R 19 Unit V

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The phenomenon by virtue of which certain materials exhibit zero resistivity or infinite conductivity
when cooled below a certain temperature is called ‘superconductivity’. The materials which show the
property of superconductivity are known as superconductor.

The best known conductors of electricity like silver and copper cannot be come superconductors. Whereas
compounds and alloys of some metals, non-metals and ceramics etc., become superconductors when cooled
below the critical temperature.

General properties of superconductors:

1) It is a low temperature phenomenon. Below the critical temperature transition from normal state to
super conducting state takes place. The transition temperature is different for different materials.
2) Resistance of a superconductor is zero.
3) Superconductivity occurring in metals having valance electrons from 2 to 8. Mono valence metals
are not superconductors. E.g. Cu, Ag.
4) Superconducting elements generally lie in the inner columns of the periodic table.
5) Transition metals having odd number of valance electrons i.e. 3, 5, 7 are favorable to exhibit
superconductivity more than the metals having even number of valance electrons 2, 4, 6.
6) Ferromagnetic (Fe, Co, Ni) and anti ferromagnetic (Co O, Ni O) materials are not superconductors.
7) Super conductors do not allow magnetic field through them. They are perfectly diamagnetic in
8) Superconductivity vanishes if the current in the superconductor increases beyond the critical current
9) Superconductivity disappears if the applied magnetic field exceeds the critical field HC.
10) Thermal conductivity of superconductors is very low which indicates that superconducting electrons
has no role in heat transfer.
11) Specific heat of superconductors increase discontinuously.
12) Some elements like Bismuth, Antimony etc., become superconducting under high pressure.

Critical temperature (Tc)

The temperature below which a substance behaves

like a superconductor is known as ‘critical
temperature’ or ‘transition temperature’ (TC), it is
different for different materials.

If we draw a graph by taking temperature along X-

axis and corresponding resistivity along Y-axis the
nature of the graph will be like as in the figure.

From the figure it is clear that the resistivity drop

suddenly at Tc to zero. If we cool below Tc then the
material exist in superconducting state and above Tc the material exist in normal state.

Effect of magnetic field on superconductivity:

Superconductivity disappears by the application of strong magnetic field. The minimum magnetic
field required to destroy superconductivity is called critical field (HC). The value of critical field depends on
the temperature of the material.
At T = Tc, Hc = 0. At temperature below Tc, Hc increases. Thedependance of critical field upon the
temperature is given by

H C (T )  H C (0)(1  2

Where HC(0) is the critical field at 00K

Hc(T) Critical field at T0C, Tc is the critical temperature

If we draw a graph by taking T along X-axis and H

along the Y-axis the nature of the graph will be like in figure.
Right to TC and above HC(0), the material exists in normal state
and below TC and HC(0), material in superconducting state.

From the figure it is clear that, If H <HC(0), the material is in

superconducting state. And if H> HC(0), the material is in
normal state.

Critical current density

The maximum current density at which the superconductivity

disappears is called the critical current density Jc. If the value of J is less than Jc then the current can
sustainitself where as if j > Jc the current can not sustain itself.

A superconducting ring of radius r ceases to be a superconductor when the current is

Effect of current IC = 2πr HC

As the temperature of the superconductor increases the current

carrying capacity decreases and falls to zero at transition
temperature. The variation of critical current Jc, critical
magnetic field Hc with temperature is shown in the figure.

Missner Effect:

If a superconducting material is placed in a magnetic

field at H < HC and T < TC then the magnetic flux inside the
material is excluded from the material. This effect is known as ‘Missner effect’.
From Missner effect it is clear that magnetic field inside a superconductor is zero i.e. a

superconductor is a perfect diamagnetic substance. Because the magnetic induction B inside a material
medium is given by
        
B  B0   0 M   0 H   0 M   0 ( H  M ) since ( B0   0 H )
  
Where B0 is the magnetic induction in free space. H is the applied magnetic field, M is the intensity of

Since B  0 inside a superconductor,
 
(H  M )  0
 
H  M

But,  M   r  1    1 ,  r  0 Hence, a superconductor is perfect diamagnetic.

Type – I superconductors:

Superconductors which can exhibit complete Missenr

effect or perfect diamagnetism are called type-I superconductors.
In such case when type –I superconductor is placed in a varying
magnetic field H < HC and on increasing magnetic field the
specimen suddenly changes to normal state at H = HC. i.e. above
the critical field (H>HC) the specimen is in normal state and
below the critical field (H<HC) the specimen in superconducting
sate. Type-I superconductors are also known as soft

E.g. Zn, Hg, Sn, Ga etc.

Type – II superconductors:

For these superconductors there are two critical fields HC1 & HC2 when H < HC1 the specimen is in
superconducting state. When HC1 < H < HC2 the
specimen is in a mixed state i.e. it has both
superconducting and normal conducting
properties. When H > HC2 the specimen lost
superconducting properties completely and it is
in normal state.

Superconductors which exhibit above

phenomenon are called type – II
superconductors. Here HC1 < H < HC2. These
are also called as hard superconductors. These
are most useful in commercial purpose.

Comparison between Type-I and Type II

Type-I superconductor Type-II superconductor
1. They exhibit complete meissner effect. 1. They do not exhibit complete meissner effect.
2. They show perfectly diamagnetic behavior. 2. They do not show perfectly diamagnetic
3. They have only one critical magnetic field behavior.
Hc. 3. They have two critical magnetic field, lower
4. There is no mixed state or intermediate state critical magnetic field Hc1 and upper critical
in case of these materials. magnetic field HC2.
5. The material loses magnetization abruptly 4. Mixed state or intermediate state is present.
6. Hiest value of Hc is about 0.1 Wb/m2. 5. The material loses magnetization gradually.
7. They are known as soft superconductors, 6. Upper critical field is of the order of 30Wb/m2.
Example- Lead, tin, Mrcury etc 7. They are known as hard super conductors
Example- Nb-Sn, Nb-Ti, Nb-Zr etc

B C S Theory:

This theory is developed by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer. They explained the superconductivity
and its properties successfully which involves electron – electron interaction via lattice deformation.

According to BCS theory superconductivity is due to the domination of attractive interaction

between two electrons by means of phonon exchange over usual repulsive interaction.

Electron – electron interaction:

Let us consider an electron approaching the lattice of positive

ions. Positive ions attract towards the electron and form a positive ion
core. The electron is screened by the positive ion core by which the
charge of the electron reduces. Due to the attraction between the
charge and the positive ion core the lattice is deformed.

Suppose another electron approaches the assembly of the

electron and the ion core, it is attracted towards the assembly and
interacts with the first electron via lattice deformation. This interaction
is due to exchange of virtual phonon ‘q’ between two electrons. In
terms of wave vector the interaction may be expressed as

 
K 1  q  K1 And K 1  q  K 2

 
 K 1  K 2  K 1  K 2 i.e. the net wave vector is conserved.

The pair of electrons called ‘Cooper pair’ and the electrons are known
as ‘Cooper electrons’.

According to Fermi Dirac distribution

F E  
1  exp ( E  E F ) / KT 

At T = 0oK and E < EF all the energy states below the Fermi level are filled and all the energy states above
the Fermi level are empty. So due to the addition of cooper electron they are forced to occupy the energy
states above the Fermi level. Due to attraction between the electrons they form a bounded state whose total
energy is less than the energy of the pair in the Free State i.e. less than 2EF. The difference in the two energy
states is the binding energy of the cooper pair. To break cooper pair in to two separate electrons the energy
equivalent to binding energy of the cooper pair should be supplied. The binding energy of cooper pair is
strongest when the electrons forming the pair have opposite moment and opposite spins i.e. K  , K  . The
cooper electrons are the super electrons which are responsible for the superconductivity.

Josephson Effect:

The tunneling of cooper pairs between two superconductors separated by a thin insulating layer is
known as ‘Josephson Effect’. The tunneling current is very less since the two superconductors are weakly
coupled to thin insulating layer. Tunneling of cooper pairs take place even in the absence of applied voltage
as well as when a voltage is applied to the super conductors.

D.C Josephson Effect:

According to this effect a d c current flows across the junction of two superconductors separated by a
thin insulating layer in the absence of any external electric or magnetic field. The tunneling current is

I  I 0 sin 0  ,

I0 is the maximum current flow through the junction. It depends up on the thickness of the junction and
temperature. Φ0 is the phase difference between the two parts of the junction. The magnitude of the current
varies from +I0 to - I0

A.C Josephson Effect:

According to this effect when a d c voltage is applied across the junction of the two superconductors
separated by a thin insulating layer, R.F current oscillations are generated across the junction.

The expression for R.F current is given by

I  I0 sin 0  t   I 0 sin 0   

 2eV 
  2 t  
Where  h 

  2eV  
So I = I0sin 0  2 t  h  

The current represents an alternating current with frequency

F= h

Applications of Josephson Effect:

1. It is used to generate microwave of frequency F =
2. It is used to define standard volt by national Bureau of Standards.
3. It is used to measure very low temperature. For this A C Josephson effect is used.
4. It is used as a switching device with a switching time of 1 Pico second.

High TC Superconductors

Based on transition temperature superconductors are divided into two categories as low TC and high TC
superconductors. The materials having TC below 24K are regarded as low TC superconductors and those
having TC above 27K are regarded as high TC superconductors.


1. LBCO- Mixed metallic oxide of lanthanum-barium-copper (La1Ba2Cu3O7 exhibited super

conductivity at about 30K.
2. YBCO-Mixed metallic oxide of Yittrium-barium-copper (Y1Ba2Cu3O7 exhibited super conductivity
at about 95K.
3. BSCCO- Mixed metallic oxide of Bismuth, strontium, calcium and copper (Bi2CaSr2Cu2O10+x
exhibited super conductivity at about 110K.

The oxygen vacancies are found to play a key role in the superconducting behavior of ceramic oxide.
When the cell contains one atom f rare earth metal, two barium atoms, three copper atoms have seven
oxygen atoms then such compounds are called 1-2-3 superconductors.

Properties of High TC Superconductors

1. High TC Superconductors are brittle in nature.

2. The properties of the normal state of these materials are highly anisotropic.
3. The Hall coefficient is positive indicating that the charge carriers are holes.
4. Their behavior can not be explained by BCS theory.
5. The isotope effect is almost absent in these materials.
6. The magnetic properties of these materials are highly anisotropic.

Applications of superconductors:

1. Transformers and electrical Machines

The transformers and electrical machines with superconducting coils generate stronger magnetic
field hence the size of the motors and generators will be drastically reduced. In this case the eddy
current loss is very less therefore they are having 99% efficiency.

2. Magnetic levitation: (MagLev Trains)

Since superconductors are diamagnetic substances and magnetic field inside them is zero,
therefore hey can be suspended in air against the repulsive force from a permanent magnet.
This effect is known as ‘magnetic levitation’. It can be used to construct high speed train with
minimum expenditure.

In case of MagLev train, the train has superconducting magnets built into the base of its carriages.
An aluminium guide-way is laid on the ground and carries electric current. The repulsion between the two
powerful magnetic fields, namely the field produced by electric current in the aluminum guide-way causes
magnetic levitation of the train. A levitation of about 10 to 15cm is achieved so that the train floats in air.

3. SQUIDS (Super conducting quantum interference devices)- SQUID is a device used to measure
extremely weak magnetic flux.
There are two main types of SQUIDS. DC SQUID AND AC SQUID.
SQUIDS arefabricated by depositing a thin niobium layer on an alloy having 10% gold or indium. It act as
the basic electrode of the SQUID and the tunnel barrier is oxidized onto this neiobium surface. The top
electrod is a layer of lead alloy deposited on top of the other two. The entire device is cooled to nearly
absolute zero with liquid helium.

A two junction DC SQUID consists of two Josephosons arranged in parallel so that electron tunneling
through the junctions demonstrate the quantum interference.
As DC super current is applied to the SQUID which is the bias current, it enters the device through the arm
C. It is divided along two paths a and b and again merge into one and leaves through the arm D. P and Q are
the Josephson junctions and. I1 and I2 are the currents tunneling through the junction P and Q respectively.
When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the loop, the flux passes through the loop changes the
quantum mechanical phase difference across each of the two junctions. Then the wave functions at the two
Josephson junctions interferer with each other.
Then the total current through two parallel
Josephson junction is
2 e
IT = 2(I0sin  0)cos

The above relation indicates that a

progressive increase or decrease of magnetic
flux, causes the current to oscillate between a
maximum and a minimum value. The period of the
oscillation is one flux quantum  0  = 2.06 x
10-15 Weber
Uses of SQUID.
1. SQUIDS are used to study tiny magnetic signals from the brain and heart.
2. SQUID magneto meters are used to detect the paramagnetic response in the liver. This gives the
information about the amount of iron held in the lever of the body accurately


Nano is a prefix to mean 10-9. It refers to a nanometer (nm).one nanometer is one billionth of a meter
or one millionth of a millimeter or about eighty thousandth the width of a human hair.


The word Nano materials literally means that it is the material having at least one of its dimensions
in the range of a nanometer. Thus the material needs not to be so small that it cannot be seen. It can be a
large surface area or a long wire whose thickness is in the scale of nanometer.

Nano materials can be natural or manmade. Nano materials are produced naturally by plants, algae
and volcanic activity. Some proteins in our body which control things like flexing muscles and repairing
cells are Nano sized.

Generally there are three types of Nano materials;

1. Materials that are Nano scale in one dimension (and are extended in other two dimensions) such as a
thin film or surface coating.
2. Materials that are Nano scale in two dimensions (and are extended in one dimension) such as Nano
wires, Nano tubes, etc.
3. Materials that are Nano scale in three dimensions such as precipitates, colloids and quantum dots.

Different properties of Nano materials:

The properties of Nano materials are different from bulk materials.

A number of physical phenomena are changes as the size of the system decreased. This includes statistical
mechanical effects as well as quantum mechanical effects. For example due to reduction in size opaque
substances become transparent (copper), inert materials become catalysts (platinum), stable material become
combustible (aluminum) solid turns into liquid at room temperature (gold) and semiconductor become
conductor (silicon)

Two principal factors are responsible for change in the properties due to reduction in the size. They

1) Increase in surface area to volume ratio:

Nano materials have relatively larger surface area when compared to same volume or mass of the
material produced in a bulk form.

For example let us consider a sphere of radius ‘r’. Then,

Surface area of the sphere is = 4πr2

Volume of the sphere = 4/3 πr3

Surface area to volume ratio = 3/r

When the radius is decrease its surface to volume ratio increases.

I.e. R = r/4

Then surface are = 4πr2/16 = πr2/4

Volume = 4/3 πr3/64 = πr3/48

So surface area to its volume ratio = 12/r

Hence as the size of the particle decreases a greater portion of atoms are found at the surface
compared to those inside. For example a particle of size 30nm has 5% of its atoms are found on the surface.
If the size becomes 10nm 20% of its atoms are found on the surface and for the size 3nm, 50% of its atoms
are found on the surface.

Thus nano particles have a much greater surface area per given volume compared to bulk particles.
Therefore chemical reactivity increases. In this way some particles which are inert in bulk stage becomes
more reactive at their nano stage. This also affects their strength of electrical properties.

2) Quantum confinement effect:

Nano particle are the intermediate particles between isolated atom and a crystal of solid. In an
isolated atom the energy levels are desecrate where as in solid the energy levels split and form bands.

When a particle is in a potential well or in a potential box such that the dimensions of the well or box
are of the order of de Broglie wave length of electron or mean free path of the electrons then the energy
level of the electron changes. This effect is called quantum confinement. This can affect the optical,
electrical and magnetic behavior of materials.

Electrical properties:

1) At Nano size ionization potential increases.

2) Electrical energy bands in metals become narrow.
3) Electrical conductivity in metal decreases.
4) In Nano ceramics and magnetic composites electrical conductivity increases.
Optical properties:

1) Depending upon the size of the particles different colors exhibit by Nano materials.
2) Gold Nano particles of size 100nm appear in orange color, while 50nm particle appears in green
3) By controlling the size of the material it can be made to emit or absorb specific wavelengths of light.
4) By controlling size of the particles the linear and nonlinear optical properties can be finally tailored.

Magnetic properties:

1) With decreasing in size coercivity and saturation magnetization value increases.

2) Coordination number decreases with decrease in size.
3) Magnetic moment increases with decrease in size.
4) Nano particles of nonmagnetic solids are found to be magnetic.
5) Nano particles of ferromagnetic substance like Fe, Ca, Ni.. act as super magnetic.

Mechanical properties:

1) In nano materials the inter face area within the material increases which increases the strength.
2) Elastic madulie decreases with decrease in size.
3) Hardness increases with decrease in size.
4) Toughness increases with decrease in size.
5) Ductility and super plasticity of ceramics increase with decrease in size.
6) Due to decrease in size temperature at which super plasticity occurs is lowered and strain rate for its
occurrence is increased.

Production of Nano materials:

Mainly there are two methods to produce Nano materials.

(a) Top down process:

In this process Nano particles are formed due to crushing of solid in to fine nano powder.

(b) Bottom up technique:

In this technique Nano particles are formed from crystal grown by “atom by atom” or “molecule by

Following are the different methods to produce Nano particles.

1) Ball milling:

This process belongs to “top down” technique. This method

is also known as mechanical crushing. In this method small balls are
allowed to rotate around the inside of a drum and then fall on a solid
with gravity force and crush the solid into Nano crystallites.
In this method a wide range of Nano materials can be prepared. E.g. iron with grain size 10 – 30nm
can be formed. This method is preferred method for preparing metal oxides.


The main advantage of this top down approach is high production rates of Nano powders.


1. Though the process is simple, but all the particles are not broken down to the required particle size.
2. During the process contamination by the milling tools and atmosphere can be a problem.

2) Sol – Gel method:

This process belongs to “bottom up” technique This is a chemical process to produce Nano materials.
In this process a homogeneous solution of a material is prepared and then it is sprayed on a suitable substrate
so that sol (homogeneous solution) is deposited on the substrate. This can be done by dipping or spinning.
The deposited sol is allowed free for some time to form gel (gelation). Then the Nano particles are
fabricated from the gel by further processing of heat treatment.

Examples of some Nano materials prepared by this method, tetra ethyl ortho silicate, tri methyl borate,
aluminum sec-butoxide etc.
Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT):

Till 1991 there were three forms of carbon. They were diamond, graphite and amorphous carbon.
After the discovery of carbon nano tube, this name was added in the family of carbon.

In 1991 Sumio Ijima discovered nano tubes which are related to graphite. These are the extended
tubes of rolled graphite sheets. The bonding of a nano tube is SP2 which is stronger than SP3 bonds found in

Carbon nano tubes are fabricated by different methods like plasma – arching, laser evaporation, chemical
vapor deposition etc. the diameter of the tubes is about 1 – 20nm and length is in micro meter to mille meter

There are two types of carbon nano tubes. They are single walled and multi walled nano tubes.
Depending up on the different ways of rolling graphite sheets CNTs are zigzag, armchair and chiral type.

Properties of CNTs:

1. They are strong about 20 times stronger than high strength steel hence do not break easily.
2. Nano tube is stiff, almost 10 times stiffer than steel wire of same thickness because Young’s
modulus of nano tube is more.
3. When nano tubes are bent, they can be straightened back without any damage. This property is
known as resilient.
4. Due to less crystal defects, thermal conductivity is very high.
5. Metallic carbon nano tubes have 1000 times more electrical conductivity than copper.
6. Due to application of d c magnetic field their resistance changes. This effect is known as magneto
resistance. So nano tubes shoe magneto resistance.
7. Depending upon the diameter and how nano tubes are rolled, they may be metallic or
semiconducting nano tubes.


1. Due to large surface area they are highly absorbent. Therefore they are used for air, gas, and
water filtration.
2. SWCNTs are used for production of FET logic gates.
3. Nano tubes are used in field emission display (FED).
4. Most single walled nano tubes have diameter of 1nm with a tube length many thousands times
longer than diameter.
5. The structure of SWNT is like a wrapping a one atom thick layer of graphite called graphene in
to a seamless cylinder.
6. The way graphene sheets wrapped is represented by a pair of indices (n, m) called the chiral
If m = 0, the nano tubes are called zigzag.
If m = n, the nano tubes are called armchair.
If m ≠ n, the Nano tubes are called chiral.

Applications of Nano materials:

Since Nano materials are having small size, large specific surface area, high strength and stiffness
they are used in a wide Varity of functions.

1. Better insulation Materials

Some Nano materials like Aerogels prepared by sol-gel technique are used for better insulations.
They are extremely light weight and can with stand 100 times their weight. This Aerogel is also used
as materials for smart windows which becomes dark when the sun is too bright and they allow more
light when the intensity of sunlight is less.
2. Elimination of pollutants
Nano materials can be used as catalysts to react with harmful and toxic gases as carbon monoxide
and nitrogen oxide in automobile catalytic converters and power generation equipment. This can
avoid environmental pollution from burning petrol and coal.
3. High energy density batteries
Nano crystalline materials prepared by sol-gel technique are useful for separator plates in batteries
because of their foam like structure, which can hold considerably more energy. By using
nanomaterial in batteries frequent recharging is not required and hence once charged last much
longer time.
4. Nano machines and Nano devices
Nano size machines are used in biological system. These machines are very much handy and suitable
for biological systems. Now a day researchers are developing Nano-gears fabricated from Fullerene.

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