Computation Anita Saree
Computation Anita Saree
Computation Anita Saree
Details of Depreciation
Particulars Rate Opening More Less Total Sales Sales Balance Depreciation WDV
Than 180 Than 180 Less Than (Short Gain) Closing
Days Days 180 days
Furniture 10% 11728 0 0 11728 0 0 11728 1173 10555
Computer 40% 20520 0 0 20520 0 0 20520 8208 12312
PLANT AND 15% 24734 68000 0 92734 0 0 92734 13910 78824
PLANT AND 15% 29197 0 0 29197 0 0 29197 4380 24817
Total 86179 68000 0 154179 0 0 154179 27671 126508
CompuTax :
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