Design Stage Road Safety Audit Report For:
Package XVI
Final Report
Submitted to
Project Director
PIU- Jammu (NHAI)
Submitted by:
Dr. Ankit Kathuria
Assistant Professor, IIT Jammu
The design stage road safety audit has been conducted for National Highway (NH-44). The
Project Road connects Gurha Baildaran to Jakh village in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The
audit was done on the following stretch:
a. Chainage 468+000 to KM 503+250 (Junction with Hiranagar near village Gurha Baildaran
to Junction with Jammu ring road (NH-244A) near Jakh village of NH-44) i.e., 35.15 KM
section in the union territory of Jammu & Kashmir
All the drawings (Cross-section, Plan and Profile drawings) of the proposed expressway were
extensively studied by IIT Jammu to ascertain, if there are any issues that may affect the safety
of all road users. The specific guidelines of Indian Roads Congress (IRC:SP:88-2019,
IRC:SP:99-2013, IRC:SP:84-2019, IRC:SP:87-2019 and IRC:73-1990) have been referred and
considered during the review process. The problems identified have been classified into the
following Seven categories for a better comprehension and understanding.
1. Horizontal & Vertical Alignment
2. Typical cross-sections
3. Intersections
4. Interchanges
5. Roadside Hazards
6. Toll plaza
7. Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Diversion Plan
Each situation under these broad categories will be presented in the following format:
Safety Concerns & Audit Findings: The problems are identified, and safety concerns are
presented, supported with chainage and photographs to appreciate the gravity of the
Recommendations: The audit recommends road safety measures for each observed problem.
Some recommendations are in drawing format (adopted from IRC Codes) to implement them as
envisaged by the audit and for easy understanding and execution.
We have checked
SSD / ISD at all
location and found all
are OK.
This issue was
discussed earlier also
before approval of
P&P from I.E. Detail
calculation were
checked by I.E. team
also and then P&P
were approved.
1.7 Super elevation
On the following curves of ramps, super Very High Kindly provide the super-elevation as Essential NHAI has decided
elevation was not provided. Kindly clarify. per the equilibrium condition given in some changes in
clause 9.4.1 of IRC:73:1990 which is ramps for which
UP Ramp-5 Curve 1/2 given below. revised drawing shall
Down Ramp-6 Curve No 1/1 be submitted.
Down Ramp-6 Curve No 1/2 V
The design of the junction at chainage KM Very High The junction should be redesigned Essential
509+900 has potential for major traffic keeping the traffic volumes of the
conflicts. As shown in Figure 15, Traffic existing road in mind.
Stream A interacts with Traffic Stream B on There is no conflict of
the service road or slip road. Traffic Stream B traffic. Also note that
interacts with Traffic Stream C on the slip main carriageway's
road. traffic is going above
viaduct. At ground /
service level only
Road B traffic (Which
is very less important
road) is merging into
service road which is
already 3 lane
carriageway road.
Storage lane was not observed at the High It is highly desirable to provide the Highly
following turning/U-turn locations. additional 3.5 m wide shelter lane/ Desirabl
storage lane at all median openings e Storage lane is not
KM 509+800 by the side of median in both feasible at median
directions for waiting of vehicles to opening location due
KM 510+050
take U-turn. Wherever required, to piers of main
KM 511+370
horizontal geometries of the road viaduct at median.
KM 513+730
KM 514+000 shall be suitably adjusted.
4. Interchanges
The following list of ramps was observed as High These ramps are
per Appendix B-I of the concessionaire included in the plan
agreement. and profile of Sidco
connecting road.
S.N Safety Concerns & Audit Findings Recommendations Client Response
o. Description (with Images If any) Risk Description (with Figures if any) Priority
5. Roadside Hazards
High Tension line (HT line) was found Very High Kindly ensure the vertical clearance Essential Raising of HT line is
crossing the project road at the following of HT line as per clause 4.1 of proposed and this
chainages IRC:32-1969. However as a best issue in under
KM 507+625 practice, the designer can also refer process.
KM 507+680 to Table 10.4 of the draft version of
IRC:73-2020 which is given in Figure
19. Clearance details were given
S.N Safety Concerns & Audit Findings Recommendations Client Response
o. Description (with Images If any) Risk Description (with Figures if any) Priority
with respect to the voltage of high
tension wire in IRC:73-2020 (draft
Control Plan (TCP) were not as per
standards. No details of dimensions were
observed on the TMP and TCP. Details of
taper rate of transition zone and terminal
zone, buffer distance of crash barrier etc.
were not available on the TMP and TCP.
S.N Safety Concerns & Audit Findings Recommendations Client Response
o. Description (with Images If any) Risk Description (with Figures if any) Priority
A typical traffic diversion plan of the Package
XVI is shown in Figure 20. Due to the
unavailability of the required information on
TMP and TCP, the audit team couldn’t review
the same.
Ensure the design speed of the expressway as per Schedule-B of concessionaire
Design the curve radius of the expressway as per Table 2.5 of IRC:SP:99-2013.
On all horizontal curves ensure the equilibrium condition of super elevation, radius and
design speed as per clause 9.4 of IRC:73-1990.
Design the transition curves of the expressway as per Table 2.6 of IRC:SP:99-2019 or as
per Chapter 7 of IRC:38-1998 (Whichever is the maximum).
A minimum longitudinal gradient should be maintained as per Clause 4.4.1. of IRC:SP:42-
The width of the median shall be as per Table 2.3 of IRC:SP:99-2019
The cross fall of the depressed median should be as per clause 1.4.5 of MoRTH guidelines
of expressways.
Ensure the taper rate of median as per clause of 2.5.3 of IRC:SP:99-2019.
Ensure the minimum length of vertical curve as per Table 2.10 of IRC:SP:99-2013.
Ensure the vertical clearance at VUP/LVUP/SVUP and other underpasses as per Table
2.11 of IRC:SP:99-2013.
Ensure the vertical clearance at water bodies as per clause 106.8 of IRC:5-2015.
The vertical clearance of High Tension line should be as per clause 4.1 of IRC:32-1969.
Design the length of acceleration and deceleration lane as per Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 of
the IRC:SP:99-2019 respectively.
Design all the ramps of all interchanges as per Table 2.03B of MoRTH guidelines of
Provide the U-turn ramps at toll plaza as per clause 12.4.21 of IRC:SP:99-2013.
Design the entry and exit ramps of toll plaza as per 12.4.8 of IRC:SP:99-2013.
Kindly provide all traffic signs as per IRC:67-2022.
The road safety audit team expects that the designer must ensure the above points.