03 Performance Task 1
03 Performance Task 1
03 Performance Task 1
1. You are tasked to create a digital portfolio of your self-paced learning in the Skills to Succeed Academy
sponsored by Accenture. To achieve this, you need to do the following:
a. Provide a compilation of screenshots of the accomplished submodules in the Skills to Succeed
Academy, as well as screenshots of your activity answers in the submodules given; and
b. A 30-second video of you summarizing everything you have learned in all three (3) modules. You
may use TikTok or Flip to do this.
2. Compile everything in a ZIP or RAR file and send it in the eLMS as an attachment before the Prefinal
practical exam.
3. The rubric for the portfolio will be different, as shown below.
Digital Portfolio:
Criteria Description
4 3 2 1
Video Content
24 points x 3 Refer to the given rubric for the video below. Each video is rated 24 points.
Many submodules and
activity answers on the
Most submodules and Some submodules and website are not compiled.
All the submodules and
Screenshot activity answers on the activity answers on the More than three (3)
activity answers on the
Compilations website are compiled. At website are compiled. At submodules were left out.
website are compiled. No
x5 least one (1) module was least three (3) submodules
submodules were left out.
left out. were left out.
Or the student fails to
provide the compilation.
Total Points