Rms Explanations
Rms Explanations
Rms Explanations
items.php: Manages the individual food items and addig new food items, edit
existing ones, or deleting them. Each item is associated with a category.
tables.php: Manages the tables in the restaurant, add, edit, or delete them.
PHP classes that contain methods for each type of database operation (listing,
adding, editing, deleting) related to their respective entities.
User.php: This class contains methods related to the restaurant_user table in the
database. It includes methods for creating a new user (createUser), retrieving user
information (getUser),etc.
Tables.php: This class manages the restaurant_table table. It has methods for
adding a new table (createTable), getting table information (getTable), etc.
Each method in these classes contain the necessary MySQL queries to perform the
corresponding database operations.
Example: createUser method contain an INSERT INTO query to add a new user to the
restaurant_user table.
getItem() / getOrder(): These methods are used to fetch the details of a specific
item or order. They would take an ID as a parameter, prepare a SELECT SQL query,
execute it, and return the result.
Install a Database Server: MySQL is commonly used with PHP. You can install it
standalone or as part of a package like XAMPP, WAMP, or MAMP1.
Create Databases: Once your database server is installed and running, you can
create your databases.
Create Tables: After your databases are created, you can create tables within them.
Insert Data: With your tables created, you can now insert data into them.
Configure Database Connection in PHP: In your PHP scripts, you’ll need to configure
the connection to your database server. This typically involves specifying the
server name (usually localhost), the username and password for the database server,
and the name of the database you want to connect to.
AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web
server behind the scenes. This means it’s possible to update parts of a web page
without reloading the whole page.