LP - Glydel
LP - Glydel
LP - Glydel
College of Education
Daraga Community College
Salvacion, Daraga Albay
A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of properties of
B. Performance Standards Is able to apply knowledge of using these
properties to multiply numbers accurately.
C. Learning Competencies Identify the properties of multiplication. Use
these properties to multiply numbers accurately.
II. SUBJECT MATTER Identifying the properties of multiplication
Reference https://www.cuemath.com/numbers/properties-
Materials Flashcards, answer sheets,
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
1. Drill
Group activity: The students will be (The students will count one to five and go to
divided into five groups. They will count their corresponding groups)
one to five for them to have a group.
Group 1: Group 1:
Group 2: Group 2:
Who can recall our topic yesterday? (Pupil’s raising their hands quietly)
What was it being all about? Answer: Our topic yesterday was all about
Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 6,
Okay! Very good. 7, 8, and 9.
Who can give example of multiplication (Pupil’s raising their hands quietly)
with answer by multiplying numbers 1 to Answer:
10 by 6, 7, 8, and 9. 2x6=12
Nice! Now that you can recall our 3x9=27
previous topic, let’s have first a game.
3. Motivation
Group activity: The students will be (The pupils will count one to five and go to their
divided into five groups. They will count corresponding groups)
one to five for them to have a group.
They only have 15 minutes to prepare (The pupils are preparing for their jingle)
and present their jingle.
Group 1 – associative
Group 2 – distributive (Each group of the pupils are presenting their
Group 3 – commutative jingle)
Group 4 – zero
Group 5 – identity
Okay! Do you know what are the five properties (The answers of the pupils are different)
of multiplication?
Got it! Since you have different answers, let’s find (The pupils are listening carefully and paying
out what are the five properties of multiplication. attention to the person speaking in front)
Listen carefully and pay attention.
Choose your group representative to (The pupils are choosing their representative)
discuss in front your output.
You have a bag of 24 candies, and you want to Associative Property: You can group the candies
share them equally among your friends. What and your friends in various ways while keeping
properties of multiplication will help in dividing the total candies the same. For example, you can
the candies fairly? share them with three friends, giving each 6
candies: (24 ÷ 3) = 8. Or, you can decide to share
with 4 friends, giving each 6 candies: (24 ÷ 4) = 6.
The associative property shows that the grouping
doesn't change the result.
1. 6 x 4 = 4 x 6
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property 1. Commutative Property
c) Identity Property 2. Associative Property
d) Distributive Property 3. Identity Property
4. Distributive Property
2. (3 x 5) x 2 = 3 x (5 x 2) 5. Identity Property
6. Associative Property
a) Commutative Property 7. Identity Property
b) Associative Property 8. Distributive Property
c) Identity Property 9. Associative Property
d) Distributive Property 10. Identity Property
3. 7 x 1 = 7
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
4. 8 x (4 + 3) = (8 x 4) + (8 x 3)
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
5. 9 x 0 = 0
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
6. 2 x (6 x 7) = (2 x 6) x 7
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
7. 1 x 12 = 12
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
8. (5 x 9) x 0 = 5 x (9 x 0)
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
9. 3 x (8 + 2) = (3 x 8) + (3 x 2)
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property
10. 4 x 1 = 4
a) Commutative Property
b) Associative Property
c) Identity Property
d) Distributive Property