An Overview of Standardization in The Field of Electromagnetic Compatibility For The Railway Industry

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28-30 October 2010 - Iasi, Romania


Vlad-Andrei Scarlatache, Sorin Georgel Flutur, Maria Ursan, Marius Olariu, Daniel Ciurea
The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Abstract – This paper is an overview of standardization in nearly all electrical and electronic apparatus, and
the field of electromagnetic compatibility for the railway requires that it neither causes excessive electronic
industry. The most important parameter in railway systems interference nor is unduly susceptible to it. It provides for
integration is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Systems harmonising legislation to ensure that standards adopted
integration in electromagnetic point of view is give by EMC
throughout the EC are compatible.
Directives in armonization with standards who show the limits
of electromagnetic emissions and the way how is measures this
The directive relies on the availability of harmonised
emissions. Standards are issued by internationally, regionaly standards which provide test methods and limits, and
and nationaly recognized organizations. significant work has been done to provide such methods
Keywords – Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC and limits for the major industrial sectors.
Directives, Electromagnetic Standards Under this Directive devices must follow the rules [1]:
a) the electromagnetic disturbance it generates
1. INTRODUCTION does not exceed a level allowing radio and
telecommunication equipment and other apparatus to
Necessity for normative documents drawn up at operate as intended, and that,
international level was felt from the first moments of b) the apparatus has an adequate level of
standardization activities. Among the first rules of intrinsic immunity to electromagnetic disturbance to
international standardization is standardization of track enable it to operate as intended.
gauge quotes and threads of bolts and nuts. It's easy to
imagine the disaster that would be produced by 2.2 Directive 2004/108/EC
delivering differentiated by each state, at some problems This directive was approved on December 15, 2004 and
very important who exceeds their national level. Not only refers to the approximation of laws of Member States
railway transport was blocked and exchange goods at relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealed
national level with negative consequences for economic Directive 89/336 / EEC as of July 20, 2007.
progress. Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the
Standardization organizations in the railway: approximation of laws of the Member States relating to
 At international level: electromagnetic compatibility has been the subject of a
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) review under the initiative known as Simpler Legislation
 At European level: for the Internal Market (SLIM) [2]. Both the SLIM
- European Committee for Standardization (CEN) process and a subsequent in-depth consultation have
- The Committee of European Electrotechnical revealed the need to complete, reinforce and clarify the
Standardization (CENELEC) framework established by Directive 89/336/EEC.
- European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) 2.3 Summary of changes
 At the national level: In general terms 2004/108/EC maintains the objectives
- Standards Association of Romania (ASRO) of 89/336/EEC and follows the same regulatory concept
Standards Association of Romania (ASRO), after of the New Approach. It does however seek to:
Romania's EU entry, adopted standards by translating • Clarify the scope by improved definitions and more
existing at European level or by endorsement, that is, by clearly defined exclusions;
direct reference to the original standard. • Treat fixed installations (FIs) under a different
regulatory approach;
2. EUROPEAN EMC DIRECTIVES • Enhance the clarity by more detailed essential
The most important European EMC Directives are: • Clarify the role of harmonised standards;
 Directive 89/336/EEC • Simplify the Conformity Assessment procedure by
 Directive 2004/108/EC reducing it to a single route;
• Cut “red tape” and increase manufacturer’s choice by
2.1 Directive 89/336/EEC removing compulsory use of a Competent Body (CB)
This Directive was done on 3 may 1989 and covers where harmonised standards cannot be used, but allowing
manufacturers to voluntarily use a Notified Body (NB or if emissions are less than 2 dB values in the table;
NoBo); • the measurement in narrowband, proceed to an initial
• Allow better market surveillance through better test in 88 MHz-108MHz and if the results do not exceed
traceability of the manufacturer, by defined limits considered than the vehicle meets the standards
documentation; set.
• background noise measured before and after measuring
Table 1 - Summary of changes [3] emissions must be with 10 dB lower than the limits.
89/336/EEC 2004/108/EC b) For electrical and electronic sub-assemblies on
2/3 routes to 1 route to compliance board of the vehicle:
compliance • sub-assemblies is in operation, the source is powered by
Assess to Standards EMC Assessment an artificial network 5μH/50Ω and grounded;
(equivalent: assessment • distance between the unit and antenna must be 1 m;
to standards) • measurements are both vertically polarized and
Technical Construction Technical horizontally polarized;
file (TCF) Documentation for all • background noise measured before and after measuring
equipment (old TCF) emissions must be with 10 dB lower than the limits;
Mandatory assessment Notified Body (NoBo) • narrowband measurements to follow the same process
of TCF by Competent opinion optional as a whole vehicle.
Body (CB) CISPR 25: Limits and methods of measurement of radio
Declaration of DoC and User interference to protect the receptors on the vehicle refers
Conformity (DoC) Information [6]:
New regulatory • the emissions from the electric motors and internal
requirement for Fixed combustion which can disrupt their receptors by radiative
Installations and the and conductive emissions. The standard covers the
‘Responsible Person’ frequency band 150 kHz-1GHz.
• methods for measuring electromagnetic emissions
Some of the changes reflect the practices used in more caused by the vehicle electrical systems;
recent New Approach Directives, for example the • how to test components and modules on the vehicle;
R&TTE Directive, 1999/5/EC [4], which allows the • limits on electromagnetic emissions of vehicle electrical
voluntary use of Notified Bodies. components and systems to prevent disruption of
receptor on board.
3. RELEVANT NORMS AND STANDARDS OF CISPR 22 1995: Radio interference caused by rail
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY RAIL transport systems - relate strictly to rail transport systems
SYSTEM and refers to identifying the sources of interference and
coupling mechanisms in such of systems, presenting
The main European standards and norms in the field of methods of testing and limits are admitted to [7]:
transportation systems EMC refers to: • 9kHz-300MHz for mobile installations;
• identifying sources of interference own transport • 9kHz-30MHz for fixed installations;
systems; • Categories of tests:
• identify the coupling mechanisms by which these • stationary tests in which the antenna is placed
disturbances are found at receptors; at 10 m from the nearest conductor of the traction
• specify how to measure perturbative emissions and network
immunity in transport systems as a whole and in his • moving tests with the antenna mounted on a
components; vehicle traveling with the vehicle tested.
• Establish frequency fields and electromagnetic At European level the most important standard for
interference limits transport systems. electromagnetic compatibility of the railway is the EN
European Community Directive 95/54/EC states [5]: 50121 - X series of standards developed by CENELEC
• radiative emission vehicles powered by internal [8].
combustion engines based;
• radiative emission of electrical and electronic 3.1 EN 50121-1: Railway Applications - Part 1:
subassemblies in vehicles powered by internal General
combustion engines based. In this part of standard are describes:
a) For the vehicle as a whole: • Outlines Structure and Content of the whole set of EN
• it must be placed in a test area at a distance of 3 m and 50121 Railway Standards
10 m from the receiving antenna; • Describes the Characteristics of Railway Systems that
• engine speed to be 1500 rpm for multi-cylinder engines affect EMC behavior
and 2500 rpm for engines with one cylinder; • Specifies Performance Criteria
• used antennas are polarized horizontally and vertically; • Management of EMC for infrastructure / EMU
• detectors measuring apparatus must be peak detector or interface
quasi-peak detector.
• it is considered that the vehicle falls in European norms
Fig. 1 - Railway immunity and emissions to the outside world [9]

• Internal Sources of Electromagnetic Noise: that including EMU and Traction Substation etc., Fig. 2 ;
- Static Elements • Describes the Emission Measurement Method Fig.3;
- Mobile Elements • Gives cartography values for the fields most frequently
- Auxiliary Power Converters encountered (Fig. 1).
- Trackside Equipment
- Traction Return Current
• External Sources of Electromagnetic Noise
- Neighbouring Railway Systems
- Trackside Radio Stations
- Portable Radios
- Radar sets at airports on aircraft
- Industrial plants which disturb the electricity
supply network
• General Coupling Mechanisms
- Conductive Coupling: the source and victim circuits
share a common conduction path.
- Inductive Coupling: a varying voltage in one circuit
produces voltage changes in a victim circuit via a mutual
capacitance. Fig. 2 - Specified emission limits (9 kHz to 1 GHz)
- Capacitive Coupling: the varying voltage in one circuit
produces voltage changes in a victim circuit via a mutual When measuring electromagnetic emissions from the rail
capacitance. system, a very important aspect is the distance from the
- Electrostatic Coupling: a charged body is discharged to source and number of sources disturbing. Another
the victim circuit. important aspect is the antenna used for measurements,
- Electric and Magnetic Radiation: a circuit structure acts the most recommended being the log-periodic due to the
as antenna transmitting and receiving energy. constructive simplicity and its high gain.
This standard give a summary map of railway immunity For this method of measuring emissions following factors
and emissions to the outside world in fig. 1. must be considered:
• Locations for tests;
3.2 EN 50121-2: Railway Applications - Part 2: • Frequency range;
Emission of the Whole Railway System to the Outside • Bandwidth;
World • Antenna positions;
• Sets the Emission Limits from the whole railway system • Conversion of results if not measured at 10 m;
• Measuring scales;
• Statistical treatment;
• Frequency selection;
• Railway conditions:
- Weather;
- Speed, Traction Power;
- Multiple sources from remote trains.
• Number of traction vehicles per train.

Fig. 4 - Emission limits for stationary test

Fig.3 Test setup for emission measurements

(300 MHz to 1 GHz)

If the track is moving, conversion formula for field is:

Fig. 5 - Emission limits for slow moving test
E10  Ex  nx20log10 (D / 10) (1)
3.4 EN 50121-3-2: Railway Applications - Part 3-2:
Rolling Stock - Apparatus
Where: E10 is the value at 10 m; • Defines limits and test methods for electromagnetic
Ex is the measured value at D m; emissions and immunity test requirements;
n is a factor taken from the table below. • Frequency range from d.c. to 400 GHz;
• The application of tests shall depend on the particular
Frequency band (MHz) n apparatus, its configuration, its ports, its technology and
its operating conditions.
0.15-0.4 1.8
3.5 EN 50121- 4: Railway Applications - Part 4:
0.4-1.6 1.65 Emission and Immunity of Signalling and
Telecommunications Apparatus
1.6-110 1.2 • Applies to signalling & telecommunication apparatus
installed in railway environment;
110-1000 1 • Specifies limits for emission and immunity;
• Specifies Performance Criteria.
For example: 3.6 EN 50121- 5: Railway Applications - Part 5:
If the measurement distance is changed from 10m to 3m; Emission and Immunity of Fixed Power Supply
and E10 = 30 dBuV/m (at 10m for 1GHz measurement); Installations and Apparatus
then, 30 = Ex + (1)x(20) log10(3/10) • Applies to electrical and electronic apparatus and
therefore, Ex = 40 dBuV/m. systems intended for use in railway fixed installations
associated with power supply;
3.3 EN 50121-3-1: Railway Applications - Part 3-1: • Specifies limits for emission and immunity (Emission
Rolling Stock - Train and Complete Vehicle limits same as EN 50121-2);
Specifies the emission and immunity requirements for all • Specifies Performance Criteria.
types of rolling stock. Among the emission tests of limits from fixed
The values of electromagnetic emissions from vehicles in installations of power supply include switches (Fig. 6)
moving differs from the stationary, and therefore have a and bordering power substations (Fig. 7).
set of emission requirements for stationary tests (Fig. 4)
and one for testing vehicles in moving (Fig. 5).

This paper was realised with the support of EURODOC

“Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at
European level” project, financed by the European Social
Found and Romanian Government.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from
MNT 7-014/2008 Project.

[1] Council Directive of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the
laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
Fig. 6 - Emission limits for switches test compatibility (EMC), 89/336/EEC, OJ L139 of 23.05.89, pp19-
[2] Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility
and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC, Official Journal of the
European Union (OJEU) L 390/24 dated 31.12.2004, pp24 – 36.
[3] C. A. Marshman, The impact of the new EMC DIRECTIVE
2004/108/EC for the railway industry, EMC Europe, Paris, 2007.
[4] Directive 1999/5/EC of the Ruropean Parliament and of the
Council of 9 March 1999 on radioequipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual
recognition of their conformity, Official journal of the European
Communities, L91/10, 7.4.1999.
[5] European directive 95/54/EC.
[6] CISPR 25 - Radio disturbance characteristics for the protection
of receivers used on board vehicles, boats, and on devices --
Fig. 7 - Specified emission within substation Limits and Methods of Measurement.
boundary [7] CISPR 22 - Information Technology Equipment -- Radio
Disturbance Characteristics – Limits and Methods of
8. CONCLUSIONS Measurement.
[8] ‘Railway applications – Electromagnetic Compatibility’,
Manufacturers are required to perform an EMC EN50121-X:2007 (5 parts), CENELEC, 2007
[9] R. D. White, Electrification interfaces and electromagnetic
assessment; application of harmonised standards is compatibility with railway control systems, Atkins Rail, UK,
deemed to be equivalent to performing the assessment. 2004
European Union Member States shall take all appropriate
measures to ensure that the apparatus referred to in this Vlad-Andrei Scarlatache was born in
Directive may be marketed or put into service only if it Bîrlad, Vaslui, Romania in 1985. He
received his BSc in Electrical
bears the CE marking indicating compliance with all
Engineering Specialization in 2009,
requirements of this Directive if they are properly from the Technical University
installed and maintained and are used for the purposes “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi. In 2010 he
for which they were intended. graduated MSc in Environmental
Monitoring Systems. Sience October
Compliance device is give by standards from domain
2009 is PhD Student at Technical
where the device are intended to be used, standards who University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi,
are armonised with EU directives. Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
The primary standard refers to the electromagnetic Department of Electrical Measurements and Materials.
compatibility of the rail is EN 50121-X developed by
Sorin Georgel Flutur was born in
CENELEC and repealed by ASRO in the form of Cimpulung Moldovenesc, Suceava,
translation. Romania in 1965. He received his BSc
The standard EN 50121-X shows the limits of in Electrical Engineering
electromagnetic emissions and the method how to Specialization in 1990, from the
Technical University “Gheorghe
measured this limits. Asachi” of Iaşi. In 2007 he graduated
Limits are given in three categories: MSc in Economic and Financial
- in the first category can be found traction on 25 Management from University “Petre
kV AC; Andrei” of Iaşi. Sience October 2005 is
PhD Student at Technical University
- in the two systems with voltage 15 kV DC, 3 kV
“Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi, Faculty
AC and 1.5 kV AC;
of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Measurements and
- and in the third part equipment with voltage of Materials.
750 V monitored by the train conductor.
The maximum emissions limits are for whole railway
system are:
• For magnetic field 75 dBμA/m;
• For electric field 100 dBμV/m.
Maria Ursan was born in Dorohoi, Daniel Ciurea was born in Tecuci,
Botoşani, Romania in 1982. She Galati, Romania in 1978. In 2003 he
received hers BSc in Economical graduated MSc in Environmental
Engineering Specialization in 2005 Monitoring Systems from the
and hers MSc degree in Information Technical University “Gheorghe
Systems for Enviroment Monitoring in Asachi” of Iaşi. Sience October 2004
2006, from the Technical University following is PhD Student at Technical
“Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi. Sience University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaşi,
October 2008 she is a PhD Student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Technical University “Gheorghe Department of Electrical
Asachi” of Iaşi, Faculty of Electrical Measurements and Materials.
Engineering, Department of Electrical
Measurements and Materials. .

Marius Olariu and so onis a teaching

assistant within the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Department of
Electrical Measurements and
Materials, conducting practical classes
with the discipline “Materials for
electrical engineering”. In 2004,
respectively 2005, he graduated the
bachelor and master courses at the
same faculty, and since then, he
participated in different research
internships and trainings abroad
(France, Germany, UK, Japan and South Korea). In March 2009 he
sustained his Ph.D. thesis with the title “Contributions regarding
quality assurance in micro- and nano- materials via space charge

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