FYUGP Mathematics
FYUGP Mathematics
FYUGP Mathematics
Implemented from
Academic Session 2022-2026
S.No. Page No.
Contents ii - iii
The Full-time, Regular UG programme for a regular student shall be for a period of four years
with multiple entry and multiple exit options.
The session shall commence from 1st of July.
The selection for admission will be primarily based on availability of seats in the Major subject
and marks imposed by the institution. Merit point for selection will be based on marks obtained
in Major subject at Class 12 (or equivalent level) or the aggregate marks of Class 12 (or
equivalent level) if Marks of the Major subject is not available. Reservation norms of The
Government of Jharkhand must be followed as amended in times.
The reservation policy of the Government of Jharkhand shall apply in admission and the benefit
of the same shall be given to the candidates belonging to the State of Jharkhand only. The
candidates of other states in the reserved category shall be treated as General category
candidates. Other relaxations or reservations shall be applicable as per the prevailing guidelines
of the University for FYUGP.
Each year the University shall draw out a calendar of academic and associated activities, which
shall be strictly adhered to. The same is non-negotiable. Further, the Department will make all
reasonable endeavors to deliver the programmes of study and other educational services as
mentioned in its Information Brochure and website. However, circumstances may change
prompting the Department to reserve the right to change the content and delivery of courses,
discontinue or combine courses and introduce or withdraw areas of specialization.
Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entries and exit
points and re-entry options within this period, with appropriate certifications such as:
a Certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters) of study in the chosen fields of study,
a Diploma after 2 years (4 semesters) of study,
a Bachelor after a 3-year (6 semesters) programme of study,
a Bachelor (with Hons. / Research) after a 4-year (8 semesters) programme of study
Validity of a registration for FYUGP will be for maximum for Seven years from the date
of registration.
i. The Requisite Marks obtained by a student in a particular subject will be the criteria for
promotion to the next Semester.
ii. No student will be detained in odd Semesters (I, III, V & VII).
iii. To get promotion from Semester-II to Semester-III a student will be required to pass in at
least 75% of Courses in an academic year (a student has to pass in minimum 9 papers out of
the total 12 papers. However, it will be necessary to procure pass marks in each of the paper
before completion of the course.
iv. To get promotion from Semester-IV to Semester-V (taken together of Semester I, II, III &
IV) a student has to pass in minimum 16 papers out of the total 22 papers.
v. Eligibility to get entry in Semester VII is to secure a minimum of 7.5 CGPA up to semester
VI along with other criteria imposed by the Institution.
The result if the examination shall be notified by the Controller of Examinations of the
University in different newspapers and also on University website.
If a student is found indulged in any kind of malpractice/ unfair means during examination, the
examination taken by the student for the semester will be cancelled. The candidate has to
reappear in all the papers of the session with the students of next coming session and his one
year will be detained. However, marks secured by the candidate in all previous semesters will
remain unaffected.
There shall be no Supplementary or Re-examination for any subject. Students who have failed
in any subject in an even semester may appear in the subsequent even semester examination for
clearing the backlog. Similarly, the students who have failed in any subject in an odd semester
may appear in the subsequent odd semester examination for clearing the backlog.
Regulation related with any concern not mentioned above shall be guided by the Regulations
of the University for FYUGP.
Introductory Total
Common Courses (29) Minor** (32) Research Courses (18)
Courses (15) Credit
Sc./Commerce] (9)
literature (4)
Studies] (6)
NSS/ (3)
Adv. Major
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
I 6 2 2 3 3 6 22
II 6 2 2 3 3 6 22
Exit Point: Undergraduate Certificate
III 3 3 3 3 4 6 22
IV 6+6 6 4 22
Exit Point: Undergraduate Diploma
V 6+6 6 4 22
VI 6+6 6 4 22
Exit Point: Bachelor's Degree
6+6 6 4
VII 22
(Adv. Topics)
6+6 2 4 4
(Adv. Topics)
Exit Point: Bachelor's Degree with Hons. /Research
*There will be four disciplinary areas: A-Natural Science, B-Humanities, C-Social Science, and D-Commerce; each having basket of courses. A student will have to select a ‘Major’
from any of the four disciplinary areas (out of A, B, C & D). The selection for admission will be primarily based on availability of seats in Major and marks imposed by the
**A student has to select three subjects for ‘Introductory Regular Courses’ from a pool of subjects associated with the Major offered by the institution. One of the three subjects will
continue as ‘Minor’ from semester IV onwards, based on the academic interest and performance of the student.
Session 2022-26 onwards
Total = 44 Credits
(LCS: Language and Communication Skills; MIL: Modern Indian Languages; TRL: Tribal Regional Languages;
IRC: Introductory Regular Courses; IVS: Introductory Vocational Studies, MJ: Major)
Table 3: Course structure for Undergraduate Diploma Programme [May Exit after Sem.-IV]
Total = 88 Credits
(MN: Minor; VS: Vocational Studies)
Table 4: Course structure for Bachelor's Degree Programme [May Exit after Sem.-VI]
CC Common Courses
IRC Introductory Regular Courses
IVS Introductory Vocational Studies
IAP Internship/Apprenticeship/ Project
VS Vocational Studies
MJ Major Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Courses
MN Minor Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Courses
AMJ Advance Major Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Courses
RC Research Courses
VSR Vocational Studies associated with Research
Total Credit 98
Total Credit 21
I. MAJOR COURSE –MJ 1: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA) of 10
Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
Unit-I: Differentiability
Differentiability of a real valued function, Geometrical interpretation of differentiability, Relation
between differentiability and continuity, Differentiability and monotonicity, Chain rule of
differentiation; Darboux’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem, Cauchy’s
mean value theorem, Geometrical interpretation of mean value theorems; Successive differentiation,
Leibnitz’s theorem.
Reference Books:
1. Howard Anton, I. Bivens & Stephan Davis (2016). Calculus (10th edition). Wiley India.
2. Gabriel Klambauer (1986). Aspects of Calculus. Springer-Verlag.
3. Gorakh Prasad (2016). Differential Calculus (19th edition). Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
4. George B. Thomas Jr., Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir (2018). Thomas’ Calculus
(14th edition). Pearson Education.
5. Integral Calculus – Lalji Prasad.
6. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B S Grewal
7. D. Chatterjee (2009). Analytical Geometry: Two and Three Dimensions. Narosa Publishing House.
I. MAJOR COURSE- MJ 2: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + E
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:
This course will enable the students to:
1. Learn conceptual variations while advancing from one variable to several variables in calculus.
2. Apply multivariable calculus in optimization problems.
3. Inter-relationship amongst the line integral, double and triple integral formulations.
4. Applications of multivariable calculus tools in physics, economics, optimization, and understanding the
architecture of curves and surfaces in plane and space etc.
5. Realize importance of Green, Gauss and Stokes’ theorems in other branches of mathematics.
Course Content:
Unit-II: Differentiation
Higher order partial derivatives, Total differential and differentiability, Jacobians, Change of
variables, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions, Taylor’s theorem for functions of two
variables and more variables, Envelopes and evolutes.
Reference Books:
1. Jerrold Marsden, Anthony J. Tromba & Alan Weinstein (2009). Basic Multivariable Calculus,
Springer India Pvt. Limited.
2. James Stewart (2012). Multivariable Calculus (7th edition). Brooks/Cole. Cengage.
3. Monty J. Strauss, Gerald L. Bradley & Karl J. Smith (2011). Calculus (3rd edition). Pearson
Education. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4. George B. Thomas Jr., Joel Hass, Christopher Heil & Maurice D. Weir (2018). Thomas’ Calculus
(14th edition). Pearson Education.
5. Vector Calculus – Dasgupta.
I. MAJOR COURSE- MJ 3: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
Reference Books:
1. Daniel A. Murray (2003). Introductory Course in Differential Equations, Orient.
2. B. Rai, D. P. Choudhury & H. I. Freedman (2013). A Course in Ordinary Differential
Equations (2nd edition). Narosa.
3. Shepley L. Ross (2007). Differential Equations (3rd edition), Wiley India.
4. Erwin Kreyszig (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th edition). Wiley.
5. Ian N. Sneddon (2006). Elements of Partial Differential Equations. Dover Publications.
6. Differential Equations – M D Raisinghania.
I. MAJOR COURSE- MJ 4: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:
1. This course will enable the students to:
2. Understand many properties of the real line ℝ and learn to define sequence in terms of functions from
ℝ to a subset of ℝ.
3. Recognize bounded, convergent, divergent, Cauchy and monotonic sequences and to calculate their
limit superior, limit inferior, and the limit of a bounded sequence.
4. Apply the ratio, root, alternating series and limit comparison tests for convergence and absolute
convergence of an infinite series of real numbers.
5. Learn some of the properties of Riemann integrable functions, and the applications of the fundamental
theorems of integration.
Course Content:
sequences, Limit superior and limit inferior of a sequence of real numbers, Cauchy sequence,
Cauchy’s convergence criterion.
Reference Books:
1. Robert G. Bartle & Donald R. Sherbert (2015). Introduction to Real Analysis (4th edition). Wiley
2. Gerald G. Bilodeau, Paul R. Thie & G. E. Keough (2015). An Introduction to Analysis (2nd edition),
Jones and Bartlett India Pvt. Ltd.
3. K. A. Ross (2013). Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus (2nd edition). Springer.
4. Shanti Narayan & M. D. Raisinghania. Elements of Real Analysis
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Content:
Unit-I: Statics
Equilibrium of a particle, Equilibrium of a system of particles, Necessary conditions of equilibrium,
Moment of a force about a point, Moment of a force about a line, Couples, Moment of a couple,
Equipollent system of forces, Work and potential energy, Principle of virtual work for a system of
coplanar forces acting on a particle or at different points of a rigid body, Forces which can be omitted
in forming the equations of virtual work.
Reference Books:
1. S. L. Loney (2006). An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and of Rigid Bodies. Read
2. P. L. Srivatava (1964). Elementary Dynamics. Ram Narin Lal, Beni Prasad Publishers Allahabad.
3. J. L. Synge & B. A. Griffith (1949). Principles of Mechanics. McGraw-Hill.
4. S. Ramsey (2009). Statics. Cambridge University Press.
5. S. Ramsey (2009). Dynamics. Cambridge University Press.
6. R. S. Varma (1962). A Text Book of Statics. Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
I. MAJOR COURSE- MJ 6: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:
This course will enable the students to:
1. Recognize the mathematical objects called groups.
2. Link the fundamental concepts of groups and symmetries of geometrical objects.
3. Explain the significance of the notions of cosets, normal subgroups, and factor groups.
4. Analyze consequences of Lagrange’s theorem.
5. Learn about structure preserving maps between groups and their consequences.
6. Know the fundamental concepts in ring theory such as the concepts of ideals, quotient rings, integral
domains, and fields.
7. Learn about polynomial rings, fundamental properties of finite field extensions, and classification of
finite fields
Course Content:
Unit-I: Groups and Subgroups
Symmetries of a square, Definition and examples of groups including dihedral, permutation and
quaternion groups, Elementary properties of groups. Subgroups and examples of subgroups, Cyclic
groups, Properties of cyclic groups, Lagrange’s theorem
Reference Books:
1. Michael Artin (2014). Algebra (2nd edition). Pearson.
2. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain & S. R. Nagpaul (2003). Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd edition).
Cambridge University Press.
3. David S. Dummit & Richard M. Foote (2008). Abstract Algebra (2nd edition). Wiley.
4. John B. Fraleigh (2007). A First Course in Abstract Algebra (7th edition). Pearson.
5. Joseph A. Gallian (2017). Contemporary Abstract Algebra (9th edition). Cengage.
6. N. S. Gopalakrishnan (1986). University Algebra, New Age International Publishers.
7. N. Herstein (2006). Topics in Algebra (2nd edition). Wiley India.
8. Thomas W. Hungerford (2004). Algebra (8th edition). Springer.
9. Nathan Jacobson (2009). Basic Algebra I & II (2nd edition). Dover Publications.
10. Serge Lang (2002). Algebra (3rd edition). Springer-Verlag.
11. S. Luthar & I. B. S. Passi (2013). Algebra: Volume 1: Groups. Narosa.
12. S. Luthar & I. B. S. Passi (2012). Algebra: Volume 2: Rings. Narosa.
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:
This course will enable the students to:
1. Recognize consistent and inconsistent systems of linear equations by the row echelon form of the
augmented matrix, using rank.
2. Find eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for a square matrix.
3. Explain the significance of the notions of cosets, normal subgroups, and factor groups.
4. Analyze consequences of Lagrange’s theorem.
5. Learn about structure preserving maps between groups and their consequences.
6. Know the fundamental concepts in ring theory such as the concepts of ideals, quotient rings, integral
domains, and fields.
7. Learn about polynomial rings, fundamental properties of finite field extensions, and classification of
finite fields.
Course Content:
Reference Books:
1. Bernard Kolman & David R. Hill (2003). Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications (7th edition).
Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. India.
2. David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay & Judi J. McDonald (2016). Linear Algebra and its Applications (5th
edition). Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. India
3. Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel & Lawrence E. Spence (2003). Linear Algebra (4thedition).
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Kenneth Hoffman & Ray Kunze (2015). Linear Algebra (2nd edition). Prentice-Hall.
5. M. Gel’fand (1989). Lectures on Linear Algebra. Dover Publications. UGC DOCUMENT ON LOCF
6. Nathan Jacobson (2009). Basic Algebra I & II (2nd edition). Dover Publications.
7. Serge Lang (2005). Introduction to Linear Algebra (2nd edition). Springer India.
8. Vivek Sahai & Vikas Bist (2013). Linear Algebra (2nd Edition). Narosa Publishing House.
9. Gilbert Strang (2014). Linear Algebra and its Applications (2nd edition). Elsevier.
I. MAJOR COURSE- MJ 8: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
Unit-IV: Compactness
Compact spaces, Sequential compactness, BolzanoWeierstrass property, Compactness and finite
intersection property, HeineBorel theorem, Totally bounded sets, Equivalence of compactness and
sequential compactness, Continuous functions on compact spaces.
Reference Books:
1. Lars V. Ahlfors (2017). Complex Analysis (3rd edition). McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Joseph Bak & Donald J. Newman (2010). Complex Analysis (3rd edition). Springer.
3. James Ward Brown & Ruel V. Churchill (2009). Complex Variables and Applications (9th edition).
McGraw-Hill Education.
4. E. T. Copson (1988). Metric Spaces. Cambridge University Press.
5. Satish Shirali & Harikishan L. Vasudeva (2006). Metric Spaces. Springer-Verlag.
6. Micheál O'Searcoid (2009). Metric Spaces. Springer-Verlag.
7. G. F. Simmons (2004). Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis. McGraw-Hill.
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Content:
Unit-III: Interpolation
Lagrange and Newton interpolations, Piecewise linear interpolation, Cubic spline interpolation,
Finite difference operators, GregoryNewton forward and backward difference interpolations.
Reference Books:
1. Brian Bradie (2006), A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis. Pearson.
2. C. F. Gerald & P. O. Wheatley (2008). Applied Numerical Analysis (7th edition), Pearson Education,
3. F. B. Hildebrand (2013). Introduction to Numerical Analysis: (2nd edition). Dover Publications.
4. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar & R. K. Jain (2012). Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation (6th edition). New Age International Publishers.
I. ADVANCE MAJOR COURSE- AMJ 1: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:
This course will enable the students to:
1. Analyze and solve linear programming models of real life situations.
2. Provide graphical solutions of linear programming problems with two variables, and illustrate the
concept of convex set and extreme points.
3. Understand the theory of the simplex method.
4. Know about the relationships between the primal and dual problems, and to understand sensitivity
5. Learn about the applications to transportation, assignment and two-person zero-sum game problems.
Course Content:
Unit-III: Duality
Formulation of the dual problem, Duality theorems, Complimentary slackness theorem, Economic
interpretation of the dual, Dual-simplex method.
Reference Books:
1. Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, John J. Jarvis & Hanif D. Sherali (2010). Linear Programming and Network
Flows (4th edition). John Wiley & Sons.
2. G. Hadley (2002). Linear Programming. Narosa Publishing House.
3. Frederick S. Hillier & Gerald J. Lieberman (2015). Introduction to Operations Research (10th edition).
McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Hamdy A. Taha (2017). Operations Research: An Introduction (10th edition). Pearson.
5. Paul R. Thie & Gerard E. Keough (2014). An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
(3rd edition). Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Content:
Reference Books:
1. S. Ramsay (1960). A Treatise on Hydromechanics, Part-II Hydrodynamics. G. Bell & Sons.
2. F. Chorlton (1967). A Textbook of Fluid Dynamics. CBS Publishers.
3. Michel Rieutord (2015). Fluid Dynamics An Introduction. Springer.
4. E. A. Milne (1965). Vectorial Mechanics, Methuen & Co. Limited. London.
I. ADVANCE MAJOR COURSE- AMJ 3: (Credits: Theory-06)
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
Reference Books:
1. Robert V. Hogg, Joseph W. McKean & Allen T. Craig (2013). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
(7th edition), Pearson Education.
2. Irwin Miller &Marylees Miller (2014). John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with Applications
(8thedition). Pearson. Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. India.
3. Jim Pitman (1993). Probability, Springer-Verlag.
4. Sheldon M. Ross (2014). Introduction to Probability Models (11th edition). Elsevier.
5. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom (1983). Probability and Information. D. Reidel Publishing Company.
Distributed by Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India) Delhi.
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Theory: 90 Lectures
Course Content:
Unit-I: Mathematical Logic
Statements, Truth Tables, Conditional and Biconditional statements, Tautologies and contradictions,
Equivalent statements, Principle of duality, Quantifiers
Unit-III: Lattices
Lattices as posets, Lattices as algebraic structures, Sublattices, Products and homomorphisms;
Definitions, examples and properties of modular and distributive lattices; Complemented, relatively
complemented and sectionally complemented lattices.
Unit-VI: Graphs
Definition, examples and basic properties of graphs, Königsberg bridge problem; Subgraphs,
Pseudographs, Complete graphs, Bipartite graphs, Isomorphism of graphs, Paths and circuits, Eulerian
circuits, Hamiltonian cycles, Adjacency matrix, Weighted graph, Travellingsalesman problem,
Shortest path and Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Reference Books:
1. B. A. Davey & H. A. Priestley (2002). Introduction to Lattices and Order (2nd edition). Cambridge
University Press.
2. Edgar G. Goodaire & Michael M. Parmenter (2018). Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (3rd
edition). Pearson Education.
3. Rudolf Lidl & Günter Pilz (1998). Applied Abstract Algebra (2nd edition). Springer.
4. Kenneth H. Rosen (2012). Discrete Mathematics and its Applications: With Combinatorics and Graph
Theory (7th edition). McGraw-Hill.
5. C. L. Liu (1985). Elements of Discrete Mathematics (2nd edition). McGraw-Hill.
Students of Mathematics Honours must Refer Content from the Syllabus of Opted
Introductory & Minor Elective Subject.
Theory: 45 Lectures
Course Content:
Unit-I: Differential Calculus
Successive Differentiation. nth order derivatives of standard functions. Partial derivatives
Unit-II: Integral Calculus
Integration of rational & irrational functions. Partial fractions.
Unit-III: Vector Calculus
Scalar point functions. vector point functions. Differentiation of a vector of scalar variables.
Unit-IV: Analytical Geometry 2D
Change of rectangular axes. Rotation & shifting of origin.
Unit-V: Set Theory
Indexed family of sets. Generalized set operations. DeMorgan’s Law.
Unit-VI: Trigonometry
DeMoivre’s theorem & its Applications.
Reference Books:
1. Differential Calculus: Lalji Prasad
2. Integral Calculus: Dasgupta & Prasad.
3. Vector Calculus: Dasgupta& Prasad
4. Coordinate Geometry: A Das Gupta
5. Set Theory: K K Jha
6. Trigonometry: Dasgupta& Prasad
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
Reference Books:
1. Differential Calculus: A Das Gupta & S B Prasad.
2. Differential Calculus: Lalji Prasad
3. Integral Calculus: Dasgupta& Prasad.
4. Integral Calculus: Lalji Prasad
5. Vector Calculus: Dasgupta & Prasad
6. Vector Calculus: Lalji Prasad
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
UNIT 1: Co-ordinate Geometry
Transformation of General Equation of
the Second Degree. Conditions for General Equation of Second Degree to Represent a Parabola,
Ellipse and Hyperbola. Equations of the Tangent and Normal to a Curve via calculus. Polar
UNIT 2: Mechanics
Differential Equations of First Order and Higher Degree, Clairaut’s Form, Singular Solution,
Orthogonal Trajectories. Linear Equation with Constant Co-efficient, Homogenous Linear
Equation with variable coefficients. Simultaneous equations,
= = and Total Differential Equations Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0 together with Geometric
Reference Books:
1. Coordinate Geometry: A Das Gupta
2. Coordinate Geometry: Lalji Prasad
3. Abstract algebra: A R Vashishtha
4. Modern Algebra: Lalji Prasad
5. Differential Equations: MD Raisinghania
Marks: 25 (5 Attd. + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40
The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Assessment Test (SIA)
of 10 Marks, (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) of 5 marks. Conversion of Attendance into score may be as follows:
(Attendance Upto 45%, 1mark; 45<Attd.<55, 2 marks; 55<Attd.<65, 3 marks; 65<Attd.<75, 4 marks; 75<Attd, 5 marks)
Course Content:
UNIT 3: Matrices
Definitions, Operations on Matrices, Matrix Algebra, Type of Matrices, Transpose, Adjoint and
Inverse of a matrix, Solution of system of linear equations. Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors
Reference Books:
1. Real Analysis, Shanti Narayan & M D Raisinghania
2. Real Analysis: Lalji Prasad.
3. Complex Variables: J N Sharma.
4. Matrices: A. R. Vasishtha
Subject/ Code
F.M. =10 Time=1Hr. Exam Year
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 1 out of 2 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
Group B
2. ............... [5]
3. ............... [5]
Subject/ Code
F.M. =20 Time=1Hr. Exam Year
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 1 out of 2 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
2. ............... [5]
Group B
3. ............... [10]
4. ............... [10]
Subject/ Code
F.M. =50 Time=3Hrs. Exam Year
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 3 out of 5 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
Group B
2. ............... [15]
3. ............... [15]
4. ............... [15]
5. ............... [15]
6. ............... [15]
Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examination.
Subject/ Code
F.M. =60 Time=3Hrs. Exam Year
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 3 out of 5 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
2. ............... [5]
3. ............... [5]
Group B
4. ............... [15]
5. ............... [15]
6. ............... [15]
7. ............... [15]
8. ............... [15]
Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examination.
Subject/ Code
F.M. = 75 Time=3Hrs. Exam Year
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 4 out of 6 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. [5x1=5]
i. ...............
ii. ...............
iii. ...............
iv. ...............
v. ...............
2. ............... [5]
3. ............... [5]
Group B
4. ............... [15]
5. ............... [15]
6. ............... [15]
7. ............... [15]
8. ............... [15]
9. ............... [15]
Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examination.
General Instructions:
i. Group A carries very short answer type compulsory questions.
ii. Answer 4 out of 6 subjective/ descriptive questions given in Group B.
iii. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
iv. Answer all sub parts of a question at one place.
v. Numbers in right indicate full marks of the question.
Group A
1. i. ............... vi. ............... [10x1=10]
ii. ............... vii. ...............
iii. ............... viii. ...............
iv. ............... ix. ...............
v. ............... x ...............
2. ............... [5]
3. ............... [5]
Group B
4. ............... [20]
5. ............... [20]
6. ............... [20]
7. ............... [20]
8. ............... [20]
9. ............... [20]
Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examination.