Topic 1 To Topic3
Topic 1 To Topic3
Topic 1 To Topic3
7 types of seres Factors that human contribute from hampering the
water cycle
1. Hydrosere - succession happens in aquatic habitat
2. Xerosere - succession happens in dry habitat Forest conversion -
3. Lithosere - succession happens in barren, bare Mining - produce heavy metal that can cause
rock or land Agriculture - pollution from pesticides
4. Senile- succession in microorganism or dead matter Sedimentation
5. Eosere - succession in a vegetation Open dump site
Human settlements
Climax community - dominant species Marine sedimentation - degradation of coral reefs
Secondary succession - nutrients are now present
NPK - macronutrients needed by plants to grow
Mainly caused of ecological succession is caused by Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium
Natural beings modify the environment Nitrates - obtained in soil; plants convert nitrates to
soil; bacterias convert nitrates to oxygen
Biogeochemical Cycles
- recycling of nutrients in a system Common human intervention to the nitrogen cycle
- water, nutrients, and chemicals
System - correlation or integration of parts. It cant Burning of fossil fuels produces significant amount of
function without the presence of one factor. NO(Nitrogen oxide) and NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide)
The primary nutrient compound needed by plants is Provide an optimum value that is for your limiting
carbon dioxide which was released from carbon cycle. factor
Carbon and oxygen are link together for nutrient
cycling in the ecosystem. Phosphorous cycle
Processes Pointers
Evaporation - Draw the cycle
Condensation - Define common terms
Transpiration - Difference between environment and ecosystem
Prepicipitation - Biotic and abiotic factors
Infiltration - define ecology and brief history of ecology
Runoff - basic ecological concept (t or f) or enumeration
- subdivision of ecology (t or f)
-through prep rain falls in a natural path way - level of ecological organization
- when the wtaer sips into the ground down to the - define habitat
wter table, and the recycle will continue - four major habitats
- it will evap and condence - definition of each spheres (biosphere)
- migration, six factor, unique characteristics of
The importance of water cycle is the availability of population
water needed by organism and regulates the weather - ecological succession
Topic 2
5. Enhancing skills, capacity and engagement
Natural resources and system 6. Delivering high quality planning
Nature provide as with ecological and economic
Nature has its natural capital Classification
- Ecological Services e.g. nutrient cycling, climate 1. Potential resources - seen its capability to produce
modulation, reduce storm impact, waste treatment, economic benefits
habitat 2. Actual Resources - given a high amount of accuracy
- Economic Services e.g. food, recreation, harbors and e.g. good processing
transport, employment, oil and natural gas 3. Reserve resources - it has its profitability; it has the
Natural Resources 4. Stock resources - need policy reviews/regulation
- can be found anywhere and suitable technologies
- are created in nature as usable products
- present to satisfy our wants and needs Two basic types of Natural resources (in terms of
- neutral matter - capitalization origin)
Principle 6. Integration Agenda 21 - known as voluntary SD plan with action
implemented by national, regional, and local.
Top-down approach - from national to local levels Philippine Agenda 21 - nation’s blueprint of
mandate sustainable development
Local Agenda 21 - local level
Capability Forest Principle - aka RIO Forest Principle; A document
- humans are the primary assets - skills, leadership, were a non legally binding doc that states the
knowledge, and experiences recommendation and conservation of Sustainable use
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - main
Adaptibility objective: fair and equitable use of genetic resources;
- need to consider risk, performance of organization,
Severity refers to the effect of that risk
Circular economy - nothing goes to waste Define the the following terms and provide pics
1. Biological diversity
- economic 2. Biological resources
- social 3. Biotechnology
- environment 4. Country of origin of Genetic Resources
5. Country providing genetic resources
Agenda 21 equivalent of Ph 6. Cultivated Species
1972 - conducted the UN conference on the human 7. Ex-situ Conservation
environment at Stockholm, Sweden 8. Genetic Material
- recognized the sustainable development originate, 9. Genetic Resources
got the definition; an idea 10. In-situ Conditions
11. In situ Conservation
1987 - common future, Brut Land Report 12. Protected Area
1992 - Rio Earth Summit (UNCED), sustainable 13. Adverse effect of climate change
development as a concept; properly addressed; under 14. Climate Change
this has an over 170 states 15. Climate System
16. Emissions
- Rio declaration, states the 27 principles of 17. Regional Economic Integration Organization
sustainable development 18. Reservoir
19. Sink
Principle 1. Focuses on human beings 20. Source
Prin 2. The state has the sovereign right to exploit the
resources UNFCC United Nations Framework Conventions on
Prin 3. Right to development Climate Change - focuses on studying of changes and
Prin 4. Environmental Protection as integral part of effects/occurrences of climates change
Prin 5. Cooperation of state UNCCD - United Nations on Convention to Combat
Prin 6. Provide priorities to least developed countries Desertification - adopted 1994; an agreement binded
Prin 7. Global Partnerships with linkages on the environment and development
Prin 8. Reducing and eliminating unsustainable Focus of UNCCD; three areas
patterns Arid
P 9. Capacity building for SD Semi Arid
P 10. Participation of all levels of the state Dry sub humid area/ Dry land
P 11. Effective environmental legislation
P 12. Trade policy CBNRM - focuses on the local level, components: IPs,
P 13. Developing national law for liabilities and natural resources conservations, good governance
compensation Gender-based natural resource manangement - All
P 14. Discouraging or preventing relocation gender has the role to play;
P 15. Precautionary Approach Adaptive management - plan-do-review-act
P 16. Polluter pays principle
P 17. EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment October 19, 2023
P 18. Notification of others state of any natural
disasters Optimum resource allocation - it associates with
P 19. Timely notification benefits and cost. It must have cost-benefit analysis.
P 20. Recognizes that women has the vital role in
environmental management and development Market/free economy - the government must provide
P 21. The role of youth role in environmental the environment such as the regallian doctrine. The
management and development people work together
P 22. The IPs and local communities role in
environmental management and development Planned economy - government provides profit to the
P 23. Addressing oppression to people subordinates
P 24. Warfare destructs sustainable development
P 25. Peace, Development, Environmental protection Public-private Partnership
P 26. Resolving environmental disputes by the state Mining company agreement
P 27. Good faith and partnership by the state and the - 60%
people - 40%
- sustainable and responsible use of natural resources In 2030 will become 8.6 billion people
2050 will become 10 billion
Captive breeding - to preserve the species/genetic
diversity. 800 grams of food and 2000 ml of water on average
per person per day
In-situ conservation- natural environment to thrive
which are not allowed to be mined Irrational use of resources will lead to hunger, poverty,
shortage of drinking water.
Ex-situ - get them from their natural habitat
Our Common Future
Three pillars of SD - Sustainable Development
Economic Poverty - due to overpopulation
Environment 16 operating metallic mines - mostly in Surigao del
Rational use of resources- reasonable usage of
resources based on materials in terms of sufficiency. How to attain sustainable development
- through study and projects
Economic development must start at the local level. - 17 agendas
We abide to the law of nature.
1. Zero Poverty
Laboratory: - meets the basic needs to fulfill the aspirations
- Look for topic that aligned with Natural System and
Resources Sustainable Dev is not a fixed; it is dynamic;
- All technical reports must be submitted before final
exam except the topic 1 a process of change - constant change can
prolong in attaining the goals
TOPIC 3 direction of investment - works between parties
technological advancement/developments - lack
Sustainable Development of funding although we have the knowledge
- long term goals- 10 yrs and beyond
- use resources without compromising the natural Critical objectives
resources 1. Reviving growth
2. Changing the qualilty growth
Rational Use of Resources and the Concept of
Sustainable Development 3 growths
1. Post Reproductive
If there is a rational use of resources we will attain 2. Productive
Economic Development 3. Pre reproductive
Economic growth - is our main goal of our economic REQUIREMENTS for the pursuit of sustainable
development which is above the poverty line. development
Rational Nature Management - we can attain by 1. political system - responsible in policy making,
focusing the three pillars - economic, social, and proposals; A political system that secures effective
environmental. citizen participation in decision making
2. An economic system that is able to generate
Gross domestic product (GDP) - to look for the surpluses and technical knowledge on a self-reliant
outputs of our services of our country and sustained basis
Aside from GDP we also look for natural capital 3. A social system that provides for solutions for the
If the resources are improperly manage will result to tensions arising from disharmonious development.
decrease in natural 4. A production system that respects the obligation to
preserve the ecological base for development.
The priority should be the environment. 5. A technological system that can search
continuously for new solutions.
Features of Rational Use of Resources 6. An international system that fosters sustainable
1. Conservation patterns of trade and finance
2. Sustainable growth 7. An administrative system that is flexible and has
3. Quality of life the capacity for self-correction.
4. Maximum extraction
Human Habitat - determines that life expectancy and 1. 2030 Agenda for Sustaible Dev
level of mobidity 2. 2015 established
3. Blueprint for peace and prosperity for planet now
Natural resources - any resources that provide as with and in the future
materials to suffice our needs. 4. 17 goals to be achieved in 2030
2. Zero Hunger - end all forms of hunger; promote
sustainable farming; strengthen food security
3. Good health and Well-being - ensure life at all ages
4. Quality Education - ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote lifelong learning
5. Gender Equality - empowering individuals
6. Clean Water and Sanitation - ensure availability and
sustainable management of water and sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy - affordable, reliable,
sustainable modern energy
8. Decent Work and - productive environment for
9. Industry - resilient infrastructure - can withstand
any disaster
10. - combating any
11. - a safe and resilient sustainble settlement
12. - consumption of our resources
13. - actions to combat climate change
14. - conserving aqautic resources
15. - Restoring
16. - just and humane envi
17. - create partnerships