Lenze Shaft Couplings Universal Joints

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Shaft Couplings &

Universal Joints

ideas in motion
Shaft couplings & universal joints the extensive range from Lenze Ltd

Universal joints
Shaft sizes 10 to 50mm page 7-11
Suitable for angles up to 45˚
Single, double & telescopic

Collars & rigid couplings

Nomar range page 12-13
Shaft sizes 3 to 50mm
Clamp hub & 2 piece split designs
Steel and stainless steel

Oldham couplings
ParadriveTM Oldham couplings page 14-15
Shaft sizes 4 to 30mm
Temperature range -25 to +60 C
Backlash free option

Curved jaw couplings

2 Curved jaw couplngs model GR page 16-17
Shafts 10 to 90mm
Temperature range -30 to +80oC
Simple and economic

Clamp hub curved jaw couplings

Models GESA and GESM page 18-21
Shafts 4 to 45mm
Temperature range -40 to + 120oC
Backlash free for torques up to 450Nm

Straight sided jaw couplings

Lovejoy jaw page 22-26
Shafts 4 to 67mm
Torque range 0.4 to 660Nm
General purpose, variable stiffness

Easy maintenance couplings

Lovejoy Jaw in-shear page 27
Shafts 12 to 67mm
Torque range 38 to 475Nm
Radially removable spider
Barrel gear couplings
Nylon sleeve coupling page 28-29
For shafts up to 80mm diameter
Temperature range -25 to 90oC

Reinforced rubber disc

Hexaflex page 30-32
Shafts 16 to 100mm
Spacer versions up to 3m available

Beam couplings
Flexbeam™ page 33
Shafts 3 to 152mm
Aluminium or stainless models

Spring couplings
Simplaflex page 34-36
Shafts 3 to 75mm
Stainless steel construction possible 3

Bellows coupings
Belflex™ page 37
Shafts 3 to 25mm
Stainless steel bellows with aluminium alloy hubs

Standard metal disc couplings

Mini Servoflex, Servoflex & Arcoflex page 40
Shafts 4 to 120mm
Backlash free and torsionally rigid

Metal disc spacer couplings

Servoflex & Arcoflex page 45
Shafts 7 to 120mm
Built to order up to 5m long

Heavy duty couplings

Modulflex metal disc coupling page 46-47
Lovejoy Sier-Bath gear coupling
Torques up to 300kNm, bores to 340mm

Also see pages 4-6 for terminology and a selection guide.

Selection guide

Nominal Range
Coupling torque Speed of bores Torsionally Torsionally Backlash
type range Nm capacity mm soft rigid free

Universal joints 10 to 580 Low to medium 6 to 50 ✘ ✔ ✔

Oldham 0.2 to 42 Medium 3 to 30 ✘ ✔ ✘

Curved jaw 11 to 1465 High 14 to 90 ✔ ✘ ✘

Clamp hub curved jaw 0.65 to 187 High 4 to 45 ✔ ✘ ✔

High torque curved jaw 7 to 450 High 10 to 47 ✔ ✘ ✔

Straight sided jaw 0.4 to 660 High 4 to 67 ✔ ✘ ✘

Jaw in-shear 38 to 475 Medium 12 to 67 ✔ ✘ ✘

Barrel gear 10 to 700 High 7 to 80 ✘ ✔ ✘

Reinforced rubber disc 100 to 2250 Medium 14 to 100 ✔ ✘ ✔

4 Beam 0.4 to 5 High 3 to 12 ✘ ✔ ✔

Simplaflex 2.5 to 900 High 3 to 75 Slight ✘ ✔

Bellows 2.5 to 45 High 3 to 25 ✘ ✔ ✔

Mini Servoflex & Servoflex 1 to 500 High 4 to 55 ✘ ✔ ✔

Arcoflex 800-9000 High 25 to 120 ✘ ✔ ✔

Modulflex 280 to 300000 Very high 15 to 335 ✘ ✔ ✔

Gear couplings 280 to 500000 High 12 to 340 ✘ ✔ ✘

Typical misalignment values Ambient
Angular Radial Axial temperatures Spacer
degrees mm mm °C models Comments Page No.

with telescopic Not true flexible couplings,

45 per joint - to 100°C Telescopic 7 to 11
models Double & telecopic version available

Compact design clamping hubs

0.5 0.2 0.15 -25 to +60˚C standard 14 to 15

1.5 0.12 1.4 –40 to +120˚C on request General purpose & economic 16 to 17

1 0.12 1.4 –40 to +120˚C on request Eliminates keyways 18 to 19

1 0.12 1.4 –40 to +120˚C on request Compact with high torque 20 to 21

General purpose,
1 0.12 1.4 –51 to +120˚C 22 to 26
variable stiffness

2 0.8 0.8 –30 to +93˚C Radially removable 27

Suits blind assembly, electrically

1 0.4 +1 –25 to +90˚C 28 to 29

3 0.7 3 –30 to +80˚C built from stock General purpose coupling, rugged. 30 to 32

Set screw or clamp hub.

3 0.2 to 0.38 0.1 to 0.25 –40 to +170˚C On request
Special materials available
33 5

Strong all steel coupling,

3-6 0.5 +1 –30 to +100˚C 3 lengths available
34 to 36

1.5 to 2 0.1 to 0.25 0.2 to 0.5 –45 to +90˚C Lowest inertia, clamping hubs standard 37

2 0.2 to 0.5 +0.3 to +3 –40 to +270˚C to 5m Clamping hubs optional 38 to 41 & 45

Adaptable metal disc couplings.

2 2.2 +2 –40 to +270˚C to 5m or more Clamp hubs available
42 to 45

1.5 0.9 to 5 +2 –25 to +150˚C On request High speed and high performance 46

1 0.2 to 2 3 –30 to +120˚C to 5m All steel heavy duty couplings to AGMA 47

Shaft couplings How to select your flexible shaft couplings

The optimum choice of flexible coupling for any appli- 3. Calculate the required torque by multiplying the
cation is the result of a compromise between many running power and speed by the service factors
factors. Care should be taken to select a coupling which shown in the table below.
meets the performance criteria at the minimum cost.
4. Make a provisional selection.
1. Decide if the coupling should be torsionally soft or 5. Check maximum speed and coupling dimensions
rigid. Torsionally soft types are generally less expen- meet requirements.
6. Contact Lenze to confirm price and delivery. Please
2. Consider whether a small amount of backlash is give the type number where possible. Our couplings
tolerable; a backlash-free coupling is usually specilists are able to give advice where needed and
more expensive. can offer other models.

Angular With backlash or backlash free

This is usually present to some extent Couplings that are one part or comprise bolted
on all applications, typical values 1° – joints are backlash free. These are useful for
2°. Sometimes higher values are nec- precise positioning and to avoid wear on
essary. reversing drives. Couplings with backlash tend
to have lower cost and are easier to install.
Also known as parallel misalignment,
this is also nearly always present. A Torsionally soft or torsionally rigid
well aligned installation might have As a guide, couplings with rubber or plastic
values below 0.20mm. elements can be considered as torsionally soft.
Most metal couplings are rigid, but some such
Axial as Simplaflex have quite low stiffness. A soft
This can be considered as end float. It coupling may wind up 5° or more at rated
is sometimes caused by thermal torque whilst a rigid one would twist as little
expansion or is a result of machine as 0.1°. Soft couplings are generally lower in
design. cost.
6 Often a combination of all three types of misalignment is present.
Coupling maximum limits should not be used simultaneously.

Service factors
The required torque is determined using the following equation:
Torque required = 7124 x x k x S, Nm or Torque required = 9550 x kWx k x S, Nm
N = revolutions per minute
k = safety factor depending on operating conditions
S = starting frequency factor
Safety factor K 1 or 2 cylinder internal combustion engine
Hydraulic motor
Multi-cylinder engine
Electric motor
Hours running day
Type of machine
Light, even load 4 0.8 1.0 1.25
Small generators, centrifugal pumps, 8 1.0 1.25 1.5
turbo-compressors, belt conveyors 24 1.25 1.5 1.75
Irregular shock-free load – few drive reversals 4 1.0 1.25 1.5
Screw conveyors, agitators, 8 1.25 1.5 1.75
woodworking machines, machine tools 24 1.5 1.75 2.0

Irregular shock load – few drive reversals 4 1.25 1.5 1.75

Piston-type pumps and compressors 8 1.5 1.75 2.0
textile machines, agitators, centrifuges 24 1.75 2.0 2.25

Arduous driving conditions – frequent drive reversals 4 1.5 1.75 2.0

Piston type compressors (without flywheel) 8 1.75 2.0 2.25
vibrators, rolling mills 24 2.0 2.25 2.5

Starting frequency, factor S

Maximum number of starts per hour up to 30 up to 60 up to120 up to180
Starting frequency, factor 1 1.2 1.5 2.0
Universal joints Single, double & telescopic

Lenze precision universal joints achieve consistent per-

formance and longer life due to design features.
Particular attention is paid to matching the hardness of

wearing parts and lubrication.

➤ Single, double & telescopic models

➤ Allows speeds up to 4000r/min
➤ Angles up to 45˚ per joint
➤ Designed for long life
➤ Square & hexagonal bores on request
➤ Optional gaiters & quick release

Low speed models, type G and GD, feature plain bear-

ings, while our high speed models, type H and HD, are
fitted with special needle roller bearings and are sealed
for life.

All joints meet the European dimension standard


Single joints Double joints Telescopic joints

Precision single joints suit angles up Precision double joints suit angles Telescopic universal joint with plain
to 45° and speeds to 4000 r/min. up to 90° and give constant velocity bearings either to standard lengths
Shaft sizes 6 to 50 mm, dimensions output. Shaft sizes 6 to 50 mm, or customised to your require-
to DIN 808. dimensions to DIN 808. ments. Angles up to 45° per joint
and speeds to 1000 r/min, Type HA
offers higher speeds.
Two versions are available, Type G, Types GD suit up to 1000 r/min,
the low speed model with sliding while Type HD offers higher speeds
plain bushes or Type H a high speed due to its needle roller bearing con- Shaft sizes 10 to 50mm, dimensions
model with needle roller bearings. struction. to DIN 808.

Gaiters & Quick release hubs

Quick release hubs can be provided for all types of joints with keyways,
square or hexagon boxes.

Gaiters in synthetic rubber are available for all types of joints, recommended
for models G, GA & GD. For models H, HD and HA they are not usually neces-
sary except in severe environments.
Universal joints Single

Type G & H

➤ Suitabe for up to 4000 r/min and up

to 45°
➤ Type G for low speed, Type H for high
➤ Precision ground surfaces
➤ Gaiters are recommended for Type G
➤ Available with round bores to H7 for
pinning or with Js9 keyways to
➤ Square and hexagonal bores on

Selection – size selection depends on torque, speed and Dimensions

running angle. Contact us with your application. Bores Dimensions (mm) Weight
d(H7) Size D C L1 L2 kg
C C 6 01* 16 8 17 34 0.05
8 02* 16 11 20 40 0.05
10 03* 22 12 24 48 0.10
12 04* 25 13 28 56 0.16
14 05 28 14 30 60 0.20
16 1* 32 16 34 68 0.30

18 2 36 17 37 74 0.45

20 3* 42 18 41 82 0.60
22 4 45 22 47.5 95 0.95
25 5* 50 26 54 108 1.20
8 30 6* 58 29 61 122 1.85
32 6ⵧ1 58 33 65 130 2.00
L1 L1 35 7 70 35 70 140 3.15
40 8 80 40 80 160 4.60
50 9 95 50 95 190 7.60

Type G - precision single joint with sliding plain bushes. Type H -precision high speed single joint with needle
Suits angles up to 45° and speeds to 1000 r/min. Shaft roller bearings. Suits angles up to 45° and speeds to
sizes 6 to 50 mm, dimensions to DIN 808. 4000 r/min. Shaft sizes 10 to 50mm. Maintenance-free,
dimensions to DIN 808.
Gaiters recommmended, see page 11.

* Stainless steel construction available on request.

Type G - low speed Type H - high speed

Bores Size Nominal torque Type no. Type no. Nominal torque Type no. Type no.
d(H7) (Nm) at 200 r/min plain Keyways (Nm) at 200 r/min plain Keyways
max 10° bores to BS4235 max 10° bores to BS4235
6 01* 10 13009175 - - - -
8 02* 10 13009242 - - - -
10 03* 26 13009147 13009237 22 13009250 13009207
12 04* 35 13009246 13008363 36 13009183 13009085
14 05 48 13009187 13009124 55 13008318 13008366
16 1* 70 13009223 13009217 80 13009120 13009065
18 2 95 13009186 13009068 110 13009121 13008367
20 3* 130 13009092 13009080 140 13009133 13009125
22 4 160 13009196 13009112 160 13038530 13009123
25 5* 200 13009076 13009108 220 13008316 13009209
30 6* 240 13009224 13009102 260 13008315 13009208
32 6G1/6H1 240 13009119 13009115 260 13008314 13008370
35 7 360 13009104 13009129 350 13009189 13009090
40 8 450 13009100 13009214 420 13009248 13009083
50 9 580 On Request 13009148 550 On Request On Request
Universal joints Double

Type GD & HD

➤ Suitabe for up to 4000 r/min and up

to 90°
➤ Type GD for low speed, Type HD for
high speed
➤ Precision ground surfaces
➤ Gaiters are recommended for Type GD
➤ Available with round bores to H7 for
pinning or with Js9 keyways to
➤ Square and hexagonal bores on

Selection – size selection depends on torque, speed and Dimensions

running angle. Contact us with your application. Bores Dimensions (mm) Weight
d(H7) Size D C L1 L3 L4 kg
6 01* 16 8 17 56 22 0.08
8 02* 16 11 20 62 22 0.08
C C 10 03* 22 12 24 74 26 0.15
12 04* 25 13 28 86 30 0.25
14 05 28 14 30 96 36 0.4
16 1* 32 16 34 104 36 0.45
18 2 36 17 37 114 40 0.7

20 3* 42 18 41 128 46 1
22 4 45 22 47.5 145 50 1.55
25 5* 50 26 54 163 55 2
30 6* 58 29 61 190 68 2.9 9
32 6ⵧD1 58 33 65 198 68 3
L1 L4 L1
35 7 70 35 70 212 72 4.75
L3 40 8 80 39 80 245 85 7.2
50 9 95 46 95 290 100 12

Type GD - precision double joint with sliding plain bush- Type HD -precision high speed double joint with needle
es. Suits angles up to 90° and speeds to 1000 r/min. roller bearings. Suits angles up to 90° and speeds to
Shaft sizes 6 to 50 mm, dimensions to DIN 808. 4000 r/min. Shaft sizes 10 to 50mm. Maintenance-free,
dimensions to DIN 808.
Gaiters recommmended, see page 11.

* Stainless steel construction available on request.

Type GD - low speed Type HD - high speed

Bores Size Nominal torque Type no. Type no. Nominal torque Type no. Type no.
d(H7) (Nm) at 200 r/min plain Keyways (Nm) at 200 r/min plain Keyways
max 10° bores to BS4235 max 10° bores to BS4235
6 01* 10 13009185 - - - -
8 02* 10 13009261 - - - -
10 03* 26 13009251 13009258 22 13009235 13009252
12 04* 35 13009225 13009215 36 13008360 On Request
14 05 48 13009109 13009216 55 13008359 On Request
16 1* 70 13009127 13009182 80 13012397 13009099
18 2 95 13009212 13009122 110 13009096 13009135
20 3* 130 13009128 13009253 140 13009094 13009163
22 4 160 13009069 On Request 160 13038532 13009171
25 5* 200 13009164 13009199 220 13009276 13009228
30 6* 240 13008317 On Request 260 13009260 On Request
32 6GD1/6HD1 240 On Request 13009238 260 On Request On Request
35 7 360 On Request 13009086 350 On Request 13009144
40 8 450 On Request 13038531 420 On Request 13009229
50 9 580 13009192 13009184 550 13009259 On Request
Universal joints Telescopic

Type GA & HA

➤ Available customised to any length

up to 3m or as standard lengths from
➤ Suitable for all types of machinery
where the distance between shafts is
➤ Type GA with sliding plain bearing for
speeds up to 1000r/min
➤ Type HA with needle roller bearings (Quick release hubs on request)
for high speeds, maintenance free Length adjustments should
➤ Up to 90° total drive angle be made statically without
➤ Two versions available from stock to torque loadings
suit varying speeds and duties

L min L max

C B Stroke Ch C


L2 B + Ch L2

L min. Lmax. Model Type Model Type
Size dø D L2 C B mm mm No. No.
140 170 13009320 13009274
03 10 22 48 12 30 180 240 03GA 13009294 03HA 13009277
160 190 13009326 13009281
04 12 25 56 13 40 200 270 04GA 13009331 04HA 13009300
170 200 13009290 13009310
05 14 28 60 14 40 220 300 05GA 13009282 05HA 13009311
190 220 13009299 13009313
1 16 32 68 16 40 240 320 1GA 13009297 1HA 13009315
230 280 13009291 13009273
2 18 36 74 17 40 290 400 2GA 13009298 2HA 13009333
250 300 13009266 13009325
3 20 42 82 18 45 320 440 3GA 13009324 3HA 13009308
270 320 13009319 13009335
4 22 45 95 22 45 330 430 4GA 13009272 4HA 13009328
295 345 13009280 13009329
5 25 50 108 26 45 350 450 5GA 13009264 5HA 13009309
330 380 13009321 13009295
6 30 58 122 29 50 400 510 6GA 13009317 6HA 13009323
7 35 70 140 35 70
8 40 80 160 39 80 Built to order up to 3m long
9 50 95 190 46 90
Universal joints Telescopic
Type GA & HA

Ordering example Mounting

(2) off telescopic universal joints type 1HA, stroke For correct running, the inner journals must be in line,
190-220mm. and the joint angles a must be equal.
Type no. 13009313
Type GA telescopic universal joints are pre-lubricated
but we recommend regular re-greasing. FERRI gaiters
Specials can be fitted, see below.
Specials are available on request providing the follow-
ing criteria must be met:
Stroke CH ≤ L max - 2L2 - B

L max + 2L2 + B A
L min ≥

Type GA Type HA
Maximum speed 1000 4000 All telescopic universal joints have splines made from
extruded steel grade C45 to UNI222. Precision
Construction hardened plain needle roller
bearings bearings machined female bushes are made from the same
Maintenance re-lubricate maintenance
regularly free

Gaters Optional protection


Designed to protect the joint in severe or aggressive Type Size A B C Type No.
environments, these gaiters are made from synthetic
rubber that is itself oil and acid resistant. They can be 01M 01 28 34 15 13009162
used to allows permanent lubrication of the joint. 02M 02 32 40 16.5 13009173
03M 03 40 45 20.5 13009159
04M 04 48 50 24.5 13009130
05M 05 52 56 27.5 13009111
1M 1 56 65 30.5 13009174


2M 2 66 72 35.5 13009236
3M 3 75 82 40 13009190
Note: 2 gaiters 4M 4 84 95 45 13009232
are required for 5M 5 92 108 50 13009136
double joints. 6M 6 100 122 56 13009138

Quick release hubs

Quick release hubs are available for sizes 02-6 and can Shaft Dimensions mm
be fitted to any type of universal joint. d(h7) Size C D E F L1 Y
8 02 14 16 3.5 6.3 26 9.5
Please send us your application requirements. 10 03 17 22 4 8.7 31 11.5
12 04 21 25 4 11 37 13.5
Y 14 05 21 25 4 13 37 13.5
16 1 24 32 6.35 14.8 43 14
E 18 2 28 36 8 16 48 19


20 3 31 42 8 18 54 19

22 4 34 45 10 20 60 20.5
25 5 38 50 10 23 66 20.5
C 30 6 49 58 10 28 83 25
Collars Nomar® clamp style

3 - 50mm

➤ Easy to fit Ordering example

5 off one piece in mild steel to suit 12mm shaft.
➤ Even distribution of clamping forces 6 off two piece in stainless steel to suit 28mm shaft.
➤ High speed capability
5 off type no. 13008053
➤ Stainless steel or mild steel construc- 6 off type no. 13008031
tion available
➤ Clamp action eliminates shaft ➤ Imperial bores available
damage caused by set screws ➤ Some sizes available in aluminium
Please ask for details

MCL one piece

Bore Diameter Width Clamp Steel Stainless
B OD W screw Type No. Type No.
3 16 9 M3 13008106 13008044
4 16 9 M3 13008070 13008040
5 16 9 M3 13008047 13008079
6 16 9 M3 13008073 13008067
8 18 9 M3 13008048 13008086
10 24 9 M3 13008085 13008078
12 28 11 M4 13008053 13008080 Type MCL one piece
14 30 11 M4 13008043 13008081
15 34 13 M5 13008032 13008083
16 34 13 M5 13008034 13008051
20 40 15 M6 13008109 13008036
12 22 42 15 M6 13008060 13008076
25 45 15 M6 13008061 13008039
28 48 15 M6 13008059 13008099
30 54 15 M6 13008064 13008114
35 57 15 M6 13008062 13008052
40 60 15 M6 13008030 13007685
50 78 19 M8 13008028 13007682

MSP two piece

Bore Diameter Width Clamp Steel Stainless
B OD W screw Type No. Type No.
3 16 9 M3 13008113 13008045
4 16 9 M3 13008112 13008029
5 16 9 M3 13008107 13008054
6 16 9 M3 13008105 13008063
8 18 9 M3 13007688 13008065
10 24 9 M3 13008092 13008050
12 28 11 M4 13007689 13008093
14 30 11 M4 13008042 13008082
Type MSP two piece 15 34 13 M5 13008049 13008058
16 34 13 M5 13008041 13008111
20 40 15 M6 13008098 13008038
22 42 15 M6 13008035 13008100
25 45 15 M6 13008101 13008104
28 48 15 M6 13008102 13008031
30 54 15 M6 13008033 13008088
35 57 15 M6 13008072 13008089
40 60 15 M6 13008077 13008090
50 78 19 M8 13008068 13008110

Rigid couplings Nomar®

6 - 50mm

MCLX one piece plain bore

➤ High torsional holding power
➤ Easy assembly
➤ Mild and stainless steel construction
➤ Nypatch® anti-vibration screws
➤ Precision honed bores
➤ Backlash free

➤ Imperial bores available

➤ Some sizes available in aluminium
Please ask for details
MSPX two piece plain bore

Plain bores



Bore Bore
Part No.
Part No.
Part No.
Part No.
Ordering example 13
B1 B2 OD Length Clamp one piece one piece two piece two piece 3 off one piece steel with plain 8mm
6 6 18 30 M3 13004763 13004710 13004754 13004750 6 off two piece steel with 15mm plain
8 8 24 35 M3 13004731 13004728 13004740 13004744
10 10 29 45 M4 13004730 13004746 13004717 13004762
12 12 29 45 M4 13004720 13004720 13004736 13004725 3 off MCLX type no. 13004731
14 14 34 50 M5 13004726
13004726 13004757 13004734 6 off MSPX type no. 13004735
15 15 34 50 M5 13004709 13004748 13004751 13004735
Maximum speed 3000

Keywayed bores




Bore Bore
Type No.
Type No.
Type No.
Type No.
Ordering example
B1 B2 OD Length Clamp Key one piece one piece two piece two piece 5 off one piece stainless steel with
keywayed 16mm bores.
16 16 34 50 M5 5x5 13004743 13004708 13004721 13004745 2 off two piece steel with 20mm
20 20 42 65 M6 6x6 13004739 13004727 13004759 13004749
keywayed bores.
25 25 45 75 M6 8x8 13004741 13004733 13004714 13004752
30 30 53 83 M6 8x8 13004738 13004760 13004761 13004766
35 35 67 95 M8 10x10 13004747 13004712 13004713 13004715 5 off MCLC type no. 13004708
40 40 77 108 M8 12x12 13004718 13004724 13004764 13004722 2 off MSPC type no. 13004759
50 50 85 124 M10 14x14 13004755 13004765 13004729 13004758

Maximum speed 3000

Oldham couplings Paradrive™ 0.2 - 42Nm

These Oldham style couplings combine performance,

economy and a wide ex-stock range.


High radial misalignment capacity
Low inertia alloy hubs
Clamp hubs standard, sizes 19-57
➤ Hub configuration is in balance
➤ Zero backlash option for all sizes
➤ Temperature range –25 to +60oC
(+50oC for nylon discs)

Materials Ordering example

Hubs are in high strength aluminium alloy with hard Qty 5 Paradrive Oldham couplings size 41 with clamp
anodised finish. Carbon steel screws have a black oxide hubs and acetal discs, comprising of:
finish. Two disc materials are available: Qty 5 Type No. 13005069 hub 12mm
Acetal – torsionally stiff with zero backlash Qty 5 Type No. 13005032 hub 14mm
Nylon 11 – torsionally softer with some backlash Qty 5 Type No. 13005277 acetal disc

Torques (Nm) Misalignments Torsional Weights (g)
Disc Static Angular Radial Axial stiffness
Size material Rated* Breaking degrees mm mm Nm/o Clamp Set screw

13 0.68 3.9 0.5 0.1 0.05 1.6 – 7

19 2.25 10.5 0.5 0.2 0.1 2.6 16 15
25 4.75 19.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 3.4 34 34
33 Acetal 8.0 39.5 0.5 0.2 0.15 12.7 82 96
41 14.75 54.5 0.5 0.25 0.15 14.7 141 159
51 28.50 85 0.5 0.25 0.2 23 256 –
57 42.50 125 0.5 0.25 0.2 37 437 –

13 0.17 2.8 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.4 – 7

19 Nylon 0.57 9.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.8 16 15
25 11 1.13 15.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.9 34 34
33 2.05 34 0.5 0.2 0.15 2.2 82 96
41 3.65 45.3 0.5 0.25 0.15 3.0 141 159

* Rated torques are at maximum misalignment. For reversing applications reduce the rated torque by 2.
Oldham couplings Paradrive™ 0.1 - 21Nm

L L1



Clamp hubs Set screw hubs

Bores D Cap screws Set screws

Size A B B1 C min max E F L L1 Size Torque Size Torque

13 12.7 – 5.6 – 3 6 2.2 0.07 – 15.9 – – M3 0.9

19 19.1 9.7 7.6 3.4 4 8 3.2 0.13 25.4 22.2 M2.5 1.2 M3 0.9
25 25.4 11.9 9.9 4 6 12 4.3 0.13 31.8 28.6 M3 2.1 M4 2.2
33 33.3 15.0 15.0 4.5 8 16 6.6 0.13 47.6 47.6 M3 2.1 M4 2.2
41 41.3 18 18 5.5 10 20 8.4 0.2 50.8 50.8 M4 4.6 M5 4.0
51 50.8 20.8 – 6.4 12 25 – 0.25 59.7 – M5 9.5 – –
57 57.2 28.7 – 7.6 14 30 – 0.25 78.7 – M6 16 – –


Clamp hubs type MOCT Set screw hubs type MOST Discs type OD
Size Bore Type No. Bore Type No. Bore Type No. Material Type No.

13 3 13005078 Acetal 13005285

4 13005081 Nylon 11 13005287
5 13005084
6 13005033
4 13005062 6 13005071 4 13005042 Acetal 13005284
5 13005025 8 13005085 6 13005067 Nylon 11 13005283
6 13005077 10 13005052 6 13005073 Acetal 13005280
25 8 13005060 12 13005075 10 On Request Nylon 11 13005282
8 13005035 14 13005068 8 13005047 Acetal 13005275
33 10 13005056 15 13005059 12 On Request Nylon 11 13005281
11 13005064 16 On Request
12 13005057
10 13005046 15 13005034 10 13005040 Acetal 13005277
41 11 13005037 16 13005055 14 On Request Nylon 11 13005279
12 13005069 19 13005066 16 13005063
14 13005032 20 13005049 20 On Request
12 13005027 19 13005070 Acetal 13005286
51 14 13005054 20 13005045 NOT
15 13005029 24 13005028 AVAILABLE
16 13005044 25 13005036
14 13005030 22 13005083 Acetal 13005274
57 15 13005031 24 13005041
16 13005038 25 13005051
19 13005076 28 13005082 AVAILABLE
20 13005080 30 13005053
Curved jaw couplings Type GR
11 - 1465Nm

This extensive range of curved jaw shaft couplings pro-
vides simple and economic solutions for shafts up to

➤ Cast iron or aluminium hubs with

polyurethane elements
➤ Temperature range -30 to +80oC
➤ 2 grades of element, 92 shore (white)
and stiffer 98 (red)
➤ Angular misalignment 1.5o, twist at
rated torque 2.5o. Allow a safety
factor of 3.5 with torque reversals





Rated torque Nm
Yellow Red Max speed Ordering example
Model element element r/min øA øE øG H I L (10) off model GR com-
19/24 11.5 17 14000 - 40 18 25 – 66 plete couplings. Size
24/32 40 60 10600 40 55 27 30 24 78 28/38 aluminium hubs
28/38 115 160 8500 48 65 30 35 28 90 bored to ø14 plus key and
38/45 225 325 7100 66 80 38 45 37 114 red spider elements.
42/55 310 450 6000 75 95 46 50 40 126
48/60 360 525 5600 85 105 51 56 45 140 20 off 13004869
55/70 430 625 4750 98 120 60 65 52 160 10 off 13008686
65/75 525 640 4250 115 135 68 75 61 185
75/90 1250 1465 3550 135 160 80 85 69 210

Pilot bores Size 19/24 Finished bores F, F1 Elements

Max Hubs (style B only) bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008682
Pilot bore Type No. Aluminium Yellow 13008683
Hub B (steel) 15 24 13005901 Ø10 On Request Ø15 13005868 Ø20 13005906
Hub B (aluminium) 4 24 13005909 Ø12 On Request Ø19 13005870 Ø24 13005863

Pilot bores Size 24/32 Finished bores F, F1 Elements

Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008694
Pilot bore Type No. Aluminium
Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’ Yellow 13008674
Hub A (steel) 0 24 13005867 Ø14 On Request Ø25 On Request
Hub A (aluminium) 0 24 13005890 Ø19 On Request Ø28 13005885
Hub B (steel) 21 32 13005897 Ø20 13005904
Hub B (aluminium) 22 32 13005896 Ø24 On Request
Pilot bores Size 28/38 Finished bores F, F1 Elements

Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008686

Pilot bore Type No. Yellow 13008706
Hub A (steel) 0 28 13004862 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub A (aluminium) 0 28 13005865 Ø14 13004869 Ø30 On Request
Hub B (steel) 27 38 13004863 Ø16 13004864 Ø32 13005887
Hub B (aluminium) 26 38 13005892 Ø20 On Request Ø35 On Request
Ø25 On Request Ø38 13005857
Ø28 On Request
Pilot bores Size 38/45 Finished bores F, F1 Elements

Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008684

Pilot bore Type No. Yellow 13008688
Hub A (cast iron) 0 38 13005858 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub A (aluminium) 0 38 13004871 Ø20 13005876 Ø40 13005912
Hub B (cast iron) 37 45 13004872 Ø25 13005907 Ø42 13005854
Ø28 On Request
Hub B (aluminium) 36 45 13005893
Ø30 13004865
Ø32 13005898
Ø38 13038562
Pilot bores Size 42/55 Finished bores F, F1 Elements
Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008355
Pilot bore Type No. Cast iron
Yellow 13008697
Hub A (cast iron) 0 42 13005861 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub B (cast iron) 41 55 13005880 Ø30 13005908 Ø42 13005884
Ø32 On Request Ø48 13005913
Ø38 13005905 Ø50 13005888
Ø40 13004868 Ø55 13005886
Ø42 On Request
Pilot bores Size 48/60 Finished bores F, F1 Elements
Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13007695
Pilot bore Type No. Cast iron
Yellow 13008356
Hub A (cast iron) 0 48 13005874 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Ø35 On Request Ø50 13024538
Hub B (cast iron) 47 60 13005883
Ø38 On Request Ø55 13005882
Ø42 On Request Ø60 13005881
Ø48 13024506

Pilot bores Size 55/70 Finished bores F, F1 Elements

Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008692
Pilot bore Type No. Cast iron
Yellow 13008351
Hub A (cast iron) 0 55 13005860 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub B (cast iron) 53 70 13005859 Ø42 On Request Ø55 13005871
Ø48 13005850 Ø60 13004870
Ø50 On Request Ø65 13005855
Ø55 On Request
Pilot bores Size 65/75 Finished bores F, F1 Elements
Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008708
Pilot bore Type No. Cast iron
Yellow 13008675
Hub A (cast iron) 0 65 13005856 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub B (cast iron) 63 75 13005873 Ø42 13004866 Ø65 13005852
Ø45 13005910 Ø70 13005851
Ø50 On Request Ø75 On Request
Ø55 On Request
Ø65 On Request
Pilot bores Size 75/90 Finished bores F, F1 Elements
Max Hubs bored H7 and keyed to BS4235 Red 13008350
Pilot bore Type No. Cast iron
Yellow 13008705
Hub A (cast iron) 0 75 13005878 Hub ‘A’ Hub ‘B’
Hub B (cast iron) 73 90 13005853 Ø42 13024544 Ø75 13024507
Ø45 13024545 Ø80 13005862
Ø55 13005903 Ø90 13005872
Ø60 13004873
Ø70 13005891

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Clamp hub curved jaw couplings Type GESM

0.65 - 187Nm

➤ Zero backlash
➤ Variable torsional stiffness
➤ Extremely fast assembly
➤ Shaft tolerance h7
➤ Hubs fully machined to give
precision fit with element
➤ Torque capacity depends on shaft
size and model chosen

Hubs Coupling selection

Single screw split clamping hubs: The torque rating of the coupling is the lower of the
sizes 19/24 to 38/45 have aluminium hubs, size 42 are hub torque rating and the element torque rating from
made from steel. Supplied either rough bored or with the tables on the facing page.
H7 finished plain bore.
Temperature range
Elements Yellow element –40 to +90oC
Yellow, 92 shore A hardness for standard applications. Red element –30 to 90oC
Red, 98 shore A hardness for higher torque, higher tor- Short term rating +120oC
sional stiffness, but reduced angular and radial mis-
alignment capacity.

Model M
t p t

s N s f

Screw tightening
Size a A G L I M N s p f t E torque (Nm)
7 – 14 – 22 7 8 6 1.0 6 M2 3.5 15 0.35
9 – 20 7.2 30 10 10 8 1.0 1.5 M2.5 5 23.4 0.75
14 – 30 10.5 35 11 13 10 2.5 2 M3 5 32.2 1.4
19/24 – 40 18 66 25 16 12 2.0 3.5 M6 12 45.7 11
24/28 – 55 27 78 30 18 14 2.0 4 M6 14 56.4 11
28/38 – 65 30 90 35 20 15 2.5 5 M8 15 72.6 25
38/45 – 80 38 114 45 24 18 3.0 5 M8 20 83.3 25
42 75 95 46 126 50 26 20 3.0 5 M8 20 78.8 25
Clamp hub curved jaw couplings Type GESM 0.65 - 187Nm

Part numbers – hubs

Max Inertia per hub Hub Plain bores H7 no keyway
Bores speed kg.m2 Weight Type Type
Size min max r/min model M kg Bore No. Bore No.

0.085x10-6 5 13004652
7 3 7 40000 0.003 4RB 13003531
6 13004633

0.49x10-6 4RB 13004648 6 13004657

9 4 9 28000 0.009
5 13004646 8 13004658

2.8x10-6 4RB 13003527 10 13003534

14 6 16 19000 0.02
8 13003535 12 13004662
6RB 13004534 15 13004691
19/24 10 20 14000 20.4x10-6 0.066 10 13004525 16 13004687
11 13004689 19 13004683
8RB 13004532 20 13004690
24/28 10 28 10600 50.8x10-6 0.132 16 13004533 25 13004686
19 13004645 28 13004673
10RB 13004632 25 13004665
200x10-6 19 13004627 30 13004666
28/38 14 35 8500 0.253
20 13004664 35 13004685
18RB 13004626 35 13004631
400x10-6 25 13004629 40 13004528
38/45 15 45 7100 0.455
30 13004669 45 13004527
24RB 13004676 40 13004688
42 20 45 6000 2246x10-6 1.850 35 13004526 45 13004677

Maximum transmittable torque (Nm) between hub and shaft

Size ø4 ø5 ø6 ø8 ø 10 ø 11 ø 15 ø 16 ø 19 ø 20 ø 22 ø 24 ø 25 ø 28 ø 30 ø 32 ø 35 ø 38 ø 40 ø 42 ø 45

7 0.65 0.70 0.74 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

9 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
14 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.5 4.6 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 19
19/24 – – – – 23 25 34 36 43 45 – – – – – – – – – – –
24/28 – – – – – – 34 36 43 45 50 54 57 63 – – – – – – –
28/38 – – – – – – – – 79 83 91 100 104 116 124 133 145 – – – –
38/45 – – – – – – – – – 83 91 100 104 116 124 133 145 158 166 174 187
42 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 116 124 133 145 158 166 174 187

YELLOW (soft) Two hubs and one element make up one cou-
Misalignment Torsional
Rated rigidity Type
torque Angular Axial Radial dynamic No. Ordering example
Size Nm (o) (mm) (mm) (Nm/rad) element
(1) off precision clamp hub curved jaw cou-
7 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.10 43 13008696
9 3.0 1.0 0.8 0.13 95 13008672
pling type GESM, size 38/45 with bores 25 and
14 7.5 1.0 1.0 0.15 344 13008679 35mm and a yellow 190 Nm element (rated
19/24 10 1.0 1.2 0.10 650 13008691
torque 104Nm based on the hubs).
24/28 35 1.0 1.4 0.14 1640 13008704
28/38 95 1.0 1.5 0.15 2630 13008693
Type Nos. 13004631
38/45 190 1.0 1.8 0.17 5270 13008689
42 265 1.0 2.0 0.19 7240 13008690

RED (hard) Torsional

Rated Misalignment rigidity Type
torque Angular Axial Radial dynamic No.
Size Nm ()
(mm) (mm) (Nm/rad) element
7 2.0 0.9 0.6 0.06 69 13008677
9 5.0 0.9 0.8 0.08 155 13008685
14 12.5 0.9 1.0 0.09 513 13008702
19/24 17 0.9 1.2 0.06 2830 13008695
24/28 60 0.9 1.4 0.10 6800 13008687
28/38 160 0.9 1.5 0.11 11400 13008673
38/45 325 0.9 1.8 0.12 23630 13008698
42 450 0.9 2.0 0.14 52800 13008700

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Clamp hub curved jaw couplings Type GESA high torque

0.75 - 450Nm

➤ Zero backlash
➤ Variable torsional stiffness
➤ High torque capacity
➤ Shaft tolerance h7
➤ Hubs fully machined to give
precision fit with element
➤ Torque capacity depends on shaft
size and model chosen

Hubs Coupling selection

Shrink disc clamping hubs: have aluminium hubs with The torque rating of the coupling is the lower of the
steel shrink disc. Supplied either unbored with centring hub torque rating and the element torque rating from
guide or with H7 finished plain bore. the tables on the facing page.
Yellow, 92 shore A hardness for standard applications.
Temperature range
Yellow element –40 to +90oC
Red, 98 shore A hardness for a higher torsional stiff-
Red element –30 to +90oC
ness, but reduced angular and radial misalignment.
Short term rating +120oC

Model C L

s N s
Screw tightening Number of
Size A G L I M N s p torque (Nm) h screws
14 30 10.5 50 18.5 13 10 1.5 4 1.3 M3 4
19/24 40 18 66 25 16 12 2.0 4 2.9 M4 6
24/28 55 27 78 30 18 14 2.0 4 6.0 M5 4
28/38 65 30 90 35 20 15 2.5 5 6.0 M5 8
38/45 80 38 114 45 24 18 3.0 5 10.0 M6 8
42 95 46 126 50 26 20 3.0 5 35 M8 4
Clamp hub curved jaw couplings Type GESA high torque 0.75 - 450Nm

Inertia Type numbers – hubs

Max Max per hub Hub Plain bores H7 no keyway
Bores speed coupling Weight Type Type
Size min max r/min kg.m2 kg Bore No. Bore No.
Solid 13005252 12 13005238
14 6 14 19000 7x10-6 0.049 10 13005237 14 13005240
Solid 13004592 15 13004587
19/24 10 20 14000 30x10-6 0.120 10 13004586 16 13004599
11 13005235 19 13004585
Solid 13004596 19 13005242
24/28 15 28 10600 135x10-6 0.280 15 13004595 20 13005256
16 13005243 25 13005257
Solid 13004593 25 13005253
28/38 19 38 8500 315x10-6 0.450 19 13005261 30 13005264
20 13005244 35 13005251

-6 Solid 13004594 35 13005249

38/45 20 45 7100 950x10 0.950 30 13005236 40 13005255
Solid 13004597 38 13005250
42 28 50 6000 3150x10-6 2.3 30 13004598 40 13005262
35 13005265 42 13005267

Maximum transmittable torque (Nm) between hub and shaft

Model C
Size Ø10 Ø11 Ø14 Ø15 Ø16 Ø19 Ø20 Ø24 Ø25 Ø28 Ø30 Ø32 Ø35 Ø38 Ø40 Ø42

14 10 12 22 – – – – – – – – – – – – –
19/24 42 46 60 65 69 84 – – – – – – – – – –
24/28 – – – 66 72 87 92 113 118 – – – – – –
28/38 – – – – – 175 185 225 235 266 287 308 339 – – –
38/45 – – – – – – 255 312 326 367 398 427 471 515 545 577
42 – – – – – – – – – 420 460 500 563 627 670 714

YELLOW (soft) Two hubs and one element make up one cou-
Misalignment Torsional
Rated rigidity
torque Angular Axial Radial dynamic Part No. Ordering example
Size Nm (ľ) (mm) (mm) (Nm/rad) element
(1) off precision clamp hub curved jaw coupling
14 7.5 1.0 1.0 0.15 344 13008679
19/24 10 1.0 1.2 0.10 1890 13008691
model GESA, size 24/28 with bores 20 and
25mm and a red 60 Nm element (rated torque
24/28 35 1.0 1.4 0.14 4720 13008704
28/38 95 1.0 1.5 0.15 7560 13008693
60Nm based on the element).
38/45 190 1.0 1.8 0.17 15120 13008689 13005256
42 265 1.0 2.0 0.19 15930 13008690 Type Nos. 13005257
RED (hard)
Misalignment Torsional
Rated rigidity
torque Angular Axial Radial dynamic Part No.
Size Nm (ľ) (mm) (mm) (Nm/rad) element
14 12.5 0.9 1.0 0.9 513 13008702
19/24 17 0.9 1.2 0.06 2830 13008695
24/28 60 0.9 1.4 0.10 6800 13008687
28/38 160 0.9 1.5 0.11 11400 13008673
38/45 325 0.9 1.8 0.12 23630 13008698
42 450 0.9 2.0 0.14 52800 13008700

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Straight sided jaw couplings Lovejoy jaw

0.4 - 750Nm

➤ Quick and simple to install

➤ Reliable, rugged, compact
➤ Smooth, silent action
➤ Grease and oil resistant
➤ Five standard “spider” types available
➤ Hubs are supplied in sintered iron as
standard. Aluminium and stainless
steel are available in some sizes,
marked AL and SS on these pages

Complete coupling and alternative “spiders”.



L035 to L110 L150 to L225

Rated torque Max weight Complete
Coupling Max weight
Nm speed bore sintered Dimensions
no. dia. iron aluminium
rpm (min. bore)
Standard Urethane Hytrel mm (min. bore)
Spider Spider Spider kg kg A B C D E F

L035 0.4 – – 31,000 9 0.03 – 16 21 8 6.5 – 3.3

L050 3 4.5 9 18,000 16 0.13 – 27.4 43 12 15.5 – 8.0
L070 5 8 15 14,000 19 0.24 0.11 35 51 13 19 – 9.6
L075 10 15 26 11,000 22 0.40 0.18 45 54 13 20.5 – 8.0
L090 16 24 45 9,000 25 0.68 0.24 54 54 13 21 – 11
L095 22 33 65 9,000 28 0.82 0.36 54 64 13 25.5 – 11
L100 47 71 118 7,000 35 1.6 0.68 65 89 19 35 – 11
L110 90 135 225 5,000 42 3 1.25 84 108 22 43 – 19
L150 140 210 350 5,000 48 5 – 95 115 25 44 80 19
L190 195 293 488 5,000 54 7.6 – 115 124 26 49 102 22

L225 264 396 660 4,200 67 8 – 127 136 26 55 108 25

Straight sided jaw couplings ‘Spider’ elements 0.4 - 660Nm

The rated torque of a particular coupling size can be increased by substituting the standard spider for one of the
alternatives shown below

Misalignment up at Rated
Temp. Shore rated torque
Type range °C Angular Radial hardness torque (°) Remarks and characteristics factor

Good misalignment and damping

Standard -40 1° 0.4 mm 80A 3.75 Good resistance to oil 1
+100 Standard material supplied
(black) (except LO35 60A)

Urethane -34 1° 0.4 mm 55D (L-050- 110) 2 Good oil and chemical resistance 1.5
(blue) +71 40D (L-100-110) Torsionally stiffer than standard
Good oil and chemical resistance
Hytrel -51 0.5° 0.4 mm 55D 1.2 High temperature capacity 2.5 – 3
(cream) +121 Torsionally stiffer than urethane

Excellent oil and chemical resistance

Bronze -40 0.5° 0.25 mm – – Maximum speed 250 r/min 3
+232 Very high temperature capacity

Snap Wrap/ -40 Good misalignment and damping

RRS +100 1° 0.4 mm 80A 3.75 Can be removed radially without 1
(black) disturbing either hub






Solid Centre Spiders Open Centre Spiders Snap Wrap Spiders All
Material available Dimensions Material available Dimensions Material Dimensions
Std Urethane Hytrel Ureth. Hytrel Bronze

L035 X – – 15.8 – – – – – – – – – – 7.1 5.3

L050 X X X 27.1 – – – – X 27.2 7.9 – – – 10.7 6.9
L070 X X – 35.1 – – X X X 35.1 12.7 – – – 10.7 6.9
L075 X – – 44.5 – – X X X 44.5 19.1 – – – 11.2 6.9
L090/L095 X – – 53.9 4.6 22.4 X X X 53.9 22.4 X 65 27 11.2 9.1
L100 X – – 64.5 6.4 26.2 X X X 64.5 26.2 X 78 35 15.5 10.9
SOX 6.4
L110 X – X 84.1 30.2 X X X 84.1 30.0 X 99 38 19.1 11.4
HYT 4.6
SOX 7.9
L150 X – X 95.3 31.8 X X X 95.3 31.8 X 116 44 22.4 15.2
HYT 5.3
SOX 7.9
L190 X – X 114.3 35.1 X X X 114.3 35.1 X 132 57 22.4 15.2
HYT 4.6
SOX 9.7
L225 X – X 126.5 44.5 X X X 126.5 44.5 URE. 138 69 22.4 15.2
HYT 4.6

X = our stock standard – = not available

Straight sided jaw couplings Lovejoy jaw 0.4 - 26Nm

Coupling No. L035 Pilot bore 1/8 std spider complete 13024167 Rated torque 0.4 Nm

Hubs pilot bore Hubs imperial plain bore H7 Hubs metric plain bore H7 Spiders

Type Type Type Type of Type

Size Size Size
No. No. No. material No.

Blank 13005644 1/4 13004911 4 13006114 Standard 13007059

1/8 13006884 6 13004929 Hard rubber 13005520
1/4 13004932 8 13006911

Coupling No. L050 Pilot bore 1/8 std spider complete 13024168 Rated torque 3 Nm

Hubs pilot bore Hubs plain bore H7 Hubs bored H7 & keyway Spiders

Imperial Metric Imperial BS46 Metric BS4235

Type Type of Type
No. Type Type Type Type material No.
Size Size Size Size
No. No. No . No.

Blank 13006839 1/4 13007083 10 13006834 1/4 13007008 9 13005648 Standard 13005523
1/4 13006885 3/8 13004905 12 13006877 1/2 13006121 10 13004908 Urethane 13007081
1/2 13005645 1/2 13006844 11 13004926 12 13006847 Hytrel 13005538
5/8 13006912 14 13006134 Bronze 13005530
15 13004933
16 13006882

Coupling No. L070 Pilot bore 3/8 std spider complete 13024169 Rated torque 5 Nm
24 Hubs pilot bore Hubs plain bore H7 Hubs bored H7 & keyway Spiders

Imperial Metric Imperial BS46 Metric BS4235

Type Type of Type
No. Type Type Type Type material No.
Size Size Size Size
No. No. No . No.
1/4 13004915 1/2 13004936 12 13006864 1/2* 13006115 9 13006123 Standard 13007070
3/8 13006873 5/8* 13004919 10 13006848 Urethane 13007055
AL1/4 00476000 3/4* 13006909 11* 13006903 Hytrel 13005531
12* 13004912 Bronze 13007048
14* 13006867
15* 13006897
16* 13006843
19* 13006879
AL12 00475984

Coupling No. L075 Pilot bore 1/2 std spider complete 13024170 Rated torque 10 Nm

Hubs pilot bore Hubs plain bore H7 Hubs bored H7 & keyway Spiders
Imperial Imperial BS46 Metric BS4235
Size Type of Type
No. Type Type Type
Size Size Size material No.
No. No. No.

1/4 13004939 5/8 13006827 1/2 13006907 10* 13006865 Standard 13005536
1/2 13006890 3/4 13006845 5/8* 13004928 12 13004942 Urethane 13005535
5/8 13004934 3/4* 13006893 14* 13004924 Hytrel 13005532
AL1/4 13004930 AL5/8 13006835 15* 13006874 Bronze 13007072
AL3/8 13006891 AL3/4 13004917 16* 13006886
AL1/2 13006863 19* 13004925
AL5/8 13006838 20* 13004938
SS1/4 13007082 AL14 13006896
AL19 13006914
Straight sided jaw couplings Lovejoy jaw 16 to 130Nm

Coupling No. L090 Pilot bore 3/8 std spider complete 13024240 Rated torque 16 Nm

Hubs imperial bore H7 Hubs metric bore H7

Hubs pilot bore Spiders
& keyway to BS46 & keyway to BS4235
Type Type Type Type of Type
Size Size Size
No. No. No. material No.
3/8 13006900 5/8 13005643 12 13006837 Standard 13007045
AL3/8 13006860 3/4 13004940 14* 13006828 Urethane 13006899
7/8 On Request 15* 13006902 Hytrel 13007068
16* 13004914 Bronze 13007052
19* 13004935 Snapwrap 13005521
20* 13006924
24* 13006859
25* 13006880

Coupling No. L095 Pilot bore 7/16 std spider complete 13024175 Rated torque 22 Nm

Hubs pilot bore Hubs plain bore H7 Hubs bored H7 & keyway Spiders

Imperial Metric Imperial BS46 Metric BS4235

Type Type of Type
No. Type Type Type Type material No.
Size Size Size Size
No. No. No No.

7/16 13006881 5/8 13004907 1/2 13006875 14* 13006841 Standard 13007045
1/2 13006855 3/4 13006119 5/8* 13004927 15 On Request Urethane 13006899
AL1/2 13006906 AL5/8 On Request AL16 On Request 3/4* 13006905 16* 13004943 Hytrel 13007068
7/8* 25
SS7/16 On Request 13004916 19* 13006872 Bronze 13007052
1* 13006913 20* 13006895 Snapwrap 13005521
11/8 13007026 24* 13006871
Special low prices AL9/16 On Request 25* 13006833
Hubs marked * are mass produced AL3/4 On Request 28* 13006135
with sintered finished bores and keyways. AL16 13004913
Special prices are available for orders AL19 13006862
starting at 100 complete couplings. AL24 13006933

Coupling No. L100 Pilot bore 1/2 std spider complete 13024186 Rated torque 47 Nm

Hubs pilot bore Hubs plain bore H7 Hubs bored H7 & keyway Spiders
Imperial Imperial BS46 Metric BS4235
Size Type of Type
No. Type Type Type
Size Size Size material No.
No. No. No.

1/2 13006856 25 13006937 3/4* 13004918 15 13006916 Standard 13007046

5/8 13006888 AL28 On Request 1* 13004909 16 13006854 Urethane 13007076
AL1/2 13006898 11/8 13004920 19* 13006926 Hytrel 13007065
SS7/16 13005479 11/4 13007005 20 13006878 Bronze 13007077
13/8 13006116 24* 13006919 Snapwrap 13005539
25* 13004941
28* 13006921
30 13006125
32* 13005647

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Straight sided jaw couplings Lovejoy jaw 90 - 660Nm

Coupling No. L110 Pilot bore 5/8 std spider complete 13024187 Rated torque 90 Nm

Hubs imperial bore H7 Hubs metric bore H7

Hubs pilot bore Spiders
& keyway to BS46 & keyway to BS4235
Type Type Type Type of Type
Size Size Size
No. No. No. material No.
5/8 13006857 3/4 13006904 19 13004904 Standard 13007047
AL5/8 00480806 7/8 13004923 20 13004910 Urethane 13007079
SS5/8 13005544 15/8 On Request 24* 13004931 Hytrel 13007043
28* On Request Bronze 13007051
30 13006108 Snapwrap 13005533
32* 13006927
38* 13005646
40 13006126
42* 13004937

Coupling No. L150 Pilot bore 5/8 std spider complete 13024188 Rated torque 140 Nm

Hubs imperial bore H7 Hubs metric bore H7

Hubs pilot bore Spiders
& keyway to BS46 & keyway to BS4235
Type Type Type Type of Type
Size Size Size
No. No. No. material No.
5/8 13006858 1 On Request 28 13006131 Standard 13007054
SS5/8 13005481 17/8 13006892 30 13006850 Urethane 13005537
32 13006923 Hytrel 13007050
38* 13006889 Bronze 13005522
40 13006846 Snapwrap 13005534
42* 13006868
48 13006917

Coupling No. L190 Pilot bore 3/4 std spider complete 13024189 Rated torque 195 Nm
Hubs metric bore H7
Hubs pilot bore Spiders
& keyway to BS4235
Type Type Type of Type
Size Size
No. No. material No.
3/4 13006124 32 13006117 Standard 13007042
38* 13006129 Urethane 13005540
42* 13006842 Hytrel 13007069
45 13006851 Bronze On Request
48 13006130 Snapwrap 13007078
50 13005649

Coupling No. L225 Rated torque 264 Nm

Hubs metric bore H7

Hubs pilot bore Spiders
& keyway to BS4235
Type Type Type of Type
Size Size
No. No. material No.
3/4 13006120 42 On Request Standard 13005528
50 On Request Urethane 13007067
55 13006955 Hytrel 13007066
60 13006930 Bronze On Request
Snapwrap 13007060
Easy maintenance couplings Lovejoy jaw in-shear

38 - 475Nm

➤ Quick, simple to install

➤ Radially removeable spider
➤ 2o angular misalignment capacity
➤ 50A shore urethane spider
➤ Max temperature of 93oC
➤ Uses standard Lovejoy hubs

The Jaw in-shear spider can be radially removed, mean-

ing that neither hub has to be moved to make regular
maintenance. This saves time and money.

The Jaw in-shear spider is made from a tough urethane
material. Retaining ring is made from cast stainless
steel. Coupling hubs are sintered iron as standard, with Ordering
some sizes available in aluminium. A complete coupling consists of two Lovejoy
hubs, a jaw in-shear spider and a retaining
OAL G ring. Either
a) buy a complete coupling with pilot bore
hubs from the table below
b) buy the set of spider and retaining ring
from the table below, plus two finish
bored hubs from pages 15-16.


Qty 2 LS095 jaw in-shear couplings with fin-
ish bored and keywayed hubs 20 and 25mm.

Coupling Spider and 2 off 13024210

complete W retaining ring 2 off 13006895
2 off 13006833

Complete weight Dimensions (mm)

Coupling Rated torque Max speed at max bore
size (Nm) (r/min) (kg) RD OAL W G OD ID

LS090 38 9200 3.3 70 67 21 25.4 63 29

LS095 38 9200 3.3 70 76 21 25.4 63 29
LS100 63 7700 6.4 81 106 31 35.6 74 35
LS110 123 5900 13 102 127 37 42 95 47
LS150 205 5200 19 119 138 43.5 49 110 48
LS190 330 4300 32 140 148 43.5 49 130 58
LS225 475 3900 38 156 160 43.5 49 146 69

Type numbers
Coupling Complete coupling with Set of spider Retaining ring
size pilot bore hubs and retaining ring Spider only only
LS090 3/8" 13024198 13024210 13007075 13007080
LS095 1/2" 13024199 13024210 13007075 13007080
LS100 1/2" 13024200 On Request 13007074 13007071
LS110 5/8" 13024201 13024208 13007073 13007062
LS150 5/8" On Request On Request 13007063 On Request
LS190 3/4" On Request 13007044 13007061 On Request
LS225 3/4" On Request 13005524 13005525 On Request

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Barrel gear nylon sleeve couplings

10 - 700Nm

➤ For shafts up to 80mm diameter

➤ Rated torques upto 700Nm
➤ Fast and easy to fit
➤ No maintenance required
➤ Hubs available un-bored, for
maximum bore flexibility or with
bore and keyways
➤ Maximum angular misalignment 1o
➤ Maximum axial misalignment +1mm
➤ Temperature range -25oC to 90oC

The barrel gear coupling is a flexible coupling having

two fully machined steel hubs with crowned barrel-
shaped teeth. These transmit torque by meshing with One complete coupling comprises
the axially parallel involute gear teeth of the stabilised two hubs and one sleeve
6.6 super polyamid sleeve.
Un-bored Un-bored Sleeve
Size complete only
hub only
B coupling

14 13024044 13003923 13003960

L L 19 13024045 13002112 13003962

24 13024049 13003928 13003961

28 13024050 13003942 13003964
32 13024051 13003919 13003967

38 13024050 13003932 13003969

28 42 13024053 13003915 13003968
48 13024054 13003908 13003965


65 13024055 13003926 13003966

80 13024056 13003903 13003959

Ordering example
(15) off barrel gear couplings, size 42 un-bored com-

G Type No. 13024053

Rated Max Weight Inertia Max Number

Torque speed complete complete radial of teeth A B C D G L
Nm r/min kg kgm2x10-4 misalignment per hub (max)

14 10 14000 0.21 0.26 ±0.3 20 14 50 25 40 37 23

19 16 11800 0.32 0.47 ±0.4 24 19 54 32 48 37 25

24 21 10500 0.48 0.93 ±0.4 28 24 56 36 52 41 26

28 45 8500 1.18 3.09 ±0.4 34 28 84 44 66 46 40
32 60 7600 1.47 5.48 ±0.4 40 32 84 50 76 48 40

38 81 6700 1.91 8.68 ±0.4 44 38 84 58 83 48 40

42 100 6000 2.52 14.28 ±0.4 50 42 88 65 92 50 42
48 142 5580 3.21 18.38 ±0.4 50 48 104 68 100 50 50

65 380 4000 8.86 109.6 ±0.6 42 65 144 96 140 72 70

80 700 3100 11.2 371 ±0.7 46 80 186 124 175 93 90
Barrel gear nylon sleeve couplings
10 - 700Nm

Bore & Coupling size

14 19 24 28 32

10 13002105
11 13003900
12 13002109
14 13002104 13002103 13002100
15 13003930 13003931
16 13002102 13003921 13002113
19 13002101 13003904 13002115 13003929
20 13003894 13002117
22 13003937
24 13002114 13002118 13002110
25 These type numbers 13003938 13003939
28 refer to individual 13002099 13002120
30 hubs only 13002121
32 13002122

Bore & Coupling size

38 42 48 65 80
14 13003896
20 13002123
24 13002116 13003914
25 13003897 13003936 13003893
28 13002111 13002106 13003890
30 13003891 13003888 13003917
32 13003920
35 13003935
38 13003901 13003909 13003907 13003913
40 13003902
42 13003948 13003886
48 13003918 13003895
55 These type numbers 13003934
60 refer to individual 13003922
70 hubs only 13003910
80 13003898

This page shows hubs only, see facing page for sleeve details

For bore sizes not listed please contact our internal sales engineers.
Reinforced rubber disc couplings Hexaflex

100 - 2250Nm

Type 313.■
■■ .2.1
➤ Zero backlash excepting keyways
➤ Designed for simple installation &
➤ Angular, radial & axial misalignment
➤ Elements can be removed without
any axial movement of the hubs
➤ Aluminium hubs give minimal inertia
(except size 98, cast iron)

E (P.C.D.)



30 I

Nominal Max. Angular Screw Complete

Size A B C D E F G H I J K torque speed misalignment tightening weight
A/F Nm r/min max. torque Nm kg

32 99 51 40 M5 75 M10 103 40 43.5 11 16 32 100 7100 5° 49 1.1

38 123 60 40 M6 85 M10 125 50 53.5 20 18 38 200 6400 3° 60 1.7
48 143 74 63 M6 106 M10 136 55 59 20 18 48 350 5200 3° 69 2.7
60 162 86 61 M8 120 M16 198 80 84 30 30 60 800 4500 2° 150 4.7
70 195 100 70 M8 140 M16 232 95 99.5 40 33 70 1200 3800 2° 150 7.1
98 262 150 102 M8 200 M24 287 120 125 50 37 95 2250 2700 2° 300 42.5

Parallel misalignment and axial misalignment result in These are mean values and can vary by ±30%.
additional radial and axial forces on the bearings sup- The extremes of the graphs show also the maximum
porting the related shafts. These values can be taken permitted misalignment values.
from the graphs below.

2000 1600

1600 1400
98 70
70 60
1200 1200

60 32
800 800


38 32

400 400

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5


Reinforced rubber disc couplings Hexaflex 100 - 2250Nm

Type 313.■
■■ .2.1
The HexaFlex coupling is very easy to mount. The flexi-
ble element can be removed without axial hub move-
ment. The hubs can be aligned using either the outer
diameter or the machined faces. The hexagonal hub
form gives small overall dimensions for large bores and
permits a relatively large angular misalignment.

A complete coupling consists of

• 2 hubs (select required bores from table below)
• 1 off element and screw set

Pilot Type numbers Pilot bore coupling

Unique element construction
Size bore Pilot bore Flexible element 2 hubs, 1 element
mm hubs (2 reqd.) and screws and 1 screw set
32 14 13010779 13024124 13024153
38 19 00487444 13024123 13024154
42 22 13010780 13024127 13024155
48 22 00476138 13024122 13024156
60 24 00473668 13024121 13024157
70 30 00476142 13024120 13024158
98 40 13010815 On Request 13024159

Bore &
Coupling size
mm Size 32 Size 38 Size 48 Size 60 Size 70 Size 98*
16 13010807
18 13010792 -
19 13010781 00477506
20 00476135 13010797
22 13010806 13010813
24 13010787 13010798 - -
25 13010782 13010789 - -
28 13010804 13010790 13010784 -
30 00475816 13010783 - -
32 13010791 13010788 13010794 -
35 00476136 00473693 -
38 13010796 00406428 00476141 -
40 00476137 - -
42 13010805 - -
45 - - -
48 13010803 - -
50 13010785 -
These type numbers -
60 refer to individual hubs 13010786
65 only
Other bore sizes are available upon request. * Size 98 available in cast iron only. Type nos on request.

Ordering example
(10) off HexaFlex coupling hubs, size 48, 22mm,pilot bore 00476138
(5) off HexaFlex coupling flexible elements and screws to suit size 48 coupling 13024122
Reinforced rubber disc couplings Hexaflex spacer

100 - 1200Nm

➤ Low cost, fast delivery

➤ Lightweight - easy to handle
➤ High operational speed - 3000r/min H
for couplings up to one metre long
➤ Zero backlash excepting keyways
➤ Lengths up to 3metres
➤ Flange or shaft mounting versions






Type 24.333.■
■■ .2.1 Shaft to shaft Type 24.333.■■ ■.2.0
Shaft to flange
Bores N/N1 (H7)
Size B C E F G H J I K M D P min max
A/F (pilot) bore

32 51 40 75 M10 103 40 11 43.5 16 16.5 M5 100 14 32

38 60 40 85 M10 125 50 20 53.5 18 16.5 M6 118 19 38
48 74 63 106 M10 136 55 20 59 18 16.5 M6 145 22 48
60 86 61 120 M16 198 80 30 84 30 23 M8 170 24 60
70 100 70 140 M16 227 95 40 99.5 33 23 M8 200 30 70

Angular misalignment 3000

The angular misalignment of the spacer coupling is twice
the figure given for the HexaFlex standard coupling, that
is 4-10°. SIZES 48 TO 70

The spacer is a drawn steel tube having a unique cross-
section which precludes the use of keys and keyways. The
spacer is firmly fitted in the inner hubs and pinned to 1000
ensure complete freedom from backlash.
SIZES 32 TO 38

The reinforced rubber discs provide for misalignment, and

are virtually indestructible. 0
1000 2000 3000

The outer hubs are supplied either pilot bored or with a LENGTH A (mm)
range of finished bores as on the following pages.

The shortest length of spacer coupling will be 2 x dimen- Ordering example

sion G, i.e. the length of the two HexaFlex couplings. (5) off HexaFlex spacer couplings 24.333.38.2.1, overall
length ‘A’ = 1 metre. Bore N = 30mm, bore N1 = 32mm
tolerances H7 keyways to BS 4235.
Beam couplings Flexbeam™

0.4 - 5Nm

➤ Backlash free
➤ Aluminium or stainless steel
➤ Low inertia
➤ Special designs possible
➤ Clamp action eliminates shaft

F Materials
MWS with set screws ➤ aluminium alloy for minimum weight
and inertia with a temperature range

–40 to +100oC
➤ stainless steel for increased
performance and high corrosion
L ØA B resistance with a temperature range
L ØA B of –40 to +170oC
MWS Carbon steel blackened screws are stan-
MWC with
MWSclamp hubs dard for all models. Stainless steel screws
can be supplied on request, however lower
coupling nominal torques will apply.

Ordering example
6 off Flexbeam couplings type MWC-A 25
L ØA B bores D2=D3=8mm
Type No. 13005628
MWC 33
Misalignments Cap screw Tightening Set screw Tightening
Size A B B1 E F L Angular Radial Axial size torque Nm size Torque Nm

MWS 15 – 5.2 3.1 2.6 20 3o 0.20 0.12 – M3 0.9

MWC 15 6.2 – 22 M2 0.6 – –

MWS 20 – 4.8 4.4 2.4 20 3o 0.20 0.12 – – M3 0.9

MWC 20 8.8 – 28 M3 2.1 – –

MWS 25 – 5.4 4.2 2.7 24 3o 0.38 0.25 – – M4 2.2

MWC 25 8.4 – 30 M3 2.1 – –

MWS 30 – 7.2 5.6 3.6 30 3o 0.38 0.25 – – M5 4

MWC 30 11.2 – 48 M4 4.6 – –


Bores Nominal Torsional Type No. Type No. Bores Nominal Torsional Type No.
D2 & D3 Torque Stiffness set screw clamp hub D2 & D3 torque stiffness clamp hub
Size mm Nm Nm/Deg (MWS-A) (MWC-A) mm Nm Nm/Deg (MWC-SS)

3 3 0.4 0.23 13007533 13008219 3 3 0.6 0.45 13008154

MWS 15
4 4 0.4 0.23 13007523 13008216 4 4 0.6 0.45 13008210
MWC 15
5 5 0.4 0.19 13008201 13008217 5 5 0.6 0.45 13008173

4 4 0.6 0.50 13007524 13006503 4 4 1.0 1.0 13008212

MWS 20
5 5 0.6 0.50 13008180 13005632 5 5 1.0 1.0 13006495
MWC 20
6 6 0.6 0.40 13008194 13008181 6 6 0.8 0.78 13008165

6 6 1.7 0.82 13008198 13005626 6 6 2.5 1.72 13008164

MWS 25 6 10 1.5 0.57 13005635 13005627 6 10 2.3 1.2 13008163
MWC 25 8 8 1.7 0.82 13005636 13005628 8 8 2.5 1.72 13008222
10 10 1.5 0.57 13005638 13005629 10 10 2.3 1.2 13008226

8 8 3.4 1.41 13008193 13005640 8 8 5.2 3 13008215

MWS 30 8 10 3.4 1.41 13008192 13008214 8 10 5.2 3 13008151
MWC 30 10 10 3.4 1.41 13008191 13005637 10 10 5.2 3 13008156
12 12 3.3 1.07 13008190 13008225 12 12 5.0 2.2 13008169
Please note: all nominal torques are at maximum misalignment. For reversing applications the nominal torque must be divided by 2.
Spring couplings Simplaflex

2.5 - 900Nm

➤ Very strong for long life, all metal Simplaflex couplings are available with three
construction different spring elements:

➤ Allows high levels of misalignment Short – type K – 3° angular misalignment

➤ Zero backlash with variable wind-up Medium – type L – 4.5° angular misalignment
➤ Unafected by dirt or oil Long – type D – 6° angular misalignment
➤ Temperatures up to 100oC (300oC
available on request) Selection
➤ Small diameter - low inertia - high Generally the peak torque should be calculated and a
safety factor applied. For guidance refer to the general
speeds selection advice on page 6.
➤ Stainless steel construction possible
Rated Angle of twist Radial Max Type number (pilot bores)
Type numbers in blue are
Size torque at rated misalignment speed usually available from
Nm torque degrees (mm) r/min Type MM Type MF Type FF stock. Where no type no. is
K 1.0 0.18 13008522 13008468 -
shown, enquire for a price
6 2.5 L 1.7 0.27 20000 13007146 - - and delivery.
D 2.0 0.36 13007141 - -

K 1.0 0.24 13008516 13008504 - Type MM

8 5 L 1.7 0.36 15000 13008511 - -
D 2.3 0.48 13008510 - -

K 1.0 0.36 13008518 13008494 -

12 10 L 1.7 0.54 12000 13008492 13007151 -
D 2.5 0.72 13008493 13008536 -

K 1.0 0.42 13007153 - -

14 10 L 1.7 0.63 10000 13008515 - -
34 D 2.5 0.84 13008520 - -
Type MF
K 1.0 0.48 13007143 13007156 13007154
16 20 L 1.7 0.72 9000 13007145 13007155 -
D 2.5 0.96 13008533 - -

K 1.0 0.57 13008477 13007140 -

19 20 L 1.7 0.86 8000 13008519 - 13008455
D 2.5 1.1 13007152 - -

K 1.0 0.6 13008521 13007140 -

20 40 L 1.7 0.9 7000 13007147 - -
D 2.5 1.2 13008547 13024042 -

K 1.0 0.72 13008540 - -

24 40 L 2.0 1.0 7000 13008449 - -
D 2.8 1.4 13024037 - -
Type FF
K 1.5 0.75 13008502 13008508 -
25 90 L 2.4 1.1 6000 13008491 - -
D 2.8 1.5 - - -

K 1.8 0.84 13008488 - -

28 90 L 2.5 1.2 6000 13008441 - -
D 3.0 1.7 - - -

K 2.0 0.9 13008474 13008475 -

30 150 L 2.5 1.3 5000 13007139 - 13007787
D 3.0 1.8 13007138 - -

K 2.0 1.0 13008513 13008499 -

35 220 L 2.5 1.6 4500 13008538 - -
D 3.0 2.0 - - - Ordering example
K 2.0 1.2 13008512 13008452 13008467 (10) off Simplaflex cou-
40 300 L 2.7 1.8 3000 13008523 - - plings type MM 14 K pilot
D 3.5 2.4 - - -
K 2.5 1.5 13008453 - 13008509 Type No. 13007153
50 500 L 3.2 2.2 1500 - - -
D 4.0 3.0 - - -

K 2.5 1.8 13008534 - - See also Simplaflex with

60 900 L 3.2 2.7 1500 - - -
clamp hubs, page 36.
D 4.0 3.6 - - -
Spring couplings Simplaflex 2.5 - 900Nm

Type MM Type MF Type FF



B øA

Max Max Type KMM

Size A B D* with for E F G H J K L M N
pilot key pinning

K 25 20 15
6 17 8 2.5 6 10 32 24 3x3.4 15 1.5 4 L 30 25 20
D 35 30 25

K 35 30 25
8 21 10 3.5 8 12 42 30 3x4.8 18 1.5 6 L 45 40 35
D 50 45 40

K 50 40 30
12 26 15 5.5 12 15 48 37 3x4.8 22 1.5 6 L 60 50 40 A splined hub design which
D 70 60 50
allows axial movement.
K 50 40 30 Details on request.
14 30 15 5.5 14 19 52 40 3x4.8 25 1.5 6.5 L 60 50 40
D 70 60 50

K 65 50 35 Type FN 35
16 35 20 5.5 16 20 58 47 4x4.8 30 1.5 6.5 L 80 65 50
D 90 75 60

K 65 50 35
19 38 20 5.5 19 25 62 50 4x4.8 32 1.5 7 L 80 65 50
D 90 75 60

K 80 60 40
20 45 25 5.5 20 27 65 52 4x4.8 35 1.5 7 L 95 75 55
D 110 90 70

K 80 60 40
24 48 25 5.5 24 31 70 57 4x4.8 40 1.5 7 L 95 75 55
D 110 90 70
A compact shaft to flange
K 100 75 50
25 55 31 5.5 25 34 75 62 6x5.8 42 1.5 8.5 L 120 95 70 design. Details on request.
D 140 115 90

K 100 75 50
28 55 31 5.5 28 35 78 65 6x5.8 45 1.5 8.5 L 120 95 70
D 140 115 90 Special designs
Customised specials based
K 125 95 65
30 65 37 5.5 30 40 90 74.5 4x7 47 2.5 10 L 150 120 90 on the Baumann triple
D 175 145 115 spring principle are possible
for volume applications, typ-
K 150 115 80
35 75 44 5.5 35 45 100 84 6x7 57 2.5 13 L 180 145 110 ically 100 off or more.
D 210 175 140

K 170 130 90
40 80 50 21 40 50 120 101.5 8x7 75 2.5 14 L 200 160 120 * Couplings can be supplied
D 240 200 160
with finished bores, key-
K 210 160 110 ways, crosspin holes and
50 100 62 24 50 64 150 130 8x9.5 90 3 17 L 250 200 150 grub screws as required. Ask
D 300 250 200
for a quotation.
K 250 190 130
60 120 75 34 60 75 180 155.5 8x11.5 110 3 20 L 300 240 180
D 350 290 230
Spring couplings Simplflex with clamp hubs

2.5 - 90Nm

➤ Backlash-free connection to plain

➤ Compact dimensions
➤ Tough construction, long life
➤ High speed capacity
➤ High misalignment capacity
Simplaflex couplings are available with three different
lengths for the spring element.
Type K – short, 3o angular misalignment Ordering example
Type L – medium, 4.5o angular misalignment 5 off Simplaflex couplings MM16K with clamp hubs,
Type D – long, 6o angular misalignment. 10mm pilot bore.
See page 34 for radial misalignments. Type No. 13008550

For flange dimen-

sions see page 35



B B Type numbers in blue are usu-

ally available from stock.
L M Where no type no. is shown,
enquire for a price and deliv-
Type MM Type MF ery.

Rated Angle of twist Max Screw Type number

torque at rated torque speed A B C X tight (pilot bore) (clamp hub)
Size Nm degrees r/min Pilot bore Max bore screw torque Nm L M Type MM Type MF

K 1.0 K 25 20 13008463 13008432

6 2.5 L 1.7 20000 17 8 3 6 M2.5 1.2 L 30 25 13008447 -
D 2.0 D 35 30 13008507 -
K 1.0 K 35 30 13008466 13008427
8 5 L 1.7 15000 21 10 4 8 M3 2.1 L 45 40 13008470 -
D 2.3 D 50 45 13008473 -
K 1.0 K 50 40 13008442 13007546
12 10 L 1.7 12000 26 15 7 12 M4 4.9 L 60 50 13008446 -
D 2.5 D 70 60 13008531 13008536
K 1.0 K 50 40 13007157 13008430
14 10 L 1.7 10000 30 15 7 14 M4 4.9 L 60 50 13007136 -
D 2.5 D 70 60 13008531 -
K 1.0 K 65 50 13008550 13008429
16 20 L 1.7 9000 35 20 10 16 M5 9.7 L 80 65 13008551 -
D 2.5 D 90 75 13008505 -
K 1.0 K 65 50 13008548 13007547
19 20 L 1.7 8000 38 20 10 19 M5 9.7 L 80 65 13008456 -
D 2.5 D 90 75 13008478 -
K 1.0 K 80 60 13007150 13008431
20 40 L 2.0 7000 45 25 12 20 M6 16.5 L 95 75 13007148 -
D 2.5 D110 90 13008489 -
K 1.0 K 80 60 13008487 13007548
24 40 L 2.0 7000 48 25 12 24 M6 16.5 L 95 75 13008483 -
D 2.8 D110 90 13008482 -
K 1.5 K100 75 13008481 13008428
25 90 L 2.4 6000 55 31 15 25 M8 40 L120 95 13008479 -
D 2.8 D140 115 - -
K 1.8 K100 75 13008460 -
28 90 L 2.5 6000 55 31 15 28 M8 40 L120 95 13008490 -
D 3.0 D140 115 - -
Bellows couplings Belflex™

2.5 - 45Nm

➤ Stainless steel bellows with

aluminium alloy hubs
➤ Very low inertia
➤ Clamping hubs
➤ High torsional stiffness
➤ Maintenance free
➤ Temperature range -45oC to +90oC



Ordering example
10 off MBC 33 bellows couplings with 14mm bores.
Type No. 13004902

Nominal Misalignments Torsional Clamp Tightening Weight

torque A B C L Angular Radial Axial stiffness screw torque min
Size Nm deg mm mm Nm/deg size Nm bore (g)

MBC 15 2.5 15 8.65 3.0 25 1.5 0.1 0.2 8 M2 0.6 10

MBC 19 4.5 19 10.40 3.4 30 1.5 0.1 0.25 14 M2.5 1.2 14 37
MBC 25 6.8 25 11.85 4 33 1.5 0.1 0.3 27 M3 2.1 30
MBC 33 13.6 33 15.00 4.5 40 1.5 0.15 0.4 45 M3 4.6 70
MBC 41 28 41 18.05 5.5 51 2 0.25 0.5 63 M4 9.5 120
MBC 51 45.2 51 20.55 6.4 59 2 0.25 0.5 108 M5 16 200

Bores Bores
D & D1 D & D1
Size mm Type No. Size mm Type No.

3 3 13008177 8 8 13008220
4 4 13008175 10 10 13005639
5 5 13006491 MBC 33 12 12 13006497
MBC 15
6 6 13005642 14 14 13004902
15 15 13008206
16 16 13006492

4 4 13008209 10 10 13006493
5 5 13008202 12 12 13006494
MBC 19 6 6 13008203 MBC 41 14 14 13006504
6 8 13008204 15 15 13006496
8 8 13008211 19 19 13005641
20 20 13006498

6 6 13008208 12 12 13006499
6 8 13007534 14 14 13006500
MBC 25 6 10 13008207 MBC 51 15 15 13006501
8 8 13008213 19 19 13006502
10 10 13008223 20 20 13008171
12 12 13008224 25 25 13008205

Please note: all nominal torques are at maximum misalignment. For reversing applications the nominal torque must be divided by 2.

Carbon steel screws with black oxide finish are used in all supplied on request, but a lower coupling nominal torque
couplings as standard. Stainless steel screws can be applies.
Metal disc couplings Mini Servoflex type 328

1 - 25Nm

➤ Backlash-free and torsionally rigid

➤ Maintenance free
➤ Stainless steel disc packs
➤ High speed capacity
➤ Single and double flexing designs
➤ Clamp hubs with multiple bore

Hubs and central spacers – aluminium alloy. Disc packs
– stainless steel.
Temperature 328.■
Suits ambient temperatures –30 to +150oC. Single flexing design.
Accepts no radial misalignment.
Clamp hubs 328.■
All models are supplied with clamp hubs as standard. Double flexing design.
Standard model, accepts maximum misalignment
Centre assemblies
For easy ordering we offer the centre assemblies in
standard designs 1.4 short design and 4.4 standard
design. These assemblies include all necessary compo-
38 nents.

Nominal Torsional stiffness Inertia Weight

torque Bores d, d1 Max speed Nm/o Kgm2x10-6 Kg
Size Nm Min Max r/min 1.4 2.4 1.4 4.4 1.4 4.4

08 1 4 8 10000 3.8 3 0.67 0.9 0.012 0.016

10 1.5 5 10 10000 13 10 2 3 0.025 0.035
14 3 6 14 10000 30 23 7.6 10.5 0.044 0.062
16 6 8 16 10000 45 35 19.3 26.3 0.083 0.116
19 9 8 19 10000 61 47 27 38 0.091 0.131
25 25 10 24 10000 150 110 105 144 0.221 0.302

Maximum misalignment
Angular (o) Axial (mm) Radial (mm)
Size 1.4 4.4 1.4 4.4 1.4 4.4
08 1 2 ±0.1 ±0.2 0.12

10 1 2 ±0.15 ±0.33 0.15

14 1 2 ±0.2 ±0.4 0.17
16 1 2 ±0.25 ±0.5 0.22
19 1 2 ±0.3 ±0.6 0.22
25 1 2 +0.4 +0.8 0.27

All couplings are supplied fully assembled to ensure concentricity of components is maintained

Ordering example
5 off Mini Servoflex metal disc couplings model
328.16.4.4 with 16 and 16mm H7 bores
Type No. 13010668
Metal disc couplings Mini Servoflex type 328 Type 328

■ ■.1.4 328.■
■■.4.4 Disc pack
l3 l3 l3 l3 l1 l3 l3 l1 l1

ø d4

ø d4
ø d4

ø d1

ø d1
ø d1

ø d2

ø d1

ø d2
ø d2

ø d1
ø d1






M1 M1M1

l l l l M1 l l M1M1 ø D1 ø D1
ø D1

L1 L1L1 L L L

Size D D1 d2 d3 d4 L L1 l l1 l3 M Nm M1 Nm
08 19 14 8.5 8.5 1.6 26.7 19.9 9 5 3 M2.5 1 M1.6 0.2
10 26 19 10.6 10.6 2.5 31.9 23.5 10.5 6 3.5 M2.5 1 M2.5 1
14 34 25 15 14.5 3 37.2 27.1 12 7 4 M3 1.5 M3 1.5
16 39 29 17 17 4 47.2 34.1 15 9 5 M4 3.4 M4 3.4
19 44 34 20 19.5 4 47.2 34.1 15 9 5 M4 3.4 M4 3.4
25 56 44 26 26 5 61 45 20 11 7 M5 7 M5 7

Complete coupling 328. ■■ .1.4 Complete coupling 328. ■ ■ .4.4

H7 Type H7 Type H7 Type H7 Type
Size bores No. bores No. bores No. bores No.

4-4 13011021 5-6 - 4-4 13011022 5-6 -

4-6 13011023 6-6 13010675 4-6 13011024 6-6 00480695
08 4-8 - 6-8 - 4-8 - 6-8 -
5-5 13010674 8-8 - 5-5 13010661 8-8 13010662 39

5-5 13011025 6-10 13010678 5-5 13011027 6-10 13010673

5-6 13011026 8-8 13010677 5-6 13011028 8-8 13010663
6-6 13010676 8-10 - 6-6 00480697 8-10 -
6-8 - 6-8 - 10-10 13010664

8-8 13011029 10-12 - 8-8 13010659 10-12 -

8-10 13011030 10-14 - 8-10 13010660 10-14 -
14 8-12 - 12-12 13010680 8-12 - 12-12 00463328
8-14 - 12-14 - 8-14 00416267 12-14 -
10-10 13010679 14-14 13010681 10-10 00475867 14-14 13010665

10-10 13010682 12-16 13011035 10-10 13010666 12-16 -

10-12 - 14-14 13040683 10-12 13024485 14-14 00475874
10-14 - 14-16 - 10-14 - 14-16 -
16 10-16 13011033 15-15 13010684 10-16 - 15-15 13010667
12-12 00475881 16-16 13010685 12-12 00476299 16-16 13010668
12-14 13011034 12-14 -

11-11 - 14-16 - 11-11 - 14-16 -

12-12 13010686 14-19 - 12-12 00476321 14-19 -
12-14 - 15-15 13010688 12-14 - 15-15 13010669
19 12-16 - 15-15 13010689 12-16 - 16-16 00476052
12-19 - 16-19 - 12-19 - 16-19 13011037
14-14 13010687 19-19 13010690 14-14 00475868 19-19 00475871

14-14 13010691 16-20 - 14-14 13010670 16-20 -

14-16 - 16-24 13011036 14-16 - 16-24 -
14-20 - 20-20 13010694 14-20 - 20-20 13010672
25 14-24 - 20-24 - 14-24 - 20-24 -
15-15 13010692 22-22 13011031 15-15 13010671 22-22 00475879
16-16 13010693 22-24 13011032 16-16 00475872 24-24 00475870
Type number in blue are usually available from stock. Where no type number is shown, enquire for a price and delivery.
Please note: Other bore sizes and combinations are available
Metal disc couplings Servoflex type 318

35 - 500Nm

➤ Backlash-free and torsionally rigid

➤ Maintenance free
➤ Stainless steel pre-assembled disc
➤ High speed capacity
➤ Suits -40oC to +270oC ambients
➤ Three designs and multiple bore

318.■ ■ .1.1
Single flexing, allows no radial misalignment.
Selection options
318.■ ■.2.1 ➤ Design 2.1 larger misalignment and through bore
Double flexing, standard model accepts maximum capacity.
misalignment. ➤ Design 4.1 lower inertia, compact
➤ Design 0.4 clamping hubs suit all models. Supplied
as standard without keyways.
Double flexing, short spacer model, lower radial mis-

Torque at angle of Bores d, d1 Max Torsional stiffness Inertia Weight

misalignment per disc pack Nm Standard Clamp speed Nm/° kgm2 x 10-3 kg
40 Size 0.5o 0.75o 1o Reversingł min max min max r/min 1.1 2/4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1

20 35* 25 10 18 7 20 12 17 20000 279 139 0.11 0.20 0.15 0.3 0.50 0.4
25 60* 40 25 40 7 25 12 22 16000 506 244 0.30 0.55 0.42 0.6 1.1 0.7
35 150* 100 50 55 12 35 19 32 13000 1448 715 0.87 1.50 1.10 1.0 1.7 1.2
38 200* 120 70 120 12 38 20 32 12000 2967 1483 1.60 2.90 2.20 1.4 2.4 1.8
42 300* 160 – 135 20 42 30 35 10000 4363 2182 2.60 4.60 3.60 2.1 3.3 2.5
50 500* 200 – 250 20 55 32 40 8000 7505 3752 6.5 11.8 9.2 3.4 5.8 4.6

* In some cases the maximum transmittable torque will exceed the torque capacity of a standard keyway, if this occurs clamp
hubs should be selected.
ł Use this rating where either direction or torque loads are reversing.

Maximum misalignments
Angular (o) Axial (±mm) Radial (mm) Materials
1.1 2.1 & 4.1 1.1 2.1 & 4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1 Hubs and centre spacers – carbon steel.
Disc packs – stainless steel.
20 1 2 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.1

25 1 2 0.8 1.6 0.5 0.2 Temperature

35 1 2 1 2 0.5 0.2 Ambient temperatures up to 270°C are pos-
38 1 2 1.2 2.4 0.6 0.3 sible but performance data must be derat-
42 1 2 1.4 2.8 0.6 0.3
ed above 150°C. Ask for details.
50 1 2 1.6 3.2 0.8 0.4

Clamp hubs Ordering example

Clamp hubs are available and eliminate the need for 12 off ServoFlex couplings model 318.38.2.1 with 28
keys and keyways. The design 0.4 uses a single pinch and 38mm bores and keyways.
bolt principle, which is very quick and easy to mount
and maintain. Cone clamping models for high torques Hub 28 bore and key Type No. 13010033
are also available, please ask for details.
Note that maximum bore capacity is reduced com- Hub 38 bore and key Type No. 13010883
pared to standard hubs. Inertias, stiffnesses and
design 2.1 centre assembly Type No. 13024386
weights can be considered the same as standard hubs.
Metal disc couplings Servoflex type 318 Type 318
L L2

l l5 l l2 l5





D1 (p.c.d.) s s s
Design 1.1 m
Design 2.1
l l5 d4



L3 l1 m l Design 0.4
Design 3.1 (see page 45) Design 4.1

D D1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 L L1 L2 l l1 l2 l5 s m (min) Screw tightening
H8 Designs Design s1 s3 Torque Nm
1,2,3 4 s1 s3
20 56 44 32 5 M5 27 24 45 55 74 20 15 24 6 5 27 20 M5 M4 5.5 5
25 68 53 40 6 M5 35 30 56 68 88 25 18 26 8 6 31 24 M6 M6 13 10
35 82 67 54 6 M6 48 38 66 78 98 30 18 26 8 6 35 26 M6 M6 13 17

38 94 75 58 8 M6 50 42 68 86 106 30 26 30 8 8 44 35 M8 M8 33 33
42 104 85 68 8 M6 60 48 80 98 118 35 28 28 10 10 44 35 M8 M10 33 75
50 128 100 78 10 M6 50 54 91 112 140 40 32 38 12 11 57 44 M10 M12 65 95

Type no. selections

Standard hub Clamping hub design 0.4 Centre assemblies
Bores d & d1 H7 Bores dH7 1.1 2.1 4.1

7PB 13010861 16 13010953 14 13010650

20 14 13010992 19 13010866 12PB 13010644 15 13010645 13024391 13024383 13024370
15 13010867 20 13010885 16 13010651

7PB 13010853 20 13010870 19 13010932

25 14 13010963 24 13010875 12PB 13010622 20 13010623 13024390 13024384 13024371
19 13010871 25 13010887 24 13010931

12PB 13010857 28 13010873 19PB 13010624 25 13010626

35 24 13010864 30 13010878 22 13010625 30 13010627 13024389 13024385 13024372
25 13010928 35 13010881 24 13010990 32 13010991

12PB 13010862 30 13010876 20PB 13010628

30 13010632
38 25 13010952 35 13010959 25 13010630 13024388 13024386 13024373
32 13010633
28 13010868 38 13010883 28 13010631

20PB 13010854 32 13010987

30PB 13010637 32 13010635
42 24 13010973 38 13010879 13024382 13024387 13024369
30 13010634 35 13010636
30 13010880 42 13010884

20PB 13010936 35 13010939 32PB 13010652 32 -

50 30 13010937 42 13010946 28 13010653 35 13010655 13024470 13024471 13024472
32 13010938 45 13010947 30 13010654 40 13010656

Type no. in blue are usually available from stock. Where no type no. is shown, enquire for a price and delivery.
Other bore sizes are available on request
Metal disc couplings Arcoflex type 314

800 - 9000Nm

➤ Backlash-free and torsionally rigid

➤ Hubs mount externally or internally
(style Y)
➤ Maintenance free
➤ Pre-assembled disc packs
➤ High speed capacity
➤ Resistant to chemicals and ambients
from -40oC to +270oC

Selection options Hubs Spacers

Rated torques to achieve long life are Standard hubs to style X have larger Two spacer lengths are available,
based on the actual misalignment of bore capacity but will not fit inside long to Design 2.1 with length L2
the installation, 0.25o is best case, the spacers. To achieve this use one and short to Design 4.1 with length
1.3o is worst case. Lower figures or two hubs of style Y. L8. Design 4.1 is more compact but
apply if reversing. has lower misalignment capacity.

Torque at angle of Torsional stiffness Inertia Weight

Bores d, d1 Max
misalignment per disc pack Nm Nm/° kgm2 x 10-3 kg
Min Max Max speed
Size 0.5° 1° 1.3° Reversingł Style X Style Y r/min 1.1 2/4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1
55 800 600 400 250 25 65 55 6700 6982 3491 6.1 10.2 9.8 4.2 5.7 5.5
65 1200 900 600 300 30 75 65 5900 14138 6982 11.8 18.7 17.7 6.4 8.5 8.1
75 1800 1400 1000 550 35 85 75 5100 12742 6458 23.8 37.5 35.6 9.6 12.5 12.1
80 2800 2000 1500 850 35 90 80 4750 16058 8029 36.5 59 56 12.5 16.5 16.2
42 85 4500 2500 – 1600 40 100 85 4300 22866 11520 57 95 91 15.5 21 20.5
90 6000 3000 – 1900 45 110 90 4000 52016 26008 83 138 133 19.5 27 26
98 9000 4000 – 3500 50 120 100 3400 104555 52190 174 294 285 30 42 40.6
ł Use this rating where either direction or torque loads are
Maximum misalignments
Angular Axial Radial Materials
1.1 2.1 & 4.1 1.1 2.1 & 4.1 1.1 2.1 4.1 Hubs and centre spacers – Carbon steel
Disc pack – Stainless steel
55 1.3° 2.6° 1.0 2.0 1.75 1.0

65 1.3° 2.6° 1.1 2.2 2.15 1.2 Temperature

75 1.3° 2.6° 1.3 2.6 2.5 1.4 Ambient temperatures up to 270oC are pos-
80 1.3° 2.6° 1.3 2.6 2.55 1.5 sible but performance data must be derated
85 1° 2° 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.1
above 150oC. Ask for details.
90 1° 2° 1.2 2.4 2.5 1.4
98 1° 2° 1.4 2.8 2.0 1.5

Ordering example Fixing bolts

8 off Arcoflex couplings model 314.65.2.1 with style X High tensile fitted hexagonal head bolts are supplied
hubs, d1 = pilot bore, d2 = 65H7, with Design 2:1 cen- with all metal locknuts and washers. The minimum
tral spacer assembly. clearance to remove bolts is given by dimension m.

8 off Type No. 13010940 Screw tightening

Size k m(min)
torque Nm
8 off Type No. 13011010
55 5.5 38 M8 33
8 off Type No. 13024375 65 5.5 38 M8 33
75 7 46 M10 65
Type numbers, clamp hubs and spacer couplings, 80 8 54 M12 115
see following pages. 85 10 61 M16 280
90 10 66 M16 280
98 13 79 M20 550

Bolts should be fitted as received. If re-lubrication is

required, only light oil should be used.
Metal disc couplings Arcoflex type 314 Type 314

l LlL
d3d3 ll
d3 l1 l1 nn
l1l1 nn

d2 d1



D1 D

d5 5





s s s s
ss s
Design 1.11.1
L1L1 L7L7
l l L1L1l2 l2 L7l5 l5
l l
ll l2l2 l5l5
l1 l1 l1 l1 l l
l1l1 l1l1

d2 d1












s s s s s s s s
sDesign ss ss ss
Design 2.12.1 Design
Design 4.14.1
Design 2.1
2.1 Design
Design 4.14.1
L2L2 (Design
(Design 2.1)
L2L2L8 L8 (Design
(Design 4.1)
L8 l
(Design 4.1)
l1 l1 ll L3L3
l1l1 L3
d2 d1

* * *

D d




nn k k k k l6 l6 k k
nn km
km kk m m l l l6l6 l l km
mm mm ll ll mm
Design 2.1/4.1
2.1/4.1 (1 hub
(HUB style
Y) Y) Design
Design 2.1
2.1 (2(HUB
(HUBhubs style
Y) Y)
Design 2.1/4.1(HUB
Y) Design2.1
Design 2.1(HUB
D D1 d2 d2* d3 d5 d7 L L1 L2 L3 L7 L8 l l1 l2 l5 l6 n s m
Size H7
55 128 112 88 77 8 80 77 121 206 160 114 170 124 55 20 74 38 4 9 11 38
65 145 128 103 90 8 94 90 141 246 190 134 200 144 65 25 94 48 4 9 11 38
75 168 148 117 104 11 108 104 164 286 220 154 233 167 75 30 108 55 4 9 14 46
80 180 158 125 112 13 116 112 175 300 232 164 246 179 80 30 110 56 4 12 15 59
85 200 170 134 119 17 124 119 175 300 233 166 246 179 80 30 110 56 6 13 15 61
90 215 185 147 128 17 130 128 200 340 263 186 281 204 90 35 120 61 6 13 20 66
98 250 214 164 145 21 149 145 223 370 288 206 309 227 100 40 124 63 6 18 23 79
* Style Y hubs only for internal mounting
Metal disc couplings Arcoflex type 314 800 - 14000Nm

Hubs Central
Style X Style Y assemblies
Type Type Type Type Type
Bore Bore Bore Bore Design
No. No. No. No. No.

25PB 13010935 38H7 13010614 50H7 13011004 25PB 13010850 1.1 13024398
55 32H7 13010613 40H7 13010612 55H7 13011005 50H7 13024368 2.1 13024374
35H7 13011002 45H7 13011003 65H7 13011006 55H7 - 4.1 13024443

30PB 13010940 40H7 13010616 55H7 13011009 30PB 13010858 1.1 13024455
65 32H7 13002703 45H7 13011007 65H7 13011010 55H7 - 2.1 13024375
38H7 13010615 50H7 13011008 75H7 13011011 65H7 - 4.1 13024454

35PB 13010929 55H7 13009805 70H7 13003620 35PB 13010851 1.1 13024456
75 48H7 13010617 60H7 13009806 80H7 13003632 60H7 - 2.1 13024376
50H7 13011012 65H7 13003622 85H7 13009807 75H7 - 4.1 13024457

35PB 13009808 55H7 13003628 70H7 13009811 35PB - 1.1 13024458

80 48H7 - 60H7 13009810 80H7 13010602 60H7 - 2.1 13024377
50H7 13009809 65H7 13003641 90H7 13010603 80H7 - 4.1 13024463

40PB 13010943 65H7 - 80H7 - 40PB 13010859 1.1 13024459

85 55H7 - 70H7 - 90H7 - 70H7 - 2.1 13024378
60H7 - 75H7 - 100H7 - 90H7 - 4.1 13024462

45PB 13010944 75H7 - 100H7 - 45PB 13010855 1.1 13024460

90 60H7 - 80H7 - 105H7 - 80H7 - 2.1 13024379
70H7 - 90H7 - 110H7 - 90H7 - 4.1 13024464

50PB 13010945 80H7 - 105H7 - 50PB 13010852 1.1 13024461

98 70H7 - 90H7 - 110H7 - 90H7 - 2.1 -
75H7 - 100H7 13010611 120H7 - 100H7 - 4.1 13024465
Type no. in blue are usually availabe from stock. Where no type no. is shown, enquire for a price and delivery.
Keyways to BS4235
Other bore sizes available please ask.

Shrink disc clamping with mechanical locking bushes

➤ Zero backlash
➤ No keys or keyways
➤ Infinite angular adjustment
➤ Easy and fast to fit and remove
➤ Increases bore capacity

Contact our engineers for assistance and ordering codes.
Metal disc couplings Spacer couplings Up to 5m long

Type 318.■■.3.1 Servoflex & Type 314.■■.3.1 Arcoflex

➤ All steel construction, torsionally

➤ Spacer sections made to order up to
5m long
➤ High operating speeds without
➤ Resistant to chemicals and suits
ambients to 270oC
➤ Dynamic balancing and vertical
mounting options available

➤ Maximum angular misalignment 2.6o



I L3 I

Screw Hub bores d, d1 Torsional stiffness

Rated tightening spacer discpacks
Model torque D d2 T I S L torques min max
Nm max Nm x103 Nm/°

318.20.3.1 56 32 32 20 5 2000 8 7 20 30.5 ÷ L 0.14

See Servoflex

318.25.3.1 68 40 40 25 6 2000 14 7 25 62.5 ÷ L 0.24


318.35.3.1 82 54 50 30 6 2000 14 12 35 340 ÷ L 0.72

318.38.3.1 94 58 60 30 8 2000 34 12 38 340 ÷ L 1.48
318.42.3.1 104 68 70 35 10 3000 34 20 42 607 ÷ L 2.18
318.50.3.1 128 78 80 40 11 5000 68 25 50 1710 ÷ L 4.88
See Arcoflex pages

314.55.3.1 128 88 77 90 55 11 5000 33 25 65 1710 ÷ L 6.45

314.65.3.1 145 103 90 100 65 11 5000 33 30 75 2790 ÷ L 7.50
314.75.3.1 168 117 104 100 75 14 5000 65 35 85 5450 ÷ L 12.4
314.80.3.1 180 125 112 120 80 15 5000 115 35 90 5450 ÷ L 16.75
314.85.3.1 200 134 119 120 80 15 5000 280 40 100 8480 ÷ L 26.2
314.90.3.1 215 147 128 140 90 20 5000 280 45 110 10650 ÷ L 41.4
314.98.3.1 250 164 145 140 100 23 5000 550 50 120 20380 ÷ L 70.2

Coupling critical speed is calculated by:

Critical speed Nk = C x 106 where C is found from the table below.
size 20 25 35 38 42 50 –

C 4036 5242 7157 7157 8675 10000 –

size 55 65 75 80 85 90 98

C 11645 12189 14320 14320 15957 19021 20633

Ordering example
(5) off Servoflex spacer couplings model 318.38.3.1
with bores d1 = 35 mm H7 + key, d2 = 38mm For vertical mounting specify addi-
H7 + key and spacer length L3 = 1783mm tional weight supporting button
Metal disc couplings Modulflex® 280 - 300000Nm

The new BSD Modulflex range are high performance disc

couplings available with steel or aluminium construction.

Basic models are type 921 single flexing and type 923 dou-
ble flexing.

➤ Backlash free torsionally rigid

➤ Very high speed capacity
➤ Temperature range 25oC to +150oC,
lower and higher temperatures on
➤ Maintenance free
➤ Steel or aluminium options

Hubs Disc pack cassettes Spacers

Made from high strength carbon Discs made from high strength stain- One standard spacer available (type
steel. Available either blank with cen- less steel, flanges from high strength 923/924), shorter and longer spacer
tring guide, finished bore and keyway carbon steel. Pre-assembled cassette lengths available to order.
or Koniclamp keyless clamping hubs. for ease and speed of assembly. Lightweight composite spacers are
Bores range from 20 to 335mm. possible.

Disc pack cassettes


Type 924 double flexing coupling with KONICLAMP hubs

BSD-Modulflex disc pack cassettes are factory preci-

sion assembled to make a permanent backlash-free
connection between the flanges and the disc lamina-
tions. This lack of movement ensure long life.
Special spacer coupling with one KONICLAMP hub and
The cassette design allows radial removal and replace- integral brake disc
ment without moving shafts.

Full technical data on request

Gear couplings Lovejoy Sier-Bath 280 - 500000Nm

Lovejoy Inc. are exclusive manufacturers of the estab-

lished Sier-Bath ranges of gear couplings. Ideal for Type CS continuous sleeve
heavy duty machinery such as in metals processing,
gear couplings transmit high-torques in small dimen- Torques min 280Nm
sions and are economic. They are torsionally stiff but max 285000Nm
exhibit a small amount of backlash.
Bores min 12
Two main ranges are available - continuous sleeve and max 248mm
flanged - but specials and established variants such as
mill motor, marine, Jordan can be supplied.
Type FS Flanged

Torques min 850Nm

max 500000Nm

Bores min 12
max 340


Continuous sleeve gear coupling Flanged gear coupling


Minimum diameter with high torque
Stock range up to 30600Nm
Larger sizes up to 285000Nm

Available from stock to 64800Nm
Larger sizes up to 500000Nm
Shafts sizes 12 to 249mm and
➤ Shafts sizes 12 to 160mm and beyond
beyond ➤ AGMA standard flange dimensions
➤ High speed capacity allow half couplings to be replaced
➤ Torsionally rigid ➤ Vari-crown toothform for long life
➤ Temperature range -30 to +120°C ➤ Temperature range -30 to +120°C

Full technical data on request

Lenze Sales
Contact Us
Expert advice is always available:

Phone: 01234 321321

Fax: 01234 355299
Out-of-hours support line: 07899 921190

Email: [email protected]

Lenze Ltd
Caxton Road, Bedford, MK41 0HT, England


UKCOUP0508 Lenze

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