. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Ledgers descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
LedgerAutomateSecJrnlRevFlag Indicates whether a replicated secondary ledger journal should be reversed when the parent primary
ledger journal is reversed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerAutorevAfterOpenPrdFlag Indicates whether the AutoReverse Journals process should be submitted for the ledger when a new
period is first opened. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerBalSegColumnName The name of the Balancing segment of the chart of accounts associated with the ledger.
LedgerBalSegValueOptionCode Indicates whether all balancing segment values or specific balancing segment values are assigned to a
ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_ASF_LEDGER_ASSIGN_OPTIONS.
LedgerBalSegValueSetId The identifier of the value set used by the balancing segment of the chart of account associated with
LedgerChartOfAccountsId The unique identifier of the accounting flexfield used for the ledger. This is a foreign key to the
KeyFlexStructure Instances view object.
LedgerCompleteFlag Indicates the completion status of the ledger configuration. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerCompletionStatusCode Indicates the completion status of the ledger configuration and whether the ledger balances cube is
created. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_CONFIG_STATUS.
LedgerConfigurationId The unique identifier of the ledger configuration that contains the setup information of a ledger.
LedgerCreationDate The date and time when the ledger was created.
LedgerCriteriaSetId The identifier of the journal reversal criteria set assigned to a ledger.
LedgerCumTransCodeCombinationId The identifier of the cumulative translation adjustment account combination. This is a foreign key of
the General Ledger Accounts view object.
LedgerCurrencyCode The currency of the ledger. This is a foreign key to the Currencies view object.
LedgerDailyTranslationRateType The conversion rate type used for translation of average daily balances.
LedgerDescription The description of the ledger provided by the user or source application.
LedgerEnableAutomaticTaxFlag Indicates whether automatic tax is enabled for the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerEnableAverageBalancesFlag Indicates whether average balances are maintained for the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerEnableBudgetaryControlFlag Indicates whether budgetary control is enabled for the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerEnableJeApprovalFlag Indicates whether journal entry approval is enabled for the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerEnableReconciliationFlag Indicates whether journal reconciliation is enabled for the ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerEnableRevalSsTrackFlag Indicates whether revaluation gain or loss tracking using multiple segments is enabled for the ledger. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
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Name Description
LedgerEnfSeqDateCorrelationCode Indicates whether to enforce a correlation between sequence date and subledger transaction sequence
number for subledger transactions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerFirstLedgerPeriodName The name of the first accounting period associated with the ledger.
LedgerImplicitAccessSetId The unique identifier of the implicit data access set defined for the ledger.
LedgerIntercoGainLossCcid Identifier of the intercompany gain or loss account combination. This is a foreign key to the General
Ledger Accounts view object.
LedgerJrnlsGroupByDateFlag Indicates whether the Import Journals process will group journal lines by accounting date. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerLastUpdateDate The date when the ledger row was last updated.
LedgerLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the ledger.
LedgerLatestOpenedPeriodName The name of the latest opened accounting period associated with the ledger.
LedgerLedgerCategoryCode Identifies the type of ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_ASF_LEDGER_
LedgerMinimumThresholdAmount The minimum percentage difference between accounted debits and accounted credits is a rounding
error or a balancing issue. The actual threshold used may be larger.
LedgerNetClosingBalFlag Indicates whether the closing journals process creates net amount closing journal entries rather than
accumulated closing journal entries. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerNetIncomeCodeCombinationId The identifier of the net income account combination. This is a foreign key to the General Ledger
Accounts view object.
LedgerObjectTypeCode Indicates the type of ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type LEDGERS.
LedgerObjectVersionNumber The number of times the ledger row has been updated.
LedgerPeriodAverageRateType The default period average conversion rate type used for translating actual balances.
LedgerPeriodEndRateType The default period end conversion rate type used for translating actual balances.
LedgerPeriodSetName The name of the accounting calendar associated with the ledger. The calendar can be divided into
accounting periods.
LedgerPopUpStatAccountFlag Indicates whether users can enter statistical amounts along with monetary amounts while entering
journals. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerPriorPrdNotificationFlag Indicates whether to notify users when a journal is entered for a prior period. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerRequireBudgetJournalsFlag Indicates whether budget amounts must be entered by journals only. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
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Name Description
LedgerResEncumbCodeCombinationId The identifier of the encumbrances reserve account combination. This is a foreign key to the General
Ledger Accounts view object.
LedgerRetEarnCodeCombinationId The identifier of the retained earnings account combination. This is a foreign key to the General Ledger
Accounts view object.
LedgerRevalFromPriLgrCurr The currency to use when creating revaluation entries for the additional ledger currency.
LedgerRoundingCodeCombinationId The identifier of the rounding account combination. This is a foreign key to the General Ledger
Accounts view object.
LedgerSequencingModeCode The level of document sequencing for a ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
LedgerShortName The unique short name of the ledger entered by the user. This attribute is for future use.
LedgerSlaAccountingMethodCode The short name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
transactions. This is a foreign key to the Accounting Methods view object.
LedgerSlaAccountingMethodType Indicates whether the accounting method is predefined by the subledger application. This is a foreign
key to the Accounting Methods view object.
LedgerSlaBalByLedgerCurrFlag Indicates whether the suspense account is enabled for the subledger. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerSlaEnteredCurBalSusCcid The identifier of the suspense account combination used for balancing subledger journal entries by
entered currency. This is a foreign key to the General Ledger Accounts view object.
LedgerSlaLedgerCashBasisFlag Indicates whether the ledger operates on a cash basis. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
LedgerSlaLedgerCurBalSusCcid The identifier of the suspense account combination used for balancing subledger journal entries by
ledger currency. This is a foreign key to the General Ledger Accounts view object.
LedgerSlaSequencingFlag Indicates whether subledger sequencing is required. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
LedgerSuspenseAllowedFlag Indicates whether suspense posting is allowed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
LedgerThresholdAmount The threshold amount for which an additional balancing line is created if the accounted debit and
accounted credit offset amount does not equal zero.
LedgerTrackRoundingImbalanceFlag Indicates whether rounding imbalances are tracked. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
LedgerTranslateEodFlag Indicates whether the end-of-day average balances are translated. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerTranslateQatdFlag Indicates whether quarter-to-date Average balances are translated. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerTranslateYatdFlag Indicates whether year-to-date Average balances are translated. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
LedgerValidateJournalRefDate Indicates whether the journal reference date is validated to ensure the date falls into an open or future
enterable period.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsCreatedBy The user who created the legal entity balancing segment value assignment.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsCreationDate The date and time when the legal entity balancing segment value assignment was created.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsEndDate The latest date on which the balancing segment value assignment will remain active.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsFlexSegmentValue The balancing segment value assigned to the legal entity. This attribute is a part of the composite key
of the Legal Entity Balancing Segment Values view object.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsFlexValueSetId The value set ID for the balancing segment value assigned to the legal entity. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Legal Entity Balancing Segment Values view object.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsLastUpdateDate The date when the legal entity balancing segment value assignment row was last updated.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the legal entity balancing segment value
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the legal entity balancing segment value assignment row.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the balancing segment. This is a foreign key
to the Entity Profiles view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Legal Entity
Balancing Segment Values view object.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsObjectVersionNumber The number of times the legal entity balancing segment value assignment has been updated.
GlLegalEntitiesBsvsStartDate The date on which the balancing segment value assignment becomes active.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Period Statuses
The period statuses view object contains the statuses of the accounting periods. Each row includes the accounting
period name, status and the relevant application identifier. The combination of GlPeriodStatusesPeriodName,
GlPeriodStatusesLedgerId and GlPeriodStatusesApplicationId forms the unique identifier of the Period Statuses view
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
GlPeriodStatusesAdjustmentPeriodFlag Indicates whether the accounting period is an adjustment period. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
GlPeriodStatusesApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Period Statuses
view object.
GlPeriodStatusesAttribute1 A segment for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesAttribute2 A segment for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesAttribute3 A segment for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesAttribute4 A segment for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesAttribute5 A segment for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Open and Close Periods descriptive flexfield.
GlPeriodStatusesClosingStatus Identifies whether the period is open or closed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
GlPeriodStatusesCreationDate The date and time when the period status was created.
GlPeriodStatusesEffectivePeriodNum The effective period number of the latest period for which the opening of the balances has been
completed successfully for the ledger, application and balance source.
GlPeriodStatusesLastUpdateDate The date when the period status row was last updated.
GlPeriodStatusesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the period status.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
GlPeriodStatusesLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledgers view object. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view object. This
attribute is a part of the composite key of the Period Statuses view object.
GlPeriodStatusesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the period status row has been updated.
GlPeriodStatusesPeriodName The name of the accounting period. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Period Statuses
view object.
GlPeriodStatusesPeriodType The type of the accounting period. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Period Statuses
view object.
GlPeriodStatusesPeriodYear The accounting calendar year represented by a numeric value, such as 2020.
GlPeriodStatusesQuarterStartDate The date when the quarter containing this accounting period starts.
GlPeriodStatusesYearStartDate The date when the year containing this accounting period starts.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The default conversion rate type for the secondary ledger or reporting currency journal.
Indicates whether the secondary ledger or reporting currency should inherit the conversion rate type
from the source ledger. Valid values are Y or N.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAlcInitConvOptionCodeThe historical conversion option defined for the chart of account mapping rules when converting a
source ledger to its secondary ledger or reporting currency. A list of accepted values is defined in the
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
GlLedgerRelationshipsAlcMaxDaysRollRate The maximum number of allowed days to roll back a conversion rate.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAlcNoRateActionCodeThe action to take when no rate exists such as report an error or use the last available rate. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_ASF_ALC_RATE_ACTION.
The period average rate type for the reporting currency.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute1 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute10 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute11 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute12 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute13 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute14 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute15 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute2 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute3 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute4 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute5 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute6 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute7 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute8 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttribute9 A segment for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Secondary Ledger Conversion Rules descriptive flexfield.
GlLedgerRelationshipsAutomaticPostFlag Indicates whether to post the journal automatically in the target secondary ledger or reporting
currency. Valid values are Y or N. The default value is Y.
GlLedgerRelationshipsCreationDate The date and time when the ledger relationship was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
Indicates whether the secondary ledger or reporting currency should inherit the user creation name
from the source ledger. Valid values are Y or N. The default value is Y.
GlLedgerRelationshipsLastUpdateDate The date and time when the ledger relationship row was last updated.
GlLedgerRelationshipsLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the ledger relationship.
GlLedgerRelationshipsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the ledger relationship row.
GlLedgerRelationshipsObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the ledger relationship row has been updated.
GlLedgerRelationshipsOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the row.
The owner equity translation rule.
GlLedgerRelationshipsPrimaryLedgerId The ledger identifier for the primary ledger defined in the accounting configuration.
Indicates whether the ledger relationship is enabled. Valid values are Y or N. The default value is N.
GlLedgerRelationshipsRelationshipTypeCodeThe relationship level between the source and target ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type GL_ASF_ALC_RELATIONSHIP_LEVEL. The default value is BALANCE
The revenue or expense translation rule.
GlLedgerRelationshipsSlaLedgerId The ledger identifier in subledger transactions used for creating subledger accounting entries.
GlLedgerRelationshipsSourceLedgerId The ledger identifier of the transactions, journals, or balances used for reporting currency conversions.
GlLedgerRelationshipsStatusCode The indication for whether the ledger relationship between the primary and secondary ledger or
between the ledger and reporting currency is complete. The possible value is CONFIRMED or the
attribute is blank.
The category of the target ledger. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type GL_ASF_
LEDGER_CATEGORY. The default value is ALC, which represents reporting currency.
GlLedgerRelationshipsTargetLedgerId The identifier of the target ledger for the conversion of transactions, journals or balances.
GlLedgerRelationshipsTargetLedgerName The name that the user entered for the target ledger.
The short name that the user entered for the target ledger.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CfTreeNodeId The identifier of the tree node. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table FND_TREE_
CreatedBy The user who created the segment value column flattened hierarchy.
CreationDate The date and time when the segment value column flattened hierarchy was created.
Dep0DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep0Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep0Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep10DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep10Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep10Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep11DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep11Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep11Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep12DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep12Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep12Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep13DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep13Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
Dep13Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep14DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep14Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep14Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep15DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep15Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep15Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep16DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep16Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep16Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep17DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep17Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep17Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep18DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep18Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep18Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep19DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep19Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep19Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep1DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep1Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
Dep1Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep20DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep20Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep20Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep21DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep21Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep21Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep22DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep22Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep22Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep23DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep23Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep23Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep24DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep24Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep24Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep25DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep25Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep25Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep26DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep26Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
Dep26Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep27DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep27Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep27Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep28DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep28Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep28Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep29DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep29Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep29Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep2DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep2Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep2Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep30DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep30Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep30Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep31DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep31Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep31Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep3DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep3Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
Dep3Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep4DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep4Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep4Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep5DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep5Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep5Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep6DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep6Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep6Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep7DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep7Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep7Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep8DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep8Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep8Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep9DataSourceId The identifier of the tree node data source. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the table
Dep9Pk1Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Dep9Pk2Value The unique identifier of the tree node. This is the primary key of the Segment Value Column Flattened
Hierarchies view object.
Distance The distance between the current node and the root node.
EnterpriseId The identifier of an enterprise or business group. Used for multiple tenant partitioning.
LastUpdateDate The date when the segment value column flattened hierarchy row was last updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
LastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the segment value column flattened
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the segment value column flattened hierarchy row.
TreeCode Indicates the tree code of the segment tree version that matches the specified primary key. This is a
foreign key of the table FND_TREE.
TreeStructureCode Indicates the tree structure code of the segment tree version that matches the specified primary key.
This is a foreign key of the table FND_TREE_STRUCTURE.
TreeVersionId The unique identifier of the segment tree version. This is a foreign key of the table FND_TREE_
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The unique identifier of the StatisticalUnitOfMeasure entity object.
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureChartOfAccountsId The unique identifier of the accounting flexfield used for the ledger. This is a foreign key to the
KeyFlexStructure Instances view object.
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureCreationDate The date and time when the statistical unit of measure was created.
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureDescription The description of the StatisticalUnitOfMeasure entity object provided by the user or source
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureLastUpdateDate The date when the statistical unit of measure row was last updated.
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the statistical unit of measure.
StatisticalUnitOfMeasureLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the statistical unit of measure.
The number of times the statistical unit of measure row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
Name Description
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JrnlCatTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal category was created.
JrnlCatTranslationJeCategoryName The identifier of the translated journal category. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Translated Journal Categories view object.
JrnlCatTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable attributes are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Categories view object.
JrnlCatTranslationLastUpdateDate The date when the translated journal category row was last updated.
JrnlCatTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal category.
JrnlCatTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal category.
JrnlCatTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated journal category row has been updated.
JrnlCatTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 7
Extract Data Stores for Financials General Ledger
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JrnlSrcTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal source was created.
JrnlSrcTranslationDescription The translated description of the journal source provided by the user or source application.
JrnlSrcTranslationJeSourceName The unique identifier of the translated journal sources view object. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Translated Journal Source view object.
JrnlSrcTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable attributes are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Sources view object.
JrnlSrcTranslationLastUpdateDate The date when the translated journal source row was last updated.
JrnlSrcTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal source.
JrnlSrcTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal source.
JrnlSrcTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated journal source row has been updated.
JrnlSrcTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally
JrnlSrcTranslationUserJeSourceName The translated name of the journal source defined by the user.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Legal Entities
The legal entities view object contains the general information that identifies a party with the classification of legal
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
LegalEntityActivityCode The primary activity of the legal entity, which is captured with the Legal Entity Context descriptive
flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage Financials Information page, which is opened using the
Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Name Description
LegalEntityAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Legal Entity descriptive flexfield.
LegalEntityCreationDate The date and time when the legal entity was created.
LegalEntityEnterpriseId The identifier of an enterprise or business group. Used for multiple tenant partitioning.
LegalEntityGeographyId The identifier of the home geography in which the legal entity operates.
LegalEntityLastUpdateDate The date and time when the legal entity row was last updated.
LegalEntityLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the legal entity row.
LegalEntityLeInformation1 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation10 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Name Description
LegalEntityLeInformation11 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation12 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation13 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation14 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation15 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation16 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation17 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation18 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation19 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation2 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation20 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Name Description
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation3 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation4 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation5 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation6 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation7 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation8 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformation9 A segment for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield appears on the Manage
Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity Financial Information task.
Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the Legal Entity descriptive
flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is opened using the Manage
Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLeInformationContext The descriptive flexfield context name for the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield. This flexfield
appears on the Manage Financials Information page that is opened using the Manage Legal Entity
Financial Information task. Note that the Legal Entity Context descriptive flexfield is different from the
Legal Entity descriptive flexfield. The latter appears on the Create or Edit Legal Entity page, which is
opened using the Manage Legal Entities task.
LegalEntityLegalEmployerFlag Indicates whether the legal entity is a legal employer. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
LegalEntityLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity. This is the primary key of the Legal Entities view object.
LegalEntityObjectVersionNumber The number of times the legal entity row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Name Description
LegalEntityParentPsuId The party identifier of the parent payroll statutory unit, if the legal entity is not a payroll statutory unit
in itself.
LegalEntityPartyId The party identifier of the legal entity. This is a foreign key of the Party Views object.
LegalEntityPsuFlag Indicates whether the legal entity is a payroll statutory unit. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
LegalEntityTransactingEntityFlag Indicates whether the legal entity is allowed to generate business transactions. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The Registrations view object consolidates the detailed registration information of legal entities and establishments,
such as registration number, place of registration, and legal address.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RegistrationCreationDate The date and time when the registration was created.
RegistrationIdentifyingFlag Indicates whether the registration may be used for identification purposes. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
RegistrationIssuingAuthoritySiteId The unique identifier of the issuing legal authority site address.
RegistrationJurisdictionId The jurisdiction for which a legal entity or establishment is registered. This is the foreign key to the
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 8
Extract Data Stores for Financials Legal Entity Configurator
Name Description
RegistrationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the registration was last updated.
RegistrationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the registration.
RegistrationRegistrationId The unique identifier of the registration. This is the primary key of the Registrations view object.
RegistrationSourceId The identifier for the registered legal entity or establishment of the registration.
RegistrationSourceTable The name of the source table for the registered legal entity or establishment of the registration. It can
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
9 Payables
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApAgingPeriodLinesAgingPeriodId Unique identifier of aging period for which aging lines are defined.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAgingPeriodLineId Unique identifier of the aging period line. This is the primary key of the Aging Period Lines view object.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute1 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute10 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute11 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute12 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute13 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute14 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute15 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute2 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute3 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute4 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute5 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute6 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute7 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute8 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttribute9 A segment for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApAgingPeriodLinesAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Aging Period Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodLinesCreationDate The date and time when the aging period line was created.
ApAgingPeriodLinesLastUpdateDate The date when the aging period line was last updated.
ApAgingPeriodLinesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the aging period line.
ApAgingPeriodLinesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the aging period line.
ApAgingPeriodLinesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the aging period line row has been updated.
ApAgingPeriodLinesPeriodSequenceNum The order of this particular date range for the aging period line within the entire period.
Aging Periods
The Aging Periods view object contains information about aging periods such as aging period name, description, status
and so on.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApAgingPeriodsAgingPeriodId The unique identifier of the aging period. This is the primary key of the Aging Periods view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
Name Description
ApAgingPeriodsAttributeCategory The context name for the Aging Periods descriptive flexfield.
ApAgingPeriodsCreationDate The date and time when the aging period row was created.
ApAgingPeriodsLastUpdateDate The date when the aging period row was last updated.
ApAgingPeriodsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the aging period row.
ApAgingPeriodsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the aging period row.
ApAgingPeriodsObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApInvAprvlHistAllApprovalHistoryId The unique identifier for every record created for the invoice during the approval cycle. This is a
primary key of the Invoice Approval History view object.
ApInvAprvlHistAllApproverId The login user name of the approver for a given invoice.
ApInvAprvlHistAllCreationDate The date and time when the approval history row was created.
ApInvAprvlHistAllInvoiceId The unique identifier of the invoice that is undergoing the approval cycle.
ApInvAprvlHistAllIteration The count of times the invoice has passed through the Invoice Approval Workflow process.
ApInvAprvlHistAllLastUpdateDate The date when the approval history row was last updated.
ApInvAprvlHistAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the approval history row.
ApInvAprvlHistAllLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the approval history row.
ApInvAprvlHistAllNotificationOrder The order in which the notifications for the invoice were sent to the approvers.
ApInvAprvlHistAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times the approval history row has been updated.
ApInvAprvlHistAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice.
ApInvAprvlHistAllUpperApproverId The login user name of the approver for a given invoice expressed in uppercase.
Invoice Distributions
The invoice distributions view object contains information about distributions for a supplier invoice such as distribution
number, distribution amount, invoice line number and so on. An invoice can have multiple distributions and there
is one row for each distribution in this view object. The combination of ApInvoiceDistributionsInvoiceDistributionId,
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
ApInvoiceDistributionsLastUpdateDate and ApInvoiceDistributionsLastUpdatedBy forms the primary key for this view
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsAccountingEventId The identifier of the accounting event that accounted for the distribution.
The invoice distribution amount in the ledger currency at the prepayment payment conversion rate.
Populated for prepay type distributions on foreign currency invoices.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAmountAtPrepayXrateThe invoice distribution amount in the ledger currency at the prepayment invoice conversion rate. This
attribute is populated for prepay type distributions on foreign currency invoices.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAmountVariance The amount variance in the entered currency for invoice distributions that are matched to a service
shipment or receipt.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAssetBookTypeCode The asset book associated with the row. The value is populated by default from the invoice line to the
distributions candidate for transfer to Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAssetCategoryId The asset category under which this asset line is grouped. The value is populated by default from the
invoice line to the invoice distributions for transferring to Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAssetsAdditionFlag Indicates whether the invoice distribution has been transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets. A value of U
indicates that the distribution is not yet processed for transfer to Oracle Fusion Assets. A value of Y
indicates that the distribution has been transferred and a value of N indicates that the distribution has
not been transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAssetsTrackingFlag Indicates if the item should be transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets. The value can either be provided
while creating an invoice distribution or populated by default from the parent invoice line or populated
by default to true if an asset account is provided in the distribution combination. If the value is true,
then it indicates that the item should be transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwardId The identifier for the award associated with the invoice distribution. Used by Oracle Fusion Grants
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwtFlag Indicates whether the invoice distribution is subject to withholding tax. Possible values are Y, N or null.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwtInvoiceId The identifier of the withholding tax invoice created from this distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwtInvoicePaymentId The identifier of the payment for the parent invoice. This attribute is populated only for those
withholding tax distributions that are automatically created at payment time.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwtOriginGroupId The identifier of the parent withholding tax group. This attribute is populated for automatically created
withholding tax distributions.
ApInvoiceDistributionsAwtRelatedId The identifier of related invoice distributions for the withholding tax distributions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsBaseAmount The invoice distribution amount in the ledger currency. This is only used for foreign currency invoices.
ApInvoiceDistributionsBaseAmountVariance The amount variance in the ledger currency for invoice distributions matched to a service shipment or
ApInvoiceDistributionsBatchId The identifier of the invoice group used for the invoice.
ApInvoiceDistributionsBcEventId The identifier of the accounting event for the encumbrance accounting event associated with the
invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsBudgetDate The budgetary calendar period date applicable for funds checking.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCancellationFlag Indicates whether an invoice distribution is canceled. The default value is false. If the value if true, then
it indicates the invoice distribution is canceled.
The rounding amount used to relieve the prepaid expense completely when the cash basis accounting
method is used. It is calculated during the final application of a foreign currency prepayment. The
amount is added to the prepay type distribution on the invoice that the prepayment is applied to that
has the same account as the prepayment distribution with the outstanding balance being relieved.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCcReversalFlag Indicates if the prepaid credit card transaction line distributions are reversed or not. A value of Y
indicates that the distributions are reversed.
The distribution to which the entire amount of the current charge is applied.
The identifier of the invoice for prepaid credit card transactions.
The identifier of the consumption advice associated with the invoice distribution.
The identifier of the line number of the consumption advice associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCorrectedInvoiceDistIdThe identifier of the invoice distribution that is corrected by the current invoice distribution. This is
used for price, quantity, or invoice line corrections.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCorrectedQuantity The quantity corrected for price, quantity, or invoice line corrections. This attribute is populated for the
correcting distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCountryOfSupply The country where services or goods were originated. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsCreationDate The date and time when the invoice distribution was created.
ApInvoiceDistributionsDailyAmount The amount of the daily expense receipt. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsDataSetId The identifier of the data set used for processing budgetary control funds reservation requests.
ApInvoiceDistributionsDefAcctgAclCcid The identifier of the accrual account used in multiperiod accounting to accrue deferred expenses.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the account associated with the distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsDistMatchType Indicates if the invoice is matched to a purchase order or to a receipt of material. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE LINE MATCH TYPE.
ApInvoiceDistributionsDistributionClass Indicates whether the distribution is permanent or built in preview mode for display to the user. A list of
value values is defined in the lookup DISTRIBUTION_CLASS.
The line number associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsEndExpenseDate The last day of an expense that spans multiple days. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsExchangeDate The date used to derive the conversion rate for converting the foreign currency invoice distribution
amount to the ledger currency.
ApInvoiceDistributionsExchangeRate The conversion rate used to convert the foreign currency invoice distribution amount to the ledger
ApInvoiceDistributionsExchangeRateType The conversion rate type used to convert the foreign currency invoice distribution amount to the ledger
The identifier for the project expenditure organization associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsExpenditureType The classification of cost assigned to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost
groups or expenditure categories and revenue groups or revenue categories.
ApInvoiceDistributionsExtraPoErv The conversion rate variance for receipt matched distributions, based on the receipt and purchase
order conversion rates. This is used for encumbrance accounting.
The rounding amount to relieve the prepaid expense completely. The amount is calculated during
the final application of a prepayment. It is then added to the prepay type distributions on the invoice
that the prepayment is applied to that has the same account as the prepayment distribution with the
outstanding balance being relieved.
ApInvoiceDistributionsFinalMatchFlag Indicates if an invoice is the last one being matched to a purchase order, so that the purchase order is
no longer available for matching to other invoices.
The rounding amount to relieve the invoice liability completely for foreign currency invoices paid with
more than one prepayment application or payment. This is calculated when the invoice becomes fully
paid by a prepayment application. This amount is added to the largest prepay distribution on the
ApInvoiceDistributionsFullyPaidAcctdFlag Indicates whether the invoice is fully paid and accounted. Used for US Federal Financials. A value of Y
indicates that the invoice is fully paid and accounted.
ApInvoiceDistributionsFundsStatus The funds check or reservation status for the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceDistributionsGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Payables Invoice Distributions global descriptive flexfield.
The raw cost on the invoice distribution that can be burdened.
ApInvoiceDistributionsIncomeTaxRegion The reporting region on the invoice line for a 1099 supplier.
ApInvoiceDistributionsIntendedUse A tax driver used to determine and calculate the applicable taxes.
Indicates whether the invoice distribution was processed by the transfer invoice variance program. A
value of N indicates that the distribution has not been transferred. No value indicates that either the
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
Name Description
distribution was transferred or is not eligible for transfer to inventory valuation. The default value of
this attribute at the time of distribution creation is N.
ApInvoiceDistributionsInvoiceDistributionId The unique identifier of the invoice distribution. This attribute forms part of the primary key for the
Invoice Distributions view object.
ApInvoiceDistributionsInvoiceId The unique identifier of the invoice associated with the invoice distribution.
Indicates whether the prepayment amount is included in the invoice amount.
ApInvoiceDistributionsInvoiceLineNumber The unique number for the invoice line associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsJustification The reason an expense was incurred. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsLastUpdateDate The date and time when the invoice distribution was last updated. This attribute forms part of the
primary key for the Invoice Distributions view object.
ApInvoiceDistributionsLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the invoice distribution. This attribute forms part of the primary key for the
Invoice Distributions view object.
ApInvoiceDistributionsLineTypeLookupCode The type of invoice line associated with the invoice distribution. A list of accepted values is defined in
ApInvoiceDistributionsMatchStatusFlag Indicates whether the invoice distribution is generated for a purchase order matched line. The default
value is set to Not Matched.
The unit of measure used for the invoiced quantity when this distribution is matched.
The number on the receipt issued by the merchant. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsMerchantName The name of the merchant where the expense was incurred. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsMerchantReference The purchase identification of a transaction provided by the merchant at the point of sale. Used for
expense reports.
Unique sequence of letters or numbers assigned to the merchant by a tax authority when it is
registered and by which the merchant registration is identified.
ApInvoiceDistributionsObjectVersionNumberThe number of times that the invoice distribution has been updated.
ApInvoiceDistributionsOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_CONTEXT_ The segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related
CATEGORY standardized code collection.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_CONTRACT_ID The identifier of the project contract associated with the expenditure. Used when Oracle Contract
Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_CONTRACT_ The identifier of the project contract line. Used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants
LINE_ID Accounting is installed.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_ The date on which work is performed and is charged to a project and task.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_ The identifier of the expenditure type. An expenditure type is a classification of cost that you assign to
EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups or expenditure categories and
revenue groups or revenue categories.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_ The organization that the incurring employee is assigned unless overridden by organization overrides
ORGANIZATION_ID for time cards and expense reports. Additionally, the incurring organization entered on the expenditure
for usage, supplier invoices, and purchasing commitments.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_TASK_ID The identifier of the project task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related
invoice line distributions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsPJC_WORK_TYPE_ The identifier of the project work type classification of the work performed on a project.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPaAdditionFlag Indicates if project-related invoice distributions have been transferred to Oracle Fusion Projects.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPaCmtXfaceFlag Indicates if project-related invoice distributions were transferred to Oracle Fusion Projects as a
committed cost.
ApInvoiceDistributionsParentReversalId The identifier of the invoice distribution being reversed by the current distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPoDistributionId The identifier of the purchase order distribution line that is associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPostedFlag Indicates whether the invoice distribution line has been accounted.
The amount of the prepayment that can still be applied to an invoice.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPrepayDistributionId The identifier of the prepayment distribution line related to the prepayment line.
ApInvoiceDistributionsPrepayTaxDiffAmountThe amount resulting from a tax rate or recovery rate change between the prepayment invoice date
and the standard invoice date.
ApInvoiceDistributionsProgramUpdateDate The date on which the process last updated the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsProjectId The unique identifier of the project associated with the invoice distribution.
Indicates whether distributions have been reversed. A value of N indicates that distribution have been
not been reversed. A value of blank indicates that the distributions have been reversed.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRcvTransactionId The identifier of the receipt of material that originated the invoice distribution.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsReceiptConversionRateThe conversion rate used for conversion from the receipt currency to the ledger currency. Used for
expense reports.
The distribution amount in the expense receipt currency. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsReceiptCurrencyCode The currency of the expense receipt. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsReceiptMissingFlag Indicates whether receipts are missing for an expense. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsReceiptRequiredFlag Indicates whether an expense requires a receipt. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsReceiptVerifiedFlag Indicates whether an auditor verified the receipt for an expense. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRecoveryRateCode The rate at which tax is recoverable for the recoverable tax line.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRecoveryTypeCode The mechanism to administer the recovery process for a specific tax.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRelatedId The identifier that links related distributions. This is used for linking related IPV, ERV, ITEM, or
ACCRUAL distributions and is populated with the invoice distribution identifier of the item or accrual
distribution. If there are no item or accrual distributions, then it is populated with the identifier of the
invoice price variance distribution. In all other cases, it is populated with the identifier of the conversion
rate variance distribution.
The identifier of the retainage release invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRequestId The identifier of the scheduled process request that created or last updated the invoice distribution.
The retained amount available for release on the standard invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRetainedInvoiceDistId The identifier of the original invoice distribution on which the amount was retained. This attribute is
populated for the invoice distributions of the retainage release invoice.
ApInvoiceDistributionsReversalFlag Indicates whether a distribution is part of a reversal pair. The default value is false. If the value if true,
then it indicates that the distribution is part of a reversal pair.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRootDistributionId The identifier of the original distribution that was subject to a retroactive price adjustment. This
attribute is populated on the purchase order price adjustment and adjustment documents.
ApInvoiceDistributionsRoundingAmt The rounding amount on the invoice distribution represented in the ledger currency.
ApInvoiceDistributionsSetOfBooksId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsStartExpenseDate The date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days. Used for
expense reports.
ApInvoiceDistributionsStatAmount The amount associated with a distribution for measuring statistical quantities.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceDistributionsSummaryTaxLineId The unique identifier of the summary line associated with the tax line.
ApInvoiceDistributionsTaskId The identifier of the project task for project-related invoice distributions.
Internal processing indicator for Oracle Fusion Payables, indicating whether tax was distributed.
ApInvoiceDistributionsTaxRecoverableFlag Indicates if tax is fully or partially recoverable for the invoice distribution. Valid values are Y or N.
ApInvoiceDistributionsTaxableAmount The taxable amount for the distribution. This attribute is used during upgrade and is intended for
internal use only.
ApInvoiceDistributionsTaxableBaseAmount The taxable amount in the ledger currency for the distribution. This attribute is used during upgrade
and is intended for internal use only.
ApInvoiceDistributionsTotalDistAmount The sum total of amounts related to this distribution including variance amounts from related invoice
ApInvoiceDistributionsTotalDistBaseAmount The sum total of amounts related to this distribution including variance amounts from related invoice
distributions in the ledger currency.
This attribute is reserved for future use.
ApInvoiceDistributionsWebParameterId The parameter identifier of the self-service web application associated with the Invoice distribution.
ApInvoiceDistributionsWithholdingTaxCodeIdThe unique identifier of the withholding tax rates applicable to the invoice.
ApInvoiceDistributionsXinvParentReversalId The cross-invoice parent reversal identifier of the distribution that has been reversed. This attribute is
populated for distributions that negate a distribution on a different invoice.
Invoice Groups
The invoice groups view object contains information about invoice groups used when creating invoices.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ApBatchesAllBatchId The unique identifier of the invoice group. This is the primary key of the Invoice Groups view object.
ApBatchesAllCreationDate The date and time when the invoice group was created.
ApBatchesAllLastUpdateDate The date when the invoice group was last updated.
ApBatchesAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice group.
ApBatchesAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times that the invoice group has been updated.
ApBatchesAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice group.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApHoldCodesCreatedBy The user who created the hold or release code row.
ApHoldCodesCreationDate The date and time when the hold or release code row was created.
ApHoldCodesHoldLookupCode The name of the hold or release code to be applied on an invoice. This is the primary key of the Invoice
Hold and Release Names view object
ApHoldCodesHoldType The type of hold. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type HOLD TYPE.
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Name Description
ApHoldCodesInitiateWorkflowFlag Indicates if the Holds Resolution Routing workflow is enabled for the hold.
ApHoldCodesLastUpdateDate The date when the hold or release code was last updated.
ApHoldCodesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the hold or release code.
ApHoldCodesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the hold or release code.
ApHoldCodesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the invoice hold or release code row has been updated.
ApHoldCodesPostableFlag Indicates whether the hold should prevent the invoice from being accounted.
ApHoldCodesReminderDays The number of days that the Hold Resolution Routing workflow should wait before sending the
reminder notification.
ApHoldCodesWaitBeforeNotifyDays The number of days that the Hold Resolution Routing workflow should wait before sending the
Invoice Holds
The invoice holds view object contains information about holds that you or Oracle Payables application places on a
supplier invoice. It contains attributes such as hold reason, release reason, line held, hold resolution workflow status and
so on.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ApHoldsAllAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Invoice Holds descriptive flexfield.
ApHoldsAllConsumptionAdviceLineId The identifier of the consumption advice line that the hold is associated with.
ApHoldsAllCreationDate The date and time when the invoice hold was created.
ApHoldsAllHoldDate The date when the user placed the hold on the invoice.
ApHoldsAllHoldId The unique identifier of the hold placed on the invoice. This is the primary key of the Invoice Holds
view object.
ApHoldsAllHoldLookupCode The name of the hold that is applied on the invoice. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
ApHoldsAllHoldReason The reason for the hold being placed on the invoice.
ApHoldsAllInvoiceId The unique identifier of the invoice against which the hold is placed. This is a foreign key of the
Invoices view object.
ApHoldsAllLastUpdateDate The date when the invoice hold was last updated.
ApHoldsAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice hold.
ApHoldsAllLineNumber The line number of the invoice line against which the hold is applied.
ApHoldsAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times the invoice hold row has been updated.
ApHoldsAllOrgId The unique identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice.
ApHoldsAllRcvTransactionId The unique identifier of the receipt that this hold is associated with.
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Name Description
ApHoldsAllReleaseLookupCode The release name that released the hold on the invoice. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type HOLD TYPE.
ApHoldsAllResponsibilityId The identifier of the responsibility associated with the Insufficient Funds hold.
ApHoldsAllStatusFlag Indicates the status of the invoice hold. Possible values are null, R and S. A value of R indicates a
system hold that has been released. A value of S indicates a system hold that has not been released.
Null value indicates a user placed hold.
ApHoldsAllWfStatus The holds resolution workflow status for the invoice hold. A list of possible values is defined in the
Invoice Installments
The invoice installments view object contains information about scheduled payments for a supplier invoice.
Each supplier invoice has one or more installments and this information is used to determine when to make
payments on an invoice and how much to pay in an automatic payment batch. Each row of this view object stores
the installment amount, discount available, payment priority, payment status and so on. The combination of
ApPaymentSchedulesAllInvoiceId and ApPaymentSchedulesAllPaymentNum forms the unique identifier of the Invoice
Installments view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ApPaymentSchedulesAllAttributeCategory The context name for the Invoice Payments descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllBatchId The identifier of the invoice batch referenced in the invoice installment.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllCheckrunId The identifier of the payment batch in which the invoice installment is selected for payment. When the
installment is selected for payment in a payment batch, this attribute is updated with the identifier of
the payment batch.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllCreationDate The date and time when the invoice installment was created.
The discount amount available on the first discount date.
The discount amount available on remaining payment amount.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllDueDate The date when the invoice installment is due for payment.
The unique identifier for the supplier bank account.
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Name Description
The context name for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllGlobalAttributeDate1A date segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllGlobalAttributeDate2A date segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllGlobalAttributeDate3A date segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllGlobalAttributeDate4A date segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllGlobalAttributeDate5A date segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
A number segment for the Invoice Payments global descriptive flexfield.
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Name Description
ApPaymentSchedulesAllIbyHoldReason An explanation or justification provided for placing or releasing the hold on the installment.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllInvCurrGrossAmountThe gross amount due for the invoice installment in the invoice currency.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllInvoiceId The unique invoice identifier of the invoice referenced in the invoice installments. This forms part of
the primary key for the Invoice Installments view object.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllLastUpdateDate The date when the invoice installment was last updated.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice installment.
The number of times the invoice installment row has been updated.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice installment.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllPaymentCrossRate The conversion rate from invoice currency to payment currency for the invoice installment.
The payment method of the installment.
This attribute is currently unused.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllPaymentNum The identifying number of the installment. This forms part of the primary key of the Invoice
Installments view object.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllPaymentPriority The number representing the payment priority of an invoice installment. Valid values are from 1 to 99.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllPaymentStatusFlag Indicates whether payment has been made for the installment. A value of Y indicates fully paid, N
indicates unpaid and P indicates partially paid installments.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllRemitToAddressId The identifier of the third-party payment related remit-to address where the payment should be sent.
The third-party payment related remit-to address where the payment should be sent.
ApPaymentSchedulesAllRemitToSupplierId The identifier of the third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment should be sent.
The third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment should be sent.
The discount amount available on the second discount date.
The discount amount available on the third discount date.
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Invoice Lines
The invoice lines view object contains information about invoice lines for a supplier invoice such as line number, line
type lookup code, amount, description and so on. An invoice can have one or more invoice lines. The combination of
ApInvoiceLinesAllInvoiceId and ApInvoiceLinesAllLineNumber forms the primary key for this view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllAccountSegment The overlay account segment value overwrites the defaulted account segment value for an invoice line.
The account segment is that part of the distribution combination that determines whether an account
is an asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense account.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAccountingDate The accounting date for the invoice line. It is used to default the accounting date to invoice
ApInvoiceLinesAllApplicationId The unique identifier of the application from which the invoice originated.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAssessableValue The deemed price at which a product is valued by a tax authority, for tax calculation purposes.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAssetBookTypeCode The asset book associated with the row. The value is populated by default to the distributions
candidate for transfer to Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAssetCategoryId The asset category under which this asset line will be grouped. The value is populated by default to the
invoice distributions for transferring to Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAssetsTrackingFlag Indicates if the item should be transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets. The value can either be provided
while creating an invoice line or populated by default to true if an asset account is provided in the
distribution combination. If the value if true, then it indicates the item should be transferred to Oracle
Fusion Assets.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Payables Invoice Lines descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllAwardId The identifier for the award associated with the invoice line. Used by Oracle Fusion Grants
ApInvoiceLinesAllBalancingSegment The overlay balancing segment overwrites the defaulted balancing segment for an invoice line. A
balancing segment is a segment that you define so that Oracle Fusion General Ledger automatically
balances all journal entries for each value of this segment.
ApInvoiceLinesAllBudgetDate The budgetary calendar period date applicable for funds checking.
ApInvoiceLinesAllCancelledFlag Indicates whether an invoice line is canceled. Possible values are null, Y or N. If the value is Y, then it
indicates that the line has been canceled.
ApInvoiceLinesAllCcReversalFlag Indicates if the prepaid credit card transaction line distributions are reversed or not. A value of Y
indicates that the distributions are reversed.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllCompanyPrepaidInvoiceId The identifier of the invoice for prepaid credit card transactions.
The identifier of the consignment advice associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllConsumptionAdviceLineId The identifier of the consignment advice line associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllControlAmount The user-entered value to ensure that the calculated tax will be the same as the tax on the physical
ApInvoiceLinesAllCorrectedInvId The identifier of the invoice corrected by this invoice line. Used for price, quantity, or invoice line
ApInvoiceLinesAllCorrectedLineNumber The line number of the invoice line corrected by this line. Used for price, quantity, or invoice line
ApInvoiceLinesAllCostCenterSegment The overlay cost center segment overwrites the defaulted cost center segment for an invoice line. The
cost center segment is an organizational element of a chart of accounts typically used for assigning
revenues and expenses.
ApInvoiceLinesAllCostFactorId The identifier of the cost component class. This is used to validate imported invoices for cost
component classes. Cost component classes are used to identify the individual buckets or component
costs that make up the total cost of an item like direct material costs, freight costs, labor costs,
production or conversion costs and so on.
ApInvoiceLinesAllCountryOfSupply The country where services or goods were originated. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllCreationDate The date and time when the invoice line was created.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDailyAmount The amount of the daily expense receipt. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDefAcctgAclCcid The accrual account used in multiperiod accounting to accrue deferred expenses.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDefAcctgPeriodType The period type for multiperiod accounting to accrue deferred expenses.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDefaultDistCcid The accounting flexfield used for automatic generation of a single distribution.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDeferredAcctgFlag Indicates whether the expense is allocated across multiple accounting periods.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDiscardedFlag Indicates that the line is canceled when an invoice is canceled. When a line is canceled all its
distributions are reversed and the amount is set to 0. The default value is false. If the value is true, then
it indicates that the line has been canceled.
ApInvoiceLinesAllDistributionSetId The identifier of the distribution set used to generate distributions for an invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllEndExpenseDate The last day of an expense that spans multiple days. Used for expense reports.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllExpenditureOrganizationIdThe identifier for the project expenditure organization associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllFinalDischargeLocationId The location of the final destination for the purchases made.
ApInvoiceLinesAllFinalMatchFlag Indicates if an invoice is the last one being matched to a purchase order, making the purchase order
schedule no longer available for matching to other invoices. A value of Y indicates the purchase order
schedule is finally closed and invoices can no longer be matched to it.
ApInvoiceLinesAllFosXfaceFlag Indicates whether the invoice line information has been interfaced to Supply Chain Financial Flow
ApInvoiceLinesAllFundsStatus The status of the funds check and reservation for the invoice line. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type XCC_BC_FUNDS_STATUSES.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGenerateDists Indicates whether distributions for the invoice line should be generated dynamically whenever
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment of the Payables Invoice Lines global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoiceLinesAllHistoricalFlag Indicates whether the invoice has been upgraded from a prior release or has been newly created.
ApInvoiceLinesAllIncomeTaxRegion The reporting region for the invoice line for the 1099 supplier.
ApInvoiceLinesAllIntendedUseClassifId The identifier of the tax driver used to determine and calculate the applicable taxes for the line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllInvoiceId The unique invoice identifier that is generated while creating an invoice. This attribute is part of the
primary key for the Invoice Lines view object.
ApInvoiceLinesAllInvoiceIncludesPrepayFlag Indicates whether the prepayment is included in the invoice amount. Possible values are Y and N. A
value of Y indicates that prepayment is included.
ApInvoiceLinesAllJustification The reason an expense was incurred. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLastUpdateDate The date and time when the invoice line was last updated.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user of the user who last updated the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineGroupNumber The line group number assigned to the line during the Import Payables Invoices process. This is used
for allocation of charge lines during the import process.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineNumber The unique number for the invoice line. This attribute is part of the primary key for the Invoice Lines
view object.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineSelectedForApplFlag Indicates if the line on the prepayment invoice is selected for prepayment application.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineSelectedForReleaseFlagIndicates that the invoice line is being processed for retainage release. A value of Y indicates that the
line is under processing.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineSource The source of the invoice line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type LINE SOURCE.
ApInvoiceLinesAllLineTypeLookupCode The type of invoice line. The value must be provided while creating an invoice line. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE LINE TYPE
ApInvoiceLinesAllManufacturer The name of the manufacturer of the asset or item on the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllMatchType Indicates if the invoice is matched to a purchase order or to a receipt of material. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE LINE MATCH TYPE.
The number on the receipt issued by the merchant. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllMerchantName Name of the merchant where the expense was incurred. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllMerchantReference Purchase identification of a transaction provided by the merchant at the point of sale. Used for
expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllMerchantTaxRegNumber Unique sequence of letters or numbers assigned to the merchant by a tax authority when it is
registered and by which the merchant registration is identified.
ApInvoiceLinesAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times that the invoice line has been updated.
ApInvoiceLinesAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllOriginalAmount The original amount of the invoice line before the line or invoice was canceled.
ApInvoiceLinesAllOriginalBaseAmount The original amount of the invoice line before the line or invoice was canceled in the ledger currency.
ApInvoiceLinesAllOriginalRoundingAmt The rounding amount of the invoice line before it was canceled.
ApInvoiceLinesAllOverlayDistCodeConcat The distribution combination that overwrites the intended distribution combination for an invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPaCcArInvoiceId For an intercompany invoice from Oracle Fusion Projects, this is the identifier of the corresponding
receivable intercompany invoice in Oracle Fusion Receivables.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPaCcArInvoiceLineNum For an intercompany invoice from Oracle Fusion Projects, this is the line number of the corresponding
receivable intercompany invoice in Oracle Fusion Receivables.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPaCcProcessedCode The processing status of the invoice line by Oracle Fusion Projects in the receiving business unit.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcContextCategory The segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related
standardized code collection.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcContractId The identifier of the project contract associated with the expenditure. Used when Oracle Contract
Billing or Oracle Grants Accounting is installed.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcContractLineId The identifier of the project contract line. Used when Oracle Contract Billing or Oracle Grants
Accounting is installed.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcExpenditureItemDate The date on which work is performed and is charged to a project and task.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcExpenditureTypeId The identifier of the expenditure type. An expenditure type is a classification of cost that you assign to
each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups or expenditure categories and
revenue groups or revenue categories.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcOrganizationId The organization that the incurring employee is assigned unless overridden by organization overrides
for time cards and expense reports. Additionally, the incurring organization entered on the expenditure
for usage, supplier invoices, and purchasing commitments.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute1 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute10 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute2 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute3 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute4 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute5 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute6 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute7 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute8 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcReservedAttribute9 Reserved for future project-related functionality. This attribute is currently unused.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcTaskId The identifier of the project task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project related
invoice line distributions.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPjcWorkTypeId The identifier of the project work type classification of the work performed on a project.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPoDistributionId The identifier of the purchase order distribution line which is associated with the invoice line.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllPoHeaderId The identifier of the purchase order document number that is matched to the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPoLineId The identifier of the purchase order line number that is matched to the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPoLineLocationId The identifier of the ship-to location for the purchase order schedule.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPoReleaseId The identifier of the purchase order release associated with the invoice correction.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPrepayApplRequestId The request identifier of the Import Payables Invoices process that is used to lock a particular invoice
line in the database while processing it.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPrepayInvoiceId The identifier of the prepayment invoice applied to the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPrepayLineNumber The line number of the prepayment line applied to the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllPrimaryIntendedUse A tax driver used to determine and calculate the applicable taxes for the line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProdFcCategId The identifier of the tax classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProductCategory The taxable nature of a noninventory based item to determine tax or tax reporting purposes.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProductTable The name of the product source table used for generating the invoice line. This is used during Import
Payables Invoices process.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProductType The type of product that defaults from the inventory item attributes. Possible values are Goods or
ApInvoiceLinesAllProgramUpdateDate The date on which the process last updated the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProjectId The unique identifier of the project associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllProrateAcrossAllItems Indicates that the Freight or Miscellaneous type line should be prorated across all existing Item type
lines. The default value is false. If the value if true, then it indicates the charge line should be prorated
across all item type lines.
ApInvoiceLinesAllQuantityInvoiced The quantity of items invoiced including matched invoice lines, price corrections, quantity corrections,
and unmatched invoice lines.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRcvShipmentLineId The unique identifier of the receipt shipment line. This is used for receipt matching for the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRcvTransactionId The unique identifier of the shipment receipt to which the invoice line is matched.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptConversionRate The conversion rate used for conversion from receipt currency to ledger currency. Used for expense
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptCurrencyAmount The line amount in the expense receipt currency. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptCurrencyCode The currency of the expense receipt. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptMissingFlag Indicates whether receipts are missing for an expense. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptRequiredFlag Indicates whether an expense requires a receipt. Used for expense reports.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllReceiptVerifiedFlag Indicates whether an auditor verified the receipt for an expense. Used for expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReferenceKey1 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReferenceKey2 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReferenceKey3 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReferenceKey4 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoiceLinesAllReferenceKey5 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRequestId The identifier of the schedule process request that created or last updated the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRequesterId The name of the person who requested the goods or services.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRetainedInvoiceId The identifier of the original invoice on which the amount was retained. This attribute is populated for
the invoice lines of the retainage release invoice.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRetainedLineNumber The line number of the original invoice on which the amount was retained. This attribute is populated
for the invoice lines of the retainage release invoice.
ApInvoiceLinesAllRoundingAmt The amount that was added to the line to ensure that the total of the line amounts add up to the
invoice amount in ledger currency.
ApInvoiceLinesAllSetOfBooksId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllShipToLocationId The identifier of the ship-to location. This refers to the location where the goods and services have
been shipped to by the supplier.
ApInvoiceLinesAllSourceEntityCode Indicates the source of the invoice lines. This is used during Import Payables Invoices process.
ApInvoiceLinesAllSourceTrxLevelType The level at which the source document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT
ApInvoiceLinesAllStartExpenseDate The date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days. Used for
expense reports.
ApInvoiceLinesAllStatAmount The amount associated with a distribution for measuring statistical quantities.
ApInvoiceLinesAllSummaryTaxLineId The unique identifier of the summary line associated with the tax line.
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Name Description
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaskId The identifier for the project task for project-related invoice lines.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTax The classification of a charge imposed by a government through a fiscal or tax authority.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxAlreadyCalculatedFlag Identifies whether tax has already been calculated for the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxCodeId The Identifier for the existing tax code in Payables. This is used for upgrade and reporting purposes.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxJurisdictionCode The code of the tax jurisdiction associated with the tax rate on the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the tax rate identifier.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxRateId The unique identifier of a tax rate associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxRegimeCode The code of the tax regime associated with the tax rate on the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTaxStatusCode The code of the tax status associated with the tax rate on the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTotalNrecTaxAmount The total nonrecoverable tax allocated to this taxable invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTotalRecTaxAmount The total recoverable tax allocated to this taxable invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllTrxBusinessCategory The transaction category assigned to the invoice line. Used to identify and classify business
transactions for the purpose of tax calculation.
ApInvoiceLinesAllType1099 The income tax type associated to the invoice line, which is populated when 1099 type payments are
made to a supplier.
ApInvoiceLinesAllUserDefinedFiscClass A classification for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification
ApInvoiceLinesAllUssglTransactionCode The USSGL transaction code for creating US Standard General Ledger journal entries. This is used for
Oracle Public Sector Payables.
ApInvoiceLinesAllWebParameterId The parameter identifier of the self-service web application associated with the invoice line.
ApInvoiceLinesAllWfapprovalStatus The status indicating the state of the invoice line in the approval process. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup AP_WFAPPROVAL_STATUS.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
Invoice Payments
The invoice payments view object contains information about invoice payments made to suppliers such as payment
amount, payment number, bank details and so on. There is one row for each payment made for each invoice.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The identifier of the accounting code combination used for the payables liability account.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllAmount The amount paid for each invoice installment in payment currency.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllAmountInvCurr The amount paid for each invoice installment in invoice currency.
The identifier of the accounting code combination used for the cash account.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllAssetsAdditionFlag Indicates whether discounts on the invoice payment have been transferred to Oracle Fusion Assets.
A value of U indicates that the payment discount is not yet processed. A value of Y indicates that
discount has been transferred and a value of N indicates that the discount has not been transferred to
Oracle Fusion Assets.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllBankAccountNum The number of the bank account from which a payment is issued.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllBankAccountType The bank account type of the bank from which payment is being made. For example, a savings or
checking account.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllBankNum The unique identification number of the bank from which the payment is being made.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllCheckId The unique identifier maintained for every payment made. This is a foreign key of the Payables
Payments view object.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllCreationDate The date and time when the invoice payment was created.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllDaysAccelerated The number of days used for the dynamic discount calculation.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoicePaymentsAllDiscountLost The discount amount lost when the invoice payment is not made in time to avail the discount.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllDiscountLostInvCurr The discount amount lost in payment currency when the invoice payment is not made in time to avail
the discount.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllDiscountTaken The amount of the discount realized at the time of payment creation.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllExchangeRate The conversion rate used to convert the payment amount to ledger currency.
The identifier of the accounting code combination used for the realized exchange rate gains account.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllIbanNumber The international bank account number. Used internationally to uniquely identify the account of a
customer at a financial institution.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoiceBaseAmount The payment amount in functional currency at the invoice conversion rate. This attribute is only used
for foreign currency invoice payments.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoiceId The unique identifier of the supplier invoice for which the payment has been made.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoicePaymentId The unique identifier of the payment. This is the primary key of the Invoice Payments view object.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoicePaymentType Indicates the type of payment. Possible payment types are Quick, Manual, Payment Process Request,
or Refund.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoicingPartyId The identifier of the original party for third party payments.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoicingPartySiteId The identifier of the original party site for third party payments.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllInvoicingVendorSiteId The identifier of the original supplier site for third party payments.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllLastUpdateDate The date when the invoice payment row was last updated.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice payment row.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the invoice payment row.
The identifier of the accounting code combination used for realized exchange rate losses.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times that the invoice payment row has been updated.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllPaymentBaseAmount The invoice payment amount in the ledger currency derived using the invoice payment amount at the
payment conversion rate. Used only for foreign currency invoice payments.
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Name Description
ApInvoicePaymentsAllRemitToAddressId The identifier of the remit-to address where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllRemitToAddressName The third-party payment related remit-to address where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllRemitToSupplierId The identifier of the third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllRemitToSupplierNameThe third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllReversalFlag Indicates if the invoice payment is a reversal of another invoice payment. Used for payments that are
ApInvoicePaymentsAllReversalInvPmtId The identifier of the invoice payment that was reversed through the current invoice payment. Used for
payments that are voided.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllSetOfBooksId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the payment.
ApInvoicePaymentsAllXCurrRate The conversion rate used to convert the invoice currency to the payment currency. Used when the
payment currency differs from the invoice currency.
Payables Invoices
The payables invoices view object contains information about supplier invoices such as invoice number, invoice date,
invoice amount, supplier, currency and so on. There is one row for each invoice.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApInvoicesAcctsPayCodeCombinationId The identifier of the account code combination for the accounts payable liability account.
ApInvoicesAmountApplicableToDiscount The Invoice amount used as the basis for calculation of discount.
ApInvoicesApplicationId The unique identifier of the application from which the invoice originated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoicesApprovalDescription The description of the invoice approval. Used for reference purposes only.
ApInvoicesApprovalIteration The number of times the invoice has passed through the Invoice Approval Workflow process.
ApInvoicesApprovalReadyFlag Indicates whether the invoice is ready for approval using the Invoice Approval workflow. Possible values
are Y or N.
ApInvoicesApprovalStatus The status indicating the state of the invoice in the approval process.
ApInvoicesApprovedAmount The invoice amount approved through the Invoice Approval workflow process.
ApInvoicesAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Invoices descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoicesAwardId The identifier for the award associated with the invoice. Used by Oracle Fusion Grants Management.
ApInvoicesAwtFlag Indicates whether withholding tax has been calculated automatically or manually. A value of A
indicates automatic calculation and a value of M indicates manual calculation.
ApInvoicesBankChargeBearer The party that agrees to assume the liability for bank charges assessed on a transaction. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type IBY_BANK_CHARGE_BEARER.
ApInvoicesBudgetDate The budgetary calendar period date applicable for funds checking.
ApInvoicesCheckVatAmountPaid Indicates whether a partially paid purchase transaction is reportable for tax. This is used for tax
reporting purposes in eastern and central Europe.
ApInvoicesControlAmount The user-enterable value to ensure that the calculated tax will be the same as on the physical
ApInvoicesCreationDate The date and time when the invoice was created.
ApInvoicesCreditedInvoiceId The identifier of the invoice that is fully reversed by a credit or debit memo.
ApInvoicesDeliveryChannelCode The delivery channel code entered by the user that helps to uniquely identify a delivery channel.
ApInvoicesDiscIsInvLessTaxFlag Indicates whether the tax amount is excluded from the discountable amount when the invoice amount
applicable to discount is calculated. Possible values are Y or N.
ApInvoicesDistributionSetId The identifier of the distribution set used to generate the distributions for the invoice lines.
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Name Description
ApInvoicesDocSequenceValue The manual sequence number when document sequential numbering is enabled.
ApInvoicesDocumentSubType The classification that categorizes the document associated with a transaction for tax.
ApInvoicesEarliestSettlementDate The date after which a prepayment invoice may be applied to invoices.
ApInvoicesEmployeeAddressCode The address code for the employee. Possible values are HOME or OFFICE.
ApInvoicesExchangeRate The conversion rate used to convert the invoice amount to ledger currency.
ApInvoicesExcludeFreightFromDiscount Indicates whether freight amount is excluded from the discountable amount when calculating the
invoice amount subject to discount. Possible values are Y or N.
ApInvoicesExclusivePaymentFlag Indicates whether the invoice should be paid with its own payment document without including other
invoices for the supplier.
ApInvoicesExpenditureOrganizationId The identifier of the project organization used to build default accounting for the invoice.
ApInvoicesExpenditureType The identifier for the project expenditure organization associated with the invoice.
ApInvoicesFiscalDocAccessKey The unique identifier of the fiscal document, which is generated by concatenating multiple attributes
of the fiscal document.
ApInvoicesForceRevalidationFlag Indicates whether revalidation is allowed for the invoice. Valid values are Y or N.
ApInvoicesFundsStatus Indicates whether funds checking and reservation is applicable for the invoice.
ApInvoicesGlDate The accounting date captured on the invoice that is finally used to default to invoice lines and
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Name Description
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Payables Invoices global descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesHistoricalFlag Indicates whether the transaction is upgraded from a prior release or is newly created.
ApInvoicesImportDocumentDate The import declaration date associated with the import document number.
ApInvoicesImportDocumentNumber The import declaration number or import manifest number provided by Customs when goods are
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoicesInvoiceId The unique invoice identifier that is generated while creating an invoice. This is the primary key of the
Payables Invoices view object.
ApInvoicesInvoiceReceivedDate The date when the invoice was received. This date can be used to calculate the invoice payment due
ApInvoicesInvoiceTypeLookupCode The type of the invoice. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE TYPE.
ApInvoicesJobDefinitionName The name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the invoice.
ApInvoicesJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the invoice.
ApInvoicesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the invoice header.
ApInvoicesLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the invoice.
ApInvoicesLockedBy The user who has locked the invoice for editing.
ApInvoicesObjectVersionNumber The number of times that the invoice has been updated.
ApInvoicesOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the invoice.
ApInvoicesPaDefaultDistCcid The identifier for the default accounting code combination for project-related invoices. This is used to
default the code combination to the invoice distributions.
ApInvoicesPaidOnBehalfEmployeeId The employee identifier for expense reports which are split in both pay scenario. The new expense
report is updated with the employee identifier of the original expense report.
ApInvoicesPayGroupLookupCode The group for a category of suppliers or invoices for a single pay run. Examples include employees,
merchandise, nonmerchandise, government, domestic, and international. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup PAY GROUP.
ApInvoicesPayProcTrxnTypeCode The type of payment processing transaction or document for the invoice.
ApInvoicesPaymentCrossRate The conversion rate between the invoice currency and the payment currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApInvoicesPaymentFunction The business function that the payment serves. Examples include employee expenses and payables
ApInvoicesPaymentMethodCode The user-entered payment method code that helps to uniquely identify a payment method.
ApInvoicesPaymentMethodLookupCode The user-entered payment method code that helps to uniquely identify a payment method.
ApInvoicesPaymentReasonComments The comments that indicate the reason for creating the payment.
ApInvoicesPaymentStatusFlag Indicates whether the invoice is paid. The default value is set to Unpaid.
ApInvoicesPoHeaderId The unique identifier of the purchase order that the invoice is matched to.
ApInvoicesPoMatchedFlag Identifies whether the invoice is matched to a purchase order. This is used in the payables invoice
validation batch program.
ApInvoicesPortOfEntryCode Identifies the location or port through which the invoiced goods entered the country.
ApInvoicesPostingStatus Indicates the posting status of the invoice. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup POSTING
ApInvoicesProductTable The name of the product source table used for generating the invoice.
ApInvoicesQuickCredit Indicates whether the credit memo or debit memo was created as a quick credit.
ApInvoicesQuickPoHeaderId The identifier of the purchase order used for Quick Match. This is used to default values from the
purchase order to the invoice header.
ApInvoicesReferenceKey1 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoicesReferenceKey2 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoicesReferenceKey3 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoicesReferenceKey4 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoicesReferenceKey5 The primary key information that uniquely identifies a record in another product's view.
ApInvoicesRelationshipId The identifier of the third party relationship to whom the payment is made.
ApInvoicesReleaseAmountNetOfTax The invoice amount net of tax for retainage release invoices.
ApInvoicesRemitToAddressId The identifier of the remit-to address where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicesRemitToAddressName The third-party payment related remit-to address where the payment is sent.
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Name Description
ApInvoicesRemitToSupplierId The identifier of the third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicesRemitToSupplierName The third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApInvoicesRequestId The identifier of the schedule process request that created or last updated the invoice.
ApInvoicesRequesterId The unique identifier of the person who requested the goods or services. The requester is used by the
Invoice Approval Workflow process to generate the list of approvers.
ApInvoicesRoutingAttribute1 Captures additional attributes information that may have been used for routing payables invoice
ApInvoicesRoutingAttribute2 Captures additional attributes information that may have been used for routing payables invoice
ApInvoicesRoutingAttribute3 Captures additional attributes information that may have been used for routing payables invoice
ApInvoicesRoutingAttribute4 Captures additional attributes information that may have been used for routing payables invoice
ApInvoicesRoutingAttribute5 Captures additional attributes information that may have been used for routing payables invoice
ApInvoicesRoutingStatusLookupCode Indicates the routing status of the invoice. The invoice can be in the process of routing or complete.
ApInvoicesSetOfBooksId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the invoice.
ApInvoicesSettlementPriority The priority with which the financial institution or payment system should settle payment for this
document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup IBY_SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY.
ApInvoicesSource The source that indicates the feeder system from which an invoice is created. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup SOURCE.
ApInvoicesSupplierTaxInvoiceDate The date when the supplier charged tax, as shown on the purchase order.
ApInvoicesTaskId The identifier for the project task for project-related invoice.
ApInvoicesTaxInvoiceInternalSeq The internal sequence number for a supplier issued tax invoice.
ApInvoicesTaxationCountry The country in which the transaction is deemed to have taken place for taxation purposes. Oracle
Fusion Tax will set the context of other tax drivers such as Product Fiscal Classification based on the
value of this field.
ApInvoicesTempCancelledAmount This attribute temporarily stores the original invoice amount of an invoice until the cancelation
completes successfully.
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Name Description
ApInvoicesTermsDate The date used with payment terms to calculate installment along with due date and discount dates.
ApInvoicesTermsId The unique identifier of the payment terms used to calculate installments and to calculate due dates,
discount dates, and discount amounts for the invoice.
ApInvoicesTransactionDeadline This attribute information pertaining to the declaration or register of certain intracommunity
transactions, including the number of days to perform the transactions. Used for Spanish transactions
ApInvoicesTrxBusinessCategory The transaction category assigned to the invoice. Used to identify and classify business transactions
for the purpose of tax calculation.
ApInvoicesUniqueRemittanceIdentifier The unique identifier for a remittance. Contains reference information for a payment.
ApInvoicesUriCheckDigit The check digit used to validate the unique remittance identifier.
ApInvoicesUserDefinedFiscClass A classification for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification
ApInvoicesUssglTransactionCode The USSGL transaction code for creating US Standard General Ledger journal entries. This is used for
Oracle Public Sector Payables.
ApInvoicesUssglTrxCodeContext The context name for the USSGL Transaction Code Descriptive flexfield.
ApInvoicesValidatedTaxAmount The total tax amount excluded from the discountable amount.
ApInvoicesValidationWorkerId The temporary identifier to set the worker assignment number for the Payables Invoice Validation
ApInvoicesVoucherNum The manual voucher number when document sequential numbering is not used.
ApInvoicesWfapprovalStatus The status indicating the state of the invoice in the approval process. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup AP_WFAPPROVAL_STATUS.
Payables Payments
The payables payments view object contains information about payments issued to suppliers or refunds received from
suppliers. This view object has one row for each payment made or refund received for a supplier.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApChecksAllActualValueDate The actual value date of the payment on the statement lines used for bank reconciliation in Oracle
Fusion Cash Management.
ApChecksAllAddressLine1 The first address line of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllAddressLine2 The second address line of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllAddressLine3 The third address line of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllAddressLine4 The fourth address line of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllAnticipatedValueDate The anticipated date when the funds will reach the destination bank account. Used by Oracle Fusion
Cash Management.
ApChecksAllAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
Extract Data Stores for Financials Payables
Name Description
ApChecksAllAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllBankAccountName The name of the internal bank account from where the payment is made.
ApChecksAllBankAccountNum The supplier's bank account number. This is used for electronic payments.
ApChecksAllBankAccountType The supplier's bank account type. This is used for electronic payments.
ApChecksAllBankChargeBearer The party that agrees to assume the liability for bank charges assessed on a transaction. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type IBY_BANK_CHARGE_BEARER.
ApChecksAllBankNum The supplier's bank number. This is used for electronic payments.
ApChecksAllCeBankAcctUseId The identifier of the internal bank account used for the payment.
ApChecksAllCheckDate The date when the payment is made and mentioned on the payment document.
ApChecksAllCheckFormatId The identifier of the check format used to make the payment.
ApChecksAllCheckId The unique identifier assigned to every payment made. This is the primary key of the Payables
Payments view object.
ApChecksAllCheckStockId The identifier of the payment document used to make the payment.
ApChecksAllCheckVoucherNum The manual voucher number for the payment when document sequential numbering is not used.
ApChecksAllCheckrunId The unique identifier of a payment batch, not applicable to a quick payment.
ApChecksAllCity The city name of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllClearedAmount The payment amount cleared against the payment in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.
ApChecksAllClearedDate The date when the payment is cleared in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApChecksAllClearedExchangeDate The date when the clearing conversion rate is effective, which is usually the accounting date of a
ApChecksAllClearedExchangeRate The conversion rate at which the payment is cleared. The resource is only used for foreign currency
ApChecksAllClearedExchangeRateType The conversion rate type at which the payment is cleared. This attribute is only used for foreign
currency payments.
ApChecksAllCountry The country name of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllCounty The county name of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllCreationDate The date and time when the payment was created.
ApChecksAllEmployeeAddressCode The address code for the employee. Valid values are Home or Office.
ApChecksAllExchangeDate The date when the conversion rate was used to convert foreign currency payments.
ApChecksAllExchangeRateType The type of conversion rate used to convert foreign currency payments.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeDate1 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeDate2 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeDate3 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeDate4 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeDate5 A date segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeNumber1 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeNumber2 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeNumber3 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeNumber4 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllGlobalAttributeNumber5 A number segment for the Payables Payment Information global descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllIbanNumber The international bank account number. This is used internationally to uniquely identify the account of
a customer at a financial institution.
ApChecksAllLastUpdateDate The date when the payment row was last updated.
ApChecksAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment.
ApChecksAllLegalEntityId The unique number of the legal entity associated with the payment.
ApChecksAllLogicalGroupReference The reference of the logical group available on the manual reconciliation search results. Used by Oracle
Fusion Cash Management.
ApChecksAllMaturityExchangeDate The date when the maturity conversion rate is effective, which is usually the maturity date for the
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApChecksAllMaturityExchangeRate The conversion rate type at a future dated payment maturity time. This attribute is only used for
foreign currency payments.
ApChecksAllMaturityExchangeRateType The conversion rate at a future dated payment maturity time. This attribute is only used for foreign
currency payments.
ApChecksAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times the payment row has been updated.
ApChecksAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the payment.
ApChecksAllPartyId The unique identifier of the party to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllPartySiteId The unique identifier of the party site to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllPaymentDocumentId The identifier of the payment document used to make the payment.
ApChecksAllPaymentInstructionId The identifier of the payment file generated for the given payment.
ApChecksAllPaymentMethodCode The user-entered payment method code that helps to uniquely identify a payment method.
ApChecksAllPaymentTypeFlag The type of payment such as Manual, Quick, Refund, and Payment Process Request.
ApChecksAllPositivePayStatusCode The payment status for the invoice. This is used by the Positive Pay Report to select records.
ApChecksAllReconFlag The option to indicate whether the payment is reconciled. Accepted values are Y and N.
ApChecksAllReconciliationBatchId The identifier of the batch used for reconciliation in Oracle Fusion Cash Management.
ApChecksAllRelationshipId The identifier of the third party relationship to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllRemitToAddressId The identifier of the remit-to address where the payment is sent.
ApChecksAllRemitToAddressName The third-party payment related remit-to address where the payment is sent.
ApChecksAllRemitToSupplierId The identifier of the third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApChecksAllRemitToSupplierName The third-party payment related remit-to supplier where the payment is sent.
ApChecksAllRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the payment row.
ApChecksAllSettlementPriority The priority with which the financial institution or payment system should settle payment for this
document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type IBY_SETTLEMENT_PRIORITY.
ApChecksAllState The state name of the party to whom the payment is made.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApChecksAllStatusLookupCode The status of the payment. Accepted values include Negotiable, Set Up, and Spoiled.
ApChecksAllStoppedDate The date and time when the user recorded the stop payment.
ApChecksAllTreasuryPayDate The date on which the payment is processed through the internal treasury department of the
ApChecksAllTreasuryPayNumber The payment number assigned to payments processed through the internal treasury department of
the organization.
ApChecksAllUssglTransactionCode The USSGL transaction code used to create Standard General Ledger journal entries.
ApChecksAllUssglTrxCodeContext The context name for the USSGL Transaction Code Descriptive flexfield.
ApChecksAllVendorId The unique identifier of the supplier to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllVendorSiteCode The name of the supplier site to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllVendorSiteId The identifier of the supplier site to whom the payment is made.
ApChecksAllXCurrRateType The conversion rate type used to convert the invoice currency to payment currency.
ApChecksAllZip The postal code or ZIP code of the party to whom the payment is made.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApPaymentHistDistsCreatedBy The user who created the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsCreationDate The date and time when the payment history distribution was created.
The identifier of the invoice adjustment event that resulted in the payment distribution.
ApPaymentHistDistsInvoiceBaseAmtVarianceThe variance amount on the invoice for the payment distribution in the ledger currency.
ApPaymentHistDistsInvoiceBaseQtyVariance The quantity variance amount in the ledger currency for invoice distribution lines matched to a
purchase order or receipt.
ApPaymentHistDistsInvoiceDistAmount The amount paid of the related invoice distribution in entered invoice currency.
ApPaymentHistDistsInvoiceDistBaseAmount Amount of related invoice distribution in the ledger currency using the invoice conversion rate.
ApPaymentHistDistsLastUpdateDate The date when the payment history distribution row was last updated.
ApPaymentHistDistsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsMaturedBaseAmount The matured payment amount of a future dated payment in ledger currency
ApPaymentHistDistsObjectVersionNumber The number of times that the payment history distribution row has been updated.
ApPaymentHistDistsPaAdditionFlag Indicates whether project related invoice distributions have been transferred to Oracle Projects when
cash basis accounting is used.
ApPaymentHistDistsPaidBaseAmount The payment distribution amount in the ledger currency using the payment conversion rate.
ApPaymentHistDistsPayDistLookupCode The name of the distribution type used for the payment distribution.
ApPaymentHistDistsPaymentHistDistId The unique identifier of the payment history distribution row. This is the primary key of the Payment
History Distributions view object.
ApPaymentHistDistsProgramApplicationId The application that last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsProgramId The process that last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsProgramLoginId The session login associated with the process that last updated the payment history distribution row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApPaymentHistDistsProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsQuantityVariance The quantity variance amount for invoice distribution lines matched to a purchase order or receipt.
The identifier of the retainage release invoice distribution used for subledger accounting business
ApPaymentHistDistsRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the payment history distribution row.
ApPaymentHistDistsReversedPayHistDistId The identifier of the accounting event of the payment distribution being reversed.
ApPaymentHistDistsRoundingAmt The rounding amount resulting from proration using the payment conversion rate.
Payment History
The payment history view object contains clearing and unclearing history for payments such as transaction date,
transaction amount, transaction type and so on. It also contains maturity history for future dated payments.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApPaymentHistoryAllAccountingDate The accounting date for accounting entries for this transaction
ApPaymentHistoryAllBankCurrencyCode The currency of the bank account used for the payment. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view
ApPaymentHistoryAllBankToBaseXrate The conversion rate from bank account currency to ledger currency.
ApPaymentHistoryAllBankToBaseXrateDate The date effective for the conversion rate from bank account currency to ledger currency.
ApPaymentHistoryAllBankToBaseXrateType The conversion rate type for conversion from bank account currency to ledger currency.
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Name Description
ApPaymentHistoryAllCreationDate The date and time when the payment history row was created.
ApPaymentHistoryAllCurrencyCode The ledger currency of the payment. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object.
ApPaymentHistoryAllGainLossIndicator Indicator for whether the payment related transaction resulted in gain or loss. Possible values are G or
ApPaymentHistoryAllHistoricalFlag Indicator for whether the payment transaction is a result of upgraded data.
The identifier of the invoice adjustment event for which the payment adjustment event is created
in this view object. When a paid invoice is adjusted, an invoice adjustment event is created for the
adjustment accounting entries. For each such invoice adjustment event, there is a corresponding
payment adjustment event that adjusts the supplier liability.
ApPaymentHistoryAllLastUpdateDate The date when the payment history row was last updated.
ApPaymentHistoryAllLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllMatchedFlag Indicates whether the payment is matched to a bank statement line. It can have two possible values : Y
or N. A value of Y indicates that the payment Is reconciled. A value of N indicates that the payment is
Multiple Reporting Currencies only. This attribute is currently unused.
Multiple Reporting Currencies only. This attribute is currently unused.
Multiple Reporting Currencies only. This attribute is currently unused.
Multiple Reporting Currencies only. This attribute is currently unused.
Multiple Reporting Currencies only. This attribute is currently unused.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 9
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Name Description
ApPaymentHistoryAllObjectVersionNumber The number of times the payment history row has been updated.
ApPaymentHistoryAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the payment history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllPaymentHistoryId The unique identifier of the payment history row. This is the primary key of the payment history view
ApPaymentHistoryAllPmtCurrencyCode The currency of the payment. This is a foreign key of the Currencies view object.
ApPaymentHistoryAllPmtToBaseXrateDate The date effective for the conversion rate from payment currency to ledger currency.
ApPaymentHistoryAllPmtToBaseXrateType The conversion rate type for conversion from payment currency to ledger currency.
ApPaymentHistoryAllPostedFlag Indicates whether the maturity, clearing or unclearing transaction has been accounted. It can have two
possible values: Y and N.
ApPaymentHistoryAllProgramApplicationId The application identifier of the program that last updated the payment history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllProgramId The program identifier of the program that last updated the payment history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllProgramUpdateDate The date when the program that updated the payment history row was last run.
ApPaymentHistoryAllRequestId The request identifier of the enterprise service scheduler job that created or last update the payment
history row.
ApPaymentHistoryAllTransactionType The transaction type of the payment history row. It can have three possible values : Payment Maturity,
Payment Clearing, Payment Unclearing.
ApPaymentHistoryAllTrxBankAmount The payment amount to clear in bank account currency. This is inclusive of charges and errors.
ApPaymentHistoryAllTrxBaseAmount The payment amount to clear in ledger currency. This is inclusive of charges and errors.
ApPaymentHistoryAllTrxPmtAmount The payment amount to clear in payment currency. This is inclusive of charges and errors.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApTermsLinesAttribute1 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute10 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute11 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute12 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute13 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute14 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute15 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute2 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute3 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute4 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute5 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute6 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute7 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute8 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttribute9 A segment for the Payables Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesAttributeCategory The context name for the Payment Terms Details descriptive flexfield.
ApTermsLinesCalendar The name of the special calendar associated with the term line.
ApTermsLinesCreationDate The date and time when the payment term line was created.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth The day of the month used to calculate the discount date for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth2 The day of the month used to calculate a second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDayOfMonth3 The day of the month used to calculate a third discount for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a discount date for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays2 The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a second discount available for an invoice
payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountDays3 The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate a third discount for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward The number of months ahead used to calculate the discount date the for invoice payment line.
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Name Description
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward2 The number of months ahead, used to calculate the second discount available for an invoice payment
ApTermsLinesDiscountMonthsForward3 The number of months ahead, used to calculate the third discount available for an invoice payment
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent The percentage used to calculate the discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent2 The percentage used to calculate the second discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDiscountPercent3 The percentage used to calculate a third discount available for an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueDayOfMonth The day of the month used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueDays The number of days after the terms date, used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesDueMonthsForward The number of months ahead, used to calculate the due date of an invoice payment line.
ApTermsLinesFixedDate The payment term attribute that indicates the payment due date.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdateDate The date when the payment term line was last updated.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment term line.
ApTermsLinesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment term line.
ApTermsLinesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the payment term line has been updated.
ApTermsLinesSequenceNum The number of the payment term line. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Payment
Terms Details view object.
ApTermsLinesTermId The unique identifier of the payment term line. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Payment Terms Details view object.
Payment Terms
The payment terms view object contains header information about payment terms, including rank, from date, to date,
cutoff day and so on. Payment terms are used to create scheduled payments for invoices.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
PaymentTermHeaderBPEOCreationDate The date and time when the payment term was created.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEODueCutoffDay Used for certain payment terms only. The day of the month after which the installment due and
discount dates advance to a future month. If a cutoff day is not specified, the current accounting
month is used to determine due and discount dates.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the payment term was last updated.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the payment term.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment term row.
The number of times the payment term header row has been updated.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEORank Unique rank to rate invoice payment terms against purchase order payment terms in accordance with
the Prompt Payment Act.
PaymentTermHeaderBPEOTermId The unique identifier of the payment term. This is the primary key of the Payment Terms view object.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ApPrepayAppDistsAmount The prorated invoice distribution amount of the prepayment that is applied to the invoice.
ApPrepayAppDistsAmountVariance The amount variance in the entered currency for invoice distributions matched to a service shipment
or receipt.
ApPrepayAppDistsBaseAmount The prorated invoice distribution amount in the ledger currency that is derived using the invoice
conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsBaseAmtAtPrepayClrXrateThe ledger amount derived using the prepayment clearing conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsBaseAmtAtPrepayPayXrateThe ledger amount derived using the prepayment payment clearing conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsBaseAmtAtPrepayXrate The ledger amount derived using the prepayment conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsCreatedBy The user who created the prepayment application distribution row.
ApPrepayAppDistsCreationDate The date and time when the prepayment application distribution was created.
ApPrepayAppDistsInvoiceBaseAmtVariance The amount variance in the ledger currency for invoice distributions matched to a service shipment or
ApPrepayAppDistsInvoiceBaseQtyVariance The quantity variance in the ledger currency for invoice distributions matched to a purchase order or
ApPrepayAppDistsLastUpdateDate The date when the prepayment application distribution was last updated.
ApPrepayAppDistsLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the prepayment application distribution.
ApPrepayAppDistsLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the prepayment application distribution.
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Name Description
ApPrepayAppDistsObjectVersionNumber The number of times the prepayment application distribution has been updated.
ApPrepayAppDistsPaAdditionFlag Indicates if project-related invoice distributions have been transferred to Oracle Fusion Projects.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayAppDistId The unique Identifier of the prepayment application distribution. This is the primary key of the
Prepayment Application Distributions view object.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayClrExchangeDate The date used to derive the conversion rate for the prepayment payment bank currency to the ledger
currency. Used for calculation at the time of payment clearing for prepayment invoices.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayClrExchangeRate The rate used to convert the bank currency amount of a prepayment to the ledger currency at clearing
The rate type used to convert the bank currency amount of a prepayment payment to the ledger
currency at clearing time.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayDistLookupCode The name of the distribution type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INVOICE
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayExchangeDate The date when the prepayment to the supplier was created.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayExchangeRate The conversion rate at which the prepayment to the supplier was created.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayExchangeRateType The rate type used to convert the prepayment invoice amount to the ledger currency.
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayPayExchangeDate The date used to derive the conversion rate for the prepayment payment currency to the ledger
ApPrepayAppDistsPrepayPayExchangeRate The rate used to convert the foreign currency prepayment payment amount to the ledger currency.
The rate type used to convert the foreign currency prepayment payment amount to the ledger
ApPrepayAppDistsProgramApplicationId The application that last updated the prepayment application distribution.
ApPrepayAppDistsProgramId The process that last updated the prepayment application distribution.
ApPrepayAppDistsProgramUpdateDate The date when a process last updated the prepayment application distribution.
ApPrepayAppDistsQuantityVariance The quantity variance amount for invoice distribution lines matched to a purchase order or receipt.
The identifier of the retainage release invoice distribution.
ApPrepayAppDistsRequestId The identifier of the scheduled process request that created or last updated the prepayment
application distribution.
The rounding amount that results from proration using the prepayment payment clearing conversion
The rounding amount that results from proration using the prepayment payment conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsRoundAmtAtPrepayXrate The rounding amount that results from proration using the prepayment conversion rate.
ApPrepayAppDistsRoundingAmt The amount that was added to the distribution line to ensure that the total of distribution line amounts
adds up to the invoice amount in the ledger currency.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
PaymentTermHeaderTranslationCreationDateThe date and time when the translated payment term was created.
PaymentTermHeaderTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable attributes are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Payment Terms view object.
The date when the payment term row was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated payment term.
The user who last updated the translated payment term row.
PaymentTermHeaderTranslationName The name of the translated payment term that is associated with the invoice.
The number of times the payment term header translation row has been updated.
PaymentTermHeaderTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally
PaymentTermHeaderTranslationTermId The unique identifier of the payment term. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Translated
Payment Terms view object.
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10 Receivables
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArApprovalActionHistoryActionDate The date the adjustment approval action was taken by the approver.
ArApprovalActionHistoryActionName The name of the adjustment approval action taken by the approver.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAdjustmentId The identifier of the adjustment associated with the adjustment approval action.
The identifier of the adjustment approval action.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute10 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 10.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute11 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 11.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute12 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 12.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute13 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 13.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute14 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 14.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute15 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 15.
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Name Description
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield.
ArApprovalActionHistoryComments The comments entered by the user about the adjustment approval action.
ArApprovalActionHistoryCreatedBy The user who created the adjustment approval action history.
ArApprovalActionHistoryCreationDate The date and time the adjustment approval action history was created.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdateDate The date and time the adjustment approval action history was last updated.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the adjustment approval action history.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the adjustment approval action history.
The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an adjustment approval action history to
detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
The adjustment view object contains information about adjustments, including adjustment number, adjustment
date, receivables activity, accounting date, installment number, installment balance, and adjustment status. The
adjustment information is used to update the AMOUNT_ADJUSTED and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING columns in the
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table. If an adjustment is created with a receipt, the ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID
column in the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table stores the cash receipt ID of the entered receipt when the
adjustment is created against the invoice, debit memo, or chargeback.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ArAdjustmentAdjTaxAcctRule The numeric code that identifies the tax accounting rule used to create the accounting for the
ArAdjustmentAdjustmentType The lookup codes for the AR_LOOKUPS adjustment creation type. Valid values are: CHARGES,
ArAdjustmentAssociatedApplicationId The identifier of the receipt application associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentAssociatedCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash receipt associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Adjustment descriptive flexfield.
ArAdjustmentAxAccountedFlag The option that indicates whether the distributions have been upgraded.
ArAdjustmentChargebackCustomerTrxId The identifier of the chargeback transaction associated with the adjustment.
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Name Description
ArAdjustmentConsInvId The consolidated bill number of the balance forward bill that the adjustment belongs to.
ArAdjustmentCustomerTrxId The identifier of the customer transaction associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the customer transaction line associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentDistributionSetId The identifier of the distribution set associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentDocSequenceId The identifier of the document sequence assigned to the adjustment document category.
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Name Description
ArAdjustmentGlobalAttributeCategory The global descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Adjustment global descriptive
ArAdjustmentInterestHeaderId The unique identifier of the late charge adjustment header. This is a foreign key of the adjustment
header view object.
ArAdjustmentInterestLineId The unique identifier of the late charge adjustment line. This is a foreign key of the adjustment line
view object.
ArAdjustmentLastUpdateDate The date and time the adjustment was last updated.
ArAdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentLinkToTrxHistId The identifier of the transaction history record associated with approved endorsements for the
matured pending risk elimination endorsement.
ArAdjustmentObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an adjustment to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAdjustmentOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentPaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule associated with the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentPostable The option that indicates whether the adjustment is postable. Valid values are: Y - postable, Null - not
ArAdjustmentPostingControlId The identifier of the Receivables posting batch. Valid values are: -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous
releases, and -3 for not posted.
ArAdjustmentProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentReasonCode The code that indicates the reason for the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the adjustment.
ArAdjustmentStatus The approval status of the adjustment. Valid values are: A - Approved, U - Unaccrued adjustments, R -
Rejected, and any other codes for unapproved.
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Name Description
ArAdjustmentUpgradeMethod The option that indicates the origin of the adjustment upgrade method.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ArAppRuleSetAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Application Rule Set descriptive flexfield.
ArAppRuleSetCreationDate The date and time the application rule set was created.
ArAppRuleSetFreezeFlag The option that indicates whether the application rule set is frozen and cannot be updated.
ArAppRuleSetLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update to the application rule set.
ArAppRuleSetLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the application rule set.
ArAppRuleSetLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the application rule set.
ArAppRuleSetModuleId The module that owns the application rule set. A module is an entry in the Application Taxonomy,
such as a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the owner of the row is not
specified, then the Seed Data Framework will not extract the row as seed data.
ArAppRuleSetObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an application rule set to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAppRuleSetSeedDataSource The source of the application rule set seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates
that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
AutoCash Hierarchy
The AutoCash hierarchy view object contains information about AutoCash rule sets, including the order in which
rules appear in a rule set, name, description, option to include discounts, option to include finance charges, option to
include dispute items, and option to apply partial payments. AutoCash rule sets determine how receipts are applied to
transactions and how customer balances are updated after receipt application. The Apply to the Oldest Invoice First
AutoCash rule determines whether to apply partial payments.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArAutoCashHierarchyApplyPartialPayments The option that indicates whether to allow partial payments against open balances when using the
Apply to the Oldest Invoice First AutoCash rule.
ArAutoCashHierarchyAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the AutoCash Hierarchy descriptive flexfield.
ArAutoCashHierarchyCreationDate The date and time the AutoCash hierarchy was created.
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeDiscounts The option that indicates the discount to apply to the open balance calculation for the AutoCash rule
set hierarchy. Valid values are Earned Only, Earned and Unearned, and None.
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Name Description
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeDisputeItems The option that indicates whether to include disputed items in the open balance calculation for the
AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyIncludeFinanceChargesThe option that indicates whether to include late charges in the open balance calculation for the
AutoCash rule set hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdateDate The date and time the AutoCash hierarchy was last updated.
ArAutoCashHierarchyLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the AutoCash hierarchy.
ArAutoCashHierarchyObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an AutoCash hierarchy to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAutoCashHierarchyRemainingAmount The option that indicates what to do with remaining receipt amounts when no rule in the AutoCash
rule set hierarchy applies. Valid values are On Account and Unapplied.
ArAutoCashHierarchySeedDataSource The source of the AutoCash hierarchy seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArAutoCashHierarchyStatus The option that indicates whether the AutoCash hierarchy is active.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
RaGroupingRuleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Grouping Rule descriptive flexfield.
RaGroupingRuleCreationDate The date and time the grouping rule was created.
RaGroupingRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the grouping rule was last updated.
RaGroupingRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the grouping rule.
RaGroupingRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a grouping rule to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaGroupingRuleOrderingRuleId The identifier of the line ordering rule associated with the grouping rule. Foreign key to the RA_LINE_
RaGroupingRuleSeedDataSource The source of the grouping rule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that
the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArAutomationRuleActiveFlag The option that indicates whether the AutoMatch rule set is active.
ArAutomationRuleAmountWeight The relative importance, expressed as a percentage, of matching the open balance amount on a
transaction within the combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleCreationDate The date and time the AutoMatch rule set was created.
ArAutomationRuleCustomerThreshold The qualifying percentage needed to accept a customer recommendation on a receipt within the
recommendation score of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleCustomerWeight The relative importance expressed as a percentage of matching the customer information on a
transaction within the combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the AutoMatch rule set was last updated.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleMinMatchThreshold The qualifying percentage, as a sum of the customer, transaction and amount thresholds, needed to
recommend a transaction for receipt application within the recommendation score of an AutoMatch
rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetFreightWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of freight, expressed as a percentage, within the
amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
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Name Description
ArAutomationRuleNetTaxFreightWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of tax and freight, expressed as a percentage,
within the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetTaxWeight The relative importance of a transaction amount net of tax, expressed as a percentage, within the
amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNetUndiscWeight The relative importance of the unearned discount on a transaction, expressed as a percentage, within
the amount weight threshold of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleNumberOfDaysClosed The number of days past closure to consider closed transactions for application or recommendation in
the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an AutoMatch rule set to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAutomationRuleRemittanceRegexp The string handling values to apply to receipt numbers in the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleSeedDataSource The source of the AutoMatch rule set seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates
that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionRegexp The string handling values to apply to transaction numbers in the AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionThreshold The qualifying percentage, as a sum of the customer, transaction and amount thresholds, needed to
apply a receipt automatically within the recommendation score of an AutoMatch rule set.
ArAutomationRuleTransactionWeight The relative importance expressed as a percentage of matching the transaction number within the
combined weighted thresholds of an AutoMatch rule set.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ArConsInvAgingBucket1Amt The unpaid amount in the first aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket2Amt The unpaid amount in the second aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket3Amt The unpaid amount in the third aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket4Amt The unpaid amount in the fourth aging bucket of a 7 - bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket5Amt The unpaid amount in the fifth aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket6Amt The unpaid amount in the sixth aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAgingBucket7Amt The unpaid amount in the seventh aging bucket of a 7- bucket aging report.
ArConsInvAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Balance Forward Bill descriptive flexfield.
ArConsInvBeginningBalance Either the beginning balance or the balance carried over from the last billing period of the balance
forward bill.
ArConsInvBfbTemplateName The print template used to print balance forward bills and to preview balance forward bills online. Valid
values are Balance Forward Bill Summary and Balance Forward Bill Details.
ArConsInvBillLevelFlag The option in the customer profile that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled at the
account level or site level.
ArConsInvConcurrentRequestId The request identifier of a run of the Create Balance Forward Bills process.
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Name Description
ArConsInvConsBillingNumber The balance forward billing number assigned to the balance forward bill and transactions included in
the bill.
ArConsInvConsInvType The balance forward bill type assigned to the customer account or site profile. A list of accepted values
is defined in the AR_BPA_TM_TMPLT_FORMAT lookup type.
ArConsInvCreationDate The date and time the balance forward bill was created.
ArConsInvCutOffDate The cutoff date for transactions to include in the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvDueDate The balance forward bill due date, as determined by the billing cycle.
ArConsInvIssueDate The date the balance forward bill was submitted to the customer.
ArConsInvLastChargeDate The last date of the calculation period for late charges on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvLastUpdateDate The date and time the balance forward bill was last updated.
ArConsInvLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvObjectVersionNumber Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated.
The number is compared at the start and end of a balance forward bill to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArConsInvOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvPrintStatus The print status of the balance forward bill. Valid values are: Pending and Printed.
ArConsInvRemitToAddressId The identifier of the customer remit-to address on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvRemitToAddressSeqId The sequence identifier of the customer remit-to address on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvSiteUseId The identifier of the customer bill-to site on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvStartDate The billing period start date on the balance forward bill.
ArConsInvStatus The balance forward bill status. Valid values are: Draft, Accepted, or Rejected.
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Name Description
ArConsInvUnpaidReason The reason why the balance forward bill isn't paid.
TotalFinanceChargesAmt The sum of all late charges on the balance forward bill.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AmountApplied The amount of the cash remittance receipt applied to the transaction.
ArCashRemitRefAmountAppliedFrom The amount of the cash remittance receipt applied to the transaction in the receipt currency.
ArCashRemitRefAutoapplyFlag The option that indicates whether AutoApply is enabled on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule used on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefBankAccountNumber The customer bank account number on the cash remittance receipt.
ArCashRemitRefCreationDate The date and time the cash remittance reference was created.
ArCashRemitRefCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceCurrencyCode The currency of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceReference The reference for the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefInvoiceStatus The status of the transaction belonging to the cash remittance reference.
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Name Description
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefLockboxMatchingOption The Match Receipts By document type belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefMatchingDateReference The date of the matching document belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a cash remittance reference to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashRemitRefOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefPayUnrelatedCustomers The Receivables system option that indicates whether payment of unrelated customer transactions is
enabled for the business unit associated with the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefPaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule belonging to the cash remittance reference document.
ArCashRemitRefProgramApplicationId The application that last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefProgramId The process that last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefReceiptReferenceStatus The status of the receipt belonging to the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefReferenceSource The source that created the receipt belonging to the cash remittance reference, for example, Lockbox,
Spreadsheet Upload, or Manual Entry.
ArCashRemitRefRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the cash remittance reference.
ArCashRemitRefResolvedMatchingDate The cash remittance reference transaction date of the matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefResolvedMatchingNumber The cash remittance reference transaction number of the matching transaction selected.
ArCashRemitRefTransToReceiptRate The cash remittance reference conversion rate for the entered currency of the matching transaction
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArChargeScheduleHDRAgingBucketId The unique identifier of the charge schedule header. This is a foreign key of the aging buckets view
ArChargeScheduleHDRAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Charge Schedule Header descriptive flexfield.
ArChargeScheduleHDRCreationDate The date and time the charge schedule header was created.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdateDate The date and time the charge schedule header was last updated.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the charge schedule header.
ArChargeScheduleHDRObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a charge schedule header to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
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Name Description
ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleHeaderType The charge schedule header type. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type SCHEDULE_
ArChargeScheduleHDRScheduleId The unique identifier of the charge schedule header. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGE_
SCHEDULES view object.
ArChargeScheduleHDRStatus The status that indicates whether the charge schedule header is active.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArChargeScheduleLineAgingBucketId The identifier of the charge schedule line. This is a foreign key of the AR_AGING_BUCKETS view object.
ArChargeScheduleLineAgingBucketLineId The identifier of the charge schedule line. This is a foreign key of the AR_AGING_BUCKET_LINES_B
view object.
ArChargeScheduleLineAmount The fixed amount assigned to the interest tier line of the charge schedule line.
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Name Description
ArChargeScheduleLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Charge Schedule Line descriptive flexfield.
ArChargeScheduleLineCreationDate The date and time the charge schedule line was created.
ArChargeScheduleLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the charge schedule line was last updated.
ArChargeScheduleLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the charge schedule line.
ArChargeScheduleLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the charge schedule line.
ArChargeScheduleLineObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a charge schedule line to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArChargeScheduleLineRate The fixed rate assigned to the interest tier line of the charge schedule line.
ArChargeScheduleLineScheduleHeaderId The identifier of the charge schedule line reference. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGES_
SCHEDULE_HDRS view object.
ArChargeScheduleLineScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule line reference. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGES_
SCHEDULE view object.
Charge Schedule
The charge schedule view object contains information about late charge schedules, including charge schedule name
and description.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArChargeScheduleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Charge Schedule descriptive flexfield.
ArChargeScheduleCreationDate The date and time the charge schedule was created.
ArChargeScheduleLastUpdateDate The date and time the charge schedule was last updated.
ArChargeScheduleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the charge schedule.
ArChargeScheduleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a charge schedule to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArChargeScheduleScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule. This is a foreign key of the AR_CHARGE_SCHEDULES view
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
HzCustProfileAmtsFApplicationId The application that last updated the customer profile amount.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileAmtsFAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Amount descriptive flexfield.
The minimum receipt amount in the automatic receipt batch currency to generate automatic receipts
for customer transactions with the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCreationDate The date and time the customer profile amount was created.
HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAccountId The identifier of the customer account for this customer profile amount. The foreign key to the HZ_
HzCustProfileAmtsFCustAccountProfileId The identifier of the customer account profile for this customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFExchangeRateType The conversion rate type for the customer profile amount currency.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 16.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 17.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 18.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 19.
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield 20.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileAmtsFGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Amount global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestFixedAmount The fixed late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile
class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Fixed Amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestRate The fixed late charge percentage to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer
profile class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Fixed Rate.
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule to use to calculate late charges on overdue transactions of
customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Interest Charge Type is Charge
HzCustProfileAmtsFInterestType The method to use to calculate late charges on overdue transactions of customers with the customer
profile class. Valid values are: Fixed Amount, Fixed Rate, and Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute1 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute10 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute11 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute12 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute13 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute14 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute15 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute2 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute3 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute4 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute5 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute6 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute7 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute8 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttribute9 The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileAmtsFJgzzAttributeCategory The customer profile amount country specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttributeCategory.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile amount was last updated.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMaxInterestCharge The maximum late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with this customer
profile class.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinDunningAmount The minimum account balance of customers with the customer profile class to generate dunning
The minimum overdue transaction amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate
dunning letters for the transaction.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcBalanceAmount The minimum overdue balance amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate late
The option that indicates how to define the minimum customer balance threshold for calculating late
charges on transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are Amount and
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcBalancePercent The minimum overdue balance percentage of customers with the customer profile class to generate
late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcInvoiceAmount The minimum overdue transaction amount of customers with the customer profile class to generate
late charges.
The option that indicates how to define the minimum transaction threshold for calculating late charges
on transactions of customers with the customer profile class. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinFcInvoicePercent The minimum overdue transaction percentage of customers with the customer profile class to
generate late charges.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinInterestCharge The minimum late charge amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with this customer
profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFMinStatementAmount The minimum statement balance of customers with the customer profile class to generate statements.
HzCustProfileAmtsFObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile amount to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileAmtsFOverallCreditLimit The overall credit limit assigned the customer account with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyFixedAmount The fixed penalty amount to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer profile
class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Fixed Amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyRate The fixed penalty charge percentage to apply to overdue transactions of customers with the customer
profile class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Fixed Rate.
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule to use to calculate penalty charges on overdue transactions of
customers with the customer profile class. This value is used when the Penalty Charge Type is Charge
HzCustProfileAmtsFPenaltyType The method to use to calculate additional penalty charges on overdue transactions of customers with
the customer profile class. Valid values are: Fixed Amount, Fixed Rate, and Charge Schedule.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the customer profile amount.
HzCustProfileAmtsFTrxCreditLimit The credit limit assigned to individual orders of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileAmtsFWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile amount was entered or changed in a data warehouse.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
HzCustProfileClassAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Class descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileClassAutoRecInclDisputedFlag The option that indicates whether disputed transactions are included in the creation of automatic
receipts for the customer profile class.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileClassAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the AutoCash hierarchy associated with this customer profile class.
The identifier of the AutoCash rule set assigned to the customer profile class to apply receipts to
transactions that are not applied or recommended by the AutoMatch process.
HzCustProfileClassAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule set assigned to the customer profile class to perform automatic
matching of transactions to receipts.
HzCustProfileClassChargeBeginDate The date late charges are enabled on the customer profile class.
The interest calculation formula to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this
customer profile class. Valid values are Simple, Compound, and Flat Rate.
HzCustProfileClassCollectorId The identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCombineDunningLetters The options that indicates whether to combine dunning letters for customers with this customer profile
class. Valid values are: Y - combine dunning letters and N - separate dunning letters.
HzCustProfileClassConsBillLevel The option that indicates the level at which to generate balance forward bills for customers with this
customer profile class. Valid values are Account and Site.
HzCustProfileClassConsInvFlag The option that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled for the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassConsInvType The option that indicates the format of the balance forward bills generated for customers with this
customer profile class. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Imported.
HzCustProfileClassCopyMethod The option that indicates whether existing customer profiles that use this customer profile class are
updated when this customer profile class is updated.
HzCustProfileClassCreationDate The date and time the customer profile class was created.
HzCustProfileClassCreditAnalystId The identifier of credit analyst associated with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditBalanceStatements The option that indicates whether to include the credit balance in statements sent to customers with
this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditChecking The option that indicates whether to perform credit checks on customers with this customer profile
HzCustProfileClassCreditClassification The credit classification assigned to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditCurrencyCode The credit limit currency used to display credit limit values for customers with this customer profile
HzCustProfileClassCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether credit items, such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset
against the overdue balance of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditLimit The total amount of credit in the credit currency for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassCreditReviewCycle The review cycle period to use for regular credit reviews of the creditworthiness of customers with this
customer profile class. Valid values are Quarterly, Semiannually, and Annually.
HzCustProfileClassDiscountGraceDays The number of days after the discount payment terms date that customers with this customer profile
class can take discounts.
HzCustProfileClassDiscountTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile class can take discounts.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileClassDisputedTransactionsFlagThe option that indicates whether late charges are calculated on disputed items for customers with this
customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassDunningLetters The option that indicates whether to send dunning letters to customers with past due items with this
customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassExceptionRuleId The identifier of the receipt application exception rule set assigned to the customer profile class to
process over and under payments against transactions.
HzCustProfileClassExchangeRateType The conversion rate type to use to convert transaction amounts to the credit limit currency for
customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 10.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 11.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 12.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 13.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 14.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 15.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 16.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 17.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 18.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 19.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield 20.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile Class global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Customer Profile Class Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
HzCustProfileClassGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the Customer Profile Class Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
HzCustProfileClassGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule assigned to the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that Indicates whether to assess late charges more than once on transactions for customers
with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestCalculationPeriod The option that indicates the interest calculation period to use to calculate late charges on transactions
for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestCharges The option that indicates whether late charges are enabled for this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassInterestPeriodDays The number of days over which late charge interest rate is applied to transactions for customers with
this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute1 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute10 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute11 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute12 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute13 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute14 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute15 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute2 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute3 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute4 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute5 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute6 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute7 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute8 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttribute9 The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileClassJgzzAttributeCategory The Customer Profile Class country-specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttribute Category.
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile class was last updated.
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile class.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Name Description
HzCustProfileClassLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeCalculationTrx The late charge calculation method to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers
with this customer profile class. Valid values are: Average Daily Balance, Late Payments Only, Overdue
Invoices Only, and Overdue Invoices and Late Payments.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeTermId The payment terms assigned by default to late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo
for customers with this customer profile class. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
HzCustProfileClassLateChargeType The late charge type to use to present late charges for customers with this customer profile class. Valid
values are Adjustment, Interest Invoice, and Debit Memo.
HzCustProfileClassLockboxMatchingOption The document reference used by AutoMatch to match receipts to transactions for customers with this
customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMatchByAutoupdateFlag The option that updates the AutoMatch document reference with the most recent document reference
that successfully applied a receipt automatically to transactions for customers with this customer
profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMessageTextId The message text to print on late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for
customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option that indicates whether the late charge interest and penalty charges are calculated using
multiple rates for a single late charge period for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile class to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileClassOffsetDays The number of days before a credit check authorization expires for customers with this customer
profile class.
HzCustProfileClassOrderAmountLimit The amount limit in the credit currency for an individual order for customers with this customer profile
HzCustProfileClassOutsideReporting The option that indicates whether to allow reporting the creditworthiness of customers with this
customer profile class to third parties.
HzCustProfileClassOverrideTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile class can update the default
payment terms assigned to transactions.
HzCustProfileClassPaymentGraceDays The number of days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated against
transactions of customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassPrefContactMethod The preferred method for sending dunning letters to customers with this customer profile class. Valid
values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileClassProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassRequestId The request identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassReviewCycle The review cycle of customer profile data for this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassReviewCycleDays The number of days between reviews of customer profile data for this customer profile class.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileClassSeedDataSource The source of the customer profile class seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
HzCustProfileClassStandardTerms The payment terms assigned by default to transactions for customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatementCycleId The identifier of the statement cycle assigned to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatements The option that indicates whether statements are sent to customers with this customer profile class.
HzCustProfileClassStatus The status of the customer profile class. Valid values are Active, Deleted, and Inactive.
HzCustProfileClassStmtDeliveryMethod The preferred method for sending statements to customers with this customer profile class. Valid
values are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileClassTaxPrintingOption The default method to use to print tax amounts on transactions for customers with this customer
profile class. This value is taken from Receivables system options.
HzCustProfileClassTolerance The percentage that a customer with this customer profile class can exceed their credit limit before
collection action is taken.
HzCustProfileClassWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile class record was entered or changed in a data warehouse.
Customer Profile
The customer profile view object contains information about characteristics of a customer, customer account, or
customer site. The customer profile includes settings and options for credit, collections, payment terms, receipt
matching, AutoInvoice grouping, statements, dunning, and invoicing. The default values and settings in a customer
profile come from the assigned profile class. The values and settings in a specific customer, customer account, or
customer site profile can be changed according to business requirements.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
HzCustProfileFApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the customer profile.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Profile descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileFAutoRecInclDisputedFlag The option that indicates whether disputed transactions are included in the creation of automatic
receipts for the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the AutoCash hierarchy associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFAutocashHierarchyIdForAdr The identifier of the AutoCash rule set assigned to the customer profile to apply receipts to
transactions that are not applied or recommended by the AutoMatch process.
HzCustProfileFAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the AutoMatch rule set assigned to the customer profile to perform automatic
matching of transactions to receipts.
HzCustProfileFB2bTpCode The identifier of the customer with the profile class with a trading partner in a business-to-business
HzCustProfileFChargeBeginDate The date late charges are enabled on the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFChargeOnFinanceChargeFlag The interest calculation formula to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with this
customer profile. Valid values are Simple, Compound, and Flat Rate.
HzCustProfileFClearingDays The number of clearing days before receipts of the customer with the customer profile can be cleared
by the Clear Receipts Automatically process.
HzCustProfileFCollectorId The identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFConsBillLevel The option that indicates the level at which to generate balance forward bills for customers with this
customer profile. Valid values are Account and Site.
HzCustProfileFConsInvFlag The option that indicates whether balance forward billing is enabled for the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFConsInvType The option that indicates the format of the balance forward bills generated for customers with this
customer profile. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Imported.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFCreationDate The date and time the customer profile was created.
HzCustProfileFCreditAnalystId The identifier of the credit analyst associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditBalanceStatements The option that indicates whether to include the credit balance in statements sent to customers with
this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditChecking The option that indicates whether to perform credit checks on customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditClassification The credit classification assigned to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditCurrencyCode The credit limit currency used to display credit limit values for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditHold The option that indicates whether credit holds can be used on customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether credit items, such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset
against the overdue balance of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditLimit The total amount of credit in the credit currency for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditRating The credit rating to assign to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFCreditReviewCycle The review cycle period to use for regular credit reviews of the creditworthiness of customers with this
customer profile. Valid values are Quarterly, Semiannually, and Annually.
HzCustProfileFCustAccountId The identifier of the customer account with the customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_
HzCustProfileFDiscountGraceDays The number of days after the discount payment terms date that customers with this customer profile
can take discounts.
HzCustProfileFDiscountTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile can take discounts.
HzCustProfileFDisputedTransactionsFlag The option that indicates whether late charges are calculated on disputed items for customers with this
customer profile.
HzCustProfileFDunningLetters The option that indicates whether to send dunning letters to customers with past due items with this
customer profile.
HzCustProfileFExceptionRuleId The identifier of the receipt application exception rule set assigned to the customer profile to process
over and under payments against transactions.
HzCustProfileFExchangeRateType The conversion rate type to use to convert transaction amounts to the credit limit currency for
customers with this customer profile.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Customer Profile global descriptive flexfield.
HzCustProfileFGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule assigned to the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that Indicates whether to assess late charges more than once on transactions for customers
with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFInterestCalculationPeriod The option that indicates the interest calculation period to use to calculate late charges on transactions
for customers with this customer profile.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFInterestCharges The option that indicates whether late charges are enabled for this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFInterestPeriodDays The number of days over which the late charge interest rate is applied to transactions for customers
with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute1 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 1.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute10 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 10.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute11 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 11.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute12 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 12.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute13 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 13.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute14 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 14.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute15 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 15.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute2 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 2.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute3 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 3.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute4 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 4.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute5 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 5.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute6 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 6.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute7 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 7.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute8 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 8.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttribute9 The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield segment for JgzzAttribute 9.
HzCustProfileFJgzzAttributeCategory The Customer Profile country specific descriptive flexfield definition for JgzzAttributeCategory.
HzCustProfileFLastCreditReviewDate The date of the last credit review of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer profile was last updated.
HzCustProfileFLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer profile.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeCalculationTrx The late charge calculation method to use to calculate late charges on transactions for customers with
this customer profile. Valid values are: Average Daily Balance, Late Payments Only, Overdue Invoices
Only, and Overdue Invoices and Late Payments.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeTermId The payment terms assigned by default to late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo
for customers with this customer profile. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
HzCustProfileFLateChargeType The late charge type to use to present late charges for customers with this customer profile. Valid
values are Adjustment, Interest Invoice, and Debit Memo.
HzCustProfileFLockboxMatchingOption The document reference used by AutoMatch to match receipts to transactions for customers with this
customer profile.
HzCustProfileFMatchByAutoupdateFlag The option that updates the AutoMatch document reference with the most recent document reference
that successfully applied a receipt automatically to transactions for customers with this customer
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFMessageTextId The message text to print on late charges presented as an interest invoice or debit memo for
customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option that indicates whether the late charge interest and penalty charges are calculated using
multiple rates for a single late charge period for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFNextCreditReviewDate The date of the next credit review of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer profile to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
HzCustProfileFOffsetDays The number of days before a credit check authorization expires for customers with this customer
HzCustProfileFOrderAmountLimit The amount limit in the credit currency for an individual order for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFOverrideTerms The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile can update the default
payment terms assigned to transactions.
HzCustProfileFPartyId The party identifier of the customer with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFPaymentGraceDays The number of days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated against
transactions of customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFPercentCollectable The percentage of the account balance of customers with this customer profile that the collector
expects to collect on a regular basis.
HzCustProfileFPrefContactMethod The preferred method for sending dunning letters to customers with this customer profile. Valid values
are Email, Fax, and Print.
HzCustProfileFPrintingOptionCode The option that indicates whether customers with this customer profile receive printed transactions.
HzCustProfileFProfileClassId The identifier of the customer profile class associated with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFRequestId The request identifier of the process that last updated this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFSendStatements The option that indicates whether statements are sent to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFSiteUseId The identifier of the site use record associated with this customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_
HzCustProfileFStandardTerms The payment terms assigned by default to transactions for customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFStatementCycleId The identifier of the statement cycle assigned to customers with this customer profile.
HzCustProfileFStatus The status of the customer profile. Valid values are Active, Deleted, and Inactive.
HzCustProfileFStmtDeliveryMethod The preferred method for sending statements to customers with this customer profile. Valid values are
Email, Fax, and Print.
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Name Description
HzCustProfileFTaxPrintingOption The default method to use to print tax amounts on transactions for customers with this customer
HzCustProfileFTolerance The percentage that a customer with this customer profile can exceed their credit limit before
collection action is taken.
HzCustProfileFTxnDeliveryMethod The method of delivering transactions to customers with this customer profile. Valid values are Email,
Print, and XML.
HzCustProfileFWhUpdateDate The date the customer profile record was entered or changed in a data warehouse.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
RaCustReceiptMethodAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Customer Receipt Method descriptive flexfield.
RaCustReceiptMethodCreationDate The date and time the customer receipt method was created.
RaCustReceiptMethodLastUpdateDate The date and time the customer receipt method was last updated.
RaCustReceiptMethodLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the customer receipt method.
RaCustReceiptMethodLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the customer receipt method.
RaCustReceiptMethodObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a customer receipt method to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaCustReceiptMethodPrimaryFlag The option that indicates whether the customer receipt method is primary.
RaCustReceiptMethodProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the customer receipt method.
RaCustReceiptMethodProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the customer receipt method.
RaCustReceiptMethodProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the customer receipt method.
RaCustReceiptMethodRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the customer receipt method.
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Detailed Distributions
The detailed distributions view object contains the detailed accounting distributions for cash receipts, miscellaneous
receipts, adjustments, credit memo applications, cash receipt applications, and bills receivable transactions.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The receipt amount in the ledger currency derived using the receipt conversion rate.
The receipt amount in the ledger currency applied to the transaction derived using the transaction
conversion rate.
The accounted amount of earned discount in the ledger currency derived using the transaction
conversion rate.
The accounted amount of unearned discount in the ledger currency derived using the transaction
conversion rate.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountApplied The total amount of the application in the currency of the receipt and transaction prorated across the
applied transaction distribution amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountAppliedFromThe total amount applied in the receipt currency for prorating the amounts on detailed distributions.
This applies to cross-currency applications only.
DetailedDistributionsAllAppSourceId The unique identifier of the receivable application that's used on a receipt or credit memo.
DetailedDistributionsAllAssociatedDistId The unique identifier of the distribution that's used to prorate the activity amount on this split
DetailedDistributionsAllBalanceAcctdAmountThe balance amount in the ledger currency that's available against the distribution account
represented by this record after performing the current activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllBalanceAmount The balance amount in the entered currency that's available against the distribution account
represented by this record after performing the current activity.
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Name Description
DetailedDistributionsAllCreationDate The date and time the detailed distributions line was created.
DetailedDistributionsAllDetailedDistEntry Indicates whether the distribution requires multifund accounting. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailedDistributionsAllDetailedDistId The unique identifier of the record that represents the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllEarnedDiscountTakenThe amount of earned discount taken on the transaction after the receipt is applied.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAcctdAmountCrThe accounted credit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAcctdAmountDrThe accounted debit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAmountCr The credit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAmountDr The debit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromToCode The internal identifier used to extract detailed distribution lines to be processed for accounting. Valid
values are F,T, and Y.
DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdateDate The date and time the detailed distributions were last updated.
DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllLatestActivityFlag Indicates whether the record represents the latest balance against the distribution account. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailedDistributionsAllObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking for detailed distributions. This number is
incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a
transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
DetailedDistributionsAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllPriorDetailedDistId The unique identifier of the original detailed distribution used to create the reversal entry.
DetailedDistributionsAllRefAccountClass The account class associated with the split distribution. Valid values are FREIGHT for Freight account
class, REC for Receivable account class, REV for Revenue account class, TAX for Tax account class,
UNBILL for Unbilled Receivable account class, UNEARN for Unearned Revenue account class, ROUND
for Rounding account class, and SUSPENSE for Suspense account class.
The identifier of the transaction line revenue distribution for the detailed distributions line.
The identifier of the Receivables transaction line.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceDistId The unique identifier of the source distribution for which the detailed distributions are created.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceId The identifier of the record in the SOURCE_TABLE that created this prorated distribution.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceTable The identifier of the source table. Valid values are CRH for the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceType The account type of the transaction for which the detailed distribution is posted.
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Name Description
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableAccountedCr The credit taxable accounted amount in the ledger currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableAccountedDr The debit taxable accounted amount in the ledger currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableEnteredCr The credit taxable amount in the transaction currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableEnteredDr The debit taxable amount in the transaction currency that's applicable on the activity.
The amount of unearned discount taken on the transaction after the receipt is applied.
Distribution Set
The distribution set view object contains information about distribution sets, including name, business unit, description,
total percent distribution, and active status. The distribution sets and distribution set lines are used to automatically
distribute miscellaneous receipt payments. In a distribution set, the total of line allocation percentages must equal 100
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArDistributionSetCreationDate The date and time the distribution set was created.
ArDistributionSetLastUpdateDate The date and time the distribution set was last updated.
ArDistributionSetLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the distribution set.
ArDistributionSetObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a distribution set to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArDistributionSetOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the distribution set.
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Name Description
ArDistributionSetStatus The option that indicates whether the distribution set is active.
ArDistributionSetTotalPercentDistribution The total percent allocated from individual distribution accounts to this distribution set.
Interest Header
The interest header view object consolidates information about late charge interest, including the business unit, late
charge batch, interest to date, accounting date, mode, and batch status.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The formula used to calculate late charges.
ArInterestHeaderCollectorId The unique identifier of the interest header. This is a foreign key of the Collector view object.
ArInterestHeaderCreationDate The date and time the late charges were created.
ArInterestHeaderCreditItemsFlag The option that indicates whether to include credit items as a charge reduction in the late charge
ArInterestHeaderCustAcctProfileAmtId The identifier of the customer account profile definition for late charges. This is a foreign key of the
ArInterestHeaderCustomerId The identifier of the customer account. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_ALL view
ArInterestHeaderCustomerProfileId The identifier of the customer profile. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES view
ArInterestHeaderCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the customer bill-to site. This is a foreign key of the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL view
ArInterestHeaderDisplayFlag The option that indicates whether to display the interest header.
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Name Description
ArInterestHeaderDisputedTransactionsFlag The option that indicates whether to include disputed transactions in the late charge calculation.
ArInterestHeaderHeaderType The late charge document type. Valid values are: ADJ - Adjustment, DM - Debit Memo, INV - Interest
ArInterestHeaderHoldChargedInvoicesFlag The option that indicates whether to place a hold on invoices with late charges.
ArInterestHeaderInterestBatchId The identifier of the late charge batch. This is a foreign key of the ra_interest_batches_all view object.
ArInterestHeaderInterestFixedAmount The fixed amount used to calculate late charge interest on a charge schedule.
ArInterestHeaderInterestHeaderId The identifier of the interest header. This is a primary key of the Interest Header view object.
ArInterestHeaderInterestPeriodDays The number of days in the period used to calculate late charge interest.
ArInterestHeaderInterestScheduleId The identifier of the charge schedule used to calculate late charges. This is a foreign key of the AR_
ArInterestHeaderInterestType The charge method to use to calculate late charge interest on a charge schedule. Valid values are
Amount and Percentage.
ArInterestHeaderLastAccrueChargeDate The date the late charge interest was last compounded.
ArInterestHeaderLastUpdateDate The date and time the interest header was last updated.
ArInterestHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the interest header.
ArInterestHeaderLateChargeTermId The identifier of the payment terms assigned to a debit memo or interest invoice late charge document
ArInterestHeaderLegalEntityId The identifier of a legal entity associated with overdue transactions on an interest invoice. This is the
foreign key of the Legal Entity view object.
ArInterestHeaderMessageTextId The identifier of the message text printed on a debit memo or interest invoice late charge document
type. This is a foreign key of the AR_STANDARD_TEXT.STANDARD_TEXT_ID view object.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalanceAmount The minimum customer balance overdue amount defined for the customer profile late charge
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalanceOverdueType The minimum customer balance overdue type defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
Valid values are Amount and Percent.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcBalancePercent The minimum customer balance overdue percentage defined for the customer profile late charge
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Name Description
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoiceAmount The minimum invoice balance overdue amount defined for the customer profile late charge currency.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoiceOverdueType The minimum invoice balance overdue type defined for the customer profile late charge currency. Valid
values are Amount and Percent.
ArInterestHeaderMinFcInvoicePercent The minimum invoice balance overdue percentage defined for the customer profile late charge
ArInterestHeaderMultipleInterestRatesFlag The option on the customer profile that indicates whether to use multiple interest rates on a late
charge interest invoice. If the option is enabled, then multiple rates apply to late charge calculations
when the effective dates for multiple charge schedules occur within the same charge calculation
ArInterestHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of the interest header to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArInterestHeaderOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the late charge transaction.
ArInterestHeaderPaymentGraceDays The number of grace days after the transaction due date before late charges are calculated.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyFixedAmount The fixed amount used to calculate late charge interest on a penalty charge schedule.
ArInterestHeaderPenaltyScheduleId The identifier of the penalty charge schedule used to calculate late charges. This is a foreign key of the
ArInterestHeaderProcessMessage The error message that appears when a late charge batch ends in error.
Interest Line
The interest line view object contains line-level late charge information about the interest line, including due date, days
overdue, days charged, line type, outstanding amount, interest charged, and status.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArInterestLineAmountDueOriginal The original amount due on the transaction line selected for late charge calculation.
ArInterestLineAmountDueRemaining The remaining amount due on the transaction line selected for late charge calculation.
ArInterestLineCreatedBy The user who created the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineCreationDate The date and time the late charge interest line was created.
ArInterestLineDaysOfInterest The number of days late charge interest is charged on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineFinanceChargeCharged The adjustments of type FINCHRG. This is deducted from the overdue amount of the invoice to
compute the simple interest for invoices.
ArInterestLineInterestHeaderId The identifier of the late charge interest header the late charge interest line belongs to. This is a foreign
key of the Late Charge Interest Line view object.
ArInterestLineInterestLineId The identifier of the late charge interest line. This is a primary key of the Late Charge Interest Line view
ArInterestLineInterestRate The late charge interest rate applied to the transaction line.
ArInterestLineLastChargeDate The date late charges were last calculated on the transaction line.
ArInterestLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the late charge interest line was last updated.
ArInterestLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of the late charge interest line to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArInterestLineOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the late charge transaction line.
ArInterestLineOriginalTrxClass The transaction class of the transaction that has late charges assessed against the transaction line.
Valid values are: Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, and On Account Credit.
ArInterestLineOriginalTrxId The link between a late charge interest line and its original transaction.
ArInterestLinePaymentDate The payment due date on the late charge interest line.
ArInterestLinePaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule on the late charge interest line. This is a foreign key of the Late
Charge Interest Line view object.
ArInterestLineProcessMessage The error message that appears for the late charge interest line when a late charge batch ends in error.
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Name Description
ArInterestLineProcessStatus The status of a late charge interest line belonging to the late charge batch. Valid values are: Success
and Error.
ArInterestLineReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the late charge or penalty charge interest line belonging to a late charge adjustment.
ArInterestLineType The late charge document type the interest line belongs to. Valid values are: ADJ - Adjustment, DM -
Debit Memo, INV - Interest Invoice.
DailyInterestCharge The daily interest charge on the late charge interest line.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ArTransmissionFormatAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Lockbox Transmission Format descriptive flexfield.
ArTransmissionFormatCreatedBy The user who created the lockbox transmission format entry.
ArTransmissionFormatCreationDate The date and time the lockbox transmission format entry was created.
ArTransmissionFormatLastUpdateDate The date and time the lockbox transmission format was last updated.
ArTransmissionFormatLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the lockbox transmission format.
ArTransmissionFormatLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the lockbox transmission format.
ArTransmissionFormatModuleId The module that owns the Transmission Format row. A module is an entry in the Application
Taxonomy, such as a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the owner of the
row is not specified, then the Seed Data Framework will not extract the row as seed data.
ArTransmissionFormatObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a lockbox transmission format to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArTransmissionFormatSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record for the lockbox transmission format. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_
SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed
data file.
ArTransmissionFormatStatusLookupCode The lookup code for the status of the lockbox transmission format.
ArTransmissionFormatZenginCharSet The character set used when importing bank files in Zengin format using the lockbox transmission
Lockbox Transmission
The lockbox transmission view object contains information about lockbox transmissions, including business unit,
transmission name, creation date, lockbox number, receipt batch number, and process status. Each row includes the
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original transmission request ID, the transmission date, time, count, and amount. Lockbox transmission statuses are:
NEW, OOB - out of balance, and CL - closed.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArTransmissionAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield.
ArTransmissionCreationDate The date and time the lockbox transmission was created.
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Name Description
ArTransmissionLastUpdateDate The date and time the lockbox transmission was last updated.
ArTransmissionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a lockbox transmission to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArTransmissionOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionRequestedTransFormatId The identifier of the lockbox transmission format for the lockbox transmission.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArMemoLineTLCreationDate The date and time the memo line translation was created.
ArMemoLineTLLanguage The code of the target language for the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the memo line translation was last updated.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a memo line to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArMemoLineTLSeedDataSource The source of the memo line translation seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArMemoLineTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the memo line translation.
Memo Line
The memo line view object contains information about standard memo lines for invoices, debit memos, on-account
credits, debit memo reversals, and chargebacks, including unit of measure, standard price, memo line translation,
tax rate code, standard invoicing and revenue scheduling rules, and reference set. It's also used to derive the revenue
account when AutoAccounting is based on standard line items.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArMemoLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Memo Line descriptive flexfield.
ArMemoLineCreationDate The date and time the memo line was created.
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Name Description
ArMemoLineGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Memo Line global descriptive flexfield.
ArMemoLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the memo line was last updated.
ArMemoLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the memo line.
ArMemoLineLineType The line type of the transaction line where the memo line is entered.
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Name Description
ArMemoLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a memo line to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArMemoLineSeedDataSource The source of the memo line seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the
record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArMemoLineTLCreationDate The date and time the memo line translation was created.
ArMemoLineTLLanguage The code of the target language for the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the memo line translation was last updated.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTLSeedDataSource The source of the memo line translation seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArMemoLineTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the memo line translation.
ArMemoLineTaxProductCategory The product fiscal classification on the tax memo line used to calculate taxes.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArMiscCashDistributionAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Miscellaneous Cash Distribution descriptive flexfield.
ArMiscCashDistributionCashReceiptHistoryIdThe identifier of the cash receipt history of the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionCashReceiptId The identifier of the cash receipt of the miscellaneous cash distribution.
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Name Description
ArMiscCashDistributionCreationDate The date and time the miscellaneous cash distribution was created.
ArMiscCashDistributionLastUpdateDate The date and time the miscellaneous cash distribution was last updated.
ArMiscCashDistributionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
The primary key of the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a miscellaneous cash distribution to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArMiscCashDistributionOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionPercent The percentage of the total receipt amount for this miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionPostingControlId The posting batch identifier of the miscellaneous cash distribution. Valid vales are: -1, -2, and -4 for
posted in previous releases, and -3 for not posted.
ArMiscCashDistributionProgramApplicationIdThe identifier of the application that last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the miscellaneous cash distribution.
ArMiscCashDistributionSetOfBooksId The primary ledger associated with the miscellaneous cash distribution.
The context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield for the miscellaneous cash distribution.
Payment Schedule
The payment schedule view object contains information about all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous
cash receipts. It's updated when activities occur against an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, on-account
credit, or receipt. Upon receipt application, the amount applied, amount due remaining, and status are updated. The
status changes from open to closed if the amount due remaining becomes zero. Amount due includes on-account
and unapplied amounts. Invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, and deposits have positive amount due remaining and
amount due original values, whereas credit memos and receipts have negative amounts. The sum of amount due
remaining for all confirmed payment schedules is the customer balance. If the customer balance is negative, amount
due remaining is the credit balance amount. If a debit memo reversal is created, a payment schedule record is created
for the debit memo.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The remaining amount due on the transaction in the ledger currency.
ArPaymentScheduleActiveClaimFlag The option that indicates whether an active claim exists in Trade Management for this transaction.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountAdjusted The amount of the payment schedule or payment schedule installment that's adjusted.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountAdjustedPendingThe amount of the payment schedule or payment schedule installment that's pending adjustment
The original line amount due on the payment schedule.
The remaining line amount due on the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleAmountOtherAccount The payment schedule amount for Oracle internal use only.
ArPaymentScheduleAssociatedCashReceiptIdThe identifier of the cash receipt from which the chargeback is created.
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Name Description
ArPaymentScheduleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Payment Schedule descriptive flexfield.
ArPaymentScheduleBrAmountAssigned The amount of a bill receivable that's applied to a transaction in the entered currency.
ArPaymentScheduleConsInvId The unique identifier of the balance forward bill. This is a primary key of the Balance Forward Bill view
ArPaymentScheduleConsInvIdRev The consolidated bill number of the balance forward bill that the transaction payment schedule cash
receipt reversal belongs to.
ArPaymentScheduleCreationDate The date and time the payment schedule was created.
ArPaymentScheduleCustTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the payment schedule transaction type used for invoices, bills receivable,
and credit memos.
ArPaymentScheduleCustomerId The identifier of the customer associated with the transaction payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleDiscountTakenEarned The actual amount of earned discount taken on the payment schedule line.
ArPaymentScheduleDiscountTakenUnearnedThe actual amount of unearned discount taken on the payment schedule line.
The date when the user manually adjusted the dunning level of a debit item.
ArPaymentScheduleExcludeFromConsBillFlagThe option that indicates whether to exclude the current payment schedule from the balance forward
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Name Description
The option that indicates whether to exclude the customer from the dunning process.
ArPaymentScheduleFollowUpCodeLast The code that describes the outcome of the last follow-up with the customer about the transaction line
ArPaymentScheduleFollowUpDateLast The date the customer was last contacted about the transaction line item.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Payment Schedule global descriptive
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
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Name Description
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber2A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber3A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber4A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArPaymentScheduleGlobalAttributeNumber5A segment of the Receivables Payment Schedule Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment schedule was last updated.
ArPaymentScheduleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleModuleId The module that owns the row. A module is an entry in the Application Taxonomy, such as a Logical
Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the owner of the row isn't specified, then the
Seed Data Framework won't extract the row as seed data.
ArPaymentScheduleNumberOfDueDates The total number of installment due dates on the transaction payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment schedule to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArPaymentSchedulePaymentScheduleClass1 The lookup code for the class of the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleProgramApplicationId The identifier of the process that corresponds to the application that last updated the payment
ArPaymentScheduleProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleReceiptConfirmedFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt was confirmed.
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Name Description
The total additional charges on a payment schedule other than lines, tax, and freight.
The balance due of the sum of all additional charges on a payment schedule other than lines, tax, and
ArPaymentScheduleRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the payment schedule or payment
schedule installment.
ArPaymentScheduleReservedType The transaction payment schedule reserved for remittance batch processing.
ArPaymentScheduleReversedCashReceiptId The identifier of the reversed receipt from which a debit memo is created.
ArPaymentScheduleSeedDataSource The source of the payment schedule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates
that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
The identifier of the automatic receipt batch. A transaction is available for automatic receipt application
if this column is null and the transaction is assigned an automatic receipt method.
ArPaymentScheduleStagedDunningLevel The dunning level of the payment schedule item as printed on the dunning correspondence.
ArPaymentScheduleStatus The payment schedule status. Valid values are: OP - Open: amount due remaining, CL - Closed: no
amount due.
ArPaymentScheduleTermId The identifier of the payment terms used to calculate the payment schedule.
ArPaymentScheduleTermsSequenceNumber The sequence number assigned to each installment of the payment schedule.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaTermsLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Payment Terms Line descriptive flexfield.
RaTermsLineCreationDate The date and time the payment terms line was created.
RaTermsLineDueDayOfMonth The due day of the month on the payment terms line.
RaTermsLineDueDays The number of days until the due date on the payment terms line.
RaTermsLineDueMonthsForward The number of months until the due date on the payment terms line.
RaTermsLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment terms line was last updated.
RaTermsLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment terms line.
RaTermsLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment terms line.
RaTermsLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment terms line to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaTermsLineRelativeAmount The amount due on the payment terms line relative to the base amount.
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Name Description
RaTermsLineSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record for the payment terms line. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaTermTLCreationDate The date and time the payment terms translation was created.
RaTermTLLanguage The code of the target language for the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment terms translation was last updated.
RaTermTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment terms translation to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaTermTLSeedDataSource The source of the translated payment terms seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
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Name Description
RaTermTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLTermId The identifier of the payment terms for the payment terms translation.
Payment Terms
The payment terms view object contains information about payment terms, including reference set, name, description,
billing cycle, base amount, discount basis, discount basis date, from date, to date, print lead days, and installment
option. Payment terms are used to calculate payment due dates and discounts given for early payment.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
RaTermBAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Payment Terms descriptive flexfield.
RaTermBBaseAmount The sum of all of the relative amounts due in the installments of a split payment terms payment
RaTermBCalcDiscountOnLinesFlag The discount basis amount to use amount to calculate discounts for the payment terms. Valid values
are: Invoice Amount, Lines Only, Lines and Tax not Fright Items and Tax, and Lines, Freight Items, and
RaTermBCreationDate The date and time the payment terms were created.
RaTermBCreditCheckFlag The option that indicates whether the bill-to customer with the payment terms is included in credit
RaTermBDiscountBasisDateType The date to use to calculate discounts on payments received for transactions with the payment terms.
Valid values are: Receipt Date, Receipt Application Date, and Deposit Date.
RaTermBDueCutoffDay The cutoff day with payment terms when the due date is extended one month.
RaTermBFirstInstallmentCode The option that indicates whether to include tax and freight in the first installment or to allocate tax
and freight across all installments of the payment terms payment schedule.
RaTermBInUse The option that indicates whether the payment terms are referenced in a transaction.
RaTermBLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment terms were last updated.
RaTermBLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment terms.
RaTermBModuleId Seed Data Framework: indicates the module that owns the payment terms row. A module is an entry in
Application Taxonomy such as a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the
owner of the row isn't specified, then the Seed Data Framework won't extract the row as seed data.
RaTermBObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment terms to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaTermBPartialDiscountFlag The option that indicates whether customers can take discounts for partial payments on items
associated with the payment terms.
RaTermBPrepaymentFlag The option to enable in order to create prepayment payment terms. Transactions assigned prepayment
payment terms require prepayment for goods and services.
RaTermBPrintingLeadDays The number of days before the due date that transactions with the payment terms are eligible for
RaTermBSeedDataSource The source of the payment terms seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates
that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
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Name Description
RaTermTLCreationDate The date and time the payment terms translation was created.
RaTermTLLanguage The code of the target language for the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the payment terms translation was last updated.
RaTermTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a payment terms translation to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaTermTLSeedDataSource The source of the translated payment terms seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
RaTermTLSourceLang The code of the original language for the payment terms translation.
RaTermTLTermId The identifier of the payment terms for the payment terms translation.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ArAppExceptionRuleActiveFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt application exception rule is active.
ArAppExceptionRuleCreatedBy The user who created the receipt application exception rule.
ArAppExceptionRuleCreationDate The date and time the receipt application exception rule was created.
ArAppExceptionRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt application exception rule was last updated.
ArAppExceptionRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt application exception rule.
ArAppExceptionRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt application exception rule.
ArAppExceptionRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt application exception rule to
detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArAppExceptionRuleSeedDataSource The source of the receipt application exception rule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_
SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed
data file.
Receipt Batch
The receipt batch view object contains information about the receipt batch, including receipt batch name, batch date,
accounting date, batch status, payment type, number of receipts, batch receipt amount, batch application status,
transmission request, lockbox batch name, receipt class, receipt method, remittance bank account, and business unit.
The receipt batch view object stores batch source information about each receipt and remittance batch.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ArBatchAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Batch descriptive flexfield.
ArBatchAutoPrintProgramId The identifier of the print program used for the receipt remittance batch.
ArBatchAutoTransProgramId The identifier of the magnetic format print program used for the receipt remittance batch.
ArBatchBatchAppliedStatus The receipt batch status. Valid values are: IN_PROCESS, PROCESSED, and POSTBATCH_WAITING.
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Name Description
ArBatchCreationDate The date and time the receipt batch was created.
ArBatchLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt batch was last updated.
ArBatchLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt batch.
ArBatchLockboxBatchName The name of the lockbox associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchLockboxId The identifier of the lockbox associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchMediaReference The name of the transmission media used for the receipt batch.
ArBatchObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt batch to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArBatchOldRemittanceBankBranchId The identifier of the previous default remittance bank branch of the receipt batch.
ArBatchOperationRequestId The request identifier of the process that created the receipt batch.
ArBatchOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the receipt batch (foreign key to FND_
ArBatchProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the receipt batch (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_
ArBatchProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the receipt batch.
ArBatchPurgedChildrenFlag The option that indicates whether information in the receipt batch was purged.
ArBatchReceiptClassId The identifier of the receipt class associated with the receipt batch (foreign key reference to RECEIPT_
ArBatchReceiptMethodId The identifier of the receipt method associated with the receipt batch (foreign key reference to AR_
ArBatchRemitBankAcctUseId The business use identifier of the target remittance bank account for the receipt batch.
ArBatchRemitMethodCode The receipt batch remittance method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring, and Standard and
ArBatchRemittanceBankAccountId The identifier of the remittance bank account assigned to the receipt batch (foreign key reference to
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Name Description
ArBatchRemittanceBankBranchId The identifier of the bank branch of the remittance bank account assigned to the receipt batch.
ArBatchSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the receipt batch.
ArBatchTransmissionId The identifier of the lockbox transmission that processed the receipt batch.
ArBatchTransmissionRequestId The request identifier of the lockbox transmission that processed the receipt batch.
ArBatchType The receipt batch type. Valid values are: MANUAL for manually created batches, CREATION for
automatic receipt batches, REMITTANCE for remittance batches, CLEARANCE for clearance batches,
and BR_REMITTANCE for bills receivable remittance batches.
ArBatchWithRecourseFlag The option on a bills receivable remittance batch that indicates whether to create factored bills
receivable remittances with recourse.
Receipt Distribution
The receipt distribution view object contains information about accounting distributions for cash and miscellaneous
receipts, adjustments, credit memo and receipt applications, and bills receivable. The source types for cash receipts
receivable applications are: REC-receivable, EDISC-earned discounts, UNEDISC-unearned discounts, TAX-collectable
tax, DEFERRED_TAX, EDISC_NON_REC-nonrecoverable earned discounts, UNEDISC_NON_REC-nonrecoverable
unearned discounts, EXCH_GAIN-exchange gain, EXCH_LOSS-exchange loss, and CURR_ROUND-currency rounding.
The source types for adjustments are: REC, ADJ-adjustment, FINCHRG-late charges, ADJ_NON_REC-nonrecoverable
adjustments, and FINCHRG_NON_REC-nonrecoverable charges. The source types for miscellaneous receipts are:
MISCCASH-cash and TAX. The source types for bills receivable are: DEFERRED_TAX, FACTOR, REC, REMITTANCE, TAX,
and UNPAIDREC-unpaid bills.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArDistributionAcctdAmountCr The journal entry recorded for the accounted credit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionAcctdAmountDr The journal entry recorded for the accounted debit amount of the receipt.
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Name Description
ArDistributionAmountCr The distribution recorded for the accounted credit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionAmountDr The distribution recorded for the accounted debit amount of the receipt.
ArDistributionCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account for creating journals. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger
code combination view object.
ArDistributionFromAmountCr The credit amount of the cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionFromAmountDr The debit amount of the cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArDistributionLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt accounting distribution was last updated.
ArDistributionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt accounting distribution.
ArDistributionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt accounting distribution.
ArDistributionLineId The unique identifier of the accounting line distribution. This is a primary key of the General Ledger
Line Distribution view object.
ArDistributionLocationSegmentId The unique identifier for the location segment found in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table. This is a
foreign key of the Distribution Location view object.
ArDistributionObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArDistributionRefDistCcid The accounting code combination identifier for distributions outside Receivables.
ArDistributionRefMfDistFlag The option that indicates whether the distribution was created based on a Public Sector Financials
ArDistributionReversalFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt distribution was reversed.
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Name Description
ArDistributionReversedSourceId The source identifier that indicates where the reversal record was created from. This is used for receipt
applications to record the debit/credit in the gain/loss account.
ArDistributionSourceId The identifier of the record in the SOURCE_TABLE that created the distribution.
ArDistributionSourceIdSecondary The unique identifier of the distribution source secondary column. This is a foreign key of the Source
Distribution view object.
ArDistributionSourceTableSecondary The distribution source for the receipt that represents a secondary table.
ArDistributionSourceType The account type of the receipt for which the distribution is posted.
ArDistributionTaxCodeId The unique identifier of the distribution tax rate code. This is a foreign key of the Tax view object.
ArDistributionTaxGroupCodeId The unique identifier of the distribution tax group code. This is a foreign key of the Tax Group Code
view object.
ArDistributionTaxLinkId The link between tax and taxable lines within the AR_DISTRIBUTIONS table.
ArDistributionThirdPartyId The identifier of the bill-to customer on the transaction and the paying customer on the receipt.
ArDistributionThirdPartySubId The identifier of the bill-to site on the transaction and the customer site on the receipt.
Receipt Header
The receipt header object contains information about receipts, including receipt number, receipt method, receipt type,
status, business unit, customer, receipt date, amount, and total applied amount. One record is created for each receipt.
Concurrently, records are also created in cash receipt history, payment schedules, and cash applications for invoice-
related receipts or miscellaneous cash distributions for miscellaneous receipts. Every receipt has a status. Valid values
are: APP - applied, UNAPP - unapplied, UNID - unidentified, NSF - nonsufficient funds, REV - reversed receipt, and STOP
- stop payment. The receipt status is updated from unapplied to applied when the entire receipt amount is applied or
placed on account. Cash receipts proceed through the confirmation, remittance, and clearance steps. Each step creates
a cash receipt history record.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArCashReceiptAddressVerificationCode The credit card address verification code retrieved from the Oracle Payments Server.
ArCashReceiptAmount The amount of the payment from the history record to allow querying on the amount.
ArCashReceiptApplicationNotes The reference number that could not be matched to a transaction number during lockbox validation.
ArCashReceiptApprovalCode The payment approval code provided by the credit card issuer.
ArCashReceiptAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Cash Receipt descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptAxAccountedFlag The option that indicates whether the cash receipt distributions have been upgraded.
ArCashReceiptCcErrorCode The error code derived from the credit card payment processor.
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Name Description
ArCashReceiptCcErrorFlag The option that indicates whether a transaction had a credit card processing error.
ArCashReceiptCodeCombinationId The General Ledger account code combination of the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptConfirmedFlag The option that indicates whether a cash receipt is confirmed. Valid values are: Y or Null - Cash receipt
confirmed, N - Cash receipt not confirmed. Always use Null when checking this column.
ArCashReceiptCreationDate The date and time the cash receipt was created.
ArCashReceiptCustomerBankAccountId The identifier of the customer bank account that paid the receipt.
ArCashReceiptDistributionSetId The identifier of the distribution set associated with the payment entry.
ArCashReceiptDocSequenceId The identifier of the document sequence assigned to the standard receipt document category.
ArCashReceiptDocSequenceValue The identifier of the document sequence number assigned to the receipt.
ArCashReceiptExchangeRateType The conversion rate types available for the receipt on the conversion date.
ArCashReceiptFactorDiscountAmount The amount of factor discount taken by the bank when factoring a receipt.
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Name Description
ArCashReceiptGlobalAttributeCategory The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Cash Receipt global descriptive flexfield.
ArCashReceiptIssuerBankBranchId The identifier of the bank branch that issued the bill receivable.
ArCashReceiptLastUpdateDate The date and time the cash receipt was last updated.
ArCashReceiptLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptLogicalGroupReference The column added as part of the Cash Management uptake of ARP_CASHBOOK and used in
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Name Description
ArCashReceiptMiscPaymentSource The source of the miscellaneous payment against the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a cash receipt to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashReceiptOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptOverrideRemitAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the remittance batch remittance bank account can override the
receipt remittance bank account.
ArCashReceiptPaymentServerOrderNum The identifier of the credit card payment authorized by the Oracle Payments Server.
ArCashReceiptPaymentTrxnExtensionId The identifier of the Payments transaction for processing a credit card or bank account payment.
ArCashReceiptPrevCustomerSiteUseId The identifier of the customer site that was previously associated with the payment.
ArCashReceiptPrevPayFromCustomer The customer that was previously associated with the payment.
ArCashReceiptProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptReceiptMethodId The identifier of the receipt method assigned to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptRecommendationCount The total number of transaction application recommendations generated for the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptReconFlag The option that indicates whether Cash Management is enabled. The default value in Receivables is N,
modified by Cash Management during bank reconciliation.
ArCashReceiptReferenceId The identifier of the cash receipt reference. This is a foreign key of the cash receipt view object.
ArCashReceiptReferenceType The cash receipt reference type. Valid values are: PAYMENT, RECEIPT, and REMITTANCE.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Name Description
ArCashReceiptRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptResourceId The identifier of the receivables specialist assigned to the cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptSelectedForFactoringFlag The option that indicates whether the receipt is a factored receipt.
ArCashReceiptSelectedRemittanceBatchId The identifier of the batch created by the receipt remittance process.
ArCashReceiptStatus The status of the cash receipt. Valid values are: Applied, Unapplied, Unidentified, Insufficient Funds,
Reverse Payment, and Stop Payment.
ArCashReceiptStructuredPaymentReference An industry standard reference on receivables receipts composed of letters, check digits, and
transaction information, used to identify the transaction, transaction lines, and its payments to the
customer and bank.
ArCashReceiptType The receipt type of the cash receipt. Valid values are Standard and Miscellaneous.
ArCashReceiptUssglTransactionCodeContextThe descriptive flexfield context name of the public sector accounting descriptive flexfield.
Receipt History
The receipt history view object contains information about each step in the lifecycle of a receipt, including history
status, accounting date, entered amount, accounted amount, conversion rate, reversal category, and reversal reason.
Valid statuses for each automatic receipt creation step are: APPROVED for approved receipts and CONFIRMED
for confirmed receipts. Valid statuses for manually and automatically created receipts also include: REMITTED for
remitted receipts, CLEARED for cleared receipts, and REVERSED for reversed receipts. Every record is posted to
General Ledger. Each record debits the account on the specified GL_DATE and credits the account on the specified
REVERSAL_GL_DATE, if a reversal date is present. The record optionally debits the BANK_CHARGE_ACCOUNT_CCID
column for the amount in the FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT column on the specified GL_DATE and credits the account
on the specified REVERSAL_GL_DATE. This is the difference between the remitted amount and the cleared amount.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The account that is debited on the receipt accounting date and credited on the receipt reversal
accounting date.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAcctdAmount The accounted amount of the historical cash receipt in the ledger currency.
The accounted factored discount amount of the historical cash receipt in the ledger currency.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAmount The historical cash receipt amount. This amount may vary from the original receipt amount after
clearing and remitting the receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Cash Receipt History descriptive flexfield.
The account that is debited or credited for the factored discount amount of the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryBatchId The identifier of the receipt batch that created the historical cash receipt. This is a foreign key of the
AR_BATCHES table view object.
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Name Description
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreatedBy The user who created the historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreatedFrom The page or process used to create the historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCreationDate The date and time the historical cash receipt entry was created.
ArCashReceiptHistoryCurrentRecordFlag The option that indicates whether the current entry is the latest historical cash receipt entry.
ArCashReceiptHistoryEventId The identifier of the subledger accounting event for the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryFactorFlag The option that indicates whether the historical cash receipt was remitted and factored.
ArCashReceiptHistoryFirstPostedRecordFlag The option that indicates when the historical cash receipt was first posted.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdateDate The date and time the historical cash receipt was last updated.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a historical cash receipt to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArCashReceiptHistoryOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryPostableFlag The option that indicates whether a historical cash receipt entry was postable.
ArCashReceiptHistoryPostingControlId The identifier of the historical cash receipt posting batch. Valid values are: 1 - posted by the ARXGLP
posting program, 2 - posted by the Release 8 RA, 3 - not posted, 4 - posted by the Release 9 RAPOST.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the historical cash receipt.
ArCashReceiptHistoryProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the historical cash receipt.
The identifier of the status of the historical cash receipt record prior to the change in status to the
current record.
ArCashReceiptHistoryRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the historical cash receipt.
The identifier of the historical cash receipt reversal.
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Name Description
The identifier of the historical cash receipt reversal posting batch. Valid values are: 1 - posted by the
ARXGLP posting program, 2 - posted by the Release 8 RA, 3 - not posted, Null - if the historical cash
receipt reversal accounting date is null.
ArCashReceiptHistoryStatus The status of the historical cash receipt. Valid values are: Approved, Confirmed, Remitted, Cleared,
ArCashReceiptHistoryTrxDate The date the cash receipt history row is entered by the user.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ArReceiptMethodAccountAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method Account descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBankChargesCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Bank Charges receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrCollectionDays The minimum number of days on the receipt method account that the remittance bank uses to collect
on a bill receivable that is remitted after the maturity date.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrFactorCcid The identifier of the receipt method factored bills receivable account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountBrRemittanceCcid The identifier of the receipt method remitted bills receivable account.
The identifier of the short term debt receivables activity used for the receipt method account
remittance bank.
ArReceiptMethodAccountCashCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Cash receipt method account.
The identifier of the receivables activity used for the receipt method account claim investigation
accounting. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view object.
ArReceiptMethodAccountClearingDays The number of days on the receipt method for the bank to clear a standard receipt, or the number of
days after maturity date when customer risk of non-payment is eliminated on a factored receipt.
ArReceiptMethodAccountCreationDate The date and time the receipt method account was created.
ArReceiptMethodAccountEarnedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Earned receipt method account.
The identifier of the receipt method account earned discount receivables activity used when
accounting for tax on earned discounts. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view object.
ArReceiptMethodAccountEndDate The date the combination of receipt method and bank account is inactive.
ArReceiptMethodAccountFactorCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Factor receipt method account.
The identifier of the process that prints factored receipts from the receipt method account.
The identifier of the process that transmits factored receipts from the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 12.
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Name Description
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArReceiptMethodAccountGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receipt Method Account global descriptive flexfield 20.
The global descriptive flexfield context name for the Receipt Method Account global descriptive
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt method account was last updated.
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountMinReceiptAmountThe minimum receipt amount below which automatic receipts are not created for the customer
account or site for the receipt method account.
The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt method account to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOldBankAccountId The identifier of the original bank account associated with the receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOnAccountCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the On Account receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the receipt method account.
The option that indicates whether the receipt remittance batch process can override the receipt
method remittance bank account with the remittance batch bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountPrimaryFlag The option that indicates whether the remittance bank account is the primary bank account for the
receipt method account in the given currency.
ArReceiptMethodAccountReceiptClearingCcidThe identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Receipt Confirmation receipt method account.
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Name Description
The identifier of the receipt method remittance bank account.
The identifier of the process that prints automatic receipts selected for remittance with this receipt
method and remittance bank account.
The identifier of the process that transmits automatic receipts selected for remittance with this receipt
method and remittance bank account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountRemittanceCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Remittance receipt method account.
The number of days after the maturity date of factored receipts with this receipt method and
remittance bank account that the Clear Receipts Automatically process can clear the short term debt.
ArReceiptMethodAccountShortTermDebtCcidThe identifier of the short term debt liability account for factored receipts with this receipt method and
remittance bank account. The account is credited when receipts are factored to the bank and debited
when risk is eliminated.
ArReceiptMethodAccountStartDate The date this receipt method and remittance back account became active.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnappliedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unapplied receipt method account.
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnearnedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unearned receipt method account.
The identifier for the receipt method account of the unearned discount receivables activity used when
accounting for tax on unearned discounts. This is a foreign key of the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX view
ArReceiptMethodAccountUnidentifiedCcid The identifier of the accounting flexfield for the Unidentified receipt method account.
Receipt Method
The receipt method view object contains information about receipt methods, including receipt class, receipt method
name and description, option for debit memos to inherit receipt numbers, option for receipt to inherit transaction
numbers, grouping number of receipts rule, receipt maturity date rule, and lead days. For automatically created receipts,
receipt methods define the rules for creating these receipts. For manually created receipts, receipt methods define
user-definable receipt types. Each receipt method is associated with a set of remittance bank accounts, which can be
assigned to a receipt. For example, if lockbox transmissions are received from multiple banks, a lockbox receipt method
can be created with the bank accounts from the banks assigned to it.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ArReceiptClassAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Class descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptClassBillOfExchangeFlag The option that indicates whether this receipt class is used for Bills Receivable
ArReceiptClassClearFlag The receipt class clearance method. Valid values are: Directly, By Automatic Clearing, By Matching.
ArReceiptClassConfirmFlag The option that indicates whether automatic receipts created by the receipt method with this receipt
class require confirmation by the customer.
ArReceiptClassCreationDate The date and time the receipt class was created.
ArReceiptClassCreationMethodCode The receipt class creation method. Valid values are: Automatic, Bills Receivable, Bills Receivable
Remittance, Manual.
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Name Description
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Class global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceiptClassGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the Receipt Class Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceiptClassLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt class was last updated.
ArReceiptClassLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt class.
ArReceiptClassObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt class to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
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Name Description
ArReceiptClassRemitFlag The receipt class remittance method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring, Standard and Factoring, No
ArReceiptMethodAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodAutoPrintProgramId The identifier of the of the process that prints automatic receipts created by the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodAutoTransProgramId The identifier of the of the process that transmits automatic receipts created by the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrCustTrxTypeId The identifier of the bills receivable transaction type used to create bills receivable from transactions
with this bills receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrInheritInvNumFlag The option that indicates whether bills receivable created from transactions with this bills receivable
receipt method use the transaction number as the bill receivable number.
ArReceiptMethodBrMaxAcctdAmount The maximum amount possible to create bills receivable from applied transactions using this bills
receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodBrMinAcctdAmount The minimum amount necessary to create bills receivable from applied transactions using this bills
receivable receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodCreationDate The date and time the receipt method was created.
ArReceiptMethodDmInheritReceiptNumFlag The option that indicates whether a debit memo reversal is assigned the same number as the reversed
receipt using this receipt method.
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Name Description
ArReceiptMethodGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receipt Method global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceiptMethodIso20022DirectDebitFlag The option that indicates whether receipts created from this automatic receipt method use ISO 20022
direct debit collections.
ArReceiptMethodLastUpdateDate The date and time the receipt method was last updated.
ArReceiptMethodLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodLeadDays The number of days before the invoice due date that an invoice can be selected for application by the
automatic receipt process using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodMaturityDateRuleCode The rule that determines the maturity date to use on a receipt created from invoices with different due
dates using this automatic receipt method. Valid values are: Earliest - earliest due date of all invoices,
Latest - latest due date of all invoices.
ArReceiptMethodMerchantId The merchant identifier of the credit card processor used as the funds capture payment method to
remit payment for automatic receipts created using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodMerchantRef The merchant reference for the credit card processor used as the funds capture payment method to
remit payment for automatic receipts created using this automatic receipt method.
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Name Description
ArReceiptMethodObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receipt method to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceiptMethodPaymentTypeCode The payment type used as the funds capture payment method to remit payment for automatic receipts
created using this automatic receipt method. Valid values are Credit Card and Bank Account Transfer.
ArReceiptMethodPrintedName The text that is printed on statements when referring to this receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptClassId The identifier of the receipt class that is associated with this receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptCreationRuleCode The rule that determines how the automatic receipt process groups and applies receipts against
transactions using this automatic receipt method.
ArReceiptMethodReceiptInheritInvNumFlag The option that indicates whether a receipt created with this automatic receipt method is assigned the
number of the transaction to which it is applied.
ArReceiptMethodSeedDataSource The source of the receipt method seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates
that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
RemitMethodCode The receipt class remittance method used by this receipt method. Valid values are: Standard, Factoring,
Standard and Factoring, No Remittance.
Receivable Application
The receivable application view object contains accounting entries for cash and credit memo applications, including
transaction applied, installment, application type, amount applied, discounts, days late, application rule, and application
status. Valid statuses are: APP-applied, UNAPP-unapplied, ACC-on account, UNID-unidentified, ACTIVITY-receivable
activity, and OTHER ACC-other application. Total amount applied for cash applications should equal the cash receipt
amount. A negative amount applied value becomes debit when the application is posted to GL. Upon cash receipt
creation, an unapplied record for cash receipt amount is created. For each subsequent application, one applied record
for amount applied to invoice and one unapplied record for the negative of applied amount are created. If a cash
application is reversed, one applied record for the negative of the original application amount and one unapplied record
for the positive amount of the application are created.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The portion of the receipt amount that is converted to the ledger currency.
The portion of the transaction amount that is converted to the ledger currency.
The earned discount equivalent in the ledger currency converted using the transaction conversion rate.
The unearned discount equivalent in the ledger currency converted using the transaction conversion
ArReceivableApplicationAmountApplied For ledger currency transactions and receipts, the total applied amount in the ledger currency. For
cross-currency transactions and receipts, the total applied amount in the transaction currency.
ArReceivableApplicationAmountAppliedFromFor cross-currency applications only, the total applied amount in the receipt currency.
ArReceivableApplicationApplicationRefId The identifier of the reference number used for special applications or receipt-to-receipt applications.
ArReceivableApplicationApplicationRefNum The displayed reference number used for special applications or receipt-to-receipt applications.
The application reason code whose context is determined by the application reference type value.
ArReceivableApplicationApplicationRefType The application reference type that determines the context for the application reference number. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type APPLICATION_REF_TYPE.
ArReceivableApplicationApplicationRule The code used to identify which SQL statements in the modules created this record.
ArReceivableApplicationApplicationType The lookup code used to identify the Receivable Application type. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type APPLICATION_TYPE lookup code.
The identifier of the debit item or credit item to which a payment or credit memo is applied.
The line number of the debit item or credit item to which a payment or credit memo is applied
The identifier of the payment schedule of the debit item or credit item to which a payment or credit
memo is applied.
ArReceivableApplicationAppliedRecAppId The identifier of the Receivable application record to which the payment is applied.
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Name Description
ArReceivableApplicationAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivable Application descriptive flexfield.
ArReceivableApplicationCashReceiptHistoryIdThe unique identifier of the cash receipt history table. This is a foreign key of the Receivable
Application view object.
ArReceivableApplicationChargesEdiscountedThe amount of the earned discount taken from the remaining open amount on the item.
The amount of the unearned discount taken from the remaining open amount on the item.
ArReceivableApplicationCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the General Ledger account code combination.
ArReceivableApplicationConfirmedFlag The option that indicates whether the cash receipt is confirmed. The value No indicates that the cash
receipt is not confirmed. Always use NVL--CONFIRMED_FLAG is Y--when checking this column.
ArReceivableApplicationConsInvIdTo The identifier of a consolidated invoice that contains the application to a different customer site, when
either cash or a credit memo is applied to a customer site that is different from the site originally
assigned to the cash or credit memo transaction.
ArReceivableApplicationCreationDate The date and time the Receivable application was created.
ArReceivableApplicationCustomerReason The customer reason for deductions and chargebacks associated with an application.
ArReceivableApplicationCustomerReference The reference provided by the customer for the Receivable application.
ArReceivableApplicationCustomerTrxId The identifier of the debit item or credit memo that is applied.
ArReceivableApplicationDaysLate The number of days between the Receivable application date and the transaction due date.
ArReceivableApplicationDisplay The option that indicates whether the application against the transaction is the latest.
ArReceivableApplicationEarnedDiscountCcid The unique identifier of the General Ledger earned discount code combination.
The amount of earned discount taken toward the application.
ArReceivableApplicationEdiscTaxAcctRule The option that indicates the rule used to create accounting for tax on earned discounts.
ArReceivableApplicationEventId The identifier of the Subledger accounting event for the Receivable application.
The reason a receipt was applied manually to the transaction.
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Name Description
ArReceivableApplicationFreightEdiscounted The amount of earned discount taken from the remaining freight amount for the item.
ArReceivableApplicationFreightUediscountedThe amount of unearned discount taken from the remaining freight amount for the item.
ArReceivableApplicationGlDate The date when the application will post to the General Ledger.
ArReceivableApplicationGlPostedDate The date when the application was posted to the General Ledger.
The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivable Application global descriptive flexfield.
A segment of the Receivable Application Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
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Name Description
A segment of the Receivable Application Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
A segment of the Receivable Application Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
A segment of the Receivable Application Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
A segment of the Receivable Application Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceivableApplicationLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update to the receipt.
ArReceivableApplicationLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receipt.
ArReceivableApplicationLineApplied The amount of the receipt applied to the transaction line amount.
ArReceivableApplicationLineEdiscounted The amount of the earned discount taken from the remaining open amount on the transaction line.
ArReceivableApplicationLineUediscounted The amount of the unearned discount taken from the remaining open amount on the transaction line.
ArReceivableApplicationLinkToCustomerTrxIdThis column is used to reference the transaction associated with a short term debt application.
ArReceivableApplicationLinkToTrxHistId This column is used to reference the transaction history record associated with the movement of
deferred tax due either to a maturity date event or its subsequent reversal event.
The number of times the receipt was updated.
ArReceivableApplicationPaymentScheduleId The identifier of the payment schedule of the payment or credit memo applied to the transaction.
ArReceivableApplicationPostable The option that indicates whether the item can be posted to General Ledger.
ArReceivableApplicationPostingControlId The identifier of the Receivables posting batch. Valid values are: -1, -2, and -4 if posted in previous
releases, -3 if not posted.
The identifier of the application that last updated the receipt application.
ArReceivableApplicationProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the receipt application.
The identifier of the receipt application to the transaction.
The amount of the Receivables charges applied to the transaction.
ArReceivableApplicationRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the receipt application.
ArReceivableApplicationReversalGlDate The accounting date for both reversed receipts and the accompanying reverse activity.
The secondary application reference identifier of another transaction or application, such as a claim,
that is associated with this receipt application.
The receipt application reference number displayed to the user.
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Name Description
The identifier of the receipt application reference type that determines the context for the
accepted values is defined in the lookup type APPLICATION_REF_TYPE.
ArReceivableApplicationSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the receipt application.
ArReceivableApplicationStatus The lookup code used to display the status of the receipt application.
ArReceivableApplicationTaxEdiscounted The amount of earned discount taken from the remaining tax amount for the item.
ArReceivableApplicationTaxUediscounted The amount of unearned discount taken from the remaining tax amount for the item.
ArReceivableApplicationTransToReceiptRate For cross-currency applications only, the conversion rate used to convert the amount applied in the
transaction currency to the amount applied in the receipt currency.
The General Ledger code combination used for the unearned discount.
The amount of unearned discount taken for the receipt application.
ArReceivableApplicationUnediscTaxAcctRule The option that indicates the rule used to create the accounting for tax on unearned discounts.
ArReceivableApplicationUpgradeMethod The option that indicates the source of the receipt application.
The transaction code defined under Public Sector accounting.
The context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield.
Receivables Activity
The receivables activity view object contains information about receivables activities, including business unit, name,
description, activity type, active option, GL account source, tax rate code source, and distribution set for miscellaneous
receipts. Receivables activities provide default accounting information for all activities in Receivables other than
transactions and receipts. The receivables activity types are: Adjustment, Bank Error, Bills Receivable Funds Recovery,
Credit Card Chargeback, Credit Card Refund, Earned Discount, Late Charges, Miscellaneous Cash, Payment Netting,
Prepayments, Receipt Write-offs, Refund, Short Term Debt, and Unearned Discount.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
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Name Description
ArReceivablesTrxAccountingAffectFlag The option that indicates whether to post transactions with this receivables activity to general ledger.
ArReceivablesTrxAssetTaxCode The asset tax rate code used for the Miscellaneous Cash receivables activity to account for tax on
miscellaneous receipts and miscellaneous payments.
ArReceivablesTrxAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield.
ArReceivablesTrxCodeCombinationId The general ledger account code combination of the receivables activity account.
ArReceivablesTrxCreationDate The date and time the receivables activity was created.
ArReceivablesTrxGlAccountSource The value that indicates how Receivables derives the accounts for the expense or revenue generated
by the Receivables activity. Valid values are: Activity GL Account, Distribution Set, Revenue on Invoice,
and Tax Rate Code on Invoice.
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Name Description
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdateDate The date and time the receivables activity was last updated.
ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxLiabilityTaxCode The liability tax rate code used for the Miscellaneous Cash receivables activity to account for tax on
miscellaneous receipts and miscellaneous payments.
ArReceivablesTrxObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receivables activity to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceivablesTrxOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxRiskEliminationDays The number of days after maturity that an endorsed bill receivable is held before the risk can be
ArReceivablesTrxSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record for the receivables activity. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
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Name Description
ArReceivablesTrxTaxCodeSource The value that indicates how Receivables derives the tax rate code for the Receivables activity. Valid
values are: Activity, Invoice, and None.
ArReceivablesTrxTaxRecoverableFlag The option on the tax rate code source that indicates whether tax for this receivables activity is
Reference Account
The reference account view object contains information about reference accounts, including business unit, ledger, bills
receivable account, unpaid bills receivable account, remitted bills receivable account, factored bills receivable account,
clearing account, revenue account, freight account, receivable account, tax account, unbilled receivables account,
unearned account, distribution set account, and suspense account.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArRefAccountBuId The identifier of the business unit associated with the reference account.
ArRefAccountCreationDate The date and time the reference account was created.
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Name Description
ArRefAccountLastUpdateDate The date and time the reference account was last updated.
ArRefAccountLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the reference account.
ArRefAccountLedgerId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the reference account.
ArRefAccountObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a reference account to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
Remit-to Address
The remit-to address view object contains information about remit-to addresses, including remit-to address translation
set, name, description, business unit, postal codes, reference set, and country location information. There is one record
for each country and state or province combination associated with a remit-to address. This information is used to
assign a remit-to address by default during invoice entry. The COUNTRY column is required.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
RaRemitToAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Remit-to Address descriptive flexfield.
RaRemitToCreationDate The date and time the remit-to address was created.
RaRemitToLastUpdateDate The date and time the remit-to address was last updated.
RaRemitToLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the remit-to address.
RaRemitToObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a remit-to address to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaRemitToPostalCodeHigh The upper limit of the postal code range for the remit-to address.
RaRemitToPostalCodeLow The lower limit of the postal code range for the remit-to address.
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Name Description
RaRemitToStatus The status of the remit-to address. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
Remit-to Location
The remit-to location view object contains information about the remit-to location, including the remit-to location name
and description.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArRemitToLocAddressLocSeqId The sequence identifier of the location address of the remit-to location.
ArRemitToLocCreationDate The date and time the remit-to location was created.
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Name Description
ArRemitToLocGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Remit-to Location global descriptive flexfield.
ArRemitToLocLastUpdateDate The date and time the remit-to location was last updated.
ArRemitToLocLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the remit-to location.
ArRemitToLocObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a remit-to location to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArRemitToLocOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the remit-to location.
Revenue Adjustment
The revenue adjustment view object contains information about revenue adjustments, including business unit,
name, revenue adjusted transaction, revenue adjustment date, adjusted amount, adjusted percentage, revenue
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category adjustment, transaction line, accounting date, revenue adjustment type, revenue adjustment status, revenue
adjustment reason, salesperson, and sales credit type.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArRevenueAdjustmentAmountMode The revenue amount adjusted on the transaction. Valid values are: T - Total revenue amount, A -
Specific revenue amount, and P - Percentage of the total revenue amount.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield.
ArRevenueAdjustmentCreationDate The date and time the revenue adjustment was created.
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Name Description
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromCategoryId The identifier of the transaction line item category, such as Software or Hardware, from which revenue
is adjusted. The item is associated to the category when the transaction line is created.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromCustTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line that had revenue adjusted.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromInventoryItemId The identifier of the inventory transaction line that had revenue adjusted.
The identifier of an individual salesperson that had sales credits transferred.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromSalesgroupId The identifier of a group of salespersons that had sales credits transferred.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdateDate The date and time the revenue adjustment was last updated.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLineSelectionMode The value that indicates the part of the transaction has revenue adjusted. Valid values are: A -
ArRevenueAdjustmentObjectVersionNumberThe number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a revenue adjustment to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArRevenueAdjustmentOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the revenue adjustment (foreign key to FND_
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the revenue adjustment (foreign key to FND_
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramUpdateDate The date when a process last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the revenue adjustment.
The revenue adjustment reference number.
ArRevenueAdjustmentSalesCreditType The type of sales credit applied to the transaction. Valid values are: N - Nonrevenue Sales Credits, R -
Revenue Sales Credits, B - Both Revenue and Nonrevenue Sales Credits.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToCategoryId The identifier of the transaction line item category that the revenue adjustment is transferred to.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToCustTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line that the revenue adjustment is associated with (primary key of
ArRevenueAdjustmentToInventoryItemId The identifier of the transaction line inventory item that the revenue adjustment is transferred to.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToResourceSalesrepId The identifier of the salesperson to whom sales credits are transferred for the revenue adjustment.
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Name Description
ArRevenueAdjustmentToSalesgroupId The identifier of the group of salespersons to whom sales credits are transferred for the revenue
ArRevenueAdjustmentType The type of revenue adjustment. Valid types are: EA - Scheduled Revenue, UN - Unscheduled Revenue,
SA - Sales Credits Transfer, and NR - Add Nonrevenue Sales Credits.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
DistributionRuleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Revenue Scheduling Rule descriptive flexfield.
DistributionRuleCreationDate The date and time the revenue scheduling rule was created.
DistributionRuleDeferredRevenueFlag The option that indicates whether to defer revenue on transactions that use the In Advance invoicing
DistributionRuleFrequency The frequency, such as weekly or monthly, to assign to the periods of a fixed or variable revenue
scheduling rule.
DistributionRuleLastUpdateDate The date and time the revenue scheduling rule was last updated.
DistributionRuleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the revenue scheduling rule.
DistributionRuleLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the revenue scheduling rule.
DistributionRuleModuleId Seed Data Framework: indicates the module that owns the revenue scheduling rule row. A module is an
entry in Application Taxonomy such as a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists
and the owner of the row isn't specified, then the Seed Data Framework won't extract the row as seed
DistributionRuleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a revenue scheduling rule to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
DistributionRuleOccurrences The number of accounting dates over which to recognize revenue for the revenue scheduling rule.
DistributionRuleSeedDataSource The source of the revenue scheduling rule seed data record. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
DistributionRuleStatus The option that indicates the revenue scheduling rule status. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type CODE_STATUS.
DistributionRuleType The rule type of the revenue scheduling rule. Valid values are Daily Revenue Rate All Periods, Daily
Revenue Rate Partial Periods, Variable Schedule, and Fixed Schedule.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArSalesCreditTypeAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Sales Credit Type descriptive flexfield.
ArSalesCreditTypeCreationDate The date and time the sales credit type was created.
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Name Description
ArSalesCreditTypeLastUpdateDate The date and time the sales credit type was last updated.
ArSalesCreditTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the sales credit type.
ArSalesCreditTypeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the sales credit type.
ArSalesCreditTypeModuleId The module that owns the sales credit type. A module is an entry in the Application Taxonomy, such as
a Logical Business Area. When the MODULE_ID column exists and the owner of the row isn't specified,
then the Seed Data Framework won't extract the row as seed data.
ArSalesCreditTypeObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a sales credit type to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArSalesCreditTypeQuotaFlag The option used by AutoInvoice processing that indicates whether the sales credit type is a quota or
nonquota sales credit.
ArSalesCreditTypeSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record for the sales credit type A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT
indicates that record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArStandardTextTLCreationDate The date and time the standard text translation was created.
ArStandardTextTLLastUpdateDate The date and time the standard text translation was last updated.
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Name Description
ArStandardTextTLLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the standard text translation.
ArStandardTextTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the standard text translation.
ArStandardTextTLObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a standard text translation to detect
whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
Statement Cycle
The statement cycle view object contains information about statement cycles, including statement cycle name,
description, interval, active option, business unit, and print dates. Cycle intervals are weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
Statement cycles are assigned to customer profile classes and determine when statements are sent to customers.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
ArStatementCycleAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Statement Cycle descriptive flexfield.
ArStatementCycleCreationDate The date and time the statement cycle was created.
ArStatementCycleLastUpdateDate The date and time the statement cycle was last updated.
ArStatementCycleLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the statement cycle.
ArStatementCycleObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a statement cycle to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArStatementCycleRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the statement cycle.
System Options
The system options view object contains information about receivables system options, including business unit, ledger,
ledger currency, billing and revenue options, and cash processing options.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArSystemParameterAccountingMethod The lookup code for the system options accounting method.
ArSystemParameterAcctDatesOutOfOrder The option that indicates how AutoInvoice processes document sequencing on transactions with
accounting dates out of order. Valid values are: Adjust - adjust the transaction accounting date, Reject -
reject the transaction.
ArSystemParameterAddressValidation The type of validation to use for addresses that are defined in the home country under the business
ArSystemParameterAiAcctFlexKeyLeftPromptThe AutoInvoice accounting flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the Accounting
Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table.
ArSystemParameterAiActivateSqlTraceFlag The option that indicates whether to activate SQL trace in AutoInvoice.
ArSystemParameterAiLogFileMessageLevel The value that indicates the amount of detail to display in the AutoInvoice log file.
ArSystemParameterAiMaxMemoryInBytes The value that indicates the amount of memory to allocate to AutoInvoice validations.
ArSystemParameterAiMtlItemsKeyLeftPromptThe AutoInvoice system items flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the System Items
Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS table.
The option that indicates whether AutoInvoice automatically purges successfully processed
transactions from the AutoInvoice interface tables.
ArSystemParameterAiTerritoryKeyLeftPromptThe AutoInvoice sales territory flexfield tuning segment. The segment name of one of the Sales
Territory Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the RA_TERRITORIES table.
ArSystemParameterAllowLateCharges The option that indicates whether late charges can be assessed on transactions under this business
The option that indicates whether users can delete receipts and bills receivable under this business
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Name Description
ArSystemParameterAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the System Options descriptive flexfield.
The number of invoices that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving.
The number of receipts that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving.
ArSystemParameterAutoSiteNumbering The option that indicates whether to use payment rules under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutoapplyFlag The option that indicates whether the business unit uses AutoApply.
ArSystemParameterAutocashHierarchyId The identifier of the default AutoCash rule set for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutomatchRerunDays The number of days AutoApply attempts to apply open receipts to transactions for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterAutomatchRuleId The identifier of the default AutoMatch rule set for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterBaRemitBankAcctUseId The default remittance bank account to use for bank account transfer receipts under this business unit.
The option that indicates whether bills receivable functionality is enabled for the business unit.
The identifier of the default bills receivable transaction source for the business unit.
The option that indicates whether the bills receivable can be factored without recourse under the
business unit.
ArSystemParameterCalcDiscountOnLinesFlagThe discount basis amount to use amount to calculate discounts for payment terms under the business
unit. Valid values are: Invoice Amount, Lines Only, Lines and Tax not Fright Items and Tax, and Lines,
Freight Items, and Tax.
The option that indicates whether tax is calculated on credit memos during AutoInvoice import.
ArSystemParameterCashBasisSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger used for cash basis accounting for this system options definition.
ArSystemParameterCcRemitBankAcctUseId The default remittance bank account to use for bank credit card receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterCerDsoDays The number of day that sales are outstanding for the business unit, used by the Collections
Effectiveness report.
ArSystemParameterCerSplitAmount The value the Collection Effectiveness report uses to divide transactions over and under the amount
The option that indicates whether users can update transactions after they're printed.
The account code combination of the header rounding account.
ArSystemParameterConfirmThresholdAmt The threshold amount in the ledger currency above which automatic receipts require confirmation by
the customer.
ArSystemParameterCreateDetailedDist The option that indicates whether multifund accounting is enabled for the business unit.
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Name Description
ArSystemParameterCreationDate The date and time the system options was created.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification1 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the first credit
classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification2 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the second
credit classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCreditClassification3 The revenue policy value that defers revenue on transactions of customers that match the third credit
classification in the hierarchy.
ArSystemParameterCrossCurrencyRateType The default conversion rate type to use for cross currency receipt applications under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterDefaultCbDueDate The default due date to assign to chargebacks created under this business unit. Valid values are:
Deposit Date, Entered Date, Open Invoice Due Date, and Receipt Date.
ArSystemParameterDefaultCountry The name of the home country for the business unit. The country is assigned to remit-to addresses
and is used by default in tax calculations.
ArSystemParameterDefaultGroupingRuleId The identifier of the default grouping rule to use when a grouping rule isn't assigned to the transaction
source or customer profile.
ArSystemParameterDefaultTerritory The default Territory Flexfield for transactions under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterDocumentSeqGenLevel The option that indicates when to generate document numbers on transactions that use document
sequencing. Valid values are: When Completed, When Saved, and None.
ArSystemParameterEmailBody The default text to use in the body of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions using
ArSystemParameterEmailSubject The default text to use in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of transactions
using email.
The option that indicates whether to enable recurring billing for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterExceptionAdjReasonCodeThe reason for the adjustment that the receipt application exception rule performs on overpayments
and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterExceptionAdjRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity that the receipt application exception rule uses for
adjustments to overpayments and underpayments.
The default refund payment method to use for the receipt application exception rule.
ArSystemParameterExceptionRuleId The identifier of the default receipt application exception rule to use for overpayments and
ArSystemParameterExceptionWrtoffRecTrxIdThe identifier of the default receivables activity that the receipt application exception rule uses for
write-offs of overpayments and underpayments.
ArSystemParameterFinchrgReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for late charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterFromEmailAddress The email address that sends transactions to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterFromEmailName The user name that sends transactions to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterFromPostalCode The default starting postal code range for sales tax rate assignments.
The option that indicates whether customer numbers are generated automatically.
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Name Description
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the System Options global descriptive flexfield.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber10A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber4A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
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Name Description
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber6A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber7 A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber8A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArSystemParameterGlobalAttributeNumber9A segment for the System Options Number global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArSystemParameterIncludeBuSubjectCode The option that indicates how to include the business unit name in the subject line of the email that
accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterIncludeStmtBuSubCode The option that indicates how to include the business unit name in the subject line of the email that
accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
ArSystemParameterIncludeStmtDateSubCodeThe option that indicates how to include the statement date in the subject line of the email that
accompanies the delivery of statements using email.
The option that indicates how to include the transaction number in the subject line of the email that
accompanies the delivery of transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterInclusiveTaxUsed The option that indicates whether the running totals in the Transactions Workbench Lines page are
ArSystemParameterInvoiceDeletionFlag The option that indicates whether users can delete incomplete transactions under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterIrecBaReceiptMethodId The default receipt method to use for bank account transfer receipts under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterIrecCcReceiptMethodId The default receipt method to use for credit card receipts under this business unit.
The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for service charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterLastUpdateDate The date and time the system options were last updated.
ArSystemParameterLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the system options.
The sequence identifier of the default late charge transaction source.
The option that indicates the period to use to calculate the late charges on balance forward bills using
the average daily balance. Valid values are: Run Date to Run Date and Bill Date to Run Date.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeDmTypeSeqIdThe sequence identifier of the late charge debit memo transaction type.
ArSystemParameterLateChargeInvTypeSeqIdThe sequence identifier of the late charge interest invoice transaction type.
ArSystemParameterLocationStructureId The identifier of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterLocationTaxAccount The default tax account to use for tax rate codes under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption1The first match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption2The second match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
ArSystemParameterLockboxMatchingOption3The third match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
The fourth match receipt by option in the AutoMatch hierarchy used by the AutoMatch process.
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Name Description
The option that indicates whether to create claims for matched reference numbers.
The option that indicates whether credit memos are excluded from claims creation.
ArSystemParameterMaxWrtoffAmount The maximum write-off amount limit per receipt to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterMinRefundAmount The minimum refund amount in the ledger currency to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterMinWrtoffAmount The minimum write-off amount limit per receipt to allow under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a system option to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArSystemParameterOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the system options.
ArSystemParameterPartialDiscountFlag The option that indicates whether discounts on partial payments are available under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPayUnrelatedInvoicesFlagThe option that indicates whether any customer account can pay for the open debit items of any other
customer account under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPaymentApplicationRule The option that indicates whether receipt applications are at the header level or line level.
ArSystemParameterPaymentThreshold The maximum number of days allowed for full payment under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPenaltyRecTrxId The identifier of the default receivables activity to use for penalty charges under the business unit.
ArSystemParameterPopulateGlSegmentsFlagThe option that indicates whether the General Ledger Transfer Program populates segments in the GL_
INTERFACE table under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPostBillingItemInclusion The option that indicates whether to include or exclude as part of the late charge balance calculation
any debit items that were billed after the most recently generated balance forward bill.
ArSystemParameterPostingDaysPerCycle The number of posting days to use per commit cycle in the posting program under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterPrintHomeCountryFlag The option that indicates whether to print the home country on transactions and statements that refer
to addresses in that country.
ArSystemParameterPrintRemitTo The option that indicates whether to print the remit-to address on customer statements.
ArSystemParameterReplyToEmailAddress The reply-to email address for customers to use that receive transactions using email.
ArSystemParameterRevTransferClearCcid The identifier of the code combination of the clearing account for revenue transfers.
ArSystemParameterRuleSetId The identifier of the default application rule set under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterRunGlJournalImportFlagThe option that indicates whether to automatically run the General Ledger Journal Import process
when posting under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterSalesCreditPctLimit The revenue adjustment percentage limit of combined revenue and nonrevenue sales credits per
salesperson per transaction line.
ArSystemParameterSalesTaxGeocode The unique code that identifies a tax jurisdiction for tax calculation and reporting purposes.
ArSystemParameterServicedByAnyBuFlag The option that indicates whether this business unit allows payments for its transactions processed by
any other business unit under the same primary ledger.
ArSystemParameterSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger for this system options definition.
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Name Description
ArSystemParameterSiteRequiredFlag The option that indicates whether a receipt must have a bill-to site.
ArSystemParameterStandardRefund The maximum number of days allowed for a refund under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterStmtEmailBody The default text to use in the body of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements using
ArSystemParameterStmtEmailSubject The default text to use in the subject line of the email that accompanies the delivery of statements
using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtFromEmailAddress The email address that sends statements to customers using email.
ArSystemParameterStmtFromEmailName The user name that sends statements to customers using email.
The reply-to email address for customers to use that receive statements using email.
ArSystemParameterTaxAllowCompoundFlag The option that indicates whether tax compounding is used on transactions under this business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxCode The default tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxCurrencyCode The default tax reporting currency for the business unit. When specified, tax amounts are rounded
using the tax precision and minimum accountable unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxEnforceAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the tax rate code associated with a revenue account is used on the
invoice line.
ArSystemParameterTaxHeaderLevelFlag The option that indicates whether tax header level rounding is enabled. When enabled, tax is rounded
per transaction per tax rate.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierAccountExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a revenue account tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierCustExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a customer tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierProdExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a item level tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierSiteExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for a customer site tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxHierSystemExcRate The tax rate code defaulting hierarchy for the system options tax rate code for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxInvoicePrint The option that indicates the method used to print tax amounts on transactions.
ArSystemParameterTaxMethod The type of tax method to use. Valid values are Sales Tax and Value Added Tax.
The tax currency minimum accountable unit for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number that's printed on customer transactions that are charged tax for the
business unit.
The option that indicates whether to apply different tax rounding parameters to an individual tax.
ArSystemParameterTaxRoundingRule The tax rounding rule that specifies how tax amounts are rounded on transactions.
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Name Description
The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate code defined for a revenue account.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseCustExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate code defined for the customer.
The option that indicates whether customer tax exemptions are included when calculating tax on
ArSystemParameterTaxUseLocExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for products based on the customer ship-
to address.
ArSystemParameterTaxUseProdExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for specific products.
The option that indicates whether item tax exemptions are included when calculating tax on
ArSystemParameterTaxUseSiteExcRateFlag The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined for the customer transaction business
The option that indicates whether to use the tax rate defined at the System Options level.
ArSystemParameterToPostalCode The default ending postal code range for sales tax rate assignments.
ArSystemParameterTrxHeaderLevelRoundingThe option that indicates whether Header Level Rounding is enabled for the business unit.
ArSystemParameterTrxHeaderRoundCcid The identifier of the account code combination of the header rounding account.
ArSystemParameterUnallocatedRevenueCcidThe identifier of the account code combination of the unallocated revenue account.
ArSystemParameterUnearnedDiscount The option that indicates whether to allow unearned discounts on transactions under this business
Transaction Batch
The transaction batch view object contains information about invoice transaction or bills receivable batches, including
transaction source set, batch name, legal entity, source type, and transaction number. Each row includes information
about a batch belonging to a batch source. The STATUS and BATCH_SOURCE_ID columns are required.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
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Name Description
RaBatchAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Batch descriptive flexfield.
RaBatchBatchDate The date the transaction batch was submitted for processing.
RaBatchBatchProcessStatus The transaction batch status. Valid values are: DRAFT, CREATION_STARTED, and CREATION_
RaBatchBatchSourceId The identifier of the transaction source assigned to the transaction batch.
RaBatchBatchSourceSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction source assigned to the transaction batch.
RaBatchCreationDate The date and time the transaction batch was created.
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Name Description
RaBatchIssueDate The issue date applied to the transactions in the transaction batch.
RaBatchLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction batch.
RaBatchObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction batch to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaBatchOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the transaction batch.
RaBatchProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the transaction batch.
RaBatchProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the transaction batch.
RaBatchPurgedChildrenFlag The option that indicates the purge status of the transaction batch.
RaBatchRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction batch.
RaBatchSelectionCriteriaId The identifier of the selection criteria used in transaction batch creation.
RaBatchSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger of the business unit associated with the transaction batch.
RaBatchStatus The transaction batch status. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type BATCH_STATUS.
Transaction Distribution
The transaction distribution view object contains accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue, and unbilled
receivables for each invoice or credit memo line. At least one distribution must exist for each invoice or credit memo
line. The AMOUNT column is required even though null is allowed. If a transaction has a transaction type where Post to
GL is No, GL_DATE is set to null. If AutoAccounting is unable to complete the default accounts using AutoAccounting
rules, incomplete general ledger accounts are stored in the CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS column. When importing a
transaction with an accounting date in a closed accounting period, AutoInvoice uses the accounting date of the first
open period. An account set, indicated by ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG, shows how distributions should be created and the
percentage of the distribution allocated to each account. For invoices with rules, distributions are created when the
Recognize Revenue process is run.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAccountClass The distribution account class of the transaction. Examples include Freight, Receivable, Revenue,
AutoInvoice Clearing, Tax, Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue, and Charges.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAccountSetFlag The option that indicates whether this is an account set record. Valid values are Y and N.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 6.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 7.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 8.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution descriptive flexfield 9.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line Accounting Distribution
descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCodeCombinationId The identifier of the transaction line distribution General Ledger code combination.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCollectedTaxCcid The identifier of the transaction line distribution tax liability account code combination. This account
records the total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to a tax authority as the result
of a taxable event.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCollectedTaxConcatSeg The identifier of the code combination of the accounting flexfield for the tax liability account. This
account records the total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to a tax authority as
the result of a taxable event.
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Name Description
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCreationDate The date and time the transaction line distribution was created.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistCustTrxLineSalesrepId The identifier of the salesperson assigned to the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction line accounting distribution was last updated.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line accounting distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction line accounting distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistLatestRecFlag The column that identifies the latest record in this table with an ACCOUNT_CLASS of REC. Valid values
are: Y - latest REC record, N - not the latest REC record, Null - not a REC record. You can only have one
RaCustTrxLineGlDistObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another
session has updated the transaction line distribution row since it was queried.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistOriginalGlDate The original accounting date derived by the Recognize Revenue process.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistPercent The percentage of the transaction line distribution amount represented by this record.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistPostingControlId The identifier of the Receivables posting batch. Valid values are: -1, -2, and -4 if posted in previous
releases, or -3 if not posted.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistProgramUpdateDate The date a process last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRecOffsetFlag The option that indicates the offset to the REC account. Valid values are: Y - An UNBILL or UNEARN
line paired with the transaction REC row, Null - Either another line type or an UNBILL or UNEARN line
paired with a REV line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction line distribution.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRevAdjClassTemp The temporary lookup code that indicates the type of adjusted revenue.
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Name Description
RaCustTrxLineGlDistRoundingCorrectionFlagThe option that indicates whether a rounding correction was made to the transaction line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the distribution line.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistTransferToCosting The option that indicates whether to transfer transaction lines to Costing. Valid values are: N - transfer
lines to Costing, NULL - lines already transferred to Costing.
RaCustTrxLineGlDistUserGeneratedFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line distribution is user-defined or system generated.
Transaction Header
The transaction header view object contains information about transactions, including transaction number, bill-to
customer, transaction type, transaction date, due date, accounting date, payment terms, and remit-to address. Invoices,
debit memos, credit memos, and bills receivable are distinguished by their associated transaction types.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaCustomerTrxAddressVerificationCode The code that verifies the credit card address of the bill-to customer.
RaCustomerTrxAgreementId The identifier of the customer agreement used when creating a transaction.
RaCustomerTrxApplicationId The identifier of the application that imported transactions into Receivables.
RaCustomerTrxApprovalCode The payment approval code from the credit card issuer to indicate that funds are available.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Transaction descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxBatchId The identifier of the transaction batch used to create the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxBillPlanPeriod The period that identifies the number of recurring invoices for the bill plan.
RaCustomerTrxBillTemplateName The template used to print transactions. This template is also used to preview the transaction through
the ADF UI.
RaCustomerTrxBillToAddressId The identifier of the bill-to customer address assigned to the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxBillToContactId The identifier of the bill-to customer contact assigned to the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxBillToSiteUseId The identifier of the bill-to customer site use assigned to the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxBillingDate The date when the balance forward bill transactions are billed.
RaCustomerTrxBillingExtRequestId The request that processed the billing line details of the document.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxBrAmount The total amount of a bill receivable with all the debit and credit items.
RaCustomerTrxBrOnHoldFlag The option that indicates that the bill receivable is on hold and can't be remitted.
RaCustomerTrxBrUnpaidFlag The option that indicates that the drawee failed to pay the bill receivable on the maturity date.
RaCustomerTrxCcErrorCode The error code generated from the credit card payment processor.
RaCustomerTrxCcErrorFlag The option that indicates whether a credit card processing error exists.
RaCustomerTrxCcErrorText The user enterable description for the credit card error code.
Lookup codes under the ORA_AR_CNTRL_COMPLETION_REASON lookup type that determine the
reason for control on transaction completion. Valid values are NEGATIVE_LINE_AMT, ALL, ALLOWED_
TO_COMPLETE. The value is updated to ALLOWED_TO_COMPLETE using the Web Service once the
transaction is reviewed and validated.
RaCustomerTrxCreatedFrom The option that indicates from which application the transaction is created.
RaCustomerTrxCreditMethodForInstallmentsThe credit method for invoices with multiple installments. A list of accepted values is defined in the
RaCustomerTrxCreditMethodForRules The credit method for invoices with rules. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
RaCustomerTrxCtReference The reference field derived from the Interface Header attribute based on the batch source.
RaCustomerTrxCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction used when creating the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxDefaultTaxExemptFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction has a default value for tax exemption processing.
RaCustomerTrxDelContactEmailAddress The email address of the customer bill-to contact who receives printed transactions.
RaCustomerTrxDeliveryMethodCode The method used to deliver printed transactions. Valid values are E-Mail, Paper, and XML.
RaCustomerTrxDocumentCreationDate The date when the document is created in the source application for Revenue Management.
RaCustomerTrxDocumentSubType The document fiscal classification used in tax determination for the transaction.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxDocumentTypeId The identifier of the source document type used to integrate transactions with Revenue Management
as revenue lines.
RaCustomerTrxDraweeContactId The identifier of the bill receivable drawee contact used when creating the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxFinanceCharges The option that indicates whether the transaction is exempt from late charges.
RaCustomerTrxFiscalDocAccessKey The identifier for the fiscal document in the government system.
RaCustomerTrxFiscalDocStatus The status of the fiscal document returned by the fiscal authority. If a fiscal document request
originates from shipping and the fiscal document is approved without error, shipping can ship the
goods. Similarly, if the request is made from Receivables, Receivables invoices can be completed after
the fiscal document is approved.
RaCustomerTrxFobPoint The Free On Board point, where the title of goods transfers from the seller to the buyer.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Transaction global descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxGlobalAttributeNumber10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Number global descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustomerTrxGlobalAttributeNumber11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Number global descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustomerTrxGlobalAttributeNumber12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Number global descriptive flexfield 12.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxInterestHeaderId The identifier of the interest header of the late charge batch header for which the transaction is
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Extract Data Stores for Financials Receivables
Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction was last updated.
RaCustomerTrxLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxLateChargesAssessed The option that indicates whether late charges are assessed on the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity associated with the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row
is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another
session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaCustomerTrxOldTrxNumber The column that stores the value of the old document sequence number.
RaCustomerTrxOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxOverrideRemitAccountFlag The option that indicates whether the remittance bank account can be overridden.
RaCustomerTrxPaymentServerOrderNum The number of the payment server order originated from Payments.
RaCustomerTrxPaymentTrxnExtensionId The identifier of the payment transaction extension for credit card or bank account payment
RaCustomerTrxPrepaymentFlag The option that indicates whether prepayment exists for the transaction in anticipation of the provision
of goods or services.
RaCustomerTrxPreviousCustomerTrxId The identifier of the previous transaction number associated with a credit memo.
RaCustomerTrxPrimaryResourceSalesrepId The identifier of the primary salesperson. This is the primary key of the Primary Salesperson Number
view object.
RaCustomerTrxPrintRequestId The option that indicates the request identifier of the last print from the Enterprise Service Scheduler.
RaCustomerTrxPrintingCount The count of the number of times a transaction has been printed.
RaCustomerTrxPrintingOption The option that indicates whether printing is enabled for the transaction.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxPrintingPending The status that indicates whether the transaction has finished printing.
RaCustomerTrxReadyForXmlDeliveryFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction is eligible for XML invoice delivery.
RaCustomerTrxRemitBankAcctUseId The identifier of the remittance bank account used for the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxRemittanceBankAccountId The identifier of the bill receivable drawee remittance bank account.
RaCustomerTrxRemittanceBatchId The identifier of the remittance batch used by the bill receivable.
RaCustomerTrxRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxRevRecApplication The option that indicates whether the application is used for revenue recognition.
RaCustomerTrxSetOfBooksId The identifier of the ledger associated with the interface line.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxSourceSystem The source system sending the data from the source to Revenue Management.
RaCustomerTrxSrcInvoicingRuleId The invoice rule internal identifier for the invoices with revenue managed by Revenue Management.
RaCustomerTrxStatusTrx The status that indicates whether the transaction is complete or incomplete.
RaCustomerTrxStructuredPaymentReferenceAn industry standard reference on receivables transactions composed of letters, check digits, and
transaction information, used to identify the transaction, transaction lines, and payments to the
customer and bank.
RaCustomerTrxTrxBusinessCategory The transaction business category used in tax determination for the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxTrxClassLookupType The transaction class of the transaction. Valid values are: Invoice, Credit Memo, Debit Memo,
RaCustomerTrxTrxNumber The number that identifies the transaction with information about the goods and services sold.
RaCustomerTrxUpgradeMethod The method that signifies how the customer upgraded from a previous version of Oracle Applications
to the current version of Oracle Applications.
RaCustomerTrxUserDefinedFiscClass The user-defined fiscal classification used in tax determination for the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxWaybillNumber The number used to identify and follow the movements of the shipment through the network.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Transaction History
The transaction history view object contains the detailed information about each bills receivable transaction, including
activities and the life cycle of bills receivable events.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionHistoryAllAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
TransactionHistoryAllComments The user-entered comments associated with the bills receivable transaction.
TransactionHistoryAllCreatedBy The user who created the bills receivable transaction history line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Name Description
TransactionHistoryAllCreatedFrom The application from which the bills receivable transaction history is created.
TransactionHistoryAllCreationDate The date and time the bills receivable transaction history line was created.
TransactionHistoryAllCurrentAccountedFlag The option that indicates whether the history record represents the latest accounted record for the bill
receivable. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionHistoryAllCurrentRecordFlag The option that indicates whether the history record represents the latest record for the bill receivable.
A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionHistoryAllEvent The event that created this transaction history record for a bill receivable. Examples include ACCEPTED,
TransactionHistoryAllEventId The identifier of the event that created this transaction history record for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllFirstPostedRecordFlag The option that indicates whether this history record is the first posted record for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllGlDate The accounting date of the event that resulted in the creation of the transaction history for a bill
TransactionHistoryAllGlPostedDate The date when the bills receivable transaction was posted to the General Ledger.
TransactionHistoryAllLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update to the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllMaturityDate The maturity date of the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking for the transaction history for a bill receivable. This
number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and
end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
TransactionHistoryAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllPostableFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction history for a bill receivable is postable.
TransactionHistoryAllPostingControlId The identifier of the transaction history for a bill receivable posting batch. Valid values are: -1, -2, and
-4 if posted in previous releases, or -3 if not posted.
TransactionHistoryAllPrvTrxHistoryId The Identifier of the previous history record that precedes the current transaction history for a bill
TransactionHistoryAllRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction history for a bill
TransactionHistoryAllStatus The historical status of the transaction history for a bill receivable.
TransactionHistoryAllTrxDate The date when the transaction history for a bill receivable is created.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountDueOriginal The transaction line revenue deferral original amount due in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountPending The transaction line revenue deferral amount pending in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAcctdAmountRecognized The transaction line revenue deferral amount recognized in the ledger currency.
ArDeferredLineAttribute10 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 10.
ArDeferredLineAttribute11 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 11.
ArDeferredLineAttribute12 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 12.
ArDeferredLineAttribute13 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 13.
ArDeferredLineAttribute14 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 14.
ArDeferredLineAttribute15 A segment of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield 15.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
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Name Description
ArDeferredLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Line Revenue Deferral descriptive flexfield.
ArDeferredLineCreatedBy The user who created the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineCreationDate The date and time the transaction line revenue deferral was created.
ArDeferredLineCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line revenue deferral transaction line.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction line revenue deferral was last updated.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction line revenue deferral.
ArDeferredLineLineCollectibleFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral line is currently collectible.
ArDeferredLineManualOverrideFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral can be adjusted manually.
ArDeferredLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction line revenue deferral to
detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArDeferredLineOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated to the transaction line revenue deferral line.
ArDeferredLineOriginalCollectibilityFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line revenue deferral line was originally collectible.
ArDeferredLineParentLineId The identifier of the transaction line revenue deferral parent line.
ArDeferredLineRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the transaction line revenue deferral
Transaction Line
The transaction line view object contains line information about invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and bills
receivable. Line information includes item, description, memo line, quantity, unit price, amount, sales order, and
tax. Quantity ordered and quantity invoiced are the same for manually entered invoices. Quantity ordered, quantity
invoiced, unit standard price, and unit selling price can be different for imported invoices. Description, tax rule, quantity
ordered, UOM code, unit standard price, and unit selling price are required. Credit memos, except on-account credits,
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Extract Data Stores for Financials Receivables
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineAccountingRuleDuration The number of periods over which revenue is recognized for the revenue scheduling rule on the
transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAccountingRuleId The identifier of the revenue scheduling rule on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAcctdAmountDueOriginalThe accounted amount of the original balance due on the transaction line.
The accounted amount of the remaining balance due on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAmountIncludesTaxFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line amount is tax inclusive. Valid values are: Yes -
line amount is inclusive of tax, No - line amount isn't inclusive of tax, and NULL - you can't override the
tax or tax group. The value can't be NULL for tax types.
RaCustomerTrxLineAssessableValue The assessable value used as the taxable base amount on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineAuthCompleteFlag The option that indicates whether the credit check authorization is complete for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAuthorizationNumber The credit check authorization number linked to the transaction line.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineAutoruleCompleteFlag The option that indicates whether AutoAccounting has created all distributions on the transaction line.
The number of times revenue recognition has created distributions for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineAutotax The option that indicates whether the tax line on the transaction line was generated automatically by
the tax engine.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillPlanLineId The identifier of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBillingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineBrAdjustmentId The identifier of a non-accounting adjustment created when a bill receivable is applied to another bill
RaCustomerTrxLineBrRefCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction to which the bill receivable is applied.
RaCustomerTrxLineBrRefPaymentScheduleIdThe identifier of the transaction installment to which the bill receivable is applied.
The accounted charge amount remaining for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineCommercialDiscount The commercial discount extended to the customer for the purchase of the item on the transaction
RaCustomerTrxLineContractEndDate The contract end date of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineContractLineId The identifier of the contract line from Oracle Contracts Core for the recurring bill plan on the
transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineContractStartDate The contract start date of the recurring bill plan on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineCreationDate The date and time the transaction line was created.
RaCustomerTrxLineCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction that the transaction line belongs to.
The default value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield on the transaction line.
The default context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineDeferralExclusionFlag The option that excludes the transaction line from revenue deferral.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar1 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar2 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar3 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar4 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdChar5 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line character 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt1 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 1.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt2 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line integer 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt3 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt4 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineDocLineIdInt5 The unique identifier of the Receivables Transaction Line source document line numeric integer 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineExtendedAcctdAmount The total accounted amount of a transaction line in the entered currency including tax, if applicable
RaCustomerTrxLineExtendedAmount The total amount of a transaction line in the entered currency including tax, if applicable
RaCustomerTrxLineFinalDischargeLocationIdThe identifier of the final destination location of the goods shipped. The final destination location isn't
always the same as the initial ship-to location.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtEdAcctdAmount The earned accounted discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineFrtUnedAcctdAmount The unearned accounted discount on freight assigned to the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 16.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 17.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 18.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 19.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield 20.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line global descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Date global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the Receivables Transaction Line Number global descriptive flexfield 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineHistoricalFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line exists prior to Release 12. Valid values are Yes,
No, or Null.
RaCustomerTrxLineInsuranceCharge The amount of insurance charged to the customer for the sale of the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterestLineId The unique identifier of the late charge interest line. This is a foreign key of the late charge view object.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute1 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute10 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 10.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute11 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 11.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute12 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 12.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute13 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 13.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute14 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 14.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute15 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 15.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute2 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 2.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute3 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute4 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute5 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 5.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute6 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 6.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute7 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 7.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute8 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 8.
RaCustomerTrxLineInterfaceLineAttribute9 The interface line attribute for the Receivables Transaction Line InterfaceLineAttribute 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineInvoicedLineAcctgLevel The identifier of the accounting level for transaction lines eligible for invoicing in the legacy system.
RaCustomerTrxLineItemContext The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Transaction Line descriptive flexfield.
RaCustomerTrxLineItemExceptionRateId The identifier of the tax exception rate assigned to the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastPeriodToCredit The last period to credit on a credit memo that uses the Unit revenue reversal rule against a transaction
line that uses a revenue scheduling rule.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time of the last update on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineIntendedUse The product intended use fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineLineType The transaction line type. Valid values are Line, Tax, Freight, and Charges.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 1.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 11.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Extract Data Stores for Financials Receivables
Name Description
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 2.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 3.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 4.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 5.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 6.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 7.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 8.
The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineAttribute 9.
RaCustomerTrxLineLinkToParentlineContext The link to the parent line to derive its contingency information for TrxLineLinkToParentlineContext.
RaCustomerTrxLineLocationSegmentId This column points to the record in the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table from which AutoAccounting
derived the tax account for this line.
RaCustomerTrxLineMiscellaneousCharge The additional amount charged for the item on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction line to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
The option that indicates whether the user can override the default accounting created by
RaCustomerTrxLinePaymentTrxnExtensionIdThe identifier of the Payments transaction extension for processing a credit card or bank account
transfer payment.
RaCustomerTrxLinePreviousCustomerTrxId The identifier of the customer transaction against which the credit memo line is created.
The identifier of the customer transaction line against which the credit memo line is created.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductCategory The non-inventory-based product category used in tax determination for a transaction line item that's
not an inventory item.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductFiscClassificationThe product fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProductType The product type of the transaction line item. Valid values are Goods and Services.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineProgramUpdateDate The date the process last updated the transaction line.
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Name Description
The unit selling price on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillFlag The option that indicates whether the transaction line was generated by a recurring bill plan. Valid
values are Y, N, Null. Null is the same as N.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillPlanId The unique identifier of the recurring bill plan associated with the transaction.
RaCustomerTrxLineRecurringBillPlanLineId The unique identifier of the recurring bill plan associated with the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRequestId The identifier of the request that created or last updated the transaction line.
The option that indicates the transaction line requires manual revenue scheduling.
RaCustomerTrxLineRuleEndDate The date the revenue scheduling rule expires on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineRuleStartDate The start date of the revenue scheduling rule on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSetOfBooksId The identifier of the primary ledger associated with the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartyAddressId The identifier of the ship-to party address on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartyContactId The identifier of the ship-to party contact on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToPartySiteUseId The identifier of the ship-to party site use on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineShipToSiteUseId The identifier of the ship-to site use on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey1 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 1.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey2 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 2.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey3 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 3.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey4 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 4.
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDataKey5 The identifier of the source data from the original system DataKey 5.
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Name Description
RaCustomerTrxLineSourceDocumentLineId The identifier of the source document line on the transaction line.
The source document line number on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxAction The Tax Action values used by the Tax API to calculate taxes on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptFlag The option that indicates the status of the tax exemption on the transaction line. Valid values are R -
Require, E - Exempt, and S - Standard.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptNumber The tax exemption certificate number of the customer on a transaction line with the status Exempt.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason of the customer on a transaction line with the status Exempt.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption for the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxInvoiceDate The date the fiscal document was generated on the transaction line during the shipment of goods.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxInvoiceNumber The fiscal document number generated on the transaction line during the shipment of goods.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxLineId The identifier of the detail tax line on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxPrecedence The number that indicates the compounding precedence of a tax on the transaction line to define the
order in which this tax is calculated in the compounding process.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxVendorReturnCode The warning code returned during the calculation of sales tax on the transaction line, used for
diagnostics and support.
RaCustomerTrxLineTaxableAmount The portion of the transaction line amount that the tax rate is applied to for the calculation of taxes on
the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineTrxBusinessCategory The transaction business category code used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineUserDefinedFiscClass The user-defined fiscal classification used in tax determination on the transaction line.
RaCustomerTrxLineWarehouseId The unique identifier of the ship-from location of an inventory item on the transaction line, used to
determine tax liability. This is a foreign key of the warehouse view object.
RaCustomerTrxLineWhUpdateDate The date the inventory item on the transaction line is shipped from the warehouse.
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Transaction Source
The transaction source view object contains information about transaction sources, including transaction source set,
legal entity, source type, active date, automatic transaction numbering, last transaction number, receipt handling
for credits, and credit transaction source. It stores information about invoice and credit memo transaction sources.
Transaction sources are used to assign a default transaction type during invoice entry and to determine invoice, batch,
AUTO_TRX_NUMBERING columns are required.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaBatchSourceAccountingFlexfieldRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes accounting
flexfield information on transaction lines. Valid values are Segment and ID.
RaBatchSourceAccountingRuleRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the revenue
scheduling rule on transaction lines. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceAgreementRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes agreement
information. Valid values are Value, ID, or None.
RaBatchSourceAllowDuplicateTrxNumFlag The option on a manual transaction source that indicates whether duplicate transaction numbers are
RaBatchSourceAllowSalesCreditFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice passes sales credit
information on imported transaction lines.
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Name Description
RaBatchSourceAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Source descriptive flexfield.
RaBatchSourceAutoBatchNumberingFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transaction batch numbering is automatic.
RaBatchSourceAutoTrxNumberingFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transaction numbering is automatic.
RaBatchSourceBatchSourceType The source type of the transaction source. Valid values are Manual and Imported.
RaBatchSourceBillAddressRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to
customer address on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceBillContactRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to
customer contact on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceBillCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the bill-to
customer name on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceCmBatchSourceSeqId The sequence identifier of the credit memo transaction source assigned to the invoice transaction
RaBatchSourceControlTrxCompletionFlag Indicates whether control of transaction completion is enabled on the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceCopyDocNumberFlag The option on the transaction source that indicates whether transactions that use document
sequences assign the document number as the transaction number.
RaBatchSourceCopyInvTidffToCmFlag The option on a manual credit memo transaction source that indicates whether to copy the invoice
transaction flexfield reference information to the credit memo that's crediting the invoice.
RaBatchSourceCreateClearingFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice uses the AutoInvoice
clearing account to store differences between the specified revenue amount and the standard
calculated amount on transaction lines.
RaBatchSourceCreationDate The date and time the transaction source was created.
RaBatchSourceCreditMemoBatchSourceId The identifier of the credit memo transaction source entered on an invoice transaction source that's
used by default to credit the invoices created with the invoice transaction source.
RaBatchSourceCustTrxTypeRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the transaction
type on transaction lines. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceCustomerBankAccountRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the customer
bank account on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
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Name Description
RaBatchSourceDefaultInvTrxType The identifier of the transaction type entered on the transaction source that's assigned by default to
transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDefaultInvTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the transaction type entered on the transaction source that's assigned by
default to transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDefaultReference The reference information entered on the transaction source that's captured in the transaction flexfield
of transactions created with the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceDeriveDateFlag The option on an imported transaction source that indicates whether AutoInvoice derives the
accounting date on a transaction line instead of using a default date.
RaBatchSourceFobPointRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes FOB information
on the transaction line. Valid values are Code and None.
RaBatchSourceGlDatePeriodRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes transaction
lines with an accounting date in a closed period. Valid values are Reject and Adjust.
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Name Description
RaBatchSourceGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Transaction Source global descriptive flexfield.
RaBatchSourceGroupingRuleId The identifier of the AutoInvoice grouping rule on an imported transaction source that's assigned by
default to transaction lines.
RaBatchSourceInvalidLinesRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes imported
transactions with invalid lines. Valid values are: Reject Invoice - reject the transaction and its lines, and
Create Invoice - create the transaction with valid lines only.
RaBatchSourceInvalidTaxRateRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice processes imported
transaction lines with invalid tax rate codes.
RaBatchSourceInventoryItemRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes inventory item
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Segment, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceInvoicingRuleRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes invoicing rule
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceLastBatchNum The last transaction number previously generated, used to determine the starting number for
automatic transaction numbering on new transactions created by the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction source was last updated.
RaBatchSourceLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction source.
RaBatchSourceLegalEntityId The default legal entity assigned to transactions with this transaction source.
RaBatchSourceMemoLineRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes memo line rule
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceMemoReasonRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes memo reason
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction source to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
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Name Description
RaBatchSourceReceiptHandlingOption The option on a credit memo transaction source that indicates how credit memo applications against
paid invoices are managed. Valid values are Refund and On Account.
RaBatchSourceReceiptMethodRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes receipt method
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceRelatedDocumentRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes related document
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Number, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceRevAccAllocationRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the revenue
account allocation on the transaction line. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
RaBatchSourceSalesCreditRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes the sales credit
allocation on the transaction line. Valid values are Amount and Percent.
RaBatchSourceSalesCreditTypeRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sales credit type
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceSalesTerritoryRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sales territory
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Segment, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceSalespersonRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes salesperson
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Number and ID.
RaBatchSourceShipAddressRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to address
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipContactRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to contact
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes ship-to customer
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value, ID, and None.
RaBatchSourceShipViaRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes freight
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Code and None.
RaBatchSourceSoldCustomerRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes sold-to customer
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceStatus The status of the transaction source. A list of accepted values is defined in the CODE_STATUS lookup
RaBatchSourceTermRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes payment terms
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
RaBatchSourceUnitOfMeasureRule The rule on an imported transaction source that determines how AutoInvoice passes unit of measure
information on the transaction line. Valid values are Value and ID.
Transaction Type
The transaction type view object contains information about transaction types, including transaction type set, legal
entity, transaction type name, description, transaction class, transaction status, from date, creation sign, generate bill
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 10
Extract Data Stores for Financials Receivables
option, invoice type, credit memo type, application rule set, and payment terms. It contains every transaction type used
for invoices, bills receivable, and credit memos. The ACCOUNTING_AFFECT_FLAG column indicates if the transaction
can update open receivables balances. If it's Y, the transaction appears in aging. Each row includes AutoAccounting
information, as well as standard defaults for the transaction that results. If AutoAccounting is based on the transaction
type, the GL_ID_REV, GL_ID_FREIGHT, and GL_ID_REC columns store the default revenue, freight, and receivables
accounts. The STATUS and CREDIT_MEMO_TYPE_ID columns are required.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
RaCustTrxTypeAccountingAffectFlag The option that indicates whether customer balances are updated each time a transaction is
completed with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllocateTaxFreight The option that indicates how tax and freight is allocated on transactions with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowFreightFlag The option that indicates whether to include freight charges in the accounting for transactions with
this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowFutureAcctDateFlag The option that indicates whether a future accounting date is allowed on a transaction with this
transaction type when chronological document sequencing is enabled on the ledger.
RaCustTrxTypeAllowOverapplicationFlag The option that indicates whether applications against a transaction with this transaction type can
exceed the balance due.
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Name Description
RaCustTrxTypeAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Type descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxTypeControlCompletionLevelCode Lookup codes under the ORA_AR_CNTRL_COMPLETION_LEVEL lookup type that determine the level
of control of transaction completion enabled on the transaction type. Valid values are NEGATIVE_LINE_
RaCustTrxTypeCreationDate The date and time the transaction type was created.
RaCustTrxTypeCreationSign The option that indicates the sign of entered amounts on transactions that use this transaction type.
Valid values are: Any Sign, Negative Sign, and Positive Sign.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultPrintingOption The option that indicates whether transactions created with this transaction type are enabled by
default for printing.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultStatus The default status of the transaction type. Valid values are: Null, Closed, Open, Pending, and Void.
RaCustTrxTypeDefaultTerm The default payment terms assigned to transactions created with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeDraweeIssuedFlag The option on a bills receivable transaction type that indicates whether the drawee issues the bills
receivable transaction.
RaCustTrxTypeExcludeFromLateCharges The option that indicates whether transactions created with this transaction type are exempt from late
RaCustTrxTypeFormatProgramId The identifier of the program on a bills receivable transaction type used to format bills receivable.
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Name Description
RaCustTrxTypeGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Transaction Type global descriptive flexfield.
RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdateDate The date and time the transaction type was last updated.
RaCustTrxTypeLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeLegalEntityId The identifier of the default legal entity assigned to transactions with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeMagneticFormatCode The code on a bills receivable transaction type used to distinguish between accepted bills receivable,
promissory notes, and unsigned bills receivable.
RaCustTrxTypeNaturalApplicationOnlyFlag The option that indicates whether applications against a transaction with this transaction type can only
reduce or equal the balance due but not exceed the balance due.
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Name Description
RaCustTrxTypeObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the
row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction type to detect whether
another session has updated the row since it was queried.
RaCustTrxTypePostToGl The option that indicates whether transactions with this transaction type are posted to general ledger.
RaCustTrxTypeRuleSetId The identifier of the application rule set assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSetId The identifier of the reference set assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSignedFlag The option on a bills receivable transaction type that indicates whether the drawee needs to accept the
bills receivable transaction before it's completed.
RaCustTrxTypeStatus The status of the transaction type. A list of accepted values is defined in the CODE_STATUS lookup
RaCustTrxTypeSubsequentTrxTypeId The identifier of the invoice type assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeSubsequentTrxTypeSeqId The sequence identifier of the invoice type assigned to the transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeTaxCalculationFlag The option that indicates whether tax is allowed on transactions created with this transaction type.
RaCustTrxTypeType The transaction class of the transaction type. Valid values are: Bills receivable, Chargeback, Credit
Memo, Debit Memo, and Invoice.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
11 Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The accounting class code assigned to the post accounting program. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS.
AccountingClassAssignmentCreationDate The date and time when the accounting class assignment was created.
AccountingClassAssignmentLastUpdateDateThe date when the accounting class assignment row was last updated.
AccountingClassAssignmentLastUpdateLoginThe session login associated with the user who last updated the accounting class assignment.
AccountingClassAssignmentLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the accounting class assignment.
The number of times the accounting class assignment row has been updated.
AccountingClassAssignmentOwnerCode Indicates whether the assignment is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle
or C: User.
Indicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
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Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Accounting Methods
The accounting methods view object contains the details of all the subledger accounting methods. The combination
of AcctgMethodBaseAccountingMethodCode and AcctgMethodBaseAccountingMethodTypeCode forms the unique
identifier of the Accounting Methods view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AcctgMethodBaseAccountingCoaId The identifier of the chart of accounts that's associated to the ledger that owns the journal entry.
AcctgMethodBaseAccountingMethodCode The short name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
transactions. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Accounting Methods view object.
Indicates whether the accounting method is user defined or predefined by the subledger application.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodBaseCreationDate The date and time when the accounting method was created.
AcctgMethodBaseLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
AcctgMethodBaseLastUpdateDate The date when the accounting method row was last updated.
AcctgMethodBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the accounting method.
AcctgMethodBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the accounting method row has been updated.
The short name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
transactions. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view
Indicates whether the accounting method is user defined or predefined by the subledger application.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodTranslationCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated accounting method was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
AcctgMethodTranslationDescription The translated description of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
AcctgMethodTranslationLanguage The code of the language into which the translatable attributes are translated. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdateDate The date when the translated accounting method row was last updated.
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated accounting method.
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated accounting method.
AcctgMethodTranslationName The translated name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
AcctgMethodTranslationSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
Event Classes
The event classes view object contains all information related to subledger event classes. The combination of
EventClassBApplicationId, EventClassBEntityCode and EventClassBEventClassCode forms the unique identifier of the
Event Classes view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
EventClassBApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassBCreationDate The date and time when the event class was created.
EventClassBEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Classes view object.
EventClassBEventClassCode The short name of event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassBLastUpdateDate The date when the event class was last updated.
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Name Description
EventClassBLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the event class.
EventClassBObjectVersionNumber The number of times the event class row has been updated.
EventClassBUserLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
translated for the event class.
EventClassTranslationApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated event class was created.
EventClassTranslationEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Classes view object.
EventClassTranslationEventClassCode The short name of event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
EventClassTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated event class row was last updated.
EventClassTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated event class.
EventClassTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated event class.
EventClassTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
Event Types
The event types view object contains all information related to subledger event types. The combination of
EventTypeBApplicationId, EventTypeBEntityCode, EventTypeBEventClassCode and EventTypeBEventTypeCode forms
the unique identifier of the Event Types view object.
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This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
EventTypeBApplicationId The unique identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types
view object.
EventTypeBCreationDate The date and time when the event type was created.
EventTypeBEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Types view object.
EventTypeBEventClassCode The short name of the event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeBEventTypeCode The short name of the event type. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeBLastUpdateDate The date when the event type was last updated.
EventTypeBLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the event type.
EventTypeBObjectVersionNumber The number of times the event type row has been updated.
EventTypeBTaxFlag Indicate whether the event type is used for the tax.
EventTypeBTransactionReversalFlag Indicates whether the event type is used for transaction reversal.
EventTypeBUserLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
translated for the event class.
EventTypeTranslationApplicationId The unique identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types
view object.
EventTypeTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated event type was created.
EventTypeTranslationEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Types view object.
EventTypeTranslationEventClassCode The short name of the event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeTranslationEventTypeCode The short name of the event type. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Types view object.
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Name Description
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated event type row was last updated.
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated event type.
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated event type.
EventTypeTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JournalLineRuleBaseAccountingClassCode The accounting class assigned to journal line rule. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
Identifies the source of accounting entry. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_
JournalLineRuleBaseAccountingLineCode This short name of the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Journal Line
Rules view object.
Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Journal Line Rules view object. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_OWNER_
JournalLineRuleBaseApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Journal Line Rules
view object.
JournalLineRuleBaseBusinessClassCode The business flow class for the journal line rule. This is used to reference another line within the same
business flow.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalLineRuleBaseBusinessMethodCode The business flow method for the journal line rule. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
JournalLineRuleBaseCreationDate The date and time when the journal line rule was created.
JournalLineRuleBaseEnabledFlag Indicates the status of a journal line rule. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_
JournalLineRuleBaseEntityCode The entity associated with the event class assigned to the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleBaseEventClassCode The short name of the event class associated with the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleBaseGainOrLossFlag Indicates whether this is an exchange gain or loss journal line rule. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalLineRuleBaseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the journal line rule row was last updated.
JournalLineRuleBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the journal line rule row.
JournalLineRuleBaseLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the journal line rule.
JournalLineRuleBaseMergeDuplicateCode Indicates how the journal lines with the same attributes are merged within the same subledger journal
entry. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_MERGE_MATCHING_TYPE.
JournalLineRuleBaseMultiperiodClassCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to a multiperiod accounting class and used to associate an
accrual journal to a multiperiod accounting journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
JournalLineRuleBaseMultiperiodOptionFlag Indicates whether the journal line rule is used to create a multiperiod journal entry.
JournalLineRuleBaseNaturalSideCode The column determines if the journal line rule is one among credit, debit, gain, or loss
JournalLineRuleBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the journal line rule row has been updated.
JournalLineRuleBaseRoundingClassCode The rounding class assigned to the journal line rule. It's used to group journal lines to calculate
rounding difference.
JournalLineRuleBaseSeedDataSource The source of seed data record. The value of 'BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT' indicates that record was
bulk loaded. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file.
JournalLineRuleBaseSwitchSideFlag Indicates whether negative amounts will result in negative amounts on the same side or positive
amounts on the opposite side. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The short name for the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated
Journal Line Rules view object.
Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Translated Journal Line Rules view object. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_
JournalLineRuleTranslationAmbContextCodeThe accounting method builder context for the journal line rule translation. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal
Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationCreatedBy The user who created the translated journal line rule translation.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalLineRuleTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal line rule translation was created.
JournalLineRuleTranslationEntityCode The short name of the entity associated with the event class assigned to the journal line rule. This
attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationEventClassCode The short name of the event class associated with the journal line rule.This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated journal line rule row was last updated.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal line rule row.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal line rule.
The number of times the journal line rule translation row has been updated.
JournalLineRuleTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
AssignmentDefinitionAssignmentId The unique identifier of ledger assignment for the post accounting program.
AssignmentDefinitionAssignmentOwnerCodeIndicates whether the assignment is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle
or C: User.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
AssignmentDefinitionCreationDate The date and time when the assignment was created.
AssignmentDefinitionLastUpdateDate The date when the assignment row was last updated.
AssignmentDefinitionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the assignment.
AssignmentDefinitionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the assignment row has been updated.
AssignmentDefinitionProgramOwnerCode Indicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
Indicates whether the assignment is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle
or C: User.
AssignmentDefinitionTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated assignment was created.
AssignmentDefinitionTLLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Ledger Assignment for Post Accounting
Programs view object.
AssignmentDefinitionTLLastUpdateDate The date when the translated assignment row was last updated.
AssignmentDefinitionTLLastUpdatedBy The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated assignment.
AssignmentDefinitionTLName Translated name of the ledger assignment for the post accounting program.
AssignmentDefinitionTLProgramOwnerCodeIndicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
AssignmentDefinitionTLSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
AssignmentDefinitionUserLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
PostAccountingProgramApplicationId Functional area within a software suite of products. For example, Financials or Payroll.
PostAccountingProgramCreationDate The date and time when the post accounting program was created.
PostAccountingProgramLastUpdateDate The date when the post accounting program row was last updated.
PostAccountingProgramLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the post accounting program.
PostAccountingProgramLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the post accounting program.
The number of times the post accounting program row has been updated.
PostAccountingProgramOwnerCode Indicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
PostAccountingProgramTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated post accounting programs.
PostAccountingProgramTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated post accounting program was created.
PostAccountingProgramTLDescription The additional information associated with the post accounting program.
PostAccountingProgramTLLanguage The code of the language into which the translatable attributes are translated. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Translated Post Accounting Programs view object.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdateDate The date when the translated post accounting program row was last updated.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdateLogin The user who last updated the translated post accounting program.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdatedBy The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated post accounting program.
Indicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
PostAccountingProgramTLSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
PostAccountingProgramUserLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
EventPEOApplicationId The identifier of a functional area within a software suite of products. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Subledger Accounting Events view object. This is a foreign key of the applications
view object.
EventPEOCreationDate The date and time when the subledger accounting event was created.
EventPEOEntityId The unique identifier of the subledger transactions associated with the accounting events. This is a
foreign key of the Subledger Transaction Entities view object.
EventPEOEventId The identifier of the category of accounting events. This is unique within an application and event
class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Accounting Events view object.
EventPEOEventPEOBudgetaryControlFlag Indicates whether it's a budgetary control event. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
EventPEOEventStatusCode The short name of the status associated with the accounting entries generated for this event. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_EVENT_STATUS.
EventPEOEventTypeCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an event type and used for reporting or in reference to an
option. A list of accepted values are defined in the xla_entity_types_b table.
EventPEOHasWarningsFlag Indicates whether an event has a warning message that resulted from the accounting process. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
EventPEOLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
EventPEOLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger accounting event was last updated.
EventPEOLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger accounting event.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
EventPEOLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger accounting event.
EventPEOMergeEventSetId The unique identifier of merge event set, which is used in the third-party merge. The
EventPEOMergeEventSetId attribute is passed to the EventPEOEventId attribute for the first event to be
processed in the third-party merge as a reference.
EventPEOObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger accounting event row has been updated.
EventPEOOnHoldFlag Indicates whether the event is on hold. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
EventPEOProcessStatusCode The abbreviated code that tracks the status of generated accounting entries. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type XLA_EVENT_PROCESS_STATUS.
EventPEOReferenceChar1 The additional reference stored in the character format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceChar2 The additional reference stored in the character format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceChar3 The additional reference stored in the character format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceChar4 The additional reference stored in the character format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceDate1 The additional reference stored in the date format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceDate2 The additional reference stored in the date format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceDate3 The additional reference stored in the date format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceDate4 The additional reference stored in the date format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceNum1 The additional reference stored in the number format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceNum2 The additional reference stored in the number format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceNum3 The additional reference stored in the number format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEOReferenceNum4 The additional reference stored in the number format. It's used by Subledger Accounting to store
additional information of an accounting event in the Subledger Accounting Events table. Information is
passed by the caller to Subledger Accounting when the event is created.
EventPEORequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Subledger Application
The subledger application view object that contains Subledger Applications information.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SubledgerAppTransCreationDate The date when the translated subledger application was created.
SubledgerAppTransLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Application view object.
SubledgerAppTransLastUpdateDate The date when the translated subledger application was last updated.
SubledgerAppTransLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated subledger application.
SubledgerAppTransLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated subledger application.
SubledgerAppTransObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated subledger application has been updated.
SubledgerAppTransSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
Indicates whether the subledger application is enabled. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
SubledgerApplicationSetupAlcEnabledFlag Indicates if the accounting program calculates reporting currency amounts for the subledger
application. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Abbreviated name of the subledger application
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Indicates whether the application is seeded or not. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
Indicates the third party control account type supported by the subledger application.
The name of the procedure to drill down to subledger transactions.
Indicates how metadata and transaction data will be created and maintained. Accepted values are
SubledgerApplicationSetupLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger application was last updated
SubledgerApplicationSetupLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger application definition.
The number of times the subledger application setup has been updated.
SubledgerApplicationSetupRowLockingFlag Indicates if the Create Accounting program will lock individual events when processing them or if it will
lock the entire application and ledger. A value of null or Y indicates it will lock individual events. A value
of N indicates it will lock the entire application and ledger.
The name of the security function associated with the subledger application.
Indicates whether valuation method is enabled for the subledger application. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JournalEntryDistributionAccountingLineCodeThe short name of a rule to convert transactional data into a journal entry line.
Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
JournalEntryDistributionAeHeaderId The unique identifier of the subledger journal entry header. This attribute is a part of the composite
key of the Subledger Journal Distribution Links view object. This attribute a foreign key of the
Subledger Journal Entry Headers view object.
JournalEntryDistributionAeLineNum The identifier of the subledger journal entry line. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Subledger Journal Distribution Links view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Entry
Lines view object.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToApplicationIdThe application identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This is a primary key
of the Applications view object.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdChar1 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdChar2 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdChar3 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdChar4 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdChar5 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdNum1 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdNum2 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdNum3 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdNum4 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToDistIdNum5 The distribution identifier of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated.
The type of distribution of the entity to which the transaction is being allocated. The value is
determined by the respective subledger.
JournalEntryDistributionAllocToEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. Entity codes are defined in xla_
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated.
JournalEntryDistributionApplicationId The identifier of a functional area within a software suite of products. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Subledger Journal Distribution Links view object. This is a foreign key of the
Applications view object.
The application identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
feature. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The distribution identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
The type of distribution of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow feature.
The value is determined by the respective subledger.
JournalEntryDistributionAppliedToEntityCodeThe entity code of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow feature. Entity
codes are defined in xla_entity_types_b.
JournalEntryDistributionAppliedToEntityId The entity identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow feature.
This is a primary key of the events view object.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
Indicates whether the accounted amounts are calculated by Subledger Accounting or passed through
transaction objects. It has two values Y and N. Y indicates that accounted amounts are calculated by
the accounting program. N indicates that accounted amounts were passed through the extract.
Indicates whether the gain or loss amounts are calculated by the accounting engine. It has two values Y
and N. Y indicates that gain or loss amounts are calculated by the accounting program. N indicates that
gain or loss amounts were passed through the extract.
JournalEntryDistributionCreatedBy The user who created the subledger journal distribution link.
JournalEntryDistributionCreationDate The date and time when the subledger journal distribution link was created.
The rounding amount in the ledger currency calculated by the accounting engine for the document.
The rounding amount in the entered currency calculated by the accounting engine for the document.
The document identifier for which the accounting engine performs the rounding. The
Create Accounting process uses JournalEntryDistributionDocumentRoundingLevel and
JournalEntryDistributionRoundingClassCode to group lines together to perform the rounding.
JournalEntryDistributionEventClassCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an event class and used for reporting or in reference to an
JournalEntryDistributionEventId Identifier of the categorization of accounting events that's unique within an application and event
class. This a foreign key of the Events view object.
JournalEntryDistributionEventTypeCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an event type and used for reporting or in reference to an
option. A list of accepted values are defined in the xla_entity_types_b table.
JournalEntryDistributionGainOrLossRef The source value of the Gain or Loss Reference accounting attribute. It's used to add journal lines in the
gain or loss amount calculation.
JournalEntryDistributionLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger journal distribution link row was last updated.
JournalEntryDistributionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger journal distribution link.
JournalEntryDistributionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger journal distribution link.
JournalEntryDistributionLineDefinitionCode The short name of the journal entry rule set that generates accounting for this distribution.
Indicates whether the seeded journal entry rule set is used to generate accounting for this distribution.
A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_OWNER_TYPE.
JournalEntryDistributionMergeDuplicateCodeIndicates how duplicate subledger journal lines are merged. Possible values are A,W, and N. A indicates
merge all lines. W indicates all matching debit lines will be merged and all matching credit lines will be
merged to produce a single debit, single credit, or both a single debit and credit line. N indicates don't
merge matching lines.
The number of times the subledger journal distribution link row has been updated.
JournalEntryDistributionRefAeHeaderId The unique identifier of the reversed subledger journal entry header.
JournalEntryDistributionRefAeLineNum The temporary line number reference of the reversed journal entry line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryDistributionRefEventId Indicates the event identifier in a reversal row from the actual reversed subledger journal entry line.
JournalEntryDistributionRoundingClassCodeIndicates the accounting class associated with the journal line. It's used as the grouping criteria for
rounding. The Create Accounting Process uses JournalEntryDistributionRoundingClassCode and
JournalEntryDistributionDocumentRoundingLevel to group lines together to perform the rounding. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the text format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the text format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the text format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the text format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the text format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the numeric format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the numeric format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the numeric format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the numeric format.
The transaction source distribution identifier in the numeric format.
The classification of transaction source distribution. The value is determined by the respective
JournalEntryDistributionStatisticalAmount The amount entered in a journal that's based on the unit of measure.
The identifier of summary tax line reference.
JournalEntryDistributionTempLineNum The temporary line number generated by the accounting engine when entries are in the most detailed
The unrounded journal line credit amount in the ledger currency.
The unrounded journal line debit amount in the ledger currency.
The unrounded journal line credit amount in the entered currency.
The unrounded journal line debit amount in the entered currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
CloseAcctSeqVersionsHeaderName The name of the reporting sequence assigned to the subledger journal.
CloseAcctSeqVersionsSeqVersionId The unique identifier of the reporting sequence version associated with the subledger journal. This is a
primary key of the CloseAcctSeqVersions entity object.
CloseAcctSeqVersionsVersionName The name of the reporting sequence version associated with the subledger journal.
CompAcctSeqVersionsHeaderName The name of the accounting sequence assigned to the subledger journal.
CompAcctSeqVersionsSeqVersionId The unique identifier of the accounting sequence version associated with the subledger journal. This is
a primary key of the CompAcctSeqVersions entity object.
CompAcctSeqVersionsVersionName The name of the accounting sequence version associated with the subledger journal.
JournalEntryHeaderAccountingBatchId The identifier of the batch in which the subledger journal entry was created.
JournalEntryHeaderAccountingDate The date that's used to determine the accounting period of the subledger journal entry and when the
entry appears in fiscal reports and queries.
Indicates the accounting entry status of the subledger journal entry header. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type XLA_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS.
Indicates the source of accounting entry generation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
JournalEntryHeaderAccrualReversalFlag Indicates whether the subledger journal entry is an accrual reversal entry.
JournalEntryHeaderAeHeaderId The unique identifier of the subledger journal entry. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Subledger Journal Entry Headers view object.
JournalEntryHeaderApplicationId The unique identifier of the source application which represents a functional area. This is a primary key
of the Application view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Journal
Entry Headers view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryHeaderAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Subledger Journal Entry Headers descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryHeaderBalanceTypeCode Indicates the type of subledger journal entry header. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
The identifier of the accounting sequence assignment to the subledger journal entry.
JournalEntryHeaderCompletionAcctSeqValueThe name of the sequence that's used to generate a unique sequence number for the subledger
journal entry during posting.
The identifier of the sequence version used to generate a unique sequence number for the subledger
journal entry during posting. This is a foreign key to the CompAcctSeqVersions entity object.
JournalEntryHeaderCreatedBy The user who created the subledger journal entry header.
JournalEntryHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the subledger journal entry header was created.
JournalEntryHeaderDescription The description of the subledger journal entry header provided by the user or source application.
JournalEntryHeaderDocCategoryCode The document sequence category code used to derive the document sequence of the subledger
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryHeaderDocSequenceAssignId The identifier of the document sequence assignment used for the subledger transaction.
JournalEntryHeaderDocSequenceId The identifier of the document sequence used for the subledger transaction.
JournalEntryHeaderDocSequenceVersionId The identifier of the document sequence version used for the subledger transaction.
JournalEntryHeaderEncumbranceTypeId The identifier of encumbrance type assigned to a subledger journal entry in the encumbrance
JournalEntryHeaderEntityId Identifier of the source transaction associated with a subledger journal entry header. This is a foreign
key of the Transaction Entities view object.
JournalEntryHeaderEventId Identifier of the categorization of accounting events that's unique within an application and event
class. This a foreign key of the Events view object.
JournalEntryHeaderEventTypeCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an event type and used for reporting or in reference to an
JournalEntryHeaderFundsStatusCode Indicates the status resulting from a fund check performed on a journal entry. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type XLA_FUNDS_STATUS.
JournalEntryHeaderGlTransferDate The date when the subledger journal entry is transferred to general ledger.
JournalEntryHeaderGlTransferStatusCode The general ledger transfer status of the subledger journal entry header.
JournalEntryHeaderJeCategoryName The name of the journal category used to group journal entries with similar characteristics, such as
allocations, accruals, or revenues.
JournalEntryHeaderLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger journal entry header row was last updated.
JournalEntryHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger journal entry header.
JournalEntryHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger journal entry header row.
JournalEntryHeaderLedgerId The unique identifier of the ledger associated with the subledger journal entry header. This is a foreign
key to the Ledgers view object.
JournalEntryHeaderLegalEntityId The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the subledger journal entry header. This is a
foreign key of the Entity Profile view object.
JournalEntryHeaderMultiPeriodFlag Indicates whether the journal entry contains any line that requires multiperiod accounting.
JournalEntryHeaderNeedBalFlag Indicates whether balancing is required for the journal. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
JournalEntryHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger journal entry header row has been updated.
JournalEntryHeaderPacketId Identifier of the budgetary control packet in the GL_BC_PACKETS table. It's used to implement
budgetary control.
JournalEntryHeaderParentAeHeaderId The unique identifier of the parent subledger journal entry header in the source primary subledger.
JournalEntryHeaderParentAeLineNum The line number of the parent subledger journal line in the source primary subledger.
JournalEntryHeaderPeriodName The accounting period associated with the subledger journal entry header. This is a foreign key of the
Period view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryHeaderProductRuleCode The subledger accounting method code used by the Create Accounting process to create the journal
JournalEntryHeaderProductRuleTypeCode The subledger accounting method type code used by the Create Accounting process to create the
journal entry.
JournalEntryHeaderProductRuleVersion The version of the accounting rules used by the Create Accounting process to create the journal entry.
JournalEntryHeaderReferenceDate The date that can be used as a basis for the reporting sequence. When a subledger journal entry
header is created and completed, the reference date must belong to an open or future open period in
General Ledger.
JournalEntryHeaderRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
JournalEntryHeaderUpgValidFlag Indicates whether the validation was successfully run for the batch. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalEntryHeaderUserLanguage The code of the language set up by the user into which the contents of the translatable attributes are
JournalEntryHeaderZeroAmountFlag Indicates whether the entry is a zero-amount entry. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JournalEntryLineAccountedCr The subledger journal line credit amount in the accounting currency.
JournalEntryLineAccountedDr The subledger journal line debit amount in the accounting currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryLineAccountingClassCode The short name of a lookup type that's shared across applications to classify journal entry lines. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS.
JournalEntryLineAccountingDate The date that's referenced from General Ledger and used to determine the accounting period for
JournalEntryLineAeHeaderId The identifier of the subledger journal entry. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Subledger Journal Entry Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Entry Headers
view object.
JournalEntryLineAeLineNum The number associated with each subledger journal entry line.This attribute is a part of the composite
key of the Subledger Journal Entry Lines view object.
JournalEntryLineAnalyticalBalanceFlag Indicates the balance of the supporting reference. It has three values: NULL, P, and Y. NULL indicates
not eligible for balance calculation, P indicates balance calculation is pending, and Y indicates balance
calculation is complete.
JournalEntryLineAnchorLineFlag Indicates anchor line for PeopleSoft integration. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
JournalEntryLineApplicationId The unique identifier of the source application. This is a primary key of the Application view object.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger Journal Entry Lines view object.
JournalEntryLineAttribute1 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute10 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute11 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute12 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute13 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute14 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute15 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute2 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute3 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute4 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute5 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute6 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute7 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute8 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttribute9 A segment for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Subledger Journal Entry Lines descriptive flexfield.
JournalEntryLineBusinessClassCode Indicates the classification assigned to a business class that's used for reporting or in reference to an
option. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_BUSINESS_FLOW_CLASS.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryLineControlBalanceFlag Indicates the third party control balance. It has three values: NULL, P, and Y. Null indicates not eligible
for balance calculation, P indicates balance calculation pending, and Y indicates balance calculation
JournalEntryLineCreatedBy The user who created the subledger journal entry line.
JournalEntryLineCreationDate The date and time when the subledger journal entry line was created.
JournalEntryLineCurrencyCode The currency in which the subledger journal entry line is entered. This is a foreign key of the Currencies
view object.
JournalEntryLineCurrencyConversionDate The date that's used to determine the effective rate and calculate accounted amounts when the
entered currency isn't the same as the ledger currency.
JournalEntryLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate used in the subledger journal entry line when the entered currency isn't the same as
the ledger currency.
JournalEntryLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type used in the subledger journal entry line when the entered currency isn't the
same as the ledger currency. This is a foreign key to the Daily Conversion Type view object.
JournalEntryLineDescription The description of the subledger journal entry line provided by the user or source application.
JournalEntryLineDisplayedLineNumber The line number associated with the subledger journal entry line.
JournalEntryLineEncumbranceTypeId The identifier of encumbrance type assigned to a subledger journal entry in the encumbrance
JournalEntryLineEnteredCr The subledger journal line credit amount in the transaction currency.
JournalEntryLineEnteredDr The subledger journal line debit amount in the transaction currency.
JournalEntryLineFundsStatusCode Indicates the status resulting from a fund check performed on a journal entry. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type XLA_FUNDS_STATUS.
JournalEntryLineGainOrLossFlag Indicates whether the subledger journal entry line is a gain or a loss line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalEntryLineGlSlLinkId The identifier used to link and maintain audit trail from a subledger application to general ledger.
JournalEntryLineGlSlLinkTable The subledger link table name.This column is used to link general ledger journal lines with subledger
journal entry lines.
JournalEntryLineIntercompanyReversalFlag Indicates whether the subledger journal entry line is an intercompany reversal line. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalEntryLineJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JournalEntryLineJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JournalEntryLineLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger journal entry line row was last updated.
JournalEntryLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger journal entry line.
JournalEntryLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger journal entry line row.
JournalEntryLineLedgerId The unique identifier of the Ledgers view object. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view object.
JournalEntryLineMergeCodeCombinationId The account combination of the line being reversed on booking the entry again. This column is
populated when the Create Third Party Merge Accounting process reverses a journal line for old party
and site and books the entry again with new party and site.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryLineMergePartyId The old party ID for the entry which was booked again. This column is populated when the Create Third
Party Merge Accounting process reverses a journal line for old party and site, and books the entry
again with new party and site.
JournalEntryLineMergePartySiteId The old party site ID for the entry which was booked again. This column is populated when the Create
Third Party Merge Accounting process reverses a journal line for old party and site and books the entry
again with new party and site.
JournalEntryLineMpaAccrualEntryFlag Indicates whether the subledger journal entry line is a multiperiod accounting entry or an accrual entry.
JournalEntryLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger journal entry line row has been updated.
The code combination identifier of the account that this line overrides. This is a foreign key of the
General Ledger Accounts view object.
JournalEntryLinePartyId The identifier of the additional party that participates in a business relationship.
JournalEntryLinePartySiteId The identifier of the additional party site that participates in a business relationship. This is a foreign
key of the Party Sites view object.
JournalEntryLinePartyTypeCode Indicates the type of third party. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_PARTY_
JournalEntryLinePeriodName The accounting period associated with the subledger journal entry line. This is a foreign key of the
Period view object.
JournalEntryLineRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
JournalEntryLineSourceId The system transaction identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business
flow feature.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalEntryLineStatisticalAmount The statistical amount used in reporting analysis and allocation journal entries. Examples of statistical
units of measure are headcount, copies, and labor hours.
Indicates whether the budgetary control is performed on general ledger entries. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
JournalEntryLineSubstitutedCcid The code combination identifier of the account that was substituted for this subledger journal entry
line. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger Accounts view object.
JournalEntryLineSuppRefCombinationId The Identifier of the combination of additional transactional information on a subledger journal entry
line. This is a foreign key of the Supporting Reference Combinations view object
JournalEntryLineSuppRefValues The concatenated value of attributes from JournalEntryLineSr 1 to JournalEntryLineSr 30 used for
grouping the similar records in balance calculation.
JournalEntryLineUnroundedAccountedCr The subledger journal entry line unrounded credit amount in the ledger currency.
JournalEntryLineUnroundedAccountedDr The subledger journal entry line unrounded debit amount in the ledger currency.
JournalEntryLineUnroundedEnteredCr The subledger journal entry line unrounded credit amount in the entered currency.
JournalEntryLineUnroundedEnteredDr The subledger journal entry line unrounded debit amount in the entered currency.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Subledger Sources
The subledger sources view object contains information for subledger sources. These sources can be used to configure
accounting rules.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SubledgerSourcesApplicationId The unique identifier of a subledger application associated with the source.
SubledgerSourcesCreationDate The date and time when the subledger sources were created.
SubledgerSourcesDatatypeCode The data type code of the subledger source. Possible values are C: alphanumeric or N: numeric or D:
SubledgerSourcesFlexValueSetId The unique identifier of the value set assigned to the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesFlexfieldApplicationId Stores the flexfield application if a key flexfield has been assigned to the source.
SubledgerSourcesIdFlexCode The unique identifier of the key flexfield assigned to the source.
SubledgerSourcesLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger source was last updated.
SubledgerSourcesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger source has been updated.
SubledgerSourcesSegmentCode The accounting flexfield segment associated with the subledger source.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
SubledgerSourcesSourceColumnName The column name of the source table from which the source value is derived.
SubledgerSourcesSourceTableName The source table from which the source value is derived.
SubledgerSourcesSourceTypeCode Indicates whether the source is a standard or system source. Possible values are S: standard source or
Y: system source which can be used by any subledger.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationApplicationId The unique identifier of a subledger application associated with the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationCreatedBy The user who created the translated information for the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationCreationDate The date and time when translated information of the subledger source was created.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLastUpdateDateThe date when translated information of the subledger source was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated information of the subledger source.
The number of times the translated information of the subledger source has been updated.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
Indicates whether the source is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by
SubledgerSourcesVisibleFlag Indicates whether the source will be displayed when searching for source in the subledger accounting
rules user interface.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionApplicationId The application identifier of the entry to which the transaction is applied using the business flow
feature. This is a foreign key of the Applications view object.
TransactionCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction entity was created.
TransactionEntityCode The unique abbreviated name assigned to an entity and used for reporting or in reference to an option.
Entity codes are defined in xla_entity_types_b.
TransactionEntityId The unique identifier of the subledger transactions associated with the accounting events. This is a
primary key of the Subledger Transaction Entities view object.
TransactionLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction entity row was last updated.
TransactionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction entity.
TransactionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction entity row.
TransactionLedgerId The unique identifier of the Ledgers view object. This is a foreign key of the Ledgers view object.
TransactionLegalEntityId The identifier of a recognized party that has rights and responsibilities assigned by legislation.
TransactionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction entity row has been updated.
TransactionSecurityIdChar1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdChar2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdChar3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSecurityIdInt3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its security model.
TransactionSourceIdChar1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdChar4 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt1 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
TransactionSourceIdInt2 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt3 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionSourceIdInt4 The value passed to Subledger Accounting by each subledger based on its data model.
TransactionTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a
change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TransactionUpgValidFlag Indicates whether the validation was successfully run for the batch. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionValuationMethod The valuation of an underlying accounting event that can be valued with a different monetary value
and accounted differently.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionHeaderApplicationId The identifier of the application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Headers view object. This is a foreign key of the
Applications view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TransactionHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction header was created.
TransactionHeaderEventId The event that accounts the transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger
Transaction Headers view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Events view object.
TransactionHeaderJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction header row was last updated.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction header.
TransactionHeaderLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction header row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
TransactionHeaderObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction header row has been updated.
TransactionHeaderRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionHeaderTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a
change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TransactionHeaderTransactionReversalFlag Indicates whether the record is for transaction reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionLineApplicationId The unique identifier of the application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is a part
of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the
Applications view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TransactionLineCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction line was created.
TransactionLineEventId The event that accounts the transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Subledger
Transaction Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the Subledger Journal Events view object.
TransactionLineJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionLineJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TransactionLineLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction line row was last updated.
TransactionLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction line.
TransactionLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction line row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
TransactionLineLineNumber The unique identifier of a line in a transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Subledger Transaction Lines view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TransactionLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction line row has been updated.
TransactionLineRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TrxRevHeaderCreationDate The date and time when the subledger transaction header was created.
TrxRevHeaderEventId The identifier of the event that accounts for the reversal transaction.
TrxRevHeaderLastUpdateDate The date when the subledger transaction header row was last updated.
TrxRevHeaderTransactionNumber The identifier of a business relationship that involves one or more parties and products, such as a
change in the ownership, location, or status of a product.
TrxRevHeaderTransactionReversalFlag Indicates whether the record is for transaction reversal. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TrxRevLineApplicationId The unique identifier of the subledger application for the transaction to be accounted. This attribute is
a part of the composite key of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object. This is a foreign
key of the Applications view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TrxRevLineEventId The identifier of the event that accounts for the original transaction. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object. This is a foreign key of the
Subledger Journal Events view object.
TrxRevLineJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TrxRevLineJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
TrxRevLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the subledger transaction line.
TrxRevLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the subledger transaction line row.
TrxRevLineLineNumber The unique identifier of a line in a transaction. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Subledger Transaction Reversal Lines view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
TrxRevLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the subledger transaction line row has been updated.
TrxRevLineRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
JersLineSuppRefAccountingLineTypeCode Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C:
defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionCode Short name of the supporting reference assigned to the journal line rule in the journal entry rule set.
JersLineSuppRefAnalyticalCriterionTypeCodeIndicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefApplicationId The unique identifier of the subledger application associated with the journal entry rule set.
JersLineSuppRefCreationDate The date when the supporting reference assignment was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JersLineSuppRefJersTypeCode Indicates whether the journal entry rule set is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference assignment was last updated.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference assignment.
JersLineSuppRefObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference assignment has been updated.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SupportingRefBalanceAcBalanceId The unique identifier of the supporting reference balances. This is the primary key of the Supporting
Reference Balances view object.
The short name of the supporting reference.
Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
SupportingRefBalanceApplicationId Unique identifier of the application for which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This
is a primary key of the Application view object. This attribute is part of the composite key of the
Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceBeginningBalanceCr The credit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency at the beginning of the
accounting period.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
SupportingRefBalanceBeginningBalanceDr The debit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency at the beginning of the
accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceCodeCombinationId Unique identifier of the general ledger account combination for which the supporting reference
balance is maintained. This is a foreign key of the General Ledger Accounts view object. This attribute
is a part of the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceCreationDate The date and time when the supporting reference balance was created.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurBeginBalCrThe credit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency at the beginning of the
accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurBeginBalDrThe debit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency at the beginning of the
accounting period.
SupportingRefBalanceEnteredCurrencyCode The entered currency in which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This attribute is part of
the composite key of the Supporting References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceFirstPeriodFlag Indicates whether this is the first accounting period in a fiscal year. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
SupportingRefBalanceInitialBalanceFlag Indicates whether this is the initial balance for the supporting references. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SupportingRefBalanceJobDefinitionName The name of the job that created or last updated the row.
SupportingRefBalanceJobDefinitionPackage The package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdateDate The date and time when the supporting reference balance row was last updated.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference balance row.
SupportingRefBalanceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference balance.
SupportingRefBalanceLedgerId Unique identifier of the ledger for which the supporting reference balance is maintained. This is a
foreign key of the Ledgers view object. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Supporting
Reference Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceObjectVersionNumberThe number of times the supporting reference balance row has been updated.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodBalanceCr The period-to-date credit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodBalanceDr The period-to-date debit balance of the supporting references in the ledger currency.
The period-to-date credit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency.
The period-to-date debit balance of the supporting references in the entered currency.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodName The name of the accounting period for the supporting reference balance. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Supporting Reference Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalancePeriodYear The fiscal year of the accounting period for the supporting reference balance.
SupportingRefBalanceRequestId The unique identifier of the job that created or last updated the row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefCombinationIdUnique identifier of the combination of supporting references. This is the foreign key of the Supporting
Reference Combinations view object. This attribute is part of the composite key of the Supporting
References Balances view object.
SupportingRefBalanceSuppRefValues The concatenated value of all the supporting references. This attribute is part of the composite key of
the Supporting References Balances view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
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Name Description
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SuppRefCombinationCreationDate The date and time when the supporting reference combination was created.
SuppRefCombinationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the supporting reference combination row was last updated.
SuppRefCombinationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference combination
SuppRefCombinationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference combination.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode1 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode10 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode11 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode12 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode13 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode14 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode15 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode16 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode17 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode18 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode19 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode2 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode20 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode21 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode22 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode23 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode24 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode25 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode26 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode27 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode28 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode29 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode3 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode30 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode31 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode32 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode33 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode34 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode35 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode36 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode37 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode38 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode39 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode4 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode40 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode41 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode42 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode43 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode44 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode45 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode46 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode47 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode48 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode49 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode5 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode50 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode51 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode52 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode53 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode54 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode55 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode56 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode57 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode58 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode59 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode6 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode60 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode7 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode8 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSupRefCode9 The short name of the supporting reference stored in corresponding columns. It's used by respective
subledgers to store specific values related to the source transaction.
SuppRefCombinationSuppRefCombinationIdThe unique identifier of the supporting reference combinations. This is the primary key of the
Supporting Reference Combinations view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
SupportingReferenceSourceCreatedBy The user who created the supporting reference source assignment.
SupportingReferenceSourceCreationDate The date when the supporting reference source assignment was created.
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference source assignment was last updated.
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdateLoginThe session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference source
SupportingReferenceSourceLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the supporting reference source assignment.
The number of times the supporting reference source assignment has been updated.
Unique identifier of the source application.
Indicates whether the formula is seeded or not when a formula is assigned to the supporting reference
as source.
SupportingReferenceSourceSourceTypeCodeIndicates what type of source is assigned to the supporting reference. Possible values are S: standard
source or F: formula.
Short name of the supporting reference.
Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
Supporting References
The supporting reference view object contains information about supporting reference.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
AnalyticalCriterionTypeCode Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
SupportingRefLastUpdateDate The date when the supporting reference was last updated.
SupportingRefLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the supporting reference.
SupportingRefObjectVersionNumber The number of times the supporting reference has been updated.
Short name of the supporting reference.
Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
SupportingRefTranslatedCreatedBy The user who created the translated information for the supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedCreationDate The date when the translated information for the supporting reference was created.
SupportingRefTranslatedLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdateDate The date when the translated information for the supporting reference was last updated.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated information of the
supporting reference.
SupportingRefTranslatedLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated information of the supporting reference.
The number of times the translated information of the supporting reference has been updated.
SupportingRefTranslatedSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
SupportingRefVersionNum The number of times the supporting reference has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
XlaApplnVLSecurityFunctionName The name of the security function associated with the subledger application.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The short name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
transactions. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view
Indicates whether the accounting method is user defined or predefined by the subledger application.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
AcctgMethodTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated accounting method was created.
AcctgMethodTranslationDescription The translated description of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
AcctgMethodTranslationLanguage The code of the language into which the translatable attributes are translated. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Translated Accounting Methods view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdateDate The date when the translated accounting method row was last updated.
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated accounting method.
AcctgMethodTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated accounting method.
AcctgMethodTranslationName The translated name of the accounting method used to record the financial impact of subledger
The number of times the translated accounting method row has been updated.
AcctgMethodTranslationSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
EventClassTranslationApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated event class was created.
EventClassTranslationEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Classes view object.
EventClassTranslationEventClassCode The short name of event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Classes view
EventClassTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
EventClassTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated event class row was last updated.
EventClassTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated event class.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
EventClassTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated event class.
EventClassTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated event class row has been updated.
EventClassTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
EventTypeTranslationApplicationId The unique identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types
view object.
EventTypeTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated event type was created.
EventTypeTranslationEntityCode The entity code of the entry to which the transaction is being allocated. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Event Types view object.
EventTypeTranslationEventClassCode The short name of the event class. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeTranslationEventTypeCode The short name of the event type. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Event Types view
EventTypeTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Types view object.
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated event type row was last updated.
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated event type.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
EventTypeTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated event type.
EventTypeTranslationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the translated event type row has been updated.
EventTypeTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Event Classes view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The short name of the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated
Journal Line Rules view object.
Indicates whether the journal line rule is seeded. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the
Translated Journal Line Rules view object. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type XLA_
JournalLineRuleTranslationApplicationId The identifier of the application. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal
Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationCreatedBy The user who created the translated journal line rule.
JournalLineRuleTranslationCreationDate The date and time when the translated journal line rule was created.
JournalLineRuleTranslationEntityCode The short name of the entity associated with the event class assigned to the journal line rule. This
attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationEventClassCode The short name of the event class associated with the journal line rule. This attribute is a part of the
composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated journal line rule row was last updated.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated journal line rule row.
JournalLineRuleTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated journal line rule.
The number of times the translated journal line rule row has been updated.
JournalLineRuleTranslationSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record. The value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that record was
bulk loaded. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
JournalLineRuleTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
created. This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Journal Line Rules view object.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
Indicates whether the assignment is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle
or C: User.
AssignmentDefinitionTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated assignment was created.
AssignmentDefinitionTLLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
This attribute is a part of the composite key of the Translated Ledger Assignment for Post Accounting
Programs view object.
AssignmentDefinitionTLLastUpdateDate The date when the translated assignment row was last updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
AssignmentDefinitionTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated assignment.
AssignmentDefinitionTLName Translated name of the ledger assignment for the post accounting program.
The number of times the translated assignment row has been updated.
AssignmentDefinitionTLProgramOwnerCodeIndicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
AssignmentDefinitionTLSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
PostAccountingProgramTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated post accounting programs.
PostAccountingProgramTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated post accounting program was created.
PostAccountingProgramTLDescription The additional information associated with the post accounting program.
PostAccountingProgramTLLanguage The code of the language into which the translatable attributes are translated. This attribute is a part of
the composite key of the Translated Post Accounting Programs view object.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdateDate The date when the translated post accounting program row was last updated.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated post accounting program.
PostAccountingProgramTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated post accounting program.
The number of times the translated post accounting programs row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Indicates whether the program is seeded by Oracle or created by a user. Possible values are S: Oracle or
C: User.
PostAccountingProgramTLSourceLang The code of the language in which the contents of the translatable attributes were originally created.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SubledgerSourcesTranslationApplicationId The unique identifier of a subledger application associated with the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationCreatedBy The user who created the translated information for the subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationCreationDate The date and time when translated information of the subledger source was created.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLastUpdateDateThe date when translated information of the subledger source was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated subledger source.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated information of the subledger source.
The number of times the translated information of the subledger source has been updated.
SubledgerSourcesTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Name Description
Indicates whether the source is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or C: defined by
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The accounting method builder context.
Short name of the supporting reference.
Indicates whether the supporting reference is seeded or not. Possible values are S: seeded by Oracle or
C: defined by user.
SupportingReferenceTranslationCreatedBy The user who created the translated information for the supporting reference.
SupportingReferenceTranslationCreationDateThe date when the translated information for the supporting reference was created.
SupportingReferenceTranslationLanguage Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
The date when the translated information for the supporting reference was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated information of the
supporting reference.
The user who last updated the translated information of the supporting reference.
The number of times the translated information of the supporting reference has been updated.
SupportingReferenceTranslationSourceLang Indicates the code of the language in which the contents of the translatable columns were originally
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 11
Extract Data Stores for Financials Subledger Accounting
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
12 Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
DetailTaxLineAccountSourceTaxRateId The tax rate from which the GL account should be derived. If the tax derives its GL account from
another tax, then the identifier of the tax rate of the other tax is captured, That Is, the source tax for
accounts is captured.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocApplicationId The unique identifier of the adjusted document application for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocDate The date of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocEntityCode The entity code of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocEventClassCode The event class code of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocLineId The transaction line identifier of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocNumber The transaction number of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxId The transaction identifier of the adjusted document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the adjusted document line for the detailed tax line is
stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the application of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier from document line is stored for the detailed tax
line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxNumber The transaction number of the applied from document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier to document line is stored for the detailed tax
line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineAppliedToTrxNumber The transaction number of the applied to document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineAssociatedChildFrozenFlag Indicates whether one or more of the detail tax lines associated with this detailed tax line is frozen. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Detailed Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineBasisResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the taxable basis determination process for this tax
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmt The system calculated tax amount in transaction currency for the detailed tax line. In case the user
overrides the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value. An override mark is
indicated to show the overridden amount.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmtFunclCurr The system calculated tax amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line. This is same as the
tax amount in functional currency if there is no user override.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxAmtTaxCurr The system calculated tax amount in the tax currency for the detailed tax line. This is same as the tax
amount in tax currency if there is no user override.
DetailTaxLineCalTaxableAmt The Taxable amount calculated for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCalcResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax calculation process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingDepTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax line is compounded on top of another tax line for the detailed tax line. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingTaxFlag Indicates whether there exists any other tax line that is compounded on top of this tax line for the
detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCompoundingTaxMissFlag Indicates whether the tax line on top of which this tax line is compounded is missing for the detailed
tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the configuration owner of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCopiedFromOtherDocFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is copied from another document like a reference document. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the detailed tax line row was created.
DetailTaxLineCtrlTotalLineTxAmt The control amount for the total tax amount at the transaction line level.
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the
detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the detailed tax
DetailTaxLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the detailed
tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineDeleteFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is marked for deletion by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineDirectRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from line determination process for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEnforceFromNaturalAcctFlag Indicates whether this tax line is enforced from natural account for the detailed tax line. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineEvalExcptResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the exception evaluation process for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineEvalExmptResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the exemption evaluation process for this detailed
tax line.
DetailTaxLineEventClassCode The event class code of the line for the detailed tax transaction.
DetailTaxLineEventTypeCode The event type code of the application for the detailed tax transaction.
DetailTaxLineExceptionRate The tax exception rate for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptCertificateNumber The tax exemption certificate number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptRateModifier The percentage of the original tax rate that is exempt for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptReason The tax exemption reason for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineFreezeUntilOverriddenFlag Indicates whether this tax line is enforced from the reference document even though it is not found
applicable for the current document for the detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate1 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate2 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate3 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate4 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeDate5 A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineGlobalAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number global descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
DetailTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineHqEstbPartyTaxProfId The identifier of the party tax profile of the first party HQ establishment for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineHqEstbRegNumber The tax registration number of the first party HQ establishment for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInterfaceEntityCode The temporary entity code of the tax line interface table for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInterfaceTaxLineId The temporary line corresponding to this detailed tax line during the import of transactions into
DetailTaxLineInternalOrgLocationId The identifier of the location of the Internal organization of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineInternalOrganizationId The identifier of the Internal organization of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineItemDistChangedFlag Indicates whether the item distributions corresponding to the transaction line of this detailed tax line
are changed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineLastManualEntry Indicates the column that is last overridden by the user for the detailed tax line. Possible values are
DetailTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the detailed tax line row was last updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the detailed tax line row.
DetailTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the Ledger for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalEntityTaxRegNumber The tax registration number of the legal entity for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText1 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText2 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalJustificationText3 The legal justification used for migration purposes for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageAppl2 The legal message for the applicability of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageBasis The legal message for the taxable basis of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageCalc The legal message for the tax calculation of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageExcpt The legal message for the exceptions of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageExmpt The legal message for the exemptions of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessagePos The legal message for the place of supply of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageRate The legal message for the rate determination of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageStatus The legal message for the status determination of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageThreshold The legal message for the thresholds of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalMessageTrn The legal message for the registration number of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLegalReportingStatus The status for the legal reporting of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineLineAssessableValue The assessable value for this detailed tax line, That Is, this is the deemed price at which a product is
valued, by a tax authority for a given tax, for tax calculation purposes.
DetailTaxLineManuallyEnteredFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineMinimumAccountableUnit The minimum accountable unit of the transaction currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineMrcLinkToTaxLineId The identifier of the source tax line in the currency of the transaction corresponding to which this
detailed tax line is created if this tax line is in one of the multiple reporting currencies.
DetailTaxLineMrcTaxLineFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is for one of the multiple reporting currencies. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineMultipleJurisdictionsFlag Indicates whether the tax of this detailed tax line has multiple jurisdictions. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmt The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
DetailTaxLineNrecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the detailed tax line row has been updated.
DetailTaxLineOffsetFlag Indicates whether this tax line is created for an offset tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineOffsetLinkToTaxLineId The identifier of the source tax line to which this tax line is associated if this tax line is created for an
offset tax.
DetailTaxLineOffsetTaxRateCode The rate code of the offset tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigSelfAssessedFlag The value of the self-assessed option before user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmt The value of the tax amount in the currency of the transaction currency before the user overrides the
detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmtIncludedFlag The tax amount included options before the detailed tax line is overridden.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmtTaxCurr The value of the tax amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxJurisdictionCode The value of the tax jurisdiction code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxPointDate The value of the tax point date before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRate The value of the tax rate before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateCode The value of the tax rate code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusCode The value of tax status code before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxableAmt The value of the taxable amount before the user overrides the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOrigTaxableAmtTaxCurr The value of the taxable amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the detailed tax
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineAmt The line amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineTaxAmt The line tax amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocLineTaxableAmt The taxable amount on the other document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOtherDocSource The source of other documents for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineOverriddenFlag Indicates whether the user has overridden this detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupply The identifier of the place of supply of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupplyResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the place of supply determination process for this
detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePlaceOfSupplyTypeCode The identifier for the place of supply type for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmt The prorated total tax amount for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmtFunclCurr The prorated total tax amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmtTaxCurr The prorated total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLinePrecision The precision of the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineProcessForRecoveryFlag Indicates whether the recoverable tax amount needs to be determined for this tax line. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLinePurgeFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is marked for purge. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the rate determination process for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmt The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRecalcRequiredFlag Indicates whether this tax line needs to be recalculated when an inclusive tax line is overridden or a tax
line on top of which this tax line is compounded. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
DetailTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the detailed tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_
DetailTaxLineRefDocApplicationId The identifier of the application of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocEntityCode The entity code of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocEventClassCode The event class code of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocLineQuantity The line quantity of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the reference document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRefDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the line identifier of the reference document is stored. Possible values are
DetailTaxLineRegistrationPartyType Indicates the party type that is used to determine the tax registration number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocApplicationId The identifier of the application of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocDate The date of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocEntityCode The entity code of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocEventClassCode The event class code of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocNumber The transaction number of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRelatedDocTrxId The identifier of the primary transaction of the related document for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineReportableFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is reportable. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineReportingCurrencyCode The reporting currency code for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
DetailTaxLineReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is created for reporting purpose only. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineReportingPeriodId The identifier of the period when this detailed tax line is reported.
DetailTaxLineReversedTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line that is reversed by this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLevelCode The rounding level code for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLvlPartyTaxProfId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party used for determining the rounding level code of
the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingLvlPartyType The type of party used for determining the rounding level code of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code for the tax of the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineSelfAssessedFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is a self-assessed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineStatusResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the status determination process for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineSummaryTaxLineId The identifier of the summary tax line for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineSyncWithPrvdrFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line needs to be synchronized with the third party service provider.
A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmt The tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line. In case the user overrides
the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value, and the override mark will indicate
that this amount has been overridden.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The tax amount in the functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtIncludedFlag Indicates whether the tax is considered as inclusive for this detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The tax amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxApplicabilityResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax applicability determination process for this
detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxApportionmentFlag Indicates whether there are multiple tax lines created for the tax of this detailed tax line during
migration from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxApportionmentLineNumberThe apportionment line number for this detailed tax line when multiple tax lines are created for the
same tax during migration from prior releases.
DetailTaxLineTaxBaseModifierRate The modifier rate used for taxable basis determination for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCalculationFormula The formula code used for determining the tax amount for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCode The tax classification code for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyCode The currency code of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the
detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
DetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the detailed
tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDate The date on the current transaction based on which applicable tax rates and rules are determined for
the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDateRuleId The identifier of the tax rule used to determine the tax date for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxDetermineDate The actual date used for determining the applicable tax rates and rules. If the adjusted document is
present, this is the tax date of the adjusted document, else, it is the same as the tax date of this tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxEventClassCode The event class code of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception used in determination of the effective tax rate for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption used in determination of the effective tax rate for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineTaxHoldCode The name of tax hold code for payables for this detailed tax line. Possible values are TAX VARIANCE,
DetailTaxLineTaxHoldReleasedCode The name of tax hold release code for payables for this detailed tax line. Possible values are TAX
DetailTaxLineTaxId The identifier of the tax associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxOnlyLineFlag Indicates whether this detailed tax line is a tax only line. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
DetailTaxLineTaxPointBasis The tax point basis for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxPointDate The date on which the taxpayer becomes liable for paying the tax to the tax authority. Possible values
are the delivery date, the invoice date, and the pickup date.
DetailTaxLineTaxProviderId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party service provider that has determined the tax on
this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateBeforeException The tax rate before the exception is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateBeforeExemption The tax rate before the exemption is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeException The tax rate name before the exception is applied for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRateNameBeforeExemptionThe tax rate name before the exemption is applied for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineTaxRateType Indicates the type of tax rate for the detailed tax line. Possible values include PERCENTAGE, QUANTITY,
DetailTaxLineTaxRegNumDetResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax registration number determination process
for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeId The identifier of the tax regime associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegimeTemplateId The identifier of determining factor template used for regime determination for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegistrationId The identifier of the registration of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxRegistrationNumber The tax registration number for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status associated with the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmt The taxable amount in the currency of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmtFunclCurr The taxable amount in functional currency for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableAmtTaxCurr The taxable amount in the currency of the tax for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxableBasisFormula The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTaxingJurisGeographyId The identifier of the geography for the tax jurisdiction of this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineThreshResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the threshold evaluation process for this detailed tax
DetailTaxLineTrxDate The date of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxId The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel2 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel3 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel4 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel5 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel6 The identifier of the transaction for the detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_line_id.
DetailTaxLineTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for the detailed tax line. Possible
values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineDate The date of the transaction line for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxLineId The unique identifier of the detailed tax line. This is a primary key of the Summary Tax Lines view
DetailTaxLineTrxLineNumber The line number of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
DetailTaxLineTrxLineQuantity The quantity of the line of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxNumber The number of the transaction for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel1 The unique identifier of the first component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel2 The unique identifier of the second component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel3 The unique identifier of the third component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the user composite key for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnitPrice The unit Price of the transaction line item or product for the detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnroundedTaxAmt The unrounded tax amount for this detailed tax line.
DetailTaxLineUnroundedTaxableAmt The unrounded taxable amount for this detailed tax line.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjDocHdrTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the header level user composite key of the adjusted
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustTaxAmtFlag Indicates whether tax amount needs to be adjusted on the corresponding detail tax lines to ensure that
the sum of all detail lines equals the amount on the summary line, when the user overrides or enters
this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocApplicationId The unique identifier of the adjusted document application for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocEntityCode The entity code of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
The event class code of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxId The transaction identifier of the adjusted document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAdjustedDocTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the adjusted document line is stored for the summary tax
line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the line-level user composite key for the applied
from document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppFromLinTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied from
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the header level user composite key for the applied to
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the header level user composite key for the applied
to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the header level user composite key for the applied to
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToHdrTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the header level user composite key for the applied to
document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey1 The unique identifier of the first component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey2 The unique identifier of the second component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey3 The unique identifier of the third component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppToLinTrxUserKey6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the line-level user composite key for the applied to
document line for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the application of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
The identifier of the event class code of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied from document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedFromTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier from document line is stored for the summary
tax line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToApplicationId The identifier of the application of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToEntityCode The identifier of the entity code of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToEventClassCode The identifier of the event class code of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToLineId The identifier of the transaction line of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied to document for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineAppliedToTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the identifier of the applier to document line is stored for the summary tax
line. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
SummaryTaxLineAssociatedChildFrozenFlag Indicates whether one or more of the detail tax lines associated with this summary tax line is frozen. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
SummaryTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Summary Tax Line.
SummaryTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineCompoundingTaxFlag Indicates if any other existing tax line is compounded on top of this tax line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCopiedFromOtherDocFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is copied from another document like a reference document. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the summary tax line row was created.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionDate The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the
summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionRate The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the summary
tax line.
SummaryTaxLineCurrencyConversionType The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to the functional currency for the
summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineDeleteFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is marked for deletion by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
SummaryTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExceptionRate The tax exception rate for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptCertificateNumber The tax exemption certificate number for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptRateModifier The percentage of the original tax rate that is exempt for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptReason The tax exemption reason for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineExemptReasonCode The tax exemption reason code for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineGlobalAttributeCategory The context name for the Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
SummaryTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
SummaryTaxLineInternalOrganizationId The identifier of the Internal organization of the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineLastManualEntry Indicates the column that is last overridden by the user for the summary tax line. Possible values are
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the summary tax line row was last updated.
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the summary tax line row.
SummaryTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the Ledger for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineManuallyEnteredFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineMrcTaxLineFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is for one of the multiple reporting currencies. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineObjectVersionNumber The number of times the summary tax line row has been updated.
SummaryTaxLineOverriddenFlag Indicates whether the user has overridden this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the summary tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_
SummaryTaxLineReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this summary tax line is created for reporting purposes only. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineSelfAssessedFlag Indicates whether this tax line is a self-assessed. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
SummaryTaxLineSummarizationTemplateId The identifier of the determining factor template used for summarization.
SummaryTaxLineSummaryTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmt The total tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line. In case the user
overrides the tax amount, this value is updated with the overridden value, and the override mark will
indicate that this amount has been overridden.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The total tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtIncludedFlag Indicates whether tax is inclusive for this summary tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxCalculationFormula The formula code used for determining the tax amount for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the summary tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
SummaryTaxLineTaxOnlyLineFlag Indicates whether this is a tax only line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
SummaryTaxLineTaxProviderId The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party service provider that has determined the tax on
this summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateBeforeException The tax rate before the exception is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateBeforeExemption The tax rate before the exemption is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the summary tax line.
The tax rate name before the exception is applied for the summary tax line.
The tax rate name before the exemption is applied for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTaxableBasisFormula The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmt The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalNrecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total nonrecoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmt The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the functional currency for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTotalRecTaxAmtTaxCurr The total recoverable tax amount in the currency of the tax for the summary tax line.
SummaryTaxLineTrxId The unique identifier of the summary tax line. This is a primary key of the Summary Tax Lines view
SummaryTaxLineTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for the summary tax line. Possible
values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
Tax Jurisdictions
The tax jurisdictions view object contains the configuration details of a specific tax jurisdiction.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxJurisdictionAllowTaxRegistrationsFlag Indicates whether the tax registrations are allowed for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are Y for
standard jurisdiction and N for the override and inner city jurisdictions.
TaxJurisdictionAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Jurisdiction descriptive flexfield.
TaxJurisdictionCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is remitted for this
tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionCreationDate The date and time when the tax jurisdiction row was created.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax jurisdiction can be used as the default tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax jurisdiction can be used as the default tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionDefaultJurisdictionFlag Indicates whether the tax jurisdiction is identified as the default jurisdiction for the tax. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxJurisdictionInnerCityJurisdictionFlag Indicates whether inner city jurisdiction is allowed for this tax jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax jurisdiction row was last updated.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax jurisdiction row has been updated.
TaxJurisdictionRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax jurisdiction row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_
TaxJurisdictionRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the tax authority responsible for administering the
TaxJurisdictionTLCreatedBy1 The user who created the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was created.
TaxJurisdictionTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax jurisdiction details are translated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateDate1 The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was last updated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateLogin1 The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdatedBy1 The user who last updated the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax jurisdiction details.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxJurisdictionTaxAcctSrcJurisdictId The identifier of the source tax jurisdiction to determine the default general ledger accounts for this tax
TaxJurisdictionTaxExmptSrcJurisdictId The identifier of the source tax jurisdiction that is used to determine the exemption for this tax
jurisdiction, if a specific exemption is not found.
TaxJurisdictionTaxJurisdictionCode The unique identifier of the tax jurisdiction row when combined with tax regime code and tax.
TaxJurisdictionTaxJurisdictionId The unique identifier of the tax jurisdiction. This is a primary key of the Tax Jurisdictions view object.
TaxJurisdictionTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionThrshldScheduleGrpLvlFlag The threshold schedule group level indicator for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are L for Line, D
for Document, P for Period, and S for Set.
TaxJurisdictionUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected
validation type for this tax jurisdiction. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TaxJurisdictionValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation for this tax jurisdiction.
TaxJurisdictionWhtBucketLevelFlag The level at which withholding tax buckets are maintained. Possible values are P for Party and A for All.
Tax Rates
The tax rates view object contains the configuration details of a specific tax rate.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxRatesActiveFlag Indicates whether this tax rate is active. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRatesAdjForAdhocAmtCode Indicates whether tax rate or taxable basis is to be adjusted when tax amount is changed for tax lines
with ad hoc tax rate.
TaxRatesAllowAdhocTaxRateFlag Indicates whether ad hoc tax rate is allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether exceptions are allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether exemptions are allowed for this tax rate. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Rates descriptive flexfield.
TaxRatesAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRatesAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Tax Rates.
TaxRatesContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax rate.
TaxRatesCreationDate The date and time when the tax rate row was created.
TaxRatesDefRecSettlementOptionCode Indicates whether an input tax can be recovered when an invoice is recorded or only when the invoice
is paid and whether an output tax is due for settlement when the invoice is issued or only when the
payment is received against it. Possible values are ACCOUNTING, DELIVERY, INVOICE and PAYMENT.
TaxRatesDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax rate can be used as the default tax rate.
TaxRatesDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax rate can be used as the default tax rate.
TaxRatesDefaultRateFlag Indicates whether this is the default rate code for the status or jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesDefaultRecRateCode The default recovery rate code associated with this tax rate. This is applicable only for status based
TaxRatesDefaultRecTypeCode The recovery type code for the default recovery rate code associated with this tax rate. This is
applicable only for status based rates.
TaxRatesInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax rate is tax inclusive by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax rate row was last updated.
TaxRatesLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax rate row.
TaxRatesLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax rate row.
TaxRatesObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax rate row has been updated.
TaxRatesOffsetStatusCode The tax status code of the offset rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesOffsetTax The tax of the offset rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesOffsetTaxRateCode The offset tax rate code associated with this tax rate.
TaxRatesPercentageRate The percentage of the tax rate if this is a percentage based rate.
TaxRatesRateTypeCode Indicates the tax rate type for this tax rate. Possible values are PERCENTAGE, QUANTITY, and UNIT
TaxRatesRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax rates row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED,
TaxRatesRecoveryTypeCode The default recovery type code for which this tax rate is defined.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRatesScheduleBasedRateFlag Indicates whether this tax rate has multiple schedules. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
TaxRatesSourceId The identifier of the tax code in source database of prior releases for migrated records.
TaxRatesTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was created.
TaxRatesTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax rate details are translated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was last updated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax rate details.
TaxRatesTaxClass Indicate whether this tax code is applicable for procure to pay business flows or order to cash business
flows. Possible values are INPUT and OUTPUT. NULL indicates it is applicable to both.
TaxRatesTaxInclusiveOverrideFlag Indicates whether the tax inclusive option can be overridden at tax line level for this tax rate. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRatesTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxRateCode The unique identifier of the tax rate row when combined with tax regime code, tax, and content owner.
TaxRatesTaxRateId The unique identifier of the tax rate. This is a primary key of the Tax Rates view object.
TaxRatesTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the tax rate.
TaxRatesUomCode The unit of measure code for this tax rate. This column is applicable only for quantity-based rates.
Tax Regimes
The tax regimes view object contains the configuration details of a specific tax regime.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxRegimeAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether exceptions are allowed for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether exemptions are allowed for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeAllowRecoverabilityFlag Indicates whether the taxes associated to this regime are recoverable. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeAllowRoundingOverrideFlag Indicates whether the rounding rules can be overridden for the taxes associated to this regime. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeApplicabilityRuleFlag Indicates whether tax rules are defined to determine tax applicability for this tax regime. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Regimes descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegimeBucketLevelFlag The level at which withholding tax buckets are maintained. Possible values are L for legal entity and B
for business unit.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegimeCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom all taxes under this tax
regime are remitted.
TaxRegimeCountryCode The code that identifies the country for which this tax regime is defined.
TaxRegimeCountryOrGroupCode The code that indicates whether this tax regime is defined for a country or a group of countries.
TaxRegimeCreationDate The date and time when the tax regime row was created.
TaxRegimeCrossRegimeCompoundingFlag Indicates whether cross regime compounding is allowed for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeDefInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether all the tax types within this tax regime are tax inclusive by default. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeDefPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode The default place of supply type for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeDefRecSettlementOptionCode The lookup code that indicates whether an input tax can be recovered when an invoice is recorded or
only when the invoice is paid. This also indicates whether an output tax is due for settlement when the
invoice is issued or only when the payment is received against it.
TaxRegimeDefRegistrPartyTypeCode The default registration party type for the taxes associated to this tax regime.
TaxRegimeEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax regime can be used as the default tax regime.
TaxRegimeEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax regime can be used as the default tax regime.
TaxRegimeExchangeRateType The exchange rate type used for converting transaction currency to tax currency for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeExemptionProcessFlag Indicates whether exemptions are defined for the customer, supplier, or both.
TaxRegimeGeographyId The unique identifier of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax
regime when the primary geography type refers to a master geography type.
TaxRegimeGeographyType The type of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax when the
primary geography type refers to a master geography type for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeHasOtherJurisdictionsFlag Indicates whether the taxes associated to this tax regime can have more than one jurisdiction. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeHasSubRegimeFlag Indicates whether this tax regime is a parent regime with one or more child regimes defined under it. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax regime row was last updated.
TaxRegimeLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax regime row.
TaxRegimeLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax regime row.
TaxRegimeMinimumAccountableUnit The minimum accountable unit of the tax currency for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax regime row has been updated.
TaxRegimePlaceOfSupplyRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for the taxes associated to this tax regime to determine the
place of supply type. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is defined
in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegimeRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax regime row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED,
TaxRegimeRegimePrecedence Indicates the precedence level at which the taxes associated to this regime are determined when taxes
are compounded across regimes.
TaxRegimeRegimeTypeFlag Indicates the type of the tax regime. Possible values are W for Withholding, I for Indirect and NULL for
TaxRegimeRegistrationTypeRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for the taxes associated to this tax regime to determine
the registration party type. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeRegnNumSameAsLeFlag Indicates whether the tax registration number for this tax regime should be same as the legal entity
registration number. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the tax authority to whom all the taxes associated to this
tax regime are reported.
TaxRegimeRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code to be used for rounding this tax regime. Possible values are UP, DOWN and
TaxRegimeTLCreatedBy1 The user who created the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated tax regime row was created.
TaxRegimeTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax regime details are translated.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdateDate1 The date and time when the translated tax regime row was last updated.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdateLogin1 The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdatedBy1 The user who last updated the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax regime details.
TaxRegimeTaxAccountPrecedenceCode The lowest level used to define tax accounts for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeTaxAmtThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax amount threshold is applicable for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxCalcRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to calculate the tax amount for the taxes associated to this
regime. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxCurrencyCode The tax currency code for the taxes associated to this tax regime.
TaxRegimeTaxInclusiveOverrideFlag Indicates whether the user can override the inclusive or exclusive nature of a tax line determined by the
application for this tax regime. Only if this is set as YES, user can further override this control at the tax
level. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxRateRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax rate for the taxes associated to this tax
regime. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegimeTaxRateThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax rate threshold is applicable for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code for the taxes associated to this tax regime.
TaxRegimeTaxRegimeId The unique identifier of the tax regime. This is a primary key of the Tax Regimes view object.
TaxRegimeTaxStatusRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax status for the taxes associated to this
tax regime. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxableBasisRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the taxable basis for the taxes associated to
this tax regime. This setting can be overridden at the tax level. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeTaxableBasisThrshldFlag Indicates whether the taxable basis threshold is applicable for this tax regime. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeThrshldChkTmpltCode The determining factor template to be used for sub-grouping of the total thresholds.
TaxRegimeThrshldGroupingLvlCode The lookup code to indicate grouping level for applying thresholds across or within documents, lines,
or calendar periods for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number for this tax regime.
TaxRegimeUseLegalMsgFlag Indicates whether the legal messages are applicable for this tax regime. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeUseTaxReportConfigFlag Indicates whether the entry of tax reporting configuration details is allowed for legal reporting units of
this tax regime. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxRegimeValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected
validation type. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING and NONE.
TaxRegimeValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation for this tax regime.
Tax Registrations
The tax registration extract view object contains the registration details of a party with a tax authority that confers tax
rights and imposes certain tax obligations.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegistrationAccountTypeCode The lookup code that indicates whether the registration is for supplier or customer.
TaxRegistrationAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Registrations descriptive flexfield.
TaxRegistrationCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the collecting tax authority.
TaxRegistrationCreationDate The date and time when the tax registration row was created.
TaxRegistrationDefaultRegistrationFlag Indicates whether this is the default registration for the party. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax registration can be used.
TaxRegistrationEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax registration can be used.
TaxRegistrationHasTaxExemptionsFlag Indicates whether the party of this tax registration has tax exemptions. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether the tax of this registration is inclusive. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax registration row was last updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegistrationLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationLegalLocationId The unique identifier of the location for the legal registration address.
TaxRegistrationLegalRegistrationId The unique identifier of the legal registration that is the source for the tax registration number for this
tax registration.
TaxRegistrationMaxSelfAssessDiffTolLimit The maximum self-assessed differential tax tolerance limit for the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationMergedToRegistrationId The unique identifier of the registration into which this tax registration is merged.
TaxRegistrationMinSelfAssessDiffTolLimit The minimum self-assessed differential tax tolerance limit for the tax registration row.
TaxRegistrationObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax registration row has been updated.
TaxRegistrationPartyTaxProfileId The party tax profile identifier for the party of this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax registrations row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_
TaxRegistrationRegistrationId The unique identifier of the tax registration. This is a primary key of the Tax Registrations view object.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationReasonCode Indicate the reason for the registration, such as minimum presence or revenue threshold.
TaxRegistrationRegistrationSourceCode Used to distinguish between formal registration numbers from logical tax registrations, which will not
have a formal number assigned to it but will indicate that the party has a logical registration such as
TaxRegistrationRepPartyTaxName The name of the party that is recognized by the tax authority for this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TaxRegistrationRequestId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TaxRegistrationSelfAssessFlag Indicates whether the tax of this registration is to be self-assessed. Possible values are Y or N.
TaxRegistrationTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile of the tax authority of this registration row.
TaxRegistrationTaxClassificationCode The tax classification code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxJurisdictionCode The tax jurisdiction code associated with the tax registration.
TaxRegistrationTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax registration.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRegistrationUniquenessValidationLevel The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number for this tax registration.
TaxRegistrationValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected
validation type. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TaxRegistrationValidationType The validation type defined for registration number validation for this tax registration.
Tax Statuses
The tax statuses view object contains configuration details for the status of a specific tax.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxStatusBaseAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether tax exemptions are allowed for the current tax status. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether tax exceptions are allowed for the current tax status. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseAllowRateOverrideFlag Indicates whether user is allowed to override the default tax rate applied on the invoice. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxStatusBaseAttributeCategory The context name for the Tax Statuses descriptive flexfield.
TaxStatusBaseContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax status.
TaxStatusBaseCreationDate The date and time when the tax status row was created.
TaxStatusBaseDefRecSettlementOptionCodeThe option selected by the user for default recovery settlement. Possible values are IMMEDIATE,
TaxStatusBaseDefaultFlgEffectiveFrom The start date from which the tax status can be used as the default tax status.
TaxStatusBaseDefaultFlgEffectiveTo The last date on which the tax status can be used as the default tax status.
TaxStatusBaseDefaultStatusFlag Indicates whether the tax status is identified as the default status for the tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the tax status row was last updated.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the tax status row.
TaxStatusBaseLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the tax status row.
TaxStatusBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the tax status row has been updated.
TaxStatusBaseRecordTypeCode The source from which the tax status row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_MIGRATED,
TaxStatusBaseRuleBasedRateFlag Indicates whether the rules are defined for this tax status to determine tax rate. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TaxStatusBaseTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax status is associated..
TaxStatusBaseTaxStatusCode The unique identifier of the tax status row when combined with tax regime code, tax, and content
TaxStatusBaseTaxStatusId The unique identifier of the tax status. This is a primary key of the Tax Statuses view object.
TaxStatusTLCreatedBy1 The user who created the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLCreationDate1 The date and time when the translated tax status row was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxStatusTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax status details are translated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateDate1 The date and time when the translated tax status row was last updated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateLogin1 The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdatedBy1 The user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax status details.
Transaction Taxes
The transaction taxes view object contains the configuration details for a specific tax.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseAllowDupRegnNumFlag Indicates whether duplicate registration numbers are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowExceptionsFlag Indicates whether exceptions are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowExemptionsFlag Indicates whether exemptions are allowed for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup
type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowManualEntryFlag Indicates whether the user is allowed to manually enter tax lines for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowMassCreateFlag Indicates whether the automatic creation of tax jurisdictions based on the primary geography type and
optionally based on the parent geography identifier or type is allowed for this tax. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowRecoverabilityFlag Indicates whether this tax is recoverable. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_
Indicates whether the rounding rule can be overridden at the tax registration level for this tax. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseAllowTaxOverrideFlag Indicates whether the user is allowed to override system-calculated tax lines for this tax. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseAllowZeroAmtWhtInvFlagIndicates whether zero-amount withholding invoices and accounting can be created for this tax. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseApplicabilityRuleFlag Indicates whether tax rules are defined to determine applicability of this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseApplicableByDefaultFlag Indicates whether this tax is applicable by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
TransactionTaxBaseAppliedAmtHandlingFlagThe method for handling the tax amount of a prepayment in Payables when it is applied to an invoice.
Possible values are PRORATED and RECALCULATED.
TransactionTaxBaseAttributeCategory The context name for the Transaction Taxes descriptive flexfield.
TransactionTaxBaseCalcOnlyFlag Indicates whether this tax is used only for calculation and is neither reported nor returned to the
product. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseChargeLineHandlingCodeThe code that identifies whether the tax rules should be processed on charge lines, or tax lines should
be copied from corresponding item lines.
TransactionTaxBaseCollTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is remitted.
TransactionTaxBaseCompoundingPrecedenceThe compounding precedence of the tax. The tax with a lower compounding precedence is computed
TransactionTaxBaseContentOwnerId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the configuration owner of this tax.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
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Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseCreationDate The date and time when the transaction tax row was created.
TransactionTaxBaseDefInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax is inclusive by default. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
The default place of supply type for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefPrimaryRecRateCode The default primary recovery rate code for this tax.
Indicates whether an input tax recovery can be done when an invoice is recorded or only when
the invoice is paid, and whether an output tax settlement is due when the invoice is issued or only
when the payment is received against it. Possible values are ACCOUNTING, DELIVERY, INVOICE and
The default secondary recovery rate code for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefTaxCalcFormula The default formula code used to determine tax amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDefTaxableBasisFormula The default formula code used to determine taxable basis amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseDirectRateRuleFlag Indicates whether direct tax rate determination rules can be defined for this tax. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseExchangeRateType The exchange rate type used for converting transaction currency to tax currency.
Indicates whether this tax has more than one jurisdiction. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdateDate The date and time when the transaction tax row was last updated.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxBaseLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the transaction tax row.
The default value of the legal reporting status for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseLiveForProcessingFlag Indicates whether this tax is ready to be processed during tax calculation. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseMaxTxblBsisThrshld The maximum taxable basis threshold amount for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseMinTxblBsisThrshld The minimum taxable basis threshold amount for this tax.
The minimum accountable unit of the tax currency for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseObjectVersionNumber The number of times the transaction tax row has been updated.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseOffsetTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax is used to offset another tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseOverrideGeographyType The type of geographical area that can override the tax rate specified for a tax jurisdiction of primary
geography type. Regions included in the selected geography type are also available for creating tax
jurisdictions for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseParentGeographyId The unique identifier of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax
when the primary geography type refers to a master geography type.
TransactionTaxBaseParentGeographyType The type of the geographical area that confines all tax jurisdictions created for this tax when the
primary geography type refers to a master geography type.
TransactionTaxBasePlaceOfSupplyRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the place of supply type. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Indicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the primary recovery rate. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBasePrimaryRecTypeRuleFlagIndicates whether the tax rules are defined for this tax to determine the primary recovery type code. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The primary recovery type code that is applicable for this tax.
TransactionTaxBasePrintOnInvoiceFlag Indicates whether this tax will be displayed on the printed document. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseProcessWhtFlag Indicates whether to allow withholding tax calculation on this transaction tax. A list of accepted values
is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRecordTypeCode The source from which the transaction tax row is created. Possible values are FUSION_WHT_
Indicates whether the tax recovery rate can be overridden for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRegistrationTypeRuleFlagIndicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine registration party type for this tax. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRegnNumSameAsLeFlagIndicates whether the tax registration number for this tax should be same as the legal entity
registration number. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseRepTaxAuthorityId The unique identifier of the party tax profile for the tax authority to whom this tax is reported.
TransactionTaxBaseReportingOnlyFlag Indicates whether this tax is a reporting only tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
TransactionTaxBaseRoundingRuleCode The rounding rule code to be used for rounding this tax. Possible values are UP, DOWN, and NEAREST.
TransactionTaxBaseSecRecRateDetRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the secondary recovery rate for this tax. A list
of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the secondary recovery type code for this tax.
A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The secondary recovery type code that is applicable for this tax when more than one recovery type is
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseSourceTaxFlag Indicates whether this tax can be used as a source tax for creating other taxes. If this is a source tax,
then it can't be created based on any other tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type
TransactionTaxBaseSpecialInclusiveTaxFlag Indicates whether special inclusive tax handling is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The code that determines whether the user must define GL account defaults specific to this tax, or can
use the defaults specified for another tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAccountSourceTax The source tax from which the application picks up the default GL accounts for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAmtThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax amount threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxAuthInvCreationPointThe point at which a withholding tax authority invoice is created. Possible values are INVOICE and
TransactionTaxBaseTaxCalcRuleFlag Indicates whether rules are defined to calculate tax amount for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxExmptCrMethodCodeThe code that determines whether the user must define exemptions specific to this tax, or can also use
the exemptions specified for another tax if an exemption specific to this tax is not found.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxExmptSourceTax The source tax from which the application picks up the exemption for this tax, if an exemption specific
to this tax is not found.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxId The unique identifier of the tax. This is a primary key of the Transaction Taxes view object.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxInclusiveOverrideFlagIndicates whether the user can override the inclusive or exclusive nature of a tax line determined by the
application for this tax. If this is set as YES, user can further override this control at the tax rate level. A
list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRateRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax rate for this tax. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRateThrshldFlag Indicates whether the tax rate threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in
the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the tax status for this tax.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxStatusRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine the tax status for this tax. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxableAmtMau The minimum accountable unit for rounding the taxable amount.
TransactionTaxBaseTaxableBasisRuleFlag Indicates whether the tax rules are defined to determine taxable basis for this tax. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseThrshldChkTmpltCode The determining factor template to be used for sub-grouping of total thresholds.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TransactionTaxBaseThrshldGroupingLvlCodeThe lookup code to indicate grouping level for applying thresholds across or within documents, lines,
or calendar periods.
The threshold schedule group level indicator. Possible values are L for Line, D for Document, P for
Period, and S for Set.
TransactionTaxBaseTxblBsisThrshldFlag Indicates whether the taxable basis threshold is applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The duplicate validation level for the tax registration number.
TransactionTaxBaseUseLegalMsgFlag Indicates whether legal messages are applicable for this tax. A list of accepted values is defined in the
lookup type YES_NO.
TransactionTaxBaseValidationLevel The validation level for the tax registration number validation to be performed for the selected
validation type. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, and NONE.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtBucketLevelFlag Indicates the withholding accumulations level for transactions. Possible values are PARTY and ALL.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtCalcPointFlag Indicates the withholding calculation point. Possible values are PAYMENT and INVOICE.
TransactionTaxBaseWhtDateBasis The withholding date basis to be adopted for the tax. It can be invoice date or accounting date.
TransactionTaxBaseZoneGeographyType The primary geography type for which the tax jurisdictions are created. It refers to either a master or a
tax geography type.
TransactionTaxTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was created.
TransactionTaxTLLanguage The code for the language in which the transaction tax details are translated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was last updated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated transaction tax details.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxJurisdictionTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was created.
TaxJurisdictionTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax jurisdiction details are translated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax jurisdiction row was last updated.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax jurisdiction row.
TaxJurisdictionTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax jurisdiction details.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxRatesTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was created.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
TaxRatesTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax rate details are translated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax rate row was last updated.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax rate row.
TaxRatesTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax rate details.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxRegimeTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax regime row was created.
TaxRegimeTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax regime details are translated.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax regime row was last updated.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax regime row.
TaxRegimeTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax regime details.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TaxStatusTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated tax status row was created.
TaxStatusTLLanguage The code for the language in which the tax status details are translated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated tax status row was last updated.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated tax status row.
TaxStatusTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated tax status details.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
TransactionTaxTLCreatedBy The user who created the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLCreationDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was created.
TransactionTaxTLLanguage The code for the language in which the transaction tax details are translated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateDate The date and time when the translated transaction tax row was last updated.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the translated transaction tax row.
TransactionTaxTLSourceLang The code for the original language of the translated transaction tax details.
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
The transaction line identifier of the adjusted document for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the application of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
The identifier of the application of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the entity code of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the event class code of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAppliedFromLineIdThe identifier of the transaction line of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAppliedFromTrxId The identifier of the transaction of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates the level at which the identifier of the adjusted document line for the withholding detailed tax
line is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
The transaction number of the applied from document for the withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates whether one or more of the detail tax lines associated with this withholding detailed tax line is
frozen. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute1 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute10 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute11 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute12 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute13 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute14 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute15 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute2 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute3 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute4 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute5 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute6 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute7 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute8 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttribute9 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeCategory The context name for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeNumber1 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeNumber2 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeNumber3 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeNumber4 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineAttributeNumber5 A segment of the number descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineBasisResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the taxable basis determination process for this
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCalTaxAmt The system calculated tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax
The system calculated tax amount in the functional currency for the withholding detailed tax line. This
is the same as the tax amount in the functional currency if there is no user override.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCalTaxAmtTaxCurr The system calculated tax amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line. This
is the same as the tax amount in tax currency if there is no user override.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCalTaxableAmt The taxable amount calculated for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCalcResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax calculation process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this withholding detailed tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Indicates whether a cash discount is applicable for this withholding detailed tax line. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar1 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar10 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar2 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar3 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar4 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar5 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar6 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar7 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar8 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineChar9 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCheckrunId Identifier of the payment process request for the withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates whether there this tax line is compounded on top of another tax line for the withholding
detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Indicates whether this is a compounding tax line for this withholding detailed tax line. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
Indicates whether the tax line on top of which this tax line is compounded is missing for this
withholding detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineContentOwnerId The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this withholding detailed tax
Indicates whether this tax line is copied from another document like a reference document for the
withholding detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the withholding detailed tax line row.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the withholding detailed tax line row was created.
The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the
withholding detailed tax line.
The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the withholding
detailed tax line.
The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate10 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate6 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate7 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate8 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDate9 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDeleteFlag Indicates whether this withholding detailed tax line is marked for deletion by the user. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDirectRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the line determination process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDiscountAmt The discount amount associated with a particular withholding tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineDocEventStatus Indicates the event status of this withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates whether this tax line is enforced from a natural account for the withholding detailed tax line.
A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineEstablishmentId The establishment identifier for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineEvalExmptResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the exception evaluation process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingDetailTaxLineEventClassCode The event class code of the withholding detailed tax transaction.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineEventTypeCode The event type code of the withholding detailed tax transaction.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineExceptionRate The tax exception rate for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax exemption certificate number for the withholding detailed tax line.
The percentage of the original tax rate that is exempt for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineExemptReason The tax exemption reason for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineExemptReasonCodeThe tax exemption reason code for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute1 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute10 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute11 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute12 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute13 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute14 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute15 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute16 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute17 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute18 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute19 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute2 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute20 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute3 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute4 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute5 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute6 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute7 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute8 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineGlobalAttribute9 A segment for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the date global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the number of global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the number of global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the number of global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the number of global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
A segment of the number of global descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this withholding detailed tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The identifier of the party tax profile of the first party HQ establishment for the withholding detailed
tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineHqEstbRegNumberThe tax registration number of the first party HQ establishment for this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineIndirectTaxLineId Identifier of the indirect tax line to which a withholding line is allocated for this withholding detailed tax
The identifier of the location of the Internal organization of the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the Internal organization of the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLastManualEntry Indicates the column that is last overridden by the user for the withholding detailed tax line. Possible
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLastUpdateDate The date and time when the withholding detailed tax line row was last updated.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the withholding detailed tax line row.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the withholding detailed tax line row.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the ledger for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax registration number of the legal entity for this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgAppl2Id The legal message for the applicability of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgBasisId The legal message for the taxable basis of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgCalcId The legal message for the tax calculation of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgExmptId The legal message for the exemptions of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgPosId The legal message for the place of supply of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgRateId The legal message for the rate determination of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgStatusId The legal message for the status determination of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The legal message for the thresholds of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineLegalMsgTrnId The legal message for the tax registration number of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
The assessable value for this withholding detailed tax line. The deemed price at which a tax authority
values a product for a given tax for tax calculation purposes.
Indicates whether this withholding detailed tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The minimum accountable unit of the transaction currency for the withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates whether the tax of this withholding detailed tax line has multiple jurisdictions. A list of
accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric1 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric10 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric2 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric3 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric4 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric5 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric6 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric7 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric8 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineNumeric9 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Detailed Tax Line.
The number of times the withholding detailed tax line row has been updated.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmt The value of the tax amount in the currency of the transaction currency before the user overrides the
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxAmtTaxCurrThe value of the tax amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the withholding
detailed tax line.
The value of the tax jurisdiction code before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the tax jurisdiction before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxRate The value of the tax rate before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateCode The value of the tax rate code before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusCodeThe value of tax status code before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOrigTaxableAmt The value of the taxable amount before the user overrides the withholding detailed tax line.
The value of the taxable amount in the currency of the tax before the user overrides the withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOtherDocLineAmt The line amount on the other document for the withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
The line tax amount on the other document for the withholding detailed tax line.
The taxable amount on the other document for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOtherDocSource The source of other documents for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineOverriddenFlag Indicates whether the user has overridden this withholding detailed tax line. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePaymentAmt The payment amount associated with a particular withholding tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePaymentDate The payment date associated with a particular withholding tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePaymentId The identifier of the payment associated with a particular withholding tax line.
The identifier of the process result obtained from the place of supply determination process for this
withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier for the place of supply type for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePrdTotalTaxAmt The prorated total tax amount for the withholding detailed tax line.
The prorated total tax amount in the functional currency for the withholding detailed tax line.
The prorated total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePrecision The precision of the currency of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLinePurgeFlag Indicates whether this withholding detailed tax line is marked for a purge. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineRateResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the rate determination process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineRecalcRequiredFlagIndicates whether this withholding detailed tax line needs to be recalculated when an inclusive tax
line is overridden or a tax line on top of which this tax line is compounded. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineRecordTypeCode The source from which the withholding detailed tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_
Indicates the party type that is used to determine the tax registration number for the withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineReportingPeriodId The identifier of the period when this withholding detailed tax line is reported.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineReversedTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line that is reversed by this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineRoundingLevelCodeThe rounding level code for this withholding detailed tax line. Possible values are Line and Header.
The identifier of the party tax profile of the third party used for determining the rounding level code of
the withholding detailed tax line.
The type of party used for determining the rounding level code of the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineRoundingRuleCodeThe rounding rule code for the tax of the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineStatusResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the status determination process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineSummaryTaxLineIdThe identifier of the summary tax line for this withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxAmt The tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxAmtFunclCurr The tax amount in the functional currency for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurr The tax amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax applicability determination process for this
withholding detailed tax line.
Indicates whether there are multiple tax lines created for the tax of this withholding detailed tax line
during migration from prior releases. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The apportionment line number for this withholding detailed tax line when multiple tax lines are
created for the same tax during migration from prior releases.
The modifier rate used for taxable basis determination for the withholding detailed tax line.
The formula code used for determining the tax amount for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxCode The tax classification code for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxCurrencyCode The currency code of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The date of the exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the
withholding detailed tax line.
The exchange rate for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the withholding
detailed tax line.
The exchange rate type for converting the currency of the tax to functional currency for the
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxDate The date on the current transaction based on which applicable tax rates and rules are determined for
the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxDateRuleId The identifier of the tax rule used to determine the tax date for this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxDetermineDate The actual date used for determining the applicable tax rates and rules for this withholding detailed tax
line. If the adjusted document is present, this is the tax date of the adjusted document, else, it is the
same as the tax date of this tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxEventClassCodeThe event class code of the tax for the withholding detailed tax transaction.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxEventTypeCodeThe event type code of the tax for the withholding detailed tax transaction.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxExceptionId The identifier of the tax exception used in the determination of the effective tax rate for this
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxExemptionId The identifier of the tax exemption used in the determination of the effective tax rate for this
withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxId The identifier of the tax associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax jurisdiction code associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxJurisdictionId The identifier of the tax jurisdiction associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxLineId The identifier of the tax line associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxLineNumber The line number generated for this withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxPointDate The date on which the taxpayer becomes liable for paying the tax to the tax authority for this
withholding detailed tax line. Possible values are the delivery date, the invoice date, and the pickup
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax rate before the exception is applied for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax rate before the exemption is applied for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax rate name before the exception is applied for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax rate name before the exemption is applied for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRateType Indicates the type of tax rate for the withholding detailed tax line. Possible values include
The identifier of the process result obtained from the tax registration number determination process
for this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRegimeCode The tax regime code associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRegimeId The identifier of the tax regime associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of determining factor template used for regime determination for the withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxRegistrationId The identifier of the registration of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The tax registration number for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxStatusId The identifier of the tax status associated with the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the threshold configuration for the withholding tax line. This is a foreign key to ZX_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxTypeCode The tax type for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxableAmt The taxable amount in the currency of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
The taxable amount in the functional currency for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTaxableAmtTaxCurrThe taxable amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding detailed tax line.
The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the withholding detailed tax line.
The identifier of the geography for the tax jurisdiction of this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineThreshResultId The identifier of the process result obtained from the threshold evaluation process for this withholding
detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxCurrencyCode The currency code for the withholding detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxDate The date of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxId The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel2 The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel3 The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel4 The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel5 The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxIdLevel6 The identifier of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line at a level between trx_id and trx_
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxLevelType Indicates the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for the withholding detailed tax line.
Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT, and FREIGHT.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxLineDate The date of the transaction line for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxLineId The unique identifier of the withholding detailed tax line. This is a primary key of the Withholding
Detailed Tax Lines view object.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxLineNumber The line number of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxLineQuantity The quantity of the line of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxNumber The number of the transaction for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel1 The unique identifier of the first component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed tax
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel2 The unique identifier of the second component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed
tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel3 The unique identifier of the third component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed tax
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel4 The unique identifier of the fourth component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed
tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel5 The unique identifier of the fifth component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed tax
WithholdingDetailTaxLineTrxUserKeyLevel6 The unique identifier of the sixth component of the user composite key for the withholding detailed
tax line.
Taxable threshold grouping level code for the withholding detailed tax line. Possible values are NULL, L
for Line, P for Period, D for Document, U for Unit and S for Set.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineUnitPrice The unit Price of the transaction line item or product for the withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineUnroundedTaxAmtThe unrounded tax amount for this withholding detailed tax line.
The unrounded taxable amount for this withholding detailed tax line.
WithholdingDetailTaxLineWhtGroupId The identifier of the withholding tax group for a particular withholding tax line for this withholding
detailed tax line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.
Name Description
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineApplicationId The identifier of the transaction application for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute1 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute10 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute11 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute12 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute13 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute14 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute15 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute2 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute3 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute4 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute5 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute6 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute7 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute8 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttribute9 A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Withholding Summary Tax Line descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate1 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate2 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate3 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate4 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineAttributeDate5 A segment of the date attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
A segment of the number attribute descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCancelFlag Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is canceled by the user. A list of accepted values is
defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar1 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar10 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar2 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar3 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar4 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar5 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar6 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar7 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar8 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineChar9 A segment of the character descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCheckrunId Identifier of the payment process request for the withholding summary tax line.
Indicates whether this tax line is compounded on top of another tax line for the withholding summary
tax line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The unique identifier of party tax profile for the configuration owner of this withholding summary tax
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCreatedBy The user who created the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineCreationDate The date and time when the withholding summary tax line row was created.
The date of the exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the
withholding summary tax line.
The exchange rate for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the withholding
summary tax line.
The exchange rate type for converting the transaction currency to functional currency for the
withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate1 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate10 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate2 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate3 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate4 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate5 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate6 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate7 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate8 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineDate9 A segment of the date descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineEntityCode The entity code of the transaction for the withholding summary tax line.
The tax exemption certificate number for the withholding summary tax line.
The tax exemption reason code for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlDate The default accounting date for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineGlobalAttribute1A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
A segment for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
The context name for the Withholding Summary Tax Line global descriptive flexfield.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineHistoricalFlag Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is migrated from prior releases. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
The identifier of the Internal organization of the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdateDateThe date and time when the withholding summary tax line row was last updated.
The session login associated with the user who last updated the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLastUpdatedByThe user who last updated the withholding summary tax line row.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLedgerId The identifier of the ledger for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineLegalEntityId The identifier of the legal entity for the withholding summary tax line.
Indicates whether this withholding summary tax line is manually entered by the user. A list of accepted
values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric1 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric10 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric2 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric3 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric4 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric5 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric6 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric7 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric8 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineNumeric9 A segment of the numeric descriptive flexfield for the Withholding Summary Tax Line.
The number of times the withholding summary tax line row has been updated.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePaymentDate The payment date associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePaymentId The identifier of the payment associated with the withholding summary tax line.
The number of payment associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLinePeriodName The period of the default accounting date for the withholding summary tax line.
The source from which the withholding summary tax line row is created. Possible values are FUSION_
Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Chapter 12
Extract Data Stores for Financials Tax
Name Description
The unique identifier of the withholding summary tax line.
The line number generated for this withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTax The tax code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxAmt The total tax amount in the currency of the transaction for the withholding summary tax line.
The total tax amount in the functional currency for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxAmtTaxCurrThe total tax amount in the currency of the tax for the withholding summary tax line.
Formula code used for determining withholding tax amount.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxExceptionIdThe identifier of the tax exception for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxExemptionIdThe identifier of the tax exemption for the withholding summary tax line.
The tax jurisdiction code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
The identifier of the tax jurisdiction associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRate The tax rate used to determine tax for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRateCode The tax rate code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRateId The identifier of the tax rate for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxRegimeCodeThe tax regime code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTaxStatusCode The tax status code associated with the withholding summary tax line.
The formula code used for determining the taxable basis amount for the withholding summary tax line.
WithholdingSummaryTaxLineTrxId The unique identifier of the withholding summary tax line. This is a primary key of the Withholding
Summary Tax Lines view object.