Work-Life Balance: Reality Check For The Working Women of Bangladesh
Work-Life Balance: Reality Check For The Working Women of Bangladesh
Work-Life Balance: Reality Check For The Working Women of Bangladesh
ISSN Online: 2328-4870
ISSN Print: 2328-4862
Management, Human Resource Management, Working Women
1. Introduction
In today’s competitive world, the issue of work-life balance has grabbed the at-
tention of researchers and academics because of its effect on professional as well
as personal life. Evident show that while a balanced work-life combination
creates harmony in both professional and personal life, imbalance between work
and life can create negative impact on an employee’s personal life which leads to
2. Literature Review
Work-life balance has become a burning issue in today’s modern world. Nu-
merous researches have been done regarding this issue. Almost in every re-
search, researchers tried to find out the causes that create imbalance between
professional and personal life. Not only that but also researchers focused on the
consequences on the aspect of imbalance work-life and provided solution to
balance between work-life.
While the issue of balancing between work-life has come into the lime light,
the reality is, employees are constantly juggling between to keep a balance be-
tween their professional and personal life [1]. According to Tomazevic, Kozjek
and Stare (2014) the meaning of work-life balance is to effectively combining
professional life with personal obligations and creates a harmony between these
two aspects [2]. It can be defined as the absence of conflict between professional
and personal life [1]. According to Amstad et al. (2011) work interfering with
family is more associated with work related outcomes than family related out-
comes [3]. While work-life balance has a positive consequence, imbalance in
work-life has numerous negative consequence for both employees and employ-
ers [2].
According to Amstad et al. (2011) a stressful environment can create imbal-
ance in work-life. Another reason of an imbalance work-life is the lack of sup-
port of the managers [3]. If manager does not support their sub ordinates most
likely employee’s work-life harmony will be affected [2]. Long working hour is
another reason for creating imbalance between work and life [3]. Tomazevic,
Kozjek and Stare, (2014) has discussed both positive and negative consequences
as a result of both work-life balance and work-life imbalance. If there is balance
in work-life, employees get motivation and job satisfaction increases while im-
balance create dissatisfaction among employees. The feeling of stress and over-
M. Tasnim et al.
work found if there is imbalance between work-life [2]. As a result of work fam-
ily conflict employees experience stress related outcomes such as depression,
burn out, family related stress, general psychological strains etc. Not only this
but also there is an invert relation exists between work-family conflict and job
satisfaction [4]. According to Hutcheson (2012) one may experience depression
or become overwhelmed as a result of imbalance in work-life [5].
Researchers have provided different kinds of solutions in order to eradicate
the conflict between work-life. These solutions provide a guideline for main-
taining work-life balance. According to Beutell and College (2010) supervisory
support is important in order to maintain work-life balance [6]. A supportive
management is required to minimize the work-life conflict. A well-defined poli-
cy is mandatory to maintain harmony between work and life [7]. Hill et al.
(2001) says flexibility in timing and location of work is vital for work-life balance
[8]. Keeping the work environment attractive and flexible is the key success of
maintaining work-life balance in the organization [5]. Furthermore human re-
source department should promote policies, which incorporates corporate social
responsibility, employee well-being and work-life balance [1].
3. Methodology
Primary data have been used for this study. For this study, the sample size con-
sists of 40 working women in different sectors, age in between of 24 to 37 years.
Purposive sampling method has been used in order select respondents for the
study. Respondents are working in different sectors of Bangladesh such as: Edu-
cation, IT, Software, Banking, Pharmaceuticals, Digital advertising agency, Local
and International NGO and in Service Oriented company. Both questionnaire
and interview methods have been used for conducting this survey. Since both
interview and questionnaire have been written in English language, clerical staffs
have been deducted from this study. The respondents consist of married, un-
married, and married with children. Among all the respondents, 57.5% were
married, 42.5% were unmarried, 40% of married working women have children
and 55% of working women do not have any children. 8 working women have
been interviewed for this study. Depth interview method has been used to find out
the causes, consequences, and probable solution to overcome this issue. Relevant
books, articles, journals were also reviewed to make this study more informative
and acceptable to all. Descriptive statistics have been used to analyze the data.
The inclusion criteria of selecting working women was that everyone needs to
have minimum 6 months of job experience and they need to serve in private or-
ganizations. Working women having less than 6 months of job experience and
working in government organizations were excluded from the study.
Respondents were asked 22 questions. The questionnaire tried to find out the
following things:
• Which kind of working women find difficulties to balance between work-life:
married or unmarried?
• How much time do they need to spend at office and whether they are satis-
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4.1. Causes
The analysis dictates that women face problems to maintain balance between
work-life mainly because of professional challenges they face every day. These
challenges include long working hours (Figure 3), lack of supervisory support
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(Figure 7), work overload, absence of strong policies. As per this study, lack of
family support (Figure 6) is an issue but it is not as extensive as professional
challenges (Figure 8). Surveys and depth interviews of this study highlighted the
fact that working women of today’s generation faces more professional chal-
lenges than family obstacles.
M. Tasnim et al.
For this study the sample size was 40. Among them 57.5% are married and
42.5% are unmarried women working in different private organizations.
In the survey, 40% of sample has children while 55% does not have any child.
The next question was asked regarding the daily working hours. 52.5% re-
sponded that they work for 8 - 8 hours per day while 35% work 9 to 10 hours per
day. Only 12.5% work in between 7 - 8 hours.
From Figure 4 we can see that 22.5% were satisfied with their working hour,
the majority of the respondents 77.5% were not satisfied with their working
When asked about the work overload status majority of the respondents
62.5% responded that they are overloaded with work pressure while only 10%
said they don’t feel overload with work at their workplace.
From Figure 6: 50% said they can sometime manage time for their families,
37.5% said they can spend time with their families rarely. Only 10% responded
they get enough time to spend with their families.
When asked about the supervisory support 75% responded negatively that
they don’t get enough support from their supervisor while 25% responded they
get support from their supervisor
Form Figure 8: 65% responded that they get support from their colleagues
while 35% responded they are not getting enough support from their colleagues
When asked about the family support, 47.5% responded positively while
52.5% said they don’t get support from their families.
Figure 10 shows that 70% said their organizations do not take any initiative to
balance between work and life. 30% said their organization is well aware and
have taken initiative to balance between work-life.
From the above Table 1, it is showed that 77.5% of women are dissatisfied
with their working hour. While taking interviews, the respondents claimed that
they work for more than 8 hours in regular basis and these long working hours
are affecting their personal life. 62.5% of women feel that they are overloaded
with work and always feel the pressure of not fulfilling their work target. Lack of
supervisor’s support is another vital reason for not being able to make a balance
between work and life. 75% of women stated that their supervisors are not sup-
portive which, is a big issue for them when it comes to balance between
work-life. Majority of the respondents are happy with the support they get from
their colleagues and from the interview we can say that sufficient support from
colleagues work as a relieve system. The rate of family support has been increas-
ing gradually and families are now more supportive than previous time. 47.5% of
women said that they are getting enough family support for maintaining both
professional and personal life.
Majority of the respondents complained that their organizations do not take
any proper step to keep a balance between work-life. 70% of the respondents
think that organization is incapable of taking any initiative to create a balance
between work-life (Table 2). Because of the above mentioned causes, 67.5% of
respondents are facing difficulties to maintain a work-life balance.
M. Tasnim et al.
Yes No Sometimes
Causes of Imbalance work-life
(percentage) (Percentage) (Percentage)
From in-depth interview, we found out that now-a day’s women faces more
challenges in professional life than personal life. One of the major problem
women faces in professional life is the lack of support from their supervisor. This
fact has been raised by all of the women in interview. According to the women
who have been interviewed, a supportive supervisor can help tremendously in
balancing between work-life. One of the interviewee’s who work in digital adver-
tising firm said that if her supervisor was a bit supportive and understanding she
could have a balanced work-life. Since her supervisor does not communicate
with her clearly and does not give her clear direction of work, she faces problems
in order to complete her daily tasks which resulted long working hours and
create unnecessary mental stress. When the interviewees were asked about how
much support they get from their family, 6 of them interviewees positively rep-
lied and said they get enough support from their family. One of the interviewee
said that her family supports her but she expects a little bit more support from
them. Another interviewee said since all of the family members are working,
they cannot help her even though they want to. When interviewees were asked
how much support they get from their colleagues, everyone responded in a posi-
tive manner.
4.2. Consequences
This study points out few several psychological and physical problems that
women are suffering due to imbalance work-life.
According to this study, Figure 11 highlights that 38.5% of respondents often
feel depressed which hampers both their personal and professional life. 48.7% of
women feel depressed from time to time and 5.1% of women always feel de-
pressed due to their imbalance work-life. Not only depression but also women
M. Tasnim et al.
experience other physical problems such as: Hypertension, Obesity, and Fre-
quent Headache. While 37.5% of respondents experience hypertension, 30% of
respondent complained that they are facing obesity problems because they sit for
more than 8 hours in a day on regular basis at one place and do not move
around. From the interview and surveys, we can see the 62.5% of women expe-
rience frequent headache due to excessive workload and long working hours.
The work stress that women experience is hampering their personal life as well.
According to the interviewees, because of this imbalance between work-life,
they are suffering from depression. Three of the interviewees reported that they
have seeing psychiatrist and taking medicine in order to overcome this problem.
One of the interviewee said that she is regularly taking professional counseling
since she is facing severe depression lately. Not only this, every interviewee
stated that because they are focusing too much in professional life, they have
become obese because of not doing any physical activities. Not only this but also
every interviewees experiencing frequent headache and they have become edgy.
Hypertension is another syndrome that has been showed in 4 interviewees’ per-
sonal life.
4.3. Solution
Figures 12-14 have identified some probable solutions to overcome this prob-
lem, which will help the women to balance between work-life. One of the major
solution has come up from this study is introducing strong policies on work life
According to this study women have suggested that management should in-
clude policies such as work from home, flexible working hours and providing
M. Tasnim et al.
day care facility. 40% of respondents said that management should include work
from home facility, which will help them to manage both professional and per-
sonal chores. 77.5% of respondents want flexible working hours. According to
this survey, flexible working hours will enable them to work more freely which
will ultimately lead to job satisfaction.55% of respondents stated that day care
facility should be provided by the organization in order to mitigate this problem.
As per the survey day care facility will encourage more women to join in the or-
ganization which will maintain the gender balance overall.
Work from
home (40%)
t Policy
Flexible Providing
working Day Care
hour (77.5%) Facility (55%)
35% 72.5%
• Support from • Flexible
Colleagues Working hour
67.5% 80%
• Support from • Support from
Family Supervisor
M. Tasnim et al.
In this study, respondents were asked what they want personally from the or-
ganization so that balance can be maintained in work-life.
Majority of the respondents stated that a supportive supervisor could change
the whole scenario. 80% of respondent want support from their supervisor in
order to maintain work-life balance. 72.5% of respondents want flexible working
hours from their organizations. 67.5% of respondents believe that support from
family can mitigate the imbalance issue from work-life.
Figure 15 indicates 100% of respondents replied that if employees have good
work-life balance, they can contribute to their organizations more effectively
which will ultimately lead to success for the organizations.
4.4. Discussion
When asked the similar questions in interview, interviewees pointed out the fol-
lowing issues:
Though support from supervisor is needed to maintain balance between
work-life, we cannot ignore the support that we get from family. According to
the interviewees, family support is also essential in order to maintain a balanced
work-life. According to the interviewees who are married, emphasized on the
happy married life that a supportive husband plays a vital role in a women’s ca-
reer. One of the interviewees who has been married for 6 years and has a child
state that it would have been difficult for her if her husband was not supportive
and shared responsibilities which are related to family activities. Both from the
interview and from survey, flexible working hour has been found to be useful to
most of the working women. Flexible working hour enables them to work freely
resulted higher job satisfaction. Interviewees suggested establishing day care
center in workplace. Every interviewee supported the fact that formulating
strong policy on work-life balance issue can be very helpful in retaining em-
ployees that will create a positive atmosphere in the organization.
5. Conclusion
Finding from the research indicates that the work-life balance issue has become
a significant problem for the working women of Bangladesh. Maintaining a bal-
ance between work-life has become relatively difficult because of the unsuppor-
tive attitude of supervisors, long working hours and work overload. These causes
Figure 15. Result of good work-life balance.
M. Tasnim et al.
job dissatisfaction and women face obstacles to keep balance between work and
life. Work-life balance allows women to maintain both professional and personal
life efficiently while imbalance work-life hampers both private and professional
life. An imbalanced work-life can hamper one’s mental peace and leads to de-
pression which causes several psychological problems. In order to achieve a ba-
lanced work-life, this paper focuses on implementing strong policies from orga-
nizational perspective. According to this study, support from the organization
can help tremendously in maintaining work-life balance. Not only this but also
support from supervisor, family and colleagues can positively contribute in this
matter. This study has a few limitations. One of the limitations is the sample
size. For this paper a small sample size has been selected, therefore the findings
can be oversimplified. Further studies can be done in order to investigate this
issue more deeply.
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